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:EEKEND MASSES Sunda¢ 9DZ00 AM English Massǰ Leavenworth Meadows ǻFacebook liveǼ 11DZ00 AM Spanish Massǰ Leavenworth Meadows ǻFacebook liveǼ PARISH OFFICE Tel ǻ509Ǽ 548-5119 Fax ǻ509Ǽ 548-5051 Leavenworth ȯ Monday to Friday 145 Wheeler Streetǰ Leavenworthǰ WA 98826 OĜce hours ȯ 8DZ00 AM to 1DZ00 PM & 2DZ00 PM to 4DZ00 PM Father Miguels email…………………...Fr.miguelgȓ Deacon Bill Dronen……..…........…...………….(509) 782-3976 ……………………………….……….…..wdronenȓ Deacon Jorge Calderilla………… .…………….(509)668-8613 …………………………….jorgeromerocalderillaȓ Secretary ǻEsther PérezǼ email……....olassumptionȓ Religious Education Julie Walsh………..…..….(509)548-5119 Prayer Chain for Leavenworth and Cashmere ……………………...…………....Elaine Kinney ǻ509Ǽ 763-1064 …………………………………………..…...Cell ǻ509Ǽ393-4641 ……………………………...…………...…cabinfeverȓ :EEKL< MASSES Tuesda¢ 8DZ30 AM English Massǰ ǻFacebook liveǼ 5DZ00 PM Spanish Massǰ ǻFacebook liveǼ Wednesda¢ 8DZ30 AM English Massǰ ǻFacebook liveǼ Thursda¢ 8DZ30 AM English Massǰ ǻFacebook liveǼ 5DZ00 PM Spanish Massǰ ǻFacebook liveǼ Frida¢ 8DZ30 AM English Massǰ ǻFacebook liveǼ 5DZ00 PM Spanish Massǰ ǻFacebook liveǼ SACRAMEN7S Baptisms Please call office for information. Weddings Please call the office at least 4 months before the desired date of your wedding. QuinceaÛeras They will aend a catechetical course before celebrating their Thanksgiving Mass. Funerals Please call the office for Funeral Masses ǻwe donȇt celebrate Funeral Masses on SaturdaysǼ. S7A< CONNEC7ED WebsiteDZ Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church OLAssumptionǰ Rev. Miguel González hpDZȦȦ Or text OLA40 to 84576 Pastor Rev. Miguel González Deacons Bill Dronen - Jorge Calderilla Church address in Cashmere 300 South Division Street Cashmere, WA 98815 Church address in Leavenworth 145 Wheeler Street Leavenworth, WA 98826 Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church

Our Lady of the Assumption · 2020-07-05 · 145 1WheelerStreet 1Leavenworth 1WA98826 ... ENGLISH MASS, Facebook live SPANISH MASS, Facebook live Facebook live , Facebook live , Facebook

Aug 15, 2020



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Page 1: Our Lady of the Assumption · 2020-07-05 · 145 1WheelerStreet 1Leavenworth 1WA98826 ... ENGLISH MASS, Facebook live SPANISH MASS, Facebook live Facebook live , Facebook live , Facebook


9:00 AM English Mass, Leavenworth Meadows (Facebook live)

11:00 AM Spanish Mass, Leavenworth Meadows (Facebook live)

PARISH OFFICE Tel (509) 548-5119 Fax (509) 548-5051

Leavenworth — Monday to Friday 145 Wheeler Street, Leavenworth, WA 98826

Office hours — 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM & 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM Father Miguel’s email…………………[email protected] Deacon Bill Dronen……..…........…...………….(509) 782-3976 ……………………………….……….…[email protected] Deacon Jorge Calderilla………… .…………….(509)668-8613 ……………………………[email protected] Secretary (Esther Pérez) email……[email protected] Religious Education Julie Walsh………..…..….(509)548-5119 Prayer Chain for Leavenworth and Cashmere ……………………...…………....Elaine Kinney (509) 763-1064 …………………………………………..…...Cell (509)393-4641 ……………………………...…………...…[email protected]


8:30 AM English Mass, (Facebook live) 5:00 PM Spanish Mass, (Facebook live)

Wednesday 8:30 AM English Mass, (Facebook live)

Thursday 8:30 AM English Mass, (Facebook live) 5:00 PM Spanish Mass, (Facebook live)

Friday 8:30 AM English Mass, (Facebook live) 5:00 PM Spanish Mass, (Facebook live)


Please call office for information. Weddings

Please call the office at least 4 months before the desired date of your wedding.

Quinceañeras They will attend a catechetical course before

celebrating their Thanksgiving Mass. Funerals

Please call the office for Funeral Masses (we don't celebrate Funeral Masses on Saturdays).


Website: Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church OLAssumption, Rev. Miguel González Or text OLA40 to 84576

Pastor Rev. Miguel González

Deacons Bill Dronen - Jorge Calderilla

Church address in Cashmere 300 South Division Street

Cashmere, WA 98815

Church address in Leavenworth 145 Wheeler Street

Leavenworth, WA 98826

Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church

Page 2: Our Lady of the Assumption · 2020-07-05 · 145 1WheelerStreet 1Leavenworth 1WA98826 ... ENGLISH MASS, Facebook live SPANISH MASS, Facebook live Facebook live , Facebook live , Facebook

From Your Pastor… The Lord says, “For I know the plans I have for you…plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will lis-ten to you” (Jer 29:11-12). After many months of

meeting and planning we inally enter July which has been desig-nated as the month of our Capital Campaign Kick Off. The Execu-tive Council Committee is very proud of all those who have prayerfully contributed to the dream of creating the house of God on our new property. God has been very generous to us through so many of you who have pledged resources in order for this dream to come true.

Speaking of the Executive Council Committee, I want to

express my deep gratitude to them for their tireless efforts throughout this entire endeavor. Their expertise and tremendous patience has been an inspiration to me. I thank the Lord for call-ing them to the task which continues to unfold with the goal of constructing a new church building. This would not have been possible without their gifts of time, talent and treasure.

I am really happy for those of you who have already taken

the opportunity to participate through a generous pledge to the campaign. Because of your sacri ice, we now have $1,516,440.00 in pledges. These pledges are beginning to be ful illed this month.

My hope is that those who have not yet pledged would

take the opportunity to do so. We are one family of faith and any gift, no matter the size, is greatly appreciated. Some are able to make very large gifts while others are able to give a smaller amount. The reality is that we need equal sacri ice and not equal gift.

I am con ident that the Lord will continue to guide and

bless this important project. For that we rejoice and sing His praises:

Lord thank you for the generous people who have pledged,

and I ask you that you may reward with many blessings all those who have made sacri ices to make our dream come true. Amen.


Rev. Miguel Gonza lez

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 5th, 2020

9:00 AM

11:00 AM

8:30 AM 5:00 PM

8:30 AM 11:00 PM

8:30 AM 5:00 PM

8:30 AM 5:00PM 7:00 PM

Saturday, June 27th Sunday, July 4th Happy Independence Day Sunday, July 5th OUTDOOR ENGLISH MASS, Leavenworth Meadows, (Facebook live) +Meredith Jennings & Keith Piroeto For intention Katie Trimpe-Parker OUTDOOR SPANISH MASS, Leavenworth Meadows, (Facebook live) Monday, July 6th Tuesday, July 7th ENGLISH MASS, (Facebook live) SPANISH MASS, (Facebook live) Wednesday, July 8th ENGLISH MASS, (Facebook live) Communication Meeting, (Zoom) Thursday, July 9th ENGLISH MASS, (Facebook live) SPANISH MASS, (Facebook live) Friday, July 10th ENGLISH MASS, (Facebook live) SPANISH MASS, (Facebook live) Ultreya, (Zoom)

Ministry 9:00 am English Mass

11:00 am Spanish Mass

Lector Curt Haire Luis Cisneros

Altar Server Fernando Trujillo Fernando Trujillo

Usher KOC Virginia Cuevas

Usher Tony Hillock Pedro Alvarado

Usher Scott Irey Lilia Villalobos

Hospitality Allison Zimmer Donato Guzma n Hospitality Harry Hansen Mariana Guzma n

Music Alan & Nestle Flavio Ramos

Video Ken Trimpe Ken Trimpe

Page 3: Our Lady of the Assumption · 2020-07-05 · 145 1WheelerStreet 1Leavenworth 1WA98826 ... ENGLISH MASS, Facebook live SPANISH MASS, Facebook live Facebook live , Facebook live , Facebook

Fiscal Year July 2019 – June 2020 June 28th, 2020

VANCO Contributions —$15.00 Sunday OSV Contributions — $681.00

Sunday Mail Contributions — $790.00 Sunday Collection —$745.50 Total — $2,231.50 Needed — $4,500.00 Total YTD Received — $205,359.75 Parish Building Fund — $79,416.12

AT THE DIOCESE Building Fund as of 5/31/2020 — $1,095,273.97 Savings — $216,670.00 Total — $1,311,943.97

CAPITAL CAMPAING Capital Campaign pledged — $1,516,440.00 YTD Paid — $129,078.14 Participants — 186

Con irmation Virtual Sessions have started! There are 4 lessons left, they have been split into 4 different zoom meetings. Each teacher will send a zoom request to the students in their as-signed class. There will be two meetings going each Wednesday.

Con irmation Mass is scheduled for Saturday, September 12th @ 11:00 am.

We continue collecting all paperwork needed for con irmation sponsors. Call the Parish of ice to ind out what paperwork is needed or for any other questions.

Garden Ministry Many Hands Make Light Work

Help keep the Leavenworth Meadows weed free & beautiful!. Bring your family and pull weeds any time and day you are available. Volunteers are asked to

bring their weeding tools of choice.


SAINT PETER (Parental Guidance Recommended) As a dedicated follower of Christ, Peter spreads the message of the Gospel across the land. As the ten-sion between Christians and Romans grows throughout the ilm, Peter and Paul meet and join together in preaching about Christ.

RCIA All those who were part of the formation process to receive sacraments will have the Mass on Sat-urday, September 12th, @ 11:00 am.

Capital Campaign The of icial start date for fundraising for our new church begins on July 1st. Please give some thought as to how to incorporate this charitable giving into your set routine. Many options are

available for you to make your donations including sending it in the mail, dropping off an envelope at Father's house or at the church, or setting up a monthly automatic payment through your bank.

QVD 2020 Diocese of Yakima Be Not Afraid

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the Diocese of Yakima has adjusted this year’s young men’s vocational discernment retreat to 5

individual day-retreats, outdoors, throughout the diocese. The young men will still have the opportunity to encounter Jesus Christ and ex-plore a vocation to the priesthood through talks, group activities, voca-tional testimonies given by priests/seminarians, confession, and per-sonal prayer with exposition of the Holy Eucharist. RETREAT DATE & LOCATION 07-18 St. Joseph Parish, Wenatchee Cost: $10 suggested donation. Ages: 15-25 Registration: Please regis-ter online

Face Masks for Small Business

We have face masks available for small busi-ness in the of ice. If you are interested in receiving some for you and/ or your employees, contact the of ice. The masks are cotton Haines brand. Courtesy of Chelan CARES Act. Funding.


Hope for the future Honoring those who have served us The upcoming Diocesan Priest Retirement and Seminarian Education Special Collection is scheduled to take place the entire month of July. These are challenging times for us all, and we hope you are in good spirits and health! If you’re able, please make a donation to the Diocesan Priest Re-tirement and Seminarian Education Special Collection. If you are unable to donate at this time, there are many other ways you can support us! You can continue to keep our senior priests and seminarians in your daily prayers. You can advocate and share with your family and friends on your social media. In times like this, we are reminded of how interconnected we all are. Thank you for being part of our Church family in Central Washington. Without you, none of it is possible. Donate online at

First Communion Mass September 5th, 2020

11:00 a.m. in Leavenworth Special Thanks to our teachers who helped prepare our kids for First Communion Julie Walsh, Barbara Agnew, Charlene Dronen, Tho Doung, Rachel, Maria & Mercedes Lanuza, Vanessa Rodriguez, Michelle Val-lor, Graciela Zarate and to our parents and sponsors.

Page 4: Our Lady of the Assumption · 2020-07-05 · 145 1WheelerStreet 1Leavenworth 1WA98826 ... ENGLISH MASS, Facebook live SPANISH MASS, Facebook live Facebook live , Facebook live , Facebook

Yard Cleanup. Pruning. Mowing. Thatching. Aerating. Fertilizing. Brush & Leaf Removal. Cleanup Garage. Basements. Weed Etching. Tree Pruning. Snow Removal. Concrete Walk. Tree Service. Patios. Sprinkler System Installation. Excavating. Retaining Walls. Irrigation System Blowout. Christmas Lights Hanging . Monthly Maintenance.


Te gustaría promocionar tu Negocio en nuestro Boletín Semanal?

Por solo $10 dólares al mes, lo podrás hacer. Llama a la oficina para mas informa-

ción. 509/548-5119. Al hacerlo nos estas ayudando a imprimir este boletín.

Would you like to promote your business in our weekly Bulletin?

For only $ 10 dollars a month, you can! Call the office for more information call (509) 548-5119. In doing so, you are helping to

print this bulletin.

CLEANING SERVICES Cleaning: Vacation Rental & Residential Serving: Leavenworth, Lake Wenatchee Plain, Cashmere and Surrounding Areas

509-669-1642 or 509-423-5078 WWW.CASCADE-CLEANING.COM

Three Cedars Home Inspection

(509)782-3590 5647 Sunset Hwy. Cashmere, WA.

authentic mexican food

Serving Tacos, Quesadillas, Burritos, Carne Asada etc.

Alan Erhardt

HOME INSPECTOR PROFECIONAL INSPECTION Maintenance, Listing, New Construc-tion, Onsite reports, Radon Testing

509/881-4664 [email protected]

License #1306

What’s important to you? Here are some of the areas our of ice focuses on:

Retirement Income Strategies Estate and Legacy Strategies

Saving for Education Socially Conscious Investing

Edward Jones


Joe Gogal AAMS® Financial Advisor 1-888-335-9581


[email protected] Member SIPC

Please support these advertisers who make this bulletin possible. Por favor apoye estos anunciantes que hacen que este boletín sea posible.








A family run bakery that provides baked goods made entirely from scratch. Donuts, cookies, bread, pies and

buns. Delicious!

Page 5: Our Lady of the Assumption · 2020-07-05 · 145 1WheelerStreet 1Leavenworth 1WA98826 ... ENGLISH MASS, Facebook live SPANISH MASS, Facebook live Facebook live , Facebook live , Facebook


8:30 AM Misa en inglés, (Facebook en vivo) 5:00 PM Misa en español, (Facebook en vivo)

Miércoles 8:30 AM Misa en inglés, (Facebook en vivo)

Jueves 8:30 AM Misa en inglés, (Facebook en vivo) 5:00 PM Misa en español, ((Facebook en vivo)

Viernes 8:30 AM Misa en inglés, (Facebook en vivo) 5:00 PM Misa en español, (Facebook en vivo)


Por favor llama a la oficina para información Matrimonios

Por favor llama a la oficina por lo menos 4 meses antes del día deseado para la boda

Quinceañeras Atenderán a un curso catequético antes de celebrar su

Misa de Acción de Gracias Funerales

Por favor llamen a la oficina para Misas Funerales (no celebramos funerales los sábados)

Párroco Rev. Miguel González

Diáconos Bill Dronen - Jorge Calderilla

Cashmere 300 South Division Street

Cashmere, WA 98815

Leavenworth 145 Wheeler Street

Leavenworth, WA 98826

Nuestra Señora de la Asunción Iglesia Católica


9:00 AM Misa en inglés, Los Prados, Leavenworth (Facebook en vivo)

11:00 AM Misa en español, Los Prados, Leavenworth (Facebook en vivo)

OFICINA PARROQUIAL Tel (509) 548-5119

Fax (509) 548-5051 Leavenworth— De Lunes a Viernes

145 Wheeler St, Leavenworth, WA 98826 Horas de Oficina—8:00 am a 1:00 pm y 2:00 pm a 4:00 pm Email del P. Miguel.………...………...…[email protected] Diácono Bill Dronen……….…...…….….…….(509) 782-3976 …………………………………………[email protected] Diácono Jorge Calderilla……….….…….……..(509)668-8613 ………………………..…[email protected] Secretaria (Esther Pérez) email….…[email protected] Educación Religiosa Julie Walsh……...……….(509)548-5119 Cadena de Oración en Leavenworth y Cashmere ………….....................................Elaine Kinney (509) 763-1064 ……………………...………………..……....Cel (509)393-4641 ……………………………...…………...…[email protected]


Página Web: Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church OLAssumption, Rev. Miguel González Or text OLA40 to 84576

Page 6: Our Lady of the Assumption · 2020-07-05 · 145 1WheelerStreet 1Leavenworth 1WA98826 ... ENGLISH MASS, Facebook live SPANISH MASS, Facebook live Facebook live , Facebook live , Facebook

De parte de su Pastor… El Sen or dice, "Porque yo sé muy bien los planes que tengo para ustedes, planes de bienestar y no de calamidad, a in de darles un futuro y una esperanza. Entonces ustedes me invocarán, y ven-

drán a suplicarme, y yo los escucharé”. (Jer 29: 11-12). Despue s de muchos meses de reuniones y plani icacio n, inalmente entramos en julio, que ha sido designado como el mes de nuestro inicio de la Campan a Capital. El Comite del Consejo Ejecutivo esta muy or-gulloso por todos aquellos que han contribuido en oracio n al sue-n o de crear la Casa de Dios en nuestra nueva propiedad. Dios ha sido muy generoso con nosotros a trave s de tantos de ustedes que han prometido recursos para que este suen o se haga reali-dad.

Hablando del Comite del Consejo Ejecutivo, quiero expre-sarles mi ma s profunda gratitud por su incansable trabajo a lo largo de todo este esfuerzo. Su experiencia y tremenda paciencia me han inspirado. Agradezco al Sen or por llamarlos a la tarea que continu a desarrolla ndose con el objetivo de construir nuestra nueva Iglesia. Esto no hubiera sido posible sin su generosidad de tiempo, talento y tesoro.

Estoy realmente feliz por aquellos de ustedes que ya han

aprovechado la oportunidad para participar a trave s de una gene-rosa promesa en la Campan a. Gracias a su sacri icio, ahora tene-mos $1,516,440.00 en promesas de contribuciones. Estas prome-sas comienzan a cumplirse este mes.

Espero que aquellos que au n no se han comprometido

aprovechen la oportunidad para hacerlo. Somos una familia de fe y cualquier donacio n se agradece, sin importar el taman o. Algu-nos pueden hacer donaciones muy grandes, mientras que otros pueden dar una cantidad menor. La realidad es que necesitamos el mismo sacri icio y no la misma donacio n.

Estoy seguro de que el Sen or continuara guiando y bendi-

ciendo este importante proyecto. Por eso nos regocijamos y can-tamos sus alabanzas:

Señor, gracias por las personas generosas que se han com-

prometido, y te pido que recompenses con muchas bendiciones a todos los que se han sacri icado para hacer realidad nuestro sueño. Amén.

Sinceramente, Rev. Miguel Gonza lez

9:00 AM

11:00 AM

8:30 AM 5:00 PM

8:30 AM 11:00 PM

8:30 AM 5:00 PM

8:30 AM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM

Sábado, Julio 4

Feliz Día de laIndependencia Domingo, Julio 5 MISA EN INGLES AL AIRE LIBRE, Los Pra-dos de Leavenworth, (Facebook en vivo) +Meredith Jennings & Keith Piroeto Por intencio n Katie Trimpe-Parker MISA EN ESPAN OL AL AIRE LIBRE, Los Prados de Leavenworth, (Facebook en vivo) Lunes, Julio 6 Martes, Julio 7 MISA EN INGLES, (Facebook en vivo) MISA EN ESPAN OL, (Facebook en vivo) Miércoles, Julio 8 MISA EN INGLES, (Facebook en vivo) Comite de Comunicacio n, (Zoom) Jueves, Julio 9 MISA EN INGLES, (Facebook en vivo) MISA EN ESPAN OL, (Facebook en vivo) Viernes, Julio 10 MISA EN INGLES, (Facebook en vivo) MISA EN ESPAN OL, (Facebook en vivo) Ultreya, (Zoom)

XIV Domingo Ordinario 5 de Julio, 2020

Ministry 9:00 am Misa en inglés

11:00 am Misa en español

Lector Curt Haire Luis Cisneros

Acólito Fernando Trujillo Fernando Trujillo

Acomodador KOC Virginia Cuevas

Acomodador Tony Hillock Pedro Alvarado

Acomodador Scott Irey Lilia Villalobos

Hospitalidad Allison Zimmer Donato Guzma n Hospitalidad Harry Hansen Mariana Guzma n

Música Alan & Nestle Flavio Ramos Camarógrafo Ken Trimpe Ken Trimpe

Page 7: Our Lady of the Assumption · 2020-07-05 · 145 1WheelerStreet 1Leavenworth 1WA98826 ... ENGLISH MASS, Facebook live SPANISH MASS, Facebook live Facebook live , Facebook live , Facebook

Año Fiscal julio 2019 – junio 2020 28 de Junio, 2020

Retiros Automáticos — $376.00 Donaciones OSV— $727.00 Donaciones por Correo — $1,786.60 Colecta Dominical — $850.50

Total — $3,740.10 Necesitado Semanalmente — $4,500.00 Donado hasta ahora — $203,128.25 Fondo de Construcción en la parroquia — $79,416.12


Fondo de construcción 05/31/2020 - $ 1,095,273.97 Ahorros - $ 216,670.00

Total — $1,311,943.97

CAMPAÑA CAPITAL Comprometido en la Campaña Capital — $1,516.440.00 Pagado hasta la fecha — $129,078.14 Participantes — 186

Campaña Capital La fecha o icial de inicio para la recaudacio n de fondos para nuestra nueva Iglesia comienza el 1 de julio. Por favor, piense en co mo incorporar esta donacio n caritativa en su rutina estableci-da. Hay muchas opciones disponibles para que usted haga sus donaciones, incluyendo enviarlo por correo, dejar un sobre en la casa del padre o en la iglesia, o establecer un pago automa tico mensual a trave s de su banco.


Esperanza para el futuro Honrando a quienes nos han servido La pro xima Colecta Especial para la Jubilacio n de los Sacerdotes y Educacio n para Seminaristas esta programada para todo el mes de julio. ¡Estos son tiempos desa iantes para todos noso-tros, y esperamos que este n animados y con salud! Si puede, haga una donacio n a la Coleccio n Especial de Educacio n para Seminaristas y Retiros de Sacerdotes Diocesanos. Si no puede donar en este momento, ¡hay muchas otras formas en que puede apoyarnos! Puede continuar manteniendo a nuestros sacerdotes y seminaristas en sus oraciones diarias. Puede abogar y compartir esta informacio n con su familia y amigos en sus redes sociales. En momentos como este, se nos recuerda cua n interconectados esta-mos todos. Gracias por ser parte de nuestra familia de la Iglesia en el centro de Washington. Sin ti, nada de eso es posible. Done en lı nea en

¡Las sesiones virtuales de con irmacio n han co-menzado! Quedan 4 lecciones y se han dividido en 4 reuniones de zoom diferentes. Cada maestro enviara una solicitud de zoom a los estudiantes en su clase asignada. Habra dos reuniones cada mie rcoles.

La Misa de Con irmacio n esta programada para el sa bado 12 de septiembre a las 11:00 a.m.

Continuamos recolectando toda la documentacio n necesaria para los patrocinadores de con irmacio n. Llame a la o icina de la parroquia para averiguar que documentacio n se necesita o para cualquier otra pregunta.

Ministerio de Jardinería Muchas manos aligeran el trabajo l

¡Ayuda a mantener el Prado de Leavenworth hermoso y libre de hierba! Traiga a su familia y saque las malezas en cualquier momento y dı a que este disponible. Se les pide a los voluntarios que traigan sus herramientas que pre ieran.

QVD 2020 Diócesis de Yakima No tengas miedo

Debido a la pandemia de COVID-19, la Dio cesis de Yakima ha ajustado el retiro de discerni-miento vocacional de los jo venes de este an o a

5 retiros individuales, al aire libre, en toda la dio cesis. El retiro sera dirigido por los seminaristas y sacerdotes de la Dio cesis de Yakima. Aunque cada retiro sera solo un dı a, los jo venes au n tendra n la oportu-nidad de encontrarse con Jesucristo y explorar una vocacio n al sacer-docio a trave s de charlas, actividades grupales, testimonios vocaciona-les dados por sacerdotes/seminaristas, la confesio n y oracio n personal con exposicio n de La Santa Eucaristı a. FECHA DE RETIRO Y UBICA-CION: 07-18 St. Joseph Parish, Wenatchee Costo: $10 donacio n suge-rida. Edades: 15-25 regı strese en lı nea en

Misa de Primera Comunión 5 de septiembre, 2020

11:00 a.m. en Leavenworth Un agradecimiento especial a nuestros maestros quie-nes prepararon a nuestros nin os para la Primera Co-munio n: Julie Walsh, Barbara Agnew, Charlene Dro-nen, Tho Doung, Marı a & Mercedes Lanuza, Vanessa Rodrı guez, Michelle Vallor, Graciela Zarate y a nuestros padres y padrinos.


(Se recomienda la orientacio n de los padres) Como seguidor dedicado de Cristo, Pedro difunde el mensaje del Evan-gelio por toda la tierra. A medida que la tensio n entre cristianos y romanos crece a lo largo de la pelı cula, Peter y Paul se encuentran y se unen para predicar sobre Cristo.

RICA Todos los que formaron parte del proceso de for-macio n para recibir los sacramentos tendra n la Misa el sa bado 12 de septiembre a las 11:00 a.m.

Cubre bocas para negocios pequeños Tenemos cubre bocas disponibles para nego-cios pequen os en la o icina. Si esta interesa-do en recibir algunas para usted y /o sus tra-bajadores comunı quese a la o icina. Los cubre

bocas son de algodo n marca Haines. Cortesı a de Chelan CA-RES Act Funding.

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Please support these advertisers who make this bulletin possible. Por favor apoye estos anunciantes que hacen que este boletín sea posible.

Te gustaría promocionar tu Negocio en nuestro Boletín Semanal?

Por solo $10 dólares al mes, lo podrás hacer. Llama a la oficina para mas infor-

mación. 509/548-5119. Al hacerlo nos estas ayudando a imprimir este boletín.

Would you like to promote your business in our weekly Bulletin?

For only $ 10 dollars a month, you can! Call the office for more information call (509) 548-5119. In doing so, you are helping to

print this bulletin.

CLEANING SERVICES Cleaning: Vacation Rental & Residential Serving: Leavenworth, Lake Wenatchee Plain, Cashmere and Surrounding Areas

509-669-1642 or 509-423-5078 WWW.CASCADE-CLEANING.COM

Yard Cleanup. Pruning. Mowing. Thatching. Aerating. Fertilizing. Brush & Leaf Removal. Cleanup Garage. Basements. Weed Etching. Tree Pruning. Snow Removal. Concrete Walk. Tree Service. Patios. Sprinkler System Installation. Excavating. Retaining Walls. Irrigation System Blowout. Christmas Lights


Three Cedars Home Inspection

(509)782-3590 5647 Sunset Hwy. Cashmere, WA.

authentic mexican food

Serving Tacos, Quesadillas, Burritos, Carne Asada etc.

Alan Erhardt

HOME INSPECTOR PROFECIONAL INSPECTION Maintenance, Listing, New Construc-tion, Onsite reports, Radon Testing

509/881-4664 [email protected]

License #1306

What’s important to you? Here are some of the areas our of ice focuses on:

Retirement Income Strategies Estate and Legacy Strategies

Saving for Education Socially Conscious Investing

Edward Jones


Joe Gogal AAMS® Financial Advisor 1-888-335-9581


[email protected] Member SIPC








A family run bakery that provides baked goods made entirely from scratch. Donuts, cookies, bread, pies and

buns. Delicious!