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Feb 18, 2016



Elsa Brown

Welcome message from author
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thing I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Where has Jesus told you to go? Are you one of the ones that doubt?

Mark 4:26-29

The Parable of the Growing Seed

26He also said, "This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground. 27Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how. 28All by itself the soil produces grain—first the stalk, then the head, then the full kernel

Matthew 28:16-20 (New International Version)

The Great Commission

16Then the eleven disci-ples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Je-sus had told them to go. 17When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teach-ing them to obey every-

in the head. 29As soon as the grain is ripe, he puts the sickle to it, because the harvest has come."

I feel our trip has been like the parable of the growing seed.

As we arrived in San Cristobal de Las Casas after traveling for more than 15 hours, we imme-diately met Pastor Vicente to go to the Bap-tism so that 18 people from the Outreach for Jesus in Natilton Chia-pas could be baptized. Again we traveled an-other 3 hours by car to reach the place where the baptisms took place.

Are you listening to our Lord?

Baptism Experience The humbleness of the people as they went into the waters was over-whelming. Among them was a man who had been a leader in the Zapatista movement who was with us during the service last year. Pastor Victor had talked to him and actually showed him the love of God. This man was a troubled man liv-ing with three different women. Today, he is with

his wife, attending church services and being washed by the wa-ter of baptism. We were so glad to see him go into the waters. What a change does the lord makes.

As they professed their love for Christ many went into the waters and came out full of joy, washed by the blood of the lamb.

2010 Mission Trips

(First Quarter)

> Guatemala April 3rd - 10th - Evangelism, medical, and con-struction

> Chiapas April 12th - 17th Evangelism, medical, and con-struction


Mission Trip to Chiapas, Mexico, and Zacapa, Guatemala November 09

Inside this issue:

John 15:16 3

A Prayer for the Lost 3

2010 Mission Trips 4

Ordination 4

The Blessings of God 5

Guatemala 5


1 December 2009 Volume 1, Issue 1

18 people were baptized in the name of the father, the son and the Holy Ghost.


John 15:16 John 15:16 (New International Version) 16You did not choose me, but I chose you and ap-pointed you to go and bear fruit—fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.

How do we bear fruit? Are you bearing fruit?

We got up early to go to Natilton to present the New Pastor and his eld-ers and Deacons to the congregation. The trip was so long and the roads were full of rocks. From the Valley we see Outreach for Jesus in Natilton. The church is simple, clean and very

humble. The service started and the worship began. Again so simple, so pure and all the peo-ple were praising the lord together and with such joy.

The service was trans-lated from Spanish to Scental. As Pastor Vic-tor spoke to the congre-gation to make a com-mitment to serve and honor Jesus Christ I started thinking: Why is it that many people spend their times criti-cizing and never doing anything? If you don’t feel his presence call on him to come into your heart, if you don’t feel his love, are you loving others, if you don’t feel

his help, are you helping others, if you feel alone, are you ready to be with others.

We rejoice in the Lord in Natilton and thank him for his love.

We are all so grateful for the fruit that is being harvested for his glory.

Page 3 Mission Trip to Chiapas, Mexico, and Zacapa, Guatemala November 09

mercy, love and guid-ance. In Matthew 10:16 you tell us: I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. There-fore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves, teach us our Lord how to be like you want us to be.

We saw the persecution your people suffer in many areas in Mexico my Lord, please protect them. We have seen the fear as they have been tied to a tree and beaten. But they con-

tinue steadfast and they have their eyes on you. Please help us Lord to be strong and help us always have words of encouragement. As we learn your word, let us be more like you Lord. May our lives be used to worship you and to bring others to you.

We love you so much and thank you for your love. We ask all these things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Dear Lord God All Mighty we ask you to please be with all of those that are living desperate lives. We ask you Lord to show us how we can most ef-fectively bring your powerful word to this lost world.

You have told us already Lord to spread your gospel, please Lord give us wisdom to reach oth-ers with the limited time we now have.

As we walk with you my Lord we see your great

A Prayer for the Lost

John 15:16

John 21:17

17 The third time he

said to him, "Simon

son of John, do you

love me?"

Peter was hurt

because Jesus

asked him the third

time, "Do you love

me?" He said, "Lord,

you know all things;

you know that I love


Jesus said, "Feed

my sheep.


Sunday morning was the ordination of the Pastor, elders and deacons for Outreach for Jesus of Natilton, as well as eld-ers and deacons for Outreach for Jesus of Alcanfores. The church was full. Many of the people from OFJ Natilton were there and they were so ready to re-ceive a word from pas-tor Victor. I felt amazed as the praise leader started to sing. With his key board out of tune and his voice also out of tune he praised the Lord so sincerely. Pastor Vicente joined him and a great anointed started to fall on that place. All joined together praising and worshipping the Lord. I mean “All” singing with joy. As I looked at the stage I saw a drum set, without all its ele-ments and symbols, I

also noticed there were no guitars, but the con-gregation praised and worship so hard. As my heart filled with joy, I thank the Lord for allow-ing me to be that drum set, maybe without some of my elements or sym-bols, but able to bring a ray of hope to those beautiful Indian people forgotten by the world but not by God.

The pastor to be or-dained at Natilton came humbly to request that we would allow the con-gregation to vote for the Pastor. The vote was made and he was elected Pastor. Alfonso was an alcoholic 7 years back, he was also a Za-patista who after ac-cepting the Lord was tied to a tree and he was asked to renounce his faith. Now his faith is

stronger than ever. Pastor Vicente also suf-fered great persecution and was imprisoned by the Zapatistas. “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news of Jesus Christ” I feel Pastor Vicente’s heart is so beautiful, always travel-ing and seeking for lost souls. Pastor Vicente with his little “Bochito”. This is what he calls his VW car. He travels to reach the lost in very far away places. Is Pastor Vicente an ex-traordinary man? I don’t think so, he is as ordinary as you and I, as ordinary as our Apos-tles. However, he is ready to serve the Lord. The service ended with prayer for all those elected to service.

Page 4 Volume 1, Issue 1

Ordination of Pastor, Elders and Deacons

Revelation 19:9 (New International Version)

9Then the angel said to me, "Write: 'Blessed

are those who are invited to the wedding

supper of the Lamb!' " And he added,

"These are the true words of God."

since 1999 and ask any of you that want to join us to call us at your ear-liest convenience. Your help will be greatly appreciated. We are going to start pur-chasing the necessary medicines, building ma-terials and the most im-portant things of all bi-bles and Christian edu-cational materials.

We are planning our 2010 trip to Guatemala and Mexico. Our pri-mary goal is to reach the lost and bring them the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Together with our evan-gelism trip, we will be doing medical outreach as well as construction. We have been doing this type of mission trips

Don’t miss your oppor-tunity to bless others. We need your support.

We thank you and we will pray that the Lord touches you to help us.

Please look at the first page to see the dates.


2010 Mission Trips

After the service they prepared chicken soup and all the congregation was in-vited. The soup was hot and delicious, and everyone at and had great fellow-ship.


day, we broke ground.

We were able to meet Mynor Morales who is helping us complete the project and we were able to spend a little time at El Remolino, where pastor Saul was so happy to receive us.

Ted Brainard worked in Guatemala 5 days ahead of our arrival. He visited approximately 20 homes and he was able to dis-tribute 150 chickens to

It was a blessing to see the progress of the church we are building in Zacapa, Guatemala and we were encour-aged to find out that the family who had been the biggest opposition to the church, they cannot wait for it to be finished to assist. The lady of the house had a dream, she dreamed that a bright light from heaven was shinning at the place the church is now. The next

the homes in El Remo-lino. The people of El Remolino live out of re-cycling at the landfill.

We met with several people in Guatemala who can help us fulfill the mission the Lord has given us to spread the gospel, and we were able to meet with the Nicky Cruz Foundation. They have offered to give us three full con-tainer loads of bananas for the people we ser-vice.


they praised the Lord with grate joy and then they asked to join Out-reach for Jesus. We ask you to pray for this church to see if we can help them appropriately.

After the service and meeting with them it was quite late, we were tired, hungry and ready to go home. However, Pastor Victor asked if they knew where Natanael lived. After just a few minutes, the Pastor took us there. When we got out of the car, the tire was blowing air. Now What? We were in the middle of nowhere land. Every body seemed to be sleeping and in the type of terraine we were in, it would have been hard to change a tire.

Natanael’s mother opened the door and

As we were sitting en-joying Jose and Mary brothers who had been in the USA, many pastors would approach us to ask for help. Many churches want to be part of Outreach for Je-sus. We decided to visit a church in Chanal after lunch. We also made a decision to visit La Piedad the next day where a family needed help putting a roof. Per-secution at both places was extensive.

We arrived at el Chanal late since in the after-noon we were looking for a 4-wheel drive to go to La Piedad the next day. We arrived after 8:00 o’clock thinking we would meet the pastor and see the needs. The whole congregation was waiting for us. First

The Blessings of God during our Journey asked us to come in. We stayed with his father and the kids and she immediately went to the kitchen. Natanael’s fa-ther ‘s line of work was to fix tires. Imagine that. We needed him and he was there. He pro-ceeded to fix the tire and I proceeded to play with “Daniel” a little boy 4 years old, but he asked me to please call him “Mango” because he was so handsome.

Pastor Victor told me to hurry up and go, but I told him they were fixing us coffee and I felt it would be rude to leave. He said, ok, just drink the coffee and we go since it is so late and we have to get up early the next morning.

Shortly after a delicious smell started coming out of the kitchen. The Lord knew we were hungry. Natanael’s mother had fixed lamb for her chil-dren, but they could not come.

We were there and we immediately knew the meal was prepared for us. Our Lord is so great. It was the best lamb I have ever had. After we left Natanel’s father’s house he had fixed our tire, we had a full stom-ach, and a blessed heart. How else could the Lord had spoken to us. We were so sure he was there. We were so sure he was definitely taking care of us. We returned to the hotel at midnight a little tired but so full of joy.

Page 5

To God be the glory.

Our budget is high, but we trust the Lord will provide for his people. If you are touched by the Holly Sprit and wish to support the work we are do-ing, please help us. A small donation will mean a lot for

these projects. Please make your check payable to Out-

reach for Jesus, 1278 Highway 461, Somerset, KY 42503 and mark your check for Mexico –

Guatemala or Romania



Our current projects:


• Build 2 additional church buildings – Est. $14,000.00Purchase as many bibles as possible – Est. $3,000.00

• Purchase Christmas gifts including school books and supplies – Est. $1,500.00

• Musical instruments and sound systems for the various churches (3 churches) $6,000.00

• Church benches $1,200.00

• Misc. supplies for each church $8,000.00


• Finish the construction of the church in Zacapa $10,000.00

• Church benches $3,000.00

• Bibles $1,500.00

• Purchase Christmas gifts and supplies $1,500.00


• Complete construction of houses for the poor $3,000.00

• Purchase wood for heating of homes $4,000.00

• Continue to help on educational projects for the poor $35,000/year

• School supplies and gifts for Christmas $1,500.00

We’re on the Web

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