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PAINTING - Engineering Before buying the paint in bulk, it is recommended to obtain sample of paint

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Page 1: PAINTING - Engineering Before buying the paint in bulk, it is recommended to obtain sample of paint



Page 2: PAINTING - Engineering Before buying the paint in bulk, it is recommended to obtain sample of paint






No. MEC/S/1901/11/38/0/00/00/F1889/R2 JULY, 2007

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General Technical Specification

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CONTENTS Sl. No. Description Page No.










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01 GENERAL 01.01 This spec i f ica t ion covers the mater ia ls , too ls , fac i l i t ies and qua l i t y

requ irement for sur face preparat ion and pa int ing of s teel s t ruc tures , equipment , p ip ing, ducts , chutes , wood work etc .

01.02 This is only a genera l gu ide l ine of the pa int ing scheme to be fo l lowed by

the Tenderer . However , in case a spec i f ic paint ing procedure is s t ipu la ted in any tender ing spec i f ica t ion , then th is genera l gu idel ine sha l l be superceded. Any spec ia l case which may ar ise f rom t ime to t ime sha l l be deal t w i th ind iv idual l y on the mer i t o f each case

01.03 The term “paint ing” re fer red here in covers rus t prevent ive, fungus/ insects

prevent ive and decorat ive coat ing a long wi th sur face protec t ion of the fo l lowing area but not l im i ted to the areas ind icated below.

i ) St ruc tura l s tee l works i i ) Mechanical equ ipment i i i ) E lec t r ica l equipment iv) Ins t rumentat ion and contro l equ ipment . v) Pipe work v i ) Oxygen p lant , e tc .

01.04 Sur faces made of asbestos , a lum inum, brass, bronze, ga lvan ized s teel ,

s ta in less s teel , cas t i ron and other cor ros ion res is tant a l loys and rubber /s yn thet ic po lymer / f iber re inforcement p las t ic and bur ied p ipe work are no t required to be pa in ted un less spec i f ied except for aes thet ic purposes or for ident i f icat ion bands , wherever re levant .

01.05 The complete pa in t sys tem for any i tem inc ludes the fo l lowing bas ic

ac t iv i t ies : i ) Proper sur face preparat ion i i ) Appl icat ion of pr imer coats i i i ) Appl icat ion of in termediate coats iv) Appl icat ion of f in ished coats Al l the above coats sha l l be of qua l i t y paint products and of approved make. The scope of work shal l a lso inc lude supp ly of a l l pa int mater ia ls as per spec i f icat ion desc r ibed here in.

01.06 I f the contrac tor des ires to adopt a l terna t ive pa int s ys tem for any spec i f ic i tem for an improvement or equ iva lent to the s ys tem spec i f ied here- in or as per recommendat ions of paint manufacturer , may do so subjec t to purchaser ’s approva l in advance.

02 SURFACE PREPARATION 02.01 Sur face preparat ion required for pa int appl ica t ion , sha l l be such as to

c lean the sur face thorough ly of any mater ia l wh ich wi l l be conduc ive to premature fa i lure of the paint subs trates .

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02.02 Al l sur faces sha l l be c leaned of loose substances, and fore ign mater ia ls , such as d i r t , rus t , scale, o i l , grease, weld ing f lux , e tc . in order that the pr ime coat is r ig id l y anchored to the v i rg in meta l sur face. The sur face prepara t ion sha l l conf i rm to p ic tor ia l representat ion of sur face qua l i t y grade of Swed ish Standards Ins t i tu t ion SIS – 055900 or equ iva lent s tandards such as SSPC – VIS – 1 .67 or DIN 55928(Par t 4) or BS 4232 or IS 1477 – 1971 (Par t I )

02.03 The acceptab le sur face prepara t ion qual i t y / grade are descr ibed under

each paint sys tem. The procedures inc lude so lvent c lean ing, hand too l c lean ing, power too l c leaning , b las t c leaning , wood sur face c lean ing, f lame c lean ing and p ick l ing. This wi l l ensure sur face qua l i t y as requ ired by the spec i f ic pr imer paint . For ready reference sur face preparat ion qual i t y grade to be adopted in respect of SIS 055900 and DIN 55928 (par t -4) is g iven in Annexure-01.

02.03 .01 Solvent Cleaning

The sur face sha l l be c leaned by wip ing, immers ion , spraying or vapour contac t ing of a su i tab le so lvent or washing wi th an emuls ion or a lka l ine solut ion to remove o i l , grease, d i r t , o ld pa int , e tc . Solvent c lean ing sha l l not remove rus t , scales , m i l l sca les or we ld f lux . Therefore, before appl ica t ion of pa int , so lvent c lean ing shal l be fo l lowed by other c lean ing procedures as s ta ted in subsequent c lauses.

02.03 .02 Hand Tool Cleaning

The sur face sha l l be c leaned manua l ly by v igorous wire brush ing as per grade St-2 qual i t y of Swed ish Standard Ins t i tu t ion SIS 055900 and DIN 555928. Th is method ef fec t ive l y removes loose ly adherent mater ia ls , but wou ld not af fec t res idues of rus t or m i l l scales tha t are in tac t are f i rm ly adherent . F ina l ly the sur face is to be c leaned wi th a vacuum c leaner or wi th c lean compressed a i r or wi th c lean brush. Af ter preparat ion the sur face sha l l have a fa int meta l l ic sh ine. The appearance shal l cor respond to the pr in ts des ignated St – 2.

02.03 .03 Power Tool C leaning The sur face shal l be c leaned by e lec t r ic or pneumat ic too ls , such as brushes, sand ing machines, d isc abras ive gr inder , ro tar y d isc scaler etc . to St – 3 qua l i t y. The too ls sha l l be used carefu l l y to prevent excess ive roughen ing of sur face and format ion of r idges and burrs . This method wi l l remove loose ly adherent mater ia ls bu t wou ld not af fec t res idues of rus t or m i l l sca les that are f i rm ly adherent and in tac t .

02.03 .04 Blast C leaning

The sur face shal l be c leaned by impingement of abras ive mater ia ls , such as graded sand at h igh ve loc i t y c reated by c lean and dr y compressed a i r b las t as per the grade accord ing to Swedish Standard Ins t i tu t ion SIS 055900 .This method wi l l remove loose ly adherent mater ia ls as we l l as adherent sca les and m i l l sca les . Pr ior to appl ica t ion of b las t , heavy depos i t o f o i l and grease are removed by solvent c lean ing excess ive

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sur face scales are removed by hand too ls or power too l c leaning . The ex tent of removal o f adherent scales is var ied, depend ing on the appl ica t ion and are def ined by the sur face qual i t y grades Sa1, Sa2, Sa2.5 and Sa3 in the order of increas ing c lean l iness. The b las t c lean ing is not recommended for sheet meta l work .

02.03 .05 Flame Cleaning The sur face is c leaned by rap id heat ing by means of ox yacetylene f lame

to loosen the adherent sca les , fo l lowed immediate l y by wire brush ing. This method wi l l remove loose ly adherent mater ia ls as we l l as most of the adherent sca les and m i l l scales . In order to m in im ize or prevent d is tor t ion f lame cut t ing shal l no t be used on members having th ickness of 6 mm and lower .

02.03 .06 Pickl ing In th is method the sur face is c leaned of m i l l scales , rus t or rus t scales by

chemical reac t ion or e lec t ro l ys is or both.

03. PAINT APPLICAT ION 03.01 Paints 03.01 .01 Pa in t sha l l be appl ied in accordance wi th pa in t manufacturer ’s

recommendat ions. The work sha l l genera l l y fo l low IS 1477 – 1971 (Par t I I ) for jobs car r ied ou t in Ind ia and SSPC-PA-1 or D IN 55928 or equ iva lent for jobs car r ied ou t ou ts ide India.

03.01 .02 Genera l compat ib i l i t y be tween pr imer and f in ish ing pa in ts sha l l be

es tabl ished by the pa int manufacturer supp ly ing the paints . 03.01 .03 In the event of conf l i c t be tween th is genera l procedure on paint ing and

the pa in t manufacturer ’s spec i f icat ion, the same shal l be immediate l y brought to the no t ice of the Purchaser . Genera l l y in cases of such conf l ic ts , manufacturer ’s spec i f icat ions/ recommendat ions sha l l preva i l .

03.01 .04 Before buying the pa in t in bu lk , i t is recommended to obta in sample of

pa in t and es tab l ish “Contro l Area of Paint ing” . On Contro l Area , sur face prepara t ion and paint ing sha l l be car r ied ou t .

03.01 .05 I f requ ired, samples of pa int sha l l be tes ted in laborator ies to es tabl ish

qual i t y of pa int wi th respec t to : ( i ) V iscos i t y ( i i ) Adhes ion/Bond of pa int in s tee l sur faces ( i i i ) Adhes ion/S imulated sal t spray tes t . ( iv) Chemica l analys is (percentage of so l ids by we ight) (v) Normal wear res is tance as encountered dur ing hand l ing & erec t ion. (v i ) Res is tance aga ins t exposure to ac id fumes, etc . 03.01 .06 W hole quant i t y of pa int for a par t icu lar sys tem of paint sha l l be obta ined

f rom the same manufacturer .

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03.01 .07 The main Contrac tor sha l l be respons ib le for supp ly of pa ints and th is

respons ib i l i t y sha l l no t be passed on to the sub-contrac tor . 03.01 .08 The paint ing mater ia l as de l ivered to the Contrac tor , must be in the

manufacturer ’s or ig inal conta iner bear ing thereon manufacturer ’s name brand and descr ip t ion . Pa int /Pa int ing mater ia l in conta iners wi thout labels or wi th i l leg ib le labe ls shal l be re jec ted, removed f rom the area and shal l not be used.

03.01 .09 Thinners wherever used sha l l be those recommended by the pa in t

manufacturers and sha l l be obta ined in conta iners wi th manufacturer ’s name and brand name of th inner leg ib l y pr in ted, fa i l ing wh ich the th inner is l iab le to be re jec ted and shal l no t be used.

03.01 .10 Al l pa int conta iners sha l l be c lear l y labe led to show the paint

iden t i f icat ion, da te o f manufacture, ba tch number , spec ia l ins t ruc t ion, she l f l i fe e tc . The conta iner shal l be opened on ly at the t ime of use.

03.01 .11 Al l pa ints shal l be s tored in accordance wi th the requ irements of la id

down procedure by the pa int manufacturer . 03.01 .12 Al l ingred ients in a paint con ta iner sha l l be thorough ly m ixed to break -up

lumps and d isperse p igments before use and dur ing app l icat ion to mainta in homogene i t y.

03.01 .13 The proposed make, qua l i t y and shade of the paint shal l have the approva l o f the c l ien t .

03.01 .14 The colour code of the f in ish ing pa in t to be fo l lowed sha l l be in t imated to

the successfu l Tenderer af ter f ina l isa i ton of order . The undercoat sha l l have d i f ferent t in t to d is t ingu ish the same f rom the f in ish ing coat .

03.01 .15 The Contrac tor sha l l furn ish pa int manufac turer ’s tes t repor t or technica l

data sheet per ta in ing to the pa int se lec ted . The data sheet sha l l ind icate among other th ings the re levant s tandards , i f any, compos i t ion in we ight percent of p igments , veh ic les , add i t ives , dry ing t ime, v iscos i t y, spread ing rate , f lash po int , method of app l icat ion, qual i t y of sur face preparat ion requ ired, cor ros ion res is tance proper t ies and co lour shades ava i lab le .

03.01 .16 For deta i ls of pa int mater ia ls refer Annexure - 02 03.02 General 03.02 .01 Each coat of pa in t sha l l be cont inuous, f ree of pores and of even f i lm

th ickness wi thout th in spots . 03.02 .02 Each coat of pa int shal l be suf f ic ient l y dr y before app l icat ion of next coa t . 03.02 .03 Pa in t shal l be app l ied at manufacturer ’s recommended ra tes . The number

of coats sha l l be such that the m in imum dry f i lm th ickness spec i f ied is ach ieved. The dr y f i lm th ickness of painted sur faces shal l be checked wi th ELCOMETER of measur ing gauges to ensure app l icat ion of spec i f ied DFT.

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03.02 .04 Z inc r ich pr imer pain ts wh ich have been exposed severa l months before f in ish ing coat is app l ied sha l l be washed down thorough ly to remove solub le z inc sa l t depos i ts .

03.02 .05 The machine f in ished sur faces sha l l be coated wi th wh i te lead and ta l low

before sh ipment or be fore being put ou t in to the open a i r . 03.02 .06 Areas wh ich become inaccess ib le af ter assemble sha l l be painted before

assembly (af ter obta in ing paint ing c learance f rom the inspect ing author i t y) a f ter requ is i te sur face c lean ing as spec i f ied .

03.02 .07 Pa in t sha l l no t be appl ied when the ambient tempera ture is 5 deg C and

be low or 45 deg C and above. Also pa int shal l not be app l ied in ra in , wind, fog or at re lat ive humidi ty of 80 % and above un less the manufacturer ’s recommendat ions perm it . Appl icat ions of pa in t sha l l be on ly be spraying or brush ing as per IS 486 – 1983 and IS 487 – 1985.

03.02 .08 Pr imer pa int shal l be appl ied no t la ter than 2 – 3 hours af ter preparat ion

of sur face, un less spec i f ied o therwise. 03.02 .09 Edges, corners , c rev ices, depress ions, jo in ts and we lds sha l l rece ive

spec ia l a t tent ion to ensure that they rece ive pa int ing coats of the requ ired th ickness.

03.02 .10 Sur faces wh ich cannot be painted bu t requ i re pro tec t ion sha l l be g iven a

coat of rus t inh ib i t i ve grease accord ing to IS 958 – 1975 or so lvent depos i ted compound accord ing to IS 1153 – 1975 or IS 1674 – 1960.

03.02 .11 Sur faces in contac t dur ing shop assembly sha l l not be pa inted. Sur faces

wh ich wi l l be inaccess ib le af ter assembly shal l rece ive m in imum two coats of spec i f ied pr imer .

03.02 .12 Sur faces to be in contac t wi th wood, br ick or other masonry shal l be g iven

one shop-coat of the spec i f ied pr imer . 03.03 Site/Field Paint ing 03.03 .01 W herever shop pr imer pa int ing is scratched, abraded or damaged, the

sur face sha l l be thorough ly c leaned us ing emery paper and power dr iven wire brush wherever warran ted, and touched up wi th cor respond ing pr imer . Touch ing up pa in t sha l l be matched and b lended to e l im ina te consp icuous marks .

03.03 .02 I f more than 50% of the pa inted sur face o f an i tem requires repa ir , the

ent i re i tem sha l l be mechanical l y c leaned and new pr imer coats sha l l be appl ied fo l lowed by in termediate and f in ish ing coats as per pa in t ing spec i f icat ion.

03.03 .03 Al l f ie ld we lded areas on shop pa inted i tems shal l be mechan ica l l y

c leaned ( inc lud ing the we ld area proper , ad jacent areas contaminated by we ld spat ter or fumes and areas where ex is t ing pr imer paint is burnt ) .

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Subsequent l y, new pr imer and f in ish ing coats of pa int sha l l be appl ied as per pa int ing spec i f icat ion.

03.03 .04 The f i rs t coat of f in ish paint a t s i te sha l l be appl ied preferab le wi th in three

months of the shop pa in t . 03.04 Structural

03.04 .01 Al l fabr icated s teel s t ruc ture, fabr icated s tee l p ipes, etc . sha l l have a

m in imum of two coats of pr imer paint before d ispatch to s i te . 03.04 .02 Par ts of s tee l s t ruc tures embedded in concrete sha l l be g iven a protec t ive

coat of Por t land cement s lur ry immediate l y af ter fabr icat ion and af ter sur faces of th is par t i s thorough ly c leaned f rom grease, rus t , m i l l sca les , etc . No paint sha l l be appl ied on th is par t .

03.04 .03 Al l s t ruc tures sha l l rece ive appropr ia te number of pr imer and f in ish ing

coats in order to achieve overa l l DFT as per des ign drawings/spec i f icat ion .

03.05 Hot Surfaces 03.05 .01 Tota l DFT for heat res is tant pa in ts shou ld not exceed 100 – 120 m icrons,

otherwise f lak ing occurs (as per pa in t manufacturer ’s recommendat ions) . 03.05 .02 Heat res is tan t pa ints shou ld be app l ied by brush. 03.05 .03 Pr imer coat shou ld not be app l ied on the sur faces hav ing tempera ture

cond i t ion more that 120 deg C. 04 PAINTING SCHEMES

For a complete paint ing scheme of any i tem being pr in ted, a l l t ypes of pa in ts are to be procured f rom the same manufacturer as approved by the purchaser .

04.01 Legend SP - Sur face preparat ion qua l i t y as per SIS s tandard 2P1 - Two (2) coats of Pr imer paint t ype P1

1I1 - One (1) coats of In termediate pa in t t ype I1 2F1 - Two (2) coats of F in ish pa int t ype F1 DFT - Dry F i lm Thickness in m icrons developed CRT- Clean and Retouch Type of pa int products l ike P1 to P9, I1 to I4 and F1 to F10 have been spec i f ied under Annexure-02.

04.02 The pa in t ing scheme to be fo l lowed fo r var ious s t ruc ture/equ ipment exposed to d i f ferent condi t ion is br ie f ly g iven in Annexure-03 for guidance to the tenderer .

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04.03 The colour code for d i f feren t app l icat ions are ind icated in Annexure-04 . W herever co lour codes are not spec i f ied, the same is to be mutual l y agreed between the Purchaser and Contrac tor .

05. GUARANTEE 05.01 The Contrac tor shal l guarantee tha t the phys ica l and chemical p roper t ies

of the pa int mater ia ls conform wi th the spec i f icat ion of paint products . 05.02 The Contrac tor shal l submit in terna l tes t repor ts f rom paint manufacturers

regard ing the qual i t y of pa int whenever asked by the Purchaser /Consu l tan t .

05.03 Guarantee per iod sha l l commence f rom the date of complet ion of f in ish ing

coat of pa int . The guarantee per iod wi l l be ind icated depending on the type of sur face prepara t ion and s ys tem of paint ing. To fu l f i l l th is ob l iga t ions the Contrac tor may ob ta in f rom the pa in t ing manufacturer , guarantee for the per formance of pa int /pa in ted sur faces.

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Annexure-01 Surface Preparation Grade

Sl. No. Surface Preparation Swedish Std

SIS 055900 DIN Std. Din

55928 (Part 4) 1 Blast cleaning to white metal Removal of all visible rusts, mill-scales, paint and

foreign matters. Sa 3 Sa 3

2 Blast cleaning to near white metal: 95% of any section of surface area is free from all

rusts, mill-scales and visible residues. Sa 2.5 Sa 2.5

3 Blast cleaning to commercial quality: At least 2/3 of any section of the surface area is free

from all rusts, mill-scales and visible residues. Sa 2 Sa 2

4 Brush-off blast cleaning: Removal of all loose mill-scales, rust and foreign

matters etc. Sa 1 Sa 1

5 Power tool cleaning: Very thorough scrapping and wire brushing to

remove loose mill-scale, rust and foreign matters to have pronounced metallic shine.

St 3 St 3

6 Hand tool cleaning: Removal by hand brushing of loose mill-scale, loose

rust and foreign matters. St 2 St 2

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Annexure - 02 PAINT M ATERIALS

01. PRIMER PAINTS (P) Pr imer paint products sha l l be app l ied on ly on dr y and c lean sur faces. 01.01 Primer Paint – P1 (Phenol ic – Alkyd Based) A s ing le pack a i r dry ing pheno l ic modi f ied a lk yd compos i t ion wi th z inc

phosphate as a pr imer pa int conform ing genera l l y to IS : 2074.

Air drying time - About 60 minutes (touch dry)

- Overnight (hard dry)

Dry film thickness (DFT)/Coat - 40 microns (min)

Temperature resistance - Upto 1000C dry heat

01.02 Primer Paint – P2 (Chlororubber Based) A s ing le pack a i r drying h igh bu i ld ch lor ina ted rubber based z inc

phosphate pr imer .

Percent chlororubber - 20 to 22 (% Chlorine above 65% in chlororubber)

Air drying time - About 15 minutes (touch dry) - Overnight (hard dry)

DFT/ Coat - 50 microns (min)

Temperature resistance - Up to 650 C dry heat

01.03 Primer Paint – P3 (PVC Copolymer Alkyd Based)

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) - Alkyd zinc phosphate – redoxide based primer

Ratio : PVC copolymer + alkyd resin (1:1)

Pigments : Zinc phosphate & Fillers

Air drying time - 24 hours

DFT/Coat - 80 microns

Temperature resistance - Upto 800C dry heat

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01.04 Primer Paint – P4 (Epoxy Based) A two pack a i r dr ying Epoxy po lyamide res in based red ox ide-z inc

phosphate pr imer .

Epoxy content (% wt.) - 15 to 18

Air drying time - -

About 30 minutes (touch dry) overnight (hard dry)

DFT/Coat - 30 microns (min)

Temperature resistance - Upto 1200C dry heat

01.05 Primer Paint – P5 (Epoxy Based) A two pack a i r dr ying Epoxy po lyamide wi th zinc dust of a t leas t 92% zinc

dust on the dr y f i lm

Epoxy content (% wt.) - 8 to 10

Air drying time -

Less than 10 minutes (touch dry) Less than 2 hours (hard dry)

DFT/Coat - 40 microns (min)

Temperature resistance - Upto 3000C dry heat

01.06 Primer Paint – P6 (Poly – Vinyl Butyral Resin Based) A two pack a i r dr ying po lyv inyl butyra l res in based wash pr imer wi th rus t

inh ib i t ive p igments .

Air drying time - -

5 to 7 minutes (touch dry) 2 hours (hard dry)

DFT/Coat - 8 microns

Temperature resistance - Upto 650C dry heat

Application for - Galvanised iron, aluminium, light alloys etc. on which the adhesion of conventional paints are poor.

01.07 Primer Paint – P7 (Ethyl Zinc Silicate, EZS Based).

A two pack heavy du ty z inc dust r ich s i l icate pr imer wh ich protec ts the sur face wi th jus t a s ingle coat .

Tota l so l ids (3 wt) - 84 +/- 2 Dens ity ( g / cc ) - 3.07 +/- 0.05

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A ir drying t ime - To top coat 16 hours DFT / coat - 60 microns Temperature res istance - Upto 450 deg C dry heat

01.08 Primer Paint – P8 (High Bui ld Coal Tar Epoxy) A two pack cold cured H.B. epoxy coal tar coat ing – no pr imer is required. Mix ing rat io - Base: Hardener (4:1by vol .) A ir drying t ime - 48 hours (hard dry) Ful l cure 7 days DFT / Coat - 100 microns 01.09 Wood Varnish-P9

Treated o i l based pr imer p igmented wi th su itab le p igments : A ir drying t ime - 16 hours for appl icat ion of top coat . Coverage - 10 to 14 sq. m/l i t re


These paints shal l be appl ied over pr imer coats as an in termediate layer to provide weather proof seal of pr imer coats.

02.01 Intermediate Paint - I I ( Phenol ic alkyd based)

A s ingle pack high bui ld phenol ic based paint with micaceous i ron ox ide (M10) . A ir Drying T ime - 4 to 6hours ( touch dry) - 2 days (hard dry) DFT /Coat - 75 microns (min) Temperature res istance - Upto 100 deg C dry heat Compat ib le wi th - Pr imer P1

02.02 Intermediate Paint - I2 (Chlororubber based)

A s ingle pack a ir drying h igh bui ld ch loro based paint wi th MIO. Air Drying T ime - 15 minutes ( touch dry)

- 24 hours (hard dry) DFT/Coat - 70 microns (min)

Temperature res istance - Upto 65 deg C dry heat Compat ib le wi th - Pr imer P2,P3 & P4

02.03 Intermediate Paint - I3 (PVC – Alkyd Based)

PVC Coploymer - Res in 1 : 1 Pigments - Micaceous iron ox ide (MIO) DFT/Coat - 80 microns (min)

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Temperature res istance - Upto 80 deg C dry heat Compat ib le wi th - Pr imer P2 & P3

02.04 Intermediate paint- I4

A two pack a ir drying h igh bui ld epoxy res in based paint wi th MIO. Air drying t ime - 6 to 8 hours ( touch dry) - 7 days ( fu l l cure) DFT / coat - 100 microns Temperature res istance - Up to 1800C dry heat Compat ib le wi th - Pr imer P4 & P5 03. FINISH PAINTS (F) F in ish paint cos ts shal l be app l ied over pr imer coats and in termedia te

coats af ter proper c lean ing and touch up of pr imed sur face. 03.01 Finish Paint – F1 A s ing le pack a i r dry ing h igh g loss pheno l ic a lk yd modi f ied synthe t ic

enamel paint su i tab ly p igmented.

Air drying time - -

3 to 4 hours (touch dry) 24 hours (hard dry)

DFT/Coat - 25 microns (min)

Temperature resistance - Upto 1000C dry heat

Compatible with - Primer P1 Intermediate I1


- Generally all shades

03.02 Finish Paint – F2 A s ing le pack a i r dr ying po lyure thane enamel of h igh g loss and hard f in ish

sui tab ly p igmented.

Air drying time - -

2 to 2 ½ hours (touch dry) 6 hours (hard dry)

DFT/Coat - 30 microns (min)

Temperature resistance - Upto 1000C dry heat

Compatible with - Primer P1 & P8 and Intermediate I1


- Generally all shades

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03.03 Finish Paint – F3 A two pack a i r drying b i tum inous a lum inum pa in t .

Air drying time - -

1 to 2 hours (touch dry) 21 hours (hard dry)

DFT/Coat - 25 microns (min)

Temperature resistance - Upto 1000C dry heat

Compatible with - Primer P1 and Intermediate I1


- Bright metallic

03.04 Finish Paint – F4 A ready m ixed o i l -a lkyd based s yn thet ic enamel pa int o f h igh g loss and

hard wear ing proper t ies .

Air drying time -

6 to 8 hours

Coverage - 14 to 16 Sq. m /litre

Temperature resistance - Upto 600C dry heat

Compatible with - P8


- Generally all shades

03.05 Finish Paint – F5 A s ingle pack a i r dr ying p las t ic ized ch lororubber pa int su i tab ly p igmented.

Air drying time - -

30 minutes (touch dry) 24 hours (hard dry)

DFT/Coat - 35 microns (min)

Temperature resistance - Upto 650C dry heat

Compatible with - Primer P2 & P3, Intermediate I2 & I3


- Nearly all shades except few.

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03.06 Finish Paint – F6 A PVC – Copo lymer a lk yd based enamel.

Density -

1.17 + 0.05

Total solids (1 wt)

- 55 + 2

DFT/Coat - 40 microns

Compatible with - P2 and P3 03.07 Finish Paint – F7 A two pack a i r drying epoxy polyamide enamel su i tab ly p igmented.

Air drying time - -

2 to 3 hours (touch dry) 7 days (full cure)

DFT/Coat - 40 microns (min)

Temperature resistance - Up to 1300C dry heat

Compatible with - Primer P4 & P5, Intermediate I4


- Generally all shades.

03.08 Finish Paint – F8 A s ingle pack syn thet ic rubber based a lum in ium pa in t .

Air drying time - -

2 hours (touch dry) 24 hours (hard dry)

DFT/Coat - 25 microns (min)

Temperature resistance - Upto 2000C dry heat

Compatible with - No Primer paint except primer P6 is applicable in case of non-ferrous substrate.


- Smooth aluminium.

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Painting Scheme Sl.

No. Description

At Shop At Site Total DFT

1.0 Steel Structures (Temp. not exceeding 800C)

(Refer Note-1)

1.1 Technological steel structures for plant and equipment


SP – Sa 2.5 2P1




SP – Sa 2.5 2P1 1I1



1.2 Fabricated steel structures at site for rung ladders, cat-ladders, gates, rolling shutters, etc. (Springs/rubbing surfaces excluded)

- Indoor / Outdoor

SP – St-2 and/ or St-3 2P1



1.3 Walkways, stairs, platforms etc. which are of wearing surface

- Indoor

SP – St-2 and/ or St-3 2P1



- Outdoor

SP- St2 and/ or St-3 2P1 1I1



1.4 Steel doors and windows

- Indoor / outdoor

SP–St-2 and / or St-3

2P1 1I1



Painting Scheme Sl.

No. Description At Shop At Site Total DFT


2.1 Mechanical equipment (Temp. not exceeding 800C)

2.1.1 Static equipment like storage tanks, vessels, bins, bunkers, heat exchangers, coolers,

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Painting Scheme Sl. No. Description At Shop At Site

Total DFT

cyclones, scrubbers, etc.

- Indoor

SP – Sa 2.5 2P2/2P3

CRT 2F5/2F6


- Outdoor

SP – Sa 2.5 2P2/2P3+1I2/1I3

CRT 2F5/2F6


2.1.2 Rotary/moving equipment and machineries like crushers, mills, vibratory screens, bin activators, blowers, fan, air/gas compressors, pumps, gear boxes, machine housings etc.

- Indoor

SP – Sa 2.5 2P3/2P4

CRT 2F6/2F7


- Outdoor SP-Sa 2.5 2P3 + 1I3/1I4

CRT 2F6/2F7


Painting Scheme Sl.

No. Description At Shop At Site Total DFT

3.0 Pipe / Duct work (Overground)

3.1 Non – insulated (temperature up to 800C)

- Indoor SP – St2 and or St3




- Outdoor SP – St2 and / or St3

2P1 + 1I1




Insulated (hot)

- Indoor/Outdoor

SP- St2 and/ or St3


Remove paint and insulate

Painting Scheme Sl.

No. Description At Shop At Site Total DFT

4.0 Oxygen Plant

4.1 Outdoor steel structures

SP – St2 and / or St3


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Painting Scheme Sl. No. Description At Shop At Site

Total DFT

2P1 + 1I1 2F3 205 4.2 Rotary equipment like air compressors Sa 2.5

2P4 CRT 2F7


5.0 Others

5.1 Standard mobile equipment like chasis of trucks, dumpers, crawler cranes bulldozers, railway rakes, chasis of slag cars, ladle cars, etc.

As per manufacturer’s standards

5.2 Laboratory equipment like ovens, screens, magnetic stirrers, samplers, etc.

Stove enamelling CRT



Steel structures partly immersed in water

SP – Sa 2.5 2P8

CRT 200

Notes: - 1 . Pa in t ing scheme of a l l fabr ica ted s tee l s t ruc tures , fabr icated p ipe work , bu i ld ing

s t ruc ture, conveyor gal ler ies , p ipe t res t les etc . is ind ica ted in the Techn ica l Spec i f icat ion of s tee l s t ruc tures .

2 . Pr imer Pa in t Pr imer coat sha l l be sui tab le for in tended temperature app l icat ions as per

manufacturer ’s recommendat ion. The pr imer se lec t ion sha l l be genera l l y in l ine wi th the spec i f icat ion la id down in Annexure-02.

3 . F in ish Pa int In case of A lum in ium c ladd ing f ina l pa in t ing wi l l not be required .

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COLOUR CODE The colour codes are mentioned for all the items including pipe work. Shades of finish coat of paint applied over respective item indicated below are tentative and subject to alteration as per Purchaser’s request or due to compatible paint system adopted. The service for which colour code/bands are not specified are to be mutully agreed for by the Purchaser & the Contractor. Sl. No. Items Painted Colour Colour No. of

IS:5 1. Structures Building frames including bracings, side

girts, louvers etc. Aircraft grey 693

Crane girders Azure blue 104 Crane stops Post office red 538 Gutters Black bituminous aluminium - Fire escape platforms ladders, etc. Signal red 537 General hand railing, top runners Lemon yellow 355 Rung ladders Lemon yellow 355 All members blocking passages for

movement Lemon yellow 355

Trestles, towers and pipe bridges Dark admiralty grey 632 Conveyor gallery structures Aircraft grey 693 Steel chimneys Aluminium - 2. Equipment and Machinery General indoor equipment Light grey 631 General outdoor equipment Dark admiralty 632 Crane bridges, trolleys, hooks etc. and

other mobile equipment Base : Lemon yellow Stripes : Black (100 mm wide)


Furnaces Aluminium Tanks Base : Same as for general

equipment Strips : Same shade as for piping around the tnk at half the tank height

Fire-fighting equipment Signal red 537 3. Pipe work

Colours shall be as given below. The base colour shall be applied throughout entire length except on surfaces of materials such as asbestos, aluminium, brass, bronze, galvanized steel, stainless steel and other corrosion resistant alloys and rubber / synthetic polymers. In such cases identification colour bands of at least 500mm width shall be provided near each branch, valve and at distances not exceeding 10m either as local colour coatings or coloured adhesive type of suitable material or label attached to the pipe work. Additional identification bands superimposed over the base colour shall be provided near each branch, valve and at distance not exceeding 10m. The bands shall be atleast 25mm wide except in care of double bands where the first band shall be about 100mm wide. Direction of flow shall be clearly marked on the pipelines at intervals not exceeding 10m and all branches and change of directions.

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Service Colour Colour No. of IS:5 Sea or river water (untreated) Base – Sea green

Band - White 217 -

Cooling water Base – Sea green Band - White

217 166

Boiler feed water Base – Sea green 217 Condensate Base – Sea green

Band – Light brown 217 410

Drinking water Base – Sea green First band - French blue Second band – Signal red

217 166 537

Industrial water Base – Sea green Band – Light orange

217 557

Compressed air Base – Sky blue 101 Instrument air Base – Sky blue

Band – Light brown 101 410

Drainage Base – Black - Fuel oil Base – Light brown

Band – Signal red 410 537

Coke oven/BF gas/other fuel gases

Base – Canary yellow Band – Signal red

309 537

Argon Base – Canary yellow Band – French blue

309 166

Acetylene Base – Canary yellow Band – Dark violet

309 796

LP Gas (LPG) Base – Canary yellow First band – Signal read Second band – Traffic green

309 537 267

Nitrogen Base – Canary yellow Band – Black

309 -

Oxygen Base – Canary yellow Band – White

309 -

Non-acidic slurries Base – Sea green Band – White

217 -

Fire-fighting system Base – Signal red 537 Rain water down pipes Base – Sea green

Band – Sky blue 217 101

Duct work Base – Aluminium - Note : For these services, hazard marking as per fig. 4C of IS:2379 shall also be provided.