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( JIi ii WW F li'tpUnaeil froa Fir. Pa. .1 - LOCAINEWS. in ton T1CUITI. , i cr in. Mnrtcirtt, Oor- - rt, .tinam-- i ir Covcimts ahm icr in Tm Kiw Cotuorx Co'Tnoiim isd Kiimim !! J Th argaBliati, cf Ik tit? and Louatv !" rntl fft IK? tck plec jriterxlty Th. - -- - - - 3oiRt vr urixxir.T rott at Boon ami 'ittiil Aldtrn-s- JhiLBOn rreardeat for tht rumtt year. A protest wit rtftited frm rtr Mc Jxalght axaiatt tk reatiacanc laratef Willi m 1. KIt. n th grxo.Bd that k (.Kit) kilWl n(islW cellared elected, which w rfart-e- d t a'tVit-B-lt- cerr-p- of AlJrn--- t't"r-a- . lew tad Mellrin TV Mayer, nettaf br rclvd ad rlirl t e prxttt-- asd after th Wtw f litld T valeatlt e Clerk Bad hue TU1MI tit llOArd edj-ir- d t. it JtoJy ftrxcB t I . clc-c- i ivtxr. or rorcimii! TV IVxard f Cccuia ml for frgeril cat. l"k x,krh fl tU dd Hoard Mr Uwta V Hegftrt rtad th iu-- i at fI Hath t Nmb Hmbb Kihy Cor ;m rtvaa. .'ku Mu Jan-e- i Loaf Mukaai LamI: ILr Ja-u- K !c xeta WiUuk Trtkaxt. l'atrvk lur-at- oWu IV N.U'H Sr. Aathonv IliKuv . t? lxrts.ksiaa. rVraard Xhmi .J A Jka Vtthfcer, IVmi Mart-a- r T rr Walter 11. Heerv Miarra Irat A Thvtnat, Ktrl. JirAa Hart, Ofvfj -- l twvtatj it. Xr (."BrKm tiSrt-- a i rtK-'utic- ipf-M- Bt ht m jwuin! tK. rt tk IVAr Ji iuttm. ii I'Bktt i.Ji M lli( jtj. VWfk W ' is (liMi, rttt ' Arxvt jtmti 1ni lvkpr Kr Mbi kvkvrti srd uVli rn ! tt fi'. i( V pfK- - Bl'J Jx 0 CruBu - ' JM . lirrn. 0t IkrWii Urtki rrjBt l Attn ul Uw fv:. tvrkpr TV 14 .?.: ,n4 t 11 jmi to li i' T rt- -t trr:l fTat alBiik awt.ti tM -.- - MS wko to1 ib tk lfi. rr s f. Aflr tk ayf wIbiiI f k uiba: .samf. aj la rioitw k M tori !;. tk Ik l,tarad te vi.k TlrJir aJWrt. Miir r ttriirii. . Tm tUri k: a: K M tmri for IV sto f .- -f itu.Bf fur l anrti r Tt4 a tk Ckj if A pallot n tk-t- a ka4 fr Acct fr tk carrnt ' r M mv'til u Mkn lYriIBt. litatj MHtk l.rk Jv-tf- h 11. oub; lVpil.t. Ktt . vat Auutaat. V. A. Ciwajvi Nrfn: a: Anal, lUin laru. (. aKn: :l 'f f tk lkuri for , 1 r a: t rtaaia ta fore for . lr I Ta IVm.-- 4 ;kc rr4d to a batlot for ' tk parp f .tc k Taranrr raii4 Vr tk dKHic si (trriKir l"anlt, tihich rahrl lat tk t'la sfjohn line. Kafef ti lfcil ti( tb ula-r- r f tk Nitk at fw ( an.l tb Corra. ta CMzl.a !fal -- !fir if tbti Hoard. ' bS $LX rr aBBBai. Aa orilioa&ee wai aJ04J apprpra:4E f''.l") for armor ' BBi JnU yurfoM atd tk Hoard tbaa aj-- xaraJ. tak.n to :t call of tit (.bair lat cotaoiiia. -- rtLr viioMt imi .r.irrit. nhtr4 P Cottl'.r. tk Mil; rlrtd CMtrvtWr tk kar of bi othr jlr- - I iit aa4 'at etili. ltd tbrvujh tb tinuu lurtaiati Mr Mwrrt. It Ii sprtd I lt nit ikar'i fill b mado in tbli J ciw Tkr ar ab it ttnl.T apidimnta ! far ab mw..l ... to ;ilt of Air. Con- - i ! ttrtt rasir .oLir M In au rttitoiril tbe j i!ll f k.i Ktrralilata o. tBral Ha'iB k i.tir Mrglttvr. waa r i3taHf4 ib ct itti. tun mnro, a4 ka Haa. itra! apiviLtiut. jti aul t " ikaoi ! bi oi. J i illi tnov. ! ' TV lSt4 cf 1 atioii ii tii infri mi V4latr tr try 'ii.rniinn lb fidlniiii; ' ta a Ut of tb La', i wf lit ('oiutiiiiinupr ' a'. Kmi Huf . wiitinni: Hi 1'ini.NT r l. IVnl ilib, -- nth and l.lnlitli Wrnli-Ja- Ni 11 lut'ifm . liuivllit Hriu uta. 0tB lltal ditir-f- . .iio'tl- - tic ili nili. T"tb, IVir'.'t-rl'- i rnd limiirrnili tt.irdi Jbw limn. t. .tu it'.ill iiitull rmi 'lkitril tiitr.i.t i uiui'; ibt Ninth iiml litiilh W.rua -- limit tair Miniirl . It II .ir. 1.1 II Mi mil rtfh tlltrrut. t.tiupntiuit tbi l.lcvciitli a&t n i ii'b Uardf J.ilm 1 Imiirr. II Janwt I. Mi.i htH-u- ir I'. ".- - .vn. II MUll ilurmr iiiii.).i(tilitf thi I iltrrutli .!. abd r.igbr " t:i- . Wn-- UiHttrll, '1 ltickanl t -- ,rci . " ii II. Nultoii ,11 .Natk iImM vii I'l.tin tin' 'iMriitiotli Jg lutil 'luniri Miriit-.liii- ui t Mr!Mti, K JtHi.'t II 1'utt I 'I. .I.llkt.ill III vtfMtb ilittm t uhipritliu thi 'Iwi'llili, 111 NnirtHtU aid 1 hiuij tnuiiil Wurd- t- Jl Wm. IIiI.Lii-- l, 1'. AiKn. IIkIi.ikI jU U Iitriinorr I Till, !! m: i Ii oNimiiVimi R Ciirnr liiiini.i l.i "I imim it .Tratrnli) f. iu tbr ImhUci! H vim M. Iltirl.1', llio iilli liiau wbo thrt Mt Wiilmd in Ninlli .ivo uu.fti 4taidni 'xoiiiii. mil thru iiiiii tnitlnt tuiiiri.' u hill' iiililllionil it n.'til.n' tm uliliimd. lit dm i ate wat ril .uiMtil I'l llii piiMiutlt ili'iurtl 'IV llliitlil'l . I llr-- l i Ii IIIiiiI lliul n "I'll iil ir li'ti in I .. ti'ld it tliiit lii n.n t'i li iiMilii'd in W.ti' It in xi. Mm .Imi n n ileftvl :i ttdi' tm .iii in dan i xnlli tin l.iitt in t It i.'M- ul.'l iniftiiy h ilin-tiii- ii Wilt jiUcti tl t it IuMii t In iriiiiixu tlio ImkIv Hl'IMM. "I ml. Jll.iiW. I'tllK .""hXIIM. 1'iiM' -'- I lii Ati.ui'itu .In' Ui'V Club nitl riiOII Hull J'likil Jit .Irliillill I'.llk Till RlllllltiOII, lllil.l III! I'll" It III 111" ( lull j ' u'll llil'li iJluil.ia ul U' iidiiilllid. l'lTll )!i '.' i ! -- "ii .ilmil.i ovrniiij ai Ulll 'I. Ila.'.u'i. sil 'i.M'.iri, wnt d.i . Iiik IH'.ir til ijiiit lit 'JU tl tlr.'ol. in i lii-- r inotlii'l iilit-ir- ..'tiullr rt Ihm I m clotllfil on I'll .i .d lltl d nil Mltld.ll. ('inn i M hi r liamliU ild ii imiui'tt etti iil.iv iiK'tn W in,c. will 11 a id aitldt lltal dviilll I rctnlci !. I J ' AcdHIVTH K ii - u lniist wat In Id ' I cali'lilay 1 I win .Nhiiiiui .it l'i L.itl I T?lli ilirri, "Ml 1 . - In").! ii f (.'liritli.iu.luliii. n (iprmuii. u1 1 n ji.ut. xlni3 tb ii'tult at .1 f.ill Hi mi i icui. itinii mi III" Jllli nil. it H'iiud llio iiirniiii; liud lifi'ii ii ft MiiuiMiilid tlirmijili i.iri'lt'tt ii'tt, tlii'ji.ri luimd .i Midii'l In tit il i'IIiiI. mid cfiitiirid It.i' iMiiifniii I harto I.. 1'riino, luf ifiiii'int. Ibu dcci'JJi'il lend "III- - uliI I. llKUM't II il. I i -- lb mmil'iT f ili'iilli I, In till lilt u nil t 'I'1' l1'!' "''' k nmiiuiiltd to III. mi iif iu ol JU a ititiiiMit'tl Willi tbe mik rnKiit A Iiom. At Jul i.ii M "rii I. Hoir ami SlIOI. I'o.NM MIl'V -- IMlill In lb tllllll IHI tliouiicu ol tl ' ii'irtiiili "I tbit (.ViiiKnliun Ji'illn.d to be bilil lit tbe Atlnr lloutu MritDidAt aftirnonn. bill fi' iiinnibura wnv la und it .i doclilrd In Ji! " Jourii tbe ii it link miU Ibroe o'llocl. Mnu day iifat. Hit Hmutiuii diH'a Ind ini'i I ifryofti'n. Ib Ut larrtlnir hIiiIHH. Ttbvn tbry ftd)ii"rted to 1K7 riuro tlut j tinio lu.iuy o. tbi1 liiiiiibvra lmio uno vlicro "UJ'U bitit mid aboo' mattrrt nr iirububly Isoortd. Ullitia bavo ii'lirud f.-.'- i'l tic umliii'ia, tome bnio fnrgi'tlrn ' tlint tbi'V nite I'Ti r nifiiibfia ol Urn uaio i'latluu. ' Hue old iriril round tlio cnriif i of llii rwmi ibwir wbio tlionuet iiic mi to bo lu'l'l ii'tiiirdiiy nml atkid vrCrlher tbat nan "tbe ronrcution" Ibuo weie a vcral tnwrttra und tb I'rcanlciit of tlio Aaaotlatlon tiriM'nt On being Inlurtu-- , cJ (but it ivu. bo aabl ba hii iuditllnct trrollectinii of hailns Iwlonfcd to an of tLal tbaraUor nhen bo wai a jouna- man, but bo did not unjbody tbrro lie knew. He ia coming on Monday o trr to Mud out about It. Ibo (,'halruiau liaicontl.lerabl to " report," and ia in Jio. aeailou of utnut tn cortla of docmoenta tbat bare accumulated on lila banda during lb laat uicctMO I' art -- tba timo of tbe luit I rueotiog. t OuliuaRT The Uct Moici Cummlogi, a firainlnenl clcrgyruaD of the dunouiiaatloa known a CbrUliana, died at bla retidence n 61. Mark'a flu-eo- Sunday euulng, Mr ' I Ciiuiinlng entered tlio mlnUtry wbtn but i eighteen jeura of age, and wa an earnut laborer iu Ibia bUto aud ew Jerwiy fur Ilia of lilral t'brlatlaulty. lie waa well nown In Nw Knglatid and tbe eat In JKil be aaucil editorial cbargo of tlio i-aua- e Cmiiisimn SIuhijiiikh und Tiir I'ai i.aiuuu, rnalgnliiK lti ltl'"i In l Ho waa a iiinev?HtrLili(.N " U,tiud vtj boru in , M&yOR'3 MSSBAQE. MiTOk'a OrTIf. ) Kcw York, Jan , IJC J T III ITtxorablt IA Common Coimn Orvri.tvti In obedience to the require. mentj of tbe ("ily Cbarter. I rrrclfully prant for your contlderatlon tb follow log fat ta and iuentlon In relation to tb I goTernntnt. finance!, and Iruprottmenta of tb city I - "W Tits cur covrnMitxT. In tbeory tb City of New i ork II got ernrd br tb Mayor and Common Count II, In fart, It il not It II nubitantially ron I trolled and rgulatd br tb Mat I.eclila- tar, aed by tarloua fgiilatite I'oimnli aiona. acting Independent of arh other, and of tb municipal authorities Tb City (Icxeftraent cannot make ripendilitrea i without appropriation i nor can it Inaugural or carry on any grat public improvement without !,glilattr authority, irpt in the matter of opening, grading, and paring itteeti. and bmldiog teteti, or la other work of like character, to be paid for by aitenmentl upon properly. Tb major portion of all money railed by latation ia etpndd by tb Hoard of Kdn ration, and by th tarloua Comminlona ere aletl by tb'tegilalure, and nrllher tbe Maror nor the (utninon Council ha any tote or authority in th tnanagemct or di- rection of either I dn not Hate tbe fact with th Intention of tatting blame ur upon any Cominiilun or lbi.ird, or for th purpoa of rrlleting tb Iih-.i-I hii. thotttiti from tbelr dua thai of tiitiolaui and ccnaur . but 1 etate tbem in outer tbat th truth mat b dlmnctlr underalootl and th rpoetibilltT plain! wbel It Juetly b lone Tb wbol Ttein. roiuiiienctng witn tb 1 barter and rutin. nj tliruiih nit th lommiMion. it tb ttortt (bat cnubl b de tued for a great city .vine of tbe ( urn tnittioni bale worketl well and priHtiind gotnl reiult Tbeyarr boweier but parli of a defecliT ttteiii and without an omit abiliit or rtt'nibilili' A city liko ourt il, milrotHili of lb country with oirr a million of nibabltiiiitt, antl aKmnding in wealth, repttaiiillty mid IntellteLt. tboiild bale a lm al Knirrii Brent tuitcd to it and worthy of it. It bcedt an ocganuation pitftrt In all It partv nml dircclctl br lngl lie.ul. retpunaibl ill rettlyto the tropic. It rnUiti ii iniiien tration of power and of reepomibitili ainii. where. I repeat what I ibitcd In tn me aae laat year that tb dlilnon of imiwit and retpoiiilbllity la the cant of nil, or nearly all, of um Z'xitiiial ciil. Tlnlc ' ctiIi cannot U cuid by new partienu Me- tropolitan Ctmuuliiloti or by a pattiran Hoard of Revmon and (Vntroi .Vich a Hoard wouhl be wholly trreapon. il'le. and. If created would. In mi opinion, rrciuire another one to watch it befuro tbe etpiration of a alngl year, t nder tmr tbcortr and form of guTermuent, th fifnplo conititute tbe only legitimate Hoard of Cun-tru- and tboie who adrivat any other mint necrieartly aum Ibe illi"n tbat tb people of citlea, and eapeclally the City of w York, ar Inrouiprtrnt ur unlit to manase tbeir own local aflaira Kor my part, I repudiate any inch doctrine, anil j'roleit againtt the auumpllon tbat tbe local intrrcit of tbo ioloof tbi great cltr mint b lakra rare of by the Mat. ( make tbraa auggeitlont, not becuuio you can act upon tbem, but in tbo hop that tbey mar tlnd a lodgment In tbo public mind With u well de lied City Cli.irti r,wo cm bare tbo U t local gorirnmeiit Iu tbo land. A Conelitutlonal Contention will oon amcinble. Tli aubject of luunitipal will cngai; lunch of ita uttoli-llo- and, atttr it niljouriuiienl, tboMnlo lygiatature ran lake ucb action at, in ita wUdoiu ib.ill Iw proper. If tbat l'gitlu tiir, dtirinj; ita promt teiaiun, dcirea only Ibo good of the cltr. it will rrlme to legi Into uiNin tbo lauoiia acbeiuca in relation to It which nre eaid to bo In prugrcs. If, on the other band, lteik, or la will fng, for any reaton. (o aili'unce nr cuinur neo morpmcnti rrlullnz In tbo all.ilrt found rd iijkiii the or parll.iii Intrrcit anil niotin a tit their tirigimitota. nu augra. limit width I can liiuko will Ini likely tort' rtiie any attention or rotiiideratlou. Aa I" Alntlilrjto of the I ily, lolling n pretty Ibnriiugll Uliuwledic tit it ri'i(tllreiiielit, and pitttrtting, n 1 belieivo I do, tbo cullll dtllti' uf the latt luajulllv of it lamplr, I I can only eiitrr m imitett iiguiuit ibo vitniMi ecbeiuet width I lcnrn nr no In rourt'nf pii'purtiiinii. I It' no lb! brunch of lb ohiae! wiibniit luithrr riiunrk, and prut red lu Ibe (ontldeiHtloii of u'tr lluaiicinl roudiliuii. tilt IIMM It Th finanrial condition tiflho illrniot biliited by Hit Honor it etibtt.iittiMlv u tnllowi without pirlli iibii llng lb iuiIoii Ittliil' Tbo total lulided debt uf tbo city alii'iillill to VI.Il.',(i;ii oil, Hint Ihu lOlllllT fuiidi- -l dflit to jll,.''.Ul tm. u grand lotu'l ol l.'.l 'l.irii .". I'll" Cuiuiiiiitlonfr of the Miikinu 1'uli'l hold nil iu count of tbo iiIkivi. drill tlio turn uf tll.'.'lu.'.-H- . whith di dm ted truiu Ibo toil) di lit tlio not iiiiiuiiiit dun In tbo nil ,ind toiiuty Hindi dl lln III. !".. HI.'")!'. MIS. M. Abnut li,ii"i.iei ihu ubiiin debt Mat rtintractfd lor ( lutiiu Witter Wnikt, Cfiilriit Talk and in i tiuiii't tiuii with lb itur I lit lnupiir.ii.i dt hi id the nl .imi touuty uiiouil In .t." ll.tam 1'iir lb puTiiii'iit of tint rouipur.irr lebt. the t ily Imbl nttiit m tlio ebipe ot ut ifttuifiit lifii. iinpii'l t.ittit Ac Tire lit t nnimilit of funded dflit it $n."Hi lot lb iu it wm at (bt tluio of iNbi, and the ( it und County It mpnr.m Tiebt it ?!.', Tii !' limn II nt llnl d.ili' I In tilioli'iltbl i vll aiciirod, for It I a IllMI IIJMIIl tb whobi pioiit ii.i uf llio l'il, I'tilh I'lil'lii uud pill. lie I ln Miil.1114 I'iiiiiI (luiitidnl l"l .Hoi ml rt tt nl a l.iii portion ul 11 it lu .1 eolllld li'lidllloll. Ihu titillUi' t,r piv lut ul ot tlo itiliri'tt tm llnl (miiIiiiii ol it pii.ildn "in Hut tiiiid urn git'.nli iiit'X tout uT what it inuiiiil tor th it piirpiit, , :i ud tin in I'liuiul.ilii'iu tm pi)inoiit ol tho plllli'il'.ll will bo .iniplo tu piy it hlll bflolO lit tnaturilv Hi" Nuking h mid holilt lor thi' ri'dt'inp' Hull ul Ibo I Ut I If hi l, Ini i l. Ili;ttlll nilli ?.V"" "' li'.ihi'l liv Ibo ailo ul bund mid iuoil;i,ri Vol Ibo pat lufllt ut iutt'lftl nil tint (Ily 1'tbl tliotjnif (uud hultli: llil.mtt', I J.111 I I"! 1 .:., :)' hilars! .Ir,." ... Iti'ii'iiim diiiiiitlio veil I4''". . I,T m,iJ wi llltl'll'll Oil I III M kt piid ill 1M t iul,',i(l .uiplut limittiiiut III tbll lifllt'l'll 1'iih'l I imi.ikMitl r.xjH ' t pud id M'llltlllg. At ) .. I.'.i .H Cutbiiii haul iu 111 tilt it account.... i i il - - ir,;yju i lthl .Irfuuii' Tho ( nniiiiittiiiiii'ii III Mllkili; I IIU'I bold etilllltU 1 tu miiuiiut ol.... iu.ii.r i; in Citl !.'.? II II And Ibo Cuuliollti bohlt bund uud inorluagit whiih, wboii I imld, will lu' iit'dilid t'ltlui riiml, miiiiuuting tu l.u.H,i't, IS I Muilviiivlui Wutct llr.iul . .t,'i.ii Tbo liiiiii;'! then piucrodi in Iboto wurdt I am glad luelulo that, liolwilli.l.itnlliii; tho taei that Ibo hfouiitii't id tint I'liitft Stnlf iliitrcriuni'tit ai an mm h tuiihl .if (t'l, lur tho rfftion. nuiung other thtiigt, that Ihft itro iiliipt llolu locnl taxiitlun, Ihu au per ton! eluikt and bondt ot lb City uf Now lurk ii'i'lil.t tuuiui.iuil pn. and tho at'iou ptrccutia itry luuiidoiablo 1 tfinl inn Mile uf real ctato In tho riti during llm patt yen icilucl Ihu turn ol ) I, I'JU.liUJ. Tho Taa l.i r fur lii wa lii.'ilfl,i:7 W, being tl.'.'.M.I-'- l OS Ira Hull that of IMiVi Tboraloof in lKiki win l ii on i err hundred dollar lu IHooit wu onlr .' ;k). TI1I1 rulo for lHmi wa bated upon an atietd valuation uf leal citato of J I. M, yil.'JJI and of pemoniil eilat t.'W.'eil.'ii I, 'making a toial of M?,'.',1 ,'.H. It It well known that our real eilal" ii aitoitod only ( but lit t lu more than half ita market ulue, and Ibut au iuuneuae amount uf the ptraunal proper! r of our peo pie ctcapca taiallon onlirrly. A full urai lurut wuuld, I buie no doubt, reduce tbo rat of taiatiou at lead one half, It may b gratifying to our tuipayera to know luia fact, aud tu barn, In addition to It, that unueccaiarily high ua tbo rate of taxation la bere, It comiiarct tuoit farom bly with that ul other title iu aud out of tbe State, In Huston, Mall , where real eilaia is at itt full market inliie, and whir riilied detailed Matemrulaof juo porty itro mado b llio tin payer to the! Ibeii'ont i,i l .lil, au lint taking iiilorui 1 j ii ju Ui am sinl lulu atluu ol prupet'v "uu uu n u li.b H uot higher thin mi" lu rblladl'iutiiJ wo 110 itotl u taiai, tloal ar lowtr than bere, tbe rat I $1 r hundred on teat etate, anil V) centi on per nonal eitat. In Hrnoklrn, It I flit. In Itoebetler, Ian-- . In t'tlra, ,1 f,l In Albany, li-I- rtyracuia. $1 71 In Troy, for municipal pur pot ei onlr, In addition to tbe Slat and County tat, J'A I bate not been aid to obtain Infor- mation from tbe other citlea in time fur tbi mi Mage. Thai comparison are auggetlt. They hould not be overlooked by tboto of tb people and that portion of our pr who continual araaulta upon our city and our public man tend tu create the improilmi abroad that tlda city of our I tb " plague pot'oflb country, That the itandard of many men In public life is low enough, and that our whole eytteru of local got eminent la bad enough, and that our tati are inure than they aboubl be, I freely admit : but a long a our securltiea aell at a premium, ami we Late tba Inoit cottly parka, tb grruteat water work, th nioat liberal public cbarb tie, tba largrat polka lore, lb moat ex- tended atttein of frr ai hool In the coun- try, and a rate of taiallon lower than tbat of our neighbor, th people, amid all their complaluta and taut of complaint, may and should find In tb facts atatcd torn grounds for congratulation (If tb abor tat the county paid t",'-?- 1' 415 ,'i, including ,?.yo',HI'i :t? for .state . There wa letied alao fur city s the sum of f ", lir.'.'j? "M -- epclit rliietly by the tariou Commit. loin wbleh ellit in the city. The total number uf license litiied finiu tb Mayor' olllra during IK"! wa twenty tboutatid tbtie butulred and ait The total nuinlicr of complaints of ul! iharnitera, examined and adludlratcd upon wu iiino- - teen hiimlrid ami ninety ecu 11. Tho total I amuiint nf rrrt'iicd lor tluo und lnaMi, arid for Hi oiitet, nnd paid tu tint Chamto lain tu Ii rri'illlcd to the uitir afctutit, wa f'll.t'ttl m llitto Iteiiis nru i'Xi lutiv of tbo which bt lung tu what it f.ilb d tho Hermit Huioau. whiih grant lit elite to aland keeper im thotri'ft fur btiw rate, Ar . wlllob hi'retii furo had gmnliil by l"i lal u ""lutioii oft be Ciiminoll I oulirlt furciifbcatt .tlo 11 by rontuuiing mill b tif tbo time nf that body, wblltt tbo tllr tltrixnl nu heiiellt from tin Ii liiriitt I pun in iiiuuii'mlalluuuf thn M 'jor tbit biitiuet w,it( by au ordlnancA luitnl t Irbiimry .'I. !", niipiiixt tl b inn I'i'bru.ii.i '.'I, IHtrf',, trantrtrroil the wbuln butinott tu th Max ur' utllto, uud llxtd th foe tu bt charged for rath jiertuit. Ibo rctult bat bcin (bat from Ft binary '.'I, IHiai, tu ,1.111 nary I, l"C. l.illl pirmil bnxi' brou l..ii". fioui tbo Hcrnilt Htiit'ftii in Ibliolllc. n pi 1 ICC.011I of which I alwaya npen to Tha onjolllit received fur tbo aunt bat been .r.l,xa'. and tbo total eipentn of etecntliig the ortliiianr In been fiilx two tbuut mil dollar Cr'.,lt"l' i' ' In tbo tirditiary and uaual cxpfiiea Inbuilt Major' Ollli. I awnm that it Is said by many that tbe tlirrl etitids" should nut bo permit trd, 1 would irsoually prcftr Iomo the street cleared of themt but It mutt be to Itiemtierrd that tbey itllurd (bit mean of obtaining aubitcnco to niauy jiuor iienido i (ome ut them tlisablril auhlter), who, but for the prirllegea granted, would be object of piliat or pillilic chatltlra. A It It, thn priillege are uoier granted eieept by tb con" lit of the occupant of tb premises In Irunt of whit h tbe italnll are placed, xxiimrra 1M1 ill i.. An Act wa pned by the at it lust eiou, nuthorirlng tbo Controller to June bond to tbe muouiit of six biindrt'd thousund dollar, tho procrrdt to Imi ex pended under thn dilution of thMrrct ('oiuiiiiaioticr, In tbo repair and rontruc ' lion uf nharve and pier Il did lint, how. cxer, ncriie tbo signature of tbo Slate Kx cc utlx e, mil! our w hat 1 r hax o uiitiniifd iu nmoitdilaplilntrilruiidltiuu .Sonoiof llo-i- hax o, during th post yrur, been Icated fur n If nu of years, the li taeot 1 oxcuanliiig tu put tlii-u- i In lepalr, and tu l.erp Ibeiii au. A toother, the city Is under coxrnaiit to put them iu repair, but for want of an ap- propriation has becu unable to keen lis lOII'll.ltlt. A I.eglatIro Comiuillre ha been heir, examining Into tbo whuh' Muhjeft. 1 iu cttflv bop their Investigation will prndtito good rctult. Siuivtblug abotlld bo tluuo, und dona piuiuptl 1 look fur tbo trpurl of tbo Committee with groat lu torrat. It tho xxburie nro tu bo (it iced under tb charge uf Hiiother Coiuiiiu.iuu, from xvhltb ull city itutbuiitie are tu lit ox tliidid lot ban been intimated will bo thu rati-)- , 1 bavo onlr tu utk, while prutettiug agatutt aiifb that lomiiilt lou may b made 1111 of acieutilii and prat llrnl men. who will cuter upon mid their diitlca with energy, akill. Inn I llgeiict', und integrity of purputo. Tbo now tiers and wharxe shiiuld bo eiiial tu any 111 I lie world, and tbe I'nUl.itiiii- alimild uu xidn for iucruatcd rate of xtliarxi. to , au that tboy cm be mado tu yield a iiiif to tbo lutert'tl uu tho eutt ol construction. I'liiin rmimiti ami mii.oxi xn m The ( eiitral I'nrk lontiuue tu glow 111 beauty and nltratliuii, mid in the fat ur of thu Tho new Hotervolr it 111 ptocett nf cun ttrvu lion, near ' High Undue," uud it 11 111 lapld pltigroet hen tin it ouiupletoil Ibo wbtdo of tho upiH-- r part ut tbo Itlaud will be mippllrd xvltii Crulnii water tor iutiiniiatinn in tu new owort. ' pavt'iiietitt. aud street luipiuxemeult, I re terjuii to the report ut the icxcral depart UO'lltS. Tho tale of n pmtiun of tbo Cily II ill lilk to tho I liiled Slnlot (luxeluiiu'lit f..r a tlio tin tin- - l'utt (llllto, will without llnllbt bo ruiitummiititl, uud lucctt luiith public lumr. llio saino in. ix bo a ihl of tho piuputed ro Ion to tntho liuxi'iiimoiit uf n puiiMnuf tbo Hulterr oxIi'iitioH, lui (be atto It a 11 x lur;!' t I'lco. Mr Kilo it - Ylelo. Ibo Cugiuooi iu th.iriti' id Ihu llatleix Hxlelitiun. 1110 lint lb" timo it 111 in lapid prugii 1 it pot. ildi . imi will bo, xx boll llaiiliiil, ii). 1! ullb ullii pelli it pine ul nil. I'Mlt-lo- t HI Mllll XXI. NIL A- - I n ;" ittullx iii'itt allouli" In Ihu tiuitidi i.tliuti uf tho iiufftiu:! ul tbi pii,iri fix nl I'XtcluU:--'- , lllellilb lixt'lillo tbli'luh Nililr.igluii S'pi.iri, mid then vi'liuluj. l.iuii lit ttiiet tnW'iti Hru.iilwuy. Altu (bo I'Xti'lltlou uf Ceullii atloot Ihrutih tho blutkt tu 110 1'l.itu. ' xthloli ottui ft with Fuitrlh nvouiie II lln- thing nro dime, tbo Ir ixel iruin Ibo luwt r tu Ibo uppoi pait ut tho 1 It v will bo groallv fiiililiitfd. I liliiko thito iu nuler lu at ti.iit-iou- r utlinliuii uud llnl ol ibo publiu tUWllll 1 tlllllk Wolll I bo public llllptillc- - liiflll he ounthtoratiuli and ilitout.iou ut ' tin 111 tautiol, 111 mix ext'itt, tin haiiu 1111 ci nun xx mi mm . Tito eiibjn I, xx bit b xi nod nu nun b ill If n ' lion when I fuitio inlu ullie.1, wat put 1' ro.l ti.x Ibo ailnpliiin id a rct'iluliuii whiihl.ip f p'tuvod-aii'i- ii Hiding Ibo uiii'.iual ifti.liitiuii whb II diroi led tho with uill- - T b, nil'oliui til. tt'ttt'tl pirlioi 111 Nuuriiig, nl Albiux ' tbo pattagn nl .1 lav charging llio t xp"tin nf ibo wulk u- - ill tho ily at lu.;,, lll.ll.lill ul thou mill prnp-'il- - wbieb xvunbl t j bo ;!!' Itlx Hit rfllted ill tilllii'- -l oil it lair .ind 'iui iblo nhato nl Hiiob 1 xp 10 ro.ult oil in Iho tb leal ul tbo whitlc 1111 ", xi iy ui'ii b lu puldn hutitiiti Iiuii Whonexor Ann ttiiet eau bo wiiloiiiil mid tb et"--t ihorotil iiti .idupmi piniieiix iiujutt ami o'lult ilde pntii ijdi , I ehail bit glad tu molt done. Hut I tball upputo, a I havo uppoMid, uuv ethomo tbo iibjotluf whiob i luotillcbu lew Individual at public nxpeiiiu. 11 wihl.l I regret to any thai for waul or legitlnlivo iictiuii, nu iiiipriixement hat bt 11 luado in uur inaiket Au eltort xvav mado last Win- ter to prooiiio tbo puatage of a bill author iing th l iiiiiiuitiinui raof the Sinblng Fluid to build a now maiket on the t property, but it xvat untiic'cttstul. l.tlurt were ultu uiado, but without anno, by Individual, to baxo a Com million appointed by tbo (oxeruur fur thn nue purpose Thoao will, I auppoto, bo leuewod this Winter A tbo icxeuii.'S troui lb 111 irknt go Into the Sinking 1'und, tboro would atrm tu be u grcut pruprit l 111 con frrring uutborily nj'un tbo Ciiiuinuiloiieia ot tbat liindtu build new market, thn ei pono to be paid Irom muiiex renllretl from the tale ot bond tu be limed lor that puipoio. tub nnoAUxvat fAVkiuiT The last Winter created a Special Cuiuinissiuu for tbo liupiuxcumnt of llroadway pavement It was mado up of tbe members of Ibo Croton Atiiicduct Hoard, and William T Hlark nnd (luy It. Helton. Tbey xvere authoiliod to Incur oipente and make contract, and tbo illy was to be bound therefor. Tbey bavo mado a t aud lueuried oiueuses It xxlll bo that Mr. A W Cruion, tbo ublo Chief Kngluoer ul tbo Clulou Aipieduct Hoard, and Iho sclcutlllo tneuibii uf tint 'Comiuitilou, was niuio itiiiipetout linn 11111 of bis amiilato ('uiiiuiiatiuiirra ta "'' of ' what ailvu ilj W - dsuo i" t 'an m lu thn xiulk Iu a pl ta an one al fun Ujil uua ua a. a, - , bar 31, llfAtbit tba citlraale.l cost of t'-- a paremc.t, under Uie Contract made Ixlwecn tb Kpeclal Com- missioners and Mr. Charles (luidet, Is f V'l,-7'- ., the sum being estimated on peclOed In the contract, and exrlustre of other eipense of the Commissioners for office rent, clerk hire, surveyor's feet, and other enntingenclea. - Mr Craven further says as follows- - "In reply to your whether I approved or Jolnt-- in th contract, I have to state tbat not approving of the character of the pave- ment, nor tb manner of awarding the work, I did not Join In Ibe execution of tbe contrarl." I have no comment to make upon this subject. It needs none. I slat the fact for tour consideration, aud commend tbem lo the careful attention of those who think that nothing can li done not eten thn re- laying of a pavement In llroadway without tbe aid of a Special Commission. Cu.ictl'liot, There are other matters to which I would be glad to refer, but It la unnecessary. I sincerely hop that w shall work In har- mony for tb good of th city. With war cam extravagance and lncread eipandl-ture- a with peace (hould como rconoiny and reduced taxation. I bate no reaaon to believe that w shall bate any conaidera-bi- o reduction In the tax Ury for lrK7, but, with proper eltort in all department, we may hurt fur great improvement in the f will cheerfully with ynil nnd all good citlieu lu any movement lead- ing loix aril tbia result. J0111 T. llm I max, Mayor. AtMii nxnv or tin. HxTtik 01 Nnw'Oa-liti- s Today ia the auulvcraxry of the Initio of New (Irleaii, xvbrn the Hrltlih tloup xterti ilelcated by (leueral Jackton. Ibe N.1II011.1I Ciilnn Democrat Intend the day willi u bauiiuet. I'llil -- At 11 few minute after I o'clock yesterday luuinitig a lire was t!lrovcpd on the prt lulte of Mir Carbart A, Need luim'-- t luelndi un nnd nrguri manufactory. ''7, "I und I'M I .ml '."IM t Ihc II inie xvi ro llrl t on 111 thn ilrxmg room, ut tho bnek art ut tin lit. ami wire ipiit kly I Xllligllinhcit illiiiut $1,(1; innurt'd MI1I1IN Hi mi. Ilutuien four nnd lite ti'i lot k yenti rday altornuon n man by tho iiauin uf duti pli Siuuoxxell. Und l.ithnllet t . tl It tl tu. 111 tbo dining ,Vn nl llreoriwleli nxenuo lln xtut tuiiioyt'tl In hi retldeiii r, nnd the Curunor wat iioliileil. Within llii.uiiiittiti. A man limned , Atii'.lvw llallaghcr, xxbitu under thn of Ibpiur, walked oil tho dmk font f ltli etictt, N. II., and xx.n n ui! Iruin dru'viilug by nfl'iitr Smith, xtith tbe uttUt tine ut Atutio fltlzi lit. II xv. 11 t.tkt 11 tu liio Station IIouk and tared fur liiKl'xriti' imi Tlir l.nitiin In. xi r.u.- - Tho Ibpior draleri are in gii at ex.'ite-meu- t since the dcilsluii of tbe Court of A; lal in favor of tbe l.icito and tbe m drr liiued by Siiiicrinlentlenl Kennedy. Thn llealeri Astocintiuu met last night al Masonln llnlltotuke aoiuo actluu in tbo luatti r. T lit re xvaa considerable feeling ex hibltetl ubotit the new law. Siiue wcio con lideiit of being able to get tho l'gintatuio to make sntlfat'tnry mudltication uf thn law. Others were lo'ud und bitter iu their denunciation uf it, and all sot med tube prelty tboruiighlr tfiigiitti'd Willi tho t stato tit iillairs, Tbuc who niitduut iujiiiittlunn oru now lu a ipiaudnry ; they xx mil litfiiti ,but eiiuiiut get tbem until tho order of tho Court theto inlunetlnnt are taealed, and It will probatdx take biiiger lu get tin to document! xatatcd than it did tu si.o tin lis out thi: conns. Cul'iir Ciii.Miii: 111H T'tl l)ir. Su promo Court, (Icnrrnl Tcri.i 1'icfirrod I, y, :i, I, .'., n, 7, S, !, Ill, II. I'.', I.I, II, l.'. Huumenilcil luntiuua Not. 1, '.', 'I. I. .','. . H. I, II. Circuit -- Hart I Via , 7.17. llii, fiii, 1.11, 7i'i, 7i.i. 7- -t. 7'.i;,:hi, :. i". 71:1, I.t'i, fl'i, KJl.tlll. I'arl II. -- No. IU', t;, i.i'i, 7'.7, '.'id, '.'II, ".'ill, I'll, 7.M'-- , 7ii, 7'.n, .itti, ch;, 1.11, Hi., .ii... tu, :,. 111. .h'liuii-- . -- A .11 nu ixi I'iiii t- ill it - On calling tbo. Jury pant I. In tbe Su-- pioine ( null, yetlerdax, it wa fuutiil tbat nut one tenth of tho number Mummoiied ' Judge iMitborbml tald il was a tliui,i( tu Ibis citx .1 citr uf n million liihabilauta that aullioli'iit number of Ir.- - telligoiitjuior could not be obt nod to try the cite 111 tho Court This xvaa lepeateil oxery term Thoao who did respond to the 1.11111111011 were tb lame, tb halt and the blind, mid nt leut half of tbem could not j uudert ind tbo Kuglish Innguag. The uf men who ought to com bere Ixcrycla while llioan poor men with liiiullion depending un their daily lalior for niippurl. apifarod and ntked tu bo excused It wat terx bard tu bold tboso men. He (tho Judge did not know tho ripeme at teiiilaul upuii tliuwiug n panel uf jurors, but it 111111 lie lari;. nml It wu a bamn and ilUgran lu tbi lily that the Court ibuuhl , bo cuuipflled lu draw two or tbie puntl I tor lb lerm He would aeud for Mr Tay lur Ihu ( uinmi'tiuner ol Juror), and liud t'tit xx hat wu doue wlththe Hue, Ac. At i.i.i.n Ut nil ximum 01 a Sexmci. J11I1111 lutkiiis was arraigned before Oiburiie, yesterday, cburged with baling, whllu Cuplaiu uf tbe pricket ship, I'uorgy, on her Into lujnge to this port, on Ibix, kiiotknl ilinxu 0110 of bis etow. an elderly man, named Kdward livi'ior. mid tu badly iuiurrd him a tu leup uidijo tne night ut nut' uf hit eye. All th pirtio nut being n ,nly, lb furllu-- i etumt-- ' nation wa. m!J.iLmii.d tu Wetlnctdav no it, nt II A. M ; l til III nl (ll.MIltl Sl.ION ,ludgo Ull-- II li' etlld tbo Colllt of (loneral Su niun ill In o'clock yt tcrday iiiuruiiig. The (timid Jury wa empatincltcd nnd linn. J.tuie King electeil I'urciuan Tho Jiilgu their ntteiitioii lo thu I'aleudii, uxer .lotl iu iiuiuher, and alio tu thn ttiudiliuu of '.'il iivi'iiuo. l.Viiiidt'i lluckitt uttered tbo fulluwiug aculoiiti't : Til euro Koiau, rixer thief, Stale I'ritiin xoatt ..lame llicxv, gimut lattoiiy, Stiilo Hilton 'J xo.irn and li inoiitbt .. ,lat I lul tu all i "I ally I ini It," pickpocket, Statu I'lltuu li xear. . . .N1111T A. IlogLtctt via Kouteiii eif to Slut I'rituu iur 'J year and li tniitilh by Judgn Hiittel lur burglary. 1'iiiui Imihiiiimi -- .In Allnjnl .S'lrdi-itl- Hob, rt Mayuard, who wa arretted by tho sixth Word I'oliec oil Saturday nu a rb.iign ol anludllug by menu of fait iboi kn, ptoxh'iitlx publltbeil, v-- jotli hiuii'ht hoturo Juitiio lluxvliug In nu ntt'tr tin couiplaiiit Win Cmightoti, u for H S Jutlr.i.x A Cu.ot No Win Hri'idwar. tottitied Dial b hvl aobl tho piiriuier guiida uf tho xaluniif tlllniitho 'S'lU ult Niinuol June, tho iiicneugtr fin tin tirm, l.ili.'il that h di liierrd tbe guuds ut i1 Worth ntreet, tu Maxuard, and ro nixed a 1 heck lor thu bill 'llio chei k wai I on tlio S'toud National Hauk, mid It wax illttuti'ied thai nu such linn wa known at tbo II ink. Tho prisoner wa held tor exa- mination until today, when etnuplaliitx aud exideni'o will be liitio-luoo- Tho prittiucr i tc-a-i sol age, aud a iialixu of llottou CAui-- nf ur'.oiifi' -- Alfred lleilher. 11 uulivo of (lormauy, ami ugrd Un year, xva yrilurtlay arraigned boforo Juttbe Howling on cbargo uf having pcrtnnuied a ileloc-lix- titllcrr, uud by that mean extolling largo aiiiu ufiiinuey fruui Thumi M Pay lur, a uaxal nlllcer, aged 111. mid a rioldent of tho r.xert-t- t 011.0. II" the compl iluatit nf amnlry Iudecoiit act, mid threatened him wilb urietl if Imtli luonev wu nut piid. Ibt-t- rxlurtluii exloudrd oicr tho tpaco of two iiiiiuth 1111I1I hi nr roll Tbo ca being a cloai 0110. tho mag ittrato conoluded to bold tbe ,n cuied for trial, 011 the oharge, aud ho lucktd up iu dufuull of ball. Mrookliu, Ihini Coroner Smith yester- day bold an tuquest on the body of Hie woman found iu tbo wooda at (Jreenpulut on Saturday afternoon last, when it wa ascertained to b that uf Mr. Maigxret formerly rraldlug at No. rUi Metorol tlieet, B. 1. Heceaaed lelt ber home on Friday afternoon, while temporarily luane, and il It auppoaed tbat ah tiled fituu exp,i-tur- e, A verdict to tbat eflect watrondjird, Tux C'ri'Rt-- J I Out 1'iin" !::.": nii.nvii Siouv Coroner Smith coutrudictt theitory that Mrt. Mary Spatr, rctidiug near C.xpn Il.iit Ceiurlerr died id itijurit-- t uillu'el li v or x body Tbo xxiiuinu t til ot , ..u , i, iiught of tlralb ai pn ' 111 ,t t"lb itn limn Hut 1) W.l Jjvia; ui al ' tt OnOArlttATIOK Or Till IllOOKLTK ComtON CounciL The Matok' MimOt Elic-tio.- h or Orncirtt,. The Hoard of Aldermen met at three o'clock yesterday afternoon. Aid. O'Keefo was elected temporary Chair- man, and when tie roll of tbe members waa called, all answered to their names, with one exception, vtx, Alderman Steers, who was absent In consequanc of Illness. Tbe following oflleert were limn elected! Corporation CoiinseMor Alex. McCue) A"rcyr-t- r. City 17M Patrick Tormey 1 Jil'to-t- t Kteptr, City Hall Thomas Mcflulre; of We 7otird Wm. M. Ilarton A'tipf-tiee- City Hall Timothy Wanl Iniptetor 0 i'urcmrnls, H". Clar StaUr$ 0 ItVjAt and ittaturt: W.V. Win. W. Dowd, Wm. Dwyer 1 Intprrlortf I'urrmtntl, . D. Charles Kelhl J Sraltri of It'eiyAU anil ifiatunt, E. ). PeUr llrennan, Daniel Jenkins ICtfptr of lhxkt, UtH H'anf-ratr- lck Clark Cltrh f A ttarlrt Anthony flatten I Ktfjxr rTa'A Inton Iirk Thomas Farley I JCttver City Park. ratrlck York) Krtptr CarnB ilnrt John 11. Sohwollt Ktfptr of Water ClotU, City Hall Daniel Murphy Kttper Hamil- ton Annut Hridot John Angalem Kttytr .VlnlA Afreel llrUlyt John Maher 1 AVcy-c- r 7Airo .Strttl llrldue John Crelghton; Kttprr Carroll Street llridne Jamee Conners Matter. IDA llttrtf l'eter Trimble I iViunif Matter, 8IA Hanf Michael Fullam. Aldrnnan (leorge It. Fisher was elected n l'rrildent of the Hoard tirevloua to the appolntmeut of th above olllcrre. The Mayor being engaged In the Hoard of Sutrvtor, the tnenge waa not read until a number of the bat! been made, Tb document la in lubstance aa follows: , After eiprettlng his thanks for the hearty co operation extended to blni by the Hoard of Couiicilinen during the past year, the Mayor enter Into a statement of the city llnbilitlea nt they elistcil on th 1st day of Jxtiuarr, which be alleges lu be lll.liH.OI'.i'.n, wbllo it balance atnndlng tu tho credit nf tho linking fund wu at the niun tinio 10, time leaving tb ut Indcbtedtieta of the city $IO,.'t-0,lp- rf.'. llalaiice lu band H.i'iltl tu. He licit refer tu the l.ixet uf the city, which be repretonls lu be greater than for many preceding years Cuiiciinliig tbe Wuter Dcptrtnient, tbo Major, ullrr culugliliig tbe inntiugrr nf tho ilrpmtment, refer lo thn complaint often luado by pereuii 0 copying upper atorlca of Inrgo hull, of the cano aupplv nf water, which bo attribute, not tunny lack of ca- pacity in th water work, but tu tb fact that up tu the prest nt time only main pipes have bt en In use to supply the wnlitt of the entire cltr In order tu remedy llii civil, another and larger main, II Indira III diameter, I being I ml, which it I ex peeled will he III ratly in July nail There am noiv In arreirn, and due to Ibo cily fur water rate, tho sum uf J."ii,IX)ii, which sum hear lutc-rcn-l at tho rate of l'i per cent, per milium. I'p tu the prricnt time thero baxo bcoii laid about l'JU miles uf newor.igo pip, which nmuunt will be ln niast'd tlurliijr the year by abnut .') lullca. (u'Heriiing tbo Flro Depirtment, the Major apeak in 110 nattering terma, it It not such nt the luteiestsuf tho ily retmlre, claiming for It all the vice which councct themselves with thn voluct teer org miration nxerywbore, ami close this irtlon of hi meago by tronj;ly recommeudlug tbo adoplluu uf a l'aid tiro Department t The amount raited for thn pttrposo of cloaiiing the streets, and repairing thn well and ptiuip fur thn past year wa $7:i,100U, agaluat fil,tW, fur the year H'Vi. I'luler Ibis bead the Mayor enters Into n sniuiiwhnt cousiderutiou uf tbo vtteiu of street cleanlui now lu xogiioiu this city, in which bo deprlcatrs thn prac-- I tit of puttlug tbe work out utioii contract, aud ilotc xvitli a rocommendatlon tbat tho whole matter be placed lu the baud uf the Health Ciiliimlluller. l!.:rlug the year. 111,000 has bn expend-e- In repairing nlreots, nml tb Mayor la of Ib opinion that tbo Intrrrsta of tbo city wouhl b aubaerrcil abould the work In fu lure be placed In tbo hande of the Water Cnutmiinllor. Tint Mez next revert to tb evil growing out of Hie manner In which con- tract are now awarded by tbe Commou Count 11, alleging tbat " Wbatexer sum may I 1." tixed lu tbo resolution authorising the ttorfuriiiauc of any work, the bill prontcd I almott luxuriably amounts to the full sum J iiamad In tb restitution. If aomo plan rimhl be devised by which allcnntracts with tho city should be aubject to lair compcll tloo, uuscd upon apocillcatlona aud the result would be benetlcial in eiery rtstiect." The auldect of education ueit referred to, wherein the Mayor record th number of children In tbi. city a i,t! of which number aliout :l'i,0t) require provision to bo made for their education in the publio school. These school rooms when crowded to tbe utmost capacity, contain aecommo-datlon-a for ouly In view of this fact he recommend the npplieution to the Log ialaturn for power tu Itiuo bond payiibla within 'JO years, to be uxed in tbe erection of achoolt. Hogarding the Improxements now being made ut l'rospoct Hark, Mayor lloolh lu form the Hoard Unit ' additional acrra of land hax been purchased, while other impruxements are being pushed furxrnrd towards completion with the utmost zeal, 'llio Miyor noil refers lo the gradual incrcuto in the nuinbor of commianioui apptiluted to take control of tbe miltilrlpnl utlair, deprecating tbe custom ai one tontl-lu- to the nboliihuieut uf the eutlro city gt,irinmnt Tberiiliro amount taxed upon tbi city fur Stain, county aud city purpose it aliout fl.liUO.'kXi, dlvbltd at folio, xir State, f"il,(Kli couuty, ilty .',i.Si'',l'i't) Tho nveiage per ccntago of taxation fur Stute. cuuiily and city purpusca is about rM,ll upon e'acli l'0 of xniiiatloii, at fu! luw Fur Slat piirpoto. l'i cent upon null and lor touuty pnrpiMia. '.'.' cents 011 em b IU0, leuxing about J.'dlnii oicb (lOtl tor city exponne. Of the amount raited fur Ih iurimos of Ibe Cltr (luxeriimtut out of the 011I110 tax fur Iho I'lirrrut year, wo nml tlio hum ut tjjl.itsl uiidtr tho guneral ruiiliul and ma iiageiueut uf tbe Cuiumim Cunneil. Of thi nuiuiiut tho tumor $l.'i,UuM it apiimpriatod lui lighting Ibo public street: for irio. $ l.0tl fur rlraiilug Ih Ml eel fur lur , f al.iwil fur thu Fire Dipattiuonl , and (lll.ono fur llutpitala nml Ditnonnatli a , making lu nil a total of Ihu Mnxnr eltite xvltb n mutt gritiljlug exhibit uf tho piupoll1,x ot the llx, claiming fur it tint mutt tiiiuuiagiug piugic iu papula-ttti- and xvealth. Tlio mctigo nrderott tu be pi into I in tho inliiiitti, nl I t'l whuh tbe Huinl nd join lied. Tin: Htniiti in sin init-'ii- . -- I'm Hoard met Ji'ilcida.x alteiuuuti and nig int'od by electing Mr Win. M. I.iltb. id' tho 'Jith Ward, nt I'rvtidriil. 'Iho I'iraldriit irtnrii-e- Ida thank in iinbuil and 11.1.1I uddrvav alter which tbe II i.ird ,iduiiiuod until tho lllhiuit. CuiiiiMLU' Imji i.r. Ciirt'iier l.xnili con eluded thu iiiquett ill the a, uf Catharine ivti.iiiiii-l- l x.ticrdnx. Ui'.'o.iti-- killed wbllo geltlng oil 11 car lu Fulto'i minue, near Dotvnlng nlieot, nu tbo exouiug of tbo 'iith ult. Nu now facts xxele olieiled nil tbo lininligutiuu, nnd tho Jury Hindered 1 vor diet uf death bx luiiig run over by a Fulton avoiiuo car.'autl ceuiuriiig the agouti uf tho , compuuy Tin: l.iqii'i'. t'"! A number of per- sons, indicted for violating tbo Kiclso Uuv, J were arinlgned befoi Iho Court of Sostlous morning. II Van Dcllan, a ' grocer, ilolng liunlui s In High street, xvaa tried on tb" charge uf expuiing liquor for I tile. Chrittopbrr Miller, a griter, lining limine at Ibe corner of Hrhlg and High wu nlo tried lor oxpmlng liquor Uutb tb defeudautt were ihlrri'ts, Citt Mimninr.-T- he total number of death In tbi city last week was I nl, of which 37 were from consumption, 13 of acuilet foyer, D of pueumonla, 5 of 0 of croup, 7 of typhoid fever, ltmlaa Day I The homeless boys In London are being eared for In the appropriation to their use of an old fifty-gu- vessel la tba Thames, wber they can learn the art of leamauiblp, and thus qualify themselves to Cirn kn tioneat living. It it proposatl to provide In this tray for 100 ):;. ind the movomeut tt to be nipjiorled by private charity, Tbe nieces uf a similar plan on tba Mersey lias led to tin example. Of late year the xraut of oameii bat bn acutely felt, and thi tl.'u pht process uf provldlug a remedy bat tbo u.iiiU'it.iiico uf thu (tot eminent, which pro "i Ho. tlnni, and U'aic the retl tu pi 1 , a 'tUriuiv. ..'' T . Ilm Man CbH aa Ih rrt Offlc. rtXamtkrVstriVl(fatbv,avi7 TTSfaH Calirtraia'Uttk hr ilsaoae. lit, llii. aaa till a auktanlk. faltt al loifA. H. nr rtiw orlttai If BaUnad-kta- llj ilMaD al N Bit BiUl seat kr saa. rrlMavr Cllr. Olortdt, Orll Rail tall, Vltk ud n(ivtil, Clifrala, II (flaaaart tl tiltkrOvrt4 Koala, t.M,liL Ntrtk MtiU (via lladMa Rittr Ktllittt) kkrnik ir Mill, t A. II. it 4 Jo P. M. Eait Hall (tl rlttr llitia ntUxtUj t A. MM aaa (Km, laat Mall (via Way lJA.tI. tat I.M Kttl Mad (rlt Ntiaoel tat Tall III Mr) 4 tat I r.k(. riotiik at tli ihraah, s.1 r. M. rktltlkla, war atall, 11,11, 4.JI, t 11J0 Dltlatrt aat WtklatlM Malt, I A. kf. aat I.M ....tdla.Mr. V. AUaal. AartiU. Calaaaka. al, IlKaaklt, MMltttBf7, attbuts Savaaaak, tloM tall, Ul) ChirUtttau kudtlik, ITIhailatlaai, aat XTVra, X. M Jtnryr MaH, I A. k-,- 4.M r. H. Kta- - jT--r Malt, t A, U. aat t M at. Wtnll tat rx MtUf A. W. aat t M r. U. rtrtbra BUrt-a- t Trl Ontr Ottill k.N r. It ICrlt Kallraat MIU t A.M. aat AM K at. Krt Stllit4 (vrtrl a A. M. aat 1 F. M. New YkCoiralalaIlrM4Matl, I A. kf. aat Iil3S-ut(ktfitJ- , flt-tt- Jtaxalaa, aat (TMtau. (A.M. aat IM t. M. ITtrliT RaUriit MalL I A, M. Bratklf Man, B rati ATkC f, I aat Ut P. kC AturU Mali, I A. M. aat I.M !, M. Ilbkm Mail, a A. M, , t M f . M. tlfta Itlaat Mad, A. M. t t P. kC rrMkait aat (i;-w- l Mm. I J4 P, M. Ctai(CatJ kfI',eut aa TrW, I A, If. aat fvVeil) UttL I A. M, aat J U P.M. tast(lal)a rrlti,IA.M.att. M. WUlitmibaria aat Ora-ilal- . t A. M. tat I P. M . Mva IKDtla aat Ntait-aatlta- t A. AC, l.SJ aat I P. M. Nitiik Mll, I, It A. U. t aat AM P. U. JllHf Cllr Mall tlott t A. H.AM aat IU T. M. MARINE NEWS. l'.i--t of New Yrk, Jaaaary 8, 1807. Sua KUm. Baa 8ttl. Ma Blitl. ftltk TTtUr Jsa. T.T53.I .t t,. ... IT..,. I ...,M t Jia. I III .4 61 .... ....toil Jtt 9 I J4. I -- t 81.. I ... 43.... I ....Hit THE VTKATllKB, JAM. , tMT-T- IIK ytlHU Atrlantti. Al Msrllta. Al aaail. n vr, n.vT, n. w. CI.KAKKD. BTKAWSIIIP. BhirtMt.'I'orlluid; Ilir-- A birtdtllilla, IXtiat, l.lttrjiool. IIAKC-- E!, tl'mi.l I'lottbtft, (llbrtlur. rtv UoMntoa, III Itrtatat Sot: I.ledmollir, Vtltartt. Ultiitltir, lltawt. CalltlL, Sorfcll. cilonitliB-Iai- cr , tllccln. Pklitttlakls , .Ttba Wftlktr, Otria, Pert JatTirtan. rintlta, I'owsrt. Livtrpooli Da, Jeaeft, XYlualDflta: A J Ptr, Kallr, BUJOP-I'r- of Ulna, llaUtik, Nil Utf ta. AKIIIYKD. arRAM9llirs-Vaiklal- a, CklekMlar, Bilk-rnt- nt Nrflk, wllk matt aat tiitar It Jm llad. Jtbn Dlt-M- . rotlir, Wtklatt, D C, wllk eattt I lUt'llr. Sinllb Ut. llairHiam.lletatU. Put rlt Cabtll ne tt, I fintri Hlh. 81 Thtni Dlk A M Jtbii. P K. IXh. wllk mtM aat HMMiiri It al Daaataf. Th UD BtlntklpaaciTlvt al Lt Uatrra 1) Sit. fr rliala Cras. all wttlj tlataier Oaltlaa tlr trilTlt tat till SI Tkenta tk rtlkj lal tt B. Ita tl to, ftll la wllk vik l a kark. trrtrtnlr tbtatenvt a lai ilmi lb kv aat all frart of ktrciMa wattn tht vaalaaxsil bat 111 ft, Irl'l ta ths ctbla, aliklharartl lUll bitU( It Ibt wrctki toult m lha wkola f Iht tttra, bul tbtrt wst ao airnt a 111 sttutt it havt btta suit. ptt tf tvtrMkltf valaabtti lata a ia port aid aa ftr ftfvart at eoalt t tto feat btaa tertatt bfUjktl rtr koxtt n rHa w teilBtt rltk ctlor, wiaaw bllst fra, raaal tcriptt brlakt, black Irpi aatarti; a rttl tt prebablf 004 lent. Uta Mtrtta, fltvsaaak Jia t, vtlkcatit aat ptatsaftrs M Fox A C, I rtaeealt, Bbarwoot, Vrtlaad. B Men!. Lakbr, CkarlMlta Jtt L wllk aatat at puiDXrs tt Llflointn. fox ai 0. Eaptrltacti vtrr bttvrwttlhtr eurlax mott of Ibt pitttft. Aatra rlttcktr. Ilaaitr ftrtrtM Moon 31 bun, wlih iklp tUafton la t, 1111 aihtrt tl Cklaettttxa. BH I PB Klia. rirtratr, Urtrata tl t tfi, with mtc Bad SSt pttatrt l U Lata4 A- C. Took Boulbtra ptf aat kst flas wttlkir. ' x'rattliOrlaBll. Iattf Bt dart, wllk mttt tat 0i ptiiair I Orlaattu Mlalara A C. Hat etailauoai N VY laltt tarlai IMe, Hal t ttath (ta turtat) oa tht p tiiiat. Uaaieoa. Murrar, Hoarabtra Hen x, via Fortran Monro B'h tail, with mdi l B Vv Cimeroa. Tb H wtnl tihort on Calacotiaaiitakotli a tbt marc. Ini at lb Mlk Hoi tiilllit UlM Ian. aat airlttt l Fortrti Mearoo lotklaa bttlri iltum purapvupulta botrt ot kor I kotp brrrf wsttr, aadtb wit ttvt It tht cltr br ik iliia lui Aadrt flttcbtr, tf ibt Coail YTrMklaf Co; sks un aatBM i ut a vr Brat. I,l, l Mtra Mlr,wltk MMtlt A Ihiuctt. Dot It, J thn J litilh. IDAnxa-RtaWl- tt, aat bmlt al oat. llaa kooa ll llttiart llh hoivr tt XV f , lot! dock slots bulvftki ftat vh1 lkla, Kboce Alwood, for lltMtoa la t tr. llrottritla Aoao. XVoatt. Rio Jtatu- - ft darl, Willi coffo U raack, Mtlaeka A Woadk, BO mil MB of Ibo IHlaworo, liv a vttrot'a Jott-- tool ttutom op, palatot crtaui ctlor, not loaf La ibo wtitr. Ariontut, Sltttrraft, FlrtBitB tt tta. wllk mtt aat tor pnttBiar lo lloimaa KoopACo. Iltt botvr wtbr tb Imi S weokt. tlk lait, off Nta tuekl, paitoi tho wtock of t saitll vtntl wilb mutt font; bora la tbsl eondlttoi norat tlmt. Iltottemande. Kurlkm. Iltmbarf tl ttr. with nidi ot '.'It ittlDn toll MHI.Bi A Cic, Its btdS tth tot birth oa th pitt siAodnw, Botairr, II Arr ol ttr, with kldllloUIl MLUInftoB. lilt kivf wllbr Ibt tallra putift tut ipltl tall. atttl-tleiDll- al, Tlltk. Bit Jtntlr-- i tl tif. wltbotSt. Ilielt, laltt JO, loa 11, tpok buk Krullr, Ie Utttoo, kiport, Maatr. of (IrtavlU. N B. fra Cirtaais tl dr tllb nail.tini lo llrott, 0oa A Co. ttaa ba lac lloott wltbla to pillti of Biaar Hook, tl h boirr N V salea, tl nd lli. itoto toil, Ae Loll bru Alfulro. rirM York, aat brlc lltrrltt Amtm for I'bilaJt phlt Doe 1. John Avltoi, 1'aiibrook. Kilsibtthpiri for 1'ror. rsaftaU Ubiodltr, Ntw lltvta. laidr Illrd, lit(irt,oi (joobo. from Ott Ittthtr, Jim, Its , wlialtt tool it m A KoiatA l'i Wti oil Ibo llujalaat Hie XV, aat was blowo off, lot! aat pill IBll. Mlnnhhx, Mildint. N It, from HI Un uti tl dart, tub iilt to J F Wbltatr A Co. Utd hivt- - wlbr, lotl and ipllliilli. Aipoa, Forboi. xvutttr It tart, with pluitr ta II .1 III Wo ( A Co, Jit Ktlrbford. Crane, Wlataor IS da, wlih plan r tt I' K lit Wolf A Co Bill oorth, Mooit, BhltUi Oct SJ, wl'k ml't. HCIIOO.IIIJ-Vt- nlt l.lorlt. Bocuiil. CorawtlUl tOdtri. llh pottlot 10 II II 1 Wo.f A Ct, Vtblt r)wn, xolllni, Clali lumbtr. Iitttlit, VVa'ki, Mtbirn. N c l.tlb Kicli, lliraliolT. Wllialal oa, N C. A Mnek, iImb, Vlrrtalt ttr rtrtimotilh. Ml I. Inf.lhtr, Tilcomb, I'ortllut, wlih bnjli tbtf tiKli 10 the miil-r- . I airi A lljJd. Katollom Fortaat's Mir. N t 1) tart, tlth hurlar ta tb miilvr, Mir W tr Ittltllh, Nleicn-n- . Iluoot Arrtl Oct .Ix, with bltti to Muirr. FtrrliA I' trouth lit of It bid (tli from S to S XX'i .pill itlli, tci- - llt bark vYsihinf loe, Itj cbsr, for N V to Ji. Hirftti Mrlt, t'ltdcrhdl. of Cllt ttpilal. lrm Miyiri, f U, lt dirt, wlih ortai ttj A r I'auitl, lire 34. lit ii 31. loo hu, ipokt ichr N Chut, bound rt, baft, tcbr Ctatral Aoatrica, Itr N lork ib t di, DISASTi:i!S. Tli I'tuutr Irallit, Mhort off II tek Rock, e.m erl on ihoblb Intt, 'itt tu low I III Ultcc Kock br this oimof iilftti.tor for rtpilrs, Tb Itr l,irkB lu Meale. lluatar, from Aitf po I St 1 1. toaat fjr Nto, li l tarbor at Biltt llnuk. put lalo ibll liarbot la dittrtit. wt'h litr'.ot al all inotttbl oa del foitaanl ot ill ctbla ib! tt tbtrt of p Tin t'.oita las tai la wtut lo bor itllltt tan, I'll tb tiiottit 'Xit.'.l to tpw up lo tbo o,t". llioie It ailrouc N XV wind ptotiillag aid a htivr it nttktBS t clttu broach utor htr, ab hti leu tvoroioiaircr-- . lit T I. I. I. 0 II A r If. Iloinottle Torts l!ornt, Jsa 7 Ths tehoostr Cot Elliworth, (tain Kiblatoj, float Now roundltat lorlioo York. .lib a ratio of froth btrilufk rta sihor tarinr lb wow itoru 00 Blurdr mthl ob Cipo I'cti, at wai haubd off by lLa ilssnitr MonokDitl on Bus-d- ind Hkta lto Kdftrlowo. whart tbt bow Iltt Ibt achr loai til htr aiebort, bul U uot attlirLtilr diraif d la br bottoia, FearaiM Untaoa Ja. 7 Tbt htrk Bsvtanib, Nivti. with (uaefr I'olltd. trrlvtd lodiriib ucouo'titl byr wthr th lut 10 dim ion iptil at a alia andUihorl of arovliloni ttd wlr. It 1. B of Hitlers, fill la wtlh chr L, I'rtmllh, tl nt for N Yorki bor ralaiasit wis roo at lb wis IsiklDt; look rtpltla tat cie ta boirt aat alaa. toard tb vii. MIHCKI.I.AMKOI'H. AMERICAN 8OCIITY FOH THR Cnitltr 1 AnlmiU-Boo- oii No. flit i HroiJwir AU I'tuao Offlotrt ar tniirtirua br Ordtr 4.X1 to proton crutltr It talanalt. Call tbo attentloa of ofilror I etooo u Ihtr orcar, ad report lb Dam bor of Iho efntr to tbtoe ttuoa. th.t tk efficr tar b oouipltmotd for wall tolas, 44) XXTRKUKB MEET. iiuruio it knack and ztuu uLFniac- - I1ATOR. Yor Ootbla Furaoeo a lti ptrfeet laturtcttin Wl warm our il.rt, I1K1-- II. caiptt room la 14 tiorr tat ptiUla hill la Ut tiorr, Tixtil fi.i aoat bul a powtrrot furnaaa wotllt to tl'fi." Do;,, lt. J. JAV JOBMS, roulto-tr- Vttiivoal. LTSLKrA ZERO nEFBIGKKAfOB hu jail ttKlt4 tbi Ftrti ftrtBbvliua-T- cr ill oit.r- -l ibt Louuub ittt Yiur j, n. b rnoNO, aI.IX. W. LESLEY, Utuftrtr. Cmj t)Utb , Ll. Wlk u4 U tit Ytifc TKTOU ARE TROUBLED WITH X Cough X tr Cold, u4 wlih U ilUn prM.Bt rUC iwt Id. M itMilt. tMM ifU WlUlAmibtirih, ui c t t tk4U f tfcl irlr rv.Wtrif IB. 1VIN rOL'OU SBBMlrfATOB,. Uci, ir OiiktS Ci2j, Iitlatau. BTtir4U Aa , li m sclt4V prr.rftl-- ! U . Trr II. l.ruttikiT fcJr4f !, m 70a Ut tlUiaUWtd TrrftiIUfmxUTt ptMrllM. FitM.ivmtiwcoW M tlT u CO. rooiliu u tollclt r!tnn tvod obula t Xtut Affirm ST IHrk Bow. i ofloloroj n fr i 'VUV (JHAISI) NAUOSAI. JnilTKK OF .1. rf ftud IE l nton di ttirimfh tb ttfuu'ry. n ,... HMini awrr ) l&roH-- It colutu . cf i nr uitK HiN, it piic wuuib iu wmmKammmammKm .raw "T iraa A.mfHi' tTHPltl TH X AT Rt, tL'E8!ay Kvr.nnn. jam COMrLtMENTARY HKNEF1T Txttrv4tMr, KDMONU DE WQNIUOK, ' tl Ui JoormUlaU f Nt ehavuiftrvt t Mdr ' 1IAMLXT. ItAULET..... Wf.nEttOHmOM. Hr. BTODDABT. VTARD, IIAREOM. lllish, CLKRiKopALY, A)A d U1mi N INT TON, CARSON. Ae.Ae. rttlrU for ft fv Ijfcu Ir f BWMCtctBli'i Urt Urftmi, TUE U).4U TRlKE ThiitUf lAt-n.- flf JAMEflM.WABO. ttar4rllEt-0a- lf Mr. STUOPART, Mm.i;, Ju. 14 TH RUhlif. EaclUh Wt CORSET iJONEaftS WANTKD AlTltT im OPERATORS WANTED 05 WHEELER ( ft c1HBj ftlMlv tm ktU Mftkirt huJtl Ml u4 flftUb .vlMr ItMaMkli.t; 4 bv4j 9.r B4ftMl( Cti rr tf , Ml WmI llik it, eor. tti tf. 1 Airrr.D-- A carpEaITer, one that pM.ut-Biitttl.M- ALTER HABUYtkCOs. IaOHT AJtO FOID, &f KKWAED-STRAT- ED aw at prom tUO tOU ll ft vnll Milk tUvlth ! Urt kltl,t brvvn at.4blek ud ibt'kr tauktrr, ktt IftfonsMUa UftdUtf Uthtlr rr try will UwetUrft-tftfdftA- Ul (fcAREWARD-STRAT- ED FROM 45 Tli Ini Vcr-ftTft- lattl-t- tTftalfti 6th Irut. ft innvll b rk ft4 Ua alat. br ( hlr aa bMkt wbtn taml coU-- vHh i4 rlbbaa aa aackj la a ( MIN NIK, Vrkearar rttara bir u ftbara addrtM will rcUUarTar4fta4 tbuuaf Uitavatr. UT rou HAia; Am to i.i:r. pOUNTRT SEAT AT WESTFIELD, V- - Valoa Ca N.Jfta tba llaa tt tba NttJimr 1 mlaaU. frem 4tpot, I heat'jrldt from IHfw Yark, t tlmi ta aa4 fro, aonvaalaot tot biodf far tr0Di 4ol builaan In ltf . In a brtlibr actUn af conairr. Mtt cbarcbaa, icboolti, itortti. dvalllni bonia a , rootoi. built lo laUtialiat ii wubraon cloMti, Ae A.. aa bara and ulht. frail tiaaa, btrriaa. Act about ball a?ra af rraauit. wallUldovU coo4 mortialir ft .rawft d.ilDf a eotaforubla bom,vt ifi ;.',VM," Utl. Inqalia at Waalfltrd ls. fjr JOHN O. H)VD Col oat far Hit t tact. Triiai !? fran fol af L batty M. Ci:.1EKAi. IlfJHIWKSS, -- SMOKED HAMS C II E A P A Htw Smekad Ilimi.t 14 rantifarlb. Bbaaldar-t.-i.lI- " " Uicoa ,14 ' M Daaf W ' HatlUftfUN M l'ranad U M M U lit4 St CbMM 1 M Natr yatkiral, la btJf klu M 11. Call and atamlaa eur atMk tt aa4 ordir tbrauih paat, aftl loada will ba aaal C O. Jl. Wl JOHN ItfOOVERN, IM Wita.rt. ADVERTISEMENTS INSERTED IN ALL tX nix LEAptna NEirerArEKii rUBLLSHEO TMHOlHUlOtIT Tllrt UHlTElriTAlK1 AND HUITUH PKO IMCE9, AT THE PUBLlSIIEBS' UWEST BATES. A Mrafnl aalataa af tftt U mad a, adaptad to any htMiataa, and aha UdaaaU tbabaat teMlbta maoaar, aarlM lima, ttoubla aad aipaaaa Utkaadtartlaar. Naalyail aavipaaan pablUkad tbraa tbaat tba aaaatry iaalTd aad 01a4 at tbi mtt. John uooi-e- r a co, Na.41 RaiV.BM-- U. 0, BEACH, Ttt of - Bam. 441 HOW TOODTAIN PATIKTS, CAVEATS, Kor tba Inforaiatlaa f iha loUllljaBt, tadoatlomuaehaalca af tbt 1 raat asatrvpalla. tb tkatUvi&4 lDatrvetloD la Drltf, coftcr&latl raMBt. Caveat, au .ara pub llaa ad t TbafiratlataaUylbat praaaaU tlaatf I ant vb hu mad any imptaTamaQt or dlTry la Cn 1 obtain a TaUnt r A peal tit a anawar ean only ba bad by brtaaatUc a etmaUta apnllcattan far a Taunt to lha Ccmntlaalontr of Taunta, Anapall-c- i t tan conaiau ol a Modtt, Urtvlnxa, Tatltlon, Oath. nd fall Bpociflcatton. Variou afflrlal ml and formailt! nnat alao ba abrrad. Tb affoii of tb loTBtarlod ftll thu bvalnaa blmulf ara wltbonl aaer. Attar a oa of fral ad delar. b U snaily ft4 to k tb aid of oaraoaa iptmaeod In paunl bailo, and bar alltb wtrk doe ovor ftiatn. Tbo boat plan Uta aoliclt propor adrle at tba MilnatBt. If tb pirlir conaul d ara bonorkbU nn, Ih la rtanr taay aafalr confti!a bU Idai to tbm tbr will adrlaa whtbr lb ImproT'tsaBi U probably and will rtta biia all tbdlrccUaBod-- I KtoaubU, Wo (Mt7iif A Co bavo boon aetlvalr ncfd Ib tba bntlaaa of obtalalai pauaU for aboat twaatr ratsra. alaar tkoaaaaoa ! lavaBtar bara haA boa ool frM Mr MMBtwW. Mara - tma lalx ail pUBU grantad ft abtaiaal br aa. Tbo wba bava mada tntaailoaa aad daalr to ooBauItwlth BAftift oordlally lafltad todoao. W ball b bappr U ao tbm la pra alour N. t7 Tark Katr, N Y- - ar to advl tbam by Uiur tbrouth lb mail. In all tbay mar axprot from nan Dontat opinion . far ay eh eooaalutloaa. opta-lo- and advlc. v aaako no chart; , A pa aad-tB- akateh and 4acrlp Ion af lha InTcaUon abould b nt. octhr with aUmpa far rura poauc Wilt plaint donatui pancuor pal ink m bntt All buaiBrao(mmUld tooui cara,aad alleonratta-tlona- , ara kapt br a crt and tnttly conftdaatlal Addrtaa UVUn A CO. IT Tark Row, Kit York i!AYrns A Cavat ilMiftllbiltad bat Immtdlalo pr!t. lUa, andUpirllenlar j oaafal wbr tho larrntloa laaottall eomplt4or tbo aaodol U not rady, r njlbar lima waaiad far aifrlinaat aa4, Aar ft CTai bu ba fllad, tb l'ataal Ufflc will not laaaaaptUDt for ih uni laraatUn to anr at bar parton, without ilrict notlc lo tba Caroiur, who. a ibr-- allowad tbroa moatba llm la 111 la aa aopJcailoa lor a ptBt. A Cavaai, to b of aar !, abould contain a aiar and concli daMtipttoo of tba lorntloa. o Ur ll baa latn com pi 11, llloitra tod br drawinfa bf n tb aubjict admlu. A Carta! ronataU of Ibo Ttitln, Oaih, Hpociflcallon, aad Prawlotia Tba Coraramaai io for flilni Carl laS 10. aud our ordlaarr chari to prptr tb dorn tnanu aadatla4 to tba wbol baalaa.. frarallQlo $14, Caraat lha lnraur nao4 out taaand na a UUar coDia.alof a akatcb of tba lovaBtloa. with adaacriptloLi tu hlaewa wordi, anl Uoa t In full. AddiHi tlUN.N A IX) T Tark Kw, aw Tork. AadltUae m t mad to CavtaU at any tlm A Caat runa ou rear, atttran ba rntwd en pa mint of f 19 ft rf tot a long apriod a daalr 1. tlTPVT4 In order to apply ft a Tlnlthlaw that a modal abail rurn'ahat. not arar a toot la aar dlmanaloaa, imilli r,ll ju.blr. Hand tba modal by tip rata, pr paid, adlra 4 to llaan A Co IT lraik now, UtLr with ft diact.ption of Hi cpara lion and mam ; alao ramll (hi flrit ttorarnmrnt aad aump I, ol. On ralpt tboroof w win pre- - thadraaltifa and apeclCcaiion, an aind tbem Kia Inrtntor lor aiatulnatton. lUnatura and eith. Ourcbaria for rtapulas tba drawlnca aal ai. ib dotrumrnu. with atundart fo tb bualnaaa Lafoia Ilia Tat niOfflcoli f , for tba alnpoit cum, and trvui tbat aura up , rttMrdlnc to u. tlor larolr Ourchanrauf aWai rerr moderatf-- Wbaa tt PHaat la a lowed mere la piid to the Gorera meut, luaklof a total of Jdl. lha moJat abould bo neatt made of tny emu hi tua.erlal, atioaalr faio en a, without . tie. rarnlahad or pilnt-rd- Ihe naioe o( th luToloribcuM l emraraJ or palate j upea it Whin tbo inraailon connaU ot aa Imprera-mea- l other ruafhtna, a lull wotklni model af tto whcl micblu will not bo actaary. Hut tb model moil b eafnciently prfet to ehuw, with cUaraeae. lha oator and epilation of th lincro. BAiani. New roellrlneeor mdlcal wmuada, and lueful mlitureaof all kind ai pa entitle Vha the taraatlou couata'au of arnellclae or aroenpoandor in aritc.eot manuUciur,ora nw com poaltlainaani plea al the ariiicle inuet t furuiahetl, nrailr Il up Alao aend ua a full of th In piopertlo, mod of piapirailoa, uaea aad merit. rite arrf tlm rtqoJr! to prronr a paunl U all week. Va trigueallr jrel tbrm throuh la Uu tln-- but In tbr cite. olac 10 detar on tbe put of tbo ofTWale Ibo a onitlraM eiioodrd lo I a or throe monltta. and craa mora. Teruekea potrlal point to our eiara a tariPtT At raiai a. Wheuthe larmtor rlde In tbla cltr bo ihould rora lnprroo loourofflc end (irouabla Ida-- in fulleoncernlnf th Invention-- A'-- to or ftddraia UL'NN A CO. ht 3T Tark 1U QUICK ATTLICATIONS. When, from anr reaaoa. pawtUi are driirou of to plrioi fur Taiea-- or L,iraa la oibat naira, with out aauuienfc'a Ion of time tbr bar oalr to writ or telegraph ui it'oclatty lu that rfT rt, and w will makaaparial airrtloju for tbem, W o ean prepare aud mail the nareaierr papra la Uta than n bvui'e notUt. If r,ulrd. lor Ini'iuf llou eanfernlni Forelja Pa lent a. B laeae. latcrfeteoe-ie- llintaon Ta eoU. Knlei and Troceedlnii at tb Tattat Offlre, tho Tate at Law. te oar loairuction Uok. lo or addreaa UC.NN L CO. , ST Tark lUw, Nv York. Ml NEWS FROM Trk4Cni. ALL OVK iFTIIE TvOUU) Aiirno.-- w moTiLi:). A UCIION SALE-I- IV ORDER OF RKAK Admiral CHArt. II, UM.U Catnmindantof thla Stilton. I will aU br ribll otlcn, l the Narr Yard, New .oik, 00 kUu-ie- Jn 14th, 1S-- at 11 Mauuantltr of Taper Btitk, Junk, Canrtaa Clip plngi. rllorka lrao Conpoallion Maal, Selrr. and a mlef alien oui Ul tt Coodemaod looU, A. Aiae , K. HOOKrH, A. V Lt Com., r.d.N., 511 NftfftlStorkepr, AUCTION N0TICE.- -F R. HUNT, AUlT, .! Tarl . on TuMdar. tb 8th. and rrr TutJy a lore aaeoilm4t of rockry rnd (taiewar In Uu to rail dealer, H 000D3-CL0JI- N0 OUT SAM AT DRY thle day, at 10 o'cltxk at alt Urand it, laBjtUn Eaat llroadway. ha la, meilaoea aad ottar droa oo4i, blank a. flann'la. .lb. c Imrre. liillaeie, uadenhlria, 4raia, drugrata, tar eilaia, boeurr. AM A, If M- - ! brala dok'lfalltft a teadtbtaaal. lg HENRT 0. EVANS, AUCT.-D- RT GOODS. dar.ftl 10 i.clook,at lltaiaadat. ftar Kill proadoay- - Urr-t- tad waot ahawla, rraaeh Btanoal kid .h:r d'tw geoda. b'aakeu flaooiU, labl lineal and tewollaia, uadr aad rr aklrta and drawers, 'the. caaalmeree. bairy atlaale. Boaterr Ao, v, Caih barer wlUd fU Uitiaad tbUcal. U PAWNBROKER'S SALE R. FIELD. it, will ettt Ihla dar. ftt li o'clock. ODD lot of man aad wcmia' cletbleg. em arUlog dreae-e- , aba a, cloak, nader clothier ft large lot of booli ftcdiho-)- Aei aa a large let if tnen'a cbtblng. with which tbe sale will coiuneor Ur older of M.CibKV, Wmi A aoat lo o'c'ock a let of furol eta, crvketr( A. Ill M. WOLF &"S0N AUCI "US, OKI UT, 4tf lit at e t, will i tjia 5r, at ID cufk, br or' ul mo t"a e tie iucx, ni.uret aul lu'-J- ii ira xf etta.Jie, li lluecrr Ij 4 ncni t - J H. A Thrilling Adventure, Attomptod Capturo of a Cargo ol Gold. nr r.. t. liiu'I.ij. Ot a cold frfttty rbrltmas, a fttr jr ajo, I wat a paien(-e- r on boanl tli lln) aleanler "Queen," from Iailan to Th. vovag Is not a very lon-- r on j but 1 were a.veral dais al tea, ami tltirin thai tlm t struck un pretty ranch of an with th. secon.l engineer o( th. hip. I liava always bail a tail, ratlmr lmai;lnatlv. than sclentlQe, for watehlni; th. working of pow.rftil roaehlnery j the war. too eoltl to allow of my remain-lu- Ion t on tletk , antl I wat often glad to .xebanf. fur a time th saloon ttovafor tht bright glow of the boiler furnaces, ami th Company of tb. paaiongere for a chat In tht engine room with my friend the engineer, Tn o'clock In tie evening, when It was hii watch, genorally found ma ated by hi aid. on the platform that ran around tht top of the cylinder, whence, be could in a moment bear any word pasted from th-- i lock, bad Immediate acres to the handles of the engines, could are th n mil stoke-hol- e, with th gla gjugna In front ol Ihe boilers; and exeti wblltt chatting xvitli tn, could bo constantly alive to th am ill-e- pcapo of attain, r the Icatt Jxrrlng 01 chirping aouml xxhieli tolil In hi practised eve or ear that aniiintliliig ulxiut tho rciitlml lubriinllon or nilluttineiit. Iliere was nothing x erv h inarkiililn ulmiil inv ariiualiitanrix, Angiivnt bnirii atinpli aii honent. ttrhlglilfurwiinl, Intrlligent. t.ilf pdiicaled inechmlc ; one. In ahiirt, nfn rla-- l cry nunierotit niiinng uur fiigl neer. II wna almut forty yrnra of n, nnd bad ent iienrly hnl f lime at tc.-x- it many sen Icen and III nil part nf th xxmliL Ho lad been In nctltin nu Imard n llrnlliatl steam-sloop- - marly tiled from llm In tense boat In the riiglne rtmui of a lVulutu, la nndOrlentalWit in thrt ltrilNia. In lieeu xtretlteil In n Witt India mill stoniiior and afterwards illsthargod from tho nor vice foraamiiggllng trniitnction, xtilli vrhiek he vovxctl that bo lilm-wil- f had really nnth-Ic- to do; was, at the timo tho Ute xr.u liroko out, serving on lioaril n Unman which, of ctmrst'. be loft ns noon as itotilhte; bail acrved 011 board nilvpr-bui- l on the Mississippi, nnd another un tlm llooghly; and bud aeon many a strung ox cut In llieao nnd other service, from the plain matter-of-fao- t point of vluw natural tu hit tenitramout and education. On Chrlatmaa ovn wo xvrro slipping nlong fast under atcatn and cntivnt, with tbit wind and aeaon th bani; and th ship, though, not pitching much, wat rolling a good ileal. We had but few paaaeugers un boartl, and of these four were solemnly playing a rubber, while the othera were ill in their berth. There wat evidently not much Chrlttiiiat festivity to be eipected in the saloon, ao I came ahivering oil th tleck, where I bad been smoking a cigar In the moonlight, and seated myself in my accustomed place on Ibe engine room platform, enjoying tba warm glow from the furnaces. Angora hail Juat lit a olgar which I gave Mm, when J alight eacap. of ateatn from one of the valv. stuiling-boxo- s arrested bit attention. Tb platform on which xx e had our teat wua on a , level with the tops of tho cylinders, with a railing nearly breast high between it and tbe engines; and to get at the attirllng-bo- In qnettion, it waa necessary, tn order tu avoid boing struck by the bars of th parallel motion, to xvnlt until th on. took her down stroke, nnd then vault fin. the rail tu the top of tbe cylinder cover, before abe came up again. Taking a, apanner, to screw down the gland, Angorm awaited tho proper moment, and vaulle-- l over tb rail; but at that Instant th alup took A heavier roll than ordinary, hit fool ellpped on th rratr. sloping surfact of thi falsa cover, anil be had tbe narrowest cape possible from being precipitated head- long among lb. working iiarta of th. ma- chinery, lie saved himself luit In time by catobiug bold of tb. cylinder cro head : but tbla crosa-hca- worked up to within hal an Inch of one of the deck beams ; and b-- for. h. oould withdraw bla band th. two were nearlr olos. together; th. smallest conceivable space of time longer, and bit hand would have been crusbod between tbem such closo work waa lt, Indeed, ha actually felt th aqueoie, and th. ski, wat rod with the pressure. I know I waa terribly frightened, and startod up palo and horror-struo- ; but An. gove finished bis work coolly, vaulted out again over the roll, and aeated himself al uiy aide, a little pale, but perfctly calm and alf poaed, and stnoktd away hit tegar at If nothing had happened, "My dear fellow, I cried, "what nar-ro- oscapo I I thought It xvat all over with you." " Ye, Indeed," he aald, "It wat olott work) "Jut, thank ( ii all right. A very email fraction of a second longer,'1 looking at his band, "and ruy power of g hammer and child wouldn't have been, of much account." We eat for some minutes without .peak- ing both, no doubt, meditating oa wbal had occurred, and then, full of tho subjoin 1 said 'It must b very dangerous work-goin- g about tho eugines Iu roally bai weather I" "'a, it l,"h aid, "aspeclally in soint engine-room- Hourly as Ind, 1 think, aa il is tur the sailor to go aloft, Hut 1 havt alxxats btien xery fortunate." 'lhilyou neicr meet xxilb an accident I I asked. "No," he replied i "hut I waa very nat on once a wura onu jn'rhttpt tbtuoiuii thi would havo been and yet it wat nol exactly an accl'lout either." " ix hat was It, I lion I" I asked. " Well," bo said, "It is a aubject on nhir-i- i I don't much like to apeak t and, indeed, '1 have never told thn wbolo tor3r in anr o; but I think a eutiicleully lone timo Tia now nml 1 may aa well glxa ittoyo'i sliiieyim are pleated to say joti Ilk. heart lug my little atlveulurea." 'It was many x cart ago when thn n xtcm nttraelingon-ry-biidy'- attention, that 1 xxeiit out as third nginertif a steamer (rum I'.tiiamit to.h.irt Krnnrlacn. I liked the cupluln very nnich, and 1 bad known him by eight bofor.-- i though he didn't know int'i for a short tlm prvioulv bo had itwrl limes cum on board n 'ship to xxhlrh 1 then belonged al New York, tn f ll"-- ' captain, who wua s friend ol hi. One or twice he bad brought oil bl xxlfu nnd lltllo daughter xxith hbn -- autlia ewiet l.idr liko itiuiig woman, and aurh a dear lilllo giil'l rrcollort taking tbeui doxxu our nml lioxviug them th on k and th I nlv appeared ao fund uf hoi f;ini 1 wondered how he could lo.ivi tbem to com uu thi sintion, In tbnt hvtliMt time of gold seeking Our thief cngiiiiwr lou, was a gutnl sort uf in in, and one whr kuexx hit xxurk xxt'll , the net oud wasn't . had felloxr either, though ton foud of bit glass , but tb rest of the olllcr and crow w ere uot t shipmate. 1 h ablp was not a oomfiirtiiblo on tu mo in auy respect, and 1 nuon determined that my tint voyage in her ihould be my last, thoiuh we had lint rate xvage tu induce ua to at til. by the ahlp at iNin r'rancisco, aud not ruu uxxay ta ! t'ae poM diggings. I " We urnvuil out safely, without any ad venture , but had to wuit a long tlint there before we could aall on our homeward voyage. Notxrithttiindlng all precaution, a great many of our crew run aw-iv- , and it waa impossible to replace tbem . indeed, the harbor wa full of hlp lying melon tborj fur want uf rrnwn to take tbem awuy )U' wo bad alto auothrr lost, and a great-- 0 iu our chief engineer. He bad been ou tbe voyage out, and ho died, poor Hi, fu whilst w. were lying In tho liarbui"r ' second was uot exactly the person tn charge of the engines, being, as I ban rather too fund of drink, aud tbe , we heard, wat trying all b. could do's sum. one In our chief's plait. Macphei the second, wat of course very Indiana, at this but ao it wat. "I abould think we must have been n,uit two months at San V'ranclaco before wa were ready to a til again for you mutt un. tlersland that xv. were not a regular packet on tbe station, but bad been Ipeoiaily char, tered for the voyage out antl we thought that we were going after all without any now chief engineer. We, in the engine room, were pleuand at this, for Mncpbortoa was a good sort of fellow enough, except fur that fault which I hut. mentioned, and a lint-rat- workman ; but on the very laai day before Bailing, th. rapt-iiu- , uf whom vxe had seen but little fur some time past, rime mi board xvitli a perton whom Im In. Irii'liiftil tu the ougiuo rou m hand it Ihjit now vbief r ''.' r,j i' t

Pa. ..'' Fir. - · prant for your contlderatlon tb follow log fat ta and iuentlon In

Jul 11, 2019



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Page 1: Pa. ..'' Fir. - · prant for your contlderatlon tb follow log fat ta and iuentlon In

(JIi ii WW F

li'tpUnaeil froa Fir. Pa..1 - LOCAINEWS.

in ton T1CUITI.

, i cr in. Mnrtcirtt, Oor- -

rt, .tinam-- i ir Covcimts ahm

icr in Tm KiwCotuorx Co'Tnoiim isd Kiimim!!J Th argaBliati, cf Ik tit? and Louatv

!" rntl fft IK? tck plec jriterxltyTh. - -- - - -

3oiRt vr urixxir.Trott at Boon ami 'ittiil Aldtrn-s- JhiLBOnrreardeat for tht rumtt year.

A protest wit rtftited frm rtr McJxalght axaiatt tk reatiacanc laratefWilli m 1. KIt. n th grxo.Bd that k (.Kit)kilWl n(islW cellared elected, whichw rfart-e- d t a'tVit-B-lt- cerr-p- ofAlJrn--- t't"r-a- . lew tad Mellrin

TV Mayer, nettaf br rclvdad rlirl t e prxttt-- asd after thWtw f litld T valeatlt e Clerk Bad

hue TU1MI tit llOArd edj-ir- dt. it JtoJy ftrxcB t I . clc-c-

i ivtxr. or rorcimii!TV IVxard f Cccuia ml for frgeril

cat. l"k x,krh fl tU dd Hoard MrUwta V Hegftrt rtad th iu-- i at fI

Hath t Nmb Hmbb Kihy Cor;m rtvaa. .'ku Mu Jan-e- i Loaf

Mukaai LamI: ILr Ja-u- K !cxeta WiUuk Trtkaxt. l'atrvk lur-at-

oWu IV N.U'H Sr. AathonvIliKuv . t? lxrts.ksiaa. rVraardXhmi .J A Jka Vtthfcer,IVmi Mart-a- r T rr Walter 11.

Heerv Miarra Irat A Thvtnat,Ktrl. JirAa Hart, Ofvfj

--l twvtatj it.Xr (."BrKm tiSrt-- a i rtK-'utic- ipf-M- Bt

ht m jwuin! tK. rt tk IVAr

Ji iuttm. ii I'Bktt i.Ji M lli(jtj. VWfk W ' is (liMi, rttt '

Arxvt jtmti 1ni lvkprKr Mbi kvkvrti srd uVli

rn ! tt fi'. i( V pfK-- Bl'J Jx0 CruBu - ' JM . lirrn.0t IkrWii Urtki rrjBt l Attnul Uw fv:. tvrkpr

TV 14 .?.: ,n4 t 11 jmi toli i' T rt- - t trr:l fTat alBiikawt.ti tM -.- - MS wko to1 ib tklfi. rr s f. Aflr tkayf wIbiiI f k uiba: .samf. ajla rioitw k M tori !;. tkIk l,tarad te vi.k TlrJiraJWrt.

Miir r ttriirii. .

Tm tUri k: a: K M tmri forIV sto f .--f itu.Bf fur l anrti

r Tt4 a tk Ckj if A pallotn tk-t-a ka4 fr Acct fr tk carrnt '

r M mv'til u Mkn lYriIBt.litatj MHtk l.rk Jv-tf- h 11. oub;lVpil.t. Ktt . vat Auutaat. V.

A. Ciwajvi Nrfn: a: Anal, lUinlaru.

(. aKn: :l 'f f tk lkuri for ,1 r a: t rtaaia ta fore for .

lr I

Ta IVm.-- 4 ;kc rr4d to a batlot for 'tk parp f .tc k Taranrr raii4Vr tk dKHic si (trriKir l"anlt, tihichrahrl lat tk t'la sfjohn line.Kafef ti lfcil ti( tb ula-r- r

f tk Nitk at fw ( an.l tb Corra.ta CMzl.a !fal -- !fir if tbti Hoard. '

bS $LX rr aBBBai. Aa orilioa&ee waiaJ04J apprpra:4E f''.l") for armor '

BBi JnU yurfoM atd tk Hoard tbaa aj--

xaraJ. tak.n to :t call of tit (.bair

lat cotaoiiia. -- rtLr viioMt imi.r.irrit.

nhtr4 P Cottl'.r. tk Mil; rlrtdCMtrvtWr tk kar of bi othr jlr- - I

iit aa4 'at etili. ltd tbrvujh tb tinuulurtaiati Mr Mwrrt. It Ii sprtd I

lt nit ikar'i fill b mado in tbli J

ciw Tkr ar ab it ttnl.T apidimnta !

far ab mw..l ... to ;ilt of Air. Con- - i!

ttrtt rasir .oLir M In au rttitoiril tbej i!ll f k.i Ktrralilata o.

tBral Ha'iB k i.tir Mrglttvr. waar i3taHf4 ib ct itti. tun mnro,

a4 ka Haa. itra! apiviLtiut. jti aul t

" ikaoi ! bi oi. J i illi tnov. ! '

TV lSt4 cf 1 atioii ii tii infri miV4latr tr try 'ii.rniinn lb fidlniiii;

' ta a Ut of tb La', i wf lit ('oiutiiiiinupr '

a'. Kmi Huf . wiitinni: Hi 1'ini.NTr l. IVnl ilib, --nth and l.lnlitli

Wrnli-Ja- Ni 11 lut'ifm . liuivllit Hriuuta. 0tB lltal

ditir-f- . .iio'tl- - tic ili nili.T"tb, IVir'.'t-rl'- i rnd limiirrnili tt.irdi

Jbw limn. t. .tu it'.ill iiitull rmi'lkitril tiitr.i.t i uiui'; ibt Ninth iiml

litiilh W.rua -- limit tair Miniirl. It II .ir. 1.1 II Mi mil

rtfh tlltrrut. t.tiupntiuit tbi l.lcvciitlia&t n i ii'b Uardf J.ilm 1 Imiirr.

II Janwt I. Mi.i htH-u- ir I'. ".- - .vn.II MUll ilurmr iiiii.).i(tilitf thi I iltrrutli

.!. abd r.igbr " t:i- . Wn-- UiHttrll,'1 ltickanl t -- ,rci . " ii II. Nultoii,11 .Natk iImM vii I'l.tin tin' 'iMriitiotliJg lutil 'luniri Miriit-.liii- ui t Mr!Mti,K JtHi.'t II 1'utt I 'I. .I.llkt.illIII vtfMtb ilittm t uhipritliu thi 'Iwi'llili,

111 NnirtHtU aid 1 hiuij tnuiiil Wurd- t-

Jl Wm. IIiI.Lii-- l, 1'. AiKn. IIkIi.ikIjU U IitriinorrI Till, !! m: i Ii oNimiiVimiR Ciirnr liiiini.i l.i "I imim it .Tratrnli)f. iu tbr ImhUci! H vim M. Iltirl.1', llio iilli

liiau wbo thrt Mt Wiilmd in Ninlli .ivo

uu.fti 4taidni 'xoiiiii. mil thru iiiiiitnitlnt tuiiiri.' u hill' iiililllionil n.'til.n' tm uliliimd. lit dmi ate wat ril .uiMtil I'l llii piiMiutlt ili'iurtl'IV llliitlil'l . I llr-- l i Ii IIIiiiI lliul n "I'lliil ir li'ti in I .. ti'ld it tliiit lii n.n t'ili iiMilii'd in W.ti' It in xi. Mm .Imi n nileftvl :i ttdi' t m .iii in dan i xnlli tin l.iittin t It i.'M- ul.'l iniftiiy h ilin-tiii- ii

Wilt jiUcti tl t it IuMii t In iriiiiixu tlio ImkIv

Hl'IMM. "I ml. Jll.iiW. I'tllK .""hXIIM.1'iiM' -'- I lii Ati.ui'itu .In' Ui'V Club nitlriiOII Hull J'likil Jit .Irliillill I'.llkTill RlllllltiOII, lllil.l III! I'll" It III 111" ( lull j

' u'll llil'li iJluil.ia ul U' iidiiilllid.

l'lTll )!i '.' i ! -- "ii .ilmil.i ovrniiijai Ulll 'I. Ila.'.u'i. sil 'i.M'.iri, wnt d.i

. Iiik IH'.ir til ijiiit lit 'JU tl tlr.'ol. ini lii-- r inotlii'l iilit-ir- ..'tiullr rt Ihm

I m clotllfil on I'll .i .d lltl d nil Mltld.ll. ('inni M hi r liamliU ild ii imiui'tt etti iil.iv iiK'tn

W in,c. will 11 a id aitldt lltal dviilll I

rctnlci !. I


AcdHIVTH K ii - u lniist wat In Id '

I cali'lilay 1 I win .Nhiiiiui .it l'i L.itlI T?lli ilirri, "Ml 1 . - In").! ii f (.'liritli.iu.luliii.

n (iprmuii. u1 1 n ji.ut. xlni3 w.ittb ii'tult at .1 f.ill Hi mi i icui. itinii mi III"Jllli nil. it H'iiud llio iiirniiii;liud lifi'ii ii ft MiiuiMiilid tlirmijili i.iri'lt'ttii'tt, tlii'ji.ri luimd .i Midii'l In tit il i'IIiiI.

mid cfiitiirid It.i' iMiiifniii I harto I..1'riino, luf ifiiii'int. Ibu dcci'JJi'illend "III- - uliI I.

llKUM't II il. I i -- lb mmil'iT f ili'iilliI, In till lilt u nil t 'I'1' l1'!' "''' k nmiiuiiltd

to III. mi iif iu ol JU a ititiiiMit'tl Willi

tbe mik rnKiitA Iiom. At Jul i.ii M "rii I. Hoir ami

SlIOI. I'o.NM MIl'V -- IMlill In lb tllllll IHI

tliouiicu ol tl ' ii'irtiiili "I tbit (.ViiiKnliun

Ji'illn.d to be bilil lit tbe Atlnr lloutuMritDidAt aftirnonn. bill fi' iiinnibura wnvla und it .i doclilrd In Ji!

" Jourii tbe ii it link miU Ibroe o'llocl. Mnuday iifat. Hit Hmutiuii diH'a Ind ini'i I

ifryofti'n. Ib Ut larrtlnir hIiiIHH.Ttbvn tbry ftd)ii"rted to 1K7 riuro tlut j

tinio lu.iuy o. tbi1 liiiiiibvra lmio unovlicro "UJ'U bitit mid aboo' mattrrt nriirububly Isoortd. Ullitia bavo ii'lirudf.-.'-i'l tic umliii'ia, tome bnio fnrgi'tlrn '

tlint tbi'V nite I'Ti r nifiiibfia ol Urn uaioi'latluu. ' Hue old iriril roundtlio cnriif i of llii rwmi ibwir wbio tlionuetiiic mi to bo lu'l'l ii'tiiirdiiy nml atkidvrCrlher tbat nan "tbe ronrcution" Ibuoweie a vcral tnwrttra und tb I'rcanlciit oftlio Aaaotlatlon tiriM'nt On being Inlurtu-- ,

cJ (but it ivu. bo aabl ba hii iuditllncttrrollectinii of hailns Iwlonfcd to an

of tLal tbaraUor nhen bo wai ajouna- man, but bo did not unjbodytbrro lie knew. He ia coming on Monday

o trr to Mud out about It. Ibo (,'halruiauliaicontl.lerabl to " report," and ia in Jio.aeailou of utnut tn cortla of docmoentatbat bare accumulated on lila banda duringlb laat uicctMO I' art -- tba timo of tbe luit

I rueotiog. tOuliuaRT The Uct Moici Cummlogi, a

firainlnenl clcrgyruaD of the dunouiiaatloa

known a CbrUliana, died at bla retidencen 61. Mark'a flu-eo- Sunday euulng, Mr

' I Ciiuiinlng entered tlio mlnUtry wbtn buti eighteen jeura of age, and wa an earnut

laborer iu Ibia bUto aud ew Jerwiy fur Ilia

of lilral t'brlatlaulty. lie waa wellnown In Nw Knglatid and tbe eat In

JKil be aaucil editorial cbargo of tlioi-aua-


Cmiiisimn SIuhijiiikh und Tiir I'ai i.aiuuu,rnalgnliiK lti ltl'"i In l Ho waa aiiinev?HtrLili(.N

"U,tiud vtj boru in


M&yOR'3 MSSBAQE.MiTOk'a OrTIf. )

Kcw York, Jan , IJC J

T III ITtxorablt IA Common CoimnOrvri.tvti In obedience to the require.

mentj of tbe ("ily Cbarter. I rrrclfullyprant for your contlderatlon tb followlog fat ta and iuentlon In relation to tb

I goTernntnt. finance!, and Iruprottmenta oftb city I - "WTits cur covrnMitxT.

In tbeory tb City of New i ork II goternrd br tb Mayor and Common Count II,

In fart, It il not It II nubitantially ronI trolled and rgulatd br tb Mat I.eclila-tar, aed by tarloua fgiilatite I'oimnliaiona. acting Independent of arh other,and of tb municipal authorities Tb City(Icxeftraent cannot make ripendilitrea

i without appropriation i nor canit Inaugural or carry on any grat publicimprovement without !,glilattr authority,irpt in the matter of opening, grading,

and paring itteeti. and bmldiog teteti, orla other work of like character, to be paidfor by aitenmentl upon properly.

Tb major portion of all money railed bylatation ia etpndd by tb Hoard of Kdnration, and by th tarloua Comminlona erealetl by tb'tegilalure, and nrllher tbeMaror nor the (utninon Council ha anytote or authority in th tnanagemct or di-

rection of either I dn not Hate tbe factwith th Intention of tatting blame ur

upon any Cominiilun or lbi.ird, orfor th purpoa of rrlleting tb Iih-.i-I hii.thotttiti from tbelr dua thai of tiitiolauiand ccnaur . but 1 etate tbem in outer tbatth truth mat b dlmnctlr underalootl andth rpoetibilltT plain! wbel It Juetly blone Tb wbol Ttein. roiuiiienctngwitn tb 1 barter and rutin. nj tliruiih nitth lommiMion. it tb ttortt (bat cnubl bde tued for a great city .vine of tbe ( urntnittioni bale worketl well and priHtiindgotnl reiult Tbeyarr boweier but parliof a defecliT ttteiii and without an omitabiliit or rtt'nibilili'

A city liko ourt il, milrotHili of lbcountry with oirr a million of nibabltiiiitt,antl aKmnding in wealth, repttaiiillty midIntellteLt. tboiild bale a lm al KnirriiBrent tuitcd to it and worthy of it. It bcedtan ocganuation pitftrt In all It partv nmldircclctl br lngl lie.ul. retpunaibl illrettlyto the tropic. It rnUiti ii iniiientration of power and of reepomibitili ainii.where. I repeat what I ibitcd In tn meaae laat year that tb dlilnon of imiwitand retpoiiilbllity la the cant of nil, ornearly all, of um Z'xitiiial ciil. Tlnlc 'ctiIi cannot U cuid by new partienu Me-

tropolitan Ctmuuliiloti or by a pattiranHoard of Revmon and (Vntroi

.Vich a Hoard wouhl be wholly'le. and. If created would. In mi opinion,

rrciuire another one to watch it befuro tbeetpiration of a alngl year, t nder tmrtbcortr and form of guTermuent, th fifnploconititute tbe only legitimate Hoard of Cun-tru-

and tboie who adrivat any othermint necrieartly aum Ibe illi"n tbattb people of citlea, and eapeclally the Cityof w York, ar Inrouiprtrnt ur unlit tomanase tbeir own local aflaira Kor mypart, I repudiate any inch doctrine, anilj'roleit againtt the auumpllon tbat tbelocal intrrcit of tbo ioloof tbi greatcltr mint b lakra rare of by the Mat.

( make tbraa auggeitlont, not becuuioyou can act upon tbem, but in tbo hop thattbey mar tlnd a lodgment In tbo publicmind With u well de lied City Cli.irti r,wocm bare tbo U t local gorirnmeiit Iu tboland. A Conelitutlonal Contention willoon amcinble. Tli aubject of luunitipal

will cngai; lunch of ita uttoli-llo-

and, atttr it niljouriuiienl, tboMnlolygiatature ran lake ucb action at, in itawUdoiu ib.ill Iw proper. If tbat l'gitlutiir, dtirinj; ita promt teiaiun, dcirea onlyIbo good of the cltr. it will rrlme to legiInto uiNin tbo lauoiia acbeiuca in relation toIt which nre eaid to bo In prugrcs.

If, on the other band, lteik, or la willfng, for any reaton. (o aili'unce nr cuinurneo morpmcnti rrlullnz In tbo all.ilrt foundrd iijkiii the or parll.iii Intrrcitanil niotin a tit their tirigimitota. nu augra.limit width I can liiuko will Ini likely tort'rtiie any attention or rotiiideratlou. AaI" Alntlilrjto of the I ily, lolling n prettyIbnriiugll Uliuwledic tit it ri'i(tllreiiielit,and pitttrtting, n 1 belieivo I do, tbo culllldtllti' uf the latt luajulllv of it lamplr, I I

can only eiitrr m imitett iiguiuit ibovitniMi ecbeiuet width I lcnrn nr no Inrourt'nf pii'purtiiinii. I It' no lb! brunch oflb ohiae! wiibniit luithrr riiunrk, andprut red lu Ibe (ontldeiHtloii of u'tr lluaiicinlroudiliuii.

tilt IIMM ItTh finanrial condition tiflho illrniot

biliited by Hit Honor it etibtt.iittiMlv utnllowi without pirlli iibii llng lb iuiIoiiIttliil' Tbo total lulided debt uf tbo cityalii'iillill to VI.Il.',(i;ii oil, Hint Ihu lOlllllTfuiidi- -l dflit to jll,.''.Ul tm. u grand lotu'lol l.'.l 'l.irii .". I'll" Cuiuiiiiitlonfrof the Miikinu 1'uli'l hold nil iu count of tboiiIkivi. drill tlio turn uf tll.'.'lu.'.-H- . whithdi dm ted truiu Ibo toil) di lit tlionot iiiiiuiiiit dun In tbo nil ,ind toiiutyHindi dl lln III. !".. HI.'")!'. MIS. M. Abnut

li,ii"i.iei ihu ubiiin debt Mat rtintractfdlor ( lutiiu Witter Wnikt, Cfiilriit Talk andin i tiuiii't tiuii with lb itur I lit lnupiir.ii.idt hi id the nl .imi touuty uiiouilIn .t." ll.tam

1'iir lb puTiiii'iit of tint rouipur.irr lebt.the t ily Imbl nttiit m tlio ebipe ot utifttuifiit lifii. iinpii'l t.ittit Ac

Tire lit t nnimilit of funded dflit it $n."Hilot lb iu it wm at (bt tluio of iNbi, and the( it und County It mpnr.m Tiebt it ?!.',Tii !' limn II nt llnl d.ili'

I In tilioli'iltbl i vll aiciirod, for It I aIllMI IIJMIIl tb whobi pioiit ii.i uf llio l'il,I'tilh I'lil'lii uud pill. lie I ln Miil.1114 I'iiiiiI(luiitidnl l"l ml rt tt nl a l.iii portion ul 11 it lu .1

eolllld li'lidllloll. Ihu titillUi' t,r pivlut ul ot tlo itiliri'tt tm llnl (miiIiiiii ol itpii.ildn "in Hut tiiiid urn git'.nli iiit'Xtout uT what it inuiiiil tor th it piirpiit, ,

:i ud tin in I'liuiul.ilii'iu tm pi)inoiit ol thoplllli'il'.ll will bo .iniplo tu piy it hlll bflolOlit tnaturilv

Hi" Nuking h mid holilt lor thi' ri'dt'inp'Hull ul Ibo I Ut I If hi l, Ini i l. Ili;ttlllnilli ?.V"" "' li'.ihi'l liv Ibo ailo ulbund mid iuoil;i,ri Vol Ibo patlufllt ut iutt'lftl nil tint (Ily 1'tbltliotjnif (uud hultli: llil.mtt', I

J.111 I I"! 1 .:., :)'hilars! .Ir,." ...

Iti'ii'iiim diiiiiitlio veil I4''". . I,T m,iJ willltl'll'll Oil I III

M kt piid ill1M t iul,',i(l

.uiplut limittiiiutIII tbll lifllt'l'll1'iih'l I imi.ikMitl

r.xjH ' t pud idM'llltlllg. At ) .. I.'.i .H

Cutbiiii haul iu 111

tilt it account.... i i il- - ir,;yju i

lthl .Irfuuii'Tho ( nniiiiittiiiiii'ii

III Mllkili; I IIU'I

bold etilllltU 1 tumiiuiiut ol.... iu.ii.r i; in

Citl !.'.? IIII

And Ibo Cuuliollti bohlt bunduud inorluagit whiih, wboii

I imld, will lu' iit'dilid t'ltluiriiml, miiiiuuting tu l.u.H,i't, IS

I Muilviiivlui Wutct llr.iul . .t,'i.iiTbo liiiiii;'! then piucrodi in Iboto

wurdtI am glad luelulo that, liolwilli.l.itnlliii;

tho taei that Ibo hfouiitii't id tint I'liitftStnlf iliitrcriuni'tit ai an mm h tuiihl .if(t'l, lur tho rfftion. nuiung other thtiigt, thatIhft itro iiliipt llolu locnl taxiitlun, Ihuau per ton! eluikt and bondt ot lb Cityuf Now lurk ii'i'lil.t tuuiui.iuil pn. and thoat'iou ptrccutia itry luuiidoiablo 1 tfinlinn

Mile uf real ctato In tho ritiduring llm patt yen icilucl Ihu turn ol) I, I'JU.liUJ.

Tho Taa l.i r fur lii wa lii.'ilfl,i:7 W,being tl.'.'.M.I-'- l OS Ira Hull that of IMiVi

Tboraloof in lKiki win l ii oni err hundred dollar lu IHooit wu onlr

.' ;k). TI1I1 rulo for lHmi wa bated uponan atietd valuation uf leal citato of J I. M,

yil.'JJI and of pemoniil eilat t.'W.'eil.'ii I,'making a toial of M?,'.',1 ,'.H. It It well

known that our real eilal" ii aitoitod only( but lit t lu more thanhalf ita market ulue, and Ibut au iuuneuaeamount uf the ptraunal proper! r of our peopie ctcapca taiallon onlirrly. A full urailurut wuuld, I buie no doubt, reduce tborat of taiatiou at lead one half,

It may b gratifying to our tuipayera toknow luia fact, aud tu barn, In addition toIt, that unueccaiarily high ua tbo rate oftaxation la bere, It comiiarct tuoit farombly with that ul other title iu aud out oftbe State,

In Huston, Mall , where real eilaia isat itt full market inliie, and whir

riilied detailed Matemrulaof juoporty itro mado b llio tin payer to! Ibeii'ont i,i l .lil, au linttaking iiilorui 1 j ii ju Ui am sinl luluatluu ol prupet'v "uu uu n u li.b H uothigher thin mi"

lu rblladl'iutiiJ wo 110 itotl u taiai,

tloal ar lowtr than bere, tbe rat I $1 rhundred on teat etate, anil V) centi on pernonal eitat.

In Hrnoklrn, It I flit. In Itoebetler,Ian--. In t'tlra, ,1 f,l In Albany, li-I-

rtyracuia. $1 71 In Troy, for municipalpur pot ei onlr, In addition to tbe Slat andCounty tat, J'A

I bate not been aid to obtain Infor-mation from tbe other citlea in time fur tbimi Mage.

Thai comparison are auggetlt. Theyhould not be overlooked by tboto of tb

people and that portion of our pr whocontinual araaulta upon our city and ourpublic man tend tu create the improilmiabroad that tlda city of our I tb " plaguepot'oflb country, That the itandard of

many men In public life is low enough, andthat our whole eytteru of local got eminentla bad enough, and that our tati are inurethan they aboubl be, I freely admit : but along a our securltiea aell at a premium, amiwe Late tba Inoit cottly parka, tb grruteatwater work, th nioat liberal public cbarbtie, tba largrat polka lore, lb moat ex-

tended atttein of frr ai hool In the coun-try, and a rate of taiallon lower than tbatof our neighbor, th people, amid all theircomplaluta and taut of complaint, mayand should find In tb facts atatcd torngrounds for congratulation

(If tb abor tat the county paid t",'-?-1'

415 ,'i, including ,?.yo',HI'i :t? for .state .

There wa letied alao fur city s

the sum of f ", lir.'.'j? "M -- epclit rliietlyby the tariou Commit. loinwbleh ellit in the city.

The total number uf license litiied finiutb Mayor' olllra during IK"! wa twentytboutatid tbtie butulred and ait The totalnuinlicr of complaints of ul! iharnitera,examined and adludlratcd upon wu iiino- -

teen hiimlrid ami ninety ecu 11. Tho totalI amuiint nf rrrt'iicd lor tluo undlnaMi, arid for Hi oiitet, nnd paid tu tintChamto lain tu Ii rri'illlcd to the uitirafctutit, wa f'll.t'ttl m

llitto Iteiiis nru i'Xi lutiv of tbo whichbt lung tu what it f.ilb d tho Hermit Huioau.whiih grant lit elite to aland keeper imthotri'ft fur btiw rate, Ar . wlllob hi'retiifuro had gmnliil by l"i lal u ""lutioiioft be Ciiminoll I oulirlt furciifbcatt .tlo 11 byrontuuiing mill b tif tbo time nf that body,wblltt tbo tllr tltrixnl nu heiiellt from tin Ii

liiriitt I pun in iiiuuii'mlalluuuf thn M 'jortbit biitiuet w,it( by au ordlnancA luitnl t

Irbiimry .'I. !", niipiiixt tl b inn I'i'bru.ii.i'.'I, IHtrf',, trantrtrroil the wbuln butinott tuth Max ur' utllto, uud llxtd th foe tu btcharged for rath jiertuit. Ibo rctult batbcin (bat from Ft binary '.'I, IHiai, tu ,1.111

nary I, l"C. l.illl pirmil bnxi' brou l..ii".fioui tbo Hcrnilt Htiit'ftii in Ibliolllc. n pi

1 ICC.011I of which I alwaya npen toTha onjolllit received fur tbo

aunt bat been .r.l,xa'. and tbo total eipentnof etecntliig the ortliiianr In been fiilx

two tbuut mil dollar Cr'.,lt"l' i' 'In tbo tirditiary and uaual cxpfiiea

Inbuilt Major' Ollli.I awnm that it Is said by many that

tbe tlirrl etitids" should nut bo permittrd, 1 would irsoually prcftr Iomo thestreet cleared of themt but It mutt be toItiemtierrd that tbey itllurd (bit mean ofobtaining aubitcnco to niauy jiuor iienido i

(ome ut them tlisablril auhlter), who, butfor the prirllegea granted, would be objectof piliat or pillilic chatltlra. A It It, thnpriillege are uoier granted eieept by t bcon" lit of the occupant of tb premises InIrunt of whit h tbe italnll are placed,

xxiimrra 1M1 ill i..An Act wa pned by the at

it lust eiou, nuthorirlng tbo Controllerto June bond to tbe muouiit of six biindrt'dthousund dollar, tho procrrdt to Imi expended under thn dilution of thMrrct('oiuiiiiaioticr, In tbo repair and rontruc '

lion uf nharve and pier Il did lint, how.cxer, ncriie tbo signature of tbo Slate Kxcc utlx e, mil! our w hat 1 r hax o uiitiniifd iunmoitdilaplilntrilruiidltiuu .Sonoiof llo-i-

hax o, during th post yrur, been Icated furn If nu of years, the li taeot 1 oxcuanliiig tuput tlii-u- i In lepalr, and tu l.erp Ibeiii au.A toother, the city Is under coxrnaiit toput them iu repair, but for want of an ap-propriation has becu unable to keen lislOII'll.ltlt.

A I.eglatIro Comiuillre ha been heir,examining Into tbo whuh' Muhjeft. 1 iucttflv bop their Investigation will prndtitogood rctult. Siuivtblug abotlld bo tluuo,und dona piuiuptl 1 look fur tbo trpurlof tbo Committee with groat lutorrat. It tho xxburie nro tu bo (it icedunder tb charge uf Hiiother Coiuiiiu.iuu,from xvhltb ull city itutbuiitie are tu lit oxtliidid lot ban been intimated will bo thurati-)- , 1 bavo onlr tu utk, while prutettiugagatutt aiifb that lomiiilt

lou may b made 1111 of acieutilii and pratllrnl men. who will cuter upon mid

their diitlca with energy, akill. Inn Illgeiict', und integrity of purputo. Tbo nowtiers and wharxe shiiuld bo eiiial tu any 111

I lie world, and tbe I'nUl.itiiii- alimild uuxidn for iucruatcd rate of xtliarxi. to ,

au that tboy cm be mado tu yield aiiiif to tbo lutert'tl uu tho eutt ol

construction.I'liiin rmimiti ami mii.oxi xn m

The ( eiitral I'nrk lontiuue tu glow 111

beauty and nltratliuii, mid in the fat ur ofthu

Tho new Hotervolr it 111 ptocett nf cunttrvu lion, near ' High Undue," uud it 11 111

lapld pltigroet hen tin it ouiupletoil Ibowbtdo of tho upiH-- r part ut tbo Itlaud willbe mippllrd xvltii Crulnii water

tor iutiiniiatinn in tu new owort.' pavt'iiietitt. aud street luipiuxemeult, I reterjuii to the report ut the icxcral departUO'lltS.

Tho tale of n pmtiun of tbo Cily II illlilk to tho I liiled Slnlot (luxeluiiu'lit f..ra tlio tin tin- - l'utt (llllto, will without llnllbtbo ruiitummiititl, uud lucctt luiith publiclumr.

llio saino in. ix bo a ihl of tho piuputedro Ion to tntho liuxi'iiimoiit uf n puiiMnuftbo Hulterr oxIi'iitioH, lui (be atto It a 11 x

lur;!' t I'lco.Mr Kilo it - Ylelo. Ibo Cugiuooi iu

th.iriti' id Ihu llatleix Hxlelitiun.1110 lint lb" timo it 111 in lapid prugii 1 itpot. ildi . imi will bo, xx boll llaiiliiil, ii). 1!

ullb ullii pelli it pine ul nil.I'Mlt-lo- t HI Mllll XXI. NIL A- -

I n ;" ittullx iii'itt allouli" In Ihutiuitidi i.tliuti uf tho iiufftiu:! ul tbi pii,irifix nl I'XtcluU:--'- , lllellilb lixt'lillo tbli'luhNililr.igluii S'pi.iri, mid then vi'liuluj.

l.iuii lit ttiiet tnW'iti Hru.iilwuy.Altu (bo I'Xti'lltlou uf Ceullii atloot

Ihrutih tho blutkt tu 110 1'l.itu. '

xthloli ottui ft with Fuitrlh nvouiieII lln- thing nro dime, tbo Ir ixel iruin

Ibo luwt r tu Ibo uppoi pait ut tho 1 It v willbo groallv fiiililiitfd.

I liliiko thito iu nuler lu atti.iit-iou- r utlinliuii uud llnl ol ibo publiutUWllll 1 tlllllk Wolll I bo public llllptillc- -

liiflll he ounthtoratiuli and ilitout.iou ut '

tin 111 tautiol, 111 mix ext'itt, tin haiiu1111 ci nun xx mi mm .

Tito eiibjn I, xx bit b xi nod nu nun b ill If n '

lion when I fuitio inlu ullie.1, wat put 1' ro.lti.x Ibo ailnpliiin id a rct'iluliuii whiihl.ip f

p'tuvod-aii'i- ii Hiding Ibo uiii'.iual ifti.liitiuiiwhb II diroi led tho with uill- - T b, nil'oliuitil. tt'ttt'tl pirlioi 111 Nuuriiig, nl Albiux

' tbo pattagn nl .1 lav charging llio t xp"tinnf ibo wulk u- - ill tho ily at lu.;,, lll.ll.lillul thou mill prnp-'il- - wbieb xvunbl t

j bo ;!!' Itlx Hit rfllted ill tilllii'- -l oil it lair.ind 'iui iblo nhato nl Hiiob 1 xp 10 ro.ultoil in Iho tb leal ul tbo whitlc 1111 ", xi iyui'ii b lu puldn hutitiiti Iiuii Whonexor Annttiiet eau bo wiiloiiiil mid tb et"--t ihorotiliiti .idupmi piniieiix iiujutt ami o'lult ildepntii ijdi , I ehail bit glad tu molt done.Hut I tball upputo, a I havo uppoMid, uuvethomo tbo iibjotluf whiob i luotillcbulew Individual at public nxpeiiiu.

11 wihl.lI regret to any thai for waul or legitlnlivo

iictiuii, nu iiiipriixement hat bt 11 luado inuur inaiket Au eltort xvav mado last Win-ter to prooiiio tbo puatage of a bill authoriing th l iiiiiiuitiinui raof the Sinblng Fluidto build a now maiket on the t

property, but it xvat untiic'cttstul. l.tlurtwere ultu uiado, but without anno, by

Individual, to baxo a Commillion appointed by tbo (oxeruur fur thn

nue purpose Thoao will, I auppoto, boleuewod this Winter A tbo icxeuii.'S trouilb 111 irknt go Into the Sinking 1'und, tborowould atrm tu be u grcut pruprit l 111 confrrring uutborily nj'un tbo Ciiiuinuiloiieiaot tbat liindtu build new market, thn eipono to be paid Irom muiiex renllretlfrom the tale ot bond tu be limed lor thatpuipoio.

tub nnoAUxvat fAVkiuiTThe last Winter created a

Special Cuiuinissiuu for tbo liupiuxcumnt ofllroadway pavement It was mado up oftbe members of Ibo Croton Atiiicduct Hoard,and William T Hlark nnd (luy It. Helton.Tbey xvere authoiliod to Incur oipente andmake contract, and tbo illy was to bebound therefor. Tbey bavo mado a t

aud lueuried oiueuses It xxlll bothat Mr. A W Cruion, tbo ublo

Chief Kngluoer ul tbo Clulou AipieductHoard, and Iho sclcutlllo tneuibii uf tint

'Comiuitilou, was niuio itiiiipetout linn 11111

of bis amiilato ('uiiiuiiatiuiirra ta "'' of' what ailvu ilj W - dsuo i" t 'an m luthn xiulk

Iu a pl ta an one al funUjil uua ua a. a, -


bar 31, llfAtbit tba citlraale.l cost oft'--a paremc.t, under Uie

Contract made Ixlwecn tb Kpeclal Com-

missioners and Mr. Charles (luidet, Is f V'l,-7'- .,

the sum being estimated onpeclOed In the contract, and exrlustre of

other eipense of the Commissioners foroffice rent, clerk hire, surveyor's feet, andother enntingenclea. -

Mr Craven further says as follows- - "Inreply to your whether I approvedor Jolnt-- in th contract, I have to state tbatnot approving of the character of the pave-ment, nor tb manner of awarding thework, I did not Join In Ibe execution of tbecontrarl."

I have no comment to make upon thissubject. It needs none. I slat the factfor tour consideration, aud commend tbemlo the careful attention of those who thinkthat nothing can li done not eten thn re-

laying of a pavement In llroadway withouttbe aid of a Special Commission.

Cu.ictl'liot,There are other matters to which I would

be glad to refer, but It la unnecessary. Isincerely hop that w shall work In har-mony for tb good of th city. With warcam extravagance and lncread eipandl-ture- a

with peace (hould como rconoinyand reduced taxation. I bate no reaaon tobelieve that w shall bate any conaidera-bi- o

reduction In the tax Ury for lrK7, but,with proper eltort in all department, wemay hurt fur great improvement in the

f will cheerfully with ynilnnd all good citlieu lu any movement lead-ing loix aril tbia result.

J0111 T. llm I max, Mayor.

AtMii nxnv or tin. HxTtik 01 Nnw'Oa-liti- s

Today ia the auulvcraxry of theInitio of New (Irleaii, xvbrn the Hrltlihtloup xterti ilelcated by (leueral Jackton.Ibe N.1II011.1I Ciilnn Democrat Intend

the day willi u bauiiuet.

I'llil -- At 11 few minute after I o'clockyesterday luuinitig a lire was t!lrovcpd onthe prt lulte of Mir Carbart A, Needluim'-- t luelndi un nnd nrguri manufactory. ''7,"I und I'M I .ml '."IM t Ihc II inie xvi rollrl t on 111 thn ilrxmg room, ut tho bnekart ut tin lit. ami wire ipiit kly

I Xllligllinhcit illiiiut $1,(1; innurt'dMI1I1IN Hi mi. Ilutuien four nnd lite

ti'i lot k yenti rday altornuon n man by thoiiauin uf duti pli Siuuoxxell.Und l.ithnllet t . tl It tl tu. 111 tbo dining

,Vn nl llreoriwleli nxenuo lln xtuttuiiioyt'tl In hi retldeiii r, nnd the Curunorwat iioliileil.

Within llii.uiiiittiti. A man limned ,

Atii'.lvw llallaghcr, xxbitu under thnof Ibpiur, walked oil tho dmk font

f ltli etictt, N. II., and xx.n n ui! Iruindru'viilug by nfl'iitr Smith, xtith tbe uttUttine ut Atutio fltlzi lit. II xv. 11 t.tkt 11 tu liioStation IIouk and tared fur

liiKl'xriti' imi Tlir l.nitiin In. xi

r.u.- - Tho Ibpior draleri are in gii at ex.'ite-meu- t

since the dcilsluii of tbe Court of A;

lal in favor of tbe l.icito and tbe m

drr liiued by Siiiicrinlentlenl Kennedy. Thnllealeri Astocintiuu met last night

al Masonln llnlltotuke aoiuo actluu in tboluatti r. T lit re xvaa considerable feeling exhibltetl ubotit the new law. Siiue wcio conlideiit of being able to get tho l'gintatuioto make sntlfat'tnry mudltication uf thnlaw. Others were lo'ud und bitter iu theirdenunciation uf it, and all sot med tubeprelty tboruiighlr tfiigiitti'd Willi tho t

stato tit iillairs, Tbuc who niitduutiujiiiittlunn oru now lu a ipiaudnry ; theyxx mil litfiiti ,but eiiuiiut get tbem until thoorder of tho Court theto inlunetlnntare taealed, and It will probatdx takebiiiger lu get tin to document! xatatcd thanit did tu si.o tin lis out

thi: conns.Cul'iir Ciii.Miii: 111H T'tl l)ir. Su

promo Court, (Icnrrnl Tcri.i 1'icfirrodI, y, :i, I, .'., n, 7, S, !, Ill, II. I'.',

I.I, II, l.'. Huumenilcil luntiuua Not. 1, '.','I. I. .','. . H. I, II.

Circuit -- Hart I Via , 7.17. llii, fiii,1.11, 7i'i, 7i.i. 7- -t. 7'.i;,:hi, :. i". 71:1,

I.t'i, fl'i, KJl.tlll. I'arl II. -- No. IU',t;, i.i'i, 7'.7, '.'id, '.'II, ".'ill, I'll, 7.M'-- , 7ii,7'.n, .itti, ch;, 1.11, Hi., .ii... tu, :,. 111. .h'liuii-- . -- A .11 nu ixi I'iiii t-ill it - On calling tbo. Jury pant I. In tbe Su--

pioine ( null, yetlerdax, it wa fuutiil tbatnut one tenth of tho number Mummoiied

' Judge iMitborbml tald il wasa tliui,i( tu Ibis citx .1 citr uf n millionliihabilauta that aullioli'iit number of Ir.- -

telligoiitjuior could not be obt nod to trythe cite 111 tho Court This xvaa lepeateiloxery term Thoao who did respond to the1.11111111011 were tb lame, tb halt and theblind, mid nt leut half of tbem could not j

uudert ind tbo Kuglish Innguag. Theuf men who ought to com bereIxcrycla while llioan poor men with

liiiullion depending un their daily lalior forniippurl. apifarod and ntked tu bo excusedIt wat terx bard tu bold tboso men. He(tho Judge did not know tho ripeme atteiiilaul upuii tliuwiug n panel uf jurors, butit 111111 lie lari;. nml It wu a bamn andilUgran lu tbi lily that the Court ibuuhl

, bo cuuipflled lu draw two or tbie puntlI tor lb lerm He would aeud for Mr Tay

lur Ihu ( uinmi'tiuner ol Juror), and liudt'tit xx hat wu doue wlththe Hue, Ac.

At i.i.i.n Ut nil ximum 01 a Sexmci.J11I1111 lutkiiis was arraigned before

Oiburiie, yesterday, cburged withbaling, whllu Cuplaiu uf tbe pricket ship,I'uorgy, on her Into lujnge to this port, Ibix, kiiotknl ilinxu 0110 of bisetow. an elderly man, named Kdwardlivi'ior. mid tu badly iuiurrd him a tu leupuidijo tne night ut nut' uf hit eye. All thpirtio nut being n ,nly, lb furllu-- i etumt-- 'nation wa. m!J.iLmii.d tu Wetlnctdav no it,nt II A. M

; l til III nl (ll.MIltl Sl.ION ,ludgoUll-- II li' etlld tbo Colllt of (loneral Suniun ill In o'clock yt tcrday iiiuruiiig.

The (timid Jury wa empatincltcd nndlinn. J.tuie King electeil I'urciuan ThoJiilgu their ntteiitioii lo thuI'aleudii, uxer .lotl iu iiuiuher, and alio tuthn ttiudiliuu of '.'il iivi'iiuo.

l.Viiiidt'i lluckitt uttered tbo fulluwiugaculoiiti't :

Til euro Koiau, rixer thief, Stale I'ritiinxoatt ..lame llicxv, gimut lattoiiy,

Stiilo Hilton 'J xo.irn and li inoiitbt .. ,latI lul tu all i "I ally I ini It," pickpocket, StatuI'lltuu li xear. . . .N1111T A. IlogLtctt viaKouteiii eif to Slut I'rituu iur 'J year and li

tniitilh by Judgn Hiittel lur burglary.1'iiiui Imihiiiimi -- .In Allnjnl .S'lrdi-itl-

Hob, rt Mayuard, who wa arrettedby tho sixth Word I'oliec oil Saturday nu arb.iign ol anludllug by menu of faitiboi kn, ptoxh'iitlx publltbeil, v-- jotli

hiuii'ht hoturo Juitiio lluxvliug In nuntt'tr tin couiplaiiit Win Cmightoti, u

for H S Jutlr.i.x A Cu.ot No Win

Hri'idwar. tottitied Dial b hvl aobl thopiiriuier guiida uf tho xaluniif tlllniitho'S'lU ult Niinuol June, tho iiicneugtr fintin tirm, l.ili.'il that h di liierrd tbe guudsut i1 Worth ntreet, tu Maxuard, and ronixed a 1 heck lor thu bill 'llio chei k wai I

on tlio S'toud National Hauk, mid It waxillttuti'ied thai nu such linn wa known attbo II ink. Tho prisoner wa held tor exa-mination until today, when nildillnii.iletnuplaliitx aud exideni'o will be liitio-luoo-

Tho prittiucr i tc-a-i sol age, aud a iialixuof llottou

CAui-- nf ur'.oiifi' -- Alfred lleilher. 11

uulivo of (lormauy, ami ugrd Un year, xva

yrilurtlay arraigned boforo Juttbe Howlingon cbargo uf having pcrtnnuied a ileloc-lix-

titllcrr, uud by that mean extollinglargo aiiiu ufiiinuey fruui Thumi M Pay

lur, a uaxal nlllcer, aged 111. mid a rioldentof tho r.xert-t- t 011.0. II" thecompl iluatit nf amnlry Iudecoiit act, midthreatened him wilb urietl if Imtli luonevwu nut piid. Ibt-t- rxlurtluii exloudrdoicr tho tpaco of two iiiiiuth 1111I1I hi nrroll Tbo ca being a cloai 0110. tho magittrato conoluded to bold tbe ,n cuied fortrial, 011 the oharge, aud ho lucktd upiu dufuull of ball.

Mrookliu,Ihini Coroner Smith yester-

day bold an tuquest on the body of Hie

woman found iu tbo wooda at (Jreenpuluton Saturday afternoon last, when it waascertained to b that uf Mr. Maigxret

formerly rraldlug at No. rUi Metoroltlieet, B. 1. Heceaaed lelt ber home onFriday afternoon, while temporarily luane,and il It auppoaed tbat ah tiled fituu exp,i-tur- e,

A verdict to tbat eflect watrondjird,Tux C'ri'Rt-- J I Out 1'iin" !::.": nii.nvii

Siouv Coroner Smith coutrudictt theitorythat Mrt. Mary Spatr, rctidiug near C.xpnIl.iit Ceiurlerr died id itijurit-- t uillu'elli v or x body Tbo xxiiuinu t til ot , ..u

, i, iiught of tlralb ai pn ' 111

,t t"lb itn limn Hut 1)

W.l Jjvia; ui al ' tt


CounciL The Matok' MimOt Elic-tio.- h

or Orncirtt,. The Hoard of Aldermenmet at three o'clock yesterday afternoon.Aid. O'Keefo was elected temporary Chair-

man, and when tie roll of tbe members waacalled, all answered to their names, withone exception, vtx, Alderman Steers, whowas absent In consequanc of Illness.

Tbe following oflleert were limn elected!Corporation CoiinseMor Alex. McCue) A"rcyr-t- r.

City 17M Patrick Tormey 1 Jil'to-t- tKteptr, City Hall Thomas Mcflulre;

of We 7otird Wm. M. Ilarton A'tipf-tiee-

City Hall Timothy Wanl Iniptetor0 i'urcmrnls, H". ClarStaUr$ 0 ItVjAt and ittaturt: W.V.Win. W. Dowd, Wm. Dwyer 1 IntprrlortfI'urrmtntl, . D. Charles Kelhl J Sraltriof It'eiyAU anil ifiatunt, E. ). PeUrllrennan, Daniel Jenkins ICtfptr of lhxkt,UtH H'anf-ratr- lck Clark Cltrh f Attarlrt Anthony flatten I Ktfjxr rTa'AInton Iirk Thomas Farley I JCttver CityPark. ratrlck York) Krtptr CarnB ilnrtJohn 11. Sohwollt Ktfptr of Water ClotU,City Hall Daniel Murphy Kttper Hamil-ton Annut Hridot John Angalem Kttytr.VlnlA Afreel llrUlyt John Maher 1 AVcy-c- r

7Airo .Strttl llrldue John Crelghton; KttprrCarroll Street llridne Jamee Conners

Matter. IDA llttrtf l'eter Trimble IiViunif Matter, 8IA Hanf Michael Fullam.

Aldrnnan (leorge It. Fisher was electedn l'rrildent of the Hoard tirevloua to theappolntmeut of th above olllcrre.

The Mayor being engaged In the Hoard ofSutrvtor, the tnenge waa not read untila number of the bat! beenmade, Tb document la in lubstance aafollows: ,

After eiprettlng his thanks for the heartyco operation extended to blni by the Hoardof Couiicilinen during the past year, theMayor enter Into a statement of the cityllnbilitlea nt they elistcil on th 1st day ofJxtiuarr, which be alleges lu belll.liH.OI'.i'.n, wbllo it balance atnndlngtu tho credit nf tho linking fund wu at theniun tinio 10, time leaving tb ut

Indcbtedtieta of the city $IO,.'t-0,lp- rf.'.

llalaiice lu band H.i'iltl tu. He licit refertu the l.ixet uf the city, which be repretonlslu be greater than for many precedingyears

Cuiiciinliig tbe Wuter Dcptrtnient, tboMajor, ullrr culugliliig tbe inntiugrr nf thoilrpmtment, refer lo thn complaint oftenluado by pereuii 0 copying upper atorlca ofInrgo hull, of the cano aupplv nf water,which bo attribute, not tunny lack of ca-

pacity in th water work, but tu tb factthat up tu the prest nt time onlymain pipes have bt en In use to supply thewnlitt of the entire cltr In order tu remedyllii civil, another and larger main, II IndiraIII diameter, I being I ml, which it I expeeled will he III ratly in Julynail There am noiv In arreirn, and due toIbo cily fur water rate, tho sum uf J."ii,IX)ii,which sum hear lutc-rcn-l at tho rate of l'iper cent, per milium. I'p tu the prricnttime thero baxo bcoii laid about l'JU miles ufnewor.igo pip, which nmuunt will be lnniast'd tlurliijr the year by abnut .') lullca.

(u'Heriiing tbo Flro Depirtment, theMajor apeak in 110 nattering terma, it

It not such nt the luteiestsuftho ily retmlre, claiming for It all the vicewhich councct themselves with thn voluctteer org miration nxerywbore, ami closethis irtlon of hi meago by tronj;lyrecommeudlug tbo adoplluu uf a l'aid tiroDepartment t

The amount raited for thn pttrposo ofcloaiiing the streets, and repairing thn welland ptiuip fur thn past year wa $7:i,100U,agaluat fil,tW, fur the year H'Vi.

I'luler Ibis bead the Mayor enters Into nsniuiiwhnt cousiderutiou uf tbovtteiu of street cleanlui now lu xogiioiu

this city, in which bo deprlcatrs thn prac-- I

tit of puttlug tbe work out utioii contract,aud ilotc xvitli a rocommendatlon tbat thowhole matter be placed lu the baud uf theHealth Ciiliimlluller.

l!.:rlug the year. 111,000 has bn expend-e-

In repairing nlreots, nml tb Mayor la ofIb opinion that tbo Intrrrsta of tbo citywouhl b aubaerrcil abould the work In fulure be placed In tbo hande of the WaterCnutmiinllor.

Tint Mez next revert to tb evilgrowing out of Hie manner In which con-

tract are now awarded by tbe CommouCount 11, alleging tbat " Wbatexer sum may

I 1." tixed lu tbo resolution authorising thettorfuriiiauc of any work, the bill prontcd

I almott luxuriably amounts to the full sumJ iiamad In tb restitution. If aomo plan

rimhl be devised by which allcnntracts withtho city should be aubject to lair compclltloo, uuscd upon apocillcatlona aud

the result would be benetlcial in eieryrtstiect."

The auldect of education ueit referredto, wherein the Mayor record th numberof children In tbi. city a i,t! of whichnumber aliout :l'i,0t) require provision tobo made for their education in the publioschool. These school rooms when crowdedto tbe utmost capacity, contain aecommo-datlon-a

for ouly In view of this facthe recommend the npplieution to the Logialaturn for power tu Itiuo bond payiiblawithin 'JO years, to be uxed in tbe erectionof achoolt.

Hogarding the Improxements now beingmade ut l'rospoct Hark, Mayor lloolh luform the Hoard Unit ' additional acrraof land hax been purchased, while otherimpruxements are being pushed furxrnrdtowards completion with the utmost zeal,

'llio Miyor noil refers lo the gradualincrcuto in the nuinbor of commianiouiapptiluted to take control of tbe miltilrlpnlutlair, deprecating tbe custom ai one tontl-lu-

to the nboliihuieut uf the eutlro citygt,irinmnt

Tberiiliro amount taxed upon tbi cityfur Stain, county aud city purpose it alioutfl.liUO.'kXi, dlvbltd at folio, xir State,f"il,(Kli couuty, ilty .',i.Si'',l'i't)

Tho nveiage per ccntago of taxation furStute. cuuiily and city purpusca is aboutrM,ll upon e'acli l'0 of xniiiatloii, at fu!luw Fur Slat piirpoto. l'i cent uponnull and lor touuty pnrpiMia. '.'.'cents 011 em b IU0, leuxing about J.'dlniioicb (lOtl tor city exponne.

Of the amount raited fur Ih iurimos ofIbe Cltr (luxeriimtut out of the 011I110 taxfur Iho I'lirrrut year, wo nml tlio hum uttjjl.itsl uiidtr tho guneral ruiiliul and maiiageiueut uf tbe Cuiumim Cunneil. Of thinuiuiiut tho tumor $l.'i,UuM it apiimpriatodlui lighting Ibo public street: irio. $ l.0tl fur rlraiilug Ih Ml eel furlur , f al.iwil fur thu Fire Dipattiuonl ,

and (lll.ono fur llutpitala nml Ditnonnatli a ,

making lu nil a total of IhuMnxnr eltite xvltb n mutt gritiljlug exhibituf tho piupoll1,x ot the llx, claiming fur ittint mutt tiiiuuiagiug piugic iu papula-ttti-

and xvealth.Tlio mctigo nrderott tu be pi into I in

tho inliiiitti, nl I t'l whuh tbe Huinl ndjoin lied.

Tin: Htniiti in sin init-'ii- . -- I'm Hoardmet Ji'ilcida.x alteiuuuti and nig int'od by

electing Mr Win. M. I.iltb. id' tho 'JithWard, nt I'rvtidriil. 'Iho I'iraldriit irtnrii-e-

Ida thank in iinbuil and 11.1.1I uddrvavalter which tbe II i.ird ,iduiiiuod until tholllhiuit.

CuiiiiMLU' Imji i.r. Ciirt'iier l.xnili con

eluded thu iiiquett ill the a, uf Catharineivti.iiiiii-l- l x.ticrdnx. Ui'.'o.iti-- killedwbllo geltlng oil 11 car lu Fulto'i minue,near Dotvnlng nlieot, nu tbo exouiug of tbo'iith ult. Nu now facts xxele olieiled nil tbolininligutiuu, nnd tho Jury Hindered 1 vordiet uf death bx luiiig run over by a Fultonavoiiuo car.'autl ceuiuriiig the agouti uf tho ,


Tin: l.iqii'i'. t'"! A number of per-

sons, indicted for violating tbo Kiclso Uuv, J

were arinlgned befoi Iho Court of Sostlousmorning. II Van Dcllan, a '

grocer, ilolng liunlui s In High street, xvaatried on tb" charge uf expuiing liquor for I

tile. Chrittopbrr Miller, a griter, lininglimine at Ibe corner of Hrhlg and High

wu nlo tried lor oxpmlng liquorUutb tb defeudautt were


Citt Mimninr.-T- he totalnumber of death In tbi city last week wasI nl, of which 37 were from consumption, 13

of acuilet foyer, D of pueumonla, 5 of0 of croup, 7 of typhoid fever,

ltmlaa Day I

The homeless boys In London are beingeared for In the appropriation to their use ofan old fifty-gu- vessel la tba Thames, wberthey can learn the art of leamauiblp, andthus qualify themselves to Cirn kn tioneatliving. It it proposatl to provide In thistray for 100 ):;. ind the movomeut tt to benipjiorled by private charity, Tbe niecesuf a similar plan on tba Mersey lias led totin example. Of late year the xraut ofoameii bat bn acutely felt, and thi tl.'u

pht process uf provldlug a remedy bat tbou.iiiU'it.iiico uf thu (tot eminent, which pro"i Ho. tlnni, and U'aic the retl tu pi1 , a 'tUriuiv.

..'' T . Ilm

Man CbH aa Ih rrt Offlc.rtXamtkrVstriVl(fatbv,avi7 TTSfaH

Calirtraia'Uttk hr ilsaoae. lit, llii. aaa till aauktanlk. faltt al loifA. rtiw orlttai If BaUnad-kta- llj ilMaD

N Bit BiUl seat kr saa.rrlMavr Cllr. Olortdt, Orll Rail tall, Vltk

ud n(ivtil, Clifrala, II (flaaaart tltiltkrOvrt4 Koala, t.M,liLNtrtk MtiU (via lladMa Rittr Ktllittt) kkrnik

ir Mill, t A. II. it 4 Jo P. M.Eait Hall (tl rlttr llitia ntUxtUj t A. MM l.tlaaa (Km,laat Mall (via Way lJA.tI. tat I.M

Kttl Mad (rlt Ntiaoel tat Tall III Mr) 4 tat I r.k(.riotiik at tli ihraah, s.1 r. M.rktltlkla, war atall, 11,11, 4.JI, t 11J0

Dltlatrt aat WtklatlM Malt, I A. kf. aat I.M....tdla.Mr. V.AUaal. AartiU. Calaaaka. al, IlKaaklt,

MMltttBf7, attbuts Savaaaak, tloM tall, Ul)ChirUtttau kudtlik, ITIhailatlaai, aat XTVra, X.M Jtnryr MaH, I A. k-,- 4.M r. H.Kta- - jT--r Malt, t A, U. aat t M at.Wtnll tat rx MtUf A. W. aat t M r. U.rtrtbra BUrt-a- t Trl Ontr Ottill k.N r. ItICrlt Kallraat MIU t A.M. aat AM K at.Krt Stllit4 (vrtrl a A. M. aat 1 F. M.New YkCoiralalaIlrM4Matl, I A. kf. aat

Iil3S-ut(ktfitJ- , flt-tt- Jtaxalaa,aat (TMtau. (A.M. aat IM t. M.

ITtrliT RaUriit MalL I A, M.Bratklf Man, B rati ATkC f, I aat Ut P. kCAturU Mali, I A. M. aat I.M !, M.Ilbkm Mail, a A. M, , t M f. M.tlfta Itlaat Mad, A. M. t t P. kCrrMkait aat (i;-w- l Mm. I J4 P, M.Ctai(CatJ kfI',eut aa TrW, I A, If. aat

fvVeil) UttL I A. M, aat J U P.M.tast(lal)a rrlti,IA.M.att. M.WUlitmibaria aat Ora-ilal- . t A. M. tat I P. M .

Mva IKDtla aat Ntait-aatlta- t A. AC, l.SJ aatI P. M.

Nitiik Mll, I, It A. U. t aat AM P. U.JllHf Cllr Mall tlott t A. H.AM aat IU T. M.

MARINE NEWS.l'.i--t of New Yrk, Jaaaary 8, 1807.

Sua KUm. Baa 8ttl. Ma Blitl. ftltk TTtUrJsa. T.T53.I .t t,. ... IT..,. I ...,M tJia. I III .4 61 .... ....toilJtt 9 I J4. I --t 81.. I ... 43.... I ....Hit

THE VTKATllKB, JAM. , tMT-T- IIK ytlHUAtrlantti. Al Msrllta. Al aaail.n vr, n.vT, n. w.

CI.KAKKD.BTKAWSIIIP. BhirtMt.'I'orlluid;

Ilir-- A birtdtllilla, IXtiat, l.lttrjiool.IIAKC-- E!, tl'mi.l I'lottbtft, (llbrtlur.

rtv UoMntoa, III Itrtatat Sot:I.ledmollir, Vtltartt. Ultiitltir, lltawt. CalltlL,Sorfcll.

cilonitliB-Iai- cr , tllccln. Pklitttlakls ,.Ttba Wftlktr, Otria, Pert JatTirtan. rintlta,I'owsrt. Livtrpooli Da, Jeaeft, XYlualDflta: A JPtr, Kallr,

BUJOP-I'r- of Ulna, llaUtik, Nil Utf ta.AKIIIYKD.

arRAM9llirs-Vaiklal- a, CklekMlar, Bilk-rnt-

nt Nrflk, wllk matt aat tiitar ItJm llad.

Jtbn Dlt-M-. rotlir, Wtklatt, D C, wllk eatttI lUt'llr. Sinllb Ut.

llairHiam.lletatU. Put rlt Cabtll ne tt, Ifintri Hlh. 81 Thtni Dlk A M Jtbii. P K. IXh.wllk mtM aat HMMiiri It al Daaataf. ThUD BtlntklpaaciTlvt al Lt Uatrra 1) rliala Cras. all wttlj tlataier Oaltlaa tlrtrilTlt tat till SI Tkenta tk rtlkj lal tt B. Itatl to, ftll la wllk vik l a kark. trrtrtnlrtbtatenvt a lai ilmi lb kv aat all frart ofktrciMa wattn tht vaalaaxsil bat 111

ft, Irl'l ta ths ctbla, aliklharartl lUll bitU(It Ibt wrctki toult m lha wkola f Iht tttra, bultbtrt wst ao airnt a 111 sttutt it havt btta suit.ptt tf tvtrMkltf valaabtti lata a iaport aid aa ftr ftfvart at eoalt t tto feat btaatertatt bfUjktl rtr koxtt n rHa w teilBttrltk ctlor, wiaaw bllst fra, raaal tcripttbrlakt, black Irpi aatarti; a rttl tt prebablf004 lent.

Uta Mtrtta, fltvsaaak Jia t, vtlkcatitaat ptatsaftrs M Fox A C,

I rtaeealt, Bbarwoot, Vrtlaad.B Men!. Lakbr, CkarlMlta Jtt L wllk aatat atpuiDXrs tt Llflointn. fox ai 0. Eaptrltactivtrr bttvrwttlhtr eurlax mott of Ibt pitttft.

Aatra rlttcktr. Ilaaitr ftrtrtM Moon 31bun, wlih iklp tUafton la t, 1111 aihtrt tlCklaettttxa.

B H I PB Klia. rirtratr, Urtrata tl t tfi, with mtcBad SSt pttatrt l U Lata4 A- C. Took Boulbtraptf aat kst flas wttlkir. '

x'rattliOrlaBll. Iattf Bt dart, wllkmttt tat 0i ptiiair I Orlaattu Mlalara A C.Hat etailauoai N VY laltt tarlai IMe, Hal t ttath(ta turtat) oa tht p tiiiat.

Uaaieoa. Murrar, Hoarabtra Hen x, via FortranMonro B'h tail, with mdi l B Vv Cimeroa. TbH wtnl tihort on Calacotiaaiitakotli a tbt marc.Ini at lb Mlk Hoi tiilllit UlM Ian. aatairlttt l Fortrti Mearoo lotklaa bttlri iltumpurapvupulta botrt ot kor I kotp brrrfwsttr, aadtb wit ttvt It tht cltr br ik iliialui Aadrt flttcbtr, tf ibt Coail YTrMklaf Co; sksun aatBM i ut a vr Brat.I,l, l Mtra Mlr,wltkMMtlt A Ihiuctt. Dot It, J thn J litilh.



aat bmlt al oat. llaa kooa llllttiart llh hoivr tt XV f , lot! dockslots bulvftki ftat vh1 lkla,Kboce Alwood, for lltMtoa la t tr.llrottritla Aoao. XVoatt. Rio Jtatu- - ft darl,

Willi coffo U raack, Mtlaeka A Woadk,BO mil MB of Ibo IHlaworo, liv a vttrot'a Jott--

tool ttutom op, palatot crtaui ctlor, not loaf La ibowtitr.

Ariontut, Sltttrraft, FlrtBitB tt tta. wllk mttaat tor pnttBiar lo lloimaa KoopACo. Ilttbotvr wtbr tb Imi S weokt. tlk lait, off Ntatuekl, paitoi tho wtock of t saitll vtntl wilb muttfont; bora la tbsl eondlttoi norat tlmt.

Iltottemande. Kurlkm. Iltmbarf tl ttr. withnidi ot '.'It ittlDn toll MHI.Bi A Cic, ItsbtdS tth tot birth oa th pitt

siAodnw, Botairr, II Arr ol ttr, withkldllloUIl MLUInftoB. lilt kivf wllbr Ibttallra putift tut ipltl tall.

atttl-tleiDll- al, Tlltk. Bit Jtntlr-- i tl tif.wltbotSt. Ilielt, laltt JO, loa 11, tpok bukKrullr, Ie Utttoo,

kiport, Maatr. of (IrtavlU. N B. fra Cirtaais tldr tllb nail.tini lo llrott, 0oa A Co. ttaa balac lloott wltbla to pillti of Biaar Hook, tl hboirr N V salea, tl nd lli. itoto toil, AeLoll bru Alfulro. rirM York, aat brlc lltrrlttAmtm for I'bilaJt phlt Doe 1.

John Avltoi, 1'aiibrook. Kilsibtthpiri for 1'ror.rsaftaU Ubiodltr, Ntw lltvta.laidr Illrd, lit(irt,oi (joobo. from Ott Ittthtr,

Jim, Its , wlialtt tool it m A KoiatA l'i Wtioil Ibo llujalaat Hie XV, aat was blowo off, lot! aatpill IBll.Mlnnhhx, Mildint. N It, from HI

Un uti tl dart, tub iilt to J F Wbltatr A Co.Utd hivt- - wlbr, lotl and ipllliilli.

Aipoa, Forboi. xvutttr It tart, with pluitr taII .1 III Wo ( A Co,

Jit Ktlrbford. Crane, Wlataor IS da, wlih plan rtt I' K lit Wolf A Co

Bill oorth, Mooit, BhltUi Oct SJ, wl'k ml't.HCIIOO.IIIJ-Vt- nlt l.lorlt. Bocuiil. CorawtlUl

tOdtri. llh pottlot 10 II II 1 Wo.f A Ct,Vtblt r)wn, xolllni, Clali lumbtr.Iitttlit, VVa'ki, Mtbirn. N cl.tlb Kicli, lliraliolT. Wllialal oa, N C.A Mnek, iImb, Vlrrtalt ttr rtrtimotilh.Ml I. Inf.lhtr, Tilcomb, I'ortllut, wlih bnjli

tbtf tiKli 10 the miil-r- .I airi A lljJd. Katollom Fortaat's Mir. N t 1)

tart, tlth hurlar ta tb miilvr,Mir W tr Ittltllh, Nleicn-n- . Iluoot Arrtl Oct

.Ix, with bltti to Muirr. FtrrliA I' trouthlit of It bid (tli from S to S XX'i .pill itlli,tci- - llt bark vYsihinf loe, Itj cbsr, for N V to Ji.

Hirftti Mrlt, t'ltdcrhdl. of Cllt ttpilal. lrmMiyiri, f U, lt dirt, wlih ortai ttj A rI'auitl, lire 34. lit ii 31. loo hu, ipokt ichr NChut, bound rt, baft, tcbr Ctatral Aoatrica, Itr N

lork ib t di, DISASTi:i!S.Tli I'tuutr Irallit, Mhort off II tek Rock, e.m

erl on ihoblb Intt, 'itt tu low I III Ultcc Kockbr this oimof iilftti.tor for rtpilrs,

Tb Itr l,irkB lu Meale. lluatar, from Aitfpo I St 1 1. toaat fjr Nto, li l tarbor atBiltt llnuk. put lalo ibll liarbot la dittrtit.wt'h litr'.ot al all inotttbl oa delfoitaanl ot ill ctbla ib! tt tbtrt of p

Tin t'.oita las tai la wtut lo bor itllltttan, I'll tb tiiottit 'Xit.'.l to tpw up lo tbo o,t".llioie It ailrouc N XV wind ptotiillag aid a htivrit nttktBS t clttu broach utor htr, ab hti leutvoroioiaircr-- .

lit T I. I. I. 0 II A r If.Iloinottle Torts

l!ornt, Jsa 7 Ths tehoostr Cot Elliworth,(tain Kiblatoj, float Now roundltat lorlioo York..lib a ratio of froth btrilufk rta sihor tarinr lb

wow itoru 00 Blurdr mthl ob Cipo I'cti, atwai haubd off by lLa ilssnitr MonokDitl on Bus-d-

ind Hkta lto Kdftrlowo. whart tbt bow IlttIbt achr loai til htr aiebort, bul U uot attlirLtilrdiraif d la br bottoia,

FearaiM Untaoa Ja. 7 Tbt htrk Bsvtanib,Nivti. with (uaefr I'olltd. trrlvtd lodiriibucouo'titl byr wthr th lut 10 dim ion

iptil at a alia andUihorl of arovliloni ttd wlr.It 1. B of Hitlers, fill la wtlh chr L, I'rtmllh, tlnt for N Yorki bor ralaiasit wis roo at lb wis

IsiklDt; look rtpltla tat cie ta boirt aat alaa.toard tb vii.


AMERICAN 8OCIITY FOH THRCnitltr 1 AnlmiU-Boo- oii No. flit i

HroiJwir AU I'tuao Offlotrt ar tniirtirua brOrdtr 4.X1 to proton crutltr It talanalt. Call tboattentloa of ofilror I etooo u Ihtr orcar, adreport lb Dam bor of Iho efntr to tbtoe ttuoa. th.ttk efficr tar b oouipltmotd for wall tolas, 44)

XXTRKUKB MEET.iiuruio it knack and ztuu uLFniac- -

I1ATOR.Yor Ootbla Furaoeo a lti ptrfeet laturtcttin

Wl warm our il.rt, I1K1-- II. caiptt room la 14tiorr tat ptiUla hill la Ut tiorr, Tixtil fi.i aoatbul a powtrrot furnaaa wotllt to tl'fi."

Do;,, lt. J. JAV JOBMS,roulto-tr- Vttiivoal.

LTSLKrA ZERO nEFBIGKKAfOB hu jailttKlt4 tbi Ftrti ftrtBbvliua-T- cr ill oit.r- -l ibtLouuub ittt Yiur j, n. b rnoNO,

aI.IX. W. LESLEY, Utuftrtr.Cmj t)Utb , Ll. Wlk u4

U tit Ytifc

TKTOU ARE TROUBLED WITH X CoughX tr Cold, u4 wlih U ilUn prM.Bt rUC iwtId. M itMilt. tMM ifU WlUlAmibtirih, uic t t tk4U f tfcl irlr rv.WtrifIB. 1VIN rOL'OU SBBMlrfATOB,.

Uci, ir OiiktS Ci2j, Iitlatau. BTtir4U Aa ,li m sclt4V prr.rftl-- ! U .

Trr II. l.ruttikiT fcJr4f !, m 70a Ut

tlUiaUWtd TrrftiIUfmxUTt ptMrllM.FitM.ivmtiwcoW M

tlT u CO. rooiliu u tollclt r!tnn tvod t Xtut

Affirm ST IHrk i ofloloroj n fr i

'VUV (JHAISI) NAUOSAI. JnilTKK OF.1. rf ftud IE l nton di ttirimfh tb ttfuu'ry. n,... HMini awrr ) l&roH-- It colutu . cfi nr uitK HiN, it piic wuuib iu

wmmKammmammKm .raw "T iraaA.mfHi'

tTHPltl TH X AT Rt,tL'E8!ay Kvr.nnn. jam


KDMONU DE WQNIUOK,' tl Ui JoormUlaU f Nt

ehavuiftrvt t Mdr '1IAMLXT.


rttlrU for ft fv IjfcuIr f BWMCtctBli'i Urt Urftmi, TUE U).4U

TRlKEThiitUf lAt-n.- flf JAMEflM.WABO.

ttar4rllEt-0a- lf Mr. STUOPART,Mm.i;, Ju. 14 TH RUhlif. EaclUh Wt



tm ktU Mftkirt huJtl Ml u4 flftUb .vlMrItMaMkli.t; 4 bv4j 9.r B4ftMl( Cti rr

tf , Ml WmI llik it, eor. tti tf. 1

Airrr.D-- A carpEaITer, one thatpM.ut-Biitttl.M- ALTER HABUYtkCOs.


tUO tOU ll ft vnll Milk tUvlth! Urt kltl,t brvvn at.4blek ud ibt'krtauktrr, ktt IftfonsMUa UftdUtf Uthtlr rrtry will UwetUrft-tftfdftA- Ul

(fcAREWARD-STRAT- ED FROM 45 Tli IniVcr-ftTft- lattl-t- tTftalfti 6th Irut. ft innvll b rkft4 Ua alat. br ( hlr aa bMkt wbtn taml coU--

vHh i4 rlbbaa aa aackj la a ( MINNIK, Vrkearar rttara bir u ftbara addrtM willrcUUarTar4fta4 tbuuaf Uitavatr. UT

rou HAia; Am to i.i:r.pOUNTRT SEAT AT WESTFIELD,V- - Valoa Ca N.Jfta tba llaa tt tba NttJimr

1 mlaaU. frem 4tpot, I heat'jrldtfrom IHfw Yark, t tlmi ta aa4 fro, aonvaalaot totbiodf far tr0Di 4ol builaan In ltf . In a brtlibractUn af conairr. Mtt cbarcbaa, icboolti, itortti.

dvalllni bonia a , rootoi. built lo laUtialiatii wubraon cloMti, Ae A.. aa bara and

ulht. frail tiaaa, btrriaa. Act about ball a?ra afrraauit. wallUldovU coo4 mortialir ft .rawftd.ilDf a eotaforubla bom,vt ifi ;.',VM,"Utl. Inqalia at Waalfltrd ls. fjr JOHN O.H)VD Col oat far Hit t tact. Triiai !? franfol af L batty M.

Ci:.1EKAi. IlfJHIWKSS,-- SMOKED HAMS C II E A PA Htw Smekad Ilimi.t 14 rantifarlb.

Bbaaldar-t.-i.lI- "

" Uicoa ,14 ' M

Daaf W 'HatlUftfUN M

l'ranad U M M

Ulit4 St

CbMM 1 M

Natr yatkiral, la btJf klu M 11.Call and atamlaa eur atMk tt aa4 ordir tbrauih

paat, aftl loada will ba aaal C O. Jl.Wl JOHN ItfOOVERN, IM Wita.rt.



AT THE PUBLlSIIEBS' UWEST BATES.A Mrafnl aalataa af tftt U mad a, adaptad to

any htMiataa, and aha UdaaaU tbabaatteMlbta maoaar, aarlM lima, ttoubla aad aipaaaaUtkaadtartlaar. Naalyail aavipaaan pablUkadtbraa tbaat tba aaaatry iaalTd aad 01a4 at tbimtt. John uooi-e- r a co,

Na.41RaiV.BM-- U. 0, BEACH, Ttt of - Bam. 441

HOW TOODTAIN PATIKTS, CAVEATS,Kor tba Inforaiatlaa f iha loUllljaBt,

tadoatlomuaehaalca af tbt 1 raat asatrvpalla. tbtkatUvi&4 lDatrvetloD la Drltf, coftcr&latlraMBt. Caveat, au .ara pub llaa ad t

TbafiratlataaUylbat praaaaU tlaatf I ant vbhu mad any imptaTamaQt or dlTry la Cn 1

obtain a TaUnt r A peal tit a anawar ean only babad by brtaaatUc a etmaUta apnllcattan far aTaunt to lha Ccmntlaalontr of Taunta, Anapall-c- i

t tan conaiau ol a Modtt, Urtvlnxa, Tatltlon, Oath.nd fall Bpociflcatton. Variou afflrlal ml and

formailt! nnat alao ba abrrad. Tb affoii oftb loTBtarlod ftll thu bvalnaa blmulf ara

wltbonl aaer. Attar a oa of fralad delar. b U snaily ft4 to k tb aid

of oaraoaa iptmaeod In paunl bailo, and baralltb wtrk doe ovor ftiatn. Tbo boat plan Utaaoliclt propor adrle at tba MilnatBt.

If tb pirlir conaul d ara bonorkbU nn, Ih lartanr taay aafalr confti!a bU Idai to tbm tbrwill adrlaa whtbr lb ImproT'tsaBi U probably

and will rtta biia all tbdlrccUaBod-- IKtoaubU,Wo (Mt7iif A Co bavo boon aetlvalr ncfd Ib

tba bntlaaa of obtalalai pauaU for aboat twaatrratsra. alaar tkoaaaaoa ! lavaBtar bara haA boaool frM Mr MMBtwW. Mara - tma lalx ailpUBU grantad ft abtaiaal br aa.

Tbo wba bava mada tntaailoaa aad daalr toooBauItwlth BAftift oordlally lafltad todoao. Wball b bappr U ao tbm la pra alour

N. t7 Tark Katr, N Y- - ar to advl tbam by Uiurtbrouth lb mail. In all tbay mar axprot fromnan Dontat opinion . far ay eh eooaalutloaa. opta-lo-

and advlc. v aaako no chart; , A pa aad-tB-

akateh and 4acrlp Ion af lha InTcaUon abouldb nt. octhr with aUmpa far rura poaucWilt plaint donatui pancuor pal ink m bnttAll buaiBrao(mmUld tooui cara,aad alleonratta-tlona- ,

ara kapt br a crt and tnttly conftdaatlalAddrtaa UVUn A CO. IT Tark Row, Kit York

i!AYrnsA Cavat ilMiftllbiltad bat Immtdlalo pr!t.

lUa, andUpirllenlar j oaafal wbr tho larrntloalaaottall eomplt4or tbo aaodol U not rady, rnjlbar lima waaiad far aifrlinaat aa4,Aar ft CTai bu ba fllad, tb l'ataal Ufflc willnot laaaaaptUDt for ih uni laraatUn to anrat bar parton, without ilrict notlc lo tba Caroiur,who. a ibr-- allowad tbroa moatba llm la 111 la aaaopJcailoa lor a ptBt. A Cavaai, to b of aar !,abould contain a aiar and concli daMtipttoo of tbalorntloa. o Ur ll baa latn com pi 11, llloitratod br drawinfa bf n tb aubjict admlu. A Carta!ronataU of Ibo Ttitln, Oaih, Hpociflcallon, aadPrawlotia Tba Coraramaai io for flilni CarllaS 10. aud our ordlaarr chari to prptr tb dorntnanu aadatla4 to tba wbol baalaa.. frarallQlo$14, Caraat lha lnraur nao4out taaand na a UUar coDia.alof a akatcb of tbalovaBtloa. with adaacriptloLi tu hlaewa wordi, anlUoa t In full. AddiHi tlUN.N A IX) T TarkKw, aw Tork.

AadltUae m t mad to CavtaU at any tlm ACaat runa ou rear, atttran ba rntwd en pamint of f 19 ft rf tot a long apriod a daalr 1.

tlTPVT4In order to apply ft a Tlnlthlaw

that a modal abail rurn'ahat. not arar a toot laaar dlmanaloaa, imilli r,ll ju.blr. Hand tba modalby tip rata, pr paid, adlra 4 to llaan A Co ITlraik now, UtLr with ft diact.ption of Hi cparalion and mam ; alao ramll (hi flrit ttorarnmrntaad aump I, ol. On ralpt tboroof w win pre- -

thadraaltifa and apeclCcaiion, an aind tbemKia Inrtntor lor aiatulnatton. lUnatura and eith.Ourcbaria for rtapulas tba drawlnca aal ai. ibdotrumrnu. with atundart fo tb bualnaaa LafoiaIlia Tat niOfflcoli f , for tba alnpoit cum, andtrvui tbat aura up , rttMrdlnc to u. tlor larolr

Ourchanrauf aWai rerr moderatf-- Wbaatt PHaat la a lowed mere la piid to the Gorerameut, luaklof a total of Jdl. lha moJat abould boneatt made of tny emu hi tua.erlal, atioaalr faioena, without . tie. rarnlahad or pilnt-rd- Ihe naioeo( th luToloribcuM l emraraJ or palate j upeait Whin tbo inraailon connaU ot aa Imprera-mea- l

other ruafhtna, a lull wotklni modelaf tto whcl micblu will not bo actaary. Huttb model moil b eafnciently prfet to ehuw, withcUaraeae. lha oator and epilation of th lincro.BAiani.

New roellrlneeor mdlcal wmuada, and luefulmlitureaof all kind ai pa entitle

Vha the taraatlou couata'au of arnellclae oraroenpoandor in aritc.eot manuUciur,ora nwcom poaltlainaani plea al the ariiicle inuet t furuiahetl,nrailr Il up Alao aend ua a full of th In

piopertlo, mod of piapirailoa, uaea aadmerit.

rite arrf tlm rtqoJr! to prronr a paunl Uall week. Va trigueallr jrel tbrm throuh la Uutln-- but In tbr cite. olac 10 detar on tbe putof tbo ofTWale Ibo a onitlraM eiioodrd loI a or throe monltta. and craa mora. Teruekeapotrlal point to our eiara a tariPtT Atraiai a.

Wheuthe larmtor rlde In tbla cltr bo ihouldrora lnprroo loourofflc end (irouabla Ida-- infulleoncernlnf th Invention-- A'-- to or ftddraiaUL'NN A CO. ht 3T Tark 1U

QUICK ATTLICATIONS.When, from anr reaaoa. pawtUi are driirou of to

plrioi fur Taiea-- or L,iraa la oibat naira, without aauuienfc'a Ion of time tbr bar oalr to writor telegraph ui it'oclatty lu that rfT rt, and w willmakaaparial airrtloju for tbem, W o ean prepareaud mail the nareaierr papra la Uta than n bvui'enotUt. If r,ulrd.

lor Ini'iuf llou eanfernlni Forelja Pa lent a. Blaeae. latcrfeteoe-ie- llintaon Ta eoU. Knleiand Troceedlnii at tb Tattat Offlre, tho Tate atLaw. te oar loairuction Uok. lo oraddreaa UC.NN L CO. , ST Tark lUw, NvYork. Ml



Admiral CHArt. II, UM.U Catnmindantof thlaStilton. I will aU br ribll otlcn, l the NarrYard, New .oik, 00 kUu-ie- Jn 14th, 1S-- at 11

Mauuantltr of Taper Btitk, Junk, Canrtaa Clipplngi. rllorka lrao Conpoallion Maal, Selrr. anda mlef alien oui Ul tt Coodemaod looU, A.

Aiae ,

K. HOOKrH,A. V Lt Com., r.d.N.,

511 NftfftlStorkepr,

AUCTION N0TICE.- -F R. HUNT, AUlT,.! Tarl . on TuMdar. tb

8th. and rrr TutJy a lore aaeoilm4t ofrockry rnd (taiewar In Uu to rail dealer, H

000D3-CL0JI- N0 OUT SAM ATDRY thle day, at 10 o'cltxk at alt Urand it,laBjtUn Eaat llroadway. ha la, meilaoea aad ottardroa oo4i, blank a. flann'la. .lb. c Imrre.liillaeie, uadenhlria, 4raia, drugrata, tar eilaia,boeurr. AM A, If M- - ! brala dok'lfalltfta teadtbtaaal. lgHENRT 0. EVANS, AUCT.-D- RT GOODS.

dar.ftl 10 i.clook,at lltaiaadat. ftarKill proadoay- - Urr-t- tad waot ahawla, rraaehBtanoal kid .h:r d'tw geoda. b'aakeu flaooiU,labl lineal and tewollaia, uadr aad rr aklrtaand drawers, 'the. caaalmeree. bairy atlaale.Boaterr Ao, v, Caih barer wlUd fU UitiaadtbUcal. U

PAWNBROKER'S SALE R., will ettt Ihla dar. ftt li

o'clock. ODD lot of man aad wcmia' cletbleg. emarUlog dreae-e- , aba a, cloak, nader clothier ftlarge lot of booli ftcdiho-)- Aei a a a large let iftnen'a cbtblng. with which tbe sale will coiuneorUr older of M.CibKV, Wmi A aoat loo'c'ock a let of furol eta, crvketr( A. Ill

M. WOLF &"S0N AUCI "US, OKI UT,4tf lit at e t, will i tjia 5r, at ID

cufk, br or' ul mo t"a e tie iucx, ni.uretaul lu'-J- ii ira xf etta.Jie, li lluecrr Ij


ncni t - J H.

A Thrilling Adventure,

Attomptod Capturo of a Cargo ol


nr r.. t. liiu'I.ij.

Ot a cold frfttty rbrltmas, a fttr jrajo, I wat a paien(-e-r on boanl tli lln)

aleanler "Queen," from Iailan toTh. vovag Is not a very lon-- r on j but 1

were a.veral dais al tea, ami tltirin thaitlm t struck un pretty ranch of an

with th. secon.l engineer o( th.hip. I liava always bail a tail, ratlmr

lmai;lnatlv. than sclentlQe, for watehlni; th.working of pow.rftil roaehlnery j the

war. too eoltl to allow of my remain-lu-

Ion t on tletk , antl I wat often glad to

.xebanf. fur a time th saloon ttovafor thtbright glow of the boiler furnaces, ami thCompany of tb. paaiongere for a chat In thtengine room with my friend the engineer,

Tn o'clock In tie evening, when It was hiiwatch, genorally found ma ated by hiaid. on the platform that ran around thttop of the cylinder, whence, be could in a

moment bear any word pasted from th-- i

lock, bad Immediate acres to the handlesof the engines, could are th n milstoke-hol- e, with th gla gjugna In front ol

Ihe boilers; and exeti wblltt chatting xvitli

tn, could bo constantly alive to th am ill-e-

pcapo of attain, r the Icatt Jxrrlng 01

chirping aouml xxhieli tolil In hi practisedeve or ear that aniiintliliig ulxiut tho

rciitlml lubriinllon or nilluttineiit.Iliere was nothing x erv h inarkiililn ulmiil

inv ariiualiitanrix, Angiivnt bnirii atinpliaii honent. ttrhlglilfurwiinl, Intrlligent. t.ilfpdiicaled inechmlc ; one. In ahiirt, nfn rla-- l

cry nunierotit niiinng uur fiiglneer. II wna almut forty yrnra of n,nnd bad ent iienrly hnl f lime at tc.-x- itmany sen Icen and III nil part nf th xxmliLHo lad been In nctltin nu Imard n llrnlliatlsteam-sloop- - marly tiled from llm Intense boat In the riiglne rtmui of a lVulutu,la nndOrlentalWit in thrt ltrilNia. Inlieeu xtretlteil In n Witt India mill stoniiiorand afterwards illsthargod from tho norvice foraamiiggllng trniitnction, xtilli vrhiekhe vovxctl that bo lilm-wil- f had really nnth-Ic-

to do; was, at the timo tho Ute xr.uliroko out, serving on lioaril n Unman

which, of ctmrst'. be loft ns noon asitotilhte; bail acrved 011 board nilvpr-bui- l

on the Mississippi, nnd another un tlmllooghly; and bud aeon many a strung ox cutIn llieao nnd other service, from the plainmatter-of-fao- t point of vluw natural tu hittenitramout and education.

On Chrlatmaa ovn wo xvrro slipping nlongfast under atcatn and cntivnt, with tbit windand aeaon th bani; and th ship, though,not pitching much, wat rolling a good ileal.We had but few paaaeugers un boartl, andof these four were solemnly playing a rubber,while the othera were ill in their berth.There wat evidently not much Chrlttiiiatfestivity to be eipected in the saloon, ao Icame ahivering oil th tleck, where I badbeen smoking a cigar In the moonlight, andseated myself in my accustomed place onIbe engine room platform, enjoying tbawarm glow from the furnaces. Angora hailJuat lit a olgar which I gave Mm, when Jalight eacap. of ateatn from one of the valv.stuiling-boxo- s arrested bit attention. Tbplatform on which xx e had our teat wua on a ,level with the tops of tho cylinders, with arailing nearly breast high between it andtbe engines; and to get at the attirllng-bo-

In qnettion, it waa necessary, tn order tuavoid boing struck by the bars of thparallel motion, to xvnlt until th on.

took her down stroke, nnd then vaultfin. the rail tu the top of tbe cylindercover, before abe came up again. Taking a,

apanner, to screw down the gland, Angormawaited tho proper moment, and vaulle--lover tb rail; but at that Instant th aluptook A heavier roll than ordinary, hit foolellpped on th rratr. sloping surfact of thifalsa cover, anil be had tbe narrowestcape possible from being precipitated head-long among lb. working iiarta of th. ma-chinery, lie saved himself luit In time bycatobiug bold of tb. cylinder cro head :but tbla crosa-hca- worked up to within halan Inch of one of the deck beams ; and b--

for. h. oould withdraw bla band th. twowere nearlr olos. together; th. smallestconceivable space of time longer, and bithand would have been crusbod betweentbem such closo work waa lt, Indeed, th.ilha actually felt th aqueoie, and th. ski,wat rod with the pressure.

I know I waa terribly frightened, andstartod up palo and horror-struo- ; but An.gove finished bis work coolly, vaulted outagain over the roll, and aeated himself aluiy aide, a little pale, but perfctly calm andalf poaed, and stnoktd away hit tegarat If nothing had happened,

"My dear fellow, I cried, "what nar-ro-

oscapo I I thought It xvat all over withyou."

" Ye, Indeed," he aald, "It wat olottwork) "Jut, thank ( ii all right. Avery email fraction of a second longer,'1looking at his band, "and ruy power of g

hammer and child wouldn't have been,of much account."

We eat for some minutes without .peak-ing both, no doubt, meditating oa wbalhad occurred, and then, full of tho subjoin1 said

'It must b very dangerous work-goin- g

about tho eugines Iu roally baiweather I""'a, it l,"h aid, "aspeclally in soint

engine-room- Hourly as Ind, 1 think, aa ilis tur the sailor to go aloft, Hut 1 havtalxxats btien xery fortunate."

'lhilyou neicr meet xxilb an accident I

I asked."No," he replied i "hut I waa very nat

on once a wura onu jn'rhttpt tbtuoiuiithi would havo been and yet it wat nolexactly an accl'lout either."

" ix hat was It, I lion I" I asked." Well," bo said, "It is a aubject on nhir-i- i

I don't much like to apeak t and, indeed, '1have never told thn wbolo tor3r in anr o;but I think a eutiicleully lone timo Tia nml 1 may aa well glxa ittoyo'isliiieyim are pleated to say joti Ilk. heartlug my little atlveulurea."

'It was many x cart ago when thn n

xtcm nttraelingon-ry-biidy'-

attention, that 1 xxeiit out as thirdnginertif a steamer (rum I'.tiiamit to.h.irt

Krnnrlacn. I liked the cupluln very nnich,and 1 bad known him by eight bofor.-- ithough he didn't know int'i for a short tlmprvioulv bo had itwrl limes cum onboard n 'ship to xxhlrh 1 then belonged alNew York, tn f ll"-- ' captain, who wua s

friend ol hi. One or twice he bad broughtoil bl xxlfu nnd lltllo daughter xxith hbn --autlia ewiet l.idr liko itiuiig woman, andaurh a dear lilllo giil'l rrcollort takingtbeui doxxu our nml lioxviug them th on k

and th I nlv appeared ao fund uf hoif;ini 1 wondered how he could lo.ivitbem to com uu thi sintion, In tbnt hvtliMttime of gold seeking Our thief cngiiiiwrlou, was a gutnl sort uf in in, and one whrkuexx hit xxurk xxt'll , the net oud wasn't .had felloxr either, though ton foud of bitglass , but tb rest of the olllcr and croww ere uot t shipmate. 1 h ablp wasnot a oomfiirtiiblo on tu mo in auy respect,and 1 nuon determined that my tint voyagein her ihould be my last, thoiuh we hadlint rate xvage tu induce ua to at til. by theahlp at iNin r'rancisco, aud not ruu uxxay ta

! t'ae poM diggings.I " We urnvuil out safely, without any ad

venture , but had to wuit a long tlintthere before we could aall on our homewardvoyage. Notxrithttiindlng all precaution,a great many of our crew run aw-iv-

, and itwaa impossible to replace tbem . indeed, theharbor wa full of hlp lying melon tborjfur want uf rrnwn to take tbem awuy )U'wo bad alto auothrr lost, and a great-- 0

iu our chief engineer. He bad beenou tbe voyage out, and ho died, poor Hi, fuwhilst w. were lying In tho liarbui"r 'second was uot exactly the person tncharge of the engines, being, as I banrather too fund of drink, aud tbe ,we heard, wat trying all b. could do'ssum. one In our chief's plait. Macpheithe second, wat of course very Indiana,at this but ao it wat.

"I abould think we must have been n,uittwo months at San V'ranclaco before wawere ready to a til again for you mutt un.tlersland that xv. were not a regular packeton tbe station, but bad been Ipeoiaily char,tered for the voyage out antl we thoughtthat we were going after all without anynow chief engineer. We, in the engineroom, were pleuand at this, for Mncpbortoawas a good sort of fellow enough, exceptfur that fault which I hut. mentioned, anda lint-rat- workman ; but on the very laaiday before Bailing, th. rapt-iiu-

, uf whomvxe had seen but little fur some time past,rime mi board xvitli a perton whom Im In.Irii'liiftil tu the ougiuo rou m hand it Ihjitnow vbief

r ''.' r,j i' t