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Prof. G.S.Murthy

Organic Farming

May 07, 2015



Oranic Farming and Importance of Cow in Village Economy
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Page 1: Organic Farming

Prof. G.S.Murthy

Page 2: Organic Farming

HISTORY OF ORGANIC FARMING Albert Howard 1873-1947 pioneer, botanist by profession .

( President Indian National Congress 1926). Supported traditional Indian agricultural practices.

His theme was healthy soil, healthy people, live stock and crops. Documented Organic training techniques.

Slow poisoning of the soil by chemical fertilisers

Book: Agricultural Testament.

The approach for Ag should be from land not from lab.

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History of Organic Farming

Rudolf steiner 1924 (German)Balancing the interaction of animals- plants-Soils

(Ecology )management. Built Biodynamic farming in Germany

Lord NorthBourneThe term organic farming was first coined by him in his

book Look to the land 1939. A treatise on holistic ecology and agriculture.

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History of Organic FarmingLady Eve Belfour UK systematically experimented on organic and

conventional farming from 1939-1943

Book- LIVING SOIL 1944.Emphasised on the spiritual and ethical values

Manobu Fukuoka (Japan) microbiologist Developed a model “No-Till” organic farming and

practiced and preached from 1940 for thirty years. (Now known as fukuoka farming)

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The five major principles of Fukuoka's farming methods are1.No tillage 2.No fertilizer 3.No pesticides

4. No weeding 5.No pruning

Fukuoka has learned how plants can grow naturally and vigorously with little or no human effort. For over fifty years he has achieved surplus yields of rice, barley, plums, citrus fruits and vegetables by means of natural farming. Fukuoka's methods have also been used to green the deserts.

Books: One straw revolution, Road back to nature and Natural way of farming.

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Western Researchers on Organic Farming

J.I Rodale USA 1950: Popularised the term sustainable agriculture and the

method of organic farming in USA and published several scientific reports.

Rodale research Institute NY1972 International federation of organicAgriculture

(IFOA) movement in France. Co-ordinates all efforts in organic farming world wide.

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Conspiracy of Industrial WorldPost war scenarioAmmonium nitrate lost it’ s importance after the

invention of Nuclear Bomb.Chemical fertilisers are imposed on the farmers market in

the name of productivity. Silentspring. RachelCarson.1962.,

Tragedy of using toxic chemicals and pesticides

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Disaster of Chemical FertilisersThe result is Loss of soil fertility- Land degradation Loss of biodiversity, Water scarcity,Biodiversity erosion, climate change,Chemically contaminated foodsDestruction of traditional knowledge systems

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Organic Farming and Bringing Life to the SoilOrganic farming offers “Living soil” theory.

Living soil is Rich in nutrients N P K Sufficient minerals for plant nutritionB,Cl,Co,Cu,Fe,Mn,Mg,Mo,S and ZnRich in micro-organisms that support plant growthContains large amount of top soil

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Organic Farming – Improving the Fertility of SoilRich in organic matter( improves soil structure and

moisture) improves water retaining capacity-improves underground water level

Note: Latest Nasa satellite survey reports ground water levels of north India have been declining 33cm

( one foot) per year. Times of India 14th Aug, ’09.

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Cow – Mother of FarmingSubhas palekar Amaravati Maharashtra

Mob: 09423702877Palekar’s viewsMother earth is AnnapurnaIt’s degradation is our doingAll the useful organisms billions and billions were destroyed

by chemical fertilisers.We have to put a full stop for this indiscriminate use of

fertilisersTo replenish and bring back the soil to living condition the

source is COW and its products mainly its Dung and Urine.

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COW- Mother of FarmingManure from one cow can maintain 30 acres of

cultivation profitably. Jivamrutam a value added manure from cow’s dung and

urine.( See Natural farming –By palekar)Dung is gold mine - A Book by International society for

cow protection ISCOWP.ORG saysThe only way to the problems of shortage of food grains,

water, fuel, shelter, good health, nutrition, eradication of poverty and unemployment is dung-Dung and only Dung

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Cows are forever, Arun Firodia,Chairman, Kinetic group, puneTechnical article The TOI, Dec, 2004Methane farming a concept of alternate energyIn India 250 Mn cattle, 1250 Mn tonnes of cow dungThe methane produced can entirely replace LPG,

Kerosene use for cooking and petrol for transportationThe By-product is an excellent organic manureGobar gas research stn in U.P. finding : Each cow

produces methane equivalent to 225 Lts of petrol/yr

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COW - Economic ProsperityGobar from 75 Mn cows can meet the kerosene

and LPG requirement for 100 crore population40 Mn cows can produce energy equivalent to

8 Mn tonnes petrol ( Our annual national petrol consumption (2003-04 figs)

The gobar slurry produced in this process will yield 50Mn tonnes of organic manure rich in N and P

Meets all the fertiliser requirement for 150 Mn Ha of crop lands of India

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COW - A Potential Economic Tool

Most important phase of basic Indian economy (Cowbased) was ignored by the frenzied industrial tempo. we need not oppose industry but emphatically insist that all industrial development must be in consonance and in conformity with basic (cow based) indian economy. This requires will at Govt. as well as people’s level

Industry should support, not distort and destroy this basic cow economy of the country.

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Some questions to make people thinkWhat else you want?Why import oil and face oil and energy crisis?Do we have the national will?Are we on the right direction in shaping the industrial and

economic policies of our country?Or else are we playing to the tune of Industry driven

technologies and policies to serve the interests of few

and few countries?Is it not the proper time to think?

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Some questions to be answeredCan organic farming produce enough food for everybody? In the so called green revolution areas (irrigated lands )

conversion to organic agriculture usually gives the same yields.

In traditional rainfed agriculture ( with low external inputs)org.Ag has shownpotential to increase yields.

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U.N. FAO Report 2002Organic sustainable agriculture practices can provide

synergic benefits that include mitigating climate change It has major potential for reducing Agricultural GHG sEnergy use in conventional Ag systems is 200 times than

that of Because most of the energy is used in the manufacture of pesticides etc.,

Note : They are thrust by the big business, influences the policy centers, MNC s, money , economics

Ref: Innovations Agronomiques (2009),4,P. 269 several such reports are available

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Institute of science in society ISIS UK report 31/1/08 Dr.Mac wan HOSynthetic fertilisers and oil based fertilisers

release CO2 through quick decay of soil organic matter(Carbon)

On the other hand organic approach sequesters carbon it takes carbon from the air and puts back into the soil

Agriculture as we practice now is one of the major contributers to global warming.But it could be the biggest mitigator.The choice is ours.

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Cow – Rejuvenator of SoilThere were soils in US with 20% occarbon at

one time. Now some of them have 1% carbonWe need to put back the carbon into soil and

rebuild ecological and human health.Healthy carbon rich soil holds water. 1 Kg of

carbon holds 40 Kgs of waterOrganic systems avoids the formation of dead

zones (Hypoxic)formed through NO3 , P2O5 run off

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Organic Farming-ScientificEvidence

Several scientific reports supportScience Daily NY Jan 26,2006, July 13 2007,

reports crop yields in organic farming systems in developing countries rose nearly 80 per cent in four yrs. Organic farming produce thrice as much food as in conventional farming. ( with a caution) on the same amount of land.

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Organic Farming-ScientificEvidence

org. Ag. Out performs the conventional in production especially in stress years that we may face more

frequently in future. Anna Lappe NY founder of “Take a bite out of climate”

With the onset of Peak oil the conventional systems fail to feed the world (

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Organic Farming-ScientificEvidenceDr.Paul Happerley, Research director Rhodale Institute

USA“ We have shown that organic practices can do better

than any one thought, at sequestering carbon and could counter act up to 40% of Global GHGs.

Re: Hunger, environment and nutrition - spring 2009,Christine Mc cullum , Food and nutritional. consultant“ Org .Ag. Past present and future

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Questions on Organic Farming

Is it possible to meet the nutrient requirement

In this system plant nutrition depends on biologically derived nutrients( Slow kinetics but perpetual) instead of readily soluble forms.

Animal dung ( cow),crop residues,green manure, biofertilisers, biosolids from agro industries and food processing wastes are the natural sources.

Note: 600-700 million ton of Ag. waste is available in the country which is not properly utilised.

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Organic Farming – Some Vital Statistics India produces 1800 million tons of animal dungEven 2/3 of dung is used produce 120 million cubic

meters of bio gas daily and 440 million tons of manure per year.( equal to 2.5mn tons of nitrogen,2.75 m tons of P2O5 and 1.8 m tons of K2O.

Note: It is estimated 25 million workers in developing countries are poisoned each year by pestides. It Can be avoided by organic farming.

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Organic Farming – Economic PotentialIs it economically beneficial ?The business in 2005 was 30 bn us dollars,with

a growth rate of 20-25%.Govt.Agencies should help the small scale

farmers get proper returns for their organic produce.

30% land holding with small farmers and they possess 70% cattle. They need to be trained in cattle rearing for right economies.

Answer is palekar’s approach of natural farming linked to cow.

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Are there any environmental benefits30 years of research at Rodale institute Ny USA showed

that it is possible to substantially mitigate the impacts of global warming

UNCTAD/WTO report saysAgriculture is both affected by climate change but also

contributes to it.Org. farming mitigates and reduces green house gas

emission where as intensive chemical fertiliser farming increases ghg emission

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Conclusions of a recent intl. symposium conducted by AAASFeb 2009 at Chicago

Theme: living soil-food qualityConclusions:Organically grown spinach contains less nitrate concn. Which

carcinogenic.(Review of a decade’s work)Scientists agree org.farming delivers healthier rich soil and

nutritionally enhanced food.30% increase in anti oxidants and tastier.Average child in US is exposed to five pesticides daily.

Organic foods are free from them.Public health costs of pesticides use in US are 1.1 Bn $

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Agriculture holds the key to global warmingBarbara kessler, Science Ny june 2, 2009Five ways to reduce and seqester GHG s 1)enriching the soil carbon( the third largest carbon pool)

by burying carbon in the form of Bio-char.2) farming with periannials: periannial trees including

(forests) shurbs, palms, and grasses that produce food ( live stock food and fuel)

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Organic Farming – Climate Friendly3)climate friendly live stock production. Live stock

produce 50% of GHG s.4) Manure management and methane capture for bio-gas

production.5) protecting natural habitat,restoring degraded

watersheds, restoration of vegetation.

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Mahatma Gandhi ji’s swadeswhi movement

Charakha is a means for independance Swadeshi is a movement 1930 entire country involved. In

his wordsThe concept of swadeshi is not vindictive. It is a necessity

for national existance.We got freedom in 1947. How independent are we? It is a

big question.


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Gandhi – Cow - Organic Farming Gandhiji said rural india is real india. Is it safe

and secure particularly for small farmers i.e 60% of our rural population

Modern technology and the business, propelled by the forces of market and politics is responsible for disappearing of forests, drying of rivers, degradation of farm lands and for the disappearing of bio-diversity.

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Organic Farming - Points to Ponder

If man is making mess of his personal social and ecological life, it is not because of want of knowledge, “ It is because of lack of discipline”

The gap between knowledge and practice is widening continuously. This distance is greater than the distance between knowledge and ignorance

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Organic Farming - Points to PonderPonder on this “Who am I” “What do I own”You are apparently rich but your direction is wrong.

Where it leads to?Finally How good are the financial returns if the water

you drink , the food you eat and the air you breathe are dreadfully contaminated.

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Organic Farming - Points to PonderIndustry robs, exploits the poor, the ignorant rural masses

propagating Consumerism . MNC s play deterministic roles. Govt is helpless.

Economics got divorced from social concern because the study of management is merely concerned with materials and wealth.

What is the remedy to make rural poor rich enough to provide two meals a day.

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Organic Farming - Points to PonderOrg. farming has the answer. Eleminates farmer suicides.Mitigates economic recessionImproves rural economyEmpowers the farmer

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Organic Farming - Points to PonderOrg farming is a movement originated in developed

countries to mitigate the evils of market driven economies.Everybody is a victim. rich and poor developed and

developing countries everybody.The reason Mans’greed. Mahatma saidThere is enough for man’s needs but not to his greed.If man does not learn through wisdom, nature teaches him

by force. E.g. global warming, climate change,soil degradation etc.,

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Organic Farming - Points to PonderEternal vigilance is the price of the freedom.To be aware and make people aware is called Jnana

yagna. B.G. It is going on in this country since ages. It is time to remember our mother earth and the closely

related cow in our own future interests.

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VMGG YATRAIS ONE SUCH EFFORTWeb: www.gougram.orgAn effort to keep the Indian villages on the

path of sustainable development through cow and cow based economy.

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Action PlanTo encourage farmers to rear indigenous cows and bullsTo educate the farmers towards wholistic approach

towards cow based economyTo encourage to develop rural technologies applied to

organic farming methods and improve employment potential in villages

To create conditions for reverse migration from cities to villages

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A Historical MovementTo keep our land fertile and be independentTo keep the rural poor self sufficientTo withstand the market driven economies and the

consumerismTo mitigate recession and its effects Note: Our failure to evaluate justly the nature’s gifts to

mankind is the serious problem

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A Historical MovementSome features the YatraYatra starts on 30th sept 2009 vijayadasami

day from Kurukshetra.Covers 20,000 km in108 daysThere will be several regional yatras

connecting the mainCrores of signatures will be obtainedTouches lakhs of villagesHence: Participate and co operate in this

movement of national necessityand importance.

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Eminent personalities leading this movementSri Raghavendra Bharati swami jiSri sri RavishankarjiSri RamdevjiSri Mata Amritananda mai jiSri Acharya vidya sagarjiSri Acharya Mahapragna jiSwamy Dayananda sarswati jiSri Murari Bapu jiSriPranav Pandyaji Hon.PresidentDr H.R .Nagendra working president

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References:An agricultural testament-by sir.Albert Howard,1940

Other Indian press, Goa.

Secrets of the soil-peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird Rupa and co, second Ed.,2004.

Philosophy of spiritual farming(zero budget natural farming)-subash palekar.

Oraganic agriculture-P.K.tandon,1995.

Sustainable agriculture,

Center for Indian knowledge systems, TN.

Page 45: Organic Farming

Recent references New study confirms the ecological virtues of

organic farming. Mark shwartz., Stanford nes service.,6th March 2006.

Carbon sequestration potential of Org.Ag. Bente Foeried.,, Nutrient cycling in Agro systems, Vol.6. No 1. p13-26 (jan 2004). article based on USDA report Carbon credits to farmers p 10,Nov-Dec 2008

GHG gases mitigation in Org.Ag.,, Pete smith,

Phil. Trans. of the Roy.So.,B.,vol363(815-363) 2008.

Page 46: Organic Farming

References “Africa: Reinventing Agriculture”, Stephen Leahy, Inter Press Service,  (Johannesburg), 15 April 2008, “Urgent changes needed in global farming practices to avoid environmental destruction” Greenpeace International Press

Release, 15 April 2008. “GM foods ‘not the answer’ to world’s food shortage crisis, report says”, Sean Poulter, The Daily Mail, 16 April 2008 GM food, biofuels and a hungry world, Editorial,

The Daily Mail, 16 April 2008

What is the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science & Technology, IAASD? A compilation from its plenary decisions and official documents,

International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science & Technology (IAASTD) Synthesis Report 25 November 2007,

Ho MW. Food without fossil fuels now. Invited Keynote Lecture, 2nd Mediterranean Conference on Organic Agriculture in Croatia, Organic Agriculture – Contribution to Sustainable Ecosystem, 2-6 April 2008, Dubrovnik University. Dubrovnik, Croatia,

Ho MW, Burcher S, Lim LC et al. Food Futures Now, Organic, Sustainable, Fossil Fuel Free, ISIS TWN Report, London & Penang, 2008.

“Global food system ‘must change’” BBC News, 15 April 2008, “Change in farming can feed world – report”, John Vidal, The Guardian, 16 April 2008, Saunders PT. Marketing masquerading as scientific survey. Science in Society 38 (to appear). Ho MW and Saunders PT. “UK faremers upbeat about GM crops” debunked. Science in Society 38 (to appear). printer friendly version

Page 47: Organic Farming

Recent references contd Recent growth patterns of US

organic food markets, US dept. of agriculture, Bulletin. No 777,Sept,2002. (third world network) benefits of organic farming report, March 08

Beware of pesticides in food chain-Prof. R.S.Chauhan,organiser august 16,2009,p.31

Org.Ag., past, present and future, Christine Mc Cullum-Hunger and Env nutrition, Spring 2009.

Rodale research institute reports, Research Centre at Nagpur

Page 48: Organic Farming

Thaindian News July, 2009.(ANI)Change in fertiliser subsidy policy can save crores of

rupees. Ensures food security – Green peace2008-09 fert. Sbusidy Rs. 1,20,000 crores.Recommendations:Look for alternative subsidy systems to sustainable Ag.Refocus scientific research and ensure food security under

changing climatic conditionsDr.B.Croy, Dr.G.Nchattopadyay, Viswabharati Univ.And Dr.Reyes Tirado, Green peace Res. Labs. Univ. of


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Some quotes to thinkCow is the source of progress and prosperity. Mahatma Gandhiji Cow protection is the eternal Dharma of India Babu Rajendra Prasad Cow is the foundation of our country. Giyani Zailsingh Neither Koran nor Arabian customs permit killing of cow –

Hakim Ajmal Khan According to me there is nothing more scientific and

intelligent act than banning cow slaughter—J.P.Narayan

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QuotesCow’s milk is tonic, it’s ghee is ambrosia and its’ meat is

disease. Hazarat MohamadKilling a bull s equivalent to killing a cow. Jesus christ I have studied both koran and Bible. According to both

of them to kill a cow even indirectly is a great sin. Achaya vinoba Bhave

Several such quotes are available THINK

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