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Pahlavi Funerary Inscription From Mashtan

Dec 28, 2015



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Page 1: Pahlavi Funerary Inscription From Mashtan





BAND 1.7 1994


Page 2: Pahlavi Funerary Inscription From Mashtan

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Band 27 199·,

·R \G V(lN DIETRICII REI,\II R 11\. BI·RU, Vb Lf J .

Page 3: Pahlavi Funerary Inscription From Mashtan

, .... , \ral\; ... :-.11 (.ch .. ~hlldun~cn

~, .... l iUI Arch~ol"Et d P, : , .' ,dfO'S'" "r . - r-lmc," . 0 ~U .....

Pro' ,- , ---he' l~tilUI L~ Atdlio og''''

DcUI>C....... n. I 0-1.419' ...... In

_. . -nd urhcbcrr«htlith gr;SChiitzl. AlIe Rechte, Du III dc. Zci :schnfc ,'efOffcnthchtCfl ~tnsge S1

h C ,c'I"n Kein Teil dieser Zeil$Chnfl

Cbe ·n frcmae pnc CfI, ,'0''''''''' . . 1bcsondcr< cb~ dCf ",,!:lUng 'd\' b cs in irgendciner Form - dutch PhOlokopce,

,urf K Khnflhcilc Gcnchm'gllng cs cr. god' . . ~ \b.sehlncn insbewnderc: <, _ ~ __ L \',rfahren _ ..... roduzcen er m cme \0.. . • \llk"," fI1 """r lnucre ·-r n:I .rot! DlICf\~Cnrbcilun~gcn. \·c .... ' .. endb:ire Sprac"" ubcnngen " .. e CfI ..

.\ucll die Rcchle del \'f icdcrglbc dur<h \'onng. Funk· und Femseh§Cfldung, Im Mmgncllonver·

bhrm oder iihnhcb:m \'Ccgc blcibcn volbch.l.hen. . \'hocok"plcn rur den pe"oolichen oder s.onsligen cigenen Gebrauch diirfcn nu. von emzclnen Ilcitralltll oder Tcikn dUillIS in Emzdkopic:n hergcslclll ""crden. Jede Irn Ik!elch emes gcwerh­hthon L'mcmehmo:ns he.gcscclhe ode. bcniilZle Kopie dienl J:ewerbhchcn Zweeke~ gem. S 6" (1) l:lhG und Hrpfliehcel nn Gebiihrennhlung an die VG \VORT, Ab!ecl."~g Wcssc:nschafl, GocIhcscrallc 49. IOH6 ~Iiinthen. von der die einzdnen ZahlunJ:smotblllaten zu erfr.tgcn

.. Rd.

"'lle Rcehle vorbehalten

r 19')6 b~ Diemch Rcimcr VerlilJ:. Ikllin Dr. Fnedrich KluflYllnn

l:nle. den F.ichc:n 11 0'1110\ Be.lin ISS:\ oo(,(,-60H

Printed in Gcmu.ny


PETER CALM EYI ;R M h " ~, etamotp Oscn lfamscher Denkmii ler (Taf. (1)

NATAI.IA M. VINOGRADOVA The F . . stan) in the Late Bronze Age .. . " . . ... ~~~:~~ .S.e~ ~I~~ent of, ~angurttul (South Tadjikl.


H<?R1ST .mh-I~,INGIIAU S~ ?,cdanken lUT Rckonstruktion des Gebiiudes Kord;a r Te ...... '9

In mnl sc \'V'est-Azerba'dpn . .. . ........ . .. ............. r- IV URSULA SElDL Ocr Thran van To kk [ E" .... .... ..

6- 2 3) ..... . . .' . . . ... .. .. ... .... :~~ .. ~ ~ ' . . 10 ncuer Rekonstfuktionsversuch (Taf.

1\. SHAPUR SHABAZI, PcrscpoJis and the Avesta· ··· · ········ ....... ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

GALO. W. VER. A C. I-IAMAZA, Ocr VIIl . Feldzug S" gons 11. E,'n, PI· Untersuchung zu

o luk und hlsto nscher G cographic des spiilen 8. J hs. v.Chr. (Teil I) .... . .. .

.. ........ .

MICHAEL HELTZER, Mo rdekhai and D emaratos and the Question of Historicity .. .

STEF AN ZA WAOZKI, The First Persian J ourney of Itti-Marduk-baHitu. . • . ... .

STE~ AN ZA WADZKI, Bardiya, Darius and Babylonian Usurpers in the Light of the Bls ltun Inscriptio n and Babylonian Sources ...... . ......... .

" . BURCHARD BR E NTJES, O rtband, Rolltier und Vielfrall Beobachtungcn zu r .. skythi-

schen" Akinakes-Zie r (Taf. 24) . .. . .... . .. . ..... . ..... ... ...... . .. . . .

WOLFRAM KLEI SS, Istakhr und Umgebung Archiiologischc Beobachtungcn und

Befunde (Taf. 2j 32) .. . .. . . ... .. .. . . ... . . ....... . ......... .... . ...... .

ANTONIO INVERNIZZI , Die hellenistischen G ru ndlagen der fruhparthischen KunSI

(Tar. 33 · 38) ....... , . . .... . ... . . .. .. .. ... ... . ............ . ...........•..

WOLFRAM KLEISS, Beobachrungen in de r Umgebung \'on D odehak (Tar. 39-41,1) ... .

MARTIN SCHOTTKY, DunkJe Punkte in der :ttmenischen Konigsliste (Tar. 4 1,}) ..... .

GAGIK SARKISJAN, Eine Rekons truktion der Arta~esidendynas tie Armeniens nach dem








, 9 '

'0, "l

scleukidischcn astrono mischen Tagebuch BM 3479 1 . . . . . . ............. .. ... . . In

WOLFRAM KLEISS, Brucken und Damme in Nord-, Wesr- und Sud westirnn V (Tar.

42 -- f7) ................................. .. ..... . . .... . . 1.4t

A. TAFAZZOLI/ E. SHEIKH-AL-HOKAMAYI, The Pahlavi Funerary Inscrip tion from

Mashtan (Kazerun III) (Tar. j8,1 ) .............. ......... .. . .. .. 16S

WOLFRAM KLEISS, Runde Burganlagen in Zentral-Irnn (Tar. j 8,2 ·64,! ) .. . , , ,

WASSILIOS KLEIN/JORGEN TUBACH, Einc s)"rische Inschrift :IUS Ni§hapur/I ran (Tar.

WOLFR J\M KLEISS, Die Ruinen von Diz bei Vananeh (Taf. 6, ·69) . .. ... . . " , WOLFRJ\t .. f KLEISS, Die safavidische Palastanlage \'on T:idjiib:id (Tar. 70--7') . • '"

Page 4: Pahlavi Funerary Inscription From Mashtan

_ Sh"lh ';\hi).l<il . _ niches Pal;us \'on. .

-do-bad cm ];JOt _ -S"'R Ta ,a . -W~II ' I S 1""". , , •• ' • h Zcit aut ro;;CIIEY ·se . . . ' I q,d,-lrLS( cn .

-,'FBtlRl. I. ' 1r:t!3cn lt~ r 1:\' . -"b 96) Ka"-wancns

T t .. :. I , butcnan .. '_ 1. J. 5 hcrung~ ,1 ...• - _' Sketchc'

\\ l1I.FR.\~1 KLElhSS. H~hcbcnc (Taf. 97- 10 3) .' ~cr porter 's .\lbum with h iS

1i~nl~c cn f Sir Ro berl det ltfltrl. ;' " On the History 0 (Tar. 10 4 - Ill ) . .

-...:1' \ E \ A::iILL\·. nian :-'Ionumcnrs . '.' .l,.chaCIIlcnid and Sl~~l. . he Bibliogr:lphic 199} .

01 . . R \rchiologlsC ERC 'L\IE\E. . . , _ .

PET ." !'\IS . . . .. . . . Bl~DQCF.LLE:'SERZF.ICII '

• •

• • • •


"9 lIS



"Sich,\ du dit"c Fnu don, 1ic 1st tine gC"'I'!.!: CIu,_ louc Co. day und dll andc.t is! .'brat, tin .\bnn, dc • sic untcrhic:11 und den lie: In ihrc:r Bade",anne ermor­dele, MAn rnllB doch ngen, daB IlIe dicsc umerhalte. nen Weiber ("~aillen sind", Hippolyte Taine laBt einen rran~o,i~hen Soldalen dies lU ~inem Kamera. den sagen, w~hrend .ie Iur dtm rornisehen Kapllol vor einer Judilh rn'l dcm l·hupI de, Holorcrnes !Ichen' und bernerkt dUll: "cs handcll ,ich urn Gcschiehtc so wic aie wird, wenn lic in dcn Gc:hirncn du Volkc:s ausJlcarbeilcl, VCrUn$laltCt und ,"crgroben wird".

M iBi nte rpretationen auf G rund politischer Vor­eingenommenheit oder pnziser : eines neuen, politischen Mythos und des Verlustes eines ilte­ren waren in Menge beizubringen. Ein be­kanntcs Beispiel der klassischen Wdt ist der Be­rich t liber das sogenanme Grabmal des Sardana­pallos in Anchiale bei Ta rsus und in Ninus: Letzteres t rage in assyrischen Zeichen die Auf­fo rde rung: "iB, (rink und vergniige Dich; denn alles Andere ist nicht HQS wen" womu er das Schnalzen mit den Fingern gemeint habe, das auf der Stde dargestelh gewesen sei (Aristo­bulos ap. Athenaios XII HOC, mit meh reren Varianten). Wie schon Ed. Meyer gesehen hat,

wird hie r cinc typisch neuassy rische Siegesstde

beschrieben2, auf der der Konig die Gonersym . bole mil ausgestrecklem Finger verehn1. Die Variante des Choirilos (ap. ;\Ihenaios XII P9f): "lch wurde K6nig, und wahrend ich das Licht der Sonne schaule, lrank. aB und liebte ich", spiell 5ieher auf die Pliigdsonne des Sha­mash an, die meist vor dem betenden Herrscher erscheim, dem seinerseils geopfert wird (z.B. Abb. I).

Solche "Lcsungen" von beteils unlesbar gewor. denen Insehriften sind bei den Grieehen nicht sellen und rnanchmal ",id naheT an clef \X"ahr-

1 Rcisc in hahen. ObeR. \., r: Hard! (O!Cde";dts 191>1) 141.

1 Fonchungcn ~Uf alten Cin.:hlchlc I {119 lj IOlff. die \'orbildcr miium cine Sleic in ~ini~c (,") unci ein Bild mil gefl.ltC1cn Handen tn Anchialc ( .. kblKhmd' ge""cscn stin; F_ \"("ciBbach, RE III (l~pO) l4\6ff. 1 B. bndsberfl:er, ~Iincilungen der Alloricnuhschcn Ge. stllschar, [\,=FS. B, ~lcinncr ('919) '94ff.; ~I.I. Gruber. JANES 6, 1974, 7)ff.; l/. ~Ia):cn, Auj"nKM: J..:onlJl:sdar­mllunfl:en - Aspckte del Hcmchar,= aaF IX ('9'6) 411'1. dcr Genu, des ,,n.:'Ii,It".III', - Auch da. au( dem Ocnlurul in Anchillc bcKhricbene .,Hlindcklanchen" ha, E. "C)'Cf

richtig gcdcuIC1, wcnn .uch mu c",em lU alten Bc"p,cf illuslncn; vgl. ;CUl M~Rcn cbd. ~off, ,J..:onig mil '·cr. 5chn>nktcn H~ndcn" (vor Gouem).

I" •

I I" • Abb. , . -b . ,'·ii.n·,o""lc und ~ ... ·ci Goltenund,nen In del :-.;.he de, . . p. t n It ,en '·or elne "'v.... . ill

Salmanaun Ill . mu z ... ·c' nc. er . a b:tnd auS a.Ia ..... t UnT. ~[u, Zelchnunll B. Se V.nsccl (Mlgcnl ,I Tar I •• ). Von c,nem ronu ,

Page 5: Pahlavi Funerary Inscription From Mashtan

A. TAI'AZZOi.I/E. !.lIf.1t.: II -'L " 'I/OI(A~tAYI




In (he summer of 1994 in the cOurse of plough­ing a field near It village called Mashtan I km 10 the south of Kiizc:run. a large semi-cylindrical stone was unearthed, which seems to have been the lid of a 10sI Zoroastrian OSSUlI.q,2 (Taf. 18.1 j

t\bb. I). It is simil:lr IQ another lid discovered in 1988 in the: vicinity of the Parishan river), nOI far from the same locality. In recent years a number of Sasanian and Arabo-Sasanian coins have been unearthed in the area, and future ar­chaeological excavations in ils small hills arc likely !O result in interesting discoveries. The stone lid in gucstion in its present stale: measu­res 87 cm in length and 7 cm in thickness. Its original width may be cstimated to have been 68 cm. At its bottom there is a semi-circular knob (10 x Il cm), which apparently served as a handle for lifting the lid. Plausibly it had a counterpart of identical shape on its upper pan,

.... bb. 1. t''''Nmcm of an OSSIIaf)' Jid

now l.ost. The longest survi\'ing line of the in. SCrlptlon, the lut one, rnasures II <m r ~ . d' h . .....,n~l·

erlng t e remaining 5p~ce, it is rasonable 10

as~u~e Ihat each line of the inscription in Its anginal stale was about 1) cm long.

Regretfull~' Ihe upper p~rt and the lefl side of the stone cont~ining puts of the inscription are broken and 10sl. An examination of the brak proves Ihat the dam~ge is b), no mans recent and therefore there is no hope of finding Ihe missing pam. The sediment on its concne sur­face indicates Ih3t the lid was used for yars as a cistern called Jut in the 10C1I1 dialect. The stone lid is now preserved in the collection of inscriptions belonging to the Office of the Pious Foundations of Kazeron.

The P"hl"vi inscription IS in cursive scnpt, beautifully engraved by 3 skilled engrner. II seems to have had originall)' len lines, Ihe firsl

two lines being lost.


I [ZNH '~pl?1

, I··· Y ···1 1 Y (wl;t~t'J 4 bl;tl fl'f;:IW'W'N'I'J

, BYRH 1···1 6 y SNIT ·?I

Page 6: Pahlavi Funerary Inscription From Mashtan

.\ T.HAZZoui" SIl~IKlh\t.-'!oKAMA\·1

., \.JI [plmwt·'

.'i krrn· t··· YI IJ "'Il' n r z·n· H. :"Y$H 1['lIl

TR :\i'\SL\ TlO;-':

[Thl' rcsting-pbcc was ordcred] built ~Y I? 5()n of?) mar (paradise be tllS] I.m - In

the month I ?J, th_c rc:l r I?] 7. for (hIs) wIfe

p, daughtcr] off..:u(harzihanz.


L I The restitution of the words Z.vl-l 'ipl/ ill <llb.:r is made O"n thc analogy of ~imilar Pah-

!-\'I insenptlom 4

I.I~! It secms that this missing linc contained

the name and the parronym of the person who

ordered the ossuary. L iu ;: The word hhl/bahr, ·Iot' (1.4) makes the

rcstitution • il u. h,il/ 'paradise' here certain. The 'o rmula 1l'<lh,JI bohr 'hning paradise as )ne' lot' is u~ed frequentl\" in other funerar\"

" "

inscriptions, e.g. Bishapur I, I.] 5; Tang-e Jelow DjcJo), 1.7.8 6 ; Tut-e Thus I, 1.8-9, 11,1.7 ,

IV,I.]-; PasargadaeC, 1.1··z8; Kiizerun I, 1.49.

Lillf 4: After bq/ the verb Y IfIFlFN' I/boll'idl 'may be' seems to be missing.

Lillt I:, Following the word BYRHlmihj monlh the name of it is missing.

Lint 6: There was probably enough space follo .. ·ing SNT/JJ// 'year' for a figure 10, zo, 100 etc.

I.ln, 7: The figure 7 apparemly indic.ating the date of thc pas~ing awar of rh- d d b . ." eCC3se, 0 -\'Iousl~· r~fen to th~ era of Yazdg d 6 AD Ir , I.e 39

" : If i! IS not preceded by another fi~ure this inSCription IS the next olde~t Pahlavi fune:

rar; Inscrtption bearing a date so far discovered 10 Iran the old t c_ h ' es Ul;lng t e Inscnpuon of Eqlid darcd tr, the 6th vear of '" "d "d " I . az glr , I.e. 638 A.D. FO\J(),,"lnJ!: thc figure 7, the ,·erb pl"'~f I

jr.z",,;,J/ • ordered' govcrning (hc fu\Ju ...... in

niri\"e i~ espectcd. Lln( 8' The readin~ krln'IJ:..lrd((l1/ mak build' is certain. T~e inlin!l.i\'e depcnd~ »n Ih( pre \"ious ,·crb jr,I11u.J. r he phra~e jruf1Iiid k.rria"

i5 anested in ~cver.lI other funerary Inscriptions

e.g. :axl_cTh·us.(lslakhr) I. 1.7.11, 1.6, Iil, 1. .. -­\, 1\,1.6711; b·lhd, 1.10 tIll; Tal-e Sefid I.-I IJ. The name of the deceased seems to ha\"; followed after this word.

Lillt 9: hl'z'n', knz'n' o r krz'n' Seem to be the: Ihre:e possible readings of the word, which is

apparently il parronym. To the best of m). knowledge it is not attested cl~ewhere.

Lin, 10: The reading Nl'S /-Ilz«/l1 . woman , wife' is certai n, although the shape of the liga_

tureyf is somehow different from the one used

in Book Pahlnvi. The letter J has dents instead of having semi-circular shapc. The same word

with identical shape occu rs in the inscription

of Bishapur I. l.t, where the reading NPSHI XIl'if! 'onc's own' tentatively p roposed by de

Menasee 14 i~ impossible, since the small loop

of che letter p is on the left s ide of its semi-circle:,

• A. T.1.f:a.aoli( 197-98 .1.nd refcrence. given there. In the P1ri~hin in~cription, lines I and I i the word should be Innsltfenled as "pI and Inn5Cribed as Id/Jilrlflhflf< ·_~

.'ilf < • "'p.'.3r, J. de ~Ienasce, In5CriplioM pchle\"ies en ccrilu.e ",niH.

JA 144, '916, .417. Sce also C. Gropp in, \'(" Hin2, Alii",ni· 5che Funde und Forschungen ('969) 119.

G. Gropp, Ikriehl iiber eine Reise in We.t· und $iidinl". A~Il, N.F. j, 1970, 10" 1 Groppl 119""60. I D., Pa~3fKadae ('978) 164; Ph. Gillnoux.lpud R. G)'~den, STir 7, '978, I' t (in5eriplion A according to

Gignoull). 'A. H.1.55U.i, Two Unpubli~hed Pahla\'i inscription l

ZD~IG tH, '984,91-,. In R.:-":. Frye, Funen.)' inscriplions in Pahl"'i froll1 Fait in: eds. ~I. Boyee/I. Genhe\'ilch",,\X'. 8 . Henning .\krno rW

Volume (London '970) 111-6; Groppl, 137-41. 11 Gropp! 118-60. U Grol'P' In-oil, ..

11 P.c:" Slr.j;l:O'u, In: U. 5cidl, Die ellmi5Chcn Fel!;!;: on I..::OlingOn und l\lq~.e,~che [)<:nk

l.iefg.ll,R.lIH{1916)l,. . nI "d , '11 . rs,,·e ~nr' e . lenascc 417. The ,ha"" tlf .. ,\,PJ tn cu .L" r-. .' IJ(Sflo'pu . m.1.y ,.·ell be seen ,n a (unnary m5Crlpllon from, ,·hi. I bl h " d'·· ",ph.e cl ·4, pu t~ cd b)' Ph. G,gnoull. 1'Ole, ept!t ..un· ,mire salnnid"s tn' cd. P. 8ader Cl 11. ~Ielanget _L.n~~ J. qun u(fcT\S a f.:mlle Iknvcnt lte , {P.1.ns PJ7I) .. 1 i·


wherea~ in thl ihe same ,J,. ,rd by\'\; I I

word it is un the right side. C Hrcctly rcad and inlcrpreted

c ,led in a Pahlavi papyru~ I~_

The 0 lac' _ann!' Ihe Pahla\"1 inscription ~cm~ to lave hi en ordered by somebody for his wife. t3ul a$ the phra~e u·oiil boh, mar indi_ (2.le. he secms 10 have died before her. If this intcrpretation is correct, the ossuary must have

,6, for h· r d" - aee"r 109', h h ) er JShand',

, Philadclphll E 16 I and Pap)'rI. ("""'P' In~~' <4. Cl ok \I~ 1l(, ::..:a IV-V. Ponfoho I (I')! ""I 11'lI'1U. ~ Ill. P:.pyri und ~''''mc". 1)!"; _XI!." J) "hi '. (I "''.1. I' ,,- C, JeJiIDl' r I " rantc:arum, P:.n III V IV" V AI 'n M..".,

,0 - ('?')1) I

/1. T%'{zo/i Unh·trsity 0/ Tthron hUII"Y of Lmm P.O. Box 'nn 1nl Tajrish

Tlhroll Ij