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PAID ADVERTISING FEATURE December 5, 2019 SUPPORT GROUPS LifeRing Secular Recov- ery: Alcohol/ Addiction: ( An absti- nence-based, no cost alter- native to AA & 12 step pro- grams. Meets weekly at the following days/times: WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS- ALBQ- 6PM at Presbyterian Kaseman Hospital, Aspen Room, through Emergency Room entrance, then turn left, first conference room on the right. 8300 Constitution Avenue NE. Contact Matt L. at mingusgatoloco@gmail. com 505.908.0360. Contact Lisa at [email protected]. Grupo Jovenes Abq: offers a free six month program for those desiring help with drug and/or alcohol addiction. You can also join us for nightly meetings from 7pm-9pm. The suffering can stop; we welcome you to join us. We are a bilingual group. For more info please call, 505. 452.0907. 636 San Mateo Blvd SE. Overeaters Anonymous : is open to any person with an eating disorder or a problem with food. The only require- ment for membership is a de- sire to stop eating compul- sively. There are no member- ship dues or fees and no weigh-ins. We offer physical, emotional and spiritual re- covery from the disease of compulsive eating. For more information call 505.261.3553 or visit our website at NAR-ANON- New Begin- nings: Support/Fellowship for families & friends of loved ones who are struggling with addiction. Mondays 6:30-8:00 pm. @ New Beginnings Church. 3601 Montgomery Blvd NE (NW corner of Carlisle & Montgomery) for more info: [email protected]. For other mtgs: Narcotics Anonymous :A program for anyone seeking recovery from drug addiction. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using. There are no fees or dues, and there are meet- ings every day of the week. Call our 24 hour helpline at 800.798.6649 go to www. for more in- formation Al-Anon & Alateen: Pro- vides support for families and friends affected by someone else’s drinking. Regularly scheduled group meetings for spouses, partners, pa- rents, siblings and children of problem drinkers are confi- dential and anonymous. For more information, call 262. 2177 or visit Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (F A): Free Program. Are you hav- ing trouble w/ food? There is hope! FA can help. Palo Duro Senior Center, 5221 Palo Duro NE, ABQ 87110. Sat. 9- 10:30 a.m.. Contact: Shirlee - 822.0109 - leave message or visit Gamblers Anonymous of New Mexico: If you believe you or someone you know is suffering from gambling ad- diction, please call our 24 hour Hotline at 505.260.7272 or visit www.gamblers Adult Children of Alcoholics: St. Thomas of Canterbury Church, 425 University NE. Wednesday 7:00-8:30PM. This is a 12-step study group based on the AA Big Book. Call Cathy at 821.0616. Sex Addicts Anonymous: Struggling with Compulsive Sexual Behavior and need help? Contact Sex Addicts Anonymous at 505.510.1722 or online at abqsaa@gmail. com S-Anon: Hope & help for family and friends of sexahol- ics. Call 505.407.9597, email [email protected] or [email protected] or visit AA: Do you have a desire to stop drinking alcohol? Alco- holics Anonymous 266.1900 ( We can help. No dues or fees. Sexaholics Anonymous: Men’s and Joint 12 step meetings. Contact # 505.899.0633 GRIEF RESOURCE CEN- TER: A central location pro- viding a wide range of re- sources to help those who are experiencing any aspect of grief. Short term individual bereavement support ses- sions (all at no charge), work- shops and educational pro- grams are available. All individual sessions, sup- port groups, and educational programs hosted at the Grief Resource Center located at: 1113 University Blvd. NE, ABQ, NM 87102. For more information visit the Grief Resource Center at ww or contact us at 505.842.7166. Children’s Grief Center: Provides support groups for young people ages 5-25 who are grieving the death of a loved one. Adult groups pro- vided for guardians. Groups meet weekday evenings in the North Valley and Rio Ran- cho. Resource library open to public. All services provided at no charge. Volunteers and donations welcome. 505.323.0478 or Survivors of Suicide: a support group for those who have lost someone they love to suicide. Meets 4 times a month, 1st & 3rd Mon, 7- 8:30 pm, Shepherd of the Valley Presbyterian Church, 1801 Montano NW 87107 & 2nd and 4th Sat, 1 -2:30pm, St. Luke Lutheran Church, 9100 Menaul NE 87112. More info: 505.400.9942 or 681.7227. Grief and Loss Support Group: Grief is a natural process that can often be eased through sharing with others who have experienced the loss of a loved one or any other significant loss. Groups meet Friday from 12-1 pm and 1:30-2:30 pm; Offered by the Jewish Care Program; Call 505.348.4451 for more information. Free. Ambercare Bereavement Support Groups and Workshops: Call Tonya Elli- son or Doug Sweet for days and time of support groups and workshops. Ambercare Hospice, 2129 Osuna Rd. NE. 505.244.0046 Grief Support : Free and confidential support groups at locations in Albu- querque and Rio Rancho. Open to the community. Please contact Bereavement Services at Presbyterian Hospice 505-559.7055 or [email protected] to register or for any questions. The Compassionate Friends: support for parents and grandparents who have lost a child/grandchild at any age from any cause. First & Third Thursdays 6:45- 8:30pm; Immanuel Presbyter- ian Church, 114 Carlisle SE; [email protected] Cancer Support Now Groups & Services: For information call our helpline: 505.255.0405 Cancer Navigation Assists with non-medical needs of survivors or their loved ones Call our Helpline: 255.0405 One-on-One Peer Cancer Support or Peer Matching Call our Helpline: .255.0405 Create to Heal Support Group Using Art, Music, Writing, Meditation to Ex- plore the Journey of Cancer- Survivors &/or Caregivers, all diagnoses, men & women 2nd & 4th Sat, 10-11:30 a.m., Lovelace Women’s Hospital Cancer Support Now Groups Ovarian Open Arms 3rd Saturday of month, 10:30am Lovelace Women’s Hospital Pueblo of Isleta Com- munity Cancer Support 2nd Tues. of mo. 10:30-Noon, Isleta Pueblo Health Clinic Rio Rancho Area Breast Cancer Support Group For Women: 1st and 3rd Tues. of month, 12- 1:30PM, in treatment & post-treatment Community of Joy Lutheran Church.You may bring a brown bag lunch or snacks. Sandia Cancer Support Group 2nd Wednesday Noon Sandia Labs Santa Fe Women’s Group, “Surviving Sisters” Survi- vors, all diagnoses 2nd & 4th Tues. 4:00-5:30PM 2098 Calle Ensenada, Santa Fe Southwest Sisters, Breast Cancer Support Grp 2nd/4th Wed 5:30-7pm, Lovelace Women’s Hospital Taos Group . Survivors and caregivers, men & women Every Tues. 4:00-5:30PM 413 Sipapu St, Taos Meeting Place TBD UNM/CSN Education & Support Group Survivors &/ or Caregivers, all diagnoses men & women 1st & 3rd Mon, 5:30-7pm University/ Copper UNM/CSN Friends and Family Writing Together Journaling Support Group for Grief or Anticipatory Grief For caregivers/loved ones of someone w/any type of can- cer Every Thurs, 4-5:30pm UNM Cancer Center UNM/CSN Survivors Writ- ing Together Journaling Sprt Grp Survivors all diagno- ses men/women. Every Mon 2:30-4 UNM Cancer Cntr Women’s No Valley Group Every other Thurs, 6:30- 8:30pm Montano, W of 4th PCSANM--The Prostate Cancer Support Associa- tion of New Mexico: pro- vides education, information, and support to men and their families about prostate can- cer. Remember, one in seven men will get prostate cancer in their lifetimes. We have an info packet for newly diag- nosed men, biweekly support meetings with speakers, a lending library, a quarterly newsletter, and other serv- ices – all free. Office hours: Monday-Thursday, 10am- 2pm. Other hours by appoint- ment. We are eager to meet one-on-one if that’s your preference. We are at 2533 Virginia St NE, Suite C, Albu- querque, NM, 87110. Our phone is 505.254.7784, or toll free 1.800.278.7678. Our website is Also find and friend us on Facebook. Email is [email protected] if you have questions or need infor- mation. FORCE (Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered): Only national non-profit serv- ing people affected by he- reditary breast and ovarian cancer. Local group meets 2- 4 pm third Sunday of each month at Lovelace Women’s Hospital, 4701 Montgomery NE Aud B [email protected] ESSENTIAL TREMOR SUPPORT GROUP: Please join us for an Essential Trem- or Support Group meeting. If your hands, head, or voice shake, you may have Essen- tial Tremor, as do millions of people around the world. To find out more visit We meet the 3rd Sat. of every month 10am to 12:00 at the Erna Ferguson Branch Li- brary, 3700 San Mateo Blvd, NE, on the NE corner of San Mateo & Palo Duro Ave. The entrance and parking lot are on the east side of the build- ing. Check at the main desk for directions to our meeting. For more information contact Ken Whiton at 505.453.1732 or [email protected]. Also visit our Facebook page at “Albuquerque Essential Tremor Support Group.” Join us and share in the support we provide each other. National Alliance on Men- tal Illness (NAMI) New Mexico: Four affiliates in Al- buquerque, Rio Rancho, San- ta Fe and Las Cruces. We provide free peer-led support groups and evidence-based education courses for people living with mental health challenges as well as family c aregivers. For more informa- tion, call Cy Stanton at 505. 321.4522 or visit your nearest affiliate’s website: Albuquerque: Rio Rancho: Santa Fe: Las Cruces: Caregiver Support Group for Alzheimer’s and De- mentia: This group is for family members or friends of those who suffer from cogni- tive challenges or Alzhei- mer’s disease. Co- Sponsored by Alzheimer’s Association New Mexico Chapter. Group meets first Tuesday of the month, 1:00 - 2:00 pm; Offered by the Jew- ish Care Program; Call 505. 348.4451 for more informa- tion. Free. Alzheimer’s Association New Mexico Chapter Support Groups: For those caring for someone with Alz- heimer’s Disease or dementia or for those diagnosed with the disease. For a complete list of Statewide groups available, contact us at 505.266.4473. Website: 24/7 helpline: 1.800.272.3900 Epilepsy Support & Educa- tion Services: Monthly Sup- port meetings. For more info call 505.243.9119, email epile [email protected] or go to w New Mexico Amputee Fo- rum: provides a supportive place for amputees, their families and friends, and for people who are facing possi- ble amputation to ask ques- tions, share experiences and get helpful ideas. Free dinner is provided. Each meeting in- cludes a presentation on a topic of interest. The group meets the first Wednesday of every month at 6:30 pm in the Pinon Room at Encom- pass Health Rehab Hospital, 7000 Jefferson NE. Please call Ruth Maayan at 505.450. 1418 or David Lisak 617.947. 4119 for more info. Wings For L.I.F.E. (Life-- skills Imparted to Families through Education): FREE, Fun, interactive program that provides support, life-skills & strengthens families of for- mer inmates & their family members. After-dinner tutor- ing & programming for chil- dren 5:30 – 7:30 pm. 1st & 3rd Mon. at St. John’s UMC, 2626 Arizona NE, Family Life Center. 2nd & 4th Mon. at Second Presbyterian, 812 Edith Blvd NE. Call Ann at 29 1.6412 or visit www.WingsForLIFE Groups Open to Survivors of Sexual Trauma: 3rd Sat. 12-2 Connecting through Art Workshop, or Weekly Offerings: Mon. 4- 5:30 Art Journaling, Tuesday 1-2 Caregivers/Family of Sur- vivors Support Group, 4-5 Trauma and Aging, 530-630 Yoga for Trauma Survivors; Wednesday 4-5:30 LGBTQ Survivors, Thursday 3-4 Young Women’s Group. Must call 505.291.3563 for brief screening prior to attending groups. No cost, no insur- ance needed. Facilitated by licensed clinicians. CDD Information Network : For Individuals with disabilities, families, healthcare professionals, school personnel, case man- agers and others. We have Information Specialists who can answer questions and connect you with local, state and national disability related organizations and services. We also have a specialized li- brary available to the public, M-F 8:30am-5pm 1.800.552. 8195 or 505.272.8549 TOPS-TAKE OFF POUNDS SENSIBLY: Nonprofit weight loss support group. TOPS is here for you. Come and we will plant the seeds of change together. People age 7 and over, all sexes, all weights are welcome. Low membership fees, accounta- bility, member managed, and support for each other. Meet- ings throughout the city and state Monday through Friday. Contact Dee Williams at 505.301.0596 or New Mexico OCD Support Group: A support group for children and teens suffering from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Families are wel- come as we meet to educate, support and encourage one another. We meet at Albu- querque’s North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Cen- ter. No fee. For more info call: Sheilah 505.350.1849. Updates on our Facebook page: New Mexico OCD Sup- port Group. Parkinson & Movement Disorder Alliance : For per- sons with Parkinson’s, care partners and families/friends. Support groups: Westside: 2nd Thurs, 1:30 - 3:00 pm Grace Outreach Church, 2900 Southern Blvd SE, Rio Rancho ABQ. Eastside: 2nd Saturday, 10:30 am - noon, Presbyterian Healthplex, 6301 Forest Hills NE, Albu- querque, NM 87109. For de- tails call 800.256.0966 or visit Organ Transplant Aware- ness Program: offers trans- plant recipients, candidates, caregivers, living donors and donor families the Transplant Community Support Group. The group meets the first Saturday of each month from 10:30 to Noon. It is facilitat- ed by Venae Warner and meets at the Erna Fergusson Library at 3700 San Mateo NE. Please call Venae for in- fo 344.0512. Ostomy Association of Al- buquerque: Monthly sup- port group meetings for osto- mates and ostomates to be, families and friends. The meetings take place at Pres- byterian Kaseman Hospital, 8300 Constitution NE. Call 8 30.2135, email [email protected] or visit our website: www.ostomyalbuquerque. com for meeting schedule. Caregiver Support Group: Caregiving for a loved one can be overwhelming and isolating. This group provides a compassionate space for caregivers to gain emotional support and information. Group meets Tuesdays 2:00 - 3:00 pm; Offered by the Jew- ish Care Program; Call 505.348.4451 for more infor- mation. Free. Adoption Support Group: Confidential peer group for adult adoptees, birthparents, and adoptive parents. Dis- cussions about searches, re- unions, sharing. Operation Identity meets most 4th Thur. 7 pm, Presbyterian Kaseman, 8300 Constitution, Cotton- wood Room. Call 505.281. 7227 or National Stuttering Asso- ciation Support Group: 6:30-8pm, the first Tuesday of every month, UNM Speech & Hearing Sciences, 1700 Lo- mas NE, Suite 1300. Email Rick Arenas with questions [email protected]. Friday Noon Co-Dependents Anonymous: Developing healthy relation- ships, 505.224.2700 or visit Addiction SUPPoRt Addiction SUPPoRt Bereavement & Grief support Bereavement & Grief support CanCer Support CanCer Support Mental HealtH & neUROlOGICal SUPPORt Mental HealtH & neUROlOGICal SUPPORt ALL OTHER suppORT GROups ALL OTHER suppORT GROups Email: [email protected] | Phone: 505-823-3332 Please contact Amanda for all of your Support Group inquiries. Please call 823.3332 to have your support group added for the next run date

Paid advertising Feature december 5, 2019 Support GroupS...those desiring help with drug and/or alcohol addiction. You ... the loss of a loved one or any other significant loss. Groups

Sep 29, 2020



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Page 1: Paid advertising Feature december 5, 2019 Support GroupS...those desiring help with drug and/or alcohol addiction. You ... the loss of a loved one or any other significant loss. Groups

Paid advertising Feature december 5, 2019

Support GroupSLifeRing Secular Recov-ery: Alcohol/ Addiction: ( An absti-nence-based, no cost alter-native to AA & 12 step pro-grams. Meets weekly at thefollowing days/times:WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS-ALBQ- 6PM at PresbyterianKaseman Hospital, AspenRoom, through EmergencyRoom entrance, then turnleft, first conference room onthe right. 8300 ConstitutionAvenue NE. Contact Matt [email protected] 505.908.0360. ContactLisa [email protected].

Grupo Jovenes Abq: offersa free six month program forthose desiring help with drugand/or alcohol addiction. Youcan also join us for nightlymeetings from 7pm-9pm.The suffering can stop; wewelcome you to join us. Weare a bilingual group. Formore info please call, 505.452.0907. 636 San MateoBlvd SE.

Overeaters Anonymous : isopen to any person with aneating disorder or a problemwith food. The only require-ment for membership is a de-sire to stop eating compul-sively. There are no member-ship dues or fees and noweigh-ins. We offer physical,emotional and spiritual re-covery from the disease ofcompulsive eating. For moreinformation call 505.261.3553or visit our website

NAR-ANON- New Begin-nings: Support/Fellowshipfor families & friends of lovedones who are struggling withaddiction. Mondays 6:30-8:00pm. @ New BeginningsChurch. 3601 MontgomeryBlvd NE (NW corner ofCarlisle & Montgomery) formore info:[email protected]. Forother

Narcotics Anonymous : Aprogram for anyone seekingrecovery from drug addiction.The only requirement formembership is a desire tostop using. There are no feesor dues, and there are meet-ings every day of the week.Call our 24 hour helpline at800.798.6649 go to for more in-formation

Al-Anon & Alateen: Pro-vides support for families andfriends affected by someoneelse’s drinking. Regularlyscheduled group meetingsfor spouses, partners, pa-rents, siblings and children ofproblem drinkers are confi-dential and anonymous. Formore information, call 262.2177 or visit

Food Addicts in RecoveryAnonymous (F A):Free Program. Are you hav-ing trouble w/ food? There ishope! FA can help. Palo DuroSenior Center, 5221 PaloDuro NE, ABQ 87110. Sat. 9-10:30 a.m.. Contact: Shirlee -822.0109 - leave message orvisit

Gamblers Anonymous ofNew Mexico: If you believeyou or someone you know issuffering from gambling ad-diction, please call our 24hour Hotline at 505.260.7272or visit

adult Children of alcoholics:St. Thomas of CanterburyChurch, 425 University NE.Wednesday 7:00-8:30PM.

This is a 12-step study groupbased on the AA Big Book.

Call Cathy at 821.0616.

Sex Addicts Anonymous:Struggling with CompulsiveSexual Behavior and needhelp? Contact Sex AddictsAnonymous at 505.510.1722or online at [email protected]

S-Anon: Hope & help forfamily and friends of sexahol-ics. Call 505.407.9597, [email protected] [email protected] orvisit

AA: Do you have a desire tostop drinking alcohol? Alco-holics Anonymous 266.1900 ( We canhelp. No dues or fees.

Sexaholics Anonymous:Men’s and Joint 12 stepmeetings. Contact #505.899.0633

GRIEF RESOURCE CEN-TER: A central location pro-viding a wide range of re-sources to help those whoare experiencing any aspectof grief. Short term individualbereavement support ses-sions (all at no charge), work-shops and educational pro-grams are available.All individual sessions, sup-port groups, and educationalprograms hosted at the GriefResource Center located at:1113 University Blvd. NE,ABQ, NM 87102.For more information visit theGrief Resource Center at or contact usat 505.842.7166.

Children’s Grief Center:Provides support groups foryoung people ages 5-25 whoare grieving the death of aloved one. Adult groups pro-vided for guardians. Groupsmeet weekday evenings inthe North Valley and Rio Ran-cho. Resource library open topublic. All services providedat no charge. Volunteers anddonations welcome.505.323.0478

survivors of suicide: asupport group for those whohave lost someone they loveto suicide. Meets 4 times a

month, 1st & 3rd Mon, 7- 8:30pm, Shepherd of the ValleyPresbyterian Church, 1801Montano NW 87107 & 2ndand 4th Sat, 1 -2:30pm, St.

Luke Lutheran Church, 9100Menaul NE 87112. More info: 505.400.9942 or 681.7227.

Grief and Loss SupportGroup: Grief is a naturalprocess that can often beeased through sharing withothers who have experiencedthe loss of a loved one or anyother significant loss. Groupsmeet Friday from 12-1 pmand 1:30-2:30 pm; Offered bythe Jewish Care Program;Call 505.348.4451 for moreinformation. Free.

Ambercare BereavementSupport Groups andWorkshops: Call Tonya Elli-son or Doug Sweet for daysand time of support groupsand workshops. AmbercareHospice, 2129 Osuna Rd. NE.505.244.0046

Grief Support :Free and confidential supportgroups at locations in Albu-querque and Rio Rancho.Open to the community.Please contact BereavementServices at PresbyterianHospice 505-559.7055 [email protected] toregister or for any questions.

T h e C o m p a s s i o n a t eFriends: support for parentsand grandparents who havelost a child/grandchild at anyage from any cause. First &Third Thursdays 6:45-8:30pm; Immanuel Presbyter-ian Church, 114 Carlisle SE;[email protected]

Cancer Support NowGroups & Services:For information call ourhelpline: 505.255.0405

Cancer Navigation Assistswith non-medical needs ofsurvivors or their loved onesCall our Helpline: 255.0405

One-on-One Peer CancerSupport or Peer MatchingCall our Helpline: .255.0405

Create to Heal SupportGroup Using Art, Music,Writing, Meditation to Ex-plore the Journey of Cancer-Survivors &/or Caregivers, alldiagnoses, men & women2nd & 4th Sat, 10-11:30 a.m.,Lovelace Women’s Hospital

Cancer Support NowGroups Ovarian OpenArms 3rd Saturday ofmonth, 10:30am LovelaceWomen’s Hospital

Pueblo of Isleta Com-munity Cancer Support2nd Tues. of mo. 10:30-Noon,Isleta Pueblo Health Clinic

Rio Rancho Area BreastCancer Support GroupFor Women: 1st and 3rdTues. of month, 12- 1:30PM,in treatment & post-treatmentCommunity of Joy LutheranChurch.You may bring abrown bag lunch or snacks.

Sandia Cancer SupportG r o u p 2nd WednesdayNoon Sandia Labs

Santa Fe Women’s Group,“Surviving Sisters” Survi-vors, all diagnoses 2nd & 4thTues. 4:00-5:30PM 2098Calle Ensenada, Santa Fe

Southwest Sisters,Breast Cancer SupportGrp 2nd/4th Wed 5:30-7pm,Lovelace Women’s Hospital

Taos Group. Survivors and caregivers,men & women Every Tues.4:00-5:30PM 413 Sipapu St,Taos Meeting Place TBD

UNM/CSN Education &Support Group Survivors &/or Caregivers, all diagnosesmen & women 1st & 3rd Mon,5:30-7pm University/ Copper

UNM/CSN Friends andFamily Writing TogetherJournaling Support Group forGrief or Anticipatory GriefFor caregivers/loved ones ofsomeone w/any type of can-cer Every Thurs, 4-5:30pmUNM Cancer Center

UNM/CSN Survivors Writ-ing Together JournalingSprt Grp Survivors all diagno-ses men/women. Every Mon2:30-4 UNM Cancer Cntr

Women’s No Valley GroupEvery other Thurs, 6:30-8:30pm Montano, W of 4th

PCSANM--The ProstateCancer Support Associa-tion of New Mexico: pro-vides education, information,and support to men and theirfamilies about prostate can-cer. Remember, one in sevenmen will get prostate cancerin their lifetimes. We have aninfo packet for newly diag-nosed men, biweekly supportmeetings with speakers, alending library, a quarterlynewsletter, and other serv-ices – all free. Office hours:Monday-Thursday, 10am-2pm. Other hours by appoint-ment. We are eager to meetone-on-one if that’s yourpreference. We are at 2533Virginia St NE, Suite C, Albu-querque, NM, 87110. Ourphone is 505.254.7784, or tollfree 1.800.278.7678. Ourwebsite is find and friend us onFacebook. Email [email protected] if youhave questions or need infor-mation.

FORCE (Facing Our Riskof Cancer Empowered):Only national non-profit serv-ing people affected by he-reditary breast and ovariancancer. Local group meets 2-4 pm third Sunday of eachmonth at Lovelace Women’sHospital, 4701 MontgomeryNE Aud [email protected]

ESSENTIAL TREMORSUPPORT GROUP: Pleasejoin us for an Essential Trem-or Support Group meeting. Ifyour hands, head, or voiceshake, you may have Essen-tial Tremor, as do millions ofpeople around the world. Tofind out more Wemeet the 3rd Sat. of everymonth 10am to 12:00 at theErna Ferguson Branch Li-brary, 3700 San Mateo Blvd,NE, on the NE corner of SanMateo & Palo Duro Ave. Theentrance and parking lot areon the east side of the build-ing. Check at the main deskfor directions to our meeting.For more information contactKen Whiton at 505.453.1732or [email protected] visit our Facebook pageat “Albuquerque EssentialTremor Support Group.” Joinus and share in the supportwe provide each other.

National Alliance on Men-tal Illness (NAMI) NewMexico: Four affiliates in Al-buquerque, Rio Rancho, San-ta Fe and Las Cruces. Weprovide free peer-led supportgroups and evidence-basededucation courses for peopleliving with mental healthchallenges as well as family caregivers. For more informa-tion, call Cy Stanton at 505.321.4522 or visit your nearestaffiliate’swebsite: Albuquerque: www.namialbuquerque.orgRio Rancho: www.namirioranchonm.orgSanta LasCruces:

Caregiver Support Groupfor Alzheimer’s and De-mentia: This group is forfamily members or friends ofthose who suffer from cogni-tive challenges or Alzhei-mer’s disease. Co-Sponsored by Alzheimer’sAssociation New MexicoChapter. Group meets firstTuesday of the month, 1:00 -2:00 pm; Offered by the Jew-ish Care Program; Call 505.348.4451 for more informa-tion. Free.

Alzheimer’s AssociationNew Mexico ChapterSupport Groups: For thosecaring for someone with Alz-heimer’s Disease or dementiaor for those diagnosed withthe disease. For a completelist of Statewide groupsavailable, contact us at505.266.4473. 24/7helpline: 1.800.272.3900

Epilepsy Support & Educa-tion Services: Monthly Sup-port meetings. For more infocall 505.243.9119, email [email protected] or go to

New Mexico Amputee Fo-rum: provides a supportiveplace for amputees, theirfamilies and friends, and forpeople who are facing possi-ble amputation to ask ques-tions, share experiences andget helpful ideas. Free dinneris provided. Each meeting in-cludes a presentation on atopic of interest. The groupmeets the first Wednesday ofevery month at 6:30 pm inthe Pinon Room at Encom-pass Health Rehab Hospital,7000 Jefferson NE. Pleasecall Ruth Maayan at 505.450.1418 or David Lisak 617.947.4119 for more info.

Wings For L.I.F.E. (Life--skills Imparted to Familiesthrough Education): FREE,Fun, interactive program thatprovides support, life-skills &strengthens families of for-mer inmates & their familymembers. After-dinner tutor-ing & programming for chil-dren 5:30 – 7:30 pm. 1st &3rd Mon. at St. John’s UMC,2626 Arizona NE, Family LifeCenter. 2nd & 4th Mon. atSecond Presbyterian, 812Edith Blvd NE. Call Ann at 291.6412 or visit

Groups Open to Survivorsof Sexual Trauma: 3rd Sat. 12-2 Connectingthrough Art Workshop, orWeekly Offerings: Mon. 4-5:30 Art Journaling, Tuesday1-2 Caregivers/Family of Sur-vivors Support Group, 4-5Trauma and Aging, 530-630Yoga for Trauma Survivors;Wednesday 4-5:30 LGBTQSurvivors, Thursday 3-4Young Women’s Group. Mustcall 505.291.3563 for briefscreening prior to attendinggroups. No cost, no insur-ance needed. Facilitated bylicensed clinicians.

CDD Information Network : For Individualswith disabilities, families,healthcare professionals,school personnel, case man-agers and others. We haveInformation Specialists whocan answer questions andconnect you with local, stateand national disability relatedorganizations and services.We also have a specialized li-brary available to the public,M-F 8:30am-5pm 1.800.552.8195 or

TOPS-TAKE OFF POUNDSSENSIBLY: Nonprofit weightloss support group. TOPS ishere for you. Come and wewill plant the seeds ofchange together. People age7 and over, all sexes, allweights are welcome. Lowmembership fees, accounta-bility, member managed, andsupport for each other. Meet-

ppings throughout the city andstate Monday through Friday.Contact Dee Williams at505.301.0596 [email protected]

New Mexico OCD SupportGroup: A support group forchildren and teens sufferingfrom Obsessive CompulsiveDisorder. Families are wel-come as we meet to educate,support and encourage oneanother. We meet at Albu-querque’s North DomingoBaca Multigenerational Cen-ter. No fee. For more infocall: Sheilah 505.350.1849.Updates on our Facebookpage: New Mexico OCD Sup-port Group.

Parkinson & MovementDisorder Alliance : For per-sons with Parkinson’s, carepartners and families/friends.Support groups: Westside:2nd Thurs, 1:30 - 3:00 pmGrace Outreach Church,2900 Southern Blvd SE, RioRancho ABQ. Eastside: 2ndSaturday, 10:30 am - noon,Presbyterian Healthplex,6301 Forest Hills NE, Albu-querque, NM 87109. For de-tails call 800.256.0966 or

Organ Transplant Aware-ness Program : offers trans-plant recipients, candidates,caregivers, living donors anddonor families the TransplantCommunity Support Group.The group meets the firstSaturday of each month from10:30 to Noon. It is facilitat-ed by Venae Warner andmeets at the Erna FergussonLibrary at 3700 San MateoNE. Please call Venae for in-fo 344.0512.

Ostomy Association of Al-buquerque: Monthly sup-port group meetings for osto-mates and ostomates to be,families and friends. Themeetings take place at Pres-byterian Kaseman Hospital,8300 Constitution NE. Call 830.2135, [email protected] visit our for meeting schedule.

Caregiver Support Group:Caregiving for a loved onecan be overwhelming andisolating. This group providesa compassionate space forcaregivers to gain emotionalsupport and information.Group meets Tuesdays 2:00 -3:00 pm; Offered by the Jew-ish Care Program; Call505.348.4451 for more infor-mation. Free.

Adoption Support Group:Confidential peer group foradult adoptees, birthparents,and adoptive parents. Dis-cussions about searches, re-unions, sharing. OperationIdentity meets most 4th Thur.7 pm, Presbyterian Kaseman,8300 Constitution, Cotton-wood Room. Call 505.281.7227 or

National Stuttering Asso-ciation Support Group:6:30-8pm, the first Tuesdayof every month, UNM Speech& Hearing Sciences, 1700 Lo-mas NE, Suite 1300. EmailRick Arenas with [email protected].

Friday Noon Co-Dependents Anonymous:Developing healthy relation-ships, 505.224.2700or visit



Bereavement & Grief support

Bereavement & Grief support

CanCer Support

CanCer Support

Mental HealtH & neUROlOGICal


Mental HealtH & neUROlOGICal




Email: [email protected] | phone: 505-823-3332

please contact Amanda for allof your Support Group inquiries.

please call 823.3332 to have your support group added for the next run date