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  • 5/28/2018 Organizational Behaviour


    Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall


    Organizational Theory,Design, and Change

    Sixth Edition

    Gareth R. Jones

    Chapter 1

    Organizations andOrganizational


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    1-Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 22

    What is an Organization?

    Organization:a tool used by people tocoordinate their actions to obtain somethingthey desire or value

    Organizations provide goods and servicesOrganizations employ people

    Organizations bring together people and

    resources to produce products and services Basically, organizations exist to create value


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    1-Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 333

    How Does an OrganizationCreate Value?Value creation takes place at three stages:

    input, conversion, and output

    Each stage is affected by the environment in

    which the organization operates Environmentthe set of forces and

    conditions that operate beyond anorganizations boundaries but affect its

    ability to acquire and use resources tocreate value

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    1-Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 444

    Figure 1.1: How an OrganizationCreates Value

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    1-Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 555

    Why Do Organizations Exist?

    People working together to produce goods andservices create more value than peopleworking alone

    5 major reasons why organizations exist: To increase specialization and the division of labor

    Division of labor allows specialization Specialization allows individuals to become experts at their job

    To use large-scale technology

    Economies of scale:cost savings that result when goods and

    services are produced in large volume Economies of scope:cost savings that result when an

    organization is able to use underutilized resources moreeffectively because they can be shared across several differentproducts or tasks

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    1-Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 666

    Why Do Organizations Exist?(cont.)

    To manage the external environment External environment consists of the political, social,

    economic, and technological factors that affectorganizations

    Organizations regularly exchange products and services for

    needed resources Organizations need to manage their external environment

    To exert power and control Organizations structure their members to efficiently

    produce products and services

    To economize on transaction costs Transaction costs:the costs associated with negotiating,

    monitoring, and governing exchanges between people whomust cooperate

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    Figure 1.3: WhyOrganizations Exist

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    Organizational Theory, Design, andChange: Some Definitions

    Organizational theory:the study of howorganizations function and how they affect and areaffected by the environment in which they operate

    Organizational structure:the formal system of taskand authority relationships that control how people tocoordinate their actions and use resources to achieveorganizational goals

    Organizational culture:is the set of key values,

    beliefs, and attitudes shared by organizationalmembers and helps shape the behavior within theorganization

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    Some Definitions (cont.)

    Organizational design:the process by whichmanagers select and manage aspects of structure andculture so that an organization can control theactivities necessary to achieve its goals

    Organizational change: the process by whichorganizations move from their present state to somedesired future state to increase their effectiveness

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    Figure 1.4: The Relationship AmongOrganizational Theory, Structure, Culture,Design, and Change

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    Importance of OrganizationalDesign and Change

    Effective design is required for highorganizational performance4 Major Reasons why Organizational Design and

    Change are Important Dealing with contingencies

    Contingencies are events that might occur and must beplanned formost come from environment

    Organizations must be designed to be able to effectivelyrespond to environmental changes

    Managing diversity Differences in the race, gender, and national origin of

    organizational members have important implications fororganizational culture and effectiveness

    Learning how to effectively utilize a diverse workforce canresult in better decision making and more effectiveworkforce

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    Importance of OrganizationalDesign and Change (cont.)

    Gaining competitive advantage The ability to outperform other companies because of the

    capacity to create more value from resources

    Core competences: skills and abilities in value creationembedded in the organizations people or structures

    Strategy:pattern of decisions and actions involving corecompetences that produces a competitive advantage tooutperform competitors

    Promoting efficiency, speed, and innovation

    The better organizations function, the more value theycreate

    The correct organizational design can lead to fasterinnovation and quickly get new products to market


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    Consequences of PoorOrganizational Design

    Decline of the organization

    Lower performance

    Talented employees leave to takepositions in other organizations

    Resources become harder to acquire

    Resulting crisis may result inorganizational failure

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    Why is OrganizationalEffectiveness Important?

    What is the point is you are not goingto perform well?

    Maximizing value creation =

    organizational effectivenessThere are multiple ways to create

    value and perform well

    3 primary ways discussed in chapter: Control:external resource approach

    Innovation:internal system approach

    Efficiency:technical approach

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    Table 1.1: Approaches toMeasuring Effectiveness

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    Measuring Effectiveness:Organizational Goals

    Managers also measure effectiveness bycreating and measuring performancegoals

    Official goals:guiding principles that theorganization formally states in its annualreport and in other public documents

    Mission:a mission statement explains whythe organization exists and what it should bedoing

    Operative goals:specific long- and short-term goals that guide managers andemployees as they perform the work of theorganization

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    Organizations are a tool people use toachieve their goals

    Organizational theory is the study ofhow organizations function and howthey affect and are affected by theirenvironment

    Organizational effectiveness must bemonitored by managers
