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Orestes Anastasia - Low Emission Development Strategies

Apr 07, 2018



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  • 8/6/2019 Orestes Anastasia - Low Emission Development Strategies


    Orestes Anastasia

    USAID Regional Development Mission for Asia

    Asia Clean Energy Forum, Manila, June 24, 2011

    Low Emission Development Strategies

    Will Change the World

  • 8/6/2019 Orestes Anastasia - Low Emission Development Strategies


    Presentation Overview

    What is a Low Emission Development Strategy?

    LEDS components

    US Government LEDS initiatives

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    Origin of LEDS

    A low emission development strategy is indispensable

    for sustainable development

    Decides that developed countries should develop low

    carbon strategies or plans

    Encourages developing countries to develop low

    carbon development strategies or plans in the contextof sustainable development

    Copenhagen Accord, December 2009

    Cancun Agreements, December 2010

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    What is a Low Emission Development Strategy?

    Designed and implemented appropriately, a LEDS will:

    Provide an integrated comprehensive pathway for long-term,sustainable development

    Take into account a countrys development objectives and

    unique circumstances Promote transformational development

    Help a country meet international climate change commitments Help countries access financing from public and private sources

    LEDS is smart development: Countries that develop and implement LEDS will be best

    positioned to benefit from the new global low carbon future.

    A LEDS is a country-owned national strategy for transformative,long-term, resilient economic growth that includes options forslowing the growth of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

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    What is included in a LEDS?

    Typical components of a robust LEDS include:1. An outline of national development goals and key drivers of


    2. A summary of economic data and an national GHG emissionsinventory

    3. A long-term projections of business-as-usual development andGHG emissions (may consider various development pathways)

    4. Vulnerability assessments for threats to economic development,including climate change, security, etc.

    5. A list of prioritized alternative actions that increase economic

    growth, ensure resilience, and lower the long-term emissionstrajectory

    6. Implementation and financing plans for high-priority actions(linked to national budgets)

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    Sustainable growth More efficient agricultural

    practices can promote economicgrowth and increase foodproduction

    Investments in clean energy

    could protect agriculture andpromote economic growth

    Climate Resilience

    Are agriculture investments andpractices resilient to possiblechanges in climate?

    Are energy investments resilientto climate change?

    A LEDS should be comprehensive

    Shown objectivesare illustrativeonly

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    The LEDS process helps countries evaluate policy/program optionsbased upon relative costs and long-term economic and GHGimpactsand lead to actionablerecommendations.

    GHG Emissions (Tg CO2-e) GDP ($B)

    Economic growth, development, and reduced

    emissions are important LEDS objectives

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    Essential qualities of a LEDS

    Analytically sound

    Reproducible, documented, transparent, based on accepted techniques, etc.


    (Of) important sectors of the economy, development objectives, etc.

    Forward-looking and long term

    Set a vision about what to achieve and work backwards

    Set targets based on what it estimates could be achieved


    Can the government, donors, IFCs, and other stakeholders readily take andimplement pieces of the strategy?


    Can policy makers revisit the assumptions made in the strategy at will, does itfeed into the countrys decision-making and budgeting apparatus?

    Support a countrys international engagement on climate?


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    US Government LEDS Initiative

    Enhancing Capacity for Low Emission DevelopmentStrategies (EC-LEDS) worldwide initiative

    Asia Region: Low Emissions Asian Development (LEAD) Program

    Country programs

    US Government Partners: USAID (lead)

    US Department of State

    US Environmental Protection Agency

    US Department of Energy

    US Department of Agriculture (Forest Service)

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    The USG EC-LEDS Program

    Objective: To support developing country efforts topursue long-term, transformative development andaccelerate sustainable economic growth while slowingthe growth of GHG emissions

    Approach: Leverage experience and expertise of USGovernment agencies and others to:

    Enhance partner country capacity through targeted

    technical assistance Develop a shared global knowledge base on LEDS

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    Enhancing Capacity for Low Emission

    Development Strategies (EC-LEDS)

    Provides targeted technical assistance for LEDSdevelopment and implementation:

    Enhance and strengthen existing strategies, plans, systems,and processes that support development of a LEDS

    Strengthen human and institutional capacity, provide and adapt

    analytic tools and practices Assist with the implementation of actionable projects and

    programs articulated in a countrys LEDS

    Builds a shared, international knowledge base onLEDS:

    Donor coordination, outreach, best practices, and tools

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    End Results

    Cross-sectoral, robust analyses of GHG mitigationoptions

    Improved ability of countries to perform analyses: GHGaccounting, GHG and economic modeling, cost benefitanalysis, etc.

    Improved government capacity to develop, implement,and update its LEDS

    Strategies and plans describing concrete mitigationactivities

    Realistic, implementable actions; prioritized, actionable,financeable mitigation actions developed with financingplans linked to national budgets

    National-level LEDSs under development or already in

    place, with key components being implemented

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    Example Interim Product: Marginal AbatementCost Curve to analyze costs and benefits and

    inform establishment of goals

    Example Product: Graphical

    representation of economy-wideemission reduction goals

    Source: Project Catalyst, Low Carbon Growth Plans Advancing Good Practice (2009).

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    14/17Source: Davidson, Ogunlade et al, The Development and Climate Nexus: The Case of Sub-Saharan Africa (2003). Climate Policy 3S1.

    Example Product: Indicators to measure LEDS

    contribution to MDGs

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    Technical analysis and

    stakeholder review

    Multiple deploymentscenarios fortechnologies andclimate measures

    Likelihood for eachscenario to achievegoals

    Elaborated deploymentpathways (sectoral andcross-sector)

    Stakeholder review ofpotential deploymentscenarios

    Selection of deploymentpathways (includingspecific deployment



    Sectoral and economy wide pathways for deployment

    of technologies and practices to achieve goals

    Example USG Technical Support

    Energy and economic modeling support (NationalLabs), technology characterization data analysis

    (DOE), lifecycle assessment (EPA and Labs)

    Example InputsExample Inputs: Outputs from previous stage, market

    statistics and projections, emission factors

    Example Product: Pathways Analysis

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    Source: Energy Map for India Technology Vision 2030(2008). TERI. url:

    Example Product: Potential Technology

    Deployment Pathways

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    Thank you!

    Orestes Anastasia - [email protected] Ram-Indra - [email protected] Regional Development Mission for Asia

    Bangkok, Thailand

    More information on LEDS:

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]