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Our Lady of the Rosary Our Lady of the Rosary Our Lady of the Rosary 12911 East Main Street Larose, LA 70373 985-693-3433 Fax: 985-693-7551 Website: Email: [email protected] M ASS S CHEDULE Weekends Saturday: ....................................................... Vigil 4PM Sunday: ...................................... 7AM, 10AM, 5:30PM Weekdays Monday-Friday: ................................................ 7:30AM Friday School Mass: ......................................... 9:00AM 1st Saturday: .................................................... 7:30AM O FFICE H OURS Monday-Friday: 8AM—NOON & 1PM—4PM P ARISH S TAFF Pඉකඑඛඐ Oඎඎඑඋඍ: .................................. (985) 693-3433 Fඉච: ..................................................... (985) 693-7551 Rectory: .............................................. (985) 693-8850 Rev. Ronilo Villamor, Pastor ............................. ext. 27 Rev. Domingo Cruz, Assoc. Pastor ................... ext. 26 Jennifer Sanamo, Dir. of Rel. Ed. ...................... ext. 25 Lisa H. Danos, Office Manager ......................... ext. 11 Lauren Moore, Secretary ................................... ext. 10 Perry LeBlanc, Maintenance Tommy Robichaux, Pastoral Council Gary Rebstock, Financial Council S ACRAMENTS Sඉඋකඉඕඍඖග ඎ Bඉගඑඛඕ: Contact the Parish Office at least 6 weeks in advance. See page 7 of bulletin for requirements. Sඉඋකඉඕඍඖග ඎ Rඍඋඖඋඑඔඑඉගඑඖ: 20 minutes before all masses and by appointment Sඉඋකඉඕඍඖග ඎ Mඉගකඑඕඖඡ: Couples should make arrange- ments at the parish office at least six months before the desired wedding date. Sඉඋකඉඕඍඖග ඎ ගඐඍ Sඑඋඓ: If someone is ill, please call the parish office to arrange for the priest to administer the Sacrament of the Sick. Fඝඖඍකඉඔඛ: Arrangements may be made at the Parish Office. A DORATION OF THE B LESSED S ACRAMENT Eucharistic adoration is held in the chapel at the parish office. H OLY R OSARY C ATHOLIC S CHOOL 12925 East Main St., Larose, LA 70373 Scott Bouzigard, Principal Sඋඐඔ Oඎඎඑඋඍ: ................................. (985) 693-3342 Fඉච: ..................................................... (985) 693-3348 Website: Email: [email protected] July 2, 2017 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Our Lady of the Rosary 2.pdf · Our Lady of the Rosary ... But we also hear that for the one who is faithful to his or her vocation of ... the souls of the faithful departed, through

Jun 05, 2018



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Page 1: Our Lady of the Rosary 2.pdf · Our Lady of the Rosary ... But we also hear that for the one who is faithful to his or her vocation of ... the souls of the faithful departed, through

Our Lady of the RosaryOur Lady of the RosaryOur Lady of the Rosary

12911 East Main Street • Larose, LA 70373 • 985-693-3433 • Fax: 985-693-7551 Website: • Email: [email protected]

M A S S S C H E D U L E Weekends Saturday: ....................................................... Vigil 4PM Sunday: ...................................... 7AM, 10AM, 5:30PM Weekdays Monday-Friday: ................................................ 7:30AM Friday School Mass: ......................................... 9:00AM 1st Saturday: .................................................... 7:30AM

O F F I C E H O U R S Monday-Friday: 8AM—NOON & 1PM—4PM

P A R I S H S T A F F P O : .................................. (985) 693-3433 F : ..................................................... (985) 693-7551 Rectory: .............................................. (985) 693-8850 Rev. Ronilo Villamor, Pastor ............................. ext. 27 Rev. Domingo Cruz, Assoc. Pastor ................... ext. 26 Jennifer Sanamo, Dir. of Rel. Ed. ...................... ext. 25 Lisa H. Danos, Office Manager ......................... ext. 11 Lauren Moore, Secretary ................................... ext. 10 Perry LeBlanc, Maintenance Tommy Robichaux, Pastoral Council Gary Rebstock, Financial Council

S A C R A M E N T S S B : Contact the Parish Office at least 6 weeks in advance. See page 7 of bulletin for requirements. S R : 20 minutes before all masses and by appointment S M : Couples should make arrange-ments at the parish office at least six months before the desired wedding date. S S : If someone is ill, please call the parish office to arrange for the priest to administer the Sacrament of the Sick. F : Arrangements may be made at the Parish Office.

A D O R A T I O N O F T H E B L E S S E D S A C R A M E N T Eucharistic adoration is held in the chapel at the parish office.

H O L Y R O S A R Y C A T H O L I C S C H O O L 12925 East Main St., Larose, LA 70373 Scott Bouzigard, Principal S O : ................................. (985) 693-3342 F : ..................................................... (985) 693-3348 Website: Email: [email protected]

July 2 , 2017 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Page 2: Our Lady of the Rosary 2.pdf · Our Lady of the Rosary ... But we also hear that for the one who is faithful to his or her vocation of ... the souls of the faithful departed, through


“Whoever takes up his cross daily will be rewarded with true life”

One word seems to connect all of our readings today – Reward. From the first reading from the second Kings to the words of Jesus in the Gospel, this word resonates throughout – not in the sense of earthly reward but rather a heavenly one.

Our readings from Kings open with the prophet Elisha rewarding the woman of Shunem with her heart’s deepest desire and delight – a child. From what we know, this woman was generous in re-ceiving the prophet. She even went so far as to provide permanent accommodation whenever he came to town. Yet there was equally emptiness in her life, for she and her husband were without children. What a great joy the promise of the prophet, whom she recognized as a holy man, must have meant to her! The promise of a child was the reward for her generosity.

Paul takes this reward to a new and deeper spiritual meaning by reminding us that it is in Christ and the Resurrection that we find the greatest of all rewards – share in the newness of life. For Paul, the whole of the Gospel is built on the promise of the Resurrection. It is the Resurrection that defines the very heart of the believer. Writing to the Romans at a time of great persecution and martyrdom for the early Christian Church, Paul reminds them that whatever may befall them, they will always have the promise of this great reward. Consequently, he challenges them and us to live in the hope of this great reward – to consider ourselves as dead to sin, and to live in Christ and the promise of new life.

This promise, too, is at the heart of today’s Gospel. Matthew shares with us some of Jesus’ teaching on the challenges of discipleship. But we also hear that for the one who is faithful to his or her vocation of disciple, there is the reward of new life. In many ways, discipleship becomes the lens through which all of life is viewed and understood.

Jesus knew that some of his disciples found it difficult to be faithful; they often misunderstood what it meant to be his follower, or indeed what it meant for him to be the Messiah. Knowing what would befall him, Jesus uses the symbol of the cross to describe true discipleship. It is not a one time challenge, but a daily one: the faithful disciple must be ready to let go of all, to lose all so that he or she might receive all. Living out this discipleship on a daily basis calls for us to be generous even in the least of things, like the woman of Shunem welcoming the prophet.

I thank all of you my dear people of God for the generous support to the mission appeal last Sunday.

I congratulate Fr. Ding on his retirement Day celebration and for his 40 years of service as a priest of Jesus Christ. May the Lord continue to bless Fr. Ding as he stays in Larose as a resident retired priest of the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux.

God bless.

Fr. Roni

Page 3: Our Lady of the Rosary 2.pdf · Our Lady of the Rosary ... But we also hear that for the one who is faithful to his or her vocation of ... the souls of the faithful departed, through

Some people think that the more you go to Steubenville, the less you feel the impact the Holy Spirit has on your week-end. This was my fourth Steubenville experience, and I’m more in touch with the Holy Spirit than I’ve ever been. – Caro-line Savoie

Steubenville, as always, was a lovely experience. I advise anyone who’s never been to give it a chance and go. It won’t be like any other retreat you’ve ever been to. You won’t regret it.—Michelle Terrebonne

Faith filled weekend ultimately bringing me closer to Christ.—Madison Lefort

It was definitely life changing and helped strengthen my faith in ways that I never thought possible. I honestly think eve-ryone who needs help in their faith should go. – Alex Pierce

I had an amazing time getting closer to Jesus Christ and meeting my 2nd family in the process. –Dallas Folse

I had such an amazing experience at Steubenville! I made so many amazing memories that will stay with me forever! I had fun during praise and worship. I actually had so much fun through the whole event. I’m so glad I went and I will defi-nitely be going back next year. – Dorothy St. Pierre

I was so grateful that I got to experience Steubenville on the Bayou this year. It was a faith filled experience I will never forget. I am especially thankful to Holy Rosary for allowing me to be a part of their group.—Anna Armato

In three days, I saw a better perspective of my life. – Asia Dardar

Steubenville this year taught me to just give God permission to come into my life and change it for the better. – Ryan Thibodaux

He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and He will be my Son. We all need to elevate our relation-ship with our Lord, Jesus Christ. Give Him permission to work wonders!!—Mark Thibodaux

Spending the weekend with our teens was very inspiring. They are so in love with our Lord and hungry to know Him. They want to be filled with His grace, mercy, and love. Then they want to share it with others. Our future is in loving and compassionate hands. –Mary Thibodaux

My last year Steubenville was a great experi-ence. They had amazing speakers and I really learned a lot. – Addie Lefort

My Steubenville experience was a great one. It’s always great to be together with thousands of teens who believe in the same God that you do. It helps to know that we are not the only ones who believe in this God. It makes me optimistic about the future of the Church. – Jacob Griffin

The spiritual experience we receive is very pow-erful and remains with us even after Steuben-ville. – Owen Callais

Alex Pierce, Leslie Lefort, Asia Dardar, Emily Thibodaux, Moughnay Greene, Hannah Plaisance, Luke Callais, Hannah Gisclair, Doro-thy St. Pierre, Anna Armato, Mark Thibodaux, Mary Thibodaux, Tish Hebert, Lanie Fournier, Hollyn Guidroz, Jani Matherne, Jackie Trahan-Dejesus, Caroline Savoie, Dallas Folse, Madison Lefort, Emma Hebert, Addie Lefort, Jacob Griffin, Owen Callais, Ryan Thibodaux, Caleb Matherne, Jillian Galiano. Not pictured: Michelle Terre-bonne, Brian Pierce, Sarah Pierce

Page 4: Our Lady of the Rosary 2.pdf · Our Lady of the Rosary ... But we also hear that for the one who is faithful to his or her vocation of ... the souls of the faithful departed, through

M S July 1—4PM July 2—7AM July 2—10AM

Jeffery T. Jon C. Cody L.

1B—John G. 4B—Bennett A. 2C—Clara B. 3C—Katherine C. 5C—Miriam C. 6C—Edmond C. L—Shirley O. C—Mervin L.

1B—Wilber L. 4B—Jennifer D. 2C—Connie C. 3C—Van C. 5C—Louise G. 6C—Clyston S. L—Bridget B. C—Thomas G.

1B—Tony S. 4B—Lonny B. 2C—Bruce C. 3C—Connie C. 5C—Bonnie B. 6C—Caroline B. L—Kandice O. C—Jessie G.

Volunteer Branden L. Jaden B.

Luke B. Claire B.

July 2—5:30PM

Mark S.

1B—Brian P. 4B—Rachael A. 2C—John Edna G. 3C—Kasey Z. 5C—Arlene B. 6C—Mary T. L—Rachael A. C—Kent B.

Carter T. Andrew D.

D C Marjorie Oldbear & Lucille Matherne

Eternal rest, grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through

the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

We welcome all newcomers to Our Lady of the Ro-sary Catholic Church and invite you to register as members of our parish family. Please contact the parish office or go online to complete the registra-

tion forms.

S D A B : In memory of Paul Callais (DA) by Family. A W : In memory of Steven Kiffe, Sr. & M/M Ernest Bou-vier by Roberta Kiffe. O C : In memory of Sister Claire Rodrigue by Friends. R W Monday: Eph 2:19-22; Ps 117:1bc-2; Jn 20:24-29 Tuesday: Gn 19:15-29; Ps 26:2-3, 9-12; Mt 8:23-27; or, for Inde-

pendence Day, any readings from the Mass “For the Country or a City,” nos. 882-886, or “For Peace and Justice,” nos. 887-891

Wednesday: Gn 21:5, 8-20a; Ps 34:7-8, 10-13; Mt 8:28-34 Thursday: Gn 22:1b-19; Ps 115:1-6, 8-9; Mt 9:1-8 Friday: Gn 23:1-4, 19; 24:1-8, 62-67; Ps 106:1b-5; Mt 9:9-13 Saturday: Gn 27:1-5, 15-29; Ps 135:1b-6; Mt 9:14-17; Sunday: Zec 9:9-10; Ps 145:1-2, 8-11, 13-14; Rom 8:9, 11-13; Mt


STEWARDSHIP—June 24—25 Envelopes .................................. ............. $3,340.00 Loose ......................................... ............. $1,219.58 Bank Draft .................................. ............. $1,104.00 Total ........................................... ............. $5,663.58 Mission Appeal ........................... ............. $1,678.21 Other .......................................... ................ $418.83

Our Lady of the Rosary Church Parish is sustained by the generosity of its parishioners through time, talent and treasure. For all that you do, thank you.


If you have unused earbuds that you aren’t us-ing please consider donating them to the office. If you are a hearing device user please consid-er purchasing your own pair.

J 2017 M C 3—4 10—11 17—18 24—25

4PM 174 106 181 111 7AM 109 114 128 114 10AM 195 166 205 199

5:30PM 179 246 125 130

Total 657 632 639 554

2017 Family Directories can be picked up at the parish office

during office hours.

Page 5: Our Lady of the Rosary 2.pdf · Our Lady of the Rosary ... But we also hear that for the one who is faithful to his or her vocation of ... the souls of the faithful departed, through

“Train up a child in the way he should and when he is old, he will not depart

from it” -Proverbs 22:6

We are currently accepting registration for the 2017-18 school year.

FMI call the Office of Religious Education @ (985) 693-3433 ext. 25.

HURRICANE PREPAREDNESS FOR CEMETERY Should a hurricane or tropical storm come our way, we ask you to pick up any flowers & containers you have in the cemetery. If you choose not to do so, we cannot guar-antee that they will be there after the storm. TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION

It’s Independence Day week, and there is a link worth tracing between the Declaration of Independence and the language of liturgy. One of the signers of the Declaration on that July 4 long ago was Charles Carroll, probably the wealthiest man in the colonies and one of the few Catho-lics on the political scene. As a flourish to his signature, he sought to distinguish himself from other prominent citizens bearing the same name by penning “Charles Carroll of Carrolltown”—a defiant “come and get me if you dare” postscript aimed at the British. Carroll’s brother John was a priest and patriot who in 1789 was given the task of organizing the Catholic Church in this country. By 1791 he had assembled a synod, or assembly of delegates, to launch that task formally. Arch-bishop Carroll wanted to gain acceptance of our faith by American people who mistrusted our customs and could not comprehend our liturgy. He made the amazing pro-posal to Rome that our liturgy should be prayed not in Lat-in, but in the vernacular, English. His wish was denied, but one hundred sixty years later, his deep desire helped the American bishops and scholars at the Second Vatican Council to win the vote in favor of the vernacular not just for the United States, but for the Church throughout the world. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

THE RICHNESS OF LIFE IN CHRIST Today we have the beautiful story of the woman prom-ised a child, the wonderful exhortation about life in Christ, and a powerful instruction from Jesus. An embarrassment of rich-es? Not if we take Jesus' words about "welcome" to heart. The many challenges and blessings offered to us today by Elisha, Paul, and Jesus should be cause for rejoicing, and welcomed heartily into our lives. And, like the great treat that they are, they should be enjoyed and shared generously with others. Today's reading from Romans was chosen very early in the liturgical life of the Church to be the sole apostolic instruc-tion received by candidates for baptism at the Easter Vigil. This illustrates its importance as a core belief, and as a means of comprehending the story of the Resurrection. Christ's resurrection is not merely a story about something that he underwent once upon a time, but it is our story, the story of how we joined the other members of the one Body of Christ, the church. We were not only dead, but we were bur-ied; not ultimately buried, but raised to eternal life with Christ. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

Page 6: Our Lady of the Rosary 2.pdf · Our Lady of the Rosary ... But we also hear that for the one who is faithful to his or her vocation of ... the souls of the faithful departed, through

Mass Intentions Saturday, July 1: Deceased members of the Ladies Altar Society of Our Lady of the Rosary; Angelina Angelette Poche’, Alden Poche’, M/M Angelo Angelette; David Paul Desonier, II; Ruth (B) & Gordon Richard, Kelly Cantrelle; Harry Allemand, Sr.; Anna Theriot; Emelda Comeaux, Marianne Vega (DA); Deceased members of Clemsy & Marjorie Amedee Family, Scott Verret, Deceased members of Massie & Marie Thomassie Family; Melvin Rodrigue; Elmire, Eleamore, Clovis Guidroz; George Parr; Francis Foret; Shantelle Hancock, Patricia Marie, Diane Pinel, Gaven Chouest, Lorina Eschete

Sunday, July 2: Harry Allemand, Sr.; Edville & Thelma Pierce, Kenneth Pierce, Karen P. Adams; Peyton Jude LeCoq, Sidney Savoie; M/M R.F. Lorio; Clifton & Clarabelle Savoie; Sidney (B) & Noemie (B) Lefort, Chester Lefort, Julian & Claudia Lefort; Joseph Leonard; Carroll Angeron, Mae & Edward Guidroz; Thelma & Cleveland (DA) Compeaux; Glenn & Clara Ledet (WA), Patsy Comeaux, Wilvin & Stephanie Dumond (WA); Nolan Plaisance, Steven Comardelle, Jr., Frank Collins, Early Rogers; Donny Smith, Dolores Hebert; Shereld J. Bourg, Richard & Bourg deceased family; Edwis Curole, Souls in Purgatory, Jason Curole, David Curole

Monday, July 3: M/M Clifton Cheramie (His B); Allen Rebstock, Sr.

Tuesday, July 4: Emelda Guilbeau (B); Tommy, John, Doris & Raymond Landeche; Ambroise & Doris (B) Thibodaux; Allen Rebstock, Sr.; Monica (DA) Callais, Frances Callais, Virginia DeLuna, Cindy Flores, Louella Cantrelle; Larry Robichaux, Victor & Mathilde Curole, Elmo, Sr. & Lelia Robichaux

Wednesday, July 5: Alexie Triche (B)

Thursday, July 6: Beauregard & Shirley Ledet; Tony Chouest, Shirley & Velma; Roland, Greg, Joshua LeBlanc, Robin LeBlanc Williams, Jill LeBlanc Hebert, M/M Albert Curole

Friday, July 7: Tommy Theriot (B); Thanksgiving for favors granted, M/M Nguyen Thanh Cong, Maria Nguyen Thi Tinh, Maria Nguyen Thi Dep

Robert Adams Dianna Allemand Dusty Allemand Harry Allemand, Jr. Michael Allemand Michael Bailleaux, Jr. Ansena Cheramie Barbier Jake Barrios Chantel Bitter Chad Bourgeois Connie Brady Jimmie Breaux Chris Brunet Anthony Cantrelle Kim Callais Hennely Chabert Patrick Chandler Florence Cheramie Mae Cheramie Bryan Chiasson Patsy Curole Roy & Carolyn Dubois Loretta Duet Theresa Duet

Lou Ella Dufrene Jeff Estay Jessie Estay Stacy Galliano Drake Gisclair Merline Gisclair Crystal Green Joyce Griffin Ronald Gros Betty Guidry Corinne Guidry Jackie Guidry Loretta Guidry Marlon Guidry Sandra Guidry Neva Hayes Aline LeBlanc Wilma LeBlanc Marilyn Ledet Willie Lefort Tim Long Janet Melancon Odette Orgeron Deanie Pere

Marie Ougel Pitre Brock Plaisance Martha Plaisance Kenny Robichaux John Sanamo Hazel Thibodaux Mary Thibodaux Jean Vizier Josiah Zeringue And the sick & suffering known only to God.

Please pray for these members of our parish family and all our loved ones who are ill.

We have removed the majority of the names from the sick list, with the exception of the most recently submitted names. If you or someone you know would like to have their name placed on the sick list for prayers, please call the Parish Office at 693-3433.

Page 7: Our Lady of the Rosary 2.pdf · Our Lady of the Rosary ... But we also hear that for the one who is faithful to his or her vocation of ... the souls of the faithful departed, through


Our Lady of the Rosary Baptismal Preparation consists of one mandatory Baptismal Seminar which consists of an infor-mation session which is on the last Thursday of the month at 7PM in the Saltillo Room. Call the parish office to register. • Both parents and Godparents/sponsors are required to attend the Baptismal Seminar prior to the birth of the baby. • Parents must provide a copy of the child’s birth certificate. • Godparents/Sponsors must meet Canon Law requirements:

1. Be a Catholic. 2. Be a practicing Catholic. This means, a Catholic person who is in an invalid

marriage (not in a Catholic Church marriage) cannot be a sponsor/godparent. A cohabiting Catholic person who is not married, (living with someone) can-not be a godparent.

3. Be sixteen (16) years of age or older. 4. Must be a confirmed Catholic. 5. A baptized non Catholic may stand as a witness, along with a confirmed


UPCOMING SEMINARS: July 27, August 31, September 28

BULLETIN DEADLINE The deadline for placing a notice or an-nouncement in the weekly bulletin is 12 noon on Monday. You are welcome to

submit your request by calling the parish office at 985-693-3433 or emailing [email protected]. Thank you

for your cooperation.

If you would like to donate

memorial flowers for the altars,

please contact Hilda Guidry at 693-3919.


We want to be sure that all in the parish who cannot come to Mass because they are elderly or ill have the opportunity of the sacraments. Please turn in this infor-mation for a family member, a friend or a neighbor. Name: __________________________ Phone #: ________________________ Address: ________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Caretaker: ______________________ Phone # ________________________ Please return this information to the parish office. Use one of the following ways: a. Fill it out and put it in the collection basket. b. Fill it out and bring it to the parish office. c. Call the parish office at 985-693-3433 to give information.

Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat 1 7:30AM M 4PM Mass

2 7AM M 10AM M 5:30PM M

3 7:30AM Mass

4 7:30AM Mass 6PM Blaze Bible study


5 7:30AM Mass 10AM St. Vincent de Paul Mtg.

6 7:30AM Mass 6PM KC Mtg.

7 7:30AM Mass

8 4PM Mass


10 7:30AM Mass

11 7:30AM Mass 6PM Blaze Bible study

12 7:30AM Mass

13 7:30AM Mass

14 7:30AM M

15 4PM M

16 7AM M 10AM M 5:30PM M

17 7:30AM M

18 7:30AM Mass 6PM Blaze Bible Study

19 7:30AM Mass

20 7:30AM Mass 6PM KC Mtg.

21 7:30AM Mass

22 4PM Mass

23 7AM M 10AM M 5:30PM M

24 7:30AM Mass

25 7:30AM Mass 6PM Blaze Bible study

26 7:30AM Mass

27 7:30AM Mass 6:30PM Holy Name Society Mtg.

7PM Baptism Seminar

28 7:30AM Mass 10AM Nursing Home Mass

29 4PM Mass

JULY 2017

30 7AM M 10AM M 5:30PM M