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Oskaloosa Community School District Smarter Lunchrooms.

Jan 18, 2018



Eunice Stokes

Top: a shot of one of the Garden OES. Right: the fruit OHS.
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Oskaloosa Community School District Smarter Lunchrooms What We Implemented: *A colorful fruit the beginning of the OHS lunch line *A fruit OMS *Garden OES *Salad OMS & OHS *Veggies are 1 st in the serving OHS Top: a shot of one of the Garden OES. Right: the fruit OHS. Fruit the beginning of the serving OHS. What We Implemented: Descriptive names of foodsthis was especially OES. White skim milk 1 st choice in milk coolers in all schools A grab n go reimbursable OMS & OHS. Our mascot is the Indians, so I marketed it as the Indian Power Pack. Hey, You! *In a hurry for lunch??? *Need a snack before practice??? Try an Indian Power Pack! It s a complete meal (silverware included); just grab a milk & go! The Indian Power Pack includes a yogurt, baby carrots, ranch cup, a piece of fresh fruit, string cheese, a muffin, silverware, & napkins. What Weve Noticed: *Fruit OMS & OHS has increased. *Fruit/veggie OES has increased. Their favorite veggies: rainbow pepper strips & cucumber slices! *Descriptive names are grabbing students attention. What Were Working On: Creating a mural on the wall of our lunch line OESworking with the OES art teachers & an artist in residence. Thanks to the AEA, were creating banners to hang behind the serving OES, the entrance to both OMS & OHS kitchens. Creating our own Child Nutrition Department brand. I am working with the OHS art students & staff to design a logo. Unveiling date for each of these projects: August 2016! Helpful Hints: *Start small! You dont have to make all of your changes once. *Look for the best low-cost, no-cost options for your department. *Be creative! Work with your staff to find some great ways to implement Smarter Lunchrooms strategies. *The smallest things can sometimes have the biggest impact. Smarter Lunchrooms Motto: Its not nutrition until its eaten!!! Thanks for Listening! Julie Miller Child Nutrition Director, Oskaloosa Community Schools Like us on Facebook: Osky Eats Lunch Follow us on