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TO THE POINT: Shigekl Sugiyama Scapegoating JACL URGES VOTE FOR CLOTURE IN SENATE BE LOWER PACIFI TIZEN '.0", JACL H.,'I Hu.tquert,n Communication JACL commend. Sen. Rodd. choice JACL Statement on the Economy 16,Cicd b&I I ". b,tLoKDto.'1I _ of III1t .. p e nd II" *"0 .ar, of .. _plO'\o'OMtlI. W, d. p lor' .llIfftMllCo, ood",ffdura!i\,( oJII- doll 111110 ."k '" the crlrt. Il1I C1OIt"'" toeI4l ","1- J.f'C """",,n .... ndol"" "'-¥- u ... '"dl..tdllolo ",MI, (O'f- _If ............ 11 .... , bt IISZ- '" _ O"'OV"dI ,,,. I "f1)t1/ 1I£H: 10 ,."nt" . w, .11 ..... ,/I. righ'" 01 ,n "..,.rie .... 10 1ta1l' II II«'mI 'UI!l4cJrd of IIl11ng "",!! .. Ihlg ....... PC Board of Directon appointed "lib 1M IddHIOII of I 'ep' , ...... 1.11.1 ... tfonl ... Wn Dnlr1cl. \lie Ippolal. mmto 10 tlV BNlnI 01' 01 ... kft "I 1M ,,-<,II. Ci\llollft 11 J ... CL !UljJ ht.> l"poInted T...t Itt'\.l:b rl_1 Cb.ftplft'. 10 rPSI' .-1 flu dblrl.1 ... III. ..... 0Ihft' Ippoltt.\IIW'nto r,". 't\oouIb' Innou"",,, lJK: "de Chllit_n AI H..olaw. "'" ...... .. I .. : .!JI .... Ctl J Dot. 5 ... 1lOnf'l_ tar MC·W"; F.ed lllruwoo.., t or CC; KarI,o KUIllIfUCl,l. Lot ...... ,e- Is. P!JW: Willi .... H..... ,uw •• D." yer. Mounllln.Plltn.; Waldll. Cbll:.lO. Mld- _I: Rub7 kh.... N ... l'""k. I:OC; Ed .... rd 1If. Tw- lIlla .... Spakane. PNW; and u..... mcto m .... If'tII'II PSw K I,. N.b«lti, Htlm Ka",.· .... and M_une KoJ!m • Suli1arnl hu flU"1brl' .p poInlftl Kutl.l!.' "1JII tIIllrman !If III. opentln. "Om1O>l\1i!e ot u.. 80Itd '" """"'" and ad· _ an lIIe d.,.to-dl, n d Inuln_ PC ClPC'fI\lona. 'lICk to latun ' film I/t.mplllni. fmm J.P"fI'IH Amrrlcaru. moll of J ... n _""'" 1.0 I h. trf.· III .... UA dlW:M. In lau II ...... ' H.-dQuarten olUnl SlI"bo painted ClUI U\I1 l't.IrIllIIn ." Ih. , ..... " ....., Ill. "'meriCtln _. nil th, ..... um .. publk rUn hal. dlm ... 11 um. ,"""'a DI .... "IIa<1t 1.0 4l1l' ... ..,u.Un. btl.een ............ "" K.O!IC. I"! IJt Ban J_. lei ... III J.p.nae _ellO' II .... _t ,.,'- w ....... , Jill. Ifl,d J'lIIl1eM 11:1 the dlJlort· It ell .nd IlcUonaIilf4 DIm. N., ..... y __ ", I'" It lhe liliion !nlilted on R..-.6'lwlr1o-n .tIll Sid 1""",,ln. u.. IIlrrwo. ol'M .lI1d KC!K' 'lIU"" .... n •• Il).II \:111 ..... durin, IfItd . ftorr .... ....... '" t III. 11m ft .... Ill. ""IIUII !b, ... U .... lI>r!uld: lbrlo", __ .... II .... I IIIIk. aD llUlGIIlI .. manl ••• "",,," .. nd. ftlln mad •• 1 . .. nIln. II. p,tI\)I .. 11dJud 1'- ... .... II .... populat to MtI'-'1 .tId u.. ,"n !b., thl Jal*>"- .toU..., d_ 1101 condlJtl. ",,, .. tfod .... 1 1 .. 11 Ndt .... p.-o1onnt.1 -.,,, .. ,.,,1. II "' .... '-'lilted .f'Il..:u.n. .. 1t4111 on In, '- u.. f..-nod ... _11«1 01 eUtnlc 1I"000p. 700 expected for Fellowship dinner .... Ip tot..,..... 10 . IR ..... ..., III rtudr II Sophia !Jnh .... tt' .rId a ""o-w"k kluJ' of J •• ... ..... ",.u."'" ., ..... n.bla U J ... CL H.U ..... I Hudqllif' I.,. n IIU.O per pe.-. C.OlIJJ ..n.U ...... of 10 pM' ubt, If. II,. ""1:fIOftI fI'om fhocpl.,. .nd ...... ru .. U_ c)'"",kI If' SO-1obl. III tho J ... CL "' ,U,,'I·,'1Ip 8ItDqlJlt. Rochfellu CI " Rul_ Slmpl. Milo,!',. Move on for impeachment B,. UAIlBl' It.. RONOA SAN f'RAN'ClSCo-J'rffTllh of Dr. Te..,. l' Ra,..uhl ter) holm ot I gall laUmonlll dinner Feb.. • 1\ SL P.ancb Hold for bdn.l tonlern!d th, Orm of the Sacred Tn-uw-e, 4th CI3S11, from the JlpanHe In rec:- orn1tlOll of bLl e6ort. 10 PI"OlnOUl U.s. -J.p.n In.t A fO\1J\der of lh San P'rillclcc:o JACL III the I.te- ami '-Ie. naUonal JACL pro..lder\1 In leM. be II • ba>elac:lor fM the ..... NaUon.! J ... CL Buildln, . ... t hU lid. are MH. Yo mronaka {I.m. cblpler buUdln, fUnd dtllrpenon. ...d: Dr. YOIlLlo NIIia&h.lma. 1111& Wplet pruhient. Di lcredit" 101'0 .:.\111 ..... hn I Wayne Horiuchi 01 Sail Lake 10 be EDC wants staff salaries public Ogden mayor to address IDC meel OGDtN. - Mfl,YOI" ... Slep/>tn Dlrkl 01 wUl be ,",ukef al Ibe lint ClU.rterl, ... ,.,IOft 01 IlII Intn_ ",OUDll.ln JACL DI.ltlcl "",VIlllII1, IIere M.r. 1-1 " !be Old_n 0.. pot Ctub The dI"'rlct bu.o:lnCH -'on COfIII'n011Ca It 1:30 p.m. Sal· u.III.r and u.. ma,M will 10(1. """" !be 1!V1!:I1111, banq""l. Oukt·_ ""lq.1tII wtli OVItfII.hl 1\ lbe Nolld., I"n. ""Ih \be- ",ulon IWUmlnl Su"d., momln, """ W •• lkh """"1 Narlh J ... CL " hlll\ln, lb. n.. 70Ulh aroop willi rove ell.!,· man 0181 MorI ..... will _t WA..SHINCTON-A d=· moUono we r .. carried 10 !.he Eutem DI.lrlc:I COtlncU ,ess\IIn held JaD. IS II the K e, Brld .. e Mamott .1 aM.b, Roalyn. VI .•• 1(111, with progl'Sl report! from y'-!UII' ... Uon.l J ... CL om- dtlt. After NltIonal E: ... cu lf ..e Dlreeton D.YId UlhIo outUn· ftI !be varlOlU rurn:UIJDS .nd: «:IJ)orutIb!ILtlei of naUonll .tld IIIII'. lb. !:DC reqU",,'ed NIUOIUIl B<N!rd '" rnUe lvaHlble 10 .U III' le .... W ....... benI "lbe ull· rI_ alld all otht:t monetar}' and 11 ... 00_\ ar ... ,n,ltllettll of "'Cl7 mflDber 01 thl JACL lboll' ., all In'e4". Whll lIokod oIf Ille moUon ..... Ill. qu""Uon oonc.mll1' tile IIlllT of !be dl"",\(Ir of the elllnJ. pro.r. m. Ush!o nplalued lilt Nltion- .! B<N!.d tt..d dtdd4!d 'lilt')' dLocu .... om wef e oonftde-nl1l1 and cou.1d not be dlKloJed. Nevtrthel_. from the fou. do.plen """I>''''' I", the In.llted !be)'. III fUI, paid Ib" ul.ri ... of .11 ""Ilonal . boll' people. Ih O!1 Corrllcfion The .1IIrJ ( reb. It ) of Ra, N .... ' t..d .. lnl ..,...plalnt III eoun .... lnll Davld Uahlo..,4 J ... CL Wl"DflJ:l.r Idrntllled him U .... , O.kland J ... CL (hlplm" p •• ldent. He neYer Will NIHONGO MISSING IN HEW PROGRAM FOR ASIAN AMERICAN BILINGUALISM , tn,llIh .Ibn. willi Chlrl_. Konan, Sam"" 11 d T .... ", . ...... "" w b 7 J. p.n ..... ""'. nnt In( l\ldad In I ,", .ovorn· mtnl to. f"nd ln, EIMuIw 8te-1mdJ, meml>tt al lb. oIUuru ,,,,up ."Un, In Illo InItI.1 pl.n. nina. Hid appoo .... U, tlo men' lion of II .... mlde In III. 00-111'1.1 _"I. N 8uhlf')' hili •• J,p"'", Anlerl •• n COtntnU- ntt.r .. Itt. "",n, atudtnll. lb- • 0 I ... t\ool .mel.!1 4.lIt>lIe· I, ..nih 10 Inclu4, ..... blUlIl\ll1 l1udl .. In thl. pro-- '"'tn, ,h ... Id (itt...,,,, FOUP did ""I _ Ill. ". Ipnll p. -..I ."b- mllted 10 HtW. bul Ih. 011- uoU"" h •• ben, eorr.dftl . .. d .,.-ovU""''' fOO' a IUtl! el ... _ III J ...... __ hili JUb· mJlIW for I h ,""",d ,u. tanln .. I .. J uJ,y ohe .. Id. "'pplk.tlono tor .ddlUon,1 ...... 11 .... III tot mlde ,. .... ,t.r 10 lhe Ollleo ()t !du· ,..11"". b1ttncu.1 dlvt.lan Th ... holl p'ocratll I. ell' PC1.ld to ... 1 under WI, II _ ... PI'OJIeI dltloCWr II .. let:tId. A IIoo .. "" th ..m.- rn"", b •• o:ItIJ ..... 1k1.ool7 .(I01'tlfllltN aootIllln. In Uti In· 11111 ptoftllin. If. Iu&l.r ...... aIIIl .. T.lWd. I Ca mmw .. i .. llo ... P'ormu ","110",,1 ",p, K.,. 8 0rlll ot Pbll .. ' tit 11111 II I':DC .. dldn'l QQ ....... 1111 wI, hOPpe'nI'lI on otrl.lh. pm.,_ .. ". !>ow ooolid \he _mblr know either. .. Id UII ,,_ "IftII In ,h CIUlM franl pO.D, -CommunlraUon." '""" N.II ...... 1 Il ... dqu orlrr. '"'''' •• In ,I.hl dlr ...... Vlhlo .rkuowlcd .... t the ,....,.,,,,, ,..hlp h ••• ,,",d Um. ',,"owln. 1'1'11.1",,"1 J ACl. Ir· UrlUM end pnjml.od Ih. PC C()Jumn would "" lind I.... n nd'lulrlf" 1"1,,11._ IbI 81.11uo rCloOrU on • n JACl.. prot ......... ..... II ... .., ... I.llonod. " I" em M 'fUl/I,,1 lI",n pr'"",", ott 1>"""'" . hQuld .._" If) torw..-doad 10 Nallonal &<>ud De .. lop .... Jnt 1)"""1",, of I)oulop'ncnl &-ndill.' ,.- •• IlIltndu.-.,l 10 Iho y'J)C br Votlk> , IlC'll"I" •• J /\C'I. III 1",..,,_ 0' r""dln ll'. hu lwo ......... 1'\· I ... rhuo.I .. ,\.Uro: "JACt. hili 101 ,,, "liN n d Mi><Id) L.mU"".4 ,0 liUI , ..... MOUlHAIN Vn;IY, CIlloI. _ Buddhl.1 Chul'!'hos 01 \ ",.,...u will hold Ito ."nu.1 NltlM.! C .... ".lt In d mI"I.· fMtUn,. .... P'tb, le_ u ... hl. BI.hOp Ken,.,... TI\IJt "",.llIh •• OUllOlnJI BC", pruld*"1 IU· .... JI KI.lyo or Mou,,"ln ... will hit to T ... h Nllhlmura 01 ('WeiIII- Vblt· wil l bt- II\o)' ln, II,,· r.!II". Il r. 1I II"" ... In Alto-. 740 PC READERS RES POND TO SURVEY " . of ".11.. H. th .......... :4, . ", .. le ..... ' bo fun ...... 'o .... t<! Clu •• I\I>naa l, ... In tho umdl \Ie Re.d .-.J>lp $UJ'. ..u. ,,11.1<11. wU! d_ Mar I. " lotol "I I.'!II .... " . ... _""II .... Toohu\a,"'" of II, . IntI 1M .,,,,11.. lodl •• I.... ,.... t..- .",n"". I1 '" do .. ot .,,_.Ibo 10 " Ih., ) .... n ..... ... .,...". 1.1'\1. 'u b.uk40"-" Indl . .. ..... 01 ou • ..,. d . ... .. e ""hoe . .. .... 4 '" Ih o)Ot. ' bOlll .. DIll ". .,ldlU" ... 1 10 Ih. ""en · .. ",,.d 11 .... 110" "" ho,", k> !mllfDU lb. PO,

PACIFI TIZENTO THE POINT: Shigekl Sugiyama Scapegoating JACL URGES VOTE FOR CLOTURE IN SENATE BE LOWER PACIFI TIZEN '.0", JACL H.,'I Hu.tquert,n Communication JACL commend.

Feb 18, 2020



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Page 1: PACIFI TIZENTO THE POINT: Shigekl Sugiyama Scapegoating JACL URGES VOTE FOR CLOTURE IN SENATE BE LOWER PACIFI TIZEN '.0", JACL H.,'I Hu.tquert,n Communication JACL commend.

TO THE POINT: Shigekl Sugiyama





• '.0", JACL H.,'I Hu.tquert,n

Communication JACL commend. Sen. Rodd. choice

JACL Statement on the Economy 16,Cicd b&I I". b,tLoKDto.'1I _ of III1t .. p e nd II" N· *"0 .ar, of .. _plO'\o'OMtlI.

W, d. p lor' .llIfftMllCo, b¥ ood",ffdura!i\,( oJII­doll 111110 ."k '" lo1~. the crlrt. Il1I C1OIt"'" toeI4l ","1-J.f'C """",,n .... ndol"" "'-¥­u ... '"dl..tdllolo ",MI, (O'f­

_If ............ 11 .... , bt IISZ­'" _ O"'OV"dI ,,,. I "f1)t1/

1I£H: ~ 10 ,."nt". w, .11 ..... ,/I. righ'" 01 ,n

"..,.rie .... 10 1ta1l' II II«'mI 'UI!l4cJrd of IIl11ng "",!! .. Ihlg ....... ~

PC Board of Directon appointed "lib 1M IddHIOII of I 'ep'

, ...... 1.11.1 ... tfonl lfI~ ... Wn Dnlr1cl. \lie Ippolal.

mmto 10 tlV BNlnI 01' 01 ... •

kft "I 1M ,,-<,II. Ci\llollft 11

~plfol. J ... CL ~I !UljJ t!.U~U"'" ht.> l"poInted T...t 'b~u.h'mI. Itt'\.l:b rl_1 ~"rUt Cb.ftplft'. 10 rPSI' .-1 flu dblrl.1 ... III. .....

0Ihft' Ippoltt.\IIW'nto r,". 't\oouIb' Innou"",,, lJK: "de Chllit_n AI H..olaw. "'" ...... .. I .. : .!JI .... Ctl J Dot. 5 ... 1lOnf'l_ tar MC·W"; F.ed

lllruwoo.., tor CC; KarI,o KUIllIfUCl,l. Lot ...... ,e­Is. P!JW: Willi .... H.....,uw •• D." yer. Mounllln.Plltn.; C_,~ Waldll. Cbll:.lO. Mld­_I: Rub7 kh.... N ... l'""k. I:OC; Ed .... rd 1If. Tw­lIlla .... Spakane. PNW; and u.....mcto m .... ~ If'tII'II PSw K I,. N.b«lti, Htlm Ka",.· .... and M_une KoJ!m • •

Suli1arnl hu flU"1brl' .p • poInlftl Kutl.l!.' "1JII tIIllrman !If III. opentln. "Om1O>l\1i!e ot u.. 80Itd '" """"'" and ad· _ an lIIe d.,.to-dl, • n d Inuln_ PC ClPC'fI\lona.

'lICk to latun' film F~Iw..-u.. I/t.mplllni. fmm J.P"fI'IH Amrrlcaru. moll of

J ... n _""'" 1.0 I h. trf.· III .... UA dlW:M. In lau II ...... ' H.-dQuarten olUnl SlI"bo painted ClUI U\I1 l't.IrIllIIn ." Ih. ,....." ....., Ill. "'meriCtln _. nil th, ..... um .. ~· publk rUn hal. dlm ... 11 um. ,"""'a DI ... . "IIa<1t 1.0 8'lIln.~ 4l1l' ... ..,u.Un. btl.een ............ "" K.O!IC. I"! IJt Ban J_. lei ... III J.p.nae _ellO' II .... _t ,.,'- w ....... , Jill. Ifl,d J'lIIl1eM 11:1 the dlJlort· It ell .nd IlcUonaIilf4 DIm.

N., ..... y __ ", I'" It lhe liliion !nlilted on R..-.6'lwlr1o-n .tIll .~ Sid 1""",,ln. u.. IIlrrwo. ol'M .lI1d C"'~, KC!K' 'lIU"" .... n •• • Il).II \:111 ..... durin, IfItd . ftorr .... ....... '" t III. 11m ft .... Ill. ""IIUII !b, ... U .... lI>r!uld: ~ lbrlo", __ .... II .... I IIIIk. aD llUlGIIlI .. manl ••• "",,," .. nd. ftlln mad •• 1 . .. nIln. II. p,tI\)I .. 11dJud 1'- ... ~ .... II .... populat to MtI'-'1 .tId u.. ,"n !b., thl ""~ Jal*>"- .toU..., d_ 1101 condlJtl.

'1~o ",,, .. tfod .... 1 1 .. 11 Ndt .... ~u.,., III~ p.-o1onnt.1 -.,,, .. ,.,,1. II "' .... '-'lilted .f'Il..:u.n. d.,~ .. 1t4111 on In, '- u.. f..-nod ... _11«1 01 eUtnlc 1I"000p.

700 expected for Fellowship dinner .... Ip tot..,..... 10 . IR ..... ..., III rtudr II Sophia !Jnh .... tt' .rId a ""o-w"k kluJ' of J •• ...

..... ",.u."'" ., ..... n.bla U J ... CL H.U ..... I Hudqllif' I.,. n IIU.O per pe.-. C.OlIJJ • ..n.U ...... of 10 pM' ubt, If. II,. ""1:fIOftI fI'om fhocpl.,. .nd ...... ru .. U_ c)'"",kI If' SO-1obl. III tho J ... CL "',U,,'I·,'1Ip 8ItDqlJlt.

Rochfellu CI " Rul_

Slmpl. Milo,!',.

Move on for impeachment B,. UAIlBl' It.. RONOA

SAN f'RAN'ClSCo-J'rffTllh of Dr. Te..,. l' Ra,..uhl (~ ter) h l1ll~ holm ot I gall laUmonlll dinner Feb.. • 1\ SL P.ancb Hold for bdn.l tonlern!d th, Orm of the Sacred Tn-uw-e, 4th CI3S11, from the JlpanHe ~, In rec:­orn1tlOll of bLl e6ort. 10 PI"OlnOUl U.s.-J.p.n ~nd_ In.t A fO\1J\der of lh San P'rillclcc:o JACL III the I.te-1'2~ ami '-Ie. naUonal JACL pro..lder\1 In leM. be II • m~w ba>elac:lor fM the ..... NaUon.! J ... CL Buildln, . ... t hU lid. are MH. Yo mronaka {I.m. cblpler buUdln, fUnd dtllrpenon. ...d: Dr. YOIlLlo NIIia&h.lma. 1111& Wplet pruhient.

Dilcredit" 101'0

.:.\111 ..... hn I

Wayne Horiuchi

01 Sail Lake 10 be

EDC wants staff salaries public

Ogden mayor to

address IDC meel OGDtN. U~II - Mfl,YOI" ... Slep/>tn Dlrkl 01 Og~1I wUl be "'~I ,",ukef al Ibe lint ClU.rterl, ... ,.,IOft 01 IlII Intn_ ",OUDll.ln JACL DI.ltlcl C40un~U "",VIlllII1, IIere M.r. 1-1 " !be Old_n Def~nK 0.. pot om~n' Ctub

The dI"'rlct bu.o:lnCH -'on COfIII'n011Ca It 1:30 p.m. Sal· u.III.r and u.. ma,M will 10(1.

"""" !be 1!V1!:I1111, banq""l. Oukt·_ ""lq.1tII wtli ~ OVItfII.hl 1\ lbe n~&rb , Nolld., I"n. ""Ih \be- ",ulon IWUmlnl Su"d., momln,

""" W •• lkh """"1 Narlh J ... CL " hlll\ln, lb. ~eUn.. n.. 70Ulh aroop willi rove ell.!,· man 0181 MorI..... will _t ~rrcnU.r.

WA..SHINCTON-A d=· ~ moUono we r .. carried 10 ~1l11h1 !.he Eutem DI.lrlc:I COtlncU ,ess\IIn held JaD. IS II the K e, Brld .. e Mamott .1 aM.b, Roalyn. VI .•• 1(111, with progl'Sl report! from y'-!UII' ... Uon.l J ... CL om­dtlt.

After NltIonal E: ... cu lf .. e Dlreeton D.YId UlhIo outUn· ftI !be varlOlU rurn:UIJDS .nd: «:IJ)orutIb!ILtlei of naUonll .tld ~nal IIIII'. lb. !:DC reqU",,'ed tI!~ NIUOIUIl B<N!rd '" rnUe lvaHlble 10 .U III' le .... W ....... benI "lbe ull· rI_ alld all otht:t monetar}' and 11 ... 00_\ ar ... ,n,ltllettll of "'Cl7 mflDber 01 thl JACL lboll' ., all In'e4".

Whll lIokod oIf Ille moUon ..... Ill. qu""Uon oonc.mll1' tile IIlllT of !be dl"",\(Ir of the elllnJ. b t rlll~ pro.r. m. Ush!o nplalued lilt Nltion­.! B<N!.d tt..d dtdd4!d 'lilt')' dLocu .... om wefe oonftde-nl1l1 and cou.1d not be dlKloJed. Nevtrthel_. d~le,.I"" from the fou. do.plen """I>''''' I", the ~ , In.llted !be)'. III fUI, paid Ib" ul.ri ... of .11 ""Ilonal . boll' people. Ih O!1

Corrllcfion The .1IIrJ ( reb. It) of Ra,

N .... ' t..d .. lnl • ..,...plalnt III eoun .... lnll Davld Uahlo..,4 J ... CL Wl"DflJ:l.r Idrntllled him U ...., O.kland J ... CL (hlplm" p •• ldent. He neYer Will




tn,llIh .Ibn. willi Chlrl_. Konan, Sam"" • 11 d T .... ", .

...... "" w b 7 J . p.n ..... ""'. nnt In( l \ldad In I,", .ovorn· mtnl dl,"'II~e t o . f"ndln, • EIMuIw 8te-1mdJ, meml>tt al lb. oIUuru 14~11OI'1 ,,,,up ."Un, In Illo InItI.1 pl.n. nina. Hid appoo .... U, tlo men' lion of II .... ~ mlde In III. 00-111'1.1 _"I.

N 8uhlf')' hili •• I.~bl. J,p"'", Anlerl •• n COtntnU­ntt.r .. Itt. "",n, atudtnll. lb-• 0 I ... t\ool .mel.!1 4.lIt>lIe· I, ..nih 10 Inclu4, ..... blUlIl\ll1 l1udl .. In thl. pro-­'"'tn, ,h ... Id

'Th~ (itt...,,,, FOUP did ""I _ Ill. ".Ipnll p. -..I ."b­mllted 10 HtW. bul Ih. 011-uoU"" h •• ben, eorr.dftl . .. d .,.-ovU""''' fOO' a IUtl! el ... _ III J ...... __ hili ~ n JUb·

mJlIW for I h ~ ,""",d ,u. • tanln .. I .. J uJ,y ohe .. Id.

"'pplk.tlono tor .ddlUon,1 ' ~IIUlI ...... 11 .... III tot mlde ,. .... ,t.r 10 lhe Ollleo ()t !du· ,..11"". b1ttncu.1 dlvt.lan

Th ... holl p'ocratll I. ell' PC1.ld to ... 1 under WI, II _ ... PI'OJIeI dltloCWr II .. let:tId.

A IIoo .. "" th • ..m.­rn"", b •• o:ItIJ ..... 1k1.ool7 .(I01'tlfllltN aootIllln. In Uti In· 11111 ptoftllin. If. V.I~Un. Iu&l.r ...... aIIIl .. T.lWd.


Ca mmw .. i .. llo ...

P'ormu ","110",,1 ",p, K.,. 8 0rlll ot Pbll .. I.I~hl. ' tit 11111 II I':DC d.col~l .. dldn'l QQ ....... 1111 wI, hOPpe'nI'lI on otrl.lh. pm.,_ .. ". !>ow ooolid \he len~'1Ii _mblr know either. II~ .. Id UII ,,_ ~ol. "IftII In ,h ~ I> .dll~ CIUlM franl pO.D, -CommunlraUon." '""" N.II ...... 1 Il ... dqu orlrr. '"'''' •• I~p In lh~ ,I.hl dlr ...... ,~

Vlhlo .rkuowlcd .... t the ,....,.,,,,, ,..hlp h ••• ,,",d Um. ',,"owln. 1'1'11.1",,"1 J ACl. Ir· UrlUM end pnjml.od Ih. PC C()Jumn would "" "o"tJ ~\jod lind I .... n nd'lulrlf" 1"1,,11._ IbI ~lufTl"d 81.11uo rCloOrU on • n JACl.. prot ......... ..... II ... .., ... I.llonod. h~ " I"

em M 'fUl/I,,1 lI",n pr'"",", ott I"I~_I~<! 1>"""'" . hQuld ""~. .._" If) ,,,'.,..nllll ~,, torw..-doad 10 Nallonal &<>ud

De .. lop .... Jnt

1)"""1",, of I)oulop'ncnl &-ndill.' ,.- •• IlIltndu.-.,l 10 Iho y'J)C br Votlk> , IlC'll"I" •• tt.~1 J /\C'I. III 1",..,,_ 0' r""dln ll'. hu lwo ......... 1'\· I ... ~ rhuo.I .. ,\.Uro: "JACt. hili • 101 ,,, "liN • n d Mi><Id)

L.mU"".4 ,0 liUI , .....

MOUlHAIN Vn;IY, CIlloI. _ '1'h~ Buddhl.1 Chul'!'hos 01 • \ ",.,...u will hold Ito ."nu.1 NltlM.! C .... ".lt In d mI"I.· ~n.! fMtUn,. I\~ .... P'tb, le_ u ... hl. BI.hOp Ken,.,... TI\IJt "",.llIh ••

OUllOlnJI BC", pruld*"1 IU· .... JI KI.lyo or Mou,,"ln V!~ ... will I>~ " hit jIIOv~1 to T ... h Nllhlmura 01 ('WeiIII- Vblt· h.~ tI~I"~II"" wil l bt- II\o)'ln, ~I II,,· r.!II". Ilr.1I II"" ... In ~ Io Alto-.



" . o f ".11.. H . th .......... :4, .", .. le ..... 'bo fun ...... 'o .... t<! Clu •• I\I>naa l, ... In tho umdl \Ie Re.d • .-.J>lp $UJ'. ..u. ,,11.1<11. wU! d_ Mar •

I. " lotol " I I.'!II .... " . ... _""II .... Toohu\a,"'" of II, . IntI 1M

.,,,,11.. lodl •• I.... ,.... t..­.",n"". I1 '" do .. ot .,,_.Ibo 10 " Ih., ) .... n ..... ... .,...". 1.1'\1. ' u b.uk40"-" Indl. .. ..... 1~ "Io 01 ou • ..,.d . ... .. e ""hoe . .. ~O ·'9 .... 4 n ~ '" Ih o)Ot. ' bOlll ~O"' .. DIll " . .,ldlU" ... 1 ''' ntm . n~ 10 Ih. ""en · .. ",,.d 11 .... 110" "" ho,", k> !mllfDU lb. PO,

Page 2: PACIFI TIZENTO THE POINT: Shigekl Sugiyama Scapegoating JACL URGES VOTE FOR CLOTURE IN SENATE BE LOWER PACIFI TIZEN '.0", JACL H.,'I Hu.tquert,n Communication JACL commend.

PACIFIC CITIZEN sa.'=.1.:~' ~:: I~~ ' .:""'== ...... in 1:."" .e Loot .... , ... c:.w .....


Fridl,. ftb. :l1. 1815

PSWDC not glad lie.' •• -

0.., 10.000 ~atI"l S .. 1M PC [uh Wult



HIAD omci 100 WII, .. ". I"'"., "" ......... C.h' fOOl7 TOKYO 0'"'' )21 " .. S.MI" ft., c... A""'ft. c.u, 90012

GAl DINA OffiCI 1600 W .. ", .............. ".0..,,,.,,., C.Uf. 'OlA7

S.AN 'a...IoI"S(O OffiCI ." tr.4 ..... _,., Sf . liP (,Uf'I1II,


,nil '21. 71t1

UIl, .. o..2'!O

!lUI snU60

'CU) ,. • • uoo ... ~ ...... U"r.

r-''''''''' IJOIIrId J., .,., •.• AftltrltUl bullrttu ... UbUth. ",.rill . "d J IPaII". ~. .... p .. lt .... lI,. lIIov. btoelI uou~c.d 1lI " .0 bock 10 .la_ ,..-

w Bank of Tokyo of California --

• Sumllomo Bank 01 Call1ornia

Crossroads TO SOMIWHIU


"~I ,r J. • . • 'fl01.

lin I~l. ~f.l_ ',.., '. r. ""pi ... "", bo'", •• ,~.

tI> ..... '18 ....... 1\ ." iii. IN." rA '"'" h(,ac Cut""' il~ II 1n'.,I'U",',


P • ., your HIli,. • ., bm ... lth • 1_ Int,fut n" .. IIIII.II.,. I ... ho", ,-oU' C,,4', Ullie"

National JACL Credit Union M,IIl', O. 1 •• 1711, SoIl. "Itt City, Ut.h 44110

Offlu: 242 S. 41h b,t, $.all LIb CiT'/ T,I,1 .1011 3.55 .. 040

....... _. _ e .... bOo ..... U.OOO or. __ 1Il:'10' • • .. ,~ • _1,/," Ct.·, "Un:!

• k""!' to.:"!"" .. ~ ....... ~~n ~ ., "" . · .... . ..... \. ' ....... . -~

IO .... A.~ !. MC)IIOU, ~U" •

... '';'.:;::;'-'' , ...... !O~." • Stlltl., W •• h,

Imperl,' LtM, "0' • r."" ... ,. 1,0. , "" -,- - ............ ..


101 ....... III St •

... -. ';a....3.t

Nanka Printing 101. I. .,,!f

u.. .v.o. .... c. ' .......... &'1113'

suo W. Jdf.nan ShU.

Los"""", " fiE 1-1261

TRADING (D. A,».lOIO«t • TV • ~ ..... ~

JU L 'lasT IT .. LA. 11 ~_ • .uDI a. l. ~

Aloha Plumbing ,"-.t. ' :-0 '" ..... n.~D _ '_0000 __ _

, .......... "'" ..... -.1 ...... "

ED SATO rUI_"'" ~ ... II .... t ...

1I~~e.:~ ... '-_ So ... ld"! Looo ",,,,.!o. _

"" " ·700 .. ) ·811'

..-d "'lW ) OCJ.TIOH

~ f...... ;~. ~ PHOTOMART

.• __ ....J~I.....-.

J16 L W 5 •. LM "' .. _

; ;:;;:;=:.~u~.~.~.: • ..;;== ,~ :

i~ ~ r l~ ! \ T.YZr.;~ j ,

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I, :)11 Cu. I " •• 5"0.1 :

Lo. ~. I u . c.. I. I' ,...... ''sUI

1 ' .... _._. __ .. ,

Page 3: PACIFI TIZENTO THE POINT: Shigekl Sugiyama Scapegoating JACL URGES VOTE FOR CLOTURE IN SENATE BE LOWER PACIFI TIZEN '.0", JACL H.,'I Hu.tquert,n Communication JACL commend.

-• . 111 .......

Frying Pan SUIilUISlI" THI 1io4,1, IL

0ftI... t' A""""o..~ ... ·"'"

lbitt.'!1 ..... n.,.. .. Or' _ .. -........ ."" • 1IlrfI t otuII """'"""' .. ~ II 1111.... It"' d-.. ... .. Iotpo. &alii ioU;

• ItktMnI 01_

• L'(D-.'f ........ GoT ~:a. O'C'IIISI"'''' "",rn,,,M • • 117S ,.,.... IAa.~. 000vId n.-. I "-- 111,_ n ... k· 1~' than .... l1rc:. kft f J .... ''''' ••. odIa:anll> •. K\lo'O>lhI H .... IYo I dup\n"pnL1 Jim .. ~-,",1u",1. ... 1, ..... JAC". ~·oJ.d. u.. "'.t.u" .. .,... ,' d Un ~ r1ChIl a..w y _ ''' : 101,.. ... w .... _. r_ Old. IN ... : and v.,,- WI ..... 4 • • '*'" I .... n.-..ul

Aloha from Hawaii _T_

Tf"" T ..... ~ P", .. A", I •• '. 10 IACl w~., .... 1"5 ~-' J JI!CJ,. ,.~'" , .. J_

h, Dtt" t, ~ • IAC t... oAuthow'~1H:I T, .......... t'.t _ Cet!.", N.n HQ

Going to JAPAN? of Low Cost L.nd Tour.:

I".,..o'"ul T ... ,.





luk h,,·

. $153.6S



$134.10 ....... _ It .. _ f .. , /III . ........





JACL conlerence

slaled for fall

Md.)'. " ~b 21. 11175 Paci fic Cltlzen-l



''1 It<Jr. m .. ff1'(: In! ,.,.. tori" .... 111« ,..~. " .... ~ •• "" Alfwl .. ~· c:.c. .... u ... ,f U.A C"I"IiI 1lJ1b', 0.-.. .... .. Uto ... ,,," of ~""" .... ....... .,...,..\ftIu. ~Aa4I ",,' of u.._ .. ~t . . ........ I.'" ... _ o. ~ t... JoII'IC". ~L '- u... _ ,..._ I~ .. .r ..... ..,a.,.

-.. .. ~"""'" ...... -.. , """ ,.itl' .... __ Iff ...... ..,,1.0 "- 1M JUl. ~ • k ... _Il''''''''I . . .... UP; ... .tf_ '" _ 1dIlt UortWb -..fI, ....... toa.t'* ..... ~ ... _ .... u.. ... ~ of AaM ~.wn. _ ef • ...,. au.. II"- AM. ~, _ .. r Uloo __ wWdro ..

""" ~ WftI, to .......... ....t .... _U114 .. !. II .. " II -.III "" 1rUIb" lpJOOOdauol It ~ N fn ... ~ ... ,......,.,... .. " ......... .. 1hoII . ~ .

AI 11M U- III the ~ ~ . kIU' • .....unu. ... 1,1", """'"111 '" Ito. 1infIC ,.,

A salute to Bill Yamashiro.

fll the 10)'an lift", h t}C! ln«l CaI ''' '''l""" Wt. 8111 T. \ ' IIN.thJfC! h.v complied. rteotd of ... .,.s Mf"l ''i' to hi.l dila,", \hat .. ,, ~. led in lOur company', 0 •• ,.... .. ...,..

E\'fl! • putlal lin. or BiD.'. '~ ' 6I3l'nl.l dunn, that tu!It it .t.r:i lllnl lGtmlony to hit ~te.­uonaI. abW!y and hlol deep ~ bon to the principia of Ill. l_ ett.

BcalUMI of hlJ .rraN, the liv. ef mor. than 2,000 r'!IIkI~nl.l of 1M Lot AtlIt'I" an. an now bu\lNld for more thin 52t,000.000.

The Pruidtnr. Colllldl, .CaI, Wfltcrn Life" adUlt ... IfOIIP lO r lee.dIn,llr~ IInd"",,Itu.,li15 YMB old, and DIU Vlmuhiro la UI, Dnly rn"mba lOt DW".a (of!:' who hM qwlllfitd tDr IIMrnbmhlp In each lOt tho.1 16 YfArl.

In comp.UUon with Ctl· W"tern LUI ... thrwabout \he 11 Watem ,\.Itft!. he: hu nnked -,mDn, Dill" <onto pmy', Pruldmt', TDP Ten tDr 18 CONeelltl\"1 fun -and In 10 of tho$e )'_ 110740 belli' lbe ..:Nl re«ntJ. h,1w rsnktd fint.

Dunn. theN' 19 )'.." Bill hu alsG quallfitd tor mllly 11Rfth offend b, ~ hI. ~ lnduatry.

He hM e.ntcl \be N.uon.l &l. Adlle-mnent Awvd. nloI

""'a. M. hu earned the Na1£oaII

QwJ.!ty A"ud 16 tiJDea.

Arld b, " • Qu.UI)'in, ad ur, member lOt the fIxIudry" MIllion DoILv Tab1e ~ 101 Wbkh b, hu qu.Ufi~ tC!r 18 ~ J«Utiwe,.... (He b the only NiId ill the COII~ Unil«l Bb~ wbC! ba qtalifhd thai GaZl1 u-)

'lb, c:ceer lOt !Ill Yamub!ro ded. II _ fnIpln.ticc kI til ..

CI],Wlltftn Uta,. w. -1tId ~ daD,. hlI UIOCiata to our ~

apq... - I'UJ'; WSJ" paai" ......


Flya.way to Fukuoka, where the gods went to war

with a conqueror.

I FOR R£SERVATIONS CALL rou.. FREE; 18001 42106861 ~ U 5 · & ean.d.l . ~I ea ~ fe"""" (8001 2621371 Calf. QCIpI W 1213J770·7111In LA


Page 4: PACIFI TIZENTO THE POINT: Shigekl Sugiyama Scapegoating JACL URGES VOTE FOR CLOTURE IN SENATE BE LOWER PACIFI TIZEN '.0", JACL H.,'I Hu.tquert,n Communication JACL commend.

~Paclfic Citizen rrtda1, Feb. 21. 1915

• KIt. Kllnlhv911

On Margin A nOU_LlNG POINT

EUROPE TOUR $1225 lf7S "LGI.fot4GI

Sept. IS-Qct. 9 , 1975 t... 1uI ... _ .... "'-P.,I .. t... ..... ,_1"

r-_ ......... '''' """",. " 0<00 Inc .... All f .. " ... "" •• ~r J!':': ;!~ r...-.f', ,,",""'II. """ 101 CIfto He •• ,. ~ ,..

_ ...... /olttW _ .... _ . w ...... C.II.

...... T.,. 1to .. ".1 11S7 '_ll11on Au.

t... A.p .... CoIlif. toUs

'20..1 Ul t .... I' 110,)5'1 ( ... 1

~ Y.:L Bldg. Fund Pledges and Contributions ..... I.,

Ad"nowl.d,em,r" hom )6 Donon from J,n. 16. )1 . 197$ 'Charry Brand' MUTU"'L SUPPL' co

lOtO "'" .. _ $" S, '1

Shimatsu. Ogata and Kubota Mortuary

911 v.",u 81.-d. lO$ "'''lI:eles ., '-I""


R. Vl1' AK ... KU801 ...

CHfVlloLn ,.. P,a , ~ .,,_ .... I ..

'1110 MlYAT.

Han •• n Chevrolet ,UI' w or,..Io I""'. w .. , u.. .n ..... " '_~""''''I

Naomi's Dros Shop s_ 6 c.. ..... t .. " ,.."

116 N s... I'M .... s.. "',, 68(1..,,),




Summer fllght-J"n, 21 ,Juty 16, 1915

Alltumn 27·0n. 20, 1975

La. An •• 11II • To.,o • Honolulu . 1.0. "'".el ...

• 5ummooo l-d To.... 14 doy, • •• IWoI . .. "h 011' ... ' lou .. ... TH .. , ..... ~~ ; . .... ,U .. "' ..... .

• ...... """" ....... T ..... · , I d.tyI .... II. bl. , .. ," C9'"", . 1 lou< 10 0I<1n .... 0.. ... b po 7S; . ,''' l<<yUohoI [,01011 ......

• ,t., .. Y .. ,to. __ Nl ... . .... 11\011 .,t+. 1111 . ..... 1Ii) "' ........ , I ~ , _h II -ok. '.M ... ot .... ' .

a.,t It _ 1>10 to: W . .. LA JACL "Ii'" 'vi:" -L-;' .,;;,; ;,;;.; ;,:. - ; - ,:.~. · -0-.-. __ -- -. ----,,--Im "'.·_ .. ..... ............... ~,

',:. ~~ ... ":1 _ .. . 1 ." ...

....... ".- -"" .. ",. ,.. .....

'fila man .. 110 ant U'I. J\tItn.a!I 1It01I1' wu Ilnl •• ". ~ tJ'HU Jf1IluJUu.-Plut.ucb

Marutomo CO. Iftc. ".~ c .... M.~""d.t •• ..............

tili {~

~* Nam's

Re<tijllr~nt c._ ... ~_ ,. ..... ""10 GIo_

...... t ..... c..., .. ~ -.~

205 Eo Volley lI.d. s." Gabriel, Calif.

T,I. 210-1377



Jtl/IItOTII'I ....... ", •• II.~I ... , ...

'_tit" ' ..... 1 ... c...r., FUJIMOTO' CO,

31)1,306 So. 4t+. Wnt

Stlt ... ~ . eJry, lhoh

M PER 0 fi,\ IIUT"'U .... Hl

t4t N. Hili It. UU) ."·11 •• ,.

_ P(KING fOOD W 'UCI,IJ,n ;,& c.c~,,'1 ...... It:! ,.'" & ~~.ot .fI 'Hmtloo.

CIN ... H WONG. Hort ...

Tin Sing Rest.ur.nt

c'.!'$;~I:1 CUI"'" uuw_ .014 ...... ... ....01 .... .. ,.,,"


l ett/ood I,u"

DEliCIOUS 'lid so ... y 10 prepu.

MRS. FRIDAY'S Gourmet Breaded Shrimps

and Shrimp Pufh ,UHIUNG ,10CDSOU

IJV E 1:51" S! 1..00 Anot.' ••

G.uOOl ... _ ItoN IHJOU. . U ""''''10101 CO/llMUHITY

PoinseHia Gardens Motel Apts. 13921 50. No ... "ndl. 4.... PI'Io",: 124-Seal

M-tMm Mao'''' .... ... ~,_ iii c_ , ____

on..,."o IY ItO .... T" 11105,

Y amasa Kam.boko _W&rIl,I, .1"0_

Otoutloo .... ,_ ~

• In the Frozen Food Settions of

Mllrkels In Soulhern California

MOCHI for your T radilional Ozoni Oshiruko -Yakimochi . Kinakomochi

The New Moon ~"" ... , ........ . I1 .~I.

. ... ..... 11 ., .... . , .. ~,.

91250, 5," Pedro St .• 1.0. A"',"I 10410 2· 1091

SAN KWO lOW F_Ch' ..... ~

228 1; , hI 51, lOf AnIOI,. MA 4.2015


€) mlYRKO



· }IS·'"' ' ,,·Uo)

...... - --ClASSIFIEDS

.... '0 cr.o", •• , .... II II

:::'::..:. ";;: .. ' ~ ':'~'T-= " ...... _.,. ,n"'" f ... , u_. rr •• _ ~ ... . .. fIt ~ .. . ... _

' .. 'f ... . .-" .... ~ (' . .. ,_ ,. " ... _ .... ~ .....


'V •• ,.La ..... ,. --... ~ ...... ..

IU .. bllft., .... t ... ,1,..A.


... ·uu


I0lb j!3rittanp


'"'" , .. MJw.'. 0..., .... _ --n., CoI"".ry 1101 t.. ... _,,~

Til. 776-6996


.... ' '''l


LOijtl ll .. ;;;_ 'u,,"­'~ t.

"­Kana Hawaii RHtOurnt l2.6 5<V+> tu_ a.._ 500tu ....... Col ....... ·• 92104

P W UHlJ.2

a"" IVI'" OAT

• 5R I TO RERI,.TY "

"c ... £~ ·" ... 'H"e, MiI.a,.afa

SwMf 5twp 1·4'1 h IS!

0... 01 "'" I.atOdi Sot:.a ..... 2421 W J.,tI ...... LA.

t.c. ""'001.. MA .... m

RE 1.1111

JOHN rr &

los A", .... JopnIM c.v.hy In,mnIU Atm. ,-,",. Iraor ..... '--

-­~.----. --OtoctA. G.Ula~ l ~_.-" --



!WI • COFfEE 5Ha' Il£ST ... UttoVlT

SWIMlol.1t«i JIODL. tNDOOIt , AIlKIl'oIG , ,,,,,, ,,, , . ~ . TV

Printing Co. " " ""~ "" ._ PRt NTING

11. w,n., 51 ..

Eagle Produce '19.'.' S. Sin PIMI,.. St. MA "2101

Bondtd CommbsioQ Merchants _ Wboluale Fruill and Vegeable. -

Lal A"g.t.1 15


~~A C.o.JIWOS W' TH "'U ... CCOM/II 0 0 4nONS

o. u.s, tt r, ~ . .. u . "" "'''. _ •• ' al .... I .... II • ••• , "". W ... .. lwl. , .11, I~ . .. .. I .. r

11 •••• ,.,.".',' ••••• , ••• __ _
