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Oral Practice Oral Practice Spring Semester, 2012 Sophomore Students Professor Ludmilla Cawdrey

Oral Practice Oral Practice Spring Semester, 2012 Sophomore Students Professor Ludmilla Cawdrey.

Dec 23, 2015



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Page 1: Oral Practice Oral Practice Spring Semester, 2012 Sophomore Students Professor Ludmilla Cawdrey.

Oral PracticeOral PracticeSpring Semester, 2012

Sophomore Students

ProfessorLudmilla Cawdrey

Page 2: Oral Practice Oral Practice Spring Semester, 2012 Sophomore Students Professor Ludmilla Cawdrey.

The Textbook We Use:

David Paul

Communication StrategiesCommunication Strategies Book 2

Units 8 – 15

CENGAGE LearningISBN 978-981-4232-62-83

Page 3: Oral Practice Oral Practice Spring Semester, 2012 Sophomore Students Professor Ludmilla Cawdrey.

Audio practice Partner and small group speaking practice Free communication

Course Methods

Page 4: Oral Practice Oral Practice Spring Semester, 2012 Sophomore Students Professor Ludmilla Cawdrey.

Spring Semester:Lesson plan (in weeks)

1. Unit 8: History2. Unit 8 (cont): Wars3. Unit 9: Women in Society4. Unit 9 (cont): The Roles of Men and Women5. Unit 10: The Developing World6. Unit 10 (cont): Poverty and Charity7. Unit 11: Violence8. Unit 11 (cont): Fighting9. Midterm Oral Test

(subject to adjustment):

Page 5: Oral Practice Oral Practice Spring Semester, 2012 Sophomore Students Professor Ludmilla Cawdrey.

Spring Semester:Lesson plan (in weeks)

10. Unit 12: Politics11. Unit 12 (cont): Extremism 12. Unit 13: Economics13. Unit 13 (cont): Starting Business14. Unit 14: Happiness15. Unit 14 (cont): Mood16. Unit 15: Globalization17. Unit 15 (cont): International World 18. Final Oral Test

(subject to adjustment)

Page 6: Oral Practice Oral Practice Spring Semester, 2012 Sophomore Students Professor Ludmilla Cawdrey.

Requirements and Grading

For MidtermMidterm and FinalFinal Tests the following is adjusted:

Attendance (presence in class) – 25%Participation (classroom activity, homework) – 25%Midterm test – 20%Final test – 30%

Page 7: Oral Practice Oral Practice Spring Semester, 2012 Sophomore Students Professor Ludmilla Cawdrey.

WarningMerely memorizing the words in a word list cannot

help you make a great progress in English.

Knowing more words is only a necessary but not a sufficient condition for better English.

Your proficiency level is not determined by how many words you know but by how accurately and fluently you use them.

There is no replacement for the actual application of the language, i.e. reading, writing, listening and speaking.

Page 8: Oral Practice Oral Practice Spring Semester, 2012 Sophomore Students Professor Ludmilla Cawdrey.

Unit 8: History

Discussion Practice

Which historical figure do you admire most? Why?

What lessons can we learn from history?How can we create a more humane and peaceful


Page 9: Oral Practice Oral Practice Spring Semester, 2012 Sophomore Students Professor Ludmilla Cawdrey.

History Quotations

We are not makers of history. We are made by history. (M. L. King, Jn)

A country without a memory is a country of madmen. (G. Santayana)

 History teaches everything including the future. (Lamartine)

 If you would understand anything, observe its beginning and its development. (Aristotle)

History is a myth that men agree to believe. (Napoleon)

Page 10: Oral Practice Oral Practice Spring Semester, 2012 Sophomore Students Professor Ludmilla Cawdrey.

Unit 9: Women in Society

Discussion Section

1.Do women have to do most of the housework?2.How to create more opportunities to women who

want to have a career?3.Are the roles of men and women conditioned by

society?4.What do you know about feminists?

Page 11: Oral Practice Oral Practice Spring Semester, 2012 Sophomore Students Professor Ludmilla Cawdrey.

Quotes on Women

A woman who thinks she is intelligent demands the same rights as man. An intelligent woman gives up. (S.G. Colette)

Woman once made equal to man becomes his superior.

Women always worry about the things that men forget; men always worry about the things women remember.

Page 12: Oral Practice Oral Practice Spring Semester, 2012 Sophomore Students Professor Ludmilla Cawdrey.

Unit 10: The Developing World

Discussion Section

1.What is meant by the developing world?2.How can aid to developing countries be made more

effective?3.What is your attitude to people from developing


Page 13: Oral Practice Oral Practice Spring Semester, 2012 Sophomore Students Professor Ludmilla Cawdrey.

Unit 11: Violence

Discussion Section

1.Do you think violent sports should be banned?2.Do you think that modern world is violent?3.Is the media responsible for the increase of violence

in society?4.How to prevent children from regarding violence as

normal?5.How to reduce violence in society?6.How to reduce war and terrorism?

Page 14: Oral Practice Oral Practice Spring Semester, 2012 Sophomore Students Professor Ludmilla Cawdrey.

Quotes on ViolencePeace cannot be achieved through violence; it can only be

attained through understanding. (Ralph Waldo Emerson )

War - An act of violence whose object is to constrain the enemy, to accomplish our will. (George Washington )

Nothing good ever comes of violence. (Martin Luther )

The main goal of the future is to stop violence. The world is addicted to it. (Bill Cosby )

Social justice cannot be attained by violence. Violence kills what it intends to create. (Pope John Paul II)

Violence and arms can never resolve the problems of men. (Pope John Paul II )

Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent. (Isaac Asimov )

Page 15: Oral Practice Oral Practice Spring Semester, 2012 Sophomore Students Professor Ludmilla Cawdrey.

April 11 and 18- Midterm daysApril 11 and 18- Midterm days

Review the topics and the vocabulary from Units 8 - 11.

1. Speak with the teachers answering the main questions form the Discussion Practice sections

Consider the following:a) Use the extensive vocabularyb) Clearly explain your position = give extended answers= use 5 to 6 sentences to answer the teacher’s questions

2. Comment on the Quotes (handouts)

3. Describe a picture (weather conditions + settings)

Page 16: Oral Practice Oral Practice Spring Semester, 2012 Sophomore Students Professor Ludmilla Cawdrey.

Unit 12: Politics

Discussion Section

1.Describe your ideal political system2.What is meant by democratic society?3.Is your country free and democratic?4.Is it easy for minorities to become political leaders

in your country?5.What aspects of your country need radical change?

Page 17: Oral Practice Oral Practice Spring Semester, 2012 Sophomore Students Professor Ludmilla Cawdrey.

Quotes on Politics

Politics is for the present, but an equation is for eternity. (Albert Einstein )

In war, you can only be killed once, but in politics, many times. (Winston Churchill )

Politics have no relation to morals. (Niccolo Machiavelli )

Page 18: Oral Practice Oral Practice Spring Semester, 2012 Sophomore Students Professor Ludmilla Cawdrey.

Unit 13: Economics

Discussion Section

1.Do you think that income tax is fair in your country?2.Should consumption tax be reduced or increased?3.How should the government encourage consumption

to increase?4.Is an unemployment rate high or low in your

country?5.How does an inflation rate influence society?

Page 19: Oral Practice Oral Practice Spring Semester, 2012 Sophomore Students Professor Ludmilla Cawdrey.

Unit 14: Happiness

Discussion Section

1.What is the difference between happiness and having a good time?

2.Is happiness a social phenomenon?3.What makes people to feel happy?4.Do you have a purpose in life?5.Do all people have to be creative?

Page 20: Oral Practice Oral Practice Spring Semester, 2012 Sophomore Students Professor Ludmilla Cawdrey.

Quotes on Happiness

"There is only one success - to spend your life in your own way." (Christopher Morley)

"In seeking happiness for others, you find it for yourself." (Anonymous)

"The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes, but in liking what one does." (James M. Barrie)

Page 21: Oral Practice Oral Practice Spring Semester, 2012 Sophomore Students Professor Ludmilla Cawdrey.


If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap.If you want happiness for a day, go fishing.If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune.If you want happiness for a lifetime, help someone else.

Chinese Proverb"Happiness is not pleasure, it's victory.“

Page 22: Oral Practice Oral Practice Spring Semester, 2012 Sophomore Students Professor Ludmilla Cawdrey.

Ten Spiritual Tonics

1. Stop worrying. Worry kills life.2. Begin each day with a prayer. It will arm your soul.3. Control appetite. Over-indulgence clogs body and mind.4. Accept your limitations . . .5. Don’t envy. It wastes time and energy.6. Have faith in people. Cynicism sours the disposition.7. Find a hobby. It will relax your nerves.8. Read a book a week to stimulate imagination and broaden your views.9. Spend some time alone for the peace of solitude and silence.10. Try to want what you have, instead of spending your strength trying to get what you want.

Abraham L. Feinberg

Page 23: Oral Practice Oral Practice Spring Semester, 2012 Sophomore Students Professor Ludmilla Cawdrey.

Unit 15: Globalization

Discussion Section

1.What do you mean by open-mindedness?2.What is an international person?3.Do we have to preserve national identity? (cultures)4.Would you prefer to get education in your country or

go abroad, study and work there?

Page 24: Oral Practice Oral Practice Spring Semester, 2012 Sophomore Students Professor Ludmilla Cawdrey.

June 13 and 20- FinalsJune 13 and 20- Finals

Review the topics and the vocabulary from Units 11 - 15.

1. Speak with the teachers answering the main questions form the Discussion Practice sections

Consider the following:a) Use the extensive vocabularyb) Clearly explain your position = give extended answers= use 5 to 6 sentences to answer the teacher’s questions

2. Comment on the Quotes (handouts)

3. Describe a picture (weather conditions + settings + people discriptions)

Page 25: Oral Practice Oral Practice Spring Semester, 2012 Sophomore Students Professor Ludmilla Cawdrey.

Tongue twisters

Penny's pretty pink piggy bankFreshly-fried fat flying fish Any noise annoys an oyster but a noisy noise annoys an

oyster more. The thirty-three thieves thought that they thrilled the

throne throughout Thursday.Rubber baby-buggy bumpers. The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain.

Page 26: Oral Practice Oral Practice Spring Semester, 2012 Sophomore Students Professor Ludmilla Cawdrey.

Weather vs whether

Whether the weather be fine orWhether the weather be notWhether the weather be cold orWhether the weather be hot

We’ll weather the weather Whatever the weatherWhether we like it or not

Page 27: Oral Practice Oral Practice Spring Semester, 2012 Sophomore Students Professor Ludmilla Cawdrey.

Tongue Twisters 2

Singing SealsSinging SealsSeven seals Sit by the seaSinging silly Songs to me

Wes waded in the water, Wendy waded, tooThey walked in the wet sand, And Waved to Mom and Sue

Page 28: Oral Practice Oral Practice Spring Semester, 2012 Sophomore Students Professor Ludmilla Cawdrey.

What Is Pink? by Christina Rossetti

What is pink? a rose is pink What is yellow? pears are yellow,By the fountain’s brink. Rich and ripe and mellow.What is red? a poppy’s red What is green? the grass is green,In its barley bed. With small flowers between.What is blue? the sky is blue What is violet? clouds are violetWhere the clouds float thro’. In the summer twilight.What is white? a swan is white What is orange? why, an orange,Sailing in the light. Just an orange!

Page 29: Oral Practice Oral Practice Spring Semester, 2012 Sophomore Students Professor Ludmilla Cawdrey.

Which of the following spelling is correct?

1. a) dilemma b) dillemma c) dillema d) dilema2. a) excersize b) exercise c) excercize d) exersize3. a) consensus b) concensus c) consencus d) consenssus4. a) inadvertant b) inadvartant c) inadvartent d) inadvertent5. a) prerogative b) perogative c) perogitive d) preragitive6. a) rime b) ryme c) rhime d) rhyme7. a) envirement b) enviornment c) environment d) enviarmint8. a) facinating b) fascinating c) fasenating d) fassinating9. a) beelieve b) bilieve c) bileive d) believe10. a) perserverance b) persaverence c) perserverence d)


Page 30: Oral Practice Oral Practice Spring Semester, 2012 Sophomore Students Professor Ludmilla Cawdrey.

Mistakes correction

1a) dilemma2b) exercise3a) consensus4d) inadvertent5a) prerogative6d) rhyme7c) environment8b) fascinating9d) believe10d) perseverance

Page 31: Oral Practice Oral Practice Spring Semester, 2012 Sophomore Students Professor Ludmilla Cawdrey.

Which is the correct spelling?

1. Innossent – innocent – inoccent2. Suspicion – suspicioun – suspectious3. Trail – triel – trial4. Arressted – aressted – arrested5. Dout – daubt – doubt6. Colleagues – colleaques – collegues7. Conseguence – consequences – consiquences8. Allibi – alibi – alliby9. Quilty – guilty – guillty10.Concideration –consideracion - consideration

Page 32: Oral Practice Oral Practice Spring Semester, 2012 Sophomore Students Professor Ludmilla Cawdrey.

Correct spelling

1. Innocent2. Suspicion3. Trial4. Arrested5. Doubt6. Colleagues7. Consequences8. Alibi9. Guilty10.Consideration

Page 33: Oral Practice Oral Practice Spring Semester, 2012 Sophomore Students Professor Ludmilla Cawdrey.

Jumbled Word


Page 34: Oral Practice Oral Practice Spring Semester, 2012 Sophomore Students Professor Ludmilla Cawdrey.

Jumbled Word: Jumbled Word: GRASSHOPPER GRASSHOPPER (50)(50)







Page 35: Oral Practice Oral Practice Spring Semester, 2012 Sophomore Students Professor Ludmilla Cawdrey.


Page 36: Oral Practice Oral Practice Spring Semester, 2012 Sophomore Students Professor Ludmilla Cawdrey.


Quite righttoo little, too late

See for yourself Deep in thought Shop till you drop

Once in my life Broken promise

Page 37: Oral Practice Oral Practice Spring Semester, 2012 Sophomore Students Professor Ludmilla Cawdrey.


Page 38: Oral Practice Oral Practice Spring Semester, 2012 Sophomore Students Professor Ludmilla Cawdrey.


Once in my life

Heart to heart

Forgive and forget

Your time is up

Middle aged See eye to eye Green


Page 39: Oral Practice Oral Practice Spring Semester, 2012 Sophomore Students Professor Ludmilla Cawdrey.

Roads we choose

The longest journey is the journey inward.(Dag Hammarskjold)

If you want to succeed you should strike out on new paths rather than travel the worn paths of accepted success. (J. D. Rockefeller)

I have wandered all my life, and I have traveled; the difference between the two is this - we wander for distraction, but we travel for fulfillment. (H. Belloc)

Who would venture upon the journey of life, if compelled to begin it at the end? (F. de Maintenon)