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p T s iated Ipositsin] |55eTr»dIo»ctiv8 m inerals/' th in . deparimenl news uvn iDproprintion* for the cu: the bulk of it for reclan S of potential radioacUve 1 -------- carried out f _ . ersT commij Suppoit I .-Drtrtcf ^ A DOOSl' ln« »n •Bfrejal tnd 17 pita hM Incentive In i I m from 3C [O '*. Oct. II *A-Th« y»rtj.ihawpro JJrtoMi lodiy »n- poru«*ourees -tf*«ee.roolr<’» -* a ." ____ ,\l o cenlJ » pound Thft report dl W clip, op Uon. bui bureau .ittrl luppoft price. h»»e been drill pric«”-whlcli lft-Ui»K»lIer« a ta po^eri In the mcIinuUon per |l«,907.7K rtsivMlpxritrprJi^^- Ritdician ot Im U poInU from the ij,e lu t rUcil J nrwlmum »1' peadllure* wUt: which Wll Th* U rgat »1 ml ttauutM oy wool 57^ ,pf PilUid oWJiM. --- ------brtaf-Uie-eMU atl uld the «3 eentj 51 p „ cent ol i •jSfljiaiUmuUleprtt- will ipenC f Hire* hundred mil* North Bldo pujr (■wt * yeir. U.aUo MlnidoU projei i.ji-wnsl»tenl’''will> lor BflM'ftcreJT lUrt/f receipt »hlch ^ 0,^ eurren' ^j0.iniUl{Lper zul.Cuiht.-Uo b«itr«r»«“«pro* drum pr«lrle »; Jjiwdred BilUlon u,e juoulrum iuinuilly. Wool pro. tMUjaUon* wlU It ptr etnt from 18«3, wood project, tt It jKiut S30 million aumed oa Ihb Medicine Lodse ■»iif Inctnllre price willo* creek pn t,» pcuBd-or.Sl per other-dep»rti r a l mohair parity, ji^ho Indu. MUtloD. U ld hU or- to.hear pr.ihe ioi'.|jw^a:-bu »{Rmr» vlU M w teo:-BonneyUi» Ej eut that 4ii pri- <nj|'major aln I u IntenllT* price .ppjopruuon, ll . o t work on Ihe Illul the grower muit mttgraie tiialpi a ibi open muket, the Columbia rl' U ended.*all ot the ._ B .aptist lir Ul* averase price y (tl the dltrerence’ be- JU rO lJ cmli and Ihe fll cenU nr cerlprosram. M il I ismrt lhat (he aup- SIM Irora U rllti on jehoME. Ocl ^^thedepartmentU [‘uTroc’S " bxtT where lorelsn p,r,i jj»p. '’7 * ' « m. Thursday. member* of Iht churthu In.the nPi»w»ii expected to atu O il IC C Featured ipei _ _ Aaron Webber. »TAl*m/»fl for Uie AmerK / XV/i lllly U . mlialon loclety.' 1 .A . .| ber hai headquai r ju s iiiie d !i^rrn''wc?to’‘' fos*. o c . la Mv-sen. ]." r :iuld ‘oday thcre-U Utoiltf. ahoruge to C, 1, taM Americans Uo nlnety-lhree million put tlsht monthi, ^ litid nepubllcan ll “ creury: Dr. C. fnnc banklne «ub- ^ a them teutui uf'iTi U-dlflicult to believe 4l* ?, iicrlcu were Jiutlfled il luncUonlns nl »up- DarreU Matki, I =>M In ihc rnnrWrt ' ih'p *ubcommiuee BiflSt TC! Kilns* lo this tjrect ^idt«n,mlMilon-U«------ U H '6 M uchanse «iih lllcKai he teller !’.\‘'-=hI?snmbuied non-*nd-{lr«-o. - 'd .^n«umiai-,n.- ihe cjUblbhmei llrmj which are ^— Tlie wllneu w L iiL S ta te _ S tS '.,tV ,', ortedJPoor’ — S“ ”'' - 15 i.P-Irtr>ho r.n»r^ •'fl Uirir poortii OcL 0P*f*l0f» of Ui< >;-ce 190 uic u fl ■ ‘''I cold- 6tor. 'f'srlculiure laid iT: “• ofpmi »nd-Kall c«apanM«4ai; * MrOi and p«ria‘ of They claim the •r?»fn_ie4Uoii,_bui nitlljy.a fire a .’"T dry In Aouihern * « explosion. ' firm wai nesllfi “ •“.•es »nd fifiij Unk. fert.-but 11---------------------- }>^« Uvesinck wrmld T l T f'cdinn C oy Inj inl)W Tumli AH-nTeS-iii I * ' C^y:-^l*r-61nmese brulsed-Jace -whe ^ t v^ '^ Ii.4 rrniErrcarTBtjf * *‘ter Sfpsn. mile* per hour, Sta- father, o u Cooi _ R in i om W t M ^ p , OtHcIa) Cllr Coviitr id fo r mium H i Idah o uer dcpoaita invcBtL ior. m the paet year '' fhe department re- ews release showing current fiscal year ve placer areas were for the atomic en- imisslon in Jdaho aa Montana," the- -re* Seren depo«|u were teal* } :chuni drliriioler-hav; regale lenity of ft.BOO feet I haring a toUil depth of f these deposlti, rulfflng orao'td'TD-mnilon cubic r promlie ot becomUik im- irces of radlMcUve mloer- <ri~dld'not give'tho loca- ■reau of mines field crewi drilling urarjium clalmJ sjrm i ihU iummer. --------- rlTn wrti of ion approprUtlona t«- ‘ '*“'‘“5 » J7.78J. Howerer. with the »»**» ' Yundi.cirrfed orer troat Cll year, recliunfttloa tt- wm total 119,709.318. 'T k 1 at ainxlo item lillM M ,. t\ A fin lU a^ dam which will i V vl/U J Mitem Idaho-project, to • ------ —- — , of compleUon. The bu- ') Tiend iliJ5ifl7-cn--the ' ----------- !<' pumping dtvUlon of the JLF irolect .to BroTidi water m ----------------- -------- rrent fiscal year, the re- Pormer Dci dranced plaanlns-wlll be publican—and on the newly authorls^ the Chinese ci ,4louolaiir^om«,4Uth- saincd.a_livr( le aod rehibuiuuon of reformers” af ’i5 .,a a ; „ g 'g ; S ; 'i»rtoehin.. ;t. and be initiated or re- the LltUe Wood river. odge. NorUx Bench and m nO CC ] k proJeoU. partaient appropriations T a IPtif nclude: Bureau ot land IS JQ illl it,tS03.&00;.bure<u.o£.lc. .. . I968.0M; geological lur- ); fbh and wUdUfB lenr- 1 6 x 11] .W h S o ™ , ..•odMl(*irpiir**»c^ wpwt -.. pleaded Innoceii r alngle Jletn In ,th* PwJu^. Indlctm in, lliald. la continuation with lying when the Albenl falls loop lo Ing the eommunl al project vlth otheri in red Interest!, la river iy*i«m. Ultlmore ente =_L—_— - '- _______ prri£ned_bclart. . , lltha J. Law* wh ISt u latC tenUtlve trial tlnued the «,000 y^ - . - , Attomey* for I Thursday S ‘" ^ The new indlcl Ocl. II-T he 4Uh an- by a federal gn Uon of the Central Bap- lunnlemcnl.'i - a 1 Jon will te held at Je- „iurne(J «Rains BapUsi church a t B:15 j^hni Hopklni [day. Approximately 350 #„;! one-time sta ' Ihe American BapUil ,uiunt in Decen ,. the Masle Valley are ^he attend the convenUon. ij,e Mven counts speaker «lll be Rev. menl. ber. general missionary gt^_ p Tierican BaptlJt home inHirt-,., ety. The Ilev. Mr. Web- . Iquarten at Rio Pledras, and-heada ihe only mil- irto Rico lhat prepares Til?, lervlce In the United “iV "!" U reapcnjlble-Jor <7 1th 13J preaching lU - «"• «ker* «t »ie convention uce*departme'ni i D. W. Dodion. execuUve ^ ^ju, it,e jive r tr. C. L..D«8KS, director y ,, qij indletmei m: the Rev. Allan And- ________ tor of Christian educa- , w , lev..Sara, Enjliah,..dl- V V a tp r 1.11 ■mma-nramryxlTOTchesr w Slemers. president of 1{o|'|<|pf< Sapllil convenUon. and kl, Portland. SALT LAKE t ___j;_ Tlie w^Mt;* water restim ony S 'K S J 1. • i Uie next 20 ycari ered m w»urt u-i 19 in_* v«iiiniMr ®- deparimenl ol S m “» w ii'c s i ”:, limeriU"omwo-Jercme ano-iano-manai are lUlnit for dnmagea. “'* d*P»C«"fn‘. ss wai Alfred Hall, op- "Water Is cne i n.clertrle *nop In. Je- ton boUi In Indi -Bilgas,~a~^n*UucUon wral-developmar Ifled to *ubstanllally the we.1l." Dr. Johr.i< ............................... - And-iiB predic ratt and D. K. Henry, tenUon should be r'Uie Hlfhway Market few yeati to dev Storage company, and provement ot la atho’n T)'ler. operator* Irrigation. Kalle'sT3onufih6p.-«rr--------- -------- ' 5 Gft.1 a n d Appliance RADATl TA I., f f ^ - ~ i _BDiaE_DtL— I Ihelr storea were dam- of Idaho re caustd-bj-a-propane forraMy-.iMu^i in. They .,conlend the a demonslrallo:! esUcent In installing a checking devbe : highway 30 «ast njuted Only Slighi nbleFromCaronI i r - o i r T ' i l i n ^ l s “ l» y T1V4 ic d d e n t occ I a lacerated knee and No.. 30 , five mil when-he-fe»i-from hU Falli -9unday-nl :StJngrdfltehT*l»DT-«5 wiaiTyennirTnpi lour, 11 waa reporUd Jurlei wera not i CrooperwBspai! Ichii were required to iti »edan-dflven 1 In the right knee cf 40. fipokane. The Cooper. He fell to the ^ the rear door, m th# back aeat ot a the.ftotl. and Ih laker driven "by hi* door, -dragging h Cooper. <15 S m street. (Cmukiw •» r TWIN FAI z, :r WallsJComel tn of tho MlUni-hBtel and Uvtnntoni di log a raging (lr« which wiped eat thrta I tha damage as Itlgh aa »W,0OC. ThU ph P-w^pb»to> - _ ______________ __ ;um Blast Fii By Taylor or -----------------By The A»aocUlM-Tr«M------ r Democratic Sen. Glen Taylor sa; -and not'he—who first came up wl ;sB communists are a peaceful lot. I-B-DemocrfltlcTallrln'Mccainiist'n —ivronff-imprGS3ion^that_tha_rcd3 »■' after reading a book by a.Bepu lina. Republican State Chairmart V ---------------------------^ ’l charged -that T>l.rvNn. senate candid c e n t r lea sen the natio , , , of the comm iiilerea m ' Hj'cMiims-e whether or m rjury Case '"^“yrSf.S -J . ... J --------------- -— he-aald-liat-” OTON, OcU--J3-«^-yto »ronff-imDraulo epert Owen XatUaK* great j noceiil oday to a new yeacUon, th t He dicunent charging him jey," when hs denied follow- jjr H imunist Une or promoUng Americans -in 1 ^ conununists are ! entered the plea when munuta: they ar rlanLTederiLJudjBJBfti eraMqjffiMiEl^ vt who set Jan. 10 as the “ Btn. HerirTc: U-lal date Lawi con- Ucan candidate «,000 bond sel under an clment. running ag II- c. Uck«- “I" IMn iirtminr.hrl-----------cuflllg i gflVdHti I for LalUmore have 50 * milllonj ch to file motions In Uie i,„t>er m Idaho. ■' . ^ He said in Em indictment wai.relumed efforts by Budi »1 grand jury Oct. T It „ m re „ had brt s-a.prejury.Indictment mllllon-aollar ai igalnst -the 64-year-old ceas roads lo dlse kins University lecturer ,nd Payette nat ne state department eon- The farm poll' Dtcemtxr, I9S2. - Agriculture Bea W had Uirown out two of payers and fan :ounu In the old Indict- year' than the e progran on alf o em From Proba ic « .tl.»«4 «» : iclmenU atem Irom Lat- _ _ irathon tesUmony before u a i * m S Internal aecurlty sub- 1 a llll J Jiirinrirri953invMtIin- — = — pTTT Institute of Paelflc Ite- Iq W /t|| e commltiee wa* headed A S 0 1 ./1J Sen. Pat MeCarran, D-. _ i,>.u iuJLti.i.-..i r I in the courls.-the Jus- DEKVm. Ocl. nent plana to con.wiida e ^,,1 congresslona five remaining counts in admlnlstrat IctmenU t«nn program-? -----------------------a major addreas Limit Seen ie rlo rW e s t^ S j >KE ClTV; Oct. 13 W^- be "non-parUxar w_ater sliortage probably *J>pe«l_for_ele and fl^opm enl liTlhe candlditea'' foe c und five' mlUlon acres In 3^ Aaslslant years.. , „ Murray Snyder lan r .Tfihnsnn flr.the-D. enl of BBrlculture made »ouij purchase t Ion yesterday In a talk to gel ElK » of the nation’* county tj,e farm progra BBtnts. Johnson Is farrn Amcrlcan_val£a. nanagement dlr«lor o t, , . jj nsnt. GOP leaders one of the llmlUng fac- (arm belt area re 1 Industrial and agrlcul- urging the Prea )pmant-ln-much- of-the maJor-addrMi-li Johrjvon said. ' - effort to spur th iredfctcd that more .*»- lo.keep controJ ild be given In Uie next Nov. a elections, o development and Im- But Snyder rep ot land already under out explanation Inevitable polltlci ' - - hower'e-lndlanai It PATROLS SET . although he did 1 :>CL-13_lR=gfdar paj_ ilsnXlMITLDtCC Idaho highways will be issue. i»Ugurated_rxldiy_wlUl---------G f«o ji'l rallort-of - the apeed- urinnbiJH^ :vbe by aUte police on buu„ unlvenlty east of BoUe. sponaored bv Uie --------------------- - ot Animal Agrlc 1 -I lhal the organlx »htly in f-rs 1 an Invitation b) n Highway it occurred-on-hlghway farm aad-Iood p 5 mllej .west Jif Twin Flexlblllt ly-nlght'.—Mrs. Cooper —TlieriHmiidita r~Tnohimt^e'feor^~fa»~ provtd-br-wmiert not lerloui... -• *l6c». prOVlaea“ f0t s passing a W 9 Chevro- «f P«r cent ot p iven by Oliver BraaUn. ..The Cooper boy open- «^W e aupporti. door, which opens from Parity ii a- fo tld.the. wind caught toe »W re_J^rmeo_ Ing him trom the car. ihelr crojM in re t .a Th * 1. U*>a » ^ FALLS, IDAHO, TUESDAY. OC P; T lim tiling-B fm il ins drygoodi store at» shown a» .Ihay < irea boaluaaea aad a hotel at WlehiU F Is photo was tak*n by amateur pbotogn ^ired Probe ?n :^S r nayfl it wnn a Ac- aioux-PAt ,pwithlh»lde»th«t-l3^»^h™*. fatW nW l “H51rsil i S l S a red3-were_i‘agrarian m J iwubm k Scpublicair.mijma, H 'fffLf’S m W y Burn, hnd 'C voX to that the -Democratic accept the re ndidate had'tried to lation on the merits went int .mmiinlgt. Jn 1948. ensed him to aay pruoners his or not he.favors ad- with the wardi )f-Communist China O'® norod the challenge, but Jameson aald t iat-"lhe-*ource of-my cUlon-untU-G realon w u non* other arrlTea. The e re*t pillar of Republlcaa en route ta-Bli it Hon. Patrick J, Hur- by automobile. As an cvlden if. Hurley who Informed the inmates : .In hb book lhat 'the three ruardi. : 1 are not in fact..eom- "We are tun ey aro atrlving for demo- so you can sei :lplei.' " Taylor Mid. he can tell yo ry C. Dworahak.TltpmP fishT,“ sald'Fl dale for reelectlon. uys term prisoner p,.jUm«r Budge, whoOi nan-for the i a Ernroett yalerday Uiat .^^h® prisoner Budge and himself In w*rden at ,d brought about a four- weasman, prej ar approprUlloh'^for^ac; »usscstieni,.bu Ddiseased Umber in Boise m and-for an t naUonal foresta. tlon of pHson . I policies of SecreUry of The rlol eipl Benson "will cost Ux- p. m. last nigh I farmers more In one Just as the prl the entlr# price support Uielr evening i alf commodJUes h u cast Tear ga< «'< r u t 1. CtiiB*'«') prisoners from ----------------------- Ihe cell block;' c __during the nig I ppeecli About 7:16 ch ed u led I Just before __ brought DeYoi ^E iu jsid iajliS S S t: islonal campaign Issue— .„_,m i.i,, S-» “■ lr«4s by President Elsen- ______ idlanapolls Friday night. _ — _ er WhlU House late yes- ] V l r » i i l| niewsmeh Cewiu kbout \J il'i plans for th# speech _ _ 1—over and over- will 1?^,, I rtlxan" and "wlQ nol be M. til 1. or' election of RepubUcari “ “ loTciSiSS^ ------------- TiirM .|!lfV Pro. S S 'S u S j " rogram before u many j-'w e S ^ 'l^ P otm -ag.poMlblt.__— Woodrow J. Tu rge Jk# Speech Joe L. Poster, Jers In the mldwestem Larry F. Spar rea reportedly have been pioche. Nev. President to- make a ordered for **s-ln-lhftl-*re^Jn-*(» uj-deltnJiTientT ur the Republlan drive william Parrai itfoJ cf eongren Jn.lhe Onlcfe<f £<»B< ions. forces prelnduc •r repeatedly-ind with- nations are Wll Illon —aoft-pedaled the ert M. AnUils. ollUcal aspecU of Elsen- Garvin L. Cral llannpolla-farm-speeoh, WlUlam—A. Bt did say the admlnlsira- Slohler; Wayn program l« a campaign L. Sumner; ^ J Ti'Nan-Partlaan------- ,* H^tKTadareis at th’e tcrfrmn-Alient :r»lty field house will be r— y. the NaUonal Inslliutej n Agriculture, and added 1 ...............V ilbllllj ProTldcJ_____ j por^^he' idittalion progr^^p.i .‘"„u„ued. es lor a snift IfCBi Jlglrt ,«»raBlnff 64-J .1 pylty p,le. ™^IUn te.. . 11 •• IotmjI« dultnrt li,: iUufitoS”.!" isvnS.’n V 'rp T E nn Uiv bux. V -------- -.TTT ____________________ ___________ OCTOBER 12, 1954 - rr-J PARIS. veto the westerr The While ect. One ior th e frov< ed bitterly: duty, Today's Tolve approva plan free raany(-agtee<t slne-power But It doe< proval when TiUfiuUon. victory on WM assured If craUed lale isdUna premier by 71 A Falls, Tez. Son# esU- the socialist e jgtapher Perry T. Ores- ‘long with 1 __ _ arms Issue. . --------- ----------^ But the arr _ tho vote made le Sought sJnS?.: ___ . O Brltlih pUn t PiTCe for SS‘* '“ “ ',' ', , There were 1 Iting-RiolsS&iS -ALL8,-B. D.,-Oct.-13-W tsUgaUng committee. wr^oniu^ or- /heeldon said be would u, rc^nslblllty "it they ““ Mendu-Pranc Into an Immediate con- ludical Social U» Warden O. Norton theUDSR. a.| aylng .ha.woultt. glv«-tha list eoclal-Rec lU answer after Ulking K as Independ arden. .Public and, le conference. Warden were In U» w Id there would be no de- w u cjsi UQ0T..slgurd AndcTBOi Mendwl^a: .e covemor w u reportatf m w*''6f-hls‘ -SleazZtlU Iram PSeh* aotf'cenfldenl )lle. bench, dence of their jood faith. » released one of tho . “ fff' 15. ilelvln DeToung. turning ihU guUrd loose see he Is all right and . vou Ihe Olhera are all “ me an InMi .'Fldyd'Hndberth. 'a'life ----- ------------ Z Uie other two guard*, ^ d and B, F. Lambertson. ^/>nfW' STd UUlll Miijiur WlieW? his reply. « /"v men, in conterence wllh IQ I I I and Uie Rev. Maurice presented a long lUt of xjp ta Sundi ,.but;madc-oaIjr;xn8-de. in-the second an ,ImparUal inveiUga- hunt had che on conditions, deer,' fore*t 1 exploded *hortly before S gajne departrr light In the dining room Tuesday noor prlsonen were finishing ends Tuesday ng meal. Up to the 1 w u used ta drive the permit holder* :om the dining room to hunt area bui :k, where they held sway hunter# had-e night. _______In again, the 16 1, m. Uia prisoners I ccnfurtnf* with nans, mlteei who hs ire tha meeUng. rioters **!?• Young to the gale. ie,"De7omiE-ma-»rhe b^ snera first ajked news- {Jf? .*1“” whul .ame an InvesUgatlng ^“ .UeycK and readily accepted a that Mayor Wheeidon J ______________ atiitlons are sh O rd ered checked out % _ _ road sUUon ut Induction ct'dSrTui ------- flclalj-wld, c-Vnllry-mtn-Iisvs-been jiock Creek, report In Solie Oct, 30 540. listed only in In (he armed torces. .-Pearle Aldrii-h nVrle nf _______ _____ lectlve lervlce board, rp or Induction are Nathan lriD U l.e Don L. Carroll, Mnurlce -v . < Ulph L. McParlane, Jr„ JUSt.' Turley.-Rulon-U-Mlllerr--------- ter, all voluntecrs,-and -- WASHINOT pargo. a transfer from preme court' leaden and dl[ lor Immediate induction official duties itTTRUtrams wre-Rosen: T^JnaTe'ro-JUi T and Bobby G, Cantrell, ton In funeral J BaiseXicLlUaz^ased (on c«th«^''»}. ducUon physical examl- -si.j lumif Winiam H. Wright. Bob- Its. Jr. both volunteer*: » ' :ralg: Arlen E. Harger; fl BUS. HI;_Bumeli:.N. P'Ubearera for ayne L. Younger; Prcd Donald R, Shanahan; Attorney Qe ■75iwBonr*na-Jonir^ neitnr=^d-r a volunwerUnd tram - represented U ;enl6fmrP»r------ !t\e abKno*. oj ________who ll in Den » rnal temperatures can JlirMtRlc'Vatltrdur- -JL>U1 »V'-. It five days, according ^ recast for that period W ^l- ere today via. the. As- — - Sd;rri lh.*P^- UiU f o ^ t ^ vatJons. Showery per. ih-.ioo block e gh about Friday, pre- * .10 to .40 Of aa inch.- ■y*" ------------------------- e:30T«n.”^ t-tr ... - I Tbt Boia« bl n«^ Irrigated Idaho CopnUw KmWr •< Auilt Bun4s « ............... rnM (Bd Ui •ench C G oh IM I In A rm , Oct. 12 <U.R)—Premier Pierre : oiTfidence in the French nationa ern allies on German rearmamei [Official tally on the vote w as'3 ths majority waa impressive, th deputy who voted ---------------- ovemment comment- “we have done our I 'lO T fr you can't expect us It.*.’- - - ------------- rotei did not direcUy In- •' oval or rejection of the 0 and rearm Weit Oer- ee4,upon-at U»# r»c«ot — DETROI London conference. WiUnn wn ita promlM well for #p- .^® n the plan eomei up for lo r SayintT .-Srobably .next month, ployed, hO n today'* confidence test c«uae a bil red Ihe h»rd-drlrtng “_j ’ yeiterday‘1 deciUon of and it oppoilUon party to go Wilson r 1 him on Ul* oennsn the nationi i.ium,nU U«t pr.c«I.d ade II clear that dlitnat ^ t'lO Pn ■7 lUll are sUong among Reuther i i Of tha American and manded th whi-had-mppwteA-Uie =^0* 6^ . wpean defeni* «mmu. phrueology., !or. Oerman rearmament State killed by th# assembly. T?lUon's ec jaltlon waa made up of verified u v mmuni*fc-^e!egate#;-lh* nmublloin-a s- and a latterin* ot tee,WM:"An nonr-4h»-eon»ervatlTS» pathy for ~p« ' ' dUUk* Mendes-KTance change catchi or fear Oeman nirm ^ jjjcrt bird doi than the^vlet ^eat ggj, ^y, Uon to th# aocialUU, •« you icnow. snce wai backed by the hunt far f ^ clalLsU (his own party), « a,group of Uie ex-Gaul- ‘"V .. ftepubUcunsaod-li-over. --------- -_*«1 endenH. ° nd dlplomatlB obiervtn former Oene 1 assembly when tha vote lUtement wa of Uie lino ( •ranee. Mcompanled by poinlbtfihm. ls‘ mlnUl«i; M t <pileUy U'BOod-lor C ently o n > ^ totanraent •Who erpUlne* their gusop. MchU fort Uie ballotlox Tolctd tonstijl. M u ut that hu marked lelted ths del .Utud# toward a rearmed "1 would no ince tht matter flrat be- same way 1 ittmaUonal imie. aald PerguMn ____________ at«_pollcy_jc :Kill for. __ O B d-H llIlt .. O v e r 1,000 nday ntoht 1.733 hunten Patriclc V. ma oa»l* dlrtsloji-deer totuueat reri checked oul wlUi 1.US election. laid t aenlce and fUh and -typioj of th' rtment officials reported u,# pre»eit a< oon. The special hunt w u»n displ ay night. Utude- lor Ui e um e Um# l,e83 hunt Rep. charli 'er> had checked into the Mid Wilton's but *lnco -K)mt of Uie the age ot thi d-ehecked out-and back ---. he l^S3 figure does nol Vt T WTetnal-numbeT-of-p«* -14— I had parUclpated in the 1 * nwndarTitJht.-offle!*l* ---------- from th# flrt checking W ftV ..the hunt area indicate •' . >een a ihlft Uils year In I ^ r-hatrll^-flWlw-Pwat} hile Ul# Rock Creek and 51 b u n lT i who h.d ""M r 1”^ ' rfo »> - Bivlet propo* ------- -------------- --------- porunt-step-l ;e Honors must, howevi 3 tice Jackson disarmament ^N.-oou-j3--«i-6uy rt'juiUeea, eovemmerjl dlplomaU set aside their Jea today to pay final “ J” ■JUiHcrRobtrt-ltrJKk- rftl;*trvlcei al Washing- unsucceaai -------------------------------th e ^ lsa rm a m Stic# Earl Warren and -------- *aVi?i^ated M honorary Strik for Uie aolemn BpUcopal ^08 ANOI ...........threatened -ai Qeneral.Herbert Brow- Angelei-Salt d-other-federal-offlcUla Onion Paclfk Ihe administration In at leut temp ot. Prealdent ElaenhflKtt --Both.iidei: )«nver and could'nol'al- Ices of the board. ^-Businessmen an iheduled Here ^ t etrrying 43 Boise biislneMmet»-and': members wlU arrlv* In Twin ¥alla aboii -«Ul=-.vl4lt,--reporU .Howard M olrttl lanirxwmnerc*. - ,- ng.Bols*.buiio#SMnen-wlU-have a-pol tnct. They will, unload at Sean, Roebt through* the bualiTeii dlilrlct behind :k of Main avenue MUth where they w len cf Ooodlnt, 'Wwdell.' Jerome, Buh will be guests of the Bolie delegation fthi-TormjbrA-buffet dtnner,wlU t I builnfwmen wlU ptovldt tha iu l« ^ ' FIN 1 B «r ctRsUUtD* T UHUd rnu * 3hicf Gt lament^ e Mendes-France today won a s mal assembly for continuation of nent. i‘350 to 115 for the Rovcmment’j there was little emotional enthua Eense Chief I -rrD ^’sta ;OIT. Oct. 12'(U,PJ-Defcnsa Seci was blasted by Democratic and Ii ntr that, although he is sympnthel lo JiiccB “bird doffa better than ke bird doff will hunt for food “rath id yell.” . . 1 made his controversial remarVa ons’ unemployment at a news coi that Wilson “retire J blicjife” or apologize ^ itatcment. “ voung ho , in aa angry eorrecUy-Mo Elsenhower, tald he v u j-io 9 p; m. " by^e.dtlenH.Hcn)«ry^ —Coxrectho 7-. '' - llQuor electli latemenl Verified - lo 7 p. m, - conlroversial tUlem»nt. L , .Z... ■■ s verbatim today by Uie _ _ T-aute-Central-ccmmil- And rve got a lot of lym- I W O 1. -peoplrwhotw-aTsadden — ——r ------- tchet -em-but I've always 1 A -— . dogs better than kennel- X^9 1 nyielf. _ ' ow. one who'll get out and I 4 /\i« ood rather than tit oa hli X UJ. yell." Rap# BUtemenk 14-yeti , 6iiitiUT57ii:sia iiii Srl'iTJiS? eneral Molon pretldent'i WH a “furthBT IndleaUon ,e of thinking and view- ^ howed when ho aald •what T Otner»l.-uotor*-u-good . Tha, .»em a litfld SUtet.’“ ^rraopdJ^ sd Sens. Komer,-*te-day* and ht :hlttn. and LtvcrtU Stl- ot |S a31«r h kUtttchuieUt. both crit-' 40 miles per I defentt tecrelary. mile eont ot not express m y w In the Sunday, r about, unemplopenl." ctrpi son. ehalman of the ten* fQ^. 30 dtya ’ conunittee. “I consider coiii en_lha. rieht a ctlamlty-fef-«ny S o amUy. cKjr, sUU aad nt; eaeatlvt tpe ................ ................. - iouth;--------- rty* Abottt Btroart Eddltfiart a r; T ,U wert itxongtr In their r J ii 7. McNamara, who hop« , Pergutoa ta-theNovet^ tld WUson't remaito Were * the dark ag# thinking in cosU Monday t admlnUtraUoa." He ttid Burley labor 1 ^played » “callout at- W. Tucker on :^Oie Siemployed, l«f Begtft arlet R. HoweU, D., N.J, dnvlns chtrgi n ’t remark! beltmge*! 'in • a rear fen; the aveat thopT* mouth of Da ----- rr-..- wu damaged T <• J mouth whUe rinformed- risPa^'rlS Arms Talk j ' I NATIONS, N, Y„ Oct. 13 havlor for on rnited BUUs ufd M ty Roberto Ro Soviet propouls on db- borer, w u IU appear to open an avenue negligent dri' r dlicuaslon and “we de- ty Rupert J '^ o t reject them.- prank R. Pr S poBlUon w u sUted by »rrtsted Sat • James J. WadsworUi In county deput; ■al a*embiyt M-naUon ,n„lved in aii immltlee. roW near Ru poaalt. ieprejent «« i«* ear ’wa* w^ea •p-ln tho dlreeUon-o^ «jou to irmament program. They «ver. be clarified and . Largo segmenU of Uie , ^ 5 " '“ ?®..*®, nt program are not ralHn-^hese-propoials.'; rU»-s4W-the-UnraQ-8twi3 eady lo support reacUva- • , ,e five-member dlsarma- was fined W immltt«« which held sec- Rupert Justli n LondoiTluVTprlnrin R.-Prle«irTo easful attempt lo reiolre S for falling ike Averted OBLES. Oct. 13 «> - A 10| -atrike-agalnit-the-Los b OIBE. O lit Lake Clly lln« of Uie department mporarUy today. of the yea^ ei;agr«d_tp^acc#pt wnr. jtporlffl for the naUonal mediation« the division ' '“ were those 0 J f> - J in Idabo Pal ma.liana_j W^ednesdayl y.i id'17'MouhtsOn Home air votma li bOur<:i5 pjn. 'Wednesday ^rtnt eleffl LT.-manaffr nf Uiu f flD J j j -irluT^ poH,.» thrwifh'thi lebuck and CQmpany ttort y ,5 « ^ al.the alrJorce band to ui^Banitf rwlUidlsband.—------- ~i ^ttfilttpw suhl..Pfier.Baffll«rlT and joearAircM t ion at a cocktail hour t> . -oeadllnofi U follow. ittalnment [NAL PRICE 6 CENTS Plan* a solid but grudging . of negotiaUona with int’a policy. ' luaiasm for thft proj- Hit Itement ! Secretary CharlM E.- ■{ d labor leaders today ;hetic with the unem- kenneJ-fed dojfl' ather than ait on hla rl('a when asked about conference h « e y ^ UsCloseaf? ' ~i I placet’ (or today's r-Uie-drlnk eleeUon dot* a.____________________ - — houn wert iUtei lo* -Monday -. ....... - .............. thoun-tor-roUng ln„thC _ _ ecUon ara from 9 t. m. i. ----------- ----------------; ------- jjrivCTs;' “Arrested •rSpeedii^ ! year-cVl Twin Fkllt drlv* -lleentt-tuspentlont-tod— ned court eottt irben they In Twin PWlt lu»yc« cotfft aiid~piaaed-*anty of — : tnw tf flttf.Antn. m ___ L ;^^^,1ru<Ulp«ldM^nr W 1 ht wu atteutd Ibt «■» - ( sr' hit car v u cibcktd ak !• w hour or mor* to a 3ll- II I oa 'Utto..aVenua 'lOuth 1 ' itrpentir loN hli Sfltota' 'j lya aad wta attwttd «a Uia-ttiQ*.fiharta.i.BUj$ar__ij oiociud tnrtUof tt aa n apeed CO .Mato,.arm oa .-J aark^U and Xttl CoK, InedllOandtS'cQtUeteh' I by Rupert PoUct Judg* Xedfonl ca cbarsM ' of . , ir eoUUlon_al T:«8 p m A to a fint-a and - ; Iday for Pred 8. Btgay, lor camp. FoUct Judgt U . 1 r ordered th t tint foUow> . < r't antit on a ncklflta itrgo by Burley poUot. . fender of tht 19M Ply-. Dale O. Ather. Albion, , ged by Begayt-lMt Ply* : - lUe Begay wat making » pAihfr*# Tir Trat lO of the accident. Tded-flne e^m -«al^ eett*— Sunday for Ch'arlet Pel* ocaleUo, foU oi^ hit ar- negligent drlvlntf. Polk* W. Tucker-toip ^ e d - t ^ — one year. - . ........... Rodrigues, tnnslent Im- I lined |3S and cotU tor driving charge Monday t JuiUce of the Peac* Prleten. Rodrigues was Saturday by Minldok» puty iherifft after beins - ' 1 en accident on cemetery i Rupert «■ i948 ,Plymouth tlniclc___ tetugia Oarcit. WUton la- . _ a a « ^ ta id RodrtguCT* . ' ' to the rack and-rear end . 't truck w u estimated at <Umat«.ot .MSQjru jilaced.— ;*-4o-Bodrl«ue*'-car. — ......... la H. Qonzales, Burley, t u and coBU Monday by iistlce cf ths i»ettce Prank- rrToBowinffliu an'Bil.OuL Ing to heed a itop sign. Polio Case - 'ops 1953 Mark , Oct.-ia'-WV-The Idaho.- n t of public heaim today ear—two more than were Ion of vital statliUc*. They * se of an IB-year-old woman _. Palls, an «-ye*r-«W “ 5 n and a four-year-cM.ftti otin& Slow - ^ _ M ^ M t. --------- i»forbtUotto«l*.1p.m.. _ '115
12… · p T siated Ipositsin] |55eTr»dIo»ctiv8 m inerals/' th in . deparimenl

Jun 20, 2020



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Page 1:… · p T siated Ipositsin] |55eTr»dIo»ctiv8 m inerals/' th in . deparimenl

p T s iated

Ip o sits in ]|55eTr»dIo»ctiv8 m in e r a ls / ' th

in . deparim enl news uvn iD proprintion* fo r the cu:

the bulk of i t fo r r e c la n S of poten tia l rad ioacU ve 1

-------- c a r rie d out f_ . e rsT com m ijS u p p o i t

I . - D r t r t c f ^A D O O S l ' ln« »n •Bfrejaltn d 17 pita hM

I n c e n t i v eIn i Im from 3C

[O'*. Oct. II *A-Th« y»rtj.ihaw pro JJrtoMi lodiy »n- poru«*ourees-tf*«ee.roolr<’» - * a . " ____,\ l o cenlJ » pound Thft report dl W clip, op Uon. bui bureau. i t t r l luppoft price. h»»e been drill

pric«”-w hlcli lft-Ui»K»lIer« a ta po^eri In the mcIinuUon

per |l«,907.7K rtsivMlpxritrprJi^^- Ritdician ot I m U poInU from the ij,e l u t rUcil J

nrwlmum »1' peadllure* wUt: which Wll Th* U rg a t »1

ml ttauutM oy wool 57 ,pf PilU idoWJiM. --- ------brtaf-Uie-eMUa t l uld the «3 eentj 51 p „ cent ol i •jSfljiaiUmuUleprtt- will ipenC f Hire* hundred mil* North Bldo pujr (■wt * yeir. U.aUo MlnidoU projei i.ji-wnsl»tenl’''will> lo r BflM'ftcreJT lUrt/f receipt »hlch ^ 0 ,^ eurren'

^ j0 . i n iU l{ L p e r zu l.C u ih t.-U o b « i tr« r» « “« p ro * drum pr«lrle »; „ Jjiwdred BilUlon u,e juoulrum iuinuilly. Wool pro . tMUjaUon* wlU It ptr etnt from 18«3, wood project, t t It jKiut S30 million aumed oa Ihb

Medicine Lodse ■»iif Inctnllre price w illo* creek pn t,» pcuBd-or.Sl per other-dep»rti r a l mohair parity, ji^ho Indu.

MUtloD. U ld hU or-to.hear p r.ihe io i ' . |jw ^ a :-b u

»{R m r» v lU M w teo:-BonneyUi»

Ej eut tha t 4 i i p r i- <nj|'major aln I u IntenllT* price .ppjopruuon, ll

. o t work on Ihe I llul the grower m uit mttgraie tiialp i a ibi open m uket, the Columbia rl' U ended.*all ot the ■ ■ ._

B . a p t i s tlir Ul* averase price y

(tl the dltrerence’ be- J U r O l Jcmli and Ihe fll cenU n rcerlprosram. M i l I ismrt lhat (he aup-SIM Irora U rllti on je h o ME. Ocl

^^ thedepartm entU [‘u T r o c ’S "bxtT where lorelsn p ,r , i jj»p. ' ’ 7 * ' « • m. Thursday.

member* of Iht churthu In.the

n P i » w » i i expected to a tuO i l I C C Featured ipei

_ _ Aaron Webber.» T A l * m / » f l for Uie AmerK / X V /i l l l l y U . mlialon loclety.'

1 . A . . | ber hai headquai

r j u s i i i i e d ! i^ rrn ''w c ? to ’‘ 'fos*. o c . la Mv-sen. ] . " r:iu ld ‘oday thcre-UU to ilt f . ahoruge to C ,

1, taM Americans U o nlnety-lhree million put tlsh t monthi, ^

litid nepubllcan l l “ creury: Dr. C. ‘ fn n c banklne «ub- ^

a them teutui uf'iTiU-dlflicult to believe 4l* ?,iicrlcu were Jiutlfled il luncUonlns nl »up- DarreU M atki, I =>M In ihc rnnrWrt '

ih'p *ubcommiuee B if l S t TC !Kilns* lo this tjrect ‘^ id t«n ,m lM ilon-U «------ U H '6 M

uchanse « iih lllcKai he te l le r !’ . \ ‘'-=hI?snm buied non-*nd-{lr«-o. - ' d .^n«um iai-,n .- ihe cjUblbhmei

llrmj which are — Tlie wllneu w

L i i L S t a t e _ S t S ' . , t V , ' ,

ortedJPoor’ — S“ ”''- 15 i.P-Irtr>ho r.n»r^•'fl Uirir poortii OcL 0P*f*l0f» of Ui< >;-ce 190 uic u fl ■‘' ' I cold- 6tor. 'f'srlculiure laid iT:“ • ofpm i »nd-Kall

c « ap a n M « 4 ai;* MrOi and p«ria‘ of They claim the •r?»fn_ie4Uoii,_bui n i t l l jy .a fire a .’"T dry In Aouihern * « explosion. '

firm wai nesllfi “ •“.•es »nd fifiij Unk.

fert.-but 11----------------------} >^« Uvesinck wrmld T l T •

f'cdinn C o y I n j

inl)W TumliA H -n T e S -iii

I * 'C y:-^ l*r-61nm ese brulsed-Jace -whe^ t v ' ^ Ii.4 rrniErrcarT B tjf

* *‘ter S fp sn . mile* per hour,

S t a -

father, o u Cooi

_ R in i om W t M ^ p ,

OtHcIa) Cllr Coviitr

i d f o r

m iu m H i I d a h ou e r dcpoaita invcBtL ior. m th e p a e t y e a r '' fhe d e p a r tm e n t re -

ews release show ing cu rren t f is c a l y e a r

ve placer a r e a s w ere fo r the a to m ic en-

imisslon in Jd a h o aa M ontana," the- -re*

Seren depo«|u were teal*} :chuni d r lir iio le r-h a v ; regale len ity of ft.BOO feet I haring a toUil dep th of

f these deposlti, ru lfflng orao 'td 'T D -m nilon cubic r promlie ot becomUik im- irces of radlMcUve m loer-

<ri~dld'not g iv e 'th o loca- ■reau of mines field crewi drilling urarjium clalmJ

s j r m i ihU iu m m e r .--------- r lT n w rt i ofion approprUtlona t«- ‘ '*“' ‘“5 » J7.78J. Howerer. w ith th e »»**» ' Yundi.cirrfed o rer troa t

Cll year, recliunfttloa t t - wm total 119,709.318. 'T k 1 a t ainxlo item l i l lM M , . t \ A f i n l U a ^ dam w hich will i V v l / U JM item Idaho-pro jec t, to • ------ —- —, of compleUon. T h e bu- ')Tiend i l i J 5 i f l7 - c n - - th e ' ----------- ! < 'pumping dtvUlon of the J L F

irolect .to BroTidi waterm ----------------- --------rrent fiscal year, th e re- P o rm e r Dci dranced p laanlns-w lll be pub lican— and on the newly a u th o r l s ^ th e C hinese ci

,4 lo u o la iir^ o m « ,4 U th - sa in c d .a _ liv r( le aod r e h ib u iu u o n of r e fo rm e rs” af’i5 . , a a ; „ g ' g ; S ; 'i» r to e h in . .;t. and be in itia ted or re-the LltUe W ood river.odge. NorUx B ench and m n O C C ]k proJeoU.partaient appropriations T a I P t i f nclude: Bureau o t land I S J Q i l l l it,tS03.&00;.bure<u.o£.lc. ... I968.0M; geological lu r -); fbh and wUdUfB le n r- 1 6 x 1 1 ]

. W h S o ™ , . . • o d M l( * ir p i ir * * » c ^ w pw t

-.. pleaded Innoceiir alngle Jletn In ,th* Pw Ju^. Indlctm in, llia ld . la continuation with lying when the Albenl falls loop lo Ing the eommunl a l project v l t h o th e ri in red Interest!, la river iy*i«m. U ltlm ore ente=_L—_— - ' - _______ prri£ned_bclart.• . , lltha J. Law* whI S t u l a t C tenUtlve trial

tlnued the «,000

y - .- , Attomey* for

I Thursday S ‘"^ The new indlcl

Ocl. I I - T h e 4Uh an - by a federal gn Uon of the C entral B ap- lunnlemcnl.'i - a 1 Jon will t e he ld a t J e - „iurne(J «Rains BapUsi church a t B:15 j^ h n i Hopklni [day. Approximately 350 #„;! one-time sta ' Ihe American B apU il ,u iu n t in Decen ,. the Masle Valley are ^he a ttend the convenUon. ij,e Mven counts speaker « lll be Rev. menl.

ber. general m issionary g t^_ pTierican B aptlJt home inHirt-,.,ety. The Ilev. Mr. W eb- .Iquarten a t R io Pledras, and-heada ih e only m il- irto Rico lh a t p repares Til?,lervlce In the U nited “i V " ! "U reapcnjlb le-Jor <7

1th 13J preaching lU - « " •

«ker* «t » ie convention uce*departme'ni i D. W. Dodion. execuUve ^ ^ ju , it,e jive r tr. C. L..D«8KS, director y , , qij indletmeim: the Rev. Allan And- ________tor of Christian educa- , w , lev ..S a ra , E n jliah ,..d l- V V a t p r 1.11 ■mma-nramryxlTOTchesr w Slemers. p residen t of 1 { o | ' |< |p f < Sapllil convenUon. and kl, Portland. SALT LAKE t

— ___j;_ Tlie w Mt;* water

r e s t i m o n y S ' K S J1. • i Uie next 20 ycari

e r e d m w » u r tu-i 19 in _ * v«iiiniMr ®- deparimenl olS m “ » w i i ' c s i ”: ,

lim eriU "om w o-Jercm e ano-iano-m anai are lUlnit fo r dnmagea. “ '* d*P»C«"fn‘.

ss w ai Alfred H all, op- "Water Is cne i n .c lertrle *nop In . Je- to n boUi In Indi -Bilgas,~a~^n*UucU on wral-developmar Ifled to *ubstanllally the we.1l." Dr. Johr.i<

............................... - And-iiB predicratt and D. K. Henry, tenUon should be r'Uie H lfhway M arket few yeati to dev Storage company, and provement ot la atho’n T)'ler. operator* Irrigation.K alle 'sT 3onu fih6p .-« rr--------- -------- '5 Gft.1 and Appliance RADATl TA

I., f f ^ - ~ i _B D iaE _D tL — I Ihelr storea were dam- of Idahore caustd-b j-a-propane forraM y-.iM u^i in. They .,conlend the a demonslrallo:! esUcent In installing a checking devbe :

highway 30 «ast

njuted Only Slighi nbleFrom C aronIi r - o i r T ' i l i n ^ l s “ l» y T1V4 icddent occ I a lacerated knee and N o.. 30 , five mil w hen-he-fe»i-from hU Falli -9unday-nl

:StJngrdfltehT*l»DT-«5 w iaiTyennirTnpi lour, 11 w aa reporU d Jurlei wera not i

■ CrooperwBspai! Ich ii were required to i t i »edan-dflven 1 In the r ig h t knee cf 40. fipokane. The Cooper. He fell to the ^ the rear door, m th# back aeat o t a th e .fto tl. and Ih laker driven "by hi* door, -dragging h Cooper. <15 S m street. (Cmukiw •» r


z, :r WallsJComel

tn of tho MlUni-hBtel and U v tn n to n i di log a raging (lr« which wiped eat thrta I tha damage a s Itlgh aa »W,0OC. ThU ph

P-w^pb»to> - ■ _ ______________ __

;um Blast Fii By Taylor or-----------------By T he A»aocUlM-Tr«M------r Dem ocratic Sen. Glen T ay lo r sa; -a n d n o t'h e— w ho f i r s t came up wl ;sB com m unists a re a peaceful lot.I-B-D em ocrfltlcTallrln 'M ccainiist'n—ivronff-imprGS3ion^that_tha_rcd3 »■' a fte r read in g a book by a .B epu lina. Republican S ta te Chairm art V---------------------------^ ’l charged -that

T>l.rvNn. senate candid c e n t r l e a sen th e natio, , , of th e commi i i l e r e a m ' H j 'c M iim s -ewhether or mrjury Case '" “yrSf.S- J . ... J --------------- -— h e - a a ld - l i a t - ”OTON, O cU --J3-«^-yto »ronff-imDraulo epert Owen X atU aK * great jnoceiil oday to a new yeacUon, t h t He dicunent charging him jey," when hs denied follow- j j r Himunist Une or promoUng Americans -in 1 ^ conununists are! entered the plea when munuta: they ar rlanLTederiLJudjBJBfti eraMqjffiMiEl^ vt who set Jan . 10 as the “ Btn. H erirT c: U-lal date Lawi con- Ucan candidate «,000 bond sel under an clment. running agII- c . U ck«- “I "IMn iir tm in r . h r l-----------cuflllg i gflVdHtiI for LalUmore have 50 * milllonj ch to file motions In Uie i,„t>er m Idaho.

■' . ^ He said in Emindictment w ai.relum ed efforts by Budi »1 grand jury Oct. T I t „ m r e „ had brt s-a .p re ju ry .In d ic tm e n t mllllon-aollar a i igalnst -the 64-year-old ceas roads lo dlse kins University lecturer ,n d Payette n a t ne state departm ent eon- The farm poll' Dtcemtxr, I9S2. - Agriculture BeaW had Uirown out two of payers and fan :ounu In the old Indict- year' th a n the e

p rogran on alf o em From Proba ic« .tl.»«4 «» :iclmenU atem Irom Lat- _ _irathon tesUmony before u a i * m S

Internal aecurlty sub- 1 a l l l l J Jiirinrirri953invMtIin- — = — p T T T Institute of Paelflc Ite- I q W / t | |

e commltiee wa* headed A S 0 1 ./1 J Sen. Pat MeCarran, D-. _

i,>.u iuJLti.i.-..i r I in the courls.-the Jus- D EK V m . Ocl. nent plana to con.wiida e ^,,1 congresslona five remaining counts in admlnlstrat IctmenU t«nn program -? -----------------------a major addreas

Limit Seen• i e r l o r W e s t ^ S j>KE ClTV; Oct. 13 W^- be "non-parUxar w_ater sliortage probably *J>pe«l_for_ele and f l^ o p m e n l liT lhe candlditea '' foe c und five' mlUlon acres In 3 ^ Aaslslant years.. , „ Murray Snyder

lan r .Tfihn snn e-D. enl of BBrlculture made » ou ij purchase t Ion yesterday In a talk to gel ElK » of the nation’* county tj,e farm progra BBtnts. Johnson Is farrn Amcrlcan_val£a.

nanagement d lr« lo r o t , , . j jnsnt. ■ GOP leadersone of the llmlUng fac- (arm belt area re

1 Industrial and agrlcul- urging the Prea )pmant-ln-much- of- the m aJor-addrM i-li Johrjvon said. ' - effort to spur thiredfctcd tha t more .*»- lo.keep controJ ild be given In Uie next Nov. a elections, o development and Im- B ut Snyder rep ot land already under out explanation

Inevitable polltlci ' - - hower'e-lndlanai

It PATROLS SET . although he did 1:>CL-13_lR=gfdar paj_ ilsnXlMITLDtCCIdaho highways will be issue. •i»Ugurated_rxldiy_w lU l---------G f« o j i ' lra llo rt-o f - the apeed- u r i n n b i J H ^ :vbe by aUte police on buu„ unlvenlty east of BoUe. sponaored bv Uie

--------------------- - ot Animal Agrlc1 - I • lhal the organlx»htly in

f - r s 1 an Invitation b)n Highwayit occurred-on-hlghway farm aad-Iood p 5 mllej .west J if Twin Flexlbllltly-n lgh t'.—Mrs. Cooper —T lieriH m iidita r~Tnohimt^e'feor^~fa»~ provtd -br-wmiert not le rlo u i... -• *l6c». prOVlaea“ f0ts passing a W 9 Chevro- «f P«r cent ot p iven by Oliver BraaUn...The Cooper boy open- « ^ W e aupporti. door, which opens from Parity i i a- fotld.the. wind caught toe » W re _ J^rm e o _Ing him trom the car. ihelr crojM in re t .a Th * 1. U * > a » ^


P; T l i m t i l i n g - B f m i l

ins drygoodi store at» shown a» .Ihay < irea boaluaaea aad a hotel a t W lehiU F Is photo was tak*n by am ateur pbotogn

ired Probe

? n : ^ Sr nayfl i t w nn a A c- a io u x - P A t , p w i t h l h » l d e » t h « t - l 3 ^ » ^ h ™ * .

f a t W n W l “H51rsil i S l S are d 3 -w e re _ i‘a g ra r i a n m J iw u b m k

S c p u b l i c a i r .m i jm a , H ' f f f L f ’ S m W y B u r n , h n d ' C v o X t o tha t th e -Democratic accept the re ndidate h ad 'tried to lation on the m erits went int .m m iin lg t . J n 1948. ensed him to aay pruoners his or n o t he .favo rs ad- with the wardi )f-Com m unist China O'®norod the challenge, but Jam eson aald t ia t-"lhe -*ource of-m y cU lon-untU -G rea lon w u non* other arrlTea. T he e re*t pillar o f Republlcaa en ro u te ta-Bli i t Hon. Patrick J, Hur- by automobile.

As a n cvldenif . Hurley who Informed the inm ates : .In h b book lha t 'the three ru a rd i. : 1 are no t in fact..eom- "W e a re tun ey aro atrlving for demo- so you can sei :lplei.' " Taylor Mid. he can tell yo ry C. Dworahak.TltpmP fishT,“ sa ld 'F l dale for reelectlon. u y s term prisoner p ,.jU m «r Budge, whoOi n a n - f o r the i

a Ernroett ya lerday Uiat .^^h® prisoner Budge and himself In w*rden at

,d brought about a four- weasman, prej a r approprUlloh'^for^ac; »usscstieni,.bu D diseased Umber in Boise m a n d -fo r an t naUonal foresta. tlon of pHson .I policies of SecreUry of The rlo l eipl Benson "will cost U x- p. m. la st nigh

I farmers more In one Just as the prl the entlr# price support Uielr evening i alf commodJUes h u cast T ea r ga< «'<

r u t 1. CtiiB*'«') prisoners from----------------------- Ihe cell block;'

c __during the nigI ppeecli About 7:16

c h e d u l e d I Ju s t before__ brought DeYoi

^ E i u j s i d i a j l i S S S t :

islonal campaign Issue— .„ _ ,m i.i ,,

S -» “■lr«4s by President Elsen- ______idlanapolls Friday night. _ — _er WhlU House late yes- ] V l r » i i l | niew sm eh Cewiu kbout \ Ji l ' i plans for th# speech _ _ 1—over and over- will 1 ? ^ , , I rtlxan" and "wlQ nol be M. t i l 1. or' election of RepubUcari “ “l o T c i S i S S ^ ------------- T iir M .|! l f V

l . l .n l P r o . S S ' S u S j "

rogram before u many j - 'w e S ^ ' l ^ P otm -ag .poM lb lt.__— Woodrow J. Tu rge Jk# Speech Joe L. Poster,Jers In the mldwestem Larry F. Spar rea reportedly have been pioche. Nev.

President to- make a o rdered for **s-ln-lh ftl-* re^Jn-*(» uj-deltnJiTientT ur the R epubllan drive w illiam P a rra i itfoJ c f eongren Jn .lhe Onlcfe<f £<»B< ions. forces prelnduc•r repeated ly-ind with- nations are Wll Illon —aoft-pedaled the e rt M. AnUils. ollUcal aspecU of Elsen- Garvin L. Cral llannpolla-farm -speeoh, WlUlam—A. Bt did say the admlnlsira- Slohler; Wayn program l« a campaign L. Sum ner; ^

J Ti'Nan-Partlaan------- ,*H ^ tK T a d a r e i s a t th’e tcrfrm n-A lien t :r»lty field house will be r— y. the NaUonal Inslliutej n Agriculture, and added 1 ...............V

ilbllllj ProTldcJ_____ j p o r ^ ^ h e 'id ittalion p r o g r ^ ^ p . i . ‘"„u„ued.

es lor a snift IfCBi Jlglrt ,«»raBlnff 64-J .1 p y lty p ,le.

™ ^ IU n te .. . 11

•• Io tm jI« d u l tn r t li,: iU u fito S ”.!"

i s v n S . ’n V ' r p T En n U iv bux. V -------- -— .TTT

____________________ ___________

OCTOBER 12, 1954 -

■ r r - JP A R IS .

vetoth e w este rr

T h e W hile

ec t. One ior th e frov< ed b i t te r ly : du ty ,

Today's Tolve approva plan free raany(-agtee<t slne-power

B u t It doe< proval when TiU fiuU on.

victory on WM assured

I f craUed lale isd U n a prem ier by 71 A Falls, Tez. Son# esU- the socialist e jgtapher Perry T . Ores- ‘ long w ith 1

__ _ arm s Issue. .--------- ----------^ B u t the a r r

• _ tho vote made

le Sought sJnS?.:___ . O B rltlih pU n t

PiTCe fo r SS‘* ' “ “' , ' ' , , There w ere 1

Iting-RiolsS&iS-ALL8,-B. D.,-Oct.-13-W

tsUgaUng committee. w r^on iu^ or- /heeldon said be would u ,

r c ^ n s lb ll lty " i t they “ “ M endu-P rancInto an Immediate con- lu d ic a l Social U» Warden O. Norton theU D S R . a . | aylng .ha.woultt. glv«-tha lis t eoclal-Rec lU answer after Ulking K as Independ arden. .Public and,le conference. W arden were In U » w Id there would be no de- w u c js i U Q 0T..slgurd AndcTBOi M endw l^a : .e covemor w u reportatf m w * ''6 f-h ls ‘ -S lea zZ tlU Iram PSeh* ao tf'cenfldenl )lle. bench,dence of their jood faith .» released one of tho .“ fff ' 15. ilelvln DeToung. turning ihU guUrd loose see he Is all right and

. vou Ihe Olhera are a ll “ m e an InMi

.'F ldyd'Hndberth. 'a 'l ife ----- ------------ Z

Uie other two guard*, ^ d and B, F. Lambertson. ^ / > n f W ' STd UUlll Miijiur WlieW? — his reply. « / " vm en, in conterence w llh I Q I I I and Uie Rev. Maurice •presented a long lU t of xjp ta Sundi ,.but;m adc-oaIjr;xn8-de. in - th e second an ,ImparUal inveiUga- h u n t had che

on conditions, deer,' fore*t 1exploded *hortly before S gajne departrr light In the dining room Tuesday noor prlsonen were finishing ends Tuesday

ng meal. U p to th e 1w u used ta drive the perm it holder*

:om the dining room to h u n t area bui :k, where they held sway hunter# had -enight. _______In again, the16 1, m. Uia prisoners I ccnfurtnf* with n a n s , m lteei who hs

ire tha meeUng. rioters **!?•Young to the ,"D e 7 o m iE -m a-» rh e b ^

snera first ajked news- {Jf? .*1“” w h u l .am e an InvesUgatlng ^ “. U e y c K and readily accepted a th a t Mayor Wheeidon J

______________ atiitlons are sh

O r d e r e d checked ou t %_ _ road sUUon ut

Induction ct'dSrTui------- flclalj-wld,

c-Vnllry-mtn-Iisvs-been jiock Creek, report In Solie Oct, 30 540. listed only in In (he armed torces..-Pearle Aldrii-h nVrle nf _______ _____ ■lectlve lervlce board, r p o r Induction are N athan l r i D U l . e Don L. Carroll, Mnurlce -v . < Ulph L. McParlane, Jr„ J U S t . 'Turley.-Rulon-U-Mlllerr---------

ter, all voluntecrs,-and -- WASHINOT pargo. a transfer from preme c o u rt '

leaden and dl[ lor Immediate induction official duties itTTRUtrams wre-Rosen: T^JnaTe'ro-JUi T and Bobby G, Cantrell, ton In funeral J B a ise X icL lU a z^ a sed (on c«th«^''»}. ducUon physical examl- - s i . j lumif Winiam H. Wright. Bob- Its. J r . both volunteer*: » ':ralg: Arlen E. Harger; f l

BUS. H I;_B um eli:.N . P'Ubearera for ayne L. Younger; Prcd

Donald R, Shanahan; Attorney Qe ■75iwBonr*na-Jonir^ n e i tn r= ^ d - r a volunwerUnd tr a m - represented U

;enl6fmrP»r------ !t\e abKno*. oj________— who ll in Den

»rnal temperatures can JlirM tR lc'V atltrdur- -JL>U1 » V '- . I t five days, according ^recast for tha t period W ^ l -ere today via. the. As- — -

S d ; r r i l h . * P ^ UiU f o ^ t ^

vatJons. Showery p e r. ih - .io o block e gh about Friday, p re- *.10 to .40 Of a a inch.-■y*"------------------------- e:30T«n.” t- tr

. . . - I T b t Boia« bl

n « I rriga ted Idaho CopnU w

KmWr •< Auilt Bun4s « ............... rnM (Bd Ui

•e n c h CG o h I M II n A r m, Oct. 12 <U.R)—P rem ier P ie rre : oiTfidence in th e French n a tiona e rn a llies on German rearm am ei [Official tally on the vote w a s '3 th s m ajo rity waa im pressive, th

dep u ty who v o te d ----------------ovem m en t comment-

“we have done our I ' l O T f r you c a n 't expect us

It.*.’- - - -------------rotei did no t direcUy In- • ' oval or rejection of the0 and rearm W eit Oer- ee4 ,u p o n -a t U»# r»c«ot — DETROI

London conference. W iU nn w n ita promlM well for #p- .^®n the plan eomei up for l o r SayintT .-Srobably .nex t month, p lo y e d , hO n today'* confidence test c «uae a bil red Ihe h»rd-drlrtng “ _ j’ yeiterday‘1 deciUon of a n dit oppoilUon party to go W ilso n r1 him o n Ul* oe n n sn th e nationi

i . iu m ,n U U«t pr.c«I.dade II c lear th a t d litn a t ^ t 'lO P n■7 lUll a re sUong among R eu th e r i i

Of tha American and m anded th

w hi-had-m ppw teA -U ie = ^ 0* 6^ . w pean defeni* « m m u . phrueology., !or. Oerman rearmament Statekilled by th# assembly. T?lUon's ec jaltlon waa made up of verified u v mmuni*fc-^e!egate#;-lh* n m ub llo in -a s- and a la tte rin * ot tee,W M :"A n nonr-4h»-eon»ervatlTS» pathy for ~p« ' ' dUUk* Mendes-KTance change catchi o r fear O em an n i r m ^ jjjcrt bird doi

than t h e ^ v l e t ^ e a t g g j, ^ y , Uon to th# aocialUU, •«you icnow. snce w ai backed by the hunt far f ^ clalLsU (his own party), «a,group of Uie ex-Gaul- ‘ " V . .

ftepubUcunsaod-li-over. --------- -_ * « 1endenH. °nd dlplomatlB obiervtn former Oene 1 assembly when tha vote lU tem ent wa

of Uie lino ( •ranee. Mcompanled by po in lb tfihm . ls ‘ m lnU l« i; M t <pileUy U'BOod-lor C ently o n > ^ to ta n rae n t

• Who erpU lne* their gusop. MchU fo r t Uie ballotlox Tolctd tonstijl. M u u t th a t h u marked lelted th s del .Utud# toward a rearmed "1 would no ince th t m atter flrat be- same way 1 ittm aU onal imie. aald PerguMn

____________ at«_pollcy_jc

: K ill for. __ O B d - H l l I l t ..

O v e r 1 , 0 0 0

nday n toh t 1.733 hunten Patriclc V . ma o a » l* dlrtsloji-deer to tu u e a t re r i checked oul wlUi 1.US election. la id t aenlce and fUh and - ty p io j of th ' rtment officials reported u,# p re»eit a< oon. T he special hunt w u » n displ ay night. Utude- lo r Ui e u m e Um# l,e83 hunt Rep. ch arli 'er> had checked into the Mid W ilton's b u t *lnco -K)mt of Uie the age o t thi d-ehecked out-and back - -- . he l^S3 figure does nol V t T WTetnal-numbeT-of-p«* - 14— I had parUclpated in the 1 *

nw ndarTitJht.-offle!*l* ----------

from th# f l r t checking W f t V..the hun t area indicate • ' .>een a ih lf t Uils year In I ^r-hatrll^ -flW lw -P w at}hile Ul# Rock Creek and „

51 b u n l T i who h .d " " M r 1 ” '

r f o »> - Bivlet propo* ------- -------------- --------- porun t-step-l

;e Honors must, howevi

3tice Jackson disarmament^ N .- o o u - j3 - - « i - 6 u y r t'ju iU eea , eovemmerjl dlplomaU set aside their

Jea today to pay final “ J”■JU iH crR obtrt-ltrJK k- rftl;*trvlcei a l Washing- unsucceaai

-------------------------------the^lsarm amStic# E arl W arren and --------

*aVi?i^ated M honorary Strik for Uie aolemn BpUcopal ^ 0 8 A N OI

...........threatened -aiQ eneral.H erbert Brow- A ngelei-Salt d-other-federal-offlcUla Onion Pac lfk

Ihe administration In a t le u t temp ot. Prealdent ElaenhflKtt - -B o th .iid e i:

)«nver and could'nol'al- Ices of the board.

^-Businessmen an iheduled Here t etrry ing 43 Boise biislneMmet»-and': members wlU arrlv* In Twin ¥alla aboii -«Ul=-.vl4lt,--reporU .Howard M o lrttl la n irx w m n e rc * . - ,- • ng.Bols*.buiio#SMnen-wlU-have a-po l tn c t. T hey will, unload a t S ean , Roebt through* the bualiTeii dlilrlct behind

:k of M ain avenue MUth where they w len cf O oodlnt, 'Wwdell.' Jerome, Buh will be guests of the Bolie delegation f th i- T o rm jb rA - b u ff e t dtnner,wlU t I builnfw men wlU ptovldt tha i u l « ^

' FIN1 —

B «r ctRsUUtD* TUHUd rnu *

3 h i c f G t

l a m e n t ^e M endes-France today w on a s m al assem bly for continuation o f nen t.i‘350 to 115 fo r the R ovcm m ent’j th e re was little emotional en thua

E e n s e C h i e f I

- r r D ^ ’sta;OIT. Oct. 12'(U ,PJ-Defcnsa Seci was blasted by Democratic and Ii ntr th a t , although he is sym pnthel lo JiiccB “bird doffa better th a n ke b ird doff will hunt for food “ra th id yell.” . .1 m ade h is controversial remarVa ons’ unem ploym ent a t a new s coi

t h a t W ilso n “ r e t i re Jb l i c j i f e ” o r apo log ize ^ i ta tc m e n t . “ voung ho, in a a angry eorrecUy-Mo Elsenhower, ta ld he v u j-io 9 p; m. " b y ^ e .d tle n H .H c n )« ry ^ — Coxrectho 7-. ' ' - llQuor electlilatem enl Verified - lo 7 p. m, -

conlroversial tUlem»nt. L , .Z... ■■ s verbatim today by Uie _ _ T -aute-C entra l-ccm m il- And rv e got a lot of lym- I W O 1 .-peoplrw hotw -aT sadden — —— r -------tchet -em -bu t I've always 1 A -— . dogs better than kennel- X ^ 9 1

nyielf. _ 'ow. one who'll get out and I 4 / \ i « ood ra the r than t i t oa h li X U J . yell."

Rap# BUtemenk 14-yeti, 6 ii i t iU T 5 7 ii:s ia iiii S r l 'iT J iS ?eneral M olon pretldent'i WH a “furthBT IndleaUon ,e of thinking and view- ^howed when ho aald •what •T Otner»l.-uotor*-u-good . Tha, .» em a litfld SU tet.’ “ ^ r r a o p d J ^s d Sens. K om er,-* te-day* and h t :h l t tn . and LtvcrtU S tl- ot |S a31«r h kU tttchuieU t. both crit-' 40 miles per I d e fe n tt tecrelary. mile eont otn o t express m y w In the Sunday,

r about, unem plopenl." c trp ison. eh a lm a n of the ten* fQ . 30 dtya ’ conunittee. “I consider coiii en_ lha. rieht a c tlam lty-fef-«ny S o amUy. cKjr, sU U aad n t ; e ae a tlv t tp e................ ................. - iou th ;---------

rty* Abottt B tro a rt E d d l t f ia r t

a r ; T,U w ert itxongtr In their r J i i

7 . McNamara, who hop« ,Pergutoa ta - t h e N o v e t ^ ‘tld WUson't rem aito Were *th e dark ag# thinking in cosU Monday

t admlnUtraUoa." He ttid Burley labor 1 ^played » “callout at- W. Tucker on :^Oie Siemployed, l« f B e g tf ta rle t R . HoweU, D., N .J , dnvlns chtrgi n ’t rem ark! beltmge*! 'in • a rear fen; th e a v ea t thopT* mouth of Da

■----- r r - . . - w u damagedT <• J mouth whUerinformed-

r i s P a ^ ' r l SArms Talk j '

I NATIONS, N, Y„ Oct. 13 havlor for on rnited BUUs u fd M t y Roberto Ro Soviet propouls on db- borer, w u IU ap pear to open an avenue negligent dri' r dlicuaslon and “we de- ty Rupert J ' ^ o t reject them.- prank R. Pr S poBlUon w u sUted by »rrtsted S a t• Jam es J . WadsworUi In county deput; ■al a *em b iy t M-naUon ,n „ lv ed in aii immltlee. roW near Ru

poaalt. iep re jen t «« i« * ear ’wa* w ea•p-ln tho d lr e e U o n -o ^ « j o u t oirm am ent program. They« v e r. be clarified and. Largo segmenU of Uie ,^ 5 " '“?®..*®,n t program are notralH n-^hese-propoials.';rU»-s4W-the-UnraQ-8twi3eady lo support reacUva- • ,,e five-member dlsarma- was fined Wimmltt«« which held sec- Rupert Justlin L ondo iT luV T prln rin R .-P rle« irT oeasful attem pt lo reiolre S for falling

ike AvertedOBLES. Oct. 13 «> - A 1 0 |-a tr ik e -a g a ln it- th e -L o s b OIBE. O

lit Lake Clly lln« of Uie departm ent

mporarUy today. of the yea^ei;agr«d_tp^acc#pt w nr. j tp o rlff l fo r th e naUonal mediation _ T h rec .n e«

the division ' '“ were those 0

• J f > - J in Idabo Palm a.liana_j W^ednesdayl y.iid'17'M ouhtsOn Home air v o tm a li bO ur< :i5 p jn . 'Wednesday ^ r tn t elefflLT. -m a n a ffr nf Uiu f flD J j j -irluT^

poH,.» th rw ifh 'th i lebuck and CQmpany tto rt y , 5 « ^ a l . t h e a lrJo rc e band to u i ^ B a n i t f rw lU idlsband.—------- ~i ^ t t f i l t t p wsuhl..Pfier.Baffll«rlT and joearAircM tion a t a cocktail hour t> . -oeadllnofi U follow. —itta lnm en t



P l a n *a solid but grudging . o f negotiaUona with

int’a policy. ' luaiasm for thft proj-

HitItement !Secretary CharlM E .- ■{ d labor leaders today ;hetic with the unem- kenneJ-fed dojfl'

ather than ait on hla

rl('a when asked about conference h « e y ^

UsCloseaf? ' ~iI p lace t’ ( o r today's r-Uie-drlnk eleeUon do t*a.____________________ - —

h o u n w ert iU te i lo* -Monday u - f r 5 in .r a .n i . —

- ........ - .............. —thoun-tor-roU ng ln„thC _ _ ecUon ara from 9 t . m. i . ----------- ----------------;-------

j j r i v C T s ; ' “Arrested •rSpeedii^ !year-cVl Twin Fkllt drlv* - lle en tt-tu s p e n tlo n t-to d — ned court eo ttt irben they In Twin PWlt lu»yc« cotfft a i id ~ p ia a e d - * a n ty o f — :

tnw t f flttf.Antn. m ___ L;^^^,1ru< U lp«ldM ^nr W 1 h t w u a t te u td Ib t « ■ » - (

sr' h i t car v u cibcktd ak !• w hour or mor* to a 3ll- II I o a 'U tto..aVenua 'lO uth 1'

itrpen tir loN h li Sfltota' ' j lya a ad w ta a ttw ttd «aUia-ttiQ*.fiharta.i.BUj$ar__ij oiociud tn r tU o f t t a a n apeed CO .M ato ,.a rm o a . - J

a a r k ^ U and X ttl CoK,

In ed llO a n d tS 'c Q tU e te h ' I by Rupert PoUct Judg* Xedfonl c a cbarsM ' of . ,

ir eoUUlon_al T:«8 p m A to a f i n t - a a n d - ; Iday for Pred 8 . Btgay, lor camp. FoUct Judgt U . 1 r ordered th t t in t foUow> . < r 't a n t i t on a ncklflta itrgo by Burley poUot. . fender of t h t 19M P l y - . D ale O. Ather. Albion, ,

ged by B egay t-lM t Ply* : - lUe Begay w at making » pAihfr*# T ir Trat lO of the accident.Tded-flne e ^ m -« a l^ eett*—

Sunday for Ch'arlet Pel* ocaleUo, f o U o i ^ h it a r- negligent drlvlntf. Polk*W. T ucker-toip ^ e d - t ^ —

■ one year. - . ...........Rodrigues, tn n slen t Im-

I lined |3S and cotU to r driving charge Monday

t JuiUce of the Peac* Prleten. Rodrigues w as

Saturday by Minldok» puty iherifft a fte r be ins - '1 en accident on cemetery i R upert

«■ i948 ,Plymouth tlniclc___

tetugia O arcit. WUton la - . _ a a « ^ ta id RodrtguCT* . '

' to the rack and-rear e n d .' t truck w u estimated a t <Umat«.ot .M SQjru jilaced .—;*-4o-Bodrl«ue*'-car. — H . Qonzales, Burley,

t u and coBU Monday by iistlce cf th s i»ettce Prank- rrToBowinffliu an'Bil.OuL Ing to heed a itop sign.

Polio Case - 'ops 1953 Mark, O ct.-ia '-W V -The I d a h o .- n t of public heaim today

ear—two more than were

Ion of vital statliUc*. They * se of an IB-year-old woman _. Palls, an «-ye*r-«W “ 5

n and a four-year-cM.ftti

o t i n & S l o w - ^ _

M ^ M t . --------- —i» fo rb tU o tto « l* .1 p .m ..

_ '115

Page 2:… · p T siated Ipositsin] |55eTr»dIo»ctiv8 m inerals/' th in . deparimenl


/_ Deer Kill for " -^eepndflim t-

Is Over 1,000! KlUL 3 0 chaduw uT ripo tlri

M Atcf. Tha ehoihone Bwln checklor tU U on. wjth a J thtclc- o u u , reported » low o t U3 deer.. ro u r more taunU lehwluled

------ J o r th e KFOth'hUH-OTer-iK*t-»*»k*------ CT(Jr~ThB—jumonr^outilrti.- -BUek-------P l r i r w r I C a d J e S«HH-U«mTBn

divUlon huo ti wiU open on Oct. is- tn tf >]1 wm a a w on Ott. i t n e rv \ “ th e BUck Pine d i V i i 5 » H n c n i

I - for lh* lianu-w m b*-oj»«n on Oct.

Tb* -flrit un it of -the PoWler . - m ountain h u n t io t bolh eUc uad

d te r wUJ open Oct. 13 »nd «m clow Oct. 31.

■ TwoTwln ^ l U Mia ind t»oH*n- I ten 'decr hunU ri Grew iin e raT W n

P»U» Juillce court Tue*d»y when . they pleftdfd ruUty to chirjei of > fillin g to kltAch game UM to deer,

neglect to cheek Into th# C»i*l* hunUttg tre » u id for canylni fire- unn* In » hunting »re» without hunUng pennli4. ,

Calvin McKlDley. 10. and John yioyd. as, both lU nten, were fined ISO wid )3 coaii each when they pleaded guilty of -fiUlng to attach sam e anlmnl U p V) dKr Ihey had killed laal Saturday,

i f . 0 . Gentry,' - *ouiH ,~Tr«*tlntd-»25-*»l-P-«»Uafle r ha admitted neglecUng to

' fheclc In to , th s cbecklni lUtlOQ -prio r to entering the hunlini are*.

V I* Parkin, nS7 Bhoup arenue ea it, w u fined *05,115 of which waa ampendfd; and U coeli. for being In the hunting area w ith a l l r e ^ without a hunting llcenie, P uk ln

.a n d .ae n tn r-w ere . together a t . th e Ume of Ihcir a r » t . police Mid.

H u n te r F ined' B m L Z ir. Oc(. ll-C »n7lD g a.rlfle

----- In' .a p trm ltJ c d ^ a fine o f MS and coiK Monday for Mercer fitarer. J«, Eden, Probate

_ Judg* H. W. T utker.iu fpendtd .ll5 of tho fine,

s u r e r waa arreitcd Pridiy a t the___ head oT.aooae creek by J m I R er^r

oldi, couerra tion officer.

H o8p@ 8----- Magic^-alley-Memorial.----------VSltliw houra at'TJaiIs~V alley

Memorial hospital ar», from 1 to 4 and 7 to I pjn .

ADMITTEO M n . nonatd Scherupp. Mri. 1* M.

U rsen , CUff W. Benaon. 0»ll W. Montgomerr, Mra. Jane Chrt, G arr

___ D « in .8a a rk i-aa d .M ri ..c ..u Xewli,a ll Twin Folli. and Mr*. Charlei 6hen ffttd .n ie r.

7 ' DISMISSED - M rt .-V e ra . Wooleyr-Mf*- » • Jen- klna, U n . Sdward Johnun and •on, Anael IUll and Mrs. John Gray-

— blH.-*U=’rwin--P»lIil-«ri,-fitaia«y P lah M d daughter,' Mn, Gene Oi\ibba and John Van Llndem, all B uhl: M n. lU y Bhatto knd daujh* (cr. Glenn* Ferry, and Sana Marie Oela. Zdea.

.BIBTUn 8 oni wera bom Monday te Ur.

and M n . H aU Xsgh and Mr. and___ fi/->ifnippi all Twin

. Palls, and «'< lau{hter w u bom to------M r . 'in d ■Mn,' L, M. Laxaen, Twin

Palla. Tueaday a daughter w u 1>om to Mr. and M n. Oharlei Shepherd.

k Pller.___________________________

C o t t a t r e , B u r l e yADItnTTED

M n. Colleen Oibome. Mn. Lau-- Tice Mangold and RuUi Cue, all

Burler, and Clara Warner, Heyburn.DISMISSED

Sally P itenon . Malta.' BIBTIIS

S a ugb ten were bom to Ur. and M n. William 0 »lMm# and Mr. and M n. Georgs Mangold, all Burley.

R u p e r t G e n e r a lADMITTED

Plord Merrlral. Pine Rldse. BrD.:

Jackie Rupart, Rupert.

____ m e e t in q . h e l d8HO8K0NE, OcL 13-The flrat

- a t T p. m. Sunday a t the ehureh. Mr?. U R. Vaughn and tJie Rer. Joseph McLeod « u a In-^atge.

St. Benedict’s, JeromeADMITTED

LolJ Sotaga, Laura SoUga and — Uicretla-soiijariTrBTiuheneiTlonT

aid Bwlng, Buhl, «nd Dwight ThomDson. Mra. Paul Taylor, Urs. Melinda Qrlfflth and Mr*. LftEmtraon, all Jeromg:' __.

^ IB M IS S E D ---------------T h ev a rs Braun. Lois. Bolsga,

__ tiiur»J5olaga_and liiae liji Solagaall ShojhonerM ra. Harry Slmcek

. and daughter. Jerome, and Oeorge p a r , ll&ultoiu

= - r - G o q d i ^ l V I c n r d r i a l T j- - -vm uns Ti'ourj a t the Ooodlng

County Memorial hosplial are Irom

p ^ ”to ’

• Mra. LaxTence Kuhn. JUi'ffman- Zeb Roblion. Ooodlng. and JohiiKoffnmnrTniUF;----------

DISMISSED .Jolm IJoIfmnn, Tuiile. and Joe

. MnrjlAs, Gooding.

~ WeaitlicrMaglo. Valley—Mo«ll> rl«udf lo-

- ttOrrfl»:^*llhr»r.few=Ught-.ah»*eTi. n igh near (0; iow lonUht « • « : Jow taal ulght.W , 39 at I . . n . ,nd <« a t OMB.

Mi-u rt#.

--------------- '• ■* I- ------- ™»-?*-----i i • • ■■ M

.•WIN ____ .. _ <i 44 I--------------- II 4T ■

K e e p th e W h i te n » g -- orsaletynyin*

^ ' i 5 7eck- , 3 f >r. L>— 9uied 3#*k-: — - . . - - -U c k ) --------- —------------- •>«:----------------u jn ~ — 'I '— ' '

r rp i J 7 d a j / t ' w it/louC ttT r a 7 7 f ^ tr e a Z h ■ f h 'o i r o n r a r e '

‘ P T A T o l d o f

P r o b l e m s f o r

T r a f f i ( \ S a f e t yUia T ra ffle and u fe ly problems af­ire- fecUng W ashington grade school tout were outlined by Prank BarntU. clly

traffic jMKce sergeant, and Norman ghn Croaaley. city engineer, a t a meeting jjjd of th e W aahlngton achool PTA Mon- hry day evening a t thp achool.

S e rse a n t^ 'B a m e tt praised the Ijiid school'a aafety patrol, crediting ll

wllh keeping tha accident rate down., He no ted th e eoMtrucllon work on

” , Addl»oo-»veaua-«ut-ha*-lncreaaed th e -« h o o r« traffic problenu.

^ 0° lema faced by the school aa ttic result o f .lU location a t the crouroids of

HUB two a rte r ia l highways > 'as displayed w u by C ro u le y .. . g in Ha-v suggested parents u u AiM u m atreet for: dellrering and wiling for tkln the ir children .a t the achool and the urged .parenU nol to park on Uie

achool side of Addison avenue when h a rin g business a l the Mhoot,

Principal Virgil Allen announced Nov. 7>}3 Is American EducaUon W«»k-«n(( Ui»_No_v. t meeting of-the Waahlngio'n" acliool Pl'A will feature

L. !! * back-to-school program for par- enU. H e alao u ld tho teacher* Inill- U it« » lll-b eh e ld h ereN o r.-l.J , .

,v M rs. T iio m u Stlrera, secreUry.conducted the meeting. Mrs, Cornelu

T9* Viasera-waa-program chairman.-----Cub Scoula or den 10, pack 3. ltd

— 1 the pledge of allegiance to the flag. T lK ingT Jirtr tir the 'cerem onyw ere Gary Penraon, Charles Dunn, Jay Deitny, J ick le Cox and Jay Dell Pelt. They were aasisUd by Oary

a l Eakea, den chief, and Mra. Roy Pear- lley w n,-le«dei. . .« 4 <

Man Charged for w: Pay Claim Fraud

Joseph Harrison, 63. Kimberly, wl*. .w aived-prallmlaaiy-hming-in-Twln r l u FalU Justice court Monday and w u

bound over to dUtrlct court on a charge of presenUUon of a fraudu-

'en- len t aecouaL He w u comtoilted to and the county Jail tn lieu of «soo bond, i y - T h e cou rt aUcea Harrison drew

m : t r o m .. th a u t4te-unaer-the em- iene ploym enl aecurlly law during the . all first two weeks of M arch of thU igh* year following his aUU m ent of be- arle Ing unemployed although ha earned

183 fo r th a t period In the employ or U oyd W right, Kimberly Nurser-

Mr, Im.and • .........- •

“ -itfan-SenttoJail-C h a rl'u ' M. Debell, « . Kimberly,

w u committed lo Uie c ity jail for 30 daya T uuday afU r he failed to

_ _ com ^y w ith a Twin Falls police court JuUgmenl U&llUy on ll liiaige of being drunk In a publle place.

Police Judge J. O. Pumphrey sen- tu - tenced Oebell to 30 days In Jail but •11 auspe&ded the sentence to allo&' him

,m .to-leave th e city. Debeil wm picked , ' up th e second time while under the '

Influence of alcohol Monday night ‘ In th e 200 block ot Shoahone street , south. •

- J Jam es D . Kyle. 7*. Oraceman'a .Aulo court, w a r lined 130 in the ;

' a am ecourtT uesday after he pleaded : guilty « being drunk In a public ' place. H e w u arrested Tuesday ' morning In a parking lol behind lhe !

D.: Owl cafc.— j

EstateXwarded i—Mrs, Pearl Howell h u been award-

[■•J ed th o eaU re c sU ti of her late hus- band. Jam ea A. HaweH. geeordlng tn ,

™ a decree of dlsirlbuilon filed wllh the T w in -FalU eouniy recorder’s of- i

*''■ flee Tuesday. jT he eaU le Includes real properly

In T w in PalLi county, »l.763.i# in j c u h a n d personal property Including a 19S0 Paekard'^edan, one Holstein g

nd heifer, stocks and bonds and a tlS.^l j n- uvin 'gs a'ccouni. (

^ i W a g i c V a l l e y ____ !

F t a i e r a l s “ j ;

' - I tfW JE R O M E — runeral aerrlira f e r - „ Mrs. N ina B. Stuart wlll be held al

3:S0 p. m . Thursday a t the Calvary Episcopal church wllh the Rev. Nor* * m an-stoaw clJ;T w Inra]I..T offlcl#t- f

-- Ing. Coneludlne rttra-w lll-be held ► 18 a l the Jerom e cemet<r>-. The family m suggeaU conlrlbullons lo the Jerome * 7 elty lib rary or polio fund._

. . TWIN PALLS-Funeral vr%-lce» T ui SJurson wlll be^held a ll

i p m. W edneadayat' the T w ln 'ra l li ' ~ moriuary chapel v>ltl\ lhe Rer. nex;

Qg I.Indemood oiriclating. Piiml riles, wlll follow » t Tttiii pslls cemeier)-.;

RyPERT-— -Funeral ter t lcea -fpr- •. Oeneal Crawforth will be held a t 2 '

_ P- m. W rdnriri«]. -nade here wllh Blahop Kellh Mer-i ,

® n u o tflc latln r rnnM,.Hin^ ,u j ; _ J. ^ hem a t the Paul cemeler}-.' '

Friend.'* may tall a t ihr Go«lm«n' moriuary Tue.vlay evening and W ednesday morninc. . • . •[_

I ^ T E RIt I H W h e re , o re y o u go in g from h ~ i^H r~ 'B X iicp tio n c t'o iJp u i lunliio!^ A

W . l e n . U se v o u r G . l. entiilp i I ' d o s s e s , fu ll o r p o rt' tim e.

■ Twin Falls Busi

in *

' S lip ilE ju ry I n K o a d F a E(Cu 1Um4 I im T u t Out)

1 inraatiin swerved hU'caKtpward Ih ^curb to avoid hliung lhe boy.I Damage to the BraaUn ear w u ‘set a t tlOO u It h ll a fence on th side of the road. The door of th

^ ;Coop<r car w u damaged.____;_A _JM 7 CbevroitL pickup-truck

- Idrlren b y .n . B. Slatler. ro u te .! iTv<ln Falls, w u damaged to tbe ex

; a jlenl of I IH when U h ll loose grsre

~ — !halt-mU»-*ouUi-of-Uie-ltiimccdfla . of ~mghwi yi ~ P i - snd-^o-T uesttay

E S la ttc r told - BUU PaUolman SUnley Pace ha losl'conUel of U>e iruck, which w u pulling a slock

trailer, on a curve. Falling to nego- t][* t ia u the turn, lhe truck landed In

The pole-broke off. Power w u not ‘t v o ff In the area. Pace said.

J - A 1041 tw o-ton.lntematlonal Iruck I if - driven by Ted Soper^ 303 Jackson chool aueet, collided with a IBM Cadillac .. clly driven by J . North. Billings. Mont., rman Tuesday morning aa It w u being ■eling hacked onto Kimberly road a t the Mon- United Oil Company aervlcs sU -

llon.the None or the vehfclea Involved In

ng It the accldenu had Traffic Safety lown. Volunteer slickers, police u fd .

250 Turn Outlayet F or PTA Meet

. , Two hundred and fifty memben / * ' o f th e Blckel school PTA.attended* , o ^ n house and lhe flrsl general

y membership meellng of the year_,v,n Monday evening a r tl io achool.

Mrs. T h o m u Alworth, Twin Palls. s«ve a book review of "Heaven In My Hand." a Irlbule to the titachlng

I Uit profpulon. Mrs. Kennelh Shew played—two'-aodofdlon . 'selections; "Amelia Lous" and -Twelflh SUeel

l„ . i . Rag.". P lans were_dlscussfd fo r.a .ch lll

supper Ocl 39 a t Uie ichool audl- melu torlum. "nie parenU attendance 1 banner .waa won by room three, Mra,2 ifd Ethel Adam'* f ln t graden,i t . r Tlie teaching alatf w u InUoduced

by -ViwUg. Kllnk, .schpol-prlnclpaL j ,y M emben of the PTA e s e c u t l y e Dj U board were InUoduced by- Chailea

Gary Sleber, president '’ear- RerreshmenU were served by flflh ------ grad»-room-»oUiers____ __________

. Former Teacher ud Of Jerome Diesjerjy JEROME. OcU I3-M rs. Nina B, Twin atuart,..70. died a l ll;3}..a. m. Mon^I VU day a l St. Benedlcl's hosplUl fol* on a lowing a lingering heart ailment, udu- M n . S luarl was bom Aug. 6, jd to m s , a t FU Coillns, Colo. Sho w u jond. married le Alexander C. H T B luart drew In 1001 who preceded he r in deaUi em- ln,:19l».-.8liffrrTCTlT.e<f_her ,«Ju ta ; the Mon a t the Unlvenlty of Colondo this and came .to Hagerman valley In

r be- lOOS, moving to Jerome in 1917. med She taughfschool In Colorado and iploy for 3d y e a n In Uie Jerome school rser- system, retiring about alz yean

ago. S he VU a charter member and p u t president of the Buslneu and

'1 Profeulonal W omen' of Jer> ;1~ ome” an a"w u —• f f l l i i l e d ^ 'l lh '^ 'e

Delta Kappa G am m a- teaehen ' aororlty. She wai also a member of the Calvary EpUcopal church and sulld.

°‘”=* _ Survivor* Include two son*. Mai- ^ m KLuAtf m u KLiiiiiaj b iit- a rt. bolh Jerome; three gnndchll-

, 1 dren: two brothen, Harry Miller, Bruneau. and Dr. M. J . Miller

. i - l Ealon. CoIo:.-and iwo alaters. Mrs, u t i l e Mayer, Jerome, and Mn,

, K athryn DemuUi. Placervllle. Calif, rw i Funeral aervlces will be held a t

3:30 p. m . Thursday a t Uie Calvary Episcopal church wllh lhe Rev. Norman Stockwell, Twin FalU. cf. JlclaUng. Concluding rltea wlll be

iMj. held a l the Jerome cemetery under ^ • Uio dlrecUon of Uie Buehler mortu- ih i ary. The family lUgguU contrlbu-

Uons lo the Jerome city library nr. polio fund,________■ _________

Duplicate Bridge Results Reportedi

vlth Ttie Mllchell m o v e m e n t w u of- played by the Duplicate Bridge club

Monday evening a t Uie Legion hall frty with LewU Hack and Mr*. J, Frank , Henry aa north and south winnen, Ing M n. Mildred Bean and M n,,E u-

leln gene W alker were second and Mrs. i i i Elva^Metka and-Mra. H arry Cohan,

third.—^ M n. Cecil Jones and M n. Harrj-i

Bcock took f ln l place for the e u t . . and weal wituien. Alra. E arl Fell

and M n . Robert Tucker and Mrs, _U D. Lampe. Uilrd._________________

EVENT OBSEnVEo”‘ SHOSHONE. Oct. 12-T he "youUl

Qf. speaks for Chrisi” features a l Uie First B ap lb t •chureh-fiiind»y-f*» given b y -M ri- I» -M ...JU unaker.

■llv senior high Sunday school cla.M in- “I slructor,____________

3 F = ^ = *Ills- |{ a y |g r L ^ g e N o 94~

■ A .F . & .A .M . 'I NKW MASONir TRUri.K

for}• 2 C a lle d (’o m m u n ic n tio n •

— E nw rfd A ppr«n tte jrD em »~ ^ ■'uii 7 pjH. .0 '.; c. L. w iiiL .t. a . n.:S ' n , .J r £ " S V ,i . j

‘ m * u .e .j .« « ,t. n-tko-.

■RANS! Iom he re ? D o n 't overlook tlie : T n r b u s ln 'c s s e d u c a t i o n 'd f i ^ ’ ~

H ny q[- Q 'pning__t .

usiness College

‘ t i u e s -n e w s . t w i n

— — T m n ^ a l l s j

^ 1 wllh clly police Monday for Jaj rf 11 walldog.

W ledto a tt« id u ie New cliitea lo ba held fro m 3 to e p .B . Wad

1 tne the home of Mrs. &aor' Kassel. 331 ElghUi avenue c u t.

tnick M rliuig P U sM d ; — — 1— — : An all-day work meeUDgnrtU'li

B h e l d by the fo to ih ward LDS Ri U elw c le ty begianlng a t 10 a .a

clipa uMl-eak»^«oaraUea-«lU-b^aou>fl rstuy. wmtwtTit-1 p. m . - , —

Iman K eU iy AppeleUd t Uie K enneth V .'K lkia .'B uhl.-hu bee lUKk appointed notary public by O r tego- Len Jordan, according to a certlfl :d in cate filed la Uaa Tw in Falls count w lf i rt£nnla'j_fiU jM jrucKl#‘Xi________

GuUa HeeU T ea lgb i:ruck The Twin Falls LltUa TheaU Juon guild WiU meet a t 8 p .m today s ilUac 331 Main avenue souUi to elect ol lont., fleers. Rehearsal will be held afte King the buslneu m eelln t. All niembo ; the and InlereaUd persons are urged t sU - attend.

d In ZslUatisB Belafety Women of the M oou will me<

for formaT initiation a t 8:30 p.n today a t tha Mooae lodge. Th

. ••Chriitmas la..O eU iber~ . prograi will be given w ith Mn.- Rlchar Jenseo In charge. Each co-worke is ask«d 'to bring a gift fo r a chll<

.0 1 from 1 to 18 ye an old.

ibera C'»»» t*Tho Oood Will club wlll hoV gtiest a * r« r-th » -B ie e U n g a t 3:3

v ,u P-n>- Wednesday a t Uie home o M n . W. Wl W lr ih ln i . thr« .ro l«U .

, , 11, of a mile north of Five PolnU wesi— , ' -Each member U aaked eo bring hlng P'*->hew --------ions’, A akrFennlL ----------- - _ r ------- ^Ueel Plans for 18- by 36'foot and 6- b

18-fool addlUons to a single famU chill dwelling te cost about 14.000 ar ludl- proposed'In a 'b u lld lh g 'p e rm lfa p ance pllcaUon filed a t Lhe clly hall b M n Alfred Reeder. 337 Buena Vut

street. " uced '

A r t i c l e s S t o l e n —

F f o i n T . F . S t o n_______tIm hB D dlM_.Y«n)fd- a t approi

Imately $340 and 110 in change wer stolen from the Surplui Sales. '35 Main avenue w u t. over th e week

. end. police reported Tuesday. lA Q -According to police, the burglar

gained entry by culUng a amall hoi a B, In a window facing the alleywa ■ton: bclweta. fol- lot.

. Among the articles itolen wera i r- .23 caliber revolver, J8 caliber re

volver, a fluhllghlADd-batUry. twi ;uart hunUng caps, two down-fllled coaU earn one pair of booU asii. two_leaUiauca; ________ ____n d o - ■1 In . AID TALK BEEN ,1917. TAIPEH. Form ou, Cel. 13 (OV-Aj and s lsu n i fiecreUry of S U te Walte

:bool Robertson arrived today to discus 'e an further U. S. financial aid io r For and mosa with G eneraliulmo Chian, and Kal>«bek.

-:hll- \iller, \ ' ^ \ ^ a J S ^ L S m A“ I "Mrs,

:allf.t AnoUier negjecUd InvenUon Is ' " y a pair o( loUrehangeable ear-

muffs te be used fer cold weaUiert .......... .....

* 1 ---- '----- --------


iS T w in F a l l s 'Slen, . i

lan. ----- - _ D r i v e r l n ^ l


I — O P— I D rop in to d a y . ,

w ilh th is new , rrJ - - ------------- ------ H urtdred s-hove-o^ b r ig h t .o tm o s p h e i

s e rv e d h e re . 'O u r <;n i t o f f m o k e s p le o s e , b y - s e rv in

_____________ o f fo o d , e x p e r tly |~ ! lo o k in g fo^r y o u .

^ “ f r e e P A R K IN G !'

! UNTI'C 2;00 A.M. -

J l e c U. --- -“ F i ^ 1

423 M ain E a s t— -R

^ e w 8 in Brief /

office Monday to Harold Kichsrt 'a n d O eoffia D U ta Duber, bot

Seattle, W ash. . . . __ _

"cIuB BetBTBS isMBe - .Wed- - CharUs t JU ngo, soa_J»f U r mory Mingo, h u returned honIt. after being dUcharged frera Ui

navy. S e lerved (our. y a a n -sa l lb — -- 08S-Brtekley-BsM la -« > * -* ^ E u f l - b i — — • ——

R*- DasM Sehedeled a -m -- 'O se-B ooU aad -Bualleg-Bquar irr«i D«BCrcluU wm -dance afr-aJO-pJilUtt* w edneadartn-U ie lO O P -baU r^oa— — iitendlng i m s k e d ^ bring a aac.

lunch. Colfee wlU be fumUhed b

t>«n ______ - ■Oor. Trsslee* te Meetrtlfl- Tbe Twin FalU Counly Schoc lunty Trustees aiaocUtloa will m eet a t

DM. Wedneseday In Uie old hoapl m ^ ia ja jn g for lu “quirlerliriallO T announces Carl Boyd. A movie, "J

eater School Board la AcUon," U iched ly a t uied.t of- ---------afUr Family VlslU Kers iben U r. and M n. D on Barringto) ed to u id family. Ban Diego, C alif, ar

visiting Uieif parenU, Mr. and Mn H. 11. Barrington, and Mr. an

, Mrs. WUber LarUon, Twin Palli OUier guesU of Uie Barrington* In

P;“ - elude Uielr daughter, Mrs. MUUu Weaver and family, San Diego;

gram ....... . - .......................--------------------

i s O . V . C o l e l s

P a i d H o n o r s.*2?1q .. Funeral serric tL lcr_O w en Vo« ,, Cole were'conducted a l 1 p jn . Tues irth i day a t-th e Filer LDS ward chape

wlUi Bishop John C. Barlow, presid

* • Family prayer p rior to th e serrlc w u led by J . W. Whitehead, j chorus, Mrs. Tom McVey, Mn

^ - J a i n e s - M i y . M n.' Vcn 'Reynoldj »' W Mrs, D ougiu Brown, Mrs. Rot imlly Ward, Mrs. Dewaine Jenkins a a . Mra. G arth Prince aang, accompan

, *P' lel by Mr*. Jay MerrllL W ilbert Flf t gara the invocation and Blsho

VWi* D arbw .read Uie. obituary.____Dr. Max W. C arrer, a d o n Tan

ner. Dean Call' and PresldenfH enr____R iw linga._-R ranklln„L D a_*tak i

UUh, wera speakers. Mr*. Mar Johnson, Roger Vincent and Ber nardBrow n were soloists.-%(n.Johi C. BaHow was organist. John Peter

^ '^Plower ^ilrJj’’"were^'’ Mr. Cole' • " 1 nieces.

Pallbearen Included LeRoy Kohn . lopp. Riley HepworUi, E m esl Hall

Landell Nelson, Alvin Houser and A hole Lee.

i'way a n v es ld e rites will be co'nducte( ■-«f a t - l -p . m. W ednesday-at Willard

- UUh. Bishop Lloyd Christensen wli Ta a be Uie speaker and AUabelle Hull - re- soloUU Ralph Cols wlU dedicate Uii. two grave.__!.......... ---------------oau. ■! ------r -,ther ----- - CO-CHAIRMAN----- -COLLEOE-OP IDAHO. Caldwell.

Oct. 13 SU n Vandenbark,. Twin I Falls, has been named co-chairman

-A j. oi publicity fo r homecoming a t the alter College ot Idaho on.OcU 33. Includ-

ed In the homecoming events will be a football game, dance, art-show, music open house and informal

_ _ _ reclUl and the alumni banquet.

Rum mage SaleF R I D A Y &


/ Starts 0:30 A.M.• open Friday cvenlnj

t E P I S C O P A L ' I C H U R C H

i j s _ b a s e m e n t

her 210 B lue Lal<e8 B lvd . No.

' y _______» FINE FO O D ____

----------# -E X C E L E N T ----------------^ SERVICE


Smartest, New LRestaurant. . . . . . . . . . .

. , . g e t.Q cq u o in tc d , m odern resto u ro n t,s-olready-en joyed-thB --------------------ihere ,and lin o food u r experienced k itch- <es every e ffo rt tov in g - o n ly - th e - f in E s r -.-----------------Iy prcpored . W e 'l l be J . . . soon !-------— -------— ------

i OPENyOO A.M., — CLOSED M O N D A Y ...

Jlodfe■FOOD"-Rol and’L o r i i i T ' o w l e r i

n Return Blast -Fired at GDP

^ “ IrStatem enboU) (CMttMi f m r a n Om )

In Uie p u t 23 yean." according BepTHarold CooUy. D . W. O ; a m a ^ ^o T W h o u s i! igrlcullure'ezHiQic (e«.

»m e Cooley told a DemocraUe ra lly the Idaho Falls l u t nlghl th a t Beosi

ll-UyingJfl.dlTlde farmera a n d .tE u t. eltr-totMumen."------ '------------ j "*

H f'U ld 'B enusti p r B t r t a i s zu l Ing Uie farmer sod U u t th e « «

uare culUire aecreCaty loeorrectly .clAli

1 by '■ Frembae rreU eitea 'CUrk m m llloa, DemocraUe__ea;

didate for g o v ^ r . pnmiUea y* tCTday to proUct Idaho’*- wmt

hool rlghU “against e n c r o a ^ e o t o f j at- 8 bureaucnllc commUslohs, p r l n -o l- uUUUes or any other group," e nSSir. S h a i - t o 4 a U - « .U b e ^ U «

bed* *^In'*’a speech a t M a l^ C lly, 1 crlUciwd Uie R e p u b l l c a n a f -fnudalenUy- claiming to pn»U water rlghU when they were ‘ alloi

»tnn ing Idaho Power company to ael

Atty.-Oen. R o b e r t K. flm yl Republican candidate fo r go rerw

. began a campaign tour th row L ^* souUiem Idaho today a fte r caUij

for an increuo in efforts to coi — tourUU to Idaho—

He told an Idaho City g a therh yesterday tha t central Idaho “h more thrilllnK history of rugged p t neerlng per acre Uian anywhere e l In Uio InlermouDtala west.-

r s must Uke firm step* to ai rerUse what we've got. More tourU

Vo«4 In l Ule wlll m ean m o •ue*- money In UiepockeUofJUirjwople jp e l • _ ------------------ ^ .........

: : a u b I n 8taUs z -J^ew Officer;

Robert Kelm w u irislaUed as prej Went ot Uie I, B. Perrlne ToaaUn» Un-club-M onday evening - a t t l

™QLiw" new ofllcen InsUlIcd. Ir duds Donald Johnson.-Y lce-prc Ident; Donald Somen. a ec re U r treuurer. and Robert WilUams, ae:geant-Bt-armj,----------------------------

b" / Max Lloyd, area governor, was li ^ h n stalling officer.I?,, C, E. Harder, Jerome, dU lrlct go '

emor. spoke on hU recent tr ip 1 ■wishinBtoti; d . c„ t« » iu tid t l

- convenHoo of T o u tm u te n In tei

«*»' "*^raen won Uia blue pencil It i \ { the best two minute talk. Tab '

topics chairman w u Donald Jo h r son. Donald S. Bailey, outgoing cJu president, w u to u ta i'u ler fo r t^

^ j]| evening.' ________ ',


'day ser^'lees for area Baptlj churches will b i held a t T w ia F«1

Mil. .o a .0 c t.-3 l.------ --------------------

nan .the

I below, ..mai ! ' ■ ' ' '■ ^ « lW ry I 5 w ic r^ ^ ^


CAIN' .. A

E v e r :I (WI.TH THE E


GlTfTIKUjuii lo remain open rv: — is.a-p4miftnpni rvti pi*'n n o ^

watch the mar\elous TV prog coming in every nlghl I Thl.i la i and we know you’ll enjor eve .'.pcnd In our store, Come often

'• If you wt. li . ., we-II 1,5 here. Lo .■ nighftnrough Friday. , . unu i

pi S een ^ o d ayL ' Early TO tA tn llmmy «i»,'ii.- .

; = r x m r W D o i r i n - e w t h ^ ; " - ^

IlflBL bOiplUl . . . Taxicsb drin Uirowing • cigarette butt from c

, ■ window Is f ro n t .e t pedestrian lly In gjdewalk . . . Men dumaauing ini< » * o n railings ouUlds market _ . u

tJoyd ^ w e sd n tu d n u r -h a t- fe r -S Urns th U y e a r , , . Attomer csrm r

0«OIld itTM t WMt . . . Tfouout, n u u o i m .1 a , • M o p h K "

8» F < « - . lW w W - W » - n i l V =Man boidt& t'eot haud 'arh l'g lano skyward and rentorea predicUon i

beliif backed Into doorway by dc • • • W oman wearing welnl lookla

i W S long^ack feaUier.,ZHi? Youngater swinging on parkb " 2 m e ^ . . • cand* * * " 6n iia w iir» n irp ep i!in f-u h d y T i«, . , into mouth . . . And oveTheard:'-^ • youll guarantee m t against l ^ ]•

U o n r-" “ “Uow- __________________

Aid SoughtarU e SHOSHONE, Oct. 13-SherH jTJOr. T h o m u Conner U aaklng the aid c o u a h the public in IbcsUng Uie penon t lUing persons who toe* a Pord fro: coax Uie Arco Motor company early TUei

day and abandoned U cn h lg h n erlng two mile* e u t ot here.“b a j Sheriff Conner u id Uie aut-smobll o lo . w u abandoned a fte r It bad run n

I e lse or gasoline. He a m m at If any p« sons MW a hitchhiker or hllchhikej

, Ad- ^008 highway 93A around 8 tju . i irU U report a descrlpUon to him.

Sle” .............. GBOUP METTfl■ - • HEYBURN.- Oct. ‘ 13-M la Mild

and Exploren of the. aecond car held a fireside chat a t tha horn* o Mr. and M ra.'J. V. te a Sunday ert nlng. Reed CaUnuU, Rupert, told o

I »Q hU experlencu .ua.p ri*on* ro fU i O Japanese during tha war._______

5hn- «Vt.O»f...*,

3un-p tu tr*iiM iw itM B a ts i------------r b i w x m

I FOLKS: I to be the I a n t Anne Ever. Mad(

T h , po licy o f ( h l/ito re b o se d on "g o o d servi V o lle y ". In o rd er to r h o v e m o d e th is decisi' ta k e odvo n to g e of thcs o f te n 0 $ you wish to i h o v e to offer!

N O W ^

'S HotpoinlI¥ 1 L L Bl


W A TC H ' ^ BEST! -

"every week"tflglSlOW to come ln-end----------------rogram s th a t a re ' I f l Nla fo r your benefit, every minute you:n . . . every n lgh l J rLo.serve you every--------LllO;OOp,m..


r -n n : O tt arryiBg addm,»«Q**apter ^

Ion of ^ •-after gtitay dog eaalid li^ V

« n i t^ o c r a t i^ , ! ? ' elec. , ^ f r t ih i a ^ '^ '

X’m Panel tofrom Plni

'iz IQ Q' e « .Jld^f j

s '

S o n u r t-■ i t l t iT i i ia

(J hidk

'f" il'

a' 'iosi^ iW fte liii • a n m l M l S

n m

I Beiievefl i Most I m fiounceniB

de By CaMtore hos been o n d e V ^ | ervicfl to thi to make this M n riu E ^ | icision. We h c p c M ^ ^ these extra hoortm ln^B

l i S t o f t l


Page 3:… · p T siated Ipositsin] |55eTr»dIo»ctiv8 m inerals/' th in . deparimenl

I] ot-finL .

K^^Zfulijtte^dK ^ lB t tx lU h l ■ H | ^ kU Itl pra-

■ • * 1 ^ (or export

g.g^-trtite.iflth7 ^ U .B . tn d e . H | | | H ■T^lcnenl M heI rs tD t r i K*‘ .• Elmer GrlMIl»gjM U itJuly.H e ,ii,*d Wk V bI

f e a r s * *1 " “““ ''" 'Dinner I S’SSl"-^’ On Thai l l S a - B y . D AS e uul ot lU con. Plana Ior a 1 " rS n o Bf eomtn:c- Ko».« were h ik ! S S ^ jw n c r uld. S tndley chap t* S T r f Ui» opinion American V eler jS 'a f the iwpped up with the d e p artr 5 i(« e» J l- 'a “ « ‘>«- M- K nlsht. In cl r « « l y » tew « • New officers : I -M iteumlM our GrlCTtth.-eDmmi ^ • t e b W: • *r. vicfr cwnm a

mtU lure. field. Jr.. v lce-o ff ora mvkeU are Burdick, ofricer —ried ^ liarejt. serecanJsd. Kccnd. that we u w w n . tfcaau ie aa taeounUf attack thaplaln.B iKt-one phaM of Memben vot«< tb. KMlor added. n tfjy fatnlly #nc

---------— on the Ponjet-l

iriorHead S " “,« R o f r ! l U £ j I ” W J«-C»‘n fo r t 8 J j e i r f l y d l _ for B tntm l .he ii

OeL IJ w v^sear general public fo I KCtUrr of ‘he In. The nex t meetJ

HtfvtUao tvietiM t. 1 =

? « » « ' . - W e l l i ^U ew e it. , HAOEW-iAN,.

b» rtJirdi Uie Eiien- Saturday e < ^ mtien'i public power were aervcd by 1 i(W»I of the well.- nard WrlglU »:,b# ipealual.«5-i-L yoni.W oody. .Btle dinner tonliht. The next danc

Democrata will win 23. bwe.of reprwerita. _H to <J leaLs. and

a 1 lo S. BURLEV. O ct._________ _ HtU. M tlta i «nd; A r r p o f e i l__ - •fd.jBurlcy, app l• A ire s ie a u«n»9 Saiurdftyi|HUThr»»-out.(jt. t j courtljouie..wr« im : = r = = r :giSDnlir by Burley How Hibloilatlon charjea, . .fCS and CMU Bun-iBijt H- W. Tucker. ■ ^W l Peter Pierre, 38, " ^ 2 iS S t, Dootlnso Marline*, . T •(*■ e Waili, and Clinton ■ '^ Y r

tf Orore. IU. WhlK’i

1 8 0 0 - ^ -

t g k e e pk c n ev c r a n y f i n a n c i a l p r o b l e i y “ f 's t a n c e , f e e l f r e e a t a l ■ r t f ^ t f T t i l l T l f y o u h a v e jJM K ii iili a l d i s c u s s io n o f a m , ' " '" 's e lv e s in t h e m a n y b a i

1 % " ' - - I n a n y e v e n t , w e w

S D E L L T -Y -N 3 i'*ER— . - ..........m e m b e h

- -Sern,IJ i la p c V n lley C

- N ( B W L e a d e r s

'H n

| H :

rUIIlh w u *le*t«d totnm aaderfifJiridUy i V bU « m . Monday nJtht. From left, a rt

•Planned Services 1 lanksgiving Luther ) A V ,C h a p f e r £ ™A ThanlaslTlnir dinner the Presbyterian- m ade a t the meetlns 3 pjn. Monday wl »pt«r No. B, Dliabled G. Mar offlciaUni e teran*. Monday rUjht j j ^ Bennett. » a rtm e n t commander, T . p,nled by Mm. H.

!rs*^lnS lied are E lrter He*rberiVl*b»uih*

;c « it-* t-a n 7«,- V tm m WendiU cemetery au ier, and T. M. K nljht,

<oted to five i to to a I n f a U a n d repofU were given DECLO, Oct. IJ

: e t- M f- /o t drive. The P. n»lier, Declo, f Iked inc auxiliary and of the dealh ol O lrls fo r .their help. Garth Newell Tlsl

or the ta e of the store Salt Lake Clly h« h e a d u u a r t t iu n d the Ujne^ . c fo r the ir cooperation. Hewasbom.M i teeU n t will be held Oct. Lake City, the toi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Etall Plaher, Pam

' -----------are~th!Tm rtnt»r

I « 1 1 K a r d f lB ie n n f lA t t e n a e d t»o aliters, nien ]

J i , Oct. 13-T he TutUe Pbher, all Farm M - w aa- w ll-a t t« n d 8d grandparenti. .Mr. vehlng. BefreahmenQ onrU ttniC nrSsir by Mr. and M n. lU y- naJ grandparenta, t, a n d Mr. and Mra. ?• P>*I»er, Declo, i r. _ _ _ srandfather, Hyrulance WlU b« held Oct. ' Funeral im ic a

1:30 p.m. Wednea_______________ Ington LDS chapiC N S E - l8 8 t ;n > - ^ — b«.i» Oct. i a ~ R o d n e y N. -------------

.*p'’p‘!.5°S;‘ZAC School]la y a t the Caula coun. BURLEV, Oct >• ‘ achool for elecUou r -." ■.•.•■•■' .— held a l3 p ,m .O clw n o t l m Pfdkt - - • court-room of t!

ST. JOSEPH courtAouae. W 111

f.SSW ..’.tfA T“l NomuiH.rn.toixniiu r„ Ine Bltomer. Aboi aiwttn. *upenl*e Ih

__________to attend. ■

P f m


^ I N M I N I

i)lem presents itself and we c ; all t imes to give us a ring—1 ave tKFti]m?7 o p in ~ ^trth (rW any of yourtm aTicial-affairs. bank ing services which we-ha Dreciate an opportunity to tel : w a n t you ta.know. you are al

' •

m O N A L B A 3 S

tER rFD lC - - TW1N_I

^ Cbntwcoiisl^-Si^ce 1908 -

____________________ .TIM ES

rs Selected by DAY

■ :*T'

UUy chapter No. 8 DU* . reUrlnc eoraman 1, a n Geerr* Burdick. B iandtr and loata

es Held for CarOv lerJ. HughesU Oct. J3-.puneraJ M tn- Bolae. when hli ca Iher J, HUBhe«. pioneer trol and overlum' WendeU. were held a t Ing. although .the

erlan-BapUit church a t cd. lay wllh the H er. Prank The mUhap occ rlating. w u driving louUell. aololit, waa accom. » « “nd 8:30 a. ;m. H. 8. Lamb. Ohryaler wandere<a -were Prank Tnlow, " " ' ‘•/"J*)»ugh, Ray Smith. Ever- f ” ahar^y back

— - - R W D TIMES-Nl

Old? Geteclo, have rKelved word - , _ „ ,Ih of their graQdaon, m l MUl 01 VI{OI llPlsIier,'&mcnths,-at * V B P N W nM F U Ity hospltaj. a f t« a brief W l ,, i x J I J ] :? .

OitmToala TitiUii, Iim.May U. 18M. In Balt V toJ,he »on of Mr. and Mra. plp.f.'ii j. Farmington. Survlvon ■*^t-Kq<»iawd' iiutn t» r t70 'bT B then ,-E d ----------------------—-'~ ind-naj>dell-PlsH ef: ^ S im S S S S S S S i aien Fisher and Colleen --Farmington; maternal a. M r . . .a a d _ M n o ^ a ^ .__ . . .. ._rMtl rMd M n .^ rt Aeclo, and a sreat.|ixeat- . | %. llyrum 6; Lewla, Declo.trvlces will be held a t _ , ________'edneaday a t the Parm-chapel. Pinal rJtea will •

iaJanaln<ton-ceineten'. _____________ _

oLPIannedO ct 13—A a p e c l a l

:lecUon Judgea. wlU be n. Oct. 18-ln th e dlatrlct ' • ot the Caaala-oounty V / l l l I a m Baugh. J r , | / T lor, reports.

will be conducted by iletacn. county proaecut*, About n o tMraons who .M the Nov. a general h e eounty a r t expected


? .J

,-R " —

----------------------- • • n m yA\rtomatlc ' • • on«

ve can He g—Phonerbank-for----------------- " P ' ll i r e / W e ' ■ - ~ U j e-havc a t) tell you - re always_____ |................... J

■ A ■■■ ■;■■■ ■

SH K -— = z z z :[N_EALLS . : - •


IV C h a p te r H e re =

' • J i f f M i i f ' iim asder: Griinih, and Teia K&Iiht. < Inalalllaf cfflttr. (SUtf photo-entravlf

Overturns TwoOct. 13 - No ln]urlea BURLEV, O ct d by Allen Logan. 3i, » te r fined *35 a hli car went oul of coo- urday. by Prob rlumed Monday'mom. Tucker on clvnr I .the car w u demolish- tagged deer In tl

.Paul Schwarts p occurred while Logan Friday a t Coyot •outh on highway 303 ,ervalion Offlcei I a. m. Logan-s iMT yon.' J e u Hyma idered onto the ahoulder u n « ie d tn Badi

and a fte r pulling the by Conservation back onto tlie highway, wardj, Jr„ Klmb inued off the lefl ilde - cay.and rolitd over, he I ' the Caula county k ^

a-N EW S WANT AD8. » - . . . ■

letPep/Vim| «Vijoi; Years Vounger 8 aukMEH:}a«S".7?Si;!l3 1 " . ^ - — -i.d.T.ifP.w,hiiK.i-poip«r 5 rf) |n t LICEN . t^ . ,o ru B » « d ,J i lw ^ « fc-PLIANCE

8 . SERVICE P.Cr a ^ A . ’ i l ld n T /^ ^ l — ^

i S f H l r G r C rFIRST TIME E

W H Y — | H «


T h e N e w F r lg ld a tre

offc W oshor Ia n d Efecfric ■

>ryer fodoryf

B Q I E M N ^

A T N O E XDELUXE FRIGIDAIRE I * lr-F lo» now ovollob li

& I D A H O __________________

=— — M eeting!

HAGERMAN,- Mre. Vanie Cane day evenbg t o '

' claaa-ol the MeU

deoC replacing hu 'm aved t<

M n . R. E. Neyi Ifiaon. A fUoi wa

w ith Mr . charge of the ioi

Q am u were d Kanlorr."Refrea^

V by-M ra.-Oaraon V. " r i a S i S S H l ! . meeUr

■ V — t he home of M

_ BUjcU.KllUireatt r - - V:. i -ir - n ts 'tc i '. - MrB,-Canwi-lh<

m enls will be. a _ Mr»._Oeorg» Joh

*' I Divorces_ OnCrui

-QooDWo,—0 r ' Slliri'fHii?liT'iT-'n forces wera grsni -40 i.4K ,» ...a Saturday momln it. deparlmeat e«tn. Claude P . Ran ftTlpg) divorce (rom Boi------------ ------------------ the grounds of ex

m were married in i'0 r ineci ”■V X m e n community prop O ct-13—Two h un ten cienahani'BoU e; l i and costs each S at- the.plalntttf, TObaU Judge H, W. Elva T. Bufan luirgca of having u n - Robert P. McLn thelr 'w s eaalon.----- Homei-waa grama rti . 30 waa an ta led Alfredo C. Bufar >yote.Spring* by Con- o t extreme cweJi :icer W. It. Dorris. Al* temperance. The smas. <3, lte>'buru. was Evanston, Wyo.. 3adgcr gulch Saturday munlty property Ion Officer Fred B. Ed* e a r and houae Imberly. ■ ________awarded the pla

’E T A J N b E s d ^- , S erv ice C e n te r






»SHErPacked w ith’ MgK-prit

_______ feahJiie&-youM ^pftcLcost much .moral

r 2 2 9Osfs ouf d09p‘dewn_dU vfW aler WQthlng invttlplles the

i Ing action o f aoopi ond deler;

L tIeaU dirf down droFii"*“ Floal-Ovar RiniIr>o floats icum c

up, over c lo th ti ond down lt>«

35— r o i l y - A W 6 n n f l r t o n t r o l Exoluilv* Seled 'O -D iol leli you v»

- —kind o f-c lo ihe i-ony * o y you III

I Ropidry Spin g e ti out poundi mot M - th an o lh e r .m o k e i . Som a Ihln H enough for irot^tng,'

i U b r S A V i

a R A C O S 'E DRYER w ith 3 d ire e tio n o t b iB fo r .o n ly . . ....... S 1 7 9 . 9 5

r Held for— A u g u s t 9dist Group^ .-o c t . I J -M r.-a S l . r _ o r _ L F . i m o a were hoau 8un. t o ' t h e Young Adult j \ / f | 1 | r lelhodU i church._ IT J I B IVk-aa elected vice p ^ - n o i s t rv-i ’

a t ^ i o ^ i . M T S d

M n. Alfred Sandy m pn>dueUon ti h . irr . J l pounds, a .dec! : dlrecied-6y.Mra. Al rounds from Ju

•eshmenu w irt u rw d ,*™tSr.-ion and JJn. Sanijy. * . *eUng will b« held a t

M r. and Mn. John liair_JL.Mnu.CUfford rtac n U h tJc » o n _ an d

J o l^ o n . . _ ^ A m erican , chi...........‘ ■ ■ 1,880,000 poundj

IS Granted SSSSufffi uelty Count C.'TLST- O c t — l l —T w o ^ k -anted In district court

S n .u r.„ i« . MoneyBonnie J . Randall on .: extreme cnielly.'niey ?

: a iroperty. Dsn J . Me- J no .ue; w u attorney Tor ' 5 " , 2 r i S

fanda, represented by ■ c IcU ughlln. Mountain J , C« ‘an ted a divorce from , qifanda on the grounds ' _uelty and habitual tn- i f l 'M a in Eaatrhey were married la !______________0.. Aug. 11. IMl. Com*'Tty. Including a lt»0 uaehold goods, v a i plalnUff. .

^0. I■RVICE— ..... g - ------- 1kT O R S- 0 . 'WABUEES I


ERY---- j ^

r f i r s P " ^ ^

^ r ^

E ]■ V ■ ' ®

riceH■ei »<;i_________________

T ^ “

_ d M •th e d e o n ^ ,

______ ________ j

l i '«ond dirt tb* dfoift.

•r» Mill’Of-----------:------------------uw oihonyI Ilk*.-------------- '’•'15,‘SIS

U kX ^lo . Cl

nore woter p . - - - — - - -


1 1 ^ = ^

5T . . . . . . . . L , -

s tM a r k•V A Russell Crump, w

l u t p u t o i SSJSi'S’S 'r r » 1 Homer SchneU

t 1 q p p te s o"- ~:L,13 (A -^daho dairy » » * /:,£ ced m o n m ilk durUig i ? B M D S l In any other August on tfl, departm ent o f-a trt- — -reported. _ v < £ « V l _

touied m muiion decline of 10 mlllloo

July, but rive million ra- the August, IBM, u u l y

oducllon, a t 3,870,000 > r h l i p W U 31 per cent above tha g H

ru*k,^ylUr-i>roduetioR> a a r - i iu - h * w .* u ih e / j l — 4 - ' u - i in e i - i ? M r w r 'd « i ’

chMsa. production, - a t . mds. v u down 7 per ugust. 1»J3. I t w u the this year th a t Amen- > J , ;;* h.

jroducUoD had drcpptd — T ne period la st year. j9 jH R |h L j

s y to LoanLoanalealdent Loan* S i S S -Juslneu Bids. Loansipralaal Fe* I j “ ■

ntereat Rate*

f. W H I T E ' \ G L S E E D -i

i j t 0 S l - i M . - O ^ e i fM iS i , <Ui

e a s s r

g d i i d i

-------- s o la n o » -n o w _ l---------- i 8 U w o f f - y o u p - f »

« a t Ih* fo o d s y

l f H r > U ^ TM l&e nreet*. can

a i r a a ^ V r t o r e ^ M . i

evarylbiag you've trice H | ^ S B | h ^ fal? Well, be u ikeptlci

- K g ^ p ( J k ^ L I s d - « C .a p « u l e tliat h ■caC l - z A . ^ fo u n d i and iBches-qf

*kaew vhat'abipjienlni atarvatloB dieliag hunj d raft, you exert don't crea diet o u v t a t to, becauM ;o a i Jeaa w l bert’a wliy. . .


faded a u w tiay eapw M te u b o t a u m i B x aIdater«iiK !a|.Itcem i and aisera li oftea loit

m — i i f , I ." I l l V I "ijiiintamlaa aod mlnerab. ^ ^ - ‘?r/ tegetatla ceUaloM tbal H ) 7 T«* eipaada when it 7 ‘ ■ •' r c ^ - - .«benbyWpJ*i*ive»l>( I i.i'l f‘

y l ' iulea a n ae packed wi ■ taifierala, proten aad e

---------- V v>.. food, thay le tn illy eq— g ^ ^ ^ y a a a y a BKaL

i .T ^ g w n n r r :YeuHbenirpriMdaltfa fint week, tbe lachea ti

^ 9 0 first Doalk No hunger. S w -------- dnjga, w uereJu. A• . r u r i f n ---------- i-B 8r«7 omhfnl-looHo(r

r y T r a * !*** bealih.



5 f r ^ 4 3 __________;

FHIS COUPON -,NDERSON'S,Tw]n Fellt, Idahs Nmtm M<Mf m* Ifw h lh w l^ AUJNONC Cc I BexM Kagulor S iu el )}.V8 a bei.I 8a«*i faonowy 8ii» ot <5JO o boa.


- - ■ ___ J W _ 5 h i » ._Chore* □ CtiackD MoAtyOrd

' aViU o J J i li i i l CO J . w t fcy ■rt»i «fc»n •r M c U ^ <hMk *f BM*y

f i i j l l M

~ ~ P X G s r m s ^ i

ips T a k e nit. IS — Mr. kadip. who have beea rl i l t - ’Mrs. E. A. Beem, b a n -■-■I^ 'A n g i le t - .------------inell U TialUng.ln .V ala.....

j | f 5 M 7pL -CAUM-ti-----blN5WU110H=X rn«M H M U*i«inrM E»ioy yaar Vouail^ -n n a ln g w a U r fr A ^ .......r»ho i4> la . AIm pr»;

facts punpi.«l11 1 ^ • ‘ T h o J i a d i o f fcapJ,I iMfs. Eaiy lo fiutal

J. rq«»-si»*ta»tr.W proparly InsiallaJ ^ outlaififhapIpe.AJ.'

R W lM .O n I .‘r*^«>lv^ ■

^ PHONE 401


.. ■ ; -i

n | r

I y o u o h o o s * ;

, candy, eake, bottef.] , ;reyou triedonelh lo |l ice, ipiEBf3o1Iif »t«ef ]-■latlilT ifld I f f ip lte e f-------tried you 'ra sUU ioo| p tlc a lu you like, but :n ‘a a wonderful Bew) u b«1pa.y«U ;U )(4 .o8k^^ s -o fu s ly fa ts a fe iy .l -r ch eailar yoa hardfy - nlni-Y oudoa'tauffer hunger, you u k e bo Exercise. In fact, yoa a bit mora than yos oa aotomatieaUre*!

h u n g » r ~~ " 7riuw w i a d e ^ ' ^ , ^apaote that eemliitM . . M I a c c o c n m proves ^ »mb[oe«tl>aritaniI&t‘, _ _ . ..! loit when tuu ing oOj

that b u na ea!oriea' - - i D it abaorbs w ater, aJhafoeliflgo ftfoD In lsrtlheaeliaycai^l d with Titamlna and I adooD-calorie filliDgj y equal and exceed.]--------

a tthafa tyouJoae thd I ea that d iu p p e ar the \ ger. BO strict dietiog, | i«..ABd the CMt ia air- —^

InpTxmyu-ictiToiBd - • •

- ^ , 1

^ - ..1


'£ Cepivhu \

O r d . r a i .■.•'... - S e a e ^ w * ' _ • •

y - . ^

Page 4:… · p T siated Ipositsin] |55eTr»dIo»ctiv8 m inerals/' th in . deparimenl

i i M i f l S l iX r«fc.«, *f <

■ublitM (■ t m 4sl U* Tala n iU .P»U:

Enxmi •> wmM <1m> mmO mt litf-.♦ate. I« Twl> rtlU. Idaba. »aiff U-»

- -------- m n a c iirr jo H «-. .B T .a H W U I- rA T iJ l^

II, tk« cobqili — --------; V -

•Pr th. nooth ---------I ■

_ o l l^ * f lU l l» f U«W. ~Hr ihvtBmii ------------- —--------—

ftartdiy toiB« ol ItU Btprr y»nu»»» U

F U T U R E O P FD: W h e n F ran W Jn D . Booseve

— to n g r e s ^ a . fe « ^ y c a ra J M i« i iI• t i c d e t ra c to r s o f th e B oosei ■ fo re sa w — In th e i r im B glnai

to t h e p o lll lc a l h e l jh ta h la c u p le d .

T h e N ew Y o rk e r m a g a z t h e i r d is tre s s in a c a r to o n a -g e n tle m a n p ro p p e d up In a th e n n tT m e tc r Ja m ro ed b c tv e i a n Ice b ag on h is h e a d . A di p u ls e t r ie d to fioo the h im w ltf

“ D on’t w orry . ‘T h a t boy ’_ ls:HoU80-7Ct."-— .....- -

P e r h a p s t h e s e . d e t ra c to r s a b le heart-W hCD F D E , J r ., t i D e m o c ra tic n o m in a t io n f o r c rjio r. T h e y m a y h a v e th o u g h

. t h i s p u t /Jn lsh o jj th e y o u i—a m b ltlo n a ._____

■ B u t o f c o u r w l t ’does nb t.'R * ly a c c e p te d n o m in a t io n f o r

" ■ g e h c r a l^ h e n th e . r o m l n a t l i w e n t to A v e re l l-H a rr lm a n . j move t h a t c a n h a r d ly fa ll to i

• d is t a n t hopcB. . ___I f H a r r lm a n w in s , R ooseve

Jn e n tJy . p Jaced Jn th e l in o - B h o u ld - H a u lm a n _ lo s e j_ R o o s

o f g e t t in g th e n e x t s h o t a t• g re a tly e n h a n c e d .

M ost i f n p o r ta n t o f a l l f o r a c a l fu tu r e , h e h a s ta k e n a s t(

—h lm - ln * g o o d -£ tc a d _ w U h .h J s jm a n a g e rs . H is g u b e rn a to r th o u g h I t h a d -a g o o d d e a l of. u;

“ ■ su p p o r tr^ en d e d n o -b c - ir -so :__^ p ^ i^ tln n Tpithntih t hO blCSSlnt

fu l N ew YorK C l ty J e a d e r s , “ B u f i i t n r h e - h a a p r o v c d - h

e n o u g h lo a c c e p t d e fe a t i n t c e p t a s u b o rd in a te n o m ln a t lo

- B U o n ilh -o t l f i ls - n a m c -to n tie : : k e t . F o r th u s b e in g " re g u la r . ’ C ity bosses m a y re m e m b e r h: I n lo s s , e sp ec ia l ly i t H a r r lm a r i t t h i s tim e .

------ R c50S 6velfs-m lstakes in 196t h a t h'o t r ie d to go a h e a d to e h o r o lle d o n th e w ro n g peo; th e r e . H e th o u g h t h e c o u ld s t r e n g th t h a t t h e N ew Y o r w o u ld h a v e n o ch o ice b u t to

B u t th e y f o r e s a w ,th a t I f t boslA h e w ould o v e th e m p r a t a n d th e re fo re w o u ld be a lm o s t

- n g e a b le .- N o th ln g io d ls t r c s s c s - A ger a s does b e in g d e n ie d th e

~ m a » a g e r -----------------H a v in g n o w bo w ed g ra c e f i

■ h im s e lf a m e m b e r o f th e " t e - m a y - I n - f u tu r e y e a r s w in t h c -

b a e k ln g h e cou ld n o t c o m p e l t h e ic a d e rs h a v e fo rc ed h im U

T h a t su re ly Is t h e i r m a jo r co; o r e n o t u n m in d fu l o f t h e m a g i v e l t n a m e a t t h e po lls . T h e y s t a r to bo h i tc h e d to th e i r w og( t h o v e h ic le ro ll w h e n th e y t h i r i g h t . .

FOR SA FER D R IV I n a sm a ll p u b lic a t io n c a l

—T r c n d 6 r ^ ( e t y - A U th o r l t y - ^ v i i c e n t ly posed— a n d a n sw e re d — p o r t a n t q u w tio n . I f h i s a n sw c . c o rre c t , I t w ill h a v e a n c f fe c s p a n s o f m a n y th o u s a n d s o f p<

— T h e q u es t lo n - ia - b a a l e a l ly - ^ s o r t s 'o f ' fragU e m e rc h a n d i s e p a c k a g e d In sh ip p in g c o n ta ln e

- y o u a n d -jro u r-fam ily b e " s a f e ly a u to m o b ile s ,

T h is , h e says, c a n b e d o n e twc J . B y c h a n g in g th e c n r 'a i n t i

t h e n u m b e r o f l i a i a r d s . ( A p e r s t a u to c ra s h u su a lly s tr ik e s h is h e

•o b je c t Inside th o c a r .)2 . B y th e ilae o f so -c a lle d "bCM

“ s iic li a s s c a r B c l i s a n d 'a p c c i n ~ w h ic lv p r c v c n t i h e ’h c a d f r o m '

J).ir„nrds, o r le ssen th e fo rc e o f R e su lU of r e se a rc h so f a r h a

" e x tre m e ly cncournglnff." T h e y ! ' Ise a d a y , says S m ith , w h e n d e t• - f rom -aut<^-crashcs-w U l -bO- Mni<

oc cu rre n ce ._ -S jj ie ty e x p c r u a gree , h o w e ve

th e p iib lic su p p o r ts su c h w o rk b e s lo w In a r r iv in g. To g ivq oi n e e d e d p ro lcc tlo n , th e m a n u fa c w ill h a v e to m a k t 'm a lo r c h a i p r e s e n t basic de.slRns. A n d

- c h im B e s com e. I t Is .w arn ed , w: h o w so o n we d e m a n d th e m .

I f th i s is tru e , th e n l e t 's 's t a r A n d a s e n s ib le w ay to b e g in ii

- iidopt(0n-< if^^ (U rl}o lte.— ----------• S c a t . b c l t^ . ,o ic . j i p t_ - u w o m lt

“w o u ld n o t r e q u ire a •c h a n g e Ir s i g n o f o u r a u to s . A cc o rd in g to si t h e y c o u ld d r a s t ic a l ly c u t t h e d w e 's t i i r h a v e n ’t ta k e n a c t io n t w l d c l y i n s t a l l e d . ..■ T h e r e a s o n g iv e n n \p s t a f t e r n i a y 'b e so m e p u b l ic r e s i s t a n c e - •fnmf* r f - e v c r y - m n k e ofm a d e th e b e lts s t a n d a r d e q u lp m c

r c q u l r e ' th e m 'U y T a w ,“ a s " t h e y ‘ l ig h t s a n d su c h . *—H e re 4 s -f tn -e x c e U e n t e a fe ty -p ro : a n d f o r In d iv id u a ls . B u y s u c h t s ta l l ' . th e m y o u rse lv es . W r i t e s o r :iu to f i r m s — w rite p u b lic o f f i c i a l

I t 's b e en s a id m a n y t im e s b e fo re you s a v e m a y b e y o u r ow n-


w lK i S l S w M s m o i

N U K S tAi7 and avtaiLi w AOVAWCB b ^ lld e r i^ be

— , ‘~ t '.M

— - _ - 1 i S [

— ■ - iiif p;S"j‘.ss,’urrt.' " U

TOFD R, JK . detenM tecrct]sevelt, Jr.. m ade I t to tha deptrlmfn

ina llo n s—hla clim b cab afpei h is fa th e r h a d oc- opposition froi

they h#v« nevt8K1H8 .u m m a r l i r t m show ing a n Ira te pouueauy powi n a hosp ita l bed,_a jran» world • i^yeen h is te e th , a n d L u t June. li \ doctor tak in g h la plication cm tft

courutl. Tlie VI

_______ ___________ ■ In m iiii: Uors l o b t consider- Uoh. c a o S a i

lo U e a to w in th e ro r N tw Y o rk g o v - " ,JB h t . w ls h lu l ly , t h a t roung m a n ’s la rg er tion ot nniiins

pemlt for a (oi ;;H o o M V « t Blircw a=- ”lo r . s t a t j a t l o m t y

la llon fo r governor n o oovKR^ n. And th a t was a {(on, U fias b«i to nurture~bls inore eeniinerctai -opi

dies, and will n

c v e l t w U l h . p : o m - : ' X “ S . " 'Ine of succession. loosevfit's prospect added. a t “ t h . Job Wll. M

r R o o . . v o i f . , » i i u - s ; s r s i “I s te p th a t wi n p u t r,ds' blockade c lls p a r ty 's political Korea and Indo Ito rla l ■ candidacy, ' commcri

s ‘ o t ' 2 - w / , ' ; s s ' s ™rso r t '-o i- lo n e -w o n -tyi;-a-n!a<j» w n sings o f th e P0wer~ cent by the BUb: s, • weaitneaaln liffia -h lm se lf spo rting »aW: n th a t aim , to ac - ’a tlon and lend th e j„gnu. or 3 per hezD em ocratif t i c - --Ttic-«ituntion ,ar.” th e New York commercial com r h im m ore kindly piw>8 wor n a n does n o t m ake tp n T R t o i

favorable action. 1954 seem ed tO-Oe. ^eou_u-roia-aa_ too fast, and th a t

p e o p le t o s e t m m ttld bulIH u p su c h S i l J .York C lty -Iead e ti. tniih of Uieae c to take him . monopoly Rhall | if h e won on th a t enterprl»e‘ dhall O T C t M l j n o th in g ,05 t t o t . ly u n m a n - S S S . U o n I. SCS-A.POUCIOI m a n ^ cits-andjJlcscdi th e opportunity to ------

c e f u i iy S m a m a 5 « - V “I E W J" team ." Roosevelt , anhc-H ew York City . A t the BoIm ir p e l t h i , tu n e . F o r

T^-'r?.^.. ahop »oul<l be cc

: concern . F o r th^y "how to evaluni* laglc of th e Roose- I’d ley Just w an t tho enormous bencfK m gon, a n d tO'have m a evaluation th in k th e tim e Is be termed -a £0C

thal desirable an dlalrlct channels.

------------ alxuellve siepa luU V IN G * dwpfMto :c a l lo d J 'R e s c a r c h '

ilVln . C. flm ith_r.C down to cmca.5d__a h ighly Im - ti the maximum

fee t on th e life- inuividutf persons.— ,----------Irainlafi J h t r c .a ty - th t e i - B ln o e ^ l - tio«n< yhfuavllU

lin e rs , w hy can t fely packaged’’-ln - -nem-heard-of-wh

nurry of estra-citwo ways: •

l ^ e nerson killed in a n junc.5 h ead on a le thal Dosicailr, Ui» o

• the stale's educat:b q S ^ r K tr » ln t3 , - J :c in l. cfhslTTjars. versiiy worEshop. Dm' h i t t ln g n h c s r -UnrtTfcnt-nsiUW of th e blow. There t .nouunhave been ra ted

iCy seem to prom - MigaUstis u-ouM t dea th s resulting ctrneci, and to cduc

ilassed"a i.a_ rare. •Btfttuman.— - - -

exer...lh[iU lPj£sjL__________~ ~ p i^>rk the day m ay Death of a Snit (UOUC_bt)£iicS_thtt. flray sheiifacturers of cars '=hanBM In th e i r i" ..™ “nd when th w e calJlwr tullft as he , will depcndSKL •«uH'r«n'Plojc. I f

iravelFd, butilna^'r t n r t d c m a n d ln c . . " ’i S i f S ' i , ; ‘. ' i n is to urge the U prgb.ibly-^jtlet ------- -------- ------- —r : —imloxiahle—I h t v hre in p r e s e n t d e ^-O several studies, "Dansfroui v,iiiiin le d ea th toll. Y et • Too many parem'n ^ '‘ve

f t c n - t h a t there ' " ‘’n'd ri"i‘Trins., ce—seem s like a need tor ruu »aleij

um ent, they soon ^ 11 ^ * n c m 't! the_5tatCS.C0Uld- at wnv nf'r.-nn ’ .<.,1ey m f tf /u o - ta l l -

Injury or drattr topro jeetrfoM lubo- s’ i t ? i:h be lts a n d In- Run safety program jso m e 'le tte n r to - ■•W^a-flrearms-saje .Inlg Krs. Ctrtftlnly thiar o r e ; b u i t h . w = . r r t ' L . K v r :

a protram—€all i


iJ IR L IG IG[NOTON—P ro ld tn l StKohower'i tailxirt :m in c a u to an Amtrtain a tr f r t ljh t lln* I > Eitfope and lh* UldtQe E u t puulea mO

avtaUon n p e rit . lUa inaetloa U the raoi t:* because nrE pp ro ree -i-rtral BrtUsh line r-z ;% » p p U c a tio n -fo r th U -fr« lfh t-iw t P V ''- -)>nlD« moiiUia « fo ..asd v llbout at

1:^ The Amtrlcaa tlnn InroUed U U ^ ^ r r^ B M b o a r d and-WwUro AirUiifa. Tni T iW ^ w h lc h U oimed by the Nord* l l ^ i i b r o U j e n of New York City. I t fir K M ^ J O iu iitJ l .c m U lF a te u f i r back «

1M7, but Ita appliSlfcn w a denle ■ ^ ■ ty - th f - d T l l- a tr o B a u llc s -b o a r d - J

CAB~riil^''Uiat the defen*<~d< pirtm ant had not aald tha t u t'

•»*“ mwchant p a n n e w u taaeatlaf ( defewe. The caae w u reopened of a “mlaj f rrom the late Stephen Early, then deput ecrctaiy. turned*up. Re tnformed.OAB Uu rtment farortd an aU-carjo len'lee for ralll inc. ThetUtgtStptrim entt!iow*J)l*<iettiO f taarlcan.alr frtigfal-foUttt-aMUiul-tba.wath

kPPEOVED SEABOARD APPtlCATION-n from two commercial alrUoes. even thout) I never engaged In hauling freight In an ex ny. conUnued to block OAB approval durln: lan admlnljtraUon. They are Juan Trlppe’ powerful Pan AmErlUD World alr«^ay«.aa

rrld airline*. ,ine.'however. CAB approved S iabotrd’j i p sn (Ae recommendation of i t i ezamlcrr am lie vole w u a-2. But Elaenhower h u with .({InnaUoQ. deaplte hU prompt okay ot B rit rk Lid.'a rtqueat for a 10-year contract, lie favorable acUoa on Seaboard'! appUca'r g um lner Herbert J t JsrownTdttlAred th at fmbarraMln* for Uie boa rd -o r the WhlK

defend denial of Seaboard's peUtlon, If 1 I'e B rltun company's appllcaUon, Ha aald: ard will have to aaaune the asomaloui poll' id lns Uial public Interest factor* require 1 ' a foreign carrier. wlUIe Qndlns (h>t afmlUu do not-r*qulra-a cerUtlc*t« for a domeatlc provide Uke servlee."

VKRSMENT Sl/B S ID reS -Iji this connec-* been polniei} ous thal SMboard, unJJka ItJ ;l -oppoQenis, enjoys no government aubal-

rtcelte none even U given a cerllU utt. md on ItJown feet. Moreorer. Seabowd payi enil lasts, whereas-the luxury paaaengct t are paid by Uie treasury, wllh "wiDdfaUa"

iulL.of-the.wlill« Jlouse delay, tha United r h u no IniemaUonal air l it lg h t network, tor such a national defenw support became clear In the Berlin airlift lhat broke the ade of that city, and In flying matif/aJ toindocWna; - ------- _ , „

iiScrilal companies pafllelpared f t thes* i^ojccla In only a UmlWd way. Defense <Je- :igurts show that 58 per cenl ot iJJe fllghta Dy nouJDhsWlzra-nirTierrTnTJ-ontr^^'pCT'

e BUbsldltf(Lllnen._injy>pilnK_of_AiTiyrica!i» n tfilTflela, CAB member Joseph P. Adami

, of 3ia all-cnrgo fllghl* acros.1 the North . S. ccrlKlealed carriers operated only~nlne J per criUl"nllon-hBit- nni Improved- noU ce^ly. The r companies have nol ordered an all-cargo' ( World war II.

TO EME.VHO»VEB-In urging prompt and ctlon. Raymond A. Worden. SeabQord presl- i_Aa_IoUOKfljQ.Prtlld»nt_Elaenhower Ust

ring rooma of congress lUII rfrerberal* wlUi ipnopoly’ an<f 'choien instnlment* I t re- you. Mr, President, to affirm or deny the leae charges . . . or whcUier Uie forces of .hall prevail, or whether the (p in t of ‘free shall prevail."I aenaiort have written to the White Houae eln. They may cfle this case as aWdenee c t lon favortism to poUUcall; friendly Inter- acdmofiopoUea.________;_______________


ilM moeUng ot Uie board of. managers of :onsreas ot Partnu and T eachas. we ob- Interest the announeement lha t a work- be conducted a t Ihe Uolyeralty of Jdaho r^ ih e 'lrc iie n t-e f cMgrcM iiKintwii uu lunie nnd recogntu a good ichooLr.WJth us problenia facing both educators and In Idnlio, Uili workshop appears to ha te eneflclal posslblllUes. latlon and recognlUon of w hat would a good Khoot." and the final fllUng ot lie and necessary InstltuUon Into school nncls. m ight be one of the moat con- pa Iti Idaho's educaUnnal history, Idaho rate need to know and understand Jusl :. is a "good school."Uifi-unlvcraliys workshop, when It gela fn iirrlvM nt a sthool arrangemecii Uiat num from Uie sundpolnt of Uie“ inaivn ' nlly's ability to provide, wlUi atate u -

sCflt Uie minimum In curriculum (o as- Ivldual student ol a fundamental achool ire.are.thousands, and ihouaanda.ol-ldai.

Mcni-diiy schMl system la bogged wllh cnts of educational extraa—subjects and members cf Uie Parent-Teacher groupa of-when-they-were-ln achool.-Prom th is ira<currlculnr progreaa. I t appears th a t Late school system is burdened beyond « . Were thfa not partly true, the unU I not be cofisld<flng_Oiat wofkaJwp Jn

Uis -Idaho leglJlsturs ahould overhaul ducaUonal progrnm. which 11 haa the I power lo do. Perhaps 11 will glxe_lhe. irl in Uift nfxt seulon.Wf so, Uia uni- hop. i f l l scllles <!owmo“c iJes rin lsh tiJUtance:----------------------- --- --------------.oUilng wrong wlUi Idaho achoola *x- y cover loo much terrllor)’. A moderate Hint brought them back to Uielr basic

>uM be A u-enif(id9ui benefit to al] con- ) education li.'vrlf. 'I'hli is more definitely year of 1554 than ever befort.-BoU c

Salt Lake County engineer Thursday I• shot out on Ihe- f la u west ot the ! >orl carries a duel leason.concerns the leUial quaUty of ths .33 nei w u struck m Uie-chest by a aa he uaa rjdjng In a c a r with anolher e. I t la not known how far Uie bullet I . Inasmuch as inveiUgatlon liidicalu 111 1 a slrny thot fired by one of a group 1 lO .were largci-i»hooUns In the area, t«rr,lfrt_.a conaidcrable.dlatance. . J -HliBfc-mMefn'rM-buH tU r-partleularlr - le hravierj powder charge, carry loneI . l e U ia L e f tc c r i i r r a c r -0 ir i5 e _ W ^22 c.irirltltcs is the w am ing sentence:lUiln one mile."sarenla liave ihs mistaken impreaalon ne ihry give their aon aa a preaent i t a playUilng. li-U n'l. Il'a a very dan - C

■lns.i up the second lesaon. as to theaaleiy irainlns for all youn«lerj who (

TIuiyj nuat-j)e.taugbUtfla^ .iiij. from .::.t on up, to handle Uiem fii;rr to aim ihcin lo.ided or unloaded 1 _ and .ta .ba iura-w heu-lhaM lr* them !-Eai?l«_»iai-»iry M ioia-caniiol-eausel -•tr to aome Innocent p c riohT " '---------- -

H®'* ‘•‘J ' “•■'nccllon .tha t the rny Council has been carrying on a

I. -S » ' “ i i _

A . • -



Gls ? S h q t s _ »5 jaoreilto e - j ........................ .... - - .

u t aoy ^ h i u N G nDetr'PvU:

l l s th * Wln,-To«t Of dr*w. when fi .« Tnr T«tj> ~ In" 'th» ’ i rtnVtny »t*rl Sorden UiejW ap t to kSe * f h t of Uje el It first lasue. I t won't be ictUed bu t It t ack a i u in ly wUl be reflected in the t denied NeT'Uii'< t*nlU -onH i-B«O Jon;; a rd - ln eaui<-thal_li_itlA U Ttlj_iialniPi

u F a i^ “ c o o t-j t-th « ,-8 i t i F a ^ H f f ^ u a ir ln«i.Look a t the m n i a ^ of p Ual to pl« who tu rn o a t itsr Uu-eleeU “mlas- If tlio** aam* people would taki deputy ilfflilar I n tm s t In elecUotu t B th a t m esa (ometblnf, w* couldn’t h r mill- bu t h a r t .ezcelleat public offlcla rrrlop- Look around 70U a t th* pt world. H w ,-Y O U -^ o led -« ln e ^ U i* t-l

liquor elecUon} W ill you vote ^ ION— 2 Jo Uie general election? O ur e ho u tb pbaaU-oD Iheae liquor elecUons in ex- ihanieful. I f . all thoee people wo' luring vote In oUier elecUoni, there woi rlppe's be no cause io i crlUclsm. n .a n d PoU. 1 know .th li la a b it on I

serious side, bu t puhleese. glT* li 'j IP - tltUe conslderaUont T and WemMn Vole:wlUi- ■ (Twin Palls)B rit- • • •

:t. PUPS FOE KIDS DEPT.■pUca- POU:.1-Uiat -W e hare-thre«-fem ale,-blaek a iVhlte whlU. eurly-halred gprlnger^span . If I t pupa alz weeka old U> glre away. 1 Id: Ur* on* fourth of a mil* weal a poll- obe-fourth ot a mile aouth of Ml

ilre a laugh. Tha phone number la ( imtlar <-M2I.n e a t lc ........................- K. Jay GMdmaa

EMPLOYE NEEDED? nnee- • We tmderstand there'a a certi ke Its lc* cream emporium in Twin Pn wbal- U iat wUl be in need of aLleasl 0 Icate. n q r employe la Uie near futu: payi Maybe more.

enget ..Tbe sllunUoa h u been Uiere 1 faUs* two days, bul the bossli'a 'sn 't'ii

lloed yet. I t all happened win nlted some youUifu^eoiployes didn't ha' work, anything tblceep them biuy. BoThi came foQnd- something to do. the There’s a slogan on the wall

'ol to Ui« place tha t reads something Ui6..eff«:t thal..!'AU-0 u rj\a jc t4.A

thes* P ^ n , - T hai drew the attentlc J de- of tho jo u n g employes who dldr ighta have anything to do, They siudl< 4-per that-slojan-^nd-becam B -Jntrlgui ricajj hy tti>dami T h ln p hare reach'ed the atai

now where everyone hopes Uie bo forth has a aense of humor when h e 'd t nine cwvera. someone covered up the le

te r " t" In his slogan.•me ------- t „ ,

largo ' K ITTENS ro il-R IP 5 ~ D E P X ~ Dear Pot Shots:

I haye four fat saucy kittens th< . and w aa t a good home. One la Uger. or. real- calico and two are black and whlb l u t Gender unknown yet. Thpy a t

w eaned and healthy, w ith ZM Midway 81.-. re- (FUerj

the . . .;a of OCR BtltLETIN BOARD . 'free A A ,T, Twin Palla-'H ianka for Ui

contrlbuUon. but we're afraid It' ouse a mite too long and r o t exactly th M c l type o t material lor Pot fihcCa. B Iter- Uie way, do you know where th____material waa printed originally

aomeone saya“ iha Reader'* Digest ( but isn't iure.^

” PAM0U8 LAST LINK. B at Il'a against a U t^ la w -t» 0 ' bet ea aa elecUon!- ' ' ^

GENTLEMAN M r T lf S “ f o u r t h n o w

“o ir/ith <'

y o u c a n p a y -m ora bt^f no lave other chain u IU give b e f -

f c r le rp lcfl th a n ACME . . . e tjery l in k guaranteed,

I ACMElets

IS S p u d - C h a in -• OLIVER

S ■ • J O H N D E E R t - - -

! S • IN T E R N A T IO N A t-------“ > r m LINK

” 2 9 c ^ 5 ^ 6 ch e I---------------------------------------------


X- ■*'**Ite L -sic

Beet Chain-— • JO H N DEERE

_ i — .M N T E R N A T I O ljA L ____I PER LINK

g 3 2 c T O 3 6 cLarge dlam'. cliafn' for chance-

" over on lUO cart, now 3So per “ I ink. use same sprockela, get

larger dirt opening,


31c a n d 39cis ---------. Chain for K ueit and a ll other a t ­

tachment diggers available; -

I G e t A C M E C B A I N ^

' ' ^ l l K e ^ e H ' d i t S s a v e

i i . t h c . f r c i g l i i , . ........ ........ .............e | - ..................


- ~ ] HQW T H I ^

I PEGLERA WASHINOTON-ObaerTinK t ^ HertKit Bayard Bwope- r « « « mI---- gw od-u ipooior-farE gbertT .-M' row. * t th* presestattoa of

• “aw an l--by .an -c tsan lu tK B i.aJ — r r * T rw A m K nosf.jle iL Y otK I J i

. mad* InquWei to -u e er ti ta ' w b H m K B g S ^

I folks eultural, Jntelleo- S S I R B M

lecblarIt e t i- qualify U r. Swope iS TOtAi aV nm ffr anV 3 0 . : ^ t w o o f - m 'a D y m ^ '^ ^ ^ U S

- I must j a y j h a t l ^ ^ ^ ^ B


tn iT . I f ««<

' aubmlt to Uie process which 1 Murrow aeemJ tc have rejoined I would aeero lo concede Uiat H bunnom fnew .g tJpetlo r-to m e-f

e « 0T. juienrlse. haw eould bla appnr tend to ennoble or enhance me »ny 1 cannot concede.

Herbert U almost always mt wowa ugmfl u the 'fonner'executive ei

lo r of .Uie New York w orld." »h l 3n tne «ut-of buslneas 33 years a: '• “ * Only a hanflful"Of Americana c . , remember aeelng the New Yc f ‘" World. He calls himself. In "Wh

Who." a 'TwUcy consullani.”!• This Is a rarefied euphemiam.l ‘‘ the honest old term “preaa agen t k“«nd -HaiT7 Relehenback, wl\o hoisted ‘ nlel Hod J n > io « te ' per winch in w ,V w e hotel room on Broadway-for d t ' . n d ll»*ry to- a guesi rcgUtered M ur. Thomas R. Zann. w u a press agei

I. OA The feaVgot a lol of publicity, pc “ s lb ly lnM r.S tope 'sow n la leW or;

B u t,-la -due .cou r»e ..t.* rea t.J lg : stnick'somB lak-stalned w retch <

. P a r t row, A movie w u opening ca) prtain etl “T a n a r la n d . .-w-hen Thomas : p in . Zann failed to ihow up to claim 1; , reservation snd provide cat-m e uture for hlipeti-peils of merriment awc]

■ Broadway,:e for . . • •t 'l io - ' Mr. Reichenback-ls-remcint>eri when for a bon mot, too. As s ta r a c lre have with a melodious professional nan

iThey U f f t l c k e t t - a f Uia-box-offlce-fi her mother, whose name w u Kraui

ill of meyer, more or leas.-The m other at ^g to plied a t Uie window for ^ e t s I s A n Uie_daughUri ^ u m e d name an ntlon Uie cle'rk ritlled Uie envelopes. II lldn 't Mid "nothing here;"Who w aa 'su i udled posed to leave them for you. mtIgued dam?"---------------------------------------

_ "Q h ^ U ia t_tiftM flCfn t.w lth th stage awful name." Uie mother a.-iii boss •'SUcklebaum or aomething Ilk

!*dls- UiaC."5 le t- —Mr. Relohenbaek waa In the bo>

oUlee. a lltUe out o t sight, H e no . - . th n it t hla-nggreMlve countcn.nnc T.— u p -to 'U ie -m irn n a-tia re sd r—The

are rlghl-here In your own nnmi th a t Mrs. Krausmeyer. And th a t a ln one no orchid, elUierl**______________

r th eIt’a

• th e j'

J f Conve^ "BUDGET«_io


no " -

, ------------------------

= ^ p = ^

I ^ _

O r d e


^ E A N = K I^ __ 3 PLA


!, T W I N F A U S r m a U t ,


:<'s a n g l :th a t There ar* aUll soma p re n *ci

i n t l y about, bo t Uw o x f t.-an d iL_l r X n r - era/(yrffuUchdeilUn<.jutfa]Ur of a o ta n to call themselvea *pubUc n called tion t counsellof*." They rc : h a re ralaed lU Soma paaslooat* eofi' , tlonsTwfileh-we-eanieiay-belttTi

be onr v e tr ovs. ara bn t tod H n masa-reactlons-contrtredbyptr* p m H im know B -t» -u s-trom .o fflcea n B f K««-Yot» and.WaahlnttnnrMnnl

the tilg.charlUei 'use public n Uons counseUotx Mo*t of O n in

BresldenU'ta ' charj^ - t t o ^ H | o n r o cr*I-t>H CtigoanT^-j»iU

H | SomeUaiei Uiey .msk* <jueitt ■ ■ B bleded s;oai.J tm D alQ * tob t«

wheUier Mr. Hall, the pubUe-re Uons veep of Aluminum Comiii

1 Mr, of America.' wrought wlaetf 1 ed In. proflUbly or oUierwlse In spona . H er- Ing Murrow who attacked Joe A le-foTj Oarlhy-and thusaroused-pcaont proral Joe's adherence Borne of Uit s e In hearing In tbe ‘‘commercial- e f 1 de. Murro»-Alcoa show Uiat Alcoa 1 m en- w u used to wnp certain t j r a d s

e edi- cigarettes, teleptioned to aak wt which brandsiI ago- • • •g M Generally, a public reUUons m York eouiCil 'Ma client lo awM

‘Vho* poiitlenl and religious senaibllltl There Is no need to offend one el

tn .fo r menl. however, small It be or co ent." tempilble lla senalblllUea. Thi lUd a money U Jutl u good aa. the m 3to a }grnyi money.■ ” de- H efberr Sw opt'lnvnit«d“ i-T ii 1 aa "jevel" u Uie Jsnon goes,-He rala ije n t. prtw.sBcnlxy lo a plane eaUed " t ' po*' policy level;' Carl Byolr, a aubi ^°rld. Qiaster wh7 orgsnlzed the Rooa J lg h t velt bIrUiilay bills aod admitted h on cribbed the Idea of a- bonowi coll- blrUiday from Robert Loula Stevei

M son, giving noojevelt_credit, quiet n his insLits that a ‘■policy consultant'' m eat only a pre« agent or public reli iwepl uons fcllowunder the skin. To I

aure, .Herbert Sn'ope'j JkJn I t mo. like a shell, bul Uiat makea no dL

jcrcd ftrcnce. 'n je cotilenU count.and.ti stress c o n u m ef Herbert Bayard Swo{ lam e were such that Egbert Murro r -fo r knelt.-fij- it - w ere.-lo-recelve -Ui raus- iieeolnde of Freedom Houae froi r ap- hJm. .ts In I have conviused Herbert's bit

and m ph lca l s lu lt' In "\Vho'* Who .: He He -U-not-etn2slveiy-modest.-n« sup- unduly sensitive-to-glbe-and-Jes m a- He seU forUi Irlvla which bespea

-------v*nlly4nor*-Uaa-valus..»*-t*Ila-ithe thnt lie waa a Heutenant-comman

like nnd h u been an army reserre ma Jor since, but wllhoul- sUUng ho«

box- come or ioltlng down bslUes whlcl noiv Jn vJtw cf coHaleral data, one fee] ,ince almost sure he would have recount rhey ed.-Hf doem crt-iell-nrthBt-he-ha nme. been close lo Damey Bnruch fo a in 't ninny ycnrs but perhaps he woul

linve fell constrained to aay In jus

i G p w i n t e r

xnient |: r TERMS '


Winter belongs oul! er fail or run oul 0 quickly W inter ii home in the Jeep happen.KeepWinte Ortlcr depenJable

PhiIIipi66Fue1 Oi: etsenliil ways. F in

\ hesl contcnt in ever

I #

_ £ i _ L X L_^ ____ I______ ^

^ / C ,


r fe r Vbur Supply o f PhillipPRINTED METERED-Del



_____ ' \ --------

O M G o o d i n g G r a n ^ r

r ' M w t f o r E a e c t i iJ I I 4 • o o o n m o . ' - o c t . - t t ^ ooo,---------- O ran iB JB rt yrii1aT.a»t i i . ' . ^,««eaU O rauce balL Mr. a n d ^ u i t - la .A M**eer ..were U vea-th* g I , iU /b t- o m t t3 a a i> T V x n a B i tM £ B ^0 re U - T h e O r t a i t quartet c « n D ^

T fD y M r . a ^ ^ H a r r e y W o c d ^s n v le - u d U n . Chdrte* Gee h u been lere t o v ited t d t l a t* t th * b a U o n s l a nt a d t a l c o B t e n t t o V w o n i B - H S SkUaoni BliM 'unouB oed. . :* a - t a . B S n w u m l* e t* d as m u te r* t;ef EdiaM rm itaiTrii.-'eie«6 r « «1 r tla - Mr»..Wltaft-pyke. Itetuna- r*, > Qnig

iiereof Qul«le, lidjr-uslataiit i l e U S i m i t r W Snk‘T fla» r4 h ap li3 n fT frK irt

t n i i i iT tr : -M i^ rH aw iig -B r^ i^aUoa- electedacattanr.W.C.Maude n• keeper, «cd OJea Norit, a«um it : - « U - m an .n iitn y , M r. and Mra. KliUer were sele r a n d ed su altemmtes 'fo r 'Ui* a t onjOT- G ra n t* eoriTtaUoa.- . ' . •< M e- Relrealunenta wer* cerred by ] Mil o t «n/<-a/r« H«rry V r mil Ti them . Roy' Mink tn d Mr. and Ura n of t h e Stephena.» fou --------

^whSt t e s t e dGOODING. Ocu 12-A regliic,

G uernsey owned by ICenneU) Dan'. Gooding, produced lJ.«a9-pounda

mU k-and MJ pounds of bulterfat a recen t :Q5-d*yiest conducted Ui* American Guernsey CalUe ch

w hat role, 711*1 might have led h , in to complications .wlUi b u

Doei an adviser, of prealdenla nesu_hircd..poUcy-CQnmIta«t?_Herb<

..{llrf demurely admitted that he counsi led B J J 3 . but never, fo r a fee.

lubtle • • .:ooae- .H erbert does slate th a t !!»• w Itedly “policy consultant” to Uie "seer ■owed ta ry o f war" In World war H. but even- bellev* Uiat.Uils osunsel.wu giv, uleyy ta j ia b c r t Patterson and John M ll" la Cloy, now of IKe .Chaae -Nation rela - bank. Z am so (ncllned because {fe ’0 be berk, had dropped-Uiosp names

dU- Albany rate, for IhU sen'lce. Hci 1-inc J je r t,.» t.b n e J a 8t,.gol.a.niMal froi wope n » rry Tmmat). •n u t bauble w(« t rrow lh , *Lartlng point Of tomorrow -Uie contrtbutlon-to-the-hlsU)i7-ef-tnu from crazy, mlxed-up ytari.

H i G o n ^ e n i e :E S ~=------ :* -O N E .M * Y -P A Y -C

-----------^ * - U S E O J O J ) * « t

- / ■ * b u y OM A N EX TtrticSv y . “ ■

G o r o n e tOUld Perrin* HoteTflulldlDg luat

I tr f e i t i la c

O f W

^i fh PHillips 6 6 Fl

3utside. But let your bum- ly.Seconii.ill o f fuel o il, and see hovf ing. Your fi

liTVade* and pull-your condition ase p fre eze . D in 'i le t iJiaf keep 6Uer 1inter in iu place—oulsitle. you won’t n'lie P h illip * 66 Fuel Oil. •- You can be 1

O i l i . dependable in Ihree'ira t, i t h a i extremely high. D o a 'tb ea u:very gallon. Your home il aiecondbej Tmtfonifale=ecm:trTaicii'— oFhiglrqnili

i Which type of :__! Fuel Off do vou 1

. ■ > H I L U m ' m F U lW A C K

— :---------------- ____ — A J n i l j J '. l f k s. I - I d e a l f o r baj

P H I L l l P ? 6 6 S T O V i O f L

.T h U fu e lo I isea tlo n io fa N or>rftmm>n<fed

p s 66 Fuel OiJ ro*)

E U l V E R t E S - F ^

fcocpf— .D istributor

I - ' - - — ................ • -

I—— ,-FILER L -

g t o e .

T>'« Sill, ^t. tU kU..

Hlered Punuk 0.1. 1,Dnnlel,--------nda oi IH -niE

—^ him wn.LiAM * v t .^

s U Sgiven ^ “* Me- 1,’jJ 4.

■tlonal: Iffr- .r,

''*♦ Mtmn, SS* Her. ’from■ll, (,f liUL,

TOW'S Titi;nDM w. WAtb''"

e n t i y -^01frCASH --------------^


<TENDE0 PAYMEHTHjlUi*. K olnteratorw ni^

i t - J e w e le i

l e i - .hjsLDiU<nd.iliicleinbuni!iijujfat u rfum iceii keplifl|»j»i in as ihiihigh ijiuIiiyUiIi 'fer scrceni/fomeJaB^ I’trunoui ofPhill[j»66Fi b e iu u ie d c f ip l^ i f l

1 through ihecB lirentt'

! aught cold tbiiviilerh*] best fuel oil ( M s ^ t


y . . . . .

u nwrf?

[| oil "

r b a M m e t i W ^


,]] a e t U l k i r f ^ ^ , N o . l b a n « f ^

id c f

■=~7W!^M=moki H

Page 5:… · p T siated Ipositsin] |55eTr»dIo»ctiv8 m inerals/' th in . deparimenl

m A r n i y

H ^ |^ ^ ,i j ir _ n o »

^ V g l ^ t rlcUm' ~ a S l ^ ^ B

MT ■ . de( »B ? ^ ' Iinl■r^CBRicAcn'

K f w s (tu t ^ U B Im g S d a U S ^ *K l » W ‘11 ® r? j? ' . . .w l U d l r wEjS-S■ . ^ , In more “ '***’ ****

B ^ ^ taalllng. '** ' ■**• “ ' B VrtUUU. J"*‘'‘’“ * *■Sttd .nu jilly liMd- ^

l a £ r “ "" Group f e - 5 W ithW JEROME, b e■ - ----- . the V 8A F b«Odl / a n K t l l p n urdny. the “Sine H a n i u l l t ^ U U,e dlrecilmL.ttln T t'acn nobtri .L. L*nc

f a l l lC t r d b l l prognim.ef Bclccic rrv . Oel, 13 * - from noveiuca : U U tl Cltr m in In biliad i (o c u m

sundjy bowled L ieuUnant U „ dam t«U lo H8. » fd from lhe East ai»t^k, , • Rochcilrr,.N . Y t u Ser D- Drntlcy, g{t<nd tiie no j'a I«sr chlMien. Trooper in London w hen iaj<_Uifmah With* _ D u rln s W orld ijl uit rnick in wnicn ^ n ie -ia il li nli tslla »“ l»nllc Clly. -Woi

Salt U te oU aaJiU Iler. Ri ■ - uel D arbtr. h lj

cl ominM on u. a. y,g ttmong *Jw‘ 1“ 0* nlcal trciminB c< __ ______ The -U8AF Cl

l i s M i F F C f l l z 'Hiileftain;!” *”" " " "LH^ArtTbcirBparks, ~ . ' ' ■ "

3 Nation: fS -S i.'S : GermI f S S ; . " ; ;T!ONNra«lSid Mf. tnd Mn. Aud- »>f« w tiie rn « «W homfcomlng. a t West O erm any ; **f, PoMiello. »“ ''«■ civl ft P.U1 Brown have major «trp Cowai a Sill Uke Ciiv-^- world’s frer nnl Kffptr ind J. 8 . WII- “ >d len>K>it- lallo. hire befii'v li- -T h en e w -L u ft Vrt. Lmnvllle Drown, fn* expect* to b< a'‘a o o t and itiU r Mureh I when Ciapbell,' Duranto, "Ul p a u o « r 1

10 Senile. of Federal Prcsli-------------- Four twlrv-cng

I T \i llnera on cVdcr lfiKs rlan *>« I'o'n■ f I n • "IhorUy” by Glelihemce ««—IJ i.<v.The botrd.of

ie IdiJio Conjress of _ . rntlifnliM adjournfd — E v c n t S ' i j tll tr ifquutlng a aPRINODALE

I u *'*1* ' Mni, .O ui Sam- ? WtlHlnt, ulll In- Mr. and Mra. T l «tai b>- mtmbtr* of Mr and Mr«1 ollWrt «t ih . lo a l moved to Th^'yi

Presented), Oci. 1J-TI.C lopho- 'f.'Shool lhe Worki." fWty ev'»nlng a t lhe

HOIIti *»» announc- Eumbtfj between the Itccordlon leleellon* fccioo.Ull O il held a t

evenlnj. Vem H. ' . c ttiJ'fllKctof. ------ ------------------^A

i l« n 'iriW bu t 1 ,u re ' S ^ Q J I h '

;”• ,.<yn’t Impy -■ Tf^bH• D.a Liriaj. lljured

tome kind

-■*L : ? ' ( u n vou , 1.,

»ntl' print- * -» p. Oi.-« you

*»a! lo develop and '' ' • '*

.. .. 1 ^ ' ' '" '« ’s:cd oply

th t photo' ' ------------- ----

VTi?^: The wor' • . C om p an

--------- y c n rT a l l------- — trfcd"dr

thiB_CQi^s ^ s i t n n ■ .B crv

- — tion to-8D p N jU U ttM A ft- ......... ....................

M il. Idiba' ♦

l l D i r e c t o r R e p o r t

- E s t i m a

M a j o iWa s h in g t o n

M>1tulturp--drpa gears' iirou

frsp SM8.U3 '^)ie»l crdpal

Thf corn eatu

■ - - - ' clal /ercnat of 3; Jl compirei wlU ot 3,n8.8i}.0M ba

»Jlca;.caUbuiU«U-lMs-4hi«n----------------- „{ hi3.13S.OO(tlon lu t year WM

^ els compared wllh »Se of l,12l,iM,00

The Indlenitd p eropi compared forwasi, Inal yen:

BOBEaULAMDE»8 l^e.lO*>fnr averai llrw t Ib e -S la f lag 8er- n ” : ft will aoDcaf in Jerome O au. ,I,S08.*13,

u! I,5O3JB0Xi. 3 T ? r .W B A F U n dp o « » t.h lp of ih . Lion. 093p r o f i ^ will b t p r t . Oigggg. 2<I,013,00 ih e h l jh achocl a l J hty: 105,781I p . m; - . • 000:-105j0cr.000 HI

*• * . * Dry bearu; IB,4(000; i6,in,0M an

p t o S u i g w ? ; ; .£ '? n A 'aSoybeans -lor

h ProgramTT.--------------c ---------- - Pouiof*: 316,P3

Oct, 12 -A l ft part of 515««; 37I,'J11,00 mod procram i j f « Sal- Sugar bcrti; i; Singing Sergeants," un- 583,000; 12.081.000 recilon of F ln l Lieut. Hopi: 43.4U.000 :>anden, wlll prcienl a 41303.000 ond 43j>eIcclloni that.wlll range ' -----ica through ehftnla and W n n m n i . 1« urrent-popuUir hits. I ; 0 1 1 1 1 6 1 H t Lnnders wa» gradual- T r t o i i f v Ciutnian school of music,4. Y„ and waa allied lo , m , CENTRO. < t^ya l Academy c t music O’Du jer.•hen lhe wsrAnKrvencd, baia.ador tq M«1 o_rld war II he cunducl- Ciiy mayor, hai oi i nlrTorce band « At- er's home here p •Worklnir wllh the late pcnring before n < r._Hoy Ilnrris and Sam- mllite invesllRfttl h l j b ind wna adjudged fHiritian fn’ U tii )ng the 150 In the,lech- oxiwyer arrive IB command. Mexico City nl TP concert will be pre- Sunday, 11c was >-.on-Saturdiiy_Al_illC. In ^ iv . M n, Fra ■urider'lhe"*i>onMr*!iip drove him h c rf r ome Lions club. Per- Ing a l hi* broUier r« te r ro r 3 p. -m rxn a s —He la-aehMluled

getcs tomorrow. . — inlUuJiended by

^ 1 Inga. R., C ilifT R

) n s , O k a y , s “ " s ; r . n

rman AirlineriiianyrOciri2'(in=-The '‘HANSEN.-Octr! •n alllei have granted Sinnser, *on of .ny permission to oper- Hansen, recently civil %lrllne In another from noncomml.v

award equtllCy wlUt Uie tciiool at Camp S nntlont, Dlllcd lources

Lufthansa" German air- ^ B | | | R H | to begin operatloni next len a ceremonial flight er the Bonn residence Tcsldent Clieolar Hcuu,-engine Convalr 310 air- ler In the UnlUd SUtes vn to West Oermany f Oermnn piloU who

& ngland ,-th> . allied--- .PPBjIPits R eported—ALE. Ocl. 12-Mr, and Banditrom. Salt Late — .> - .|iT U r g U n iT U lllllM ll'i sliler" aOU TM fK 1. Thoma* Dowrn. VALLEY OK t r j . - m n t Robcru hare -V A L L tI u r l^ayne, Wyo.___________



>7 yi\\r1Wi

‘" -w — . I^ umO

$ 1 ^ ' . f j A l l Bv v — .... - j B | k - : l l W

^ -WmSS^• ________ .

world's first service station wbb ojp n n y o f C ^ ifo r a a in S e a lt ie , n B i; r a n c r ”car8 c a m s 'to th o P acific C om "drwrcBUii5]T8-PiIlon’ canB-t(rfilM ^ •on^ T f m iTnT o lin fl'B ta tton rO thef 'B ij e rv ic e s l i t io n s soon Bpmnff u p a ll 6 to 'B cm ryou-b etter-began .-” -

'HSifea/ii c /Ua

r t Gives Oper t i a T p g f n ^ - -

n tlK . Oct. 13-departm ent—w tlm ate i --------drcughl-aifeeted com -

HH.M3.00a busbfU- aod .: .. f c - J - Sap a t biuhe la .________. m B B

estimate Is 2ajna.OOO . -tha(v-U«l-ffl«rtlh'a^2i. - of :,9T3,Mt.OOO biuheU. --

> wllh last year'« crop *00 bushels and.w ith ffrtS f ■„, uC. ■ 3.0SJ.<9MO&

1 Eatlmalii..U-3JT7J0Q4hnn-!a4tr-in«nlh'S'for«----13J.000 busheK PiDduc- r w u l.lCSmOOO bush- ] wllh the iO-ycar aver- MS,000.ilcd production of other . . • big game b tred wllh last month's her« Wedeetday I year’s production and a t tba junior hig average, respectively, In- -----------------------

)8.213,000 buiheb t h i s | ? n 5 r JJBOXKX) last m onth. 1.- *■ ‘» t year and 1J18,358,000 taraverngc. I -» 1 V A 1 107.092.000 bushels: SM,- X J l V t - l l013.000 and 374m <W . n iiP rriT - <vi

i o ' S K S . ” '” '': s ,3.8C8.000 bngs; 3,868.000:1 W19.000. * ' . .-lor beans: 33U71.000 oam er »aw t. .713.000 ; 203.341.000 and by tJie

grounds here, bi 316,P3P,000 busheb; 345.- committlonera-hi /J11,000 and 403.037,000. Proved a half-ml ■is: lf .m .0 0 0 t«n«; 33.- ^un?- ,B1.000 and S.m.OOO, SUve Lamoreu M.OOO pounds: 43;M3,000; the nin«itn pape id 43.808,000. Hie <-H program. _______ ' ----- “ ■ muiiliy.

r Elvvoylojfy in Probe K iTo’.’“hc“ia Jii'oct. II .m- S'™'uyer. lormer U, S. am - ” '"2?,

, r s . - ; : t r b , rs i f s d ^ s s i ! ;. S i d “ p " ™ Iron, “ 1»"‘a t T ijuana, Mex.. laW was met by Ills a u u r- ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ , Frank O’Dwynr, who • ,licrf."OT>yTer-l»~attiy-------------- D U 1outer’s El Centro home. I i l l<Juled-to-Bo-«>-La»-Aa----------row. A hous? aubcom- ______ Repcofecd by n c p. Pnlrlck Hlll-if , is c x ^ r a a m n a t r ----------------- --------:in OTJwyer In Los An- ________g on Wcdne.iday. D ^ DRADUATED ■'O ctrH ^-PfcrM elv te-J; — ----------------OEn of Jamea SUnger, ^ ^ U P I FTP Atl :(ntly ■was Brnduated COMPLETE ALmml.isloncd o f f i c e r * ...................—........m p BrJttln, Korea. J

I F f tf iM M a g i c i . "

' O N -HIW AY 93 i ...........................

'a s opened by S landard Oil Look h tVasiungton, in 1907, two tho eer Const. P ioneer iriolori*U,;::zChcYrQ iiM h e ir ftriginnl 6f BUPpUcrH'snw Uto pointr—huridro all o v c r'an d tho. compcti- - ncea. T

------------- — ..'rT_moro c

<t/icad lo 6€itfO

TIMEiM E S - N E W S , T W I N F A L L S ,

penTow n HalhSe


m e h u n te n who will epca the Town Hall ;tday night. Tha p rognm la aebednled la j )r high aehoal audltorinm.____________ ^

W^iiiners■hai rttum ed ho

Ull Awardsin Ui» BuilM'

Oct. U ^ A .la rg e r »nd HaUey. Some f ,y youUi fair w u pre- m- me eye. He 1 ^ommluloner David !. i h . rye the annual Minidoka .=1— . , , and FPA award night

lay. _lid lh a t he w ai “dls- « e g

tlie Inadequate Inlr- ^re, but noted th a l the • .ira-hav*-U iU -y«ir-«p--------- :-------If-mlll levy for. the fair ]

noreuz. newa editor oC . f, paper, spoke on what gram, does for the com-

jfn t W .-O. Priest wel* eadm^.partJclpani* and S Introduced Mrs. John ‘Heyburn, 4-H council \^ho.presided, Mr*. Lila ’iim m unity singing nnd la Taylor presented >

prc*enled— y o u lh -^ f f tir ------------- I B |Clyde RiMf of U)e Je*

eratlve Creamery pre-en—aa'arda.. Xrom t l i e _________I Junior dairy cow rals-

HE A S A N T & D:afed1)773(3pufor'defTTand-='Ci;h^f

_________ THIS IS A NOTHER G

B GEER'S WESI_ O E £bL 24_H O iJB .S _A _D A Y _^ E A U TO SERVICE ★ 'S P O R T IN G G

fii} Iit-SiiSi- ^ — 1 1 1

t leads ta

ok how It is today! H e n ; a » j u s t i! eerviccB y o u now find a t Ihdep cYTQiLStations .and StandtiVd S tati'

ndrcag-of-othigircom t^aniea-for-yoi sa. T h is compctdtion tK ftni«8 brou ro c o n v e m e n tm o to r i t i j r ia s groT

tte oii S ^ A N D i

iea son— H Hospital ToldNc

Newspi■■ BOISE. Oct. l:

o fn d a li wer« I ...... Ih iy iBouJd ne?

| c - g Q ^ H ....... ...... to ’klU ft Jlory'’' ' Ronald Jydsi

------------counting apeclal

— :, Jn your newspaj y x . th a t th# editor

^ r _ ' __ .. jvidiTTipnl conce-------. r r TT laroljea^fllirW

- l i - . . . _____ I----------- T?l0_P»>lt Tltr^ ------------------------------doetoTMijdnio*

r.- . r:.---,;T^.-i gi(» a jtOfjr lO I > — - * J "A guarded a; INER thing when you11.11 M.«I>Un PUW'"la atari a i l :U o 'e lstk ----------

For Aberdees--------------------------------- iDtwmonnlala :JRX.ATJ'llNr.________ _OCL 12-Robert H ousK a I e ilB M A r 'I home from Magic V al- {II hosplUl where h e waa « *nywn«fe y following Ml O ccident t formerly ilMcup m in t west of 1 We Olve S i le falling rock h i t him ^ B u t Cow He hM losl ttiB alglit of } 3151 . . . PI

- J ^ P M l R A U ^ ^ ^ t '


DIICK HUNTEe^hfhi5-tfmg->obig,-ond-kcep-it-if>)



sss;s;ss3;<?;sK:iassss25 ■ £=;:

'iiriuyiiri^Tiririiii j m

j =5=??:??5?5=H?S?S?333S?.j-iHi'iini ji-HiiiriinjH

0 the wor

LgV(| -r

_ life • '

a t a f e w o f UieW cat..Sm col907,' dependent b e r o f W catem gaa stf a tiong.-Wo— SeftttJe p ioneer to 26, ttting witfi menntwortungHnrHe’your-busi----- bu»itiogg,..inveatmgJrought-yoii to fmd iioWoUaild iltt] ro w n tv ith - - • • s p o o d i i i g - ^ r e lh

I M T l D r O I L C p M J


al Officials Idaho D M to Fear Shovpapers-Aims-“ J,“ i“ j

never ask a newipaperiry" for any reason. ^ ^ '

ipaper. you wm b* wire « m o preaii Itor will OM th# rU h t laU on-now M ncerning the a to ir th a t S7S.OOO by 1(00 nWPlW5lllKiM*4«»T' "•'/:fl£nilrc._i(m ot_flU lU ‘ J ! __________Tlmfs-Ne*;». « l d *ora« _____■______li^Sl*UM«iu. 'i{d^ ---------lo the nenxpapera. ----- -------------1 approach Isn’t th»best you are trying lo r good )nj," h# tald.

leen Coal — Phon* 120. ' B ^ |In Fuel Company, a d r . B f l l

WE CLEANING t ~ Iere la Maglo Valley * Irly Robert C. Lee Z IS i l l Oreen s u m p i ♦ “)ewham Serrlct XFIIONCS . . ..3SM ^

^ • I” hat

^ 1 - ---------- - f i ,s H m.

i l l JHlZZZIEli R s i n ”if>.your-w aH er-.- .-.i— , . . . — V -


t — iT ** ■■ - ' 5 25??.T b : —

12 ' M l 3 i »5 5 i » ‘ " i i

.... i i ' l 5 s I B^^|k-M:_p„d-yo„

rid's best

— '^g


)7, w e ve s e e n t j i e t o t a l n u m - 6 j s ta tio n s f r o w f r o m o u r lo n e b r 2 6 ,000 to d a y .- F o r u b i f H as , a n [ b r e a c h y e a r ta m f t r i t y o u r lilr

Bg427fin u llio n i o 4 9 5 4 < l o n > —sp lmproV60UrY6filftir>roUl t=pe i-th a n 4 3 5 m il lio n i n t l j * la » t— yo


Directory- _ ouriftge, they u

w sC o n cen d a ra 1J,:S>et.-l J n w T h e - l 8 M - 0 1 - } r = ^ = = s |g daho Industry, publiihed « Chamber of Oommtree, I 'C O t l C l ^ Jli lo th* public je it« r- j , QBj-uoaloi

I Expert Work lUla every ahop and In- I Drtvevaya - {

daho and tells aboul the } FlOOn • I la tion MiUm and fti eoJor«J.-l lon .-eiec trte-pow ir-tna I*- '- - • - rgy derelopmtnl._______ j P a f f p

' 588,637 - wm cllfflb toiWi _______

~ O /L m h :6)f0ti

ito ltWMUMOI

ot prodliced Two M ill io n E.of fine Kentucky Botjrbc


r o u d j t the.w ord fo r i

iDlmeiGHKonfucfcy Sfro/gM |

B O U R B O N Jou11-bo.Emidj!)j>j2»Jtip

....................... M fHOOf.. TACO DtST.

t service

K ^ f eI . ' ''


6 y eara fo r^csearch a n d t«cbnlcal brinK b e tte r products to motoriat an d fannfl; Since this is OilProgrieM lilfw <n y»i» th a t 'f J it i« > m W t

•park is-o^H ^rogxw tJainB L W L S 'poi^aU on^of-fft*»-J'dw “ ? ” = * ^ v a i r a i r ’. J i f c - M li l t*LIFORNM- ™


■ ■pAQKBlVB-ilH not tutuOy tu rn weak > no t lu T e ttitu rtf i e*m-—r ty tmuiJy flo not « n t r * — wiw iti t« , UTS the

Twphic jodety . ...........

Crete W ork- -aaliMH, Net A SUOtHt .. B rk -Ite u a n a M sP ttc * 'I - SldevKlk* - P«Uo«.• Porchei, p^«in or

ed.-fte® EaiBffiatM _j_

g McCln re , _•rntnwtor.nwMimlit ---

AO «n B a r r e l srbon



DtST. CO., nWtltfOKT. KY. .

m -[cal MTvices lo .-..._ —riatM, iDdastryeaalMi?!?’! '___i M U t t e n A r A ^ '— “x iPOTirI b e s t , s e rv ic e . .

— ' „«■ ■ ■ '

Page 6:… · p T siated Ipositsin] |55eTr»dIo»ctiv8 m inerals/' th in . deparimenl

Swamped G ^ — Winniiig War^

- - ' AgainstHoodCHIOAOO. Oct. 13 am -R » ln Wl

on ChJetfO io r Iha fourth »lr*lg!it dAT todijr, b u t tha wtUr-loffsed cKr tp ^ e u e a to b« wlmUns lu

------bttU a ig » tn i t ftood .arH gi,______~ ~ Th# ll«h t r*in, fanned by i trliX ■ . to *il'’?mroug”------mo-nljM -pm nplnrTr«ter/nM n'rty-

(cim pa ttu e m e au and mi}'on. of elite* an*d-Xor»14 W fijtit

th e th x t i t of riling rlren.---------biiwiii predlct'-r : . . c d . ^ m r e « - > i ^ . a u ^ cntonm

. . f n g l p w i to ld Uie cl(y* *efl'cr* . eould abeorb another two Inches of

rain , providing I t d«»n 't eome down Inbucketa. ; • , ^

The elty waa »U11 pwtUlly erIpjiled by Uia dUaairoui llood which lol- Jowcd up tho nln» Inchei ef r tln Sunday. Damage In the »rt» »»•

• MtlBiated n-»-milllon-<!o!U». Induilrtal planU » tre forced to

— j« r t» f f -a b o u w w o a ^ p to c » -f li t« llood water knocked out a fourth of the area’f e l e c t r i c a l generaUnj power.

Meanwhile hundred* of Khool children aearchcd Hooded base- m enu for a miHing clswrnite. The boy, Thomaa arochowikl. S, n u nol been *efn alnce Baturday. t)ie night the rains h it.

Two Are Injured IiT R ail^ fF igh t

jiOTEHT. Oct. J2 -n o y d Merrlvftl, Pine BIdgc. 8 . D.. and Em eit Es­trada. Phoenix. Arl:., #(e patlenta a t the Rupert Ocneral hojplul wlUl In- Juries thBylnfUcted upon cne an ­other In a fight In the raUroad yard* here ftt 2 :301. m. Tuejdny.

E ttrad i, using a beet topping knife, had hacked Merrlral about the head, shoylden nnd hands while Merrlral. using only h li lund i, had beaten E jtrad a about the head, po-

._ ..11M repcftcd-W hlln ni-lthfr man to ]n serious condition, hospital offl- elBla report Estrada received more aerlouj injuries.

------ T hrto witnesses to thefjght. WayneCnrlion, Prescott: w i i . r nobert

, Johnson. Darby. Mont., and Robert • Tapp, Salt Lake City, were Jailed

]n Rupert on charges of publlo In­toxication. Tho ftght was stopped

- t y Policeman Ralph Thompson a f tCT ho had-been-Cftlled by Howard V.

~T T 6M T rV indpn rO it.- '


Federal civil service examinations___for_Junlor__(iBrleuUural _auli#anf,

}l>hei7 m arketing speetnlbt, student trainee and correcUonal office openings are announced by Agnes A. Btronk, Tw in Fslli clvU lervlce (ectttary,

Junior a g r lc u l lu r a l la i i i s U h t ; fishery m arketing iptclsllit and

- -- eorreelional omcerepenlng*p*jr.»3,. 410 a year. Starting salary for s tu ­den t trainee la *3.1(0 to . 13.170 a year. . ,

Additional InformsUon may be obtained from Miss Stronk a t the Twin Talla postofflee.

:z :z 6Sun tersJ)ie i:iBy PalteA ’ .

«-oods Bundar during the opening , . . .d a y . of th> hunting season wlUi ,

h eart atU cks apparently responsible , for four of th e deaths. ,

Searchers la s t night found the • “ body o t ?t*alrltjw n»endr about-S7, ;

Oaknogan, In the rugged Conconuliy area north 'o f Oksnogsn. Ife hsd been m lsslnr since Sundsy and the sheriff's office reported he auffer- ed a heart attack.


Robert Horsley, Pallon. Nev., have relum ed home after visiting 'h e r parents. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald V atiun t. B etty Lou V aaunt has returned to OolM after rlslUng her

— ja rc u u .

J : m b i f - r t l

- i n - e i i e r y ^ i

A B o n n s l u Q n o l l l y .

' ■ S w s a rs x ; '; ;------------------ e\-ery boUl*.. ------------------

--------------------A ~ B o n n H l n ~ i ~r r — . , - — Vataa— rz

Y ou s e t an exceptionally good b u y inO ldD ovor'a

J . U g h quality and richscai.'

1 0 0 P ro o f■ o m e o IN ■o.vo

..NATIONAL pia iiL U B .S fJtODUCTrt


^ ------- ^KLIX— -K T I) ( 1 f u io m L O cycL E S) , ( i« * i

- UUV -pens xlkUmeUAUU I.NBO>W ‘ , « tV T S n k t ,light x.I^I.X-lr^ at«* |;M iSc

. t'teaUr! <:!» *Kulte« Uwl,. if. :;0 xlU.

rriikJ il t *Kh7Kil»uiJrK.ii lie

*iy- _____I. i f - WKOHMDAT______ l» ,« ■N»i

!:;! K f i i s ' a F ” ii;!!IS• t iirriJ'.s&.V'""'’-.:R'cr* *!o»‘ iHMktiil Club li l l llrci

own 10;1Q *M7 Tru* Hu>'r l;l«Uuili.ll:ig^Mu<l<rii Ronii>e«» 1:11 <I'6i

foi'* B«<"dxn p*m.lOl- 11,38 World N.M IJi« Umrain ir ta K n < K > ii it i i t NmiiL<4f l:DO *riul JUrrrr Knvi

t:IS JQum (ar 1;J9 KUo.!;<» ■Him 4!nuw»i»

I to :D» 01* Jot Kill >H«i

Ini iriHiri’b;! li1Sis is JuB»u niiiiiii r.:o iiiir

1001 5:<1» •lllll SMm. «poniue - l i l t XII. K .r . ,« 1 ,00.0..The »in Kill Kur1.tii Kill - »:l» Hi«»

Construction i K ^E^s'OthEa- C onitruclloa in Twin Falb In Sep- iJ g , tem ber Increased 189 per cent over -In . the same period last year to lop ihe ’ n n . seven other m_aJor_cltles far '!he inad greatest biiilciing pereenuge caIn, i. according to staUsUcs releaud by ling Equitable Savings and Lo>n u - <

Building expenditures here toUled I I ' . ! t3i3.1H01nSeptember.comparedwlt]i I

1118,890 for the same period last j f®* year, an H per cent gain over ihe j ^ •389,eoo-*penV-on-locai-projKU-lfl -

August. 18M. clore Lewiston posted the aecond largest 1

percentage gain wtlh Beplember, c r>« iPM; proJMU M ti l ln r t l8B,ia),-cora; t

pared wlUi $eo.3M for September et I

“• Folks in Emerson \ "Travel, Entertain!-------- EMERflONrOet.-H-M r.-*nd Mr», I

Carl Cook', Kuna, liave bem vlslliiig < her lis ter, Mrs. Manuel Malen, and family. • ,

. Mr. and Mra. Clifford Stocking t « rr m il sou,- Mr. ■ and Mr«.~Qien-Fw c

and daughter and Bud Slocking, - ons Burley, have returned from Sandy, inf. u u h .en^ Mrs. Emma Yiiles'andTiTrsrzlIen ' rice McPote, Long peach, Calif., have i nes been guests or Mrs. R. E. Corless.'ice Oleo Jensen and Janet CrofU, ,

studenU .at Ricks college. Rexburg, , n t i have returned to Khool oflerrlslt-- E a d Ing here. .B ,. M r*.,W ard I^raen and-chlidren tu . returned to Marslng after visiting , her parenU, Mr. and M n. Olen

Oreor.ha Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ifammon.

iC : Pocatello, visited hU daughter. Mrs. CUfton May, nnd family Sunday. (

Elmer Uscola, student of IS C , } spent the week-end with his par- i

— m ts . Mr. and Mn..StcVe-UKola.-

___I.Ai£XEB .J!A SflBM TST BO I8B.-O et;-ia Ift-Tw enly men

ing p u sc d the sU la bar exnmlnatloni *“ * given la st m onlh. Paul D. Ennis, sec- ‘’‘® reu ry df Uia Idaho Slate Bar a i-

^ la U o n , annftunced y e s t e r d a y , ■f,® They Included William Goodman,

ad ~ IF urnace Clooning

NO W A m N Q LIST Complete Heating Syaiemi

Injtailed • ^ rv lced I rs. Armstrong ^u lp m en l

COMBS HEATING u SERVICEer P h . 118-W or 2U1-R Twin Falls

O T JI:.

i — --------------

a >' I

r \t t -_ -;- :3 « 5 ® 5 S S b ^ ----

i T r c o u p i i i : o K « « . i r o 8 i , f c A ~

V a l l e y R a d i o S c

5 T F tA M - m i. _ _ K E E FIt}* s o o - m UEC.) n tM u t o c n10 'CBl i 8o>t««in. . .. T u n o a t---------- - - l u u o a r‘o JtrrU *----------- ■ a:ii-*»irt't-lti> sii.rifuCT uitiM •;»» C«k Il« iUri»«»l . • »;M Sl»» T»»«iuk

Thul»r r i5--------- r.hnn»n ti"?—

T«P Turn •O.kUt Uul<>0a« »!»»•» fu.U» » :» «UwiU 1V.at4i h 'n t t:U KCXr

t UrrUfwi DJUtor 7:llKKCP K,»i '»:w ^S ta jr Cnarr*

« UuiliiM Hta’t UlUtm •:>« K<«(. Qukkl< '0 fl-braM T^« f» n »i*» *IUdlob«UU1 Bob Smith Sb<w IO:U WsMD'i VTotb 4 r .a ll / ll«c/ I ;!h >Unk fl.«- llKJ N.o> W « . UarUU i::U KEllP 0 iIlobSnlLh 12:10 NmbMU. lUi0 IwUMMla Kluitaka 12:41 *ArUur Uiilrt

Is ’ t i l l 'UaklXKT1 >H<» «r WotU 2:00 *11*419 Strlili

0 iQraoi-M Uira .t:00 *Ttitn,ut< Ernl0 illlr Burr t:lB llnllrwoo Itou0 (flbbtr •nr] ball; S :U ‘Uatrd B. Uut CiuifMiM<« COO nirk Rimiitn t0 i Om MiB'i ran llr «ili KrCP» K I»-rUun E<IIU** *i>0 •:i,l fiNlMI8 >H.r.nad< 1» n«a.«B«» 7:0« •C»l»f rhou>»fi0 f l« ,u r. T1m«_________________________ _

1 i n T . F . u p 1 8 9

t l l e ] r M a h o “ C i t i e i3ep- the previous year and 110SM5 for 0 over August, ISM. T he September Increase y Ihe was l&O per cent above that of Uie «

'Ihe s.ime m onth In 19U and 48 per cent t :aln, above August.'lDM.1 by The nex t largest-percenUge In- b

u - crease was shown by Coeur d'Alene 3-----with- conatrucUon toUilng ll0fl.«J tsled for September, 19M, 93 per cent orer e wltii Uie {9S4S0 spent a year ago, but 30 o last per cent than the $231,788 In the projects begun In August, ]9M.

i- ln -PocauU osbow adaO O per-cant ln- ^ crease in construction for September, §

sest lOM. with expenditures of t33IjU f. iber, eimpared with 1IM.4S3 In Septem- ora; ber. lBJ3,'>n4”|71 ,54 rin“August of *' r or I9M .,

The only other percenUge gain I , ' v u recorded by Caldwell. wlUi Sep- 1 I lember.' lOM. building projects to- • UUng |71,73Bagalnjt.|4a,97} for Sep- _ i n tembeh I S S ^ a n Increase df 48 per ^ cent, However, the amount was 36 ^

Ung «u*value?B tV in^o!** ’ ®Uld Boise ahowed the greatest percent- c

' a (s dip. September, 19S4. expendl- 1 tures of »3M. m were down 7« per ■

p** teiik fiuui tha.piuJecU tataling~<t;*

I n i t i a t i o n H e l d „WENDELL, b e t. 12-JeM Huiui- d

ker, president of the Wendell FFA E chnpter, was la charge of formal lnl>UaUon for 30 cnndidntea Thursday t

! :? ' ercolng. informal initiation vns led liby David Stephenson of Uie sopho- a

. more class, _ _ h The annual harvest ball was dU>

l a ____________ 1 : 1 ,

,on; VISITINO M O niEIt>Irs. PAUL. Oct. la — Mr. and Mrs.

Claire Leavett and baby. Pittsburgh, iC , pa„ are vlslUnc ber moUier. Mrs. '*5* Mai'lon

i r ' -' - 4 9 ’c " I«■ SA W Y ER 'S BARBECUE :

.TUESDAY ONLY an, •___________I

1 F R E E G A S O L I N E - 7

H e a t e r i f y o u ' r e c h i l i

t h e - f i n e o u t d o o r s h e

y o u r F r e e G q s C o u e o

^ ----------i f t e m p e r a t n r e n r i C

C o u r t e s y o f R o y ' s C o

- - " F A M I L Y

T UES.-WED. ________ A d m J ' l . O O P .

- ^ L J r o g r a m N o .

- - — ^ P d r e n t s - M o q a l


W H O W A S N 'T HER . _______ OW N! __________^

G f f i i f P i l ]S w

m i m i- ± ^eiAniMitot-jlgnErHO

a t7 :1 5 a n d

Program -2 C_ _ - .-TEEN-AGE KOl l E G E » - - - ^_ _ ^

“ O t 9 : 0 0 ' ^ l y = ^ ^

Schedules 1gEP - — 3KBAR ^jo c r c iz B ) ( i m k i l o u z c i U ) .S S I ' r ' “ °r --TCOT T ' ■fc-Mu w — ' *»5»‘ Blliui 'IbtmBtorU 7l0e*CbM HsclUfI Kiuk T:U*Sl>Utf }<«•• _____'n" A ilr Botui^ nUckl<

itiM ?i«m.:Bp«U- - .. '-W K P WM O A t-— ..

l?Si SoariM TJ»*JtSUiT • .J:0» Tki OH C*fr.I

7:10 'ManJa A»r»»kTn-tavrf« t----------»^U«.,ki»—

. . . ' )o:oe xisAn lu ik bm

SSS’-"” ' I.M! -

tilo i KDAii xuh n.1 .!>■ Ibo* |t ti lS > ra u l U m n!L''lU(k«K llite KdVa Kuk Hot ,r - ” iii! S O T .t"""-''* ’iSm nvl* ' l ie s 'U u t la Dls<k

r< Erxli SlU XBAR Baacb-knjifc"*li“'rro. t!m • c l iT n=-ll«lliwBporU- Til» MMIofr 1U< ’ :>• B«<l«x BlsckU<Jmi S:«0 i m aktlinnkouxfipkn m o «MMUr7 nM Uf

i9PerCent,iMlooTlncfeasefor 073,691 begun th e same monUi lu t

!sse year. The September. 19M. figure also Uie was 4« per cent less than the tl84.U3 :ent n proJecU begun th e previous monUi.

Conatrucilon' ln Nampa tn Septem- In- ber, IfiM, to u te d <1M4U—a dip of tne 34 per cen t over th e 1167.485 for s*p- •<35 tember. 1963, volume but up 90 per I'cr cent orer A ugust's proJecU cf >M.- • 20 900. .

^ Jdaho F ills conitruciion for Sep- tember. lOM. toU led $J47.fl07-«ff a

*”* lier’c en ffro m -lh * ’ H M .O«|-|penf in September the previous year, but up 17 per cen t over th e *393,548 in con- s trucU on-beguaJa .A u g u s t.- lS 4 l_

Wage Boost May S :-E n d M n tS trik e

BUTTE, Mont., Oct. 13 tf>-Avi.- leiiU U ve-areem ent-ca lU ng^or-an

8’J—to - S ’i '-c tn r -h o u r ly - p a y In- nt- crease m ay end a six-week strike of dl. 10,000 member* of the IntemaUon- Der al Union of Mine, MIU and Smelter It-x -Wo/kere-agalnsfr-the-Anaoood* Cop-— per Mining company.

The package aetUement w u an-__ nouncfd_Ias^nlsht_ln a radio sd-u . dress by E rnest Silvas'. M lnt-H ni FA ExecuUve. board member, nl* Sntvas aald the agreement In­lay eludes a new pension plan, a change ltd lnz tha_hoaplto l_nnd-m cdlcarp tsn 10- and a wage increase of 3 ce;iti an

hour acro u .the . board. ------- -- --Ib. ..............

- Insulation^ -M A G K rcrfY ^


PH O N E 2 9 9 5

: -T o Run Y our C or :hilly while w a tc h in g _ __ shows tfiis foil! G et

upon from box-office _ r5 0 degrees o r IgssI Conoco Service.

,¥l-N ^TES^^ --------------------- -----

ED.J-HURS.I Per-Carload

lo. 1-W inner io x m F A ^ rd !-----~

and 10:30

[■WlN-FALL3JE>AHfi= k:i.

“ Narrowing o f J Locust S treet. »i —fiets Gity=OK

-- -Tw Ifl-W U * city commUoionon approved Monday night ib e ln atalla- Uon of faUe curb* od Addlson_ave-

___ n u t east ml LocuJt street c u iu n * thewldUj of th i t strte t Bt-the Interaec- tlf*n from'tt* prWfnt ^

■ Tbe~rtMluUon foUaxed 4 petlUon by Dr.'Joseph Marshall whose house U U jtln le r s e c tlo n .^ e re are trees aa Locust street In f ro n t ol

- the-doctor'e-h«m *;aad-JU lpolnted' out a t the meeUng tb a t th e trees

consUUiU a traffic haxard for auu>-

— - fram-AddUoa-avtaua-aait.,------------— ■ '■ lirrdd iU ortT T JrT H ariH alirT iQ

attoraer. Robert Stephan, spoke »t Uie meeting. AIM prescnUng- their

i argument* were Edward Benoit. City Engineer Norman Crouley and City

^ Attomey Robert N. W. Ballelsen. RepresenUUves ot Uie city a n d the sU U met wiUi Dr. MarshaU M on- day morning tosurvey the situation .

T h t leMluUon was psssed w ith the understanding Uiat'Locust s tre e t be

- wlden*d-agala-te-<i.fcel-w heaeyer , It.U decided to make-It a thorough­

fare. I t w u pointed out lh a t 44 feet U the minimum for a major through aUeet, The sUte Is Interested In the project because it U In c h a rg ex f Uie

• widening cf Addison avenue a n d the__ raise curbs will be consUucted as

pa rt of tha t work.The city commlsalonen were noU-

fled by Uie Twin Falls Flyer*, Inc.. th a t a suit h u been filed against the-clty-for-tl.MO.follQKlng.ttn.alr=

1 0 pUne accident a t Joslln Held last

lu t Richard P. Howard was th e pilot also and Arnold Oaiund a paosenger in a .653 plane which crashed a fte r h itting nUi. a pile of dlrt„ falling to reach the tm- runway for a fsndlng.-Both Howard 1 of and Oslund were Injured. T he club itp- charges Uie clly U. responsible for per leaving the ezavated dlrt..M.fln.ot>- M.- strucUon for aircraft coming in to

Und. I t Is repreaented by T heron Ward, Jerome. The commissioners

-.5 decided to accept Ui* suit and con- , ln to»V lt In courL......................... ... . .up --- ----------------------- -

on- PhoBt J J» -ro r Aberdeen Coat.- InUrmBnnt*ln-FBd-Company._adv..

J E R O M EAuto T h e a tre


jn . In TECHNICOLOR 1st Show 7:15iter . ALSO»p-. rOMKDY — CARTOO.N

- . STARTS T H U R S.Id- Jana WYMAN-Ray MILLAND i lU — " t t r S 0 0 IT -A G A IN " |

I i LAST-v^^ | _ D A Y _ ^

- ^ T ^ t T n



_____ >

jmmiiO I N A L O L L /

----------------- ---- - - i l o l y t-M A R IL V i


Reds Add Troops To Positions Near CWang’s Bastions

K -TAIPEH. F o rm « * .-O c t ..l^ i f^ P i tu n port t -ygt<id»r^^^aaH-te<l cnln» h u moved onoUier mrmy— p ^ b l y J5 W men—to m alnltnd

f e l K e r ^ - t ^ r « t S a t {n m ^

‘5®’ The official CenUal News agency i t ; ; boosted " the communUt

sUengUi In the area to four armies. The n itloaalbu fear Uie reds win

r o r tr y - lo -» e b c -< ;u ^ y .. ttrongat t . ,of

^ “ rh ^ ro T ^ lE c rw n rttu c K eff-o fZ 1U>- l u t month when the Tedi litiTlly

booibardfri Quijmoy. wu.down to a ir___«nrl nntrolling and. naUonallstTiH Ic if I tn i i ld s ■ Bt o n g - t h e - ^ U r o t

a t co«st- There w u not «ren tbe usual le lr artlUery exchante betwea.QuemOy ;ity and Amoy, red port seven miles :ity iiway.len. ...................... -

Truckers Fined,n. RUPERT, Ocu 13-Tnick* lotd- the ed over Uie 18.000 pounds single axle be weight minimum led to two f ln u in

ver the court of JusUce of the Peacej tT F ran t R.-PrI^n-H6Ha*y.----- -------eet Gilbert M. Chapa, a resident of jgh the Paul labor camp, w u lined *14 the and coits following bis arrest tiy Uie au ta police on OcL 7 wlUi 1,400 the pounds overload, A fine of *18 and as costs w u paid by Pedro Chspa, Ru­

perl. who w u orrtaled by st^te po- ,u - lice Oct. 2 with 1,630 pound* over- tic..n st •J r . About.8S per cent of Uia world'* , , l aurar~lfnltae frroi-»ugarcine.-*—

^ H E A R T H I S I “ *=


■ I T A i r F o r c i B

t i B A N D ™



= G E rY O U .R ^”'; 'j TICKETS NOW!

. ) H<ll>t<i(li<»lta>4aiUr«,Uh


n j: •~ -:iA T -JO E L O W iN a:r.-~ :8,5 'J In Ta'ln FalU: E

:■ Warner Music Co, T h t Musle i ■: Ceottr, Roper's,

~ In Jerome: 'm riity-way '', Drug, klcCleery Drug.

i-enUeth Century-Fox Encort IIIUI— G REGORY-PEGK-Irt---------------



M M— ^ o f t e s L s f p t y ___________

Wblasfs f h e s c m l

/ j L S J H L HITS

. . . ,

L A B R ' I G I D A - i - F-YM M O N R O E ---------------

r t H E N i ^ f " ^;ilb-TtJtlW

Weapons Stolen ir JQi Armory Tlfeft

y - tloo d o r tn r t h r ^ S ^ Sm d • im o ry h e r e . - ------- “ I.— ™^ G uard ;CapL Oeorge

d U e a m ^ U» theft t h u ' ^ T i ’®- UM . .iuk» t t « k m S S L S t incy cL tw o luhm tfhlne «u mJU t 30 c t n w r ^ W f o i S ^ K ^

^ ve»U f4 tlon -u id entrance to th^ *nnory wa» gained Uirough a win!

_■ _ _ :

I T U E SD A Y t WEDNESDAY ID onald julj.


S ; T K IW A C S "

i f , I W ED T il,u SA Q BM O RV PICK In; g | " M A N W IT H A M ILLIO N "

i . . . a n d a f t e r ’1 th e ^

l o s s . . .



S ^ s; J niOO(£ MWREy-THOH

- I Tweety CARTOON T

m a m m I

- - ^ R f G U L A R - L O W ^ « l « s n

V 'W E f W i S


/ s J x s . ’s s s r

|Trrr ^ — ....... - AippEPt “—JEvcryone Hiould Bee TWa

--'^100-U N U S U A l BO h e r m a n - k a t n i p C O I^R


Na- *<«U


. Ja i N or - s S i ----------

S E t.k i .



iP5Y r!i Every N i,,.

'S ]A_ ef


!^ - caci. . j fETI


B«i| N m iwi

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lE T O F liflC A s r ^

w -B oeER rw ^joMAsM tn m -jJf *T oa roimD nr H

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Page 7:… · p T siated Ipositsin] |55eTr»dIo»ctiv8 m inerals/' th in . deparimenl

f g S T c e

■ ■

S S f i H. “ * “£ • o i l ®

^ G rttt . te n j Pine. • ' ' .... 1

? « S ; - s Sp= • ■

-.- •■ , 'i **7 ^ 1 hfyi min »na -■ • ■ I

D i’ls- Sho- ^ f ■• I PS5Bff*n«K<l “ IiSid*iiW f 0 W m i~ ^l . ^ c l T l o 'i l r l n E - rS v S e »nd DwlBhtf J ^ , n d M p h e « . ^ « f . V

Hassell ymphe- 2 % f b:ld(. MOB(tra •: the Off*"- 1AVter- wof«-*-po'- '........r r - -— •—liia« eamse of c » f' ' . ' '■

,^ (5 * ih « cfftmony. Ln,M rt,flobL«nkcr yo in ic l prolded »l , aj-f, Mrs. RuMelln l tt •• .-:-.......—

r t j tn JUUUeen Hog- . - . i . . , . f i :aa DUis nrrangcd

ta W* frride ehoae * '1 lult with pink ftnd

T7i» couple Is f ' ‘ b |» Ortson »nil will ■ ■ .a-ihta.ltioy r e tu rn .!______ _ .

»»fWla»leofCoo<llniii ^u d W » l Bible IruU*; V .-L J[ftlt.ito. filie U tm - , ...............rtitflW for Uie Oood*

a 111 A u n i M n m r „ „ ,

tad »«»i-C<nuaJ-CUy, -jj^gjy-iie-coD

i JE X S S S :t s s s i s i p : ^ . -

f t * _______________H e w u well ____ H ie n .w h j-d l

iple FetedI ti Wijjjam n d d nnd .W hy war heiK tnntlliD cM tntcn- g rief and bltua ibu lftt d lnn tr-P ri- iits quMfCroill Jftf Reid home In u ,e hope of l._ i«^ ?-am iive«ary u .w M m o r e tXK. A. DeMtnt, . . . . . . . ■.!kU Mb. lieH m tr « n J t h l i f ^ y ^ a

t e S f f i - r s H S ' '

wnt DeMenl Is .U - “ T O ' ^“1?,


a r i ^ n n 1v ; ? =

tf.tom fUMl,

— , ■: - D E an M artin to e rn


f f —

f r B " ~

n '^ 9 1 2 7 - .■

i |

j « n ™ s . ' S;- :K a u r „ ,u i i , , -----i n . T " ^ M > l» n r -------i----------

S E S _?■_!!>" n a j U S . . - .

=3-inch fabric; ______

g s ^ z z ^

g g a j g a -gN J .

u.-;J '^ your

- - Wed in C eremon

u i i

. r I <

MR. AND MJIS. DOB D. SLAGI (Kelker photo-HiUff eon»»ln*:

lare of Youf’CItI--------- - - By-A N GELO PA TRl ‘

unOrfd *nd »lxly.lwo y e m new Idtiui mi islopher Columbus dluov. u,(ue d s r i O ;w Vorld. }f« made n p ith ne WM known btfort. \VIUi ■ courage - lie -d # iied - ih t «»P_W/fi«87e

Jils Ume. He detUred Ihe ney he rislonf s 'l io fn a trO u rn m n d rH c ‘cM ded^ind 'I

l*d by terrible dragons, H la . : Th*- quesUor d h lj mtencM and ftnjered our world toda; r " n i i r 5 i « in r 6 Q n ) t - n a l^tca^^o^hcFp^ ley aald. Youth ilands iwell in control of his mind. 0

J-.dld,he try ..uch a dan- ‘®.Iveniure? Why did he c. re optncd-lof idlng R new Uade route? newa con ' he H'UJJns U> jurier the human endeav; b ltu r dlsappolnunenl Uial «• trnnwortal brouBht upon him? W(u It if f . *U the in of fame? Rlchw? Honor? »e*rch-and dlj

jre th in .U m .___________ .Ijrtal comfort

/^dr"m^mV n“ lo“p7M4%‘ YouUuimust PUre*enC’hortt«»-to enter P* rH o this cc da. This myiterloui ip lrlt The achooU i . peak erenr renerallon or rcspon^blllty, new Idea U Born. 11 rl#es belter trained

lat one mind, nor In one end- The pa lut appear* In one here and nlUes, raual c f i n a l l y It bunts Into ac.

ard In their long Joiimey Somewhere 1. r way o( lllfi - boy dream lns <■as wllh Columbus. There Somewhere in i whispers about Uie round- Idea l» unfoldi ho earth, eren aome open men w altlnj f a by Uit Kholari. B ul ua hope th a t t


t j u M £ £ £ / S i o -

a e c a n - d e H q t

■ l ^ R K k . ' HiVt tTMl wl<ltvv <11 Hi •wn

^ ■ | | | | | A ^ C«l . bo> l«<l.yl

9 5 i . , . , ‘ l « l .


A g { £ % i m ) ^ " C e i M L E S ^. : i ~ _____ rX C U U II Y l- A I ______

l i i - n r i H

T I M !

lony - O ffic e r '

^ O U lcE rirerc lean War UoUi |lo a halt.

Mrs. B. P: VI d tni; M n;T i.E preaident; Mrs vice preaident: eordlnit aecreti clalr, treasurer; cliapuijj. Mod

^ 'ii_ hiitorian.

*7^^>Es B v tierani hMpU. r---------; ■ “ “ “ " “ “ [t? ™ ' dsr"c3k tr-«na

- . ' ............ • • ' - U chapter to-doni- - ' ■ ;••.• • '!./-■ to b« used in t

-• -■'■*.• plaque wlil-be.. t ) plot a t MaitlC '

• ' ;a p iu i. It waa n n p lani *er« i

> . . • ^ - .1 ' jvl food aale and b ;■ i f ’ urday «-|Ch M r

Tlie refrrshmei ed SJra. Joe-L*

-•>, • ' •%•• J ■ . Mn. fiutphln.

1 Lend-"/I . J ' M n. T. n . tC * on Arabia. AuilV ' Rome a t the mi,1 . . ■ Hand elub Prl

- : - M ra.D frthaD a • noil call w a s :

, j^ “'' f a n d Mra

Abundant” de? ;< S M h . . . : or (lie world's i3 ^ ^ - .• '- > e h ^ f l by Mrs. Orval I

.• of the BcrlbTtlt

letter ahe reetl lA C ifi , In A con{«t »p<

“ S ■I and Mra. Max

.M 1 1 Q T G H » *how*nt• - Uie panic of 100------------------------------- clU rens.--------

_______________ I Mra. Kelly,

. met with ho.U m , l» “ » i “ " " a * ra. Columbua spent many . yeara Iry an effort to get L o „ l ^

i/!87e film U U t i UirJaur- -M n r ^ V r te l i f Uloned: One day he sue- Uie-LoyArNdin iid ■l ay“w*“*r«'-cele- iHucecsa. ' .,11 b j- 'o e tT ;estlon sp irit Is abroad In chick.'today. U U Uie one bright ' hope ■for'thtrtrouble-xJayi — ClurUUao-tV inda a t the threiliold ot a Chrlitinn A Id. G reat dUcoverlea are g rv u p so fth eF le. New ways' of life are to met Thursdayl-for-#II-peop1*,-Tl»er*-U porU— .............a coming In erery field of Oroup No. 1 ideavor. Medicine, mechan- Hoppe for a wl portatlon, nutrlUon, hous- ace Turner gavi ^e Influences of aelenUflc son and Mm. 1 Id dlseoMO' are-golng-to devoUona. Mra afort and delight to hu- acnUd the mli

m ust be prepared for their meel wlUi a' I lla coming day. U)clr..diLy. did tha l ot Co x)U m ust tAke on more •illty, better equipment, rJ:i*[LvV .r. Ined teachera, loward U ut DTi'Ii»niM m»J! parentJ, ths COmmU- lo'lnoka >ar cMIJual culUrate open minds j‘-‘- Je and welcome tha new o ,N .«

lere in UiU Und Uiere li a olng o t .a great adventure.:e in the world a wonderful nfoldlns In the mmds ot Ing for Its Columbus. Let h a t tAe boy and tha Idea

p h t s ■E --------------- — i h ,

i -------

H f t m

»kjtthv j B ^ ^ B


B g y f ^

I M E S ^ W S r T W l N - F A - H

ers-E lec ted : v. q Vdf M o th e rs — -inq M eetingtapUiera J»rlday a t ihe L«-

P: Vice waa namM prral^ ■ SL M a^lha■R. E. Commons. Ilrst vKe « “ '®Ura- n . A. noaa. aecsmd *-P;,“ • ^

ent: M ra.O .J.M cV ey.r«- Mr*. Howan icretary: Mra. Ro»e Bln- avenue eaat. lurer; Mrs. Jeasle Sutphln, _ and M ra. Ma» Munay, Boyce WU

- - grlm ..w lll JS pter-voted « pack-flW Crtjaa and »«M plial In Bolae for birth- basement.

•donate for televluon Mta1 in the hospital wwdJ. A;|-be placed 6inW -AW MUlc Valley Memorial hoi- » “ ^ '•aa announced. cMlume.ere m ade for the cooked » tt»w -nind baxaar to be held Sat-1 Mr*. SutpW n In charte.ihm ent commlUee tnclud-

“ I

rnd-A -H and Club . . ,n . C o jan ahowtd alldei ^Austria, U ie of Capri and • “

tie m eeting of Uie Lend-A- J t) Friday a t the home of held a l 12.3 la D arling. MethodUt e^wa* answered with "What * nm m y kitchen window." luncheon, was aerved with Mrs. At -

1 Mrs. Ray Butler assljilni HOLLISTE s. • men'* aasoclf

Scribbler* Club ' a t 7:30 p, m. lacrlpl enUtled "Venlwn halt. Chl<*e: • deplcUng the dfpIeUon program li t •Id’s deer herds, was read store. Everj-o -val KeUcy-ftl Uie meeUiig rlbTtler'ii club Friday eve- Circle No. he Jiomc of M n. AlBtrt clety of Chrl

. . a l 1 p .m . TJ; mes Vandenbark read a Mr*. Z. B. Ci received aecond prlr* for enue wcat. fo Jt sponsored by a Journal, eon. Mr*. U en W htU sldes asked crlH- hoaleas. T ho le Jniroductlon to a nore} >o hrJnff theii Max C rolhera contributed rt, Joseph Seaver. ar., read —The aplrlU jwlng th e degree lo which Presbyterian ■ If 1007 affected Twin Falls p jn . T hursda— .................- M ra.W m U Sielly, Mr». Vandenbark, of the meeUi er and Mr«. Clivt May en'a aasociaU r ted publifailons: in Uie church

■ --------- F. Jonas wllr . l N .I ,h b o r . Clob ■"a•JphfShnw wayJiosleM to “ « “ >»-------N dltnbora club FWday,' ' ..........itenee Brady-recelved-the---------- O —ihftj^t. T he nexl merUng • U)et. aa V llh H ri. T,IOyd —BHOSHON

Shirley Bond — — a 'alum ber p*

u ^ ‘oia*a'«.F«Uowa]ap_ pw «nt» .-M r, n Wocnen'a fellowship Bond, Friday the r ir .'\t ChrUtlan church Following sday for lesaons and re- played and a

morning the Jo. 1 m e t wJUi Mr*. j{ «¥ «rt.'~' " " ' a wiener roMt.- Mrn, Hor-

r Rave the atcwardslilp its . Hoppe tepor Ira, H erm an Oraybert led treat.

Mra. F loyd-Sm ith pre- Mrs. Tliom 5 missiona ry teason. Mra, to group No.

-------flevoUon* MUI A' b e tU r .welcomt man n n m n n n n n n >t Columbua. - ahlp leu o n >

---------- EsUnger.■’ »f* .’'/i.uTI Mr*- Marki mLiS-ft * n il of uiS; the m eetin j chlldrtn of all <in In ImIIiI home o t MrS

Y O U 'R E A ^


IF y o u r fo o t ( itt within th it e u tn n t .

- lU r* ^ r« - w o n d « e f u I .V A L U E S iQ

Y O U ...N O W ...ln o v r

S fo e e u U S e U itt

r a c f t fH Rew Foil S ty l«

1 ^ 9 9 :fiuedej, patents, ' catf&kiha,

8W comblnaUoni . ) .' every this* ^ yAlI colonH n‘Bfintlfut na^'

___ tlonall v »flrfrll!ifd, famoiLananiB' dress lhahaa] style, Jutt the peUte orl-

' c lnal design for you who wear R S U E S AB and 4 'iB ONLYl

l i lS r lD A H O --- . —

C a len d arH L Y -T he-R eader»-prild ------------

At a :» -p . m,-Wednesday — -.A .—t«rT y-Prle«-tn*lead-of — I(Fow ler.— - ------------

rtha'a giilld.of Uie Church ' '■'i'- 'T W f’ wnaloa Bpisccpal wlli meel . Thursday a t ihe home of »ard Worley, 320 ElghUi

Wise. United Nations plUi< llnK -or Uan women's icUon'ship a t -Thur*<l*y-ln.-Ui»-ehureh

ONE—Wood River Home s 'cluu vilt uiicL a l lu. ly a t Uie home of Mrs.ckson. A-Halloween p a r t i W U ------JId wllh a prlie for the beat n ® ‘ .' \ f

* * *-T h e Filer Woman's Chris- - ■perance Union will hold a ' g lincheon a t 1 pjn. Thursday . .J [ l m e'of Mrs. Homer Schnetl, ' # I len trom .each church are f I t j l l c n i ________________

buffet luncheon honoring ' CLAImember* of the Womin'a (Sts Temperance Union will be

12:30 p. m. Friday a t Ihe; church. All members are D f l fi meeting win follow ihe • i v ji

* * ♦ WednesdayjTEfl—The Hollliier Wo- /..[u re a oclatlon will hold Uie an- xL jm tLiiiaA rJJC filnnm a

m. F tldw in me Orange ^ e n will be aerved. l l i e “ 'is Uie bauRf and country •ryone Is InvUtd lo attend, Mrs, Oliver

*i :f,- -u It. Heppler a<0. 2 of Uie Woman'i So- IVJhrUtlan Service will meet Thuraday a t m e home ol

. Crabtree, «9 Sccond av- '. for » covered dish lunch- A program . Lilly Afenser will be «>- refreahmtr rhose attending are asked heir OUT! table aervlce.

¥■ * * #,r lU i* M lf« -(tro u p -o f-U i8 --------:an church win meet a t t :30!iday a l the ciiurch parlor. f l p H iiSam pson wllli>« Ineliargor —;eUng. The General Worn-. V . U laUon will meet a l J p.m.: „ ” irch parlor. The Rev. Henry, H W win discuss ChrUtlan 'ti»\ nd children's work a t m e ^

j ■ -

’a r ty Held^ H “ fO N e .-O c ^ ia -P r le n d * -« t t--------------!-ond were entertained with'• party a t the home of herl

BTifl M^ii LiKinprd— •— day night. I 'ig a movie game* were d after breakfast Bnturdayl Jie p o up hiked In the des-:

rported on Uie Boise re-

lomas Bucklln waa hostess' •Ho. 2. Mr*. W. T. Moore le d ,and tfr«.--W .^.Hitfa gave; .........

<n WM Ud hy Mr*. Frank! T K

ark Hill gave devotlona a t :ng of group No. a a t Uiei m , , Jv!i8. R. D, McKinney. Mrs.l | | : . - J lasett helped serve refresh-

— ^ = = = - = ,

“ ...............................S

I— I H


^ ihi* bi|

pletely co rn s i

— T i N T t

- = 6 pi

C O M ;

H onored - C laire i i i i iK v '- , '3 : f Grow

Of— MMLEYr was crovQi

1 ^ " ' queen's balU aaonl4 tu

^ Mlsa lUlr' ' anne Seymi

Mis* Seym, ceremony K SdO . J, N

W * -M em b an -■ , com .i ‘ (Uanr«nd->V'^A v h^ ^ I

' A ' - ' KanerYB.MQtUnn a n d :

< f ' The'me 0; . D ust" whlcl

1 ^ - oraUona.Donna

# 1 ' ' era} chalnnf V ' c h u s e o f d E 1 . . . ^ .. to n « u Fp i ' J a n e t Hasei


1° “ ' ' DECLO I birthday an

ir ty S la ted •I w u given I

lay; St. Edward'a teaal day. e a parish party sponsored of the luncl Lholle Women's league hnd led derotlor ila-of'Oolumbus-beglnnlnf ache-reporh a t m e e t. Edward'* *udl- th e Presbyl ’ ' tended withver Anderaon and Mra. C. Mra. Ida r are co-chairmen repre-, - Mr#. Mild ! league and James Byrnes, C a lif , and I ght, and Oliver Anderson, were gueils and knight, are co-chalr* b e n . 'n e K W g h is.------------------ ------------------am will be given followed Tlt>et avt tntnla, gamts and dan c ln f. above aea 1


p j S f l


•• 4r - •<


— ^ u H jO io H n n o ? !*

WASHERe i e e t r i c - & o i h B s

m m

co rd io lly invite y o ii- to be o u r gus big O pcn'Hftui# W aek . We h

ely redecoroted ou r s to r e o n d 'w o IB in ond help us ccleb ro te th is r e V E N T A L L w a K : ------------- —

PEN 9 A.M 7t6 5 : i FRIDAYS 'TIL 9


re Reim ers P resic ?wned Queen Boi: f Hailey G irlser. oet.-t3=a u i n u m i n iwned queen ot Uie local Jf Job's Daughter* a l th e .baU hyd Baturday in tbe

^ itaertV * . ymour. past honored queen, ymour waa asauied tn the

*r»-e|.ih» b # lb e U m c n l« l to Jlr*. Ed Kanerva. g tu r -

I , Mr. and U n. Herman M e - nd Mn. WUli* McKercher. ®®° i ot Ihe dance waa 'B ta r hlch « u carried out la dec- j

I Ra* McKercher'waa gen- \ y _ _Irauo. Mlai Seymour r u In Y 6 0 if decorauons; Arlene John - ' j e r o m e , I program chainnan. and B nead waa M*?. rtlrfihmrnli,________B p u S p a l -

* * * Mr*. T ed B

-unch Fetes0. Oct. j: - a surprise ■ annlversatr luncheon hon- r*. Niomi Finley, a fonner mfrof Iht Decio Ladles Aid, T uesday - at

:n tjy Uie society Friday a l " 'I® ibyiertah church.

M. DaJton ra s te charge Tw in p jncheon. Mn. Ida Anderaon « « « “<• • '“ > lions and Mn. Rum O lett- , 0 “ “ ^? «rkd-on the convention of bylerut al Wendell ihe a t- H >une c a n ' rim ur*. Mae Leonard and I ^ndetwn.illldred Dalton. Long Beach. |nd Mr*. Marie Undsey, Paul. ^tiu , BoUl a n former mem-

* Iav trig ti nearly ltMO> teel k v M j ^ ;» lin L ____________________^ V E ^ .

a L T H I S J A


' .

J f -------J — w X 5 f f E ( r - l - CB I O N LY _____ I ^


R l DRY ER I JI 9N 1.Y ......... I . /


juflSt during» h o v .c < .m - — P B p ' r ~ ' |w o n ty o u to ~ ' | i W l i | i I is IMPORT- ■

- . . .-T o-«Y *ry_l

lb P.M. '®“' ®p*" *’®“"^ : will hoY* o (ore



P A G E S K V E t t i

sident-V isits - 2 o ise GathedngC;membeti of Ui TwJo11 o t I ted g n Wan tuzU lary"

i.H olt. Phliadelphl*, F t , M - . . iresldent of Uie OTgtaigatian, ay a t Boise.3 tn aU*ndlng wera Mra^.c.-., rUon,.Mn. 0»’en E»ehlliDBh.l. a lrln Ntal. Mrt, Flcr:^ Ma« - 1 M rs. Winiam J, Hughea. i n Loeven. Ooodlng. prestd*— IB meeUog. I t w u anoouooed lUonat orgaAUstJon hopec. rWBn Uu aid of 5ocantarj"“ tba.croup .ean educate.30,.'„ «*n orphans. The c o s tJa 4 i— tor one y m 'i educaUon. The - in n ^ i ^ T e a acHes pf'nfdft la 'it iu titd "Man 6f th p js i^ ' ■ fh i th will deal with famou* - biftory.

W --Id Learns of ■ !o r 's ActivitiesME. OcL 13-M n. FJoyd vaa hoatess to Uie Calvary iX - guild -Thunday—n lg h t .^ d Bruckner, president. n « roUon and conducted Uie . meeting.era discussed plans and ac> fo r the coming year. The meeting wa* announced for - a t Rupert and memben

ged to .attend, t j on Uie recent conrocaUon.1 Falls were gtven by Mr*, nd M n. Dare Detweller.I were Mra. Hairy NetL iw lg h l.M eq iU _ a n d _ „M t^ 3ahooo. Boise.____________

'"VTT’ " " Si T I W a




7_ la d y _ M m ln g .t® ^ . U M th l i w«*k » • - — ^ -

oTofy g if t ftt«>

G lD A IR B lI lfE I


Page 8:… · p T siated Ipositsin] |55eTr»dIo»ctiv8 m inerals/' th in . deparimenl

A m e r i c a n

T o P o n d e

O f C l u b ]CHICAGO, Oct. 12 (/PT ln > mpetinpr in ' baacball, AmcirrpfMcnCalivcsTniHdicd in Ch! pJi^rht o f th e dcbt-riddcn Philo

- T he A flaoclatcd P m s Icnrnc ~ t o be a atron'K trend aWfliitf th '

B f l W t f i H Gcnujtcn LKAUUK

Bjwlil .................. - I* • .’jJ

ij ff

7irr, l i l i rotUr »T; N, 0. IM.COMKMCIAL I.tA(.|IR

X<m nuif Oil ...... .. U ( .liOn>ri<iii<r<, ... ... :— : n • - i - ■ .»nftollrrdmm* . ....----1* •Jtiikjnl lii^r Btwp ...,. jJ II -IM

hllh Uiwltfi; Joiia'ibin JUH;hi«k *t‘fiu UJ; CIjJ. Ilu ..-nn Il« tluihten Ii;! Kr»l Sb:n. MlK'it K>r IIS: I'JII.

HI; JI.m.r I - . m ; }M\ Wfiikl

TlmM-H>» Niiloul J<nkliii IhMir Xbop Tl. rbllllpi M. Uimi^Uii Top^liL^

-----------------MINO* l . l« n u i •f I,., llOrV flint. , . .S I t .111s y t e f r ~ i ! . ,.i

l ; S j £ ; " - r = = ‘l li Sr^il 8lJ« H trktt-------i I( .UJ

- ‘if,: 151; IU„.r.. Sr.

r*r'wHii«»<tr - -

II 4 W Hilx t). Ilix.n Kirn lll«r«, Tli»fMK.-_* ti.^Clo.JJ»k tu a . J

MA(iIC ciTri.IA CU E.

— ----------

“ E ? v £ ^ r i n i i i z r i-:-ciuti-CT«v n u t . ■:■« — ii i T<n fcl(b l»wl«r>i 11. Hurrouihi 17>: T. I Hiwrtr III: I* llurlintk III; C, X.van |

I.. IXVtlti III; L. w<7 111:0. V» Hook I I»l. ____ ,

u e rc iian t-b i.sAcrit U11I1..I Ull - ... li 4 .I0« I -. J:.tAoU*.* - - I ---- .ua jlirm UUU r* l» r____ II I .C4Union MotDfi , ------- 10 II .100 ‘Hwirt A Co. . ---------- f It ,<;l .Ilatton'a Jvwfirr ...... .. T it .l&B 1iar.TST’— ! I!-:!!!!

T.n hlik h o ltn i t.1 JoVikmo IM; C.

- ' i .W J H i r . RmlUililin, rtrpil .

MEKCIIANTA LtAGUK ]II.n rflc.p -J------- 1 - 1**1

c,' «mi!" ZiiZTZLTZi n r ill iS *« n, llr.<I* — ---- ------ III UJ H 111

— ■“T o U i» " rr r .r r^ p j^ » u " iir » i iii» j

jj j 7 [;j j j j I

Toui. ___' iij H i ' i i i i i j i IHth* tv }

_nini!l».» _________ jOI IM III 111 ,

K ---------- 'i l l i i j ii«’ m *•A r ! i j i " : r . z z z i z z HI m ik «»

TuUli .... ..... - _ .■»?! tJ> U< l i«. 8«rua Jo tU ii

n«'^al[iu .T■.......... l l i u l l l i luI . Ugihlln .............. 1:1 114 111 i l lShim ..........- IK Ilf Iti III

___ ,___ ___limesJGRIDCASTINi

--------------------------------- USip\7iG im n Choice

IdAlio Kt Arizonar. a=,.._:.Ari»aa..................u -s—

WsAlilnEtoii Stale CcIKornIk■ — *fCallforill» 3Mfl ' .

Southern C«l » t Orfton __Orfson 19.U

OrcEoit s u t e a l Kebruk*N*br»»k« 3 |.U ,

WMhington >t Waihlnston

ISC «l • ' 18CWcitern S u te 31. j . ^Mlchlsan 5t»te ' Kotrc D«m*a t Nolrt Dnine 19,*

I C S m Ohio Slat'eOhio B ute 19.13I^n lue »i WLwonsin

— m*coruln j i . u. Aulium «i OforslA T(ch '

OfcrKla Tech 35.7Alabama m Tcnnrwe

------------T r m a s K ---------------7:4— “A m y a t Armr

____ D uke__________15.18-Navy a t fjnvy

Pltl . J4.13New Mexico a l Wyonilni '

_____-------------------------------- » .8 . .— •m inelj a t----------MinnPMU" “■

. .„■: M lmiooW ----- 3004 •C olgafeTl ColsaieDartm outh jj.6

Colorado a l Colorado low* SU ie : m jCaldvell a t C()d»’ellTn'ln PalU . 2t-t

O lcm u re rry a t Olenru rerry Hailey 13-6.

CITY,,— ^, - ----------------- ■ - - ( p ^ p r

\ ' ■ fEntrieim uiiM pM tfflJu the T lm es-N en onic* be

PAGE e ig ht '_____ ___________________ — f ---------

n L e a g u e

l e r F a t e

T o d a yIn w im t could be a hislory-m alc- imcricnn icnffue c lub ow ncra nncl Chlcnjro to d a y -to - try to BOlve“thQ hilodelphia A th letics. - • irned M onday th a t th e re appears f th e ’ownerfl’fav o rln ?“8a lc o r tK c “= t t ^ * = f r a n c h t3 r t b = A w ^* Bon. ChlcflKo buuincs.t cxecu-;

» Uve, who IB all «et lo m ove I It to K ansas C ity. - -^ Jehn»on. In W ailUnil«n. D. c .. ” Monday, ta ld he had been Informed . ' thU w cek.end by h li enslneeri lh a t

they atUl hav i time to rebuild the isuu K anuu City lU dium to aecom- •J” inodat« 35,000 la n i before the ba*«-

hill «»«lii1n r>p«n« w»»l April_____ _!<;o Johruo>> prerloutly had lald If

there were no t enouih Ume to com* ,;J". plele double-decklnj the aUdium ; <;! he.would withdraw hla offer for the IM. A'l,

. “I am return loc to Chicago for .«o the meeUng and I think the tllu a -

tlon look* faTorable,” Johnw n aald Monday. "A lot of people are in*

;<si tereated bu t I 'm the only one who ,«« h a t p u l up the money."

Johnson head* a lyncSlcate which 6u 'm _V «oi£fi-ium im v-bui_hE _iii.

>tsn plained h it potlUon doet not rlolate the bateball rule prohlblllnc one

* man from havlne a (inancjal con­nection wllh more than one club. _"A1I t own It Uie rA l eaUle." he

'" 'a a ia r " ! don't have any connection > wilh the bateball leam.”

The trend toward. Johnjon la „ ) mueh more pronounced nov than ',m It w u two weeks ago in a New York

mecUns when-Roy Mack wat slven l i day t to ralte <760,000 to buy

[]u control of the Athletics,Howerer. a new o f fe fo f

•'I! 000 w at made Monday by_lwq_Wftili- lllilon; D, C, men, LeO'De Ortey.

f i t prominent tax attorney, and Joe . . - T ucd. retired plumbing-contractor

and breeder of race hortct.They w ant tn buy the Athletlcj

tn d keep Uie franchUe In PhlladeL- phln.

"We’Te made a demlnlte offer In wrIllnB and they (club ownersi can

-----U ke-li-o r-leare-lt." aald Dc Orsey;The offer waA preaentedilO '

rector of the W ashington Senittort. - I- De O rsey-*ald-Iloy u a c f w o u w be r . retained In an executive cnpaclty

If the offer [t accepted and th a t ef- j i i fO fta-irou ld-brT nade-to 'tind 'L efty soil CD cul or Tomn;y Henrlch a t m an-

noy Mack blllerly ha* opposed 109 lhe wltlica of h it brother. Earle, and •“ father;-Cannle.-to-«ell to -.Jonnion,

He teem t determined to keep the «;i A’t In Philadelphia, where the J“ ploneerlnj buobaJI famlly-haa op- {SS erated f o r ^ yeara.______________"

0. R»R4oiph-----------1:1 t i l 111 Hi

- ZV. ................... i n IS1 uo iTj

l i ; f - l i : ! ;; ,*!!

!« -huu _ . . . ' t I ■;!; ’It!-- Jl lUU. Vlt«« M.I.r. _

! ............ ......... *** *'* ***

JJ* !i« i:« li? i?j» J ToUl. ,'»I.-M1 "iW ^

“ ■ I

i l l | S Z E = r i j ! I l l ; ; j ’

i K i i i ’ ’: : ; ! ; ; ! T i i i i

i i - f f i S s i i E i ; : ill i i : " : ; : ’jJI Mlkt 8*m>e_______ 131 IH ill 4IT“ • T » i» i.__________ “loi “iiT " ill :;« j

_________________ l]


T ear Choice Keore ~t

•> I

■ • — ------------- :n

' ^ _____________________ _ II

n T

* • ' ' !

; . — ~ i ” ........— ,j„. ..........— -------- _■ I

:h , 1


tfiurked ol'delivered to » befort noon Prlday,)

'■ i

B i g S i x ,

R i v a l s

T o P l a y_ By H u t A itocU kd Pm *

T he f lp o lH s h H n th e Id a h o- B ig S ix h ig h s c h o o l fo o tb a l l

co n fe re n ce w ill t u r n o n N a m -nncl p a - F r i d a y , . j ^ e h - N a r a ^ - a n d t h o Boiiie, c o -c h a m p io n s la a t y e n r ,

pciiDW th e i r r iv a l r y in a g a m e :a r s w hich c o u ld b r e a k th e d e ad -f ^ C j lo c k jn tli ix y e a f ’n racC;______

................. ^ecu -; ■ • BIO 8I X 8TANDINOB lOVC W L. T Pet.. - Nampa ........ :.. 0 0 1,000

C Cildwell ............. - .3 0 0 1,000m ed Pocatello ......... .....3 1 0 .8Mlh a t B0l« .............— ..O 3 I .000the Idaho P a lU ______0 3 1 MO

Mm- Twin P a lU ............. 0 1 0 XXXa te- '

- -Nttnpa,-wlth-two «oaI«renc» wini.0 " iharet Uie league lead with Caldwell. ;om* Tjjj cougari took ihe lr fifth tU alght Hum victory l u t week when they downed

lhe Ontario. Ore.. In a nonconference game. Meanwhile Nampa thowed atrenith In beating Bandpolnt, one

lu** of Uie powert of the Inland Empire aald e-O,

In* Boise hat yet to make a allowing, who II io,t it t lourUi tCralghl to Poca­

tello JS-13 SaUirday.Another conference game Prlday

#ea-;aldwel|-pl«ylng a tT w ln PalU —which'U aim seeking a conference

Pocatello U the only olher Big Blr ^ , club in action; l l enlerU Int MUsou-

The Inland Empire tchedule h a t u Ssndpolnt back In conference play

wllli a |»m e a t Central Valley P rl- fork Lewltton enterU lnt Kei-iv ,n lojg, Ttie BengaU bent Coeur d’AI- buy ene 3J-0 ia tl week.

'' Corut d'Alene Clarkaton the y j . Mffie dsy. Rfoueoi*' U Idle. l i l i^ , — — __

S S t^ e r Coacliclor — ........ ............... .

Weejps as He Tells of Los^

•ser; “ p n T S B o n o H r o c n a - t p ^ B i g llo- Wall Kletling, eoach of the PltU- TlfT buTgtj-8tteler».-brok^^^oifn-ln-leBM tort. MoQday In explaining hU team's 32^1 be 21 Imi to U ie'Philadelphla Eaglet city Saturday night.e f- And the crusty 50-year-oId veteran

e fty dld-ttunaihamed-beforfr-more-th»n lan- 300 second-guetsers a l a Monday

quirterback luncheon, ued ~When you see big. burly guyt and comlnl: off (he field with lean In ton , their eyes and telllniryou—'O o ahead the ahofll me’—well, you feel like , , ." the And Kletllng did Jujl that.- He o p ; CTlcd,“ Y ou-could 'hBT e_ioppcd-up

the tears wlUt a blotter.‘•I nail my years of coaching. I've

4<i never seen a Warn lake a defeni ao 77; ; hart,“ commented Klesllng,-quickly

TTf l«li«fJ»(.->‘nMjy<.iir. _ ------->03 The Eaglet victory galve them un- *Tj disputed fir tt place In the Eaatern

division of the National Football ,171 league. I t waa the Steelers' first lo tt

in three games. i r : t Quarterback Adrian Burk’s 13-

yard touchdown paaa to Pete Plhos - J “ ln-»re“ end 'iotio' in the-flnKTUrree MJ mintites was the payoff play for the j i j EaglM,__________________________

- i * CHUHCn I,KACUI ^:} •; • MiiMI.i

iTMcii* ............. . : i t ! i( :i4 so131 i i w 7 .—'.Z mi i?« i j i :isi:i« ............i3< i«« i;» 01lU UuldecL__________ u t 119—m - ^ s ;« i Toi.ii . ‘ a il * m " in :««

Il<n,!lr>» ........ "1 II -ll !J: ••J} N. It. iohn.un i.L'.'..— i»l l i t l«I 4>l ,

L L E i s iii iii ' i l ; :'.M ;

i i H i i H i :

: i £ a g i L:7 i i r i g ^ i ! i i i iI T » I.I|................... ■«!« ‘i i i '7?J :i:« 1I llandliip ....— ------ i : i

Ij. S » i l h ^ I l l U! jTO JJJ 1; Mcw'i.m. ....__ 1_ : 1«J 1" l‘« 4M I

........" '-■’‘r i ' i r i i f " ! ; ! ■

Al ........... ....i"« IIJ in ^ iM

:____ T«\»U_____ rii.f B '*** -

Toiii. . - .. ... - «u IW HI : n i

i . ^•-1 _

l l l l , :ji? il I I I^ ' m: _____!;» J j t _

......PtMkjl.rUB '**

ir!.' lVlTil'.~ m ii» n n i*» ’

: T0..1. • . . . . ' i M m '■’ «■»>*■ £


A usifo lion T a g T e o m M o te' ........Billy M e lb jr .o n d .G e o -D u M tt

- V S.

Leo W ollick a n d C h e t W d llk

- . .......... SE M l.. .H blA I________

1 ; - Jo* C o m o b tll T i. C h o U M ? ff»

■ ■ SPEC! AL“ E V E N T ~ : ^

—E sj.e i,G o m o Y*. J o c k L Ip tco r

A dvonct tic k e ts o t T h « S p o r t SSpoMotrd by VPW

a » . E v e n : C r y s -

“H P o o r - M a j oiniC By AMOa .B. UOOPLE ..

—Y e-old«-cryiU l- baU.-aXtef-.oae___ ■iinrt—week't ouU ng_t»'« rlishan-

ored bieltolher year. \ - —

■ct. I .z g a d tl W lut a horrible week- X© jend. The only aaWe to toy ballered »0 ego wat my prediction of the Duke- 5M Purdue tie. ThU. of course, was a »0 brilliant piece ot prognostlcaUng 300 iklU and quite up to my perfonn- W ancet of yeileryears.

' A lter a loog and most terloui fins. ril«i-ii»lnn with my 1 havesell, come to the conclusion tha t the Ight ancient tn d revered method of le- med lecling winners ahalt be my forte tnce from now on. By that. I mean that iwed each week I ihaU toaa a coin Into one the a ir and pick the w lnners- Plre beadt juid. U IU ..

There a^emt to be no oUirr nay i " / ' now th a l the tU rs and costal

* have failed me.IJ In all, I picked only 15 winners

ou t o t_2Q ..illen ip tt_ iaJaal-M e]^tn c t

• Tha raft of upsett that have BIX ------------- --------------- ^ -----------------

7 „ O g d e n G r o u p

f j : S e e k s W a y l o

S t a y i n L o o p

OODEN, Oct. IJ W -T hf Osclrn —.... or_Coinmrree__autliorlied

■ '"lhe apnolnlmeiit o f’ a coinniittee Monday which will seek a wny of te- tJilnlng-a Ploneer“ b4sebalI league: franchUe In ORdrn.

Clnelnnau of the National league h a t owned Uie franchise slnfe Uie class' C circuit was gel up In JD39. B u l; C lnelnnall oKleltU announced U tl. week they would nol operate In 0;i- |

•Big dernicxnta jan-w im out'iisju rflnce; lU - of better aupport than ihey rtcelvcd' t a n lhia-ye«rr-0 icden-drew-only-<6,000- 31- paid attendance at ltd home games.!

glet —AI-Wnrden. tporli edllorr»i'd-Jo-;seph Breeze, general manager, of the '

■ran Ogden SUndard Eiamlner. outllnetll

day Chamber of Commerce a l a special' meeting.

;uyt Executive Secrel.iry Bernard R.I In Diamond said dirrclor.t voted unan-: ead Imously to bae» llie campaign lo re— , ." tain Pioneer leaRue baseball here, Hei He eiUd Prealdent Erntil H, Dalch wa-nl

-u p sulhorlr.ed to appoint the nucIeuA of » cltyivlde coiiinilltee ulilch would'

I ’ve conduci a pre-teason sale, ,t ao Diamond said it wa.-i sugRetled'thal: :kly a llilnlmum of 180,000 worth of tick*;---- - .1 . hA ,nl>1 In .1u n - profitable season. Mlern Cincinnati General Manager Oabe ball Paul tald the Iteds had lost about lots ^00,000 on Uie Ogden club wllh US,-

000 of th a l amount being lost durlns j 3. the lOM teason.

Ihos Cincinnati ha.i no Inlen-fff j Uon - u f- moving-Hie- franeh lae-to u , . Another tily In Pioneer Jeague-tcrrl.

lory. If the Redlegs quit Ogdetv they— win get out of Uie league, he snld,

leaving the way clear foe aslabllsh- ment or a communitr-owned team In

»«« Osden.Jf cltlc leaders wUh to oper- aU one.

:^“ l I h i r 3 t - Q u e n c h e r

■!” i F o r Birds TestedB0I8E. Oct, i : W~0Hlccrs of the

tta te fUh and game deparlmenl are working on i new type ol pre-fabrl*

t i l cated llbertlaaa "Euuler,” which— - will enable birds to quench their

Uilrsl In lhe desert,Robert L. CMebeer, Ihn deparl-

*3; menl's hnbllat improvement lender.aald Monday lhal an experimental

-lia model will be ln.iLilItd Uiii week In IM Uie LewtvNez Perrt area. Others

will be placed I.iter In Ooodlng and • i:« Premoni counllei and In Porineuf

valley.Ench unit of an -under-

4J1 lachmeni which catches rain waUr and pours 11 onto an apron where the

. . birds cnn reicli il.1T5J The ”Kur.iler,i" are detlgned to

n tn inu lir* 'iupp iy flru '4 tir'K iiir 'a .’i little aiaix-inchra of ramfnll M 'ear.

« ; n ------------------------ ------------------------

f - m j i N r f E ^! « h .ffhe it ----

»o: Deer a n d ‘Elk Hides


M» E o i t o f C i ty Phon* 3 1 4

C T ^ U E S O A T- J !30 P .M .

A - r

A n■

iM tt»

rtco m b - ' ~ •B k j£ j

o r t S hop , R e d d e n 't and W ra y 'sPromoter, Tex Hager

~ ~ ^ M E S -N E W S . TWI

w m

s t a i B a l l F a i '

o r H o o p l e ’s

'l i ; r %ike- .


out I

t i^

nio 0•S— , J t ‘ .

• - HORRIBLE WEEKvay ---------- ---------------------------------------

iiwept the country, however, failed' to ruffle Ouy L, • Kinney, lld ’i Main avenue aoulh. who mined

fka nnlv fmtr pnmM gnd won tin t prite of *10,' Kinney mlwed Ihe

ave Oregon-Cnilfomln. TCU-Southem

O l s e n S i g n s

B M f W i t f fS A N F R A N C IS C O , O c t. 12

Irn C u r l (B obo) Ol.son w ill r is k hii h e -w o n i t i n u - 'i i ffh t w ith B rit

'jp. o n th e top -rtiiiked c o n te n d e r , J sue In 15 roundrt h e re D ec. in .

T u r p in w a.i E u ro p e a n chtim;ue *______________ ____________Uie ^

iii; Hunts Open...-B01SE..0i:t.lj2-U l-rEaur-inart.

5; big game hunting a reat wlll open ih Idaho thU week, clenring most oflH e northern parVof tlTe ainte nnd large partt of eriatcni Idaho

f c -/o H h e uTc-of s^rCiitTcn:------------Sectloni ot nbrlhern Idaho

me: -OPtn J o r deer j>mLf)fc_hunlca_ciL •lai: Pr)day. Three large areas In

• eastern Idaho from the Montana II to the Utah Ilnr.i open for deer

,n-' on Saturday. Elk hunting will r e - Jjcg ln Jn paria of.Tcton nnd I're- lie ' mont counties Saturday. The tla te fish and Rnme de- of: portmenl poW cd_oul _lhat_f_oiir.

lild' sfw clin iun tt aUo will open over ; lhe week-end; The Soldier moun*' ■'

m l; tain deer nnd elk unit No, 1 on |i :k>; Friday, nnd the Albion nncl 8ub- ;l t a! letl. Blnck Plng-_niui h

'South “MuUiitnin '(leer huni.i on 1 »bc Saturday. ll

15,- (

M e x i c a n S t a r >■"* _ _ _ _ _ I

* U p s e t s S e i x a s !

!!?• MEXICO crrY , o r t. i : ti^-Top- ‘ tecded Vic Seiw t of PhUadclplili, 3

' sun playing a l below Uie form Uini carried nlin to the U. S. .ilnftlet title > last month, iiai upset by Mtxlcsn Champion Mario Llamas 6-2. M5.6-4, I

- - In-the-Pan-American-tennla cham* t plonihlp.1 Mnnclay. v

Seixas brat the 22.yrnr-ol'd Mesl- H can rallttay clerl: only n week ago in I'

;he the U. S.-Meitco NorUi American n tie tone Oavls cup final. f,,rl. ---------------------------------------------------Ich '

I N O W .rr- ■ ——— m ' ^

u r f l l f l f t m II I I Imto I I ■

•a.’t ---------- a — \ - w — 'ar. — ------^ ^ •


______ I / B M * \

' ■■

14 - - 1 . ,

K -- - i 1

_ A s k f o r j l ^ , , ,



i l s t o H e l p

5 - G r i d - 2 i c k sCal, Duken>uraue“ iiia “ M ienu in Iowa game#, •


lhan Klnney’t. r ' Jerry wAS tA’arded ueond prize b r ' U and Loreen, third prUe of t3.5( r Seven other conlealanit mUtei

only five and won placet In th special lU t complied Jor the bow

- garnet on Ja n . 1.Tliete teven - winner* Includ

Richard' 'Wricht. Ooodlng; Mn- Arnold R, Wilson. Burley: Ph^Ul

A n n ~ w iii t in n jrT w in ~ P B lu r^ t th Rice. Twin Palis: Lloyd Bledtot

T«ln Fallt: M rt. Lorraln H. Carl ‘ ton, Twin FalU, and Dayle Robert ; son. OleU-lch,i Several olher conletU nlt a b

missed, .only five but were ellml nated from the mdnner't lUt on thi point total. '

led WIUi my average trailing aloni Oli the ground like a dirty banner, 1 an sed looking for a near-perfect week th t tn t week to once agtiin-cltmb back ti Ihe Uie pinnacle of -looUjall prognotU cm eating. • _____________________

i s f o r T i t l e

r G l a r d e l l p1 2 7 ^ )— M id d lew e iR h t C h a m p io r hi.s ti t le f o r th e tW rd tim e sincc

;ritaiii'K R a n d y T u r p in b y tf tk in g r , Joey G iai;dcU o o f P h iln d e lp h ia ,

timpioit i'lnd O hson t h e A m e ric a n — [titlc h o ld e r w h e n th e y m e t.

' T h e a ^ 'r c e m e n t a n n o u n ce d lM om!i\y c a m e a a 'a H urpriae, ■OI.ion._ttho_hftt_becn lij llghf.traln-

n 'Ing the i)»^.wceka^-had-hlnted ;l ihe [itaiincd no further title action e n ilH ^ 'fiirT oiniiC bihe.lai reiuon-i,0 . Glurdeho wiia opernted upon last- •^Vrdnesdnr-fo'rremoval-of-lorn-car-0 Itllrse from n 'le f l knee Injured In

1 ho.»pllnl a t I 'hilnd^phla. bu t aur- a iseoiis A.iid lie should be able to aUrt r 'roadttork In a month,1 Tiie' flsh t will be staged a t San• •ftanclscn'a Cow Pnlnce, where Ol-

j.ioii dccliiloiicd ■ noeky^Cnstclliinl. Aug; ;’2, Previou.ily Olaon defendedr. lUipJItlc ngnlnsl_Kld Gnvilan..,.......r ) liiterhntlonnl Boxing club offl-

;cl.ilj in New York s.ild they did 1 [not have full dctnlls. l l Is believed.• 'linrnriT rrinnn iijll m l liJ~[irrTrni I- ^fttti^littdullo .’O of the net receipts I plus Uie tan ic sp lit'o f an esUmated

IUO,000 for th e television rights. If J Olardcllo wins, he wni have lo give

Olion n re liim bout wlUiln SO days. Promoter Benny Ford expectt a

house of around *100.000 wlUi bene­fits golnu to the ChrUtmas tree

- inn tl-o rtn r-S B n-rnm aT C o-cnnptir of Di.wbled American Veterans. -

Olson Is w nmilng up for a non- title date In Richmond, Calif.. Nov.

a, 3 figalDSt n foe yet to be named.

le VAI.UAHLK SIRE DIES ,n LEXINGTON. Ky.. Oct, 13 'W ^- 4, Dull dog, 27-yenr-old 'Imported !• thorouKhbred stnlllon who Hired

winners of more lhan llv# million 1. dollars, died Sunday. Tlie horse n hnd been nillng for snme time and n old nge wna princlpnlly responsible

fnr hLi death.____________________


^ n | | | ^ B T o t/ay ( u tn Ihr. j x u t

■ H j ^ H su p rem e lu m r y i

9 H H H s a m e eom panu th a t i

N E W V A E D n i ;

— — Now -\viih-it<<-ticvrnr.. ■ sup<?rb q u a lity o f A n

_ •-'V; b y m o re people th a n

[ V ' N c . \ l tim e you buy bl' A k c . Y ou’ll lie g h d 3

.- ■ J o r u n d i a n g i n g J i D u u b i j -

5N .4Y E *«S O L D .aiP (O O frA N aE N r,

/ H i g g i n ^

' Majors’ SuJ ^ O S tO N , Oct'. 12 ( ^ i ^ F ’ Texan who aaked to atart-hi- tom. rcached th e m a jo r leal m ent as field bo_s^of th e ^ o a

Aa is cuslom qry, no fi;n ,r year contract, w hich i> bein« os h igh a s $65,000 fo r Loi

i O - ^ u d r e a u a ^ p a c t ,HlgglW elevaUon came Jess Ui>,

u n : tt-'MoUrt-*ner-hit-Loultville tMm■ Ul. Bed B o. American a iw ta S ?

iS d

te bf General Manager Joe Cronlh rr 3 J0 . vealed Uie decUlotl w a t made Suntte d day night In n phone dltcuaslonwit)the club oftTier Tom Yawkey.

bowl T h e move really culminate.. Sunday night," Cronin u ld , "be

lude caute oUier clubt have shown n Mr*, much Intercit In Hlgglnt, we luj jfUU h id to do tomeUilng.’'5 tto 'T ’lniirW nea-w IlH T K TT hliSdHJtoe, phlk AUileUcs In 1S30 upon gradua :arl- tlon Irom the University of Texas ti lert- begin an acUve playing career a i 1

third batfm an ipannlng n years aUo After • teajon each In the T e«i Iml- and Paelllc C o u t leasue.i, Hlgsln' the pUyed for PhlUdelphia from 193'

Uirough 1938. Boston 1031-38, Dclroi long 1939 through IMS and th e pennant^ am winning Red Sox of m o .

thU _ Illgglnt mitde a laaUng imnres. t to tlon o a Yawiey In 1JH7 when hi »U - lumed down an offer to manati

Toronto, m’liich Uien hnd a.workini----- agreement w ith IJotlon, In the Inter-

national league,“No, Mr. Yawkey,” Cronl'n quotei

Illgglnt I t taying a t the 'U m e. *1want to s ta rt.a t the bottom,"------

- • ■ n e -s p tn r t t to -y e a r t -o . piiol 01Roanoke, Va.. in Uie claxa B Pied­mont league, two In BIrmlnglinm 01 Uie class AA SouUiem nssoclnlloii

[on *’' ‘1 concluded h it fourth yeai With LouUvlile. the Sox 't top farm in UieAAA-IiitemaUonal,— —

The Red Sox flnlthed flflh In u a , ISS2 and fourtlT tn both I9&3 and

- this aeason under Doudreau.-He prt. vlously had been the.p lu j’cr-mana- ger a t Cleveland from 1B12 through

• , 19S0. came to Botlon In IBJl a t a JCtl ahortstop and succeeded Sieve O’- lae. Nell In 'i l .«ln- ' ■

S Zest forjPootgair; Ll Is"Jifavy’s Formula«r- - -ANNAPOLIS,-Md,,-OolM3-<*-A In team whose unbridled te s t for foot-

ur- victories may be given coach Eddie Jirt Erdelat2 his best season In live years

a t Uie Nnval academy.]an ■ And the zip and hustle was un- 01- dImlnUhed a t Uie Middles look tonnl the practice Held M ondar to prepare Jed fo^ tho Unlvertlly of Pittsburgh In

Uip.Panlhert homo lair Saturday, ffl- ErdeInU tnya Uie team hat more did Hre a n * ‘'wl!l to win" than any oul- ■ed. I'll lir h i t tvii iiiiiliiiili llll", In illir’ cni m l i e r and liuille.on the practice p u field in the tam e enlhuslntUe way led •U'fMitd their Ural three op-

If ponentt.Ive — “!■ P a tte rso n W ins

' " NEW YORK, Oct. 12 Cfi-Floyd Patterson of Brooklyn passed an-

henvywelght title by gaining a unan­imous decision over Esau-Perdinatid

’n- ot San FrancUco In the 8-round ov. feature a t St. Nicholas arena Mon­

day night. --------

rC fi DYKES SVINS BROOKLYN, Oct. 13 t^WLiinky

led Bobby Dykes of Illam i; Fl*..’ lcept •ed favored Ted Olla a t long range wlUi on hU tantalizing left Monday nlghl to rse win a unanlmout decUlon over hit nd body-punching foe from Milwaukee. jle In a 10-round boul a t E attem Park­

way arena.

N G E ^

o fL H X M R Y J-

<«:, A n c ie n t A g e r e m a i n s . y in b o u r b o n . ." .- a f u l l s ix years-hy-U ;*-------------- -- -i t o f/era i t to v<nu.

HAKEOEWS!----------Tind'cxcitinjpraluB----------------------A neicnt A ge can bo enjoyed.__ .an ever befoVe. bourbon, choosc Ancicnt

id you did-._______

r e t a i l e r f '

^ o u t I

^ ■ S / I

le-A” Inxnryl i r i i'jrA G EOISr.C O.FIIA N tfOIIT.tV.

— - r a

^ e rso n ig

' U c c e s s s

i ^ r c ;vas a w • •

u ; : :

‘i i ^ “ j u i i e s F

;r: Kellogg I

5” ; To GanceS S

f i " S . S

"•,« S . ‘ S A

“ InIdih# hicb S

‘ In prohibit p U m ^ *tid more U u V S ^ pre. alx-aiy peiiij •** »na- KellOtt h i t w )Ugh squid, uity xs a jn lru lS L jaJ i',! O'- Le»uton,btiiKar

» 'i rp > iy tr , i ^ ., K fllo tjl ir s

-------*'»t»tfie-inin£^leanu , 81 Kia«

— i f s s u n n i T r

ddie L o o p l o r eSACBAUama

, ' Eddie MiiI!1( u .mclllcCflutlatsffc

: ^ Mondsr dttWna lends tomoTii cS

* B, C.’• T h erw rto n i’Of* is Ulll SeiWiBa

uce to ducuu « tnM« Mulligin Slid u

oP: metiuwej, I

" f W iighlan- ■ • ....... - •

s i B

is W l ihiskeerk-


Page 9:… · p T siated Ipositsin] |55eTr»dIo»ctiv8 m inerals/' th in . deparimenl

0 B ‘g S - g £H f

-{jstf -- E B S lE B a i••lirtlw-'of YiiUn

iMjr „.

~ u o S l~ ^ •’**’* . ' *1- s ™ : , . ‘ i W . " - i ,:

- A ,^ v «■•ST.i L j - ° M i ” '

iS ——4—l ^ r a JU^ I ^tm

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• |^^LMELXr?EtL lU i'SsOMKLElAte

K ETH A T . B y ]

»■ ■■ *it ‘ Y ‘ / / I

# » ' V / c

\ i ly ^


A you for a rftlflc, boss . . . bu lla my wife on m y unlnry.”

fflS : - ' ' - ^

»J)UCK :_____ ____——-■? weAveNS/ WW^ lJ3 r< o7^ :p> 0\'CS:TWERRf w = B->.\3P vacasT LOT5 I*J -a ^ s i r s ' ~ W ^BS

g H H j H - . o u T o u B

B M l - s a - S ir M ^e«x in;Tl I IffTiiii • ■ ^ iN < j'J ''•'

H M ' " AH | | H - - s ^ —it«r4ij’’< Puixl* } { ^ ^

- t . n n c __________‘ l.ExudM' .-.10. Air: _

eomb.form_ __U M S S ^ J B W ^]1.Hi>anc*n t T i n t i i_ ; ; _ ; _•------

i& o ij.}|.r«iai]« . hor** V |k\\/7b\jo,wiU6f------- I F j b P ^loiiotlbUilr J>-3Wr |B ^11.ToJdM, j f P r R

BBtnUii r n iM ta ; a ^ » j ; > ^bUaetol sjS3iebi5Ss>•«'»>'': j .L o n f i i i h ____ >«:i'.nrr ______ BogMT2t.OOdOfIOT«Jl.QlTtnut

S ID E GLAlJI.Flihh»»lC«.lrt I ■W.RouniltiToofi .. ' : ■4I.PitiTlil»4- ---»lth>bM( .,11 •?>.

« .N »rro* v3J T ^ Q iLI 44,B«llUrr Ir- Jk:

«,ABtlqB* iVS< :.n»p V < y / Ci i . o r m r t . >■ililoa«,8iwpm ( ^

iH O O P I^Pf WHAtDiD __ 1 -1 ,---------5 'fOUOOl»J _ I t. ,i WE01.WC6, \ ii y< HL)RL1H6 \ /I BEA'JSA&f- ______\ipy<jo'Rs . KlUAfJATWLBTe / 'IsKl’MHEBe ■ / Zl e v HI0IH6 , / .^IfeOMSCCOTS V

z B ' i z r ^ MK j^ l l

' ---------------//J'w\ - - "You butchers trend back to no


ly N E H E R , l ~—[' P h //

/r^^» y j^r]

A s

: - ' A . a ----^ ■ - - -Ll. but y.» don’t ,

- - bubble gum—wl

KWUCWT rr K ' “3W. r s 5 g » ) J®

<,'HyA\ovc \ i\-V aw > P L £.eig ..i p c u •f w P ^ * v E ^ 4 ITS<30TnWE LOWE

-j --

~-:::=^.. - ^ ■ _ _ TlMgS:CTJ R W AY . By W IL

l |4 l t / ^ L t - ; ~ i » r r Yiiif'1 HAVE V r f i u il, .A KjyBbpy , I t o t e a h N J o i v.ifi u i i v e - m e <Ji w wmole ^ ix Oi'D .KOOM TIiJ. \ ,k STOVB / p i


XtM TMIgTV ■»^g£- TOO


hers would get n lot of crcflit if‘5 ^ ’ .0 normalcy by^cutting thd price of

7 ^ By DICK T t

S±iSt----------------- ;--------«1 I have a «msll boy who occaslor —:why_do_you «ek?”

= B y ^ W A L i y O I S: POUND oirT ■) I .OWESTTAy \ .

h M W S . y 'W _ l N F A L I ^ . '_ i r

i^lLLIAM S Vi L U i a w t e ^ 1 . f v ^ i *O U T 'm e L ^

\ D o a A ND r u /pin-HtM < ■ B B liaBETTBR /

LOOK \ ^

I H is T o e * \ / / wR 3 R 7 H A T / T\sc(ts /) _ * _ *y__ \

- -g—"■'■“ "■■ A l l g f e L B R A IT H I

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I7T 1 ' B5BB2a^ * 'oisrouoA anoshew

p^ S Z 2 _ 1 : 1 0 6

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c< S g§5S . d ■

IDAH O •- -- :-__ L------- -

\'/\i PGKMB.l'MaW' lO n A •nw i& 'Tl& 'O P lM Jt.«AI > v i ^ HAN5N'.WUM> b> —r-T ,

M ^ > « « e L K S A 5 n « S & - i T t l # ^ ■ Ifl 7- HeA7N»/I8«. M K T L | \ V ^ 7Ra! E6»oeN o,is^- | t ' ‘rT> » - t f T 5 ^ M W a p i J | T j ^

n ______/ — J hai.J " - I / BACK,Ult.l>U:Kffiyj5U*W65 n t i — {— u n w F K F W B iJ 7 tM n T » tKEE \ HWORD.CITY y iiW H ! Wtni)£4. ■

““' ' L ' Ikt^'.^oq^gi.v-------- L - i» -.u» V■ ?«04Ct»wn ; NOOWWm.t

___________________ r LisienDana? t

^ ( didn r fh i r tv P J were i.l -

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i n w y e w s N - f # A w r e f i ^ TOSFTTTS------*™TI5T-Hr5i— f - -00>; sAtiDzor NrevEfJ

^ * ^ ^ ^ M rT H lM ,U 'L A B N E R .r JTH’H A RCC SrTlM tSA '^ MS

Z S ^ E Z ^ ^ o^ E m T peaE T a C iDUCh T hE’5N0\THETIM E H a£ I THS I : WA5( VAWUCR: ) COME TO lAY \ \ t ■EP'J . HES A

§ B g ^ s ®


vi5T«i»JT) V«5!, IW tJM If * A W U t? /0 9 ON A «JtB __ _ S C U M lO H T C A K ItJ^ K -T eX W -L N W X L JjO W tSP yi' I S gs / L / z w s WK AN KVBSf*. M 'C *^ j- V Mf c s f f o F s o je o w j / i

" w : pwvE Tu m . M nc~7~na,T TH tt w a wiv\»c^-JpudS ^ SUPPOSE

i H ni.M V I 1 «>1Vl A ' i V : ■ 1 ( -\Wt J wot A&w\»oo 'Dr 5_ SO O 'vJt '-------- , ^. ' L - V o o * . \


.len to Ttiii. Hcicrto—W ldcri V ------«p a rv mav mala-a million- / Makdj ^ 'liars hom rhis Laiy Icunooj/'fixir hoah’' TT-r----- — — y - ' ' —1 rum overSt, ifl itV

r 'S AWPUL NCB \ 1 l^THAkT FOOC P W r o ' C C W B - | - -O iSH T 'TO BI v r e ANO COOK n WEAOV BV N i» MBAL WHEN V \ r r s M M f UL l 'A \5 lC v :l - GOICTINTW

.Y ^IN >«;-1 KIT C W jjj


^ S ' KI p S J I S* r e M O N A L " ^ ,W tT - J u iT ^ ' FEELIN&9 MUSTllNOTBWAYHIM; , ^ o T j ! - ____

'wrmr-\- f -rw >Jortuvtwu-: -

V y ^ l? ? -W A L .S > W < E .7 -H 6 H ] > - w ^ NAME iSVOKUrt-AN ^:S » irV aB !N -U K £-A -B ftO T W £R .

7 •TOME/r-WHUT'S'ORE /* \ N A M E ? - ^ r — ^


\O U Rr COMMANP.jj LOnG AS 11 5 » < > iL a v e n g e d 01

;r-u a¥ -A P £ /

— r - ----------— T U E B D AYj O O TO r

[TOLL SOU S ^ T , J l >500F»'N00w«v

TW5n»— T B T * B » r w t u r i r f l e r - f * 6 H£‘5 TUB TWP WH»H MJO1^fF ^rrjyw £5*fl'-n

U m .- K'-T ivvict 'apicwL'itW'..'■\Y,VS.\ \S N W lfsv H S t N i (


/T h a r hu«yon h'i« \ —---------i^. - {.arm^^^cicNsn'f jaw J Stou had 4 an V a b r ^ t liU t t u r / / . The har w ---- >r— Wrb,8rv}

i 5 . ^ 1 1 [ c : - P[ r J ® g | I

“ 3 J _ , ------^nowL -----------ULLVf 1 < I^ U E A

S a i u J ^ SF I ^ S

(( - j P j p n | i ^ J ,

I J P - ^ f eI

\ I r YOKUMy ATPBy pRi. i AH IS V O R E .- ^ - , REMEf'£«A-t J

i l - '

r ^ >u f/iMBk^^W /iaiyNO!! 1 WILL ------- - v '-MANA5 /AETHlMWHOWJUUy ?

, r ro u N ^ ir -H A .v tw H A N P I i ' OF THAI y,l,.DESnJOY-THIS . ^ -

> w - r v ^ H g MACtC/ / YJk

^ • T"!"

ygtvA--wcm-N----w sn iw sT T iijw c f n r r :r-MR /WUWJVBW ---->i 7 anO HIOKTTO > < ^ 0 E T .T M R 6 l____^

\\ vjfAw F3 A'6W • •NKC’«\ 30G“ ft-----WV\ '\VM h .

— -


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Page 10:… · p T siated Ipositsin] |55eTr»dIo»ctiv8 m inerals/' th in . deparimenl

PAGE T E N - '

[ M a rk e • • • ♦

Stocksf M A IU iE T S A T A g l a n c e

NEW VOHK. 0<L »1

• U u ltl-H llb tfi n.lU buflnr------- ,

‘f -

KIu— “ ' “If, „^,1,| lu»

.u r t o i l«»vurt »*,>?• , j L,.,r Bfl'«*

1 MUH (»f >!>• MlllM.

Al!i«j SU>M» ‘f 's S i '___ Jlil. thX f™ «•;. « i ;

J i S ^ ' I I K i, m ;. n \ •'V'iL'*' iH :

: li;- JJI''WInrAlrpI * f [["""'J. 11 i r i

1 I i i i . i S C , I

rt,/. « oiilo Houlhfrw I’m *J'~U ii s ” i7 o i l c»U (n«;

oil :o iI K-u. * C« » .S

cITn-Wr n n Timkin « » l_ a o U ilA ltO - WU.TMlDMUa MU-

S k

i i £ T~ o 5 n « . Ml'! OwxJrlcti. _ >9_*•'[» * ‘® JJ'*

■ i f y l i a g l i'~ {1| Mfj'woolworitt

'am krh^an j.1.1 *n^n'i^'rVl’l'l’' ' lV>» ’T»cnnie0l0f ‘ M’.icoo o <> a

___ _ ISVIMTMKNT TB»BT« ^ ____

A«..,!..n ru.. Sb.r« ---------------> *■«AfdlltlKl •••-------------------- i , ,Ijtll HicKk . ---------- | ' | J

= | | | f ^ Z Z Z i = : rt:S------------------------------- jj'* |Kiriiont ------------------------------- i l ’'!

Xoiisti* SI —— ---- — ---------- “ •”XmloBt S* —-----------—------------

--Stock-A verages-m c i f A v r n A n r a ' ; - 'v - '

Inilu*. Jltll* 'nil- BK'f'i* Krl Ch.i.r« - n .» y .1 p •» " •

Si'feEiia -;t! a: ia;

- = T w i n Falls Livestock Prices

T h t followlne T«ln PaUa llrcstock prlcM nro provided by Ui6 Tw in FrtlU LlvfiUxk CommlMlon com* pAiiy ba»«] on Uie rrAUlla o t tne ; nucllon lAle OcU 9.e i t t n ........... .. ......»21J 0 lo

- H c l f c « ^ - ^ = r l l 8 — to - in — -Cow» ......- ............. - *13 to *13JJ0 IC»nn(fs nnd CutUr* » 1 U> » »A0 )DulU ..................113.50 lo IIU O IHorag -------- » a ip J p J L * - \

~Suspe6t Is Given _ [ Freedom on Bail l

ALEXANDRIA. Vt».. OcL 13 l » - | Jcufpli Sldnty Petersen. Jr., <0- ; 3'cnr-olil loniicr sovcnim cnt fm - : plo)T Bfciued of uleftllni: military- , w erfts from iho hushhuslj nntlon- i ftl KCMtUy nBtttty. IK««1 on HO.- ' 000 bond loiTsy over Hip vlBorou* ,

-’ protcki* of JudUcB deparUnenl a t- »

Tlic U>ud-ua» po»U>d In c«*li « ^llor llnio a lte j K tiltrn l'Jud je Al- • b ftt V, Dr^Mi reduced Uie amount J

Jiuilce DriiartMKiil AUomey John • P. Rcllb' lind oppoied Uio lower , bond, ftrculiiR ilim the uccusMlou »

__w:ntn3l. L’tlc rjon .ls OHe-»lcp ' »liorl o{ Utftfcon 111 lU BcrlousnfM." t

T w ill FallsL-KI l l h .,0

i; <11 >iirt I ' -l l ...... ....... - ........

ii‘W». ::;-30J u, ..................... n :,io ‘

; , y . , . . -------- ---

:_nyi'»^---------- ___ju.»» ■*Ilillm ____ - « i i» ^u t i T i y " , ! ! ! - ^

<Ua> <I»l<r 4U0l«<it ~ . . . . 'HMt.'jIMIO JU..............................»I».oo VHon. lu . _______ _-....._ii»-ru ;

ll«.-_..... .......... - .......III.™ ‘B»y». niiitf ~ ----- ’ ~IH-CO ..e«»>. ortr IM Ibfc --------------------- 111.00 „

(Oa> ^ l« r Qucwd) |,. LIVE fOULTRT 0

-CoUr»J-fo-L4U...,»<m»r--------.-.MSi- 'J.«i>ufn fuwU 4 Jb*. tnd o .e r --------- loc


'7. 2b<>m -_______- .....- ..... <€ I*X «!lctnjflirUuitx*Ji11uJw«»— .-U* rlawin tad MBIP1D7 tr iu il ' ^

AU ALTi -ANO CLOVW 8SBP ' t.r.. ______ ______ IJJ.04 Ll

Of.I'IM IUnc»r ------------ -.m.OO M.Oiiltu.l k.nUn.l tr.1 clovfr— .f— MO-Oa *»Cumw.n mnjium rrd fUiTM___ I._ |4 t.M Ch

(Om U»l«r lit.

e t s a n d F- * * .* # .

I L ivesiocltl— I OUPEN ., . p <K;DU(.-On...ll -t*» (UBDA)—U b JiO: ran l«nilr •tockm aci4 fwdtrt and

ckslei aM /lu ( lUuibUi“ tuBimoa la

•n k ; iiaal] ihovliif /nexUr t —i . . tU v t A»4 Juir*ra 14.;»-ll.v0;

'**■ r«wi l?,e« or mort:onn.Ti tnd cvlUrt «.00.«.M; uUlUr •■’J rrniffttff 1*1 buJU 11 1 J ««4iuA

ntdluil tAd lood C<J>r< lltl< •tilfri tnd tUucbUr u Itm ttwut tuidr:

.w k r</”imirriil u (MU* TttUri tnd iIiUfSKr ttl . t . U.M.II.M: il tu b u r t t l tn Ito IU.

'y™,'; tnd uiutllr II.SO do.n; nv«il«".* thd f«ud ilotk t(Mr ctlvM Itr*»lr U.M-

,.rc <be^< l*-00-l>.00: ntdluoi tnjl i . i - ? ! ; " S i i ' S i " * - ------------

, BlM«p !.«««: teu irvcktd i t <lwlr«tnd priiu nw M tUufkUr Itmte •lO'lr

ftlBTt 3_________||„V. roKTUlMD, Utl. II lUPl—Ctltit :s«.' bsMoTfr H: m tiktlilovi r trir t t l n th;i>l* tutdr.-k«4 rood l.lM-Lb. fid ttt*ri

tctud iJi bitd ll ll.»»! /»» Hillin' »!•»»»i:.»>n.»oi uuiiir k<iftt» ii.w.i«.go; »».

,, ntrKullir m »i BOtU/ l.ta-;.40. f ia t.M;n lav uUlllr c»wi tutltr builtWli IC.OJ-aM. ------- . . .,]|* C tlin lOi («>>|.<hole* tttl«rt tnj,11* iliuihlif <tl>M Ktrct. iiltblr tr»unJh '* lU tJri rou<SKlwlc* >i«I«ri n.OD-II.OO;141; i r tit t t l in ll.Ufcll.OO; No »«-l<lwltt

llvct IIO| nUrktt ilrtd r; rhoirt If"- l | i ' Ml Ib. buWhtra :] .00.;i.ev; (koirt Jiv-

t » Ik. w . t ttitbii ie,'if* .l.“ 7 "c ” '!c.''-!^Id'l.m b; nu- lV I’l v^iJli ip ” ‘u^giTSIl.Tbc.uJ"'ildt?t'”)7.u;uis.iruyll<, (M>d lUifkUr o t t i.CO-t.OO.

r i , • BAK rnANCisi'o <i.U h '*5AN rtlANCIBCO. Oel. IJ cUfi-II tuxk. Ctlllti •litlilt 110. tJrIr xil'l'lr 11s fnMllr Iliii(ht«r eUaart. ludnrnltvl Vr I*” l l \ hoW».tf f«xl»r ll»»r». Oi^nln* m.xlM.l.lf It ItcUvi tli tititti tbowi i i t ^ r . »»->•; “ N nurtlt lo lo- r«»l »OW,VOO i-mn<l .l.u|h-, iW Itr itteri lt.Ou.:I.OO. K*. tvrn'ntrcl.l Ig li^> loi> |w 4 iltufbwr hilfirt U.D0.1«.0<].I II , Amund Ian ImJi rornnitreltl l>rtx> t . CilTttiiilihl't N.-Horrir krsrlr i>iufk •I ur cfitin. Opminff-mwf»r»Iilr »cU>». » i ttkJut itiirtr. K«« uillllr tnd N,mm>r>l<l O’. J0»-tl8 p>un<l tliufhltr (tivti l4.OMI.iO, ■**k cull* down Ul *.00,* ‘i lloiii Mltbit 110. Iluichtn roRiprlitJ •• bulk-of .*irl7 lupjil/. Mtrktl sot «ltb. ' i UjhtJ.U___Hhtipl.Siltblt.lOO. K trl/.tupolj Itrct

ItmlM. ^i>tnln( naudtrtlttr tltinth.14 Jojltl^Olhy JJ boul • “ •'Jl''

u ‘ehol(i i»wrn ‘•Ii'uc^^ 'cw arv llb /ill ■bom ptlu i.oo.t,ea.

. • .' t.Od ANCELEa ,v----- tof-Afm TX T3r.-D {irirw rT3H M =12 Cttllt iiltUli 1.700: Mtlr ttl i t Itrxtir

I- lllllf and cummtrrUI «ewi 10.t>-ll.l9: 7.M.IAC;-C»l.ti iilihlt. ,ICn; tiaiilj; rnm.LlQl odd hnd Il|htwilchU It.OO.Ilof. ttl.bli >00: ».ak la «0 l»«.r on

buKhrra: •ovi 1.00 or moro hlfhrri rhokt- I tnd : IPS-::* li«. :a.tO-tl.:i: >i<r :o.>>o:

, odd 1M.I40 l \ ltM -lt,00: choira 41J Ik. t»>i IT,001 l ,m iM Ibt. 1M9.

— nrNVKn___ ^^^NVKtl. 0 ^ 11 j J|V(UfiDA)-C.Ult— eiw^i w 'iT ..r7 .i:s 1 u jli” n u,oS-:V^r•Kfl tv»d to loit rlu>l;i Zl.40.2l.7i; hlih<,73 lo aririci cbolct fxl htUiri•,0I vlllltir tuwt t.lO.11.09; tnmmireUl to»,K1 tbolc* vrilin md c tix ti5:i;^ jiji, ^ u.oe.i7.tti tlir ll«kL»tlihu tl-OO- Io!m jsw p I],«09| niaiktl nol Mllr rtltC I0.» IIA«li llmllKl tir lr t t in nitlnir amtll 11.71 loll tna chni(« nalKri 17,I0.1«.>0;;0.M iltufRitr iwit nitl tnd atllliy_1_ (IMAIIA

OMAHA, OfL It lUD—Ll<ntflckl Hort__ IMM. ilMi tM ft iimfr.,C(lOlCt_UJ-21?

Is*. H.IMJ.CO.Cillti l,t[IO. r tlrn 400. Hicb-rrlnii (rJ

__ ilMt Ilrvnr tn Ilr hlihtr; C'>'d tnd fhulri— - lUin ikmJr lo Uf l*Mr. Xtlftr* m tra llr

itrt.!,. Hlih r'Imr iround l.HWh. Inwt >i»r. iAni.*] al Mut.fJulct tu rn

*0 :;.7k]1.00. Hlfh rh»lr« lo lu . prlmt htir. >rl<i m 7l,:»-2i.l0. C«wi iironi to noitlr lOe 0 •» IUIIII7 *"a fommtrrltl » ,;i.1J.O0, I*'! •s‘*h7^ l,«C^HI»uthttr-UmU^.t^ni lo

OMAnA-'OMAHA, Oct. 1; (^V U.SPA>—r . l l l t I

i ; .m : riiru «co: iiiwk»r tnd fMdrr t cltMtt lUtdji; noil tholo atrtrifholfJ btlftr* :j.i0.:«,60: utlllir tnd‘<om.' mtrrlil rvt t.!i-M,:i.

Ilnct 7,000; rholrt l>0.](0 Ih. htrmwi ’ ^ tnd lllll Inrludlnl luni loU tin to iHO ‘

ll>, 1«.50.|»,0»; io*i up W ito IW. U.!». K k iJ-^hrt.ltr *tt|b li ]I.IO bui Hull J

flbttp In nrjma nallvt tnd ^J)B lull lo <kol<. « . . . X.Oft.4.00; ihutMirm '

hrttJInc *wn t:ll>.ASn. .. J

----------------------- CHICALd. --------------- {cHiCA<;o, on. n air-u .snA i-t.u*.

tS w ir tlf lr* ' tellt*: ^k?i!.*n'*'n*o^llr” »0 (■00 « . “ io’:^inctj;^^^ ‘

11 lo ; i tti>H Mfhtr; olhtr r li .tn thuul ‘ y_ .l...lri hlih fhojft tn.l prim, tit tn Jt.tft. |lO- 71.lHt.2l.un; r^mn)rrrUl mil 1V,00>

n - ulllltr tn.I ron.rtiirrlil r«>i lA.0n .|].l0; .1_ cmn.ri and riilttn 7,niui>.ni>; uUlliy tnd '■'• fommtrclil Inill. i:.0(..i..;ni an<l £U* cholrt vcalrrt II.CMJ.OO; cull lo ».pnini<r. e:t- Htl f.0«>l7.»<>; p«<d rh<rirt im k .— L.Ti[r7!in.'!;iT.,'''^ * ‘ f0 sh^rr: ;,«(•«. Tridr - ralhtr. trll»»;

a . ilauihi.r ItmU ruHr 10 rrnli hlihtr; .n t : ; g : ; v g j ' z ; ; g g s : ' g g ^

•» a j ___________________S

IlsJ \la i4 c ts i!1 11 tt (

.10 tS»Ui and comrinr r H f u r ‘ ^

•js cio' 1 „.j. 0•iO J",'; ■ 11

;Sj unJtr' tor Na*' r*^ion.‘*d»",“ rtpoiu « Cinl. loo.r for No. | irll)

.(10 J ruTATOrjl

J ; " “i i ~ “ J!

0*L' iBo°*ihi'’*' {i . 'j “

ahil of Idtbs Efc rrodw .i^T iln rilu l


F i n a n c e « « * «

GrainCHICAGO. 0.1. 11 in-4lr>im uU olf

' i j i S Stlllnr In Ut«rrfprmnl«l frotll tUlaf.T lJ j Uoo^ar'i tdT.nrt, tnd -ll folkovtd' . , , kii->a an icrltullur. trpirtnrnl <n>p r*.-U.uo! I"''.booitlnjjtillBtirt *crb«ii predacthn

J r ' icatrtl Utk.«( 4t«tad.ln.&ll.IilU.

* ^ 5“ DV«^iuV**iu«.uii,i‘ otii* '|*K • !^’ t[;

it.J.iJ • un.baatid tn 7 r.nii a hundt»d pound*u/lilfr OiUkit II(,I7-U.|0....................

CASH (:iUI.‘4 ^ai^A C O . OcL^» m - t t h.ll ^mintj

------ « ” ■ N ^-* -rH I^M (‘ir*’Nt.S '-l!«4^

r 'u T . 'u i ;

7 - r ; - -------------- c B A n o l'i im ta '.u,Lii CIIICACO. OfL II Ul—:. i,! Wh

' E i i ; ; :^ - r ; ; r z ; r i r ‘ ;:JJ i:S!I;

rilsST:...!:»■ l:?k“u" ... Ijo'" l^o'* !;»(; }:»%

S V J c h 'T ! ' - ' ‘ ;1: ' Is’s ;«iiiM.r . , .,M S ' • ; « * » - -

ul'Htr V , t ....... . ■ ■■ ■■S ^ r h -7 ; ;r . |! ! ; : l i i j :

• un 'r KANHAH*aTvV'^li'u->*'wh I J»

.U.00. .h ^ r i iV o 'tT iu th i ’V " *i'“' dI1.HN: No, i TtlVi. tnd tnl«fd II.11^;

7»'|‘ “w lVK?!«0.V7«Ue loijcii'.* * ‘*OMO "’V”. . I

»’» ii.i i io ii.iiN .' 'llirir, IMI ,0 II,JT!f, I

"'•b- It.l7ij m_i;.*i.w.Itrci *'” " **’"* '* ***"*• . _ . t

Itinth. j ' ]

sS Potatoes-Onions i; j;!i I--------------------------------

c n c r r S ' S

" f y CKI(.'A(;0K.iO; CinCACO, 0(1. II lU n-ro lalon l tr-; rl.^tlt'IU, irtrk l«l. Uul U. £. ihlpmtnu 1

"....nil.. ,i.....,i . .ik . . . .u « J1l,m< iBd~ntrktt-itill*forRBniirtfrmin4'tlvw i

tnd inatkil v ttltr fir I’ on Trirk tii t t IlOO Ibt,) U. S. 1 A *t.h«d |rMc. jjlth : ljeh tnlnlmiim unlfU mt^M da^^ •10 )71 lott tnd Notlh nikult rnntiirt wiitd t

:.^o.:.lO trHilKd tin . U. R. . i un>t>W l,7>, mit.d im li U. ». I or- ' dlnarr ap|>.iranci 1,71. «llh U. B. I 1.10, I

r.ii!. »il«<a ««l»t Itn t mil Triuniphi U. C. jtj^t^tttL^.l.^iC^-Chlw n ii-U. H. tonnxb .

•1^5 * BUt"'M l..l Idthotnd WaibIn,lon Jlut- 1 ..ta I.1I.4.UI Nonh pikou round r«l» 1

j - ' t ; t:4.;.M, to lU.; Wi.rnn.ln roi.nd , rfli i:i.:.SO. nooftr J.0«, round *hlln *

, tt l 2.2ft, unwathrvl l,7i; Idiho Rui.ttt 10 Ibi. l(t.JM Colorado r«iin4 tad. SO IU I.7S.ILOO- Onlnnii m« dfcnind fair.

Idilwl 5^^nl.h '|.|'nrh*tnd IiVifrr ,7,*,' >0 Pir rtfll U. S. I l,«CM I«t6 l.2»-l,:ft. -• I. ' Stroll lalni C.niollr lood quillir lilt- tl

ho tnd Oroiun SptnUh Mn<li md Itrstr , 1.1^1,711 Coloiido Kp.nlth l.Inrh tnd •

0.«in 2-00, S-l Infh l.1i-2.2l: Wathlneiun Rpm- I ' *”' SHt-^Infh-tnil IlTTimir'n'Mmfiin.SS; ,

lrr»fuJtr ili. M »»nu lo 1,2$, Iwtl'ra Mh| | ,„ |i , bui-1.9M.<i. tInwt ><•'•*1 POUIom; markri tboul tiradr. (h/if! Wfini*-r2S.5.30. l” !l.*}.0(k2.;i': HtrrTind ^, |(^ buihtl Utkiia U. », 1 J ttu r i n

"2 Butter and Eggs

Chmti ilflilt iliUIn tmt lonihorn. 1i :V I)» ,: pnxHMl lott Il-I7i!iwl.> crtdi r

Dulltr’i tpi,:47 'poundi. MiTltl latr. 91 J,l7„, araro Itii^ a Pjund; «2 icort^M; JO ll

»,*i1 Miikrl ilrad;. Whlit »U r tn u a d*i.n;inlit<ll4rilit.ira‘i Jptr rVnl A a‘?l oT^ril; iltiida i^S i; Viii. " t*nt-r»rtlMj 11; dlrtlti ami thrrti 20.

Sheriff in Lincoln County Lends Aid I

' SHOSHONfcToci. I J - L l n e o m ; Uw. county offlclnli report they Snow:

m tle nbout Mrt. Josephine OerAl-; Ji'u' dine Turner, 40. former Shoshone i1.tA* trcn resldmi «ho mny be the «om -1 Tiil »n whose body wa# burned lo ftshcj tmi nf 'if Blnekh»«k, Colo,, on 8epU <0, w<r. 1BS3, '-}®i Mra, Turtifr lefl Lincoln.county

nearly bIx ;e i\n ago, offlelaU report. i tn<i She lived a llh h tr husband andl ""■j ch lldm i a t Ihe brick ichoolhoussi rtd« fnllea north of Shoslione' on;— hlthway-CJ.----------------------- ---------

OfflciBl* *ald they - fl rtt learned rtl.' Mf»- Turner' was mlMlng when a i.itj t l i l r r sent Ihe Lincoln county sher-

l t f - ^ j i i/ M n Tiiriirr In hplp .“ll* Identify the mliilns woman. i„,. The Identlly of the woman burned .2*; a t Dlackhnwt and the cause of

her-d«aH) nerer-ha« .twen-lear&cd. .■ Colorado ofticlnls report. TJfe pic-

_ _ ture supplied the Lincoln coiinly's sheriff's office by Mrs. Turner's sl.i-

_ ter has been sent to Colorado of-


Failures IncreaseNEW YOilK. Ocl 13 t^'-Bu.ilnc.«

fhllure.i 111 Ihe week ended OcL 7 . 5, tou ted :30 cijmpared wllh lOJ In ,^r. Uie precedini; week and IEG tn Uie ^ like week n as». Dun and Df»d-

'*■ ° ^ ^ lu r r . ' Imolvlns llabllllle.< of <'‘0 T S O T O T n ra in a tirrs riic iiiD s t-io *'■ in th r pircciltns periCKl nnd ICO a nu nco.

VISITING DAVGHTKH' —,, HAaKRMAN. Ocl, i : - r Mr. and

Mrs, lU rrj-.Sncdgrau arr^vlAlllnp her dnUKhter, Mra. J. A, Sfnllsford an(l fnmlly. H^tondldo, Cnllf.

Our Central Locauon a i m You I _____PROMPT. PICKUP

lOfl CiMln. Oll.i Shoatiin.. H .i.rwit.»tndftl,,J.romfc CuUtfnM, T»ln I

;u. ►.!!., Bail, fll.. Clo..riJi OIGUEST CASH m tC K FOR { lY HOflSES. CATTLE ‘I«c . D«»)J_oid_Dl„l,lfd -

S SN A K E RIVER TRO U T CO.12' t< < l«ir Liitt IIfe Call CoIlMl CukI iU 4 I

r - T I M E S - i i E W S . - T W

n Report Given ^ Oil Hospital’s -----^Gejisus^- Gasli

RejKwt* on fliUknee# and hwpiia 1 off census Occupied Uie Masle VallejSf.“i* MemorTalhojpjwJ-boanJ a iltsJtsU '

• la r monthly meeting Monday nlghl ‘■‘I** The.bonrrl was Informed that N

V. S h a r p m ie r ; Wans lo 'end man’ tctha year# of board scnrlce Friday. Couiv

^ ty rCommUsloaer_L—W. Uattkill MTd'Bliftrp’i'rf'iIgnB tlon acMPted iVldijr-by Uic-coi7imi,wioii

T he Flier m u i was a member o ° I " ; th e original hospital board appoint-»-»»i ed-aeTCT7il-Tear*-B5DTind-has‘s m «

conUnuou*ly,-no^u-'T«m o»^-<r« ,und* Bomc Of his publlc_«rYJccJ»HtJ0“

The board voted lo send hlpi a let­te r of appreciation for hlJ loni

uitit;' Bcrvlce. • *The hosplUl ccnsui report showi

on avcragfl d*Uy_£CUUi.^SUS>' U S; August of 71,7 as compared to S3.I

tor the same period last year, iJod lUPorl# on paUent aCcouJiU slio«

tllghUy more than oncithlrcfl,9'U/----- p e T T e n tn c ru r 'd o I lir ' volume, art

paid in full on dlsm lsul,CW In o ther acllon ihc board.sP ' 111; proved a medical council rccom-

! n s mendatlon coocemlng regulailoni li: Burglcal practices.

Vacation Date Is Set a t Shoshone

;«iii SHOSHONE, Oct. 12-Hnrvesl va- •*? - callon for Shoshone pupll5 will be-

gin Thursday, wcnther pcrmllilns. -US Khool board members decided al a

mecUng Monday night. If school •jjf‘ close# Tliiirsday the vacation will

' run u n lll Oct. 55.If the weather does not permit

' ,„ j the harvest of potatoes, school »i11 .<i',, no t be le l out until Uils week-end <o- i and Uic reopening dat« will be aii- r. I noupetd Isiter, th e boRtd decided.> to Dlds for u'ork on the Shoshotic

Bchooln will be opened Jil 8 p. m. .1,11, Oct. as. Uie board nnnounccd.. The

• work -inciudcs « new gymnaalum tind ttBricuUuc<t altop nnd Improve­m ents lo Uie hifih school nnd nl the grndc kIiooI. .

T he Nybonr house located • on school property near ihe lilfih school

” 1 haa been sold to Sheriff Tlioinas , Conner and has been moved from i th e land, the board jeporied.

Local K eserv i^^^ "“Earn Promotions

tr . Three MBBlc Valley army reser- tntt vista haye been promoted, an-. _neuH ccaJA A j-l>-It^‘'d t t « n 7 ^ i a

ikn, .r»u*-*fm y-jc«rv*^nll-advl«r.-----Lionel P. Miller nnd Lowell . Roj-

kelley. bolh BUhl: hnve beea pro- ntia- moted to lieutenant colonel.'. Coion- >xrt e l Roikelley l& the ftwlsUnl dltector

o f tlie local command and Keneral use, BWff school and Colonel Miller Is a

0. K hool student.—Bftm-D.-RownrrBiLrlfyrhns-bfeii

Hu,. promoted to capwin. He u i> mem* rr<i> ber of the command and general

etoff school In Burley,

Attends Meeting'•ft! Air Llnea station mannRer here, id f ftilendcd a two-day mecllnp of com- '»•: pnny officials ftt. Salt Lake City. ,*” Pl«n.< for United A!r lines’ ex- im . panded fall and winter cprratlons

and^^iirCher IntCErnllon of new Dougina DC-7S In long range opern- Uow. uUlliatlon of nddlUonnl new

adr. fquipment jcheduled for delivery In *,“ J the next, two yenrs nnd expnnded

ftll-cnrRO.operations were (llscu.«cd.CulUng nlso attended a one-day

— training conference In Bobe.

Hearing WaivedDOflLEV, Oct. 12 — Preliminary

lio.irlng viM *aived Monday by Dale ,rn. B. Bullock, Burlry. who was nr-

rested by W le y poilcc Snlurdny lo i , j driving ftftcr his operalor'A llccnse JO hnd 'been revoked under the pro­

of* visions of Uie financial rc.ipon- slbllliy ncU

Bftll wwi Ret n t tlOO by Proliate. '».9 JUdse H, W. Tucker nnd Bullock

WIU bound over lo the district court.

Unlll recenllyi there were no wheeled vehicle* In T l b e l , ____

■ d ' n i ^ T D M

£ Land Leveling'I'Oi O u r M o c h in e W ill M ove

Y o u r D irt— CHEAPER!BO. LET US SHOW YOU ijy No Job Too Large cr Smalll

Phone GA 3-5505 or CA 3-UM

"«! T ca tc r & SfewartKIMHERLY


T-I n ^ 1 ^ 1 ^


I T RA CTO R je ; 1951 S heppo rdnfn ------A REALLY- n iG - -a T H A tn o n von

LOW p r ic e :*

_ —lla i . hydraulic spud ciillU id valor, too. new engine over- ij5 J u u l , exceUcul llre i.

Open House-. RcKlmeAlal b n d q u a rte n com-

g pany of Ui« IWUi .rm ored c y - I 'a iry, Ifliho niUoitftl guard, will

h ! noia-open hoo*e« tflp -*a -tpd*y -i -•l-Uie-loeal-arm oty.-----------------

_Purposc of I h t open house la jiiwi: lo-«e<ju»lnt c»?i c«U B ty .-«d alleyl sU te officials wlU» the acUvIUe* ttU-1 a n il'i lu rp o sa of Uie naUOPH Ighi.ll giurd..1 N .j____________ • - — __________ —

[ N a v y D i g s i l l .........

f S " ^ A s B i g V V i n t T

2 “ D r a w s d G l f l S S- in A H r;P la 7 0 c t;iJ (U > -T h en a r :

ordered nearly 1,000 women am chlldriii in to hun lw n e iholtetB a lU huge base on Cuba'j O uaotan #no bay today and sent l u eurfao

;ush feaHU-ccurTTlncr. to sea to e*c«pi the oaccmWg Itiry of HurrlcaU' Ilawl.

iliow The first light sprinkle of rail ?'UA .b»g»n-filllm t-cT j-the-bas?rw am

Ing of the lI5-m lle-an-hour wind expected later,

ap- since midnight, H aw l has beei :om- churning up windward passage, Ui u in siralis between Haiti and Cuba.

Cuba’s flrsi hurricane deaUi wa reported from SanUago on th e ex treme eastward Up of the Island An unldenUficd fisherman 'wa wnsHcd to his death while trying V

n P fax}en down two small boats. Heav; *. 4CM U ihcd the town.

The big blow, c lih lh of tho stom scft^on, p.is3ed 110 miles lo the wea of Port au Prince, HBltl. durlnjf thi

“ momlns and Uie capital city of thi "T, UilcWy-popwlftled we&ttrn wcUoi

of Hispaniola reported highest windi ,, of only IO miles nn hour.

No rcporla were received front thi wcjlemmost pa rt of the Ulnnt which JuU-Uke-lhe barrel ol a pUlo

*'*' a t Jamaica lo the west.

i E P a r l d i i g F i n e s

Jy™ A U)U1 of »30 !n bonds was posted wllh Twin Palls police Monday foi overtime parking vlolaUons.

oil A lbtrl Pullman posled & }3 t«mti looI ^or parking lllegnlly in an alley, mas -“ Posting—ll~ b cn d » 'fo r-o v erU m t rom p.irklng were Gerald Slnema. Cecil

Jones. Prank Dell. Vlctor^-Robert Devllle Chaney (two). V lrgtt Uoofc Elva Olson, P. B. Wilson, 'fiSlen VfllenUnc. U rry Block, A l l r e r t - ^ -

— low rnndllobert'Sco tt, n c Stanley Crom posted tS bond (ot

an overtime parking Ucket.

I m — C h u F c h - S p e a k e r s ^______ SHOSHONR-Oct-ja—Speakera-«ttos- tlia Assembly of God church a t both irfl. Uie morning and -evening worship on- aervice.1 Sunday were Mr. nnd Mrs. ;tor II. O. Brj’an. San Diego, Cnllf.;rs \ M\iilcsV telecilows for Vhc serv- li a Ices were prejtnled by Mrs. Hitrold

Huyser nnd Mrs. Lee Danleb.

^G A L lkD V E R T lS E M E N T S ':ral amkndkd notipk ov ti ik tis ik ap-


of^Of tobtr, IJll. ,al lOjOO ..'eWk M H. of"

ons Xtff_i]iatj8i-ihi, w iiLot-nij.m ii««lew llruan, ,ln-ti<nl. am) for h.irini Ibf ar».rn. pll ill'in Illrrhl. <*. nro>n (or Iho l»ii.lew nnd vhrrt any i.«i.on inlirr.lnl mtf ip-I In pta. t>.l-r..rl-.| ■.m.l-----T-------d»,I D•tr l Oclul'.r 12. irJl.«d ?.” -wow.

li'Aimv rovKv,Allornrr lor^l'rllllnn.r, ^

SALEc a l e n d a i T

w a t c h t h i s H j ' s p a c e d a il y

.. for Newi nf Magle Valley's Farm Auelioni and tor the date Ihelr llillngj will appear In the Tlmei- Newi. Chrck Ihelr ad t for location

I and all nerenMry lofarmatlon.

OCTOllEIM.I■___ - _ , »en W a r d _________

AdTfHUement October la Ilartey Ivenoa A Jm Roe, Aurts.

o c t S l _u _________'.'Manln Klitler '

Advrrlisemenl October 11-12 , .lUrvfy C, Iverson. Auctioneer

Albert l.etiker and I'srl Krotelier 1 Ailvfrtl.iement Oclober tS

Klaat. AufHnnftn.----- j

: n t T m i i i i r r s 'no )d and Ver» Pltrce

Adirrlltetnfnl Oflobt'e H - i J Itarvejr C, Ivrrtoti, AncUonrer

()L“roi{F :i{ I’d>1. U DANIELS

KUan & Kiaai, Alicllnnerri

OCTWJKK 2 1 - rOlrr and M>rlir ll,»,|

Advrrll>emrnt Orlulxr i x - l 9 UiT'ftr <•. I'Ttnon. Auctlontfr

OCTOnEK 21K. W. (irimOpT

Aavfrll.rmrnl Oftobrr 10. ;#Kiaat X. Kiia*. Aucllimetf* .

ATTKNTKIN KAMlfiUS;W hrn you pi.m a Fnnn_si> C011Uci:Ui».Time«-N«j r.iriii Eair DrpartmciiL Lfi uj c r. pl.nn lina- \,„i can cover MiiciC | Valley j l niir ..;tinli ' cult. II Ulli s;lic JOII (jyiJ,, ' Ihne anti moiipj-:*

" l i A t o m i c E x p a n s i o n

. . P r o j e c t s R e v e a l e i‘T,: WASHIMOTON, Oet, 12 t f l - n “ alomle energy eommlulon todj

umpanced-a-«7-mUUoiiHloUw ei — ' B#nilon-procrtm-for-lU-productli

aod processing plants.A -n irw -p !» n V :ta -c ^ _ a ^ » M

ZOOfiOO WlU be constnjclea^at U ^ ^ ^ e n t - o w n e d Waldon Sprit ordnance works, J7 mile* west of G

— J Louis. ThU plant will extw ci o i purify uraaJura from 7ir«nlum>befti Jng conccntntes, ,. .. ... In addition, Uie prograjn calls fi

r . .exM iuaa-of -Uiese fxisUng focll liM' H i e feed miterlBls produi Uon center at Femald. O.: feed m«

- - terlaU fadUUcs a t SL L0Uls..UUl.U s a -fced-plaol-at-U ie.-E adU £ih^K ) a lS . .gascoui.dlffiulonjUnt.

■ i L a n d B l a c k e n e dtan- SHOSHONE, OcL IJ — Anoiiii face SOO acres of range land were black » p e ened In.two J lr« over the week-cn

officials of the bureau of land mar agement here report. BoUi fin

ra in were near Carey and a re jw llev t int^" loTiave beieii'tlarledTyTiuntiii,' Inds Four hundred acres burned 6ur

day a t nhat offlcUlr cairB lg Bc w en lire while 100 acre* burned t

ptillllps canyon Saturday evenln A crcw from Carey and Robert U ai Un Slioshone, BLM fire supervlso

e*- fought Uie_fUmes.~ '_________ _

I C l a s s i f i e d

' S i w a n t a d r a t e sUon lUajtd «g cOtUpcMtord)

1 S : ^ = = n r T S - J ! r « 2• Pan , ll »ir word ptr di7

the {A Bilnlasa t t it wordt l> r^ nnd qi.[;M H-IM «»• «Uttlfltd t4). ^tOl -It . tto-Ukl. btto*.

Wordi'l l<ty I r jtT « |* d ty t~Z Z J « ____LJ«_

G ------:o r 06 iTo sreo“3 — » - r i , i i | - i : o o - } - 4 i o - ilM Unltti ;iw »r»dll htt b««B ««lt^

Uibxl. <iiS Bwl Mcemptar onltr. DKADLI.VR fir ClauKltd enljl

Uondir’i idi — t p. m. Btlardtrt. On(] TUradt;. Urautb rrldtjj —

I p. m. Dir Dcfort Iniiriion. Suodaii — 1 p. m. Btbinlirt.

Imc "Blltid Adi'- ir*-ilrkUr -MtlldtnUtl - •pit md KJ ln{omtUoB (in b« i l r t i Is ™ rtftrd U ttr- td.trtlHT.

?0k. Errtrt ikisU bt m tr u j tisBtdltt*- ;Ien It. No allo-.nri will U Biidt Ur met, n.,1 tkan om locimcl Iturtion.

— nitrSiNrf.»irV,i-lkt-ri*lirii Wlltad ruRl tnr tlttiUM tdrtnltiac.

for I

- SPECIAL H 6 t lC E i ---------llU'Jil anil n i~ i» lj-c lin iD l^ riii.L i

l»W , Vllliii CIttnirt.I'flt- OttAma-fmdtUmHtr-iwiiHtU-tUtt*Oth Utlllt PodM,n. Phoni tltO,_________h]n lU'i:.SCWt CoiHUtrL .Mn..Lrtl« Uardnir ,lrs ^Im S"-' «»"-»«-i- r w . « i t . j .

ALCUIIULICS Aanrmoui, WtdncKltr l :>0 p- rn-^Cnn UsuM. WrIU Das 4* ai

old CU.sruU cuuini of bnf. pork, Itoib. drti Iht war n a dnirt IL C^lir tor tutrlDi

^ ~'Cumn|.-2ti.Wt»l AddUtn.-Phono *7*.

YELLOW CA B SERV ICE .0 I Phone 73. Buhl - Frank M. Field IiKle

IDAHO STATE (AAA). Aulmnoblla AiMtlilloa


>’*” *•it, n, ntrrln.wn, TJI Ird^M.nui Toil

PERSONALSllUullANll md - in drtlri loTd'c'oi child.

_ BEAUTT SH oV s'^. COMl-U.'-n: nod.ra bciau MrrKi br «i-^ ..WPt OP»ralori. Mafh|n,It.»..tnd fold■ w t.ti, ».60 ap. Aniiilt nrim. ffilon. I UUMi'U.TK htiut; itnlci br tdrtnctd i iludtau It rtdgetd prlrta. jealor ilu.. J 4onti work (rtr. Hichlnilni tnd cold■ wtTti. 13.09. Il.iai? Aria Aridimr, • SCHOOLS & T RA ININ G

WANT 11. H. liOVT. JOIIT Mtn.Wom.r., y ,I*-4ft. Bl^'t lillh n mo.oo monlh. «utl-

Ifr NOV. I 2J.COO johl «p»n, Kipfrlrn.t- - r f t tn ntinrrmiTT, Urt PItrr S*.pitt

[|luitrtt»t h»k .howlni Jobi. Mlirlni. ro-- - tjalirmttiii.-iimtiitttitt.hcnrftti. WftlTf!

lodir; Ho» IfuA, r/n •nwn.Wrwt.CHIROPRACTOIiS

NWIVE I^hilui,^ Dr. Wmt I'trdla, IIS

LOST AND FOUNDLU»t: Wln.-«i;lor.H luUirr hlllfil.l, Kt*p

rtlu rn billfold md.ptpfn. Ctll

»OUNU;|'u.'r^ill trt.lH .lot.r l iTk

1 U»^Tl Contort »tlUb lllr>rlt uktn from . Llnroln i'V.,1 l..t MnridtT. IM and• r-!'t'Vr.’.V'*LVn"' bl'k’l i ; II *bF^

slT U A T IO N S W A N T tDAl.l. TYrhl.S af touit>oik. rhoni « ; ] Twin falU.________ . . .

'u V

6''l7t.LL“ 'NUH.SI.IIY. Child r trf' di» e'r hour rhoni 2;»VM, T»U riDi.

~ . Ilnitrlt. rircIiilV. IlniT.* I*.’" " ’

R a d i a t o r R e p a i r i n g iT o n i, Frorii H a r r is i

■. r J la d ia lo r Shop ■W tllTjirthrB arrni,iifinj rodoatj P

recore----- M4-J«cksen----------HhonelKC^j- ij

SPUD D IG C l.SG - i • . . .D EV IN IN G .......... -

2-row dlsKrr Sack-1 furnished if deMrrd

CONTACT JAMFJ? R U pEnr *Jerome , i'j,one 0382-Hr

SPUD-DIGGIXC • 1 *WAN-rrn_, i

I Wilh i DOLMAN-3 row ,i„,cl '

j ■ 'tan . !

^ '------ ' Tl

[ iT SIT U A T IO N S W A N T ^

H ELP W A N T E P — F E M Il?


MAN or Lor for kluUn k.l»r— - p.r,on. Btwrir-. IlirU,.,.."^- ' , . j |i UUI1J31NU BtUiul. atlaiMo («. tT

g ;

S IN C E R lT Y j-"" ■} Our company Is looking for « iih e r *ho Is sincerely inter,

esled In «. beller aundard of liy. Ing for himself and-hls tamuy.Jo b .h o ppep jn fedno liro iy .T hu

,, U a permanent poaltlon where eved fuinre.

-»eton llr> r-to-X D ur-|l)nily^W eS un. • " I «Bot • 'i 'o ‘‘“r* » week In

Idaho. A good car U essemial. nlng, On-the-Job training u provided.



d Wednesday October 13

10 A X lo 4:30 F,M.


•rd . an^lnimwit till nVM.*”'* ro"’” - >»dU BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES

I’KUUUCTIVK milk rouli lor ttir, Innui.' 171 lllv. Lakn Houlh. A: .

__ ItOUUlN iir tk t t u i l » Low In.ntm'iTi7*^ Twin Fallt. WwKoU^ll Corwir.ilon 0_ MOUKJIN. wall wulbptd c f,. Idttll,"!:0 ttla j in Twit ItU*. Tifenj, or nnildt ®- utla'.«l"l 10*1 ** / •“ ••»*• rof d>V >X1K Modrm f'liliripi >mki l u•<>■- Uoa. oa hlihwtr U. KlmUilr. Kitrll.n'

lirm^a.kllablt. Vlilt r kUllpt hulk piml

IIOTCI- 21 reoffl) and aontr'i ai«iu t»J- dlilrlct. Hrick b»illdlnr.- tlniijn9”’t?.«r ■a full7 0(«upl«d wilh lOlnc builnrt.rt. In.

ronit from iiuHBd floor MiOO 10 MlOO tntuallr. lloltl hvi.ln...

t» will.ait tmtind tl.OOO.'TKiod cltta'hui. If* Inett. hlibl; muUklf. Ont ownrr tinr.- It in Thli hiiilnm .U.oU.i«t.

<ll t t tn Ittrt(ll«r «rIco wlih aictlUm WfWIA'vKTrpVndld'JUt., of hom«,

___ **'■"" opponua------ lUtt. Stl ut nowlJ. V. w iiir r

^ -^^^RKM rr^ATT-AtOTCY---------j

TC- ■ " -

f H v a l u a b l e

BUSINESSS OPPORTUNITYi t t i _______________________________

-W tnlrf t l antt. ■ ftw r.llib1»-pteslt___ lo own tnd optrala t rouii of our ntw----II i t dliMnMn. Thit «in U hiadtid ipir*S' or full Umt. IIouu Mt un for jnu hr our ^ I iraintd tiperU. Qutlllltd ptnon will

, bttttBUCtllcnlopporlunlUrtaaarnup. Id ! Io tlOO.CIO ptr WNkiDtralln>«. full llmt

mort, Von-ctn crl ittrsri h Ihli per. mtnral hlihir proflublt n» builnni

---- fnr onlr Kll.SO. Thit offrr op«i for t— ; -Hm trt limt Bfl1r--t ll frro dtltlli. So.

’mb" Slmll,' piftrVr, ‘cUfortiii' "•

_ ■ F U R N lS H E P ,R O O M S _ ~CLUKK In. nic«. clttn. i-rl'ilt inltinci.

*l NIU^V (urnlJhk totio. In«ulrt l i t 7lh

- J g B V l t ^ n ^ n . . wtrm. aul.i. clo.. in.__ litrtrt- I'hont }iMV._____________CL ;AN, M il lo bath, tiokir biat. Unir

^ riKinwr, Thont 70>«.NIt.____________M NICK reom for lad;, KUchia prMlrfn If

dnlrKl « ( 4lt tttnu t otiU I'hont ---- ;«IO.J. ._______________________

*'«wklni,* ■frtm* r i i *Moil l!lrWa.h-;«Id Initon. Thont »»M,_______________^ FU R N ISH E D A PARTM ENTS,l2 kotJKIU-j^ turn ._h.d .«t; rtm.nL 120 »rd‘

^ ArAKTMKW To7"A.u^.' ' tUurBld. A«UCourt. UII Klmbtrlr road.__________

_ X.-UWtHtt.-fhoiw » OI,-Tw|g-ri»i.~i«TT

‘tjUIKK rooffli tnd UUk Adulu onlr. lli ■{t tlh tTinui ner^ r*. MOUrJlN inrra tmmi tnd Uth. rrlo li

(Tl.tAH. ctat. In. lUaioDtbli. W».t or

_ Kirt."ln>-'.^m‘I'^ r^ ri^ . Iniair. 2» Uh 110 aTrnut ttil, tfu r t p.m. iltiurdir_ tnd Sundir.

■•P Phon. aot».'w.________ ]__________* WKLIj FUllNlbllftU). Wtanlm firlllll...— Virr rioit In. Adiillt. Hlnkltr Ap.rl-

""uN F U R T viS H E D APTS.)Bi S-IIUOH iparlminU 1 child t«.pMd. In-

^llUinuuM tptrlia.nla. Noclh Lot ” l r • AptrlmtnU. I’hon. J»;:i.— S-1(I)UU httrminl tpirlratnl. lllllllln fu7-

'^'ln^~ilt'i'"*tl l!i !iVl? I*£.*ni'in'll'.— TIIKh.K rmtni, lim it tnd trlrlitrtlor. ^ t.tiill. .*»* iiL ------------ .— UOWNTOIVN. S room! ami Ultu UllllHx '• furnlthtd. aicti.1 .Itclrlcllr. TM rtinoJ

1 " f u r n i s h e d HOUSES^ II »T, 'IIIA11.KU houu 13S t.nonUu Uuit _ rtmiln In rounl,. m Kim. PS-nt IMVJ_,

rr UWt-UKNIHHKO modrra ;.n .’m hoa.i. tt-

s *'****

In **hMi.'o^er tbout Nor. I. Mnrt'lni/rr'.lErWrllTlkiVll’n TI-Ii ’rt.H .-f'’

J.lltUUUOB untuml.hrt hocw. Morinc ^ lo ^ I n Ttlli No». t, rtoni

rAK.M. funildrr tnr tlif, »;»■» .r,™?' f“ J _K,|, rif.rrnjt.,

WANT " " n ' ' j J m m ' t r t tprrfrrrrdf'w'rtu J °L. 6ch»Un. Hoi l«J.

” r i i r “ ?oib 'l?t“n*

WAjItW. w‘n"n^ .”p"«.l«tl^_^IUpIrlt MUlpmrnI, rtfrrrnrM. f l r > i " f i - '

~~noi-iTO~Tn;.vCT»«i-- _ ' 11

; Rcsponsible'pariy w anU -» renl i ; o r JcBje S or 4 bedroom home. : ' I U nfurnished, in Twin Falls. , " | •

h. A._HAMLLXQN- ! Box"lOfl ■ ■ ’restop. I d ^ j ‘


nere —— I^OMBbh

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rrl(i-ill.mMkl “m IDABJB ________ te W M■ in.

Sint I.AST«*l»li»-

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Page 11:… · p T siated Ipositsin] |55eTr»dIo»ctiv8 m inerals/' th in . deparimenl



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Potato Ctimbln laiiM ” PuuurBU iie-8

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ket place gicvolley« F O U S A L E I L I V E S T O C K i

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r n » . « , L . t « o f • • t . r . 1 2 i m v j l u ’ H lu t " / .* ,‘ '- C t l r t u l b g lM l a o - N« bu I. 1.W «#d«IL lU .O M . M .O M I* l l u N .U o i r

PED, •» . h . m n f w « r r . | ' ' I * L W A T 8 I' i d a h o . o t a :

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a G R A I N - B E D S I

POTATO WAOHEM '^ " n “ ‘‘ t'S M • B O l t T E K a G O O P T H I N

I L A IK iK C*t b m . . A l l 'E Q U I P M E N T C o . - . r r g t - r — - ■U o U l' " f t e a * u n J . - T » l » f a l U . - - - - - - - - -

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» l n n w - M .__________. H K tK b r t b 4 h i l f o r

E K O W - P n E E Z l W Q ~ — r r t f w r - X U g - w t m c : M T I C C A T T L E w A d d u J J• A r a n e n s b c L i d o U B . J o . . . b . ,E Q U I P M E N T * c i J d ^ i S r V K ’ J rM

; l d i n g s h o p ' . Z T ' S S tI tb o r k o n o 0 : i w t A l T L U i i . l o n n l h .n . ,

I l l( l« o « , W « w ill h . . ,

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. . . P E *', 7 . ‘n 'K .* ii. ” 1 - i n . B n u c u T<.T m

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■; . . t J . i ^ m . . P h o n . K U Jt .H A l.K : A K U r . i

Ep i . K i r t l l e n l p« lI t £ o U < M K I c »

o ld e r eW ld rifl. w r l u I '.U , l k n _ t » ^1 U l l r j i i t l l t r b u r a > t u r c c j i m A N S b o r tb m lrim• . • r . r « R i r e l lm l

~ w a i t t . r-w j.1 b u n te t

I W U m F I O I A l , I

T U . tM l U b . a . l r T « . .iU. SM« COIIM Mo;.u.__________ i H . C f l i i K t . i r n s r r a s K i s a :

. . l I X - l C f l l lM t - U tt-v._ _ J -A T H E N H . T o » » r le

r h o n . | * | . W ,^ n s H T T T r n u r r u K i

__ _ . . .. — ~ i U i n i ^ S i b J T a » » i ;M d r e s s i n g L t a m i n H . . . . . r . . - .

iunu'4 rm lin f irD 3 O P P O D L T H Yr a i i m i r j & - c t n t s — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - b a l e d

r H T S u p p r ! — ; —h o n e 13iS ; J e r o m e

F O R S A L E <

R P R O M P T ■ I2M 0VAL. I K 'W ; ; . '" tI;.":

u a D M i e u ,

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■ us c o i x t c t . M I S C E L L A R e S

11. i t * - r n s p » T t _ M _ . r . « i i - ° - ^ B d i i i » i r * s i

■ H O i l l U E . L i y t i l . , , . . . v - i L L o w c o . r . ? g a ; , - i ! ! :

I U b e i l l l r d . X o rtb .

L . i t t a ' i i ' - l f l i - l u r l i x i r [ E V A L L E Y : ; " j t V " . ‘ “ SD I N G ~ A S S N . --, .i t i d o p e m t e d b y , 1 . - ..

• - - W l K D B W ^ U U .i “ a i O'*-*/, » '“ !-■

u f f i w B U n i i o t a . U u » : j . f lL A n W O O D . I J f* r n > l rn ' f l i r t M o tie r t t * • •

. .K . ' ■ WB.DELLb r w „ ; I 'b o D . : L U M B E Rf ; r . ' . - , , £ r o V H i r i . ^ « . ! I - F A I R P ^ P L I


; . y t » " ■ » — '■■

V - -r. Mfl. uinan. tooni ,h«l^ T h . U .I fat - i - - ------ ;------ - , - lb«.tr»»t»d Utnhen o

K».l) llolileli bull, two f ■ ■■ ■ a nr bKi f.mll/ of eo.iu ‘T H E TOYi. 7 a>II« . .1 » d 1 aartb „ „------------------------------ TOYS IN

]>l Xnd A<

I H E A D -- - - - - - - - - - — - -iSTEINS i IlERNSEXS----- ------------- M ^B D R PI,

C o w * a n d H e K c r * A H i i / I n d ^ N . v ' / u i f . : e l i u 1st C tll U tllen sttvL t nrrm o. ju t. d a n d V a c d n a t e d la-lneh »n<i i:-ineh IINE HUGHES S i ; S , ' S l ' i i i ?H o i u e W e » i o t “ • • * ' ' ' “ I - ' 'rult W a r t h f l i u e Orti^h.i.t r .IlT iio

K M w t i

■ ' T - ni"n r«^ki.'nibr«.i ^ a a " C o m e I n a n d J

Ve' d S IR E S J - I ' H.WRV-KOPP!.B l l . . ro u * G R E A T * ” ■t lor tTtrr wrrlM. Out |'ct^ 0.1 .1 lb. u , 1% f u r n i t u r e &

rAT8B«BUni.. I I• U T A H ' P R O V E D C O O O h U . , - . . h e r . >:£ 8 E R V 1 C I i icK f.*> r .HI.VSI ... rrHONZi-, I »>■ «>» »t H»n aAi i l l , J . r a m . i b O A L t o n * . . . s | , . c l

- tm -Twin K.ll. j Cl.utlt Hmwn'. Mu.

11 or 11I.W. ni.r. I

^ A i N a ' f E E T ^

lelliin,- ^

tmar'S«Tlr»-Kt«d-rnn7- f’. ,l*S-rn,'nr

• i - s f e .SM O O W l t . T . l i » >-.11.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C , C . A N I

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' ^ " ” !!!!L'*'°''’ US] ■ E r l H S K l A P P m

‘H IN G S T O E A T S H O P Y O U R 1 . . IU fcA l---- pQj^... All. , or drmed. fbo .t| COMPLFTE 8

I'u'bT;: rU n. t t i n r . i t s e b e s t v a l i - - - - - — •■— - — • — a l l k id..^Vi.u>«. I'titKl to ..II, U S E D A P P l

ii«V“"rho"n'.“-»*w* ""*• R IS E R -C A INl«m. J.iuni JutviTir mile *

b«f bf bill or auitur. Cl.KANfa-r cu.iuni—

.If or qtuiter tt wholAile 2ia or OmJJ:. nlf'iwiL C«*l llll >uu UAiWriT*!!B n.ue«n ntMt euulnr, i » ,- ■ ^ ^ „ ^kT«nut_Sou^^ spl. houi.. Opea tiulnia.

i £ ^ . iC " X ] s is ,? ,i-sra5 ‘, litlmro-UoMia. Ur- R A D IO & 'ill h»< ll.lltlowfW, Ilnmri UhFd pl.iio.. 'aIT*J o u ib ^ A j ^ n«a .'S _]T,i'ri?!cuLd*i'jiA-

in"!b«*yttCj — T R U C K S &•'C ; - i b i ; f r ! ; ; «rr...'®. l"“ l JVi, " ir TKAILKK hou..tidf.lh, -Web 4t» .vtrllrnt Turf L|utK.rhan»_?>l> u.f, II,M iKf h.ilrt for l»13 CIIKVIIOLCT Ubtint r>iut o.n J”"‘*l«f- wile., nmn. OArflel

_i____ ' ' krjit.r, ovrrdrUr. niPETS eondlllon, I7K. »10

V f.tin .... T »!,< HOBKIIATLLY prlCKl>r JMinin., I 01(1. .round lltltii., - . . _____________ PlnowT P.rb m tArl.tln, »> motor. » .;i «oo«W »e»on Irom*oAsd'’vu ilu j

.________________ KImWrlr. *______■rd.r Un.pvt«-H'«ot,»bl.. TJIAH.KKa In .lock. 1

tub, 'trunl'’" o j« u 'T ^ ^

'___________ A U T O S F( mtle, U monthi. A W ...............:u"e‘r. B E S T 1 9 5 3 Cl.« pile., no \'.kim.. ' -W eVfilll:________________ _ Kil t;ilEVIl()I.KT (ITED TO BUY • - y j tu.n lloi in t. «/o 11m«- n»wi . ..........

-------- --------------- IM«-M)rU> I'tiwtoiiillb.,, C.t«.rri-b.n. n.dlo. h ,.l.r . ,

-U»«d—nibtO- t.ft- flMTit im i;!■ -----— ---- 1 «bIlo>*IU. JU<

IMI riiKVHfil^n-1l-UHKlTUllt. ll^ln.-7,, n*dl«. h . .u r ,J

rjrm»3BiSTC~:--- — ! -------

r i : a " > a “ “ v ‘' " l v a l l e y ':___________ - - a r r kt.xhI L E D - H A Y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - {: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ” *e n d f l t l h e H e M • i ' - - - - - - " 'P a y t l 8 1 .‘


Ti*a.. W««».' _ _ _ _ _ _ — ■■ " il

II.r. •ll-kV,'*'- i i :

:N E O u sT o « sA T E ^ » i f g - ; g ^

« r* su l" '» .: '^ i" '‘ r b ^ ■ C LE A N E nS t, D

Pll Churcb l»unnnt, Blu. n* o •

u. iuw ..reb i;: • ' n n i i i E L f n v c i

• F L 0 0 n S A . V ^ l ■ ^

,Um . 1.0 lo- la ttlet ■■• F O E rO lL

3 E L L M I L L '< U x v ^ r . f T ' ^ lB E R CO- INC. . J n r? n a j5 , IDAHO ; • n t l'_____ I M .tu tttn rtnov.iod.

^S-N EW b, i ’W M i-" -* - -

^ E O U S F O R S A L E A U T O S F

«l A ll CnM9i»,_Ph.n»..-«o».-ii«: i n . - : ^ - — ffrd i

i r ^ . r g - a ^ d m u s t c l^ K - M C . “ r £ S- t i . . I I I I.I !.■■■— - n c n m m ir ^ * ^ !

■ i^- ' —" - I ------r»d>« . . I ketl.TOY HOUSE- •r-lnNt A.lrelloa ■< : IIU HASH - SUlMiS IN TOWN I ( b«Ur. V.rr end A>o. Soulb I I til DESOTO i-d‘

' b«U.r, fluid d_ ; i m

: ■ ■ ■ n i l HUDSON Co'mRPLUB ITEM8 I . . .

, , , „ „ „ | .t, i> / ..iio - .r u .fo.J. :..... . . a u W FRE NOT Q t

a m " m ■. Slrtllaeh . .. I BhOW You Wc “’.t'.^Q ull.H .W lliM * ' ‘ “T O T

SS iju- - i» i! m o v ^ -^^^-:-!CuniAxn:o c(bl « . i i b i — u . n ^ Second i »nd Look Around" ' P^Oh


.... TWIN-E & A P P L I A N C E S E q u i p m e n

- b S t t b :-------- ;----- r r r - 18S3 BUTCK Sl

n iA iA V f.^ t. door.-DynaieilM l.1 .<k>...o;;r pilee.. « .• new tl}

. and Kurnttur.. ClCftn.* *"'aoinr. Unrr. suNt v.l. 1053 rO R D C qu £c L.nui. SOI W..I, . ovcrdHve.

..I.____ ' - -W iJ-DODOS CM»n.rrh .Irelrir .t.,1 ra.I 2.Tone pall-1 con,iiii,.n, A1.« K.i.if... Uc. radlo, hir. 1. 0. lOU II siren, ........----------------------------- 1850 CltEVROLI

[■ door. Radio-------aeal-covtra,

l I:,„ floMn f ! i e.iii: inalde and inte-l. for .inir i;i, . JflJO PLYMOUTANDERSOH «.door. Vl«

------------------ ----------- • heater .......- 'iL u juji -iij- i.. r,___ i! ~iPKi-JQwn-»y;Tj- . .h e r - t.mnui brmiid. I aiiarp OPe .

.T opio.jin ,-Ith ..t .i , ; J0 « CHEVROLlrrMeUwJi'njr, nbo*'“ “ p- Delu*e. AWt»v:n5n!« ■ | tlr tg ........

------ -Truok-LiJSED. P H O N

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ii!*rb«n. II*. JUh ” i

M U S I C » “ C H K v n o L r r'Air.' ii.T T w c i.'t.'ir' ; . '

31 .nd up. T.rmt Fr*#do- ^MC I-ton. ti' itefc ---------


™ I N F A t'"♦-■♦I*'_____________ S eeD .'A ,I’A r f ^ ’lilton.^^Ki'^uVr Phon# SOM

'“r 7 —..EIEST..'

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r) c h e v r o l e t ife've Setn" | i*‘» cuKVROLirr

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N S T R -A T O n?:^ :::«d. TERRIFIC DIB- M l lU ln EaatTtade.lni accepted. ___ -n rt .P la care loo good lo Ia*U 1 gAVS YOU

l E l S E N - . . . . . . . f '

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tOLET ^ l O ^ L u i T ' rLVATnT. .>'8« coupe.... .n i3 « I S S ^ c J

JUTH Clu-b Coupe.=w M llea,e._ .....m «

W I O N I O P E N EVi 'O R SJnc— !_____ ’ILLO;tler. —Jake Roth i i»}j nuicjt-airprf Irom Safeway— I Hard Top —

l»H PLYMOUTH ( ■ ' 'l Club 8*i.a ..

' i m PLYMOlrtJI c l l t l PLYUOtmi I

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O rtt.. ^n r - in •H M U h^A T ^ ^ ----- GOI. Ott a»atr <tr..-.Illll. i . . V . i W «t, UVt ‘»” 5?t'}?„?.'“ “ r '« e ; .^ t* ) r 'T 5 ttoa! W t tO M I m t >

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EEE'S SPECIAL I 1i ; ; r a .^ w T '£ d 7 o ’'r L e t U a A n

— T o F I t - Y (:URCHMAN . - -

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3 T U S E D C A R S

CHEAPEST — 0: - - USEDE V R O L E T . M m . _ ,


. Mono B.lnL Prtialut. power fltelo tnd btaltr, ^indfl

lully «qul|« DESOTO warranty.'

--------- ------------ •*“ * IBM OHBVROLJiiirOODtsE Door,Sed«lUdlo. bMUr. lulomtU. ' IVDT7'tlYer-lon. A c r thit 1> 1.0W mllU.

.r O.trdtl.o « d bt.l.». 1953 PONTIACr _ — r ^ ^ lM i R*dl0, heatCHEvnoLirr 0" ',. Jiui tb* ttr Itf ihil IBM PLYMOUTIbu f i l l ----------- III* heater. lei

cral •Cheaple*'* from mile* _ _ _W to »119 1951, CHEVROLl

Door SedaiR I C E ' . T . K . I O .

r o l e t : I n c . - ' ■ ' ' • g ' K . -Phona aso or 684 '

a m i . T U • p j i o r a ; ^ I! _____ D.oor_Sed»i

seat'ooTci- ■ Uon '. " ..


. g H A R P - 1 —

■ s U S E D C A K S O r tmotor, nei

-jood -’llre*

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‘!« r'n7 .i» ;'^ p j r 1 • O L D E RM.L PLYMOir

10 iiloSr-iod... ’llid t;- -:iM i TORD' 5.I a^ r^«p ii?Jir» J 'i* .V HUDSON4 J^ r. .d .n .t tU i; • 1M5 CHEVROl

id o x r d r l v i - ; _ i_ n i r ' dan —r Mil 1 - im CHEVBO. 1M« HCfDSON ,. , - 1—4M>-yoni» 6«da«.- -ret6"otDSM 01MMERCIALS . Coupe —

lui. Nt* ptlai — in * 1M7 CBEVROl

T E MOTbR'^ I : c B E r a d u

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i S F o i i s A n i ' : : i•rvMl 111! Babk 44a« ' td Mk t w r ^ a t . . . .

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D CARS; vo - 2 ■ ■ rV E N U E S O U T H

n i l . Q u e t t l o a a r t t h e a d lU o n e d u i e d c a n d i c d 'w e ' r a o u t t o • -

D M P A R E T h i s n R e f u s e ? A Y M O M .

■V>irindoiat Md.-4IIM * Ct.M Clab C»*.ll4ll

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H * T o n P l c l c * u p = D f e 5 - B U B - B o a j — ■

t n sm i M ua *-a«u—t lu -

'Wlndior HlfhUoder ■ - -Radio fli.Heattfr^.....iraum luloa. New.______

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1 0 L r r ‘B e l-A Ir"« - 'S e d a n . P o w e r O U d e .- *l«Tiii|. p o w e r i c i t

n d o v * . e l e c t r o n l o t j t . e q u i p p e d . N n r c * » i t y . ' SubftantUl D l s >

l O L E T B t l - A i r 4 - l e d in . ^ d l o , b e a t e r , } T c r~ iu x Q u o i* Q .~ c lcA f i.~ ~s U t t i e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ M 8 5l O L E T B e l - A l r .l e d in . R a d i o , h e a l e r , a l l U rtJL L o w m l l e -

A C 4 ‘ D o o r S e d a n , b e a t e r , ( o o d U r e a u d

O n e o w n e r — * 1 4 4 6 3 U 1 1 I C o u p e . B a d l o .

s e a t e o n i i , 1 4 ,0 0 0

H O L E T D e L u x e 3 * k d a n . R a d i o , b e a t -,1 e o re r* - - - - - - - - - - | 1 0 WT O < - D o o r S e d a n .

U t u a n d f i n i s h , U

_____________ ten . . .R O L E T . D e L u x e " a r . " 5 e d » n . _ R a ^ o , ^ t £ T j ^ j b r e h . G o o d ' c o t i a i - '----------- ' t w .' J-Door Sedan. M f> - MiUt. New-ftnllhirMS- — D ^ X K ' S l f T P r r a “ ). i^Bpeed tr tju m li-

....■„,„v , 1 7 4 5 __a O L I T 4 . p o o r .- f l t . . ^

O r i i l n a ) t t n U h . n e w , n e w l e a t c o r c n a n d

O D V A L U E, a n dI E R M O D E L S .. . . . . . .

lO U T H C o u p e - - - - - 1 .i M ) 6 6 r .e * d * n .-l« 3 ' " 30N,4-Dr.“ B«!lB::*IW — rR O L T F A e r o -

W N 4 - O r . S e d a n J U #

1 - - . . . . , IM O B M 4 . P w r ^ - . . , .

C . i j » w B e d P g M S - - - - - - -

- - - - - “O L E T D E A L E R

C T E N i S N S ^ ^I IA IM • P H O H B 1 0 1

. . . . . . . . . . . . ! ' •

Page 12:… · p T siated Ipositsin] |55eTr»dIo»ctiv8 m inerals/' th in . deparimenl

_ _ E A G E TWELVE _ -


; j' '

= ^ K l

liupccUnr tt i t n > c _ ^ (lie Idth reciort h tre Mond«> are'M ri.' El! m tm bcn o( the N atlonil FedeniU

■ (ttnt. Twin Kalli w*» choien a> i Coiniteck't term « i a n illan il dl «n*r»»lnj)_____________________

Tape Apparent— Together, Hi

Hy HAI. fiOYLF.NEW YOnK. Oet. 13 (,t(-Evrry

body compUItu aboul the red ttpi In eovtriuntnt.

But ne're selU njt lo lh# poln — w h tre-ou r-fn tlre-dT lllH tton 'ieen i

to b« hrldRcthcr hy o n e H P ^ S T ^ H type of U pa o r H T A f l b j l ^ H anolher.

llinn na crniury t a P

. . mnlclnR hM (lersons a TTicndoui

___tion JiccQmcA'SOO H P E H l p K ^ Imillion dollar e ^ a F e T A l ^ l y e a r b u jtn e M .B B M H i< r]M l Some 300 kind* of „ , . , u p o A re n o w K.i iu ,i. mnde lor household, shop snd In- dualrlftl u*e--not Including Ihe Itg-

— cndii:^ r td 'tsp c of'hureftucraiOT"’ ' "Som* JBO-kliids-liBVe betn de­

veloped since Ihe end o t the second world snld W. E. Zimmer-ntnnn, *u exeeullv* o t the Mlnne-

. sot*. Minins ftod - Manufscturlnj company which Inst y e a r lumed oui

___ai,-mmioa.-.mUcs. of up e .-T h ls Ienough lo rench flva times to Uii moon snd bnck, a lthoush, o( course th is h m ’t been done y e t

"But. w hether he realize* U o: nni," u ld Zlmmermann, "Ih i aver *BQ m in now uses som t kind o:

— •peelAll»«Hip«-fM>m-th*-ertdlt-l< the jrsve."

J le Isn’t kidding. Befora araoOifr- to-be enlers a delivery room, tht

T~-«wi:tni iii> t»m>- > Of towels and dlistlllU l.. Tha hospital employes scelsU- lUm tsp t to covar-and preurve thi

baby's foolprlnU on h is blrUi rec­ord.

An scelatn flbra tape helps bind bl* *ehool w ritinc pads. T ipe la

- used 10 le tl the box or- e tndy he • buys hll first (Irl.

T he rc jt of h is Ilf* he Is sur­rounded by multlplylncr types of tape. They ar^ In his home, his csr, h is telerlslon set. hU golf clubi.' W hen he dle.i. the florUt uses cellophsne tnpe to f*shlon his fun­eral sprtya and bouquets. And when the tomlMtonfl m aker geU around

m^ O u r a n n i v


_______________ oLlho-orftflt-Koisftj

^ H ig h e s M rt

i(? ^- N e w / 5 4 i<

T he (

. - : r .-z ^ W o rId 's :« ife 3 f ,- im o o t

G e t t h e d(

H C o i s e r x f e t

,•<— , —

ic Glub Officials M

f a

Idaho Federallan at. Muslo Clubs s t a d. u EU WtslBS,Te7J.7B«Jse, and Mr*. Balpl (ration ot Muile club*, a n d Mr*. ). Frank as *ll« or the 19SS a ta t* eonrenllo'n will

*1 dlretUr was eenllDUCd by a unaaino

ntly Ties World Hal Bo^'le Believes

to m aklneJils-lieadstoAe he uxr> i very- lubberlied itrn c ll tape a* he sand^ tape the namn and epitaph;

•The only Ilm ll lo .the field *i polnl cm see ia (he Imagination." ial(teems zimmermsnn:------------------------------■ H Here are a few examplr.i o

strange uses euslomera have fount for ordinary cellbphani tape;

A farm er emploved It Ui hol< down-his-cow '*-^ « {h'»o »h«Vt- iui hitting him In th e face with I

B B while he was milking. A photo ■ ■ gripher found I t handy lo seal fiaci

the prolrudlng e ars of tllteri.rm A _uay jSSarFir ^ B broken-leg-wlUi ta iw indT i-{oo th

pick. And one m an lued It to catcl “a mouse w ith a very high I. Q,"

, The mouse found a way to loe' cheese from a baited trap withou'

> *"■ iprlnglng It. T he man finally tnp« ‘lie Pifce of eheeafl rightly lo thi

• lr»P.' " I (o t my mouae," ho wroU trl-


I .IC E N S E .M w D_____a out OOODINO. O ct. IJ - Daryl J « lls U Hob« ey ~ O eraldlnr Bteohen.' , i i ., were luued a m arriage license herj jurie,

H ; d a n DANIELS ■. to -R O O F IN G C O r

‘T A e M tt$ter R o o fe f — * -flO O FlN q— — =

eUU • S i u u i j l . “ 4• IN SU LA TIO N

Johns-M anvllle ProdiicU bind Certified Conlrsclors« -N o -J6 b too-Catge=- ’If he • - or Too Sm all


P h o n t 2 9 7 5 Coilocrfun- me • Place to aland,.],en ‘ ni* IH rM r th t world"

iv e fs ja ry tsp e c itop deal in tow n, Cftlftbfoting first I jiw.-Willy^Combi^notionl---------------

r a d e s r ^ b e s l

ho only c o r with "Pow®r-on-{iemanc

noothait rtoiJ-comfortobl® fid«l

J e a i~ ffo m y o i

j S e r t o c f d y r ! -


t a day long raecllng of (ht board of dl- Ralph Comi(ock.~eeottr, P ^ U Ile , board

7ank Julian, Idaho Falls, Idaho club preal- n wllh (hn lotjil muale club a i hoiL Mr*, lalnous To(« e t (ha board, (8(atf j>iiol«*

Oregonian to Be ' Aide for Benson

W ASIfW OTON.-birf.-fltW -E^ u „ , , L. Peterson, stale dlrcclorof agrlcul. ,,nd* Oregon la alated to be a new

OMlslant secretary cf agriculture. It , | j was reported reliably loday.■. ,,M An liiJormed aource »ald Pelersor--------- wlll-sueceed-J,'C«rrCok«-w|)o-wlIi

gf r<nurn (o the California eslensloti found Coke has been on leave ilncc

he was named auistan t lecretar) > hold shortly alter Secretary E sraT . Ben-1- QUiL • •• — «m , ■( ■' Alih'ough Coke orliHiftlly was alail Bholo. '‘‘1 on th r Job unlll mid-I back Novtmber. It was learned he will

lf«Ye tarller so the sdmlnlsirAtlon:----- ^ <a«-*nnouiie*-peler*oiv»-»ffpolnt«f,5.?y,*nminUn_Ume-io.p(mmiiUidD.Ore. sooin- gon Republican Sen. Guy Cordon

in his battle for reelectlon.

0 loci Technically, a goose U a female, tlhou^ Uie male being the gander.

- ' b I BJl Joe ’■

1 here ^

it leaVa you

“VOPKASn. rmrtbiicii^ rii. lac, >UnM,C«aa.

a o c i_________________________________ 1

m t \t d a l : ! — ^ -irst birfh(3oy ...........................

j s t T e r m r ! — =

m /i h a t r a nn o n d "

Du ri


Four Divorce Actions Filed

__ BeforeJCouiOOODINO. Oct. 13—Ptxir dlrof

su m hava been lUed In duiri ceurt here.

Jam es U . TrenUe w u named dfendant in a M it filed by MarguM. Trenkle charging extreme crui

• ty. They wer* m trr itd J in , 31.1»: . ■t^gkOf^«r;r-andrhaT *-tw oJito

The plaintiff .sik* Dl-tltwo children, |M a roonth for »u.

- p o r tr » iw » t to m e r ~ m n ;o - e a 3 «ndrJi0tt»eh0M -furniture: and J u

' n u n io |i . n t n k r . church. boIk, atton>ey for tha plaintiff.■ Oordou' Orimes filed sun Torce naming Evelyn Joaruve Orlm defendant. They were married

■ Waveland. Ind.. July 11. IMI, St have one m inor child. -

Th* plalnUff asks tha t cuitcx . «f i-hllfl ht, tw tr rirA thr mnlh

plLU S35 ft moDlti Child luppo and th a t a IM I aulortioblle. tUli os eommunlty proprrty. be swsri ed to him ;-P ert* Ifall. MoutiU Home. Is a tln n ie j J«» U « plalniv

Royal N. Brown, represented 1 Perce HsU. filed su it naming Shsrt Brown as defendant If« charges ( trem e cruelty. They were msrrii In Winnemucca. Nev.. July tt. ISi

Lucille-O. JenU ni haa filed a ii agairut_ Harold. U J ^ k ln i on_ charge of grievous mental luffcrin They were married July 5. JSSJ. Winnemucca. Ner.. a n d . hive i

t dl- children. Community properly •oard listed as an equity in real esuie real- G arden Clly. Ida,. mlscelUncoi Mr*, household lum itura and a 19 tol«. automobile. Mrs. Jenkins »»ls fi

all community properly with ll :------ eseeptlonj_of thejiiHmioblle. »hl[

I CONSULT.,Djr.J1,_W. Hill,_D. C.

FOR DIAGNOSIS^e*lL• .• *, A rthritis, Rhrumallsm. Colon

Irrlsa llon . Food Klectlon. Heiri , Ailment, Female disorder*, Spin*!

Adjustment, since PHO.VE J41<

108 Main No. Twin Falli

- ^ 8[ 0 . . . S H O P O U - j b e d d i n g N E

\A '

■ 3 ' A l b . ^ * ^

— SCOTCV ivid, adapted-from-Ti

__ tB n colorfl in wonderI w arm nil wool! Grnnd

b lanket buy fo r y o u . . . it cnrrie.^ a ,'J-yenr Run tec ngnin.sL m oth damn


PENCCExtra hlirli thread count 141. Ir

• wear and jatiafactory acn'ice. 1 and attrncilve appearance.

— .......... 1 - .9 7 — «


==PASTE1?E€fitrnnr miitlln in beautiful pul<


CA SES_________________

iO F T L Y N A P p rO _ -------- SH E E T -B L A N K E T S

1 .9 8 yqiijs— — »*e-the*» aa light covers in gv-

mer. coay sheets In frw ly wes er. Machine washable.'

, t w i n T A L L S , . I D A H O

; Herd Tested' ' JEROME, O c t l ^ A herd ef Ho

d slcias owned by T rank W, Houila Jerwoe, averaged 13334 poundi i milk aod 460 p o u sd t ol buU sfi

------- nmmg ■ c a t condactcd brU ie Hoite ia -l^ ts lsn as«e«latlan of Amer

itrorce One ol h li cow* produced 14,4i luirici pounds of -mlik u id 424 poundi i

bu ittrfat during a 306-dsy test cor td de- ducted by tha auodatlon . fgaret - -— ------- •___________ •

"»3i. Trips R eported=5CTO H BFO «fc^3-A aong--tiw .

, , ,u . a ttend inr homecoming scUvltlea i Idaho 6U te colIege.-Pocattllo, loj

■ l i v B ttfctniL w ere M r and Mri. Joh , WUwall, M rV iH d'ffSTDe! BeBeri

M h T H w U -C a n eiirc sitiU to n n B “ Cheryl Helss.' LuRene pTatt. Est

Mauldin, Caro! Pet«rson, all Jerom aija”.’anel Brown; Ti.'in- FilU; '

M n. Prank-B eer and ion, Johi 1 h*’ * returned Irom Motoow, wh*i I, ana oeorge Bee

who underwent surgery l u t week.

shrr«jue*tii b« awarded-lh*^e(en<l

Merlin 8. Young. Boise, la itlo t' tiin ney for the p lijn tlff. - ________ _inWf. ed byhamn ^

“ if Dorit tak& I chanm \


i»48 - K e n e v a s u t i e r ln {

o o £ s m R £ m= = T |ic woj[tt p a r t o f the lUlTer- • ^ • ing is * e - i o coneestlon-and

' coughing. T h a i ’s why you _ need a m ed ica tion th a t does L . more th a n ju s t work on the

— c n « trY ffU T r« < rv tcE rv ip o -. R ub — because 11 acts two

lion, " '“ y* <>"«: ' ^T, VapoRub rtUevei noscalar

e irt aortnfs* and tightnesi, it ln a . Ute* thesl anrfaees.

' 2. At (besam eiloir. VapeRub'i jpecU l medicated vapors aU*

. bring relief w ith every breath. ,1 YOU c a n 't te e these vapors. 1 h u t y o u c a n /w t ih e m M V y

u i ) ^ = t t a v « J . aeep lia lo -lhe-T io se .-;



CH PLAIDS3* 1 2 . :’ °Uunran-. . ™ i B H B maRe. Six# 7 2 " i9 0 "

:Q SHEETSI. ItvwtM >011 Of InnRfr 1 T:e. Reinfarcfct kIbm »nfi ■ M I ^

^ • I J.....— 4 g e ~ — :a iit: ir£ ifl i

SHEETSlu le l fnlni*. rlino.M frnm O f l..Excellent. Kijii,

...................... -.....4 9 t Slit ll-iloV


s % W O O L P U IO

Spccioi 3 .3 3 ‘g v - t.ikrtw rnjia.ii;,!,. j„ tirciu„i ea thr.v *rf folded rfoiiblf 7V; m,

lon. 30', rnyon. 5*- wtv.i

Promoted ;Hoi- s h o s h o KZ, Ocl’ l i —P r ie it^ u lo a idrancaittu tU wera. o td e durl 2i of j.rm 'ftacram eat meetliig hi eria t 6und«y t i g h t T ta n k ' DriMel-w Hoi* yiT*flc<d"Ur*rpriest-TOd Ted Joh

sum . BlIIj Boy<l. Noel Johan Loula .Ualiea, O try EJMler. p;

14,469 W arner and Ronald T eny wtr* aJa of K a c h e ra ...............con* L. T . 'sorensen. Btahop'i counsel

conducted (ha meetUig with 11 Lew is-H olier.-A U » Boreaaen a Mr*. John -nionje as ipeake Prsyers wert JlTtn 6 y - H m rr T

j — difljton «prt-JQH nT ^ontf. - -

“ m I _ - J e ST-CONDUCTID John BUI&. O c t 13—During a JJl-d ie r» ; te ii~c6naU <!«d-by-W i-M 8llM l

Tvicguc'asKiatlKi' of^Anerlar E «el Holstein owned by Charlea A. Rei •ome, Buhl, produced 15^07 pounds

milk and 625 pounds of butUrfat, rohn, r - " ' =

£V,: R A M S E Yk. Venetian Blind Factory

• CUSTOM-MAPK BLINpS - etHi*- — AWMHoa. r ieeTaamamr

• V EN n2A N B U m > RXPAIR ttor- , , SIM - UI ilk At*, w

I n g t h i s s u r a w a y i h a i

m m w o / i c f f me r- th ro a t ' and. la rge bronchial in d ~ iu t« s ;‘T h rc o n g e jU o n a tir i4 rou breaicing up. C oushlng eases, oes Soon you enjoy w onderful,ih j__w arm ing relief th a t la sts forw - hours.wo So w hen colds Atrlke. use

the best-know n hom e remedy . lar to relieve su c h suffering —>fl> Vicks VapoRub.

tu b an * # / / • / . . .Up B f a l h t fnlh. • —

i e Y e r | a c <


) 0 L I

I D e lu i0 I B i a i i i

— I

Io n ^

l o r ,

- I

= i J l H H i

1 I E X T R i

S Im aeine a value liki — c f iJir aeiion j An o be a Rood buv—and _ i _ m eal

^ ^ --------- " f - i u t H r r S S ?. yon pel a really ,iro

. - ' B. _ _ . C e^ in iu m 'R»«t 8 .....* '• ace liie li i i

~ -

" 1

i t ^ ^ ^ ^ H I I b ^ h Rlunog

hereI- m John-

■ g f l B B z a t e - w ------- 1 - : ±

t -attd akera. r i 4 ?

II-day I W B B I r i H o i S S i riuih-la^ I ^ B ^ ^ ^ H H ^ B B B BReed.i t oTfat.

7 2 i o 3 B l j | g ^ S 9ra w. j

From Grandmol . . . For Granc

„ J ’/o .n i,E tn p ire 'B ^ o o d h av (I comes thifi coziest, cheer;t m any a m o o n rE v c c j- p- . E m pire 's m aple maRician?: the friend lies t inv ita tion >


= - ■ l-L -------


' A V ,

x ei k e f ^ ^ f c

i n

t f t j . e i i e . ^ 1

t a H E A V Y . .

like ih ii offered rig h t *l the n ordinary b lanket a t th ii p rk e woo nd tb ii la d e lu x e any way you look a t^ le in i d e ep e r, fleecier tc x lu te , ftuper ^ti-riiTr e ^ 3 r 9 0 ” T r o ^ h ^ ^

Itrong, lon jfw earin f b lanket. In H un» >• Red. Yellow. P in k . Bluc.-A guA lalin b in d in g . '................... ■ -

m ' m m ' m m '

'ofher' Albijnddaughter'sinvan« rfu ica t-room .»e '^ Pw e;craft« ].fo rV

lans, thi.i a tlr td iren»n you ve c v c r t ^ j j

5r Dceoroting

n m f



: m ^ ^ M