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Saturday, October 25, 1941 ' l»KNl>LKTi»N POINTS t The pride of Anderson county is / 01 i new .school pli nt at Pendleton,S C. By virtue of a WPA grant during the earlier part of the year our entire plppt has boon complet- ely overhauled and remodeled. Th .* high xehnnl of twelve spacious rooms, houses in addition to the regular curriculum, various extra eurricu lar activities such as "The Pendleton /Special," the school journal; the School's Thrift Bank. sc oots hank and a .music practice room. Also spree lias been provid 1 _ed for u lunch roam for the servi ing of hot hmehes. The graninvr school beTiding consists of five el«TS< rooms and a modern auditorium with a seating capacity of approximately 500. On Sundi.y. October 12th, the dedieation exercise were held ir. the auditorium. Many prominent personages of both races played] urn active part on the program which was witnessed by a capacity audience. Outstanding among the ^ Dnn..oant,1 pintiorm guesi* wxiti ikiiiwiiv- Ttve.G urge Tt: Brown, former Supt. of schools of Pendleton; as sistant city Supt. of schools of Anderson;-J. -C. Holler. Mrs. Alice We lb Anderson, .leane* teacher of Andcrffcui county; Mr. J. 1). Smith, Sr., ch'.iinnan "| the board of trustees; Supt. T. C. Bruce of Pendle-' ton schools, who presided; Mr. Ji.mos Thompson, one of Pendleton's oldest Nepro citizen* and scho'ol supporters; Mr. W. Q. Thompson, Neero NYA foreman of Pendleton; Mr. Alfred Gantt, *.mnm*? Pf Pendleton Colored School; Prof. Finley, principal of Ivist End school o'f Seneca, S. C. Manv encouraging and compl' .mentar-y remarks were given .'to the school'* principals, Mrs. R. J. Clark, who strrtcd the school som< 20 years ago. and the present prinYm piH7Trrb"f.~137"J\V; Gall man. Muslc was furnished bv the "Best hiph school plee club in the State," our own. under the direction of Mr. E. N. Hammond and Mrs. A. I,. Gall man. TliiirsiVy e vo n in ,c, Oc t obc i 1 Gth. marked the end of a seven weeks' rally 1 »y the Parent-1 etchers and friend* of ovr school to purchase1 .u. (<<.- fiw iTTe'new auditorium. The P. T. A. divid'd itself into two div'sions a nicht and day division The day irroup wrs headed by Mrs. P. Thompson and the night croup was hea'ded by Mr. Theo Porter.' The rivalry and eompeli- *i "i was la".Ti, The two divisionsevened in a heated battle to raise the creates raiount of mon ry. The jgrnflict was"s^"ond* only" to that between Russia and Ger'"nnv at the present time. On Thursdav when armistice was declared the day group bowed in the vicionous night groupIt was bv no means an humble defeat because the margin wa, onlv u -|^.£7.58I! The presented ^^liv the nieH croup was $170.08. and $102.50 fob the di y grouj making a grand total of $0.82.58 in seven weeks!! Yer-v few things take precedence over nvnoy those c|'U's»_ but thir smiirt exemplified "bv these ercrups pnnnnt be p raised too highly. If ad ieetives would help. I would say thai it was stupendous, eolrssal and wonderful how our patrons and friends aerificed energy, money a"d tinn1 that ovr bovs and girL migh the comfortable._ It would he taking an unfair advantage of "The' Palmetto Lender" to attempt to ellaborate farther cony jj|*-erning the brilliant project just ^^Hosod. Next week we shall end avor to publish a complete list of contributors an(] contributions credited individuals. The Rev. Miss J. E. Fuller of Atlanta. Ga.. and daughter of_ P'slmji Culler of the same city. eond ctod a soul stirring gospel meeting at the historic King's Chap"l A. M. E. church of Fendlet >n Orlo'ber 9114, sponsored by .Airs. R. (L.Reese. Outstanding among th"? services were the "Candle Light Service"-and the "special sermon to the vouni? men iBfcT the community. An unusually ^0hr?e audience greeted Rev. Miss Fuller i t each of the meeings. The public at larg* benefitcrb snIlituallv from all of-lhft^ftoi-viees We a 10 grateful to Mrs. Ree-ie for her timely efforts to obtain the services of Miss Fuller. Rev. B. II Kees<v acting pastor of King's Chapel dhurch, and Rev. .Tim Giles, pastor at Wrre Shoals Holiness church, officiated. orovRE COUNTY TEACHERS MEET "f S e n e c o. S. C..The Oconee r"T-""TBBrTTTTTTV IWfcrs held their first ^^eotin'* at Oconee comfy training s hool October 17. All groups met to outline their programs for the year. In the general assembly the meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. R. L. Finley, who introduce,) the cornty superintendent, Mr. Jones. We enjoyed a very interesting program sponsored by MtSs'Ruth Rrown, the music teacher of r\ ' uconee county trawmg school. The TTrmutesqfHThy last meeting wqpp* read. Netv and old business A' discussed. The president statw thq, theme for the year: "Modern Edreatiop Meeting its needs." The meeting adjourned to meet at Westminister, S. C. November 14. NOTICE The article. "CoYner Stone Layi eg Very Allen ~~ ^University."which appeared in A ^ |^»oher 18th issue of the PalmetLeader, wflg written bv Rev. L. A Wells. REV. A. R. BATEN LAID TO REST Jenkinf*v»Hc,- October 21.The funeral of the Rev. A. R. Baton, Who was scald last Friday at lov PaxE* shore- and died Inter at the an Jolumbia hospital was funeraliz- ohl ?d^Monday at White Hall A. M. ;,|l E. chuich. The Rev. Baten had V>v jeen employed at the Parr's shore t'or fifteen or more years and his ° c .ragic death has been felt keenly 01i .hroughout the district. He had j ^ jeen in the ministry for twenty 1*)" ji more years and had friends by ' -he hundreds. The funeral was in charge of his> Presiding Elder, Dr. W. B. Loving Clarke, who preached the sermon of his life which will be remembered for many years. Deep emotion got the p0 jest of him at first, but when he anve to himself, the people every .vhere gave vent to thejr feeling. l.^ The Rev. T. II. Addison was fit naster of ceremony. The followng program was carried out. ( gr First hymn lined by the Pastor, sr.] the Rev. W. M. Brow'n; prayer by wt Rev. R. C. Cunningham; scripture <7<T lesson by Rev. J. S. Martin: ohit_ ehi uary by the Rev. I. O. Simmons; iolo by Miss Cunningham; second es> hynm lined by Rev. W. R. Bow- an nan. | tei Large crowds from Winnsboro, col Carlisle. Columbia and other plac- M. ^s attended the funeral and scores ses of people were unable to get Wi u»ats in the church. Among the ministers attending a 'he funeral were Revs. J. M. ^h< DawkillS, who sprig " cpneinl "'ecCion; \V. G. Owens, F. V. Laws, Archdeacon Max Whittington, 1 made interesting remarks on' the 'ife of (Rev.. Batenj Revs,_ C. 5Ln Hiltbiv-W. TSfTSfrfHrniel, L. G. ~ Bowman. C. C. Mcllwain, Messrs Toe Corley and Sam MooreT"promi lent laymen jtkI others. g^ Surviving, aside from his widow >re seven children, a mother and* . ither near relatives. jl1* Manieault, undertaker of Co- ° 'rmbjn, handled the body with ^ _iase_aJid precision. * * ?«?W BK I H LI. .VKWS ~~8r ^ .-Sunday school -"was fine yester- j 'ay. The banner was won by %Va lass i\o. z, Mrs. Eltie J. Parks. an, teacher. After prayer service our mc >astor brought* to us a great mes -ago. Theme Desiring to See Je- arn *us. After service at New Beth- pr< 1 .a singing convention was held cr.i it Trinity A. M. E. Zion church, es Six classes were present. set .New Bethel choir motored to ore Gethel c'hurch at Greer. S. C. to a S4M tinging convention. Ten classes «-'ot were present. They reported a rrand time;. The-Bus'y Bee club met at the Pr home of Mrs. Joretta Kilgore on Friday niRht, October 18th. After the usiness of the club was pj over a delicious repast was served of ice cream and cake. A contest was put on at Trinity A. M. E. Zion c'hurch, consisting of three ministers: Rev. Hun- ja tor of New Hope; Rev. Duncan of ar New Bethel and Rev. Statecy wc Gray of Mayfield chapel. Rev. j^ji Duncan won first prize. ' an Mrs. Annie Mae Gilliam won ' a(j first prize in the card contest. 1 flCt Mrs. Nannie Drummond, second y.}. prize. sa. We are glad to say at this writ- coi :ng Mrs. Corrie Winn who has in heQn sick for sometime was able an '.o he out again.-' I nm Mr. Wright Nelson is ill at this ms writing. We hope for him a wh speedy recovery. ""air (Mrs.! Effie J. Park*,-reporter. -fvi wo ^ scl BETHEL A.M. E. CHERCH thi foi Rev. I. W. Janerette. Pastor Services were beautifully car- °'c ried out last Sunday, beginning Bo vith ike Sunday school.session.- er After the classes re-assembled °^u Mr. CJilroy Griffin made a splendid -review of The lesson to the school. ' T' We were.delighted to see "so BW many friends and visitors in the >'° services throughout the day. Among the many visitors were Mrs ~"VE H. Davis, w ile of Bishop M. to( H. Davis* and Mrs. Mattie Coasy a lister of Mrs. Davis and the wife nu of Doctor Rector Coasy. The -laughter of Mrs. Dnvis was also Fr nresent. The visitors hailed from Baltimore, Md., which is in the By second Episcopal district of which Bishop Davis is the bishop of this be diocese. Mesdames Davis and Tr Consy made very inspiiing re- to marks. .Other visitors were acknowledged and were introdu<^d (^ 'o the congregation. TAP junior cnoir apparently was at its best in way of service por the morning worship. "The Voice in The Wilderness" by Scott was beautifully sung by Mr. Ma "eo Miller, a member of this fine vif musical aggregation. Also the trri 'ovel.v anthem "Send Out Thy Th Light", by Oounod, was very nice ly sung by the choir. All of the su< visitors were very much gratified as expressed for having heard at thia fine.ehoir mid the strong ser wen delivered by the Pastor, Dr. I. W. Janerette. ,v>< For the morning worship the Tii nnstor selected his text from John 20:7. This mensagp was systematically developed land delivered with sniriTnnl nower wil The pastor, officers and mem-"jwe hers are real busy now Retting1 Tr things in shape for the annual ^U! conference whieffii convenes here jLa-JLLa- undorsterid on the SOttr of October. To all friends and visitors, come aprain, you will he Riven a m cordial welcome. I * K TRINITY A. M. F-. CIH'RCH Rev. A. D. Daw kins. Pastor Spartanburg.Sunday wus a cjy. day for all church workers d should long be remembered in T-rinity. The weatIrol^Was~wa?m d the attendance at both seres waa good. Sunday School opened at 10 lock. The Supt. and his co-works were at their posts of duty, tor the class study of the lesthe review was conducted-by i Supt. The rally for the Suny School wat . success. The Winrs in the contest were little Miss orgia Young and Miss Curtis ister. Little Miss Young raised g highest amount over $T.50t and reived first prize, and little Miss ester received second prize. At 11:30 our morning services gan. The pastor, Rev. Dawkins, trttght to- us-tr powerful SCTOTOtt >m »St. John 3:5. Thia indeed was wonderful message and the concgation rejoiced in their souls Ivatlon. The doors of the church re opened and two enme and nnectod themselves with thr ristian army. At 4 o'clock the Junior-Steward- s Hoard met at the home of Kev. id Mrs. Dawkins. A very inzesting business meeting was nducted by the president, Mrs, Blackman. After the business ssion, the president of he Live ire club p.nd the Junior Steward? Board presented to the pastor nice hat and a pair of shoes for i faithful service which he has nr. lie \yas all in smile,, and jiked both of the clubs. At 5:30 o'clock a silver tea was ren at the home of Mrs. Senica njarnin (ni Trinity St.. A large n>wd was present and enjoyed msclves. This program was onsored by tfae deaconess and L'wardess No. 1. rhe Dawkin's Boosters club held ;ir meeting at 3 o'clock at the me of Mrs. Callie Reid Johnson Vernon St. A large group of ting people attended. This" club nsists <»f a group of young riple and nr.- workinir harddn-the urch along with all the other 2dliariea»i_7. At S o'clock we a-uoin found our y back to the house of worship ti listened to a soui stirring serin delivered by our pastor from velation 7:17. This indeed was c/ther wonderful message. He cached as never before. No one 1 tell when Rev. Dnwkins"veachhis climax for every sermon 'nis to be his best until another p is delivered. Surely he is a God it man. We pray that he may itinue to preach his word. We still have a few sick memon our list but they are inicA-ing nicely. NE GROVE A. M. E. CHURCH -Rev. I.. G. Bowman, Pastor Last Sunday was our closing y for this conference year. We v well pleased with the great irk our pastor put ovr this year tny souls have been converted d quite a number have been ded to the church. With no lection on any of our pastors ra proceeded him Lnm happy to y that the church is in better idition today than it has been a long time. Rev. Bowman is d Js known as a round pastor d a great preacher. He has ide many friends here and elseicre. His wife Mrs. Bowman d daughter Miss Helen are kind endbr~STfd Unassuming; have rked with us in our Sunday 100I and Church program all s year. Our prayers go out their return. Next Sunday afternoon at four lock we, the Stewardesses of ards Nos. 1, ,'3", and 4 togethwith others will meeT at the jrfh to greet our pastor and nily in ?v reception. Come, and ng your friends; bring your CeTdpp that was given to you by ur leader. If you cannot come id it for this is the last call. Ehe.Cotton Picking contest fluff >k place last Sunday was quite success. Mrs. Mary R. Bowin won the first prize and Mrs. nie Trapp won the second ize. These prizes will be award next Sunday at fhe reception, "our rnxtor On the first Sunday there will preaching in interest of the ustees, each member is asked pay 25 cents. fiss) .Tnnnie T-^e Boyd, reportei Sl'MMERVILLE NEWS The 10th grade and its superior sponsored an amateur proam in chapel Wednesday night, o children nut on a wonderful iplay of talent. It was quite a ^cessfnl affair. A1 ton will nlav its first gnme home Friday when we clash Eh Howard high of Georgetown. There will he a serie<, of pictures iwn at the school beginning IV .Hia.T K I v (IIKI I M tl U V ousrhout 15 week*?, showing one fure a week. the 4th errade end its sunerviscfr II conduct chapel exercises this ek. On Friday the class will esent "The "Return of OolumF n**bc Palmetto l^eadei THE PALMErrrO r.EAD I REED STREET HIGH SrH()OG ' j Professor S. C. Perry, Principal The enrollment at Rcvt| Str<mt iigh is still on the incrtasm. Rural hifdren are stnr~pduTing" in'Trum 1 all sec£ifins_ of_the_cuuivty-^ -from t Star, Iva, Pelzer, Helton and J llonea Pcth. These parent* are to \ e praised for making the sairi- j ices to send these children to high t school. To my way of thinking the 1. greatest number of Negro boy.j 1 and girls are lost.between thet r + graduating from seventh gis.k 1 and entering eighth. Since do j not have buses for transport'ti. f and many do not own cars, the \ problem to the small village and ( iurod chikl is: "Ilow mi v., 1 secure- ,s \vRaT is rightfully mine by law t A high school education ? J his is js row many solved it: |t First, several parents go to- S famish so much of the expenses. A Seocmd, liberal persons in cities w open their home8 for rent and the children boc.rd themselves. Third, n L -Greenwood county has tin use of if Professor Ann wood's bus. <J If these ways of sending'""your s< _ bayv and girls to high school do T not appeal to you. think of another h way, but by alf mean Send llin « i to High School, so he will he bet- o ter fitted to face he demands "f the new social and economic <vder n thr.t is sure to come after the \\a>\ s; Let's have them wait inn, skilled p and prepared to face whatever t< coes. Send them in cars! On horse- el back! On wheels! Walking! What evt r the v.ay. SEND T1IHM: ^ Reed Street-Blue Devils are sti!' j] mowing them down. Laurens. S: ai- ,, d'ers high fell under the niiitht r panzer attack 0-19. T1li-se 1k<v« J have a way of closing in for the kill that is just tcro exciting. They s, remind one of .Toe Louiv <0 mavln t>, MitW'j^ armv Thev keep tip lhi. ^ pounding, driving until o\\r the "p line goes big "Monk" Harper for (j a touchdown. f), Sorry S: ndors high had t<» do v. _ like that Yon .nn-h<.nin (wtW-yn-r» know. Thanks for the warm hos-.. _! " pitalitv awarded by Profs. San- p - tiers Hhd .MathisT tf We meet East End_JlielL stdii-Lol--y Tit Seneca Wednesday nite. We'll ' let yoti know. a Tli.. It...- I i.-ri- W.,% j success. It shows how And. rscitizens work together. The ! went t>nt Wednesday of l~u>.t week ^ for $J30 to put on a Scout expert * f<>r tailored buys.- -The sehotrfsr churches and individuals pledged different anu/unts. .Sunday after- 11 noun.these loyal citizens 1; id Ti tile table SI 12. Some did not re port but have promised t<. j>; this week. Reed Street hiy through her principal, pni We work with our community. Pauline J. Campbell, reporter ^ * rr o] MORRIS COLLEGE VESPER Ml Sit AL GREAT SUCCESS " Sumter. October 18- Prof. Eel- 1 dinanc! P. Abraham, head of the Department of Music of Morris p .11 ...... l uuiiL'gc, jn useniA u ins iinuai v es- M per- Musical on Sunday afternoon a October l'Jth, on the campus, to el a ca | >ac i t y a utliencc Scores W T IT Su+ntt*rh*.-mrrst.prominent citizens and music lovers' were present in tl addition to the faculty and stu- } dent body. The program was very varied and covered the mus| ical field from Chopin to spirituals. The- latter were specially arranged by Prof. Abraham who also created the.pantomine inter- PI preting the sentimnts o f - the a "Holy City". His tie v nrvnnco. pi "mcnt o? the spirituals was so w daring, so original. so novel, and <h so happy that it is believed he has le created a new method, a new ap- ~W preciation, a new conception in Tl this domain of -mcstr st Notwithstanding that on Suni days in chapel applause _is for- Ci bidden, the audience was s o to pleased.arrd rtrtfaTiTeiT Thai iT'ot burst into spontaneous and prolonged hand-clapping at fhe end H __of the seance:.Ttm students "T have had only slightly more than E 3 weeks of training hut conduct- su ed themselves nearly like voter- vi ans. Thy should be oongrntulat- «i - tsb. The program fO"tt<V\vs": r" a I! Prelude Op. 28. No. 7- Chopin "V Processional.Largo Handel t! Doxology ' tl Opening Sentences T1 Hymn Oh God. Our Help in Ages h; Past.Isaac Watts; Audience n hnd Choir V In vocnt ii>n f'hunt "Praise the Lord".Maker; Choir ,.. Eugene Pinson and Miss Mary L. Mcintosh, soloists a Piano duet: "Salute to Ybur Colors".Anthony; Misses Natha- ^ ire ami .lermene «aunv ^ Spirituals: 0 a. "Oyer My Head" ;T b. "In Bright Mansions" pi 4-r."If You Just.Hot I < hrf" ~iy Choir ^ h "AsTeep In The Deep".Petri; $ Male Quartet, Benjamin * Rroek ^ soloist ^ , a. "Where My Caravan Has Rested".Ijohr ^ b. "Absent".Ma ten If fl Mixed Quartet P a Vale.Russell . ' b. "De Blind Man" Spiritual T[ Mr. Andrew Jenkins, guest soloist J Holy City.Adams _ Choir.Pant^niinc: Miaana.Cov. P ington, Ham and Ret-ves a Benediction Recessional. v , Accompanists: Bentrieo Raines o F. P. Abraham. ! ifeR I MILLER CHAPEL Vt-MT E. C'lj CRCH Rev. B. F. Sumpl it. Pastor (lay at Millers. AIT.bsy-Hh-mnrrbrTS trrnt! iuTvantafe of~*\t. s. S. opened at the usual ho r vith the Supt., P: of. K. K. El:.yd hi.fc hiding. The loachwr-.v. i-re a*. heir post of duty. A lufee nnmier of scholars wore present. T..< esson was heaut ifully rev:- v. .1 >y nnr" of our loyal in e 11.1m-t - v.;.o ' ulped to mala- Miller's ha- it ' s today m..of -M' -.foh" 'earson who i- now- a n< r.f ' ill in in Chapel. ( );; >, .-I, Ij We thniikj.1 r. ..Ihl^utv-iW hi- U 4-r<a)R iHurmaTinn and 'h' h" die colhwtior v:n- ! -«»#« ( J «'o. 2 is haid to beat. i. old the haiioi of .tn. < i: t. S Tilis rlh--.t-.r-TTTe-;:' '. tt1*"~ TTr teachers Tn the city ; liss L. H. Ih.icti. she 'ire in church anil in We were well t. 1. >.-<1 at n.. t o.rn in service. It was ia!h. ;i y. iJh. H if tons who i- p'-. I cnt of Allen university- «:s 2he.<lule»l to preach at 11 o'clock, 'o our crrent surprise cam.- Hi-, op Monroe H. Davis. In. 1*%.- 1: on of Hnltiniore, Pi of. Carrot; f Columbia and Pivsiih n; II' o ins with his well trailed chw. lir hearts lept for .ip.v--.-u hen-we- nv these most (listi:iii: <1 i « <. le coming in. TtevnV I"- S p. :'f._x»ur pastor was in charge' of to ceremonies. The choir upon. 1 with IIolv. If fly.Holy- a )'; --> hich prayer was offered hy Mr. r. B. Butler; the choir strrrr TT-",-r other selection after which Dr. --or' road" the "scrij t re 1< >n. Tlte pastor presented Pr< lent Higgins who in t.:m uh~. Mitod Bishop Monroe II, avis whoresides over Virginia. Maryland' ml thr District- of ( oiumOiu. T resenting Bishop Davis, Presi- j ent Iligc'ins said lie could talk rer an hour telling the go d ahd orthn\'nile things Bishop Pavic as done-for the uplifting of hulanity. He fKeit ""arose and jjp-» Vl'l I'll }l IVfOtl Wonuerl ul 11.e» »;i gi > up front the f'O Psalm sin.- tv-. hh verse. So teach us to nam Ivy ;r days thtit we tv.hv ripply our I'jirts unto .wisdom. Bisltoo Dav. t held the whole congr/fra! ior toll bound. The messa-o was ill of inspiration.. and thought .veryotie has- sontefrrirtg "tr5' 'tliiTTk' LQX- from this _wonde rl*ud -rftn:t»rr >'o thank President Hi'.'_ ir ~ fur is cominff and Prof. C, (;a> . u fm nskliv/ r.Is}i 1 >.-.\ ;^ in-. "rauson who is Prosi<!ir;Hlder f the Mnrvlnr.d district, to C 'lia>in us to hi-lp put our pro/ram trr. It meant and added so inch to our rally. Dr. F r-Wson nd Prof. Garrett too cave us mm helpful a:ul useful re-mark". re are proud to say all of these rent and noble men are natives f South Carolina.» Wo also thank ie director and"choir.-of Allen ^ niversity for the sweet .music . Tey rendered. Come ayain. Mire always triad tin have.yiHi-. We were also clad t<> >"e Mr. ^ earsi-n. Mrs. Lillie Glnuden and , liss Kuinui Goudlock was ilh us in Sunday school and lurch service. Total cul.. cU-ii -for the 'lay was SMiir>.ui e thank all who participated in :is great effort for wo went over lo top. ST. I'll I I.I!' \. M. i:. Nl\\< rilip A'.'-M- ~Kv c'liVt^eh..Art {rrrrtTwonderful Sail.lay S. -. tI nro.Tho Su[>;,...J "ikti« wi-iv at their post o f ity. A wonderful review nr. tho f ssun by tho Pastor. KoV. T. H. 'oiUh.-l's:.A tttT'TTrt f "ItOoli,(n. ho Soiiior class is now in possesion <-f tho banner.A warm prayer service was inducted, by ..the prayer commit- e, brother1 IsAre .ToTr,<"u nrd ' After a few announcements Ib-v enry Johnson preached a w rfnl seimon trom St. John 3:3. vrybody enjoyed a Wonderful union. After the morning sor- ice ten minutes recess was tak- r At 2:30 I, m RoV- harden fill Ills choir retuleleiT service, is in. ssagi was-; ( onie Sec a 5 lan That Can Tell Voa Every- i r\:i r » f iinir 1 om r.vci imu. i> i;ii> imh H- Christ. St. John -i:2'.1. Rov. ( lardeii is really a preacher sent y God. Did not enrhea' ts !v;n I s ho poured out God's words, j do hope for him find his choir n early return. Ar tho close _j fTr^TTnTTHm^wT^^vonTitito our i illy: Pickine Cotton co-dost. Tho luhs nil did tino. Thoy r> ported s follows: St. Philip club, Mrs. Mao P>. lorris. SI.90: <iood Will oluh. Irs. Raner Dovoaux. S'.-'i'l: Gold- n Star oluh. Miss Ora R. Wash- leton. SI.GO; On Time ol h. Mr> Irs. Ruth E. Jonos, $0.2o; S in- 4 hino club. Mrs. .Rosa -Gromi.- i 1.30; Busv Ree club. Mrs Rrusn ,. Kitt. S2.29: Willing Workers. Irs. Mamie E Hinton 521.27; ' 'ommunity oluh. Miss Florence akin. 51,07. Total 510.00, Grand ^ atal for the day salary plus sup. ^ nrt 880 .ia ( Sunday even inc. 3:30 p.m. Row i Veathors and rhoir will worshin i t RoulnTf Baptist oht:roh Rov. i R Barber. pastor. y Sundnv nipht 7:00 p. m. the i trown- Profhcr* rpiaitot will ~j t St. Philip. y Tho fnnoral of si«tor I.aura Poeaux will ho Tuesday at two 'clock at St. Philip. M. E. Hinton. reporter. i'utrrvrs attend HOW \|(|) N< HOOI.'S J-'lHST '' i. v mi;i;tin<; ! "' <'! ' * U. f if" Oft 'tnr'' T.A .ru-t.r;, at H,v.nrd 5cho.'.l'. ' l'i(.V,. iI;.j !" (,,vi - J'<--r -- -.:t : rA fy» .T ; a Kir. : "t v.. lo-i i". r his ... ' ^ !»»'.> :.:n Jji«J' i' \J» ^ f* I'-hi- pr-r-f :.t. Tr ' S- t, ri tf, : ' «;i:S 1\- ... ' ti'rri < ) <(/ .t m. r .1 " .i .!.'.r '' ( nr. , ,, " J- ' T- -; i i: ' u-.n*Tz [ ' ' ' ( ... wt. ' V ':' a .-olal ' "V '' ',J t.'jiy rr~,< v h ' " 'A. >V ... ,1 ; .-r . * M-i,. w, ,i rn,' ,;;^r f ; * r.c «Mvr \';r " .n >.?! *M'l (H ! V I: A. M. v.. rj| lIjf'H V- T L y, I SM-^ < f - th,;r ".;trr,Iy ']iscu=-'"I \ 'V"1. - .11 f'-!.-r>.:y " I " M " ":ifV r fT V ;.c < ~~~y **icl:fn.--o of =( y. ' _:11. s;:io;c? Wh.-.t'' j-'hsui' \V kx:"- ' T-M- : . . :a'.i- AV1 . c.lii.v. ..I .o I -iv^s/s'i * !. : i:»v. Mt>. A-.t i. S;:i.r.. .... -. -u I' '.Si -.1:...:-;%.. ; ; ' : FTVw'T"\v"""*a v ifi nftt-r «.: r. , }:< * Iit-v A v.! row® will. ' !'!: t. f»livt I- f* ; V> . : R. v. }{. C \IN v. r.. y.y .1 r. or.urn ;h,cy \vo:v ; n*.*: t ! bv f> 2 ~ " «»?!. ' !' t.l.o Sen ?i,Ic- I:.r. it-ty.. TI.ysc :uu-tiii;mr v. rv » o ... i n. . i . . - .A. I .-\ I*.! :»a:a. \ a av. Vi!*::.r.-o.-T-ln TI.-ii:. AB <a h. S .-Jjj \fa:'.\M., Mi>. *:«vt -v. M: ar. iMvV. j" *Fi" ' li I.< v. a \ I". !A.- M H. i r: -V ' V. v.-:t wiiV. Ml a.,;.! Mrs .1 !.; : } . :.v« i - * i: r-"T "H4.. f.jv,' rv.. ; I: "Aw;;> ,10 v r ... Mi-. S: I You Too Can Hav^ LET THE ( \ NU-HAIR L p~ IflSRO "- W <»#» FORMULA j IT HAS HELPEO A ! THOUSANDS /' J.-OF OTHiRrS'l How You Can Grow L Certain parts of the body prow to a err y Hair Crows always if you keep your sea ^ Itching. When you scratch your scalp y HAIR WILL NUI bHU There are no sweat glands in sores or by nature to make certain outgrowths well. Hair is produced by our scalp skm little place in the true skin. If you d you may feel all right, but nothing w I A scar is not skin. You will never fin sore. Hair grows from the cells c not look after these hair bulbs, ,hair v There are two glands to each hair to p pliable, keeps it fium het'orntrrpr Unruly a muscle which is attached to its Hair healthy hatr,- vote must help nature TS 1 in-good conditihfi. Keep it clean, soft ar ilf you are1 suffering with head cores complete treatment or you will lose y< wording properly and piarnntee youri long growing hair, give yourself a coni| Complete Nu-Halr Scalp 1 Nu-Halr Besqro Formula Hu-Hair Pressinq Compou Nu-Halr Special Shampo< SEND NO MONE ^ Jut sand nsma and addraa*. gay Poitmaa or K* dativrra th« antira traatmant. It it Guara ' Wr,l, Nowl NU-HAIR PRODUCTS, 1133 Bi ] Fa£e Five r.MMWI I I M. r rHI'FKirAr( '* y' a" ^ ... i. ..... ^ ,.f ; ' <>" evn, ;. ' ' ' ' ^7-i-i:: 1 " " ** » «» i "H la«t. «« I « » ' V- '-V. '. " .' v V .. ,,f . -net 'I ^ ^ ^:-K' ' v;, r..' :- \v?:? t (. V " * r*:- A"~ ': * * % r t j»v 7 ' ~ ^;f:. y / >!nirMr*. I ">! *iJ t 1 ^ '** !«!rr>n, : ' . F-.r.. .I*. ! '' V ' » '!' ' F -} : ct!'r \ W. -p. ~ ^Ro^ifi?ui Kr»ir ^ ong, Healthy Hair ^ lain size anil no further, whereas. Jf ip iir.imi,. . oil make sores and sears. >W FROM A SCAR ] ~ scars. 7 he body is pt\en |»mfr of « which we all know \ery Ka> h Hair Grows from a special e»!roy or mutilate this true skin ( ill ever form another true skin, t d a hair prowinp from a sear or if the hair bulbs. If you do rill become brittle and lueak off. ' iroduce oil that keeps it soft and ind from" crack in p. t.very hair ha * Root. In order to have attractive. ^ ^ Crow^TTalr T7y~Terj>in£. your scalp 1 id eliminate itcbinp and dandruff, i or sear* do not delay taking our \ lur hair. To keep your hair cells M velf a healthy, beautiful head of' plete Nu Hair Treatment. ' rr«ofmenf eonsistt of: ^ I SPECIAL OFFER 'i -j aii cno nui v 1 r^rn * v stir Ilr #1.00 pT.n ftw rtntt potttft wS«» W n'ftd to pl««M ot aenty rt fun dad' roadway, Hew York, H. Y. i " 4 h

Palmetto leader (Columbia, S.C.). 1941-10-25 [p Page Five].€¦ · Saturday, October 25, 1941 ' l»KNl>LKTi»N POINTS t The pride of Anderson county is / 01 i pli nt at

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Page 1: Palmetto leader (Columbia, S.C.). 1941-10-25 [p Page Five].€¦ · Saturday, October 25, 1941 ' l»KNl>LKTi»N POINTS t The pride of Anderson county is / 01 i pli nt at

Saturday, October 25, 1941


tThe pride of Anderson county is

/ 01 i new .school pli nt at Pendleton,SC. By virtue of a WPA grantduring the earlier part of the yearour entire plppt has boon complet-ely overhauled and remodeled. Th .*

high xehnnl twelve spacious rooms,

houses in addition to the regularcurriculum, various extra eurricular activities such as "The Pendleton/Special," the school journal;the School's Thrift oots hank and a .music practiceroom. Also spree lias been provid

1_ed for u lunch roam for the serviing of hot hmehes. The graninvrschool beTiding consists offive el«TS< rooms and a modernauditorium with a seating capacityof approximately 500.On Sundi.y. October 12th, the

dedieation exercise were held ir.the auditorium. Many prominentpersonages of both races played]urn active part on the programwhich was witnessed by a capacityaudience. Outstanding among the

^ Dnn..oant,1pintiorm guesi* wxiti ikiiiwiiv-

Ttve.G urge Tt: Brown, formerSupt. of schools of Pendleton; as

sistant city Supt. of schools ofAnderson;-J. -C. Holler. Mrs. AliceWelb Anderson, .leane* teacher ofAndcrffcui county; Mr. J. 1). Smith,Sr., ch'.iinnan "| the board of trustees;Supt. T. C. Bruce of Pendle-'ton schools, who presided; Mr.Ji.mos Thompson, one of Pendleton'soldest Nepro citizen* andscho'ol supporters; Mr. W. Q.Thompson, Neero NYA foremanof Pendleton; Mr. Alfred Gantt,

*.mnm*? Pf Pendleton ColoredSchool; Prof. Finley, principal ofIvist End school o'f Seneca, S. C.Manv encouraging and compl'

.mentar-y remarks were given .'tothe school'* principals, Mrs. R. J.Clark, who strrtcd the school som<

20 years ago. and the present prinYmpiH7Trrb"f.~137"J\V; Gallman. Muslcwas furnished bv the "Best hiphschool plee club in the State," our

own. under the direction of Mr.E. N. Hammond and Mrs. A. I,.Gallman.

TliiirsiVy evo n in ,c, Oc t obc i 1 Gth.marked the end of a seven weeks'rally 1 »y the Parent-1 etchers andfriend* of ovr school to purchase1

.u. (<<.- fiw iTTe'new auditorium. TheP. T. A. divid'd itself into two div'sionsa nicht and day divisionThe day irroup wrs headed by Mrs.

P. Thompson and the nightcroup was hea'ded by Mr. TheoPorter.' The rivalry and eompeli-*i "i was la".Ti, The two divisionsevenedin a heated battle toraise the creates raiount of monry. The jgrnflict was"s^"ond* only"to that between Russia and Ger'"nnvat the present time. OnThursdav when armistice was declaredthe day group bowed in de-fer-t.tothe vicionous night groupItwas bv no means an humble defeatbecause the margin wa, onlv

u -|^.£7.58I! The presented^^liv the nieH croup was $170.08.

and $102.50 fob the di y groujmaking a grand total of $0.82.58 inseven weeks!!

Yer-v few things take precedenceover nvnoy those c|'U's»_ but thirsmiirt exemplified "bv these ercrupspnnnnt be p raised too highly. Ifad ieetives would help. I would saythai it was stupendous, eolrssaland wonderful how our patronsand friends aerificed energy,money a"d tinn1 that ovr bovs andgirL migh the comfortable._ Itwould he taking an unfair advantageof "The' Palmetto Lender" toattempt to ellaborate farther conyjj|*-erning the brilliant project just^^Hosod. Next week we shall endavor to publish a complete listof contributors an(] contributions

credited individuals.The Rev. Miss J. E. Fuller of

Atlanta. Ga.. and daughter of_P'slmji Culler of the same city.eond ctod a soul stirring gospelmeeting at the historic King'sChap"l A. M. E. church of Fendlet>n Orlo'ber 9114, sponsored by

.Airs. R. (L.Reese. Outstandingamong th"? services were the"Candle Light Service"-and the"special sermon to the vouni? men

iBfcT the community. An unusually^0hr?e audience greeted Rev. MissFuller i t each of the meeings.The public at larg* benefitcrbsnIlituallv from all of-lhft^ftoi-vieesWe a 10 grateful to Mrs. Ree-iefor her timely efforts to obtain theservices of Miss Fuller. Rev. B. IIKees<v acting pastor of King'sChapel dhurch, and Rev. .TimGiles, pastor at Wrre Shoals Holinesschurch, officiated.


Seneco. S. C..The Oconeer"T-""TBBrTTTTTTV IWfcrs held their first^^eotin'* at Oconee comfy training

s hool October 17. All groups metto outline their programs for theyear. In the general assembly themeeting was called to order by thepresident, Mrs. R. L. Finley, whointroduce,) the cornty superintendent,Mr. Jones.We enjoyed a very interesting

program sponsored by MtSs'RuthRrown, the music teacher ofr\ '

uconee county trawmg school.The TTrmutesqfHThy last meeting

wqpp* read. Netv and old businessA' discussed. The president statwthq, theme for the year: "ModernEdreatiop Meeting its

needs." The meeting adjourned tomeet at Westminister, S. C. November14.

NOTICEThe article. "CoYner Stone Layieg Very Allen


^University."which appeared inA ^ |^»oher 18th issue of the PalmetLeader,wflg written bv Rev. L.

A Wells.


Jenkinf*v»Hc,- October 21.Thefuneral of the Rev. A. R. Baton,Who was scald last Friday at lovPaxE* shore- and died Inter at the anJolumbia hospital was funeraliz- ohl?d^Monday at White Hall A. M. ;,|lE. chuich. The Rev. Baten had V>vjeen employed at the Parr's shoret'or fifteen or more years and his ° c

.ragic death has been felt keenly 01i

.hroughout the district. He had j ^jeen in the ministry for twenty 1*)"ji more years and had friends by '

-he hundreds. The funeral wasin charge of his> Presiding Elder,Dr. W. B. Loving Clarke, whopreached the sermon of his lifewhich will be remembered formany years. Deep emotion got the p0jest of him at first, but when heanve to himself, the people every.vhere gave vent to thejr feeling. l.^The Rev. T. II. Addison was fitnaster of ceremony. The followngprogram was carried out. ( grFirst hymn lined by the Pastor, sr.]the Rev. W. M. Brow'n; prayer by wtRev. R. C. Cunningham; scripture <7<Tlesson by Rev. J. S. Martin: ohit_ ehiuary by the Rev. I. O. Simmons;iolo by Miss Cunningham; second es>hynm lined by Rev. W. R. Bow- annan. | teiLarge crowds from Winnsboro, col

Carlisle. Columbia and other plac- M.^s attended the funeral and scores sesof people were unable to get Wiu»ats in the church.Among the ministers attending a

'he funeral were Revs. J. M. ^h<DawkillS, who sprig " cpneinl"'ecCion; \V. G. Owens, F. V. Laws,Archdeacon Max Whittington, 1made interesting remarks on' the'ife of (Rev.. Batenj Revs,_ C. 5LnHiltbiv-W. TSfTSfrfHrniel, L. G. ~

Bowman. C. C. Mcllwain, MessrsToe Corley and Sam MooreT"promilent laymen jtkI others. g^Surviving, aside from his widow>re seven children, a mother and* .

ither near relatives. jl1*Manieault, undertaker of Co- °

'rmbjn, handled the body with ^_iase_aJid precision. **

?«?W BK I H LI. .VKWS ~~8r^.-Sunday school -"was fine yester- j'ay. The banner was won by %Va

lass i\o. z, Mrs. Eltie J. Parks. an,teacher. After prayer service our mc>astor brought* to us a great mes-ago. Theme Desiring to See Je- arn*us. After service at New Beth- pr<1 .a singing convention was held cr.iit Trinity A. M. E. Zion church, esSix classes were present. set.New Bethel choir motored to oreGethel c'hurch at Greer. S. C. to a S4M

tinging convention. Ten classes «-'otwere present. They reported arrand time;.The-Bus'y Bee club met at the Pr

home of Mrs. Joretta Kilgore onFriday niRht, October 18th. Afterthe usiness of the club was pjover a delicious repast was servedof ice cream and cake.A contest was put on at TrinityA. M. E. Zion c'hurch, consistingof three ministers: Rev. Hun- jator of New Hope; Rev. Duncan of arNew Bethel and Rev. Statecy wcGray of Mayfield chapel. Rev. j^jiDuncan won first prize. '

anMrs. Annie Mae Gilliam won'

a(jfirst prize in the card contest. 1flCtMrs. Nannie Drummond, second y.}.prize. sa.

We are glad to say at this writ- coi:ng Mrs. Corrie Winn who has inheQn sick for sometime was able an'.o he out again.-' I nmMr. Wright Nelson is ill at this ms

writing. We hope for him a whspeedy recovery. ""air

(Mrs.! Effie J. Park*,-reporter. -fviwo

^ sclBETHEL A.M. E. CHERCH thi

foiRev. I. W. Janerette. PastorServices were beautifully car- °'c

ried out last Sunday, beginning Bovith ike Sunday school.session.- er

After the classes re-assembled °^uMr. CJilroy Griffin made a splendid-review of The lesson to the school. ' T'We were.delighted to see "so BW

many friends and visitors in the >'°services throughout the day. Amongthe many visitors were Mrs~"VE H. Davis, w ile of Bishop M. to(H. Davis* and Mrs. Mattie Coasy a

lister of Mrs. Davis and the wife nu

of Doctor Rector Coasy. The-laughter of Mrs. Dnvis was also Frnresent. The visitors hailed fromBaltimore, Md., which is in the Bysecond Episcopal district of whichBishop Davis is the bishop of this bediocese. Mesdames Davis and TrConsy made very inspiiing re- tomarks. .Other visitors were acknowledgedand were introdu<^d (^'o the congregation.TAP junior cnoir apparently

was at its best in way of servicepor the morning worship. "TheVoice in The Wilderness" by Scottwas beautifully sung by Mr. Ma"eo Miller, a member of this fine vifmusical aggregation. Also the trri

'ovel.v anthem "Send Out Thy ThLight", by Oounod, was very nicely sung by the choir. All of the su<

visitors were very much gratifiedas expressed for having heard atthia fine.ehoir mid the strong ser

wen delivered by the Pastor, Dr.I. W. Janerette. ,v><

For the morning worship the Tiinnstor selected his text from John20:7. This mensagp was systematicallydeveloped land deliveredwith sniriTnnl nower wilThe pastor, officers and mem-"jwehers are real busy now Retting1 Tr

things in shape for the annual ^U!conference whieffii convenes here

jLa-JLLa- undorsterid on the SOttr ofOctober.

To all friends and visitors,come aprain, you will he Riven a m

cordial welcome. I *



Rev. A. D. Daw kins. Pastor

Spartanburg.Sunday wus a

cjy. day for all church workersd should long be remembered inT-rinity. The weatIrol^Was~wa?m

d the attendance at both sereswaa good.Sunday School opened at 10lock. The Supt. and his co-workswere at their posts of duty,tor the class study of the lesthereview was conducted-byi Supt. The rally for the SunySchool wat . success. The Winrsin the contest were little Missorgia Young and Miss Curtisister. Little Miss Young raisedg highest amount over $T.50t andreived first prize, and little Missester received second prize.At 11:30 our morning servicesgan. The pastor, Rev. Dawkins,trttght to- us-tr powerful SCTOTOtt>m »St. John 3:5. Thia indeed waswonderful message and the concgationrejoiced in their soulsIvatlon. The doors of the churchre opened and two enme andnnectod themselves with thrristian army.At 4 o'clock the Junior-Steward-s Hoard met at the home of Mrs. Dawkins. A very inzestingbusiness meeting wasnducted by the president, Mrs,Blackman. After the business

ssion, the president of he Liveire club p.nd the Junior Steward?Board presented to the pastornice hat and a pair of shoes fori faithful service which he has

nr. lie \yas all in smile,, andjiked both of the clubs.At 5:30 o'clock a silver tea wasren at the home of Mrs. Senicanjarnin (ni Trinity St.. A largen>wd was present and enjoyedmsclves. This program wasonsored by tfae deaconess andL'wardess No. 1.rhe Dawkin's Boosters club held;ir meeting at 3 o'clock at theme of Mrs. Callie Reid JohnsonVernon St. A large group of

ting people attended. This" clubnsists <»f a group of youngriple and nr.- workinir harddn-theurch along with all the other2dliariea»i_7.

AtS o'clock we a-uoin found our

y back to the house of worshipti listened to a soui stirring serindelivered by our pastor fromvelation 7:17. This indeed was

c/ther wonderful message. Hecached as never before. No one1 tell when Rev. Dnwkins"veachhisclimax for every sermon'nis to be his best until anotherp is delivered. Surely he is a Godit man. We pray that he mayitinue to preach his word.We still have a few sick memonour list but they are inicA-ingnicely.


-Rev. I.. G. Bowman, Pastor

Last Sunday was our closingy for this conference year. Wev well pleased with the greatirk our pastor put ovr this yeartny souls have been convertedd quite a number have beended to the church. With no lectionon any of our pastorsra proceeded him Lnm happy toy that the church is in betteridition today than it has beena long time. Rev. Bowman isd Js known as a round pastord a great preacher. He haside many friends here and elseicre.His wife Mrs. Bowmand daughter Miss Helen are kindendbr~STfd Unassuming; haverked with us in our Sunday100I and Church program alls year. Our prayers go outtheir return.

Next Sunday afternoon at fourlock we, the Stewardesses ofards Nos. 1, ,'3", and 4 togethwithothers will meeT at thejrfh to greet our pastor andnily in ?v reception. Come, andng your friends; bring yourCeTdpp that was given to you byur leader. If you cannot comeid it for this is the last call.Ehe.Cotton Picking contest fluff>k place last Sunday was quitesuccess. Mrs. Mary R. Bowinwon the first prize and Mrs.nie Trapp won the secondize. These prizes will be awardnext Sunday at fhe reception,"our rnxtorOn the first Sunday there willpreaching in interest of the

ustees, each member is askedpay 25 cents.

fiss) .Tnnnie T-^e Boyd, reportei


The 10th grade and its superiorsponsored an amateur proamin chapel Wednesday night,o children nut on a wonderfuliplay of talent. It was quite a^cessfnl affair.A1 ton will nlav its first gnmehome Friday when we clash

Eh Howard high of Georgetown.There will he a serie<, of picturesiwn at the school beginningIV .Hia.T K I v (IIKI I M tl U V

ousrhout 15 week*?, showing onefure a week.the 4th errade end its sunerviscfrII conduct chapel exercises thisek. On Friday the class willesent "The "Return of OolumF

n**bc Palmetto l^eadei


j Professor S. C. Perry, PrincipalThe enrollment at Rcvt| Str<mt

iigh is still on the incrtasm. Ruralhifdren are stnr~pduTing" in'Trum 1

all sec£ifins_ of_the_cuuivty-^ -from t

Star, Iva, Pelzer, Helton and Jllonea Pcth. These parent* are to \

e praised for making the sairi- jices to send these children to high t

school. To my way of thinking the 1.greatest number of Negro boy.j 1and girls are lost.between thet r +graduating from seventh gis.k 1and entering eighth. Since w» do jnot have buses for transport'ti. fand many do not own cars, the \problem to the small village and (iurod chikl is: "Ilow mi v., 1 secure- ,s\vRaT is rightfully mine by law tA high school education ? J his is jsrow many solved it: |t

First, several parents go to- S

famish so much of the expenses. ASeocmd, liberal persons in cities w

open their home8 for rent and thechildren boc.rd themselves. Third, n

L -Greenwood county has tin use of ifProfessor Annwood's bus. <J

If these ways of sending'""your s<_ bayv and girls to high school do T

not appeal to you. think of another hway, but by alf mean Send llin «

i to High School, so he will he bet- oter fitted to face he demands "fthe new social and economic <vder nthr.t is sure to come after the \\a>\ s;

Let's have them wait inn, skilled pand prepared to face whatever t<coes. Send them in cars! On horse- elback! On wheels! Walking! Whatevt r the v.ay. SEND T1IHM: ^Reed Street-Blue Devils are sti!' j]

mowing them down. Laurens. S: ai- ,,d'ers high fell under the niiitht rpanzer attack 0-19. T1li-se 1k<v« Jhave a way of closing in for thekill that is just tcro exciting. They s,remind one of .Toe Louiv <0 mavln t>,MitW'j^ armv Thev keep tip lhi. ^pounding, driving until o\\r the "pline goes big "Monk" Harper for (ja touchdown.

f),Sorry S: ndors high had t<» do v._

like that Yon .nn-h<.nin (wtW-yn-r»know. Thanks for the warm hos-.. _!" pitalitv awarded by Profs. San- p- tiers Hhd .MathisT tfWe meet East End_JlielL stdii-Lol--yTit Seneca Wednesday nite. We'll '

let yoti know. a

Tli.. It...- I i.-ri-W.,% j

success. It shows how And. rscitizenswork together. The !went t>nt Wednesday of l~u>.t week ^for $J30 to put on a Scout expert *

f<>r tailored buys.- -The sehotrfsrchurches and individuals pledgeddifferent anu/unts. .Sunday after- 11

noun.these loyal citizens 1; id Titile table SI 12. Some did not re

port but have promised t<. j>;this week. Reed Street hiythrough her principal, pniWe work with our community.

Pauline J. Campbell, reporter ^*



Sumter. October 18- Prof. Eel- 1

dinanc! P. Abraham, head of theDepartment of Music of Morris p.11 ...... luuiiL'gc, jn useniA u ins iinuai v es- Mper- Musical on Sunday afternoon a

October l'Jth, on the campus, to ela ca | >ac i t y a utliencc Scores WT ITSu+ntt*rh*.-mrrst.prominent citizensand music lovers' were present in tladdition to the faculty and stu- }dent body.The program was very varied

and covered the mus|ical field from Chopin to spirituals.The- latter were speciallyarranged by Prof. Abraham whoalso created the.pantomine inter- PIpreting the sentimnts o f - the a"Holy City". His tie v nrvnnco. pi

"mcnt o? the spirituals was so w

daring, so original. so novel, and <hso happy that it is believed he has lecreated a new method, a new ap- ~Wpreciation, a new conception in Tlthis domain of -mcstr stNotwithstanding that on Sunidays in chapel applause _is for- Ci

bidden, the audience was s o topleased.arrd rtrtfaTiTeiT Thai iT'otburst into spontaneous and prolongedhand-clapping at fhe end H

__of the seance:.Ttm students "Thave had only slightly more than E3 weeks of training hut conduct- su

ed themselves nearly like voter- vians. Thy should be oongrntulat- «i

- tsb. The program fO"tt<V\vs": r" aI!

Prelude Op. 28. No. 7- Chopin "VProcessional.Largo Handel t!Doxology ' tlOpening Sentences T1Hymn Oh God. Our Help in Ages h;Past.Isaac Watts; Audience nhnd Choir V

In vocnt ii>n f'hunt"Praise the Lord".Maker; Choir ,..Eugene Pinson and Miss MaryL. Mcintosh, soloists a

Piano duet: "Salute to YburColors".Anthony;Misses Natha- ^ire ami .lermene «aunv ^

Spirituals: 0a. "Oyer My Head" ;Tb. "In Bright Mansions" pi4-r."If You Just.Hot I < hrf" ~iyChoir ^

h "AsTeep In The Deep".Petri; $Male Quartet, Benjamin * Rroek ^soloist ^

, a. "Where My Caravan Has Rested".Ijohr^b. "Absent".Maten If fl

Mixed Quartet Pa Vale.Russell .


b. "De Blind Man" SpiritualT[

Mr. Andrew Jenkins, guest soloist JHoly City.Adams

_Choir.Pant^niinc: Miaana.Cov. P

ington, Ham and Ret-ves aBenedictionRecessional. v

, Accompanists: Bentrieo Raines o

F. P. Abraham. !


MILLER CHAPELVt-MT E. C'lj CRCHRev. B. F. Sumpl it. Pastor

(lay at Millers. AIT.bsy-Hh-mnrrbrTStrrnt! iuTvantafe of~*\t.s. S. opened at the usual ho rvith the Supt., P: of. K. K. El:.ydhi.fc hiding. The loachwr-.v. i-re a*.heir post of duty. A lufee nnmierof scholars wore present. T..<esson was heaut ifully rev:- v. .1>y nnr" of our loyal in e 11.1m-t - v.;.o '

ulped to mala- Miller's ha- it '

s today m..of -M' -.foh"'earson who i- now- a n< r.f '

ill in in Chapel. ( );; >, .-I, IjWe thniikj.1 r. ..Ihl^utv-iW hi- U

4-r<a)R iHurmaTinn and 'h' h"die colhwtior v:n- ! -«»#« ( J«'o. 2 is haid to beat. i.old the haiioi of .tn. < i: t. S

Tilis rlh--.t-.r-TTTe-;:' '. tt1*"~TTr teachers Tn the city ;liss L. H. Ih.icti. she j«'ire in church anil inWe were well t. 1. >.-<1 at n..

t o.rn in service. It was ia!h.;i y. iJh. H iftons who i- p'-. Icnt of Allen university- «:s2he.<lule»l to preach at 11 o'clock,'o our crrent surprise cam.- Hi-,op Monroe H. Davis. In. 1*%.- 1:

onof Hnltiniore, Pi of. Carrot;f Columbia and Pivsiih n; II' o

ins with his well trailed chw.lir hearts lept for .ip.v--.-u hen-we-nv these most (listi:iii: h« <1 i « <.

le coming in. TtevnV I"- S p.:'f._x»ur pastor was in charge' ofto ceremonies. The choir upon.1 with IIolv. Iffly.Holy- a )'; -« -->

hich prayer was offered hy Mr.r. B. Butler; the choir strrrr TT-",-rother selection after which Dr.

--or' road" the "scrij t re 1<>n. Tlte pastor presented Pr<lent Higgins who in t.:m uh~.Mitod Bishop Monroe II, avis whoresidesover Virginia. Maryland'ml thr District- of ( oiumOiu. Tresenting Bishop Davis, Presi- jent Iligc'ins said lie could talkrer an hour telling the go d ahdorthn\'nile things Bishop Pavicas done-for the uplifting of hulanity.He fKeit ""arose and jjp-»Vl'l I'll }l IVfOtl Wonuerl ul 11.e» »;i gi> up front the f'O Psalm sin.- tv-.hh verse. So teach us to nam Ivy;r days thtit we tv.hv ripply ourI'jirts unto .wisdom. Bisltoo Dav. theld the whole congr/fra! iortoll bound. The messa-o wasill of inspiration.. and thought.veryotie has- sontefrrirtg "tr5' 'tliiTTk'LQX- from this _wonde rl*ud -rftn:t»rr>'o thank President Hi'.'_ ir ~ furis cominff and Prof. C, (;a> .

u fm nskliv/ r.Is}i 1 >.-.\ ;^ in-."rauson who is Prosi<!ir;Hlderf the Mnrvlnr.d district, to C 'lia>inus to hi-lp put our pro/ramtrr. It meant and added soinch to our rally. Dr. F r-Wsonnd Prof. Garrett too cave usmm helpful a:ul useful re-mark".

reare proud to say all of theserent and noble men are nativesf South Carolina.» Wo also thankie director and"choir.-of Allen ^niversity for the sweet .music .

Tey rendered. Come ayain. Mirealways triad tin have.yiHi-.We were also clad t<> >"e Mr. ^

earsi-n. Mrs. Lillie Glnuden and ,

liss Kuinui Goudlock wasilh us in Sunday school andlurch service. Total cul..cU-ii -for the 'lay was SMiir>.uie thank all who participated in

:is great effort for wo went over

lo top.

ST. I'll I I.I!' \. M. i:. Nl\\<

rilip A'.'-M- ~Kv c'liVt^eh..Art {rrrrtTwonderfulSail.lay S. -. tInro.Tho Su[>;,...J"ikti« wi-iv at their post o fity. A wonderful review nr. tho fssun by tho Pastor. KoV. T. H.'oiUh.-l's:.A tttT'TTrt f "ItOoli,(n.ho Soiiior class is now in possesion<-f tho banner.Awarm prayer service was

inducted, by ..the prayer commit-

e, brother1 IsAre .ToTr,<"u nrd '

After a few announcements Ib-venry Johnson preached a w

rfnl seimon trom St. John 3:3.vrybody enjoyed a Wonderfulunion. After the morning sor-

ice ten minutes recess was tak-r At 2:30 I, m RoV- hardenfill Ills choir retuleleiT service,is in. ssagi was-; ( onie Sec a 5lan That Can Tell Voa Every- i

r\:i r » fiinir 1 om r.vci imu. i> i;ii> imh

H- Christ. St. John -i:2'.1. Rov. (lardeii is really a preacher senty God. Did not enrhea' ts !v;n Is ho poured out God's words, jdo hope for him find his choirn early return. Ar tho close _jfTr^TTnTTHm^wT^^vonTitito our i

illy: Pickine Cotton co-dost. Tholuhs nil did tino. Thoy r> porteds follows:St. Philip club, Mrs. Mao P>.

lorris. SI.90: <iood Will oluh.Irs. Raner Dovoaux. S'.-'i'l: Gold-n Star oluh. Miss Ora R. Wash-leton. SI.GO; On Time ol h. Mr>

Irs. Ruth E. Jonos, $0.2o; S in- 4hino club. Mrs. .Rosa -Gromi.- i

1.30; Busv Ree club. Mrs Rrusn,. Kitt. S2.29: Willing Workers.Irs. Mamie E Hinton 521.27; '

'ommunity oluh. Miss Florenceakin. 51,07. Total 510.00, Grand ^atal for the day salary plus sup. ^nrt 880 .ia (Sunday even inc. 3:30 p.m. Row i

Veathors and rhoir will worshin it RoulnTf Baptist oht:roh Rov. iR Barber. pastor. ySundnv nipht 7:00 p. m. the i

trown- Profhcr* rpiaitot will ~jt St. Philip. yTho fnnoral of si«tor I.aura Poeauxwill ho Tuesday at two'clock at St. Philip.

M. E. Hinton. reporter.

i'utrrvrs attendHOW \|(|) N< HOOI.'S J-'lHST'' i. v mi;i;tin<;

! "' <'! ' * U. f if" Oft'tnr'';, at H,v.nrd 5cho.'.l'.' l'i(.V,. iI;.j !" (,,vi

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I You Too Can Hav^LET THE (


"- W <»#»FORMULA


How You Can Grow LCertain parts of the body prow to a err

y Hair Crows always if you keep your sea

^ Itching. When you scratch your scalp y

HAIR WILL NUI bHUThere are no sweat glands in sores or

by nature to make certain outgrowthswell. Hair is produced by our scalp skmlittle place in the true skin. If you dyou may feel all right, but nothing w

I A scar is not skin. You will never finsore. Hair grows from the cells c

not look after these hair bulbs, ,hair v

There are two glands to each hair to ppliable, keeps it fium het'orntrrpr Unrulya muscle which is attached to its Hairhealthy hatr,- vote must help nature TS 1

in-good conditihfi. Keep it clean, soft ar

ilf you are1 suffering with head cores

complete treatment or you will lose y<wording properly and piarnntee yourilong growing hair, give yourself a coni|

Complete Nu-Halr Scalp 1Nu-Halr Besqro Formula

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-p. ~

^Ro^ifi?ui Kr»ir ^

ong, Healthy Hair ^lain size anil no further, whereas. Jfip iir.imi,. .

oil make sores and sears.

>W FROM A SCAR ] ~scars. 7 he body is pt\en |»mfr

of « which we all know \eryKa> h Hair Grows from a special

e»!roy or mutilate this true skin (ill ever form another true skin, t

d a hair prowinp from a sear or

if the hair bulbs. If you dorill become brittle and lueak off. 'iroduce oil that keeps it soft andind from" crack in p. t.very hair h a *

Root. In order to have attractive. ^^

Crow^TTalr T7y~Terj>in£. your scalp 1id eliminate itcbinp and dandruff, i

or sear* do not delay taking our \lur hair. To keep your hair cells Mvelf a healthy, beautiful head of'plete Nu Hair Treatment.'

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