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OSM & K12 Ed SotM US Portland, OR 13 Oct 12 Jeff Meyer GIS Appren*ce, Aaron Racicot

OSM & K-12 Education SotM US 2012 PDX

May 31, 2015




Presented to the State of the Map US 2012 in Portland, OR. Liberal credits to Aaron Racicot's (@reprojected) GIS Apprenticeship presentation:
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OSM  &  

K-­‐12  Ed    

SotM  US  Portland,  OR  13  Oct  12  

 Jeff  Meyer  

[email protected]  

GIS  Appren*ce,  Aaron  Racicot  

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Thesis  The  OSM  infrastructure  has  much  to  offer  K-­‐12  educaHon.    


•  K-­‐12  trends  •  Teacher  Needs  •  Student  Needs  •  OSM  role  •  Brainstorming  

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 K-­‐12  Trends:  Standards    •  Sweeping  the  

naHon  :  )  •  STEM  drives  the  

train  •  NoHce  social  


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 K-­‐12  Reality:    Spending    

Purchase  Size    

Decision  Speed  

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Why  OSM?  

•  OSM  price  is  right:  free!  •  OSM  is  universally  available  through  a  browser  •  Maps  engage  the  mind  •  OSM  complemenets  mulHdisciplinary  project-­‐based  acHviHes  

•  OSM  supports  map  creaHon  &  collaboraHon  •  Students’  contribuHons  make  a  difference  •  It’s  easy  to  use  ;  )  

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Learning  by  Doing    is  Good    

•  Map  creaHon  supported  by  OSM  can  promote  long-­‐term  retenHon  

•  Map  making  collaboraHon  supported  by  OSM  encourages  development  of  social  interacHon  skills  


Map  of  the  United  States  by  Eliza  S.  Ordway,  1829  David  Rumsey  Map  Collec*on  

Map  the  World  by  Heart,  FableVision  Learning    

Example  of  OSM  members  collabora*ng  to  build  a  map  together.  

5th  Grade  Map  found  on  the  web.  

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History  EducaHon        Present-­‐day  maps  reflect  the  past  

GeQysburg  map  made  using  TileMill  and  OpenStreetMap  data.  

GeQysburg  map  from  A  House  Divided    

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History  EducaHon        Tuning  maps  to  support  visual  learning  

Seige  of  Ft.  Sumter  drives  pushes  Virginia,  Tennessee,  Arkansas,  and  North  Carolina  to  secede.  (hbp://  

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“Watching”  the  secession  can  complement  reading.  

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OSM  &  Project  Based  Learning  •  Using  GIS  tools  

doesn’t  imply  studying  geography  

•  Beyond  place  name  pair  memory  

•  Human  impact  •  MulHdisciplinary  

learning  High  school  junior  Sarah  using  OSM  and  QGIS  for  Tiananmen  Square  

Massacre  research.  She  assembled  a  Hmeline  and  used  OSM  to  idenHfy  locaHons  of  key  events  and  universiHes  where  the  

protesters  studied.    

Global  World  History  ATlas  

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Simple  OSM-­‐based  EducaHonal  Tasks  

#1:  Basic  GIS/OSM  Training  Sequence  •  Step  1:  Draw  a  map  of  your  school  on  paper  •  Step  2:  Map  your  school  on  OSM  •  Step  3:  Ask:  what  was  there  before  your  school?  •  Step  4:  Look  at  historic  maps  to  answer  

#2:  Adopt  a  locaHon  &  fill  it  out  •  Maybe  a  nearby  pond  or  waterway,  then  idenHfy  locaHons  of  

animal  habitats  •  A  locaHon  far  away,  near  a  school  in  another  country  –  invite  a  

cultural  exchange  or  support  humanitarian  relief  –  See:  hbp://    

•  Map  locaHons  of  –  and  build  maps  for  –    ancient  villages  –  See:  hbp://  -­‐  ancient  places  gazeteer  


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Other  uses  of  OSM:  Physics  /  Math  /  GPS  

•  Grade  level:  5+  •  What  is  GPS?  •  What  are  tracks?  •  What  are  the  data  

formats?  •  Uploading  tracks  to  

make  a  map!  •  Why  aren’t  the  

tracks  consistent?  GIS  Appren*ce,  Aaron  Racicot  

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Missing  Gaps  /  Next  Steps  For  Improving  OSM  Support  of  K-­‐12  

•  IdenHfy  opportuniHes  to  integrate  OSM  support  into  lesson  plans  –  Standards  -­‐>  objecHves  -­‐>  tasks  –  Find  related  lessons  plans,  improve  them,  share  them  

•  Build  class  &  grade-­‐specific  stylesheets  –  TileMill  can  help  here  –  Publishing  examples  on  Mapbox,  gerng  feedback  

•  Provide  classroom-­‐specific  planets  –  Hosted  environments  with  blank  slates  surfaces  where  students  can  draw  

their  own  maps  –  Set  up  opportuniHes  for  students  to  collaborate  for  creaHng  villages,  larger  

areas  with  other  students  

•  Get  more  help!  [email protected]  

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Other  Background  

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•  Aaron  R’s  GIS  ApprenHceship  –  hbps://


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Wall  maps  are  good  

•  Projectors  just  cannot  provide  the  sheer  volume  of  pixels  as  a  wall  map  

•  OSM  &  digital  map  creators  need  to  keep  in  mind  that  digital  maps  really  encourage  “looking  through  a  straw”  

•  Building  good  digital  maps  to  support  Map  Stories  requires  careful  design.  

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Wall  map    


takes  35  projectors  

9600  x  7200  

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Even  an  unlikely  4  projector  setup  radically  reduces  the  amount  of  informaBon  that  

can  be  displayed.  

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Showing  only  ¼  of  the  map  (on  1  of  those  4  projectors)  can  change  the  context  and  perspecBve  of  the  map  
