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PRICE THREE CENT S WOMEN'S CLUB WILL GIVE DINNER·DANCE VISITORS Mr. an d Mrs. E. A. C o rb e tt . o f Atlantic City, wh o havebeen visit ing" Mr. a nd M rs . Frank H. Val lette, 314 Chestnut avenue, left t hi s w e ek fo r Miami, F la . , w h er e they w il l s pe n d the winter. In Elm Hall Friday-Other Events . S ch ed ul e d. Th Community C lu b wi ll hold its regular meeting in Elm Hall T u e sd a y, N o ve m be r 16, at 2.30 P. M. Reports from the bien nial and State c o n ve n ti o ns w i ll b e presented. 1'0 some th e very \';ord " r ( ~ p o r t " ('xerts an i m m e d i a t ~ r e pu l si o n. 'l'his s h o ul d no t be. It is through t h e S ta te a n d n a ti on a l F e de r at io ns , t ho s e o r ga n iz a ti on s o f t ho us an ds of w om en w he re in lie great potentialities, that the great significance oi the vVoman's Club movell l e nt a p pe a r s. Only a few ca n attend those conventions andonly through their reports can the greatel- number of c l ub w o me n realize the nleaning of the federa tions. Come an d learn. Th e climax of the club's activi ties for t hi s m o nt h will be the din n e r- d an c e, s p o ns o re d b y the Board o i D i re c to r s f or the building fund. S p o ns o r ed i s a f in e, d i gn i fi e d word. Th e plain truth is that the direc tors a rc u si ng skilled hands in cooking the d inn er an d agile minds in planning th e c ab ar et numbers. D o y o ur part in making- it a suc c e ~ s b y. reserving your places (sl11g1e tickets, $1.25; tables for f ou r, $ 5) through lHrs. H. A. Jacobs, Narberth 2813, by Tues day, November 16. Then be at E lm H al l at 6.30 on F r id a y No vember 19, ready to d in e laugh an d dance. Or if you prefer shuf fling cards to shuffling your feet, you w i ll f i nd opportunity. . v V ed n es d ay , N o v e mb e r 17, is the da y of t he c ar d p ar ty for th e building fund at the home of Mrs. Tohn A. C a ld w e ll , 122 Elmwood ~ l v e n u e . This s pe ll s p le a su re f or the player an d profit for the fund. A trip to th e academy to see the vVatercolor Exhibition is planned for F r id a y, N o ve m be r 19. Th e ilarfy will take the 9.29 train from Narberth. Mrs. Batchelor is bringing a. f ri en d w ho se studies of work in t h is m e di um s h ou ld b e helpful. The H o sp i ta li t y Committee is giving a home bake Saturday. No ,vember 20 at C o t te r ' s S t or e . C o m e e a rl y , b e fo r e the best is gone. This s a me e n er ge ti c group is planning a rummage sale fo r some time in future. If those having contributions will call Mrs. A. Y. Reinking; she will have th e material collected. TROUP COMMITTEE Large A tt en da nc e I s U rg ed t o D et e nn i ne W he th er P io ne er Organization Is to Continue. SEEK PARTNE RS FOR TENNIS CLUB DANCE Th e a n nu a l m e e ti n g o f the Nar- f carryon. berth Civic Association will be This wiII undoubtedly be done, held next T u e sd a y n i gh t at 8 in u nl es s t ho se p re se nt c an p ro du ce El m Hall. Every has t he ir n um be r e no ug h per been i n vi t ed t o a t t en d , in order to sons with time to do th e new express an opinion and render aid work to be performed, an d can in th e a f fa i r s o f th e a ss oc ia ti on . c ho os e ne w officers w ho a re able Founded over 12 y e ar s a go , th e to devote th e necessary attention Civic Association performed m an y t o c ar ry 011 the association. invaluable services tothe borough, Th e d is so lu ti on p la n, i f c a rr ie d chief a m o ng t h em b e in g t he e s ta b - t hr o ug h , w il l i nc lu de the s al e of lishment of N ar br oo k Park an d "Our Town." A committee of the founding of "Our Town." the d ir ec to rs h as w or ke d o n s uc h With the growth of t h e w o rk of a plan an d meetings were· held other organizations, the active w it h t he p r es e nt E d it or , i n w h ic h duties of t h e A ss o ci a ti on b e ca m e an a g re e m en t w a s r ea c he d w h er e less an d less, a nd f or a number of by h e w o ul d a s su m e o w ne r sh ip of years it has existed as a name and th e paper an d carry iton a l o ng t h e an influence, bu t with litt le actual lines established by the associa life. Working t h ro u gh the mer- tion. chants, the a s s oc i a ti o n last year Th e action of the committee will sponsored th e p ur ch as e o f s ev en come up at this meeting, with a ne w light s t an d a r ds f o r H a v e rf o rd r e qu e st that the members ratify avenue. the agreement prepared. By such Next Tuesday's meeting will be a plan Narberth w o ul d b e a s su r ed of importance to every r e s id e nt , of t h e c o n ti n u an c e of a civic paper for a decision ma y be rea ched to in event of the removal of the dissolve. Fo r a number of years, Civic Association. the d i re c t or s h a ve b e e n faced with The invitation to attend includes a lack of community interest, and all members who are no w p ai d u p a growing feeling th at th e work or w ho h av e f or me rl y b ee n o n t he of the assoc i a ti o n ha s been done- rolls, in a dd it io n to all residents t ha t t he b od y c an no w cease its no t connected w it h t he associa work a nd l et other o r g an i z ations t i on . Gre at I n t er e st S o wn in Ev ent N ex t Wednesday. . Th e annual dinner dance of th e Narberth Tennis Association is to beheld this year in the Marion Tribute House, M e ri on , P a ., on \ Ve dn es da y e ve ni ng , N ov em be r 17. Interest t h is y e ar in this ae.lUal a ffa ir s ee ms to be u n us u al ly in tense as is evidenced by t h e a d ve r tisement in the cJ<lssified columns on a no th er pa ge of this paper-. Three young b ac he lo rs , ( w e h op e t he y a re b ac he l or s ) are a ll ow in g no opportunity to slip by to secure for themselves a fair companion on this evening. \\"ho these m en a re s ee ms to be quite a mystcry w hi ch it is hoped w il l he s ol ve d b e fo r e the evening is o ve r. S up po si ng that all tennis p l ay e rs a r e g e nt le m en an d as we know that g en tl em en p re fe r b l ( ) ~ 1 C l e s the mystery s ho ul d be easIly solved. As in p r e vi o us y e a r s t h is d i nn e r will b e m a rk e d b y t he p re s en ta t io n of han(lsol11e tro phy c ups to the winners of variOtlS c lu b e ve nt s d ur in g t he pa st se ason and the ~ l i n n e r will be followed hy danc Ing. Those ,vho d es ir e c a n m a ke r es ervations by t el ep ho ne through the chairman of t he D an ce Com mittee, \ V. J. l\Jacl(ay, Narberth 1251-J. PLAN ARKING . 250 PARENTS VISITED Council Foreclosing on Liens to R e l e as e N e e de d Funds . Of Sco uts to Meet Nex t Fri day . Notic es ha ve be en sent this ~ v e e k to the members of the Boy Scout Troop Committee announc i ng t he ir r eg ul ar 1110nthly meet ing, which will be held in the Cabin n ex t F ri da y evening at 8 o'clock. Th e Fathers' Associationannual meeting will be held o n D e ce m be r 1. at which time the election of officers for the year 1927 will take place. NARBERTH·ARDMORE NIGHT Th e meeting of the troop com- Rev. Samuel R. DOllt, pastor of m it te e w il l b e o ne o f e xt re me i m the M a tt h ew S im p so n M e mo ri al p o rt an c e t o t he local organizati on M. E. Church o f A rd mo re , w il l b e of Boy Scouts. Ne w leaders for the s p ea k er n e xt Thursday eve- each of th e t w o t ro o ps will soon ning atthe 1110nthly meeting of t he h av e tobe chosen an d as this is a Good F e l lo w s hi p C l ub of the M. matter that vitally affect s the StlC E. Church. cess of th e movement the parents Rev. Dout will bring a number -particularly the fathers-of th e of men f ro m A rd mo re w it h him. members a re u rg en tl y requested so asto make this a joint meeting. to attend. Their assistance wiII This will be an u nu s ua l o pp or - h e lp s ol v the problems no w con tunity f or t ho se w ho m is se d last fronting th e leaders of their boys. 1110nth's meeting. All men of the Troop C om mi tt ee m ee ts N o- community are invited. vember 19 j th e Fathers' Associa- Th e meeting as been advanced tion meets December 1. Both o ne w ee k on account of Thanks- meetings will be held inthe Cabin. g-iving, th e regularly scheduled corner o f. E ss e x: an d Elmwoocl date. avenues. O. OV . Narber th, Pa., Satu rday , November 13, 1926 ENDS MEETING SCHEDUL ED T en th A nn ua l Roll Cal for Members Began Armis tice Day. BORO RED· CROSS BOROUGH FINANCES I NARBERTH CIVIC ASSOCIATION WORKERS NAMED IN BETTER SHAPE TO HOLD ITS ANNUAL MEETING Armistice Day s aw t hc o pe ni ng Routine business, bu t business of t he R e d C ro ss tenth annual roll of importance, kept the members c a ll , w h ic h w il l continue until :No- of Borough Council u nt il l at e \ " e mb e r 2 5. In a statement issued l\J onday night. A p le a si ng im by the local committee in charge provement in Narberth's current of raising f un ds f or the work of finances was shown in the report a the organization, a list is given of of Borough T r ea s ur e r E . P . Dold. w o r ke r s w h o will call on all homes . Th e p ro bl em of p ar ki ng wa s h rs t a mo ng th e n ew b us in es s. in t he b or ou gh i n t he w ee k a nd a Former Burgess Carl B. Metzger half that r em ai ns b ef or e T h an k s- s po ke on t he p la n e vo lv ed th e g iv in g, w h en the drive officially previous Thursday n ig ht by 23 ends. The statement follows: . Narberth business men. Th e plan "\\Thy s h ou l d- I t ak e my R ed h ad b ee n a cc ep te d by the govern C r os s m e m be r s hip from a h om e - m e nt al c o mm it te e s F ri da y a nd town worker? was .then brought up in regular "Narberth is in the Main Line mcetmg. b ra nc h o f t he Hed Cross. From In reviewing what he had said be each membership :30 cents O'oes to f or e t he m er ch an ts Mr. MetzO'er \Vashington, D. C. for N "' at io na l c a ll e d a t t e n ti o n t o the fact that Red C r os s work. The remainder is r i tl e s e s t ab l i sh e d s e ve r al w e ek s ago used for local needs. had resulted in severe los ses of busi- "Give your m on ey w he re N ar - ness to local stores. vVith less berth an d th e M ai n Line towns space provided, purchasers ha d will bene fit. Th e largest s i n gl e ex- pa ssed on to ther business sec pense at presen t is the set;.vice ren- tions. Th e plan, explained in an d er ed e x- se rvi ce m en a nd w hi ch o th er c olu mn of th is issue, was no o t he r a g en cy is e qu ip pe d t o b ro ug ht u p for approval. render." Speak for P la n. Th e c o m m i tt e e consists of the Chris ~ . o c h and R al ph S . D un ne , ioll owing workers: r ep re se nt ll lg t he m er ch an ts , a lso On the sOllth side of NnrlJl'rth; EIIII· spoke briefly in behalf of the \\'0011 :n·elllll'-:Urs. \Villinm .J. Bartlell.l)rollOSe d re:!ulations. Th e Illatter \Yool]side ll\·l'l llw-)Jr s. Arthur C. Hla· VII'S fmd )11'8. I •. B. I ~ d g ' e r t o l l . was turned over to the police com- mittee with p ow er to act. Th e CONTINUED ON 'l'HE SIX'l'H PAGE: promptness of that action is also d i s c us s e d elsewhere. Street l ig ht in g, i nc lu di ng a critic ism of the "pale moons" shown by t he s ev en n ew s ta nd a rd s, c a me up for discussion. It was b r ou g ht o u t t h a t t he C h' ic A s sociation hoped shortly to have fl!-llds a V ~ i 1 . a b l e for t h e e r ec t io n of ndUltlunal ~ t a n d a n i s , and Council w a s a s k ed to maintain the lights. Th e possibility that the use of 2 5 0- w at t bulbs' i ns te a d of t he p r es e nt 1 00 -w at t s iz e in th e p r es e nt s t an d ar d s m i gh t t a ke c a r of the prob l em was suggested, and C o un c il i s preparing for a trial of the brighter bulbs. Foreclosing Lie ns. T he L ie ns C o mm i tt e e r e p or t ed p ro gr es s i n c le an in g u p many of the outstanding accounts. Fore dnsure was a nn ounc er l a g ai n st t h e CON'l'INUI,JD ON THE SIX'l'Il PAGE COMBINED SERVICES THANKSGIVING DAY T hi s y ea r' s T ha nk s gi v in g d ay ser vic e, parti cipated in collectively by, th e Ba pt i st , L ut her a n, M et ho dist and Presbyterian congreg ations and friends, will be held in the Presbyte rian church at 10.30 A. M. R ev . \ V. S. Dawson, pastor of the .\lcth odist chu rch, will deli ve r the sermon. A hearty invi tati on is extended to al l, particul arly tho se who have come i n to the neighborhood during the pas t year. Annual Dinner Includes Short Armistice Da y Service. PROMINENT MEN AT LEGION BANQUET J AC K KELLY IS SPEAKER Remove to Regulations One Bu s Line Windsor. A NG LE P AR KI NG A GA IN Ne w Vol. X II I, N um be r 6 PROMPT ACTION ON PARKING PROBLEM Marie L ad ue P ie rs ol W i ll A p pear With Orchestra at F i rs t C o n ce r t. OPERA SOPRANO WILL BE SOLOIST Full co-operation and imme diate action b y C o un c il were given to the p la ns formulated l a st w e ek by a group of arberth merchants in an e f fo r t t o solve the vexatious parking problem. Last Thursday n ig ht t we nt y t hr e e b us in es s m c n m e t and went over the traffic situation, past, p re se n t a nd future. Th e realiza tion that Coullcil alone c o ul d not solved the difficulties and that those on the scene must help prompted the meeting. A c om pl et e new s y s t e ' ~ was wo ked out, a nd pre sen te d the n ex t n ig h t to the committees of t he B or ou gh deliberative body. Monday night i\lessrs. Chris Koch an d Ralph S. Dunne appeared at the regular m e e ti n g t o discuss the plans further. Th e n ew s che me whicb in volved a re-routing of t h e b us se s a nd t he r es to ra l of angle parking was taken up with ~ l a n a g e r Frank A. Dugan, of t he M on t g om er y B us Co mpa ny , w ho of f e re d ful l c o -o p cr a ti o n, and Coun cil's Police Committee was g·i ven full pov,;er to act. So prompt was that action that the rnised rules were pu t in effect yesterday. Th e regulations are the same as those discussed in t he se col umns this week, with the excep tion of t he b us r ou te . Th e origi pran c al lc d f or a change in the run of the east-bound line to Windsor avenue. I ns te ad t he eastbound l i ne w i ll n ow r un from E ss ex a ve nue on H a, "e rfo rd as usual, making a stop at t he s ta tion a nd a no the r in front of Koch's drug store. Th e west b ou nd c ar s will turn off Haver ford avenue at X arberth, stoppi ng CONTINUED ON 'rUE SECOND PAGE c \n e ve ni ng of s pl en d i d g oo d f el lo ws hi p, with a g oo d m ea l al lt l n ot ed s pe ak er s, m ad e t he r\ nnual A r m is t i c e Day b a nq u e t of the loc al Legion Post a m e mo r ab l e o cc a si oi l. Sevent y-live men 01 the borough, m em be rs o f t he Harold D. Speak man Po st, with th eir fri en ds, as sembled Thursday n ig ht a t t he p os t home in the C om mu ni ty b ui ld in g. For-a half-hour b ef o re t h e m ea l be gad there was b r is k t al k, g re et in gs of o ld f r ie nd s a nd i nt r od uc t io ns to new one s. Shortlvtlfter seven Frc (!. C. Pat t en som{ded the welcome mess call oa s ih 'e r t ru mp et , a nd c ha ir s w er e q u ic k ly t a ke n . The post chaplain, Rev. R o be r t E . K e ig h t on , a s ked the i nvo cat ion b ef or e t he g at he ri ng wa s t u rn e d o v er t o p a st c Ol ll ma nd er Harry A. Simpson for a brief mcmorial service. Mourn Dr. Faries. This y ea r t he period of s il en ce S hi ngl e O rd in an c e to Be Discussed f or th ose wh o h ad p ass ed t ook on This Month. t he s en se of p er so na l l os s, w he n Th e Ordinance an d La w COIll- th ose p re se nt b ent t he ir h ea ds in m it te e of B or ou gh Council de m ou rn in g f or th eir co mr ad e a nd cided at the Council meeting last friend. Dr. Clarence T. F a ri e s, w h o ; \I o n. d a y evening to hold p Ub lic d ie d l ast m on th . Taps were SOUIl- h ea ri ng on the p ro po se d a n ti cled by Mr. Patten. shingle ordinance, in Elm Hall on T o as t ma s te r C Ot ll ll l an d er A ll en Monday, Nove l11Qer 29, at 8 P. M. E. Shuber t c o mm a nd e er e d t h e s e rv - This is the ordinance which ha s ices o f p as t c om m: in de r H en ry G. been discussed in the p a st t wo is Sparks as s ong l ead er , a nd m an y sues of Ou r Town. If it should d it ti es , a nc ie nt a nd m od er n, w er c be p as se d by Council, it would sung,to the m u ~ i c o f f ou r m em be rs ~ r e a t l y r e s t r i ~ t the use of shingles of B il l Cle a r 's C yn wy d o r ch e st r a. tor roofing 111 t he b or ou gh im :\ n o r i gi n al p o st s on g . "Roll Jordan .mediately a nd w ou ld b ri ng about Roll," author n ot s ta te d, w as s un g the total abolition of shingle roofs a f te r b ri ef c oa ch in g b y t he l ea de r. within 20 years. Th e p a ss a ge of But after a ll , a b a nq u et exi st s b e- t hi s o rd in an ce w ou ld e na bl e all cause of its spe ech es, p ro p er ty i n t he b o ro u gh t o o bt a in SEASON OPENS SUNDAY d ay 's a ff ai r w as m ar ke d b y t hc p re s- a l ov ve r rating for fire insurance ence of e mi ne nt v is it or s, each of pu rp os es . As t hi s or din an ce as Th e s o lo i st f or the first concert wholl1 s p ok e ent ert a i ni n g ly , a n d by n ow p ro po se d w ou ld affect the by the l\fain L i ne O r c he s t ra on the words of ~ a r b e r t h ' s own me11l- p r op e r t y interests of a very large Sunday after n o o n, at the Ardmore h er s. w ho s po ke b ri ef ly a nd p le as - ~ l t 1 l ? l b e r of citi.zens a n d t a x p ay er s. Children in Junior High SchOOl Mon· Theatre. A r dm o re . w il l b e : \f ar ie i ng ly. lIt IS the deSIre of Council that I ',.da y ,. Undel' M ~ t h e r s ' Council. Ladue Piersol. of N a rb e rt h , w id el y- COll1mander Shubert made a brief there.should be full and free ex-I _. 1 he .fi r st p u b 1 J ~ o ~ s e n ' a n c e of known soprano, w ho h as snng in plea. f or c om in ue d g ro wt h o f c om - p re ss IO n of o p in I On c o n ce r n i n o' it EducatIOn \Veek 111 Narberth wa s Grand Opera in Europe as well as r ad es hi p ;'0 as I ~ n i t t o g e t h ~ r t he i l: advance of. fOI"l?lal d i s ~ l ~ - 1.1:1d :)11 : \ ~ o n ) d a y , ~ O \ · e m b e r . 8, appearing wit h unusual success on post a nd make Its presence 01 real ';IOn of the ord1l1ance 111 Councd. t \ ( ~ l 1 l " to D I. In the JunIOr the concert : ;t ag c i n .-\ m er i ca , a:; wor th to the COll1lllltllitv. He in- Every p ro pe r ty o w ne r w ho h as :'l J-lIgh ~ c h o o l . Never before ha s soloist with prominent orchestra:; t r a du c e d as h on or ed g 'u est s a nd s h in g le r o of s h ou ld m a ke a note there .been .such an e nt hu si a st ic ancI in numerous recitals. honorarv 1 1 1 e 1 1 1 1 J e r s . R e v ~ Shindle ofthe date of t he h e ar i ng n o w a n d gathermg ot N a r b e rt h p a r e nt s as Mrs. Piersol, socially prominent and F. \V. B. H um es . v et er an s o f p la n to be t he re or to be r ep re · t he re was on ~ I o n d a y n i gh t w h en in Detroit and c lo se lv r e la te d to the Civil \Va r. sented. :2;")0 me t ~ v i t h . a realization of the the Newbury famil)", surprised G. A. R. Men Speak. Another l et te r on the sl1bjec! upportunlty given them to see the society by appearing" as prima l ~ e v . Shindle opened the book of \ ~ ' a s received this week .from \Yil- ~ l p ~ ~ ~ r grades in a working school donna under n. C . v V hi t ne v i n one m e mo r y, a n d f r ol l l i ts p a ge s s el ec t ed ha m D. ?medley, prom11lent :\ ar- " , e " ' ~ l O n . . of his light operas. Her-success:l group of w it ty a ne cd ot es . Both h,erth b t l 1 ~ d e r : J ~ e g u l a r . clas5 work. was carned was i mm e di at e a nd a ft e r h er f ir st h ~ a l l d :i\Ir. Humes expr e s s ed t h ei r 1 0 t he E (h to r: . till 111 the .hfth to. the eighth. grades season, t he S c hu be rt s, of New ff' '. 1 '.·1 . " 1 In re fer en ce to the propose>ll onli- that evelllllg aslar as pOSSIble un- Y k blat ltU(e 101 1 Ie comtesles 0 t lC nance to elimina te the use of s h i l l ~ l c s ·1'· I , I···· N 1 or " e n g ag e d her for their f o r ce s . vet erans of t he m or e r e ce nt c onf l ic t. i or a ll r oo fs in t he borough: (el tl e cOile ltwn::.. o ~ v . t lose Mr. G a t t i- C a s az z a , D i r e c to r of A newcomer to Narberth. one r b el ie ve a si mi la r or di n an ce has parents. who c a ~ 1 I 1 o t VISit the the Metropolitan Opera, heard the w ho h as t ak en t he p la ce c re at ed b y be.en p ro po s ed t wi ce b ef or e al.Hl !las s d ~ u t ? l 111 the. now. have a y ou ng s op ra no s in g a nd a dv is ed the d eat h o f .:l pastor. bel ove d of f a l l ? ~ to pass.. Let liS hope tIllS t nn e deh. l l l t e, mental p l c t ~ l r c at what he r to give up the ligh t o p er a s t ag e . It \\ III meet WIth the same fate. thei r c h il d re n 'u e dOlllor I I t 1 If G d 0 t h e p o st m e mb e rs , w as 1 I1 tr od uc e d. In my opi ni on t h ro u gh o ut t he res i- TI "{ 1 " ~ I ' · b1 If an( (eva e lerse to ran pera. In s ho rt a nd p le as in g t al k Father dcntial se cti on of the borough. 'or . 1C lY ot lers O ~ l l l C I . m e la On this advice M r s. P i er s ol c an - R ob er t F. H ay es, n ew r ec to r of rather other than the b us in es s s e ~ t i o n at t l ~ e . p a r e ~ ~ t s , w I ~ h to e ? ' t ~ n d celled her contract and s ai le d f or S t. M ar ga re t' s. e xp re ss ed h is d es ir e o r fire zone s, one shoul.d be pernlltted thanks , ~ I ~ d Slllcerest appreclatton Europe. ttl' l' 1:' tI f f ' f t1 to use the roo fing mat eri al best ada pted to the cl111dren, t he t ea ch er s a nd Under t he t ut el ag e of "·fme. 0 a ,e p a\:c 111 le a aIrs 0 l e t o t he a rc hi te ct ur e of t he b ui ld in g a nd tl pl'" CI lal . 1·(1 ed ·to 11 110 lY COl11mttl1lty I . 1 1'1' . Ie II I I ,n e, a w Sc hoen Relle Olle f th f ' . liS own perso. nu 1 {lng.. 11 d . tl call st t . k- . - , 0 e ew sur- A nd t he n w er e l11 tr odu ced the S ur ely a shll1gle roof IS b es t a da pt ed .a e\en leo "m e. par 111 ma viving pupils of that.master, ~ I a n - speakers of t he evening w ho h ad to c er t ai n t yp es of d we l li n gs . and is Illg the evelllng so successful. t te l G ar CI a, M rs . PIersol qUIckly b b ht t N btl' 1 1 no 1I10re a fire m en a ce t ha n m an y rounded out her s t ud i es i n Berlin, een. roug O. l ar er ? y a lar e - t yp es o f c om pos i ti on r oo fi ng . Fur t l le r . an d an engagement at Bremen f ol - w or k ll lg . c o n l l l l l ~ t e e to 1 I 1 t ~ r . e s t the abol lt 95 pe r c en t . of all fires originate lowed . group WIth t he Ir per sonaht l es and fro 111 within the bui ldi ngs . Th .. . 't t l' talks. If this ordina nce is p as se d t he mos t ele IS an u nw n en ru e 111 F d F did li ke ly re sult wi ll be t he m aj or it y o f G e rm a n o pe ra h ou se s that there re. or, cement sa e s me n an I b 'It '11 I fd .1 ' f g th'ty 1 hd .t lames UI WI Ie roo e Wit 1 a s ha ll be no appl a us e d u ri n g spor 111 au 01".1 , a ~ n : : e . 111 0 variety of imit ati ons of tile and sl a te . p e r f or m a n ce except at t he e nd of c O l 1 1 m ~ n t on P h i l a d e l p h l ~ s eml11ent w it h l it t le reg ard to archite cture..and each ac t when the entire ensemble place 111 sports of all kmds-base- as mucha fire hazard as a good shlllgle share the honors, bu t w he n t he b al l, f oo tb al l, r ow in g, b ox in g, t en ni s, r oo f. . . fi .h d h fi t track dogs-all t he w ay to prize \you.Jd It not b.e b et te r n ot t o p a ss an yo. ung s l1 1 ge r. I1IS e er rs ' . . . antl-shmgle ordll1ance, and keep om a na , t he a u dl e nc e swept all re- goldfish. P a r t l ~ t l l a r l y (ltd he p r ai s e b ui ld in g c od e as near as possible to straint aside and burst into a storm Jack Kelly, emment member of an t he code of Lower Merion township of anplause .. F ro m t ha t moment eminent g r ou p o f brothers, for eight w hi ch s u r r o i l l l d ~ our l i t t l ~ b o r o u g ~ ? the American soprano ,,'a made years world leader of the single S.o a passerby w!l l I!o t sa y thes e a rt ls - . s , 11 d' 1 hc homes on tillS Side of the road are an d the opera dIrector was con- s C t ~ s, 11;10 est Wi llne r, game oser, in· Lower Me ri on tow ns hi p, on the g r a t ul a t e d u p on his find. legIOnnaire, gentleman. ot er side where those speckled roofs Mrs. Piersol, in A m er i ca , when A t al l b ro nz ed y ou ng man beside ar e, in th e borough of Narberth . the world w ar b ur st across E ll h im l is te ne d a b it e mb ar ra ss ed , and Let hi!l1 who wa nt s a shinlrle roof " be perm·.... '! t" h av e on e. CONTINUED ON THE S IX T H PAGE CONTINUlllD ON THE FIFTH PAGEl I WILLIAM D. SMEDLEY. .. .. .. .. .. .. ) ..

Our Town November 13, 1926

Apr 09, 2018



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Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Corbett . o fAtlantic City, who havebeen visiting" Mr. and Mrs . Frank H. Vallette, 314 Chestnut avenue, leftt hi s week fo r Miami, F la . , wherethey wil l spend the winter.

In Elm Hall Friday-Other Events. Scheduled.

Th e Community C lu b wi ll

hold its regular meeting in Elm

Hall Tuesday, November 16, at

2.30 P. M. Reports from the bien

nial and S ta te conventions wi ll be

presented. 1'0 some th e very

\';ord " r ( ~ p o r t " ('xerts an i m m e d i a t ~repulsion. ' l 'hi s should no t be. It

is through t he S ta te and nati onal

Federat ions , t hose o rgan iza ti ons

o f t ho us an ds o f w omen whe re in

lie great potentialities, that the

great significance oi the vVoman'sClub movel llent appears. Only afew can attend those conventionsand on ly through their reports can

the greatel- number of c l ub womenrealize the nleaning of the federations. Come and learn.

The climax of the club's activities for t hi s month will be the dinner-dance, sponsored by the Boardo i Di rec to r s for the building fund.Sponsored is a fine, dignifiedword.Th e plain truth is t ha t t he directors a rc u si ng skilled hands in

cooking the d inn er an d agile

minds in planning th e c ab ar etnumbers.

Do your part in making- it a succ e ~ s by. reserving your places(sl11g1e tickets, $1.25; tables for

f ou r, $ 5) through lHrs. H. A.Jacobs, Narberth 2813, by Tues

day, November 16. Then be atE lm Hal l at 6.30 on Fr iday, No

vember 19, ready t o d in e, laugh

an d dance. Or if you prefer shuffling cards to shuffling your feet,you will find opportunity.. vVednesday, November 17, is

the da y of t he c ar d par ty for th ebuilding fund at the home of Mrs .Tohn A. Caldwell , 122 Elmwood

~ l v e n u e . This spe ll s p leasu re for

the player and profit for the fund.A t ri p t o th e academy to see the

vVatercolor Exhibition is plannedfor Fr iday, November 19. Th eilarfy will t ake the 9.29 train fromNarberth. Mrs. Batchelor isbringing a. f ri end whose studies

of work in t h is medium shou ld behelpful.The Hospi ta li ty Committee is

giving a home bake Saturday. No,vember 20 at Cot ter 's Store. Comeearly , before the best is gone.This same energe ti c group is

planning a rummage sale fo r somet ime i n t he nea r future. If those

having contributions will cal l Mrs.A. Y. Reinking; she will have thematerial collected.


Large Attendance Is Urged to Detennine Whether PioneerOrganization Is to Continue.



Th e annual meeti ngo f the Nar- f carryon.

berth Civic Association will be This wiII undoubtedly be done,held next Tuesday night at 8 in u nl es s t ho se p re sent c an p ro du ce

Elm Hall. Every resident has from t he ir numbe r enough per

been invi ted to at tend, in order to sons with time to do th e newexpress an opinion and render aid work to be performed, an d canin th e affai rs of th e a ss oc ia ti on . cho os e new officers who a re ableFounded over 12 year s ago , th e to devote th e necessary at tent ion

Civic Association performed many t o c ar ry 011 the association.invaluable services t o t h e borough, Th e d isso lu ti on p lan, i f carr iedchief among them being t he es tab - t hrough , wil l i nc lude the s al e o flishment o f Nar br oo k Park an d "Our Town." A committee of

the founding of "Our Town." the d ir ec to rs h as wor ked o n suchWith the growth of t he work of a plan and meetings were· held

other organizations, the active wit h t he p resent Ed it or , i n wh ichduties of t h e Associ a ti on became an ag reemen t was reached whereless and less, and f or a number o f by he would assume owner sh ip ofyears it has existed as a name and th e paper an d carry i t o n along thean influence, bu t with little actual lines established by the associa

life. Working through the mer- tion.chants, the association last year Th e action of the committee willsponsored th e p ur ch as e o f s ev en c ome u p at th is meeting, with anew l ight s tandards fo rHaverfo rd request that the members ratify

avenue. the agreement prepared. By suchNext Tuesday 's meet ing wil l be a plan Narberth would be assu red

of importance to every resident , of the continuance of a civic paperfor a decision may be rea ched to in event of the removal of thedissolve. Fo r a number o f year s , Civic Association.

the directors have been faced with The invitation to attend includesa lack of community interest, and all member s who are now paid upa growing feeling th at th e work o r who h av e f orme rl y b een o n t heof the association ha s been done- rolls, i n add it ion to all residents

t ha t t he body can now cease its no t connected w it h t he associa

work a nd l et other organizat ions t ion.

Great Interest Sown in Event NextWednesday. .

Th e annual dinner dance of th e

Narberth Tennis Association is

t o b e h e ld t hi s y ea r i n the Marion

Tribute House, Meri on , Pa ., on

\ Vedn es day eveni ng , Nov embe r


Interest t h is year in this ae.lUal

a ffa ir s eems to be unusual ly i n

t ense as is evidenced by the adver

tisement in the cJ<lssified columns

o n a no th er pa ge o f this paper-.

Three young bachelo rs , (we hope

t he y a re bachel or s ) ar e a ll owing

no opportunity to slip by to secure

for themselves a fair companion on

this evening.

\\"ho these men a re s eems to be

quite a mystcry whi ch it is hopedwill he solved before the evening isove r. S up po si ng that all tennis

p l ayers ar e gent lemen an d as weknow that g en tl em en p re fe r

b l ( ) ~ 1 C l e s the mystery s ho ul d b eeasIly solved.

As in previous years this dinnerwill be marked by the p resen ta t ionof han(lsol11e tro phy c ups to the

winners of variOtlS c lu b event s

dur ing t he pa st se ason and the

~ l i n n e r will be followed hy dancIng.Those ,vho des ir e can make res

ervations b y t el ep ho ne through

the chairman of t he Dan ce Com

mittee, \ V. J. l\Jacl(ay, Narberth1251-J.



Council Foreclosing on Liens

to Release Needed

Funds .

Of Scouts to Meet Next Friday.

Notic es ha ve be en sent this

~ v e e k to the members of the BoyScout Troop Committee announci ng t he ir r eg ul ar 1110nthly meet

ing, which will be held in the

Cabin nex t F ri day evening at 8o'clock.Th e Fathers' Association annual

meeting will be held on December

1. at which time the election ofofficers for the year 1927 will takeplace.

NARBERTH·ARDMORE NIGHT Th e meeting of the t roop com-

Rev. Samuel R. DOllt, pastor of mit te e w il l b e o ne o f ext reme imt he Matthew Simpson Memori al po rt ance t o t he local organizationM. E. Church o f Ardmore , wil l be of Boy Scouts. New leaders for

the speaker next Thursday e ve - e ac h o f th e two t roops will soonning a t the 1110nthlymeeting of t he h av e t o b e chosen and as t hi s is aGood Fel lowship Club of the M. matter that vitally affects the StlCE. Church. cess of th e movement the parents

Rev. Dout will bring a number -particular ly the fa thers-of th eo f m en f rom A rdmo re w it h him. members a re u rgen tl y requestedso a s t o make t hi s a joint meeting. to attend. Their assistance wiIIThis will be an unusual oppor - he lp sol ve the problems now con

tunity f or t ho se who mis sed last fronting th e leaders of their boys.1110nth's meeting. All m en o f the Troop Commi tt ee m ee ts N o-

community are invited. vember 19 j th e Fathers' Associa-Th e meeting has been advanced tion meets December 1. Both

one week on account of Thanks- meetings will be held i n t h e Cabin.g-iving, th e regularly scheduled corner of. Essex: an d Elmwoocldate. avenues.

25 O.OV .

Narberth, Pa., Saturday, November 13, 1926



T en th A nn ua l Roll Cal for

Members Began Armis

tice Day.



Armistice Day s aw t hc o pe ni ng Routine business, bu t business

of t he Red Cross tenth annual roll of importance, kept the members

call , which wil l continue until :No- of Borough Council unt il l at e

\"ember 25. In a statement issued l\Jonday night. A p leasi ng im

b y th e local committee in charge p rovemen t i n Narberth's current

of raising f un ds f or the wor k o f finances was shown in the report

a the organization, a list is given of of Borough Treasure r E . P . Dold.workers who will call on all homes . The p ro bl em o f p ar ki ng was

h rs t among th e n ew b us in es t he b or ou gh i n t he week and a Former Burgess Carl B. Metzger

half that r emains before Thanks- spoke on t he p la n e vo lv ed th e

g iv ing, when the drive officially previous Thursday n ig ht b y 23ends. The statement follows: . Narberth business men. The plan"\ \Thy should- I t ak e my R ed h ad b ee n a cc ep te d by the govern

Cross membership from a home- ment al commit tees F ri da y a ndtown worker? was .then brought up in regular"Narberth is in the Main Line mcetmg.

b ranch o f t he Hed Cross. From In reviewing what he had said beeach membership :30 cents O'oes to f or e t he mer ch an ts Mr. MetzO'er\Vashington, D. C. for N"'ational called attention to the fact that ~ h Red Cross work. The remainder is ritles established several weeks agoused for local needs. had resulted in severe losses of busi-"Give your mon ey whe re Nar - ness to local stores. vVith less

berth an d th e M ai n Line t owns space provided, purchasers had

will benefit. Th e largest single ex- pa ssed o n to other business secpense at presen t is the set;.vice ren- tions. Th e plan, explained in and er ed e x- se rvi ce m en a nd w hi ch o th er c olumn o f th is issue, wasno o ther agency is equ ip ped t o b ro ug ht u p for approval.render." Speak for Plan.

Th e committee consists of the Chris ~ . o c h and Ralph S . Dunne ,iollowing workers: r ep re se nt ll lg t he mer ch an ts , a lsoOn the sOllth s id e o f NnrlJl'rth; EIIII· spoke briefly in behalf of the

\\'0011 :n·elllll'-:Urs. \Villinm .J. Bartlell. l)rollOSed re:!ulations. The Illatter\Yool]side ll\·l'lllw-)Jrs. Arthur C. Hla·VII'S fmd )11'8. I •. B. I ~ d g ' e r t o l l . was turned over to the police com-

mittee with power t o act. Th eCONTINUED ON 'l'HE SIX'l'H PAGE:

promptness of that action is alsodiscussed elsewhere.

Street l ight ing, i nc ludi ng acritic ism of the "pale moons"

shown by t he s ev en n ew s tand

ard s, came up for discussion. It

was brought out tha t t he Ch' ic Association hoped shortly to have

fl!-llds a V ~ i 1 . a b l e for the erect ion ofs t ndUltlunal ~ t a n d a n i s , and

Council was asked to maintain thelights. Th e possibility that theuse of 250-wat t bulbs' i ns tead o f

t he p resent 100 -wat t s iz e in th ep resent s t andards migh t t ake care

of the problem was suggested, and

Council is preparing for a trial ofthe brighter bulbs.

Foreclosing Liens.

The L iens Committee reportedp ro gr es s i n c le an in g u p many of

the outstanding accounts. Fore

dnsure was announcerl against the



This year's Thanksgiving dayservice, participated in collectivelyby, the Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist and Presbyterian congregationsand friends, will be held in thePresbyterian church at 10.30 A. M.Rev. \V. S. Dawson, pastor of the.\lcthodist church, will deliver thesermon.

A hearty invitation is extendedt o all , particularly those who havecome into the neighborhood duringthe past year.

Annual Dinner Includes

Short Armistice Da y







One Bu s Line




Vol. XIII, Number 6


Marie L ad ue P ie rs ol W i ll A p

pear Wi th Orchestra at

Firs t Conce r t.



Full co-operation and imme

diate action by Council were given

t o t he p lans formulated last week

by a group of arberth merchants

in an effor t to solve the vexatious

parking problem.Last Thursday n ig ht twent y

t hr ee bus iness mcn met and wentover the traffic situation, past,

p resen t and future. The realization that Coullcil alone could notsolved the difficulties and thatthose on the scene must help

prompted the meeting.A compl et e new s y s t e ' ~ was

worked out, a nd pre sen te d the

nex t n igh t to the committees oft he Borough deliberative body.Monday night i\lessrs. Chris Kochan d Ralph S. Dunne appeared atthe regular meeting to discuss theplans further.

The n ew s cheme whicb involved a re-routing of t h e busses

and t he r es to ra l of angle parkingwas taken up with ~ l a n a g e rFrank A. Dugan, of t he Mon t

g omer y B us Compa ny , w ho offered full co-opcration, and Council's Police Committee was g·ivenfull pov,;er to act. So prompt wasthat action that the rnised ruleswere pu t in effect yesterday.Th e regulations are the same

as those discussed i n t he se columns this week, with the excep

tion of t he bus rou te . The origin a pran cal lcd for a change in therun of the east-bound line toWindsor avenue. I ns te ad t heeastbound l ine will now run fromE ss ex a ve nue o n H a, "e rfo rd as

usual, making a stop at t he s ta tion a nd a no the r in front ofKoch's drug store. The west

bound car s will turn off Haver

ford avenue at Xarberth, stopping


c \n evening of splendid good

fel lowship, w ith a good mea l al lt l

noted speakers, made the r\ nnual

Armistice Day banquet of the local

Legion Post a memorable occasioil.

Seventy-live men 01 the borough,

membe rs o f the Harold D. Speak

man Po st, with th eir fri en ds, assembled Thursday n ight a t the pos thome in the Communi ty bui ld ing.

For-a half-hour before the meal begad there was brisk talk, greet ingsof old friends and introductions tonew ones.

Shortlvtlfter seven Frc(!. C. Patten som{ded the welcome mess calloa s ih 'e r t rumpet , and cha ir s werequickly taken. The post chaplain,Rev. Robert E. Keighton, asked thei nvo cat ion b ef or e t he g at he ri ngwas turned over to past cOlllmanderHarry A. Simpson for a briefmcmorial service.

Mourn Dr. Faries.

This y ea r t he period of s ilence Shingle Ordinance to Be Discussedf or th ose who h ad p ass ed t ook on This Month.t he s ense of persona l los s, when Th e Ordinance an d Law COIll-th ose p re se nt b ent t he ir h ea ds in m it te e o f B or ou gh Council demou rn in g f or th eir comr ad e a nd cided at the Council meeting lastfriend. Dr. Clarence T. Faries, who ;\ evening to hold a pUblicd ie d l ast mon th . T ap s wer e SOUIl- h ea ri ng o n the p roposed an ti

cled by Mr. Patten. shingle ordinance, in Elm Ha ll o n

Toas tmas ter COtll ll lander Allen Monday, Novel11Qer 29, at 8 P. M.E. Shubert commandeered the serv- This is the ordinance which ha sices o f pas t comm: inde r Henry G. been discussed in the past two isSparks as s ong l ead er , a nd many sues of Ou r Town. If it shouldd it ti es , anc ient and modern, werc b e p as sed by Council, it would

sung,to the m u ~ i c of fou r membe rs ~ r e a t l y r e s t r i ~ t the use of shinglesof Bill Clear 's Cynwyd orchestra. tor roofing 111 t he borough im

:\ n original post song. "Roll Jordan .mediately and wou ld b ri ng aboutRoll," author not s ta ted, was sung t h e t ot a l abolition of shingle roofsaf te r b ri ef coach ing by the leade r. within 20 years. Th e passage o f

But after all , a banquet exists be- t hi s o rd in an ce wou ld enabl e all

cause of its speeches, and Thurs- p roper ty i n t he bo rough to obt a in

SEASON OPENS SUNDAY day 's a ffai r was marked by thc p re s- a lovve r rating for fire insuranceence of eminent v is itor s, e ach o f pu rp os es . A s t hi s or din an ce a s

The soloist for the first concert wholl1 spoke entertainingly, and by now p ro po sed wou ld affect the

by the l\fain Line Orchest ra o n the wo rds o f ~ a r b e r t h ' s own me11l- property interests of a very l argeSunday afternoon, at the Ardmore hers. who spoke b ri ef ly and p leas - ~ l t 1 l ? l b e r of citi.zens and t ax payer s. Children in Junior High SchOOl Mon·Theat re. Ardmore. wil l be : \f ar ie ing ly. lIt IS the deSIre of Council that I ',.day,. Undel' M ~ t h e r s ' Council.Ladue Piersol. of Narberth, widely- COll1mander Shubert made a brief there.should be full and free ex-I _. 1he .first p u b 1 J ~ o ~ s e n ' a n c e of

soprano, who h as snng in plea. for cominued growth o f com- pre ss IOn of opinIOn concernino' it EducatIOn \Veek 111 Narberth was

Grand Opera in Europe as wel l a s radeship ;'0 as ~ I ~ n i t t o g e t h ~ r t he i l: advance of. ~ n fOI"l?lal d i s ~ l ~ - 1.1:1d :)11 : \ ~ o n ) d a y , ~ O \ · e m b e r . 8,r ing with unusual success o n post a nd make Its presence 01 real ';IOn of the ord1l1ance 111 Councd. t \ ( ~ l 1 l " to D I. ~ l In the JunIOr

the concert : ;tagc in .-\merica , a:; wor th to the COll1lllltllitv. He in- Every p roper ty owner who has :'l J-lIgh ~ c h o o l . Never before ha s

soloist with prominent orchestra:; traduced as honored g 'uest s and shingle roof shou ld make a note there .been . such an enthusi ast ic

ancI in numerous recitals. honorarv 1 1 1 e 1 1 1 1 J e r s . R e v ~ Shindle o f t he date of t he hear i ng nowand gathermg ot Narberth parents asMrs. Piersol, socially prominent and F. \V. B. Humes . veterans o f p lan to be t he re o r to be r ep re · t here was on ~ I o n d a y n igh t when

in Detroit and c lose lv re la ted to the Civil \Var. sented. :2;")0 met ~ v i t h . a realization of thethe Newbury famil)", surprised G. A. R. Men Speak. Another l et te r o n the sl1bjec! upportunlty given them to see thesociety by appearing" as prima l ~ e v . Shind le opened the book of \ ~ ' a s received this week .from \Yil- ~ l p ~ ~ ~ r grades in a working schooldonna under n. C. vVhitnev in one memory, and frolll its pages selected ham D. ?medley, prom11lent :\ ar- " , e " ' ~ l O n . .of his light operas. Her-success:l group of wit ty anecdotes . Both h ,e rth b t l 1 ~ d e r : J ~ e g u l a r . clas5 work. was carnedwas immedi at e and aft e r her f ir st he ~ a l l d :i\Ir. Humes expressed their 1 0 t he E (h to r: . t i l l 111 the .hfth to. the eighth. gradesseason, t he Schubert s, of New ff' '. 1 '.·1 . " f· 1 In re ference to the propose>ll onli- that evelllllg a s l ar a s pOSSIble un-Y k

blatltU(e 101 1 Ie comtesles 0 t lC nance to eliminate the use of s h i l l ~ l c s ·1'· I , I···· N 1or " engaged her for their forces. veterans of the more recent confl ic t. ior a ll roofs in the borough: (el tl e cOile ltwn::.. • o ~ v . t loseMr. Gatti-Casazza, Director of A newcomer to Narberth. one r believe a similar ordinance has parents. who c a ~ 1 I 1 o t VISit the

the Metropol itan Opera, heard the who has taken the p la ce c reat ed by be.en proposed twice before al.Hl !las s d ~ u t ? l 111 the. now.have ayoung sop rano s in g and adv is ed the d eat h o f .:l pastor. beloved of f a l l ? ~ to pass.. Let liS hope tIllS tnne deh.lllte, mental p l c t ~ l r c at whatr to give up the l ight opera stage . It \\ III meet WIth the same fate. their children 'u e dOlllor

I I t 1 If G d 0 the post members, was 1I1troduced. In my opinion throughout the resi- TI "{ 1 " C ~ I ' · b 1 If(eva e lerse to ran pera. In s ho rt and p leas ing talk Father dcntial section of the borough. 'or . 1C lY ot lers O ~ l l l C I . m e lathis advice Mrs. Piersol can - Rober t F. Hayes, n ew r ec to r of rather other than the business s e ~ t i o n at t l ~ e . p a r e ~ ~ t s , w I ~ h to e ? ' t ~ n dher cont rac t and s ai led for S t. Marga re t' s. exp re ss ed h is des ire o r fire zones, one shoul.d be pernlltted thanks , ~ I ~ d Slllcerest appreclatton

ttl ' l ' 1:' tI f f ' f t1 to use the roofing material best adapted to the cl111dren, t he t ea ch er s andUnder t he t ut el ag e of "·fme. 0 a ,e ~ I p a\:c 111 le a aIrs 0 le to the architecture of the building and tl pl'" CI lal . 1·(1 ed ·to 11 110

lY COl11mttl1lty I . 1 1'1' . Ie II I I ,n e , a whoen Relle Olle f th f '. liS own perso. nu 1{lng.. 11 d . tl ca l l st t . k-

- , 0 e ew sur- And then were l11 troduced the Surely a shll1gle roof IS bes t adapted . a e \ en leo "m e. par 111 maiving pupils of that.master, ~ I a n - speakers of t he evening w ho h ad to certain types of dwellings. and is Illg the evell lng so successful.e l GarCIa, Mrs . PIersol qUIckly b b ht t N btl'b 1 1 no 1I10re a fire menace than many

ou t her studies in Berlin, een. roug O. l ar er ? ya lare - types of composition roofing. Furtller.d an engagement at Bremen fol- workll lg . c o n l l l l l ~ t e e to 1 I 1 t ~ r . e s t the abollt 95 per cent. of all fires originate

owed . group WIth theIr personahtles and fro 111 within the buildings.Th .. . 't t l' talks. If this ordinance is passed the mostele IS an u nw n en ru e 111 F d F did likely result will be t he major ity o fman opera houses that there re . o r , cement sa esmen an I b 'It '11 I f d . 1' f g t h ' t y 1 h d . t lames UI WI Ie r oo e Wit 1 aa ll b e no applause during t h spor 111 au 01".1 , a ~ n : : e . 111 0 variety of imitations of tile and slate.rmance except at t he end of c O l 1 1 m ~ n t on P h i l a d e l p h l ~ s eml11ent with little regard to architecture..andac t when the entire ensemble place 111 sports of all kmds-base- as much a fire hazard as a good shlllglethe honors, bu t whe n t he bal l, foo tbal l, rowing, box ing, t enni s, roo f. .

. fi . h d h fi t track dogs-all t he way to prize \you.Jd It not b.e better not topass anung sl11ger. I1IS e er rs ' . . . antl-shmgle ordll1ance, and keep oma , t he audlence swept all re- goldfish. P a r t l ~ t l l a r l y (ltd he praise building code as near as possible to

aside and burst into a storm Jack Kelly, emment member of an the code of Lower Merion townshipanplause.. F rom tha t moment eminent group of brothers, for eight which s u r r o i l l l d ~ our l i t t l ~ b o r o u g ~ ?American soprano ,,'a made years world leader of the single S.o a passerby w!ll I!ot say these art ls -. s , 11 d' 1 hc homes on tillS Side of the road a re

d the opera dIrector was con- s C t ~ s, 11;10 est Willner, game oser, in· Lower Merion township, on thelated upon his find. legIOnnaire, gentleman. other side where those speckled roofs

Mrs. Piersol , in America, when A tal l b ronzed young man beside are, in the borough of war bur st across E ll h im l is tened a b it embar ra ss ed , and Let hi!l1 who wants a shinlrle roof


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No .3 .


Telephone, Narber th 375

238-40 Haverford Avenue


4% Interest Paid on Savings Deposits



Waste Not

Want Not.



Little Chat s Abou t s Your Health.


Th is B ank solicits deposits o n t he strength

of it s financial resources, o n t he h igh s tand ing

of its officers an d directors, a nd o n t ha t highly

valued a s se t - t he friendship an d good wi ll of

i t s cus tomers .


If th e housewife becomes careless, and permitshe r supply of sugar, bread or but te r t o run out,there is a mad scramble if company comes. As t hevisitors ring th e doorbell, Willie scurries out the backway t o b or row f rom the neighbors.

How about that coal bin? I f icy blasts shouldmake a sudden attack upon your small supply of coal,you would phone Narberth 375 in a hurry , for it is

no t so easy to run next door with a coal scuttle.But then you wou ld h av e t o wait your turn

with dozens of other depleted households. Why notge t that order in at once? The merry ra tt le of coalfrom one of our sturdy trucks is th e best k in d o f abass accompaniment to t he t en or whistle of icywinds.


Narberth Beauty ShoppeMarcel Waving, Facial Massage, Scalp Treatments

Manicure, Permanent Waving




There's a trite saying to the effect that you can'teat you r cak e and still have it.

It is th e same way with your h ea lt h. You can't abuseit cOlitinuously and expect some hidden r es ervo ir o fstrength t o ke ep i t going indefinitely.

"Waste not, want not" applies as much to health ands t rength as any other thing you can name.

Just how we sha ll li ve i s f or e ac h o f us to decide

bu t when medical assistance i s needed there's only onelogical course to pursue.Call your doctor without delay and f ol low h is i n

structions carefully.Bring u s y ou r prescriptions. We are prescription



Open Evenings by Appo in tmen t

103 Essex Avenue : : Phone, Narber th 2565

= - = e = = ~ = = = Q o C l = O Q o O = = = = = = O C = C

o C : - Q = = = = = = = c e : : - : : : = = ~ = = = = = = = O o C - !


1 I

10 Montgomery Avenue




Full Details in the Window



DOLL CONTEST?Fifteen beautiful, unbreakable Walking an d TalkingDolls will be given away at ou r store at 10 o' dockChristmas morning to that many lucky girls of Narberth.

Votes will be g iven wi th each pur chase . to be placed

in the ballot bo x between November 27 an d Decembe r 24.

c. H. CRANE DRUG STORE.Narberth and Haverford Avenues Phone 1620


'10 til I to d ll t( ' . " , ,$:HX.limu\UQuota .. , , .. , , : l 7 ~ :I:III,UI\(11',,1' Ihe top ". , '. :!tl:!.tlll


Main Line Division of Federation

Goes Over the Top.

D1i 'TItlCT ,\:IH.)(J;o.;r1>0(1 (h'I'l'l1l'nol, .. ,', . , , , .. , , " $H,:H:Uifl111 I :\!<·I'lnl\. ~ n l l t h .. , . , . ' "" 1U :!:!ti,(l1I8 0 !\lu'lu.'l'th 42a:i.aUHoa ". ~ ' n H t ' w l l t H l ..•...•.•.•... :!a.4:l4 aUxu4 &\ rdwol'\ ' : ! ~ n u . u ( )~ O i ' i HlIwrflll'l! , . "" , ' . ' , . , . , "Olms 01HUH H r ~ ' l 1 ~ 1 ; l W l ' •••.•••.•...•. ua H7r.iU8u7 U O ~ l ' J 1 H l i i t ••••••••••••••• ~ H . U U n nnfoi(lS Yllllln'l\"lI , ... ' .... , .. ,. , I7.li71.001;('\1 11,,,111(1" . " , ' .. ",.'"", 7 ,:!44,IIUSIll SI, J ) 1 I \ ' l < l ~ ", ' •• '.,."" 1:! (\4:1 onI'll \\":1)'11(' . , . '" , , ... , ••• , • . 1l.1'1l4,tillI'I:! ~ l I ' l I r r ( l I ' 1 ! ,, ' ." .. , .. , . , , , :!.43Il,UlI~ a [»P\"OIi •••••• • ... • • • • • • • •• t 1 42-1.041~ t B.'t·w."ll ....•..•••...•... ~ . 7 a ; t U n~ 1 U J l . \ ' I t - ' ~ r u r t i ..\ Pnolt •..•.. :: all . aOI'lll W ~ ' l l l l l ' t l t ' l < l , .. ,." .. . , .. , 4,Olill 1I11s:!11 :\!t'l'llnt :\\)1'1 h ", .. , . " . , tlll :!·iO.1I11

P ( ) J ~ ' 1 ~ H Y(onll11I111'1'"ry l',,,,tl'y-;\larg-II('l'itl' \Vi:·


01'. cHerbert ]. Tily, of Cynwyd,

joined the ranks of the select golferswhen he made the fifteenth hol e i none at the Bala Country Club, Sunday. The event was' witnessed byHarry Tily, 2 d, a nd L . Herbert Tily,two o f Mr. Tily's sons, also of Bala- ICynwyd; his brother, Stephen, ancl I Ialso E .D . Lewis. ~ ! ! ! ! ! ! i ! ! ! ! ! ! ! i ! ! ! ! ! ! ! i ! ! ! ! ! ! ! i ! ! ! ! ! ! ! i ! ! ! ! ! ! ! i ! ! ! ! ! ! ! i ! ! ! ! ! ! ! i ! ~ ! ! ! ! ! ! i ! ! ! ! ! ! ! i ! ! ! ! ! ! ! i ! ! ! ! ! ! ! i ! ! ! ! ! ! ! i ! ! ! ! ! ! ! i ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! i ! ! ! ! i ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ~ ~ ~ ! ! ! ! ! i . ! ~ ~


l !Idltor anti Publf81Hr


Business Maruzger


Saturday, November 18, 1926


Kiyugans Mee tand Honor Pupils An

nounced-New Book L i st .

' rheKiyugan Camp Fire Groupgave a ceremonial meeting for thenew Kuneki Camp Fire and initiated its nine charter nlclllhers.These i ni ti at es a re n o\ \' eagerlyawaiting new memhers to whomthey can reveal t he mys te ri es o f

camp fire.Resene your hol iday ~ h l l p p i n g

until December 11. The date oft he C am p Fire Baza a r h as heenchanged fro111 Decemherl tll December 11. The change " ,as madebecause another local organizationis holding a hazaar on December

4. \\ 'atch the posters!Fathers and ll1oth('r:-. '!4 ,() strong

turncd ou t til the ('\'cning' sessionin the Tunior High School ll\l MOllda y ni ght . Ex cept for a few

changes. the usual Monday afte rnoon program was followed. Th eschools are opcn every school dayto parents who a re cor di al ly inv it ed t o observe the \ \ 'o rk in an yand all grades,Th e iollowing' pupils reccil'ed

honors for the first period:Eighth Grade-Fi rs t honors,

Dorothy :\lackell; second honors,Adele Aungst. Kitty Tim111. Robert Graham.Seventh Grade-Second Honors.R. Heckel, R. Hutchinson, R. L i p ~pincott, E. Magarity, E: Smedley.Superintendent Wilson., of the

Narberth school, has submitted alist of books added to the school library in September. Many inter

esting new books are now being readby the youth of N ar bc rt h. The listfollows:

A n t b o l o l : ' ~ · .T h t ~ HOllUlth'P of NlllllCH • • • • J . : r n e ~ t ' Y p t ! I ~ ( ~ I J . ·

B l o g r l l l , h ~ ' •Thl' :MIrror" of "·I1Bbllll(tOI1 .. . , A l I n U ~ ' l U o l l SIlldlun SketcheB .. , ,Corlll'lIn RulNtlJucomUlon Amer!cuuN Dou C, Seltz' l ' ~ n GlrlN Frolll H t s t ( ) r ~ " .. ' .1<ul<. SweetserFar A\\'Il.V '111(1 I,oug Alto., .. 'v. n , HUllsonTh .. D"I'luner M l l r ~ ' Newtou StallardAt XI'lto,,1 Itl the l'romlsed L n n d , l \ l n r ~ ' A l 1 B t l uHOl"S Hook of Imllnn WarrlorB SlIbln

Civics.1'11" ! I t ( l r ~ ' of Hnlll'lII l·rogr.. •.

Leon 1111rshllltEdncotloll.

Be S'\llllrl'"., , Willllull l?orbushPupil Atljustluent , "Y. C, ReavisTIle D e l ' r C l I ~ ' Clnss, , .. Amelle RnmnldeArltbmetll' fur TcacheI'H, . . . . . .• . . RoonlrleThe ,BelllnuinJ; of Art. .. . l\Iarllnret 1Iinthinsl\l,hlcllt1ou.ll lIud \'Ocllt:ollal Guldauce.

. ProctorFiction.

The Squire ,. Llturn E. RIchardsCnptllin Chal" Frank R. StoektonThe Grent 111""1. .Chnrles BOllrdll1l1u Hawes

I ~ tered as second cI... matter. 0et0ller IJ,1£14, nt tlte Post Ofllee at Narllertll. P&.. 11114_the net of March a. 18111.


- - - - - - - - - - - , ~ ~ : _ : : : : _ : : : : = _ : : : : : : _ T _ _ ; : ; ; : : ; : : ; : _ = ~ ; _ : ; _ I ; ; ; ; = = = = = ~ ~ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; = ; ; ; ; ; Th., Stnlldnrd·Bearer A. C, Whltehend 14 ARE FINED FO'R PARKING PROBLEM . . . . -==\

OU R TOWN ITh,· :llnNler of Strong JIenrtB:

EldrIdge Brookll BLOCKING FIREMEN , :ONTI:-lUETl ~ ' l l O . \ J l'lI1l; I"IUST l'AlH,A CO.QPERATIVIIl O O ~ M U N I T Y NIIlWSPAPlilB rhe LONt PrInce Frnnces R. Burnett

Mr. SlUlJhH nrothel' , ..Tnmes Ot!R opposite Crane's drug s tor e , p ro - IQ wUbneBdhebdY e ~ h e : " N : : ~ : : ~ ~ y C ~ ~ l ~ : r : ~ : t l ; : : ~ t ~ ~ , ~ e ~ l : l i , ~ ' f ~ ; , i ~ ~ i s ' t ~ : : : :.: ~ : : : i ~ ~ o : ~ ~ \ l l ; ~ : ' ! ; Action Part of Drive t o B re ak ceeding t o Winsor, a nd t he nc e t o

OJ An;I"lNPIl" lo'nlrr Tal,," 'Up Dangerous Parkl

ng 1'.ssex avenue.'1'h, ~ I ~ , r e t Gnrd"n . . . . ,Frunces H, HIIl'lh'lt ffiKnlhel'llIe 1 ' ~ ' 1 " nook of I"II!ll 1'1I!"8 N • As a r esu lt , one-way bus tr a c("HI"rHt"oll lIets".v D o r o t b ~ ' Cllnlll111 Ulsance. Iw il l b e es tabl i sh ed on Haver fo rd)(hdllg'IOll rrnw')l • . . . Abb!H 'li"ul'e"'ell Hl'own I1:lh,,:<I"I,llI Ih" I { " I I I I ~ · :lII'N, G"orA'e Ynlzey 25 WERE VOLUNTEERS , a\ 'cnue, removing one of the big-'I'he (;,,1<1,,11 '1,,"1 , ,. Itulph D, PaIlle 1

ft' A I

SUBSORIPTION PBI01I Sltkn " .. , , .. ,. ' Allen Cbaffee , ~ ' e s t sources 0 conges Ion. ng ,el ' e A ' A ' ~ ' 1'1'1'1<'1\1, .. , ,. , .)llItlc('lIt Evlson As a result of the vigorous cam- I>arking will b e r es to re d on the

One DoUar and ll'Ift:v Cent. Per Year III A.IhaMlI I1"r" all,l ;o.;ow : ; T o r ~ ' nook .. . L. S, )!Itd",n ,1',.:s"III,,·" 1,0"" STorr .. ". , H. 1'. SIol1or,1 paign aga in st motor is ts who race' north s ide o f Haverford avenueI I U I ' I ' ~ ' Lnlllflll."., ,"'11111111\ ~ 'I'ha"k""lIr to f ires an.c1 who park.' their machines fOI' aIle 1101lr only, anci paral1elK"lhl,,'s 1 l 1 " r ~ ' . f I I I f

BtI:I.,d I I ~ ' ~ l l l l · A ' l l .... t \ \' , EAAI"stol\ "'.0 as to mter ere \I·1t ,1 t l wor" 0 parking to load and unload, on th eWillll"I'S 1111<1 Losers .. "Al i , ' " "1It1 C"I" IU,'" ( , r ~ m e l l , th(' . o \ l ' ~ r : M e r t o l ~ town' ,;outh s ide o f the street.'I'h,' Seeret of Ihe l"lUlld, ship treasurv IS thIS week richer bv A d' t' t f 11' ff ' b .

Verne 'v. l -I , A . Kill/-(<ltoll.. '1'1 . - I $ _. IS mc a Ing 0 111 tlSI-l.lIT" Atll'el\tllJ'(>' of w ~ l\lncGl'el(or, ~ 1 4 9 · lIS rell resents t le 13.;,0\' t d th u I ut th

.r. .1. nell {inc and costs 'which (4 motoristsn e s ~

" l 'as . no e .ro gd 10 1e11:11(-1111<1 ' l ' l I 1 < ' ~ .. , .. ,., , l I e n r ~ ' Yun DYke I .. tt I I" tl '- 'l' ra la Calloe l entIre )tJsll1ess section tie to t le( . . I' 1 I I ~ I I ' I · · l l l . " W 10 a ene C( lC 1\ 1 11 r , I t bl' h d t • t' I. ' 1 I " I ' " I 1 ~ C O l l 1 · l l l ( e O I l ~ " . , .• 11(ya r l . - ('1 I fi . \X7 't 11K 11 unk last' recent y es a IS e res rIC Ive'Ih" J:!""S"I\II11g of" ' U J Ire JI1 '\ es l'.La ay . ' rules. Th e lack of space d rove

L. Larrilll...... week werc forced to pay when given, h t tl to "n s '\lIlI<1 11",1 ~ 1 ' 1 I 'I'''les"", ,Und".ar<1 Kipling- I . I" I I f 1\K· t t Il11any J>tlrc asers 0 0 le r "\Y I~ l leanl1!! . rI( a ~ lC ore r ·.Lagls ra (; t JJj"1 I I I' '1'1 I. r l ~ w ( d · ~ H101")" 1\001\" .••.•••• CJur:. Bt l l ' l I h : l1 l l (..-..J or 0 11 a< e I) lIa 1C ne\v rll es I

Un ..ol<l, F I I ' ~ I of till! \·lklnA'8.Cltarl"8 YH"A l(r0111er in the Ardmore pol ice sta- I·t· f ' lt < '11 11' I f cT ' ;

Th,. 1\1"I'IIl11hls nlfl""" .. " ,"11:1 n""WII . II ' IS ,e ,W I a o'v amp e a I 1-III Ihp Ila,"s of Glall[s", .. Alohll J". HIoW1I tIOl:. ., Ities for tempurary parking and a

(;"01:1'111. 11," 'I he cOlltl'lhtlt!IJllS are 1Iot yct Cl1d'

lquick movel11ent of traffic.

Last week "OUT Town" pub- HoII' ,,,"1 \\'1",,, WI loi\'t' ......... .'i, '\1!t'Jl cd fOI' several 0 f the motorists \( I '1'1 !. N 1> til Ild H a '

I h d t f h nts ' JIll,,' Il't' '\'orl,l (',,·n,,·s . ~ 1 1 I , · I I I , · . I ' , , ,., . l ~ p p h . \ " 'I 1" lIse 0 al' el' a ,-is e a repor 0 a merc a • \\11011'1 SI1111111(lI1.S'·".· 1I'('re J' 5.·-,·1Ie(\ f ',lI cd ' I "I t . 1

ffiArnlllHl tI", 'V.... I,I with II,,· ~ h l l , I I ' l ' I I . - '- " ce

mee ti ng i n whi ch a new tra c Carll"nl"I' to appear at the hearing last week .I ~ 011'( avenues ~ a O I I ) P l t t l l g d I ~ a

planwas prepared for th e approv- 'I'hp 1·',,",ls WI' E"I",." .. 10 G, erll·IIllIt .. ,. \\Tarrant'i for the arrest of thcs!' ,? r )us?es n l ~ l n l 1 l ~ 111 )0.1 Irec-

al of Councll. This week our news 'I'h" Clothes WI' \\ '1 '111' .,." F, G, (:'"'I'''lItl'1' I b '· d I tl '11 b 11I0l1s ",lIl obViate mconvemence to

HI t lave een Issue anc lev WI e I . II ' . I .t th I .. effect • or". . . I I" -. It' 'I)assengers. 111 a( (ItlOn to ta <mg

s to ry s ta es e p an IS In . What tlll! Ol,t \\01'1<1 (;"\,,, lit ., N .." gI ve n a S!Jecla leanng' tOl11g 1 In; . . f ' tl I . . .There is something in the ~ n n l h w I I I ' l l i I A I r t t' '1'1 ,l11an) 0 le lea, v cars .Iway

promp tn es s o f action, an d the Sll'allg-l' SI"I'I",; of CololI:,,1 I>",I'S t le 1'( mor c p o Ice sa 1011. l ~ S ( " Ifro111 the conrrested -business sec-

• Wh"n' Our I ! i ~ t 0 1 ' r WnN ~ 1 , , < 1 l ' , ..Tolin F:II 'i, tanl)' ones arc open to f i n e ~ ran gll1 g ' tion. A 1)1an'"for- universal one-comp le te spi r it o f co -oper a tton l'nlt ..,i St"les-l'a,t linn 1'1·"'enl. fl m $13 -0 t· $no deIJcndm o' UpOIlshown that merits th e admiring J[I!III'Y 1';1'011 -0 . .;: (J., . '" I way traffic on Haverford avenueattention of every Narberth citi- Headin;:, ill ~ 1 " , l i l ' , · : t 1 '"111 ~ l o , I ..I''' I ~ ~ ; : J ; ~ ~ ; ' ; ' " the cltscretlOn of the squIre, has been abandoned for the

zen. 11Th.. lIislon' of L:JtII-.1n""'kn, ,n ",..h'I.'" The situation at the \;\,Test ,1\'1ana- present. .yunk fire last week was deSCrIbed by _

Delay, misunderstanding,. ill Ill"Iilh ",, , I C I " " l l I : I ~ : : ~ ~ ~ I ~ ; ' 8 h , ' n 111111 1 \ l ' l I o ~ ' A ' the police as imolcralJle, So l 1 1 a n ~ FOOTBALL DANCEfeeling are too often the saltent Heulth H " l J i t ~ " . " " , ,O'Sh"II nllll KllIoJ,(J,( VI I I t ~ If f h k tt b ('hnll' ' l " , l k ~ on Ileu1t1t 111111 S'lfety ".ColIlJ autolllo 'I CS C uttere( 111' Ie ra<t( 0 H :t\'erfonl College wil l give itseatures 0 a ~ suc no hY ~ r - \1-,: I I ~ . I ' O n ~ nell1th (4 ~ ' O ! H ; : G e ~ l ' ~ e 1 ' : 1 ~ ' I l I ' in. the vicinity of t l ~ e b laze t !t at tW( I Iannual footl>all dance in t he schoo llem. CounCIl mus t g o a ea .ac- n""lfh fol' } o ; , . l ' 1 ' ~ ' Dnr·· HIp;elow-Ilro:1I1hIlISI lot the five township ami N arbenli o'vll1l1asiul11 t omor ro \\ ' eveni ng .cording to its best informatIon, lJ"ulfh III TIolI'" '"11] X e l ~ h h o r h o o , l I' . 1' t i l t :-'. ,and t hen awa it t he storm of criti- l \ r , ) ~ , l I l 1 l 1 ' H l lre c O I ~ l p a n , I ~ ~ > '" , 1 ~ ~ : 1 r e s p o ~ l c e( 0

0Members of t he var si ty s quad will

. :\1,·tItCl]""". ~ h ~ l a t l 1 1 ,,,.ele 1'Ievcnted £tom ,,0- be guests of hOllor.cism which follows its action. A ~ ; : ' ' ' I ' < 1 autI Ihe Nnl'«" I l e t ' o , , ~ .. K, I". 11111111 '11I1g mto actloll. Another company, .Th e ac tion taken during the : l 1 ~ , t h o l / J A ' ~ ' fill' 101ll'I! P""IlI,'" ..lall" IIlaek Cynwyd, had to wa,:te nwny l11imlleo = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ~

p as t w eek tells a different stahlY, : - ; I ' " ' ~ ' of 11<10. y , . , , ~ ..: : ; ~ : : : . , .. . , ,I':n"s ~ [ I J I " Iwaiting unti l somc of the l 1 1 a c h i n e ~ Vis it The N eu:

Here the merchan ts r eal ized t at \\'ild .llIillla!s E",'I')' Chil,1 "h,,"I,1 KIIOW, were mov('d } ,cfure i t could get nearif conditions were to be establish- .J. E. It"A'e"" the f ire,cd to their best interests it was u p O C ' C I I I " ' t l " " ~ , . I Policc \\ ']10 arc d(' ter1 l1 ined I '· ARCADE GIFT SHOP

h bf h . \\11,,1 ni . :, ,'"n P"", .. , .. ,Itllih \I :lA,,,,r , ,

to t em t o c om e e or e t e lr r ep - pi..,... hreak til' thiS dangerous nUIsanceresentatives with concr e te , prac- : , j x PIu,'·', .. " " , ... ,1::",111'1 r . ~ ' I I l : l I l .,i"l<1 g ot b us y a nd took license l1ul11herotical ideas. lnl,"'llIltillnHI l ' ! " ~ · s .. , , . , . , Yirgolll:" o;cor I \ I- ith t hc r es ul t t ha t 42 S l \ t l 1 m o n s c ~

ITil l ' 11:1) Hook G r ' o r ~ ( l hell \ ,

A wel l- at te nd ed mee ti ng a st )'o .. t r ~ " · . I Ivcre issued, \"hen the heal'ing w a T hur sd ay formul ate d t he new "'h,,!', o'Clnek?" " ., .. .A ily l.owclI held Friday. 2.:; oi these proved tnrules. Counc il committees dis- Thc ~ e l ' o ( · t r ~ · , . , , . , . , . , . , .. ~ l l 1 n l ' O < ' the sa tis fac tion of Squire Kromer

cussed t hem t he night. 'I'ra\'(-\' that thev werc either members ofTI,,, Lund of the LOllg Night. Du Chnilhl 't he r eg ul ar m ee ti ng a ut ho ri ze d E l l I ' ( l I H ~ A G " o ~ 1 ' n ] l h l c n l Hender n. Clart, the fire companies called to the 1JI;IZ(

the'.changes Monday, an d within Om ~ I I n l h .\II)f'rl"nn Neig-hhnr,. or e lsc f ri ends who were taking \'01·

f th h (111·trlllle 80n(h\\'l)l'tht hr ee d ay s t he re a t er e sc erne [1:111,1 U,,"S ,\.Yoya;;IIIA'"., ,D:I\'I,] Plllnaill lInteers to the scene of action, Thelbecame a reality. ~ 111111( nlling ll) l'nl'i.·! were dismissed. .

h I Clllrn B. I J : l l l g h l ~ J 1Whe th er o r not t e new r u e s ~ ,""n·r.. (;,,111,"" '0 EnA"rlllll '!

will be a success remains to be C la l' a H \ ' : l n ~ h l , n KIWANIS CLUB TO. . ClA_SSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTSseen. Certainly, with this spirit ~ \'011'1' (;"i"",. 10 I I : l l " ' ~ I " l ' a Eo 1.,",;:lIiill ORGANIZE TONIGHN'f' yorx.. GIH" WANTF.n-For gCIl-of mutua l h elp p revai l ing a suc- 'I ' l l" H":lrl ..r \,"u<llln", .. , , ,n. v, ~ f n r h J 1 l I 11 11'1'" I h o n ~ ( , w o l ' k fro III \l to 7, K 0 chil,cessful plan is soon forthcoming. R ~ l l H ' I , I I " , ' J '.1\ "[f·'·'·'··,' (r: '10 ,') ;,,10,111"1 dl'('lI. 1'holle Mel'ion 1078 bl'{o,'e lO.

I\ooks wer e add ed t o th e school 1 1 - 1 : , ~ - : ! Glibrary during October as follo\\':-: iNe w Association 'Vill Draw -VOlt - - S ~ \ T I < ; - ' I ' \ , : O - - i r o n b e d ~ finll

]':'I'L\f( ILnGY 1 Members From A r d ~ "Iwing-s. 117 C h ( · ~ t n l 1 t :lvcnl1e, Pholle'YoI'Ils. .\ IWil1I1 'Ill<l ~ J o d " l ' I \ - J ' ~ " l I ( " " 1 I , . XII I'berlh 870-;r. 11·13-2(;

W,·('ld.,' H i . l O I · ~ · . t more to Paoh·-:;;j;;WISH )JACHiNES-AIl 1l1l1kt\l rc-.1"P:l11 ill H i ~ I ( \ J · ~ · - W . B. Grilli" I . '1

, (1:111'1"1. L11II,,1 ,,110\1:1111"" 011 old IUU'

1Ii"1",·," nf A ~ ~ ~ I ; I : ; I ~ I t ; ~ ; ; - K : l I ' l ' i l l ' k I . I Th e tinal details',Of forrnino' the, ( ' h i l l l ' ~ 1'01' ,1t' \I ' H i l \ ~ " I · . I'holll' ~ ( " l ' i o l 1~ I ~ · t h s '111<1 T . " I : , ' n l l ~ (If ! ' " l o l l ' l ' l ' ~ ,",01 l\lain Line l,i\\':Jnis Cluh \\'Dl he l ~ . i S - ) I . ._ _ . . . _ 'rl"('I':-O-""{\(l(1. . \\"urke<l ou t 111 the course of an · ~ 1 ( } ' r l - l ~ ~ U S - P I H C t l VOUI c l J i l d l ' l ' l 1 l 1 n d p ~Fit'.! 1 . ( ' ~ " ( l I I ~ ill ::\"111"1' HI 11<1, le'hth I . t' I' I . 1 . j I .-" I, . r g a l 1 1 z ~ , 1 '10n (Inner. \\. 111' 1 IS )e- ('' '" l l.·'I('n! " " I I ( " " ' i ~ i o l l while HWlI\.· for t ~ , _1':lI('h,

FICTIO::\ ing' held at thc Casa del He\'. in (I".", For illfo"lIllltiol\ "<1111'"",, Xl1l'berth

" ' IHaverford. at ~ " o'clock this -C\ '( '- I I . la; : : : \ 1 1 l · ~ I ' r , l ' . ) I r ~ , !'[IlIl':II',1 "·hitl'. fiOSPirales or Ihe nel:lIl'",·,'-Hn!,1.11 /I ..). , 1I,I·""ldllll·'" :I""IIIH'. :ll1I11,,rlh 17"C)-\Y tf

1:11 II!. , I1l11g. I .. . .l I l ' ~ f D,,;:, H t ( J l ' i " ~ - \ \ ' a l l ; i " , , , jacob C, F i ~ h ( ' r , of : \ 'o rri s to \ \' l l.1 LIGHT H A U L I ~ G of a ll k inds . localH.',;I 1\(':11' Stllries-.roll'!ni" ~ r i l l , · , · . l' r ' ,( ' 01' out of to\\'Il. QlJl('k amI efficient "l'I·\··TIll' 1"llIlllill/:"1I [.'mther-Kirk Mllllr"e, .1t' 1('[I,t('I1:l11t I' g o ~ ' e r n o f r . ( ~ , tl:e ' ice. S nb ie Cl'II'Ol'e, :!·n HomIJdell a\'(',H:lI':I C . e l l ' l ' - [ · ' l ' : I 1 H " ' ~ Ho,[/:,>,ol\ 11111'- -cnns)' ~ ' a 1 l l a l l s tnr t Il KI\\'allls nuc, ~ a l ' b l ' r l h . 1'hollc Xl1l'hel'th 17i:!-\\'.

11111. Internatlllllal. and Joscph L, HU\\'-I (t. f.)

'1'1 ... HI,,,·,,, "I' II". Iloolillle-HIII:!1 1('5, field represl'ntatil'c. will be J < ' O I ~ SALI<;-Ollk buffet, chinu cnbinct,I."ftitlg-. present, ill addition to rCllresenta- 101111(1 d i n i ~ g 1:lble and fOUl chllirs, $20.

L I ' I I ( ' , . ~ 1'1'0111 ('ololli:ll [ ~ h i l < l I · I ' I I - I ' ~ ' · . I . f ' ' .. Also olle Rlllld,' and one donble bed with'r:lJlP:1Jl. 11\'es n)1I1 the dubs 01 \\ 11I1l\\' t\\'o IIn'ssers I'hou\' NlIl'berth 2620.'"

Two Y e l l l ' ~ Hefol'" t h , ~ ; \ l : I ~ f - l l : l l l l l , Grove, Norri:-to\\'n, I .ansdale and (t. f.)BJOGU.\PHY Phoenixvil1e, It is planned to -i:os'i'--jlrrm:ri-:-Jlk plt'fitl'd skirt. on

These SpIen'did ' V o m e 1 l - S c a l ' ~ 1'0 )"<1'- I 1\1' l ' I II ) 11' " start t 1e a,lll.we c u ll with 50 I IJ( c." aVCIIIII\ Ht,\\,,,,<I, Pholle 1\'1l1"

t O I ~ ; l ' r O I ' R of D i l ' ( , o l ' t ' I ' ~ ' in AnWI·i('a-)[OI'- members, t\\'o fr0111 each class of bel·tlt 2720·W. (11·20,26)business. 'l'lte territol'\' covered " ' A N T J < ~ n Thn'(' ~ ' o n l l g ludies to Il(,-

• ' , -. ('0 III Pl1 111 thl'I'(' .""1111-: 111(11 10 thl' .\WIlIIIIby the i\1 am LIne club WIll be DillllCI' Omll'(' gh'clI I,,· IIH' ::\:II'1Iel lI.(rom Anl11lore to Paoli, the pres- 'I'('lIl1b ' \ ~ ~ ' I ( ' i l l t i o n ill II,;, )J.'l'ion 'Iribl111

n B F E H I ~ : : \ C E en t list of members inc1udin'Y Housp 011 \ Y ( - < 1 l 1 l ' ~ < 1 " , , ' (1 ( II il1/:, ::\"I'I'lllberRendel"s Gnil1(' to P('riol1ie:l' Lilt'l'nlll ...· I busines:" me n fr0111 virtually aU ~ APilI," i l l 1 ~ I W , 1 i l l t . ' l ) ' , "<f' ""11 of (lUI''''\to'" "'110 ill Anwrieu. 1l)2"·}ll"(l I - 1"11'11.C O T J I J E C ~ r I O ~ OI!' 1'L\YH-pi) F.T f( Y Ith e to \\' 11 S fro 111 /\ I'd t1lnre to -LIOtlS"Tn-17'1 - - I- - - - 7"7:-(--II-""'b -,ck--;CP'o·i\ 7",-

1 · ~ X E H C J ~ E : 4 IV/aync. er. UI'WUl'l1. ::11 A""ll 1'ou,1. PhOTl! ::\:11"

'fhl' Y,'al"s Ellt ..l·t:tiIlI1WlIl.. , A temporal'\' h oa rd o f directors i 1"'l'th 2112:;-.1,

I'III,\'. fUI' RllIei,,1 n ' I , I ' ~ , ! l'ollsistin'" of I{ichard 1. Hamilton " n ; ; ; l " " " I ; - : ( " · I ; ; - : \ . " " - ; ; - : I \ . ; - _ ~ 7 . · : - o - ) - I " - " - \ l · I ~ " - t l - · , ' - , - " - ; l i - _ 1 - , , \ ' 7 : I-u',I-"-,--f;--,o'1'lnys fOI' Octolwl'. 1). A. I-I "I:>llt , j'·l"'.llllc 11.- l\,I,111<'lI1.• ' \ I ~ '111

1,., ~ , ' 1 1 : ! ' ; ' ::\:I1'I"','lh 17211. 1I111I!11I II uwl

PI",\', 1"11' ' l ' h : l I l k s g i d l 1 ~ . C' 0 .\ 7 ....

P I : l " ~ fOI' (,hr;stlll"., 1 ~ ~ 1 . Hale. l\J,onroe [I. Anders. "«'CUt S A ( J ) i ; . . . . . ( · h 1 ' i ~ t l l l i l ~ :lrlidt>s; tin('P l u ~ " Ill" L i l l ~ ~ ) l n ' , Birth<1a,1'. I"lchal'd .II. I 'o ga rt y. J r. , anti H.J."lion ot' e l l 1 ' ( I ~ . wI'arpin/: pUpl'}" ~ c n ) ~ .1'1,,;'s rUI " ' I l ~ h i l l / : ' l o l I ' S Hil'llI,I",'" ., h C . J 1 1P l l l ~ " for 'fI':I\'p], .osep ,urns. r., las >eell ap- "f!·IIg-, I , , ~ s . rlhh"II, "lt1'Il('lh'(' ~ t n t i u l I " I ' , ' "

Ilointed for or"'llliz'ltion Purl)oses. 11:: Rol'ldllJllI :l1' IIU(, Pholl.. XlIl'lll'rlh~ • 1 : ~ ( ) 7 ' ~ 1 ( I f )

W. M. S. MEETS TUESDAY _ .1·EAIUAS-'·.. ~ t l ' l I n K . j"wl'll'r l:t'pni1'('",,0:: B,·.",khul"l :I\ '1 ·1 \IH·. Pholl(' l"lIl'b"1'th

' r he \ \ 'omen 's Missionary So· 170f'-.T.

ciety of the Lutheran Church will PIANO""--"fo-I-s-u-h--,-(,\-"--II-P-. - : 1 ~ · · i " ' I I · - I ' - r o - l l - : d · i t " " i , - ) 1 - 1 .h ol d i ts monthly meeting- at the Plwne Kur\ll'111t 1247·.1.home of 1\1rs. McLinn, 214 Es:-ex 1"001. 'I'ABLE fnl' Huh,. TIp!!t offera l'ent1e, 'I'uesday aftern{)on at 2. It aklt< it. Ph01l1' Bryn Mllwr 862.

Page 3: Our Town November 13, 1926

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J lEI , l< ; '" M . 8 1 1 J ~ 1 I '

104 Forest Ave., NarberthBasement

FANNY H. LOOSPiano Teacher

Studio Over Garage at417 HAVERFORD AVENUETEI,ErnOXE: NARBERTH 2692



103 Dudley Avenue

Phone: NARBERTH 2229

Ar t needlework, infants' and

children 's wear, lingerie and


HOWARD C. ··FRITSCH·Justice a/the Peace


Fire Insurance-Best Companies

Phone 1749W 215 Haverford Ave.


vVhen you'select your· turkey,one of the chief considerations isthe amoun t a nd quality of the

flesh of th e body, especially onthe breast, back and hips. Plentyof flesh meat means plenty ofmeat for carving, and there shouldbe also a generous amount of fat

THE OLDEST STORE to insure a moist , tende r turkey.

The French a lways expose a turIN NARBERTH ' key in the market with the back

1--- - - - - . - - - - -11 up so the housewife can better__=========== Iobserve how plump the bird· is,- Feeling the end of the breast or

Ikeel bone and examiningthe spursor the feet l11ay gi\'(' SOI11(' idea ofthe age of a turkey, but t he se

Iests a re not infalliable so far aspicking out a good tender turkey------------ is concerned. Almost any turkey

can be cooked so that it is tender,but it is, of course, easier to roasta younlZ bird. The best methodof cooking a turkey is t ha t b ywhich the flesh is kept moist andjuicy, Cooking it in a coveredroaster with a l it tle water in thebott01l1 in a carefu ll y r e g u l a t e ~oven wilJ prevent i t f rom dryingout . The t ime for cooking var ie s,according to the age of the turkeyand its size.

,The custom of having' a turkeyfor Thanksg iv ing d inne r dat esback to the ear ly New Englandset tler s, who found turkeys wildand highly recommended by t heIndians. Domestic turkeys are att he ir prime in the fall and t hei rsize makes them suitable for serv= = = = = = = = = ~ - = ~ ~ = - - ~ing to a good


Home-made Cake

Try our delicious cakes, pIes, candies

and ice cream.

Ca kes for birthday parties an d every

kind of party,

Baked in the· S w ~ e p Sho p, h or ne of good


219 Haverford Avenue-Phone Narberth 1705



"" eft • n U .. . U •


y'" "'.- .

Open F-I'iilay Evenings-7 unti l 9

ft•• ,., e . . e •• e .. , • '" • e¥ft • • 4 w,r. U.,.






Simply as a part ofthe scenery, it is pleasant to viewthe building at the west end of Haverford Avenue,A brickcolonial structure, dignified, friendly, strong,attractive.

Appearance, of course, is ~ u t , a part of an i n s ~ i t u - ·tion's duty to th e commumty It serves. ~ a c k of thewhite-painted doorway there must be a friendly welcome, and th e eapacity to serve.

These we think, you will find here. The s trength ofthe National Banking System is at your command,and the courtesy which comes only through genuineneighborly contact.

.......-----.-- - - - - -- - - - - - ._ -

Wayne 47

'Phone, Narberth 1254



Gas Range


Bryn Mawr 327

234 Haverford Avenue

Ardmore 17

'" r - = :: ":',l.I",.r

IC:=J ["' __

November 8 to 20

$10 Off the Regular Price

Th e No. 8 20 " OR IO LE " G as Range, full porcelain enamel ,

white and gray, rust-resisting oven linings, Automatic Oven Heat

Control, Special Clean Top Raising and Lowering Broiler.

Cal l a t Om' Sales Uffice 01' Asle Us to

Send a Representative


302 Haverford Avenue


tv e Call f or and Del iv er


SAVE $10

Tailors, Cleaners and Dyers


When Dissatisfied Try



L.' ••.



G. K. ERB, District Mgr.

/ '/ /.'



IT's A SMALL CITY that would not have such a pole l ine-or

several of them-·-had the telephone cable not been perfected.

But the telephoIic scientist has t a k ~ n all those wires, com'pletely insulated each, grouped them together, and coveredthem with a prctccti\'c lead sheath.

Then either buried them underground, or placed them onshort, sturdy poles.

And made them "talk," without interference-which only

open wires could previously do.

Huge cables now reach the length of the state, and beyond.

They are constantly being extended, An d this extension pre"

sents new and continuously more complex t ransmiss ionproblems.

But new discoveries, new inventions, new equipment are

keeping pace-are making possible a storm'proof, trouble,free

.' service, continuouslymore extensive and efficient.,/



. / /,"- /' /" //.' "

, / // ~ / / / / / ~ , ~ ' , '

./ y/ / ~ /}" / '".... ///,/' / ~ / " /

/IPicture a line ofpofes40 0 feet high supporting

24°0 separate wires.'

W I ~ L .~ 4 ' l x . A t m 1 ! ~

bur 'e . e



Page 4: Our Town November 13, 1926

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Open E v e r ~ ' Evening.

Stationers,Oflice Supplies

Window Shades




PHILIP H. WEISSDiamonds, Watches, Jewelry


All Kinds o tAme rlc au nnd Sw iss Wlltchl!8nnd . Clocks RI'PRIre.d.

6148 Market StreetPhone Gran i te . 8 6 2 ~

Tea, CoHee and SpicesViqueira & Guerin

COFFEEDirec t f rom Plantat ion to You


38 N. ~ 2 ( 1 ST. Allegheny 81 U

Fr"e Delivery

Mnnuf,!cturer {i f Hlgh.Grade


RCIJIlIrs of E v e r ~ ' Description122 N. 1121 8TUEET

Bd l Pllone, Allegheny 3410

I t' s r ea l f un buying school supplieshere because we have such a bigassortment and such low prices. And.bes ides , you get personal and cour teous a tte nti on . Come an d get acquainted.

DieckhausThe West Philadelphia Stationer

Wholesale and Retail210 South 52d St, .


5148 Walnut StreetSherwood 5860


41 NORTH 5 2 ~ p STRF.F.T

PHI I .AD . " . ! 'H IA· P,\"

HARRY. He HAMERJ (lobbing Carpenter

Storm Enclosures-ScreensMade-·Erected-Romoved

PhODtl Narberth 1671


Radios and Equipment

Ollt>ll ' )11(8. and Frt. E \ · e ~ . . '; until 9

SULLIVAN BROS.Official West Philadelphia Service


445 North 63rdSL,Gl'Iinlte 8100 .

£!.f:.1 U\l,.li2.1 lllld Chestnut St8.

"romen's nnd Misses' Wearing APpllrc)Sherwood 8964

Women's Rnd Misses' 'Venrlng AppnrelMillinery-Sweaters

J € ' f / f d { 7 ~27 and 29 S. 52d St.

Sherwood 7614 Open E\'enings

Optometrists and Opticians

RenrleZ\'ou. for Smllrt ,,'olllenGOlO'1I8 Ready to Wear 01' to Order

l ' ri o ea Lower Than Oentral Olb ShopeM i I I l n ~ r ~ ' nnd lIoRleT"

3905 Obeltn'ut St. .• Eve. 8011

Come i n a nd Compare the

6-TUBE ONE-DIAL CONTROLWith OUter RlIdl08 You Have Board1U0derute In Price-Super Reception

C::h P. L. SMITH C::b

Term. 513 S. 5 2nd St. TermM

RestaurantsTHE BLACK C ~ A = T ~ C A ~ F = EAND RESTAURANTDinners, 75c to $1.25

Sunday Dinners $1.00 and $1.25DANCING EVERY EVENING

1'1112 f tl arke t St. Phonc, Allegbeny 0190

Speedometer Service

Ladies' Wearing Apparel \ Sporting Goods

THE FLAPPER SHOP \ ~ SUlnrt u ~ r o c k s J,/) - C ~ ~ .. rr nIten.onnbl" :PrICCH c.JJP'SJ11'-'1=-..

EVELYN HARR1S JEFFERIES116 S. ~ O t h St, Eve, 4138 420 S. 52d S t, OPEN EVERYEVENING

II l u t e ! ' . P 2 ~ 2 ~ ~ l n U n g II LL B E GLAD TO ESTIMATE

. 407 Essex Ave., Narberth, Pa. :

. Phone, Narberth 268': .\~ = ~ = = = = = ~

O,·erbrook 5100


Hardware andHousefurnishinlls

.Phone Narber th 672

MILLERHardware Co.

PAINTS AND GLASS1480 N. 52nd St.

Belmont 0949

Gas Service Stations


Meats:. Groceries andProvisions

Sporting Goods




HARVEY'SService Station

GAS 20cCars Called for, Greased andDelivered, $1.00 and $1.50

l>.1th I'lld Lanen.ter Avo. Belmont 10213

. c r ~ 1 " Ll l U(' l l Nter 4 :\\'e .

--------------Electrical Equipment

WM . COCCAP"ovisione,'


. . . . . . . . WIlDenver' AfllIllIll1Wll189& R.8M st. . .. .... .. Ov8, •oaH-OII88

______________ 1AsburY l 'ark Newark Now Brunlwiok T:res and TubesA Rellatlle store lo r

DepClldobk MerchatuUae I - - - - - - - - . . . . : . . : - ~ - : . . . . . - -ACE TIRE JOBBERS

A cOlllplete stock. of new n nd u se d t ir esalld tubeH. Vul cnn i zl ng nnd re tre ll d lng .Cut t ld8 lid ..ut. It I. good Cor 10% on1111 tlrc8 und ::5% on nil vulcanizing work.

Store No 1-ti530 Lllllcllllter Ave.

Store No. 2·-48ti . I,ancllster Ave,

Narberth Taxi Cab Co.Walter ROBer


Omcel 211' Haverford ATe.


Evergreen 7466



Sccolld Fl,oor

Brake Service

Beauty Parlors

, Delicious

H o m e ~ M a d e

PAULINE'SA Crisp Marcell That Lasts


90c and $1.25


"A Beauty Aid for Every Need"l'EltlUANENT MARCELLWITH AIR ONLY

5505 Lansdowne Ave.BELlIfON1' ,)696

111 S , 4 0t h St,A I l f ! l ' h e u ~ ' 7lil;;


Edmunds' Process of P ermanen t Gas RangesWav in g. A ll Wav in g done by Miss - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - -Farren without any d ange r o r dis- LET US CALLcomfort. and explain th e mer it s o f our

Hotel Pennsylvania30th It C he st nu t St s. E ve rg re en 54110 All-White Porcelain



Automobile Tops ;1 Confectioners

. : ' : H ~ I"ormerlywith Pierce-Arrow OUR NEW BOOKLET ,

I"Wlthln Sound of Bells n nd B os un s

A J CHRONISTER W h l ~ t 1 e " will I nt er e« t y ou . T he h is to ry o f• • tblH fnmous cnndy shop Is trnced with II

Auto Tops, S lip Covers I i ~ t of tlle vnrleties olTered,

Glas8 Enclosures MAY RINGE .~ 10; (1oTller 40th alld LU<lIow Sts. Est, 1S50 :{603 Cbcstnut 8t.

Authorized Service 33 s. 40th STREIllTR USC 0 Electric Power and Light Installations

Brake Lining Electric Fixtures and Appliances

, StOPH Qul cker-Ra ll l o r Shine , I' bonel Io,'·ergr....n 1 I 2 1 1 ~Garage Supply & Equipment eo·1 F~ 3 3 8 - 4 2 LlIncllster Ave. Belmont 0938 ootwear

Le ROY R. LEVIS5526 Lansdowne Avenue

Fine AKIA FootwearFoot Troubles Relieved




Can't be beat for the price andquality.

Continuous service of full courseSunday dinners.

Telephone, BOULEVARD 888


Prompt, courteous service

SOc a ton off for cash

Progressive Credit Policy

Selected Lehigh Valley Coal

2240 pound pe r to n



239 Haverford Ave., Narberth

These ar e only five o f the many reasons that

have buil t our business. When you buy coal

f rom us you a re deal ing with a rel iable , respon

sible concern that makes good every promise.


Automobile Glass

Automotive Electric.Service

We deliver and installwindow

glass i n your home.

Installed While You Wait

Automobile Radiators

Automobile Repairing

CHRYSLER.Se1'vice and Repai1'sHydraulic Brakes

Storage Batteries


Belmont 0433



LmERTY· GI..ASS .CO." " ' ,

5850 MARKET STREETGranite··3103

Deico-Kiaxon-RemyBosch and Splitdorf

Exide Batteries andKing Radios

JOHN CLUTCHER5110 WALNUT S1'. Grunlte 821'3


Starting Light ing Ignit ion

445 Nor th 63d S t.Granite 8100


Radiators, Auto Bodies and FendersRepaired. Weld ing a nd B raz ing .

Metal Work o f a ll kinds.540 North 52'd Street

Phone: Belmont 6467

EsthnatCll Furnished


I'bono Belmont 10258


5220.26 Baltimore Avenue

1449-51 N. 52d St.



(Bl ' twl 'en liard nnd 54th Sts.)

Direct FIlCltory Doalor

Genuine Parts and Service

Choice of the DaySee


Automobiles-New and V sed Cars


We Sell Used Cars ona commission bas is and have wonderful values.

The be8t jO) ' just· a little le88.

Auto Sales Company

HARRYC. SHULTZAutomobile P<!inting

of the BettfJ1' ClassN. E.Oorner 40tb and·Ludlow 8b.

'SllconIlPloor', : .

We Specialize inReconditioned Used Cars


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 9 9 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~..'it Schedule of Montgomery Bus Co., Inc. .t Montgomery Avenue Line I until 3.30 P. M. Startl'n·g at


S• !Then 3.45 P. M. and every 15 min. Y01

Eas tbound . until 10.30 P. M. TThhen every 20m in. dntil 9 . 1 4 0 0 A . ~ · *1W Then 10.50 and every 20 min. until en 9.50 A. M. an every mm..&t

Leaving Anderson and Montgomery until 12.30 P. M.Avenues T h t ; ~ 3 : . 0 t 2 ~ 1 ) 0 and 300 A M Then 12.50 P. M. and every 20 min.

191. WEEXDAYS until 10.10 P. M. .&tW Starting at 5.30 A. M. SATURDAYS T,len 10.50 P. M. and 11.30 P. M. ~ Starting at 6.00 A. M. Then 12 30 A M

Then every 15 min. until 9.00 A. M. . • •Then every 15 min. until 9.30A. M.191. Then 9.20 and every 20 min. unt il Then 9.50 A. M. and every 20 min. SUNDAYSW 3 00 P M t'l 12 3 P M Starting at 5 .30 A. M.T h ~ n a.i5 ~ n evel'y 15 min. until T h \2.45 ~ M. aitd every 15 min. Then eve ry hour unt il 9.30 A. 1\1. '<6Ol

191. 1000 P M t' l 10 30 PM· Then 10.10 A. M. and every 40 min . .&tI t T h e ~ 10.20 ~ n evel 'y 20 min. until T h ~ ~ \0.50 P. M. aitd every 20 min. until 12.50 P. 1\1; 1lW 1200 P M t' l 12 30 A M Then 1.10 P. M. and every 20 min.191. Th • 1230 i 30 d 230 A 1\1 un I • " until 8.50 P. M. .&!lW en .,. an . .. Then 100.1· $2.00 and 4.00 A. M. T d191. .SATURDAYS hen 9.30 P. M. an every 40 min. . & - ~W SUNDAYS until 11.30 P. M.

Starting at 5.30 A. M.. 0 M Starting at 6.00 A. M. Then 12.30 A. 1\01.191. Then ev ery 15 min. un tIl 9.0 A. • Then every Jh-hour until 9.30 A . M. Leaving 54th nod Cit y L ine

IW Then 9.20 and evel'Y 20 min. until until 1.80 P. M.191. 12.00 A. M. Then 9.50 A. M. and every 20 min. Westbound

I W Then 12.15 and evel'y 15 min. unt il Then 1.45 P. M. and every 15 min. WEEKDAYS191. 10.00 P. M. until 10.30 P. M. tarting at 5 .50 A. M.W Then 10.20 and every 20 ml·n. until Then 10.50 and every 20 min. until Then every 20 min. until 9.30A. M.

12.00 P. 1\1. 12.30 A. M. ·Then 10.10 and e v e r ~ ' 40 min. untilThen 12.30,1.30 and 2.30 A. M. 4.10 P. M. ..G.!

SUNDAYS Then. 1.00, 2.00 and ~ . O O ~ M. . Then every 20 min. until 8.30 P. M.Starting at 5.30 A. M. LeaVIng 54th and Ci ty Lme 5 mm- Then 9.10 P. M. and every 40 min. . .

W" Then very Jh-hour until 9.00 A. M . u.tes l at e r t han the above-men- until 11.10 P. M, .&t191. , 2' t'1 boned times. Then 12 00 and 1 on A MW Then 9.20 am. ever y 0 mm. un I Leaving Pennsylvania R. R. Sta- . . . .  Thle·nOOlP.l·5Ma·nd every 15 min. until tion in Narberth 19 minutes latei' S,\.TURDAYS .&t

than the above-mentioned times. Starting at 5 .50 A. M.10.00 P. M. Then every 20min. untU9.30 A.M.

Then 10.20 P.l\L and every 20 min. Narberth Short Line Then 10.10and every 40 min. until191. until 12.00 P. M. 12.50 P. M.W Then 12.30, 1.30 and 2.30 A. M. Eastbound rhen 1.10 P. M. and every 20 min.

Leaving Pennsylvania R. R. Sta- until 10.30 P. M.

191. t ion i n Narberth 7 nlinutes later Leaving Penna. R. R. Station. Then 11.10 P. M., 12.50 A, M. and .&tW than the above-mentioned times. Narberth 1.00 A. M.~ Leaving 54th.S t reet and City L ine ,rEEKDAY'-I t 2'- minutes later t han t heabove - ' '" SU!IoDAYS

mentioned times. Starting at 5.30 A.M. Starting at 6.00 A. lU.W Then every 20min. until 9.10 A . M . Then every 110ur until 9.00 A . M.

Westbound Then .9.50 A. M. and every 40 min. IThen 9.50 A. lH, and .. v e r ~ ' 40 min.W" d d L t A until 3.50 P. M. . until 1.10 P. M.191. Leaving- 63 an ancas er venue Then 4.10 P. M. and every 20 min. II Then 1.30 P. 1\1. and every 20 min.

3-oz. Trial Size 50c; Yz-pint $1.00; Largest Independent Coal Dealer W ·1 P 1\1 t'l 9 10 P 1\1'nt $165 WEEKDAYS un b 8.10 . • I tin I, "

See ~ e m o n ; t r a t i o n W ' Starting at 6.00 A. M. Then 8.50 P. M. and every 40 min. IThen 9,50 P. M. and every 40 min.

R' kl' in Philadelphia Then every 15 min. until 9.30 A . M . until 11.30 P. M. until 11.50 P, M.

E. J. Lyons: H. IC 10 Then 9. 50 ·A . M. and eve ry 20 m in . Then 12. 30 A.M. I Then 1.00 A. M.

H. F, Cot te r 63rd & Market 51st & Gray's ~ A. R. Just ice Co., 904 Walnut St., ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~c = = ~ ~ ~ " ~ p ~ ~ ~ i I = a d ~ _ : ~ I P = ~ = ~ a ~ . _ ~ . = = . = - = " , _ ~ ,,_= _ ~ § § § § ~ ~ ~ § § § § § § = = = = : ; _ . = ..; : : _ : ; _ : ; _ ~ _ . ~ § . . § _ ~ § § § ~ § § § J ) ~ = = = = ~ , = = = = ~ = = = ~ ~ = = = = = = = = = = ~ = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =




SILVER on Worn, Brassy Par ts , Re·flectors, Radiators, Bathroom Fau·cet s, e tc ., so that they

Lancaster Ave., Lansdo'."ne Ave.

and Pea ch S t.

l'hone81 Belmont 883:1-8834

ETIl, 8S18

GUy Croyle, Merion Contractor

Father-Son Dinner Tuesday.

Guy Croyle, Merion contractor,gave a brief sketch of his l if e andbusiness at the Tuesday luncheon ofthe Bala-Cynwyd-Narberth RotaryClub. His talk was in l ine with thepolicy of the club to acquaint membe rs mo re intimately with eachother.Mr, Croyle told how he h a been

bor n on t he fa rm and worked as afarmer' s assistant unt il he was 20years old at which age he enteredthe o ld Central Manua l Tra in ing

High School. Graduating there.hetook a job as lumberman, . leav!ngthis later to enter the engmeerll1g Ii

school at the University of Pennsylvania."I fel t then that I was get ting too

o ld to study" he said. "I left andwent into r ~ contracting business.I have been in tha t for some yea rs

~ ~ t ~ n ~ o l f e : ~ ~ ~ ' still hop ing to goPresident Alvin E. Shull presid

ed. During the business part of themeeting which was held at the Cynwyd Club as usual , he heard a commit tee report on arrangements fort he f at he r a nd son d inne r, wh ichthe club will give Tuesday evening.

Sliced ham, baked in milk withsliced potatoes o n t op . is an excellent dinner dish.


KEEN . P ~ ~ : ; ' t. 8TE,UI Done by

., MANHEIM GLASS CO. L d" °HILI C tt ' MMr'IRitter1467 N. 62nd St. a les a r u mg- a e

Operators-------------- Belmont 3912 :u:: s. 1i::<1 ST. Allo&,bollT :1119D·280S••


Automobile PaintingRiifiiii"74rr-----· Nlckoll'la.tiu

Met&1 WorkThink 01 Ua lVllim in the Market

lo r a Good Paint Job


4240 Market S t reetDUCO A SPECIALTY

Page 5: Our Town November 13, 1926

8/7/2019 Our Town November 13, 1926 5/6



It always pays to advertise.



a momen t l at er was i n tr oduced as

Jack Kelly himself, brother of Wal

ter Kel ly , t he "Virg in ia Judge, "

brother also of . Geo rg e Kel ly ,

author of the "Show -o ff " a nd

Craig's Wif e. " J ac k, the youngest

of ten brothers, and himself a world

f igure .and a delightful speaker,

Takmg the cue of theo ther speak

e : ~ , anecdotes in side-splitting quantities f ~ l l o w e d one another rapidly.

Thesenous pa rt of his talk included

an earnest appeal t o t he N ar be rt h

p os t t o h el p t he younger generation

by the fostering of clean sport."s -t " I 'd «Ol , . le Sal , prepares a ma nfor every k1l1d of experience which

may come to him in later life. Th e

true s po rt s man l ea rn s t o w in mod

estly and lose gracefu lly ; to meet

J l r o b l e ~ m : gamely . sport training

nc.ecssltates dean l iv in g, and sup

lihes an absorbing activity to drive

bad hab it s f rom the mind of youngfellows." ,Prominent L.egionnaire Speaks.

Burgess I-Tarry A. Frye, a mem

ber o f t he post , in troduced the next

S l ? ~ a k e r , also a distinguished visitor.

\/lJ1cent Carro ll , nat ional v ice-com

mander of . t he Amcr ic an L eg io n,

gcneral chairman o f t he recent con

v ~ n t i . o n in -Philadelphia, assistant

district attorney of Philadelphia.

1\1 1'._Carroll echoed the appeal ofjack I'..e1ly fo r the foster ing o f d e an

sport, and launched into a brief talk

on the place o f t he Legion, and its

opportUl;ities in t he f in er t hi ng s of

eoml1lu11lty and national life. Hi s

speech, more formal than the others,was couched in inspiring terms.

Chi e f Charl es V. Noel, of the

Narberth Fire COl1lpany was called

u po n a s t he l ea de r of a peace-time

army, and pledged th e interest of

himsel f and his men in t he work of

t he pos t.As a f it ti ng con cl us io n t o an en

joyable evening, Robert H. Durbin.

father of Bill, legionnaire, was called

upon. After a brief talk he gave

a n e xp re ss h' e r ea di ng of Tames\Vhi tcomb Riley 's fa'mous ·poem."Good Bye, Jim, Take Kere 0;

Yomself"-holding th e diners spell

bound to the end, a s h is readings al

ways do.To Robert C. Collins. chairman of

thc committee. an<1 h i co-workers:

goes th e credit for a completely

successful supper-one that will, orshould be, remembered.




. l \O\ -e'mber Hi, 2. :30 P . l \ L -C l ubl l ~ ) mccting.lIU; ~ lao i ,m'ember 17, 2 P . l \1 .- Ca rd1"·1;;;1 p ar ty w it h M rs . j. A. Caldwell.

(\11:1 122 Elmwood avenue.

I:, November 19, 9.29 A. 1\L-Trip

iii, ii,il to \Vate rco lo r Exh ib i t ion a t th e

l ~ t \ , \eadem)".lal) . 1illl November 19, 6.30 P. M.-Din

(lUll ner-Dance a t E lm H all.November 20, 9 A. M.-Ho11lc

Bake at Cotter 's Store .

Read the advertisements.

Scores November 5

IlAl'l'IST I l A ' 1 ' T L I : m ~Nlc!Jol .oll . . . .. . • . . . . . . . . • • . 1-HMnl8h •• . . . . . . . . • . . . . • , . . . . lOUKelm 1l:l,,- H. S l l l l ' l l l e ~ ' ..•• ".,.,." HH11. '.', ~ I 1 l N l 1 ~ ' · "",.""", ti i l l

1 ~ HIli1 l l11:l143 1011 GIVES BLOOD112 111"· .127 . 1 3 I Officer Emil Piquet wa s able to'1:11 U 1 Ib e o f s er vi ce to a fellow patrol-

1:1;; l'H man when he submitted to a blood

i ~ ~ : l ~ transfusion Thursday, in the Brynl 3 16S ~ I a w r H osp ita l. M rs . Samuel

147 Adams. wife of Officer Sam058 117\1 -,,-

Won Lo.t 1:::: Adams . was ill, an d a request wa sStanding of the Teams I ~ e n t ou t for someone to give his

Lutheran Lions ••••••••• . • 8 1 . 8 ~ O , blood.lIaptJ . t Battlers II II .7.;(} ' f l" IPresbYterlan PUo'" •••••••• (j ·1 . g ~ ~ 11S IS t le second time that O f r r e ~ I , ~ ~ h s t U M · ; g l h o j , B " . ':::::. :883 ficer Piquet ha s been o f s im i la rJ , . , f r e . h . ' · t ~ r J n n Pep l l o ~ ' l o I ••••• a u .3a;J •.

~ h · t ..ol1l.t Meteotl< ........:1 D . ~ ' i i O servIce.

Scores November 8METHODIST METEOllS

l'urrltll< 124Spencer .. .. .. • .. • . • . • l O Henrd , , • .. 120Smith 146~ Jenkin. 14:l


L U T H ~ U , \ : > LIO:>S

? t l l ' : : : f . ~ e n ~ ' ~ ~ . ~ t •.. :: : ::: :: :: :: : g Robertson .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . . .. 118..,\lurruy ., ••••• , . . . . . . . . . . . . U6Abert 178

home director of· the Northeast IndiaGcner al Mi ss ion. Mr. Wil li ams w il ls p e ~ k of the great work accomplisheddunng the past 16 y ea rs b y t his mis s ion in India a nd o f the thousands ofconvert s f rom Devil worship to thcGospel of Christ.The Union Thanksgiving service

will be held in t his c hu rc h o n themorning of Thanksgiving day at 10.30o'clock. .

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.

M. E. 1\1cLinn, pastor.Regular services November 14:9.45 A M.-Sunday School.11.00 A. M. - Morni ng s e r vi c e.

"I,ooking to God."7.00 P. M.-Luther League.7.4ii P. 1[ , - Evening preaching.

Subject , "The Books \Ve Read."Tbe people arc invited and urged to

a tt end t he se s cr vi ce s. A cordi al wcl

comc assured.These s ermons in thc Lutheranchurch next Sunday wil l he t he mos tpractical possihle, directing the thoughto f t hc hea re r t o t he app li ca ti on of t herel igious principles to evcryday busines s lifc and to s how the power ofour Saviour , Jcsus Chr is t. to promotethe happiness a.nd highcst success inall the relations of lifc. Come vcpcople! I •




Built Home

Half-acre. Five bedrooms and 3 baths.An· stone consb·uetion.

Church News


National Bank :BuildingNARBERTH 2287

English Type House

For Sale

For PermanentSatis/action




at the Y. M. C. A.Join NO1/) and Enjoy These

P1'ivileges :GymnasiumSwimming PoolShower BathsBilliardsBowlingCirculating LibraryReading RoomMillinery and InteriorDecorating Classes

Living RoomsClubsGood Fellowship

For Men, Women, Boys andGirls

Rates Fit Your Purse

M ai n L in e ChristianAssociation

116 W. Lascaster Ave.Ardmore, Pat

First Church of Christ, Scientist.

\ ,yomen's Club Building', Ardmoreavenuc. Ardmore, Pa.Sunday scrvices, 11 A. M.\Vcdncsday evcni ng . t es timoni al

. mceting. 8 o'clock.Piano Teacher Heading room, No. II) West Lancas-

MISS MARIE MIESEN ter avcnuc, opcn daily, 10.:10 A. ~ to,LilO P. .M.

Studio at Thc suhjcct for the Biblc lesson ser-158 MERION AVENUE mon jor November 14 is " ~ l o r t a l s and

Narberth, Pa, Immortals:'

Phone Narberth 1673-1\1 I~ = = = = = = = = = = ' = " ' , . " . . . ~ . . . " , . . ~ _ Methodist Episcopal Church.Rc,·. \V. Sheridan Dawson. minister.November H , 1!J2G:llA:j A. M.-Bihle School. Hon .

Fletcher \V. Stites. superintendent.11.0() .\ . i\l, - Morning' worship.

Thcmc: "Thc Second Com ing o fChr is t. " Anthem: " Th c L or d I s My: -ihcpherd," hy Morri son. Quartet:"\Vhat Hast Thou Gi"en for Me," hv:\ mbrose. ' .

Ii.-J.:i P. "i.-Epworth L l' agm' de"otional meeting.

7.4ii P. M. - Evcning" wo rs hip ,Thcmc: "Hea"cn-\Vhat Is It Like?".· \n th cm : "Th e Day Is Gently Sinking." hy Gi lchr is t. Qua rt ct : "God' s"Iarning." hy Lccch.Tuesday, Novemher Iii. the \;Yomen's

Homc Missionary Society wil l holdthcir monthly husiness and social meeti ng a t thc h ome of 1\lrs. Harnden atR P. 1\1.\Vcllncsday, November 17. Prayer

and Praise service at 8 P. "r.Thursday, Novemhel' 18, ""oman's

I lomc Missionary Society will holdtheir monthly luncheon at the churchat P . M.Thursday e"cning", choir r l ' h l ' a r ~ a l at

R o·clock.The Good-Fellowship Cluh will hold

thcir monthly on T h u r ~ d a y . lRth. onl'week ear lier than usual . owing to t h"fact that the Thursday following willhe Thanksgiving day.The Lad ie s' Aid Soc ie ty will hol d

their annual bazaar on Dl'cemher 4 in

t h l ~ Y. M. C. A. Buil<ting.

All Saints Church, Wynnewood, Pa,

Rector, Rev. Gibson Bel l., 8.00 A. M.-Holy Communion.10.00 A. M.-Church School.11.00 A. M. - Morning Prayer and

sermon oy thc rector. - Anthem-"Behold God Is Great," Naylor; "TeDeull l, " Coler idge Ta: rlor . Choir of40 voices.

The Presbyterian Church.

Rev. John Van Ness,M. A., mitiister.Mcetings for November 14:! A. 1\L-Biblc School. A 11 de

partments.10.00 A. l\L-Men's Bihlc C la ss in

the H. C. Gara Hoom and \1I /omcn'snihlc Class in the Session Room.Topic: "Thc Conquest of Canaan."11.00 :\ . M . - ~ l o r n i n g worship. Ser

mon thcme: - "?\ oah and th e Ar k, t heDovc and the Rainhow."11.00 A.l\L-JuniM Chl1l'ch for chil

dren.(iA:; P. .\1. - Scuior Endcavor So

rietv.i.oo P . 11. - Junior Endeavor So

cicty.7.-l:i P. 1\l.-Evcl1il1g \ \ " ( l r ~ h i p . Ser

mon theme: "1 s You r anll' vVrittenin the Book of L if c? "Next "Vedncsrlay we arc to havc the

privilege of having" with I I at ou rPrayer l\lecting ~ l r . J ohl1 C. \Villiams,

Of Sermons on "Genesis and the

Modern Man."

Baptist Church of the Evangel. III thc first o f a s er ic s of four scr -mons preached on Sunday evenings in

Robc rt E. Kc ig ht on , min ister. th eB a pt is t C hu rc h o f t hc Evangel, theServices for week of Novemhcr 14: He\,. Robert E. Kcigh ton said, l as tSunday. Novemhcr 14: Sunday night:!JAii A. M.-Church School. "For many years there has been an.oo A. M.-llorning" worship. Ser- debate 'waged over the early chapters

11\0n: "Do You Spe ak E ng li sh ?" of Gcncsis. V nf or tu na te ly . th e atten-7.00 P. M.-Young P e o p k ' ~ Dcvo- t ion gi ,- cn t o it, t he encrgy expended

tionat scn·ice. ~ \ p o n it and t he emoti on a roused by7.·l.i P.l\L-Evcning worship Ser- It 1l<1"e hccn out ofal lpropor tionto thc

11I0n: "Thc l1irth of Sin." This i ,;.,.. .secon d in the s er ie s of s crmons o n m1portancc of it! Thc proof of the

1110dern position is pas t h is to r" ,' i ts" C e n c ~ i s for the 'ModeI'll 1\[an." . . J~ IN" l ' 1" v i l ~ , l t c a t l o n is future h i ~ l o r y - r a p i d l y. ~ I H a y , ., .,), hClIIg made!

2 . , I ~ 1 P. M.-L;\lhes t ca a t t he hOll1e "01- tIle t,,·o '1 co lit t tl . C . t'f M CI I r V ...., E • C u S O l e rca IOno IrS. Jar cs ... ",rcmcr, k_O • s?ex g-in·n in Gcncsis, no rcconciliation callav enu e, f or t hc p ur po se of r ea dmg he made that docs ot t t· · t 'fi ' I"}'Ioslem \Vomen." ' . . < • n)e ra) ar I cla-

. Tuesday November 16: It) and 1 l 1 h e r e n ~ weakness. They w ~ r e) , . '. " ." the attempts ot two Hchrl"\\'s. one h"·

H D~ . O O I. "I. - "Von_lcn s .\sSOelatIO!l ing 800 B. C., thc other 500 B. C.. HLAN SOCial a t the h omc 01 Mrs. Alhert lo.. "1'11"t 't It' . 1 I

IGD . ' J ' " T '1'1 I I' l" or\' I se IS laSe( upon aaVIS, ,.11,. ona aVl·I1Ul·. .1C a( . I l ' ~ tradition common to thc Semitic

( o f o ur c hu rc h a nd c ongr eg at io n. WIth . I 11 tal l ' tl P'I'I ' TI


hei r f riends arc invitc( ! to thi, m'ca- plUp e. < ) ) 1e J,I l). o!uans. 1


. ' IrC"olt agamst the polythclstlc story ot

RIS I O \ I ~ ; tiN 1 r this latter pl'oplc, which hall thc crea·

AI' , ~ ~ l ( o I 1 1 C ~ ' i ( ~ ) [ ' : ' - 1 ? l V , e I C n ) ( ' r I": t ion of man a, the result oj a drunken

O.,.. . iV. 1e rusa( I i f I 1 I I I C


s ()O P. l\L-Praver sen·ice. Topic: ~ ' e n z y 0 t.ll· go., s, prot nc('( ! 1e r e ~ -"The Bihlc Jesus Used." This will he l I I ~ . n Ode ol the hrst.chapter 01 G e n ~ s l s .

MILK AN 0 CREA M followcd . by the quarterly husiucss .I t ~ ' I ~ ' a l l l c f ~ r . ItS IS

nlotI c o s m o l l ? ~ p c a l .

75 8meetil1·T of thc church. sClcn I IC .9r liS ~ l r 1 c a . ) ~ 1 t re I!'P°1!S.

LANCASTER AVE. Frid;y. November HI: Its m ~ g l l l h c c n c c IS f o u n ~ JIl the mSls-BRYN MAWR 7.30 P, M.-Young P e o p l c ' ~ C\'('- tence I t . I 1 . I , ~ k e s U P O ~ l the C r l ' a t ~ r as one

nin" at the church, g-rcat. ::;J}lrIt \\:110. IS wholly righteousPHONE BRYN MAWR 882 '" a l ~ d Just, aCl11eVl11g a,s t h crown of

, BOWLING Ills \York the compatllonSlllp of man."


111 Narberth Ave nue


Light Hauling



BERT S. SMITHButter-Eggs-Delica tessen

De livered a t your door


Phone , Na rbe r th 1242-J

Curtains an d CushionsMADE TO ORDERCirculating Library



Automobile Radi a to r and Fender

Repair Work

104 Essex Avenue

Phone Narberth I 752

JAMES R. COLEHear of 250 Haverford Ave.

House alld DecO/'ative PaintingMail Orders and .Tobbing Promptly

Attended to

Phone, Narberth 339.W

n, .eidence, Station,l'arberth 1731 Narberth 1713·W

Baggage Called f(IT (Iud DelweredJ/IR CONWAY A\'ENI1E NARBEBTh

,Special Low Price .<

on th e New

Ful l .Enameled T a pp a n R an g e

Approved N'Lt. Board Underw,..it61'8

JOHN L. JENKINS201 Price Avenue



Thc Gift Shop of Na1·bc1·th-Exclusive Importat ions from

Europe.Apropos o f t he Gift Season..stunning New CI'eations from

"Everywhere."Order your Christmas Cal'ds

now, while selectionsare complete.104 Forest Ave.

Open F1iday Evening



Are You Going to Move?

Le t ]I,{€.' Move You.


Specialty on Packages and





230 Ha ver f or d Ave nue

Phone. Narberth 2202-W



Tested and approved, by theGood Houselceeping Institute

T h e r an g e w i th th e rounded

corners . Cast i r on , r u st - p roo f


In Children' s Hos ie r y , Lad ie s '

Silk Rayon Ves t s an d

S t e p ~ I n s

Facial Massage

C la y Pa ck

Eyebrows Arched

Hair T r immed


Permanent Waving

Marcel Waving

Ho t Oil Treatment

Henna Pack


29 BaJa Ave., Bala·CynwydCYNWYD 662

-I t is too late when fire comes, to think about fire

proof roofing.

Do it now. Le t us lay a slate, tile, 01' fireproof

shingle roof that will defy the railroad's fiery breath.Loole us up in our new permanent quarters-a modern, completely ,equipped structure-the finest Roofing and Sheet-Metal Headquarters in the Main Line


Phone us for roofing, sheet-metal work, heater andrange installation and repairs, spouting, gutters, etc.Also for relining of refrigerators, manufacture and

repairs to skylights, cornices, etc.


There arc m a n ~ ' attractive Garage designs and p lans in our

Lumber Library at your disposal a ny d ay b etwe en 7 A. 1\1.and 5.30 P. M., Saturday until 12 noon, or any evening byappointment.Fi1', White P ine, Y el low P il le (wd Cypress al'e ad(1)table fol'outside 11J01'k and we wOllld be glad to tell U0lt app'l'oximatcl1Jwhat the mate1'ia,/ f(w (( G(l1'age of yOl/l' design wOldcZ COlli.


Robert E. Ke igh t on , M in i st e r

"Genesis and the ModernMan"A Series of Evening Sermons

Tomorrow Evening: ''The Birth of Sin"

Other Topics




Phone For flppoilltment-NARBERTH 258!Z-W

A "Fir" Coat lor

Your Car


A GaragE ' can be more quickly const ructed with lumber, and,properly l ined inside, will prove a good insulator in protecting

you r car f rom the winter elements.

Six HotOilTreatments and Six Shampoos

Six Facial Massage Treatments at a

Baptist Church of the Evangel

ELIZABETH I. WISLERCor. Haverford and Narberth Aves.


~ ( > < ; . r " " " ' : " J < J O ~ " : > < : " ) < J < ~ ~ ~~ = = = = = = = = = = = = ~ = ~ = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ~

Page 6: Our Town November 13, 1926

8/7/2019 Our Town November 13, 1926 6/6


ESTATE OF JOHN s. DIAMOND. DECEASED. Letters of AdminIstration on theabove Estate h a v ~ been gr an te d to theundersIgned. who requestsall persons havIng c la ims or dcmands agaInst the Estateof the decedent to make known the same,and all persons Indebted to the decedent tomake payment, wltbout delay, to

WIr.LIAM E. WATERS,210 Essex: Ave.,

:O;arberth, PR,Or to his Attorney,.rOHN GILROY,211 Essex: Ave"Narberth, Pa.

R. S. TOUHILLElectrical Contractor703 S. Bowman AvenuePHONE MERION 1088

1I8tfmofu Fuml8'"



8<J1I Phon". Sprue" 38-00 and 88-9')

K"Y8ton" Phon, ,_ Rae" 'JO-a.


Drive in and get your car oiledand greased while you wait .

Agent {01' Goodyear Tires and Tubes"

Gra - M!;Ginley c..I 218 N . 1 3 ~ S P h i l a : J ~

Brookhurst and Montgomery Avenue


HARRY B. WALLPlumbing, Gas Fitting

and Heating


ESTATE OF CARROLL S. ROGERS.lato of Narbertb, DOOCIlSC,l, Let te rs ofAdminIstration c. t. a. on the above EstatehavIng been granted to The Mer lon TIt leand Trnst Company of Ardmore , a ll per .son8. Indebted to saId Estate are requestedto make Immediate payment, and those havIng legal claIms to present the same, wIth·

out delay, at the officc of salll Company,No. 5 East Lancaster avenue, Ardmore, PRoHARRY C. BARE,

(12-4,20) Vlee PresIdent.

GARAnteed Roofs


speed up in an endeavor to r ea ch t hecorner before t he l i gh t changes , wi ththe resul t that there have been severalcollisions' and near accidents at the intersection of Narberth and Price avenues. \Ve recommend that t hi s committee b e g iv en authority to investigatc th is s i tua tion and, if necessary, toplace such signs a t Narberth and Pr iceavenues and also at Nacberth and Sabine avenues.During the pas t month the Highway

Depal'tlnent has placed "Danger-RunSlow" signs at Wynnewood and Sabineavenues.In addition we collected 754 <;ubic

y ar ds o f a sh es ; c le an ed t he storm inlets and patched s ev er al d it ch esthrougout the borough.'vVe recommend that this committee

be gi . en au thori ty to obtain a p os itive r ul iug f rom the borough solicitorwith re fe rence to the propr ie ty and

right o f t hc borough to drain surfacewater i nt o t hc old 12-inch pipe in thebed of Haverford avenue, and that ifsuch a ruling i s f avor ab le , a ll o f th eabutt ing property owner s s houl d bewarned by this committee that i t i s t hein tention of the borough to make suchuse of that drain pipe within 30 daysfrol11 t he dat e o f the warning, and thatthose property owners should, in themeant ime, take whatever precautionsseel11cd t o t hcm to be suitable t o p re vcnt surface water fr0111 backing up inpipes which may at present be drainingfrol11 the ir proper ties in to th is 12-iuchmain.\Ve a lso ask for author i ty to open up

the inlet at the c o rn er o f For res t andHaverford avellues, 30 days after sucha not ic e has been sent out.During the past 1110nth we s pe nt

$ : ? : n 8 . j · : ~ for materials u sed i n the resurfacing" of \Vynnedale avenue, and$21 for mater ia ls used in street maintenance work. Th e expenditure forlahor during the past 1110nth w as asfollows: For ash collections $476.14;for street cleaning, $127.75; for 'streetmaintenanl'c. $0.84; for r en t o f roller,$IUH; for \Vynnedale avenue, $443.99;for repairing" \Voodhine avenue curb,$10A·1. Total, $1072.


Bids f,)I Ihe collection of garbage from allhotH'es. npal'l1Ul'nis and Btores in the Boroughof ~ a r b e r t h , fol- the year 1927, arc herebyl 'eq ll ( 's ted . The hids will be reeclvetl by theSe"rctary of the Borough Coundl up to 8P. :1. ~ I o l l l l l l r . D('('cmber 1:1, 1926. at whicht ime a 1'l';!ulal' nH'pt!ng' of tbe Borougb Council eOllvellcs ;lnll the openin,C: of the bids willtake placf',Cnntrnet will bc nwarded to the lowest

responsihlc bidder and tbe Council reservesthl ' r ight to r , ~ j e e t llny 01' nil b id s, Col ipc·tions will be reqnired in llecol·dance wIth thefollowing schedule:Tbree collections 11 week during the montbs

of ~ r a ~ · ..Tunc, ,Tulr, August, September andOctober.Two N,IlP"tioIlS n wcck dnrlng the months

of Xonmher, J)ceember, . T a n u a r ~ · , February, l~ I a r c h lind April.

K i l l d l ~ ' fOlwllrtl ~ ' o U I ' b id fol ' a bo ve work.

been entirely completed and the total'

cost of this amounted to $2822.71. TheStreet Commissioner estimated in advance that th e total cost o f t hi s wou ld

be $2800, but your chai rman asked

Coun<;il and received authorizat ion tospend not more than $3000. Thirty percent. of this total is to be pai d by theabutt ing property owners and billspro-ra ting that charge in accordanccw it h f ront f oo tage wi ll b e s er ved onthose proper ty owners within the nextweek.:VIr. Marmaduke Bowker, ]1'.. of 108

\Vynnedale avenue, has asked theborough t o r epai r or make reimbursement for damage to the cemcnt of hiss idewalk and front porch which he believes was caused by water that leakedfrol11 a surface water drain pipe of theborough i n t he bed of vVynnedale avenuein f ron t of his property. Th e drain

pipc was sealed at the expense of theborough a nd t he ca us e of the t roublewas thereby removed more than a yearago . :Memhers of th is commit tee alldthe Street COlllmissioner have visitedl...rr. Bowker's property personally andare of the opinion that i t is not demons trab le that the imperfections ill h issi dew alk a nd p or ch w er e c au se d h ywater underground. It is the opinionof your committee that these defectsa rc n o mor e s er io us t ha n f re qu en tl yoccur to cement work from apparentlynatural causes. It i s, t he re fo re . t herecommendation of your c0111mitteethat l\Ir. Hawker should be' notifiedthat it is the opinion of Council thatt he f ul l responsihility of the boroughin this mat te r was discharged whenthe surface water drain pipe was ade qua te l y and pe rmanen tl y sealed.Your committee is holding a Deed

nf Dedication conveying f rom ]enl1 \'P. Loos to the horough of Narberththe road hcd of Shirley lane so-called.\Ve ar t' in formed by the Stree t Commissioner that although thi s lane wasproperly p aved in acconlance withborough s ta ndar ds , t he pa\ ·cment h assince heen seriously damaged hy openi ng s whi ch h av e been made for waterand other connections and that theseopenings h a\ 'c h ee n l ef t in s uc h a poorcondition that thc surface of th is s t ree t,as i t now statHis, is impaired. It i s t hcI'l'commcndation of your commit te ethat this d ec d b e 1I0t accepted nntilthe Street Commiss ioner can reportthis strcet has heen put into the propercondition.The cha irman o f t hi s commit te c has

rece ived a request f rom a residcnt of1\orth Karberth avenne that "DangerRun Slow" signs be placed a t t h c i n t er section of Xarberth and Price avenues.This residcnt states that since thctraffic con tr ol l ight was placed at thecorner of North Narberth a nd Mon tgomery avenues. there has becn an inc re as ing t endency fo r p eopl e d ri vi ngnorth on North Narberth a ve nu e t o




Mr . an d Mrs. E. K . B a ue r wishto e xp re ss t o th eir f ri en ds their

sincere appreciation fo r th e kind

ness an d sympathy extended tothem du r ing thei r recent bereavement,


Mr . an d Mr s. D a ni el H. Killian

ar e on the ir honeymoon, seeing th e

sights o f Mo nt re al , Q ue be c an d

o t he r p a rt s of N ew Eng la nd a nd


Mr . an d Mrs . K i ll i an wer e mar

ried November 3. Th e b r ide was

Miss Katharine V. Riernan o f M t.Airy. Mr . K il li an r es id ed w it h

h is s is te r, M r s. E. R. Conne l l, o f

vVoodside avenue.

Upo n t he ir re turn th e young

coupl e w i ll take up t he ir r e si dencein t h ei r new home i n :Mount Airy.

CON'l'INUBD F I W ~ I 'J'I-H; ("IHS'!' P A G I ~holdings of Vincent 1 la r ia n i a nd

Derronse et al. at lana an d \Vood

bine a\·enues. Th e liens, amounting

to $1459.59 ar e against a pair of

v a ca n t l ot s at tha t point, boughtin at a sale s ome t im e ag o by th e

present owner as an investment.The foreclosure, it was stated

is th e first of a number whi ch w i l!be made agains t properties withliens which s h ou l d b e removed.

That Narberth 's cash bo x is in

better shape than h as b ee n th ecase fo r s ome t im e was s hown in

,the report of th e treasurer. Atthe beginning of t he y ea r t he re

wa s $'.!2,000 ou ts t and ing ' i n t emporary l oans ca rr i ed t o p ay t he current bills. T he se n ot es ha d

meanwhi le i nc rea s ed to $58,100Di g ta x collections, i t w as shown,

will mak e i t possible to wipe ou t

$29,000 of t h is amoun t , s e tt i ng thelowest floating d eb t h el d by th eborough f or s ome t im e.

' rhe report o f t he Highway and

Sewer Committee, th e largest di

vision of Counc il , f o ll ows:Report of Highway Committee.

During the past month thc work ofresurfac ing \Vynncdalc avenue underthe Street Improvement bond issue has



Th e 1Iothers ' Assoc i at i on w il l

hold a ca rd pa r ty for t h e Na rber thGirl Scouts Wednesday, Decembe r 8, at 2.15 P. M. , at th e ScoutHouse, \Vinc1sor a ve nu e. A dmi s

sion w il l b e 50 cents. There will

b e p ri ze s an d refreshments.



-, ._-_ ..- .



rope, t ur n ed h e r t al en ts t ow a rd sChestnut a Y l ' n u e - ~ I r s . Hugh B. Speed

th e American concert stage. At th e and Miss :\IfiI'garet Livingston.

music festival at Spartanburg, as South Narberth avenue and Grove-

soloist w it h t he N ew Y or k S ym - :o.Irs, Lindll'Y Trotter.Merion avenue-Mrs. J. A. Hongler,

p ho ny O rc he st ra u nd er Walter Mrs, JRl lIes W. Dan·i IIe, Miss DorothyDamrosch, an d in numerous con- Bossert ilnd Miss Ruth Caldwell.

ready; existing or to be advocated. Hocldand avenue and ~ I a p l e a Y e n u ~Miss Helen Trowbridge and Mis6 Lois

There s h ou ld b e p r ov is io n s in a tj.lldwell.

l ar g e w a y for th e physical, moral, Mrs. Hugh B. Speed i s in ch ar ge of

mental an d social welfare an d ex- the south side workers,On t he nor th s id e of Narberth:

pr e ss i on of all wh o wish th is priv- Wynn ed al e road an d Shady Lane,i lege under th e most favorable an d Montgomery avenue, from Shady Lane to

Wynnewood road-Miss Katherine 1l' l igh t fu l env ir onmen t , which is Elm Terrace, Stepney Place, Montgom

noi : t :ne case at t he p re se nt t im e pry to :'>arbeL·th n\'enue-l\1iss Vil'giniaa nd c an n e ve r b e come so under Donglllss.

d. . Essex n v c n u f ~ ~ I i s s ?lIarion Batdorf,

present co n ItlOns. Mrs. H. ~ Staley, Mrs, Ncwlin 'WiBU1CI"The v e ry a tt ra ct iv e a n d sutt- and :\Irs, F. C. Torrey.

a b le p la ce selected fo r th e ne w Durllcy a v e n u e - ~ I r s . II. n. ~ I I 1 I ' r n rbu'ilding on th e corner of Mont- and H . V. Whitney.

g omery avenue and Anderson ave- Parhh\w Apartmcnts und EntermullA p a r t l l l e n t s - ~ I r s . Paul M. Fields.Ilue s h ou ld make a strong appeal Stuart a y e n u c - ~ I r s , F. P. DunlllllINNfo r renewed efforts 111 b eh a lf o f Stunrt :I\'eIllH' lIIHI I ,ower Price ave ,this l au d ab le p ro je c t. Train, nUI'-:\It·s. F. P. Dunlap,trollev an d b us s er vi ce f or t ho se Conwl1Y n\'cnuc-;\Iiss Edith Ewnu Ilud

J :\11·s. ,T. C. \ ' I1U Newkirk.w ho nee d it is superb for th e NaJ'hl'(H)k l'nrk-:\[iss Paticnce Wohl-entire Main L in e r ea ch in g fr om "rt.City Line to Pa ol i an d covering W l 1 y n ( ~ 11 \'('111I<'-:\Irs. Wnllis BOi! area of approximately 100 PI'iel' a\'cIll1l'-:\[iss Dorothy B e f i t t ~ ' .

. Xm'h"l'th 11\lnIIl '-1\ :[ rl '. F rl lnei" : \[ ,square mtles of territory to be Keim fint] :\h",. C. W. Blltes.served. Forest ll\'enlle-:\IiI'S Emma :\III"lIel'."Many details of t he b u il d in g Uppl'l' G r l l ~ - J i J ~ g - M r s . Arthllr Cordo,

will be described in a future ar-I Lowc!' (ll'nyllJ1g-:\[rs. Rl1ymolJ(l S-. I 1. 1 '11 1 .Tones.tiC e w lIC 1. \\'t appea to an d "roodbin" n\'I'l1u<,-:\Iiss Dorothy Spcck.should receive th e hea r ty endor s e- HaDlpdt'n n \ ' c n l l ( ' - ~ I i s s G1fi(lys Gro\·,'!'.m en t o f all wh o ar e interested in Tlma l1\('nII<,-:\Il's. ,Toseph H. :\Iillel·.Main Line ideals an d standards Lantwyne road-Mrs. L. F i e l d i n ; ~f ff i ' h' Howc.o e clency, suc. a IS c O l : t ~ m - RhiIJIY roa<!-:\Iiss Detty Hnrtley.plated b y t he M am Lme ChristIan Meeting HOllse Lnne nnd Williams avc-Association in th e n ew bu il di ng nll,,-:\Iiss Bl<l1nOI :\Iiehaelf'f' r a cOlumunity program which Hn\'f'l'flll'fJ a \ ' f ' 1 1 I 1 l ' - ~ I I \ ~ . ,T..T. I"indei-

'11 b d t h Sln and :\lrs. Willimu Dallingnll.WI secon, ? n ~ m e .anyw ~ r e , Windsor fi\'enue, Wynnewood 1'01111. Sa-a r ~ d will be l!lsttnchve In keepl11g hine n\ll111( : l lHl :\[outgomeI'Y avenue froIIIWith th e reputation an d perform- Xnrbcrth to : \ [ l ' r i o l l - ~ I l ' s . H. C, Fenno.a nc e o f a character is t ic Nlain Line . Mrs. Fe nll o has ch ar ge of t he no rthff rt " sllle wol"l,ers.eo. All IC)lOlt,; are !'cqucstc<! to hI in b ~

the 2·Hh of X"vcmbcl'.EAT SOUR KROUT THURSDAY

Th e L ut he ra n Church w il l b e

th e s ce ne o f a s o ur k r ou t s up p erThursday evening. Th e menu

wil l consi s t o f po rk an d "doggies,"b read and butter, coffee an d appletarts, mashed p o t a t o e s - ~ n d sourkrout, of course. Ticke t s a re seH-ng fo r 65 cents.


ADELIZZI BROS.102 F01'1'est A 1}/?111/P,

Phone, Narberth 2602

ALEXBE ELECTRIC802 Have1'!ord AvenuePhone, Narberth 1635

ARCADIA RESTAURANT'239 Haverford AvenuePhone, Narberth 699

JOHN A. CALDWELLReal Estate205 Haverford Avenue

COOK BROTHERS104 Essex AvenuePhone, Narberth 1752

COOPER BROS.Na1'be1,th & Haverfm'd AvenuesPhone, Narberth 2554

HOWARD F. COTTERY. M. C. A. Building. Phone, Narberth 1750

C. H. CRANEHa'l)e1'f01·d and Na'rbedh AvenuesPhone, Narberth 1620

GEO.M.DANDO209 Haverfo1'd AvenuePhone, Narberth 1680

DAVIS'Oldest Store in Nm'berthPhone, Narberth 1735

HEWIT'S'.J.'a"lurs, Cleane1'S & Dym's234 Haverford Avenue

T. A. KERRIGAN & SONBuildersPhone, Narberth 2718

CHRIS KOCH238-40 Haverford Avenue

Phone, Narberth 1267

PHILIP ATLEE LIVINGSTONh'intc1' and PubUsherPhone, Narberth 2545

VINCENT MARIANINarberth Department Sto1'e230 Haverford Avenue

MERION TITLE & TRUST CO.Have1'!a1·d & Na'rberth AvenuesPhone, Narberth 398

NARBERTH COAL CO.258 Haverfo1'cl Avenueihnne, Narberth 375

NARBERTH ELECTRIC SHOP250 Haverfo1'd Avenuefhune, Narberth 2282

NARR FRUIT & PRODUCE MARKEl'228 Have1"!o1'd AvenuePhone, Narberth 377

NARBER'!'H HOME BAKERY2 . ~ 3 Have1'fo1'd A venue

Phone, Narberth 2201-W

NARBERTH NATIONAL BANKl?sse:l; & Haverford Ave-lluesPhone, Narberth 6:30

NARBERTH PLUMBING &HEATINGNarberth 2718Narberth 2239-W


Phone, Narberth 1710


104 Forrest Avenue

H. RICKLINHa1'dware203 Haverford Avenue

S. J. THOMASDry Goods and Haberdashe'l'Y236 Haverford Avenue

WHITE'S SWEET SHOP219 Have1'fm·d AvenuePhone, Narberth 1705

WHITESIDE BROTHERS23 7 Haverford AvenuePhone, Narberth 369