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ORIZONT 2020 INFODAY Orizont 2020 Univeritatea politehnica Bucuresti

ORIZONT 2020 -  · • Valoarea fondurilor private atrase de Axa 2 este de 209 milioane euro (co-finanțare privată a proiectelor inclusiv costurile neeligibile). Fiecare euro public

Mar 05, 2020



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Page 1: ORIZONT 2020 -  · • Valoarea fondurilor private atrase de Axa 2 este de 209 milioane euro (co-finanțare privată a proiectelor inclusiv costurile neeligibile). Fiecare euro public

ORIZONT 2020 INFODAY Orizont 2020

Univeritatea politehnica Bucuresti

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III. Provocări societale

1. Sănătate, schimbări demografice și bunăstare

2. Surse de energie sigure, ecologice și eficiente

3. Mijloace de transport inteligente, ecologice și integrate

4. Combaterea schimbărilor climatice, utilizarea eficientă a

resurselor și a materiilor prime

5. Societăţ favorabile incluziunii, inovatoare și sigure

6. Securitate alimentară, agricultură durabilă, cercetare marină

și maritimă și bioeconomie

7. Securitate

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Prezentare generală

Surse de energie sigure, ecologice și eficiente

Obiectivul specific al acestui program este sprijinirea

tranziției spre sisteme de energie sigure, eficiente,

acceptate de public, durabile și competitive, cu scopul de

a reduce dependența de combustibilii fosili, dependență

datorată confruntărilor cu resursele de energie limitate,

cu creșterea continuă a nevoilor de energie și impactului

datorat schimbărilor climatice.

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Tematicile finanțate în perioada 2014-2020

se vor axa pe următoarele subiecte :

· Reducerea consumului de energie și a amprentei de carbon

prin utilizarea eficientă și durabilă a resurselor

· Furnizarea de electricitate cu costuri reduse și cu impact

redus asupra mediului

· Combustibili alternativi şi surse de energie mobile

· Rețea europeană unificată şi inteligentă

· Cunoştinte şi tehnologii noi

· Sisteme eficiente de luarea deciziilor şi implicarea publicului

· Introducerea pe piață a rezultatelor procesului de inovare în

domeniul energiei (se pleacă de la rezultatele IEE ).

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Tema energie se va regăsi:

1. în alte prioritățile tematice ale Orizont 2020

(ICT, Mediu, Transport, Agricultura si Materiale),

2. în măsurile orizontale (instrumente dedicate IMM-lor).

Deasemenea tema energie este prezentă atunci când se

are în vedere:

1. accesul şi utilizarea unor infrastructuri de cercetare,

2. dezvoltarea resurselor umane.

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(Commission declaration).

For Energy, an earmark of 85% of the budget is set for non-fossil


energy research, including 15% for market uptake of existing renewable


energy efficient technologies ("IEE III Programme"). The remaining part


the budget will be dedicated to fossil fuel related energy research

Time to Grant:

Maximum time to grant of eight months subdivided in:

five months to inform participants on the scientific evaluation of



three months to sign the grant agreements/notify the grant


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Procentul total pentru pilonul III 38.53%

1. Sănătate, schimbări demografice și bunăstare 9.70%

2. Surse de energie sigure, ecologice și eficiente 5.00%

3. Mijloace de transport inteligente, ecologice și integrate 7.70%

4. Combaterea schimbărilor climatice, utilizarea eficientă a resurselor și a materiilor prime 8.23%

5.Societati favorabile incluziunii, inovatoare și sigure 4.00%

6. Securitate alimentară, agricultură durabilă, cercetare marină și maritimă și bioeconomie 1.70%

7. Securitate 2.20%

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• Bugetul alocat Axei 2 este de 715 milioane euro din care contribuția FEDER este

de 610 milioane euro. Aceasta înseamnă o medie de 100 mil euro pe an.

• Axa Prioritară 2 a contractat bugetul alocat în proporție de 112% (800 mil euro).

• Aproximativ 70% din fonduri au fost contractate cu beneficiari instituții publice și

30% cu beneficiari întreprinderi. Peste 150 de instituții publice și aproape 350 de

întreprinderi sunt sprijinite prin Axa Prioritară 2

• Valoarea contractată este de 135% din bugetul alocat axei.

• Din 1567 propuneri de proiecte depuse, 648 proiecte au fost contractate, iar din

acestea 223 proiecte au fost finalizate

• Valoarea fondurilor private atrase de Axa 2 este de 209 milioane euro (co-

finanțare privată a proiectelor inclusiv costurile neeligibile). Fiecare euro public

investit în întreprinderi a atras 1 euro din fonduri private pentru CDI!

• Volumul plăților către beneficiari reprezintă ~40% din bugetul Axei 2.

Dezvoltarea și valorificarea cercetării aplicate și transferului tehnologic

- exemple și soluții din perioada 2007-2013 POS CCE Axa2

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Axa prioritară 2 – exemple de proiecte CDI pentru energii regenerabile

Axa prioritară 2 “Competitivitate prin CDI” a POS-CCE a finanțat până

acum 36 de proiecte CDI pentru energii regenerabile:

- 7 proiecte tehnologice inovative în întreprinderi

- 8 proiecte de parteneriat între întreprinderi și universități/institute

- 9 spin-off-uri și start-up-uri inovatoare

- 6 proiecte pentru infrastructuri CD

- 1 proiect pentru infrastructuri CD în întreprinderi

- 5 proiecte pentru atragerea de specialiști din străinătate

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Elemente strategice în domeniul CDI pentru perioada 2014-2020

Viziunea strategică are în vedere ca, la nivelul anului 2020, România să devină

competitivă la nivel regional și global prin inovare, alimentată de cercetare-

dezvoltare, generând bunăstare pentru cetățeni.

Strategia promovează un set de principii de acțiune pe trei piloni principali:

Pilonul 1. Firmele devin actori cheie în inovare

Pilonul 2. Sectorul CDI constituie un spațiu de oportunități pentru cei capabili

Pilonul 3. Străpungeri în domeniile strategice

Ținte strategice:

• dublarea performanțelor în inovare astfel încât să se atingă în 2020 media

actuală EU 27 pentru indicele de sinteză pentru inovare (0,516 de la 0,236)

• cheltuielile de CD să atingă 2% din PIB în 2020 (de la 0,48% în 2011 și 2012)

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Priorităţi tematice strategice în perioada 2014-2020

Domenii pentru specializare inteligentă:

Bioeconomie (agricultură, silvicultură, pescuit şi acvacultură, alimentaţie, biotehnologii, bioanaliză)


Energie şi mediu

Tehnologii ecologice (vehicule de transport, depoluare şi reciclarea deşeurilor, oraşul inteligent)

Domenii de interes naţional:


Spaţiu şi securitate

Identitate și patrimoniu național

Cercetare exploratorie

Identificarea priorităților tematice s-a făcut conform metodologiei CE pentru RIS3:

- identificarea sectoarele economice (cererea) și corespunzător a domeniilor științifice (expertiza/

oferta) cu potențial de specializare inteligentă (“Analysis and evidence basis of the R&D&I market in

Romania” realizată cu sprijin JASPERS)

- proces de consultare de mare amploare (40,000 cercetători, antreprenori, reprezentanți ai autorităților

publice centrale și locale)

- selecția unui număr limitat de priorități care să concentreze resursele de finanțare

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Draft WP

Publication date: 11 December 2013

The activities included in the first work programme of the Horizon 2020

Energy Challenge contribute to the three focus areas

"Energy Efficiency",

"Competitive Low-Carbon Energy" and

"Smart Cities and Communities".

These activities cover the full innovation cycle – from 'proof of concept'

to applied research, pre-commercial demonstration and market uptake measures

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A – Buildings and consumers

EE 1 – 2014: Manufacturing of prefabricated modules for renovation of building

EE 2 – 2015: Buildings design for new highly energy performing buildings

EE 3 – 2014: Energy strategies and solutions for deep renovation of historic buildings

EE 4 – 2014: Construction skills

EE 5 – 2014/2015: Increasing energy performance of existing buildings through process and

organisation innovations and creating a market for deep renovation

EE 6 – 2015: Demand response in blocks of buildings

EE 7 – 2014/2015: Enhancing the capacity of public authorities to plan and implement sustainable

energy policies and measures

EE 8 – 2014: Public procurement sustainable energy solutions

EE 9– 2014/2015: Empowering stakeholders to assist public authorities in the definition and

implementation of sustainable energy policies and measures

EE 10 – 2014/2015: Consumer engagement for sustainable energy

EE 11 – 2014/2015- New ICT-based solutions for energy efficiency

EE 12 – 2014: Socioeconomic research on energy efficiency

B – Heating and cooling

EE 13 – 2014/2015: Technology for district heating and cooling

EE 14 - 2014/2015: Removing market barriers to the uptake of efficient heating and cooling solutions

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C - Industry and products

EE 15 – 2014/2015: Ensuring effective implementation of EU product efficiency legislation

EE 16 – 2014/2015: Organisational innovation to increase energy efficiency in industry

EE 17 – 2015: Driving energy innovation through large buyer groups

EE 18 2014/2015: New technologies for utilization of heat recovery in large industrial systems,

considering the whole energy cycle from heat production to transformation, delivery and end use

D - Finance for sustainable energy

EE 19 – 2014/2015: Improving the financeability and attractiveness of sustainable energy investments

EE 20 – 2014/2015: Project development assistance for innovative bankable and aggregated

sustainable energy investment schemes and projects

EE 21 – 2014/2015: Development and market roll-out of innovative energy services and financial

schemes for sustainable energy

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LCE 1 - 2014: New knowledge and technologies

Renewable electricity and heating/cooling

LCE 2 – 2014/2015: Developing the next generation technologies of renewable electricity and heating/cooling

LCE 3 – 2014/2015: Demonstration of renewable electricity and heating/cooling technologies

LCE 4 – 2014/2015: Market uptake of existing and emerging renewable electricity, heating and cooling technologies

Modernising the European electricity grid

LCE 5 – 2015: Innovation and technologies for the deployment of meshed off-shore grids

LCE 6 – 2015: Transmission grid and wholesale market

LCE 7 – 2014: Distribution grid and retail market

Providing the energy system with flexibility through enhanced energy storage technologies

LCE 8 – 2014: Local / small-scale storage

LCE 9 – 2015: Large scale energy storage

LCE 10 – 2014: Next generation technologies for energy storage

Sustainable biofuels and alternative fuels for the European transport fuel mix

LCE 11 – 2014/2015: Developing next generation technologies for biofuels and sustainable alternative fuels

LCE 12 – 2014/2015: Demonstrating advanced biofuel technologies

LCE 13 – 2015: Partnering with Brazil on advanced biofuels

LCE 14 – 2014/2015: Market uptake of existing and emerging sustainable bioenergy

Enabling the decarbonisation of the use of fossil fuels during the transition to a low-carbon economy

LCE 15 – 2014/2015: Enabling decarbonisation of the fossil fuel-based power sector and energy intensive industry through CCS

LCE 16 – 2014: Understanding, preventing and mitigating the potential environmental impacts and risks of shale gas exploration and exploitation

LCE 17 – 2015: Highly flexible and efficient fossil fuel power plants

Supporting the development of a European research area in the field of energy

LCE 18 – 2014/2015 : Supporting Joint Actions on demonstration and validation of innovative energy solutions (... accelerate innovation in cutting edge

low carbon technologies and innovative solutions, and bridge the gap between research and the market.... proposals should aim at coordinating the research efforts of

the participating Member States)

LCE 19 – 2014/2015 : Supporting coordination of national R&D activities ( ... low carbon technologies and innovative solutions, and bridge the gap

between research and the market ... A European approach is essential ... it allows key players to come together on a continental scale )

Social, environmental and economic aspects of the energy system

LCE 20 – 2014: The human factor in the energy system

LCE 21 – 2015: Modelling and analysing the energy system, its transformation and impacts

Cross-cutting issues

LCE 22 – 2014: Fostering the network of National Contact Points

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SCC 1 – 2014/2015: Smart Cities and Communities solutions integrating energy, transport, ICT sectors through lighthouse (large scale

demonstration - first of the kind) projects

Enhancing the roll-out of Smart Cities and Communities solutions by stimulating the market demand

SCC 2 – 2014 : Developing a framework for common, transparent data collection and performance measurement to allow comparability

and replication between solutions and best-practice identification

SCC 3 – 2015 : Development of system standards for smart cities and communities solutions

SCC 4 – 2014 : Establishing networks of public procurers in local administrations on smart city solutions

SCC 5 – 2015: Smart solutions for creating better cities and communities – assistance for a prize competition


SIE 1 – 2014/2015: Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon and efficient energy system

SIE 2 – 2015: Fast track to Innovation Topic - Pilot

OTHER ACTIONS B.1.Energy efficiency

B.2.Competitive low-carbon energy technologies

B.3.Smart Cities and Communities

B.4.Cross-cutting issues (...4.2 Modelling and analysing energy policy, system transformation and climate change

measures ... Evaluation, monitoring, review, audit and other external expertise)

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Heating and cooling

Technology for district heating and cooling

Specific Challenge:

District heating and cooling systems need to be more efficient, intelligent and cheaper.

It is necessary to develop and deploy intelligent systems using smart metering and control


for optimisation and consumer empowerment and exploiting multiple energy resources,

including waste heat recovery, heat pumps, thermal storage, cogeneration

and renewable energy integration, and to roll-out solutions for the integration

of intelligent thermal networks with smart electricity grids

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Scope: Project proposals should address one or more of the following areas

1. Such systems can be new schemes or refurbished and optimised existing DH systems.

These systems might combine hybrid technologies and/or new thermal carrier fluids to

improve the overall efficiency; help decrease the end user cost of transporting heating and

cooling energy, be compatible and connected with intelligent electricity and gas networks;

and utilize surplus electricity from the grid. Such systems should be compatible with and

capable of integration with low-energy buildings, including nearly zero energy buildings

(e.g. by means of low-temperature district heating)

2. Bring down heat distribution losses and integrate storage through the use of innovative

pipe and storage design, high performance insulation materials, reduced operating

temperatures, intelligent, efficient system for fluid handling or intelligent metering, control

and grid optimisation strategies, including from analysing smart meter data, consumer

interaction and behaviour.

3. Develop optimisation, control, metering, planning and modelling tools such as intelligent

thermal agile controllers embedding self-learning algorithms which help to optimise the

overall efficiency of technology-hybrid systems and IT supervision systems capable of

delivering real-time performance indicators, which are likely to modify consumption


4. Develop new solutions for low temperature heat recovery and recirculation

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The activities are expected to be implemented at TRL 4-6 (please see part G of the General Annexes).

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of

between EUR 1.5 and 2 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed

appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals

requesting other amounts.

Innovative energy systems integrating the electricity grid and the heating/cooling grid (and

possibly also energy storage), TRL 6-8, should be addressed in LCE7 and/or LCE8

Expected Impact:

Reduce the energy consumption of space and water heating by 30 to 50% compared to

today's level.

Contribute to the wider use of intelligent district heating and cooling systems and

integration of renewables, waste and storage.

Type of action: Research & Innovation Actions

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Types of action

Horizon 2020 calls can have different types of action (funding schemes).

The type of action specifies:

•the scope of what is funded

•the reimbursement rate

•specific evaluation criteria to qualify for funding

The list below gives a short overview of all the H2020 types of actions and their

funding rates. You find the detailed description of types of actions in the

General Annexes of the Main Work Programme and to the ERC Work


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Horizon 2020 includes the following types of action:

a) Research & Innovation actions

EU funding rate – 100%

Activities aiming to establish new knowledge or explore the feasibility of a new technology, product, process, service or solution. For this purpose they may include basic and applied research, technology development and integration, testing and validation on a small-scale prototype in a laboratory or simulated environment. b) Innovation actions

EU funding rate – 70% (except non-profit, which are still funded 100%) Activities directly aiming at producing plans and arrangements or designs for new, altered or improved products, processes or services. For this purpose they may include prototyping, testing, demonstrating, piloting, large-scale product validation and market replication. c) Coordination & support actions

Accompanying measures such as standardisation, dissemination, awareness-raising and communication, networking, coordination or support services, policy dialogues and mutual learning exercises and studies.

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Cercetator de nivel european/mondial

Cercetator/birou DCI din cadrul unei entitati bine structurata si functionala d.p.d.v.

al proiectelor internationale

Complementaritate cu activitatile celorlalti membrii ai consortiului.

Asociativitate cu entitati similare din regiune/tara pentru a creste capacitatea

tehnica si financiara.

Excelenta in domeniul in care se doreste depunerea unei aplicatii.


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Buget (milioane

EURO) EE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21


97 05.mai.14


98 10.iun.15














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Topic TRL (ex.) Deadlines

2014 2015

LCE 1 1 to 2,3 01/04/201

4 (stage 1)


4 (stage 2)

LCE 2,

LCE 11


4 (stage 1)


4 (stage 2)


4 (stage 1)


(stage 2)

LCE 3, 12 10/09/2014 03/03/2015

LCE 4, 14 07/05/2014 03/03/2015

LCE 5, 6 03/03/2015

LCE 7 07/05/2014

LCE 8, 10 07/05/2014

LCE 9 03/03/2015

LCE 13 05/05/2015 LCE 15,



4 (stage 1)


4 (stage 2)

LCE 15,



4 (stage 1)


(stage 2)

LCE 18



29/04/2014 28/04/2015

LCE 19 3 to 5 10/09/2014

LCE 20 10/09/2014

LCE 21 03/03/2015

LCE 22 01/04/2014

2014 (361.80 )

EUR million

2015 (374.73 )

EUR million

LCE 1 20 0

Two stage


LCE 2,

LCE 11 60 59.25

All two stage


LCE 3, 12 73.65 80

All single stage


LCE 4, 14 20 20

All single stage


LCE 5 – 7 60 71.48

All single stage


LCE 8 –

10 44.15 26

All single stage


LCE 13 0 10 Single stage


LCE 15,

16, 17 33 35

All two stage


LCE 18



36 60

Single stage


LCE 19 3 3

Single stage


LCE 20 10.5

Single stage


LCE 21 10

Single stage


LCE 22 1.5

Single stage



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LCE 13-2015

Additional eligibility criterion:

Proposals which do not include coordination with a Brazilian project

will be considered ineligible. Therefore, the EC proposals must

unambiguously identify the coordinated Brazilian proposal to be

submitted to the Brazilian authorities, and include a detailed

description of this proposal.


Eligibility and admissibility conditions:

The conditions are described in parts B and C of the General Annexes to the work

programme, with the following exceptions:

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Smart cities and communities (2014 budget: €92 million) Two thirds of the EU population lives in urban areas, using 70% of the energy. Research carried out under “Smart cities and communities” will aim at finding solutions with high market potential in fields such as energy efficiency in neighbourhoods, providing digital services and information for citizens or smart mobility services. So-called lighthouse projects will create strong partnerships between industries, academics and cities while empowering citizens to take an active part in improving quality of life in cites. The projects will demonstrate and validate attractive business plans that will attract funding and allow large scale replication. For example, EU funding could help develop nearly-zero energy districts, through better management of local resources, sustainable refurbishment of residential buildings and the application of cross-cutting ICT solutions.

Competitive low-carbon energy (2014 budget: €359 million) The EU aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20% below 1990 levels by 2020, with a further reduction to 80-95% by 2050. The aim of the “Competitive low-carbon energy” call is to support this transition by tackling the whole innovation process, covering a wide range of technology readiness levels, combining R&D with market uptake and by addressing non-technological issues (standardisation, social sciences and humanities, impact analysis, etc.). One of the challenges addressed under this focus area is the integration of next-generation renewable energy technologies into the future energy system. The public-private partnerships on “Fuel Cells and Hydrogen” and on the “Bioeconomy” will contribute to the objectives of this focus area.

Energy Efficiency (2014 budget: €98 million) About 40% of EU final energy consumption is in buildings and around 25% in industry. Activities under the "Energy Efficiency" focus area will deliver energy savings in these two sectors. The first calls invite proposals to carry out research and demonstration of more energy-efficient solutions – e.g. building components or highly energy-efficient heating and cooling systems - as well as proposals to facilitate policy implementation and skills development, and mobilise financing for the market uptake of more energy efficient products, systems and services.

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Solicitari de parteneri din alte state

Partnering offer

Date (2014/02/27)

(*) Description of the expertise offered (up to 1000 characters)


We look for European hospitals to be partners of our consortium

BravoSolution is one of the global leaders in Innovative Procurement management. Our aim in this

relevant topic is to create a network of procurers interested in analyzing existing energy efficiency

demands to be implemented in hospitals. These facilities work as small cities and require massive amount

of energy. So that, it is crucial to identify the best solutions to deal with energy consumption as for the

best way to be materialized through Innovative Public Procurement.

The topic type of funding is CSA (100% direct costs+25% as indirect costs). Although procurement is not

mandatory, a broad scope regarding Innovative Public Procurement through training and analysis will be

carried out.

By the end of the project, procurers (hospitals) should be prepared to respond energy efficiency demands

by Innovative Public Procurement. Dissemination activities will be held in order to raise awareness about

results and conclusions attained.

Keywords describing the expertise offered (up to 10 words) Energy; Efficiency; Innovative Public Procurement; Needs analysis; hospital

(*) Relevant topic in work programme EE-08-2014-Public Procurement of Innovative Sustainable Solutions

Former participation in FP or other international cooperation projects BravoSolution is currently working in the preparation of 2 additional projects: eHealth network of procurers – ICT-35-2014-F) European Networks of Procurers (European Procurers Platforms) Energy efficiency for city councils – EE-08-2014-Public Procurement of Innovative Sustainable Solutions

Organisation information

Organisation and country: BravoSolution Spain

Type of organisation:

□ Enterprise x SME □ Academic □Research institute □ Public Body □ Other:

Former participation in FP European projects?

□ Yes x No

Page 33: ORIZONT 2020 -  · • Valoarea fondurilor private atrase de Axa 2 este de 209 milioane euro (co-finanțare privată a proiectelor inclusiv costurile neeligibile). Fiecare euro public

Partnering offer

Date (DD-MM-YY)

(*) Description of the expertise offered (up to 1000 characters) Smart Meters - From 2009, an innovative campaign using Smart Meters to monitor domestic saving has been implemented - real-time electricity consumption metering. A coaching process to over 125 voluntary’ families has achieved an average of 13,1% electricity saving. This initiative was selected by the Covenant of Mayors as a successful example and was selected as Nominees at ManagEnergy Local Energy Action Award 2011 - website [in catalan]: Smart District – Currently participating in District of the Future [FP7 funded project] up to November 2016. DoF will use ICT to collect, register and monitor energy data and bring this to a cloud-based software platform. This platform will analyze energy patterns in three cities (Corby, Sabadell and Orleans), allowing predicting energy consumption and energy production behaviour in each district. Our key interests are among these:

- Final-users access to data from utilities' smart meters.

- Smart meters use for saving [domestic and small consumers]

- Smart meters for energy poverty reduction

- Implementation of IT energy tools for energy poverty abatement

Keywords describing the expertise offered (up to 10 words) Smart meters, monitoring, coaching, energy poverty, vulnerable consumers, education, software, IT tools.

(*) Relevant topic in work programme EE10 - Consumer Engagement for Sustainable Energy.

Former participation in FP or other international cooperation projects FP7. Intelligent Energy Europe. Leonardo Programme. FEDER LIFE.

Organisation information

Organisation and country: Sabadell Municipality, Spain.

Type of organisation:

□ Enterprise □ SME □ Academic □Research institute X Public Body □ Other:

Former participation in FP European projects?

X Yes □ No

Partnering offer

Date (DD-MM-YY)

(*) Description of the expertise offered (up to 1000 characters) A Spanish technology centre is looking for partners for submitting a proposal for the next H2020 call EE182014/15 “New technologies for utilization of heat recovery in large industrial systems, considering the whole energy cycle from the heat production to the delivery and end use”. The aim of the proposal is the development of new technologies integration in heat recovery in industrial processes. SMEs with expertise in gas treatment with capabilities within this field and heat recovery in steam boilers, burners, engines is sought. An expert on gas cleaning and removal of impurities of Si and P is needed to evaluate the gas treatment systems available so determine the best option for gas cleaning and collaborate in the integration in the whole process. It is also desirable a partner with expertise in heat recovery and use systems. As before, it will be involved in integration tasks.

Keywords describing the expertise offered (up to 10 words) Gas cleaning Hear Recovery Steam boilers

(*) Relevant topic in work programme H2020 EE182014/15 “New technologies for utilization of heat recovery in large industrial systems, considering the whole energy cycle from the heat production to the delivery and end use”.

Former participation in FP or other international cooperation projects

Organisation information

Organisation and country: Foundation CIDAUT (Spain)

Type of organisation:

□ Enterprise □ SME □ Academic xResearch institute □ Public Body □ Other:

Former participation in FP European projects?

□ Yes □ No

Web address:

Description of the organisation:

(*) Contact details

Contact person name

Luis Nieto / Henar Olmedo

R&D Profile Form

Name of the Organisation

Geo-Meteo j.d.o.o.

Organisation Short Name


Organisation Type SME

Country Croatia

Fields of Activity Meteorology and Geophysics

Skills and Expertise Offered

All meteorological knowledge and skills, specialised in Transport, Aviation

and Energy. Meteo data and information presentation. Meteorological

analyses. Weather forecasts for all purposes.

Keywords Meteorology, weather, transport, aviation, climate changes, weather data


Previous FP Projects Participated

Some employees participated in ROADIDEA FP7 Project with former company Meteo-Info.

Topic(s) of Interest from 2014-2015 Transport Work Programme

MG.3.5-2014. Cooperative ITS for safe, congestion-free and sustainable


MG.3.6-2015. Safe and connected automation in road transport

MG.5.2-2014. Reducing impacts and costs of freight and service trips in

urban areas

MG.5.3-2014. Tackling urban road congestion

MG.7.1-2014. Connectivity and information sharing for intelligent mobility.

MG.8.2-2014. Next generation transport infrastructure: resource efficient,

smarter and safer

IT.1-2014-2015. Small business innovation research for Transport

Contact Person Nebojša Subanović

Position in the Organisation

General manager

Tel +385 99 3832183

Email [email protected]

URL http://

Page 34: ORIZONT 2020 -  · • Valoarea fondurilor private atrase de Axa 2 este de 209 milioane euro (co-finanțare privată a proiectelor inclusiv costurile neeligibile). Fiecare euro public
Page 35: ORIZONT 2020 -  · • Valoarea fondurilor private atrase de Axa 2 este de 209 milioane euro (co-finanțare privată a proiectelor inclusiv costurile neeligibile). Fiecare euro public



Prezentări Comitet de Monitorizare 2013 POS CCE

Site ANCS secţiunile Fonduri Structurale şi Orizont 2020

Documente publice ale Comisiei

Conferinţa de lansare Orizont 2020 Bucuresti 4 octombrie 2013 FORUMUL REGIONAL DE INVESTITII NORD-EST ROMANIA, EDITIA A IX-A 14-15 noiembrie 2013 Iaşi (Cercetare şi inovare de la abordările teoretice la soluţiile pragmatice)

Date de contact

Surse de energie sigure, ecologice și eficiente

Viorel-Laurenţiu IOANĂŞ NCP
