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E RRATA  F IRST PDF  R EVISION -  M ARCH 2005 p. * Some Abilities were referenced by different names throughout the text. This has been corrected.  p. 46 The Flunkies Ability was modified to be more co nsistent with how they a re used in Sample NPCs Chapter and with Extras. p. 52;67 Quick and Slow now mention their use as part of the Init iative roll in the Abilities and Weaknesses Chapter. p. 56 The Weapon Abi lity and it s r elationship (or rather, lack thereof) with Endurance was cl arified. p. 72 The Perk Will-Attack was clarified. p. 81 The Knockback rule was clarified. P RINT E DITION R EVISION -  J ULY 2005 p. * Various graphical glitches have been corrected, as well as remaining typos. p. * Full-Page art has been added before each chapter. p. 36 The r eference to Daisuke's bike col or i n the Sample Characters chapter has been c hanged to correlate to new Print Edition artwork. p. 44;66 Beauty has been changed to Beautiful, and Sensitive to Sensitivity, as they appear this way throughout the text. p. 45 Flight has been completely revised to wor k similarly to othe r Abil ities in t he game. p. 48 Invention's text now cor rectly refers to "Ver y Useful " instead of the nonexistent “Greatly Useful” p. 48 Invention, Focused now doubles and halves t he di ce roll ed instead of the difficulty, thus eliminating awkward DNs. p. 49 Life Support is now more general, covering more conditions than just breathing. p. 55;69 Unnatural Resistance and Unnatu ral Weakness have been modif ied. They now cover characters having a Strong or weak Point in addition to simply being resistant or vulnerable to a kind of damage. p. 64 Nosebleeder's penalty, at Le vel 2, has bee n increa sed t o -2 to be consistent with it s Level . p. 71 The Enta ngle Pe rk now works i n a manner more consistent with t he res t of the rules. p. 73 Affinity's text has been corrected to restore a missing line. It should read: “By def ault, most Power Moves default to Chi, or one’s natural spirit energy. You may also have Affinities for fighting certain kinds of targets.” p. 79 Combat!'s introduction no longe r refers to Pl ayers being a ble t o “move” once a rou nd. p. 82 Recovering (under Endurance) now makes it clear that Endurance is not a utomatically recovered in tense situations besides combat. p. 104 Acacia's demons have been weake ned t o Seconda ry NPCs. Their attributes have also been changed accordingly. D ISTRIBUTION E DITION R EVISION -  J UNE 2006 p. * Further corrections to consistency, including use of capitalizati on for words like Ability and Weakness, and slightly varied references to the Beauty/Beautiful and other Abilities. p. 70 Extra Accuracy has been renamed Accurate. Otherwise, it works as it always has. p. 72 The Power Flaw "Low Penetratio n" has been added. It is the negative counterpart to “Armor Piercing.” p. 73 Affinity now r efers to Unnatural Resistance instead of the nonexistent Unnatural Defense. p. 77 The rules concerning the use of Drama Dice have been modified. Endurance used to gain Drama Dice is no longer recovered in the conventional manner. p. 97 Image was replaced with new artwork. F INAL PDF  R EVISION -  M ARCH 2007 p. 27 Miho’s “Missile Launcher” weapon no longer makes incorrect use of the Extra Damage perk. It now has Area Affect instead. p. 35 Auren’s Power Move spells incorrectly lacked the Range perk. This has been corrected, and Endurance costs have been modified to reflect the change. p. 43 Agile no l onger refers to “melee” attacks. Its bonus can be applied to any attack roll. p. 49-50 Arcane Magic has been clarified regarding its use with Abilities that require actions or Endurance. p. 55 Vehicle (Mecha) now gives two points per level, as was always the intention. p. 119 Svetlana Chmakova’s website,, now lists the proper URL.

Ova Errata

Apr 05, 2018



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Page 1: Ova Errata




p. * Some Abilities were referenced by different names throughout the text. This has been corrected.  

p. 46 The Flunkies Ability was modified to be more consistent with how they are used in Sample NPCs

Chapter and with Extras.

p. 52;67 Quick and Slow now mention their use as part of the Initiative roll in the Abilities and Weaknesses Chapter.

p. 56 The Weapon Ability and its relationship (or rather, lack thereof) with Endurance was clarified.

p. 72 The Perk Will-Attack was clarified.

p. 81 The Knockback rule was clarified.


p. * Various graphical glitches have been corrected, as well as remaining typos.

p. * Full-Page art has been added before each chapter.

p. 36 The reference to Daisuke's bike color in the Sample Characters chapter has been changed to

correlate to new Print Edition artwork.

p. 44;66 Beauty has been changed to Beautiful, and Sensitive to Sensitivity, as they appear this way

throughout the text.

p. 45 Flight has been completely revised to work similarly to other Abilities in the game.

p. 48 Invention's text now correctly refers to "Very Useful" instead of the nonexistent “Greatly Useful”

p. 48 Invention, Focused now doubles and halves the dice rolled instead of the difficulty, thus

eliminating awkward DNs.

p. 49 Life Support is now more general, covering more conditions than just breathing.

p. 55;69 Unnatural Resistance and Unnatural Weakness have been modified. They now cover characters

having a Strong or weak Point in addition to simply being resistant or vulnerable to a kind of damage.

p. 64 Nosebleeder's penalty, at Level 2, has been increased to -2 to be consistent with its Level.

p. 71 The Entangle Perk now works in a manner more consistent with the rest of the rules.

p. 73 Affinity's text has been corrected to restore a missing line. It should read: “By default, most

Power Moves default to Chi, or one’s natural spirit energy. You may also have Affinities for

fighting certain kinds of targets.”

p. 79 Combat!'s introduction no longer refers to Players being able to “move” once a round.

p. 82 Recovering (under Endurance) now makes it clear that Endurance is not automatically recovered

in tense situations besides combat.

p. 104 Acacia's demons have been weakened to Secondary NPCs. Their attributes have also been

changed accordingly.




p. * Further corrections to consistency, including use of capitalization for words like Ability and

Weakness, and slightly varied references to the Beauty/Beautiful and other Abilities.

p. 70 Extra Accuracy has been renamed Accurate. Otherwise, it works as it always has.

p. 72 The Power Flaw "Low Penetration" has been added. It is the negative counterpart to “Armor Piercing.”

p. 73 Affinity now refers to Unnatural Resistance instead of the nonexistent Unnatural Defense.

p. 77 The rules concerning the use of Drama Dice have been modified. Endurance used to gain Drama

Dice is no longer recovered in the conventional manner.

p. 97 Image was replaced with new artwork.


p. 27 Miho’s “Missile Launcher” weapon no longer makes incorrect use of the Extra Damage perk. It

now has Area Affect instead.

p. 35 Auren’s Power Move spells incorrectly lacked the Range perk. This has been corrected,

and Endurance costs have been modified to reflect the change.

p. 43 Agile no longer refers to “melee” attacks. Its bonus can be applied to any attack roll.

p. 49-50 Arcane Magic has been clarified regarding its use with Abilities that require actions or Endurance.

p. 55 Vehicle (Mecha) now gives two points per level, as was always the intention.

p. 119 Svetlana Chmakova’s website,, now lists the proper URL.

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