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fP t PAIRS J r oAT SUITS un McCap No 3631 = A suer it pays to 1 Hartford Republican OCTOBER 7 I ° Table At Beaver Dam Ky- rorlh iound 6oalh No 121 dalli a m Nollydnelfr8 P m NoIO1 due 248 p m o109dae48pm Nolllldu8A5p- mr i H dC E Railroad Time Table follow 1nr times NORTH B UND 112729 a m Passenger Daily 114340 p man Mixed Dalley except e Sunday SOUTH BOUND 115926 a DL Mixed Daily except Sunday 113146 p m Passenger Dally See FaIrs nowSkirts 1 New Persian Silks at Fairs 1 BeautiesFairs LadieS Suits Fairs Is the place to buy Mlilln ory Patrician Shoes women ut i Fairs Largest selection of Millinery at Fairs No doubt about Fairs new Fall Dress Goods being upto = date See J thew Economy Fruit JarsSee samples canned In ourwlndow I I Hartford Grocery Co loir W WLloyd and wife Bar i u reUs FerrY are viaiting Judge and MrslR R Weddilgctty- c I The sterling SUItS are the beat made Notblpg shoddy Wet well and tit well FOuULiat Fairs III beireach1ng atMt1 ItHermon Methodist church next Sun 1 J ty3t 447 at U m andnightat 7- 11fr h EfM RTweddelt a former lld t Hartford Is very leiot- ypholdfever t- Ji at tilw residence at Cal JboPIl f + IMI JeU eGlenn daughter of Judge and Mrs J s Glenn who has 1 beeDo1theslcklIst for the past r Mweek is improving 1Leare ytier Laundry atCleveoIler- iIt k el le 1 r flL t I xc 4amdry Ceaopsuy lileerporate4 U J r r 4 n OJI l I x t r7 The Coat Suitprop osition has come to stay and realizing thiswe have supplied ourselves well with the latest in styles and weaves Of course we want to sell to you but more especially at this time we want the pleasure of show = ing you what we be = lieve to be the most up4omdate Coat Suits in Ohio county Our prices vary according to the cloak from 1110 to 25 Remember Trade Savesl You Money Go Ik IFRIDA llllnolsCentraIRaliroadTlme- I Eonnd- No18rdue405ain Kyj aiuvlledivery tIr Timothy Seed at Fords at U25 Wear Finis Ci Tfing and go well dressed Fairs Millinery Opening was a big success What about your Tailored Suit Fairs have them Now for Fall Footwear None better than Fairs Fertilizer for sale by W E Ellis llU The Produce Man FOR SALEGood sow and pigs lIt2 WAlTER ALLEN It ps to buy Millinery at Fallll Stock largest Prices lowest Pure Greene per pound 10lb lots 28c Hartford Grocery Co Misses Bertha Brawn and Llzzle Moore Rochester were the guests of relatives In town Saturday and Sun day Mrs S K Cox left Tuesday to lJe the guest of her daughter Mrs Charles Rogers Elkton Ky for SeV eral las Mr Wm Holmes and sister Mrs F H Allen of Hawesville Kyare visiting the latters daughter Mrs John B Wilson Messrs James Shepherd Prentis Bruno Frye Narrows Esq C V MllesFordsvllleand T D DUke near Sunnydale were among our callers Tuesday Mr JT Felix who had been vis- iting his son Dr C W Felix Ola ton and looking ufterhls farm for the past ten days has returned homer Messrs C M Barnett and John B Wilson are In Shelbyville Ky at tending the state Grand Lodge of Knights Cpythlas which Is iii ses- sion there this week- I MrsE A Smith and infant son E A SmlhIr who have been th gucstOffbo farmers wotherneai Rockport return fo her homo of Red Bay AlabamautedAesday- Mr lvaNalaandwife who have been s J9 rnJ g et mtbArk arrived In are 11a114eotherMr vlslUn Mr Nail In contemp atln64laoUngto Hart ford thom backr re- SupernteiWent Hen Leach doe 10 < heABuparlatda- deatateh14e a s t Ren the oisepefill pjr9a bagd eat- urdtay Oc Qb tQ regular pay 4qy I 4qat 1Otyr tolet t 4 tQ 1fo J W Aflse Minnie Renfrow Bowling Green Ky1s the guest of Miss VOtna Duke city Mrs Jatnos Lyons and littlo daugh ter Dorcas are attendIng the lair atOwensboro this week Dr A C Foster of Owensboro came over In his automobile Sunday to vllllt a patient at Beaver Dam ret- urning tho same day Ho was ac- companied only by his c ufteurlt Mr J A who recently ac copted a position with the Owensboro Messenger Owensboro as makeup man was the guest of We parents Judge and Mrs R R Weddlngclty Sunday and Monday Mr L Al Uhads of Deanlleld has moved with his family to Hart ford and Is occupying the Dr Rhoads residence on Main street Mr Rhoads comes to Hartford to get the benefit ot the high school here Mr and Mrs J l Rosenblatt left Monday morning for Loulsllle and other eastern cities whets they will spend the next ten days replenish Ing their fall stock of goods Mr N Rosenblatt HawesvUle wlll keep store for them while away Mr L A Iate of Sesser Ill Is spending a few days with his Broth er Mr A E Pate city Mr Pate who has been engaged In the restau rant business at Sesser Is prospect Ing with the view of locating In Hartford It he can secure a suita- ble building Mr Joseph Reid died at hl3 residence near Prentls last Friday after several months Illness His remains were burled In the Rogers burlng grounds Saturday Mr Reid had passed the threescore and ten year mark and leaver four sons and three daughters his wire having preceeded him six years County Court convened In regular session Monday and with about tho same amount ot routine business The will of Mrs Matilda Armenllt was offered proven and ordered to record Mrs Armendt was the wife of the late Henry Armendt having died several years prior to his death Why the will was never probated be- fore Is not known Mr Green 8 Shepherd died at his residence at Prentls last Wednes- day of pneumonia Uncle Green as he was commonly known had been In declining health for several months His remains were Interred at the Providence church burying grounds at 3 oclock p m last Thursday The deceased was In the seventysixth year of his ago and leaves one son and a daughter his wire having preceded him twelve years ago The Republican Executive Commit- tee of Ohio County met at tho Court- house lkst Saturday afternoon and was called to order by chairman n- B Martin The meeting was for the purpose of electing a campaign chair- man and seoretary The result WlIs the election or W S Tinsley as chairman and Owen Hunter as SeC retary for the present campaign These selections are good oneS anal the campaign will be In safe and competent hands The Ohio County Medical Assocln- tion met In HartforU WodneS lay and was attended by a fairly good num- ber of members The doctors or Hartford entertained the other mom bers present at dinner a represon- tatlva of each ot the HarUorlt paper being likewise Invited A bountiful repast was hIghly enjoyed espeelaily by an editor A move Is on foot backed by a number of the loading physicians of the county to estab- lish a hospital In Hartford This Is a commendable undHtnldng and should receive the hearty support of everyone Good Horse for Sale I have a good 7 year old work horseI for sale ALBERT RIAL Hartford R F D No1 Revival Services The meeting In progress at the Christian church here continues tho the rain has hindered somewhat Large audiences have been the rule t and the preacher W J Clarke IsI proving himself a capable minister of tho word Miss Myers Is ploaaing all with her beautiful solosUnU her ca- pable leadership of the congregation- al 8lnglnl the meeting wlll con- tinue for Mother week and the foe lowing subjects hi1v6 been tmnounQo by the evan llst Friday Oct 7Why be aChristian Saturday OCt 8Many EJtcuaee Sunday Oct 9 11 a mThe Mls slop slid Growth of the Church of Christ T pc moTheSottIofa Man Monday Oct 10The Dfvlnb bits slonr 1- 11I1csday Oct 11 =Peters Cant e slon 1 Wednesday Oct I 12t The Vnanswer able Question ThuJsday o t t3rhre Stern Al- ternaUvee I J1 i aervicew acre held TueadayWednesday Tlumday and- FridiiyM Ii i and thebPenlagserv- Iee e at lOdNtlclfYil NYi I f rJ e y MEtHODIST CONFERENCE aAT RUSSEUCVIEE 1- Closes Aftera Weeks Session Rev Virgil Elgin Returned to Hartford Church r The Loulsllle Annual Conference closeda nlcasant and harmonious SeRI son < nt Russellvillo last Monday at noon Bishop John C Kilgo the preIsldedln one pr work was eminently satisfactory and his frequent addresses to the conkrenco were practical and nt times was with ultoUon and power and It Is boiled will be of at abiding effect Ills address on Thursday evening on Chris- tian Education w sconceeded to be the ablest ever heard by the confea ence or In that city which Is an edu- cational center It was gratifying to note there had been many convet- sions during the year and at Incr1se himembership of about 4000 The charges generally are giving a better support to the ministry The assess ment for Foreign Mission of 1140000 ndlwe hope the effects will be of untold benefit to the church The GUllren1 desire of the presiding bishop was n general revival and awakening and the response of the conference was a hearty Amen The following appontments were made for the Owensboro district Presiding elder = RevS J Thompso- nOwensboroSettle Memorial DI Lewis Iowel- lWoodlawnS C only FrayseravenueJ O Smithso- nBreckenrldgestreetW C WloS Owensboro clrcultT C Duvall Beaver DamA L Moth CalhounJ T Cherry CentertownR D Bennett Central CltG W Humme- lClovcl1lOrtI E Lewis FordsvllleC S Harper GreenvilleG B Dillon Greenville clJcultE D Ryan HartfordVirgil Elgin Haw s IIILIl S Gillette MaceoW II llckerso- nLivermoreJoe lowe LenvisbtlrgD S aupbel- lRonaeW I E Dtlley- RochesterW W prine SaeramcntoJ T Demonbrum South GarrolltouA J Pate- CENTERTOWN Oct 4 Miss Maggie Baker Is vis fling her sister Mrs R Salvers of West Virginia C C Miller and family have mov ed to London 1y where Mr Millar will take charge of IIn Ax llandl factoryMr Nat Arbuelde and wife or Weir City Kansas visited friend and relatives at this place last weok Mr James Baker or Denver colo Is visiting his parents this week E M Davis has accepted alIOs tlon In Loulsvlllc where he and his wife have moved Miss Bertie Ganditt who has been t on the sick list Is able to be out again E S McMillan Is having his yes hlence on Walnut street replllrLIl W F James and wlto have mo0 to Louisville where Mr Jani has tte- cepted a position andI I J R L Mason and daughter sills s Dessle are In Louisville buying their new goods IsI and McHenryCROMWELL Oct 4We are VOlT dry and wells are low Dr Pal T Willis attended the Stat Medical Association nt Lexing- ton lust week A great many from hero and neat hero went to Mr R B Martins at Hartford Sunday All enjoYed the day very much Uncle Nat Arbuckle stopped eve r a few hours with Mr and Airs J Alex Rhond on his way to GllstraIa- Moi l y He formerly lived In the- county s but has been In Weir City Kansas for a number ot years H- Is e now 82 years of ago His wlte passed going to Gilstrap Sunday II1 Delmer Stewart Mr Jesse BaIze Miss Joloy Keown and Mist Claudl James front Seleetwere here SudtlayThey went to Hlghvlew MrS Dr Willis mother visited hetb last week returning home YeS terday A Sister of Mrs Dr Allenwho had been visiting bete for two weeks left torherbowe Sundays Pwoof Mr Net Embrys brothers r Bdtiettatvn wereyUero MoodayNght Mr Oea Mule representing the 1 t Owensboro Hardware Coas here yesterday Mr Charles James Leitchtleld was here Sunday to see his brother T A James Ho was accompanied by his daughter I Sunday School and praYer meeting- are progressing nicely tIny much good be done Bro Black of Morganfleld passed here Saturday going to Warren church Butler county to begun a revival at that place Saturday night It will continuo n period of two westks May success crown his efforts Mr Noah Cooper of this lllaceI moved Sunday to Simmons I Two tamllllti 1 msscd Saturday movi Ing to Simmons Mr ttty Amos Mania was here Monday on business Messrs Pete and Ed Burton of Mercer passed here enrouto to Baize town Sunday Mr and Mrs Cites Hudson Sitnmon visited relatives near Balz town Sun- day Mr George Dennis has gone to the Owensboro fair this week Mr J D Arbucklo is looking utter hiliI stock during his absence Grand Lodge Knights of PythI ias in SessIon ShelbyvlIle Ky Oct 4More thanI 400 delegates had registered this morn when the annual session of thej ling of Pythias Grand Lodge was at the Crescent Thaeter atII 10 oclock and later trains brought In a number of additional visitors and IIIng large attendance of citizens lrrescnt at the theater which was handsome- ly decorated for the occasion Past Chancellor Leon Rothchild of Tasso Lodge this city presided and the Rev W n Anderson of the terlan church offered prayer PreslJI Or Linn T Gruber welcomed visitors on behalf of the city nUll In a very clever speecit gave the keys of the city Into tllllr liItlllng past Sprewe Chancellor W W IIlnclwullI- CSllOndlll to Mayer Grubrrs addross In It happy vela flll welronw al dress by Chancellor Couutnauder B A Logan represnthtg the local lodge and the resIonse lJy Grand Chancellor C F Saunders closed the spllochllluldng A deed hit or the session was the vholin solos by Miss llarrlctt i Rockwell Poynter of thlll city Mss Pontlr hos recently returned from studying abroad anti she comllletel captivated the visitors with her beau- tiful playing At the close or the open nteethtg the grouch lodge went Into executive session which continued through the I afternoon After It brief reCess for lunch at 3 oclocl this afternoon the I degree work of the Pythian sisters was exeuqllfled by the members of Esther Temple In the local lodge room lu the Odd Fellows temple and attracted many or the delegates The degree team ot Myrtle Lodge of Covington fifty strung arrived nt 7 oclock tonight over the L N and beginning at S30 oclock gave an lXll1IIJl1Cication of the rank of knight j at the tlllattr before the delegates and visiting knights Following the work a reception and Jnlpromptu dance was given In honor of the visiting knights and ladles at the theater No new candidates have developed for rand outside guard which places the winner In line for the higher of lee and It Is likely that a warm tight will result during the election of officers tomorrow between Suna tor J J Watkin or Utilon coun- ty and Charles Miller of Coving tOil for that honor Fairs Opening Was Superb Last Saturday occurred tit annual Fall Opening of Fall and Companys big department store The store was tastefully daaratal and each depart went made a fine showing There Is nn air of refinement pro valllng It the dress goads section to say the least or It nothing to offend the most cultured and artistic taste There Is a wealth of variety and richness or material that afford a choice Hat you could not expect to meet with outsldu or metropolitan fashion centers In the same department there Is seen shoes for busldoss for sent dress for full dress In aU the leath ers and In a range of pricey and styles greater than ever prtiviously shown by this fllln The Mens and Boys clothing de- partment ron well be head quarter s for mens and boys furnish- ings for the vast stock and great assortments displayed could surely met all wants of the men of this oity The Millner departmeJ1 was no doubt the chief attraction cot the ladles who attended the opening bat u yThe showing vas mtnple- So tp warted so latere>BtlugyWntere Js little else to be dC tL S YOUTH SEEKS TO- REUNITE PARENTS Son of Kentuckians Make a Pa thetic Plea Before Chi cago Court Chicago Oct GA habeas corpus proceeding before JUdge Petit to the Circuit Court showed a small boys determination to reunite his promi- nent Kentucky parents dlvolClll for three years Mamie L Mitchell former wIfo of Edward G DIrns clerk of the ir cult Court of Ohio county Ky was charged with abducting her son from the custody of her own parents nfttir which she brought him to Chicago and kept him In hiding Darrass and detectives found till boy here J lad the custody of the child as the result of circuit court order Judg + Petit refused to tape the boy from father lie held the custody should rest with the Kentuckycourt Mamie L lItchell is the daughter Dr Mitchell of Bearer Dam Ky a family whose aucdHlolS wele pioneers Maurice DarrasH subject or the dispute left its chair near his father and went to his mothers side Dont you cry mother dear hi exclaimed puttJng his arms around her neck I wIsh you would giv- man It wlnipplmg and not e y It paIIJ1 see If I dont And the tenyearoltl boy sought his father again aid engaged him In tlwI fatJlerI 3JtIard C iCy today be- gan habeas corpus proceedings be fore Judge Petit to secure possession of his son Maurice aged 10 years Darrass says he secured a divorce from hula wife In 1906 and the Ken- tucky courts awarded custody or the boy to hula grandfather for 3 years At the expiration or this time lie says the boy was to lJc given to his father Darrass charged that on Scptem- t her 1 G the mother of the hllel got him out or Kentucky and to Chlea- i go On the showing made Judge Petit let the father have the hay un tub tomorrow when the case will be argued further The lad crying 8el1arnI The foreghtg is the climax or near- ly two weeks search for Maurice Barrass About that time ago Mr- i Darrass notified his potherInlaw that he desired to bring Ills son to Ilatford and enter him In school and directed her tu tense him ready at a certain future date Before that date arrived his foruur weft took the lad and left for parts unknown was later learned that she inch lit to Chicago nod Mr Darrass ac- companied hy his attorney Mr M L Htavrln left at onCe for that point After nearly a woIs snrch they re- turned without havhtg located him However the matter was left in till hands of a detective aeucy tad In It few days a report collie tlutt the boy had beet locatlll Mr IIllrmSK aid tI1 Ilewvrln again wcnt to htcago and procurlotl the boy by lmbcas cor pus proceedings They arrived homo Vednesday afternoon Mules for Sale A splendid pair of mules well broko to work Will sell cheap Apily to 1lOOKER 1VILLIAMSHartford HERBERT Oct 3Mrs Ellen Iliad Fordwito of J W Ford died the 25th or September after Il long illness of cancer of the stomach Mrs Fo est Chninbers turd wife or Hickman county Ky BIo visiting rel- atives her- eSeelll from thlll place attended the burial of lure VUllo Corlet at Karnus Grove yesterday- Air C W Phillips who had a stroke of paralysis two months ago Is sl t1y Improving Messrs Pate and Leonard Taylor have started their saw mill neat hers Mr Carl Floyd wire and children have returnee from Florida where thEY have been for the past year 1r Earl Douthett of Synthla vhs Ited at Mrs Sallie Floyd Saturday tight Miss Maltie Milligan Is on nn ex tended visit to Owensboro Misses Myrtle Durdftt Dora Helm and Mattie Barnett will attend the fair at Owensboro this week d11ss0ertrude Barnett has gone to Evansville to make her home Dr Dexter O Whlttlnghlllof Rome italy penta dir with the family of- h > e uncle Chas 11 Phillips recent- ly

Our prices vary Savesl - women ut i Fairs Largest selection of Millinery at Fairs No doubt about Fairs new Fall

Aug 25, 2018



Welcome message from author
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Page 1: Our prices vary Savesl - women ut i Fairs Largest selection of Millinery at Fairs No doubt about Fairs new Fall



unMcCap No 3631=A suer

it pays to


Hartford Republican


TableAt Beaver Dam Ky-

rorlh iound 6oalhNo 121 dalli a m

Nollydnelfr8 P m NoIO1 due 248 p m

o109dae48pm Nolllldu8A5p-



H dC E Railroad Time Table


1nr timesNORTH BUND

112729 a m Passenger Daily

114340 p man Mixed Dalley excepte Sunday


115926 a DL Mixed Daily exceptSunday

113146 p m Passenger Dally

See FaIrs nowSkirts

1 New Persian Silks at Fairs1 BeautiesFairs LadieS Suits

Fairs Is the place to buy Mlillnory

PatricianShoes women uti Fairs

Largest selection of Millinery atFairs

No doubt about Fairs new FallDress Goods being upto= date See

J thewEconomy Fruit JarsSee samples

canned In ourwlndow I

I Hartford Grocery Coloir W WLloyd and wife Bar

i u reUs FerrY are viaiting Judge andMrslR R Weddilgctty-


The sterling SUItS are the beatmade Notblpg shoddy Wet well

and tit well FOuULiat FairsIII beireach1ng atMt1

ItHermon Methodist church next Sun 1

J ty3t 447 at U m andnightat 7-

11frh EfM RTweddelt a formerlld t Hartford Is very leiot-


Jiat tilw residence at Cal

JboPIl f+IMI JeUeGlenn daughter of

Judge and Mrs J s Glenn who has1 beeDo1theslcklIst for the past

rMweek is improving

1Leare ytier Laundry atCleveoIler-iIt


elle 1

rflL tI xc 4amdry Ceaopsuy lileerporate4 U Jrr


OJIl Ix t

r7The Coat Suitprop

osition has come tostay and realizingthiswe have suppliedourselves well withthe latest in styles andweaves Of coursewe want to sell to youbut more especiallyat this time we wantthe pleasure of show =

ing you what we be=

lieve to be the mostup4omdate Coat Suitsin Ohio county

Our prices varyaccording to the cloakfrom

1110 to 25Remember TradeSaveslYou Money








Timothy Seed at Fords at U25Wear Finis Ci Tfing and go well


Fairs Millinery Opening was abig success

What about your Tailored SuitFairs have them

Now for Fall Footwear Nonebetter than Fairs

Fertilizer for sale by W E EllisllU The Produce Man

FOR SALEGood sow and pigslIt2 WAlTER ALLEN

It ps to buy Millinery at FallllStock largest Prices lowest

Pure Greene per pound10lb lots 28c

Hartford Grocery Co

Misses Bertha Brawn and LlzzleMoore Rochester were the guests ofrelatives In town Saturday and Sunday

Mrs S K Cox left Tuesday to lJe

the guest of her daughter MrsCharles Rogers Elkton Ky for SeV

eral lasMr Wm Holmes and sister Mrs

F H Allen of Hawesville Kyarevisiting the latters daughter MrsJohn B Wilson

Messrs James Shepherd PrentisBruno Frye Narrows Esq C V

MllesFordsvllleand T D DUke nearSunnydale were among our callersTuesday

Mr JT Felix who had been vis-

iting his son Dr C W Felix Olaton and looking ufterhls farm forthe past ten days has returnedhomerMessrs C M Barnett and John B

Wilson are In Shelbyville Ky attending the state Grand Lodge ofKnights Cpythlas which Is iii ses-sion there this week-

I MrsE A Smith and infant sonE A SmlhIr who have beenth gucstOffbo farmers wotherneaiRockport return fo her homo ofRed Bay AlabamautedAesday-

Mr lvaNalaandwife who havebeen s J9 rnJ g et mtbArkarrived In are11a114eotherMrvlslUn Mr NailIn contemp atln64laoUngto Hartford thombackr re-

SupernteiWent Hen Leach doe 10< heABuparlatda-

deatateh14e as tRen the oisepefill pjr9a bagd eat-urdtay Oc Qb tQ regular pay4qy I 4qat 1Otyr tolet t 4 tQ

1fo J W

Aflse Minnie Renfrow BowlingGreen Ky1s the guest of MissVOtna Duke city

Mrs Jatnos Lyons and littlo daughter Dorcas are attendIng the lairatOwensboro this week

Dr A C Foster of Owensborocame over In his automobile Sundayto vllllt a patient at Beaver Dam ret-urning tho same day Ho was ac-

companied only by his c ufteurltMr J A who recently ac

copted a position with the OwensboroMessenger Owensboro as makeupman was the guest of We parentsJudge and Mrs R R WeddlngcltySunday and Monday

Mr L Al Uhads of Deanlleldhas moved with his family to Hartford and Is occupying the DrRhoads residence on Main streetMr Rhoads comes to Hartford to getthe benefit ot the high school here

Mr and Mrs J lRosenblatt leftMonday morning for Loulsllle andother eastern cities whets they willspend the next ten days replenishIng their fall stock of goods Mr N

Rosenblatt HawesvUle wlll keepstore for them while away

Mr L AIate of Sesser Ill Isspending a few days with his Brother Mr A E Pate city Mr Patewho has been engaged In the restaurant business at Sesser Is prospectIng with the view of locating In

Hartford It he can secure a suita-ble building

Mr Joseph Reid died at hl3residence near Prentls last Fridayafter several months Illness Hisremains were burled In the Rogersburlng grounds Saturday Mr Reidhad passed the threescore and tenyear mark and leaver four sons andthree daughters his wire havingpreceeded him six years

County Court convened In regularsession Monday and with about thosame amount ot routine businessThe will of Mrs Matilda Armenlltwas offered proven and ordered torecord Mrs Armendt was the wifeof the late Henry Armendt havingdied several years prior to his deathWhy the will was never probated be-fore Is not known

Mr Green 8 Shepherd died at hisresidence at Prentls last Wednes-day of pneumonia Uncle Green ashe was commonly known had beenIn declining health for severalmonths His remains were Interredat the Providence church buryinggrounds at 3 oclock p m lastThursday The deceased was In theseventysixth year of his ago andleaves one son and a daughter hiswire having preceded him twelveyears ago

The Republican Executive Commit-tee of Ohio County met at tho Court-

house lkst Saturday afternoon andwas called to order by chairman n-

B Martin The meeting was for thepurpose of electing a campaign chair-man and seoretary The result WlIs

the election or W S Tinsley aschairman and Owen Hunter as SeC

retary for the present campaignThese selections are good oneS analthe campaign will be In safe andcompetent hands

The Ohio County Medical Assocln-tion met In HartforU WodneS lay andwas attended by a fairly good num-

ber of members The doctors or

Hartford entertained the other mombers present at dinner a represon-

tatlva of each ot the HarUorlt paperbeing likewise Invited A bountifulrepast was hIghly enjoyed espeelailyby an editor A move Is on footbacked by a number of the loadingphysicians of the county to estab-

lish a hospital In Hartford This Is

a commendable undHtnldng andshould receive the hearty support ofeveryone

Good Horse for SaleI have a good 7 year old work horseI

for sale ALBERT RIALHartford R F D No1

Revival ServicesThe meeting In progress at the

Christian church here continues thothe rain has hindered somewhatLarge audiences have been the rule t

and the preacher W J Clarke IsIproving himself a capable minister oftho word Miss Myers Is ploaaing allwith her beautiful solosUnU her ca-pable leadership of the congregation-al 8lnglnl the meeting wlll con-

tinue for Mother week and the foe

lowing subjects hi1v6 been tmnounQoby the evan llst

Friday Oct 7Why be aChristianSaturday OCt 8Many EJtcuaeeSunday Oct 9 11 a mThe Mls

slop slid Growth of the Church ofChrist T pc moTheSottIofa Man

Monday Oct 10The Dfvlnb bitsslonr 1-

11I1csday Oct 11 =Peters Cant eslon 1

Wednesday OctI12t The Vnanswer

able QuestionThuJsday ot t3rhre Stern Al-

ternaUvee I J1i aervicew acre held

TueadayWednesday Tlumday and-FridiiyM Ii i and thebPenlagserv-

Iee e at lOdNtlclfYil NYi If rJe




Closes Aftera Weeks SessionRev Virgil Elgin Returned

to Hartford Church

rThe Loulsllle Annual Conference

closeda nlcasant and harmonious SeRIson < nt Russellvillo last Monday atnoon Bishop John C Kilgo the

preIsldedlnone pr work

was eminently satisfactory and hisfrequent addresses to the conkrencowere practical and nt times was withultoUon and power and It Is boiledwill be of at abiding effect Illsaddress on Thursday evening on Chris-tian Education w sconceeded to bethe ablest ever heard by the confeaence or In that city which Is an edu-

cational center It was gratifying tonote there had been many convet-sions during the year and at Incr1sehimembership of about 4000 Thecharges generally are giving a bettersupport to the ministry The assessment for Foreign Mission of 1140000

ndlwehope the effects will be of untoldbenefit to the church The GUllren1desire of the presiding bishop was ngeneral revival and awakening andthe response of the conference was ahearty Amen

The following appontments weremade for the Owensboro district

Presiding elder=RevS J Thompso-nOwensboroSettle Memorial DI

Lewis Iowel-lWoodlawnS C onlyFrayseravenueJ O Smithso-nBreckenrldgestreetW C WloSOwensboro clrcultT C DuvallBeaver DamA L Moth

CalhounJ T CherryCentertownR D BennettCentral CltG W Humme-lClovcl1lOrtI E LewisFordsvllleC S HarperGreenvilleG B DillonGreenville clJcultE D RyanHartfordVirgil ElginHaw sIIILIl S GilletteMaceoW II llckerso-nLivermoreJoe loweLenvisbtlrgD S aupbel-lRonaeW


E Dtlley-

RochesterW W prineSaeramcntoJ T DemonbrumSouth GarrolltouA J Pate-

CENTERTOWNOct 4 Miss Maggie Baker Is vis

fling her sister Mrs R Salvers ofWest Virginia

C C Miller and family have moved to London 1y where Mr Millarwill take charge of IIn Ax llandlfactoryMr

Nat Arbuelde and wife orWeir City Kansas visited friendand relatives at this place last weok

Mr James Baker or Denver coloIs visiting his parents this week

E M Davis has accepted alIOstlon In Loulsvlllc where he and hiswife have moved

Miss Bertie Ganditt who has been t

on the sick list Is able to be outagain

E S McMillan Is having his yes

hlence on Walnut street replllrLIl

W F James and wlto have mo0to Louisville where Mr Jani has tte-

cepted a positionandI I

J R L Mason and daughter sills s

Dessle are In Louisville buying theirnew goodsIsIand


Oct 4We are VOlT dry and wellsare low

Dr Pal T Willis attended theStat Medical Association nt Lexing-ton lust week

A great many from hero and neathero went to Mr R B Martins atHartford Sunday All enjoYed theday very much

Uncle Nat Arbuckle stopped eve ra few hours with Mr and Airs JAlex Rhond on his way to GllstraIa-Moi l y He formerly lived In the-


but has been In Weir CityKansas for a number ot years H-



now 82 years of ago His wltepassed going to Gilstrap Sunday

II1 Delmer Stewart Mr JesseBaIze Miss Joloy Keown and MistClaudl James front Seleetwere hereSudtlayThey went to Hlghvlew

MrS Dr Willis mother visitedhetb last week returning home YeSterday

A Sister of Mrs Dr Allenwho hadbeen visiting bete for two weeks lefttorherbowe Sundays

Pwoof Mr Net Embrys brothers r

Bdtiettatvn wereyUero MoodayNghtMr Oea Mule representing the

1 t

Owensboro Hardware Coas hereyesterday

Mr Charles James Leitchtleld washere Sunday to see his brother T

A James Ho was accompanied byhis daughter I

Sunday School and praYer meeting-are progressing nicely tIny muchgood be done

Bro Black of Morganfleld passedhere Saturday going to Warren churchButler county to begun a revival atthat place Saturday night It willcontinuo n period of two westks Maysuccess crown his efforts

Mr Noah Cooper of this lllaceImoved Sunday to Simmons I

Two tamllllti 1msscd Saturday moviIng to Simmons

Mr ttty Amos Mania was hereMonday on business

Messrs Pete and Ed Burton ofMercer passed here enrouto to Baizetown Sunday

Mr and Mrs Cites Hudson Sitnmonvisited relatives near Balz town Sun-day

Mr George Dennis has gone tothe Owensboro fair this week MrJ D Arbucklo is looking utter hiliIstock during his absence

Grand Lodge Knights of PythIias in SessIon

ShelbyvlIle Ky Oct 4More thanI400 delegates had registered this morn

when the annual session of thejling of Pythias Grand Lodge was

at the Crescent Thaeter atII10 oclock and later trains broughtIn a number of additional visitors andIIInglarge attendance of citizens lrrescntat the theater which was handsome-ly decorated for the occasion PastChancellor Leon Rothchild of TassoLodge this city presided and theRev W n Anderson of theterlan church offered prayerPreslJIOr Linn T Gruber welcomedvisitors on behalf of the city nUll

In a very clever speecit gave the keysof the city Into tllllr liItlllng pastSprewe Chancellor W W IIlnclwullI-CSllOndlll to Mayer Grubrrs addrossIn It happy vela flll welronw aldress by Chancellor Couutnauder BA Logan represnthtg the locallodge and the resIonse lJy GrandChancellor C F Saunders closed thespllochllluldng

A deed hit or the session wasthe vholin solos by Miss llarrlctt i

Rockwell Poynter of thlll city MssPontlr hos recently returned fromstudying abroad anti she comllletelcaptivated the visitors with her beau-tiful playing

At the close or the open nteethtgthe grouch lodge went Into executivesession which continued through the


afternoon After It brief reCess forlunch at 3 oclocl this afternoon the I

degree work of the Pythian sisterswas exeuqllfled by the members of

Esther Temple In the local lodgeroom lu the Odd Fellows temple andattracted many or the delegates Thedegree team ot Myrtle Lodge ofCovington fifty strung arrived nt 7oclock tonight over the L N andbeginning at S30 oclock gave anlXll1IIJl1Cication of the rank of knight j

at the tlllattr before the delegatesand visiting knights Following thework a reception and Jnlpromptudance was given In honor of thevisiting knights and ladles at thetheater

No new candidates have developedfor rand outside guard which placesthe winner In line for the higher oflee and It Is likely that a warmtight will result during the electionof officers tomorrow between Sunator J J Watkin or Utilon coun-

ty and Charles Miller of CovingtOil for that honor

Fairs Opening Was Superb

Last Saturday occurred tit annualFall Opening of Fall and Companysbig department store The store wastastefully daaratal and each departwent made a fine showing

There Is nn air of refinement provalllng It the dress goads section tosay the least or It nothing to offendthe most cultured and artistic tasteThere Is a wealth of variety andrichness or material that afford achoice Hat you could not expect tomeet with outsldu or metropolitanfashion centers

In the same department there Isseen shoes for busldoss for sentdress for full dress In aU the leathers and In a range of pricey andstyles greater than ever prtiviouslyshown by this fllln

The Mens and Boys clothing de-partment ron well be headquarters for mens and boys furnish-ings for the vast stock and greatassortments displayed could surely

met all wants of the men of thisoity

The Millner departmeJ1 was nodoubt the chief attraction cot theladles who attended the opening batu yThe showing vas mtnple-


tpwarted so latere>BtlugyWntere

Js little else to be dC





Son of Kentuckians Make a Pa

thetic Plea Before Chi

cago Court

Chicago Oct GA habeas corpusproceeding before JUdge Petit to theCircuit Court showed a small boysdetermination to reunite his promi-nent Kentucky parents dlvolClll forthree years

Mamie L Mitchell former wIfo ofEdward G DIrns clerk of the ircult Court of Ohio county Ky wascharged with abducting her son fromthe custody of her own parents nfttirwhich she brought him to Chicagoand kept him In hiding Darrass anddetectives found till boy here Jlad the custody of the child as theresult of circuit court order Judg +

Petit refused to tape the boy fromfather lie held the custody

should rest with the KentuckycourtMamie L lItchell is the daughter

Dr Mitchell of Bearer Dam Kya family whose aucdHlolS welepioneers Maurice DarrasH subject orthe dispute left its chair near hisfather and went to his mothers side

Dont you cry mother dear hiexclaimed puttJng his arms aroundher neck I wIsh you would giv-

man It wlnipplmg and not e y ItpaIIJ1see If I dontAnd the tenyearoltl boy sought

his father again aid engaged him IntlwIfatJlerI 3JtIard C

iCy today be-

gan habeas corpus proceedings before Judge Petit to secure possessionof his son Maurice aged 10 yearsDarrass says he secured a divorcefrom hula wife In 1906 and the Ken-tucky courts awarded custody or theboy to hula grandfather for 3 yearsAt the expiration or this time liesays the boy was to lJc given to hisfather

Darrass charged that on Scptem-

t her 1 G the mother of the hllel gothim out or Kentucky and to Chlea-

i go On the showing made JudgePetit let the father have the hay untub tomorrow when the case willbe argued further The lad crying

8el1arnIThe foreghtg is the climax or near-

ly two weeks search for MauriceBarrass About that time ago Mr-

i Darrass notified his potherInlawthat he desired to bring Ills sonto Ilatford and enter him In schooland directed her tu tense him readyat a certain future date Before thatdate arrived his foruur weft tookthe lad and left for parts unknown

was later learned that she inchlitto Chicago nod Mr Darrass ac-

companied hy his attorney Mr M

L Htavrln left at onCe for that pointAfter nearly a woIs snrch they re-

turned without havhtg located himHowever the matter was left in tillhands of a detective aeucy tad In It

few days a report collie tlutt the boyhad beet locatlll Mr IIllrmSK aidtI1 Ilewvrln again wcnt to htcagoand procurlotl the boy by lmbcas corpus proceedings They arrived homoVednesday afternoon

Mules for SaleA splendid pair of mules well broko

to work Will sell cheap Apily to1lOOKER


HERBERTOct 3Mrs Ellen Iliad Fordwito

of J W Ford died the 25th orSeptember after Il long illness ofcancer of the stomach

Mrs Fo est Chninbers turd wife orHickman county Ky BIo visiting rel-

atives her-eSeelll from thlll place attended

the burial of lure VUllo Corlet atKarnus Grove yesterday-

Air C W Phillips who had astroke of paralysis two months agoIs sl t1y Improving

Messrs Pate and Leonard Taylorhave started their saw mill neathers

Mr Carl Floyd wire and childrenhave returnee from Florida wherethEY have been for the past year

1r Earl Douthett of Synthla vhs

Ited at Mrs Sallie Floyd Saturdaytight

Miss Maltie Milligan Is on nn extended visit to Owensboro

Misses Myrtle Durdftt Dora Helmand Mattie Barnett will attend thefair at Owensboro this week

d11ss0ertrude Barnett has gone toEvansville to make her home

Dr Dexter O Whlttlnghlllof Romeitaly penta dir with the family of-

h>e uncle Chas 11 Phillips recent-ly