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Our Town September 6, 1929

Apr 09, 2018



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  • 8/7/2019 Our Town September 6, 1929




    l.\1eet With Mrs. RegerThe \Vome n' s F or ei gn M is si on ar y

    Society of the ~ r E. Church will meetwith 1lrs. Char les Reger, 842 Montgomery Avenue. on Mondav af ternoonSeptember 9, at 2:30 o ' c 1 ~ c k . '

    , I ~

    An autobiography, o ll e o f the seriesof personal sketches g iven by members,formed the p rog r am Tuesday at theBala-Cynwyd-Narberth Rotary Cluh.Dr. Ezra S. Deubler, char ter memberand past president of the club, wasthe speaker.His talk w as an i n ~ p i r a t i o n in thehllilding of a C

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town September 6, 1929













    Phone Narberth 4035

    Friday, September 6, 1929

    Narberth 2430

    The OIJerl Store ;n NarberthVAVIS '

    A. L FRETZ & SONSBall"er.


    School Oprms Soon!We C:zrry a Full Li l l I ' of All the Necesrary School SllppliesPENCIL EOXES-Z3c TO $1.50SCHOOL BAGS-50c TO $Z,OOBRIEF CASE5-COMPOSITION BOOKS-CRAYONSPARKER AND INGERSOLL PENS-LUNCH BOXES


    OPEN . 'Ol l BUSINESS. _ SEI-T. U

    THE time is not far distant when the prospective coalcustomer will have several questions to ask his dealerbefore he s igns up for a supply of fuel.To wit: "How does your coal run in carbon content?I want to be assured of plenty of heat uni ts. What is itspercent age of a sh? I can 't have my back and dispositionruined shoveling out ashes."We, as dealers in Jeddo-Highland Coal exclusively,are pre'Jare:l to answer these questions right now. Chemical analysis has proved to us that our coal has much hiddenvalue. Know befor e you buy .

    ~ O M P A N Y

    224 Haverford Avenue

    IIII iII ' II ii I


    Phone Narberth 2866_I,

    extends its heartiest welcome tothe new, modern, super-store of the

    A M E R I ~ A N STORES ~ O


    which has cbosen the Montgomery Avenue section fo r its greatest endeavoron the Main Line. It is opening a Store with new standards of completenessand beauty , with conveniences offered to Main Line housewives surpassinganything that has been done in the past , and it s coming will be welcomed bya ll who demand the famous Asco qualities and economies.

    "Wunder Starts Them All"

    I ts locat ion gives the new store a cODlmanding importance. In th e Montgomery Avenue sec tion i t has the ~ o u b l e advantage of convenience and ofparking space. Patrons will find, in addition to other shops, the Ardmore PostOffice, the Bell Telephone offices and the Counties Title an d Trust Company.With attractive, uniform architecture an d a diverse group of stores, this section offers th e facilities of a complete an d independent shopping district.

    SUBURBAN ~ O M P A N Y , OwnersArdmore 1200DRE_ED & DURHMAN


    OPEN FOil INSPECTION __ SEI..... d

    OUR l . ~ O W N

    108 Forest Avenue

    Why You Should Own ahEVEREADY RADIO RECEIVERTODA y you have the right to expect, in purchasing a radiolet, quality of tone and appearance, sensitivity andselectwhy-al l at a reasonable price. Each of these desirable characteristics can be obtained in several makes ofradio, but the Eveready Radio Receiver possesses all ofthese impo rtant requisites in the highest degree. '

    Your ear and eye can prove to your own sat isfact ionwhen a particular model sounds and looks well, but onlythe passage of time c,an conclusively demonstrate that anygiven set will wear welL Therefore, a radio set's ability tofunction satisfactorily over a period of time is the one thingfor which you must take another 's word.Listen to an Eveready Radio Receiver-its fidelity ofreproduct ion wil l convince your ear. Examine the cabinets of the different models and choose the design whichbest suits your individual taste. And then remember thatNational Carbon Company, the maker of Eveready Sets,has been an outstanding leader in it s field for more thanthirty years, Permanence is bui lt i nto every par t of anEveready. This name is your guarantee that the higheststandards of precis:on manufacture have been appliedto the receiver you place in your home.

    Wunder Battery & Electric Service


    For Directorof the PoorA. D. Hunsickerof lJpper ProvidenceSubject to Repflblican RulesPRIMARY ELECTIONSEPTEMBER 17, 1929Your Support will BeAppreciated

    Friday, September 6, IY29

    SUBSCRIPTION PRICEOne Dollar and Fifty Cents Per YearIn Advance,



    Oftlce. 258 lIaverford AvenuePhoDe, Narberth 2545If DO answer, call Ardmore 3100.


    OUR1l0fWN I thur Goldsmith . o f J\l ontgomery Ave-I ~ ! ! ! ! ! ! ~ ~ ~ ~ i ! i ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ! i ! ! ~ ! ! ! ! ~ ~ ~ ! ! ! ~ ! ! ! ! ! i i i ! ! ! ! ! ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ! ! ~ ~ ~ ! ! ! ~nuc and l\[ ill Road, dunl1': the past i w ee k ha s returned to Iwr h O l 1 l ~ . I________________ l \ h ~ s Rena ~ u r t h .,nd Ali"s tlrown-A Cu-operative Community News e ll , 115 I ? ~ d l ~ y Avenue, ha\ 'e returned:paper founded in 1914 by t he Nar - f r o n ~ a VISIt 111 1\Iassachusetts.berth Civic Association and published . ?1J,ss Anne 1\1 o d ~ , formed v of :Meret ' t ' l 'y FridflY at Nmhertlt. Pa. IOn, IS a t O ce an CIty for se \'e ra l ~ a y s .Mr. and l \ lr s. Alber t \V. Fredencks, I432 Haverford Avcnue, wcre guestsat Skytop Lodge in the Poconos dur-jling t he p as t wcek.1\1 rs. F ra nc es E g'norc, of Dudlcy ,Avcnue, is visiting in Occ:ln City, 1\ld'I IHe r daugh tcr . Ru th , has rcturncd fromCamp Owai s s in the POCOl.OS. He r I

    son, Hc rb er t J oh n Egmor e. Jr. will IIr et u rn t o S t aun ton M ilita 'v Academyin Virginia on Tuesday.1\[ r. an d l\f rs. Ralph Hoover. of IOhio, arc receiving congratulations on IIthe birth of a r12ughter . Barbara IILouise. Mrs. Hoover before her mar- Iriage was Miss LaRue Poglle, daugh-,t er o f : \I r. and Mrs, Howard Pogue , o f iGrayling Avenue, IIMr. Dcsmond J. McTighe. of 416


    ,Essex A\'enue. spent th e L ab or Day ,Iweek-t'IHI a t E ag le s nere., . , ~_ _ _ _ _ _-=.-=. '1 ~ o l . a l ~ d :\Jrs. 1. A, l\ldler and 111ss Ili:ntered as "pcond-clnss matter, October 13. Anita l\llIler, of :\,Ienon ~ v e n u e , have Ii914 at the Post Oftlce at Narberth, Pa.. returned f rom the I r vacatIOn spent at ,IlDder the Act of March 3, 1879. ' Crcstmont Inn, Eaglesmen', . I:Among, o th er s who have enjoyed IIthis delightful summer resor t o ve r t he ,wcek-end a re 1 Ir . ,"1. "all :'>ar1>"rth ~ 4 : : , I - , 1 .ily ha \ 'c r et ll r nc d f ro m Capt:: :\1 a ~ ' , j;;,-; IT- S,\ (; I ; : ~ I - : ; ' - : ; : ' ~ ' " i ~ ~ : , ~ 1;,;-)l":';;-I-' c':lilYwhere t hey spen t t h sumlller, to their n"\\ ' , 1:"a ,, ,n: lhlo, : '>arl..rLh 4 H ~ - . 1 .hOllle on ,:\leeting HOllse Lane. :\[ iss; ~ L I . : . - - - I : I ~ ~ : a t i l ( : r _ - - ; ; ; ; u c T , : _ - : l J m ' ( ; ; : . 1L o u i ~ e P au l. o f lona .A\'el l t1l". ,,"as, I I t 'W . I t l a :- > Il Jl a hh , Tt""'lpphollP :",:at"wthei r guest during the past week, 1> . ,rlh :::'''::-1:,

    l \ l i : - ; ~ Carolyn Gold3111ith returned t.o ' f ( . ) f ~ I ) - ;(i-I-:111' - t i t 1 I ' I ~ . .\ . : I ~ " . l - ~ I - ' ; _ ; l l ( f r t ~ ~ I I ;her :\lontgDlllcry .\\ 'enue hOllle t!lIS, ! 'l '' ' '' ' Il :l1>I, ', . \ p " I ~ ' " ~ Ardlll"I'p A\',' ..wee k f rom h er SUllllnt'r s pe nt a t P il le , " f t..r ;':::0 I', ~ 1 ('"II , \ r < l I . " " I : , : _ 1 ~ 4 ' . ? 1 .Trce Cam!" I ' oc on o P in es !- ----, - ; - - - - -11iss Elizabcth G')ldsl11ith, who has' Schools-Instructionbeen acting as assistant cOl'nsellor at ' II \\'11' >':1'\' \1 '1 ' t I j" dC I' d "1 ) 1 C'l t r' ",'" "a,' ' ' ' I ' " p,all" an. alllP .. . II! ell, . ,,"...):t 1 Jrou(. lCS C: on;HIl. J'hOIIl" fot allJHdlltl l l l ' l It. :'\ar-County, WIll return nOll\e tomorrow. 1>"rth ::S(i4-\Y, < : ' - ~ 1 ) . 2 : 1 ). M i s ~ ~ I . , B. Church, ~ 1 Pr ice A\, e , l ' I ' 1 ' t i h f X i ~ - - c t ~ . s i r l ' , f 1 > y ' - ; x l l e ; : i ~ ' I ( ' e dnue" hbran,an o f the :\ arberth COIII -, I pa ('h"r , ('oa"hing' f",' ,'X" Ill', Latin,IIlllnlty LIbrary. returned :-Ionday, ,,1g-,1>ra "nd ..1 . " l t " l a r ~ ' 1>1:lIl1'h,"from a \'acation a t C ap c :\Iay. Il 'h"ne 'Shel'\\'oocl SII',2. (ohll)Mrs, Edw in Anderson al1d her --d a u g h t ~ r ! . S O I ~ i a , ,of DlIdlal'I, .. "1 h .\ "t', PhOIl{' :'>al'-a , 'i si t w it h his parcnts in the Avon, h",,'th ::S4:; (;1(;-2:1)Apartments, Carl Metzger and Her Ibert Burre ll a r e s ta , ,' i ng a t :':kytDJl fur! Rooms for Renta f c ~ v days. , , i FI'!-::'>ISHED r : O O ~ t ,- Gelltlelllall or1Ilss. Betty S t e \ ' ~ n s o n , of \\ Yl1l1e'l I,usi,"'s" \\'OIlHlIl. 'I' .. lpphone :'>arberthwood, tS CDll\'alesclIIg' at tbe Osteo - 416J. ( t f lp at hi c Ho sp it al f rom a recent sel'iDus 1' \ \ '0 ('''IllIlIUIIiert 1. . ,Boyer town" P i h ~ t : ' . . HnU:->t' (1) high!\[r. and l\Irs. George I'leck: of ,gr"und \\'ith h,'autiful \'i,'\\'. 42 a"I"".Grayling Avel1ue, l ef t t hi s wee k tor a a"out half \\',,,,,l1and, 1 ' ; I " l ' t l ' i c i L ~ ' ,1II0tor trip t hr ou gh K ew Englalld.5 11I1,II, ( 'al l DUlh11l & HO\\'al'd, )','al'-V"hile in Maine they spent a f ew Iwurs, ~ I : ! ~ ~ ::S4;:, (t owith ",{iss El izabe th : \ Iagu i re , a l so of,Grayling Avenue , wl ,o is \'acationing I Miscellaneousat Cape P o r J l o i s e ~ Mc. . I O I " I ~ I C E SPACE-Half o f l ar ge , light I:Mr. and 1\1 rs. KCI.neth \Vllsun and: and airy ofllee In Xarberth f or r en t.two children, of 205 Dudley Avel1uc,: I'l'esenl occupant wl l ling to co -ope ra te'He dowu at Eastern Shore, 11d., this I ill handling p ho ne c al ls a nd p er so na l'week. I visits; reasonable r en ta l. P ho ne N ar -

    1\1 r. and Mrs. Gc(, rge Narman Gill, berth 2430. (t oof Dudley Avenue, l e ft yesterday for LOCAl, and long-di' tanee haUling done:a motor trip through !\ cw England, by W AFEH. ! \' ar be rt h ::6r' l-R1\1 iss Marie L ei su re , o f Boston, ( 9 - 6 - 2 ~ )Mass . h as b ee n v is it in g \! iss Claire CHOIH BOYS \\'antpd for All SaInts'Dode and Miss Dorothy Doyle for Chur ('h , \Yrnne\ \, ood, R,'lwarsalsthe' past 1,)'eek a t t he ir ho'me, 22-t Val- ' I ' u e s d l l ~ ' and 'I'hur"day afternoons atlev R oa d, Mer io n. M is s L ei su re will ,I o'do,'I" Slgh t -r " l ld lng and \ 'olee-- I'laeelJlcllt with solo opportunity forspend s ome t im c i n Atlantic C it y b e- thoSt- who l ( u a l I f ~ ' . Ag-es ~ l p'al's to 12fore rc turning North , years. A p p l ~ ' at Churc'h, Hehellrsal:l\lr. and Mrs. James Douglass dlQ'S starting September 17 or phoneMoore , o f Mee ting House Lane, enter- ""arberth aS64-\Y, (ll-20-2!l)tained Mr. Jonathan Gucst Wi ll i ams , ~ ~ J ; : : l ) ; ; ; ~ : j ; ; : ; O = U = l 1 ; ; ; ; ~ ' l ; = U ~ ~of B ru ss el s, B el gi um , l as t wee k. Mr'lMoore and Mr. \Vl lI iams wer e c la ss - WILLIAM T. MULDREWIa te s a t \Vest town Friends ' School.1m'itations have been i s sued b \ ' Miss Registered Profess ional EngineerCatherine Smi th f or a bridge' p arty and Land Sun'eyorto be g iven at her Iwme on Old Gulph J I o ~ N I \ : I N ' l ' O W l \ ' , PA ,Road , Monday afterncon. ! ,-11 Ielel.h.. . . " Og .... tz 15111IMrs, J. H. \ -Vilson is spcnding hervacation in Maine. ~ M t " 1 l = ( e s = = M M ! : " l H " M t = 1 t . . : U

    M iss E leanor Rowle \' , of Chestnut ; ; : j I = n = l ! : : n = " . n : " ' 1 \ = s ; J Q Q S : : : l ! : : n ; : : l J = n = U 4 ~Avenuc. is a t h oc ke y c amp in the 1'0c on o s f or a fortnight,Mrs, Oakie Cook, of D u d l e ~ ' Ayen u e ~ ha s r et u rned f r om a two weeks'visit in Pittsburgh.Miss Eleanor Burgess, of HampdenAvenue, and Miss Marie Masson, ofMerion Avenue, s pe nt t he week-endi n Pa in te r, Va,' M is s K at hr yn B ur - igess, who h ad b ee n v i s i t i n ~ in Painter Ifor a fortnight. re turned with them,M iss Cynthia Metzger enter ta ined Ith e members of her bridge club a t h er ihome on Gilpin Road, T u ~ s d a y eve-Ining.Mrs. Leonard Bronner. of New f'York, wh o h as b ee n v is it in g Mrs , Ar- "'MMM!=Sf=I!"1Mt='t'1M==t"1!"'*1==

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town September 6, 1929


    PAGE FOUR Friday, September 6, 1929


    It's not too late to wina prize in the Grand Opening of seven New Stores onToday andTomorrowon

    At Nllmber 7037M'AYERS


    $5 Hats$2.95F IVE HUNDRED

    Values$29.75 to $39.50

    SAl\:PLE DRESSES$14.95UKhSShS $11.95S).().75 Va.lue!lJ

    Transparent velvets , sat ins, s ilks ,2-pc. printed frocks.

    U K h ~ ~ . h ~ :ti7 .95$12.75 ValuesMany charming model> from whichto choose in 111 colors.

    100 smart moue ls for dayt ime andevening wea r are in thi s gr oup otsample dresses. One-ofa-kind modela-i n velvets, chiffons, and lcvely embroiderer. ~ f f l " ( " t s , R " m ~ r k a b i e values.

    THOUSANDS of shoppers are flocking to. G ~ r r e t t Road and taking part in the twogreat contests which celebrate the three-day

    opening of seven beautiful new stores. You, too, canparticipate and endeavor to win one of the manycash prizes. Do all your shopping on Garrett Roadtoday and tomorrow, where wonderful special valuesare being offered by these seven new stores duringthe opening. Learn about these contests. Therules are very simple and everyone is eligible. Buthurry along, for the contests close at midnightS a t u r d ~ y .

    Thursday, Friday and Saturda)This Week marks the grandsimultaneous opening of sevenf ine new stores fo r the serviceof the public - the greatestevent of ih kind ever staged inMetropoli tan Phi ladelphia. Another great forward ~ t e p i n t heprogress of this g,reat shopI? centre o f Philadelphia,West Phi ladelphia and west_.--.. .- ..- .. ~ -. , ,.. -, ....... -slJb,urbs-o,ne !)qlJare wes t o fthe 69th Street Terminal.

    $9.9526 pieces of fine Wal1ace s il ve r,guaranteed for 20 years, in handsomepresentation ~ h e s t .

    DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY$55.00Beautifully hand pierced ladies'r ing with 2 perfect b lue-whit edi amonds and 1 Mon tana sapphire. Regular price $85.00.

    At Number 104.1


    '-""$5.50.{egular $11.5USeth Th o masClockattractivelydecorated in blueand whi te . Al imited numbelof these only.


    Regular $4.50 IronThis f ~ \ U o u s electric iron carries withit a lifetime guarantee. if a t anytime i t ~ ' heating unit should burn out,i t w il l' be replaced free of charge byMort f. Farr.Free Aerial InstallatIOnon any'radio set purchased during ouropening days, Thursday, Friday andSaturdfl.y.

    Victor, Sparton and Majestic Radios

    .4t Number 7049MORT F . FARRWith the opening of theseseven neW stores begins oO,e ofthe mos t unique contests inr e t ~ H history. ,Nine cashprizes totaling $1 09,O:-:-with af irst prize of $300 - will beC J w a r ~ e < ; l to indivi

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town September 6, 1929


    Friday, September 6, 1929 OURTOWN PAGE THREE






    City Phone:GREENWOOD 748t:\___ : w: .. .

    EIil l top 118 Wallttll 8Upper Darb1/-Blvd. 1800

    At Pennsylvania StationBALA-CYNWYD

    Operating Two Yards

    Ardmno'lI $.';003rl/n Mawr 8!7

    andBUILDING MATERIALSand, Gra"el a"d Lime Products

    Sewer Pipe

    SUPPLEE-WILLS-JONESPioneers in EtleTy PrOt/en Safeguard

    OLIVER H. BAIR COMPANYM.A. BAIRPresidentFUNERAL DIRECTORSRITtenhouse 1581 1820 Chestnut Street Race 1110

    J. ]. SKELTON & SON


    Through all kinds of weather the milkmanmakes his way to bring your bottle of GoldMedal Milk each morning. Lives frequentlydepend on his loyalty. Gold Medal serviceis as faithful as the purity of the milk itself.

    Faithful Service

    Names Become Famous

    Philadelphia Suburban-CountiesGas and Eleetrie Company


    Price . $130Slightly more onDeferred PaymentsONLY $5 DOWN

    Balance in 18 MonthsONE of the greatest money.saving offers wehave evermade! i\iow, trade the troubles andworries of yourold stovefor the kitchen comfortand baking ease of this new Tappan InsulatedrangeI Has automatic oven beat control and awonderful new chromium-lined SpeedOven thatmakes baking a delight! You must see i t t o appredate it! Don't miss tbis opportunity. Comocoday! Ask for FREE O v e ~ Canning Chart.

    because ofwhat their owners achievedandcontinue to achieve. In Philadelphiathe name "Oliver Bair" carries a signifi'cance that can be read in no other.

    S . tIIh ra"B' al a"1 "/0'"", , . .,. lUI OIN-t r ~ J W l l m l a l i f l l l for 1-" ;"lfJfWIatio"

    LocalPhone:CYNWYD 700

    r ........ ~

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -Now J: [0 , you,we H;ill oldsloveglJleyouon /liepu,c!JO$e p,iceofon r INSlJiATID


    Phone: Narberth 3625


    Or to h i a t t o r t l t ~ ~ tDES;\IOND .r. l \ [ ~ ' j ' I G H ~ , l ~ S Q . ,205 Haverford Ave.,Narberth. Pa .

    ~ " , t a t e of 1\1. Alice Frank, deceased,late of the Borough of Narberth , Montgomery Count)', Pa,Letters t e " ' t u m e n t a r ~ ' on t.he aboveEstate having been granted to thp undersigned, ali persons Indebted to saidEstate al'e requested tu make homedlate payment . and t.hose having legal,claims to I lr es "" t t ht ' "arne withoutdelaY toLOUIS H. FRANK, Executor,120 EHmwood Ave..Narberth. Pa.,

    A. L. FRETZ & SONSBuildersHeed BuildingPhiladelphiaXFORD MILLWORK CO.Mitl,lJorkOxford, Pa .BUSH BROTHERSMitl,lJorkRoyersford, Pa.H. KERST CO.Roofing and Metal,cork1817 North 20th St ree tPhiladelphia. A. & J . J . WILLIAMS CO.Lumber72nd S t. a nd Eastwick Ave.PhiladelphiaC. A. LOBB & SONSLumberDevon, Pa.. I. W .DAMP RESISTING PAINT CO':Damp-Proof Painting443 Bourse Build ingPhiladelphia _J. S . THORN &: CO.Steel Sash and MptahlJorlc20th St .and Allegheny Ave.PhiladelphiaINCENT CIANCI CO .Til ... and Mosaic3429 Filbert StreetPhiladelphia

    H. No HALL. President.Deco r a t o r s

    The Atlas CompanyINCORPORATED

    House Painting .:. Paperhanging ... Window ShadesUpholstering .:. Fumiture RepairingDraperies .:. Slip Co'Vers .:. LinoleumsPainting and Refinishing of FurnitureMirrors Resil'Vered .:. Mattresses Rebuilt


    - - - _ . _ - - - - - -109 North Narberth Avenue

    How many agree with me that it ismuch p le as ant er t o t ake a hol id ay byboat .or train, whe re t he eng inee rs ,captall1s a nd o th er s m ay t ak e t he r esponsibility

    are undoubtedly a gentleman, and Ia m s orr y th at t he re a r e so few likeyou.

    DREHER & CHURCHMANArchitectsOtis BuildingPhiladelphiaJ. S. GALBRAITH & CO.Caulking

    831 Soulh 49th StreetPhiladelphiaJOHN J. BOLGER CO.Cut StoneNorristown, Pa.O. W. KETCHAM

    Architectural Terra Cot ta221 North 18th StreetPhiladelphiaPENNA. TILE & MOSAIC CO.1637 Wood StreetPhiladelphiaENERGY ELECTRIC COMPANY210 New StreetPhiladelphiaFRANK RAMANDOStone MasonryArdmore Park , Pa .S. C.TREGO

    Plastering5102 Pentridge StreetPhlladelphia


    CHRISTIAN E. WHITEBricklaying5116 Market StreetPhiladelphia

    '"OUGHERTY & LYNCH'Cement Conrractors6 Englewood RoadUpper Darby, Par'". J. SMITH CO.Quarrie8Bala-Cynw"d, Pa.H. W. GESHWINDCement Contractors761 North 26th StreetPhiladelphiaJAMES BELLPlumbing and Heat ing

    Ardmore, Pa.LBERT SIl\IONEStone Masonry660 North 65th St ree tPhiladelphia

    '"ERN JORGENSONPlumbing and Heat ingBala-Cynwyd, Pa.

    OHN J. DOYLEPla.teriAIrBryn Mawr, Pa.'"HE BERGER MFG. CO., Metal Ceiling.16th St, IUId Wauhln.toD Ave.Philadelphia

    BRIDGEPORT IRON WORKSStructural SteelBridgeport , Pa.KNOX-MARIANI COMPANYExcallating and Road BuildingArdmore, ParJOSEPH CAPONEStone MasonryArdmore, Pa.UPERIOR ELECTRICElectric Installation4208 Lancaster AvenuePhiladelphiaW. H . BURR & SONSPainting and Gla:sing3922 Markel SlreetPhiladelphia. T. KYLE & CO.Electric Installation16th and Master StreetsPhiladelphia. WAXMAN & COMPANYCia . . and Coppe r F ront422 North 3rd StreetPhiladelphiaEAl\IAN ELECTRIC CO.

    Electric Installation5034 North 7th StreetPhiladelphia.CALLAGHANFloor Planinlr5831 Upluid Wa,.Overhrook, Philadelphia


    ...The following firms havebeen responsible for the'planning and buildingo fthismost beautiful o f suburban business districts


    t o s o m an y o th er s? H av e you a wifelying in a hospital waiting for you, oris your dea r old mother dying? Be-Drivers fore y ou r ea ch y ou r d es ti na ti on y ouA ft er d ri vi ng d own f rom t he Adi r- will leave s ome o ne else's wife in aondacks from a v is it t o Au nt Cy, I am hospital or kill s ome o th er d ea r oldfilled wi th an uncompromis ing dis- mother . \Vhat would you do if another: tpproval of mos t m ot or is ts . P er ha ps c ar a pp ea re d c ommg a ro un d o ne o fI had bet ter explain that I de te st d ri v- t he s e blind t ur n s whi ch you ignor e andj n g b ef or e I a dd re ss m y r em ar ks t o r ac e a ro un d s o casually. It would give_,ome of the dr ivers I met o n t he way. me g re at p le as ur e to l ay t he c or ne r-dere is my hymn of hate: stone o f your mausoleum.

    To the Slow Driver To Blinding LIghts . te or GeorJ{e B. ParkluNon.You a re a so-and-so, a this-and-that, \Vhy in the devil d on 't y ou t ur n IJe.,enHed.:lIId then some. On a crowded na- down your lights, dim t he m o r have Letters of Administration on thedonal highway you dawdle along with them a dj us te d? C an 't y ou be a gen - above Estate having been g 'rl ln ted toyour a rm a round your flapper friend, tleman and see that I turned mine the underslgnpd, al l persons indpbted."our "sweetie" o r what eve r you call ?own for you? Don't y.ou realize that I t o " ai d E st at p are rprluPRted to make (!I-27-2!1)

    I er ' au k ell lot tote' d'l t tl If anyone were w"lklllg along the ' . . - . . . - . . -.. ~ . - . . . - . . - . - . ._ ._ .- - - .- . . .- . .I ,y e lO S a I y 0 le d h d f I I ld ' t I' payment and those havl Ilg claims tolniddle of the road; a l in e of cars used roa a ea 0 me s lOU n see 11mr , ~ r busI'lless-ll'ke trallsportatl'oll follo\v at all for a full minute a ft er you had pre"ent the s ame wit hout de la r . HOWARD C. FRITSCH.. PROVIDJ';':\ 'I' 'I 'RUST CO;\IPANY OFfOU, eager to make thei r dest inat ions p ~ s s e ~ . I mIg ht r un h im d own, e ve n PHI LADELPHIA, Justice of the Peacelt scheduled timcs. You force them k.lll.. hlm, a nd y et the actual respon- 17th and Chestnut Streets . REAL ESTATELO pul1 t o t he e xt reme left-halid s ide s lblhty wou ld b e yours. A s l on g

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town September 6, 1929




    ", .. '


    Words !,, c:aDt c1escribe

    Save t ime and moneysurpr ised how mueh aa pp ea ra nc e a nd s av e


    Ideal Milkfor

    your childrenAbbotts "A" Milk comes.:\ from fine, healthy tuber

    >,., culin-tested cows ami i tsp ur it y i s protected by a


    COOPF.U'S I-nUl') ' lUAIlKET

    C O 1 " 1 ' E I 1 ' ~ . IUt"l l tM Ri l l) G1. ocerl ellGEO. 1\1. UANIJO, ( ; ro"er le" . .e Iml.orted Gooda1-IlEEI\(AN DnOS.,l\leutlJ un d Grocerle.HA.liEll unos .. Dellt'llteo'N"'"

    The HORNUNG method thus preservesall the tasty, beneficial qualities whichha\'e made its products famous for overthirty years.

    .The Children's Clothes


    Fo r service 'phone Evergreen 446162ABBOTTS DAIRIES, Inc.

    You want this Milk for YOllr child!


    Safeguarded by Science and T u b e r c l l l i n - T e s t ~ . d . "

    Abbotts,'-t.......X' M I L K ~ '. ; . ,I. ",, . .- "

    must be pu t i n shape fo r school wear .by having us clean them. You will bethorough cleaning will improve theirbuying new ones.

    i~ ~ ; ; ~ rigid system of cleanly

    care under unerring laboratory control.Physicians and health authorities ar e agreed that onlysuch milk is ideal fo r children.






    P e n n y p a ~ k e r 5914

    .... ..

    and personality.Every writer of advertising can at lea.stbenefit from it. Every salesman andsaleswoman needs it. Almost everyonecan "brush up" or "catch up" by spending 15 pleasant evenings in this Course.For the classes ARE pleasant. They aretaught by T. J. M u ~ v e y , Ph. D., whohas th e knack of making things clear,of making it easy to remember practicalcorrect forms, not by hammering on rules,but by explaining in y ou r own languagewhat to s ay and h ow t o s ay it correctly.

    .. :up

    HOME AGAIN. . . . . . .

    1 5 L ES SO NS , $15Wednesdays , beginning September 11,

    from 6:30 P. M. to 8 P. M.

    O U P ~ TOWN

    Address-T. J. M U L V ~ Y , Ph. D., D ~ a u ,CHARLES MORRIS PRICE SCHGOL

    of Advertising and JournalismPOOR RICHARD CLUB13.19 Locust Street, P h i l a d ~ l p h i a . t, " "",

    On 15

    Twice a day Brad ley Market Company' s t ruckmakes deliveries of Philadelphia's "best meats" in yourne ighborhood . Open a charge account or , to placeyour trial order, just call Rittenhouse 7070.

    SHULL LUMBER COMPANYThe Link Between Forest and Home

    29 Bala Ave., Ba1a.Cynwyd Phone, Cynwyd 662

    How good it feels to b e b ac k af ter the st renuous va(.ation days.But you notice a number of things that need at tention. Perhapst he r oo f h as leaked dur ing the summer showers , t he s t ep s mayneed some new boards or the garage door may be broken. Anyt hi ng cou ld have happened du ri ng you r absence , bu t whateverthe problem, we can help you.

    Just a pleasant and profitable hOllr a'id a half!Text book, Miller System of Correct English, ;H.50.

    No matter how handsome you are o r h ow much money you possess, you cannot evenhope to command genuine r es pe ct unles s you a re a ble to express yourself in correct,clear, effective English. What you say and how )'ou sa)' it. proclaim to all who meetyou just what kind of background you have had.Enrol l now for thi s COllrse in C o r r ~ c t English-it wil l h elp you to possesspoise and bllild personality. YOll wil l not be afraid yOIl don't know!

    Here is a practical, intensi"e course of 15lessons for M en and Women of thebusiness, professional or social world, progressive teachers, uptodate parents, etc.,in simplified, applied Grammar, Rhetoric,Vocabulary, Punctuation, Common Errors, Correct Pronunciation, of 525 miseused English words, of Famous Operas,Musicians, Artists, Places, etc ., also ofFrench, Italian, German and Latin Phrasesi n c ommon use, Goocl Focm in Letter\Vriting, and many minor items thatcontribute to cultured conversation, poise


    ~ ~ ~ I E ~ ~ . U . ~ ~ ~ . I @ I ~., . , " ~~ I ! ! :MI I M: ! l I ~ ' i ~ : : ~ " . ~ .i j !!I:; ! ~ J I ~ I I

    ~ ~ I ,,,'Il, ~ ' ~ \ l \ \ r . . . ., ~ ~ .iI Are YOU On The Tra in? II . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . I ~ !I ' HPROSPERITY AHEAD!" is t he cry as the *l r i ~ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I I American Business Limited goes roaring II Do You Make These Mistakes in English? I ~ . : down the rails. The locomotive power is i.'Banking, strong and progressive. Your

    "I seell i t myself." "He ciOIl't know the ciifftrellce." "The riyer has OyerflowlI its ballk," "Betwem you anci I," "Its awfully ,lice," "Brillg business is like a coach at a siding. Hitch onwhomeyer lI'ill sillg good," .* to the train-you can. PrQ,sperity ahead! *How do you pronounce COUPOII, Address, Exquisite, Lammtable, Acel,. -m.. < J ~ , , ' ,,,,',,', of~ : ~ ~ : ~ : ' : : ; : _ J ? , TheNarberth National Bank lIl!l'Correct English Is the Password of Culture! Member of Federal Reser"e System

    , Let us face the t ru th! Did you rea lly rea lizing every day that they have I OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGSlearn the Why and the Wherefore need o f get ti ng " t he low down" al l * FROM 7 UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK , " *of English Grammar - of correctly the mis ta ke s i n Eng li sh that they - written and cor rect ly spoken Eng- make, of learning how to s pe ak a s ~ ' l e I e I H I E ~ ~ I E . I 8 I . ~ ~ I i I e ~ I 6 I ~ ~lish-at school? Few-very f ew- more and more cultured peopledid. Thousands and thousands a re s pe ak today. AS NOTHING IS TAUN OUT OFThis is the Opportunity fo r Yo u WHITE BOCK NOTHING NEEDS

    TO BE REPLACEDWHITE BOCK, contrary t o t he method in u se by mostbrewers, does not undergo any mechanical transformation.It is brewed in the same routine as beer but doesnot formmore t ha n t he legal percentage of alcoholic content during manufacture.





    We Have

    For catalogue, addressT. J. MULVEY1319 Locust StreetPEN,'pkr 59'4


    Narberth Avenueat the P. R. R.

    NarberthBridge Garage

    C. P . COOK , General MiJr.

    N. B.-We stand back ofel'ery gallo>! of gas, everyquart of oil , every pound ofgrease you buy here. FrIllmeasure, dependable quality!No t ime lost when we changeoil for yOIl!

    AfternC'C'n c o u r ~ e . 30\"'l'cks, once aweek.4. J0 to 6.30. SdlClI"1 teat.:hers.businl"ss m,:n and wclncn enroll.$25. E \ . ' e n l u ~ course, 30wc:cks, oncea week. 7 to I). Anl1lysis. plans. 11Y"out. copy.wriring, t ' l U ~ h t by p r a ~ t k 3 1advertising Olt:n . . . . . . $20PUBLIC SPEAKINGLearn by d o i n ~ ! 11 Toosdays, 7 to9 p. m., for men o .nJ ' . omen. speaks e\'eryclass night. Voc:ab .ul:try b l l i l d i n ~ , logical thinking onone 's feet _. praetic31 wo rk ; n ofrills. . . . . $25BUSINESSLETTER WRITINGFor men and womtn. 30 Fridays, 7to 9 fl. m. A a u a l l c t t c t " ~ ~ t u d i e J andrewritt"n. Cle:H, corTcct thinkingnnd sah.:-.m:lnship appli.ed to busint.'ssI

    Methodist Episcopal ChurchRev. Samuel l\lacAdams. :l\Iinister.Sunday. Septemher 8:9:45 A. ~ 1 . - S , l l 1 d a v School.II :00 A. ~ I . - \ I o rn ii lg wor sh ip . S ac rament fJi the Lord's Supper.G.45 I'. :\l.-Dc'\'otional mee ti ng ' o fthe Epworth League.7 :45 P. \ I . -E\ ening worsh ip . Sermon t heme : "Fo r sak ing theFountain, ,Mon

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town September 6, 1929


    } l A G & SI X OUR,ToWN Friaay, Septnnbn 6, 1929






    Respectfully,Edwin P. Dold.

    TO THE TAXPAYERSof the Borough of NarberthEle ct ion wil l b e hel d t hi s Fa ll t o fill the office of Ta x Collector.

    As it is my intention to be a candidate for election to this office, Irespectfully solicit your support and votes.I h av e o wn ed m y h om e in t he B or ou gh and lived here f or t hepast 21 years, during which time I have filled the offices of BoroughCouncilman, Borough Treasurer, and f or t he past two yea rs a s Ta xCollector.

    Coll ect ions have been br ou gh t u p to da te th rou gh efficienthandling of this posit ion. Hoping I may cou nt o n y ou r s up po rt ,I am ,

    S.P. Frqnkenfield SonsfUNERAL DIRECTORS

    1'\ 6'1If THE ' MA I N L I N E I ~ h.r-I eANKING I N S T I T U T I O N . - ~

    Al l Sorts 0/ Jobbing and Alteration WorkQuickly and Reasanably DoneWalter P. Miesen

    Carpenter & Builder100 N . Narberth Avenue Phones: D.ay-Narberth 3973-M.Evemng-Narberth 3828-R.~ O O O ~ O O ~ O ~ O ~


    Price $5

    CHAS. F. EBERTJobbingCarpenterPhone: NARBERTH 4129103 Dudley Avenue

    Window ScreensEnclosuresAlterations & Jobbing

    _ . , , * ~ -


    ffHistoric Lower Merionand Blockley"

    ByDORA HARVEY DEVELIN, A. M.For Sale at Strawbridge andClothier's, Wanamak er 's , o r

    any book store.$2.80

    Louise Voss Cockrill.



    110 w."IIMt ... r A,,"enue , . - \ . rdJl loreArdmore 833

    TAXan d solicits the support of t h e vot er s at thePrimary Election, Tuesday, Sep tember 17.


    In Filtered Water , Heated to a Uniform TemperatureSi x I. e...."n. . " 'r ee t o Holder.. of Sen ..on Ticket ..$5.00 V/omen, $4.00 Boys, $3.40 Girls,Single Admission 30 Cents


    Men, IIIII!=..=-========:::I

    Play T ~ l l l l i s at L o w ~ r Merioll High Slhool Courts I(Under Y. 1\1. C. A, Supervision)__ IZECKWER HAHNPhiladelphiaMusical Academy110 Year.. of C .......... ed Su..e .... In'l 'rulnlnJ t JltlMh'htnH,;raded ('our"e" In all departlllentR of mu"lcal in"truction und"' r the "arne dl"t lngui"hed faculty.,. r equent r ec it al " and oppor t un il le " f or p ub li c appearancewhile "tudylng." 'on Y F . . ~ n BOOK. WRITEFREDERICK HAHNPr e .. ldent-Dlrectortl111 ! 'ipru.p St . PPJln) 'pneker :;053

    ---------- .. --

    T h S his ' !I Fireside N. J., ov er th e p as t week-end, and!owns Ip c 0 0 . among her guests w as M is s Betty Ito Open on Monday Mr. and Mrs . L loyd B. Edgerton, Hartley. ! H. B. W\LLof 107 Chestnut Avenue, have re- ' 1 d '1 R d T f I P l b'- - - ! turned f rom a sever al mon th s ' t ri p t o G"' rl. an A"' rs. a y n h l o ~ l "donesh' 0 um mg .:. HPfItI1lUCONTINUED FROIll PAGE 1 I,. ray IIlg venue, t elr aug ter, Ga FiU,I Europe. Their son, Byron, returned IBetty, and Mildred Odiorne. motored' 100 F o ~ r u a l Av"eYnu.Senior High School If ' k C I ~ I I I A C Irecent y rom nllle wee s at amp to B el ts vi ll e Md .. f or Labor Day Phone. NarL-rth 365.-Mc, B, Pennypacker, Pr nc pa ; . , ' '"' Adam , Herman and CORch; Henry S, Anaconda. week-end. ===::::::::::::===========Africa, History and Dean of B o ~ ' s ; :Mrs. G. E. Carter, of Grayling Ave- Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. \Vren and " ' ! ! ! i i ! ! ! ~ ~ ! ! i ! i i ! ! ! i ! i i ! ! ! i ! i i ! ! ! ! ! ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! i ! i i ! ! ! ! i i ~William H. AnderHon, PhYHlcal Traln- [ I L b D k d son, of 426 Essex Avenue , h av e r e- '!!"! G A W -,=i ng and Coach ; Eul a R Baer, ! ' ~ n g I l H h ; nue, spent t le a or ay wee -en t ur ned f rom a fortnight's visit to EI- eo rge . itte I iI ~ t h e l ~ 1 Baker, French; ~ [ a r l o n H' Iwi th Mis s Alice Coo k, of Phoenix- mira, N. Y. IBa)), H I H t o r ~ ' and MathematlcH; Bruce ville. Miss F lo renc e Sau ss er o f 426 Es- Paperhanging and IC Beach, In"trumental ~ [ u " l c ; Theo- . A . I . ' fd ~ r a P. Bush, Art; Russell Byerly" Dr. and Mrs. Harry Hartley, with f sex. .venue, IS e ~ , : m g . today or DecoratingManual Training; 'Varren H. Cocklin, thei r sons of Haverford Avenue, were I C h r f l s t l a n ~ ' 1 Pah, tOB\IIS lt fnenfdsS . ESTIMATINGBiology and Botany; Thomas C. Cran-' I }. rs. '"' art a oom, 0 hlrleymer, Sale"mall llhip and Bookkeeping; week-end guests of the R. S. Jones Road, has returned flom a t ri p t o Eu- Narberth 4135WHara Cumming", History and Civic,, ; a t t he l at te r' s new cottage in the Po- rope.James B. Davl", P h ~ ' s l c s and Botany; canos. Mrs. A. Perry Redifer , also of Shir-Florence C. Dittmar , Librar ian; M. 'f ' RIb f IJ f d I R d t d I f( ' Iare f .' il ler, I ,at ln; Virginia C. Fretl!:, "' ISS ut 1 Wil ur, 0 Claver o r, er oa , re urnc: recent y rom aDomeRtlc Science; Mary E. Crelne r, h ad a ho us e pariy at the summer trIp t o E ur op e w it h Mrs . R . A. Bo Commercial, Typewriting; Alma. M. home of her parent!: a t Laval et te , hch, formerly of Narberth .Hellwege, Spani"n; Harold 'V, HelveH-ton, l IIathematlcR and Soccer Coach; ~ ) O O O b : J ) O O O b : J Q " , , " , U Q ~Dorothy Hol land , Eng ll "h ; Hel en B.Hubbard, Eng'l lsh and Dean of GlrlH;

    Paul Keever, Chemistry; E, EIIl!:abethKurtl!:, I\lathemaUcs; ~ l l l d r e d P. Lewis,Commercial, Stenography; Mary I ~ McDermott, Engl ish and H i " t o r ~ ' ; J,auraT. lIIcDonough, ~ I thematlcs; ~ I a r g a r e tMajor, I ,aUn and H i" to ry ; 'Vi ll lam P.Nash. lIIathematlcH; Jo' lorence Nlcholt'ion, Spani:;h: V in c en t P ea rc e, E n glish; Katherlne Rambo, Phy"ical Edu('ation; Catherine O. Rhoads, History;Jo'rank V. Hlnehart, ~ I a n u a l Training;Ellzaheth 1II, Rush, EngllHh; BeulahHcboJl. French; Pearl Seitl!:, Vocal Musie; I\lyrlla 1\1. Hheely, Engli"h; LymanHuloff, Auto Mechanic,,; ! ' ~ I e a n o r Vinyard, Sewing and Dre""makIlIg; 1IIarg-aret 'Valier, Eng'lI"h, ;o.;ew Teachers.

    WANTED: To , . o t ~ is your p r i , . i 1 ~ 8 ~ Do not pass i t by. 1059 Montgomery AvenuePhone : NARBERTH 2841.W








    Whose Guiding Hand?While you ar e with t hem, your family ca n

    look to yo u to provide-but after, whose guidinghand wi ll s ee that t he y a r e ca red fo r financially- a n d will steer their course st raight , wi thou tmisfortune?

    L et yo ur h an d g uid e y our Life Inslu ...ncemoney-by placing it i n t ru st with us. Yourinstructions and ou r judgment will h el p y ou rdependents through financial difficulties. Let usexplain th e details.A l lt o P n rt N, SltOOnH, F c ~ r k N , SII"ern' lI re, Rl i th Fnu."etH, , , l thpure .. l iver . U .e

    ~ M M = H H M r - n - < t = l M t " ' $ 'Replate Brassy,

    If SII . ' er Pilltp. . to l oo k l ik elie,,: l; He ON n loIIN".

    Fo r PermanentSatisfaction

    BUY ASmedleyBuilt Home

    Wm.D. & H. T. Smedley

    U-KANPLATEApproved by "Good Ho us eI