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OWS Final Presentation

May 30, 2018



Lori DeLoera
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  • 8/14/2019 OWS Final Presentation


  • 8/14/2019 OWS Final Presentation


    is what a young soldier told his mom

    shortly before he was killed in Iraq

    We want to express our profound gratitude to all

    veterans who have ever served in our Armed Forces;

    Including those who have given their lives for our


    On behalf of these brave men and women,

    we welcome you to Brave-Aid &

    Operation Warrior Support.

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    Three Reasons We Are Here:

    3. To bring awareness to our nation regarding the needs of our veterans; specifically our wounded and disabled veterans.

    2. To tell you about a program that may not remove the

    wounds of war, but will provide financial assistance to all our

    veterans and to recognize them for what they have done and

    for who they are.

    7.To ask for your support with your prayers or

    donations or both.

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    In This Briefing We Will Share 5 Things With You:

    The staggering needs of our veterans, especially our woundedand disabled veterans.

    Our mission objective.

    Our program.

    Our organization.

    How you can help veterans and at the same time start yourown

    Home Based Fund Raising Business

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    The Needs of Our

    Wounded or Disabled Veterans There is a lack of funding for adequate medical care.

    The current generation of wounded soldiers are at significant risk for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Catastrophic head and spinal

    injuries are more pervasive than in previous wars. Many will carryvisible scars of war on their bodies for life, but very often some of the most devastating conditions cannot be seen.

    The suicide rate has reached epidemic proportion amongour returning veterans.

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    The Needs of Our Returning

    Veterans The 25% unemployment rate for returning veterans is thehighest of any group in the nation. This is an absolute travesty.Coming home, many veteransanticipate going back to their old jobs only to find out that notonly the job is gone, but so is the company they worked for!

    Homelessness is rampant.

    2 5


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    Brave-Aid Inc. and Operation Warrior Supports combinedobjectives are to organize an army of donors who will generatean ongoing source of funding and income for wounded anddisabled members of our Armed Forces and their families whohave sacrificed so much in defense of our nation and ourfreedom.

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    Making things worse, many disabled veterans often have to fightthrough a maze of governmental regulations to obtain benefitsthey so justly deserve.

    On the home front once the parades are over and the accoladesdie down, the reality of life as a disabled veteran sinks in. Mostwounded veterans are forgotten within a few years only to be

    briefly remembered on Memorial Day, Independence Day andVeterans Day.

    We are here to keep the memory of these valiant men andwomen in the forefront. Our goal at Brave-Aid and OWSI is tohonor and provide financial assistance to all veterans, past and

    present and to become a beacon of hope for wounded anddisabled warriors.

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    We are here to help:

    If you are discouraged by all of the news about the failing national economy,the declining stock market, increased taxes, sky-high unemployment, and soonwe have great news for you! You will love what we are about to tell you.

    You can partner with Brave-Aid by starting your own OWSIs Home BasedFund Raising Business and help to provide funding for our wounded anddisabled veterans; you will be helping families of veterans who have giventheir lives for our freedom and helping our returning veterans with the threethings they want most when they return home;

    a way to earn an income 2) a home of their own 3) haveextra income so theycan enjoy life with

    their families

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    There is more good news.

    An OWSIs Home Based Fund Raising Business will enable youto raise money for our wounded and disabled veterans and helpfamilies of warriors killed in action.

    Additionally, anyone who participates in an OWSIs Home BasedFund Raising Business is able to earn a substantial income thruthe

    Earning While GivingProgram

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    The Organizations: Brave-Aid, Inc. is a Wounded Veterans Assistance Fund

    established for the purpose of giving financial assistance toour wounded and disabled veterans.

    Operation Warrior Support, Inc. serves as the primaryfunding arm of Brave-Aid.

    The Founders: Brandon L. Williams is the President and Commanding Officer of

    Brave-Aid, Inc. Ron Begin is the President and Commanding officer of

    Operation Warrior Support, Inc. For more information about the founders, please visit our website and coming soon at

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  • 8/14/2019 OWS Final Presentation



    We considered virtually every option knownto bring awareness to our cause,

    but we faced three difficult dilemmas; 3. How could we start and get people to donate to a program at a

    time when donations for charitable organizations were at an alltime low?

    2. How could we quickly reach and bring awareness to a

    multitude of people on a national level, without spending millionsof dollars in advertising?

    3. If we had the money, would spending millions in advertisingguarantee the success of our program? An awareness of aprogram to raise funds for a worthy cause doesnt guarantee the

    success of the program.

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    The answer was obvious, no amount of advertising couldguarantee that even one donor would join and pledge to donateon a monthly basis.

    Since we didnt have the millions of dollars to spend, we wereforced to think outside the box. We realized that for ourmessage to reach the masses quickly and encourage them todonate, we had to develop an innovative and effective programthat would reward those who would spread the news.

    We were aware that due to the emotional nature of our cause,many people would gladly tell others without expecting anycompensations. But we also understood that providing people aHome Based Business opportunity to earn money by helping ourveterans, this would be the best way to achieve and securecontinual growth for the program.

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    OWSIs Home Based Fund Raising Business concept is thelifeblood of Brave-Aids Wounded Veterans Assistance Fund.

    Continually increasing the Donor base means continuallyincreasing donations for our Warriors to meet our ever increasingdemands of our veterans.

    This program gives anyone, regardless of the color of their skin,background, education, or religious beliefs, the ability to helpachieve Brave-Aids objective while earning an income for theirown families. By building your own organization of Fund Raising Donors, you canhelp raise over $40,000 a month for our wounded and disabled

    Veterans and you can earn over $6,200 a month for your family. Youmay choose to build up to five of these organizations.

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    PROGRAM:$20.00 Tax Deductible Monthly Donation will be Used Primarily to

    Fund Two Veterans Groups:

    With your $20.00donation, $7.50

    (37.5%) will be usedto provide funding

    for Brave-AidsWounded Warrior

    Assistance Fund.This amount will

    This portion, $9.25(46.25%) will be used tofund our Earning While

    Giving Program designedto help anyone committedto building organization(s)

    committed to assisting ourveterans.

    This portion, $3.25(16.25%), will be used to

    provide funding forOWSIs operational

    expenses.This amount will

    decrease as theorganization grows and

    Group 1

    Our wounded& disabled


    Group 2

    Families of veteranskilled in

    action, stillserving, orreturning


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    Lets become familiar with a few importantterms:

    Fund Raising Donor Donor Member Enroller Global Donor Formation Personal Donor Formation, 4x 6 Matrix Time Leveraging

    Earning While Giving

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    Fund Raising Donor (FRD):

    A FRD is an individual who pledges a $20.00 monthly donation. Donor mayterminate the donor commitment at anytime or may wish to suspend the donationfor a period of time without losing the position they are assigned, however an FRDsincome will be forfeited during that time.

    Donor Member (DM):

    A Donor Member is a person who joins OWSI but is not committing to the $20.00monthly pledge and may donate whatever they want. A Donor Member may notparticipate in the income program. Their donations amount do not count towardsthe Earning While Giving program. DMs may convert to Fund Raising Donor status at anytime by pledging $20.00monthly donations

    DMs are granted the use of a personal OWSI website for 90 days

    Have free access to a personal OWSI website that will allow the member to reachsomeone across the street, across the nation or across the globe.

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    Global Donor Organization:The Global Donor Organization represents the entire group of Donor Members andFund Raising Donors and identifies the specific personal position each member

    holds within the organization.The organizationalchart begins withOWSI at the top of the organization


    4 4 44followed by 4 positions

    below OWSI

    followed by 4 positionsbelow each of these 4positions and so on

    Everymembers goalis to fill allthese positionswith FundRaising Donors,each pledging$20.00 to helpall ourVeterans

    4 444

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    1) Personal DonorFormation :

    A: YOU are at thetop of your ownfundraisingformation

    B: The formationis limited to 6rows in depth.2) Your goal is to fill these positions

    with Fund Raising Donors starting withthe 4 positions below you.

    3) Then help your 4 FRDs toenroll

    their own 4 FRDs and so onthrough 6 rows.

    Personal Donor Formation (4 x 6 Matrix) is a picture of your business within the


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    Economically speaking people can be separated into 4 groups

    The question is, which of these group are you in?Most importantly, which group would you like to be in and do you have a way

    to get there?If ou dont a close attention to what we are about to show ou

    Group 1. People with lots of money andlittle time:Group 2. People with lots of time and littlemoney:Group 3. People with no time and no money:

    Group 4. People with time and money:

    People in these first 3 groups all have something in common,they all earn income by trading their time for someone elses

    money. They are just broke at different levels! The good newsis, there is a 4 th group

    $ TT $

    T $

    T $

    Doctors, attorneys,businessmen.

    Unemployed, retirees.

    The largest group.moremonth at the end of the


    This group has learned toleverage their time givingthem the money and time

    to do what they wantwhen they want

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    Time Leveraginghe big question in your mind right now may be how am I going to find 5,460 people

    or my organization?

    here are two possible answers to that question:: Work the hard way by enrolling 5,460 FRDs yourself, or: Work smart by leveraging your time!

    Here is the Magic of Time Leveraging:Lets say you decide to work your business 5 hours a week and for

    the purpose of this example, so will everyone else.

    You = 5 Hrs 5HoursUsing your 5 Hrs, you enroll 4 people who each work 5 Hrs = 20 + 5 = 25HoursUsing their 20 Hrs, they enroll 16 people who each work 5 Hrs = 80 + 25 =

    105 HoursUsing their 80 Hrs, they enroll 64 people who each work 5 Hrs = 320 + 105 =

    425 Hoursyou get the point? Although you are still only working 5 hours every week, you now have


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    Earning While Giving programWe are going to show you how you can LEVERAGE a simple $20.00 tax deductiblemonthly donation into a $40,940.00 source of funding for our Wounded and

    Disabled Veterans while creating a potential monthly income of up to $6,292.00 ormore, for your family.

    But first we need to show you our income disclaimer: The earnings examples set forth are hypothetical examples that are intended to explain thecomponents and operation of OWSIs Earning While Giving program. These examples are

    not guarantees of income if any, that a Fund Raising Donor can or will earn through theirparticipation in the Earning While Giving program nor should they be interpreted as aguarantee or promise of earnings potential.

    Here is an important factor to keep in mind as we discuss our Earning WhileGiving program. The YOU we have been referring to and will continue torefer to in the following slides may certainly represent you, but you need tounderstand that the YOU can also be someone you have adopted such as

    the widow of a warrior killed in action or Corporal Jones still serving in Iraq orSergeant Williams who just returned home and cant find a job.

    $20.00 = $40,950 = $6,292

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    Row 1

    Row 2

    Row 3

    Row 4

    Row 5

    Row 6







    x $7.50

    x $7.50

    x $7.50

    x $7.50

    x $7.50

    x $7.50

























    Row# of members PerRow of donors

    Funding toBrave-AidPer row








    To Brave-Aid

    ReferralRewardsPer Row

    ReferralRewardPer Row


    QUESTION: How long will it take to fill out all positions?

    ANSWER: There is no time limit, but since the need of our veterans is so urgent, weshould all desire to fill out our Personal Formations as quickly as possible. Theoretically, it

    could be done in as little as six weeks! Make a commitment to enroll your 4 members in your

    first week and help them enroll their 4 members in their first week or your week two. If thisprocess is repeated the same way through your six rows, you will potentially fill out your

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    G L O B A L

    I N C E N T I V E

    P O O L

    Once a personalformation hasbeen qualified

    by enrolling 4FRDs, this poolwill create anincentive tocontinue toenroll newdonorstherebyincreasing therevenue to thewounded &disabledveterans by

    earning sharesof the monthly

    From everydonation made,$0.75 will be

    deposited inthis pool anddivided by thetotal number of shares earnedin the poolarriving at ashare value.The share valuewill bemultiplied bythe number of shares your

    have earned.












    ReachRank of



    First Lieutenant



    Lieutenant Colonel


    Brigadier General

    Major General

    Lieutenant General














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    Closing CommentsFor those who wish to raise even more money for our veterans and would like greater earningpotential, should consider pledging additional monthly donations in increment of $20.00 and

    receive anew Personal Member Formation for each additional donation and potentially earn $6,292.00 for

    eachFormation that you help organize. Monthly donations of $100.00 create five positions and would

    maximize the Earning While Giving program.

    For some, this could be a five year plan; in other words, you maximize each position by enrolling 60Fund Raising Donors every year for five years and if at anytime you feel you are earning too much

    money, consider giving money back by Adopting a Veteran and paying for their donation until theybecome self sufficient. By the way, these Adoptees would count as personal enrollees for you, soyou

    can see that it would not be very difficult to enroll 5 new donors every month or 60 FRDs in a year.

    Help other Charitable Organizations :OWSI could also be used to help generate much needed funds for schools, churches, etc., by

    simplyhaving the entity assume a Fund Raising Donor position and have the members of that

    organizationbecome Fund Raising Donors themselves . While their main objective may be to raise money

    for theirrespective organizations, our wounded veterans would benefit from their efforts as well.

    Individually we can each make a difference, corporately we can bethe difference.

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    Thank YouAre you ready to be part of something


    Operation Warrior Supportneeds your help to make a difference.

    We invite you to join us now andsupport our veterans!