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Padraig King - 5 Steps to achieve your unique potential

Jan 19, 2015


Health & Medicine

Johnny Beirne

Padraig King - 5 Steps to achieve your unique potential
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5 Steps to achieve your unique potential

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5 steps

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Tonight I will

• Demonstrate and let you experience for yourself the 5 steps which I use with my clients to facilitate them to achieve their unique potential

• Explain a little as we go along of how and why it works

• Provide you with a copy of the slides I’m showing and a free copy of my eBook which goes into more detail on each step

• I’ll answer questions afterwards

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5 Steps to optimising your unique potential and performing at your peak

1. Prepare for change2. Pre-checking Reactions3. Engaging your whole self4. Post checking Responses5. Celebrate Success and consolidate changes


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Your vehicle to successis your own body.

• This is a whole brain and body approach to success

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Step 1. Prepare for change

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"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.“

-- Benjamin Franklin • Prepare for the journey to being successfully

optimising your unique potential

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STEP 1 Laying the groundwork and checking the vehicle before we begin the journey

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Our point checklist Vehicle Body

Fuel Nourishment

Water Water

Lights Eyes and Brain

Battery and Wiring Electrical impulses in nerves

Wing mirrors and steering mechanism


Wheels aligned and moving

Leg Muscles

Calm relaxing atmosphere

Calm nervous system ready to embrace change

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1, a Appropriate Food - Fuel

• We all need adequate amounts of nourishment

• Nutrition is the building material of the proteins used to make change possible.

• Without a wide variety of foods each day your brain and body may not have the raw materials with which to make changes long lasting.

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1, b Water

• Without adequate water, a cell in the brain may not transfer its electrical charges correctly, may short-circuit and let you down.

• Each person needs a minimum of 1 pint of clean water for every 3 stone weight (or part thereof) per day.

• Approx: 2% of body weight just to stay healthy.

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1, c. Clearing and focusing the lights

• Body of an average adult has about 16 pints of lymph floating around inside.

• We need to stimulate the wipers to clear the brain and body so that we can move forward and see where we are going.

• When we do this tune up exercise we stimulate the drainage of lymph in the head and body.

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1, d Battery and Wiring

• We need to ensure that the battery is fully charged and that the wires are carrying the signals so that we will not be reversing rather than going forward.

• To check this stand and slowly pretend to zip down a jacket along the midline of your body from your chin to your belly button (also known as your naval).

• As you do this notice if your body sways forwards or backwards.

• If your body sways forward then the battery may be reversed or the wires are possibly crossed and we need to reset them or you may be giving and receiving mixed signals.

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1, e. Wing mirrors and steering mechanism

• Now we need to check the wing mirrors and steering mechanism.

• Many muscles in your neck stiffen up when you get stressed.

• As they stiffen your hearing is reduced and this may reduce your ability to optimise your unique potential.

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1, e Wheels aligned and moving

• Just as most road vehicles have 4 wheels we have 4 major limbs and need to ensure they are free to move.

• It is as these limbs move while you are creeping and crawling as a child that the movement of these limbs by reflex actions build the neural connections between different parts of your brain

• These connections allow coordinated and graceful movement, joined up thinking and the ability to multitask and make good decisions.

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1, f Calm relaxing atmosphere for change and forward movement

• These actions help to switch your brain and body into a relaxed and ready state so that we can begin our journey.

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1, g. Setting an Appropriate Goal

• If we drive aimlessly we will never know when we have arrived at our destination.

• Your subconscious brain (like a

child in the back seat it can’t see out) always wants to know where it is being brought and frequently asks “are we there yet?”

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Appropriate goals should be SMARTs

• Specific: Be specific. The more specific you are the more your subconscious brain can assist you.

• Measurable: make sure you can easily measure how you are doing. Milestones should be celebrated.

• Achievable: pick a smaller goal that you can achieve right away and work towards the bigger goals.

• Realistic: be realistic in the goal you chose. Have at least some changes of achieving it.

• Time limited: putting a time limit on your goal means there is s need for change now as well as in the future.

• and Stretching you outside of your current comfort zone.

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An appropriate goal

• We are about to set an appropriate goal together.

• My goal is • “to easily and quickly sell my most profitable


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Step 2. Pre-checking your own reactions

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Step 2 PRECHECKING: How are you REACTING now in the GOAL/

stressful situation?

• Check how your body moves in 3 dimensions

Direction Dimension of Intelligent Action

Up/Down Organisation

Forward / Back Read the situation

Left / Right Communication

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Noticing your bio-feedback• Stand comfortably

Think of some thing or some one or a happy eventNotice how you body feels inside. Where do you get the nice sensationPut your hand on the area of your body that feels the pleasant sensationNow switch to thinking of something less pleasant.Notice the sensation inside. Notice also if your body swayed in a particular direction. Both the swaying and internal noticing are bio feedback from your brain body system about how thinking of remembering a negative event, person, place or thing affect you,Now think again of the happier thing, event or person .Notice the direction of sway and how you feel inside again.Now state your goal and notice which sensation and which direction you sway in.

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How is your body reacting to the GOAL?

• As you say my “My goal is to quickly and easily sell my most profitable item/service”

• You should see your body deliver positive biofeedback with forward sway and a pleasant internal sensation.

• As you state your goal in the format “I quickly and easily sell my most profitable item/service” your body should give negative feedback.

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Pretend you are doing it now• Now you are ready to precheck yourself performing the goal task.• Get ready now to imagine that you are in the stressful situation where you

desire a change from your usual reactions to a response from your brain and body that will deliver ease, success and a more positive feeling in you.

• For 20 seconds pretend you are selling your most profitable item/service• Notice how it felt internally. • When you spoke did the words flow out easily and were they expressing

your best ideas and thoughts?• How was your breathing? What happened to your shoulders, posture and

stance? • Move through the 3 directions of movement up/down, left right, forward

and back. What did you notice?

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Step 3. Engaging your whole self

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Step 3. Engaging your whole self

To get the best from your whole self we need to engage your •whole body, •whole mind • and maximum energy.

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• On both sides of your belly button (naval) lies points that have been found to be useful in balancing and resetting the adrenal glands.

• Rub these until your body sways forwards. • This may take a minute or so. • If your fight / flight reflex remains on at a high level all the time

your body, mind and energy will not be able to rise to the occasion.

• Selling is a battle. In the rubbing these points you are clearing the lymphatic system a little and also helping to resettle your adrenals so that when you are ready to sell your body will engage fully in the battle and you will make the sale.

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• To function well each muscle must rest, relax, repair itself. This happens during rest.

• Whether you are in business, education, sports or performance if your muscles have spent a long period of time in tension then that the extra effort demanded for the sprint to the finish will not be delivered effectively.

• We need to calm the subconscious (which often distracts us like a 3 year old) and resettle the three nervous systems in the brain and body

• We are also relaxing our muscles and the whole brain and body benefit. (CNS, SNS, PSNS)

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Calming Hook Ups• These hook ups have been found to relax

the muscles, blood pressure, relax arteries

and re-oxygenate the brain and body.

• Cross hands and interlock fingers gently.

Cross ankles.

• With tongue sucking at the roof of your

mouth and eyes closed looking up towards

a TV screen inside your forehead, picture

the sale you are about to make turning out


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What’s going on inside?

• As we calm down again the blood vessels should relax and expand once again reducing blood pressure and allowing blood flow to be balanced again throughout the brain and body.

• As you relax you may hear gurgling from your intestines. This is great news as it indicates that blood flow is being restored to the digestive system which was partially or fully shut off during the stressful period. As blood supply returns, peristalsis resumes and the gurgling indicates this. The noise will cease after a few minutes as the food moves along naturally.

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Concentration Hook ups

• Uncross your hands and feet. • Place feet flat on the floor. • Bring finger tips together and relax

hands on your lap or on the table. • Continue to suck on the roof of your

mouth and with eyes open.• Select the steps you will take to

achieve your goal.• Rehearse what you will do and say first

and what you will do after that.

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• Conscious control, selling, decisions and planning for success appear to be centred in the frontal and pre-frontal lobes of the brain. Before we begin, notice your body temperature, as you touch it, at the back of your head is possibly warmer than at the forehead.

• Just above the pupils of your eyes on your forehead there are two hollows and in these hollows are trigger points (marked in red) that my clients report to deliver more blood to their thinking brain (frontal and pre-frontal lobes).

• Hold these points gently but firmly with the flat of your fingers as you stand until you sway forward.

• Notice then that your entire forehead is warmer now than the back of your head. Many believe that this is because the blood has returned to the frontal and prefrontal lobes of the brain.

• Many report that it is now easier to think, plan, act, sell and achieve what previously seemed like difficult / impossible tasks.

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QUADRICEPSThe power to move forward

• In conjunction with your other muscles the quadriceps assist you to move forwards.

• Observe a baby on the brink of independent walking. • They see something or someone that want to reach/hold.

Their eyes are fixed on their goal and one of the important muscles required to lift the knee and facilitate walking forward is the quadriceps. (The hamstrings must of course oblige also.)

• To revitalise the quadriceps we will drain out the waste and refresh it with food, water and oxygen.

• PRECHECK THE POWER IN YOUR QUADRICEPS: Before we begin stand with your back to a wall. Raise one knee as though you were stepping up on a large box. Push with full power down on your raised knee and notice the power of your leg to resist the downward pressure while you breathe out slowly.

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Lymphatic drainage of the Quadriceps

• Now standing with your back about 5cm from a wall begin in your solar plexus and rub firmly up under your ribs as you move outwards towards each side.

• If a point under the ribs proves to be sore then keep rubbing it for 10 seconds and then move along the line to the next sore spot.

• Ensure that you push the fluid out from the centre to the sides of your body. Repeat the rubbing along this line three times.

• After three rubs along this line check how you sway. If forwards then you are done. If you go back have some water. Recheck sway.

• If still going backwards repeat rub and check until you go forward. Each person’s body is unique as is their potential.

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Step 4 Post checking Responses

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Noticing the difference

• For 20 seconds pretend you are there engaging in the sale.

• Notice how it felt internally. • When you spoke did the words flow out easily

and were they expressing your best ideas and thoughts?

• How was your breathing? What happened to your shoulders, posture and stance?

• Notice any difference?

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Noticing the differences

• Restate your goal as “My goal is to quickly and easily sell my most profitable

item/service” • Sway should be forwards and internally you should be

experiencing relaxation, calm and real energy as you say it. If not, sip water and recheck

• Restate your goal as though it is now in place “I quickly and easily sell my most profitable item/service” ” • Sway should be forwards and internally you should be

experiencing relaxation, calm and real energy as you say it. If not, sip water and recheck.

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Step 5 CELEBRATE and CONSOLIDATEthe changes made

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• Now celebrate your success and think of other ways you can use the changes you just made to respond and make your life easier and more effective.

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Consolidate • Chose the one of the activities from Step 3 that you felt was most difficult

for you to do.

• This was the one that allowed you to step beyond your comfort zone and needs to be repeated many times to consolidate the gain.

• Ideally repeating the action while stating your goal in the current tense ” I quickly and easily sell my most profitable item/service” for 21 days will consolidate the new freedom you experienced and your brain will myellinate the neurons that have made new connections.

• This consolidation and myellination will help you to continue to step beyond your previous comfort zone and continue to exceed your personal best and optimise your unique potential.

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Thank you for your attention

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5 steps