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President's Report by Coey Minear Members of Our Savior’s, With the Annual Meeting now upon us, it falls to me to summarize the past year and all that has happened. However, as I think about the past year, what quickly comes to mind is the one thing that hasn’t happened as expected: the land sale. After a lively, but respectful, debate about whether we would sell the parcel of land to the south of us, to the developer of a senior living complex, we voted to approve the sale. However, the developer then asked to postpone the sale, and we agreed. And then they asked to postpone again, and again. As of right now, the sale is expected to complete in early October of this year. When one of these delays was requested, Pastor Steve and a member acting as our attorney in this matter, Mary Ranum, asked for an additional amount of earnest money. While the developer was upset by this request, they did comply. So we will have a little more to show if the developer were to decide to walk away from the deal completely. As a result of this non-action, there can be no final decision on what to do with the proceeds of the sale. Once the sale has completed, the Planning Council will make a recommendation as to how to handle the money from the sale, and they will bring it to us, the members of this church, to vote on. Another memorable event of the past year is of course, the announcement that our music director, Dr. Doug Thompson, would leave Our Savior’s. While his musical talents were great, the Planning Council were aware of issues that eased our acceptance of his resignation. And thus as a result, a team of staff and members formed a committee to find our next music director. The conclusion of this team caused us to make an offer to Kyungouk Ko, an offer which Kyung accepted. It is our hope that Kyung will provide new leadership and openness to our music programs here at Our Savior’s. It goes without saying that the most momentous accomplishment of the past year is the retirement of the mortgage. So while it is easy to say that our building is paid for and we have hopes for how we can direct our funds towards improving programs, we cannot forget that there are a number of projects that haven’t happened because of the scarcity of resources over the past few years. So while the building may be ours completely, the maintenance of the building and grounds are still our responsibility, and the Planning Council will need your help and guidance in accomplishing the many large projects that are needed to keep our church a safe and welcoming place to worship. Finally, I would like to thank all of the members of the Planning Council I have worked with, past and present. They have been a pleasure to work with during the past 3 years, and I appreciate their commitment to guiding this church of ours as best we could. Yours in the service of Christ, Coey Minear Planning Council President Staff Lead Pastor: Reverend Steve Sylvester Pastor for Children, Youth, & Family Reverend Tim Maybee Pastor for Seniors: Reverend Craig Hanson Director of Technology & Operations: Brian Sanderson Director of Music: Kyung Ko Administrative Assistant: Deb Zitur Children, Youth, & Family Associates: Charisse Froemke, Claire Davidson, Nick Gilbert Facility Manager Bill Roy Director of Noah's Ark Preschool: Char Todd Organist/Pianist: Kyung Ko Director of Children’s Choir: Joy Rauner Director of Bell Choirs Open Planning Council Coey Minear, President Juli Smith, Vice President Christine Ventrelli, Treasurer Karen Moberg, Secretary Members - at - Large: Laura Ashmore, Steve Nieno David Carlson David Guelzow Russ Ellenwood Our Savior’s 2015-2016 Annual Meeting August 28, 2016 September 11, the Sunday after Labor Day, is Refresh Sunday! Refresh Sunday is when we bid farewell to summer and rededicate ourselves to our sisters and brothers in the faith here at Our Savior’s. As in past years, this Refresh Sunday will be full of games, food and fun and, of course, there’s worship too. On September 11 we will begin our new Sunday format. Worship will be at 8:45 and 10:45 with Faith Formation and Fellowship from 9:55 to 10:35. Page 12 Our Savior’s Annual Meeting For Fiscal Year 2015 -2016 Opening Prayer Opening Hymn Call to order & Quorum Declaration Approval of agenda Approval of 2015 Annual Meeting Minutes President’s report Pastors’ reports Staff / Ministry Team Reports Elections/Affirmations for Office Planning Council Election Endowment Foundation Board Affirmation Nominations Committee Slate Affirmation Financial Report Approval of Budget for 20162017 Unfinished Business New Business Motion to Adjourn Closing Prayer Closing Hymn Annual Meeting Agenda CREATED FOR RELATIONSHIP CALLED TO SERVE 9185 Lexington Ave. N Circle Pines, MN 55014 Phone: 763.784.1971 Fax: 763.784.4693 E-mail: [email protected] OUR SAVIOR’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Planning Council: David Carlson Erika Pouliot Pat Hilger Endowment Foundation: Roberta Dale Cindy Schweisow Bruce Johnson Nominating Committee: Sheryl Gilbert Gail Willenbring Jeff Johnson Nominations

Our Savior’s Annual Meeting For Fiscal Year 2015 Our Savior’s · the sale is expected to complete in early ... Juli Smith, Vice President ... OUR SAVIOR’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Planning

Apr 18, 2018



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Page 1: Our Savior’s Annual Meeting For Fiscal Year 2015 Our Savior’s · the sale is expected to complete in early ... Juli Smith, Vice President ... OUR SAVIOR’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Planning

President's Report by Coey Minear

Members of Our Savior’s,

With the Annual Meeting now upon us, it falls

to me to summarize the past year and all that

has happened. However, as I think about the

past year, what quickly comes to mind is the

one thing that hasn’t happened as expected: the

land sale.

After a lively, but respectful, debate about

whether we would sell the parcel of land to the

south of us, to the developer of a senior living

complex, we voted to approve the sale.

However, the developer then asked to postpone

the sale, and we agreed. And then they asked

to postpone again, and again. As of right now,

the sale is expected to complete in early

October of this year. When one of these delays

was requested, Pastor Steve and a member

acting as our attorney in this matter, Mary

Ranum, asked for an additional amount of

earnest money. While the developer was upset

by this request, they did comply. So we will

have a little more to show if the developer were

to decide to walk away from the deal


As a result of this non-action, there can be no

final decision on what to do with the proceeds

of the sale. Once the sale has completed, the

Planning Council will make a recommendation

as to how to handle the money from the sale,

and they will bring it to us, the members of this

church, to vote on.

Another memorable event of the past year is of

course, the announcement that our music

director, Dr. Doug Thompson, would leave Our

Savior’s. While his musical talents were great,

the Planning Council were aware of issues that

eased our acceptance of his resignation. And

thus as a result, a team of staff and members

formed a committee to find our next music

director. The conclusion of this team caused us

to make an offer to Kyungouk Ko, an offer

which Kyung accepted. It is our hope that

Kyung will provide new leadership and

openness to our music programs here at Our


It goes without saying that the most momentous

accomplishment of the past year is the retirement

of the mortgage. So while it is easy to say that

our building is paid for and we have hopes for

how we can direct our funds towards improving

programs, we cannot forget that there are a

number of projects that haven’t happened

because of the scarcity of resources over the past

few years. So while the building may be ours

completely, the maintenance of the building and

grounds are still our responsibility, and the

Planning Council will need your help and

guidance in accomplishing the many large

projects that are needed to keep our church a

safe and welcoming place to worship.

Finally, I would like to thank all of the members of

the Planning Council I have worked with, past and

present. They have been a pleasure to work with

during the past 3 years, and I appreciate their

commitment to guiding this church of ours as

best we could.

Yours in the service of Christ,

Coey Minear

Planning Council President

Staff Lead Pastor: Reverend Steve Sylvester Pastor for Children, Youth, & Family Reverend Tim Maybee Pastor for Seniors: Reverend Craig Hanson Director of Technology & Operations: Brian Sanderson Director of Music: Kyung Ko Administrative Assistant: Deb Zitur Children, Youth, & Family Associates: Charisse Froemke, Claire Davidson, Nick Gilbert Facility Manager Bill Roy Director of Noah's Ark Preschool: Char Todd Organist/Pianist: Kyung Ko Director of Children’s Choir: Joy Rauner Director of Bell Choirs Open Planning Council Coey Minear, President Juli Smith, Vice President

Christine Ventrelli, Treasurer Karen Moberg, Secretary Members - at - Large: Laura Ashmore, Steve Nieno David Carlson David Guelzow Russ Ellenwood

Our Savior’s 2015-2016 Annual Meeting August 28, 2016 September 11,

the Sunday after Labor Day,

is Refresh Sunday!

Refresh Sunday is when we bid farewell to

summer and rededicate ourselves to our

sisters and brothers in the faith here at Our

Savior’s. As in past years, this Refresh Sunday

will be full of games, food and fun and, of

course, there’s worship too. On September

11 we will begin our new Sunday format.

Worship will be at 8:45 and 10:45 with Faith

Formation and Fellowship from 9:55 to 10:35.

Page 12 Our Savior’s Annual Meeting For Fiscal Year 2015 -2016

Opening Prayer Opening Hymn Call to order & Quorum Declaration Approval of agenda Approval of 2015 Annual Meeting Minutes President’s report Pastors’ reports Staff / Ministry Team Reports Elections/Affirmations for Office Planning Council Election Endowment Foundation Board Affirmation Nominations Committee Slate Affirmation Financial Report Approval of Budget for 2016—2017 Unfinished Business New Business Motion to Adjourn Closing Prayer Closing Hymn

Annual Meeting Agenda



9185 Lexington Ave. N Circle Pines, MN 55014

Phone: 763.784.1971 Fax: 763.784.4693

E-mail: [email protected]


Planning Council: David Carlson Erika Pouliot Pat Hilger

Endowment Foundation:

Roberta Dale Cindy Schweisow Bruce Johnson

Nominating Committee: Sheryl Gilbert Gail Willenbring Jeff Johnson


Page 2: Our Savior’s Annual Meeting For Fiscal Year 2015 Our Savior’s · the sale is expected to complete in early ... Juli Smith, Vice President ... OUR SAVIOR’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Planning

Steve Sylvester, Lead Pastor

Dear Friends in Christ,

As we put a wrap on another

year there are many things for

which I am thankful, from the

continued faithfulness of so

many members, whose talents

and energies make this

congregation a vital community

in Christ, to a staff that helps us

keep focused on values like

Christian relationship, growth in

faith and reaching out into our

community and the wider world.

We had another delegation visit

our sisters and brothers in

Guatemala, we experienced yet

another wonderful Agape

gathering over the winter, our

ministries with Children and

Youth touched numerous lives,

not only here in the

congregation, but in Denver

and Kansas City during mission

trips, our Amazing Grays

embraced one another,

especially those who lost loved

ones this past year, Holy

Hammers completed builds to

house families, Family Table

celebrated the culmination of

over a decade of ministry, we

burned our mortgage… It was

just a great year.

As we prepare for September,

there are two things about

which I’m most excited. One is

our move from two to three

Sunday worship services. Our

three worship format on Sunday

mornings required that we

spend a good deal of energy on

moving people in and moving

people out at the expense of

having the opportunity of

focusing on relationship

development. With 3rdWay

worship at 8:45 and ReNEW! at

10:45, and what we’re calling

Disturbing the Earth: Growing

our Faith, from 955 to 10:35, we

are excited about the

opportunity to spend time

deepening our ties to one

Pastors’ Annual Reports

Page 2 Our Savior’s Annual Meeting For Fiscal Year 2015 -2016

another. Our 3rdWay worship

will be a more liturgical

worship anchored with piano,

including a mix of hymns and

newer songs, with full on

traditional worship 8 times

September through May.

ReNEW! worship will retain the

same kind of music and format

as the past several years. As

we move through the fall we

will be asking for responses to

the 3rdWay worship in

particular, with an eye to

beginning to introduce any

needed changes beginning in


The other thing about which

I’m excited is that, pending

approval of the proposed

budget at the Annual Meeting,

we will have a full-time

Director of Music for the first

time in a few decades, and a

full-time Director of Youth

Ministry for the first time in

several years. Kyung Ko has

been with us now for two

months. I have tremendously

enjoyed not only his musical

virtuosity, but even more his

desire to be a faithful servant

leader to God’s glory. I know

many of you have also enjoyed

Kyung and his contributions.

He is the right person to lead

our music ministry into the

future. Moving Nick Gilbert

from half-time to full-time will

also pay dividends. This move

will mean not only stronger

ministry with and through our

youth, but it will give time and

energy back to Pastor Tim so

that he can focus on some

other things.

I will soon be concluding my

10th year of ministry at Our

Savior’s. I have no idea where

the time has gone. What I do

know is that I am as excited

and pleased to be with now as

I was when I first arrived a

Page 11 Our Savior’s Annual Meeting For Fiscal Year 2015 -2016

Craig Hanson, Pastor for Seniors

I continue to enjoy my pastoral

ministry at OSLC very much.

I’m privileged to work with a

very dedicated and very

capable staff. It functions like a

team and is supportive of each


The Care Team is blessed with

strong leadership and some

very loving care team

members. There are 14 care

providers that make the life of

our shut-ins so much brighter.

I continue making connections

with members who are in care

centers, those unable to get

around easily, and hospitalized.

The “Grays” I hang around with

are amazing. Their zest for

living and joy of the Lord is a

great witness to me.

I look forward to a great year

of worship and study of

scripture with you.

In Christ,

Pastor Craig

Out Reach Ministries - Global Ministries

San Isidro Labrador (SIL) -In

June, OSLC sent its 8th delega-

tion to visit and strengthen our

partnership with San Isidro Labra-

dor (SIL). During the visit we cele-

brated 2 baptisms, 5 1st com-

munions, and 6 weddings. At the

church council meeting we

learned of the congregation's

accomplishments (regular wor-

ship and Bible studies, growth of

children and youth ministry,

property improvements), chal-

lenges (outgrowing current wor-

ship space, drought, need for

improved or new well), and

dreams (plans to build a larger

and more permanent church). We

also renewed our partnership

commitment for 3 more years.

Iglesia Luterana Agustina de

Guatemala (ILAG) is looking for

land to purchase to build the

Miracle Education Center, a

school for young women to learn

skills. A dormitory for 10 girls will

be built at the Lutheran Center

(displacing the center’s chickens

for the girls), in order to start a

pilot program next year. SIL has

been faithful in sending leaders

to the church leadership trainings

at the Lutheran Center. Congre-

gations in the Petén region,

where SIL is located, have had a

shortage of corn for food and

seed due to drought. There were

no reports of lost crops due to

recent rains caused by Hurricane


Tarkanfi-Start Walking - We

continue to support our friend

and OSLC member Worknesh

Begi in her volunteer mission

work leading community devel-

opment projects in impoverished

areas of Ethiopia. Worknesh’s

ability to bring about needed

change continues to amaze us.

decade ago. This is a

congregation with a heart for

Christ and a desire to do God’s

work among his children and

to care for creation as

thoughtful stewards. Thank

you for giving me the

opportunity to share with you

in the promise and work of the



Pastor Steve

Hiring a Full Time Director of

Youth Ministries

We at OSLC have a great tradition

of very strong children’s and

youth ministry programs. In fact,

many families are members of

OSLC because they were first con-

nected through such ministries as

Youth Club, Confirmation, COW,

and Mission Trips. Every year

more and more young people

connect to our Lord because they

get involved in this congregation.

This has been the case at OSLC

because of our wonderful history

of investment in and support of

children’s and youth ministries.

We have a great “climate” for

ministry here. I see evidence of

this all the time: from the inclu-

sion of the children as leaders to

the willingness to use resources

to give kids a chance to just hang

out and learn about Jesus

through various middle and high

school youth ministries. There is a

clear love for young people and

even a trust that God is working

in and through them for the sake

of the whole church. Let this be

the basis for the following case

for a greater investment in the

youth ministries of Our Savior’s

Lutheran Church.

The Case for More Hours

The Director of Youth Ministries

position has not always been part

-time. In the last decade, a cam-

paign was undertaken to make

the position full time. At that

point in the history of the church,

the Director of Children’s Minis-

tries was also full time. Each of

the three Children, Youth, and

Family positions carry out a dif-

ferent role in the life of the

church. The Associate for Confir-

mation (Charisse) oversees our

very large confirmation program

and the SALT students.The Asso-

ciate for Children oversees minis-

tries with kids aged birth to fifth


(Continued on next page)

Tim Maybee, Pastor for Children, Youth, and

Family Recent achievements include clean

water at 5 sites, more children at-

tending school, start-up businesses,

two new classroom blocks for the

school, an orphan’s fund, and con-

struction of a women’s center.

Bread for the World - Our annual

Bread for the World letter writing

Sunday was June 5. Letters were writ-

ten after each service in Luther Hall to

our two senators and U.S. representa-

tives (several districts included). Our

letters focused on getting Congress

to increase funding for the nutrition

and health of mothers, newborns,

and young children.

EPES/AHA - Karen Anderson, foun-

der and sister of Roberta Dale, will be

on home leave in the summer of

2017 and we will try to get her to

come speak at OSLC again. EPES led

the successful fight for tough tobacco

control measures including a ban on

advertising and indoor smoking; they

continue to respond to natural disas-

ter emergencies, such as the tsunami

that hit northern Chile last Sept; they

won the contract to create courses

and do intensive training with public

health personnel in Santiago and

Concepcion. The OSLC Endowment

fund sent a grant of $450 this spring

for EPES continued work with the

families in Valparaiso whose homes

were destroyed by fire in 2014.

Proposed Budget 2016 - 2017

In order to provide the most current

information, the Proposed Budget will be

available for review at the Annual Meeting.

Page 3: Our Savior’s Annual Meeting For Fiscal Year 2015 Our Savior’s · the sale is expected to complete in early ... Juli Smith, Vice President ... OUR SAVIOR’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Planning

The Associate for Youth oversees all ministries outside of confirmation with middle and high school youth. Additionally, Pastor Tim

oversees and supports their work, as well as, carrying out pastoral duties of preaching, teaching, strategic planning and lay ministry


In 2013, because of budget constraints, we went from having 105 weekly hours in these positions to 60 weekly hours for the same

number of ministries. There are more than 300 young people involved in the ministries in an active sense and well over 400 on our

“books.” We’ve kept our heads above water, but imagine what God could do with even 20 more hours amongst the CYF staff!

We are at a crossroads as a community, a time wherein we get to choose (with the guidance of the Holy Spirit) how we will commit

ourselves to God’s work for the years to come. We have the chance to do some pretty amazing things with the recent retirement of the

mortgage. As I see it, the great good that we can do with a retired mortgage falls into two categories: maintenance and mission. These

are both important, good things. Indeed, they are not even mutually exclusive as “maintenance” makes mission possible and without the

mission of the church there is no reason to maintain anything. Still, there is a line of demarcation that distinguishes these two and I think

a focus on one to the exclusion of the other at this exciting time would work to our detriment.

At this important moment in the life of our church, I would like to make the case for committing to mission by increasing hours for our

Youth Director from 20 weekly hours to full time. In my view, this is a top priority. In what follows I will provide reasons for why this is

such a priority at this moment.

Many youth are not being reached. There are two important numbers that we talk about in the CYF staff. The first is concerned with

who is coming—who is a part of the ministries here at Our Savior’s. The second is who is not here. Those kids still matter and we could

do more to be in ministry with them.

A chance to get into the community. The days in which a church can simply advertise an event and expect that there will be a full

house are over. So, Nick and I have been discussing our desire to make our presence known and felt in the community. I think this

begins small by meeting with individual kids outside of the church, by attending their events, and by just being present in their lives.

Who knows what else will arise once we have the time to commit to such an outward focused ministry. At the moment most of our time

is spent scrambling to keep the internal ministries up and running. There’s not enough time to focus on the external call to go and make

disciples. With more hours, we can start to meet kids where they are at so that they can know the love that Christ has for them.

More excellence in internal ministries. We are currently operating at capacity. Last year we tried to start a new ministry for the youth

(Sunday Funday) and it has been variably successful—at times drawing kids in, at other times having a paltrier showing. But with so few

hours for youth ministry there has not been nearly enough time to make this the excellent program it could have been. Moreover, time-

resources have had to be funneled from existing ministries to get this one off the ground. We tried it, but could not put in the time that

was really required of such a ministry so it has been mediocre at best. Going forward with more hours we have the chance to have better

ministries and then to think about having more ministries.

More empowerment for young people. One would think that fewer staff hours would mean more time for youth and volunteers to

take responsibility for the ministries and, ultimately, for their faith. Yet, that is not the case. One of the most time-consuming things a

youth minister can do is work with volunteers and youth so that they are responsible for the ministry. Also, when kids feel like they are

responsible for the ministries they are more likely to feel needed at church and to actually choose to be a part of a church in young-


More opportunities for service. Our youth LOVE to serve in the community. When we ask what they’d like to do, community service

and acts of justice are always at the top of the list. But when Nick is barely making hours work with the ministries we have there is no way

anyone has the time to coordinate such events.

Stagnation. We have the perfect amount of hours for the ministry that we currently have. With these hours we can definitely keep afloat

for a while but there won’t be much of an opportunity for outreach or to grow deeper or larger. An investment in the Youth Director

position is an investment in the whole church.

Avoiding burnout. Both for your CYF pastor and your youth director. Youth workers have some of the shortest tenures in the church.

Many feel called to this work because of a love of God and a passion to reach kids with God’s love (Nick fits this SO well) but churches

rarely create the conditions for sustainable youth ministries or sustainable youth ministry careers. An investment in the Youth Director

position is an investment in the lives of the kids themselves who need some stability and long-term relationships with trustworthy, caring


Better communication. Not much needs to be said here. We all know that this needs to happen and that it takes time.

(Continued on Page 5)

Tim Maybee, Pastor for Children, Youth, and Family (Continued from page 2)

Page 3 Our Savior’s Annual Meeting For Fiscal Year 2015 -2016 Page 10 Our Savior’s Annual Meeting For Fiscal Year 2015 -2016

The congregation will have an opportunity to learn more about the following local and global ministries we support at the Ministry Fair

between services on October 16.

Outreach Ministries Local

Holy Hammers - This year,

between 11 May and 27 July,

twenty volunteers contributed

one or more day’s labor to

building a Habitat for

Humanity home at 11

Maryland Ave. East in St Paul.

Additionally, ten members

donated food items for the

work crew on two if the days.

A benevolence outlay from

OSLC of $2000 was requested

to help provide the over

$130,000 contribution made

by the Holy Hammers to Twin

Cities Habitat for Humanity.

Ten volunteers also

contributed a day of labor (3

Aug.) to help build a Thrivent

Builds with TCHFH home at

Lexington and 121st Avenues.

A $500 grant from the OSLC

Foundation was used as a

contribution towards that


Family Table - Our Savior's

first Family Table was held in

October 2005, with 30 guests

and 30 volunteers. Since that

time 124 Family Tables was

hosted at Our Savior's. On

Tuesday, February 16, 2016,

Family Table celebrated its

final neighborhood meal, as

Kris Houser, who had been

serving as cook and central

driving force since those early

days, was moving to Florida.

Family Table was a vital and

important ministry for our

area through the relationships

it created and nurtured

among guests and volunteers,

and certainly also because as

many as 200 persons any

given month knew that on the

third Tuesday they would be

warmly welcomed and well-


Community School Supplies

Program – 21st year! OSLC is

again leading this program.

We expect to provide 400 local

public school students K – 12,

with custom-packed backpacks.

About 160 of these students

will be served by Adopt-a-

Backpack donors, who provide

a complete set of appropriate

supplies for a student.

Centennial Community Food

Shelf - once a month food

assistance, holiday food

baskets, PowerPack food

support for school children.

Our Savior’s supports our local

food shelf in so many ways!

Many of us donate food or

money, monthly or regularly.

Rosie Schwartz serves on the

Board, Richard Rossiter

manages our First Sunday of

the month food drive, and Lynn

Rossiter recruits a crew of 10 –

12 to serve clients at the food

shelf on the third or fourth

Thursday of each month. Some

members pick up food

donations from CUB and

Festival Foods; some help

unload the food delivery truck

or sort through large

donations; some stock the

shelfs, and some pitch in with

short-handed crews, or pitch in

wherever needed.

Summer Fun Enrichment

Program – 20th year! Our

Savior’s, along with many

community partners, again

provided free lunches and

summertime activities for about

150 children, grades K – 8,

living in lower income areas of

our community. Special thanks

this year go to our volunteers

who battled through

summertime road construction

to pick up lunches for our

hungry children.

Tree Top Kids - Pastor Tony

Geselle: “We make our home in

the highest concentration of

mobile home communities in the

state of Minnesota. There are 26

target communities in a 15-mile

radius. We help kids grow in 4

key areas of life: Physical, Mental,

Spiritual and Social.” A number

of our Summer Program kids

have benefited from Tree Top

Kids ministries. Pastor Tony

invites area churches to get more

directly involved with our

neediest children and families: Our

Savior’s supports this important

ministry with our benevolence


Manna Market food recovery

ministry - If you are destitute,

and a number of our neighbors

are, you can go to the Manna

Market every Monday, and get

food to keep you alive. A

number of clients, filled with

gratitude, help with operations –

which involve a lot of hard work!

The annual Manna Walk

fundraiser, sponsored by area

churches, hopes to raise

awareness so that this ministry

gains enough support to keep it

alive…and healthy! Consider

adding your support.


YouthWay Ministries- Youth

programs continue to include

afterschool Homework Help,

Keepers of the Faith Girls’ Club,

and Life Camp, a camp-to-work

program where youth go to

Luther Dell multiple times a

summer to learn and utilize

work skills and a work ethic.

The Manna Market

stewardship/food recovery

program has been expanded to

include a mobile market. Food

is recovered from grocery

stores, restaurants, and schools

and made available for pickup

in designated locations or

delivered in a custom built

refrigerated trailer to people

underserved by other food

programs. The Sunday Night

Fellowship Group provides an

opportunity for Bible study and


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Youth (COW, TIM Team, Summer Stretch, and Sunday Funday) Report, Nick Gilbert

At Church on Wednesday

(COW) this year we read

through the entire book of

Acts with our middle school

students. Our average

attendance for middle school

COW was 15; interacting with

a total of 22 different students

throughout the year. With

High school COW we had

engaging conversations about

tough ethical and theological

questions. Our average

attendance for high school

COW was 7 high school

students; interacting with a

total of 21 different students

throughout the year. I have

already established a plan for

the next several years of COW.

Middle school will be working

through a curriculum called

“Collaborate,” which focuses

on the Old Testament for a

year and the New Testament

the following year. In high

school COW we will be

spending 3 years on the

curriculum “Echo: The Story,”

where we cover all the major

stories of the Bible. We are

making some changes to the

structure of COW as well for

next year. Once a month we

will be worshipping together,

going out into the community

for service and a fun activity.

Check out the COW calendar

for more detail!

This year we had 13 high

school students actively

involved with Teens in

Ministry (TIM team). This

group is dedicated to growing

closer as a group, challenging

their faith, growing as leaders

and giving back to the

community. Our focus this

year was on Leadership

Qualities. Next year we will be

focuses on Spiritual

Disciplines/Practices. This year

we hosted the

Intergenerational Breakfast as

well as the Christmas worship,

STILL. Next year we hope to

add a parents’ night out event

for parents around Valentine’s

Day weekend for parents to

drop their kids off at church

and spend a night by


Centennial Area Summer

Stretch (CASS) is a summer

Wednesday youth program in

partnership with St. Joe’s

Catholic Church and

Incarnation Lutheran Church.

This year we had 90 middle

school participants, and 20

high school leaders. Every

Wednesday we met in the

morning for worship, served

the community, had lunch and

bible study, and then went to

a fellowship activity in the

afternoon. Pastor Tim created

a new bible study format, and

we tried out some new service

sites and fun activities.

Our Middle School Mission

trip recently got back from

our week long trip to Kansas

City, MO. We had 18 middle

school students, 2 high school

leaders, and 4 adult leaders

on the trip this year. Our kids

did some amazing service in

our short time there. Every

morning was spent working

with k-6 grade helping kids to

read because the Kansas City

has a very high illiteracy rate

and a very low graduation

rate. In the afternoon our kids

worked with a number of

organizations such as:

homeless shelters, community

gardens, refugee centers, food

shelves, etc. Ask any of our

kids about what they saw or

did on their trip!

-Nick Gilbert

Children, Youth, and Family

Associate (Youth)

Roberta Dale

We joined Our Savior's in the

fall of 1988. Pastor George

Johnson immediately

suggested that I should apply

for the director of Christian

Education position. I did and

spent 25 happy years in that

position. I'm encouraged

about our Savior's future as a

good staff is in place and there

are still many wonderful long

time members who stay

involved plus lots of energy

from enthusiastic young


Cindy Schweisow

I am married with three grown

children and five grandchildren

with one more grandchild on

the way. I have been a

member of OSLC for almost 29

years. I have served in several

capacities and participated in

many small groups. I served

on Planning Council for 2

terms. I have served on

various committees including,

Social Ministry, Youth Ministry

and Stewardship to name a

few. I volunteered for Youth

Club for several years

including table parent,

childcare, and working in the

kitchen preparing meals. I

have had the pleasure of

serving high school kids as a

chaperone on seven mission

trips. I have had the

opportunity to work with

some of the staff members

that currently serve you when

I worked in the church office.

Working on various projects

and committees for 29 years

has connected me to many

wonderful people at OSLC.

Endowment Foundation

Currently I am a co-leader

for Care Team Ministry and I

volunteer for C.O.W. where I

help with middle school

Bible study and high school

conversations relating to

present day issues. OSLC

has been my family since I

first started to worship here.

When my family moved 250

miles from all of our family

and friends OSLC became

our family and friend. OSLC

has always been there for

us, for our times of joy and

for times of great sorrow

and everything in between.

OSLC has and will continue

to serve this community and

fulfill the needs of members

and I want to continue to be

a part of it.

Bruce Johnson

I have been a member at OSLC for 30

years. My two adult children were

raised at OSLC as it was the youth

programs, starting with Noah’s Ark,

that attracted us to the church. As

my children grew I participated on in

all the activities from table parent to

chaperoning four mission trips. I

have also been active on church

council (stewardship chair, member at

large and treasurer) as well as usher

and family table. I also have

foundation experience as past

president and treasurer for the

Perpich Center for Arts Education

Foundation. OSLC for me is my faith

family where I share my good times

and bad.

It has been another successful

year with the youth of OSLC.

Every year I am thankful for all

that they bring to our

programs. We had a great

year in confirmation learning

about the New Testament. The

pastors and I have enjoyed

reading the confirmation

students’ sermon notes. They

have great questions and

insights about the bible and

their faith. This year we had 73

students and 16 guides in

confirmation. On Sunday, May

15, 26 9th graders confirmed

their baptism.

Our confirmation program

continues to be blessed by our

Student Action Leadership

Team (SALT). The SALT team

consists of 50 High School

students. This year they

helped Pastor Tim and I run

12 confirmation workshops,

3 retreats, and 2 Faith

Stepping Stones. Their

dedication and joy warms

my heart. I am also thankful

for the 21 adults that help

us run the confirmation

program by guiding or

being on the confirmation

team. They have formed

wonderful relationships with

our youth and truly care for


This summer 29 high school

students and 6 adults

traveled to Denver CO, to

2016 Confirmation and the High School Mission Trip Report, Charisse Froemke

work with Center for student

Missions. To prepare for our

trip we had 4 bible studies

together. At these bible

studies we learned what it

means to be God’s hands,

heart, ears and eyes. On this

mission trip I saw our students

embrace all that they learned.

The most important thing that

our students did was to get to

know the people of Denver

and to spend time with them.

Our students brought joy and

hope to people experiencing


Our youth have continued to

serve as disciples of Jesus

Christ and grown in their

relationships with others in a

variety of ways this past year!

A special thank you to all who

contribute to the youth

ministry at OSLC, especially

the Youth Ministry Team.


Charisse Froemke

Children Youth and Family


Nominating Committee

Sheryl Gilbert

We joined OSLC in 1990. I

have been a Sunday school

teacher, Youth Club table par-

ent, confirmation guide. I have

been a chaperone on 3 high

school mission trips and went

to Guatemala last year with the

delegation. I have been on the

Education Committee for many

years, helped in the kitchen

with Family Table since it

started. I have been in small

groups in the past.

What excites me about Our

Savior's is the many opportuni-

ties for youth to grow in their

faith. My children were all in-

volved in all aspects of the

Youth ministries from Sunday

School, Camp Wapo, Youth

Club and Confirmation. They

had opportunities for travel

and fun times with many won-

derful adult chaperones and

other Christian youth on Mis-

sion Trips and Youth musicals.

Gail Willenbring

We joined OSLC in 2007. I

have been a Sunday school

teacher, volunteer at Youth

Club, a Nominating Committee

member and this fall I will be a

7th Grade Confirmation Guide.

What excites me about OSCL is

all the ministry opportunities

offered, especially the youth

ministry. I have a 12 year old

daughter and I am really ex-

cited, and looking forward, to

see her to grow in her faith.

She has been in Sunday School

since she has been 3 years old,

went through several of the

Stepping Stones, C.O.W., Faith

on Friday, she just went to

Camp Wapo for the first time

in June (and loved it), went on

the Middle School Mission Trip

to Kansas City, and will now be

part of the 7th Grade Confir-

mation program in the fall

(2016). I am excited to see

where the opportunities of-

fered at OSLC will lead her

(and us) into the future.

Jeff Johnson

My wife Amber and I joined

our OSLC about 7 years ago

when we were looking for a

new church community that

we could grow with as a fam-

ily and that had a good youth

program for our 2 small chil-


Over the last few years, I have

started to get more involved

and it has been great. I have

been both a reader and a

greater in the past. Last year

however I was able to be on

the Bridging with Gratitude

committee to put together a

fundraising campaign to help

the church bridge the finan-

cial gap that was a known

issue until we could retire the

mortgage. It was very suc-

cessful and allowed us to

avoid cutting any positions or

programs. My family has also

been very involved in the

Young families group over

the last few years, and we

love the ability to serve, and

grow relationships through that


What excites me is that it seems

as though our church commu-

nity is continuing to grow, but

still has the small church feel to

it. I am excited about the pas-

toral team and the entire staff

that is now positioned to fill the

needs of all of the members. I

am also excited that OSLC does

not seem content and constantly

looks for opportunities to im-

prove, such as the changes we

have coming up this fall. With

the burden of the mortgage now

gone, I am also excited about

improvements that the church

can make and to continue to

invest in new programs and staff

to bring our church to the next


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Youth Club. Wednesday

nights during the school year

are filled with so much energy

and excitement with this

program. These children

helped to lead the Lenten

worship services, learned more

about our sister congregation

in Guatemala during Mission

Month, and had a lot of fun

with our many creative dinner

themes, such as airplane night

or mystery night.

This summer, Our Savior’s

helped to send 43 youth to

Camp Wapogasset in Amery,

WI, for the week. We were also

able to take an additional 20

children to camp for the Wapo

One-Day, where they were

able to experience everything

camp has to offer in just one

day! I really enjoyed getting to

be with some of these children

as they experienced camp for

the first time.

This summer we had around

These past few years as the

director of children’s ministries

at Our Savior’s Lutheran

Church have been amazing. I

have loved every minute of

not only the job itself, but also

all of the relationships that I

have built in this community.

With all of the ministries at

Our Savior’s, I have gotten to

know, work, laugh, and play

with so many wonderful

families. Thank you so much

to everyone who has been

involved in the children’s

ministry programs over the

past few years!

Sunday School had 165

registered students (3 years

old-5th grade), with a weekly

attendance between 80-110

kids on a Sunday morning.

These students put on the

Christmas production of the

Christmas Clinic in December.

This year we had 52 3rd-5th

grade students participate in

160 children (3 years old-5th

grade), 35 youth helpers, and

several adult volunteers

participate in Cave Quest VBS,

where we learned that Jesus

gives us hope, courage,

direction, love, and his power.

These children helped to raise

money for the ELCA Good

Gifts program as well as many

items for the backpack


As this year comes to an end

and planning for the

upcoming year begins, I

wanted to take a moment to

express my gratitude for the

time I was able to serve in this

community and all of the

memories that I have created.

Clara Davidson

Children Youth and Family

Associate (Children)

Children’s Ministry Report, Clara Davidson


Noah’s Ark School Year


Offered full day preschool

classes (9 to 3) with optional

before care beginning at 7 A.M.

and ending at 5:30 P.M.

Offered half day classes in

the morning (9 to 11:30) and in

the afternoon (12:30 to 3)

School year enrollment was

150 children ages 3, 4 and 5

Summer program has 45

children enrolled

Noah’s Ark provided

scholarship assistance for 20+

children from low-income


Noah’s Ark Preschool is

accredited by the National

Association for the Education of

Young Children and has

received a 4 star PARENT

AWARE rating, the highest

possible rating given by the

state of Minnesota!

Please join us as we wish Pat

Feine well as she begins her

retirement. Pat taught at Noah’s

Ark Preschool for 34 years. She

touched the lives of many, many

children and their families.

Thank you, Pat, for being such

an amazing teacher. You were

always willing to go above and

beyond the “call of duty”. You

have worked so hard and given

so much to Noah’s Ark, we will

always remember you, please

remember us too! We wish you

many blessings as you and Roy

enjoy retirement.

Char Todd, Executive Director

Noah’s Ark Preschool

Tim Maybee, Pastor for Children, Youth, and Family (continued from page 3)

Growth. Growing deep in faith and wide in size. We have adequate hours for the number of kids

we currently have. Growth will definitely not come without more of an investment of hours.

Moreover, a particular focus on numerical growth is not the best way to grow in numbers. Rather

a stronger commitment to growth in discipleship and faith, and an engagement with the larger

community often will lead to growth in other ways. More hours will allow us to take the long

path of Christian discipleship more seriously. The children’s and confirmation ministries at this

current moment are operating pretty smoothly. Because of the developmental stages of the

young people involved and the nature of the programs, right now it works to have the hours we

have. It is in youth ministry in particular where I see the greatest potential for growth and devel-

opment. I would suggest that Nick is the right person to have hours added. He has the right gifts

for the position. Now, change will not occur all at once but an investment now assures that a

handful of years down the line we will have a better youth ministry at Our Savior’s.

Playing to our strengths. By the grace of God the CYF staff members of Our Savior’s each

brings unique gifts that are well suited to our callings. But with a dearth of hours we often find

ourselves having to spend too much time focusing on our weak areas and not enough time de-

veloping our strengths. Nick in particular is tremendously relational and is amazing at helping

kids to engage the deep questions of their faith. He also deeply loves service. These all make him

very well suited for his position. I am personally passionate about the structures of ministry and

the church, creating engaging programs/curriculum, proclaiming the gospel in a large group

setting, and empowering adults and families to engage the faith for one another. Yet, we find

ourselves increasingly needing to pick up the slack rather than leaning into what we are called

here to do. More hours will free all of us up to live out the particular gifts and callings that we’ve

received from the Holy Spirit. I will be able to give Nick more responsibility from off of my plate,

and focus more broadly on faith development for all individuals at OSLC.

Nominations and Biographies - Planning Council

Thank you for considering me

as a candidate for the next

Planning Council term. I am

currently serving a 2-year term

as a replacement for a member

who was no longer available to

serve. I have been a member of

OSLC since February 26, 1995.

I am or have been involved in

the following activities: Youth

Club parent volunteer, Usher

Team, Communion server,

Greeter, Worship Reader,

Planning Council member for

the past 2 years, our children

were baptized in this church

and participated in Noah’s Ark

Preschool, First Communion,

Youth Club, Summer Stretch,

Confirmation, and Camp

Wapogasset. What excites me

about OSLC: I have gotten to

know our pastors much better

during my time on the

Planning council. I have a lot of

confidence that they have the

passion for the mission of our

church and the operational

skill sets to lead OSLC into the

future. We can retain our

strengths in the entire youth

program and build our already

impressive music programs

with the new Director of Music.

With the mortgage paid off,

we can address building and

grounds projects that need

attention, plus local and global

ministries. David Carlson

I joined OSLC Spring of 2008. I

have been a member of the

choir throughout my whole

time at OSLC and plan to keep

it that way. I've been a table

parent in Youth Club these

past three years. I was on the

CareTeam for a year. I have

also been peripherally part of

Young Families.

The people of OSLC and their

passion for sharing God's love

to improve the community are

what excite me the most.

There are so many people here

who want to do something

positive when they come

together with others at church

those ideas become action and

great things happen. The

backpack program, all of the

VBS helpers, the Guatemala

delegation, the Care Team, the

list goes on and on. In the

choir we are eagerly

welcoming a new director and

are excited for a new season of

sharing our joy. Youth Club is

full of energy of kids with the

support and love of their

parents. Eirka Pouliot

Suzi and I moved to Blaine in

late 1994. At the time, there

were just three of us including

Erin, our oldest child. Allie was

born in 1995 and Ryan was

born in 2000. All three of my

kids went through Noah’s Arc

pre-school and eventually the

Confirmation program at OSLC,

but Allie was the first member

of OSLC having been baptized

at OSLC in 1995. It was the

Noah’s Ark that program that

brought OSLC to the top of our

list of churches to consider for

membership. Our family

joined the church in 1995. In

the beginning, my involvement

was a team approach. Suzi and

I were initially involved in

Sunday School and

volunteering in the nursery,

then as our children grew we

took on looking after the Altar

and decorating the sanctuary

for Christmas for several years.

I was a Table Parent for a

couple years, volunteered on

Friday Night for the high

schoolers when that ministry

was going, helped prep the

floors for the recent flooring

upgrade and have manned the

grill for the Mission Trip

Garage Sale for several years. I

was a Confirmation Guide for

the past three years. I have

been a chaperone on three

Middle School Mission trips

and two High School Mission

trips and numerous outings

with the youth of Our Saviors. I

have volunteered to grill for

opening and closing COW

meetings for the past several

years. I served on the

Stewardship committee for a

time and helped organize a

Governor’s candidate debate

held at OSLC. I have been a

member of the Youth

Ministries Team for about five

years and I am championing

the building of a Gaga Pit in

the area next to the garage

with the help of several other

members and my Confirmation

group. I have lent my hand to

many other things, like

volunteering w/ the Holy

Hammers Habitat for Humanity

project and the Yarden group.

At OSLC, I am excited about

the youth ministries and the

new possibilities opening up as

a result of the mortgage

retirement! Pat Hilger

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I have thoroughly enjoyed my first two months as the Director of Music at OSLC. Time is flying by so fast while I am learning about

the congregation, church and good works. Potential, traditions and dynamics which I easily have founded during worship services

and church life makes me full of joy and excitement. I especially enjoy, having various generations in the congregation involved. I

find it is one of the most important values and I strongly believe it will empower us to experience God’s characteristics in many

ways. As we move forward, I am trying to manage music and worship with a more cooperative, creative and “congregation-involved”

environment spanning from generation to generation. At the same time, propagating crucial Christian values which keep us in

faithful life, will be utilized through participating in the worship and music program. I am looking forward to the 2016-2017 year

and thank everyone for their prayers and considerations to the OSLC music ministry.

God Bless!

Kyung Ko

Director of Music

2016 Director of Music Report, Kyung Ko Benevolence Team Report

The Benevolence team allocated the $21,000 originally assigned

to Local and Global benevolences as below:-

Holy Hammers 2000

Summer Fun Program 3000

Bread for the World Covenant 500

San Isidro Labrador partnership 3500

ILAG [Lutheran Church in Guatemala] 2000

Family Table * 1500

School Supplies 1500

Youthway Ministries 2500

EPES [Health education in Latin America] 500

Treetop Kids 500

Tarkanfi Start Walking 2000

Interfaith Action [was SPCC] 500

New Opportunities * 1000

* With the termination of Family Table in February, the residue of

this budget was combined with the “New Opportunities” line to

provide a $2000 allocation to the Isaiah coalition.

A timetable was set out to pay these at appropriate times

throughout the year. However, as the total benevolence is

dependent on money coming in to the church as expected, the

amounts paid out were initially restricted to 85% of these values

to allow for a lower total if necessary. At the time of writing the

final target has yet to be fixed, so there may yet be considerable

amounts to pay out in August.

Submitted by Richard Rossiter

Endowment Foundation Annual Report

The OSLC Foundation Endowment Fund was established by the

congregation in the year 2000 to enhance the ministry and

mission of our church. The Fund receives financial gifts that are

invested and a portion of the income generated from the

investment is given away each year. The principal balance is never

touched, and the management of this fund is separate from the

church annual operating budget. Fund balance as of 6/30/16 is

$143,420.56. Board members meet on average 8 times each year.

Board members are: Amy Minear, Denae Grant, Jeanne Zaske, Jeff

Weiss, Joy Rauner, Lauri Pudwill, Laurinda Dahl, Lynnae Zaccardi,

Mark Vallevand, Pat Feine. Lauri Pudwill has completed her term

on the board and Denae Grant has been voted the new board

chairperson. Amy Minear has completed her term on the board

and Laurinda Dahl has been voted the new treasurer. Joy Rauner

will remain as the recording secretary.

Some activities include:

* A flyer sent to the congregation sharing the numerous impacts

and lasting legacy of the Fund and inviting members to consider

sharing in this legacy by including the OSLC Foundation

Endowment Fund in estate planning and memorial gifts.

* Awareness activities included serving rolls and coffee, and the

distribution of coffee cups imprinted with Fund information.

2016 Distributions total $7225.


$500. Twin City Habitat for Humanity

$450. EPES – a non-profit Chilean foundation

$500. OSLC Guatemala Delegation

$450. Tarkanfi


$200. College Care Packages

$400. Community Backpack Program

$750. Noah’s Ark Preschool

$250. Centennial Elementary Title 1

Capital Improvement:

$225. OSLC Funeral Committee

$500. Yarden Team

Financial Aid:

$500. Clayton Byrd: Augsburg College

$500. Kyle Bartholomay – Concordia College

$500. Sarah Pederson: Gustavus Adolphus College

$500. Rebecca Twait: Concordia College

$500. Leif McLellan – Drew University Theological


$500. Kyle Livingood – Luther College

Since its inception, the Endowment Fund has distributed a total of


Many thanks to the board members who with their passion and

dedication ensure faithful stewardship of the Fund.

Submitted by Lori Pudwill

First I would like to say Kudos to the Technical Arts Team, including Don Lyk, Stacey Giemza, Al Williams, Nick Foreman, Martin

Remus and Henry Schwartz. These are the folks you see in the control area. They provide what you hear, what you see. All these

volunteers give many hours to the church! If you see one of them, say thanks!

I also want to thank Todd Meyer & John Ragner, as they advise me on building and grounds decisions, and chip inwith their time

and talents! For example, John and his two boys unplugged the drainage culvert which runs under our entrance drive off of

Woodland. Todd, for example, did the bobcat and fill work for the future Gaga Pit. I also would like to tip my hat to Bill Roy who is

asked to clean the school and church! Not enough hours in a day, are there Bill!

The Yarden group has been spectacular this year! The grounds look beautiful, Thank You! Sign up to take of a location! I hear it

gets very competitive! Now whose area does look better!

We have had a couple of our scouts who are working on their Eagle Scout status. Nick Foreman is working on converting the old

food shelf room into a very attractive lower level conference room, with white board, wifi, conference table and chairs. It should be

done soon! The other scout is Kellen Carlson, who will be creating a swale to drain water away for the youth fire pit, thus keeping

the area dry for youth activities! Thank you both, wear your Eagle Badge proudly.

We also have partnered with the Boy Scouts who use our facilities. If you have not noticed we have new roofs on our two garages.

OSLC provided the funding, and the scouts provided the labor. This has saved the church many dollars! Next summer we plan on re

-siding both garages with new fiber cement board. Thanks to the scout leadership!

Looking to the future, we have a large list of capital improvements that need to be addressed! Now that our mortgage is retired we

are hoping we can tackle some of these projects each year. Here is a sampling from the list that the building and grounds team

identified. The team passed on to the planning council for approval about 20 things that need to be done:

New boiler + narthex air conditioning

Parking lot work/ handicapped ramp

Retaining wall near Noahs Ark entry

Remodel bathrooms

Window/ door replacement

God Bless,

Brian Sanderson

Director of Technology and Operations

2016 Technology and Operations Report, Brian Sanderson

September 1, 2015 to August 28, 2016

Members Added:

Affirmation of Baptism: 25 Youth

Affirmation of Membership: 29 Individuals (13

Family Units)

Baptisms: 30

Members Removed By Transfer: 11 Individuals

(5 Family Units) Removed by Request: 7 (3

Family Units)

Members moved to inactive due to non-

participation: 40 individuals (20 Family Units)

Weddings: 6

Died in the Lord: 10

Total Change: +23

Parish Statistics