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Overground, the debut novel by Jackson Fife (Excerpt)

Apr 04, 2018



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  • 7/30/2019 Overground, the debut novel by Jackson Fife (Excerpt)


    Jackson Fife

  • 7/30/2019 Overground, the debut novel by Jackson Fife (Excerpt)






    by Jackson Fife All rights reserved.


    Book design by Jackson Fife

  • 7/30/2019 Overground, the debut novel by Jackson Fife (Excerpt)




    Chapter 1


    You need treatment barked Charlotte from behind her

    clenched fist, breath heavy and teeth exposed like a

    silverback warning me to submit to the demand. I sighed,

    not so much in acceptance as in apathy. I was not the one

    with my fists ready for war, I was not the one who had just

    threatened to smash your fucking skull in! holding high a

    heavy wooden African mask. I was however, the one who

    had bitten off more than I could chew.

    It started as a child. How was I to know what had set-in then

    would lead me here 35 years later, that I would be staring at

    the woman I loved, who had again raised her fists to me and

    lashed out. It didnt hurt, in fact I was pleased and could

    understand if she feltuncomfortably belligerent and scared,

    she had punched me and thrown things at me before,smashed things up before, punched me before, all of her

  • 7/30/2019 Overground, the debut novel by Jackson Fife (Excerpt)




    attacks felt like flies bouncing off my skin, like a bee

    accidentally flying into me on a summers day. I was thestrong one, I was in the right, the gentleman, a gentle man,

    but my penchant for the basket case had caught me out

    again and this time, more than ever before it left me empty, a

    different kind of empty to the disgust at her passing fury and

    aggression, or the emptiness of the shame and the relief.

    This emptiness was defeat, I had been taken for a fool and

    that smarted. She had never even heard the whispers, felt

    the warmth or appreciated the comforts. Her kisses were

    hollow and shallow, she was haunted like an overgrown

    alleyway I had once stumbled into and down as a child. I

    wanted to ask the angels to grab her and shake her for me, to

    tell her to kiss me slow and deep, whisper wisdoms like the

    wind carries clouds to arid land and to hold my heat in her

    dreams and guild the stars to shine brighter for this time

    may be all time, but instead I just stood there, dumbstruck

    and righteous.

    I stretched out on the grass and gazed at the pills the doctor

    had prescribed, Sertraline, 50 milligrams, once a day. They

    would help see me through the break-up if that is what was

  • 7/30/2019 Overground, the debut novel by Jackson Fife (Excerpt)




    happening and enable me to feel less emotional. The irony

    was not lost on my GP, but on my insistence we werereferred for relationship counselling and I matterof-factly

    informed her that I could not guarantee Charlotte would

    calm down and agree to it. I knew I would try to salvage

    what reputation Charlotte had, but she was belligerent and

    headstrong and I could not give any indication of how the

    banshee within her would change as I had not seen it this

    malicious and vindictive before. I had engineered two jobs

    for her since she left University, she was earning a great deal

    more than me and I had been second in my life behind her,

    tip-toeing through my own world in case the egg shells she

    left all over my life woke the banshee. Like the fear of a

    looming judgement day in front of the omnipotent I wrestled

    with my urges and dutifully bowed my head in awe of the

    life maker in front of my eyes. Only, it didnt work out, fuck.

    The clouds above me broke the blue of the summer sky like

    the sadness bubbling up into my thoughts. I was free of her,

    to lie on my back in a field and watch as the beauty played

    out its divine dance. A swallow swooshed across and out of

    my eye-line and with the sun warming me I closed my eyes

    and enjoyed the orange glow I found in the comfort of my


  • 7/30/2019 Overground, the debut novel by Jackson Fife (Excerpt)




    His trance was excruciating, collapsed in the Great Hall he

    wilted and wept out what energy he could muster, in the

    hope that something would come to his aid. The dust from

    the wooden floor mixing with his tears and sweat to coat the

    left side of his face. Drifting in and out of consciousness he

    was no longer sure what was real and what was forced upon

    him by his subconscious to keep him away from the

    uncomfortable truth. The tape crackled and squealed

    intermittently like it was being chewed by the machine. The

    occasional bursts of thirties big band swing that had danced

    through the air, echoing from the walls of the building andthe walls of his head, shaking his thoughts from decline to

    decadence, ended, with an abrupt squeal and then click.

    Momentarily, he was clear, focussed, this was a chance, but

    this time it might be his last. As he ascended to the event

    horizon, the point where the power he was mustering and

    forcing through his tired body became enough to lift him

    from the cold hard parquet floor, he was aware not to give

    too much away to the beasts that might be watching. He

    must not let them see the strength he felt he may have. If he

    could disguise his power long enough to push the weight

    from him, he might be afforded a chance. His mind gasped

    for control and clarity, hopping between strength and waste,

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    he could feel the energy returning to his face. He would

    have to move quickly once he began, to spring up and dartinto a fierce and powerful stance awaiting the blows, Now!

    Each sinew cracked taut, his head swung, at first heavy until

    the spring from his shoulders and triceps engaged his

    balance and he flung himself up and around, ducking and

    spinning, legs bent and his weight centred, arms up like a

    prize fighter, he hopped back scanning the room for any

    immediate threats, anything that could have been pinning

    him down for so long, any thing that could have been the

    stinking mass with the heavy breath which had been for so

    long panting hot foul stench slowly into his ear and over the

    side of his face, forcing his eyes closed for their protection

    from the rancour and leaving him sure that to not see his

    own final breath being chased down and consumed was


    Where has it gone? His mind frantically buzzed. The room

    was empty, the sunlight shone through the tall multi-pane

    windows onto the dark old wooden floor, dust gently cutting

    the smell receptors in his nose, the deep pink flock wall

    paper and guilt framed tall portraits of former inhabitants

    and noblemen, sat in quiet repost, as if in judgement, asking

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    for a reason he was so animated when there was, after all,

    nothing to be attended to with such venom. His pantingquickened anticipating an attack from behind, his breath and

    swift foot movements were the only noise, the room was

    warm with the afternoon sun and the wooden panelling and

    the extensive grounds surrounding deafened those inside to

    the world beyond. He spun from left to right, jutting

    backwards, eyes wide. In the lower east corner was a tall

    glass paned French door, the light fabric which had been

    strung across the top to afford some privacy within, was

    billowing gently and he could see a bright crack running the

    length of the frame, it was open. Swiftly and making as little

    noise as he could, Markus set his sights on this bright alley,

    he could see the lush green hue of the Surrey fields outside,

    in the distance he could see the church steeple and the A3

    rolling like a tear across the cheek bone of the greenbelt, he

    flew to the door as if carried by some kinaesthetic tsunami,

    clasped his wiry fingers around the frame and without

    chancing another millisecond to take one more look at the

    place he had for so long been held captive, pulled hard, the

    gap immediately and without question opened and he was

    out like a stow away arrived at port, he ran, his euphoria

    dizzying him, he forced himself to focus on the road, hewould not stop until he had reached the road, his steps

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    thudding as he ran, down the incline of the garden, through

    the copse, his arms flailing, his big lungs burning with everybreath as air scraped down his trachea like wire wool, his

    heart beats like steam pistons smashing at their housing as

    though on some out of control train, he hurtled, each step on

    the uneven ground a stumble towards the freedom of road,

    of the cars and their passengers, of their swift help and

    deportment to the Police station where he could alert the

    authorities to the foul beasts that had held him captive, a

    stumble towards his family, his wife Lorraine, and his

    children Aloysius and Veronica, their gentle laughter, the

    smell of their hair. His head lifted once more, he was almost


    He could see the brook, beyond lay the silage, and then the

    hedgerow and the road embankment. His steps sinking and

    squelching as the sodden mud sucked his feet back, clinging

    to him like the hands of the weak and condemned pleading

    with him and making each step harder than the last, his

    exhausted body rolled on through the bowers until with the

    next step a loud snapping noise rung out, and the white heat

    and nausea that only accompany a bone break, struck him

    like a spear. His left leg spun through the revolution of the

    next step, the momentum carrying him onward, his weight

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    displaced from the right and all he could do was wait. In

    that fearful moment, the cold fresh air, cleansed no moreand was suddenly stark and frozen in diorama around his

    jagged gait. He jammed the lolloping foot into the soil and

    like a tired horse at The Chair, his leg buckled and his body

    bucked and jerked viciously with the pain and the jarring

    motion of a bone slicing through the flesh and nerve endings,

    of the tendons tearing from their fixings and then of the

    now-free-moving-bone through and out of the skin on the

    ankle. Out of place, his femur bone forced itself back in to

    his hip socket, and in turn he twisted as though gripped by

    the force of a hurricane tearing through the pain centres of

    his brain. He felt himself lurch violently and lose his place on

    the earth. Toppling as he screamed out with the agony. It

    was cold when he woke.

    He looked at himself in the bedroom mirror, naked from the

    waist up, he was out of shape, slightly too large around the

    midriff to fasten the waist band of the crisply pressed suit

    trousers he had chosen, he pulled his stomach in and puffed

    out his chest, teasing his upper arm to recall a time when the

    sedentary nature of his adult life was less overbearing, God

    honeyIm getting fat! I cant do these trousers up! he

  • 7/30/2019 Overground, the debut novel by Jackson Fife (Excerpt)




    shouted. A female voice answered with a hurried Come on,

    we have go to go! Markus sighed, his face crinkled down theright hand side and he bent down to remove the trousers he

    had been wearing I will, Im going to have to put on the

    jeans, these trousers are too tight! Are you ready? he stood,

    silently awaiting the response but it did not come, he

    scooped up his jeans and the polo shirt in his strong left arm

    and headed from the mirror to the doorway Are you


    Almost answered the voice. He turned to look back at the

    room, the small windows and low ceilings, uneven floor and

    plasterwork were bathed in the spring sunshine. Thewindow was closed so he grabbed his belt off of the floral

    bedcovering and swung himself into the bathroom Ill be

    two minutes! Just gonna brush me teef

    The bathroom light clicked on the extractor fan and the

    steady murmur stuck in Markuss mind as nothing more

    than a waste of electricity, pennies being blown out into the

    London city air. It was expensive enough to live in London

    and as he belted up the jeans he held the vibrating

    toothbrush in his mouth and examined his face for further

    signs of lethargy and middle age. Markus stood five footeleven and a half, he was very insistent on the half and

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    would often follow this up when asked with the assertion

    that but in shoes Im six feet. His skin was a pale olivecolour and thankfully the scars from his adolescent acne

    proved it had not been too destructive, he showed one or

    two scars, pinker and patchier than the ideal complexion, his

    nose had largish open pores, which would occasionally

    reward his careful mining with rather enjoyable black-

    headed worms, treasures from the deep. Today though, he

    looked tired and greyer than he liked or expected others

    would like. He pulled his Royal blue polo shirt over his mop

    of hair careful to not dirty it with toothpaste and opened his

    eyes wide to try and coax them into life. It wasnt working,

    the sockets where his eyeballs sat were wide, gaunt and

    deep today, darkened rings beneath his eyes and reddened

    eyelid skin gave the impression Markus had two black eyes.

    He looked again and reached for his sunglasses, big


    Are you fucking coming! Im going to go without you!

    Charlotte barked up from the front door.

    Oh, youre ready, I told you I was just brushing me teeth! I

    didnt know what you were up to. Markus spat out the foam

    and wiped his mouth, turned off the light and grabbed his

    keys before trotting down the stairs.

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    Why do you always take so fucking long? Come on! and

    with that Charlotte hurried off, leaving Markus to check hehad his phone, wallet, lock up and then catch-up.

    The day was bright and beautifully warm. It was all the

    comfort anyone would need thought Markus, he slowly

    meandered along the cul-de-sac giving the day the respect

    and gratitude it deserved for giving him so much already.

    After a few steps he noticed Charlotte nearing the corner so

    picked up his energy level and jogged to her, wanting to

    jump on her back playfully, but refraining for the sake of a

    public and humiliating ear-bashing. As he neared her he

    wished she would turn around and smile, show some

    affection to the world, let them know that there is happiness

    to be had in this world. Of course she would never do that, it

    was a public display of affection, which she found churlish

    and needy. Of course, the discussion of needy was not

    worth having, not with Charlotte anyway. Charlotte was one

    of those people who claimed everyone who did not meet her

    needs and do things her way were needy and over

    emotional, failing patently to recognise that her needs were

    overpowering others around her and no matter what she

  • 7/30/2019 Overground, the debut novel by Jackson Fife (Excerpt)




    asserted, the facts spoke loud and clear to those who took

    the time to listen.

    She was a short and stout woman, fierce in her facial

    expressions and with the natural default of her muscles to

    resemble someone troubled by some deep impenetrable

    fracture. As they walked along the High Street, the smells of

    the fresh fish and meat permeated the air and their nasal

    cavities. The chorus of busy mothers and fathers, children

    and youths wrestled for airspace with the hissing and heavy

    mechanical crunching of the busses and the booming shop

    music systems blasting Dancehall and Bhangra, Pop and

    Reggae. Dodging prams and buses like a hare dodges birds

    of prey, Markus darted onto and off of the thin pavement,

    hopping up and down with all the agility and playfulness of a

    child enjoying a sunny responsibility-free journey, Charlotte,

    by contrast was flat-footed and lumbering, appearing to

    uncomfortably juggle herself along by the shop doorways,

    huffing as she avoided shoppers, barely lifting her head to

    see if there was any other path she could take which offered

    less resistance. She was like an out-moded ice-breaker

    groaning as she did a job which needed doing, but which

    gave her a great deal of pain and was no longer easy or ofinterest. Like an old woman overlooked for a promotion,

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    her feet still begrudgingly turning up for the same job after

    too many years, there was no dancing to be found in her gait.It was clear to all that she was sad, often Markus had

    pondered why was she so sad? What could I do to help?

    When did it all get so dark I her mind? He had asked, and

    teased, but still there was a complete rebuttal. A picture on

    the wall read You are here, yet Markus felt somewhat like

    here had something missing, something important to him.

    Ten years before, Markus had fallen unstoppably and

    irreparably in love, she touched me as if she was slipping

    away. Ebbing out like a tide with a lifetime and then-some

    before it returns to me, if ever it was supposed to. The light

    of that August afternoon was the purest light Ive ever seen.

    It washed in through the bedroom windows of her terraced

    house in Tottenham better than the light on any other

    afternoon I have ever known. It seemed to cleanse the

    tawdry paintwork and reinvigorate and at once the room

    became a lush green field in summers salad times, fresher

    than the dew and embracing my body in the comfort of a

    placid Mediterranean sea. She smiled and I could not equate

    what I felt anymore, my body bubbled within my tightened

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    electrified skin, this beautiful time, watching the sea,

    unstoppable and so beautiful. Singing Nina Simone we layback on the bed and watched the clouds through the ceiling

    and roof. The sky must have been and was definitely so

    blue. As easily as that, we were looking right into the

    reaches of space, both following the same trajectory to our

    home a million miles away. Her smile was broad and with

    sparkling mischievous and maternal eyes. Like a joyous

    visage of all the facial expressions which I had taken to mean

    I was not in any danger, all beaming through one face,

    simultaneously, telling my fears to quell and feel at ease.

    There is nothing like that. No drugs or joy could ever

    recreate the time sat by that sea, nothing can overwrite the

    emotional network which fused into absolute in those

    moments, the culmination of growing and forming,

    crystallising and reflecting into every corner of me, lighting

    me up so I would forever be able to see.

    Would you like some food, Markus? Or should I call you

    Ulysses? Haha! opined Miocetta. Her breath hushed a

    shoreline soundtrack through her voice, synced in to her

    every word, every utterance, every noise a natural and

    beautiful phenomena.

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    You are so right, that is a lovely idea, thank you, Id love one

    if its not too much trouble. Markus paused for breath, hisbrusque efforts sounded amateurish and uncultured and his

    voice sat uncomfortably against the cherishment he was still

    feeling within the warm afterglow fusing into his being. Her

    cadence had soothed him like calamine. Smooth and soft had

    touched his earlobes like a cool summers breeze. He was

    burning with thoughts of how this moment could be true,

    soothed like camomile afternoons, he sipped on her verse

    savouring every last drop and slurp, and its fair to say

    Markus was in love.

    She wants her Father. whispered Lorraine, Veronica had

    awoken from a bad dream and was sobbing.

    Okay darling eyes closed and mouth barely moving Markus

    edged his ankle out from under the warmth of the 20 tog,

    goose down duvet and slipped his right foot into the grey

    shark-tooth woollen slippers by the bed. The left foot was

    close behind and as Markus rose from the bed he took his

    dressing gown from the chair and wrapped his body

    glancing reassuringly to Lorraine, all sleepy smile and

    sticking-up hair. His quest now, in this moment, was his

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    daughter, and he hurried to her, a simple oneness, a planned

    philanthropy. Veronica threw herself into daddys arms fora sob and he held her close and carefully, kissing her head

    and stroking her hair, Its okay darling, daddy is always

    here Markus soothed. Veronica calmed in a moment and

    Markus offered her his sleeve to wipe away the snot, which

    had transmogrified into some exotic and disgusting face

    maskfor a 2 year old with a five oclock shadow. Calmly she

    stretched back in her bed and Markus pulled the duvet up

    under her chin, stroked the hair from her forehead and

    clasped in his left hand the book she loved to have him read,

    The Gardeners. Markus sat on the edge of Veronicas bed

    and began

    Within the pages of this book, a story shall

    be told, of a fine young man who loves to cook

    and his mum whos really old. Of MrRumble

    Bumble too, and of the night watchman Mr

    Snoresatnoon. The story goes so listen tight

    from day time play to sleep sleepy night, and

    is told by a friend of yours and mine, Mr

    SlipperyDipperyEarnestKind. He lives in the

    reeds of the old ladies garden

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    As the story went on, the frog Mr Slipperydippery acquired

    hiccups, and the wise old owl takes over narration with thearrival of the invisible Mr Rumblebumble. Before Markus

    had finished, Veronica was fast asleep, calm and peaceful.

    She resembled an angel, content and safe in the sails of the

    boat of her dreams. Markus quietly closed the book and

    placed it back on the table by the bed. He took a moment to

    drink in the vista and to appreciate the time he had just

    spent with his daughter, her trust and love and how quick

    those years can fly past if you are not present during them.

    Doubling at the waist Markus leaned forward and puckering

    his lips gently kissed Veronicas head and ushered softly

    Goodnight gorgeous girl, daddy loves you very much, so

    does mummy, we are very proud of you, and we will always

    love you, sleep well, sweet dreams.

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    Chapter 2

    Too Young

    She did not deserve to die, sure as I roll this cigarette she did

    not deserve that fate. I wish to sit and to type, not to sit and

    to type, but to say in text my thoughts for I have been of

    wonderment beyond my time, seen things before they came

    to being and wish you owned my brand of reasoning all to

    your hearthside, whether from mistake or falsehood may

    you find me, but nonetheless my words are wishes I hope

    you can see and understand. It was not the path that was

    hers and given the moment to correct it you would have

    stepped in to do as such. Corruption and sex, surely it does

    not come more honey than that. Coming to ambition late,

    the cure might be found, but then vis is in felony. My

    sideways is bachelor, with ail and pity and in deed less than

    evermore celebrated life. Remember how we lived, based on

    that, then, but bastards we are not, moving gifted forwarded,

    not youth, but now yours, cleansed in our future not our

    past. I will not allow us to make a memory of the mankind

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    we once were and could once again be mindful truth, there is

    only the future and the oat with its brutality is nothing.Another, another, my child, no more than my other. She

    slipped away, yet my ashes did not imagine my calm entire,

    no hurtful thought, simply peace. Wishes I know we know.

    The crows squawked like a wedding bell awakening. You

    are my happiness when you allow the light to bathe you.

    Born noble of sorts, Markuss Mothers bloodline were

    Knights Hospitallers in the 15th Century; Italian and Spanish

    Royal family before that, his father was a direct descendent

    of the great Irish King Brian Cenntig, who in the 11th

    Century was the only King to have ever held unified rule

    over the complete landmass of Ireland, and later continued

    to hold a great political significance in the region and wider

    with John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th President of the

    United States of America also descending from the same

    ancestor and with close ties to Markuss Father. Before King

    Brian, folklore have that the early Unnatural/Ugly/Woollen

    heads were either early rulers in prehistoric Africa, sheep

    herders or had even been emplaced on the earth as sentinels

    of a higher consciousness. All of this inspired and betrayed

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    Markus in equal measure. If he was to accede to his rightful

    place he must understand the fruits of this knowledge orrisk a corruption of all that had for so many millennia been

    so established. Oh, to rebel, to throw off the shackles of

    expectation and to be one of the normal kids, for whom fun

    was not some moralistic dutybound exchange based around

    the virtues of collective duty and the promotion of the

    potential for beauty and quality in the human consciousness.

    He ached, like a broke-backed octogenarian who had carried

    her family through a lifetime of growth and suffering. His

    face lifted and gently smiling as he looked onto the baby in

    his arms, Veronica he whispered as he turned to Lorraine

    sweaty and with flushes dancing across her body and face,

    exhausted and joyful in her hospital bed.

    It is a lovely name and I do think you are right, she is a

    Veronica. He lifted the tiny ball of warmth and nature and

    love to his face and gently kissed her forehead, Hello

    Veronica, you are the most beautiful girl in all the world,

    apart from your mummy Lorraine glowed. How he loved

    her, so much amazement was contained in that woman, that

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    amazing woman. Who else could take a moment of joy and

    love, shared nine months prior and turn it into this treasureheld in his arms? Markus and Lorraine looked at one

    another and somewhere deep within them a part of their

    eyes primal as survival connected. Markus gaze was

    tranquil and gracefully waltzed to Lorraine, they smiled,

    total admiration and love. Everything was illuminated once

    more, as though he was visiting the grass roots but with the

    cable cars humming like mists in his clear views. This

    landmark was shrouded in tranquillity and serendipity, but

    was packed and gigantic, hustling in an urgency unquoted.

    His dreams of this magnificence had always been pictures

    and now, were video, movie, soundtracks of exuberance and

    floating all at the same moment coursing and pumping

    through him, emitting through his every pore. Within his

    arms was a reach into the impossible, a leap with arms

    outstretched, unquenched and thirsty and mind racing again

    to the fields, the happiness, the laughs and the hoping, the

    hopping and the sleeping, the dancing and the graceful sol,

    vis a vis as his heart beated like a triumph within mind and

    body fused to reality, all its beauty.

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    Im Iwas losing it perhaps uttered Markus, Im zombie-

    like, trying to keep moving, but my knees are weak and

    jarring in their movements, yet pausing, the silence seemed

    hopeful and although his breath was quickened and anxious,

    he continued No, it doesnt matter, spring has sprung and

    Im equally alive as subjected to the environmental

    pressures I stalked through, heart racing, you know that

    forest was deep, lots of small hills to tumble over Markus

    squeezed out a smile and lifted his brow for comic effect,

    but eventually I adapted to it and the undulations were

    like friends and each leaf fall was no-longed noted, I learned

    to not care so much He turned and fixed his stare on the

    young lady next to him, she had blue eyes and dark hair

    which had been cropped tight to her face, an elegant face.

    She was familiar in the way that family seem to resemble

    each other. I am sure that nature runs out of faces, addicted

    in a way to the same faces, the recognisable normalities; tied

    to them, observing souls, thoughtful. As she tightened her

    lids around her eyes forcing the skin next to her eyes to

    crease, Markus went on Once you raise the question of even

    the good being bad, what really do you have left to think

    about? Each thought becomes gun fire, tearing through with

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    a sonic boom, deafening to the next thought. Mad as art, only

    a thought clever-enough will learn to jump beyond the noiseand be there waiting for when head and inner ear clears, it

    was hard in there but I was strong like disease and silent like

    light, I know it sounds mad, it does to me too, but I really

    went the whole hog and bizarrely found it strengthening, it

    was only really scary dangerous at the point of comparison

    compared. Worrying about worrying! That was never gonna

    be a good idea. It felt normal to be this alert but, really, who

    would want this? Perhaps just because of threat of attack, of

    internal battles, where the shutting down and over-running

    of the safe-zone of the mind, would be just enough to carry

    me through like grass to hay, I know it is dramatic, but I

    thought I knew these people, and I wonder if they knew me

    at all, and if they did or do, what dont I know about me?

    The attractive lady, tilted her head slightly to the left and

    took a long slow intake of breath, pursing her lips so they

    opened a small amount, she examined the space Markus was

    leaving, before she had a chance to interject Markus

    continued his diatribe Why was I making them so worried?

    Im always mindful to examine my life, moment-to-moment,

    day-to-day, month-to-month and year-to-year. I am safe and

    well, with you, swimming, climbing, I worry about me and Iknow Im safe with you and reassuring as life is, you are safe

  • 7/30/2019 Overground, the debut novel by Jackson Fife (Excerpt)




    with me, I intend like Ginsburg to cut the swathe through the

    forest to make the clearing Markus sank back in his chair,the room fell silent again and Markus and the young dark

    haired lady were alone.

    He glanced down at her breasts, she had upon her chest a

    badge Dr Henderson, again she fastened her eyeline on

    Markus face,How are you getting on with the Sertraline? Is

    it helpful still? Markus turned to look out of the window,

    the sunset was lotus flower orange. Its fine, yeah, perhaps

    not as effective as it was, but I am trying to downdose now,

    and I think that maybe I dont need it so much anymore as

    the worst is over, I hope I am having crackin mood swings,

    I feel like I have my head in the clouds and goes from not

    really being emotional at all, to wanting to sob and sob and

    totally breakdown he paused, Dr Henderson was pretty, her

    face read freely that she was concerned, Ive never felt like

    this before and really want to try and pinpoint the cause, I

    want to get back to normal routines quickly, thats probably

    the thing I miss the most Markus raised his head but at the

    same time looked earnestly at his lap, his hands were still

    and sitting neatly on his brown rabbit fur gloves. Doctor

    Henderson smiled in agreement Yes, to get back to work

    and normal routine would be beneficial, the worst, it haspassed, that is as long as you feel that the worst has passed?

  • 7/30/2019 Overground, the debut novel by Jackson Fife (Excerpt)




    If there is anything, anything at all, just pop in and make a

    sooner appointment, Im happy to refer you on if you wantme to. Markus smiled and thanked her, took to his feet in a

    resolved and determined posture and declared Onward and

    upward before shaking her hand and setting off through the


    As he drove his black Ford Capri along the A40, comfortably

    ensconced in the generous bucket seats, the rainy weather

    was the only problem, that and Cliff Richard on the radio, he

    knew he had made a change, a small one, but nonetheless a

    change. The children were in the back looking out at the

    other cars; smiling gleefully out of the window willing and

    daring other drivers to care enough to risk a smile to stretch

    across their faces. Smiling big and pulling their mouths with

    index fingers into all sorts of contortions one lady did

    submit to the game but instead of a smile she illustrated an

    amazingly convincing sad face, low at the corners of the

    mouth which resulted in the kids falling about in hysterical

    laughter, dismay and faux invalidation. It was then it struck

    him again, like a freight train smashing through the happy

    family car, a feeling of loss so colossal it was as though he

    was a bottle which had been dropped from the window ofhis car at that exact moment on that motorway, at that exact

  • 7/30/2019 Overground, the debut novel by Jackson Fife (Excerpt)




    speed a lifetime ago, a life that fractured into a million

    shards and thump one of a million shards of his bottle, hisseeds of discomfort strewn through the distance travelled

    had just lodged again in his mind and he was once more

    standing in the middle of his broken heart, with the tatters

    all around where once was a huge weather balloon bubble of

    a heart, now there was only the stark light, the unprotected

    sadness of the world, the echo of the explosion and the

    afterimage burned into his eyes of the happiness now

    diaspora and shredded.

  • 7/30/2019 Overground, the debut novel by Jackson Fife (Excerpt)



    Chapter 3
