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rioberl V. Vacher 2238 Selby Ave. "oJ Angeles, CA 90064-2028 P 1 vl/lc-003(,

P vl/lc-003(,P1vl/lc-003(, June 17, 2008 City Clerk 200 North Spring Street, Room 395 Los Angeles, CA. 90012 PROTEST APN: 10159 Stagg St Re: Proposed Solid Resources Fee Comments ,

Feb 18, 2021



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  • rioberl V. Vacher2238 Selby Ave.

    "oJ Angeles, CA 90064-2028


  • June 17, 2008

    City Clerk200 North Spring Street, Room 395Los Angeles, CA. 90012

    PROTESTAPN: 10159 Stagg St

    Re: Proposed Solid Resources Fee

    Comments , .

    Are you out of your minds???

    I vote NO and I expect you to support me onthis.

    Gas is at $4.50+ a gallon and you want $10.32MORE a month to take my solid waste away?Another bureaucratic gouging or what!

    I want to know how much the city is makingon the recycling program that was supposedto keep our costs down.

    Sincerely and Adamantly,~ "" (")

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  • June 16, 2008

    William Meyerchak458 N. Spaulding AvenueLos Angeles CA 90036

    Los Angeles City CouncilJohn Ferraro Council Chamber, Rm. 340City Hall200 N. Spring StreetLos Angeles CA 90012


    Re: Proposed Solid Resources Fee

    Dear City Council Members:

    I am a long-time resident of our city, and I am writing to express my concern about therecent discussion and the pending decision to the Proposed Solid Resources Fee. Iunderstand that the decision is being considered to cover the full cost of providing refuseservice to the City of Los Angeles.

    However, I do not believe that increasing fees is the best decision. Consider: High profititems that are collected from the city of Los Angeles's blue bins are stolen and nevermake it to the city processing center. High profit items, such as aluminum, glass andplastic are being taken illegally. These blue bins have become profit centers for a newbred of criminal. These criminals steal from the city every week; the profits could reducethe Solid Resources Fee.

    I would like to see the City Council Members propose an investigation into the missingcity funds due to grand theft before issuing any fee increase.

    The Solid Resources Fee could be reduced. I am looking forward to your no fee increasevote and proposing an investigation into the theft of profitable recyclable items.


    ~-4-William Meyerchak

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  • June 16, 2008 PROTEST"City Clerk200 North Spring St., Rm. 395Los Angeles, CA 90012

    Dear Sir or Madam:

    I would like to express my objection to the current proposed solid resources fee increase.

    Before increasing fees, I never hear about increasing productivity or cutbacks in youroperations. I question the efficiency of your operation. Before you increase rates, youshould first look at reducing your current operating costs and make sure you are runningat maximum efficiency.

    You do not have shareholders whom you are responsible to. However you should havethis same attitude when dealing with taxpayers.

    Simple facts about your operating costs need to be justified; you should reduce expenses,not just pass on your proposed increases.

    By way of example, when you switched to the automated system you reduced employeesand made pick up faster. You reduced cost. Where is the savings from this, I saw noreduction in fees?

    Also you have increased your revenue sources. I now pay for renting my trashcansmonthly. Before I would just buy a trash can and it would last for many years. Here is ahidden cost increase, which you have not explained or justified.

    The basic purpose of this letter is to say it is not ok to keep putting through increases. Ibelieve your operations should have greater scrutiny and before any further increases areallowed, you must justify that you are operating at the cheapest and most efficientmanner.

    I certainly hope you are not taking cost savings and using them in other areas of the citybudget! !!!!

    Thank you,

    ~J:~Robert F. Zinser211 Venice WayVenice, Ca. 90291

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  • Monday, June 16,2008 PROTESTThe Los Angeles City Councilclo The City ClerkSanitation Department of Public Works200 North Spring Street, Room 395Los Angeles, CA 90012



    Re: Public Hearing Tuesday, July 29,2008 at 10:00 a.m. in the John Ferraro CouncilChamber, Rm. 340, City Hall, 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012.

    To The City Counsel

    You have stated in your mailed out notice, you are going to raise the recycling ratesagain, however if you take action now which is explained below, you will actually cut therates significantly. Over ten million dollars a year of just aluminum and glass are stolenfrom the Blue Recycling Bins every year. After the recycle bins are put out on the street,local residents and out-of-towners go down the streets every day and night with grocerycarts and in pickup trucks; they steal the recyclable materials from right under your nosesand nobody does a thing about it. The police don't care about the losses and neither doyou or you would have put a stop to these acts years ago. There have been numerouscomplaints to your offices and the police over the years but nothing is ever been done toaddress the issue. Iu the last ten years the city has lost in excess of $100,000,000 in theft,and it is time this is stopped immediately. Start arresting the perpetrators and givingthem fines, not only will you save ten million dollars per year but recoup millions infines.

    If you overlook this matter and raise the rates, then it is time the public holds theDepartment of Public Works and Bureau of Sanitation responsible for its actions.

    John Q. PublicClass Action


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  • Martin OlinickAttorney at Law

    24592 Indian Hill LaneWest Hills, CA 91307

    Phone: Office 323-956-5207Email:[email protected]

    June 16,2008

    City Clerk200 North Spring St., RM 395Los Angeles, CA 90012


    RE: Proposed Solid Resources Fee

    To Whom It May Concern:

    We are already taxed beyond our ability to pay. The additional sums you wish to tack onto the fees which we already pay are huge. The first step should be a full evaluation ofthe possible waste and inefficiency that may have led to ever increasing fees. Until weare convinced that the additional fees are needed urgently, I recommend you not imposethese additional burdens on people already suffering from very high, food, gas and othercosts.

    It is time to enlist savings within the sanitation area before going to the spigot again.Please do not allow this increase.


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  • DOUGLAS BUTLER28441 Highridge Road Suite 303Rolling Hills Estates CA 90274

    310 265-9999 office310 377-9522 home

    June 15, 2008

    City Clerk200 North Spring StreetRm 395Los Angeles, CA 90012 PROTESTre: Protest of Proposed Solid Resource Fee

    Parcel # 4255-007-0272884 Dunleer Place

    Dear Sirs:

    This letter is a written protest of the proposed Solid ResourceFee.

    Sincerely, .~ ~

    ~~-DOUGLAS BUTLERProperty Owner


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  • DOUGLAS BUTLER28441 Highridge Road Suite 303Rolling Hills Estates CA 90274

    310 265-9999 office310 377-9522 home

    June 15, 2008

    City Clerk200 North Spring StreetRm 395Los Angeles, CA 90012 PROTESTre: Protest of Proposed Solid Resource Fee

    Parcel # 4401-022-01411663 Gorham Ave(13 unit apartment)


    Dear Sirs:

    This letter is a written protest of the proposed Solid ResourceFee. This protest is on behalf of the owners and the tenants.

    Sincerely, ~ ~ ..

    ~." ~~~DOUGLAS BUTLERProperty Owner

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  • , .bOUGLAS BUTLER28441 Highridge Road Suite 303Rolling Hills Estates CA 90274

    310 265-9999 office310 377-9522 home

    June 15, 2008

    City Clerk200 North Spring StreetRID 395Los Angeles, CA 90012 PROTESTre: Protest of Proposed Solid Resource Fee

    4407 003 0021487 Allenford AveLos Angeles CA 90049 COPIES SENT TO ALL


    Dear Sirs:

    This letter is a written protest of the proposed Solid ResourceFee.


    ~"'.f>'~DOUGLAS BUTLERProperty Owner


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  • DOUGLAS BUTLER ~ t:6/:1-0~f'28441 Highridge Road Suite 303Rolling Hills Estates CA 90274

    310 265-9999 office310 377-9522 home

    June 15, 2008

    City Clerk200 North Spring StreetRm 395Los Angeles, CA 90012 PROTESTre: Protest of Proposed Solid Resource Fee

    Parcel # 4267 032 01212304 Rochester AveLos Angeles CA 90025

    11 unit apartment


    Dear Sirs:

    This letter is a written protest of the proposed Solid ResourceFee. This protest is on behalf of the owners and the tenants.


    DOUGLAS BUTLERProperty Owner


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  • DOUGLAS BUTLER28441 Highridge Road Suite 303Rolling Hills Estates CA 90274

    310 265-9999 office310 377-9522 home

    June 15, 2008

    City Clerk200 North Spring StreetRm 395Los Angeles, CA 90012 PROTESTre: Protest of Proposed Solid Resource Fee

    Parcel # 4320 013 03610573-81 ~ W Pico BlvdLos Angeles CA 90064

    Dear Sirs:

    This letter is a written protest of the proposed Solid ResourceFee. This protest is on behalf of the owners and the tenants.

    DOUGLAS BUTLERProperty Owner

  • ~~ O,._{)~~~28441 Highridge Road Suite 303Rolling Hills Estates CA 90274

    310 265-9999 office310 377-9522 home


    June 15, 2008

    City Clerk200 North Spring StreetRrn 395Los Angeles, CA 90012 PROTESTre: Protest of Proposed Solid Resource Fee

    Parcel # 4527-007-05311811 Radio

    Dear Sirs:

    This letter is a written protest of the proposed Solid ResourceFee.


    ~;B~Property Owner

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  • PROTES'-June 13, 2008

    City Clerk200 North Spring Street, Room 395Los Angeles, California 90012


    APN: 6088016025

    To Whom It May Concern:

    I received a letter from the City of Los Angeles Sanitation Department of Public Worksinforming us (my husband and I) of a proposed increase in solid waste collection whichwe strongly oppose.

    As a home-owner of seven years with the understanding of approximately 750,000households being serviced, the City of Los Angeles is making it impossible to live in LosAngeles; we just received a 2% increase in property taxes. We have reviewed the currentfee schedule gradual rise in fee July 1,2008 - $26 and July 1,2009 - $28. But topropose a monthly fee schedule July 1, 2008 - $26 to September 1 - $36.32 one has notconsidered the homeowners income, particularly us.

    We strongly oppose the increase fee and ask someone to consider the homeownersincome that may not increase 2% annually.

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    PROTES"Ti' y(Lofo5~!) ~ OLI1) R~sourt(eS _~~e-June 12 2008 ~. ......,.....'''-.~..:=- 1~-o:t1', COPIE" "l'NT TO ALL - P 10

    cOUt" -. MEMBERS

    I received a notice of yet ariotherpro'posed fee increase.This time LA Public Works wants to raise the monthlySolid Resource fee from $26.00 to $36.32. This is anoutrageous increase of over 39%. It is even more appallingwhen you consider that the fees were just recently raisedand even more offensive when you consider that there isalready a proposed $2.00 fee increase scheduled to takeeffect on July 1,2009.

    Piling a third fee increase on top of another secondary feeincrease is so "flipping" unconscionable that I can onlyhope that there are other Los Angelinos out there who willvote you fat beaurocrats out of office for squandering ourtax dollars and ripping us decent people off.

    I'd love to be able to drive down to City Hall and expressmy utmost displeasure with freaking words, however theOil Companies have made that pleasure impossible.

    So go ahead and place your little tally mark in the NOcolumn for me taking my time to write you this letter.

    Thanks for nothing thieves, for your lack of ethics, moralsand principles,

    \ Q\ -

  • 0'1-\/:vI i7224 Bouquet DriveWest Hills, CA 9130707 June 2008

    City Clerk200 North Spring St.Room 395, City HallLos Angeles, CA 90012

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  • 7224 Bouquet DriveWest Hills, CA 91307

    07 January 08DEPT of WATER & POWERATTN: LIDP ROOM L63PO BOX 515407Los Angeles, CA 90051-6707

    REF: Acct. #3-19-11729-07224-00-0000-0-01Ltr's to Bureau of Sanitation - dtd. 17 Oct & 17 Dec 07

    SUBJ: No Response to my LETTERS to the Sanitation Dept.WHAT CAN I DO?

    Dear Supervisor - Low Income Discount Program

    Can You Please Help the Old Folks? Attached please find the letters I have written to the Dept. ofSanitation. As of this date I have had NO reply from the Bureau of Sanitation Solid Resources asto why they must bill the old folks who own homes, but do not want or use their service (or use itvery little) to justify the enormously high fee they charge for their trash recycling service. Example

    . last month I paid $52 for Solid Resources Fee & $33 for the rest of my bill. NOT FAIR

    Obviously they have the law on their side by the City Council allowing the Sanitation Dept theright to bill homeowners directly (the fee the City of LA was paying to them) without giving anyconsideration to the poor old folks living on a very small fixed income. At a minimum the CityCouncil should have allowed a discount like that which is offered by the Dept of Power & Water,but nobody gives a damm about seniors, take their money & let them die in poverty.

    Now I am writing to you in behalf of these seniors to see if there is any HELP; since your Programfor DWP helps us very much & since the Trash Collectors receive their money thru DWP maybeyou might have an answer for me. Being a retired old I1lJlIl, I can ill afford the Dept of Sanitation'sluxury; especially when they have a way of finding markets that will buy their trash and make aprofit - (Note: The Worlds RICHES LADY in China made her wealth collecting some one else'sTRASH). Why can't the Sanitation Dept do the same? - Easier to take our money!

    All I can do is ask of you to check into and see if :1. Is there anything presently which will enable us to receive a discount on Resource Fee?2. Is your management currently seeking to give seniors a discount like DW &P gives?3 Is there any senior group petitioning City Council for relief on this TAX (Fee)?Thanking you in advance for handling my request & questions & can you please write to me onthe three questions above - Thanks Again



  • SECOND NOTICE7224 Bouquet DriveWest Hills, CA 9130717 DEC 2007

    Bureau of SanitationATTN: Solid Resources Dept.1149 South Broadway StreetLos Angles, CA 90015REF:Account #3-19-11729-07224-00-0000-0-01 Bureau of Sanitation-dtd.17 Oct. 2007SUBJ: Request STOPPAGE of SOLID RESOURCES SERVICES & FEE

    Based on "I DO NOT USE YOUR SERVICES"Dear Service Supervisor

    Attached PLEASE find a copy of my first letter written to requestSTOPPAGE of the "SOLID RESOURCES SERVICES & FEE", based on the factthat "I DO NOT USE YOUR SERVICE" ,therefore why should I pay for it.

    To date, I have had NO response to my first request, and thisridiculous Solid Resource Fee continues to rise: I wish my pensiondid the same. Last year (2006) I paid $11.00 per month and now youwant me to pay $26.00 per month for a service I do not use; thatis utterly ridiculous.

    Therefore; to obtain your ATTENTION, I am refusing to pay your$52.00 for your Solid Resources Fee. I want this TRASH servicediscontinued immediately, I also want you to stop billing my DWP.Please pick up your trash cans that are cluttering my property.

    Being a retired old man, I can ill afford your luxury, but youhave me in a "Catch-ten position of being caught between a rock & ahard stone by continuing billing me and not responding to my request.All I can ask is your justice and Thank You in advance for handlingmy request.

    Sincerely & Merry Christmas

    ~~Thomas F, Sanna

  • 7224 Bouquet Drive~est Hills, CA 9130717 October 2007

    Bureau of SanitationATTN: SOLID RESOURCES Dept.433 South Spring StreetLos Angeles, CA 90013

    REF: Account # 3-19-11729-07224-00-0000-01Attached LADW&P Invoice for PAYMENT


    Dear Service Representative:Attached please find my receipt for my LAD~P & SANITATION Invoice

    reflecting the payment for the ridiculous increase in the SOLIDRESOURCES FEE going from $11.00 per month in 2006 to $24.00 per monthin 2007. In light of this drastic increase charge, I therefore DEMANDyou discontinue your service to my Residence.


    Therefore, why should I pay for something I neither use nor have a needfor.I am 75 years of age; on a fixed income that does NOT increase at myconvenience. nor does it give me a cost of living increase.Since you just arbitrarily increase your fee based on an agreement withthe City Council without asking if I want or need the service. thenPLEASE discontinue this service to my residence by picking up yourTrash Cans from my home. And PLEASE DO NOT INVOICE my D¥P Statementfor a service I DO NOT USE!Respectfully

    Mr. Thomas F. Sanna

  • 200 North Spring Street.

    To: city clerk

    Room 395,

    los angeles, ca 90012

    Assessors parcel number: 14957 minnehaha street.COPIES SENT TO A~~COUNCIL M!!MBERS.........----,---_..J

    Proposed Solid Resources Fee

    As far as we know, we cant put e-waste or hazardous waste into our trash cans you provide. You want

    more taxes but don't provide a trash can for e-waste or engine oils and paints and solvents. If the Public

    works department needs to cover the full cost (how have they been doing it so far?), they can get it

    from the DWP's transfer of monies to the city's budget. With aprox, 750,000 households and this

    number increasing every year, more property taxes are confiscated than in any previous year. Politicians

    still don't have enough. They overspend and blame all the households in los angeles. Democrat tax and

    spenders make us sick too. So don't raise any fees, or rates on fees. Spend your monies we give you,

    and when you have spent it all, simply take some from your own bank accounts, or even the United

    Nations. They have billions of our tax dollars they should be willing to give you. They got the money

    from the federal government to use for humanitarian purposes and to help all nations with their needs

    and problems. We don't want any increase in fees and don't deserve it either. You nave to use the dwp's

    money they transfer to the city, or spend less, or take from the United Nations Funds or from property

    taxes already in place and from future homes being built, or even George (sorry ass) Sorros, or maybe

    from the sierra club or any other radical green group into helping our environments.


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    U.S. POSTAGE PAl, DLos Angeles, CAPermit No. 12932





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