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Paradoxy Study Guide

Apr 09, 2018



Ken Howard
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  • 8/8/2019 Paradoxy Study Guide


    ThisParadoxy Study

    Guide and its accompanying

    Paradoxy Facilitators

    Guide are intended to pro-

    vide additional guidance and

    structure that will make itpossible even for groups

    with very diverse theological

    opinions to explore the im-

    plications and possibilities of

    Paradoxy together.

    TheParadoxy Facilita-

    tors Guide provides pro-

    spective group discussion

    leaders with guidelines,

    ground rules, and other prac-

    tical information to help

    them plan, adapt, and carry

    out their groups successfully.

    TheParadoxy StudyGuide is designed to help

    individual participants more

    effectively collect, organize,

    and share their thoughts with

    the other members of the

    group, as well as to reflect

    on their learnings and record

    their insights between gath-


    I hope you find these ma-

    terials helpful to you in put-

    ting the concepts ofPara-

    doxy to work in your congre-gation, your ecumenical

    community, or your denomi-

    nation. And I welcome your

    feedback at my website:


    I wroteParadoxy: Creat-

    ing Christian Community

    Beyond Us and Them to

    help individuals, congrega-

    tions, and denominations

    understand why many of theold familiar ways of being

    Church are no longer work-

    ing and to join together in

    exploring the outlines of a

    new way of being Church

    that does not require a

    Them in order to create an

    Us a radical new mid-

    dle way that transcends cate-

    gories like conservative

    and liberal and all the

    other divisive labels we have

    used to slice and dice the

    body of Christ into the manynarcissistic tribal groupings

    in which we find ourselves


    Changing paradigms is no

    picnic. Even in fields like

    Science, whose job is to con-

    tinually refine our paradigms

    about the nature of reality

    and the functioning of the

    world around us, paradigm

    shifts have more often taken

    the form of revolutions

    against an entrenched statusquo than that of dispassion-

    ate consensus building. Is it

    any wonder that when major

    paradigm shifts have con-

    fronted the church, the re-

    sulting turmoil has often

    been angry, fierce, and

    sometimes violent?

    Reading a book likePara-

    doxy, which describes the

    nature of the multiple para-

    digm shifts we are currently

    experiencing and suggests a

    pathway through them, is agood first step toward suc-

    cessfully navigating these

    turbulent times. But knowl-

    edge alone, while necessary,

    is not sufficient. Because of

    our very human tendency to

    react anxiously and defen-

    sively to change, most of usneed a bit more guidance and

    structure in order to adapt.

    Thats why I designed

    Paradoxy the way I did: with

    structured biblical reflections

    and suggested discussion


    Paradoxy: Creating Christian

    Community Beyond Us and Them

    P a r a d o x y S t u d y M a t e r i a l sE A C H

    S E C T I O N

    C O N T A I N S :

    Purpose of the


    Bible Readings

    Bible Reflection


    Questions for

    Group Discussion

    Your Notes

    S E C T I O N S

    Introduction 2

    Chapter 1 4

    Chapter 2 6

    Chapter 3 8

    Chapter 4 10

    Chapter 5 12

    Chapter 6 14

    Chapter 7 24

    Inventory 26

  • 8/8/2019 Paradoxy Study Guide


    John 17:2223The glory that you have givenme I have given them, so that

    they may be one, as we are

    one, I in them and you in me,

    that they may become com-

    pletely one, so that the world

    may know that you have sent

    me and have loved them

    even as you have loved me.

    Jesus called us to be one in

    the same way that he (God

    the Son) and God the Father

    are one. In what manner are

    God the Father and God the

    Son One? What then are the

    implications for how we, as

    the followers of Christ, are to

    be one?

    I n t r o d u c t i o n :

    M a y Y o u L i v e I n I n t e r e s t i n g T i m e s

    P a g e 2

    This chapter

    is intended to helpparticipants understand

    how the dangers facing

    Western Christianity

    today also present

    the Church with

    an epochal opportunity.

    P a r a d o x y S t u d y G u i d e

    Bible Reading 1 Reflection Your Notes
















    Bible Reading 2 Reflection Your Notes

    1 Corinthians 13:12For now we see in a mirror,

    dimly, but then we will see

    face to face. Now I know only

    in part; then I will know fully,

    even as I have been fully


    How confident can we be

    that our knowledge of Gods

    will is complete and correct?

    What does this say about the

    attitude we should hold to-

    ward those who disagree

    with us?















    Bible Reading 3 Reflection Your Notes













    Luke 24:3033When [Jesus] was at the table

    with them, he took bread, blessed

    and broke it, and gave it to them.Then their eyes were opened, and

    they recognized him; and he van-

    ished from their sight. They said

    to each other, "Were not our

    hearts burning within us while he

    was talking to us on the road,

    while he was opening the scrip-

    tures to us?"

    On the road to Emmaus,

    Jesus taught the disciples

    from the Scriptures, but it

    was not until he communed

    with them in the breaking of

    bread that they recognized

    him. What does this say

    about the relationship of

    doctrine and common wor-

    ship to our recognizing that

    Christ is among us?

  • 8/8/2019 Paradoxy Study Guide


    P a g e 3Q u e s t i o n s f o r G r o u p D i s c u s s i o n


















  • 8/8/2019 Paradoxy Study Guide


    Deuteronomy 8:2Remember the long way that

    the Lord your God has led

    you these forty years in the

    wilderness, in order to hum-

    ble you, testing you to know

    what was in your heart,

    whether or not you would

    keep his commandments.

    As the old saying goes: it took

    God a day to get the Israelites

    out of Egypt, but it took God

    forty years to get Egypt out of

    the Israelites. Why is it so diffi-

    cult to leave behind even a

    paradigm that has ceased to be

    healthy? A whole generation of

    Israelites had to pass on before

    the Israelites were prepared to

    enter the Promised Land. What

    has to die before we are able to

    enter a new paradigm?

    C h a p t e r 1 :

    C o l l a p s i n g p a r a d i g m s

    P a g e 4

    This chapter

    is intended to help

    participants recognizehow many of the

    challenges facing our

    churches today are natural

    and expected results of the

    fact that we are in the

    midst of a major

    paradigm collapse.

    P a r a d o x y S t u d y G u i d e

    Bible Reading 1 Reflection Your Notes
















    Bible Reading 2 Reflection Your Notes

    Acts 10:1116[In a dream, Peter] saw the heaven opened and

    something like a large sheet coming down, being

    lowered to the ground by its four corners. In it

    were all kinds of four-footed creatures and rep-

    tiles and birds of the air. Then he heard a voice

    saying, "Get up, Peter; kill and eat." But Peter

    said, "By no means, Lord; for I have never eaten

    anything that is profane or unclean." The voicesaid to him again, a second time, "What God has

    made clean, you must not call profane." This

    happened three times, and the thing was sud-

    denly taken up to heaven.

    In a dream, God revealed to

    Peter a new paradigm for a

    community of faith, yet Peter

    was resistant to giving up the

    old way. If God were to reveal

    to us a new way of being a

    Christian community, what

    might hold us back from liv-

    ing into that revelation?















    Bible Reading 3 Reflection Your Notes













    Matthew 7:35Why do you see the speck in your

    neighbor's eye, but do not notice

    the log in your own eye? Or howcan you say to your neighbor, "Let

    me take the speck out of your

    eye, while the log is in your own

    eye? You hypocrite, first take the

    log out of your own eye, and then

    you will see clearly to take the

    speck out of your neighbor's eye.

    Imagine a conflict that you

    have experienced in church.

    To what extent was each

    side criticizing the other for

    things they are overlooking

    in themselves? In what ways

    do we engage in this dy-

    namic on a routine basis?

  • 8/8/2019 Paradoxy Study Guide


    P a g e 5Q u e s t i o n s f o r G r o u p D i s c u s s i o n








  • 8/8/2019 Paradoxy Study Guide


    Mark 12:17Give to the emperor the

    things that are the emperors

    and to God the things that

    are Gods.

    What belongs to the em-

    peror? What belongs to God?

    How do we discern the differ-


    C h a p t e r 2 :

    C h r i s t e n d o m

    P a g e 6

    In the next three

    chapters we explore howthree paradigms of

    Christian unity

    came to dominate

    Western Christianity for

    centuries, how they are

    failing us now, and what

    may rise from their ashes.

    P a r a d o x y S t u d y G u i d e

    Bible Reading 1 Reflection Your Notes
















    Bible Reading 2 Reflection Your Notes

    John 18:36Jesus answered, "My king-

    dom is not from this world. If

    my kingdom were from this

    world, my followers would be

    fighting to keep me from

    being handed over to the

    Jews. But as it is, my king-

    dom is not from here."

    Where is our kingdom? How

    does this influence our rela-

    tionship with this world?















    Bible Reading 3 Reflection Your Notes













    Matthew 5:4345You have heard that it was said,

    You shall love your neighbor and

    hate your enemy. But I say toyou, love your enemies and pray

    for those who persecute you, so

    that you may be children of your

    Father in heaven; for he makes

    his sun rise on the evil and on the

    good, and sends rain on the right-

    eous and on the unrighteous.

    If this is how Jesus asks us

    to treat those who are ene-

    mies of the gospel, how then

    should we deal with brothers

    and sisters with whom we


  • 8/8/2019 Paradoxy Study Guide


    P a g e 7Q u e s t i o n s f o r G r o u p D i s c u s s i o n










  • 8/8/2019 Paradoxy Study Guide


    Exodus 33:1823Moses said, Show me your glory, I pray. And[God] said, I will make all my goodness pass

    before you, and will proclaim before you the

    name, The Lord [Heb. YHVH (with no vowel

    points, making it unpronounceable)]. . . .

    But, he said, you cannot see my face; for

    no one shall see me and live . . . See, there is

    a place by me where you shall stand on the

    rock; and while my glory passes by I will put

    you in a cleft of the rock, and I will cover you

    with my hand until I have passed by; then I

    will take away my hand, and you shall see my

    back; but my face shall not be seen.

    God tells Moses his name,

    which is not humanly pro-

    nounceable, and allows

    Moses to see only a small

    part of Gods glory, because

    no human being can see

    Gods face and live. To

    what extent can finite human

    reason comprehend ultimate

    reality? How confident can

    we be in our certainties

    about God?

    C h a p t e r 3 :

    F o u n d a t i o n a l i s m

    P a g e 8

    In this chapter

    we explore

    the rise and fallof a second

    paradigm of

    Christian unity

    and how its loss

    may open the

    door to

    a different way.

    P a r a d o x y S t u d y G u i d e

    Bible Reading 1 Reflection Your Notes
















    Bible Reading 2 Reflection Your Notes

    John 14:56Thomas said to [Jesus],

    Lord, we do not know where

    you are going. How can we

    know the way? Jesus said to

    him, I am the way, and the

    truth, and the life. . . .

    What does it mean for a per-

    son to be the Way, the Truth,

    and the Life? How do your

    answers to this question

    inform and influence the way

    you understand truth? The

    way you live out your faith?

    The way you relate to Christ?















    Bible Reading 3 Reflection Your Notes













    Matthew 18:20Jesus said, For where two or

    three are gathered in my

    name, I am there amongthem.

    What is the significance of

    Jesus promising to be pre-

    sent AMONG two or more

    gathered in his name, as

    opposed to being present

    WITHIN an individual be-


  • 8/8/2019 Paradoxy Study Guide


    P a g e 9Q u e s t i o n s f o r G r o u p D i s c u s s i o n






  • 8/8/2019 Paradoxy Study Guide


    Matthew 5:1718Do not think that I havecome to abolish the law or

    the prophets; I have come

    not to abolish but to fulfill.

    For truly I tell you, until

    heaven and earth pass away,

    not one letter, not one stroke

    of a letter, will pass from the

    law until all is accom-


    If Jesus never intended to

    start a new religion, what

    does it mean to follow Jesus


    C h a p t e r 4 :

    C h r i s t i a n i t y A s R e l i g i o n

    P a g e 1 0

    In this chapter

    we explore the third

    and perhaps

    the oldest paradigm of

    Christian unity

    organized religion

    and how a different

    organizing principle

    may be arising.

    P a r a d o x y S t u d y G u i d e

    Bible Reading 1 Reflection Your Notes
















    Bible Reading 2 Reflection Your Notes

    Luke 9:4950John answered, Master, we

    saw someone casting out

    demons in your name, and

    we tried to stop him, be-

    cause he does not follow

    with us. But Jesus said to

    him, Do not stop him; for

    whoever is not against you isfor you.

    What are the implications of

    this text (and others like it)

    for defining Christianity?















    Bible Reading 3 Reflection Your Notes













    1 Corinthians 13:13And now faith, hope, and

    love abide, these three; and

    the greatest of these is love.

    In what ways do faith, hope,

    and love order your life as an

    individual believer? How

    would your church be differ-

    ent if it ordered its life

    around these three atti-


  • 8/8/2019 Paradoxy Study Guide


    P a g e 1 1Q u e s t i o n s f o r G r o u p D i s c u s s i o n






    D O G M AThe Churchs Core

    Mostly Paradoxical Beliefs

    D O C T R I N EThe Churchs Creeds

    D I D A C H EThe Churchs Traditions and Teaching

  • 8/8/2019 Paradoxy Study Guide


    Philippians 3:10I want to know Christ and thepower of his resurrection and

    the sharing of his sufferings

    by becoming like him in his


    If this were the single most

    important and defining char-

    acteristic of Christian com-

    munity, what difference

    would it make?

    C h a p t e r 5 :

    C h r i s t i a n i t i e s T h a t M i g h t H a v e B e e n

    P a g e 1 2

    In this chapter

    we explore several

    flourishing movements inthe Churchs past whose

    very vitality led to their

    suppression by the

    dominant religious

    authorities of their day,

    and what lessons they

    might have for us today.

    P a r a d o x y S t u d y G u i d e

    Bible Reading 1 Reflection Your Notes
















    Bible Reading 2 Reflection Your Notes

    Galatians 3:28There is no longer Jew or

    Greek, there is no longer

    slave or free, there is no

    longer male and female; for

    all of you are one in Christ


    If this were the single most

    important and defining char-

    acteristic of Christian com-

    munity, what difference

    would it make?















    Bible Reading 3 Reflection Your Notes













    Galatians 5:6For in Christ Jesus neither

    circumcision nor uncircumci-

    sion counts for anything; theonly thing that counts is faith

    working through love.

    (The terms circumcision

    and uncircumcision refer

    not to physical characteris-

    tics but to two different ap-

    proaches to Christian com-

    munity. )

    If this were the single most

    important and defining char-

    acteristic of Christian com-

    munity, what difference

    would it make?

  • 8/8/2019 Paradoxy Study Guide


    P a g e 1 3Q u e s t i o n s f o r G r o u p D i s c u s s i o n








  • 8/8/2019 Paradoxy Study Guide


    John 6:35I am the bread of life. Who-ever comes to me will never

    be hungry, and whoever be-

    lieves in me will never be


    John 8:12I am the light of the world.Whoever follows me will

    never walk in darkness but

    will have the light of life.

    C h a p t e r 6 :

    P r i n c i p l e s f o r a n e w w a y o f c h u r c h

    P a g e 1 4

    In this chapter,

    which we will discuss

    over several sessions,

    we explore a number of

    emerging principles

    which might form

    the boundaries of a

    mew paradigm of

    Christian unity.

    P a r a d o x y S t u d y G u i d e

    Bible Reading 1 Bible Reading 2 Bible reading 3

    John 10:7, 9bI am the gate for the sheep .. . Whoever enters by me will

    be saved, and will come in

    and go out and find pasture.

    Bible Reading 4 Bible reading 5 Bible reading 6

    John 10:11, 1416"I am the good shepherd. The

    good shepherd lays down his life

    for the sheep . . . I am the good

    shepherd. I know my own and

    my own know me, just as the

    Father knows me and I know the

    Father. And I lay down my life for

    the sheep. I have other sheepthat do not belong to this fold. I

    must bring them also, and they

    will listen to my voice. So there

    will be one flock, one shepherd.

    John 11:2526aI am the resurrection

    and the life. Those who

    believe in me, even

    though they die, will live,

    and everyone who lives

    and believes in me will

    never die.

    John 14:6-7aI am the way, and the truth,

    and the life. No one comes to

    the Father except through

    me. If you know me, you will

    know my Father also.

    Reflection Your Notes













    Recalling that I AM (Heb. YHVH), is

    the name for God that God told

    Moses, consider each of the above I

    AM statements of Jesus as a lens

    through which to view both Jesus

    Christ and the rest of Scripture.

    Which of these lenses feel most invit-

    ing to you? Which feel most challeng-

    ing? Which feel both inviting and

    challenging? What tensions do you

    experience as you consider these

    things? What are the implications?

    Bible reading 7

    John 15:1, 5bI am the true vine, and my

    Father is the vinegrower . . .

    Those who abide in me and I

    in them bear much fruit, be-

    cause apart from me you can

    do nothing.

  • 8/8/2019 Paradoxy Study Guide


    P a g e 1 5Q u e s t i o n s f o r G r o u p D i s c u s s i o n







    Bible reading

    John 13:35By this everyone will know that you are

    my disciples, if you have love for one


    S u p p o r t i n g f o r c e s

    R e s t r a i n i n g f o r c e s

  • 8/8/2019 Paradoxy Study Guide


    P a g e 1 6Q u e s t i o n s f o r G r o u p D i s c u s s i o n




  • 8/8/2019 Paradoxy Study Guide


    P a g e 1 7Q u e s t i o n s f o r G r o u p D i s c u s s i o n




    E p h e s i a n s 4 : 1 4 a

    We must no longer be children, tossed to and fro and blown

    about by every wind of doctrine. . . .

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    P a g e 1 8Q u e s t i o n s f o r G r o u p D i s c u s s i o n





  • 8/8/2019 Paradoxy Study Guide


    P a g e 1 9Q u e s t i o n s f o r G r o u p D i s c u s s i o n

    J o h n 1 5 : 7 1 2

    If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask for whatever youwish, and it will be done for you. My Father is glorified by this, thatyou bear much fruit and become my disciples. As the Father has loved

    me, so I have loved you; abide in my love. If you keep my command-ments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father's com-mandments and abide in his love. I have said these things to you so

    that my joy may be inyou, and that your joy may be complete. This is my

    commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.



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    P a g e 2 0Q u e s t i o n s f o r G r o u p D i s c u s s i o n




  • 8/8/2019 Paradoxy Study Guide


    P a g e 2 1Q u e s t i o n s f o r G r o u p D i s c u s s i o n

    C o r i n t h i a n s 1 2 : 2 2 2 5 , n i v

    On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker areindispensable, and the parts that we think are less honorable we treatwith special honor. And the parts that are unpresentable are treated

    with special modesty, while our presentable parts need no specialtreatment. But God has combined the members of the body and has

    given greater honor to the parts that lacked it,so that there should be no division in the body,

    but that its parts should have equal concern for each other.


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    P a g e 2 2Q u e s t i o n s f o r G r o u p D i s c u s s i o n





  • 8/8/2019 Paradoxy Study Guide


    P a g e 2 3Q u e s t i o n s f o r G r o u p D i s c u s s i o n







    Bible Reading

    John 12:32And I, when I am lifted up

    from the earth, will draw all

    people to myself.


    Consider the implications of

    Jesus use of the word all.

    Your Notes






  • 8/8/2019 Paradoxy Study Guide


    John 16:1213(The Message)I still have many things to tell

    you, but you cannot handle them

    now. But when the Friend

    comes, the Spirit of the Truth, he

    will take you by the hand and

    guide you into all the truth there

    is. He won't draw attention to

    himself, but will make sense out

    of what is about to happen and,

    indeed, out of all that I have

    done and said.

    Might Christ have some-

    thing to say to your

    church that he has not

    already said? In what

    ways can the Spirit of

    Truth be your friend as

    you explore the difficult

    or unfamiliar?

    C h a p t e r 7 :

    A N e w M i d d l e W a y

    P a g e 2 4

    In this chapter

    we take the next stepin our journey:

    exploring the

    implications of this

    New Middle Way

    on how we carry out

    our day-to-day lives as

    communities of faith.

    P a r a d o x y S t u d y G u i d e

    Bible Reading Reflection






    Your Notes















  • 8/8/2019 Paradoxy Study Guide


    Key differences in theology, ecclessiology, and missional strategyCharacteristic Propositional Orthodoxy (Orthoproxy) Incarnational Orthodoxy (Paradoxy) Ethical Orthodoxy (Orthopr

    View of

    Religion Ultimate Truth is found in one


    Christianity is THE WAY to that


    Religion is Irrelevant

    Christ IS Way and Truth and Life

    Deepest Truth is shared by a


    Christianity is THE BEST W

    to that Truth

    Approach to

    Orthodoxy Assent to broad spectrum of doctrine

    Kerygma / Didache given equal


    Individually confessional Truth is propositional and exclusive

    (The Truth ON Jesus Christ)

    Kerygmatic (core paradoxical


    Kerygma overDidache

    Communally creedal Truth is relational and collective

    (The Truth IS Jesus Christ)

    Ethical action

    Acting in love

    Communally creedal

    Truth is universal and inclus(The Truth OF Jesus Christ)


    Basis for



    Doctrinal agreement/uniformity of


    Conformity to Churchs teachings

    Bound by Christs Love in common


    Being transformed by Gods power/


    Ethical agreement / uniform


    Conformity to Jesus Christ

    of love

    Approach to

    Conflict Conflict is evidence of dysfunction

    One side must be wrong

    No compromise

    Resolve by conversion or exclusion

    Conflict is natural result of


    All of us are a little wrong

    Resolve by prayerful engagement

    and openness to transformation by

    Christs love

    Conflict is evidence of


    At the deepest level were sa

    If possible, change the subje

    Focus on agreement, ignoredisagreement


    of Conversion

    Proseleo / aparche (externally encouraged

    change of allegiance)

    Metamorphoo (transformation brought

    about by relationship with Christ) Metanoeo (change of mind /


    Aversion to conversion, per

    Relationship of

    Conversion to



    FirstProseleo / aparche, then koinonia(full fellowship)

    First koinonia (full fellowship)

    Then fellowship catalyzes


    Koinonia offered w/out con

    Inner faith experience leads



    Approach Conversional / Proselytizing (inviting

    to convert to Christianity or


    Making converts

    Relational (inviting to relationship

    with Christ and the Body of Christ)

    Making (and being) disciples (lit.


    Conversational (inviting to

    conversation about the spirit


    Making friends


    Role Tell the story

    Require a Yes/No Decision

    Tell the story

    Invite into community

    Tell the story

    Call to repentance from inju

    Approach to


    Worship is bait; teaching is hook Neither bait nor hook; make friends with

    the fish

    Teaching is bait; worship is hook



    Opportunity to defend/convert Opportunity to engage in relationship Opportunity to seek common gro



    Keeping people doctrinally unified Keeping the people engaged in


    Keeping people engaged in servi




    Obedience Call Service

    Role of Leader Authority Visionary Catalyst


    Approach Seeking answers from the text

    What does the Bible say about _____?

    What does it tell me to do?

    In dialogue with the text (like


    What questions do I have of the


    What questions does it ask of me?

    Seeking the universal meani

    the text

    What questions do I have of


    How is it relevant to my life

    Bible Emphasis Pastoral Epistles (to learn the doctrines) Gospels (to tell the story) Gospels (learn from Jesus exam

    Dominant Mode

    of Preaching/


    Deductive (outside-in)

    1. Identify principles in Scripture/


    2. How do these principles apply to ourlives?

    Narrative / Transformative (two-way)

    1. Identify common issues: Salvation

    Story / us

    2. What is God calling us to be/become?

    Inductive (inside-out)

    1. Identify our deepest needs

    2. How do Bible/Church teach

    meet them?

  • 8/8/2019 Paradoxy Study Guide


    C h a p t e r 8 :

    C h u r c h P a r a d i g m I n v e n t o r y

    P a g e 2 6 P a r a d o x y S t u d y G u i d e

    Instructions:Step 1: For each of the fourteen questions below, circle the

    response that best describes your church. Give your first glance

    response (do not think too long about any question).

    Step 2: Transfer your answers to the scoring guide and tally the

    number of answers in each column.

    Step 3: Respond to the Scripture Reflection and Discussion

    Questions at the end of Chapter 5.

    1. Which statement best describes your churchs view of religion? A. Ultimate truth is found in one religion

    (Christianity is the only way).

    B. Deepest truth is shared by all religions(Christianity is the only way for me).

    C. Religion is irrelevant for following Christ(Christ is the way, the truth, and the life).

    2. Which statement best describes your churchs understandingof truth? A. Truth is universal and inclusive.

    B. Truth is relational and collective.

    C. Truth is propositional and exclusive.

    3. Which statement best describes your churchs approach toorthodoxy? A. Orthodoxy is right opinion: of Christ, of God,

    of the churchs traditional teachings.

    B. Orthodoxy is right response: appropriate tothe incarnation of Christ.

    C. Orthodoxy is right practice: of the love ethicof Christ.

    4. Which statement best describes your churchs understandingof the theological basis for Christian community? A. Christian community is grounded on the experience of

    Christs love in common worship and the experience ofmutual transformation brought about by that love.

    B. Christian community is grounded on ethical agreement,uniformity of purpose, and obedience/conformity to

    Jesus Christs ethic of love.

    C. Christian community is grounded on doctrinal agreement,uniformity of belief, and obedience/conformity to the

    churchs teachings.

    5. How does your church interpret the existence of conflictwithin a congregation? A. Conflict is the result of error

    (one side must be wrong).

    B. Conflict is the result of human nature(we are all a little bit wrong).

    C. Conflict is the result of misperception(at the deepest level we all are the same).

    6. When conflict exists, how does your church respond to it? A. Change the subject: downplay disagreement,

    focus on areas of agreement, agree to disagree,

    exclude the conflict from conversation.

    B. Change the person (or the venue): correct the errant

    party (or parties), if the person wont change,exclude them from fellowship.

    C. Change the context: correct the interpretation of conflict,explore areas of agreement and disagreement,

    exclude exclusion as an option for resolution.

    7. Which statement best describes your churchsunderstanding of conversion? A. Conversion is an internal change of heart and mind,

    that catalyzes profound changes of the direction in

    the persons life.

    B. Conversion is a process of change that works fromthe outside in and from the inside out transforming

    the whole person.

    C. Conversion is an externally encouraged commitmentof life and belief that catalyzes profound changes

    of heart and mind.

    8. Which statement best describes your churchsunderstanding of the process of including newcomers? A. First conversion, then fellowship.

    B. First full fellowship, then fellowship catalyzestransformation.

    C. Community offered with few conditions, then the innerfaith experience leads to the persons change of heart.

    9. Which statement best describes your churchs approach torelevance? A. Teaching is bait, worship is hook

    B. Worship is bait, teaching is hook.

    C. Neither worship nor teaching are bait or hook.

  • 8/8/2019 Paradoxy Study Guide


    C h a p t e r 8 : C h u r c h P a r a d i g m I n v e n t o r y

    P a g e 2 7 P a r a d o x y S t u d y G u i d e

    10. Which statement best describes your churchsecumenical/interfaith stance? A. Ecumenical/interfaith relationships are an opportunity

    to engage in relationship.

    B. Ecumenical/interfaith relationships are an opportunity

    to seek common ground.

    C. Ecumenical/interfaith relationships are an opportunityto defend orthodoxy.

    11. Which statement best describes your churchs approach toleadership? A. Leader as catalyst: engage people in serving God.

    B. Leader as authority: keep people doctrinally unified.

    C. Leader as midwife: engage people in discerning/following

    a shared vision.

    12. Which statement best describes your churchs understandingof the goal of discipleship? A. The goal of discipleship is learning to obey.

    B. The goal of discipleship is learning to hear and obeyones unique call to serve.

    C. The goal of discipleship is learning to serve.

    13. Which statement best describes your churchs understandingof biblical exegesis? A. Seeking to search and be searched by the text.

    B. Seeking the deeper, universal meaning of the text.

    C. Seeking answers from the text.

    14. What statement best describes the questions your churchbrings to the Scripture? A. What issues are present both in the salvation story

    and in us? What is God calling us to be/become through

    our interaction with the salvation story?

    B. What principles are established by the Scripture,as understood by the churchs traditional teaching?

    And how do these principles apply to life?

    C. What are our deepest needs? How does our understandingof the Scriptures help us to meet them?


    Total the number circled in each column. Use these numbers to

    answer the questions below.

    1. Write your column 1 score here: _____

    (This is your preference for Orthopraxy)

    2. Write your column 2 score here: _____

    (This is your preference for Paradoxy)

    3. Write your column 3 score here: _____

    (This is your preference for Orthopraxy)

    REFLECT ON YOURRESULTS_____________________________________________________








    Question Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

    1 A C B

    2 C B A

    3 A B C

    4 C A B

    5 A B C

    6 B C A

    7 C B A

    8 A B C

    9 B C A

    10 C A B

    11 B C A

    12 A B C

    13 C A B

    14 B A C


  • 8/8/2019 Paradoxy Study Guide


    groups with opposing theologicaland political views, Ken has been

    called upon to facilitate dialogs

    on issues ranging from human

    sexuality to interfaith relations.

    When not occupied with the busi-

    ness of pastoring and growing the

    theologically diverse congregation

    he helped plant, Ken is available

    for presentations, workshops,

    and coaching on the concepts

    outlined in Paradoxy: Creating

    Christian Community beyond Us

    and Them.

    A Christian of Jewish origins, KenHoward has been an ordained

    priest in the Episcopal Church

    since 1993, focusing on church

    planting and congregational vital-

    ity. Prior to ordination Ken was a

    consultant in organizational

    development, strategic planning,

    and conflict resolution. Ken holds

    a Master of Divinity degree from

    Virginia Theological Seminary,

    with honors in Church History forhis ground-breaking research into

    the Jewish origins of early Christi-

    anity, published in Jewish Christi-

    anity in the Early Church.

    Respected and trusted for his

    expertise in conflict resolution

    and consensus building among

    Thank you for consideringParadoxy: Creating

    Christian Community Beyond Us and Them

    for your study group!

    Paradoxyis intentionally structured to beused in this type of group, and were happy to

    be able to provide you with this study guide.

    When purchasingParadoxyfor your group,

    bulk discounts are available through the

    books publisher, Paraclete Press.

    A b o u t T h e A u t h o r

    P a r a d o x y

    Rev. Ken Howard

    Author ofParadoxy: Creating Christian Community

    Beyond Us and Them

    Ken Howard is current the rector of Saint

    Nicholas Episcopal Church in Darnestown, MD,

    a suburb of Washington, DC.

    To find out more about his home church, visit

    for bulk discounts!

    For more information or

    to order the book


    TITLE: Paradoxy: Creating Christian CommunityBeyond Us and Them

    AUTHOR: Ken HowardFOREWORD: Brian McLaren

    AFTERWORD: The Very Rev. Dr. Paul ZahlPUBLISHER: Paraclete Press, Boston, MA

    PUBLICATION DATE: September 1, 2010PAGES: 180 (Paperback)LIST PRICE: $16.99 (USA)ISBN: 978-1-55725-775-8

    S T U D Y G U I D E D E S I G N B Y

    M A R Y B E T H H O W A R D