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Pacific News April - June 2012 The changes take effect In recent Pacific News we have reported on the restructure of SU Australia and the changes this will bring to SU Pacific Region. With a more representative governance model in SUA and the cessation of the National Director role, I now only wear the SU Pacific hat! This has meant for us a change of address and office. You will note on the side panel the new mailing address, phone/fax numbers and email address taking effect from the beginning of April. Mail to the old address will still get through for a month or two and my old email address is still active for a little while longer. However we do ask that the changes be noted and correspondence migrate to these new numbers and addresses. Many thanks. We trust you will enjoy reading the stories and sense the value in praying along with us. Lloyd Carter Regional Director This is a significant year year in the Living Hope journey being taken by SU globally at this time. This current period is the “Community Listening” phase whereby we are engaging in an effort to hear from the grass roots of SU in ways that will help us to frame the way we think and plan for the future. Over the next weeks we will be assisting SU in our region to participate in this process and you are invited to take part in forums that are set up for this purpose. Please make contact with you local SU office to learn how you can participate. This will lead into the “Discerning” phase when we gather in Malaysia 5-9 November. Leaders from every movement will meet to discuss the findings, be inspired by input from critical thinkers and begin working together on shaping the future direction of SU. Your prayer support is keenly sought as together we continue. We want to give you every encouragement to surround each phase of Living Hope in prayer. It is essential — if we are to really hear from God through a wide range of voices — that as many people as possible, participants and supporters, are praying about the issues surrounding Living Hope. Very soon we will introduce you to the Living Hope Prayer Coordinator who will give ideas to help you encourage as many people as possible to pray for Living Hope. Keep praying — God has a lot to say to us! Ruth Pinkerton, the Planning Group Chairperson Why not check out the Living Hope website ABN: 41 151 542 731 Lloyd Carter Regional Director NOT NEW ADDRESS & CONTACT DETAILS 6 Rutherford Place Pelican Waters Qld 4551 Australia Ph: +61 5439 7731 Fax: +61 7 5439 7734 M: +61 433 352 088 Email: [email protected] Sam Emery Pacific Islands Coordinator 35 Mountain Road, Rotorua NZ PO BOX 5125 Westend, Rotorua NZ Ph: +64 7 349-3722 Fax: + 64 7 349-2237 M: + 64 274 772-640 Email: sam.emery@scriptureunion. Executive Wayne Fraser (Chair) Lloyd Carter (Secretary) Ron Lawrence (Treasurer) Sam Emery (PI Coord) Wendy Rayner (Aust) Penelope Trought Sisa Teilai (PI) Albea Nalisa (PI)
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Page 1: Pacific News April-June 2012

Pacific News April - June 2012

The changes take effect In recent Pacific News we have reported on the restructure of SU Australia and the changes this will bring to SU Pacific Region. With a more representative governance model in SUA and the cessation of the National Director role, I now only wear the SU Pacific hat! This has meant for us a change of address and office. You will note on the side panel the new mailing address, phone/fax numbers and email address taking effect from the beginning of April. Mail to the old address will still get through for a month or two and my old email address is still active for a little while longer. However we do ask that the changes be noted and correspondence migrate to these new numbers and addresses. Many thanks.

We trust you will enjoy reading the stories and sense the value in praying along with us. Lloyd Carter Regional Director This is a significant year year in the Living Hope journey being taken by SU globally at this time. This current period is the “Community Listening” phase whereby we are engaging in an effort to hear from the grass roots of SU in ways that will help us to frame the way we think and plan for the future. Over the next weeks we will be assisting SU in our region to participate in this process and you are invited to take part in forums that are set up for this purpose. Please make contact with you local SU office to learn how you can participate.

This will lead into the “Discerning” phase when we gather in Malaysia 5-9 November. Leaders from every movement will meet to discuss the findings, be inspired by input from critical thinkers and begin working together on shaping the future direction of SU. Your prayer support is keenly sought as together we continue. We want to give you every encouragement to surround each phase of Living Hope in prayer. It is essential — if we are to really hear from God through a wide range of voices — that as many people as possible, participants and supporters, are praying about the issues surrounding Living Hope.

Very soon we will introduce you to the Living Hope Prayer Coordinator who will give ideas to help you encourage as many people as possible to pray for Living Hope.

Keep praying — God has a lot to say to us!

Ruth Pinkerton, the Planning Group Chairperson

Why not check out the Living Hope website

ABN: 41 151 542 731 Lloyd Carter Regional Director NOT NEW ADDRESS & CONTACT DETAILS 6 Rutherford Place Pelican Waters Qld 4551 Australia Ph: +61 5439 7731 Fax: +61 7 5439 7734 M: +61 433 352 088 Email: [email protected] Sam Emery Pacific Islands Coordinator 35 Mountain Road, Rotorua NZ PO BOX 5125 Westend, Rotorua NZ Ph: +64 7 349-3722 Fax: + 64 7 349-2237 M: + 64 274 772-640 Email: [email protected] Executive Wayne Fraser (Chair) Lloyd Carter (Secretary) Ron Lawrence (Treasurer) Sam Emery (PI Coord) Wendy Rayner (Aust) Penelope Trought Sisa Teilai (PI) Albea Nalisa (PI)

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STOP PRESS At the time of writing Fiji is in crisis due to a series of weather events. We praise God that the team from NZ and Australia who visited to discuss the campsite development have been able to leave after delayed flights and anxious

moments. We ask you to keep SU Fiji in your prayers at this time and throughout the quarter.


Whatever you do for the least of these… A leader giving a young first time camper a ride home from a SUPAkidz camp was stunned by the change in her compared with the ride out 5 days earlier. Now bright, chatty, and friendly she was then subdued, quiet, and unwilling to attend. On that ride home she declared, ‘I’m glad God is a good Dad… not like my Dad’. This was a tragic revelation but a window into the transformation that had begun that week on this camp. Far from being a nice way to fill in some holiday time, SUPAkidz camps are meeting real needs in kids who are troubled by real world issues. We have noticed a change in the demographic of children attending SUPAkidz camps and clubs. More and more we are seeing children coming from deprived backgrounds, situations of abuse, and some from environments where poverty is the norm – for a variety of reasons. We are wondering where God is leading us on this journey with the ‘least of these’. This has not been a deliberate change for us but is a door of opportunity into parts of our communities that we may not normally see. We would appreciate prayer as we work with God in his mission to transform our world, starting with those who are the most vulnerable.


Exciting Times in PNG

2012 is shaping up to be an exciting and challenging year for the Scripture Union movement in PNG. It is exciting because the National Camp is this year, and challenging because the National elections are on at the same time. PNG elections are very tense in some parts of PNG, and to move the students from one place to another will be very challenging. However, this is not something new to them - they have seen God work in their previous camps.

At the first camp in 2008, we had about 800 students with their teachers attending. At the second one in 2010, there were about 4000 students and the Director doesn’t know how many will be in the third National camp. The number of schools and students keep on increasing for each event which is held in different parts

of PNG. They are depending on the Lord for everything. Churches and communities have planned the camping program and are preparing towards this event. As they focus on the bigger picture of how the movement will make a difference for Christ, at the same time, on the small scale, they are training student leaders for Kingdom business. On February 25th this year Port Moresby Committee trained about 30 student leaders.

Students in SU leadership training

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Bible Resources in Vanuatu “Do you understand what you are reading?” Philip asked. The eunuch replied “How can I unless someone explains it to me?” (Acts 8:30-31) We too are like the eunuch and at times need assistance or explanations to help us understand the word of God.

The Resource and Publications committee led by Pastor Jon Paschke have been working on putting together resources which continue to be very helpful. Last year we saw the launching of the following books: A –Z Bible Devotions (an English language devotion book for Primary age children), and a book in Bislama about boy/girl relationships. Another project (in partnership with SIL) has been the Bislama translation of Pilgrims Progress, “Wea Nao Stret Rod?” A current project is a simple quarterly Bible reading plan for schools, to be made available in English, French and Bislama.

Our first SU camp for this year was the weekend training camp for ISCF leaders at the end of February. The purpose of the camp was to train and encourage leaders who will be leading programs in their schools during 2012.

Answered Prayers in Tonga Praise God for answering prayers in different ways. He has given us a wonderful team to help lead and guide the ministry of SU Tonga over the coming year. This team includes a beautiful new director, Miss Fusi Laukau Vaki, and a new Committee for ISCF. The President is Miss Kalesita Fungalei (Tupou Tertiary Institute), the Secretary is Miss.Susana Funaki (Tonga High School) and the Treasurer is Miss Fonua. Scripture Union in Tonga is looking for faithful and committed Christian workers who will keep standing strong in times of difficulty and unexpected hardship.

Because this year is a year of revival for the ministry as a whole, SU Tonga needs your prayers and support in order to help the ministry move forward, and continue to develop everything under the new vision of our leadership team. May the Lord Bless you all.

Pacific Islands Moving forward Sam’s first round of visits to Solomon Is, Vanuatu, Tonga & Fiji in February & March were an encouraging time with all. Some of the highlights were:

1. Solomon Islands has appointed a new Director, Robert Mautai, who was short-listed out of five applicants.

2. Leaders Training Camp in Vanuatu was a real blessing and it is encouraging to see the ongoing growth and development, and appointment of a Children's Ministry Coordinator.

3. My visit to Tonga in March was also a blessing, to meet the newly appointed Director Lielie Fusi Vaki & also the new council members. It was a great time of fellowship, support and orientation with Fusi into her new role.

4. Finally looking forward to have Glen and Mark visit the new property for the proposed camp site to work out a project plan for developing this property as a SU Camp located just out of Nadi.

Sam Emery , Pacific Island Coordinator. [email protected]

AUSTRALIA Back to school, and much to be done! Before the school year began, chaplains from across the state met to encourage one another and to be equipped and inspired for the year ahead. There was a buzz in the room as chaplains were reminded of the vision and values of chaplaincy. Each was challenged to draw closer to God through His word and

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had an opportunity to think about how the chaplaincy program could be optimised in their school. In the weeks that followed, chaplains began to return to schools and meet new students, staff and parents. There has been a great start, but there is still much to do! These chaplains work hard throughout the year, and it has only just begun. Please pray that their enthusiasm would last and that they would serve their school communities well. It is exciting that several new schools have applied to be a part of this chaplaincy program. Please pray that their applications would be successful, and that suitable chaplains would be employed in those schools. Changing Lives and Touching Hearts Over summer, SU Western Australia ran 16 intense and impacting missions and camps that have changed lives and whole communities. Thank you for your prayers and supports over the summer!

“One of the children still had and remembered their ‘gospel bracelet’ from the previous year – a green bead for creation, black for sin, red for Jesus’ blood, white for forgiveness and gold for eternal life.” Scott and Jen Rowland, Team Leaders, Bremer Bay Mission

“I saw the love of Jesus shown through this camp – His presence was there. I know for certain that this camp changed lives, impacted minds and hearts and was a great start to the New Year. It opened a lot of eyes and hearts to the fact that God really does love us all and that the gift He has given us is greater than anything we could ever have. Doing things for Him and impacting kids’ lives is the most fulfilling thing I have ever experienced. To know that some campers who weren’t very sure about their relationship with God are now heading towards His pathway is just way too exciting and delightful for words.” – Jess Choveaux, Team Leader, Windsurfing and Adventure Camp

Crisis Recovery SUACT is making significant progress in recovering from a crisis faced at the end of 2011. Two staff members that left in October were not replaced and two other staff members were made redundant in December because the money was not available to continue to pay them. Other staff also left, leaving no staff to run programs this year. Yet the ministry has continued as people have volunteered to support the many people running school programs and camps. The Federal Deposit Fund has loaned money to pay staff entitlements and $95,000 has been donated to help the recovery. We have a property which is worth considerably more than the money owed but property sales on the coast of NSW are slow at present. Chaplaincy services have been taken over by SU Queensland and are now offered under the School Chaplaincy ACT banner. Fishers of Men Everyone rolled their eyes when Dave mentioned that Cowes Theos had tried a fishing ministry . Next morning, Dave and Paul headed down to the jetty, and there they met Phil. Obviously he was a novice, mystified that he’d lost his tackle three times! Dave and Paul helped him set up again and then settled down to chat about life and stuff. Phil quickly revealed that he had “run with the wrong crowd’, but was hoping to turn his life around. Dave shared with Phil about finding a new centre for his life.

When Jesus called the fishermen, it was to ‘drop their nets and catch men’. Theos teams meet lots of young people who are hungry for a better life. Many find that life through Christ because of the love and faithful sharing of the teams. Others, like Phil get a taste. Please pray for the thousands of young people who encountered God’s people during the recent season; that the seeds planted will flourish to new life.

Jurien Bay Holiday Mission Team

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Treasure Hunters SU NT’s Easter Camp is an opportunity for High school students to consider the claims of Jesus and what it means to follow him. Each day of Easter Camp we have Christian teaching and time to critically investigate the evidence. Campers are encouraged to think hard about life and the choices we make. We discuss the implications of Jesus’ life and teaching for our own lives.

This year we will think in particular about what treasure we each chase. We will consider what treasure in heaven is and whether it is worthwhile pursuing. We will also find out how we can be one of God’s treasured possessions. Do the riches that God promises compare with what the world offers? God has blessed this camp in 2012 with a great number of young energetic leaders from a variety of churches, and the full complement of 50 campers. Praise God for his goodness! Catching the Mission Bug Mark Mitchell (CEO) reports on a great Family Mission season, with numbers up at all events, no significant incidents to report and many many good stories of great gospel work all over the state. “My family joined the Lennox Head SUFM (on far north coast of NSW) and we had a great time being a part of the team. Our kids caught the SU bug straight away and can’t wait for mission this year.”

The building project is almost finished. They will be moving into new offices in April and finish the rest of the building over the next month. A special thanks to Greg Floyd, the project manager, and Scott Barnham and Arnold Trewick for all their hard work. The building is a purpose build volunteer hub for missions, camps and schools work across the state.

On more difficult matters SU NSW have lost 6 staff within the last few months. Please pray for the ability to keep up with facilitating this great ministry with a significantly reduced staff capacity. Pray for the recruiting and induction of new staff into the vacated roles. Pray for vision for our Board as they cast their thoughts to the future. Schools Choose Chaplaincy! The Australian Federal Government broadened the existing School Chaplaincy program in September last year. The new scheme, re-named the ‘National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program’, now allows schools to choose either a secular welfare worker or a chaplain. The great news is schools have shown their continued support for chaplaincy!

Ninety-eight per cent of Queensland schools currently employing an SU QLD chaplain chose to retain their chaplain rather than pursuing the secular welfare worker option.

“The School Chaplaincy program has proven itself time and again over more than 20 years in state schools,” said SU QLD CEO Peter James, “and principals, staff and the school community have nailed their colours to the mast to support their chappy because they value the amazing contribution these dedicated people make to their school, often with very little reward or recognition.”

Praise God for his faithfulness, and for allowing us this incredible window into our schools through which we can shine the love of Christ!

Melina Windolf, Chaplain at Moorooka State School

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Getting Out of Town! – SUSA supporting Regional Min istry SUSA has been committed for many years to developing ministry beyond the city limits, as well as within them. There have been many missions, camps and school initiatives that have been key to the ministry, both by sending teams as well as inspiring and resourcing people local to the areas.

Several years ago, a grant enabled us to pilot development of ministry through an SU regional staff worker and local ministry development team on the Lower Eyre Peninsula. Very quickly, we started to see some great fruit and it is now part of the local ministry context in that region.

Building on that success and encouragement, we have been given the opportunity to help people from regional communities in other parts of rural SA to develop local ministry with children, youth and families.

Jenny Lanyon has been appointed as SUSA’s Regional Ministry Development Coordinator. Her role will be to help people in these areas to develop their vision for ministry among young people, and help them build strategy and support for the future, initially in SA’s Mid-North, then further afield.

An exciting opportunity! Living Hope is an exciting opportunity for the whole Scripture Union movement!

What does God want from Scripture Union as we enter our second 150 years in 2017? Living Hope is about finding out. Across the world, we will intentionally spend time listening to our communities, to each other and to key people around us. Through this process, we believe God will speak to us about His call, and the shape and direction of our future. There are three phases: 1) Listening; 2) Discernment; and 3) Action.

Wherever you are and whatever your connection with Scripture Union I am inviting you to be a part of this process, as we trust in God. Come and join this exciting journey.

Check out the Living Hope website ( today!

Janet Morgan SU International Director

Pacific Region Prayer Diary APRIL

1 South Australia

Pray for Jenny Lanyon as she commences her role as Regional Development Coordinator and begins to work strategically with churches in the Mid-North region of SA to reach children, youth and families in that area.


Western Australia

Fine Edge Theatre Company begins rehearsals for its primary school season, Monster Town. Please pray that the team would work hard to bring a show that engages and challenges young people while revealing Jesus.


America Argentina: Summer camps in ‘La Viña’ campsite have opened many new opportunities with churches and children from the very poor areas of the city of Cipolletti. Programmes are designed to engage with these children in weekend activities with sports and games and Bible stories. Please pray for these children and the volunteers as they meet each Saturday.

4 Victoria Please pray for Chaplaincy funding to be granted to schools who have nominated SU

Vic as their provider and for the Schools Team as they work with the new Chaplains.

5 Vanuatu Pray for the Easter camps in three provinces: Northern, Central and South.

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6 Queensland Pray that many people at Easterfest (6th-9th) will be exposed to the good work that SU

QLD is doing in schools and in the community.


Britain and Ireland

Northern Ireland: April is a busy month for the Camps and Missions staff as they process more than 900 applications from summer volunteers. 17 camps and 19 missions are planned and they will reach more than 6,000 children and young people. Please pray that they will be able to deal with the applications quickly and efficiently, honouring the commitment of the volunteers .


Asia In April the Regional Council will be meeting in Hong Kong. Please pray for the Council as a new structure is established. Pray for relationships between the movements to be further strengthened & opportunities for development taken up.

9 Papua New Guinea

Pray for Pacific Director (Lloyd Carter) with Glen Coombs (Sustain) and personnel from SU Queensland who will be working to strengthen partnership. Pray that our objectives will be fruitful.

10 Northern Territory

Easter camp is happening again this year (10th-13th) with the theme Treasure Hunters. Please pray for the 60 campers and leaders attending.


Europe Finland: SU Finland has new possibilities to present its work and products. We have been invited to join “Profiili”, a new youth leaders´ retreat in April, and present our work and products for youth. In May we will have a presentation and a Bible study in Lutheran Church’s very big annual youth gathering. Please pray that by these presentations will inspire young people and youth leaders to read the Bible.


Pacific Australia: Lloyd Carter has now concluded as National Director of SU Australia following a restructure in which the position has been made redundant. (He continues as Pacific Regional Director on increased hours.) Jacques Mouton has been appointed as Executive (administration) Officer for SUA.


Africa Thank the Lord for the many opportunities open in schools and churches to reach both the young and the old through evangelism and Bible ministry. Pray for resources needed to carry out the ministry and for the Regional and Sub Regional offices as they provide assistance and support for the national movements.


Europe Switzerland (German-speaking): All staff workers and their volunteer teams are in demand during the spring break in April for the weekly children’s programs, various LEGO programs and 12 other holiday events for children, teenagers and adults. Please pray for wisdom, good health and protection for the various teams and participants. At the end of April, we will invite all readers of our Bible magazine atempause (especially written by women for women) to a soirée. With an aperitif, good music and a dessert, valuable ideas for living one’s faith in everyday life will be passed on.

15 Australian Capital Territory

Pray for the success of our secondary school adventure camp held this week on a sheep station at Wee Jasper NSW.

16 Papua New Guinea

Pray for SU camps in Gulf Province in this month.

17 Tasmania From 17th-19th, chaplains will be trained regionally across the state. Please pray that

chaplains would feel encouraged, supported and equipped.


Pacific Fiji: Please pray for a united vision between the volunteer Council so that all needed tasks are covered well and the Director is able to stay focused and supported in his ministry responsibilities.

19 Pacific Islands Pray for Sam’s visit to PNG with Glenn Coombs to work on the Sustain project, 18th-


20 Victoria SOAR Adventures & Camp Coolamatong – Pray that the children who are

commencing trips/camps this quarter will experience God’s love and reality.

21 New Zealand South Island camp leaders are meeting this weekend (20th-22nd) for training, brainstorming new directions for camps, and generally keeping momentum toward

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growth goals going. Thank God for enthusiastic and experienced leaders. Pray that we can deepen our leadership pool. Pray for Ben Necklen, South Island Camps Facilitator, as he leads these people and this event.


Africa Northern Nigeria: Pray that God will frustrate the plans of those who are working as agents of the Devil to destroy Nigeria. Bokko Haram Islamic Sect has plans to attack schools starting from Sokoto State. Pray for the wisdom for the Nigerian Government to find solution to these attacks. Pray for God's protection on all FCS (SU) members, and all the Christians in Northern Nigeria, as they are a special target of attacks by the Muslims.


International Thru to May 6: Terry Williams facilitating CYCAS (Community Youth Children & Sport) training events in Dominica (23 – 27), Barbados (28 – 29) and Jamaica (May 2 – 6). Pray for Terry and for all involved.

24 Queensland Pray for Peter James as CEO, for wisdom and discernment in his new role. Pray for

Yvette Atkins (CEO’s PA) as she supports him in this.

25 Tonga Pray for ISCF Combine Fellowship, and the ISCF National Committee meeting every



Americas Peru: After many years of faithful service Paul Clark has passed the baton on to Weider Hidalgo Rojas to became the new National Director of SU Peru. The Board has asked Paul to take responsibility for all the training in SU Peru. Please pray for Weider as he takes on his new role and also for Paul as he prepares Weider for the future of the movement and takes on his new responsibilities.

27 Tasmania This weekend, 27th-29th, current and potential SU camp directors receive training.

Pray for good understanding and that the skills gained would be used well in future camps.


South Australia

Family Missions have been area of renewed ministry growth for SUSA over recent years. This year there is potential for up to 4 new teams to start, in addition to the existing 7. Today, the Missions Support Unit will be developing strategies to meet the opportunities and provide ongoing support. Please pray for them.

29 ACT Pray for wisdom for Council as they plan for the future and consider the possible sale of our campsite.

30 Tonga Pray for the ISCF Training day to be fruitful and also for all attending to become

mature in Christ.


1 Victoria Pray for our finances, that we can keep pace with the vision God has laid on our



South Asia - India

Thank God for the successfully conducted SU India Staff Conference in February. Pray for Vacation Bible School in around six regions and the target to reach 60,000 children. Pray for the teens’ camp in Manipur in May.

3 Papua New Guinea

Pray for Director for safety as he will be travelling and visiting SU movements in other parts of PNG this month.


New Zealand North Island camp leaders are meeting this weekend (4th-6th) for training, brainstorming new directions for camps, and generally keeping momentum toward growth goals going. Thank God for enthusiastic and experienced leaders. Pray that we can deepen our leadership pool. Pray for Wayne Goodchild, North Island Camps Facilitator, as he leads these people and this event.

5 Vanuatu Pray for the children and leaders at the SUPA Camp (Primary age) at the SU

Campsite this weekend (4th-6th).

6 Northern Territory

5th-7th: Pray for the Katherine Christian Convention kids program which SUNT operates every year. Pray for those leading the program, that they will be clear and creative in their presentation and that it will be a blessing to the many children who

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take part.


South Asia - Sri Lanka

Praise and thank God for the provision to have three camps- one for children, two for teens this year. Pray for the search for a dynamic new General Secretary who will lead SUSL in the future. Pray for the school programmes line up for May/June and preparation work for the Children and teen camps August and September.

8 Queensland Pray that all of the non-chaplaincy SU QLD staff have a productive time together at

the May Forum (8th-10th), planning for the upcoming year.

9 Pacific Islands Pray for Sam’s visit to Vanuatu Building Project Team and Kids Camp, 9th-18th.


Africa - Namibia

Elmo Isaacs has been a part-time member of staff while studying for his Theology degree over the past 4 years. He has completed this, and is full-time staff now. Starting with schools and regional ministries, Elmo is understudy to the present National Director, Graeme Aldom. Later in the year Elmo will take on this role. Pray for Elmo and Marjorie in this growing responsibility, that God will give Elmo all knowledge and wisdom to lead the team later this year.


Americas - Colombia

The ministry is extending in Colombia, and for that we are very grateful to God. Last year the school and camps ministry began in the city of Valledupar. And this summer a camp was run by the SU director and a group of volunteers from Barranquilla in the city of Sincelejo, 220 km from Barranquilla. The camp was a blessing for the 80 boys and girls that attended. Many of them heard Bible stories for the first time. Distribution of Bible notes has also grown in Colombia, nearly 400% this last year. Please pray for the work in Valledupar and Sincelejo and the volunteers that are being trained to continue with the vision in these cities.


East/West Asia - Vietnam

SU has a growing ministry amongst children and young people. Please pray for the staff that they will have wisdom, good health and increasing openness to SU’s ministry. Pray for believers and churches in Vietnam to know the importance of meditating on the Word of God daily so that they can live on the basis of his Word. And pray for Pastor Joo, that he will be used mightily in this Bible reading ministry

13 ACT Pray for the success of our Regeneration Appeal dinner on Tuesday night. Pray

many will come, be inspired by the stories and commit to supporting the ministry

14 Tasmania From 14th-16th, Local Chaplaincy Committees will be trained. Please pray that many

would attend and that those who do would be equipped and encouraged as valuable members of school chaplaincy.

15 New Zealand All SU staff retreat this week (14th-17th). Pray for a continued sense of team and unity

at this year’s event, rest and inspiration for staff, as well as constructive planning for the future of our ministry with children and young people.

16 Victoria Pleas pray for the appointment of new Family Mission & Theos directors who are

Godly & missional to replace those that are retiring, and ongoing directors as they form teams for the new year.


Britain and Ireland

May 15 – 17: The Britain and Ireland Regional Council is meeting in Vorzel, Ukraine. There are many important issues on the agenda regarding the future development of our work. Please pray that it will be a very productive meeting. It is also the last meeting at which Andrey Cherniak (Former Soviet Republics Coordinator) will be present as he retires later in May. Give thanks to God for Andrey’s many years of service.

18 Papua New Guinea

Pray for SU camps happening this month.

19 Solomon Islands

Please pray for the Council and staff leadership as they seek ways to grow the work. Pray for effective training of Sunday School teachers and sales of the resources.

20 Queensland Chappy week, 20th-27th. Pray that many more people will see the value of school chaplaincy and get behind this wonderful program helping our kids.

21 Queensland Pray for SU Qld’s new CEO, Peter James, as he settles into the role. Pray for the 600

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chaplains in primary and secondary schools, and for another possible 100 who will be appointed over the next six months.

22 Vanuatu Pray for the recruitment of new committee members for Tafea province.


South Asia - Pakistan

Thank God for the completion of staff conference in February. Praise God for two new staff members for children’s work in Lahore and for the necessary funds for SU ministry in Pakistan. Pray for preparation work on material for Vacation Bible School in Summer. Pray for the staff.


Europe - Estonia

In May 26th we have our festive General Assembly, celebrating God’s grace and kindness for 20 years in SU work in Estonia. Pray for the celebration events, guests involved and for fellowship. Most of all pray for God’s presence and touch to everyone gathered.

25 Tasmania Today, SU staff from across the state meet together. Please pray for good fellowship,

encouragement, and for wisdom in all decision-making.

26 Tonga Pray for the first Fundraising for the year ( ISCF & EX-ISCF). Also pray for the ministry

to all EX-ISCF to be fruitful.


America - Honduras

The country continues to be in constant violence and political unrest. In this context, SU Honduras staff and volunteers are preparing a new year of activities in Schools, interacting with nearly 20,000 children every day, camps for children and recently for young people, especially focusing on leadership training. They are also extending their experience with the SU movements in Central America, helping them gain the experience they need for their movements. Join us in prayer for the leadership in SU Honduras and the programmes focused on children in such a violent environment.


International May 28, 29: Pray for Clayton Fergie and David Rosse who will be meeting with European SU Youth Ministry Leaders in Lausanne, Switzerland. Pray for them as they encourage each other and plan together.

29 South Australia

Pray for Lachy Cupit, Arthur Economides and Jeremy Keane as they join the SUSA team around this time.


International May 30: Wendy Strachan and Clayton Fergie are meeting near London with staff from SU Europe and SU Britain and Ireland to look at how the ‘Shaping for Service’ concept can best be used in those regions. Wendy is also leading Bible reflections this weekend (June 1 – 3) at the Cliff College Festival in Derbyshire, England. Pray for safe travel and wisdom in all discussions.


New Zealand During May and June we will be conducting a Community Listening exercise which is a part of a global Scripture Union process called Living Hope. We will be meeting with small groups of different age groups involved in our ministry and listening to what God is saying to us through them. The goal is to hear about the themes of hope and hopelessness in people’s lives and consider how that should shape our ministry. Pray that we will get the right people involved in groups with the right facilitators, and that we would hear God’s voice.



International June 1 – 4: As part of SU’s Living Hope initiative, SU staff and volunteers around the world are involved in a community listening project to hear from children and young people about their perspectives on hope and hopelessness. Please pray for the children, young people, and that we will be sensitive to the voice of God in all of this. Also pray for the planning group that will be meeting June 1 – 4.


International June 2 – 3: The World Weekend of Prayer for Children at Risk is a chance to join thousands of adults and children praying for children who are marginalised by poverty, disability, conflict, illness and other circumstances. Please join us in praying for children living in these conditions.

3 Queensland Pray for all of the new Chaplains across Queensland as they settle into their new

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International June 4 – 8 : The SU International Executive, Regional Directors and International Staff will be meeting in Rimlishof, Buhl, France this week. One of the pressing issues for Scripture Union as the Movement has grown is how we support the ministry for long-term sustainability. This affects us at every level, nationally, regionally, and internationally. During the week, consultant Rob Martin will be helping us explore future funding models. Please pray for wisdom as we seek to gain wisdom in this area. Lloyd will attend from this region.

5 Pacific Islands Pray for Sam’s visit to Fiji, for a rewarding time of fellowship.

6 Vanuatu Pray for Pastor John Thomas and the school’s ministry in the northern islands.

7 Papua New Guinea

Preparation for SU National Camp by doing fundraising. Pray for open hearts and generosity.

8 Tasmania Pray for wisdom in appointing new chaplains in schools where there is a vacancy, and

also in new schools.


Britain and Ireland - Scotland

Starting Blocks on June 9 in Edinburgh is SU Scotland’s training day for those leading missions. 28 missions are planned to take place in the school holidays between June and August. They provide a unique opportunity to tell those with little or no church connection about the love of God through drama, games, crafts, storytelling, music and other activities. Please pray that this day will inspire and equip the hundreds of volunteers needed to lead these missions.


Europe - Estonia

June 8-10 there will be Nationwide Bible Days, held in Tartu, gathering more than 600 young people all over the country. From SU SEOS and camp work will be both represented and involved - before the main event there will be a series of concerts and other events in different locations etc. Please pray for God’s work in the hearts of young people and that every leader involved would go out in obedience and anointing.


International Please continue to pray for Sue Stott and Ruth McIntosh of Ai Admin as they support the extensive preparations for Living Hope, especially as they attend to the production, translation and distribution of monthly communications to the movements.

12 Victoria Chaplains Intensive Training, 12th-13th. Pray for the Chaplains to be equipped for the

challenges they will face.


Americas - El Salvador

For several years the movement has been struggling to keep alive. Recently a group of volunteers visited SU Honduras and took part in an envisioning camp for youth leadership. With SU Honduras support, plans are underway to run a camp for young people next summer and to train an inspired group of new volunteers. Please pray that the Lord will sustain the new group of volunteers and bless the programmes for the camp in the summertime.


Britain and Ireland - England and Wales

With the Olympic Games starting in London in July, SU is involved in a number of initiatives building on that theme. One of them is The Games, an event for schools which is based around Christian values and explores concepts to do with the Christian faith in lively, educationally appropriate ways. Pray for these events taking place during this time.

15 Tonga Pray for the ISCF Mid-Camp for the Senior Level ( Form 5 up to tertiary Students)

16 Northern Territory

Pray for the Indigenous Kriol youth Camp leaders meeting this weekend as they prepare the program, and for Bruce Chapman and Glen Simpkins as they travel to Beswick to be a part of the indigenous training.


Britain and Ireland - Republic of Ireland:

Grace Deegan (Primary Schools Coordinator) is developing the It’s Your Move programme for children making the transition to secondary school, using a special Republic of Ireland edition of the book. Pray for Grace as she develops partnerships and trains people to run the programme during this school term

18 Pacific Islands Pray for Sam’s visit to Solomon Islands regarding Sustain project, and looking at

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New Zealand Plans and ideas are being brought together to help us increase the level of Bible engagement across NZ. These range from what happens on our camps to increasing the use of our Bible reading guides, and supporting our Bible reading reps better. Pray that we would come up with effective ways to make this happen and to see a difference in this key area of our ministry.


East/West Asia - Hong Kong

Praise God for the growing demand for the Chinese Daily Bread. The 1st quarter edition sold out completely with hundreds more wanting copies. This desire to read the Bible is very exciting. Please pray that the demand will continue to grow and that as people read the Scriptures they will have an increasing impact on Hong Kong and beyond.

21 ACT Praise God for our faithful volunteers and supporters who have a strong faith in the

value of SU ministries

22 Vanuatu Pray for the New Children’s Ministry Coordinator, Miss Elodea Taleo based in Port



Pacific The annual face to face meeting of the Executive was held in Brisbane in February. Lloyd Carter’s (Regional Director) role increase is opening up some new possibilities in areas such as Pacific Island partnerships, resourcing and Bible engagement.


Europe - Greece

Please pray that the great economic crisis, which has shocked the Greek families, would become the reason for spiritual awakening. Pray for the Greek churches and that the ministry of Hellenic Scripture Union will have a positive spiritual effect on our country. Pray for the great opportunities that have come up, for serving spiritually and practically children, adolescents, young people and adults, with meals and spiritual programs. The crisis has opened many doors that were closed previously.

25 Northern Territory

Kids Games are running during this week with the high school training initiative SUPAServe running alongside it. Please pray for the children, leaders and junior leaders attending.

26 South Australia

Pray for Mark Schultz, the SUSA Council and God’s provision as SUSA searches for new premises for SUSA to consolidate their staff team into one building together.


South Asia - Bangladesh

Praise God for the successfully conducted Youth and children leaders training in March. Thanks God for the generous donors who funded these programme. Pray for the work on the Daily Bread for 2013. Pray for the Regional Director and the SU Bangladesh Committee as they continue to develop ministry in Bangladesh. Pray for the necessary funding for a permanent coordinator for Bangladesh.


Africa Pray for the churches in SA who have already taken up the E100 Challenge. Pray that the Big Bible Challenge will help grow their openness to engaging with God through His word.

29 Tonga ISCF & EX-ISCF Prayer Chain this Friday night. Pray for ISCF Combine Fellowship

and for all the member’s to maintain their walk with the Lord daily.


Australian Capital Territory :

Financial pressures have required some radical changes to the SU ACT management structure and allocation of responsibilities. Support is being received from SUQld (Chaplaincy), SUNSW (Ministry oversight) and the SUA and the Deposit Fund (loans). Staffing has been cut including the redundancy of the CEO position held by Craig Webber. Please pray for all involved including the Council under Geoff Creelman and the Reference Group set up by SUA. Pray for the successful sale of the camping property. Pray for a new management and staffing structure and adequate revenue to sustain the work.