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OUR REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH NEWSLETTER APRIL 2017 PASTOR’S LETTER EASTER Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Very shortly we will be remembering the mighty acts of God during Holy Week! We will remember how, God in Christ, was reconciling the world to Himself (2 Cor 5:19) especially during the year of the 500 th Commemoration of the Reformation. We remember that it is God who does the reconciling, “We are justified by faith in Jesus”, that makes us right with God! During Holy week, we remember our Lord’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday and we read His Passion, and by the end of the week how (we) the people turned on Jesus, because He was Not the King of Kings they had envisioned him to be, but instead He shall be, “the King of the Love my Shepherd is”. We remember His last supper and new commandment, “Love one another as I love you”. His washing the disciples feet and our call to wash one another’s feet in humble service. We remember His being lifted up on a cross, His giving His own life to show us the magnitude of God’s love for all of us. He, Jesus, paid the price for our brokenness (sin). But brokenness does not have the final word. God does! God raised Christ from death to life on Easter Sunday and because He lives, we shall live also. We receive the gifts of eternal life in our baptisms. Christ put his mark upon us in the sign of the cross. “You have been sealed with the Holy Spirit and mark of the cross of Christ forever.” Yes, Holy Week is a time to remember! God’s mighty acts by love which we receive the gift. I would like to invite all of us to come together and remember how much God really loves us. I look forward to seeing you and serving you at God’s holy altar. But if it’s been some time since you have been back come home, remember it is your church home! Your presence is requested! Your presence is needed! I will be quite honest with you. Times are getting harder for the church and we need everyone to come home and remember your faith, your faithful support, and your church. Quite simply, if you want your church to be there for you in the future & today, please be there for your church. In fact remember,“You are the church, we are the church, all who follow Jesus, yes, we are the church together”, as the old Sunday School hymn goes. So, the call goes out - come home. Let us remember the mighty acts of God together , especially during this most Holy Week. The Peace of the Lord be with you always, The Rev. Ronald M. Klose, Pastor STEWARDSHIP REMINDER! This Holy Season is a good time to catch up on ones support of your church and it's shared ministry of service. Please remember this is your parish, your spiritual home and family. It needs your support of time, talents and yes, possessions. (Your financial support) Please be faithful!

OUR REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH … REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH NEWSLETTER ... Jackie and Jim DeMieri, Kim Fitzgerald, Stephanie Ragusa, and family, Shannon Kennedy and her dad, Samantha

Apr 01, 2018



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Page 1: OUR REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH … REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH NEWSLETTER ... Jackie and Jim DeMieri, Kim Fitzgerald, Stephanie Ragusa, and family, Shannon Kennedy and her dad, Samantha




Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Very shortly we will be remembering the mighty actsof God during Holy Week! We will remember how,God in Christ, was reconciling the world to Himself (2 Cor 5:19) especially during the year of the 500th

Commemoration of the Reformation. We rememberthat it is God who does the reconciling, “We arejustified by faith in Jesus”, that makes us right withGod!

During Holy week, we remember our Lord’striumphant entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday andwe read His Passion, and by the end of the week how(we) the people turned on Jesus, because He was Not the King of Kings they had envisioned him to be,but instead He shall be, “the King of the Love myShepherd is”. We remember His last supper and newcommandment, “Love one another as I love you”. Hiswashing the disciples feet and our call to wash oneanother’s feet in humble service.

We remember His being lifted up on a cross, Hisgiving His own life to show us the magnitude of God’slove for all of us. He, Jesus, paid the price for ourbrokenness (sin). But brokenness does not have thefinal word. God does! God raised Christ from deathto life on Easter Sunday and because He lives, weshall live also. We receive the gifts of eternal life inour baptisms. Christ put his mark upon us in the signof the cross. “You have been sealed with the HolySpirit and mark of the cross of Christ forever.”

Yes, Holy Week is a time to remember! God’smighty acts by love which we receive the gift. Iwould like to invite all of us to come together andremember how much God really loves us. I lookforward to seeing you and serving you at God’sholy altar. But if it’s been some time since youhave been back come home, remember it is yourchurch home! Your presence is requested! Your presence is needed!

I will be quite honest with you. Times are gettingharder for the church and we need everyone tocome home and remember your faith, yourfaithful support, and your church. Quite simply, ifyou want your church to be there for you in thefuture & today, please be there for your church. In fact remember,“You are the church, we arethe church, all who follow Jesus, yes, we are thechurch together”, as the old Sunday Schoolhymn goes.

So, the call goes out - come home. Let usremember the mighty acts of God together ,especially during this most Holy Week.

The Peace of the Lord be with you always,

The Rev. Ronald M. Klose, Pastor

STEWARDSHIP REMINDER!This Holy Season is a good time to catch up on ones support of your church and it's shared ministry of

service. Please remember this is your parish, your spiritual home and family. It needs your support of time, talents and yes, possessions.

(Your financial support) Please be faithful!

Page 2: OUR REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH … REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH NEWSLETTER ... Jackie and Jim DeMieri, Kim Fitzgerald, Stephanie Ragusa, and family, Shannon Kennedy and her dad, Samantha



I/m/o Leo SeamanGiven by: Bob & Lenore Graff

I/m/o Ned MarzilianoGiven by: Melissa & Jim McGee

I/m/o Uncle Herb SeboldGiven by: Melissa & Jim McGee


ELEANOR FUCHEMarch 13, 2017

PAUL N. ZOLLMarch 23, 2017

THOMAS BUTTICEMarch 24, 2017




Reminder notices will be sent home withyour children. If you have any questions,please do not hesitate to see me on Sundaymornings outside of Room 4, email:[email protected] or call (516) 752-9789.

Yours in Christ,Susan Smith

April 2 2–4 pm

LUHI will onceagain host ameal packingevent. Their goalis to go over amillion meals!

We will be sending our confirmation class topack as we feel this is a very hands on wayfor them to help those in need. If anyonewould like to sponsor a student, pleasemake your $40 check out to Our Redeemer. We have students who need sponsorship!

See Pastor or Karen Klose for moreinformation.

Page 3: OUR REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH … REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH NEWSLETTER ... Jackie and Jim DeMieri, Kim Fitzgerald, Stephanie Ragusa, and family, Shannon Kennedy and her dad, Samantha

Day Care News April 2017

A BIG thank you to all of you who showedyour support by coming to Panera Bread forour fundraiser. I won't know the exact countuntil next week, but a preliminary estimatewas that at least thirty flyers were returned! We had Church members, past schoolboard members, students with theirfamilies, past, present, and future, staff andtheir families. Thank you Pastor, Karen,and Kristin Klose, Craig and Carol Aarseth,Kay Bauman and Elise Heins, Nancy John,Kristine, Dominic Summa and family,Janine, Nick, Alexa Bowles and Sean,Jackie and Jim DeMieri, Kim Fitzgerald,Stephanie Ragusa, and family, ShannonKennedy and her dad, Samantha Lambrouand her mom, Corrie Banks and her momLaurie, the Cannisi family, Dodds family,Murphy family, Moreno family, Rossi family,and Tudor family for attending. Forgive mefor leaving anyone out, I thank you too! Iwas there with my husband from 6 to 8 pm,and was so happy to see everyone. Thefood was especially delicious, but maybe itwas just the great company! One of ourPre-K students ran up to me as soon as Iarrived and said, "Miss Melissa, do youwork here too?!?" Out of the mouths ofbabes!

Our children make us laugh and smileeveryday! The Infants are quickly growing,reaching milestones and a few are gettingready to transition into the Toddler Room. The Toddlers are always excited to greeteveryone who enters their classroom. Theyare a happy bunch that are full of energy. The Pre-K students are completing theiralphabet study and are moving on tonumbers. All of the classrooms try to getoutside when the weather permits and areanxious for it to be part of the daily routineagain. Come on spring!

Our March was busy. We had Chapel withPastor to receive Ashes, music with Dr.Pinto, special in house Story Hour withSeaford Library, and Yoga with Miss Chris. On St. Patrick's Day a leprechaun visited usand played many tricks! We were rewardedwith treats for a mini party in the afternoon.

This month we will be receiving palmsduring Pastor's Chapel and learning aboutPalm Sunday and Holy Week. Hopefullywarm weather will be on its way for Easter.

May your Easter baskets be full of joy,happiness, and peace today and always. Wishing you a Happy Easter!

Fondly,Melissa Bires-McGee

Day Care will be hosting another FundRaiser, this time at Five Below onHempstead Turnpike, Levittown, fromSunday, April 2nd to Saturday, April 8. Ifyou have never shopped there, all of theitems are under $5. They carry seasonalitems so you may find some great Eastertreats! Please stop by and support us. Youmust give a paper flyer with your purchasefor us to receive credit. Flyers will beavailable in the bulletin and in thisnewsletter. Thanks in advance!

Fondly,Melissa Bires-McGee

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Nursery School News April 2017

Pastor's Ash Wednesday service for ourschool families on March 1st was wellattended. As we entered the season ofLent, Pastor explained that Lent can be atime where children are helped to practicebeing more loving. And, if they fail on agiven day, they can quickly apologize andask forgiveness. It is quite special havingparents, siblings, and grandparents join usfor our chapel visit.

Although spring has arrived on thecalendar, we are still anxiously awaiting thewarmer weather of this season. The colorof the month is appropriately purple, thechurch's color representing Christ our King. Children and teachers will wear purple onApril 5th and 6th for our April chapel visitswith Pastor. On our chapel days we willreceive palms and Pastor will share thestory of Jesus' entrance into Jerusalem aswell as the Last Supper. Children willcelebrate the miracle of Jesus' Resurrectionand enjoy our annual Easter egg hunt as asymbol of the new life and hope that thisholy day represents. The school will beclosed April 10 - April 18 for Easter recess. Graduation photo day for pre-k is April 26th. Where has the time gone?? April 27th isphoto day for our Learn & Play Groupclasses. Individual portraits and classphotos will be taken. Our RedeemerNursery School will be closed on Friday,April 28 so that our staff may attend MolloyCollege's Barbara A. McDonell EarlyChildhood Conference, Culture,Communication, & Collaboration: TheLanguage of Learning.

Finally, Our annual Go to Church Sundayand Little Artist's Gallery event is Sunday,April 30th. Nursery school families areinvited to worship with the congregation. Our students will sing their chapel songsand participate in coffee hour to see theirart work displayed in the parish hall. Looking forward to spending some time withall of you!

Fondly,Caitlin DiLemme, Nursery School Director

Registration forms for the 2017/2018school year have been steadily coming in. If you know of someone with a pre-schoolage child, please tell them about our EarlyChildhood Program. Our RedeemerNursery School offers classes for childrenages 11 months through Pre-K. If you wouldlike more information about our programs,including Summer Fun, call the office at781-7637. We are also enrolling forSummer Fun for ages 3 by Dec. 1, 2017 -age 6, July - August.

Work CrewFood Drive

King KullenBellmore

Sat. April 1st 9 - 3

Sign up to help!

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Page 6: OUR REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH … REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH NEWSLETTER ... Jackie and Jim DeMieri, Kim Fitzgerald, Stephanie Ragusa, and family, Shannon Kennedy and her dad, Samantha

Nursery School closed all week for Spring Break

Nursery School Closed

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


1 8:30 amBible Study10 am Parkview9-3 FoodCollection KingKullen, Bellmore

5:00 pm HolyCommunion

2 LENT 59:30 am HolyCommunion9:30 am SundaySchool11:30 1st HolyCommunion2-4 LUHI MealPacking


7:30 pmCrafters


7:30 pm AllCommitteesmeet


8:30 am WorkCrew

6:45 pmConfirmation


6:30 pm Soup& Bread7:15 pm PrayerService

7 88:30 am BibleStudy

5:00 pm HolyCommunion


9:30 am HolyCommunion

9:30 am SundaySchool


7:30 pmCrafters

11 12



7:30 HolyCommunion


12 NoonPrayers

5:00 pm FamilyService

7:30 pm HolyCommunion

15No Bible Study

10 am EasterEgg Hunt

No Sat. Worship


9:30 am HolyCommunionNO SundaySchool11:30 am HolyCommunion



7:30 pm SchoolBoard Mtg


8:30 am WorkCrew

6:45 pmConfirmation

20 21 228:30 am BibleStudy

5:00 pm HolyCommunion


9:30 am HolyCommunion9:30 am SundaySchool


7:30 pmCrafters


7:30 pmChurch CouncilMtg


8:30 am WorkCrew

6:45 pmConfirmation

27 28 29

8:30 am BibleStudy

5:00 pm HolyCommunion


9:30 am HolyCommunion9:30 am SundaySchool

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Our Redeemer Daycare

4/2/2017- 4/8/2017

Monday – Saturday 9am-9pm Sunday 9am-7pm

3567 Hempstead Tpke

Levittown, NY 11756