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Orbital orders and orbital order driven quantum criticality Zohar Nussinov

Orbital orders and orbital order driven quantum …€¢ Orbital systems can order by thermal “order out of disorder” fluctuations even in their classical ... Orbital order driven

May 03, 2018



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Page 1: Orbital orders and orbital order driven quantum …€¢ Orbital systems can order by thermal “order out of disorder” fluctuations even in their classical ... Orbital order driven

Orbital orders and orbital order driven quantum criticality

Zohar Nussinov

Page 2: Orbital orders and orbital order driven quantum …€¢ Orbital systems can order by thermal “order out of disorder” fluctuations even in their classical ... Orbital order driven

C. D. Batista, LANL arXiv:cond-mat/0410599 (PRB)

M. Biskup, L. Chayes, UCLA; J. van den Brink, Dresden arXiv:cond-mat/0309691(Comm Math Phys) ;

0309692 (EPL)

E. Fradkin, UIUC arXiv:cond-mat/0410720 (PRB)

G. Ortiz, E. Cobanera, Indiana arXiv:cond-mat/0702377, 0801.4391, 0812.4309, 0907.0733

(Annals of Physics, EPL, PRB); PNAS 2009

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Conclusions (new results) •  Orbital systems can order by thermal “order out of

disorder” fluctuations even in their classical limit (no (1/S) zero point quantum fluctuations are necessary).

•  Similar to charge and spin driven quantum critical behavior, it is theoretically possible to have orbital order driven quantum critical behavior. (Prediction.)

•  Orbital systems can exhibit topological order and dimensional reductions due to their unusual symmetries (exact or approximate).

•  A new approach to dualities. •  Orbital nematic orders (from symmetry

selection rules) and related selection rules •  Orbital Larmor effects are predicted- periodic

changes in the orbital state under the application of uniaxial strain.

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1.  What are orbital orders?

2. Models for orbital order “Order by disorder” in orbital systems

3.  Orbital order driven quantum criticality and glassiness Exact solutions as a theoretical proof of concept

4. Symmetries and topological order Low dimensional gauge like symmetries and dimensional

reductions; experimentally testable selection rules

Page 5: Orbital orders and orbital order driven quantum …€¢ Orbital systems can order by thermal “order out of disorder” fluctuations even in their classical ... Orbital order driven

1. What are orbital orders? (old)

2. Models for orbital order (old) “Order by disorder” in orbital systems (thermal

fluctuations) (new)

3.  Orbital order driven quantum criticality and glassiness Exact solutions as a theoretical proof of concept (new)

4. Symmetries and topological order Low dimensional gauge like symmetries and dimensional

reductions; experimentally testable selection rules (new)

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Transition Metal Compounds • Levels in 3d shell split by crystal field.

t2g • Single itinerant electron @ each site with multiple orbital degrees of freedom.

eg d–orbitals

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The 3d orbitals

x2 − y2 =Y22 +Y2




3z2 − r2 = Y20

xy =Y2

−2 −Y22



yz =Y2

−1 +Y21



zx =Y2

−1 −Y21



The five 3d orbital states share the same radial Function. Their angular dependence:

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Illustration by R. Hill

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The Hilbert space of the eg orbitals is spanned by two states. The associated Jahn-Teller distortions can be expressed as vectors

on a two dimensional unit disk (linear combinations of the two independent distortions Q2,3). An effective pseudo-spin S=1/2 (or CP1)

representation. There is an angle of 120 degrees between the three different cubic lattice symmetry related orbitals.

Similarly, the three t2gorbitals can be represented by an effective S=1 representation. (In a Bloch sphere representation, there is an angle of 90

degrees between different point group symmetry related distortions.)

x2 − y2 = S = −m = 1 / 2 ≡ ⇓ ; 3z2 − r2 = ⇑

xy = S = 1,m = 0 ; yz = 2−1/2 ( 11 + 1−1 );zx = −i2−1/2 ( 11 − 1−1 )

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1. What are orbital orders? (old)

2. Models for orbital order (old) “Order by disorder” in orbital systems (thermal

fluctuations) (new)

3. Orbital order driven quantum criticality and glassiness Exact solutions as a theoretical proof of concept (new)

4. Symmetries and topological order Low dimensional gauge like symmetries and dimensional

reductions; experimentally testable selection rules (new)

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Unlike spins, orbitals live in real space. The orbital interactions

are not isotropic. Reduced symmetry and frustration.

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Transition Metal Compounds • Levels in 3d shell split by crystal field.

t2g • Single itinerant electron @ each site with multiple orbital degrees of freedom.

Super–exchange approximation (and neglect of strain–field induced interactions among orbitals):

[Kugel–Khomskii Hamiltonian]

H = Horbr, ′r

<r, ′r >∑ (sr ⋅ s ′r + 1

4 )Horbr, ′r = J[4π r

απ ′rα − 2π r

α − 2π ′rα +1]

eg d–orbitals

= direction of bond r − ′r

120º–model (eg–compounds) V2O3, LiVO2, LaVO3,LaMnO3, …

π rx = 1

4 (−σ rz + 3σ r

x ) π ry = 1

4 (σ rz − 3σ r

x )

π rz = 1

2σ rz

π rx = 1

2σ rx π r

y = 12σ r


π rz = 1

2σ rz

orbital compass–model (t2g–compounds) LaTiO3, …

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Jahn-Teller distortions The distortions preferred by different orbital states:

The JT distortions can be denoted in terms of

the spinor representation of the orbital states

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The orbital only interactions

The orbital component of the orbital dependent super-exchange as well as the direct Jahn-Teller orbital only

interactions have a similar form:

Horb = J π rα


α∑ π r+eα


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• Orbital only approximation: Neglect spin degrees of freedom.

120º Hamiltonian:

H = J (Sr[ x ]

r∑ Sr+ex

[ x ] + Sr[ y]Sr+ey

[ y] + Sr[ y]Sr+ez

[z ] )

H = J (Sr[a]

r∑ Sr+ex

[a] + Sr[b]Sr+ey

[b] + Sr[c]Sr+ez

[c] )

Sr an XY –spin

Sr[a] =Sr ⋅ a

a, b and cunit vectors spaced @ 120º.

Orbital compass Hamiltonian:

similarly for Sr[b] & Sr


Sr = (Sr

[ x ], Sr[ y], Sr

[z ] )

– usual Heisenberg spins.

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The 120 degree model



Sr = Sr

[ x ], Sr[ y]( ).

H = J (Sr[a]


∑ Sr+ex[a] + Sr

[b]Sr+ey[b] + Sr

[c]Sr+ez[c] )

+ constant.

Attractive couplings (ferromagnetic). Couples in x–direction with projection along a–component. Couples in y–direction with b–component. Couples in z- direction with c-component

= − J2

(Sr[a] − Sr+ex

[a] )2 + (Sr[b] − Sr+ey

[b] )2 + (Sr[c] − Sr+ez

[c] )2( )r∈ΛL

Clear: Any constant spin–field is a classical ground state. Ditto for the orbital compass model.

• U(1) symmetry emerges in the ground state sector of the large S theory*

Sr[a] =Sr ⋅ a.

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Naïve spin-wave theory is a complete disaster

G(k,ω = 0) α Δa + Δb + Δc

ΔaΔb + ΔaΔc + ΔbΔc

Fix kz G(k,ω = 0) α 1Δa + Δb

Very IR divergent.

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Lower Dimensional Symmetries

Ising-type discrete emergent symmetries

of the classical 120 degree model

Z. Nussinov, M. Biskup, L. Chayes, and J. v. d. Brink 0309692 (EPL)

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Lower Dimensional Symmetries

23Lfor the ground states

Additional discrete degeneracy factor of

L x L x L lattice

Reflect all orbital pseudo-spins in

entire planes.

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Order out of disorder- In the physics literature since the early 80’s

E. F. Shender, Antiferromagnetic Garnets with Fluctuationally Interacting Sublattices, Sov. Phys. JETP 56 (1982) 178–184 .

J. Villain, R. Bidaux, J. P. Carton and R. Conte, Order as an Effect of Disorder, J. Phys. (Paris) 41 (1980), no.11, 1263–1272.

C. L. Henley, Ordering Due to Disorder in a Frustrated Vector Antiferromagnet, Phys. Rev. Lett. 62 (1989) 2056–2059.

Really clarified matters; put things on a firm foundation in a general context.

Plus infinitely many papers (mostly quantum) in which specific calculations done. Earlier orbital order work focused on zero point 1/S fluctuations. Our result: orbital order is robust and persists for infinite S. Zero point quantum fluctuations are not needed to account for the observed orbital order.

1)  Weighting of various ground states must take into account more than just energetics:

• Fluctuations of spins will contribute to overall statistical weight.

2)  These (spin–fluctuation) degrees of freedom will themselves organize into spin–wave like modes.

• Can be calculated (or estimated).

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Spin wave free energy calculation

HSW = J2

qγ (θ*)(

r ,α∑ ϑr −ϑr+eα

)2ϑr ≡θr −θ*

logZ(θ*) = − 12

log βJqα (θ*)Δ(kα )



Δ(kα ) = 2 − 2coskα

qc (θ*) = sin2θ*, qa,b (θ

*) = sin2 (θ* ± 2π3)

Expand about the uniform state: θr = θ*

The free energy has strict minima at θ* = nπ / 3Sr = ±SeαSix uniform ground states:

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Stratified states: θr = (−1)xθ*

F(θ*) = d 3k(2π )3k∈B.Z .

∫ logdet(βJΠk )

Πk =q1Δ1 + q+Δ+ q−Δ−

q−Δ− q1Δ1* + q+Δ+



qα ≡ qα (θ*) Δα ≡ Δα (k)

Δα* = Δα (k +πeα )

q± =12(q2 ± q3)

Δ± = Δ2 ± Δ3

F(θ*) > F(0), θ* ≠ 0,π

Low free energy states are not stratified.

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Finite temperature order

Using Reflection Positivity along with a Peierls argument, we readily established that

at sufficiently low temperatures, one of the six low free energy

states is spontaneously chosen.

Z. Nussinov, M. Biskup, L. Chayes, and J. v. d. Brink, arXiv: cond-mat/0309692

Interesting feature: Limiting behavior of model as T goes to zero is not the same as the behavior of the model @ T = 0.

Reflection Positivity (chessboard estimates): Pβ (A) ≤zβ (A)zβ




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Nematic orbital order

Z. Nussinov, M. Biskup, L. Chayes, and J. v. d. Brink, arXiv: cond-mat/0309692

For the t2g orbital compass type models, uniform order cannot appear. By symmetry considerations,

it is established that . Instead, an “orbital nematic order”

(e.g., in the 2D orbital compass) can be proven to onset at sufficiently

low yet finite temperatures.

Sr = 0


x − SrySr+ey

y ) ≠ 0

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1. What are orbital orders? (old)

2. Models for orbital order (old) “Order by disorder” in orbital systems (thermal

fluctuations) (new)

3. Orbital order driven quantum criticality and glassiness Exact solutions as a theoretical proof of concept (new)

4. Symmetries and topological order Low dimensional gauge like symmetries and dimensional

reductions; experimentally testable selection rules (new)

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Orbital order driven quantum criticality

Fact: Quantum criticality can be associated with charge and spin driven orders. The transition metal oxides exhibit

a rich interplay of charge/superconducting, spin, and orbital orders.

Question: Can there be an entirely new family of “orbital order driven quantum critical points”?

Answer: This is not forbidden and may occur theoretically. Indeed, in some simple yet exactly solvable models, there are orbital

order driven quantum critical points (driven in the Hamiltonians by doping/dilution and/or uni-axial pressure).

Orbital analogues of quantum spin glasses are similarly found. For these models, the associated CFTs are standard.

Z. Nussinov and G. Ortiz, arxiv:0801.4391

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Diluted Orbital Compass Model and Criticality

After doping: New gauge symmetry

Quantum critical

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Diluted Orbital Compass Model and Criticality

After doping: New gauge symmetry

For a system with random exchange couplings ,

replicating the same steps mutatis mutandis

leads to the Random Transverse Field Ising Model. Pressure plays the role of a transverse


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i jklUl ;iUk;lUi ;jUj ;kS = ¡ 1g2

¡ PRe Tr(Ui ;j Uj ;kUk;l Ul ;i ¡ 1)


Intermezzo:usingthesameidea,wecansolvemanyothermodelsusing“BondAlgebras”(Z. Nussinov and G. Ortiz, 0812.4309)andderiveanewexactselfduality(E. Cobanera, G. Ortiz, and Z. Nussinov 0907.0733)forZNgaugetheoriesin3+1dimensions(earlierconjecturednotbeself‐dual).With‘tHooftideasinmind,numerousauthorsstudiedofWilson’sactionforLatticeGaugeFieldTheories







S = −1g2( Re(Tr(∑ UijU jkUklUli −1)))

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S = ¡ 12g2




i= 1

£cos(µin+ e4 ¡ µin ) + cos(£ i

n )€


H = ¡X



i= 1

hK N (1=2g2)Vi

n + 14g2¢µin i

+ h:c:

¢µ3n = U1nU2

n+ e1U1€n+ e2U2€



KN (12g2

) ≡ K

12∂FN (K )∂K

= exp[− 12g2

(1− cos 2πN)]

FN (K ) ≡ e2K cos( 2πn



N −1

E. Cobanera, G. Ortiz, and Z. Nussinov 0907.0733 Exact lattice relation! No Villain type nor any other approximation.

4gc2KN (


2 ) = 1

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The “Orbital Larmor Effect”

HP = γ Pνσ jν


dσ i

dt= γσ i ×


Pi = Pi,νeν

Pressure effects:

Prediction: In the presence of uniaxial pressure, the orbital state will change

periodically in time.

Z. Nussinov and G. Ortiz, arxiv: 0801.4391

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1. What are orbital orders? (old)

2. Models for orbital order (old) “Order by disorder” in orbital systems (thermal

fluctuations) (new)

3. Orbital order driven quantum criticality and glassiness Exact solutions as a theoretical proof of concept (new)

4. Symmetries and topological order Low dimensional gauge like symmetries and dimensional

reductions; experimentally testable selection rules (new)

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Gauge-Like-Symmetries (Ising Gauge Theory)

(Orbital Compass Model)

(XY model)



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Z. Nussinov and G. Ortiz, PNAS (2009)

d-GLSs and Topological Phases There is a connection between Topological Phases and the

group generators of d-GLSs and its Topological defects

Topological defect:

(D=2 Orbital Compass Model)

Defect-Antidefect pair creation

: closed path

: open path

Symmetries are linking operators:

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Lower dimensional bounds

The absolute value of the average of any quasi-local quantity which is not invariant under d-GLS is bounded from above by the absolute value of the mean of the same quantity when this quasi-local quantity is computed with a d-dim that is globally invariant under and preserves the range of the interactions in the original D-dim system

D-dim system with Hamiltonian and d-GLS group

Dimensional reduction C. D. Batista, Z. Nussinov (cond-mat/0410599)

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To Break or not to Break

From the Generalized Elitzur’s Theorem:

d=0 SSB is forbidden

Can we spontaneously break a d-GLS in a D-dim system ?

For non- -invariant quantities (finite-range and

strength interactions)

d=1 SSB is forbidden

d=2 (continuous) SSB is forbidden d=2 (discrete) SSB may be broken

d=2 (continuous with a gap) SSB is forbidden even at T=0

Transitions and crossovers are signaled by symmetry-invariant string/brane or Wilson-like loops

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Example of application

Orbital Compass Model



Rotation by π around the y-axis

Lowest order allowed order parameter:


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Intuitive Physical Picture



A soliton has a local energy


Orbital Compass Model

2D Orbital Compass Model dual to p+ip superconducting

array. Z. Nussinov and E. Fradkin, cond-mat/0410720

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Case I: (Exact result) Continuous d < 2 emergent symmetry in a gapped system, results unchanged

Case II: Numerous systems with exact discrete d-GLSs are adiabatically connected to states where d-GLSs are emergent; results unchanged

Stability and Protection of symmetries What happens when the d-GLSs

are not exact symmetries of the full H ?

(i.e., effect of perturbations) Emergent Symmetries

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Holographic Entropy

For independent d-GLSs with d=1, degeneracy

is exponential in the surface area of the system.

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Symmetry based selection rules Kugel-Khomskii Hamiltonian for

t2g systems

A continuous symmetry (A. B. Harris et al., PRL 91, 087206 (2003))

OPγ ≡ [exp(i


γ ⋅θP

γ ) / ]

[HKK ,OPγ ] = 0,


γ =Sr



But a continuous d=2 symmetry cannot be broken, no long range order.


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Symmetry based selection rules Kugel-Khomskii Hamiltonian

for t2g systems.

For a system in |xy> state,

vanishes for non-zero z. This is so as if two spins do not lie in the same plane (and thus

have a separation along the direction orthonormal to the planes of z=0), the two point correlator is not invariant under a continuous d=2 symmetry.

Other int. must be present to account for spin order. Similar considerations apply for |xz> and |yz> order. In general, if the KK interactions are dominant

with a,b,c orthogonal axis is the largest when a,b, and c are along the crystalline axis. Nematic type parameters:

I (kx ,ky , z,ω ) = dkze

ikzzS(k ,ω )∫

[I (ka ,kb ,c,ω )+ I (kb ,kc ,a,ω )+ I (kc ,ka ,b,ω )]


[2I (ka ,kb ,c,ω )− I (kb ,kc ,a,ω )− I (kc ,ka ,b,ω )]

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Conclusions (new results) •  Orbital systems can order by thermal “order out of

disorder” fluctuations even in their classical limit (no (1/S) zero point quantum fluctuations are necessary).

•  Similar to charge and spin driven quantum critical behavior, it is theoretically possible to have orbital order driven quantum critical behavior. (Prediction.)

•  Orbital systems can exhibit topological order and dimensional reductions due to their unusual symmetries (exact or approximate).

•  A new approach to dualities. •  Orbital nematic orders (from symmetry selection rules)

and related selection rules •  Orbital Larmor effects are predicted- periodic changes

in the orbital state under the application of uniaxial strain.