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Pacific Northwest Animals

May 08, 2015



Marlene Friend

Adams Reading Group Spring 2010 - 2nd Grade
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A Day with the little Eagle Family Birds going tweet tweet make daddy eagle wake up. Daddy flies to the river and catches some fish. Then he brings the fish back to mommy eagle and the two eaglets. Mommy, daddy, and the two eaglets eat brunch in their nest. Then daddy flies out to stretch his wings. Mommy teaches her two eaglets how to fly. Daddy then sits on a branch near their nest. Then he eats some fish from the river and brings the leftovers back to their nest. Mommy and the two eaglets eat the leftovers of the fish. Then the whole family goes to sleep for the night.

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A River Otter's Travel

River otter, river otter, soft and brown Was on a trip and to the Sound. Met a sea lion on her way, And asked her if she wanted to play.

They played and played and played all dayUntil the river otter said She had to be on her way.

River otter, river otter, met some sea otter men Who escorted her to her beaver den Where she had a nice dinner of snails and fish This trip was just her wish!

River otter, river otter going home Knowing the way and not to roam Cause she's a 3-foot-long otter And got back home!

Lucy Nece

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The Twenty Little Rabbit Babies and the Small Bad Baboon Once upon a time there lived twenty little rabbit

babies. They went off to see the world. Five went one way. Five went another way. And, finally ten went the next.

The first five saw a man with a load of straw. They said give us that load of straw. So, he did. They took the load of straw, thanked the man, and went on their way. They found a nice grassy place to build a home. They started right away. By evening the house was ready. They went in and started dinner.

There was a knock on the door. They looked out the window and they saw a small bad baboon. He said "let me in, let me in". But. they did not let him in.

So he said "then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down." So, he huffed and he puffed and he blew the house down. But, the five rabbits hopped quickly away to the other five rabbit babies' house. They had made a house of sticks.

But meanwhile the other ten rabbit babies had seen a man with a load of bricks. They asked him for them. He gave it to them. Then they went on their way and built a house out of them.

Then the other ten rabbit babies were hiding inside the house of sticks and heard a knock on the door. They looked out the window and the five that had just gotten there said "that's the small bad baboon that scared us away" and they hopped away quicker than lightening to the other ten rabbit babies' house.

By then, the other rabbit babies had built their house of bricks and they hurried inside. They were out of breath. There was a knock on the door. They looked out the window. The ten with the straw and stick house yelled "that's the small bad baboon that scared us" and they said that to the others.

The baboon said "let me in, let me in". But they didn't. So, he said "then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down". So, he huffed and he puffed but he could not blow the house down. And, the rabbit babies lived happily every after. The End. Jade

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A Year in the Life of the Bear By Baker Hase Summer The bear wakes up. He slowly walks down to the river and gets some salmon. He uses his big paws to fish them out of the river. Then, he climbs onto the river bank and gets some berries. After that, he lies on the ground and rests. Fall He eats and eats and eats. He needs to get ready to go into torpor in the winter. Then, he sees hunters. Luckily, they don't see him. He trots away. Winter It's getting cold. The bear starts to dig a big hole in the ground. He curls up in the hole and snoozes away. Spring The bear wakes up. He is groggy and ravenous. He stumbles out of his den and makes his way to the river. There is a large patch of sedge. He eats and eats and eats. He gets a drink of water from the river. Across the river, he sees a mother bear and her cubs. He ignores them because they are on the other side of the river. And thus a year in the life of the bear is completed.

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"Hello my name is Mrs. Swan. I have a young cygnet named Gabriella. We are out hunting for Brownies to eat for breakfast." "Ohl Did I mention I have a very close friend named Lucy, the moose? We are going to meet up this afternoon to have lunch together." "Did I mention that I am a Mute swan?" "Oh yeah, Lucy, Gabriella and I are going to Blue Bird to have lunch. After that we are going shopping." "For well, whatever, why do I have to talk about that?" "And after that we are going swimming for Gabriella's first time at Animal Town Pool. I forgot to mention that Lucy really likes ice cream pie!" I

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The Deer that Grew a Tree Once there was a deer named Violet,

she was eight years old. She had a black nose, black eyes, and she was three shades of brown. Violet lived under a tree right next to a clearing in a dark and green forest.

She was interested in helping homeless birds find habitats, so she decided to plant a pine tree. And so she did. Soon the tree was strong enough to hold one bird and a homeless bird and Violet's best friend built her nest in Violet's tree. Violet was very excited her best friend built her nest in the pine tree she planted.

One month later the pine tree was strong enough to hold many birds and all the homeless birds came and built their nests in Violet's pine tree. Two months later squirrels and owls were able to make homes in the pine tree.

Violet was really excited that other animals were living in the tree she planted. So she decided to plant more trees. In two months she planted another forest full of creatures! She called the forest Deer Forest.

One day she noticed that her trees were full of creatures and she would need to plant more trees. Soon she created another Deer Forest!

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The Three Wolverines and the Big, Bad Duck

By Alessandro R. Once upon a time, three brother wolverines

went for a walk. The brothers' names were Billy, the oldest; Bob, the "brains"; and the youngest, Joe. While they were walking in the forest, Billy saw something move! Joe got a little frightened and said, "Guys ... What was that?"

"Let's follow that," said Billy. They followed it and they saw a cabin. It

was the house of Dr. Quencafio, the evil genius inventor, who is super nerdy. He works in a lab in a garage behind his house. Dr. Q has tried to get rid of the wolverines before because they foiled all of his plans in the past.

In the lab, they see a lot of metal work and they see things that look like ducks with antennas on their heads. The wolverines see the inventor in the window. Dr. Q looks out his front window to see if anyone is watching him. Dr. Q can't see anything because the wolverines are crouching down on the side of the house. Then, Dr. Q goes to bed.

The wolverines sneak into the lab and get the ducks to carry Dr. Q's bed into the river and put the bed in the river! The wolverines do this because the inventor doesn't like the wolverines. The inventor is trying to get the ducks to hunt down the wolverines and bring them back to him. Wolverines aren't afraid of ducks so that's why he chose ducks.

After they put him in the river, Dr. Q wakes up and notices that he is floating in the river. He called one of his ducks to swim over and carry him back to his house. He doesn't notice the wolverines controlling the ducks and he goes into the lab and the wolverines go out the door where the ducks go out. The wolverines take the controller and make one of the ducks destroy the whole lab. Wolverines remain the fiercest animals and Dr. Q can never plot any more evil plans again.


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The Seahawks Adventure By Sebastian Pollick June 14,2010

One day, Osprey flew into Seattle from Snohomish County. Osprey had a six foot wing span that helped him soar to great heights. He went to Seattle because his father said "There is a city named Seattle that is full of fresh fish in the wild life areas". Osprey thought that was a good idea because he liked to live in tall trees by rivers so that he could fish. There are many tall trees by the water in Seattle.

Osprey has two older brothers named Devin and Drake. They sometimes called Osprey by his nickname "Seahawk". They all lived together in a six foot tall nest at the top of an evergreen tree. Osprey had two friends named Hawk and Elk who lived by the woods in Seattle. One day, Devin went out early in the morning to catch fish. When he was retuning home a hunter chased him until he lost sight of Devin in the deep woods. Devin got lost but the hunter found him and Elk came out of nowhere and knocked out the hunter with his giant antlers. Devin flew back to the river and caught another fish.

Devin came home to the nest and told the whole story about how Elk came out of nowhere, but he did tell why he was in the woods. Osprey just ignored the rest of the story and got his first catch of the day. His first catch was a 10 pound Coho salmon. Then, Osprey also ran into the hunter. The hunter shot at Osprey. The hunter missed by one foot. Osprey didn't think the hunter knew how to shoot a gun. That is when Osprey came up with a plan. The plan was for Elk to distract the hunter so Hawk and Osprey could come out and scratch at the hunter. Osprey thought that he could give the sign for Devin and Drake to come out and grab the shotgun with their talons and destroy it.

They got into their battle stations. When the hunter came Elk was running around the hunter teasing him. The hunter kept shooting and kept missing. Then Hawk and Osprey came out and scratched at his face. Then Devin and Drake grabbed the shotgun with their strong talons and flew a 100 feet in the air and dropped the shotgun into the water and destroyed it. Everything was working out except then the hunter pulled out a back-up pistol. Osprey had a new plan. Osprey had to distract the hunter all together. By using his six foot wing span and doing high soaring dives at the hunter he caused the hunter to keep missing and run out of bullets and sure enough it worked. Then he flew so close he made the hunter loose his balance and fall into the river. He never hunted an animal again.

Osprey, Devin, Drake, Hawk and Elk celebrated until late in the night they never saw the hunter again.

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Mark the Opossum By Trevor O'Brien

There is an opossum named Mark; he has a white face and a long snout. He's little for his age and shy. He has a friend named Fred. Fred's bigger than Mark and is always there to stand up for him. After school, Mark and Fred go to a trash can to eat. One day on their way back home ...THEY SAW SOME BULLIES! The bullies are mean, poor rats who don't do very well in school. They know that the spot behind the people's house is Mark and Fred's spot, but they don't care. They try to bully Mark and Fred away even though they have several other spots to go to. They are very mean and call Mark and Fred names and threaten them with telling the people that there are scavengers in their yard.

Mark and Fred can't find another yard and they don't want the rats to bully them, so they decide to fight back. Mark and Fred get their chance when the bullies make a bunch of noise to alert the people. Instead of running away when the people see them, Mark plays dead ("plays possum"). This gives Fred the chance he needs. When the people get their hose out to spray the opossums, Fred ducks behind a trash can and the rats get sprayed instead. The rats run away. When the people go back in their house, Mark and Fred relax in their spot and eat all their favorite trash.

The bullies didn't bother them again and Mark and Fred were friends forever.

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Little blue Moose

By Kennedy One upon a time there was a little moose, named Lucia, who lived in a forest near a vil- lage. Whenever Lucia went out she wore a blue cape, so all of her moose friends called her little blue moose. One morning Lucia packed up her basket full of goodies, like brownies and ice cream pie, to take over to her best friend Little Swan's house. When the goodies were all ready, Lucia put on her blue cape, and headed through the forest. She told herself" go straight to little swans house, the village can be dangerous". Along the way, Lucia found a tree to peel bark off of. This tree was in the village. While Lucia was peeling the bark, a little girl came up beside her. The little girl said "What are you doing in my village?" Lucia said" 1mheading to my friend little swans' house, but I found this yummy tree". Then she saw what time it was, and thought she might be a little bit late. So she ran back into the woods, she looked behind her and the little girl was following her. Lucia said ''why are you following me? I can't play right now." The little girl answered" I don't have any friends here in the village, and I thought you might be a nice friend." "Well maybe you can come and have brownies and ice cream pie with me and my friend little swan!" said Lucia. So off they went. When they arrived at little swans house, little swan was amazed to see that Lucia had brought a little girl along with her. She stared at her for a second, and then said "come on in!" "Who is your friend that you brought along with you? I don't think I've seen her before." said Little Swan. The little girl said" My name is Gabriella, but my friends call me Gabby so... you can too!" Then they noticed that Little Swan was preparing tea for them, so Lucia said "We brought some of your favorite goodies, how about we all sit down and eat them and drink the tea?". After a little while, Gabby said "Oh No!!! I have to get back home, because my mama is going to be worried about me being out so late. She told me the forest can be danger- ous. Can we meet up again tomorrow at the yummy tree you found today?" Lucia said "Oh ya, let's meet at the yummy tree at about 1 O'clock, and I will bring Little Swan with me so we can go play together!" Little Swan said "That will be so fun, then I can get to know you better!" So Gabby said "Deal, 1 O'clock tomorrow, don't forget!!" And off went back to the vil- lage. Lucia and Little Swan were so excited to meet up with their new friend, Gabby, that they could hardly wait!

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The Three Salmon By Lexi Briggs

Once upon a time there were three salmon that all lived in the same house in the middle of the deep water. One was a little wee salmon, one was a middle-sized salmon and the other was a great big salmon. They each have a plate for fried chicken. The little wee salmon had a little wee plate, the middle-sized salmon had a middle-sized plate and the great big salmon had a great big plate. They each have a television to watch. The little wee salmon had a little wee television, the middle-sized salmon had a middle-sized television and the great big salmon had a great big television. They each have a bed to sleep in. The little wee salmon had a little wee bed, the middle-sized salmon had a middle-sized bed and the great big salmon had a great big bed.

One morning the three salmon made fried chicken for lunch but it was too hot to eat so they decided to go for a swim until it cooled. While the three salmon were gone a little orca named Mack came along and looked through the three salmons window then he peeked through the key hole while there was nobody inside so he turned the handle and there was fried chicken just sitting on the table now he wasn't just going to leave it there so he tried the fried chicken of the great big salmon but it was too hot so he tried the fried chicken of the middle-sized salmon but it was too cold so he tried the fried chicken of the little wee salmon and it was just right in fact he ate it all up. Then Mack went into the living room to see what else he could find. There were three televisions. First he looked at the television of the great big salmon but he couldn't see it at all so he stared at the television of the middle-sized salmon but it was too bright. So he stared and stared until he got bored and didn't know how to change the channel and started pushing random buttons and the screen went black. right. In fact he fell right asleep.

Then he went into the bedroom where the three salmon slept. First he laid on the bed of the great big salmon but it was too hard. Then he laid on the bed of the middle-sized salmon but it was too soft. Then he laid on the bed of the little wee salmon and it was just right. In fact he fell right asleep.

While Mack the orca continued to sleep the three salmon were swimming back home. When they got home the great big salmon yelled someone has been eating my fried chicken! Then the middle-sized yelled someone has been eating my fried chicken! Then the little wee salmon cried someone has been eating my fried chicken and ate it all up. Then they went into the living room and the great big salmon yelled someone has been looking at my television! Then the middle-sized salmon yelled someone has been looking at my television!

Then the little wee salmon cried someone has been looking at my television and broke it. Then they went in the bed room and the great big salmon yelled someone has been laying on my bed! The middle-sized salmon yelled someone has been laying in my bed! Then the little wee salmon cried someone has been laying on my bed and here he is! That woke Mack up and he just gobbled them all up.