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With help from Mauro Dadina, Barbara DeMarco, Magherita Giustini, Annalia Longinotti, Gabriele Ponti, Francesco Tombesi Massimo Cappi Massimo Cappi INAF/ INAF/ IASF-Bologna IASF-Bologna Probing variable iron emission and absorption lines in AGNs with XEUS 1. Evidence for (redshifted) relativistic Fe emission lines 2. Evidence for VARIABLE Fe emission lines 3. Evidence for (blueshifted) relativistic ABSORPTION Fe lines 4. Evidence for VARIABLE Fe absorption lines 5. Future with/for XEUS Outline Kato et al. 2003

Outline - · Annalia Longinotti, Gabriele Ponti, Francesco Tombesi Massimo Cappi INAF/IASF-Bologna Probing variable iron

Feb 16, 2019



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Page 1: Outline - · Annalia Longinotti, Gabriele Ponti, Francesco Tombesi Massimo Cappi INAF/IASF-Bologna Probing variable iron

With help from Mauro Dadina, Barbara DeMarco, Magherita Giustini,Annalia Longinotti, Gabriele Ponti, Francesco Tombesi

Massimo CappiMassimo CappiINAF/INAF/IASF-BolognaIASF-Bologna

Probing variable iron emission and absorption lines in AGNs with XEUS

1. Evidence for (redshifted)relativistic Fe emission lines

2. Evidence for VARIABLE Feemission lines

3. Evidence for (blueshifted)relativistic ABSORPTION Fe lines

4. Evidence for VARIABLE Feabsorption lines

5. Future with/for XEUS


Kato et al. 2003

Page 2: Outline - · Annalia Longinotti, Gabriele Ponti, Francesco Tombesi Massimo Cappi INAF/IASF-Bologna Probing variable iron

Hot X-ray emittingcorona

X-ray absorption spectroscopy:Probe of launching regions of jets/winds

Credit: A. Mueller

X-raying the innermost regions of accretion and ejection flows

X-ray “reflection” spectroscopy:Probe of innermost regions ofaccretion disk


Goals are to characterise the accretion and ejection flows near SMBHs

Page 3: Outline - · Annalia Longinotti, Gabriele Ponti, Francesco Tombesi Massimo Cappi INAF/IASF-Bologna Probing variable iron

I – Broad, redshifted or double-peaked FeK lines: often weak,but quite common (~~2/3rd)

Accretion (i/i): Evidence for relativistic Fe emission lines






) eV

2 main types of broad lines:

-Redshifted broad diskline(EW~100-200 (EW~100-200 eVeV) ) See Fabian’s talk

-Double-peaked profile Dovciak et al., ‘04(EW<60 (EW<60 eVeV))

⇒ Confirms results from Nandra et al. ’07, MNRAS, 382, 194

(N.B: See also many results showed at ESAC’s wokshop on broad lines AN, 2006)

See poster by Longinotti et al. (FERO project)

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…model independent evidence that lines are indeed relativistic…

Variability of redshifted Fe component on short time-scales (~ 1000s) ⇒ model-independent evidence that line originates in innermost regions of accretion disk

Ponti et al., 2004,




ty (%


XMM - MCG6-30-15MCG-6-30-15 – Clean flare

Accretion (i/iv): Evidence for variable Fe emission lines

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Statistics are a bit more complex, but key point is that Fe lines DO show fasttime variations and redshifted energies!!

⇒ Origin from orbiting hot spots in innermostregions of accretion disk?

XMM - NGC3516

Iwasawa et al., 2004

Accretion (ii/iv): Evidence for variable Fe emission lines

Tombesi et al., 2007

XMM – NGC3783

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Accretion (iii/iv): Evidence for variable Fe emission lines

Orbital period (23 ks) + diskline fit of the line

⇒ r about 9-15 Rg, consistent with a hot spotor a spiral wave

(Armitage & Reynolds 2003)

(Tombesi et al. 2007)

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De Marco et al., 2008, submitted

Accretion (iv/iv): Evidence for variable Fe emission lines

T about 32 ks, d about 20 rg, time-lag 15 ks,

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PG1211+143 (z=0.08) v~0.1c

2 Energy (keV) 5 7 10Pounds et al. 2003a,b

⇒ massive, high velocity and highly ionized outflows in several RQ AGNs/QSOsMass outflow rate: comparable to Edd. Acc. rate (~M⨀/yr); velocity ~0.1-0.2 c

(If) interpreted as Kα resonant

absorption by Fe XXV (6.70 keV)

or FeXXVI (6.96 keV)Reeves et al. 2003

PDS456 (z=0.18) v~0.1c

2 Energy (keV) 5 7 10

Ejection (i/ii): Evidence for blue-shifted absorption Fe lines (High-v)

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APM 08279+5255 (z=3.91) v~0.2-0.4c

2 high-z BAL QSOsChartas et al. 2002, Hasinger, Schartel & Komossa 2002

N.B.: Would have been undetected at z=0...

Massive outflows…also (mostly?) at high redshift

See also Wang et al. ’05 (v=0.8c inqso@z=2.6) and review by Cappi 2006, AN

Chartas, Brandt & Gallagher, 2003

PG 1115+080 (z=1.72) v~0.1-0.3c



Ejection (ii/ii): Evidence for blue-shifted absorption Fe lines (High-z)

Page 10: Outline - · Annalia Longinotti, Gabriele Ponti, Francesco Tombesi Massimo Cappi INAF/IASF-Bologna Probing variable iron

WA variability on timescales 1000-10000s

Risaliti et al. 2005

NGC1365 Mrk 509 (long-look, 200ks)

Cappi et al., in preparationDadina et al. ‘05




Different phases in WA shall respond differently in time…(See also Krongold et al. 2007)

Ejection (ii/ii): Evidence for blue-shifted absorption Fe lines

Page 11: Outline - · Annalia Longinotti, Gabriele Ponti, Francesco Tombesi Massimo Cappi INAF/IASF-Bologna Probing variable iron

1) Probe the flow DYNAMICS !(i.e. accelerations in innermost regions, near BHs)- Measure delta v, not only v!- On short time-scales (less than few 1000s)

2) Probe the HIGHEST VELOCITIES (v > 0.3c),and thus masses/kinetic energy, in outflowing components

Daniel Proga, 2005 (failed disk winds)

Future (i/vi): I see two main directions

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…to probe the flow dynamics (∆v/∆t) of innermost regionsby means of detection and time-resolved spectroscopy

of energy-shifted absorption lines.

Fiducial numbers:We wish to follow emission and absorption lines from, say, ~1 to ~10 Rs, withintervals of 1RsLet assume v~0.2c, then forBH mass= 108 M● ⇒ ∆Time-scale ~ 5000 sBH mass= 106 M● ⇒ ΔTime-scale ~ 50 s (Note: 1µs if 1 M●)

Scaling from Mrk509 and XMM, and assuming EW(Fe)=50 eV ⇒

Con-X(6000cm2) XEUS(25000cm2)@6keVF(2-10)=2x10-11cgs (~ 15 sources) 1000s 100sF(2-10)=2x10-12cgs (~ 50 sources) 10000s 1000sF(2-10)=2x10-13cgs (~ 250 sources) 100000s 10000s

N.B.: If v>0.2c, timescales consequently reducedReally needed because mostly BH mass≤ 107 M●

Future (ii/vi): Reduce timescales…

Page 13: Outline - · Annalia Longinotti, Gabriele Ponti, Francesco Tombesi Massimo Cappi INAF/IASF-Bologna Probing variable iron

A large effective area at energies E>3 keV is the major observationalrequirement for Fe emission and absorption X-ray spectroscopy

XMM (pn)


XEUS@6 keV@1 keVArea (cm2)







Page 14: Outline - · Annalia Longinotti, Gabriele Ponti, Francesco Tombesi Massimo Cappi INAF/IASF-Bologna Probing variable iron

Mrk509: XEUS TES F(2-10)=10-11cgs Exposure=100s S/N>3






Future (iii/vi): XEUS simulation TES (2 m2@6 keV)

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NGC1365 F(2-10)=10-11cgs S/N>3

Future (iv/vi): XEUS simulations WFI (2.5 m2@6 keV)

XMM resu


Risaliti et al. 2005




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NGC1365 F(2-10)=10-11cgs S/N>3

Highest throughput for time-resolved detections of abs./em. lines⇒ real-time, extreme dynamics, i.e. inward and outward accelerations!?(line ∆v/∆t) ....blob=test particle to test Kerr vs. Schwarzschild GR

Future (v/vi): XEUS simulations WFI (2.5 m2@6 keV)



Credit:F. Tom


Accelerated flow Decelerated flow

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Future (vi/vi): As shown by Andy yesterday, the ultimate goal is….

Armitage and Reynolds 2003

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Clear evidence for relativistic emission and absorption Fe linesClear evidence for variable, often transient, emission and absorption lines

Variability on (short) time-scales equivalent to a few gravitational radii

Demonstrate Fe lines produced in theinnermost regions of accretion disk (emission) and

launching regions of jets/winds (absorption)

And this is a model-independent evidence…

Likely “tip of the iceberg” points to the need for:

1 ) Very high (>2m2@6 keV) throughput (main req.)

2) High ΔE/E @ 6 keV and high-E (E>10 keV) coverage (second req.)

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Thanks for your attention

Page 20: Outline - · Annalia Longinotti, Gabriele Ponti, Francesco Tombesi Massimo Cappi INAF/IASF-Bologna Probing variable iron

Critical Issues (i/ii): Observations

Lines statistical significance?(transient features, number oftrials in time and energy, etc…)

Identifications of edges/linesenergies? (Kallman et al. 2005, Kaspiet al. for PG1211)

Local “contamination”? (PDS456 atrisk? McKernan et al. ’04, ‘05)

N.B: Overall evidence is robust

cz (km/s)



v (km


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BECAUSE- “Physical bias” against highest ionizationin/outflowing gas (detectable only with Fe)- “Detection bias” against transient features- “Observational bias” against highest-v blueshiftedfeatures (poor high-E sensitivity…cut-off at ~7 keV)

WHILEX-ray absorption lines are naturally expected in modelsinvolving blobby/winds ejecta/outflows, such as thosepredicted by MHD simulations of accretion disks

The tip ofthe Iceberg?

Future (i/vii): In my opinion…

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Edges at E~7.1-9.0 keV (rest-frame) + vout~ 0.1-0.5c ⇒ Eobserved~ 8-14 keV !!(maybe the reason why never seen earlier, except for high-z sources)


(Wfi: S/N=100; Cdte: S/N=10) (Wfi: S/N=50; Cdte: S/N=10)

v=0.5c (?)

PDS456: XEUS WFI + CdTe (100 ks exposure)

High energies is a MUST HAVE to study relativistic outflows

Future (vii/vii): XEUS simulation (with CdTe)



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iii) Magnetically driven winds from accretion disk

Emmering, Blandford & Shlosman, ’92; Kato et al. ‘03

Interpretation: (Three main) Wind dynamical models

i) Thermally driven winds from BLR or torus

Balsara & Krolik, 93; Woods et al. ‘96

i) ⇒ Large R, low vii) and iii) ⇒ Low R and large v

Murray et al. ‘95, Proga et al. ‘00

ii) Radiative-driven wind from accretion disk


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First unexpected “revolution” in extragal. astrophysics: not only most (all?) galaxies have SMBHs in their centers, but these correlate with bulge properties ⇒evidence for feedback mechanism between SMBH(AGN) and its’ host galaxy?

Magorrian et al. '98Tremaine '02; Gebhardt '02...etc

Mbh~ б4

(see e.g. King and Pounds '03, Crenshaw, Kraemer & George '03, ARA&A)

Importance (i/ii): Feedback in the (co?)evolution of galaxies

See Talksby PageandCroston

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Second unexpected “revolution” in extragal. astrophysics: need preheating torecover L-T relations & cooling flows extra-heating ⇒ Energy feedback fromAGNs/QSOs and groups&clusters?

Lapi, Cavaliere & Menci, ‘05

Grav. scaling

With SN preheating

With AGN pre-heating

With QSO ejection/outflows

Perseus Cluster, Fabian et al. ‘05

Importance (ii/ii): Reheating of groups and clusters of galaxies

See Talk bySanders

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ii) In an outflowing nuclear wind/jet (e.g. Reeves et al. ‘05)

Interpretation II (i/ii): Gravitational redshift

i) In a rotating absorbing corona

(Ruszkowski & Fabian, ‘00)

N.B: Origin in gravitational redshift require R<few Rg

(Picture from Elvis ’00)

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iv) “Aborted” jet (Ghisellini, Haardt, Matt ’03)

Interpretation II (ii/ii): Inflowing wind/blobs/clumps

iii) Failed disk wind (Proga et al. ‘00)

N.B: If Infalling blobs/clouds Þ may represent suitable test-particles to probe GR under strong field

Optical depth



t > 1 out and inflow

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Ejection/outflows: Massive outflows (ii/iii)

McKernan, Yaqoob & Reynolds 2004



Cast doubts on the AGNorigin of high-velocityabsorption gas...becauseconsistent with localWHIGM (N.B.: PDS456 isalong Gal. Plane)

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Ejection/outflows: Massive outflows (iii/iii)

Credit: M. Giustini

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X-ray spectra of winds/outflows

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Different phases in WA shall respond differently:e.g. with a range of response times in a radially segregated flow.This will be crucial to determine location and covering factor …

WA variability on timescales 1000-10000s Mrk766 RGS

Mason et al. 2003

Mrk766 EPIC pn (RMS)

Ponti et al., PhD thesisRM

S va




Framework (iv/iv): Warm absorbers…variable

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III– Complex Absorption FeK lines: Narrow/broad(?) redshiftedabsorption lines:

Post-Chandra & XMM-NewtonAccretion/inflows: Observations (8/8)

Þ Direct probe of relativistic bulk inflows! (v~0.1-0.3c)

MCG-6-30-15 in low state(Ponti, private com.)

(Longinotti et al., submitted to A&A.)

i) Fake lines?ii) (very) wrong continuum (WA)? iii) 2 different lines? Þ 1 narrow + 1 Kerr(red, reverberation, tail of a Kerr line ?)iv) 1 relativistic line with resonant absorption?


E1821+643 (z=0.3) HETG data(Yaqoob & Serlemitsos, 2005)

(Reeves et al., astro-ph/0509280)

PG1211+143 (z=0.08) Chandra data

VERY NEW! and muchdebated

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Model with narrow emission and absorption lines: PL (Г=1.9, F(2-10)=10-11erg/cm2s, Exp.=50 ks) + 2 FeK emission lines (E1=5 keV,E2=6.4 keV, σ1= σ2=50 eV, EW1=EW2=100eV) + 4 FeK absorptionlines (E1,2,3,4=7, 9, 12, 15 keV, σ1,2,3,4<50 eV, EW1,2,3,4=-100eV)

Edges and absorption lines at E~7.1-9.0 keV (rest-frame) + vout~ 0.1-0.5c Þ Eobserved~ 8-14 keV !!

Simulations of narrow emission and absorption lines



Model: PL + 2 emission lines + 4 abs. lines

DEabs<100 eV Þ Idee would be to follow the evolution of blob ejections (or injections) N.B: Masses involved can be greater than Mearth (1027g/ejecta) >>10-11g in accelerators

Deceleration Acceleration

Future (vi/vii): Simbol-X simulation (SDD+CdTe)

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Not only winds and accretion disk, but also outflowing and inflowing clouds?…

Magnetic Tower by Kato et al. 2003 Quasar wind model by Elvis 2000

v/c= 0 0.1 0.2 0.30.4

(see also Lynden-Bell 2003)




Gauss. abs. line if blobs?

Inverse P-Cygniprofile if wind?

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Mrk 509, Astro-E2 simulation 100 ks

Unfortunately XRS on-board ASTRO-E2 is lost

High energy resolution to distinguishbeetwen wind and blob(s) (line profile)

