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Organizational Goal Linked Competency Model

Apr 06, 2018



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  • 8/3/2019 Organizational Goal Linked Competency Model



    Ranjeeta Bonal

  • 8/3/2019 Organizational Goal Linked Competency Model


    A Competency is an underlying characteristic of a

    person which enables him /her to deliver superior

    performance in a given job, role or a situation.

    Competencies are seen mainly as inputs.

    They consist of clusters of knowledge, attitudes

    and skills that affect an individuals ability toperform.

  • 8/3/2019 Organizational Goal Linked Competency Model


    Competencies are based on1. Knowledge: - information accumulated in a particular area of

    expertise (e.g., accounting, selling, servicing, management)

    2. Skills: - the demonstration of expertise (e.g., the ability tomake effective presentations, or to negotiate successfully)

    3. Motive: - recurrent thoughts driving behaviors (e.g., drive forachievement, affiliation)

    4. Attitude: - self-concept, values and self-image5. Traits: - a general disposition to behave in certain ways (e.g.,


  • 8/3/2019 Organizational Goal Linked Competency Model


    Each competency must have associated with it one

    to five (maybe more) behavioral indicators.

    Behavioral indicators describe actions or behaviors

    that one can observe an individual taking or using

    that signify an appropriate application of the

    competency in a specific performance setting

  • 8/3/2019 Organizational Goal Linked Competency Model


    Competency Map. A competency map is a list of anindividuals competencies that represent the factors

    most critical to success in given jobs, departments,

    organizations, or industries that are part of theindividuals current career plan.

    Competency Mapping. Competency mapping is aprocess an individual uses to identify and describe

    competencies that are the most critical to success in a

    work situation or work role.

  • 8/3/2019 Organizational Goal Linked Competency Model


    HR Functional Role lies in:

    Identifying Competencies required by organisations

    Designing the Assessment/Development Center ( For

    Selection/promotion and development of managers)

    Designing scientific instruments for assessment

    (Psychological tests, In-Baskets etc)

    Developing Internal Assessor capabilities Facilitating Developmental outcomes/action plans

    Institutionalizing the process in the organisation

  • 8/3/2019 Organizational Goal Linked Competency Model


    In this we develop a framework to identify

    competencies for each job by linking its goal with

    the Organizations Goal.

  • 8/3/2019 Organizational Goal Linked Competency Model


    1 Define the Mission of the Organization

    2 Develop Vision of the Organization.

    3 Set Goals for the Organization.






    Define Departmental and Sectional Goals.

    Define Goals for Individual Jobs.

    Define Role of Each Individual Job.

    Break the Role into Tasks.

    Identify Competencies needed for each Role considering the Tasks.

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    To spell out the spirit and the core objectivesfor which the Organization exists.

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    To show lights on where and how we are moving to realize

    the vision of the Organization.

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    Giving a concrete shape of vision

    Making feasible targets and quantifyingthem to ensure target in line with themission and the core objectives of theOrganization.

    Give a time frame for achieving for

    those targets. Set SMART Goals.


    M: Measurable

    A: Achievable

    R: Relevant T: Time Frame

  • 8/3/2019 Organizational Goal Linked Competency Model


    Organizational Goal=Departmental Goal + Sectional Goal.

  • 8/3/2019 Organizational Goal Linked Competency Model


    They should be SMART.

    May also be termed as KRA or KPA

  • 8/3/2019 Organizational Goal Linked Competency Model


    Eg. Marketing Manager

    Goal Role

    1. Increase sales volume by 30%. - Penetrate the new marketingsegment.

    -Develop new marketing techniques.-Strengthen Brand Image.

    2. Expand sales to 3 newterritories of minimum Rs.2Crores each.

    -Appointment of distributor for eachnew territory.- Developing Dealers network.

    3. Launching of 3 new productsin the market.

    - Conduct market survey.

  • 8/3/2019 Organizational Goal Linked Competency Model


    Goal Role TaskIncrease Sales Volume by30%

    -Penetrate the new marketingSegment.

    -Develop new marketingtechniques.

    -Strengthen Brand Image

    -Advertising.-Promotion.-Customer Care.

    -Direct Sales.-Multi Level Marketing.-Promotional Sales.

    -Branding through Electronic Media.-Branding through Print media.-Branding through Press conference.

    Expand sales to 3 newterritories of minimumRs.2 Crores each.

    -Appointment of distributors.

    -Developing dealers network.

    -Locating perspective distributors.-Finalizing terms of distribution.- Appointing distributors and

    monitoring distribution.

    - Appointing area wise dealers.- Conducting survey of each

    territory.- Monitoring sales through dealers


  • 8/3/2019 Organizational Goal Linked Competency Model


    Role Tasks Functional CompetenciesRequired1. Penetrate new marketsegment.



    -Customer care

    -Technical Expertise

    -Analytical Thinking

    -Market Knowledge

    2. Develops newmarketing techniques.

    -Direct sales

    -Multi Level Marketing

    -Promotional Sales

    -Branding through electronic media

    -Customer Focus

    -Presentation Skills

    -Decision making

    -Market Research

    3. Strengthens brandimage

    -Branding through Electronic Media.

    -Branding through Print media.

    -Branding through Press conference


    -Computer Savvy

    -Team management

    -Good Product Knowledge.

    Increase sales by 30%:

  • 8/3/2019 Organizational Goal Linked Competency Model


    No matter how formal or informal and organizations

    practices are regarding development planning, the important

    idea for the individual is to map his or her top competencies

    that are important to their future career passion and success.

    From among those top competencies, the individual needs to

    identify their current competency strengths, and also their

    future competency development needs.

  • 8/3/2019 Organizational Goal Linked Competency Model
