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ORG Meeting June 29, 2011 Agenda

Apr 06, 2018



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  • 8/2/2019 ORG Meeting June 29, 2011 Agenda


    Joint Organization Committee MeetingJune zs", 2011, 9:00 a.m., Kaiser Center

    2nd Floor Conference Room, 300 lakeside Drive

    Description1. Review of Staff transition report and finalize Executive Director Job

    Action Item2. Updates:

    ., Steve and Walter Cohen meeting;

    ., Feedback on Annual Breakfast;

    ., Update on shuttle supplement3. Next Joint Board meeting4. Snow Park Phone call5. Land Use report update6. Quest request7. Grant Task Force update, back of BART8. Next Joint Org MeetingBROWN ACT:

    Action Item

    Action Item

    Action Item

    Government Code 54950 (The Brown Act) requires that a brief description of each item to be transactedor discussed be posted at least 72 hours prior to a regular meeting. The Corporation posts Agendas at388 is"Street, Oakland CA 94612. Action may not be taken on items not posted on the agenda.Meeting facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities. If you require special assistance toparticipate in the meeting, notify Steve Snider at 510 238-1122 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.

    388 i9th Street Oakland, California 94612DOA Phone 510.238.1122 LMUDA Phone 510.452.4530 Fax 510.452.4529

  • 8/2/2019 ORG Meeting June 29, 2011 Agenda


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  • 8/2/2019 ORG Meeting June 29, 2011 Agenda


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  • 8/2/2019 ORG Meeting June 29, 2011 Agenda


    Proposed Job Description - Full Time Executive Director, DistrictManager or District Management Company for the lake

    Merritt/Uptown District Association andDowntown Oakland Association - June 2011

    Terms and Conditions:The Lake Merritt/Uptown District Association (LMUDA) and Downtown Oakland Association(DOA) are two public benefit corporations whose primary functions are to administer thelake Merritt/Uptown and Downtown Oakland Community Benefit Districts. The LakeMerritt/Uptown CBD and Downtown Oakland CBD have contracts with the City of Oakland toadminister the revenues for these assessment districts. The FY2011-12 revenues for the CBDsare anticipated to not exceed $ 2,200,000. The districts have been administered jointly withthe same contracted staff since January 2009.The special benefit services funded by these two CBOs include maintaining security, cleanlinessand order in the public rights of way, improving district identity and advocating on behalf of theareas property owners, business owners and residents. The CBDs are mandatory assessmentdistricts that fund special benefits or those services over and above currently provided by theCity of Oakland.The LMUOA and OOA are seeking a qualified "Executive Director", "District Manager" or DistrictManagement Company to serve in the capacity of an on-site full-time overseer of the specialbenefit services performed in the district. Individuals, group of individuals or managementcompanies are encouraged to apply to administer and oversee the services of the new CBDs.The conditions of employment or contract for services for this position are as follows:Experience required:

    ~ Working with public benefit, non-profit corporation Board of Directors;~ Working independently without direct supervision;~ Ability to effectively communicate with stakeholders (property owners, business owners

    and residents);~ Ability to maintain records of the Associations;~ Knowledge of basic accounting principles;~ Knowledge of basic property management;

    388 19th Street Oakland, California 94612DOA Phone 510.238.1122 . LMUDA Phone 510.452.4530 Fox 510.452,4529

  • 8/2/2019 ORG Meeting June 29, 2011 Agenda


  • 8/2/2019 ORG Meeting June 29, 2011 Agenda


    ~ Walk the district regularly to ensure the highest level of maintenance and security isprovided;

    ~ Pay particular concern to ingress and egress for traffic generators including BARTstations,bus stops, employee lounge areas, public spaces and cultural amenities in the district.

    ~ Report to the City immediately on any and all hazardous conditions in the public rights ofway;

    ~ Attend the regular joint security meetings held by the LMUDA or DOA private securitycompany;

    ~ Monitor frequently the level of problematic issues in the public rights of way;

    ~ Respond to constituent concerns with face to face interaction asquickly as possible;

    ~ Interface with all City, County, BARTand other public officials (City of Oakland, Public Worksand OPD), on any and all matters concerning the business of the corporations;

    ~ Respond to e-mails or inquiries by Board members or constituents with all due speed.

    ~ Advise Board Committees on the implementation of strategies that promote the welfare ofLake Merritt/Uptown and Downtown residents, property owners, businesses andcommunity members;

    ~ Seek new ways to maintain the order and dynamic neighborhood ambiance of LakeMerritt/Uptown and Downtown Oakland for its residents, property owners and businesses;

    II. CORPORATE ORGANIZATIONAL SUPPORTo Board meeting clerical, administrative and organizational support

    a. Attend Board and Organization/Executive Committee meetings;b. Prepare all Board packets, post consistent with the Brown Act requirements;c. Distribute Board packets prior to the meetings;d. Prepare and distribute all committee and task force packets prior to the meeting;e. Work closely with Presidents and Committee Chairs in the preparation of

    meetings;f. Attend all Board Standing Committee and Task Forcemeetings;g. Help direct and manage board discussions


    a. Oversee security and maintenance budgets;


  • 8/2/2019 ORG Meeting June 29, 2011 Agenda


    b. Monitor Committee budgets to make sure they are in line with projections;c. Prepare financial statements and prepare checks as necessary;

    o Supervisorya. Oversee maintenance and security staff seven days per week;b. Supervise administrative assistants, consultants and interns as necessary.

    o Officea. Equipment acquisition and maintenance;b. General maintenance, cleaning and organization.c. Maintain office, rent and related Board assets;


    o Inform and educate the public about mission and goals of organization;a. Make public appearances and give speeches as necessary to expose

    organizations' missions and enhance volunteer efforts;b. Maintain constant contact with community members;c. Respond to requests and concerns of members of the public;d. Work with Associations' public relations firms on all aspects of promoting the

    districts;e. Prepare monthly newsletters with the PRfirm;f. Oversee and maintain the district websites (2);


    o Provide staffing or oversee sub-contractors for new LMUDA and DOAevents as part ofthis contract and as instructed by the Board and its committees.

    VI. OTHER ISSUESThe District Manager shall implement any and all other tasks asprioritizedby the respective Boards of Directors or officers asmay arise from time to time;

    a. Knowledge of land use issuesand urban zoning issuesis helpful;b. Knowledge of district identity strategies to promote a positive image of the

    districts is helpful;c. Knowledge of public space development and maintenance is helpful;d. Familiarity with the California Downtown Association, International Downtown

    Association or other trade associations is helpful;e. Experience in public speaking is helpful;
