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l' I MERRY CHRIS fMAS VOLUME II. NUMBER 11 NARBERTH, PA., THURSDAY. DECEMBER 23 , 1915 MERRY CHRISTMAS I PRICE' TWO CENTS Golf Association Committee Rec o m me nd s L oc al C lu b a nd T wo Others for Event DECIDE JANUARY 14 MERION IN LINE FOR AMATEUR GOLF TOURNEY At the annual m e et i ng o f the Amer ican G ol f A ss oc ia ti on , w hi ch w il l be helel on . J a n u a r ~ · 14, the executive com mittee will recommend that the three n a t i on a l c h a mp i o ns h i ps tournaments ~ h a l l he awarded to an)' one of th e following clubs: , National Amateur-Merion Cricket I , Club. P h il a de l ph ia : l "a s sa u C o un t ry C lu b, G le n Cove, L. I., an d Piping Hock ClUb, Locust Valley, L, I, I l"ational; open-Minikahda Club. l\linneapolis: Country Club of Detroit, I an d J o ~ n g l e w l J o d ('ountry Club, Engle r wood, :\. ,I. I Women's :\aUona I-Xew Haven, C on n. . Co un try CI uh ; Greenwich, Conn .. Country Cluh, a nd B el mo nt Springs Country C lu b, W av er ly , M a ss . BE HERE OO N LAUS WILL --------------- "----------_._-_. SANTA A LETTER WRITTEN BY A LITTLE GI RL TO CHARLES : SCHOOL CHILDREN WRITE DANA, AT ONE ·TIME EDITOR OF TH E NEW YORK SUN I ABOUT i lJear gditor; I was n ot C hr is t, th e s ou rc e of al l 1!(ood, born on this daY h un dr ed s of I years ago, and bor n for th e ver y pur II pose of promoting these b l e ss i n gs for mankind'! " Pe ac e on e ar th ! Good will to men" was t he s on g caroled to the shepherds by th e angels. A song thaI has cOllle down t he yea rs w ith e ae h C hr is tm as and has he lp ed to mal,e t ha t season th e best of all th e I year, b ec aU se it is the anniversary : of Redemption of th e world. I As this season draws neal' it h; I accompanicll hy a series of pastel s ce ne s; t he l " a t i v i t ~ · , picturing th e I lowly shed in which th e C hi ld is seen wrapped in s w ad dl i ng c l ot he s a n d l a id I in a manger; the apparitio1l of th e augcls 10 t he s h ep h er d s un the crest or the hill, the moon an d and stars flooding them with l ig ht ; t he v is it a tion of t he s h ep h er d s a n d their offer ings of the Idels, symbolic of purity; an d last, hut. by no means least, t.he b e a ut i f ul s c en e of t he t h re e wise-men, ! who came from far c ou nt . ri es to o f fe r I to th e Saviour-gold, frankincense i anel myrrh-anel to adore him. All ! t he se s ce ne s p as s through our minels ,dlll'ing t.he Christmas tille. Ahont the time of Advent, which an - 11Iouncps C h r is t m as , e v e r yt h i ng flows with the beaut ifnI a nd l on el v an d t he festive a pp ea ra nc e o f a ll t hi ng s s ho w to us, that t h e w or ld is p r ep a r in g f or th e anniversan' of th e hirth of Him, who came to the earth to redeem man. T he t ru e conception of t he C hr is t- Of all the many things announcing I m as s pi ri t is t he spirit of giving a nd C hr is tm as t he m os t impressivE' is th e CHRISTMAS Inot receiving, m us ic of an o rg an p ea li ng f or th alHl i We m us t r em em he r t ha t it is he- g lo ry , a nd t he chants a nd h ym ns be . cause of God's g;ift to us, that. we c om in g m or e b ea ut if ul through th e l'elehrate t he Christmas sea SOI l. Whell w ee ks of Advent u nt il on C hr is tm as I hood tills the worlll woulll he extin- i L et te rs F rom T hr ee Narberth' we thinl, of how He gave His only day they b re ak f or th in all of th e Sonle 0 " IllY' g'uished, 1> 'I C t " 0 " I SOil, in a true spirit of unselfish love, .magnil1cence of true b e a u t ~ . ' , fo r fine I am e i gh t y e a rs old, L Upl s, onammg ngma I li ttl e fr iends s av t he re is no Santa ;-\ot helieve in Santa Claus! You we s ho ul ll r em em be r, n ot on your musk is i nd ee d truly beautiful. It . . 1 II t I I' . . ' , . A nd I nt e re s t l'ng' Thoughts of own deal' ones arollJj(1 us, hut ou r II I '1 tl t tl I . Claus. Papa says if you saw it ill nllg It .a s we no Je ! eve Ill. Lalnes, . less fortunate brothers and sisters ma y we I e saH Ja lroug 1 musle "The SUIl." it is so, Please te ll me y ou mI ght ge t y ou r p ap a to I ll re m e n OUI' Christmas Obsel'vance read the soul: an d it is t ru e t h at the truth. Is there a Santa Claus? to ~ v a t c h in al l th e chimneys on and give them a happy Christmas, the greatest poets invariably connect \ ' I rg l n hL H o gl l ll I Chflstmas e ve to c atc h Santa Claus; . thus hringing ou r " W hi t e G i rt s " to music' with Christmas poetry. And , , ' . . , .' , bul. even if t he y id not se e Santa th e feet of the King, so is th e Spirit. of Season allsorbed 'I 11 I' 1 t 'Ir' 11 Christmas is the f es ti va l of the I. I ,I I, aUlll" ,.( II (I gI l II. C la u s c om in g down, w ha t w ou ld that I t is t he s pi ri t of f el lo ws li P t HIt into e v e r ~ ' heart to l as t t hr ou gh th e l ) e : ~ r Yir.gin:a:.. ., , \. prove? Nobody sees Santa Claus, ; - \ a t i v i t ~ · of C h ri s t. o b se r v ed by t he l 'a us es us 10 drop a ( 'o in into a C hr ist - ye ar a nd to l ea ve i ts p ri nt on th e 'our htlle .. lliends ,u e wrong, ? ~ I e . b ut t ha t is no sign t ha t t h er e is no ('ilri,nian Chlll'cll on D e ce m he I ' hox we pass, for we IUlOW great of aH December h av e b ee n a l le c te d Iny the skeptiCism Santa Claus. Th e most real things 25, a nd c om mo nl y u ec ep te d as the we w il l h el p 111011,1' some o ne h ap py , is l ef t to m em or y, of a skeptical age. They do not be- in the world ar e t ho se w hi ch n ei th er b ir th o f C hr is t. [u a spirit of goodWill, we greet lie\'e except as they see, T he y t hi nk c hi ld re n n or me n can see, Did ~ ' o u all ulil\(', with a c h ee r y s m il e or IdlHI I n ot h in g c a n be, which is no t com pre- ever see fairie s dance across the' Th e c e[ e br a ti on of Christmas CUIl- w u rd , a nd pass Oil, lea\'ing that smile hensiblc to their little minds, All lawn? Of eourse not. But th at iH not he traced b a d, f u rt h er than one 01' word in t he heart or eyes of him Th e new minist .er waH invited ou t t.o minds, V ir g in ia , w h et h er ther he no proof bhat thev are no t t he re . h un dr ed a nd e ig ht y to o ne h un dr ed to whom it was spnl,en, ready tn he s up pe r. lI e w as a b a ch e lo r , a n d w h en mllll's 01: child's: ar e little" In thi s Nobody ca n c o n e e i ~ e or imagine all and n i n et y - tw o A, D, It does not ap- passell nn tll t he n ex t comer. he h e lp e d himself t.o th e biscuits fOl' ~ r e a t ulll\"erse 01, o u r ~ , l I I ~ n IS a mere th e wonders there ar e unseen and Last hnt not least, we have the the thirll t im e he l oo ke d across th e IIIseet; an l ~ n t 111 IllS mtelleet, as unseeable in this world, You may peal' however t h at t h er e wa s c om pl et e s pi r it 'of f o r gi \ "e n es s , w h i ch e n ah l es t a hl e at t he h os te ss ' l it tl e g ir l. "I c o m p a r ~ d With t he b o un d le s s worlll tear opeu th e baby's rattle a nd s ee u ni fo rm it y in t he p er io d of observa-: us to forget ou r p e t l ~ · grudges and .I!on't nften ha\"e such IL good supper about, h101-:-as measured by th e b O U ~ l d - what mal,es th e noise inside, but lion of the Nativity a mo ng t he e ar ly i q na rr e ls , a nd ~ i v e ou r hand t.o our' as thiH, my Ileal'," he Raid in h is m os t. less J I l t e l h g e n c ~ c ap ab le of graspll1g there is a veil covering th e i nsi de c hu rc he s. Some had th e festival in enemy, and WIth a hearty greetin/?:,' propitiatory tone, the whole of Imowledge and of w or ld , w hi ch n ot t he strongest man, t h e s p ri n g, o t he r s in January. It was: set all aright, Fo r it w as in f o ~ g i v e - , ,"We d . o ~ I ' l , either," said the little thought. . f I , ne ss as well as love that the I'ather :gIl'\' Sl ll IIIIlg', "I'm awful g la d yo u , " I . ,'l S t no r even th e ulllted strength 0 a I n ot u nt il a later date that December I ' 11 1 " .. Yes, Vlrglllla. t lere IS an a th e strongest me n that ever lived ca n _ . gave HIS Son, so that we wou ( Ie came, Claus. He e xi st s as c er ta in ly as I Z" w a s c e le b ra t ed as t he d at e 01 the freed 1'1'0111 ou r sins 10\'1' an d generosity an d devotion ex- tear apart. b ir th of C hr is t. So we IlJlll that it ' is nnlv with the O I 't1 t ' P t.r I ve ro . Lit.tle Johnny-Dad, there's II. g.irl ist. an d y ou k no w that they abound, ny al I, a n c ~ " 01' y, 0 , ,- Christmas from th e fifth to the. spirit of love, fellowship, gool!will, 1 p Sll aS11 t ll at c ur ta ll l a t o ur school w ho m w e c al l Postscript. a nd g iv e to )'our life it s highest nUll ce. can u, (I' eighth c e n t ur y g a t h er e d arouud othel' :alHl forgiveness that we c an ha ve the h ea ut y a nd joy. an d view th e p ic tu re : th s u ~ e r n l l l festivals partly old a ud p ar tl y new, real, t r ue C h ri s tm a s spirit. Dad-Postscript? What do you call I d I t b I I t 11 . hel' Postscript for? Alas, how dreary would be t he s ou l gory an l e a ~ y eyon!. s I a so that what lIIay be t er me d C hr is t- }:h'81lOr U. E ~ ' I ' ( " , , ~ , , ' if there were no Santa Claus, It real? Ah, Virgll1i a, in all this world, Illas cycle sprang up. _ Little Johnny-- Cos hel name IS would be as dreary as if there were there i s n ot hi nr ; r ea l a nd a bi di ng , '1'he custom of decorating the Of a ll the f e s ti v 'l I s of the veal' the I Adeline Moore, no Virginias, T he re w ou ld be no No Santa Claus! Thank God he c hu rc he s w ith holly a nd e ve rg re en s one us he re d for th 'w ith t he ~ o s t joy; ,But w it h t he morning cool rellc('- ehildlike faith, the n. no poetry, no lives forever, A thousand years from on Christmas is a very ancient one. attE'nded with th e most happineRs, tlOns came,-Scott. romance to make t ol er a bl e t hi s ex- now, nay, te n times a thousand years The visits of Santa Claus bearing merriment, spirit allll f e st iv it y: and -------- istence. We s ho nl d have no enjoy- from now, he will c ?n ti nn e to m al le g if ts b el on g properly to December 6. which leaves th e most lasting gooll i I h av e h ee n d yi ng f or t w en ty years. ment except in sense an d in sight. glad the heart of c h il d ho o d . th e c 1 a ~ ' of Saint Nicholas, wishes and happiness behind, is I' now I am going to Iive,-James DrUIll- Th e eternal I i ~ h t with which child- Clull'les DllnD. TIl)'lol' )o'III'lt% Christmas, And most I 1 l ti n gly so, for I mond Bnrns.

Our Town December 23, 1915

Apr 09, 2018



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Golf Association Committee Rec

ommends Local Club and TwoOthers for Event




At the annua l meet ing o f the Amer

ican Gol f Assoc ia ti on , whi ch w il l be

helel on . J a n u a r ~ · 14, the executive com

mittee will recommend that the three

national championships tournaments

~ h a l l he awarded to an)' one of th e

following clubs:

, National Amateur-Merion Cricket


,Club. Ph ilade lph ia : l "as sau Coun t ry

C lub, G le n Cove, L. I., an d Piping

Hock ClUb, Locust Valley, L, I,

Il"ational; open-Minikahda Club.

l\linneapolis: Country C lub o f Detroit,

Ian d J o ~ n g l e w l J o d ('ountry Club, Engle

r wood, :\. ,I.

I Women's :\aUona I -Xew Haven,

Con n. . Co un try CI uh ; Greenwich,

Conn .. Country Cluh, a nd B el mo ntSprings Country Club, Waver ly , Mass .

BE HEREOONLAUS WILL--------------- "----------_._-_.




lJear gditor;

I was n ot C hr is t, th e s ou rc e o f al l

1!(ood, born on this daY hundr ed s o f

I years ago, and bor n for th e ver y pur

II pose of promoting these blessings for

mankind'! " Pe ac e on e ar th ! Good

w il l t o men" was t he s on g caroled to

the shepherds by th e angels. A song

thaI has cOllle down t he yea rs w ith

e aeh Chr is tm as and has he lp ed t o

mal,e tha t season th e best of all th e

I year, b ec aUse i t is the anniversary

: of Redemption of th e world.

I As this season draws neal' it h;

Iaccompanicll hy a series of pastel

s ce ne s; t he l " a t i v i t ~ · , picturing th e

Ilowly shed in which th e Chi ld i s seen

wrapped in swaddl ing c lothes and la id

I in a manger; the apparitio1l of th e

augcls 10 the shepherd s un the crest

or the hill, the moon an d and stars

flooding them with l ig ht ; t he v is it ation of t he shepherd s and their offer

ings of the Idels, symbolic of purity;

an d last, hut. by no means least, t.hebeautiful scene of t he t h re e wise-men,

! who came from far count . ri es t o o f fe r

Ito th e Saviour-gold, frankincense

i anel myrrh-anel to adore him. All

! t he se s cene s p as s through our minels,dlll'ing t.he Christmas tille.

Ahont the time of Advent, which an -

11Iouncps Chris tmas, everything flowswith the beaut ifnI and l on el v an d t hefestive app ea ranc e o f a ll t hi ng s s how

to us, that th e wor ld is p repar ing for

th e anniversan' of th e hirth of Him,

who came to the earth to redeem man.T he t ru e conception of t he Chr is t- Of all the many things announcing

Imas s pi ri t is the spirit of giving and Chr is tm as t he mos t impressivE' is th e

CHRISTMASInot receiving, mus ic o f a n o rg an p ea li ng f or th alHli We mus t r em em he r t ha t it is he- g lo ry , a nd t he chants a nd h ym ns b e

. cause of God's g;ift to us, that. we com in g more b eaut if ul through th e

l 'elehrate the Christmas seaSOIl. Whell wee ks o f Advent unt il o n Chr is tm as

I hood tills the worlll woulll he extin- iLet te rs F rom Thr ee Narberth' we thinl, of how He gave His only day they b re ak for th in all of th e

Sonle 0

" IllY' g'uished, 1> 'I C t" 0 " I SOil, in a true spirit of unselfish love, .magnil1cence of true b e a u t ~ . ' , fo r fineI am eigh t years old, L Upl s, onammg ngma Ili ttl e fr iends s av t he re is no Santa ;-\ot helieve in Santa Claus! You we shoul ll r emembe r, n ot on you r musk i s i nd ee d truly beautiful. It

. . 1 II t I I' . . ' , . And Interest l'ng' Thoughts of own deal' ones arollJj(1 us, hut ou r II I '1 tl t tl I .Claus. Papa says if you saw it ill nllg It .a s we no Je ! eve Il l . Lalnes, . less fortunate brothers and sisters may we I e saH Ja lroug 1 musle"The SUIl." it is so, Please te ll m e y ou mI ght ge t you r p ap a to I ll re men OUI' Christmas Obsel'vance w ( read the soul: an d it is t ru e th atthe truth. Is there a Santa Claus? to ~ v a t c h in al l th e chimneys on and give them a happy Christmas, the greatest poets invariably connect

\ 'IrglnhL HogllllI Chflstmas e ve to c atc h Santa Claus; . thus hringing ou r "Whi te Gi rt s " to music' with Christmas poetry. And

, , ' . • . , .' , bul. even if t he y did not se e Santa th e f ee t o f the King, so is th e Spirit. of Season allsorbed'I 11 I' 1 t 'Ir' 11 Christmas is the f es ti va l o f the I . I,I I, aUl l l " ,.( II (I gI l II. Claus coming down, wha t wou ld that I t is t he s pi ri t o f f el lows li P t HIt into e v e r ~ ' heart to l as t t hr ou gh th e

l ) e : ~ r Yir.gin:a:.. ., , \. prove? Nobody sees Santa Claus, ; - \ a t i v i t ~ · of Chris t. observed by t he l 'a us es us 10 drop a ( 'oin into a C hr ist - ye ar a nd to l ea ve i ts p ri nt on th e

'our htlle ..lliends ,u e wrong, ? ~ I e . b ut t ha t is no sign t ha t t h er e is no ('ilri,nian Chlll'cll yearly on DecemheI ' mas hox as we pass, for we IUlOW great heart of t he wor ld aH December

have been a l lec ted Iny the skeptiCism Santa Claus. Th e most real things 25, and commonl y u ec ep ted as the we wil l h el p 111011,1' some one h ap py , is l ef t t o memor y,

of a skeptical age. They do not be- in the world ar e t ho se whi ch n ei th er b ir th o f C hr is t. [u a spirit of goodWill, we greetlie\'e except as they see, T he y t hi nk c hi ld re n n or me n can see, Did ~ ' o u all ulil\(', with a cheery smile or IdlHI I

noth ing can be, which is no t compre- ever see fairie s dance across the ' Th e ce[ebra tion o f Christmas CUIl- wurd , and pass Oil, lea\'ing that smile

hensiblc to their little minds, All lawn? Of eourse not. But th at iH not he traced bad, f u rt h er than one 01' word in the heart or eyes of him The new minist.e r waH invited ou t t.o

minds, Virg in ia , whether ther he no proof bhat thev are no t t he re . h un dr ed a nd e ig ht y to one h un dr ed to whom it was spnl,en, ready tn he s up pe r. lI e w as a bache lo r , and when

mllll's 01: child's: ar e little" I n thi s Nobody can c o n e e i ~ e or imagine all and ninety-two A, D, It does not ap- passell nn tll t he n ex t comer. he helped himself t.o th e biscuits fOl'~ r e a t ulll\"erse 01, o u r ~ , l I I ~ n IS a mere th e wonders there ar e unseen and Last hnt not least, we have the the thirll t im e h e l oo ke d across th eIIIseet; an l ~ n t 111 IllS mtelleet, as unseeable in this world, You may peal' however t h at t h er e was complete spi r it 'of forgi \"eness, which enah les tahle at t he h os te ss ' l it tl e g ir l. "I

c o m p a r ~ d With the bound les s worlll tear opeu th e baby's rattle a nd s ee u ni fo rm it y in t he p er io d of observa-: us to forget ou r p e t l ~ · grudges and .I!on't nften ha\"e such IL good supper

about, h101-:-as measured by th e b O U ~ l d - what mal,es th e noise inside, but lion of the Nativity amo ng t he e ar ly i qna rr e ls , a nd ~ i v e ou r hand t.o our ' as thiH, my Ileal'," he Raid in h is mos t.

less J I l t e l h g e n c ~ c ap ab le o f graspll1g there is a veil covering th e i nsi de c hu rc he s. Some had th e festival in enemy, and WIth a hearty greetin/?:,' propitiatory tone,

the whole of Imowledge and o f w or ld , w hi ch n ot t he strongest man, the sp ring, o thers in January. It was: set all aright, Fo r it w as in f o ~ g i v e - , ,"We d . o ~ I ' l , either," said the littlethought. . f I , ne ss a s well as love that the I'ather :gIl'\' SlllIIIIlg', "I'm awful g la d yo u

, " I . ,'l S t no r even th e ulllted strength 0 a I not u nt il a later date that DecemberI' 11 1 " ..Yes, Vlrglllla. t lere IS an a th e strongest men that ever lived can _ . gave HIS Son, so that we wou ( Ie came,

Claus. He e xi st s as c er ta in ly a s IZ" was ce leb ra ted as t he d at e 01 the freed 1'1'0111 ou r sins10\'1' and generosity and devotion ex- tear apart. b ir th o f Chr is t. So we IlJlll that it ' is nnlv with the

O I t 't1 t 'P t.r I ve ro . Lit.tle Johnny-Dad, there's II. g.irlist. and you know that they abound, n y al I, a n c ~ " 01' y, 0 , ,- Christmas from th e fifth to the. spirit of love, fellowship, gool!will,

1 p Sll aS11 t ll at c ur ta ll l a t o ur school whom we cal l Postscript.a nd g iv e to )'our life it s highest nUll ce. can u, (I' eighth century gathered arouud othel' :alHl forgiveness that we c an ha ve theh eaut y and joy. and view th e p ic tu re : t he s u ~ e r n l l l festivals partly old a ud p ar tl y new, real, t rue Chris tmas spirit. Dad-Postscript? What do you call

I d I t b I I t 11 .hel' Postscript for?Alas , how dreary would be t he s ou l gory an l e a ~ y eyon!. s I a so that what lIIay b e t ermed Chr is t- }:h'81lOr U. E ~ ' I ' ( " , , ~ , , '

if there were no Santa Claus, It real? Ah, Virgll1ia, in all this world, Illas cycle sprang up. _ Little Johnny-- Cos hel name IS

would be as dreary as if there were there i s n ot hi nr ; r ea l a nd abi di ng , '1'he custom of decorating the Of a ll the festiv 'l Is of the veal' the I Adeline Moore,no Virginias, The re wou ld be no No Santa Claus! Thank God he c hu rc he s w ith holly a nd e ve rg re en s one us he re d for th 'w ith t he ~ o s t joy; ,But w it h t he morning cool rellc('-

ehildlike faith, the n. no poetry, no lives forever, A thousand years from on Christmas is a very ancient one. attE'nded with th e most happineRs, tlOns came,-Scott.

romance to make t ol er abl e t hi s ex- now, nay, te n times a thousand years The visits of Santa Claus bearing merriment, spirit allll fest iv ity: and --------istence. We s ho nl d have no enjoy- from now, he will c ?n ti nn e t o m al le g if ts b el on g properly to December 6. which leaves th e most lasting gooll i I h av e h een d yi ng for twen ty years.

ment except in sense and in sight. glad the heart of childhood. th e c 1 a ~ ' of Saint Nicholas, wishes and happiness behind, is I' now I am go ing to Iive,-James DrUIll-

The eternal I i ~ h t with which child- Clull'les DllnD. TIl)'lol' )o'III'lt% Christmas, And most I1ltingly so, for Imond Bnrns.

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You Help?




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Telephone--Narbertb 685 A.



r George B. SupleeI •iSteam & HotWater Heating

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I p_h_o_ne_,_3_16 _D ~ ~ __


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Policies Adjusted to Cover Every Contingency

C a ! ! s e ~ J 1 J ! ~ p e a t h .C O ~ R E S P O N D E N C E SOL IC ITED


I 'r l 'sident-Harrr D. Xarrigan.

"'illiam .J. Henderson.

Char l es Humphreys .

A. P. Redifer.

HJbert G. Savill.

Wm . D. Smedley.

Edward C. Stokes.

Happy New Year


WILLIAM J. JONESlife Insurance In All Its Forms


Penn Mulual Lile Ins. Co. Bldg.PH I L ADE I PH IA .

I n : ~ l I n : n s OF THE XAUBERTllSenOOI, ROAIW.

President-C. Howard McCarter.

Yice-President-Carroll Downes.

Treasnrer-Will K. Ridge.

Thellwell R. Coggeshall.

Hobert H. Dothard.

nOROUGll OJo'Jo'ICERS.Hnrge'-s-Geo. :I!. Henry.

Treasl lrer-Edwin P. Dold.

CIerI, of Councils-Chas. V. Noel.

Tax Collector-James F. sherron.

Street commissioner-W. S. McClel-


Building Inspector - J. Howarrl, ••.medley. In Narberth & MaID LIDe PropertiesC o u n s e l o r - - " ~ l e t c h c r W. Stites. I SALE AND RENTConstable-li'red, Walzer. WM, E. YOST, 209 Chestnut Ave" Narberth,Pa.

President, ChaR. E. Kreamer; sec-

r e ta ry. Char les V. Noel; financial Properties Fo r Rent and Salesecretar)', 1<:. C. S to ke s; t re as ur er , }'ire Insurance

Carden \Varner; chief engineer, Bell Phone 352 W.Chas. Y. Noe l: f ir st a ~ s i s t a n t engin- Wall Building. Narberth, Pa.eer, Edw. \Vipf; second assistant en-

gineer. A. P. Redifer; third assistant iengineer, .Tobn G. Walton; fourth as · Basket Hall Schellule 191;).16.sistant engineer. A. 'V. Xeedham.

:\",\RlH;U'rn ('lYlC ASSOCIATION.I President-George M. Henry.

I Yice-Presidents-Augl. lstus J. Lo<ls,

: A. C. Shand. Dr, O. J. Snyder.

: Secretary-Treasurer-Sam'l T. Ath-


Directors-W. Artbur Cole, Mrs.

A. C. Shand, Pletcber W. Stites,

Wm. D. Smedle)', Robt. H. Durbin.

:vII's. Geo. 1\1. Barrie. E. A. Muschamp.

.John B. Williams Mrs. C. R. Bla.ckall,

E. S. Haws. H. C. Gara. James Art

man, E. P. Dold. A. E. Wohle r t, Mrs.

I<:dwin C. Towne.





70" lI



151 BOAIW O) ' fU;AI,TII.

145 President-Chas. g. Kreamer.

117 Secretary-A. P . R ed if er .

179 Health Officer-W. S. 1\IcClellan.. . Members-Dr. C la r enc e T . Fairies,

. , IT . 13. Du Marias, Carden ·\Varner and

11:1 I Chas. V. Noel.


178 I













Manager - Miss

., " . , ., 818

WA Y X J < ~ CLUB.. . . . . . . , 174


.. , .. , , ., 741



Total 6H2

nO.\lw O}' MAXMa:RS OfW O ~ r E N " S COJUWNI'l'¥ CLrn

Taggart .. , .. , .. ,Oakley .Campbe\1 , .Bennett , .. , .:7.el1ey , .

ROSEMONT M. C.King 136 164Scullen .. , , 144 194Ilodgers ' 105 136Durnell 152 146Ramsey . 125 ..

Cook , . . . . . . .. 71Harmon ., . . . . . . . . . .

Chairman-Mrs. C. T. Moore.

]i'inancial Manager-Mrs. Hoy: : ; .




H ou se M an ag er --Mr s. A le xa nd er


Social Manager-Mrs. F, W. Stites.

Membership Manager-Mrs. David

D. Stickney.

Athletic Manager-Mrs.


!iitnncllng of tlJ(' nubs .W. 1... ecL

·Wayne 13 ,) .722

Xarberth Y. 1\1. c. A... 9 9 .500Ardmore- Y. M. C. A 8 10 .444ROSp.lllont 1\f. C G 12 .:tl3

H ig h i nd iv id ua l average-Wendel1.

Wayne. 187.H ig h sin gle game s c o r e ~ - W r i g l l t ,

Rosemont. 213.High three-"Wendel1. Wayne, ;'61.High te am single -Wayne . 820.H ig h t ea m three-Wayne, 2438.

XAHBEHTH Y. 1\T. C. A.:Humphries 1 : ~ 2 l;,SScanlin , 151 161Warll , 1 22 135Raineal' , 141 161SavilI 12::1 167


DATAjHeim .IHart .!Walt ..Hob: .

and i• I TotalIn



January 8th: :'\ol'ristown H. S.

( s econd) , away.

January 14th: lJpper Darby H. S.,home.

.January :lIst: Low er Mer io n ( se e

ond), home.

January 2 8t h: (Op en ), h ome.

Feb ru ary 4th : Perkiom en Sem.,

( s econd) , home.

February 8 th : Che st nu t Hill Acall

emy, away.

February 18th: Doylestown H. S .home.

February 19th: West Chester

Xormal (second), away.

Ii'ehruary 25th: Conshohocken H, S .•

.\('IWIU'L' AT TIn: BR};AKPAS'r away.TABLE. March 3rd: Abington H. S., home,

He-Say, that f ri en d o f y ou rs f rom 1\larch 10th: Bryn Athyn, away.

th e \ Ve st i s th e greatest soup eat'lr March 17th: Conshohocken H. S th e universe. home.

She-Why, how's that? March 24t h: V il la Nova Prep .• (sec-

He-Well, I've s ee n s ou p syphone:l ond), home.

a nd gar gl ed , bu t he's th e f ir st one I r-harles H. McCarter. J r ., Manager :

e v er s aw who yode led It. Wll1Iam H. Durbin. Captain; WilHam


L. Eshelman. Coach.

LOW, RATES CHAnGED Little l<::lizabeth and her mother

To remit $2.liO or any smaHer sum, w i l ~ . cost ?out :1 cents were having l uncheon together , an d

" ii.OO I) .. th e mot he r, w ho a lw ay s t ri ed to im - OU TOWN.. 10.00 .. .. 8 U press f ac ts upon he r daughter , said: R.. 100.00 .. .. 30 .. " Th os e l it tl e s ar di ne s, Elizabeth,

Jnl""llletHale sums al prnportlollalely low r"l"s. Snme fees f"r' relllitiances to a num1.>er ar e sometimes ea te n b y t he l ar ge ro! !orelgn countries. I Wants items of interestJ! artIer Is 10HI. I l dupllcnle will he promptly lHAued upon application therefor. fish." •Orders pllid Ilt (;2,000 po.t ofllce. (InclutIlng hrnnehes Ilnd Hlatlons> In Ihe UnlletI Sialps, Elizabeth gazed at th e sardines in concerOlng Narberth.

a1.0 nt oUlers In nil pari. of Ihe world. 'IAhout 8G million PORia I Orders were IRsued 'luring the Ilscnl ypnr ended June 30. 1911. wonder, a nd th en a ske d: C'

anlounUng to flVer $liS7.700.000. P r n c t t ( ' n l 1 ~ ' n o r bd t nnd no l o s ~ . Remlt t a.nces rece ived in I uB lId I I fi I an thlH wny Are eon"enlent for merchnnts. pUhll.hers, RPpd.lllen, Insurnnee comPllnles. elc. .ut , motle r , lOW 0 ti e arge s I :The Poslma.tpr 0,· ClIrrler will !urnlsh othe,' Informntlon .leslre,1 about ~ I o n e y Order.. ge t t he c an s open?" i



i Local Bowlers Ikace UpVic tory Places Them

Second Place

~ A n m m T ] [ .UAILS.


6.00-AII point s.6.30-Philadelphia.

6.50-AII points.

9.00-Local West.

10 .34-AII point s.

11.50-AII points.

12.29-Local West.

1.34-AII points.

3.29-Local West.

5.04-AII points.

6.29-Local West.


9.00 A.1\I. East all points.

10.34 - Local West .

11.59 - Phila . and a l l poin t s.

12.30 - A\1 points.

1.34 P .M. Loca l West.

:U 8 - A\1 points.

4.:14 -- Loca l Wes t.

6.59 - Phila . and all

_ . _ - - - - - _ . _ - - - - - - - - -

"'ANTED-Two or three lond. or ~ o o d .rI('h lnanure. Rtn te pr ice '. de ll \ ' er ed Sou th

SltIe. lIf. Our Town. Nnrherth.- - - - - - - - - -

J.OST-Belween .Intlon nnd ~ l e r l o n n\,pnue.on Sunl1u)·, nlJout on e o'cloch:. flowered

• lilt girdle, Fln.ler plen.e notify ~ l r ' H . "'11]tlnf{. l!i9 :\tprlnn n,'C'nue.

A S ' \ ' pe rRon wh;h l t ll ! a KomI thprnlOIl1f'ter("nn hnve OIlP h) ' al1drpsslnA' P. O. Box,

S20, ~ n r b { ' r t h . Pa .

Dance of Season W Two SundaY School Entertainments-Christmas Morning P l " a l S ~. as Serv·ice-Chris\mas Music Next Sunday Morning

Friday Evening In

Elm Hal l IThe Presbyterian Church is malting byterian Orphanage i n West Phi la de l-

--- IextensiYe PI:eparations for the cele- phia.

Th e se('ond djanc1'e. O f l ~ t l h e l ~ a l r l b e l r t 1 t l hralion of th e glad Chrh5tmas Festival. The seeolHl Sunday school eelebra-Assembly was lell 111 11l.,a as ., . . lio n will b e h eld by the primary de-

f'ridav evening, December 17, a nd . I Je gl nn lJ lg Wi th last Sunday morn1l1g. partment on Thursday afternoon, at awas i;Hleed, largely attended. when t he pasto l' preached an appropri- o·clocl<. T he re a re over a hundrell

Those p re se nt wer e Mr. and Mrs. at e sermon on " Th e App ro ac h to Iitlle tots in this department, and t hey

Hezo Brooln;, Mr. an d Mrs, Charles Christmas," th e ' snhjec t of t h e I nc ar - ar e looking forward most eagerly t.o

llollansli)'. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Fowler, nation of Christ will be kept promi- ' this happy afternoon. There wi1l be

:'I'lr. and Mrs. Andrew Greene. Mr. an d nent Iv he fore th e people until well reeitations and songs in great variety,

:\Irs. A. T. Grugan, Mr. Lewis D. Hess, i nt o t he n ew ~ · e a r . The ehurcll build- an d a most interesting an d r eal Santa

: \ lr . alHI Mrs. H. I l. Hi1legas, Mr. an d i ng has been heaut if ul ly decorated by is expe et ed t o he present. I t wi1l be

Mrs. \\'. L. Henderson, Mr. a nl l Mr s. th e memhers o f th e M en 's Club, and a event. for th e little ones.

\V.•J. Henderson, Mr. and Mrs ..!?llIl the fragrance of the eyergreen lends I ' : \ ' ( ' r y h o d ~ ' is invited.

C. Holme, Mr. an d Mrs. \V. J. h.1rl,- an added dW1'1Il to t he m ost joyful On nex t S atu rd ay 11101'ning, at 9patrid" Mr. and Mrs . A. A, Llewellyn. se;:son of th e year. o·c\oc\" t he u su al Chr is tm as praise

:\11'. and Mrs. C. B. Metzgar. Mr. and On Wednesday evening of this weel, se rvice wi ll he held. It is hoped that

: \l l' s. W. S . MaddoX. Mr. an d Mrs. J. th e ma in department of t.he S u n r l a ~ ' every memher of th e entire congrega

B. Morgan, Mr. George Rose , Mr. and sebool w il l h ol d it s Christmas cele- lio n wi ll b e present with a Christmas

: \l l' s. S . S. Shyrock. Mr. an d Mrs. C ar - h ra t ion. A delightful program is being greeting an d a Cbrist.mas message.

roll D o w n e ~ . 1\11: and Mrs. aI'l'an/!;ed, eonsisting-, of Christmas ('ar- N"ext Sunday morning the quartet

Grabam. Mr. l.ewls l\Ioore and MISS oh; anr l recitations. There will he a will s ing i t s Chris tmas music, an d th e

~ I a r r ::owan, 1\11'. ] ~ o h e r t T ~ w n e , :Mr. representation of the Star a 1111 th e pastor will p re ac h a ho ut t he Shep

Guy l 'l tz el l a nd 1\hss Glad)s Moffitt, :\l'lnc·l'I ' anll th e heaul if ul "Wh il t' herds Of B et hl eh em , I n th e evening

: \ I I ' ~ . Wm. C. Claghorn, Mrs. 1. loyd P. ; J i ' f t ~ " ~ ' e r v i c e , p l'cparet l by Pllf'he A, t.his church will join in th e union

Dl'lnl,e:.. ('urtiss will be USCl!. The g i ft s asl(ell :meeting in th e Methodist. Church.

Recelvll1g were--Mr. '1\l11d l\A'1rsl· C. of eal'll memhel' of th e ~ l ' 1 1 0 0 1 are iwhen Mr. Yan X es s wil1 p re ac h the

P Fowler Mr. an d Irs. III rew .. ' . " I 1 1. 'I T G lhr\'e in numhel'·-glfts 01 sllbstanee., sermon. HIS message \\ 11 le ga t 1-

Greene. Mr. alH Mrs. A. : r U ~ l a l n ' l e s e n k e and sell'. The gifts of suh- ' er ed a bout t he ques tion, "What ShallXex t l la nc e of the series WI ) , ,?,

. . J ?1 'st-Jnee will la tcr he sent to th e Pl'es- \\ e no \Vlth th e Bahe of Bethlehem.

helll Fl'lday evel11ng. ,anuary ~ 'There will he held in Elm I ~ T a l l on ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Xew Year's eve a subscription dance

u ud er t he d ir ec ti on o f the Assembly

Commi tt ee with special features an d

fleeorations. Fee $2.00 p er couple.

Anvone interester communicate with:

the' secretary 01' th e Assembly Com

mit te e. Wil li am J . Hender son ,





1 ) J , l ~ M m XOTIrE.

Th e 'hus for All Saints' Episcopal

Chur eh l ea ve s :'\arberth station:I t; __

10.40 on Sunday morn i ng . This is i .•ro vid ed f or by t he c hu rc h a nd a\1 i Our lo cal ten-pm artIsts bracerl

an ' invited to use it. Th e r ou te i s iwith the bracing wintery weathe r la st

liP Essex avenue t o Mon tgomery ave - I week, milch to the chagrin of th e

nile to th e chllrch. The 'bus retllrns Rosemont 's Men's Club, t he l os s o f the:ft tl

. Total , .. 669over s ame rou te a er Ie service. t hr ee g am es of th e week 's match.,

: placing th e opponeut s i n th e cellar

i position f i rmly entrenched. wbile ou r

i 1 01 :a l Y . 1\1. C. A. no\ \' ha s th e honor

1 of hollling th e "runner-up" in t.he

i leaglle standing, with bu t fOllr games

i s ep ar atmg t hem from th e leaders,

i Wayne. Th e leaders no t only I,ept

,u p their wonderful wor k b ut by tak

I in g th e entire three g ames f rom tb e

: Ardmore Y. 1\1. C. A., a ss is te d u s to

lour preRent s tanding.

. Six weel,s of th e leag ue h owlin g

: rel'ords have now heen chalked lip anll

Iwith the exception of Rosemont M. C.,who have been bowl ing against "hlcl,"

I in man y g am es, t he c lu bs ar e weJlhnl anced amI i nd ic at ions a re for astrenuous tussle in the race for leaglle

supremacy, th e major i ty of th e games

heing hotly contested.

While Wayne Club holds a four

game lead, only having lost fivepoints. games, four of these loses ar e charge

able to t.he work of ou r l oca l quintet ,

the Y. M. C, A. having made it two

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS out. of three in both matchces rolledagainst th e leaders an d t hi s gives

One c en t p er w ~ ~ : ! ~ r ~ ~ , " a n c e ; minimum promise of a keen battle between our

bowlers an d those of th e westernFaIt SAJ,Jo;-Collection o! Foreign and suburh fo r t he 1915-16 championship.

l"niteu Sta.tes Mlanlps. Address "S." Ou rTown. Here's hoping,

J"Olt lii,U,'t:-)!uhogany UIH'i,;ht plano. $140; The game on t he l oc al a ll ey s w ascondition nearly e"ual to neW; cost $300. quite an exclt . lng one. especial ly when

Can he seen In Nnrherth. Pnrtlnl pa)'ments th e Y. M. C. A. coppell t I le first. of th eaccepted f r o l l l responsiblo bU:\o·Cl.. Geor ge B .Ahcle, "·oou1.>ine u\,cnuc. "'rite or phone. match by a seven pin margin. hut. th e------------ ------- confidence e st ab li shed enab le d t hemLOST-Since '1·llurSUn)·. No\'. 181h, whIteC:ngllsh HelleI' tIog with hrown spots . Re- to w al k a wa y with t he o th er two

~ I ' C I U l ' n e ~ _ ~ 0 2 0 ~ ~ e s l n u l ' ' ' ~ ~ games, tllking th e last h ~ a century

HUt 8AJ,};-Slahle wIth two slall . and ho" margin. All th e members of th e quin-stall, w a ~ o n house. hny lof t alltI man 's te t tu rned in scores that indicated im-

~ f ; ~ ~ ~ . I ~ : o ~ t $ ~ ~ ~ ~ i c ~ . o ~ l a ~ ~ ~ ~ t t l ~ ~ O ; l ; c ~ : ~ ~ ~ price, provement.

~ --- 'Wayne Club made records fo r th el'Olt sALJo;-Top soli. mOHtI)· ~ l t l " l l e n dirt. ' . .One dollar per load: C:"tra for dell\ 'er·)· . i league lustorlan. t op pl ln g o ve r a

F. lIf. Justice, Nnrlll'l'lh, 1"'111"'. grand total of 243S p in s i n th e match,

USCJ,AIMJo:D-The followln,; nrUcl('s Hre ilwith a single game h igh score of 820,

In t he Puhll e School omce 11111'1 II I1ne,l. w hi le \V end ell m ad e th e h ig h i n-'I·h£,y prohahly hnVe h f ' ~ n 1 Q . ! ~ t hy visitors, I I' ,'d I I' I 'k d f thwho mny ohlllil l them UpOIl Hppllcntlon: i 11\1 ua or t Ie , ~ e e an or eChllrl's soll,1 ~ o l d monogl'fill l r ing. three Is " , a ~ o n with 187 pins. Score:p a i r s of ~ l n \ ' ( , R an d nn e od d g - l o \ ' ~ . on e

1 · ' H m r ~ · nntl \'urlouR Hl'Ut'tes of jewelry, tn - = = = = = = = ~ ~ : : : : = = ~ ~ = = ~ ~ : : : : : : = ~ ~ ~ = : : - : : ~ ~ = ~ ~ ~ = ~ = -: ~ : t : ~ : ~ : ' ~ ~ ~ S ( ; Itrlll plain s<,."lng. Dolls iPOSTALMONEYORDER1 1 r ( l r - ; ~ e c l fnr- C ' h l ' I N t l 1 1 n ~ . :\frR. :\J. n. J ~ I g - h t . ( ,:.!l!t TOlHl 1\ , '( ')1\1( ', ~ n r h e r t l 1 . I

1 ' ~ f ) R ' " t \ r ~ Y _ " · h l t ( > (>IH\111('1(>11 'ron h ( > ( l ~ l ( ' n dw i t h H p r h l ~ H :lI1f1 nU l It r·PNS. Cnn he

lJoug-ht r p . l l ~ o l 1 a h l y .. .AUtlr·C"HN. H. OUI" '1'o",n,.\:a 1"))(>I·tll.

Page 3: Our Town December 23, 1915

8/7/2019 Our Town December 23, 1915 3/8





Narberth, Pa.




Prime MeatsHome Dressed Poultry, Butter, Eggs

and Game.

Fancy Frui t and Vegetable.,



Bread, Cake, Rolls , Pies ,Candy , I c e C r eam


Offers fine Specimen Evergreens

as Low as $1.00 Each, Five or

six planted on vour lot would bea joy forevL'r. -





Fill Your Prescriptions, ThanWish You Had.


Contracting Painter

Druco DruggistPrescriptions

P h o n e , N a r b e r t h 625


The Old Reliable Druggist

Let Your


OUR TOWN 'WIll gladly printany news item abont any subjectthat is of Interest to Narbertbfolks, but In order to meetthe printing scIJel{ule, all "copy"-manuscripts-must r ea ch t heeditor by (l P. 1\[. l'Iondl1y each


Christmas ShoppersBrownie and Scout Cameras

Manicure Sets, $3.00 and upStationery, lOe to $2.00 pel" box

Apollo Candy, ; ~ O C to $2.50 per boxPerfumes, 25c to $5.00 per bottle

Christmas Cards and Tags

Cigars , $1.00 to $10.00 per

These Articles Are For Sale By


" S A ~ T A ~ A n V A ~ r E » A N ~II)'

}'lI't,)- ~ r ( ' D 1 b l ' r S:lrE'I'HODIS'l'


'ITES. }:V}:., DEC. 28, S I'. Jr.


I n ' rh e Church



nett)" I1l1xter's Gossip.


Mrs, Charles A. Verna gave a bridge YULETIDE HAPPINESSparty last Monday afternoon at he r

home on Grayling a v ~ n u e . AS SEEN BY

Mrs, Joseph H. ~ a s h " of Forrest ave-I NARBERTH TOWNSMANnue, will entertam MIss Lemmon, of I

Phi lade lp hi a, f or Chr is tmas d in ne r. _ _ Imtrry £bristmas andJlJ;appy ntW ~ t a r to JIllMrs, David D, Stickney , who has The time of th e year Is approaching

heen spending a few weeks wi th he r when most of us like to Indulge Inmother in West Philadelphia, is back reminiscences o f e ar ly childhood days'

in ~ a r b e r t h again. when Santa C la us was one of tile

1\-1 '" J H--:-It f WI' 1 I realities of life a nd w as responsible,rs. IV m. ,. ami on, o· OOl SIl e I .

avenue entertained at luncheon and as he IS t o-day, for excel lent be-cards . Wednesday af ternoon . The Iha vi or d uri ng t he period of a fewguests ine1uded'Mrs. Henrietta S. weel<s prior to h is annual excursionWertz, Mrs. N. H. McCoy, Mrs, Robert f or t he purpose of. distributing happi

The (lId nor th b re ez e tllrough th e Snyder, Mrs. Wm. Hamilton, Jr. , Mrs, ness a nd wel l earned rewards, Weskeleton t rees Edgar Taylor. Mrs. J. W. Kohlerman, r ec al l t he mixed fee li ng s o f con-

Is chant ing the year out drearily; IMr s. S. W. Rusk. Mrs. H. W. Davis, f i d e ~ c e and uncertainty which ~ ~ c . o m -Bu t loud let it hlow, for at h om e we Mrs. J.;dward Bracken, Mrs. H, C. pal ll ed our last thoughts the mght

know Howes Miss Marv Hibhert Miss Bet - h efor e " as we were carefully tucked

' rh at t he d ry logs cracl<le cheerily; til' Ha'rrah and iiiss Kohl·erman. it.l hed by one who per haps has long I

And th e frozen ground is in fetters s ll lce gone to he r reward, and th e Ibound; Miss Mary McCarter, of South Nar- joy and h a p ~ i n e s s . which were. ours I

But pile u p t he wood. we can b ur n b ert h a venue, a nd he r across- the- when a. hurrlell trip to t l ~ e dumney Iit . street-neighbor, Miss Mary Gara (Our corner 111 the earJy dawn dispelled al l

For Ch; is tmas i s eome, and in every Town's subscription solicitor) areboth doubts and broughtthe comforting as - I

!lome in hed with th e grip. Later, so Is su ranc e that oJd Santa had not for-

To ,ummer our h ea rt s c an turn it, Miss HeJen Gara, gotten a singJe thing whi ch we haddeemed necessary to mal<e o ur h ap -

:\liss Berenice Copeland, of Suffern, :\11'. anll Mrs. J. E. Morgan at tended p iness complete, iX. Y .• is spending the' Christmas 110li- t he dance at th e Manufacturers' Club As we live oyer these s e e n e ~ again!days as t he g ue st of Miss Doro thy on Monday evening , December 20, Mr. in ou r Imagination and recall th e faces Iflurhi:l, of Xarherth avenue. an l! M rs . Carl n. Metzgar, Mr. and o f t ho se d ea r t o us. we realize. per- I

___ Mrs. ·Wm . .J. Henderson, Miss Ruth: haps for th e f ir st time. t he fee ling I

Miss Augusta Witherow has as her IDavis and Mr. Laird Parlw,were their ' which prompted those lines: Ihouse guest for th e holidays, Miss guests. I ALL PATENTMEDICINES AT CUT PRICE~ \ I a r g a r e t t a Yan Pelt, of ~ e Hope, Backward, turn hacJnvard, 0 time in I ~ ~ = = ~ ~ ~ = ~ ~ = = ~ ~ ~ = ~ ~ = = = = ~ = = ~ ~ = = ~ ~ = ~Pa . Miss Mary Small , assistant t o Pos t- : your fiight. I -

master Haws, ha s been confined to l\Iake me a c hi ld a ga in j us t for to-I joy of giving, such as call never result

:\Jrs. Charles E. Conn, oC \Vesterly, J:fr home at ]02 DudJey avenue with a night. from following the present cus tom o fHhode IsJan(! . is spending th e Christ- se\'l;re attaek of the g rip. ' distrihuting gifts from a sense ofmas holidays in Xarherth. a s t he g ue st But y ai n regrets a re u s el e ss - and duty. among those who have no need }'rldllJ' Heeem"er 24

of her parents. Mr. and Mrs . Char les I " . " .-\S,S()('I .\']']('''.' ..", ,a waste of t ime. Our duty is to make for them and per haps mentally size l \IAX FIGi\ lA:' \ and LOIS MEREDITHII .. Ensinger, of l \ lontgomery avenue. 1 s l n . u s "., ,., 1·.:Ii I •.H· th e most of t h e p re sent and f utu re . you up as a miser b ecau se t hey were In

___ _ 1 . \ J : ' i i ~ . n . i an(J in o rd er t o (10 so we shouJd h ea r n ot more exp eu si ve . A t t he same time "llY n)o's'I' ('1I11":\11'. and Mrs. Hohert H. Durbin. of On Thursday evenlllg, Deeemher 16, in mind that you wil l haYe discovered that there "', . , . ' .", .' '

I l\lr ""ilter:\1 B Ir]'h rl t of 100 l\'I' I' . II fl' • ~ . l t l l l d . H , He('I'IIIIJer 2.)Xarhl ' rlh , ha\ 'e announced the engage- j •• •• I ,a I , ap e IS awol ' ( 0 trut I III Byron sasser · , .' . .ment of their daughter, Adah Stewart avenue, entertained the Ushers' Asso- The mor e we liYe, more hrief appear lion that [FHA: '\CIS X. BUSH1\I.O\X an(1

Durhin. to MI'. Louis A. Winne, of ciation of ( ' a l v a r ~ ' 1\1. E Chure ll , o f Our life's suceeeded stages; : I 1 \ I A R G l J l ~ H I T E S:'\OWSwarthmore Phi ladelphia. This associa t ion Is one A dav to ehildhood seems a ~ · e a r . . . . . . , a ll who w ou ld win In

. of the la rgest a ll ll l IIos t t lonr ishinl \' o f And years Iilw passing ages. l\Iust share it-happiness was h or n a "TilE SILE:\'I' Y()I('.:"

Th€' sehool set of :'\arherth are I its Idnd, anll numhers among, its mem- twin. 'J'UPSthIJ, IIl'cI'mhl'r 21-\

making; plans for a number of part ies hership men who hohl h igh o tnci al po- Human nature, and especially ehild Jo'HA:'\K KI<;H:,\AX inand danees during the h o l i d a ~ ' s . They Isiliolls in t he c it y administratiOlI. nature, remains th e same however . Tr y it. ":'iiE.\L OF 1'IIE ~ ry "will have a Christmas dance in Elm In a(J(Jltion to spending a v e r ~ ' pleas- And since we l ~ a n n o t ' l l e e o l l 1 e children -- -- -.-- .. - EllisOllc ~ ( ) . S1/all. 1'1l Tuesday evening, On Mon - ant social e ,· en ing. anlonv; other im- again, what ('auld be a more appro- I'OS'I' Ot'fH'E SIIOU'I' IL\XIIEII. En'nill!l's, i.I;) 10 11

day afternoon Miss Margaret Eyre, portant husiness transactell a liberal priate method of ohserving the Christ- It is to he reV;ret led that. at thiswill <entertain at cards; Miss Hutlll contrihution was vot.ed to the Deaeon- nU1S seaeon than hy pJanning to make t ime. when ou r post office i s wo rk .Jones ha s inyited a number of friends Iess Home of th e 1\1. r ~ Church at Phil- happy at l ea st o ne chi ld to whom ing overt ime, that Postmaste r Hawsfor a. Chr is tmas pa rty at he r home adelphia. anli a lihera I subseription Santa Claus i s just as much a reality should temporarily Jose th e serviceso n 'Wedn esday afternoon, an d on mallc to a fun(J to provide needy anlJ as he was to us many years ago? We of Miss Sma ll . who i s il l a t he r h o m ~Thursday afternoou Miss Marian Trot- deserving ( ~ h i l d l ' e n with a Christmas m a ~ ' have a chi l(I of ou r own on whom on Dudley avenue. We sympathizetel ' wil l entertain at Five Hundred. dinner. we know Santa C la us wil l ca ll a s a ,·ith 1\11'. Haws f or the inconvenience

___ matter of course. with a generous as - i n which he has heen pJaced, and also

On :\Ionday evening, l ~ l m Hall willi \ . . '" sortment of things t o d el ig ht hi s ... ith l\liss Small on aeeount oC he rbe the seene of a Christmas dance' ' lIn, :'iiAmn.H II I A ' I ' I I ] , E ' I ' J ( ~ ('],[' ]1. young life. It. is no t that child of illness.given hy th e Chi Pi Sorority. Elahorate We met the enemy, and we ar e whom we speak , fo r it will he amply I SAVILL " SWAN NECK" FAUCETpreparations have heeu made an d t he ir s. D rexe l H il l j ou rn ey ed t o J\'ar- provided for, Bu t we should b ea r i n I ('()JnU'XI1'Y Xf('lI'I' N O ~ , S p l " h i n g Positin fI' THE "SAVILL"• •• QUICk Acting Shut-Oll Reg, U. S. Pal. Oll,ee

( Iuite a numher of g ue st s ar e ex - herth and took us Into e amp t o the mind that, notwithstanding his faith- F'rilluv night. January 14th. 19l·i. Recommended a n In- . ( .- . 'cc Pat.

peeled. The p at ro ne ss es w il l i nc lu de t un e of ] S to n. Perhaps we shouldn't ful service to us in th e past, a nd h is the lal l ies of th e Community Cluh will atall- June

Mrs. X. J . Rowand. Mrs . ·Wi ll iam T . make excuses. hu t some of the regular jovial and generous spirit, Santa weJcomp Xarherth a nd h er f ri en ds t o ed by 18, '12

Harris. :\lrs. Samuel l\1eDowell, Mrs. t eam were not in the game, owing to IClaus is f ar f rom lleing an impar tia l thp Y. 1\T. C. A. Buildinl?; t o e nj oy a, PIAII Thomas Savill's.T. T. Howenstein, Mr s. W. J. ,Tones, their having I'etnrnell f rom Heading distributor of favors. There are thou- musieaJ and literary evening. I ~ : ; s Sons"'!r's Wil li am Kirk amI Mrs. "\V. H. ( where t h e ~ ' had been playing on th e I s andR o f homes where t he ehi ld ren Mrs. W. H. Cameron, who ha s spent 1310·12,14 Wallace SI

In\'in. High Sehool t ive), just before the eve- \ ar e just as human, just a s f ul l of m any y ea rs i n I nd ia , w il l t el l of th e

ning v;ame openell and being too tired Ichildish desires and longings, and hahits. life and eivil ization of that TheGarden Nurserl·esOn "\VelJnesllay a ft ernoon , Deeemhe r t o take part. Of eourse, it is quite just as good as were we In th e past, wlllllierfully interesting cOlllltry. Mrr..

] i i . ~ I r s . "\Villiam Livingston enter- pOSRible that we would have been perhaps more so. bu t who. for s ome Thomas Bell, o r Mer io n, w il l he one

taine,1 at Juneheon and cards the heaten hall we presented ou r full reason not due to a ny fauJt of theirs, of the soloists. You will he the"I"ortnightly fiOO." The following strenv;th. J ~ a c h t eam h as now won a have heen coutinually slighted IIY ou r l!;lll'stS of the ladies of the Communwer e p re sen t : 1\[rs. C. P. Fowler, game f rom the o ther . 'fhe rubher wi ll o ld f rie nd , who was , and still Is, ap - it\' Cluh. A gOOll, wholesome, enter

Mrs. Frank Stone, Mrs. Jesse E. Har- 1)(' (Ieeided a l i tt l e Ja ter in th e season. parently so occupied with filling ou r lai'linv; event is in store for you.rls, 7Ilrs. John Byrd, Mrs, Rohert K The Jine-up was as follows: own Chri s tmas orders for expensive The Jad ie s' o f the Community Cluh - _ .

Pattison. Jr., Mrs. Clemeut Booth. I tOYS th at he had nothing left for will entertain you and you r f ri en ds Howard F Cotter!'III'S. William n. Parker, Mrs. Lester X A H B l ~ H T H . others, who perhaps had to he c on- P ril la y nig-ht, January 14th, 1916, 'Y'I •W. Xid,erson, Mrs. Joseph H. :'\ash Fielll l ~ i e l d soled with th e expJanation that Santa . 1\T. C. A. Bui ld in g. Don 't make any MEATS fanl l : \Irs. c. T. Moore. goals. goals. CJaus hall so many ca lls to make that 1 f tJ ' ,1tAOt leI ' en/?;agement or liS ua e,

'1'. Smith, I " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . he could not complete hi s rounds and deJightfnl evening. All are weleome.! QUALITYl \ I r ~ . Lester W. J \'i ek er so n Is one C. Humphreys. F , 2 :l that next year he would perhaps visit An opportunity to rub elbows and

of a g re at many in Narberth 1I\ with n. Odell. C................ them first. enjoy a profi tahJe. Interesting even- Y . M. C. A . B U I L D IN G

la g r j ~ p . e . She ha s the s\,·mpatll\.' of IP. Hellifer G. . , :'\ow, we wish to make u. sugge.s-. , 'I . I 4 191"'ll\'. l' I ' l l ay lIlg It, January 1 , ".man\' lrlelllls. O. I l n m p h r e ~ s, G . . . . . . . . . han as to t he b es t method of acqUlr- Y. l\1. C. A. Bui ld in g. You will 11p.

. _ F. Winnt', F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i ng t he highest degree of happiness thl' guests of th e Community Club.

Mrs. Elwood Smedlev and daUgh-1 \ l H J ~ X g L 1 I 1 L , 1 ~ . next week. It is this: Why not p la y Delight ful even ing in store fo rNar-

tel', Hazel 1<:\Izabeth, a r spending the I l"ielll F'ielll Santa Claus to at least o n or t wo of herth anll he r f r iends. Communi ty

Christmas hol idays with Mrs. Smed- goaJs. goaJs. these unf or tuna te s. We do not mean Cluh, Y. l\f. C. A. Building, Friday

Jey's mother, Mrs: A. 'V, "\VanI, of 417 C. Dixon , F ,. . . .. 1 merely hy deposit ing some money in a "ighl, .January 14. 1916.: ' \arberth avenue, I n. Dixon, I ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 Salvat ion Army box or in a collection

__ I' I' . Yochum, (' . , . . . . , .. , , .. , :1 p la te o r by suhscribing to a children's1 f ] All tl

"ortJlv A S [> ]WIAL NOTICE TO YOU.Mr. and 1\lrs. John Byrd. of "\Va"ne, Brown, G , . orp lanage unl. lese \y • :" I t 11 nI·('('t )'lilli' 0111 friends 11111] meet 1\(' ' ' 'Pa., wil l spelHI some o f Chr is tmas Milne, G ,. 2 charit,ies; Im t if you wa. n to r.ea. yf f fll\l'li, }'rldll)' night, .10)11181')' 14:, 19111,week wi th Mr. and Mrs . C. T . Moo re , H. Yoehum, G . . . . . , . . . . . . . expel 'lence. the joy ~ I l l • un 0 g ~ V l l l g . Y. ~ r ('. A. U U l l l l l l l ~ . The h l l l l l ' ~ Ilf

of Merion avenue. Heferee - Coope r. ' l' !Ine l<ee ll er -O . and the helgllt of "\ uletlde happllless,1 f tJ II I fllf' ('UIIIII\UUif,)' ('1ub h,,·lte )"ou to IH'

I ... Hampton . T ime of halves---20 min- hunt u p o ne or a lozen 0 lOse c 1 -utes. ~ ~ : ~ e t ~ ~ c ~ ~ a ; : a ~ ~ m ~ I ~ ~ ; ~ d e ~ ; ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ : ~ 'h.'i1· ~ · I H ' s t S . K('('ll _thIs I]ute °H'II.

hundreds of them and the re ar e var- "While t he a ut o t hi ef w as speedingi ous w ays of finding th e deserving awar. the s tolen ca r turned turtJe andones. Bring them to your home fo r I pinned him t.o th e ground."th e dav. or a part of th e day. a nd a s- I "Caught with th e ~ O O l 1 H on him,

sume the r ol e o f Santa Claus your- ieh ?"-Doston Transcript. "A Store for PartiCUlar People' '.self, Then just recall. if possible, --------

your own feel ings and des i res whenyou were the same age . and trY to imagine how you would have felt If yOU

h ad . u p to that time, been l1eprlvel] ofa ll t he t hin gs you most desired an dsuddenly found yourself in possessionof them. The s ig ht o f those cll ildrenen joy ing themselves wi ll amph" re pa y you for your efforts and make you

feel you have done something worth

while, 'You will have experienced th e

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cochran anddaughters, of Roxborough, will spend IChr is tmas wi th thei r unele and aunt,!'Ill'. and 1\lrs. Arthur Haigh t, o f Wind~ o avenue. Mr. and Mrs, Cochran ar eforlll",r residents of Narberth, I

Mr. Thomas Bowers, of Chicago ,

hrot.her of Mrs. Carrol Downes , wl llspend Chris tmas with Mr. an d Mrs.

Downes, at their home on Woodsideavenue.

Mrs. George H, Gifford's friends are Ig la d t o know t ha t s he h as recoveredfrom he r recent illness and w ill beabJe to spend the Chr is tmas holidaysat h er h om e in Massachusetts .

Page 4: Our Town December 23, 1915

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NARBERTH, PA.-OUR T O W N · - D E O E ' ) I B E 1 ~ 23 , lU15


45th and Parrish Su.



XarhE-: th : or ,

C are o f The P en n Mutllal Life In,;urancl . ' Co.,Indel>endence Sqml!'C'. Philadelphia.

Fney Box Candies

order for your

Turkey with us.



Herman's Hot Bread and Rolls

Every Afternoon.


D e n t i s t202 NARBERTH AVENUE

Christmas Trees and Decorating Greens

Christmas Delicacies


lUHHY A. JACOBS,};dItor.

:\l.-\Izm .T.S I l \ 1 P S O ~ ,



Hon'1. I'nrgl't. tlllIl. t hi s i s II COJlJJIlllllitl' 01' Iwnll' IIl l1kus lIlIll IWllw

k l ~ I ~ ) l p r s lIlId thnt olle 01' l 'OUn:.1IOS'J' n I l ) O H ' I ' A ~ ' I ' 111"1'11-;8 is tnIie'pil it so.

l 'on ClIlI ni d IIll1teriullr I ll' tI u.i l l ~ ' )'onr SIW)llliuH' 11111] JIlarkcHuH'with tlw lllln'I'USI'I'S ill this )lUlieI',


Build Up Your Home


Owned, and Published every Thurs

uay IJ)' th e .:\arlJerth Civic Assoc ia


Then there is th e pret ty, young It r ained nur se who w as s uch a com-

fort to you when th e b ab y w as i l l . JWOULDN'T THIS BE A MERRIER CHRISTMASYou said you'd never forget her. This IIs your c ha nc e. Yo u know s he l iv esIn Kansa s a nd will probably no t he Iat your home if you knew that your wife and children would

__ able to go home for Chr is tmas . receive from The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Companr "i. non-

filO\VELL touched th e very And th e gent l ewoman you visit In

Lheart of the Chri stmas t ha t p le as an t home-she has never taxable MONTHLY INCOME as long as they live?spirit when he said: 1000wn a Chris tmas among strangers" Th e g if t w it ho ut t he before, a Chris tmas in an institution. The cost is small, and payment may be deferred until later.

giver is bare." How much s he w ou ld e nj oy spending

The "duty" g i ft b less - It in a real home with children an d May I quote you rates?es neither the giver no r a Christmas tree!

the receiver ; so le t ou r g if ts s pe ak Let th e gifts you give these friends

the love and good wishes of this he tactful. If you f ee l that th e dear

happy season. Le t them be spontan- old l ad y f rom t he h ome needs some

eOll s. a del ight t o th e giver, or th e warm and useful stockings, at leastI 'ecipient will not feel that thrlll of ' Pllt them in a pretty grass baske t, so- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I joy that c omes o n r ec ei vi ng a gift th:'\t b ea ut y a nd n ot mer e u t ll l ty wi ll

H. C. GARA, of real love. l l i rs t touch her. If Cous in Mary needs

. \ t l ~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J 1 a g e r _ . _ _ _ _ Whet her o r n ot YOll bel ie ve i n te- ' money aJ1[1 )'OU send he r a check,

--Henfl al l lQtters and nc,,·s ite1l1 to lepathy, you \ vi ll a cknOWledge that place it inside a l it tl e Chr is tm as

n 0ahollt each gift. as one opens it, hooklet that has a c ha rm in g mes - T H E ./'-....

1'. O. ox 4 4.end all a l!ver ti sing copy to P. O. there hangs an a ir , w arm or chill; sage.

!lox 820. a spirit of love or mere duty. I t is Spealdng of Christmas .cards an d

:'Ilal,c all r<'mittances to P. O. Box there. We feel it. ; I;ooldets, be ver y c ar ef ul that the11 S. If you h av e a long list beaJ'ing, Vel'Ses IIOt meaningless doggerel,

Our T ow n is on sale at th e depot names of th ose t o w hom it is irk- : as 80 many are. I f )'ou find two or

newsstand. allli at t he s to re of H. E. some to give, erase those names at i t hr ee w it h messages that seem toDavis. once, Xo doubt they too feel the ' express just what is in your heart

Enterell as se<'OJHI-class matter, Oc- same way a bo ut it and will be glad I,eep to these, Don't send cards

10ber I;'. ]914. at th e Post. Office at \'ou h av e c ut t he Imot. Confine vour whose mes sage s ) 'ou have not read.

Xarherth . Pennsylvania, under the ~ i v i n g t o t ho se to whom it Is ; joy IThey ur e often inappropriate, some-

. \("t. of : 'Ilarch 3. 1879. t o g iv e and to whom )'our gift means I t im es e ve n c ru el . Fo r instance, a

._- love and happines s . Icard with t he u su al "Me rr y Chr ls t-Nb th' L d GIlI 'HSDAY. DECE;\1UER 2:1. 191:' Whether YOIl1' remembrances be illJas a nl l H ap py N ew Year" is worse I ar er s ea Ing rocery_ . . . " .---------- e l a b o r a t ~ or s impl e, b e sur e t he y ~ r e : t.han inappropriate !f s e n ~ t o o ne who IE:'IIERGEXCY P H O ~ E CALLS appropnate and carry thought With I laces a first Yulet ide With a vacant

Fire 350. them. Ichair at. t .he fi reside . Be tactful; pu t IPolice 1250. Do no t give simply to t ho se who ! your se lf in the same place. A card

gh'e to)'ou,

Is there not someone to Iwishing "the peace of Christmastide"

whom a l i tt le r emembrance at th e Iwould be appropriate. Peace, no t

season of peace and good will may ' merriment, is your wish . Bette r s t il l ,

mean surpr ise and happiness that )'Ou Ia personal note with it s kind an d F d S 1 G .h:\\,(' carell enough to think of,si?lple message, or a bunch of violets aney an tap e rOCerleS111m? IWIth a w ord o f l ov e o n y ou r card. '

Ther e a re a lway s t .he sicl, ones, the, Do no t say too much to those that I .shut-ins. W h ~ t a message. of Christ-!mourn at this time, and do not forget, FrUIts and VegetablesIllas a flowermg plant brJl1gs, or a Ithem. Ihunch o f hol ly in a pretty vase! , T h e fashion of hav ing the per sona l

Have you no t often thought how I,'ard engraved with a Christmas sen-I B d Every llelicate a remembrance th e lat-Iument and s en t o ut by th e score is Utter an ggstel' is? Ostensibly just t he p er is h- not liked by some. I t smacks too Iahle Chris tmas green. with th e vase much of b usiness methods, doing •

a secondary maUer, ye t th e latter is Ithings In bulk, ,the easiest way, an d FIsh and Oystersa last ing r emembrance and may ev en n ot taking thought. It la cks the per-I

he a thing of great beauty. I ~ ( ) ! J : l l touch that at f ir st g la nc e it

Oft en t hi s gift of f lowers or holly; s eems t o pos se ss . I F h K ·11 d P 1-0' ,---- arranged in a v as e f ur ni sh es t he s o- I I f it is u se d h av e a care of th e I res 1 e OU try

.l12li 1 -c 1 ~ . l ut io n o f a difficult problem. One':; l 'en timent ; cons ide r it s reception by Iz,1IlaU t 115 i ~ luau >::Yrasuu physician or c lergyman, th e teacher each fr iend. One s uc h c ar d w it h a I d

• ., Iof one's children, th e new friend that Imost beaut ifu l holly-hung fireplace Sm 0ke Meat sf i l t ~ 11UU rl1l11tl1l'tablr m l 1 1 t t t ~ . has heen madl.', a s ic k o r a new neigh- ',lIDS b een us ed f or YI.:11'S by the same,

hor-those, in f ac t, t o w hom it i s n ot people. The ir f ri end s must uncon-jb u ~ y a u 1'statr. ftllall llU1l11aUr t ac tf ul t o g ive more elaborate gifts·lscioUSlY wonder, "Haven't.they

u s e ~ . u pSausage and S

~ 1

Have you e ve r t hought that yo u Ithose cards yet?" TIllS repetitIOn C app ellTU1'lt fur ltuur llaya, 1llrrp for owe a ve ry e spe ci al k indne ss to the, Jacks thought an d good taste. ..

- • "next d o ~ r neighbor?:' .ThiS d ~ e s no t I Anothe:,. : -ard tha,t b o ~ e t he w is h

ltUUl' ullll1ts, a 5ltVph, t11r l111ur necessarIly mean an mtlma cy ; mdeed" that. t he ,o lc es Of. )e children about_ - - - your rela tions may be most formal. iYOllr Imee maye rmge," was s en t t o

lt1'r1l5 a u a 111"11"1 tu shan l\tUh Usually truer friendships ar e formed Iold n ~ a i d s and bachelors as w ~ l l as, • h)' slow growth than by t he mu sh -\ to chIld-bles t homes. and, c ru e hs t o f

tJ.. 1 f t t i'l room process . Bu t a wrea th o f holly \all. t o o ne h ou se ho ld who h ad that

11 I/rrs 1'55 or uua r: am, lltall 01' a home made cake. a b at ch o fI)'ear lost a little son. This happened

. Christmas cooldes or a bowl of flow- hecause a visiting l i st h ad been hand-

prar!' a l \ ~ prOBvrrttU a t t r l t ~ llUU_ er s sent unexpectedly to that neigh-I I'd to a person w ho w as engaged to

• • _ ba r next door-and what a pleasant address th e envel opes . Wher e wa s

ltltfutltltglU. t l l r u u g ~ o l t t a J)uU- glow yonI' remembrance of them the Chris tmas sent iment he re?ca use s. H ow that Christ.mas spirit And, again, th e question of what t o

nUB NrUT Ural'. does warm a ll hearts! give. It is not difficult in the fam -- Remember those who are 0111, anel ily. if 100'e Iweps th e eyes and ears

l'OS'J'lI ,\S'I't'II' . ~ O ' I ' I ( ' f ' above a ll , t.hoRe who ar e lonely. wide open. I f we love much we Imow' . . '. " . IS,' >, •• Christmas is. of course, th e family what o ur d ear ones want and need

Post o f ~ l C e IS, open 101' busmess Oil llay. Bu t It is a pretty poor sort o f a lmos t before they themselves know.

S U ~ 1 I 1 a y s I .rom S A. 1\1. to 9 A. M. ~ u t . - I f am il y w it h a pretty poor sort of ,\nd ar fo r ou r friends, love and

gomg mal l doses Oil Sundays at. tJ,:15 Chris tmas sp ir i t than can e at , d r ink thought wil l a ga in f ur ni sh t he clew. Place your1'. ~ f . : .. w e ~ ~ - d a y s : at 6:45 P, M. , Iand 11e merry wit.h its eloors cl osed Never. n eve r, g iv e a present thatChllsUllas parcels .8hou1l1 .he "el l to a lonely one. " lo ok s b ig for th e money." No on e

wl'apped, sel'urely .tIel1. p l a ~ n l Y ad - There is a lway s t he elderly maiden is deceived and the s pi rit of giving

c l r ~ s s e d and Bender s name III upper Il ad y w ho l iv es a lo ne . We al l know is sullied.lelt-hand < 'o rner . All valllahle parcels .I 11 I' I Iseveral of bel'. He r parents ar e dear}, Th er l. ' are, too, some gift s too inti-s JOn ( Ie IIlSUre( . her b ro th er s a nd s is t er s s ca tt er ed , or mate to make. A p i ct ur e i s one. Un

she has none. Perhap s she is a less you Imow e xa ct ly what p i ct u re

To t he J ~ ( I i t o r of 0111' Town: I teacher, living In a boarding h ou se . y ou r f ri en d l on gs f or , d o no t "rush

Now t.hat. the winter season, with it;; She iR dignified, sh e makes no lament. In where ange ls f ear to tread," I t is

at.t.endant ice and SIlOW. i s upon ns, it Yet h er C hr ist ma s i s very pathetl<l. the most difficult task in th e wor l d

rests wit h t he cit izens o f t he borongh Isn't room for her at your this buying a picture for another . P h o n e . a06

t o t r) ' to ohv ia te s ome o f t he d is com- board? Phonograph records make desi r ab leI= = = = = = = = = ~ = = = = - = = = = = = = = = = - , . . = ~ = = = = = =f or t o f indement. weather. The High- gifts, bu t here again one steps o n s a-way Commissionel' and horough em- cred ground. Music giving isn't so holly ber ri es , t he 1ligness an d soft- rLEAN SAFE WHOLC(lOmrploye8 deserve great credit for their IlIJns worl, of th e men wel'e tive resid- difficult as picture giving, bu t it re_lness of heart of that da y of daYs! lJ ••• ••• I.IJ I.i

ind,efatigable etTorts in r e m o v i n ~ , snow ing in a il e h lo ck w ho se places wer e qui re s thought. Be sure you know I There is an old p ra yer , "Lo rd ke ep

after a heaYy downfall. hUt. ('oundl the woJ'st. on t he ayenue, it. heing illl- what sort of music your friend cares J11)' memory green," .Let liS add,"annot do all. The snowplow invar i- poss ib le 10 wade t hr ough t he s lu sh for before you buy . " Lo rd l,e ep my Chr Is tm as spirit OUR PRODUCTS ARE GUARANTEED

ah ly l eav€ 's . in a 1!,J'€'at llIany places. an without. getting, feet soal,ell, unless Bu t whatever yo u give, th e little Igreen." and l,eep it wil le open, real, UNDER BACTERIOLOGICALCONTROL

indl OJ two of snow. and when a thaw you wore ruhber hoots, the snow a nd per sona l wor d o n th e card, t he f unny g e n t l ~ and u ~ s e l f i s l ~ . IsetJo; in i t l ea ve s ,the payeme?ts in a water being ankle lleep. o r t en de r little verse you yourself It. IS th e IJlrthda) of o ur Lord. Pasleurlzed Milk DEl./V.

deplorahle ,,01l(1Ition. eausmg the The only reasoll that. t.he pavements have w ri tt en , t he d ai nt in es s o f th e B I I C Iill d I 'ERfES

greatest i nc onveni ence a ll d a nnoyanc e wer e not ill th e same condition last wrapp ing, t he personal touch, th e MA Y I PROVE ryoc oVMilk er e WEST pedestrians, There is jllst as much wee l, i s t hat t he r ai n compl et el y ob- very soul of th e gi f t - tha t it is that (Pedrlal lc SOcldy) OVERBROOK

( ~ i \ ' l c pride shown in JUakin g it coJU- literat.ed t he s now, t he re by saving a makes th e ar t of giving "gentle ." T o you what an advantage it is Special · ·Guernsey" MERION

fortable fo r you r nei ghbo r a nd f el low- g l' ea t l ie al of Idcking and growling. Oh, never grow so old as to lose t o own your own home? Milk WYNNEFIELD

t ow nsma n t o t ra ve l t o and fr o t o t.he Why not pass an o rd inanc e compel l- t he thrlll of Christmas-the indescrib- WM. D, SMEDLEY ( R O b e r . r ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ p l e . s ' BALA-CYNW'VD

station and post office as it is to beau- ing dilatory citizens to clean off t il e a bl e something that is in the air, that NARBERTH

t ify t .he town. \ln d I t i s h op ed that a sIdewalks a fte r the snowplow ha s b ee n c ombi na ti on o f j oy an d e xc it emen t A t t he Cabin, Cream Butlermllk ARDMORE

spirit of good wil l a nd " do t hou l ike- aronnd, and i nf li ct a f ine on t ho se who and love, a sacred emotion that no Narberth &: Haverford Aves. Table an d Whipping WYNNEWOOD

wise" w il l permeate t he e nt ir e bol'- neglect doing so after a stated per iod? othe r day quite equals. The sme ll o f Cream.

lI11gh. I t is a well-known fact. that The p la n worlu, satisfactoril)' In Phil- cedar, th e sound o f c hur ch bells, th eafter a heavy snowfall last winter adelphia. Why not he re? It is 1'01' th e words of gree t ing , th e gayety of chll- DR.there were highly eommendatol'y and convenience IIml aceommodation of th e dren, th e clutter of r ibbons a nd whi te

eulogis ti c encomiums passed upon the public. paper, t he s cen t o f r oas ti ng turkey

good work of th e employes of th e bor,- May Conncil r elie ve us fr om th is land s teaming pUdding and mince pi e

ough. bu t would yOIl think It? On the S l o l l ~ h of Despond-and slush! and cranberry sauce, th e gUtter of

l i st of pr in te ll names prais ing the ard- }'I'auk 1'11111'1'1. th e Christmas tree, th e gleam of re d PHONE l ~ Y

~ I r s . C. H. Blackall G. 1\1. HelJl'Y~ l r s . C. T. l\loore A. J. Laos

:'III'S. Eo C. Stol,es Henry Rose

:\Iiss Adah Durbin W. T. MelchiorEarl F. Smith O. L. Hampton

.\ ssoclntc f;I1lt{)l'S,

Page 5: Our Town December 23, 1915

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Join Our 1916 Christmas Club Starting Monday,Dec. 27, 1915.

Make a small deposit weekly for the next 50 weeks and you will receIve a check

for the total sum, plus interest, on December 15th, 1916. Just a time when moneyis needed. You will never miss the amounts paid, and you will be agreeably

surprised next December to see how much you have saved.

Our Saving Fund Department Allows 3% Interest. Compounded Semi-AnnuallyY O UR A CC OU NT SOL IC ITED







Plumbing, Gas Fittingand Heating


Sales Agent for BLASIUS Pianosand Players,

Phone-Narberlh 1255 D.



Real Estate and

Es timates Furni shed

Special Nursery l\lilk i n P ap er Car

ton I ~ i l \ e d at Penhurst Farm.UI'II 1' l lonc-Xarbl ' rtJ l 669 D•

100 Narberth AvenueNARBERTH, PA.



Combination Coupon---Check Your WishesCIVIC ASSOCIATION, Box 31, Narberth

Enter my n am e o n y ou r books in accordance with th e checking below.

Address •. , • • . • • • • ,. , •• . , •• ".···.·····"···,·,,····,,,······•

1.00-Voting Membership in Civic AssociatioD.

1 .; ;O -Vot ing Member sh ip i n CiVic Association an d on e I

:year's Subscription to Ou r Town. I1.00--0ne year 's Subscr ip t ion to Our T own. -----1----

Name • . • . . • . . . . . • . • • • o .

Woodbine Ave. and Williams Ave.


Phone, Narberth 1203W,

itl].r i&tttl 'U1l0Ulil ' IDru!it <!In•

1323 Walnut St., Philadelphia.

GEORGE A. WITTE"',lohn waH a guod man," said th a

Paper Hanging and Painting' l 1 i s ( ~ ( ) n s ( l h l t e widow, "hut. he wa s RG

ol<l-fashio]led to t he l as t. " " How so?'

asl,ed thl!' sympathetic f r iend. "Wh)' ,

he go t l d ll ed hy a I 'llna way hor se ."--

Alhany Al'gus .

At the open community n ig ht , o n

January 14, Dr. an d Mrs, W. i\I. Cam

eron will give a short talk on theirpe rsuna l impres sions of th e Andaman

Islands. While t he re t he y w er e g ue st s

of t.he British Government.

On t.hese i sl and s t he Brit.ish main

tain a penal set tlement. for murderers

and political prisoners fr om I ndia ,

Burma a nd Ceylon. The i sl and s ar e

]JEJlNO:\".U. 1.\Il'IfESSW:\"S OF' 1 ~ · I _T E U t : S ~ I

ARE YOU AWARE ; g : ; £ ~ i : ' i ~ ~ CEO £ W J MARKlEleCI your lot from • (l • • II

Narberth's Highest Tract SID . .and build I'our bOUle according to yourow n plans e ect 8tfteSIOd the way ~ ' o u want ii-and whe r e you wonl

,I-IS to buy. Ready-Made House?

for Your Own Convenience T e l e p b o n e - ~ a r b e r t h 368,

BANK " " I TH EDWARD HAWSPlaster and CementWork




FM JUstlCe Montgomery Avenue,

I I ,NARBERTH .O r612 Chestnu l SI . . . .hUa.

A cableway, s tou t e nough to carry

heavy motor t rucks, ha s been built by

th e Farming Company aeross t he G il a

River, New Mexico.

"I 've no t seen old Mrs, Wiggins

lately. How is she?" "Dead, sir.""What, joined th e great majority?"

"Oh . n o, sir. Sh e wa s a good enough

woman as far as I know."-London



OF' TIn; };VAXGt:l,

~ . ; x ' r SUNDAY

(.1'11111'«) IUble 8chool

Bellutlful Cllrlstllllls Uecorntltms"Spiri tual Uenefllctlons"

Union Senfces

At )rethollist Church

ew Year's Se n ice

New Year's Ulll', 8.00 A. ]r.WE INVIT}; YOU

lIellry, don't you InloW that tlream- f O , ' D l r ~ I ' I ' r fIlUISTJL\S

cr s like you mus t. always fail? ('AUOI, St:RVU'E.

Look h ae k a lo ug t.heir pat.hway-thegih!let, r ac k a nd jail; ""I1I"k, how " trange he r power! He r

I"orget this childish chattel' of the variell sl rains CHECKING

t riumph of th e r i gh t - ,Thri l l wi t.h a magiC' Hpell t.he human ACCOUNTS

F o r < ~ e is t.he gUll that. get.H there, and ' heart . i SAVINGSlh e wor ll l i s ruled hy might. .She ',val,ens IlIClllOry, hrightens hope, ACCOUNTS

tll<' pains,'(!lc joys of ! Ic ing at . he r h i d d i J H ~

"Iart. "

A peRce s hi p! Why , your prattle gives

u s a ll a poignant pa in;

You're as crazy as Columbus wa s

when he se t sail from Spain;

• • • • * • *And so on until we g et t ow ar d th e

end when we come to this:

11.'8 a shame-we say it, Henry, for

your soul ' s immortal good -

That you sho ul d dare lift up your

voice an d ment ion brothe rhood,

That you sho ul d l oo k abo ve th e clouds

to glimpse th e peaeefuI stars,

When you should be s ti ck ing doselyto making l i tt l e cars.




Wel l, w el l, well, Santa, an d here

you ar e in : \ a rhe r th again l How t ime(Iocs fly! So, Henry, you lire til'ketell to joill

What, you've he aru t ha t e xpr es si on the fool Brigade;.WI' I ll us t h l' f irm, lind t.ell yOIl your I

hefore? Well, you're a sl y ol d fel-l> ja('}'l!s" Oil paralle; To hear two hundred sweet, yonng

l ow , w it h hig e ar s, a nd a knowingGet in l in c w it h cracked old Tolstoi,! voices, joine(1 in perfect harmony, i5

W,ly ahout you, so pe rhaps you' reright. It isn' t al together new, I'll ad- who imagined t r ll t h s l lf l ice l !- ~ : " l l l e t h i n g not to h e mi ss ed by lovers

\ V h ~ ' , YOII're 'Illost as foolish, Henry, ,01 1IIusic. Consequently, :'\arlJerthmit, hut I hu<1 to say sOl11cthing 10"tar t this old typewriter; it wOllldn't a s lh at Dl'eamer, ,JPSIIS t 'hris!." 'Presbyterian Church was crowded on

l\lonllay eve ning to listen to, th e"Iart itself.. ,., ._ '. . .' , , l' ('1'1 I I t.1Besides, I have a Christl1las--or" BUI ~ . I e hell', s an t: ', \ \e I gel .l ll l- '; . I rJS mas < ~ a r o s, a s s un g ly le pu -

rather, a "pre-Christmas" l 'onfession I way olt the trael, ; we re bllsYJIlg our- llils of th e puhlic school, under the' I 'til ' IJr I' Drealllers lliredion of Miss Helen Wilson. Th e

to make. I've been "lool{\ng over"-- l Ise ves \ \ 'l . I llg eame s - - - : ' ,won', say "reading," a hook that I w ~ l O Ilreamed Dreal1lR aR Illg a ~ l ( l as pl"Ogram i nc l uded "AdcstI' Fideles,"

a nt g oi ng to g iv e o ne of my f ri en ds . Wille as th e whole worl l l, Le t s ge t "HeiligI' : ' \ ~ c ~ ~ t . " ~ ' O h , Little Town. of

, . _ I k ' ,'tt I mRll haek to t.he Dreamers of uu r t.own.: Bethlehem, It Came Upun a Mlll-r lns lOO \\ as \\ I'l en lY a . . Ie" "TI B I I I B h "named Victor I \Ugo ; in fact i t' s h is E<IHor . I acobs wil l t hr ow th is st or y i ~ ( I ~ I 1 t : ,lear'l' , , 1 ~ ' 1 ' l e t I I l e t U J ~ , a 11 ", b' . I ' in t he w as te h as ke t if we don't. ge.t ,ll ' lstmas ', Ie ' Irs "owe ,•1IIto IOgl ap I) . " . . "OJ II I :'\' I ( " " : ' \ . t1 " "J .At th e heginning of one of th e a little 1110re "Ioeal eolor 111 It. , ) , 0 y • ,I,g I , ,: azare I, 0)

tl I. I You wer p s ay in g * * * * ? to th e Worl<l, anll l lm 'I ,! t he Her-

l"\mpters ar e Ie WO)'( s. " .' .' . I_ S' "" ~ I a l l hilS Itred Hr dreams." ! Oh, that s I'lght, I wa s dOIng th e ,11<1 rAnge, s . mg.T hin k th at o ye r S an ta ; s ay it over; talliing. Well, about all that rem ains \\ h en It IS understood th at there

--sal ' it over several times. : to he sai;) is t h at a l re a dy we've go t a W , ~ H 'll1ly o ne g en eral rehears'II. of

Tl;e 111011 \'OU say it t h t ~ hetter It Ilot of things here in ~ a r b e r t h beeause :ll1s Ilrogrum, th e excellence of th e

H0Il111ls, does;I't it? T hat's what we iwe hav!: Dreamers as well as Prac- c on "e l' t w as r e a l i ~ ' r e m a r l i a ~ l e : ~ n folks here in ~ a r b e r t h think, anY- ti ca l m en . And we're going to get r ef le c ts g l' ea t c red It o n ~ h e . dlsclphne"' . \H k tl t "1 I ha s nee(I more, S o y ou 'd hetter talie a good of th e school under Prlllclpal Mel-\ \a) . "e now la na l I ' I ' I 1\1' W' I ' I ' I ' t to f d r eams" and we k now t l la t " towns look arolln(1 while you're here I. 1115 CliOI' , an t on . ISS I son s a JI.I yo

I.1 f I II " \He kllOW that veal' e ls e vou may not. know th e develop an d h rm g o ut the best m he r

lave neeu 0 <re a lS. '. .,. ". . .: ' \arherth would not have a mode l p la ce next December. young pupIls vOIces. SpeCIal mentIOn

l"omnlll11itv resi<lence development un- Mea nw hile , a Merry Chr is tmas . to ,must. he l 1 I a d ~ o th e f ac t t ha t. ~ h del' wav i'f s om eo ne h ad n ot Dreamed. you rs e lf , o ld s co ut , an d a longer hfe' hoys, who ordll.mnlY ar e very r e t l f l ~ gt.he i d ~ a he fore !Ill', Shand and his i tq you than to anyone of us . on such occaSIOns, s ~ n g both lustIly

me n went to work on the aetual op-; .:. A. ~ I u s e h l \ l t l l l . aIHI wei\, therehy ad.(hng m u c l ~ ~ th e. suceess of th e reCItal bv glvmg a

erat.IOI1. I I,(,..,m ()'L'F'ICE ""()TFS ,well balanced effect to U;e ehoruses , a l so inhabi ted hy th e native Andama-We IOlllW that s om eon e ha ll to p,..,...,",. • . I . .. , r -i . .. .The girls did well as a mat te r o f, nese, t Ie most prulllt!ve man a Ive to

Ilream ahout. Wynnewood roau before Th e post office force WIll apprecIate' . I ' f I' t ' Id a Y 'ullI living now as t.hey have f rom. 1 '1 l' 'h . ' . . ' d :eourse; t lelr re s I, swee vOIces were .• ' .

Ihe plans lo r re lUI I I llg It ecame hanng quan t It I es o f ChrIstmas ca rsir I I . I' I t.ime i mm em or ia l T he A nd am an es ea reality. It i s r umor ed , to o, S an ta , o r letters du ri ng t he holidays, handed ! m o ~ t appea mg, t. Ie ( y n ~ ~ ; c s the; 'Ire presumed to 'he r el ic s o f th e l\"e

that some of those dreams were ver- in al l laill s t ra ight, s t amps al l in u p- , vall"l01ls

1Stolng s

\\I'er e c af re u y 01serv- ' 'gri'to r ac e t ha t in very a;lcient times

_ • 1 t lIo 'sOlnever . d :e( , an I Ie 1'0 lime 0 SOUlH wa s ' . ' --- --_ ..._ . --- ....-Itable 11lg 1 mares. . \, , pe r r ight-hand corner ; a strmg aroun . . lI ' . . Isome jOOO years ago occupied th e I

we're go ing to get a new road he-I t he hUlwh would hol(\ them until , r e : ~ " ) 1 ~ u t r p n s l ~ g . " I '''1'1 l ~ t' southeastern' portion 'of th e Asiati<" Once JIlore it. seems neces sary to

IJr III (I al ll i planned . 1 . ,. In s lUas J ',ve lUll Ie 'Irs ' "1 0 ' '11 tit<'ause someone ea e r e a ( \ ~ ' fOl' t he cancelhng ma e 1mI', ;.... I" , 1 't.1 I" I S I I continent. In this view th ey a re of state I. wI ur 'I ow n WI no PI' n,. I ' . (I's e\ 'e . I' t f' . , 0 \ \ e "ere sung l) Ie ~ I I C 10 0 , '1 . t' It ' tIn us nlln , _ . Also II I pUl'C lUsmg s amps or tl G ' S 1 I j " . tl extreme interest as preserving, owing anslgne< 1,0lUmunlea IOns. IS no

TIfolks here in 0111' hor- ' . 1 1 f t Ie ralllmar c 1 00 OlllJ1lg III Ie, 1 . t I

le re a re . ' , ,!.ohday lise we have 100 ,s 0 s amps cho ru s. Adam's beautiful "Oh Hol)' to lUI indefini te nl lmher of centuries of nel 'essary that y ou r n am e Ie prill 1(

ough who ar e ()I e a ~ 1 1 l n ~ of ab 1 ~ ~ ~ V ! ~ ! j eents, 49 c en ts a nd !J7 c ent s; a ls o : '\ ig ht " w as s li ng h y a triple quar- complete i so la ti on , i n t h ei r p er son s in . :onnect ion with an y le t ter tha t yon

athlet ic f ie ld , a Imh l\ (' , h l b r ~ ; y t I t l ~ (- stamps in em'elopes "Ready to ;et.te including the following young! an(\ customs the last pu re r emnant of ma y write to the paper, hut the

ll lg p er ll ap s 'I new ralroau s a lOn, S " . , t ' t ' e s of '>5 ~ 100 '>00 ' . . . , . I·t 1 t k 0 '110 t il e \ "r l' te r IS, ' •• ,erve III qU. ln I I'. ~ ' " , ,- , !'Idies' Soprano Mis se s Hel en Duff t he o ld es t l un d o[ ma n III eXIstence. e< I OJ' ml H· -n w \\ . "tile (la V when there shall be no n 1-' 'I e )11 tlll's \"a \" '" , " . tl I tt . tl e 'aste

J '.1 etc. y ma ,mg pure la S s " . J.'lizabeth Southerland Augusta With- Theil' strange dress and huntmg .' . or Ie e e l ' J!;oes 111 1 \\ .s l ' raps of paper at th e stattOn, an u ft lozen or more . , ., . I k t• . . ' yOIl ma y 0 .en cover a < • erow' tenor Misses louise Hast ing s weapons WIll be shown, as a ls o c ar v- las -e .allQtlle r ( 'hamplOnshlp bal l team. '1' ··tl I'l'l a se r at ll er ' , , . . \" I 1 tt,. k' I' mal lllgs \" 1 one pu " " I,']eanor War d G ra ce l\"evin' alto th e m gs m ad e 11\' th e 111'lsoners on th e '. e wall your e . e rs, y ou r

By th e way, Santa, spea, m g o. than buying from t he c le rk s a few l \ ; i s ~ e s M i l d r ~ d Harris ' l i :l izdbeth islands. . your suggestions and yourDreams an(\ Dreame rs , h e re s some- s tamp s e ac h time requiring a pur- S k M .1 I' M' C . b eism, hut <Ion't forget to sign

. tI t ' an de r I' d a ll the wav 1 1 pe a man, au e me c oy, as",t lung la ,\\ . .1 (; eha se f o r eaeh mail ing. wi th t l e u su a M is se s R uth H aw s, Esther Hieklinacross ou r contment. a few u ay s a g . neeessitv of making change. ." "

I e Ilell bv one of t hose Dream- '.. ,.lnd HII(\a Smedl ey . S ol o parts 111twas p n , We WIll a pp re cI at e t he e o- op er a- i ._, • " '

. Portland way up in th e north- . ' thus composItIOn \\ er e tal,en by th eer s J11, t IOn o f o ur patrons m t hese mat te rs . . H' 1 I S I 1

t I' er of these States. It goes . .. 'd 1 :\llsi:;es \. lit lerow an t ou t IeI' an dWI'S c? n '. ' . ' A change m I lme o f arrival an (e - very acceptably.

sOl lletlung hl ,e thIS. parture o f t he mai ls a t Narber th . t ak- It' I 1 tl t of. , , , ' fol- IS IOpe( la t he s ing ing

.. 1I1g ef fec t Novemher _9th, IS as Chris tmas carol s by. th e pupils of th e" Th us , H en ry I ~ O l ' d , we've (\001111'"

d lows: ,publ ic school, t hus happ il y i n augu ra t -you to join th e \<'oul Briga e, lUail from a ll p oi nt R arr ivmg for- e(\ mal ' be continued from year to

With hare-brained Galileo an d 01'- , I . t 43 4 ' •merly at. :'.04 P, M., wIl arrIve a . "e a 1', as th e oecasion wa s so thor-

leans' hal f-balied Maid; Il'r=================================f1You've go t to take your p la c e t he r e P. M.. . , f 1..- oughly delightful a nd en jo ya ble to II

. . I I d tl 'e e s , 1\Iall fo r l oea l pomts '\\ est ormer. e ve rv o ne who attended.wlth those w 10 (are Ie J l' : l e ' l \ " i n ~ at :l 04 wi ll l eave at 4.34 P. M. I .

Of th e wise ones an,d th e great. o n ~ s I' ,. 'Ellwartl 8. Haws, i . - - - - - - - - -in t.he d ar k p as t s dreadful yeal s. Postmaster, ],,\}n.;s. TJ\l\F; NO TIC ..; !

'I'he Community Tell, Wllich WIIS tilh l helll December 28, ]lIl.s been )Iost .Ilouell uutll tlw following TUeSllll)',.'llUUar)· 4, 1911.

Page 6: Our Town December 23, 1915

8/7/2019 Our Town December 23, 1915 6/8

NARBERr!'H, PA.··OUH rrOWN--])ECElVIBER 23 1915

Merchants, our heritage consisting of one team of horses, four

tons of Bituminous Coal in stock, with about 100 tons of An=

al l kinds of

oys te rs , e tc .

COOK ...

'You r s 't ru ly ,

W e invite your attention to one of the

f inest food products ever put on th e market.

257 and 259 N. Front Street, Philadelphia.




As k for a handsome free book o f rec ipe . for

bread, cake. pie, biscuits, croquets, salads, fried


With the Season's Compliments,we remain,

To the People of Narberth

We arethe fourth in the line of succession of Narberth Coal

complete supply afChrist-

mas Gifts on hand



)lflUdll)', 'l'uesdll)' 1lI111 , r e c l u e ~ d l l ) ·nee. 20, 21, 22


Whitman's Candies

Christmas Tree Ornaments

Christmas Favorites

Post Cards and Booklets

Cigars, 25 for $1.00


thracite in the way of orders, partially filled by rival coal dealers

when we started in business, February 18th, 1905.

We have already tried to furnish the best of quality and full

quantity at current prices, and shall continue to do in the future

as in the past.

Since that timeourbusiness has grown with Narberth, ow=

iog mainly to the loyalty of its people, and for which we are

truly thankful.

'I'hllr!'dll", "'I'jtltl)' llud Slltm'lhQ'n « ~ c . 2:J, 24, 2:;

D. W. Griffith ProductionI n ~ L E N WARE

Courtney Foote, Teddy SampsonSam De Grasse in


Free De'ivery We have been in the business of manufacturing and sellingedible Oils for upwards of 25 years-Goldenoyle is absolutely the

I ~ : e r y pnrchaser of $1.00 or Ibest that has ever been manufactured.receIves I "REE, a Pearl Handle Wrlt- , R d hat P f L BAll Ch ' t f tl f "rESTing Pen ea w ro.. . yn, emlS 0 le amous II -

. FIELD, MASS., BOARD OF HEALTH. has to say about it :

~ S ~ U T ~ , E ? s ~ "Our examinations show that i n Gol deno )l e y ou h av eain es tPho lop lay The- product o f excel lent q ua li ty . On heat ing th is oil t o t el ll -etre 01 I t s S i ze in Ih e peratures adap ted fo r frying , th e odor is still pleasant, al1l1

EntireWorld . no objectionable tla,'or remains in th e food. This , togetherPhotoplays-Conllnuous lOA. M, t o 11.30 w it h t he low free ad d content shows that t he r e fi ni ng p ro -

P. M, cess ha s been canied to a high degree. Kitchen tests dem-Phil&.. P a , onstra te tha t Guldenoyle is excellent for Salads, Mayonnaise

PROGRAMME Week Commencing Dressings, anll for al l cooking purposes where a high-gradeI\londay. December 20th. edible oil can. b e u se d. It ha s practically U:e same 1'0011


All up-to·date housel{eepers know t ha t t he approval of th eWestfield Board of Health places any food product in the highestgrade of excellence.

Some of its advantages:1. I t ~ UETTER for cooking and s alad s than Lard Or Butter,2. I t IS much cheaper than Butter and the Bes t Lea f Lard. and

from 1-4 to 1·3 less Goldenoyle is required than of Lard orButter.

and :3. There i s no wast e whatever , I f mav be used over and ove ragain, as it does not retain the odor or taste of food cookedin it .

4, I t does not smoke when heated. nor o'ive ofT anv disaO'reeableodor. ~

Come and Look at5. I t does not cause indigestion. Dvspeptics can eat food cooked

in it without discomfort. '6. I t may be used for all cooking, baking. f rying, mayonnaise orother salad dressings.


I PETER'S1230.232 Woodbine Avenue


Phone, 661 WAULll'\iG FREIGHT.

Phone 672


NARln:RTH BAS lil':'I' UU. , '1'I':DI



0111' llOYS' hasket ball



l Ie fea te d b y the fast Reading H igh

l:ichooI team last },'riday an d by tho!

strong S c h u ~ ' l I { i l l S em in ar y te am onSaturday. They wei'e by no Ineans

d ef ea ts for ou r fellows a s ea ch mall

on t he o th er t eams outweighed each

of ou r men by twenty-five pounds or

more. The fellows certa inly had afine t ri p, whi ch wa s certainlY helped

a lot by it s fine send off by th e pupils and the return by th e s ame . The

tCHIIl \vent at 1100n, t he re fo re the pu-

pils did n ot m is s any l es so ns. T he

scores of the game s w er e 41 to 2;; Iand ::8 to 11, respectively. Dnrbin

'lnll Smith were the stars of the home

I eal ll . ' J' he l ine-ups were as follows:I hear the hells .on Christmas Day ~ n. S. H. H. S.

Their 0111,. familIar carols p l a ~ · . Smith forward ., .. Rittenhouse

And WIld and sweet Downes forward Wilson

. The words repeat. . Inurhin center Wendler.01 pl'acc nn earth. ~ o n d WIll t o men, I :\!<,('arter ~ u a r d '" .Sc}nveimler

-l,ongfeUllw. :Horsch , . . . guard Stoeber

I Suhs: AIHlersou, guard; Snyder,EVe ry c it i ze n of Xarberth who: forward.

li ro ps in t o sc e liS on Thursday morn-: '·'ield goals: Rittenhouse G, Wend

in!\" will find a cheery welcome. Re-Iler 4. Wilsoll :!. S to eh er , Snyde r,memher onr exer d se s begin prompt-' 811lith ::. Durbin 2.

Iy at nine o·clock. ' Fon l g oa ls : Wend le r 1:1, Durbin 12,I-- :Smith ::.We believe that the chora l serv ico ' X. H. S. Schuvlldll sem'l

011 i\Iolllla)' night , ~ · . a s considered a, Smith , .. forward " Miller

success. However, If the people ex-, Ilownes forward Pawling I

pected a "well rehearsed" program i Durbin center ". Froun<1t IAIhey lIlay have heen disappointed. Up: Horsch , .. guard ., Wilson

to F ri da y t hi s c hor al r ec eive d n o: :\ lc Ca rt er guard Palm

time from t he r egul ar school work .; Subs: Hoffer, M a c k e ~ ' .On Friday aftel'l\()on four grades helll: 1"ie1<1 goals: Froundt S, Miller ro,

il rehearsHI, ullll on l\londay all grades, Pawling. Durbin, Smith.p a r t i c i p a t i l l ~ , at the Presbyterian I,'oul !\"oab.;: 1111 rhin 7, Pawling 10.


Our facu lty helieve that music and The girls defea ted Gordon School

reciting ar e purts of regular school, second team hy th e score of 2G te:

wor k a nd therefore encourage it, hilt: ::0. They have c e r t a i n l ~ ' been puttinghecause of th e intricate schedule and· n p s ome fine games.pressure on academic worl{ it is not

Ileemed wise 10 give t ime for r eh ea r- ! SIll'llhl'. Jl"lltll't j 'ol ' ' J ' I I I . t ' , ~ J. [ t l l l t l l ~ .sals. It wiJI h e recalled that whel 1: • " " " .

"Snow White " was being prepared,: The following pupil s posses s the

all the rehears ing was d on e w it ho ut : h e st s pe ll in g r ec or d i n their respec-·

e l iminat ing classes for any pupl1s ex-I tive grades: .c'l'pting those who tool{ leading part".' Seconll Grade -Grace Casey and Es- '

: I her Keim.

On : \ I o l \ d a ~ ' morning f ac ul lY ancl i ~ h i r ~ 1 g r a . ~ l e - A I ~ ~ n ? Siler: . "pupi ls w er e s nr pr is ed to find a' . 101\1 th Glalle--\\ 1111.1111 S t a n l e ~ an I:

Christmas tree on the platform 01 I',dward Morgan. I

Assemhl': Hall a nd t he wa1l and pic- Fifth Wal'II--Sarah Parkhnrst and,

tures d ~ c o r a t e l l with branches of Charlotte Hillegass. I

l aure l and pine. 'I'he Senio r Class is Sixth G r a d e - · - S ~ r a h Powell. I

responsible for t he h ri gh t a nd joyful Sev en th and I':lghth Grades-Elea-

a pp ea ra nc e o f t hi s room. On last , nor Hand.Saturday night t hev came up to the I I"reshman--Eleanor Eyre.

school ~ n playell Santa. Heretofore' ~ o P ~ l O m o r e - - : G r a c e " ha s heen th e c ns tom t o d e c o r a t ' ~ I .1unlOr·-Llllllse Hastlllgs.

the rooms on th ' lh v before the i Senior--Jean Just ice . Agnes Rose.Christmas exercis:s. ';1'he Seniors UII- iHilda Smedley , Marion Trotter, Aul le r took the tasl , t hi s y ea r in order to Igllsla Witherow, Charles McCarter.

save t ime an d ineidentall)' to give the Ipupils the i ns pi ra ti on o f Chr is tmas A SI'E('IAI, ~ ( ) T I C F . TO YOU.

decorations throughout th e week. I ( ~ I ' t ' t ' t Jour Old, fl ' lends llnd meet new__ OUNI, }'rlthl)' night, ,TIlnllllrr 14, 191H.

Our rooms t hi s week 1001, line witi! IY. :n. C. A. !llliltUng. TIle l ad le s o f

the addition of framed pictllres pur- 111(', Comwumty_Club invite yon to he

I 'h as ed by th e principa l with fund:; t l l I ' l I ' gue st s. Keep tWs tlate open.

contrihuted hy pupils of several~ r a d e s and the money allotted for rN( 'L,\Dnm U ': 'l 'TIU tS AT NAn ·

Ihat purpose from the "Snow White ' HIUt'rU POST O...•..·IC}:.1"lInd. I Mrs. C. E. Kinsey, Mr. Ralph Huf


was! }:dWllrtl S. Hlm's, Postlllllster.

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Ni\RBRRTH, P.A.-OUR, T O W N - n E O R M R J ~ R . 28.1915Healinl: Arrhances



Electrical Contractor242 HAVERFORD AVE.

J ~ l ' r ; l i r i n ~

Est ima(es Furnished


get measured and select your


For the Holidays



(Successor to E. J. HOOD)



104 Forrest ATCnueJobbing a Specialty. Narberth, Pa.

A neat custom taIlored suit will be a li ne Holiday gif t for you rsel f. Further,more. there is hardly a more appropriate present you may want 10 give someoneelse t han a suit or overcoat for Xmas-that wil l b e t he kind of us eful gilt t ha t wi llbe genuint:ly appreciated.

IStep in tomday,

woolens. Your new suit will then be de

livered to you in plenty of time to

dress up fo r th e holidays.

Come in and see the hundreds of beautiful s u i t i n ~ s and overcoatings thatare atyour command-they representa most beautiful selection with durable quality; eachstyle is guaranteed absolutely all pure wool. You will find among Ihem manyslvles suitable to vour taste. LOOK OVER au R LINE.

I . .Narberth Tailoring Co.


conjunction with

We take pleasure in announcing that theweD known

will, within a short time, have a numberof expertdemonstrators in town to explainto you personally the various uses of ourProducts, including



The three greatest household labor andmoney savers.

.It will be distinctly to your advantage toreceive our demonstrators. The information they impart will be of great serviceto you, and they will offer a

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Pacific Coast Borax Company

To the Housewife:-

20 Mule Team Borax20 Mule Team Borax Soap Chips

20 Mule Team Boric Acid




Q)l'l'rLl1UltOll Jrtlttht!,\ <!In.

"Don't Cry, Little Girl,

Don' t Cry."

.;Ihmrd S. IIlnvs, Postmaster.

1(l'l·. C. G. KOllllel, Pastor.

"The U t tl c Churcb 011 tile 11111."


we are fortunate indeed to secure himfor New Year's eve.

};lIIl'rSOIl J,. Swlit, plIstor.

Iftn' . ,}olm "llII Xess, ~ l I l l i s t e r .

. \U , S A I ~ ' r S ' I'. };. l'1lL"IWll.

Utl\,. Audl'c\\, s. HU1'kc, Uector.

The services at All Saint s' P . E·IChurch, Montgomery and Wynnewood'

aVE'nues, f or n ex t Sunday, are as fol- "A Merr y Chr is tm as t o a ll ."

lows: 5unday services:

8,00 A. M., Holy Communion. 9.45. Christmas session of all SUll- II!)AS A. 1\1., Sunday school. day school departments.11.00 A. M., Morning Prayer with 11.00. Christmas church service.

sermon. Christmas carols will be sung by the I

4.00 P; M., Evening Prayer. Sunday school, led by Mr. Stites.

On Christmas Day t he re w il l be There will be short a dd re ss es a nd I

Holy Communion at the S and 1 A. napti:llll of infants. Cop ie s o f the i::If. services. The eho ir h as p rovl li ed Chr is tmas lllusic will be furnished to ,

a special musical program for Christ- all attending the service. Imas m orni ng, an d every m em be r o f 6.45. Union Young People's ser-

the church is urged to IJe present. vice. A helpful service for the IOn WednesdaY afternoon after young peopl e o f t he community. I

Christmas, December 29th, th e Sun- 7.45. Union Chr is tmas s er vi ce at '

day sehoo l wil l hold t he Ch ri stmas all the c hu rc he s. Add re ss by th e

f es ti va l i n th e church building at ;:; Hev. John Van Ness. .So lo is t, M1·15.! If the reol leaks ask father to send foro'cloele :Mr. William Wateral1 wi ll Louis G. Vance. SelectIOns by th e Imak e th e addres s. T he ch ild re n of cho rus ehoir. The comlllunity is cor-

the Sunday school, their paren ts and dinlly invited to a t tend the service. : Ga..a - M ~ G i n l e y f Qfriends ar e all cordially inviteel to Chris tmas decorat ions of merit will i 123 South 17!l!S!. PI1ilacle/P/ii!Jhe present at this Christmas festival. he : n c ha rg e of Miss 'Vard and her. •

Do not forge t t ha t t he church 'bus C'olllluittee. Strangers welcome ai-I 1SUI-lor Overcoal, $18 10 Cl!25eaves Narherth station for th e wa)'s. 1- ~ - - - - - ~ - '1'ehurch 011 Sunday morning at 10.40'1 Xew Jlcmbers.

You cal l take the 'bus at th e station 'fwc new memhe rs were received I Sell Phone. Spruce 5469 CUSTOM TAILOREDor any corner o n Nor th Essex ave- l as t S unda y morning, a total of five 1Iiue. Let us have every seat occu- for the month. , I

1Jied next Sunday. ( Imtnln.. . "Salita·s AnvuncE Man," a Christ-I

EYA:\,GEl, nAP'fIS'!' CIlFnCll. 11lIas cantata, will b e g iv en by fifty,

!members of the Sunday school, Tues- i! l1ay evening, DecemlJer 28. Admis

sion is free to all and you ar e cor· iSunday 9.45. llible School. The diaJJy welcome. i

report ":iil be made of the results of Klnller!:,III'II'1l Part,.. !.. P---P 7i' k. 1 t . I" d t P t I Off,ce Statronery, oster., rOl l ram6, Ie et.,

the Whi te Chris tmas serVIce t lQ was I The Chris tmas ~ 1 1 l ergar en ar y, Etc. Let u. ed imate on your nex l job.

cnch a great success l a s ~ Sunday. iR arranged for ~ e d n e s d a y afternoon, I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~11.00. Morning worship. Subject Ithe 29th. at 2.30. I

of t he s ermo n, " Sp ir it ua l B en ef ac -r Wntch :N'igllt Scrvice. Itions." 'I'he attractive Christmas dec- i I n a cc or da nc e w it h Methodi st cus-I

orations that have reflected such Itom there w il l b e a watch night ser-:great credit on th e committee of dec- vice in th e churcll Friday evening, ,I

oratloll will be retained for this ser-IDecember 31, lJeginning at 9.30 ~ ' I

vh'e. . • elock. !7.00. Union Young People s serVICe :

nt the Methodist CTlUrc1l. l U I ~ l l I O X ~ 1 t ; } ; T I N G nOUSE, ''" 4fl Monthly Union Meeting at iI. " I

the Methodist Church. Hev. Jobn Vall ~ l o l 1 t g o m e r y Avenue and Meeting

Xess wil l be the speaker. IIouse Lane. ,f tl 'd eek prayer ser-

Subject 0 Ie 1Il1 -w . Merion Meeting House is opened for 'vice next week, W e ~ n ~ s d a y e v ~ n l 1 l g , worship every First-day at 10.30 A. I"The Church at Sar diS. Rev. 3. 1-6. M Visitor,:; ar e cordially welcome IA Chris tmas social for th e Bible A r e g i s t r ~ book is kept for V i s i t o ~ s . 1

"d'ool will be held at th e church on All ar e a sked to register their names IThursday evening, December 30.The regular New Year 's service of ' I

the c]lurcb and congregation will be ST. .UARGARET'S CHURCH,

I ld l\TE'W Yea r' s mor ni ng at eightIe . Early Mass on Sundll.Y from Aprilo'clock. 3 ~ F. N 1 f tl Pennsylvania l ~ to October 31st at 6. 0 A. .. rom.~ c a , n d DO. tO t Ie f tIle Y M C November 1st to Marcn 31st at 7 A. M. rRQllrOfl epar men a ..• h h '

. 1 f tile serv ice La te Mass, 9.30 A. M. t r ou g o ut th e I\ WIll have c large a. . . J 23 It COII- year. Masses on holydays , 6.30 andSunday evemng, annary ., d 8 1.'

. t' t Id speakers 8.30 A. M. Weel, a)'s at . Aovenlngsists of mne

kctorne IS sf 3 ; ~ n d s of t b i ~ devotions and othe r se rvices at regular.

Fleas!! spea 0 your rl times. Iservice. IThe i ll us tr at ed l ec tu re b y D r. E d- I

g-ar '1'. Shields under the ausp ice s of J O ~ N l'Jlt;. 19111,. CIUUS'l'JU.S ( ; ~ U B . Ithe URhers' Association has been poSt- '1 he MerIOn ' Il tl e and Trust Companed to January 17 owing to the pany d is tri bu te d t hi s w eek to its

Chris tmas ca ro l service arranged by Chris tmas Club members almost $35.-, rthe !)uhlic school h el d i n t he Presby- 000. Many members ar e residents of

leri;n Church last Monday evening. Narberth. 'l'his is quite a l arge sum----- of money, and will be the mea ns o f

~ L ' H } ; })RESBYTERIAX CHURCH. making a happy Christmas for many.The 1916 club starts Deeember 27 next.

CONVt:XU:\,Vt; AND ECONOMYSunday, December 26th: 01" POSTAl, MONEY ORDERS.

10 A. M., Sunday School. All de- The attention of th e patrons of the

partments. Narberth Post Office is c al le d t o the11 A. M., pUblic worship. Special convenienee of sending money by pos

Christmas service. The pastor will tal money orde r. The following low

preach on th e t heme , ' :Let us go .to Irates ar e charged for sending sums toBethlehem." There WIll be speCIal any money order post office in th e

lI1usic by the quar tet te. United States:

6.45 P. M. The Young People's So- I<'or orders from $.01 to $2.50, 3dety will unite i n t he Union Meeting cents.

in th e M. E. Church. From $2.51 to $5, 5 cents.7.45 P. M. This congregat ion jo ins From $5.01 to $10, Scents.

in th e Union Meeting in th e Metho- I<'rom $10.01 to $20, 10 cents.dist Church. The sermon will be de- I ~ r o m $20.01 to $30, 12 cents.livered by Mr. Van Ness; subject, From $30.01 to $40, 15 cents."Wha t Shal l We Do Wit h t he Bab e o f I.'rom $40.01 to $50, 18 cents.Bethlehem1" I ~ r o m $50.01 to $"60, 20 cents.

Churcll Notes, l.'rom $60.01 to $75, 25 cents.

The Young People's Society have From 75.01 to $100, 30 cents.just issued a neat topic card with Same fees as quoted above charged

the ' leaders of the meetings and sub- for remittances to a number of foreignjects to be d is cu ss ed for th e entire countries. Orders ar e paid at 62,000

)'ear. post offices in the United S ta tes . Re -Do no t forget the Christmas morn- mittances received in this way are

ing praise service at 9 o'clock. Bring C'onvenient for merchants, publishers.

a Christmas message and a Christmas seedsmen, insurance companies, etc., Igreeting. etc.We are all rejoicing i n t he fact that

Prof. Calvin O. Althouse has been secured to make an address at tlle

Watch Meeting on New Year's ev\!.Frof. Althouse is at t he hea d of th e

Department of Commerce in th e

Boys' Central High School of Philadelphia. He Is one of th e most I lg

~ r e s s i v e and forceful speaker s of th\!rOlll1ger orators of Philadelphia, and

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th e eld(,l'

a good .stand Ill'



N A R B E I ~ ' l ' H , PA.-OUR TOWN-DECEMHEI{ 23.1915======================-=================


Christmas Gl'eeting-A Christ

mas Suggestion-and Other

Notes of Importance

B I I ~ ' s .\/It'nd BllIlllut·t,

Th e fo llowing hoys attended the an

nuul Camp 'fohic1wn banquet at Phila

delphia CC1;tral y, ]';I, C. A., last week:

Hll>'S HC\\'l!n>;lem, Roscoe Smedley,

.'\((1 Morga n, Francis Wipf, Steelman

Shehlon, Paul Otell , Edw. Odell, Franle

K romer a nd ~ E . ' ( r e t a r y Hampton.

T hes e hoys a re talking and plan

ning fe r nex t gmume r' g c amp before

C h r i E i m a ~ . \\'!'a( lio au th in k of


, velupmenl. of a bu si ne ss men 's c la s s,

meeting wee lc l)' , a nc l a boys' class,lIleeting twiee a weelL Arrangements Lynx-eyecl shopwalkers ancl detec-

,\ nlllllli HellOr/, D l ' c l ' l I I l ) l ~ r , till... I suceessful f e a t u n ~ known as COllllllU- ar e now macle,so that th e High Sch oo l t iv es have clone much to m ak e th e

ThiR annual report w il l c on st it ut e n it y l\'ighl.. T he n ig ht s h av e passecl uses ou r gymnasium some part of each : worle o f t he s ho pl if te r m or e r is ky an d

I"'00 k' tt I I a ft er no on . T he w om an 's e la ss , uncleI'

largeh.' I he h ap pe nin gs o f t hi s as so - l i e . , mar ' II I a em ance, all( en- "allgel'olls ever\' ua " Bll t , "I tl l tIle:\Iiss Crisman's supervision, had II fine U , ' -' "

dation s ince , January 1 , 1915 . It wa s j oy ed h y a ll . In May , Mr. Horner re - d t f b . I I . Is ig ne d h ec au se o f a lack o f time to season, llud very succesRful ly dosed , a ven 0 a r g ~ l I l sa es, w llC I result

Ithen that ou r reorganization p la n was witll ',I. ")Ii'" cl 're l ls ," wllie ll d es er ve s i n th e shops b ei ng c rowd ed a lm os t

I I I I, . t tl t t'm tl e g iv e t o it, This vacancy was no t filled ...

Iannc le( . revlOUS 0 la I e I slJeeial meution. ; every hour of the day, thleves-pro-

"0111' fhl'islmlls (Ort'«'fjll!.l"." ~ a r h e r t h an d A rdmo re a ss oc ia ti on s t il l t hi s fall, when Mr. I". W. Stites,I Mr, W. A. ('ole is ('ontinuing h is i n- fessional, a nd t he p uz zl in g kleptoma-

Th e ~ a r b e r t h Young Men' s Chr il ; - I were linl,ell together, th e same s t a f f ~ , Who was a c ti n g as memhershi,p man- terest in th e assodation hv the faet ,n iac -usua l ly ge t busy,tian Assodation tal,es this oppor-, of oflicers wa s directing th e work of ; agel', an d ha d done such splendlll work that he r el 'e nl ly al:eeptell ' the I:hair- ' It i s t he l at te r, a cc or di ng t o a shop

t l l I l i t ~ ' to wish YOF a v e r ~ ' Merry i hoth associations, anll a ls o a n g xe cu - with ou r young men, t ra uR fe rt 'e d t o 1 t t' . I I I d

Ilrllspercllls.' I, tl'\'e ('olllnll'ttee I'll I:Ollt)'lll (If botll aSSII- this ollice. mallship of th e Boys' \Vorl, ('om mit- I Ie ec I ve WIt I W 10m , the w r i t e ~ I.a a

( 'hristmas and a most . . lee. Mr. ('ole ha s alw:ws heen inter- :chat recently, who IS most dlshleed,

twelve months to fo ll ow . O ur slleeial; dations. This plall wa s no t worlcing Th is c a us ed a v a e a l J ( : ~ ' in t he m em - estell in the Illn's, a III I we f l ~ e l sure that i As he pu t it to me, "What ar e we to

w is h i s that th e~ a r h e r t

h Y. M. C,A. '

to t he s a ti sf ae ti o n o f t ho se most i nt er - h e rsh ip end, allll 1\11. F. R. I {a in ea r t he h oy s will 'uow he represenlell in l'dO with a w om al l o f meaus an d re-ma\.' mean somethillg more tn ro u in : es t ed, and th e resu lt was that a plan i Yoluutocrell to ac t a s m em he rs hi p '1th e hest possihle way. Th e summer spectahl itS who comef) into tb e sbop

lill!i thall ever hefore. : 01' reorganizaion was la ll l lehe l l . Janu - nHlIwger. s ea son was onl' of ullusual interest. to a nd r es ol ve s t o la y he r hands on an)'

i ar y I, 1915. , ~ l r . H. n. Savill. who ha s h ee n i n- twenty-one of OUI' hoys, who avel 'aged r a r ti c le sh e faucies, i f sh e ha s a fa-

A (,hds/lIIl1!' SlIgg«'st.lOIl. The p la n in hrief is as follows: t e r e ~ t e l l in t he a th l et ie side, is th e tw o w e e ] , ~ at "Camp Tohie!HlIl on th e I I 'orable oppo r tun it y ? To a c cu se such

"SerVice" iR ou r motto. At this late lo'irsl--To seeure se\'en men who only manager who issta,rt ing- th e IIp]awal'p.'' A I l l l ~ ' ~ ' k o u t Troop of : a woman wrongfully would, of course,

dale you may st il l he at a l os s t o lenow Iwouhl volunteer t.heir serviees as a seeollli yeal' in th e same otJiee. He Iwpnty-four hoys Iws jus!. heen organ-: result in serious consequences for th e

what t o g iv e ~ ' o u r boy for Christmas. ' hoanl of manag-,ers t o pu t th e associa- ha s saer i li c ed much to gel. th e in 11'1'- iZPIl, anl! prospeets 100], /!reat. Mr.; shop, an d y et . o n t he o t he r hand, big

Why no t g iv e h im a .Junior Member- ' tion on a goo(1 business footinp; with eSI in ou r at.hletil:s an d sports where Cole is :ll:tin/! as seoul. ('onllnissioner. slJops lose thousands of dolars a year

ship in th e Y. 1\1. C. A? It will cost: J'('spe{'[ 10 det ai ls a nd finaneeg. Sel'- it now i s, a nl ! we ar e gl ad to report Th l' ! lower sholl', h el l! i n th e spring i throul!,h th e mean pilfering of such

$::, an d iR I!,ood fo r :36(; days. Think ll1nd.-.To i nl ,r ea se t he h oa rd o f d ir ee - that h e w il l I :o nt in ue in thig l'apaeity. 11IIller th e 'I irectiou oC i'lianap;er Stites. women,"

of it. A Senior Memhershi\>. costs . $ ~ , i tors to twenty-one in numher. two Our 1\len'g (;ame r oo m i s show ing t he was a hig SUl'I'ess in l ' 1 ' C ' r ~ ' s en sp o f ~ o long a ~ a fashionably dressed

alltl entitles th e holder to tuB pnvi- : from the senior memhership to ad in hest r ee ei Jl l. s in Ihe h i s t o r ~ ' of th e as- Ihp W(lI·IJ. EI'en' 0I l l ' was surpr iHel l WOJllan went. Into a wel1-known store

leges. Call up Secretary H a m P t ~ n an a(lvisory eapae it y , g iving full a u- soe ia ti on . a III I p lease lJ . A t te l ll l an l 'e p as sel l th e allll aske(I, to ReI' some expensive coats,

anll he will han ' th e membe r sl np t ho r it v to th e hoard of manap;ers 10 General 1\lauagpr-·1\!t·. I ~ K :::leaveI'. 1000 marlc (lIelrl on!v on e day.) Arter trYlllg- on g arm en t a f te r gar

canl rl 'allr for t hc C h ri st ma s s to cl ,- f orm 'allli m ai nt ai n t he f ut ur e polley who was Ihe originator of th e !leo 1'- \\'1' want 10 tal,e Ihi's o p p o r t u n i t ~ ' to m ent , sh e wished 10 s ee t h e r ep li ca of

iug. o f t he a sso ci at io n in alI it s work ganization Plall, au d who is l a r g e l ~ ' re - Ihank al l w ho ha v( ' s o willingly given a coat of a pec u li ar s h ad e whi ch was

The per sonuel o f th e hoard of man - spon si bl e for th e SI1l'CeSS of tIll' l ir st t he Ir a ss is ta ne e, whil:h ha s i ll d\ 'e ll i ll th e window. Th e ob lig il lg sa les -

Ht's('I'n' ,hll lt l l l l 'J 14 lIt1d 2:1. agel's is aR f ol lows : G en er al m an ag er , s ix !llonths, wa s transferred to th e meant nllll'h t oward Ihe snl'l'eSR of t hl ' w om an went for t he c oa t, an d when

, January 14--Communilr night. (:-\uf, I';. K Seaver, who will ove rsee and he ~ e ' lorI, office of his e o m ( l a n ~ ' in paRt year. \\' /' do feel th at the pas t she l·etl.II"Ill'(1 the. w om an o f fashion

sell.) \\'1"11 1001, for your. I r e s p o n ~ i h l l ' to th e llirec:tors 1"01' the .Jnne. 1\11. Sea\'er had tIll' interest o f v l'ar ha s be('n a I'en' slll 'cessfn l one. hall Yalllshell, leavlllg t he c oa t s he had

.January :!3 _. 'Men's mass-meeting, I opera ti on of th e hoarl!. Among o lh er th e new p la n a t hearl, anll regretted ;lllhongh there is llIu;'h rl't to 110. We heen wparing hehilll!' The saleswoman

: \arherth Theatre. Speal\Cr, HOIl, 'V. 1 duties he w il l have offiee hourg at the \'l 'rr mueh that he hall to vamt\ ' this a r e ce rt a in . also. that WI' a rt ' a hout I ll ,o ngh t that th e customer h al l g on e

II . n e r r ~ · . Suhjecl. "War! " 'ha t For?" aHS{ll'iatioll eadl S a t u r d a ~ ' night. 1\'Iall- illlJ!0I'tant ol\i,·e. The sen 'i l 'e s of 1\11. to gtart on a Illorp s nl '( 'l 's sf nl a nl l i nt o another I l epa rtment for a few

ag;I')' :\"0. 1, ('. L. 1\le tzger, will hav!' T. IC Cogg('shall were seen reI! in Sep- evelltful "ear. 1;linntes, and it was no t un ti l later on,!'harge of th e finaneial management. t l'mh pr , w ho I\HH since h\'ell getting R e g ' I ) l ' I ' l f n l l ~ ' snbmittl'll. whl'n ghe ( ' ame to P ~ l t away th e c o ~ t sanl l h av e office honrs at th e h ui ll !i ng I nt o t hl ' w or ldng s allli ideals of thl' ! 'I'. H. ('IIJrl:·('shull. s he h ad heen ShOWlllg, t ! l a ~ sh e dIS-

on '\Ionllay nil!,hts. !\1anager "0. t, agHol'ilitioll ill gooll shape. neneral i'llallllg;er. Ieovered that one wa s m ls sl ll g wor th

I I. ( '. Gara, will Ilevote hi s spee i al al- i III ollr h oa nl o f direl:tOl's Iluring; t i l l ' ,0 . L, \Iall!plull. nearly $300.Ipntion to th e wor l, o f perfeeting and : past ~ ' e a l ' there ha s heen onlr olle I Exeenlivp S e ( · r e t a r ~ · . 'The profl'ssional shoplifter i s quick-

mailltain illp; Ihe I i h r a r ~ · . His p r i m a r ~ " resignation. i 'll I' . I t. I ~ I';lttisoll 1'1'-1 I l . ~ · marl,ell, I I ~ W I l l!y shop d e t e c t i ~ ' e s ,worl, is to have dtarge of th e religious I ~ : i g I H ' 1 1 hecause of no t heing; a hl l' t o H('Jlul'l Ul' "h"s'('al )1('1111'11111'111 1'11111- lor th e maJority o[ them, ~ one tlllle

w or k a et iv it ie g a nd spelH! Tuesllay I give the Ileeessary timl' 10 thl' interest mill('('. 1l('C'I'lIIhl'l'. HII:', ,01'. a l l ( J t l ~ p r , I ~ : l \ : e heen cOIl\'lcled of ~ h ( 'venings at Ihe assoeiat.ioll. Manage r ! of thp assol"iatio ll. 1\11. Spaver re-I


In v iew o f t he f ac t that this depart- , c ~ l I I ~ f ( ~ ' ~ I O l S t t l l g , " allll, once convlct~ o :\, W. A. Cole, who w il l ad ill thp i mainell 011 I he h oa rd , anll Mr. ('ogge- mpul ha s hpen reorgani ;r ,el l in t he l a sl 1'1, lell' eatures natUl:ally

hecome a. . I. . .., . ' III a II el' of th e l\Cenest lIlterest to de-l ' a I H I ( ' l t ~ ' 01 houRe mallagl'l' allll lit' on I shall. who IS general Illanager, filled tw o lllonths we 11"111 l'xplall1 111 hrlel . S • I

tlnly \ \ " e t ! n e s l h l ~ ' nip;h ts . l \!anag ;I 'I ' l \'o. I the vacaucy causet! h ~ :'Ill'. l'attislJll'S 1th e plan: ' lel:!lI·es. : ome ! de a, l ow ev er , o th e, \\ . c' II I '11' t tl I . . 1 ' . success WIth whIch these profeSSIOnal'. .".' OI'Ul'r, w J() WI pI0ll10e Ie reslgnatlOl1. The Physi ca l llepartlllenl (omllll\lpl' I I" , . , ,B H ~ ' ~ « ' l I l 1 l s ' '.rI'Ollp. socia l in te r eRts o f the aRsol'iation, ant! , , 'e will nOli" gin ' a 1'1'11' slatistics ( 'onsists ;,1' Iiv ! memhers, as follows: 'IS I O Illers l'arrl

yon I

theu' n ef ar IOUS

I. I tl I I t k 1 ' I I '1 I' 1'1 I . II . 1" . I 1 ' 1 ' .. I ' lllSlness maY Ie g at l er ed f ro m th eTIe meellng 0 Ie JOys as wee Ie a, t Ie lUI I I Ilg IllrSl a ~ evenlllgs . t l al. arl' III I wallve 01 11(' suct'ess 0 :'Ilessrs. Stites, ~ a v i l l , Hollman, lraden I' . I 'I ' " I' I f

[I . t t TI fIT ,. C 'I' \\ ' "'t't I '11 I '11 I I' 1St 01 gOOI s llseOVere( 1Il t I e f la t 0

wa s one 0 unusua In eres . Ie 0 - l\ anagel' . , 0 , ", '. ...., I es . w 10 WI t II' pa st . ~ · e a l ' . Iroug I a reCOf( 01 alltl Hampton secre lHn·- t reagl lr e r. . I .lowing 1>Oyg passell th e tenderfoot: ;\I.t as memhersh ip cha irman, a III I he attent!anl'l' which we han ' Iwpt each Thi s ( .ommi tt ee 'i s t he l ' ! e ~ l ' i n g lrollSl' 1 1 , 1 1 1 f ' 011. t t l ~ R e wOI Jl11en a few m o n t h ~ ago.

'. S I ' ' . ' , . IC IS IIlcltH e( twe nt y- one pai rs o fte st: T ay lo r Fanes, George ta n e) on t l u t ~ · F r l < l a ~ ' e\·elllng"l<. 1\lanagel It!ay we an ' ah\l> to s ta le t ha t th e at.- I 1"01' al l al· tiv ili l 's per talll ing ' to the I I ' . ' f ..' '. . I ' g oves, t urteen paIrs 0 stockmgs.anll James Artman. Several of the , :-\0. Ii, n. G. SaVIll. Will assume man- tpnl!;lIlce Irolll .January 1 to lJecember i phy si ca l wor k Th e seere tan · - t reas- . f 'I t' I il. 1 Itt ., fl' ,_. ..' . . '. pieces 0 expensIve I r e ss ma er1a I' J-

other hoys ar e gOlllg to ta (C ti e eR a ~ : " e m e n l of athletICS anll sports 0 t Ie II h as h ee n ,;4,.:,,:!-lhIS speal,s lo r It- IUl'er l<hall tal,e care 01 all hnanees If" I' l ' '

I. 1 '\ ' '11 I" fir t ' . , I 1 tl I '11' 1"1 I I' I' Ions, an o gOOI s anI mi sce ll aneoust lIR wee.\. \ I' WI soon \U\I',J 1 R - ,aRslwwtHlll. ani Ie at Ie 11ll (I l l / ; , sell'. he It lI'ary ha s lel'ome a ( 'Oll l- ,pel'lainmg to t hi s l le pa rt me nt , a nl t' 1 f j . I I l.'l 'dt . l\' 1 t1 ' ..' l\' 1 'II a I' J(' ('s a e\\ en ' . nc 1.1 '.. , so ll1 us -

1:!;lgS scout roop 1Il l ar I I I. Satnrday evelllngs, . l I l u n J t ~ · 1Il.l.eres!..: [rom 1\1al'::h to l 0- I s h a l l l H I ~ ' all bills. :11IS treasury ~ h trionR ha d sh e b e ~ n t ha t h er accumu-1';Xel'lItive Seeretarv- ' \ 'he sernees Ivemhl'l' (IneltISI\'e) over UOO books, he usell 1'01' the Inl'theranee 01 a ll l at 'o l l' . I . I, t

I" 'I 'I" ]' '1"1' I '1 " n ." '. • 'u

I . . . ,I ,I IS eqUlrel a specIa Yan 0 carn'

' ll( ' •.• 11 I1 1 '. 111 1 ,(n\ I I ,( 1.. 11.. 'III' ( ) I, I I al l ll l ton who ha d heen a s so 'l han ' h een ! al ie n alit 01 ou r h rarv. evellts I ler talll lng to t he a th le l le Sl l '! tl t tl I' t t' '. . ., . ., ". ,., ..,..,. lem a Ie po ICe s a Ion.We ar e h a ~ ' l I l g an enthUSIastIc t ime , date seerelary under t he l ormer p l ~ n , fh e receipts 01 th e Men s G ~ l l l e ; ou r aSSO{"latJOIl. . , At one t ime th e fashionable sl i t skirt

on ou r !>owltng alleys every Monday Wl'l'l' seeurell. lI e to he th e exeeutlve . roum Ihis yeaI' have heen 0\'1'1' IOUI'I There is also a sports councIl. whleh : was u se d v er y l ar ge lv b v th e profes-

a nd T ue sd ay night. Forty men ar e in eharge anll to e or l' el at e t h e work I times as g'l'eat as the preeel!ing year, , ('llllsistg of th e nHIIHIp;ers of the vari- sl'ollal ~ 0 l:ft I' W' I . tl I. , ., I ' ., -, ' I ' , I pI e . len Ie s a e s-I'itally interested I ~ t i l lS ~ e a g u e . • 0 of th e Y. [\1. C. A., WIth th e (OI11mU- 1 hI' I 'ecelpts 0\ .Janua,n·, If! 1:), alone! OilS sllorts, as f ol lows : Ba se h al l, I'rel : woman 's h ac k waR turned fo r a few

wonde r th ings : l r ~ IIlterestll!g. . ' n i t ~ · Centre po li e r. \I'l'!"e g re al pl ' t h an t he f i r ~ t SIX months i Walzer: f oo t ha ll . H ay . !o!les; l :aSket . , minuteR sma ll va luabl e articles would

I n n ex t week s I gsue we Will gl\ 'P the The l'ollowing changes IHl\'e t a] ,el l o f 1!114. I hal l , Wi ll Durhin: gymuaslllm, George i lIe s \ ' ept I p fro 1 tIl Cit a I

I. II t I ,. I . . . . . I t I I' 1 I ' In, e 01 n er n(

inll!vidual averages 0 a meu--wa e I; place ou th e hoard of managers: 1'1- Anot leI' \ ' e r ~ ' slgnllll"ant lal ' t IS till, Sheldon; t enu i s, .1. G. Sean 111: lOW - : f ixcll to hoo l ,s suspellled fr m tl g -fo r this, ' nandal s e ( · r e t a r ~ · . ~ l r . Met;r,ger, who Ihe total I'eceiptg for full memhership I ing, I. '1'. Ward: pool, ,I. G. I"oote:! tel'. Th e triek wa s ~ u i t e ~ a s Y I: f : ~

Th e p re s en t t eam a\'p!"ages ar e as : wa s one of the pionel'rs of the ~ I e w Ihis ~ ' e a r to J ) e l ' ~ m h e l : I have heen :IP- ~ . : \ . C. ( h O ~ ' H ) , I ' ~ r a n ~ , ' ' ' inne. . ('omplishment by women ,,:ho had

follows: plan, a nd on who se shonl ll er s hall lall- p r o x l m a l e l ~ ' $::1 ... wlllk' the precedlJl!\' Eal'h nHlIHlg('" IS IlJred l r !'l'SpOnSI- ,prohablY graduated in th e hool f

Won. L os!. A ve ra ge . e n this most responsihle o!fil'e, hall to year wa s $ltS. T hi g i s s ig ui li l: an t, h e- hi e f or th e promotion a nd l lI ai nt e- l piekPockels hu t is n ow s o w e ~ ~ k 0 ?n

Plu!!:s f: 0 ( : 1-2 ' draup;e h is r es id en ee from ~ a r h e r t h I'lIuse t lr en ' h as hepn no systelllati<:'1' of hi s spo!'t. Eadl nHlIlllger has, to shop d e t ~ c t i Y e s t ha t i t is vel ': S:I-

Xarherth -1') to Atlantic' City in F'ehrllal'r. ThiH ('an\'ass of thp hH\ '1l for tnclnhel 'sh ips. a t I 'PHSUrCr, who attends to the eollec- \don l p r act iced.

I.:ssex -1 .) 70 ; : ) , h a heen ou r hardest position to 1111. 11 proYP's th p indire('t e t T e ( ~ t . that ha s lion o f a ll Hloners an d t r a n S r t ~ r R sallte 1

:\arhrool, , 4 Ii:;:: i l \ len hal 'l ' heen l ' o n s t : l l l t ! ~ , inlerviewl'll hepn q U i l ' t 1 ~ · at work. Quite a nU Il l- 10 th e treasnrer of thl' I'hYsi<:al De-

South S id" :! 4 iiS4 1 - : ~ I Ihroughout. th e ~ ' e a r , hut without sue- he r of onl' ~ ' 0 1 l 1 l g men joi ned l as t ,Jan- partmenl. ( 'o l llm it l l' l ', who p a ~ ' s all I 'l'Ul'S'f lIDI XOT!('olts 0 Ii IiI";" iI'PSS. We ar e most thankful to report l 1 a r ~ ' unller th " spedal 10-I'enl weekly hills on thl' n. 1\. of th e UHlIJagl'r alllil She wa s a sweet young h r id e who

'a t t hi s t ime t h at Mr. H. ('. Gara is go- plan, while t \ l 'o- th ir lls of th e or ig ,iual t! ,pasnrer . ,1Iice piece of meat In th e shop orten

.Lihl'lll'» . ' i ing 10 tal:];le this proposition. HIllI will IIUlllhpl' llid no!. stand b ~ tlwir pledgp Thl' plan ha s hpcu del'eloperl m a i n l ~ ' seems t o h av e gone through a private

0\11' lihrarr IS prOVllJl,:, IIsl'lI a real :wl ill th e ( ' a p a d , t ~ ' o f f ina lw ial man-I thosp who dill t.nrnl'd ill $l()t to 1111 I hpeaus l ' o f a l al "l, of l'entrali;r,alion in , transformation Rcene when it a r r i v ~ sass!'t 10 t.he eommuni ty . Tweh ' e hnn- agel' fronl th e presl'nt time. \Ve regrl'I assoeiHtion. ' ( 'onul'clion with al l ou r sports. \Ve I home,dred hooks have heen tal,en ou t in \'1'1'1' 1l1llch that. we ha vp he en IH1J111i- Th e allpllll)t 10 lIlalH' OUI' huillling : fl 'el th at this plan h as heen j us ti li el l, "How i s i t, " sh e i nqu ir ed , e ag e rt r,

n in e mon th s . Our lihrary is free t o e al ;p ed :;0 seriously hy this val'Hlll'y, IIIP l'ol1lll1unity ", 'nlre ha s hl'pn I ' e r ~ ' ! and will ~ u r e l ~ ' plapp eaeh SPOI'l on a when an 01ll ma rr ie d f ri end called

all. W h ~ ' not eontrihut.e one of th e hut feel Ihat WI' ar e ahout to enter 011 sUI·(·essful. Thl ' f ol low ing organiw- : high standard--in spite of t he faet that upon lieI', "that you a lways manage ton pw hoo l, s a l t hi s C hr is tm as s ea so n? a. successful f inancial hasis. tions han ' IIwt hen' from t.ime t o t ime : I it ha s heen working only tw o m on th s. h av e s ue h delicious beef?"

It woulll s u r e l ~ ' he app re l"ia te l l hy all. He!igiuus \Vork·.!\1anager H. C. Woman's ( 'oullnunity Cluh, thl' Kings ' ; The linandal s!1u;llion, in hl'ief. is "It·s ,"ery simple," replied__________ ICa ra e annot he gi.l 'en 100 much p ra is e l Ja ugh le rs , : \a rhp l' lh Alhletic Cluh ,: a s follows: ,woman. "I first select

.\ ( ' I I U l l S ' I ' ) I . \ ~ S I " ( ; l a : ~ ' I ' I O ~ . for the worl, that ha s heen al:eom- :'\arhl'l'th Tennis ('Iuh, (,hild Life I Hepeived fl'om hasp ha ll lIlan- hone s t hu tc he r, a nd then I

Iplighell ill this I le par tm en t. T he ('hapte)·. WOl1lan ~ u I T r a g e , ::;I:hool \\'el- I agement $ 74. ii l ' him."

When one hea rs f requent ly of the I l ih ran' , unller his supervisioll, ha s farl' , \ssopialion, ~ a r h e r t h HdlOol IHeceipts of fool. hall season . . . . !ls.r;r; "Oh, I s ee , y ou mean that y ou g iv e

frills and fo llies of th e fril'olous young Ihel'n increased froJll ~ o to ol'er HiOO BoaI'd, ( ' ivil ' AssI ll' ia!ion, ( ' ( ) n l m u n i t ~ · 1 Expenditure (01'1'1' lIalf belli/! him a ll y ou r trade?" said th e innocent

Ijeople of oUI' generation, from those i I 'olumes and is now a real a ss et to ll ihll ' Studl' ('lass and a lso n ll lny Spl'-I 1'01' suits) , lfi1L:17 yonng hride.

wh o prate of t he s er io us , s ob er and! t1 I' e o m l ~ l u n i t l ' . The ( 'olllmnnity Bihle l"ial g a t h e l : i n ~ s . I ('onsi!lering Ihis lat ter fad, foot ball ""o!" answered he r companion.

sedate youth, of th e "good old d a Y 8 : ~ IS:lllll' Clags, ' which wa,s organized Thl' Y. 1\1. ('. A. ( :h 'l ' ( 'I uh h as ha cl haR hall a good s cas on . T he mllnage- ' g r i n ~ I Y . "I stand hy h im whi le he Is

tlu,t, a r n ~ v e r s u p p ~ ~ e d to 1;1' equal;el I soon' al'ler th e lirRt of th e ~ ' e a r , ha s a l Il os1 S l " ' ( ' l ~ s s f u l year alld h as h ee n Imenl seeured A :\0. J SUits. which' {'uttmg th e meat!"

Uballl, It IS refres:ung . to e a r ~ a .a Ih ac l a most Hu,ppeRsful season, ('overing lhl' l'pnll'!' of attl'al'lion f or l ll an y of m eans that with a sma ll expendi tu re

little cluh that ex st s lilian Of ce 1Il a perioll of tp n w ee ks l as t s p ri ng and ou r young men. Their servke at. th e ou r t eam will he equipped fo r th e next. I LA.'Y, NOT LOVE.p!liladelPhia W\lere; m ~ 1 1 leI' \ ~ u n g just finishing a ser iL 'R o f te n we ek s' snlll ;ner I 'n ion Twil ight servil ' es i s d e- two y ea rs . Th is will mean thaI this JolgIrls arlel.emP

Io ~ ' e l . . tne 0

1: l es e s tu dv this fall. Ullller th e ah ll ' t eaeh - sen-ing of spedal mention. Their hea vi es t o f a ll e xp en ses will he ( ' lear' II lllndw>eaegstaaffll wdass a w P ~ t O n U e d s minna'

vouug a l l es la S a SIS er w \() IS a ' . . " I e a n c e a a 1 s:'social 'worleer" who comes in ('on- iug o f Mr . ! \ lI 'Qu i ll du. Thlg plaRR ha s minstrel show . g l \' en ])eeemher 10 1lI1l1 lo r th e n:xt tw o or three years. Il aw c as e.

tact with many poo r e hi ld re n, ancl on had an a\'erage .a tt l 'n l!; lnl 'e of over 1 11; ,was a hug", SUI, ' I ·eSS. . T h e r ~ . IS y e ahout: !lilt; in t he t re a s- Gaily dressed in hi s best suit, h e s e t

Ille basis of he r Imowledge a duh hag f i f t ~ · . In .... iew .01 th e fa d that 1 \ ~ r · l . I he I"l'orgalll;r,atlOn plan 01 0111 phys- III"Y· " I t h tlus e l " e ( ~ 1 1 an d a good has- !off fo r th e court. On th e wa y he me t

h ee n f ormed whieh obtains te n eents Gal'a is no": gOIl lP; to. ::(:t II,S. f i n ~ n e l ~ ~ I,eal. 1 . 1 e p a r t . ~ n e l , l t has, I ~ l , a e e l l , . : ~ ~ I 0111" kel,hall , s ~ a s l ~ n e o ~ m g , ~ r o s p e l ' t s look a friend, an d accepted hi s invitation

pei' month from each memher, who: manag,er, MI. A. G. l \ I a l . h . e ~ l ; r , l e , "h o IS S ~ O I tg on :1 co-oper<ltne ,1J.lgls, ?llll lilH. hespe( t f u l l ~ submitted, jnst t o cal1 for a minute,

just be fore Chr is tmas tal{eg 1 l l 0 n e ~ ' 1 a profegsor at th e Haver(lJI"(I School , g l \' e s liS a I .un tl to he used lo ry!e lur- O. I,. ]1111111·/011. T he h ar ma n a t once spotted John's

from this fund g oe s t o th e live anti ' i s g oi ng t o lil1 this vacaney. Iheranl'e 01 a ll e ve nt s p er ta ll lm g to Secretary-Treasurer, st te att ' re and said chaffingly'

le n ce nt stores, b uys su ch toys as I House Manager- :-Mr, V:" A. Cole ha s Ihe a lh le ti l' s id e of ou r a s s o ~ i a t i ~ J l I . Physipal Dept. Com. , ~ ' H a l 1 o ~ ;11'1 You look as if you

~ . h e thinks will best answer the ]>ur- "crr ahly filled thlg positIOn b ~ I,ook- 0111' ha,l1 team won the l\lam LlIle . - - - - I were g,oing to be married."pose, an d t he n del iv e rs t hem in per-I ~ n : ~ r t e r th e d e t ~ i l or ~ h h U l l d l l l g ' ~ e I ~ a m P \ ( ) I l ~ h I J l , an d eloRed th e s e a ~ o n i A Sp.:nAI, ~ O ' I ' I ( ' . : 'l'O YOL i " No t ex ac tl y," wa s Wagstaff's

I<on to th e ch i ld ren' s homes Sureh' mterlOr an d exterllJr. '" e regret v e r ~ With a IJlg hanquet, over 100 hem!!; I (' t I I f I I I tip o mp t r et or t "Bllt I' m going to. . ',.. . I ,rt't· , ~ ' o u r 0« (' t111 S IlIII uwc IIt'W I I' ,this i s c as ti ng h re ad up on t he waters much to report at t h i s mee ting that l\l present.. JlllS was gotten np Iy a I L' II ' I I t J ' . 'I' 1911" r I r t ' "

I' I I t ( ' . . ,CiA f 1 1 ' t 1" oues. r I' «II) u g 1 • , 1 \ ~ l 1 l 1 L r ) ... • '. ' OJ ,

and p e rh aps a s L ou is a ~ i Alcott h as No; embe r Mr. Cole el t t la t Ie mu sfthltl;r,elns . ,olmnll t.tete. u'llllepor, 0 Y. 1\1. e. A. Uulhtlug. Th e IndIes Of'

it "after man\" davs It Will come baeI, reSign from th e active management 0 I' P 1 ~ ' S l l ' a I epar ment WI Ie given tl (' It ('I I I It t I, ," 'T Itt I II' IIIUDlUU ,r . II I UT e )·ou () Ie ('[,J,;An PIlOi'I'l'.buttered. ' th e assocmtion, hlR vacancy lUS no separa I' y', Iheil' guests. Keel) this d l l t t ~

JJI"ll. r. as yet been filled. O ur n ew p la n g iv es us o n l ~ ' one pai d " If I could ge t some Olle to invest

Social l\lanag,er---MI'. 'V. S. Horner, omeer, a secretary, consequently th e I a. t hou sa nd do ll ar s i n that scheme of

T o r em ov e t he sme ll of onions, ru h in l 'on junct i on with th e Social Com- d em an d o f th e g ym na si um h ad to he \ H er ri ng , g re at q ua nt it ie s o f w hi ch mine, I could malee some m o n e ~ ' , "th e hands on a s ti ck o f celery, and th e mittel' of the W om an 's C om muni ty m et ion some w a ~ ' . S e e r e t a r ~ ' Hampton a re c au gh t in Japan e ac h y ea r, ar e I "How much could yo u make?'OlIoI' w il l b e entirely llissipated, ; r l ll h , sucreede ll In start ing a most ha s given ('onRhlerahle time 10 t he d e- I used c h i e l l ~ ' to ferti l ize rice fields. " W h ~ ' , a t housand dol la r s ,"