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Oracle Service Upgrading Oracle Service Release 11i November 2001 Part No. A95921-01

Oracle Service, Upgrading Oracle Service

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Page 1: Oracle Service, Upgrading Oracle Service

Oracle Service

Upgrading Oracle Service

Release 11i

November 2001

Part No. A95921-01

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Oracle Service, Upgrading Oracle Service , Release 11i

Part No. A95921-01

Copyright © 1996, 2001, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

The Programs (which include both the software and documentation) contain proprietary information of Oracle Corporation; they are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are also protected by copyright, patent and other intellectual and industrial property laws. Reverse engineering, disassembly or decompilation of the Programs, except to the extent required to obtain interoperability with other independently created software or as specified by law, is prohibited.

The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. If you find any problems in the documentation, please report them to us in writing. Oracle Corporation does not warrant that this document is error-free. Except as may be expressly permitted in your license agreement for these Programs, no part of these Programs may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Oracle Corporation.

If the Programs are delivered to the U.S. Government or anyone licensing or using the programs on behalf of the U.S. Government, the following notice is applicable:

Restricted Rights Notice Programs delivered subject to the DOD FAR Supplement are "commercial computer software" and use, duplication, and disclosure of the Programs, including documentation, shall be subject to the licensing restrictions set forth in the applicable Oracle license agreement. Otherwise, Programs delivered subject to the Federal Acquisition Regulations are "restricted computer software" and use, duplication, and disclosure of the Programs shall be subject to the restrictions in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights (June, 1987). Oracle Corporation, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065.

The Programs are not intended for use in any nuclear, aviation, mass transit, medical, or other inherently dangerous applications. It shall be the licensee's responsibility to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure the safe use of such applications if the Programs are used for such purposes, and Oracle Corporation disclaims liability for any damages caused by such use of the Programs.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

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Send Us Your Comments .................................................................................................................... v

Preface........................................................................................................................................................... vii

How to Use This Guide........................................................................................................................ viiIntended Audience ............................................................................................................................... viii Related Documents............................................................................................................................... ixConventions............................................................................................................................................. x

1 Category 1: Before You Receive the Software

Step 1. Mandatory: Apply Pre-Upgrade Patches .......................................................................... 1-1Step 2. Mandatory: Set Up Profile Values ...................................................................................... 1-2Step 3. Optional: Assign Country Codes........................................................................................ 1-5Step 4. Mandatory: Run Setup Data Verification Scripts............................................................ 1-6Step 5. Mandatory: Process Data in the Interface Tables ........................................................... 1-9Step 6. Mandatory: Remove Multiple Counter Groups ............................................................ 1-10

2 Category 2: After You Recieve the Software

Step 1. Correct for Multiple Service Requests Associated with a Single RMA ..................... 2-1

3 Category 3: Performing the Upgrade

Step 1. Mandatory: Process Data in Interface Tables ................................................................... 3-1Step 2. Mandatory: Remove Multiple Counter Groups .............................................................. 3-2

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4 Category 4: Before Using Oracle Applications

Step 1. Mandatory: Run Post Upgrade Reports ............................................................................ 4-1

5 Category 5: Before Using the Oracle Service Product Family

Step 1. Mandatory: Oracle Contracts Setup ................................................................................... 5-1Step 2. Mandatory: Oracle Customer Support Setup................................................................... 5-3Step 3. Conditional: Custom Workflows Associated with Pre-11i Incident Action Types ... 5-3

6 Category 6: Before Using Oracle Service Product Specific Features

Step 1. Mandatory: Field Service Setup.......................................................................................... 6-1Step 2. Mandatory: Depot Repair Update ...................................................................................... 6-2Step 3. Mandatory: Run Employee Synchronization ................................................................... 6-2New Responsibilities in 11i .............................................................................................................. 6-3

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Send Us Your Comments

Oracle Service, Upgrading Oracle Service, Release 11i

Part No. A95921-01

Oracle Corporation welcomes your comments and suggestions on the quality and usefulness of this document. Your input is an important part of the information used for revision.

■ Did you find any errors?■ Is the information clearly presented?■ Do you need more information? If so, where?■ Are the examples correct? Do you need more examples?■ What features did you like most?

If you find any errors or have any other suggestions for improvement, please indicate the document title and part number, and the chapter, section, and page number (if available). You can send com-ments to us in the following ways:

■ Electronic mail: [email protected] ■ FAX: (650) 654-6223 Attn: Oracle Service Documentation■ Postal service:

Oracle Corporation Oracle Service Documentation500 Oracle Parkway, 659603Redwood City, CA 94065USA

If you would like a reply, please give your name, address, telephone number, and (optionally) elec-tronic mail address.

If you have problems with the software, please contact your local Oracle Support Services.

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Oracle Service, Upgrading Oracle Service describes all the steps for preparing your Oracle Service products for an upgrade to Release 11i from Release 10.7, Release 11.0.x or 3i. It also tells you how to perform post-upgrade steps after you run AutoUpgrade.

How to Use This Guide

Pre-upgrade StepsYou perform pre-upgrade steps before you run AutoUpgrade.You must complete all steps that apply to your installation before you start the steps in the next category.

Category 1: Steps to perform before using the new softwareThese steps require nothing from the software and do not prevent you fromcontinuing to use your products. You will need only this manual and yourproduct-specific Oracle Applications Release 11i user’s guides as reference.

Category 2: Steps that require the new softwareThese steps require files contained on the Oracle Applications software CD, or on OracleMetalink. You can continue to use your products at the existing release levelafter you run these steps.

Category 3: Steps to perform just before running AutoUpgradeRun these steps just prior to running AutoUpgrade, after all users have logged off. Once you begin to perform Category 3 steps, you cannot use

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your products until you have run AutoUpgrade and completed the Category 4 steps.

Post-upgrade StepsYou perform post-upgrade steps after you have run AutoUpgrade. You must complete all steps that apply to your installation before you start the steps in the next category.

Category 4: Steps to run before using Oracle ApplicationsThese steps affect the entire Oracle Applications system and must be completed before any user logs on or attempts to use any portion of the installation.

Category 5: Steps to run before using the applicationThese steps affect specific Oracle Applications products. You must complete the steps in this category before using the associated product.

Category 6: Steps to run before using a certain featureYou can sign on to an Oracle Applications product but cannot use certain featuresuntil you perform these steps.

Intended AudienceThis manual is written for the persons who are responsible for upgrading Oracle Applications. In it, we assign upgrade steps to the following roles.

Application SpecialistProvides knowledge and guidance regarding application functionality. This person also supports and provides interpretation for tools, templates, and methods.

Database AdministratorInstalls and configures the Oracle database and maintains database access controls.This person provides consultation on performance, and is responsible for monitoring growth and fragmentation of the production database and ensuring database backup and recovery.

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System AdministratorResponsible for administering the development system. This person’sresponsibilities include:

■ Ensuring that hardware is correctly configured

■ Installing, configuring, and maintaining operating and development software

■ Ensuring that the system is backed up daily

■ Designing and maintaining system security—for example, establishing system accounts.

The system administrator provides first-line support for problems with the development system and ensures that faults are quickly rectified. This person mayperform the setup and initial maintenance of the production system or advise theclient’s operational staff on these tasks. The system administrator works with the project team to optimize system performance. They also install packagedapplications environments and convert data.

Technical SpecialistResponsible for designing, developing, unit testing, implementing, and maintaining the custom extensions for the Oracle applications. These extensions include, but are not limited to, modules—such as interfaces, automated data conversions, reports, forms, and enhancements.

Related DocumentsAll Release 11i documentation is included on the Oracle Applications Document Library CD, which is supplied in your Release 11i CD Pack. You can download some soft-copy documentation from Or, you can purchase hard-copy documentation from the Oracle Store at

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ConventionsThe following conventions are used in this manual:

Convention Meaning

. . .

Vertical ellipsis points in an example mean that information not directly related to the example has been omitted.

. . . Horizontal ellipsis points in statements or commands mean that parts of the statement or command not directly related to the example have been omitted

boldface text Boldface type in text indicates a term defined in the text, the glossary, or in both locations.

< > Angle brackets enclose user-supplied names.

[ ] Brackets enclose optional clauses from which you can choose one or none.

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Category 1: Before You Receive the Software 1-1

1Category 1: Before You Receive the


This section describes the upgrade preparation steps that you must run to prepare for your Oracle Applications upgrade. These steps are referred to as Category 1 steps and they require nothing from the new software. They allow you to continue using your current Oracle Applications environment.

■ Apply Pre-upgrade Patches

■ Set up Profile Values

■ Assign Country Codes

■ Run Setup Data Verification Scripts

■ Process Data in Interface Tables

■ Remove Multiple Counter Groups

Step 1. Mandatory: Apply Pre-Upgrade PatchesPerform this step if you are upgrading from Release 10.7, 11.0.x or 3i.

This step should be performed by the System Administrator or DBA.

Users must be logged off of the application during this step.

Apply the appropriate patch available for upgrading from 10.7, 11.0.x or 3.1.x using the Auto Patch utility. For example, if you are upgrading from Oracle Applications Release 10.7, download the patch that is available for 10.7 to 11i upgrades and apply the patch using the AutoPatch utility.

Note: Apply the patch for version 3.1.2 if Oracle CRM Applications Release 3i has been functionally implemented.

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Step 2. Mandatory: Set Up Profile Values

1-2 Oracle Service, Upgrading Oracle Service

If you are upgrading to Release 11.5.3The following list provides the patch numbers required when upgrading to Release 11.5.3 from each release. You should verify that these patch numbers belong to the most current patches by searching for the latest upgrades patches on Metalink.

Patch Number CRM Release ERP Release

1419200 3.1.2 11.0.x

1419205 11.0.x 11.0.x

1419206 10.7 10.7

If you are upgrading to Release 11.5.4The following list provides the patch numbers required when upgrading to release 11.5.4 from each release. You should verify that these patch numbers correspond to the most current patches by searching for the latest upgrades patches on Metalink.

Patch Number CRM Release ERP Release

2091825 3.1.2 11.0.x

2091857 11.0.x 11.0.x

2091864 10.7 10.7

Step 2. Mandatory: Set Up Profile Values Perform this step if you are upgrading from Release 10.7, 11.0.x or 3i.

This step should be performed by the System Administrator or Applications Specialist.

Users do not have to be logged off of the application during this step.

All of the profile values listed must be set at the Site Level. These profile values must be set regardless of the product feature implemented. Following is a list of profile values that must be set.

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Step 2. Mandatory: Set Up Profile Values

Category 1: Before You Receive the Software 1-3

Table 1–1 Profile Options for Upgradets

Profile Name Vers.Product Feature Purpose Recommended value or format

Service: Upgrade Batchsize

All All products Used for setting size of batches of data to commit while migrating data

Integer between 1 and 10000. Set value to 10000. If the upgrade encounters rollback segment issues with this setting, either decrease the value or increase the size of the rollback segments.

Service: UPG Bill to Country Code

All Service Requests

Used for the Bill to address of non-verified customers in the service requests module.

Provided by a list of values

Service: UPG Ship to Country Code

All Service Requests

Used for the Ship to address of non-verified customers in the service requests module

Provided by a list of values

Service: UPG Install Country Code

All Service Requests

Used for the Install address of non-verified customers in the service requests module.

Provided by a list of values

Service: UPG 3i Installation Date

3i Service Requests

Used to determine the date 3i was installed, or when users first started entering data in 3i forms. This is important to determine the source of data because the data location is dependent on whether the data was entered from the 11.0 or 3i form.


Service: UPG Default Employee for Interactions

3i Interactions Provides a default value for employee information which became mandatory in the 11i Interaction History model.

Provided by a list of values

Service: UPG Service Request Type

All Depot Repair Required for creating new service requests to associate with repair records that do not currently have an associated service request

Provided by a list of values

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Step 2. Mandatory: Set Up Profile Values

1-4 Oracle Service, Upgrading Oracle Service

Service: UPG Service Request Severity

All Depot Repair Required for creating new service requests to associate with repair records that do not currently have an associated service request

Provided by a list of values

Service: UPG Service Request Status

All Depot Repair Required for creating new service requests to associate with repair records that do not currently have an associated service request

Provided by a list of values

Service: UPG Service Request Owners

All Depot Repair Required for creating new service requests to associate with repair records that do not currently have an associated service request

Provided by a list of values

Service: UPG Business Process

All Depot Repair Required for creating new charge lines linked to repair lines in order to associate RMA information with repair line.

For 10.7: Enter any name for a business process.

For 11.0x/3i: Provided by a list of values

Service: UPG Transaction Type

All Depot Repair Required for creating new charge lines linked to repair lines in order to associate RMA information with repair lines

Provided by a list of values. The value chosen must have a billable flag of type Material associated with it.

Service: UPG Time Zone for Contracts

3i Contracts Used for records that do not have a time zone value during coverage line or sub-lines creation

Provided by a list of values

Service: Repair Default Order Type

10.7 Charges Provides a default order type for all 10.7 depot repair estimates because order type did not exist in 10.7 and is optional in 11i. Business Processes will also be updated with this value.

Provided by a list of values

Table 1–1 Profile Options for Upgradets

Profile Name Vers.Product Feature Purpose Recommended value or format

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Step 3. Optional: Assign Country Codes

Category 1: Before You Receive the Software 1-5

Step 3. Optional: Assign Country CodesPerform this step if you are upgrading from Release 10.7, 11.0.x or 3i.

This step should be performed by a Technical or Applications Specialist.

Users do not have to be logged off of the application during this step.

InstructionsAs part of the upgrade process, Country Codes will be inserted in the HZ_LOCATIONS table. To determine the Country Code, the upgrade process will first use the country code columns on the individual record in CS_INCIDENTS_ALL. If no value is found in the country code columns, the default values in the profile options will be used.

If you want to assign Country Code exceptions to columns that were newly added to the CS_INCIDENTS_ALL table, you must use SQL*Plus to update the Country Code values. These country codes must be set to valid values that exist in the TERRITORY_CODE column of FND_TERRITORIES. The columns to be populated in CS_INCIDENTS_ALL are:




Service: Time Unit of Measure Class

All Service Used to specify the unit of measure class that defines time and must be set in order to select the Service: Hour Unit of Measure and the Service: Minute Unit of Measure profiles

Value is site specific based in the individual implementation of Unit of Measure classes

Service: UPG Minute Unit of Measure

All Service Used to specify the unit of measure for Minutes

Value is site specific based in the individual implementation of Units of Measure

Service: UPG Hour Unit of Measure

All Service Used to specify the unit of measure for Hours

Value is site specific based in the individual implementation of Units of Measure

Table 1–1 Profile Options for Upgradets

Profile Name Vers.Product Feature Purpose Recommended value or format

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Step 4. Mandatory: Run Setup Data Verification Scripts

1-6 Oracle Service, Upgrading Oracle Service

Step 4. Mandatory: Run Setup Data Verification ScriptsPerform this step if you are upgrading from Release 10.7, 11.0.x or 3i.

This task should be performed by a System Administrator, DBA, or Technical or Applications Specialist.

Users do not have to be logged off of the application during this step.

InstructionsThe following setup data verification scripts have been provided along with the pre-upgrade patch. Each of the following scripts accepts one parameter for the output report file name. You may run the scripts as follows:

If you are upgrading from CRM 3i/Oracle Applications R11.0.x: $ cd $APPL_TOP/admin/out$ sqlplus <APPS username>/<APPS password> @$CS_TOP/patch/110/sql/<script>

Enter the <output filename> when prompted.

Review the output file named <output filename>.lst from each script and fix any problems as indicated by the report.

If you are upgrading from Oracle Applications R10.7:$ cd $APPL_TOP/admin/out$ sqlplus <APPS username>/<APPS password> @$CS_TOP/patchsc/107/sql/<script>

Enter the <output filename> when prompted.

Review the output file named <output filename>.lst from each script and fix any problems as indicated by the report.

Following is a list of the setup data verification scripts.

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Step 4. Mandatory: Run Setup Data Verification Scripts

Category 1: Before You Receive the Software 1-7

Table 1–2 Setup Data Verification Scripts

Script Product Module Vers. Purpose Output

cs33sver.sql Service Requests 3i Verify Country Code profiles

Verifies that the country code profiles options are set. This script also validates the values of the country code columns against FND_TERRITORIES.

DO NOT CONTINUE until this step completes without errors.

cs22sver.sql Service Requests 11.0.x Verify Country Code profiles

Verifies that the country code profiles options are set. This script also validates the values of the country code columns against FND_TERRITORIES.

DO NOT CONTINUE until this step completes without errors.

cs11sver.sql Service Requests 10.7 Verify Country Code profiles

Verifies that the country code profiles options are set. This script also validates the values of the country code columns against FND_TERRITORIES.

DO NOT CONTINUE until this step completes without errors.

cs33gver.sql Charges 3i Pre-upgrade validation report

Validates all the source records and lists the records that will not be migrated. * Also see Note below.

cs22gver.sql Charges 11.0.x Pre-upgrade validation report

Validates all the source records and lists the records that will not be migrated. * Also see Note below.

CS33KRPT.sql Contracts 3i Pre-upgrade validation report

Validates all the source records and lists the records that will not be migrated.

CS22KRPT.sql Contracts 11.0.x Pre-upgrade validation report

Validates all the source records and lists the records that will not be migrated.

CS11KRPT.sql Contracts 10.7 Pre-upgrade validation report

Validates all the source records and lists the records that will not be migrated.

cs00dval.sql Depot Repair All Pre-upgrade validation report

Verifies that all the profiles mentioned above in Step 2 for Depot Repair are set.

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Step 4. Mandatory: Run Setup Data Verification Scripts

1-8 Oracle Service, Upgrading Oracle Service

The output from each script provides information about the pre-upgrade status of the environment. Any problems indicated on the reports must be fixed before proceeding with the upgrade.

cs33ppbe.sql Customer Care 3i Verification script for Customer Profiles

Provides a list of Profile checks that reference Invalid Profile Variables.

cs33hrep.sql Interaction and Territories

3i Verification script to verify that the profile called Service : Default Employee for Interactions (CS_IH_UPG_DEFAULT_EMPLOYEE) is set

1. Number of Interactions where Employee_id is null.

2. List of Interactions where Employee_id does not point to a Valid employee.

3. List of Interactions where Interaction_category_code does not point to a valid Lookup Code.

4. List of Interactions where customer_id does not point to a valid customer.

5. Number of Parent and Child interactions.

6. List of territories/templates (not template types) that have qualifiers which have no values assigned, or are disabled.

csxctrdu.sql Counters 3.1.1 Pre-upgrade validation report

Generates report of entities with multiple counter groups associations

csxctddu.sql Counters 3.1.1 Pre-upgrade validation report

Deletes counter groups identified in the report generated by csxctrdu.sql

CS33IRPT.sql Installed Base 3.1.1 Pre-Upgrade validation of Customer/Party keys

Checks the BILL_TO_SITE_USE_ID, INSTALL_SITE_USE_ID and SHIP_TO_SITE_USE_ID columns in CS_CUSTOMER_PRODUCTS_ALL table to verify whether it is pointing to a valid SITE_USE_ID in the HZ_CUST_SITE_USES_ALL table.

Table 1–2 Setup Data Verification Scripts

Script Product Module Vers. Purpose Output

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Step 5. Mandatory: Process Data in the Interface Tables

Category 1: Before You Receive the Software 1-9

Step 5. Mandatory: Process Data in the Interface TablesPerform this step if you are upgrading from Release 10.7, 11.0.x or 3i.

This step should be performed by a System Administrator or a Technical or Applications Specialist.

Users do not have to be logged off of the application during this step.

Depot RepairRun the following concurrent programs to ensure that all items received for repair have been interfaced to Depot Repair.

1. Run the RMA Interface concurrent program.

2. When the RMA Interface concurrent program is complete, run the Depot Repair Control concurrent program.

Contracts - mandatory step only for Release 3iIf you are upgrading from Release 3i, run the following concurrent programs in the order shown below to ensure that all contract billing lines are processed. After these programs have run, there should not be any rows in the CS_CONT_BILL_IFACE table.

Note: In 11.0 and 3i, the default order type was optional on charge lines that were not submitted to Order Management. In 11i, through release 11.5.4, the order type is mandatory in Charges. During the upgrade, rows with a null order type are assigned an order type based on the default order type defined in their business process. To accomplish this, all 3i and 11.0.x business processes must have a default order type defined before the upgrade is started. Please verify that ALL business processes have default order types defined. Please check the report and fix the data.

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Step 6. Mandatory: Remove Multiple Counter Groups

1-10 Oracle Service, Upgrading Oracle Service

1. Contract Billing

2. Autoinvoice Import

3. Fetch Transaction Information from AR

Step 6. Mandatory: Remove Multiple Counter GroupsPerform this step if you are upgrading from Release 3.1.1 (3i).

This step should be performed by a System Administrator or a Technical or Applications Specialist.

Users do not have to be logged off of the application during this step.

InstructionsIn 3i v 3.1.1 , multiple counter groups were allowed to be associated with an installed base customer product or contract line. This feature is not supported in 3i v 3.1.2 or later. You need to ensure that multiple counter groups are not associated with an installed base customer product or contract line. If multiple associations exist then they must be removed before proceeding to upgrade. Following are the steps to identify and remove multiple associations.

1. Run the script csxctrdu.sql. This will create two reports:

a. Csxctodu.lst: Lists product in the installed base that have multiple counter groups associated to them

b. Csxctcdu.lst: Lists contract lines that have multiple counter groups associated to them. To run the script:

$ cd $APPL_TOP/admin/out$ sqlplus <APPS username>/<APPS password> @$CS_TOP/patch/110/sql/csxctrdu.sql

2. Review these reports and decide which multiple counter groups to delete. If the reports contain no data, then you have no multiple counter groups to remove and you can skip the remaining steps in this section.

3. Run the script csxctddu.sql for each counter group which was identified for deletion in step 2.

$ cd $APPL_TOP/admin/out$ sqlplus <APPS username>/<APPS password> @$CS_TOP/patch/110/sql/csxctrdu.sql

4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 until all of the multiple associations are deleted.

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Category 2: After You Recieve the Software 2-1

2Category 2: After You Recieve the Software

This section describes the upgrade preparation steps (also known as pre-upgrade steps) that you should run after you receive your new Oracle Applications software. These steps are referred to as Category 2. You must unload the new files, but you can continue to use your products at the existing release level after you run these steps.

Attention: Unless otherwise noted, Category 2 steps that use a form should be performed from your existing ("old") APPL_TOP. Steps that require running a SQL*Plus script should be performed from your "new" APPL_TOP.

Step 1. Correct for Multiple Service Requests Associated with a Single RMA

Perform this step if you are upgrading from Release 10.7.

This task should be performed by a Technical or Applications Specialist.

Users do not have to be logged off of the application during this step.

InstructionsIf you have RMAs (return material authorizations) that are associated with more than one service request, you must modify your records prior to installing Release 11i so that each RMA is linked to only one service request. During the upgrade process, the one-to-one mapping is enforced by the addition of a unique index on the service requests table.

Run the cspupg2.sql script to view all occurrences of RMAs associated with multiple service requests:

$ cd $APPL_TOP/admin/out$ sqlplus <APPS username>/<APPS password> @$APPL_TOP/admin/preupg/cspupg2.sql

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Step 1. Correct for Multiple Service Requests Associated with a Single RMA

2-2 Oracle Service, Upgrading Oracle Service

The list that the script generates is cspupg2.lst. Use it to find all violations and then make the corrections in the Service Requests window.

For additional information about working with service requests, refer to Entering Service Requests in the Oracle Customer Support Concepts and Procedures Guide.

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Category 3: Performing the Upgrade 3-1

3Category 3: Performing the Upgrade

This section describes the pre-upgrade tasks that prepare your Oracle Applications products for an upgrade and describes the actions that are required to start AutoUpgrade, the utility that performs the upgrade processing. These steps are referred to as Category 3 and once you begin to perform them, you cannot use Oracle Applications until after you have successfully completed your upgrade. All users must be logged off to perform these steps.

■ Process Data in Interface Tables

■ Remove Multiple Counter Groups

Step 1. Mandatory: Process Data in Interface TablesPerform this step if you are upgrading from Release 10.7, 11.0.x or 3i.

This step should be performed by a System Administrator or Technical or Applications Specialist.

Users must be logged off of the application during this step.

InstructionsThe following concurrent programs must be run to process all remaining product transaction records in the interface tables. These programs can also be run in the Category 1 and 2 phases. However, this should be the very last step performed using the current applications before the upgrade to Oracle Applications Release 11i.

Depot RepairRun the following concurrent programs to ensure that all items received for repair have been interfaced to Depot Repair.

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Step 2. Mandatory: Remove Multiple Counter Groups

3-2 Oracle Service, Upgrading Oracle Service

1. Run the RMA Interface concurrent program.

2. When the RMA Interface concurrent program is complete, run the Depot Repair Control concurrent program.

Contracts - mandatory only for Release 3iThis step is applicable only if you are running Oracle CRM Applications 3i and have implemented Contracts 3i. Run the following concurrent programs in the order shown below to ensure that all contract billing lines are processed. After these programs have run, there should not be any rows in the CS_CONT_BILL_IFACE table.

1. Contract Billing

2. Autoinvoice Import

3. Fetch Transaction Information from AR

Step 2. Mandatory: Remove Multiple Counter GroupsPerform this step if you are upgrading from 3.1.1 (3i).

This task should be performed by a System Administrator or Technical or Applications Specialist.

Users must be logged off of the application during this step.

Instructions This step was performed in Category 1, step 6. It needs to be run again at this stage.

In 3i v 3.1.1, multiple counter groups were allowed to be associated with an installed base customer product or contract line. This feature is no longer supported in 3i v 3.1.2 or later. You need to ensure that multiple counter groups are not associated with an installed base customer product or contract line. If multiple associations exist then they must be removed before proceeding to upgrade. Following are the steps to identify and remove multiple associations.

1. Run the script csxctrdu.sql. This will create two reports:

a. Csxctodu.lst: Lists product in the installed base that have multiple counter groups associated to them

b. Csxctcdu.lst: Lists contract lines that have multiple counter groups associated to them.

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Step 2. Mandatory: Remove Multiple Counter Groups

Category 3: Performing the Upgrade 3-3

To run the script:

$ cd $APPL_TOP/admin/out$ sqlplus <APPS username>/<APPS password> @$CS_TOP/patch/110/sql/csxctrdu.sql

2. Review these reports and decided which one of the multiple counter groups to delete. If the reports contain no data, then you have not multiple counter groups to remove and you can skip the remaining steps in this section.

3. Run the script csxctddu.sql for each counter group which was identified in step 2 to delete.

$ cd $APPL_TOP/admin/out$ sqlplus <APPS username>/<APPS password> @$CS_TOP/patch/110/sql/csxctrdu.sql

4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 until all of the multiple associations are deleted.

Run the main service upgrade script. For 11.5.3 run patch 1587909 and for release 11.5.4, run patch 1935405.

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Step 2. Mandatory: Remove Multiple Counter Groups

3-4 Oracle Service, Upgrading Oracle Service

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Category 4: Before Using Oracle Applications 4-1

4Category 4: Before Using Oracle


This section describes the upgrade finishing steps (also known as post-upgrade steps) that must be run after you have run AutoUpgrade and before you begin to use your Oracle Applications system or products. These steps are referred to as Category 4 and they affect the entire Oracle Applications system. When you perform these steps. all users must be logged off the system. Users should not attempt to use any Oracle Applications product until these steps are complete.

Step 1. Mandatory: Run Post Upgrade ReportsPerform this step if you are upgrading from Release 10.7, 11.0.x or 3i.

This step task should be performed by a System Administrator or Technical or Applications Specialist.

Users must be logged off of the application during this step.

InstructionsThe following scripts generate reports that show the status of the data in various modules after the upgrade. Review the output and take the appropriate steps to correct the data as necessary.

Here are the instructions to run the scripts to generate the reports:

$ cd $APPL_TOP/admin/out$ sqlplus <APPS username>/<APPS password> @$CS_TOP/patch/115/sql/<script >

Every script prompts for the output file name and appends <.lst> to the output file name.

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Step 1. Mandatory: Run Post Upgrade Reports

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A list of the post upgrade scripts follows.

Table 4–1 Post Upgrade Scripts

ScriptProduct Module Purpose Output

cs00arpt.sql Service Requests

Show the status of the task setups after the upgrade - not mandatory, but helpful

Lists Task types, statuses and priority after upgrade

cs00hrep.sql Interactions for 3i -11i upgrade

Show the status of the Interactions after the upgrade

Lists the number of records created in JTF_IH_INTERACTIONS, JTF_IH_ACTIVITIES and the number of records in the CS_INTERACTIONS table that have not been migrated

cs33ppbt.sql Customer Care for 3i -11i upgrade

Information on Profile variables

Lists the SQL statements for Profile variables that have been upgraded. These need to be validated in the new environment.

CS00URPT.sql All Reports all the rows that were NOT migrated during upgrade

Lists rows from the CS_UPG_ERRORS table. DO NOT CONTINUE until all errors are reviewed and fixed.

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Category 5: Before Using the Oracle Service Product Family 5-1

5Category 5: Before Using the Oracle Service

Product Family

This section describes the upgrade finishing steps (also known as post-upgrade steps) that must be run before you begin to use specific Oracle Applications products. We refer to these steps as Category 5 and they affect only a specific product, making it unavailable until the steps are complete.

■ Oracle Contracts Setup

■ Oracle Customer Support Setup

■ Custom Workflows Associated with Pre-11i Incident Actions Types

Step 1. Mandatory: Oracle Contracts SetupPerform this step if you are upgrading from Release 10.7, 11.0.x or 3i.

This task should be performed by a System Administrator or Technical or Applications Specialist.

Users must be logged off of this application during this step.

InstructionsIn order to view the upgraded data in Contracts Release 11i, the following setup steps must be followed and should be treated as mandatory. Please refer to the Implementing Oracle Contracts for Service chapter in Oracle Contracts for Service Concepts and Procedures Guide for additional information about product setup steps.

1. Set up the profile option called OKS: Default Line Style, using the System Administrator responsibility.

2. Define a category, using the Corporate Contracts Manager responsibility.

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Step 1. Mandatory: Oracle Contracts Setup

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3. Set up the Service Key Flexfields, following the steps described in the product documentation.

4. During the upgrade, all the contracts and service lines are migrated with statuses that are seeded. Any contracts and service lines with a custom status are migrated to Service Contracts 11i with a status of ‘ENTERED’. To update those records with the correct statuses, you need to create them in 11i. Run the following SQL script to update the migrated contracts and service lines:

$ cd $APPL_TOP/cs/11.5.0/patch/115/sql$ SQLPLUS apps/<pwd>@<connect string> @CS00KSTU.sql

5. This step varies depending on the release you are upgrading from.

a. For Oracle Applications Release 3.1.x, if any coverage transaction group line does not have time zone, then the line is migrated with the value in the Service: UPG Time Zone for Contracts profile.

b. For Oracle Applications Release 10.7 and 11.0:If any coverage transaction group line does not have time zone, the time zone is defaulted to “America/Tijuana” (P%sT). To update the time zone for the above records, follow these steps:

■ Setup the profile option OKS: Default Time Zone. (Switch to Responsibility - System Administrator).

■ Run the following script which will update the time zone to the above profile option value:

cd $APPL_TOP/cs/11.5.0/patch/115/sqlSQLPLUS apps/<pwd>@<connect string> @CS00KTZU.sql

6. In order to use all the new functionality of Oracle Contracts, we strongly recommend that you complete all the steps mentioned in the Implementing Oracle Contracts for Service chapter in the Oracle Contracts for Service Concepts and Procedures Guide.

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Step 3. Conditional: Custom Workflows Associated with Pre-11i Incident Action Types

Category 5: Before Using the Oracle Service Product Family 5-3

Step 2. Mandatory: Oracle Customer Support SetupPerform this step if you are upgrading from Release 10.7, 11.0.x or 3i.

This task should be performed by a System Administrator or Technical or Applications Specialist.

Users must be logged off of this application during this step.

InstructionsIn order to view the upgraded data in Customer Support Release 11i, the following setup steps must be followed and should be treated as mandatory. Please refer to the Oracle Customer Support Implementation Guide for additional information about product setup steps.

1. Set up t he following profile options:

■ ASO: Product Organization

■ Server Timezone

■ Client Timezone

2. In order to use all the new functionality of Oracle Customer Support, we strongly recommend that you complete all the steps mentioned in the Oracle Customer Support Implementation Guide.

Step 3. Conditional: Custom Workflows Associated with Pre-11i Incident Action Types

In pre-11i Service, there was a seeded workflow for Incident Action Types called NOTIFY_OWNER. In 11i, there is a seeded Task Type workflow called TASK_WORKFLOW. The upgrade process recognizes where the seeded pre-11i workflow is being used on an Incident Action Type and replaces it with the 11i seeded Task Type workflow.

If you have any custom workflows associated with pre-11i Incident Action Types, the names will be upgraded unmodified. You must reimplement those custom workflows in 11i for the functionality to continue working. If you have customized the seeded workflow, you must implement those same customizations in 11i.

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Step 3. Conditional: Custom Workflows Associated with Pre-11i Incident Action Types

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Category 6: Before Using Oracle Service Product Specific Features 6-1

6Category 6: Before Using Oracle Service

Product Specific Features

This section describes the upgrade finishing steps (also known as post-upgrade steps) that must be run before you begin to use some of the individual features of your Oracle Applications products. These steps are referred to as Category 6 and users can sign on to the affected product, but they cannot use a particular feature until you complete the appropriate steps.

■ Field Service Setup

■ Depot Repair Update

■ Run Employee Synchronization

Step 1. Mandatory: Field Service SetupPerform this step if you are upgrading from Release 3i.

This task should be performed by a System Administrator or a Technical or Applications Specialist.

Users do not have to be logged off of the application during this step.

InstructionsThe on-hand quantity can be updated in inventory for material transaction records that were migrated from 3i into the Field Service tables. These are the material transactions for which inventory transactions had not been carried out in 3i.

This step is done by executing a SQL*Plus script as follows:

$ cd $APPL_TOP/cs/11.5.0/patch/115/sql$ sqlplus <un_apps>/<pw_apps>@<connect string> @CS00FPU.sql

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Step 2. Mandatory: Depot Repair Update

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Check the errors by running the report generated by the script called CS00URPT.sql as described in Category 4, Step1. Look for errors under the “Errors for CS_EST_DETAILS_MTL_TXNS migration” title.

Step 2. Mandatory: Depot Repair UpdatePerform this step if you are upgrading from Release 10.7, 11.0.x or 3i.

This step should be performed by a System Administrator or a Technical or Applications Specialist.

Users do not have to be logged off of the application during this step.

Run the following concurrent programs:

■ Depot Repair Job (WIP) Update

■ Depot Repair RMA Receipt Update

■ Deport Repair Shipment Update

Before running these concurrent programs, make sure that the transaction type used for shipment has the “Update Depot Quantity” flag checked. The purpose of running these programs is to populate the shipping activity records in Depot Repair and to update the Repair order shipped quantity. These programs may run for several hours.

Step 3. Mandatory: Run Employee SynchronizationPerform this step if you are upgrading from Release 10.7, 11.0.x or 3i.

This step should be performed by a System Administrator or a Technical or Applications Specialist.

Users do not have to be logged off of the application during this step.

Run the concurrent program called Synchronize Employees to update all of the newly created resources with the current employee information from the Human Resources database. To run this program, use the CRM Administrator responsibility and navigate to Requests -> Run -> Single Request -> Synchronize Employees.

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New Responsibilities in 11i

Category 6: Before Using Oracle Service Product Specific Features 6-3

New Responsibilities in 11iAlmost all of the responsibilities available in pre 11i releases for the Service family of products are obsolete in this release. You must assign the appropriate responsibilities to the users before using the module.

Following are the new responsibilities:

Table 6–1 New Responsibilities in 11i

Responsibility Name Product or Module

Customer Support Service Requests, Charges, Counters, Install Base, Customer Care, Territories

Field Service Dispatcher Field Service, Tasks

Depot Repair Super User Depot Repair

Interaction History Interactions

Service Contracts Manager, Service Contracts User, Corporate Contracts Manager

Contracts for Service

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New Responsibilities in 11i

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