Top Banner commit to user i OPTIMIZING GOOGLE DOCS TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL OF DESCRIPTIVE TEXT ( An Action Research at the Eight Grade of SMP Negeri 3 Sukoharjo in Academic Year 2012/2013) By: GELEGAR YUDHA SETYAWAN K 2208080 THESIS Submitted to Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University as a Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Undergraduate Degree of English Education ENGLISH DEPARTMENT TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION FACULTY SEBELAS MARET UNIVERSITY SURAKARTA 2012


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( An Action Research at the Eight Grade of SMP Negeri 3

Sukoharjo in Academic Year 2012/2013)



K 2208080


Submitted to Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret

University as a Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Undergraduate

Degree of English Education







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I would like to certify that the thesis entitled “OPTIMIZING


DESCRIPTIVE TEXT ( An Action Research at the Eight Grade of

SMP Negeri 3 Sukoharjo in Academic Year 2012/2013)”is really my

own work. It is not plagiarism or made by others. Everything related to others’

works are written in quotation, the sources of which are listed on the bibliography.

If then, this pronouncement proves wrong, I am ready to receive any

academic punishment.

Surakarta, 26 November 2012

Gelegar Yudha S


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Gelegar Yudha Setyawan. K 2208080. OPTIMIZING GOOGLE DOCS TO


Action Research at the Eight Grade of SMP Negeri 3 Sukoharjo in Academic

Year 2012/2013).A Thesis, Surakarta: Teacher Training and Education Faculty of

SebelasMaret University, 2012.

This research aims at: 1) identifying how the use of Google Docs can

improve students’ writing skill of descriptive text; and 2) describing the classroom

climate when Google Docs is implemented in the writing class.

The method used in this research is a collaborative action research which

was conducted in two cycles at the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 3

Sukoharjo from August 2nd

to October 1st 2012, in which in the first cycle there

were 3 meetings and in the second cycle there were 2 meetings. Each cycle

consisted of four steps: planning, implementing, evaluation, and reflection. The

research data were collected by using observation, questionnaire, interviews, field

notes, photographs, and tests. The qualitative data were analyzed through

assembling the data, coding, comparing, building interpretations, and reporting the

outcomes. The quantitative data were analyzed by comparing the mean scores of

the pre-test and the post-tests.

The research findings show that Google Docs could improve students’

writing skill of descriptive text and classroom climate of English class. The

improvement of students’ writing skill includes: 1) students could develop their

ideas; 2) students were able to make coherent and cohesive text; 3) students could

find the appropriate vocabularies; 4) students made fewer mistakes in grammar; 5)

students made fewer mistakes in spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. The

improvement of classroom situation includes: 1) students were always ready to

have writing class immediately; 2) students developed the ideas fluently without

talking with other students; 3) students paid full attention to the lesson; 4) it did

not take students a long time anymore to write sentences; 5) students made less

noise during the lesson. The meaan score had the improvement from pretest to the

post-test 2. In the pretest, the students got 62.39, while in the post test 1 they got

69.91 and in the post test 2 they got 77.04.

The researcher finds that this research could improve students’ writing skill

and the classroom climate. It becomes one appropriate way in teaching writing.

The researcher hopes that what he had done provides other teachers inspiration to

conduct a collaborative action research in their classroom. Teachers should always

try to create an interesting media in their writing class in order to make students

interested in writing.

Keywords: Writing, Google Docs, Descriptive Text, SMP Students


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“The ink of the scholar is more sacred than the blood of the martyr”

(H.R Muslim)


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This thesis is dedicated to:

My beloved Mom and Dad who always

support and motivate me averytime

My elder brother Very Bhasori and his

wife Vina Bayun


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Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin. Praise and thank to God the Almighty for

blessing me so that I can accomplish the writing of this thesis. In this occasion, I

would like to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation to the following:

1. The Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty.

2. The Head of the Art and Language Education Department.

3. The Head of the English Department of Teacher Training and Education


4. Drs. Martono, M.A, as the writer’s first consultant for his guidance,

suggestions and advices.

5. Dra. Dewi Rochsatiningsih, Med. Ph. D as the writer’s second consultant

for her guidance, suggestions and advices.

6. Drs. Suratman, S.pd, M.Pd, the Headmaster of SMP Negeri 3 Sukoharjo

for facilitating the writer in doing the research.

7. Vayye Langen Dian, S.Pd, the English Teacher of class VIII A for his

collaboration in doing this research.

8. All of the students in class VIII A of SMP Negeri 3 Sukoharjo for

participating and supporting the writer in doing this research.

The researcher would also like to express his deep gratitude to those who

have contributed a great deal of support and encouragement for the completion of

this thesis. Realizing that much still has to be done to improve the content of this

thesis, he appreciates any suggestion and criticism for its improvement.

Surakarta, November 2012

Gelegar Yudha S


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This chapter presents about the background, problem statement, limitation,

objectives, and the benefits of the research.

A. Background of the study

Writing skill is one of English skills that should be learned by students beside

listening, speaking and reading. In writing, students must be able to write sentences

using correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and coherent ideas. By learning writing,

students will be able to communicate well not only in spoken language but also in

written language. According to the 2006 KTSP for SMP/MTS, the students in the

eighth grade are expected to be able to write some text types; descriptive, narrative,

and recount. They are expected to be able to differentiate the types among the texts

taught. They are also expected to be able to arrange certain texts using their own

words or create the new ones.

Bell and Burnaby in Nunan (1998:6) say that writing is an extremely complex

cognitive activity in which the writer is required to demonstrate control of a number

of variables simultaneously. At the sentence level these include control of content,

format, sentence structure, vocabulary, punctuation, spelling, and letter formation.

Beyond the sentence, the writer must be able to structure and integrate information

into cohesive and coherent paragraphs and texts. In writing, there are numbers of

aspects that must be considered to make the information inside the paragraphs and

text cohesive and coherent.

Enre (1988:13) defines that writing is a process of thinking systematically, so

that what is being written can be easily understood. It indicates that writing is very

important in communication that can help students to express idea, feeling,

information and opinion in written form. However, in fact most of them can not

achieve those writing criteria since their writing skills are still low.



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The students‟ low writing skill is indicated through the following indicators.

Seen from the pre-observation, the indicators of problems in writing skill are: (1)

students have difficulties in expressing and developing ideas. Students are able to

make topic or idea in their writing, but they do not know how to develop their idea;

(2) students get difficulties in cohesiveness and coherence. It is related with their way

of writing. Students do not have specific guidance of how to write systematically; (3)

students often make mistakes in word choice in writing descriptive text. The limited

word choice makes students find difficulties in applying the appropriate word to

express their idea especially to write descriptive text; (4) sometimes students spell

some words incorrectly. Sometimes, they know the words they want to use, but they

do not know how to spell the words correctly; (5) students often write sentence in

wrong structure (grammatical errors); It is supported by the teacher who says, “para

siswa selalu mengeluh kesulitan dalam memahami grammar mereka sulit sekali

membedakan kapan suatu kalimat harus menggunakan present, past, atau future.”

One of the students also says,” saya sangat bingung untuk membedakan apakah kata

itu termasuk verb, noun atau adjective.” From the statements, the researcher

concludes that the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Sukoharjo have problem in

their grammar; (6) students ignore capitalization and punctuation.

From the classroom climate, the indicators of problems in classroom are: (1)

Some of the students spend much time to have writing class; (2) Some of students

talk with other students in order to discuss what they will write; (3) some students can

not keep their focus on the lesson. They often talk to their friends before they start

writing; (4) students need a long time in writing sentence. They get difficulties in

exploring and developing ideas; (5) the writing class is too noisy. Students like to

speak each other because they are not able to do writing exercise.

The indicators above are caused by several causes. The causes come from the

material and technique, the teacher, and the students. The causes are: (1) Students

need more interesting media to support their writing class; (2) Students need


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interesting material from many sources, it is not only from monotonous text books.

Because the monotonous material gives less challenge to the students to explore their

knowledge and capability; (3) teachers need to manage an interesting writing class.

He has to make interesting media and teaching technique; (4) students rarely practice

writing in their daily activity. Actually, they can practice or write as much as

possible, but it seems useless because no one will give correction. Even though the

students do practice, they do not know whether their work is correct or incorrect; (5)

the material given needs to be changed by an attractive material. Students feel bored

when they are given such kind of boring material. It needs creativity of teacher to

change this situation by using attractive material and teaching media.

Writing is not automatic process of developing idea. Students will not get

something if they do nothing. Students have to practice writing as much as possible.

Actually students can have their own practices as much as they want, but the problem

sometimes arises because they have no good media to practice their writing. The

students always use monotonous media to learn writing. Teachers can do many things

to manage a good writing class. One of them is by using good teaching media. By

using an appropriate teaching media, the teachers can solve the students‟ motivation

problems and their difficulties in writing activity. Teachers are demanded to find and

use an appropriate media which are capable to meet the learners‟ needs to improve

their writing skill.

One of the appropriate media to solve students‟ writing problem is Google

Docs. It is a free, Web-based word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, form, and

data storage service offered by Google. It allows users to create and edit documents

online while collaborating in real-time with other users.

According to Kennedy, Mighell, & Kennedy in Claire Couillard (2011:1)

Google docs is an application that allows users to create documents, spreadsheets and

PowerPoint and share them with other online users. When a person has done editing a

document, they can save it as a Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF file. It helps to be

comfortable with multiple people editing your documents when using this platform.


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One of the advantages using Google Docs is that it keeps a record of all edits made to

a document.

Google docs are chosen because it enables students in different locations to

collaborate simultaneously on the same doc from any computer with Internet access.

It is new technology made by Google which is loved by students because they can

work together in online document for writing class. The program of Google docs

allows users to create and edit documents online. Multiple users can access the

document at the same time, making it easier for teams to collaborate on projects.

Google Docs makes students able to get instant feedback on their work from multiple

collaborators and their teacher. It also allows students to be able to publish their

papers and works to another students.

Teachers can also use Google Docs to provide timely feedback to students at

any point during the writing process. It also allows teachers to be able to collaborate

with colleagues on shared materials and assessment data and publish handouts and

presentations online for students and parents. Considering of the advantages of

Google Docs above, the researcher strongly believes that Google Docs is a good

media in conducting writing activity to improve the students‟ writing skill.

B. Problem Statement

In this study, the writer only focuses on certain problems. The problems are

formulated as follows:

1. Can Google Docs improve writing skill of eighth grade students at SMP Negeri 3

Sukoharjo in 2012/2013? If yes to what extent is its improvement?

2. What happens with the classroom climate when Google Docs is implemented in the

writing class?


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C. Objective of the Study

They objectives of the study are:

1. To describe whether or not and to what extent Google Docs can improve writing skill

of eighth grade students at SMP Negeri 3 Sukoharjo in 2012/2013.

2. To identify what happens with the climate when Google Docs is implemented in the

writing classes.

D. Benefits of the Study

The result of the study is expected to be able to give some benefits as follows:

1. For the students, google docs can improve students‟ interest and motivation in writing

so that they can explore their ideas effectively.

2. For the teachers, they can choose Google Docs as alternative media to improve their

students‟ writing skill and they also can improve the teaching and learning activity by

developing a new teaching media.

3. For the school, the result of the study can be a pioneer in the efforts of finding new

teaching and learning activity and can be a motivation for other teachers to develop

another teaching and learning technique.

4. For Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP), the use of Google can enrich the

knowledge about media for teaching that can be learnt by students in FKIP who are

teachers-to be because Google Docs is new ICT based media which is easy to be


5. For other researcher, this study can be used as one of the references for further

research dealing with improving students‟ writing skill.


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A. Review on Writing Skill

1. Definition of Writing Skill

Related to the better understanding of writing, the researcher presents

some basic theories about writing suggested by some experts. According to

Byrne (1997:1), writing is producing a sequence of sentences arranged in a

particular order and linked together in certain ways. While, Murcia (1991:207)

states that writing is an act of communication that requires an interaction process

which takes place between the writer and reader via text.

Meanwhile, Harris (1993:10) states that writing is a process that occurs

ever a period of thinking that preceded initial draft. In writing, a writer needs a

time to do some processes inside in which each writer needs different time.

Similarly, Olson (1982:4) states that someone is writing when she puts her

thoughts and feelings into words and puts those words onto paper. Olson

(1982:4) also states that writing is more than that; however, those thought on

paper must make sense to someone else, in this case, the reader.

The next definition is given by Bell and Burnaby (in Nunan, 1998: 6).

They state that writing is an extremely complex cognitive activity in which the

writer is required to demonstrate control of a number of variables

simultaneously. At the sentence level these include control of content, format,

sentence structure, vocabulary, punctuation, spelling, and letter formation.

Beyond the sentence, the writer must be able to structure and integrate

information into cohesive and coherent paragraphs and texts. In writing, there are

numbers of aspects that must be considered to make the information inside the



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paragraphs and text cohesive and coherent. From explanations above, it can be

concluded that writing is a process that occurs in a period of time to express idea,

thoughts, and feelings in a sequence of sentences arranged in a particular order

and linked together which can be understood by the reader. Meanwhile, skill is

defined by Webster (1981:2113) as technical competence without insight or

understanding or the ability for further elaboration or development. Another

definition is given by Hornby (1995:1109). Skill is the ability to do something.

From the definitions of writing and skill above, the writer can conclude

that writing skill is the ability to express idea in written form which includes the

ability to write sentences grammatically correct, systematically and coherently

using appropriate word with correct spelling. These sentences are arranged in a

particular order and linked which can be understood by the reader.

2. Micro skills and Macro skills of Writing

Brown (2004: 221) proposed some micro and macro skills of writing as


a. Micro skills

1) Produce grapheme and orthographic patterns of English.

2) Produce writing at an efficient rate of speed to suit the purpose.

3) Produce an acceptable core of words and use appropriate word order


4) Use acceptable grammatical system (e.g. tense, agreement,

pluralization), patterns, and rules.

5) Express a particular meaning in different grammatical forms.

6) Use cohesive devices in written discourse

b. Macro Skill

1) Use the rhetorical forms and conventions of written discourse.

2) Appropriately accomplish the communicative functions of written texts

according to form and purpose.


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3) Convey links and connections between events and communicate such as

main idea, supporting idea, new information, given information,

generalization, and exemplification.

4) Distinguish between literal and implied meanings when writing.

5) Correctly convey culturally specific references in the context of the

written text.

6) Develop and use a battery of writing strategies, such as accurately

assessing the audience‟s interpretation, using prewriting devices, writing

with fluency in the first drafts, using paraphrases and synonyms,

soliciting peer and instructor feedback, and using feedback for revising

and editing.

3. The process of writing

According to McCrimmon (1984:3) there are three stages of writing

process; those are pre-writing, writing, and revision.

a. Pre-writing. In the pre-writing stage, writer tries to discover what he wants

to do, choosing a topic, selecting the appropriate ideas and information to be

written. The decision will direct and guide him in writing.

b. Writing. Writing is the stage where actually the writer makes a draft of their

writing based on the pre-writing stage. Writer arranges the draft in such way

that the writing can be understood by readers.

c. Revision. In this stage, the writer does specific changes to improve the draft.

In revising, the writer should criticize their draft in order to check whether

the text is clear or not. He also checks the writing aspect such as spelling,

grammar, punctuation, and development so that the text unified and



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4. The purpose of writing

McMahan (1996:8) mentions the purpose of writing as follows:

a. To express the writer‟s feeling, the writer expresses his feeling and thought

in the written form, as in diary or love letter. It is called as an expressive


b. To entertain the readers, the writer intends to amuse the reader in written

form. It is usually called as literary writing.

c. To inform the readers, the writer intends to give information or explain

something to the readers. It is a kind of informative writing.

d. To persuade the reader, the writer wants to persuade or convince about his

opinion or concept or idea. It is called as persuasive reading.

In addition, Harris (1993:3) states that the purpose of erecting considers

the purpose of the text-that is, its communicative function. Texts can be grouped,

for example, according to whether there are intended to entertain, inform,

instruct, persuade, explain, argue, case, resent argument, and so on.

In academic purpose Byrne (1997:6) states that there are five pedagogical

purposes of writing which include: (a) The introduction and practice of some

form of writing enables us to provide for different learning styles and needs ; (b)

Written work serves to provide the learners with some tangible evidence that

they are making progress in the language; (c) Exposure the foreign language

through more than one medium, especially if skills are properly integrated,

appears to be more effective than relying on a single medium alone; (d) Writing

provides variety in classroom activities, serving as a break from oral work; and

(e) Writing is needed for formal and informal testing.


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5. The Criteria of Good Writing

According to Enre (1988:9-11) the criteria for good writing are as


a. Meaningful, good writing must be able to convey something in which it is

meaningful to someone and can give evidences about what is said.

b. Clear, a clear writing enables the readers to read in constant speech and

catch the meaning.

c. Coherent, coherent means that the information is clearly connected and

arranged. It has been organized systematically so that readers can follow the

composition easily.

d. Economic, the purpose of writing is giving information. The word used

should be appropriate and the sentences are clear, concise, emphatic, and


e. Cohesive, the writing should not contain many errors grammar or spelling. It

uses appropriate grammatical pattern, substitution, elliptical construction,

preposition, conjunction to relate among clauses within paragraphs.

6. Construct of Writing Skill

From the explanation above, the writer can conclude that writing skill is

the ability to express idea in written form which includes the ability to write

sentences, grammatically correct, systematically and coherently using

appropriate word with correct spelling. These sentences are arranged in a

particular order and linked which can be understood by the reader. In writing,

there are some aspects that should be concerned by a writer to write well. They

are content, organization, word choice or vocabulary, language use and

mechanics (spelling and punctuation).

a. Content

In writing a text, writers in this case the students should consider about

what is being discussed. The content should include the clarity, the relevance

and adequacy to the task set and also the originality.


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b. Organization

Related to the organization of the composition or text, students should

organize thought, argument, and logical well. The whole pattern and shape of

the texts should be clear in order to show the controlled adequacy of

organizational skills.

c. Vocabulary

Vocabulary and word choices deal with the way of the students in

using the adequate word to succeed the text meaning presentation.

d. Language Use

In constructing correct sentences that build paragraph, students need to

understand grammar accurately. This grammar accuracy is mostly related to

the tense used in a particular genre text.

e. Mechanics

In mechanics, the more accurate the punctuation and spelling the better

text will be. If all the aspects of writing are obeyed by a writer, it can be stated

that he/she is good in writing skill.

7. Teaching Writing

a. Reason for Teaching Writing

According to Harmer (1998: 73) there are four reasons for teaching

writing to students as a foreign language.

1) Reinforcement, some students acquire languages in a purely oral way,

but most of them benefits greatly from seeing the language written


2) Language development, the actual process of writing helps learners to

learn as the go along. The mental activity has to go through in order to

construct proper written text is all part of the ongoing learning


3) Learning style, writing is appropriate for learners who take a little

longer time at picking up language just by looking and listening, it can


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also be a quiet reflective activity instead of the rush and bother of

interpersonal face to face communication.

4) Writing as Skill, writing is one of the language skills that have to be

mastered to be a good language user. To be able to communicate in any

situation students need four language skills, those are speaking, reading,

listening, and writing.

b. Teaching Writing in SMP

Based on the Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan 2006 for SMP and

MTs, the program of teaching learning English as a foreign language focuses

on the aims to develop students‟ skill in four language skills. The students are

expected to achieve competencies to communicate orally and written by using

suitable language variation, fluently, and accurately in interaction or

monologue in the form of descriptive, recount, narrative, procedure, and


The teaching purpose conducted by the teacher should be based on

syllabus of Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan 2006 for SMP and MTs.

The expected learning outcomes outlined for the students of the seventh,

eighth, and ninth grade on the writing skill are as follows:

1) Seventh grade: the students are able to (1) write simple functional

sentences, (2) write simple message, short and simple announcement,

and card, (3) produce text in the form of a procedure and descriptive.

2) Eighth grade: the students are able to (1) write among others texts in the

forms of a narrative, descriptive, and recount, (2) write personal letter,

post card, invitation card, leaflet, and announcement.

3) Ninth grade: students are able to (1) write texts in the form of narrative,

procedure, and report, (2) write short message, letter, advertisement, and



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8. The criteria of scoring writing

The assessment of writing is no simple task. Assessing student‟s writing

ability need to be clear about the objective of criterion. The objectives that want

to be tested are spelling, grammar, construction of paragraph logical

development of main idea, etc.

In writing, generally, there are two basic types of grading, analytic, and

holistic. Each of them has different purposes, though both of them can be useful

for evaluating students‟ writing. Brown (2004:243) states that for classroom

instruction, holistic scoring provides little wash back into the writer‟s further

stages of learning. Primary trait scoring focuses on the principal function of the

text and therefore offers some feedback potential, but no washback for any of the

aspects of the written production that enhance the ultimate accomplishment of

the purpose. Classroom evaluating of learning is best served through analytic

scoring, in which as many as six major element of writing are scored, thus

enabling learners to home in on weaknesses and to capitalize on strengths.

In this research, the researcher used the analytic scoring in evaluating

students‟ writing. She uses the Composition Profile in Teaching ESL Writing:

Practical Approach introduced by H. Jacobs (in Reid, 1993: 236-237) as the

analytical scales for ESL writing which becomes the most widely used. The ESL

composition is shown in table 2.1.

Table 2.1 The scoring rubric of writing

Score Level Criteria

Content 30-27 EXCELENT TO VERY GOOD: knowledgeable, substantive

development of thesis, relevant to assigned topic

26-22 GOOD TO AVERAGE: sure knowledge of subject, adequate range,

limited development of thesis, mostly relevant to topic but lacks


21-17 FAIR TO POOR: limited knowledge of subject, little substance, in

adequate development of topic

16-13 VERY POOR: does not show knowledge of subject, non-

substantive, non-pertinent, or not enough to evaluate

Organization 20-18 EXCELENT TO VERY GOOD: fluent expressions, idea clearly

stated/ supported, succinct, well-organized, logical sequencing,


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17-24 GOOD TO AVERAGE: somewhat copy, loosely organized but

main ideas stand out, limited support, logical but incomplete


13-10 FAIR TO POOR: non-fluent, ideas confused or disconnected, lacks

logical sequencing and developing

9-7 VERY POOR: does not communicate, no organization, not enough

to evaluate

Vocabulary 20-18 EXCELENT TO VERY GOOD: sophisticated range, effective

word/idiom choice and usage, word form mastery, appropriate


17-14 GOOD TO AVERAGE: adequate range, occasional errors of

word/idiom form, choice, usage but meaning not obscured

13-10 FAIR TO POOR: limited range, frequent errors of word/ idiom

form. Choice, usage, meaning confused or obscured

9-7 VERY POOR: essentially translation, little knowledge of English

vocabulary, idioms, word form, or not enough evaluate



25-22 EXCELENT TO VERY GOOD: effective, complex construction,

few errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/function,

articles, pronouns, prepositions

21-18 GOOD TO AVERAGE: effective but simple, minor problems in

complex constructions, several errors of agreement, tense, number,

word order/function, articles, pronouns, prepositions

17-11 FAIR TO POOR: major problem in simple/complex constructions,

frequent errors of negation, agreement, tense, number, word

order/function, articles, pronouns, prepositions, and/or fragments,

meaning confused or obscured

10-5 VERY POOR: virtually no mastery of sentence construction rules,

dominate by errors, does not communicate, or not enough to


Mechanics 5 EXCELENT TO VERY GOOD: demonstrate mastery of

conventions, few errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization,


4 GOOD TO AVERAGE: occasional error of spelling, punctuation,

capitalization, paragraphing but meaning not obscured

3 FAIR TO POOR: frequent errors of spelling, punctuation,

capitalization, paragraphing, poor handwriting, meaning confused

or obscured

2 VERY POOR: no mastery of conventions, dominate by errors of

spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing, handwriting

illegible, or not enough to evaluate

Based on scoring rubric of writing above, it can be summed up that the

total scores are 100 which are described in following table:


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Table 2.2. The Total of Scores

No. Aspects of writing Score

1. Content 30

2. Organization 20

3. Vocabulary 20

4. Language Use/ Grammar 25

5. Mechanics 5

Total 100

B. Review on Descriptive Text

1. Definition of Descriptive Text

There are some approaches in teaching writing; one of them is genre

based approach. Genre is used to refer to particular text-types. Each type has its

social purpose, generic structure, and language features. Based on the

communicative purposes, Pardiyono (2007: 93-98) classifies the text into eleven

types, they are: description, recount, narration, procedure, explanation,

discussion, exposition, news item, report, anecdote, and review. However, in this

study the text will be focused on the descriptive text.

A description is a verbal picture of a person, place, or thing (Langan,

2001:167). In describing someone or something, the writer needs to give the

readers a picture in words. He/ she has to make the word picture as vivid and real

as possible. There must be an observation and a record of specific details that

appeal to the readers‟ senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch).

While Linda and Peter in Mursyid (2011) Descriptive Text is a kind of

text with a purpose to give information. The context of this kind of text is the

description of particular thing, animal, person, or others, for instance: our pets or

a person we know well. It differs from Report which describes things, animals,

persons, or others in general. The Social Function of Descriptive Text is to

describe a particular person, place, or thing.


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Larson (1984:366) states that a descriptive text is a text which lists the

characteristics of something. The topic is usually about the attributes of a thing,

Third person pronoun forms are used.

From the explanation above can be concluded that descriptive text is a

type of written text, which has a specific function to give description about the

characteristic of something.

2. Generic Structure of Descriptive Text

Jenny Hammond in Mursyid, M. Pd (2011) states The Generic Structure

of Descriptive Text consists of identification and Description.

a. Identification: Identifies phenomenon to be described.

b. Description: Describes parts, qualities, characteristics, etc

3. Language Features of Descriptive Text

Jenny Hammond in Mursyid, M. Pd (2011) states that Descriptive text

often uses 'be' and 'have'. Tense which is often used is Simple Present Tense.

However, sometimes it uses Past tense if the thing to be described doesn't exist

anymore. Significant Grammatical Features:

a. Focus on specific participants

b. Use of Simple Present Tense

c. Verbs of being and having 'Relational Processes'

d. Use of descriptive adjectives.

e. Use of detailed Noun Phrase to give information about the subject.

f. Use of action verbs 'Material Processes'.

g. Use of adverbials to give additional information about behavior.

h. Use of Figurative language.


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4. The Example of Descriptive Text

a. The words “safari” and “this zoo” indicate that the text above focuses on

specific participant.

b. The grey color sentences indicate that the text above uses simple present


c. The word “large” indicates that the text above use descriptive adjective.



Safari Park or Taman Safari is a quite unique zoo.

It lies about 90 kilometers from Jakarta. It lies in Cisarua,

Bogor, about two kilometers from Puncak.

This zoo reminds us of the similar park in Kenya,

Africa. Although it is not as large as the one in Kenya, we

can still enjoy the park which is about one hundred

hectares. In conventional zoos, the animals are in cages,

but not in the Safari Park; they wander freely. Visitors are

in buses or cars. They are not allowed to get off the cars

or buses. Visitors who don't have cars can use the touring

buses available at the park.




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C. Review on Classroom Climate

1. Definition of Classroom Climate

Mitchel (103:2008) states that classroom climate is a multi-component

strategy comprising the psychological feature of the classroom. Adelman in

Mitchel (103: 2008) state that classroom climate sometimes is referred to as the

learning environment, as well as by terms such as atmosphere, ambience and

ecology. Classroom climate is a perceived quality of the setting. It emerges in a

somewhat fluid state from the complex transaction of many immediate

environmental factors (e.g., physical, material, organizational, operational, and

social variables). Both the climate of the classroom and the school reflect the

influence of a school's culture, which is a stable quality emerging from

underlying, institutionalized values and belief systems, norms, ideologies, rituals,

and traditions. And, of course, classroom climate and culture both are shaped by

the school's surrounding and embedded political, social, cultural, and economic

contexts (e.g., home, neighborhood, city, state, country).

Classroom climate is a key concept in planning to enhance the quality of

school life, teaching, learning, and support. School and classroom climate

sometimes are referred to as the learning environment or the supportive learning

environment, as well as by terms such as atmosphere, ambience, ecology, milieu,

conditions for learning. (“About School and Classroom Climate”, 2010)

From several definitions about classroom climate above can be concluded

that classroom climate is learning environment or the supportive learning

environment which influences classroom behavior and learning process.


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2. The Characteristics of an Ideal Classroom Climate in Writing Class

An important element in classroom climate is the manner in which

students see and treat each other. Students interaction at all times should reflect

an attitude of courtesy and respect, especially in a course focusing on something

as personal as one‟s developing language and communication behavior.

In addition, Gary (1994) mentions that there are six characteristics of an

Interactive Classroom Climate in writing class, they are:

a. Provides an appropriate and worthwhile context for students‟ language

performance, allowing students to communicate in both oral and written

modes for real audience and real purposes;

b. Uses students‟ classroom talk as a vehicle for learning;

c. Encourages collaborative learning;

d. Focuses on the creating, comprehending, negotiating, and communicating of


e. Casts the teacher in the role of designer and director of instructional


In order to make conducive situation in writing class the teacher have to

arrange class. There are four possible ways to arrange a class, with each offering

different learning potentials (Jack & David, 2011):

a. Whole-class teaching, this mode of teaching involves teaching all the students

together; the extent to which you arrange your lesson for whole-class teaching

will depend on the type of lesson you are teaching and on the particular stage of

the lesson. A lesson may begin with a whole-class activity and then move to pair,

group, or individual work.

b. Individual work allows students to work at their own pace and to work on

activities suited to their proficiency level or interests; having learners, work on


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their own also allows you to provide them with individual support and/ or


c. Pair work provides opportunities for sustained interaction and has long been

recommended as a key means of promoting both accuracy and fluency in

language use. Grouping students in pairs can take into consideration ability

level, language and cultural background, and other factors that will facilitate a

positive approach to learning.

d. Group work, Group-based learning is widely used in all forms of teaching and

significantly changes the interactional dynamics of the classroom. In language

classes, it increases students‟ talking time, helps promote self-esteem, and can

increase student motivation by providing a risk-free environment for language


From several definitions about classroom climate and climate in writing

class above, the writer can conclude that classroom climate is conducive and

good for writing class if the student is allowed to communicate in both oral and

written modes for real audience and real purposes, focus on the creating,

comprehending, negotiating, and communicating of meanings and the teacher

also able to arrange and encourages the class with collaborative learning in order

to avoid students spend much time in writing, students find their ideas difficulty,

students can not keep their focus on the lesson, students need a long time in

writing sentence and to avoid the writing class is too noisy.

D. Review on Google docs

1. Definition of Google Docs

According to Kennedy, Mighell, & Kennedy in Claire Couillard (2011:1)

Google docs is an application that allows users to create documents, spreadsheets

and PowerPoint and share them with other online users. The superiority of

Google Docs is that it keeps a record of revised document. While, Daire Ó Broin


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and Damien Raftery (2011:3) state that Google Docs is part of a wider offering

of online applications from Google. It includes an online word-processor, a

spreadsheet application, and a presentation application, as well as the very useful

ability to easily create simple online forms, the results of which are automatically

stored in a Google spreadsheet. The big advantage of Google Docs is that it

enables people to collaborate online.

According to Bradley in Claire Couillard (2011:2), the most current

version of Google Docs allows a user to share a document with up to 200 people,

and as many at 50 users can work on it at the same time. Bradley states, “If two

users are editing the same document at the same time, a box at the top of the

screen will list the current collaborators”. The other great thing about Google

Docs feature is the ability to see all edits and additions in real time.

While Debra Geist (2010:7) states that Google Docs is definitely a step in

the right direction with regards to virtual collaboration. It provides many useful

features to aid teamwork; however, it has some shortfalls which makes it

unsuitable for everyone. Debra‟s statement is supported by Catlin (2012), he

states that Google Docs is a great tool to facilitate collaboration. Group students

together into writing groups working on a single document so they can research,

brainstorm, and pre-write together.

From several definitions above Google docs is an easy-use online word

processor, spreadsheet and presentation editor made by Google that enables

teacher and students to create, store and share instantly and securely, and

collaborate online in real time. By using Google Docs they can create new

documents from scratch or upload existing documents, spreadsheets and



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2. The Advantages of Using Google Docs

Daire Ó Broin and Damien Raftery (2011:3) state that Google Docs

(word-processor documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and forms) can all

easily be shared with anyone who has a Google Docs account. Other people can

be added as collaborators (with editing rights) or as viewers (without editing

rights). Documents can also be downloaded in a number of formats including

PDF and Microsoft Office (Word, Excel or PowerPoint); they can also be

published as a web page for all to view (thus no need for a Google Docs


While Susan (2012) describes 6 Powerful Google Docs Features to

Support the Collaborative Writing Process, those are :

a. Sharing and Commenting for Collaboration and Immediate Feedback

Document sharing and comments provide students with opportunities

to receive immediate feedback in the classroom. Since Google Docs are

stored online, students can work at school and at home from any computer

with an Internet connection and they are more likely to revise their work if

they know someone else will be commenting on it. To insert a comment, just

highlight some text in the body of the document and the comment will

appear on the right side of the page. Click on any comment and watch the

highlighted text in the document, change color to quickly pinpoint the

suggested revision. Comments are smart and they disappear after the issue

has been addressed by the author. So students feel a sense of

accomplishment as they work their way through the suggestions of their

peers. In addition, Google Docs provides support for collaboration in real

time. So students and teachers can have a virtual mini-conference about the

work in front of them from any location if the timing is right.


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figure 2.1 commenting and sharing in Google Docs

b. Research Tool

Perhaps the most impressive Google Docs writing support to date is an

integrated research tool that‟s available right on the page. A basic search

yields results relevant to the document and displays a variety of types of

information beyond text. Useful content-specific buttons allow users to

insert links, images, maps, and citations into a document with the click of a

button. Users can narrow a search to find only images, scholarly information

and quotations. This powerful research tool provides students with

convenient access to information in manageable chunks that are ready for


Figure 2.2 Research Tool in Google Docs


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c. Smart Spell Checker with Grammar Support

A built in smart spell-checking system that uses the Google Search

helps students to easily identify spelling and simple grammar errors as they

type. Google‟s online spell-checking service is more comprehensive than a

typical dictionary because the Googlebot constantly crawls the web for new

and popular definitions. The spell-checker actually grows and adapts with

the web and it gets smarter all the time. A context-sensitive grammar

checker can distinguish between words like “too” and “to” in a sentence and

make appropriate suggestions for corrections. While Word uses color coding

to make distinctions between spelling and grammar errors, Google sticks

with one color, but the suggestion box offers smart and appropriate


Figure 2.3 Spell checker and Grammar in Google Docs.

d. Integrated Reference Tools

A built-in dictionary and thesaurus supports 12 languages and allows

user to look up words without leaving the document. In addition to providing

a thorough list of definitions and synonyms, web definitions provide users

with examples of words in context with links to the full article.


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Figure 2.4 Reference Tool in Google Docs

e. Revision History & Auto save

Continuous auto save to the “Google Cloud” virtually eliminates

saving issues, while digital documentation keeps track of every addition and

edit that is made. Use the revision history to review, compare, or revert to a

prior version of the document at any time. Track contributions made by

collaborators or identify the source of changes made to the content of a

document. It‟s easy to see what each individual student contributes to a

document because Google Docs assigns every contributor a unique color.

The revision history will keep students‟ comments and revisions honest and

focused on the task.

Picture 2.5 Revision History in Google Docs


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f. Templates

Provide students with a starting point for digital writing and take

advantage of a virtual copy machine by creating templates. Save time and

guide the learning by providing students with a consistent page format which

can include links, images, directions and support by using and creating your

own templates to jump start the learning. Just create a Google Doc then save

it as a template. Students can pick up a copy of a template and instantly store

it in their own list of Google Docs.

3. The Procedure of Using Google Docs

Daire Ó Broin and Damien Raftery (2011) describe the procedure how to

use Google Docs in teaching language as follows:

a. Introducing Google Docs to the students

Google docs is a new media for students to learn writing. teacher have

to explain how to use google to the students in order to make they can use

Google Docs properly. Google Docs is introduced to the students by

demonstrating it using a digital projector. The teacher has to explain the

steps of using Google Docs. The teacher also have to explain how to use all

the fiture in Google docs such as Research Tool, reference tool, grammar

checker and spell checker.

b. Creating Gmail account

Students need Gmail acount to log in Google Docs. Each students are

using his/her student number as the username. Gmail account is also needed

to invite other Google Docs account to make collaboration learning. Once

the students invite other students to be collaborators on the documents,

Google Docs facilitates the teacher to monitor the text as they are produced.


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c. Creating a document

After login Google Docs account, the students open “New document”

then they can fill the blank document with new document. they can use the

features of Google Docs such as research tool, grammar checker, and spell

checker to help them develop the ideas.

d. Sharing the document.

Students can share their document by clicking the “share” icon in the

top right of Google Docs screen. After they share the documents, other

members of the collaboration learning can look the document that has been

shared in Google Docs. Once the students have successfully shared a

document, other members of the collaboration learning can use the features

of Google Docs such as comenting the document, giving feedback to the

document etc.

e. Viewing revision history

Google Docs enables each revision of a document to be examined, and

moreover, it enables two revisions to be compared. Each student‟s username

is shown in a different color on the top right of the screen. Each block of text

that is in the second selected revision but not in the first revision is

highlighted using the color of the particular student who wrote the text. This

meant that, in addition to a group mark, each student could be given an

individual mark according to his/her contribution.

4. Teaching Writing Using Google Docs

In teaching writing using Google Docs, firstly the teacher explains the steps of

using Google Docs to the students. In order to manage the students easily, teacher

separates the class into several groups. Each group consists of five students. The

teacher starts his action by turning on his laptop that was connected with LCD

projector. It makes students can see his Google Docs account in projector and

students also can see it in their own laptop because it is online. After that, teacher


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asks students to log in Gmail accounts. He shares a document that will be discussed

with the students. The teacher explains about social function and the generic structure

containing in the text to the students. He gives different color for each part of the e

text being discussed. For example, in the “title” title he colored blue. For

“identification”, he colored red. And for “description” he colored yellow. It makes

students easy to differentiate the every part of the text given. After that, the students

analyzed the text and found out the difficult words then solved them together by

using spell checker and grammar checker. By using grammar checker and spell

checker in Google Docs, students have to be sure that their spelling I faultless, the

words are eloquent and their grammar is correct. Students also can use research tool

to help them explores the ideas. Google Docs also allows students giving feedback to

each other. Google Docs is fully featured so students can comment on a document

that they are working on. This allows students to engage in dialogue with other

students to create collaborative document. Using Google Docs students can email

their completed writing straight to their teacher or their friends. They can grant their

teacher access to their document so that their work can be marked online.

E. Review on Related Research

There are some researches in teaching writing by using internet technologies

that can improve students‟ writing ability. The issue of using the web pages for

teaching writing is raised in the paper “Using Cooperative Learning to Integrate

Thinking and Information Technology in a Content-Based Writing Lesson” by Tan (1999). The first part of the paper deals with the question of cooperative

learning in an on-line classroom, and the authors demonstrate and discuss different

types of co-operation. The articles begin with discussion of how cooperative learning

promotes effective instruction of thinking skills and creativity. Next, the authors

describe a writing lesson for secondary school students in Singapore in which


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cooperative learning is integrated with thinking, creativity and information

technology. The lesson has similar format to the ones adopted in the paper namely

some off-line work on structures and language, on-line search, then off-line

discussion of result and analysis of the pieces written by students.

Another research is conducted by Zhang (2009) in using web to improve

students‟ writing ability. Based on his research, Zhang defines some influences in

using web pages to EFL learning. They are: (1) Promoting Comfortable Interaction

for Students; (2) providing Example of Students to Model and Learn; (3) Giving

Students a purpose for Writing; (4) Affecting the Students‟ Quality of Writing.

Gerald Fox, in his 1998 article “The Internet; making it work in the ESL Classroom,

“ considers the use of internet in second language instruction. First of all, the author

focuses on how the internet can be used to motivate students in their effort to acquire

English proficiency skills. Also, he discusses the most important components of a

successful on-line programmed such as integration of the on-line component with the

curriculum, sufficient level of computer competence, both of the teacher and of the

students, and , finally, the active teacher involvement in a variety of roles, as the

tutor, supervisor, teacher, assistant, and technician.

Kenworthty (2009) states that the internet with the capacity to connect users

throughout the world has been extensively examided for its potential to aid in the

development of second language learner‟s skills. Result of a number of studies

indicate that he internet is found to contain real language in a meaningful context and

as a result of viewing this material, learners develop into creator of language rather

than passive recipients. Implementation of technology within the second language

writing classroom also promotes learner autonomy, is an excellent means for teaching

foreign culture and language, and in general, positively influences students‟ attitudes

which contributes to an overall greater willingness to write.

Dwi Harmanto (2009) writes about “Internet Resources for Creating Creative

Teaching Materials for ESL”. He states that internet has wide opportunity for teachers

of using internet materials for teaching English. It provides wide area of topics


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through superhighway information tools such as search engines; little attention is

given to exploring the use of internet resources for teaching English. This study

covers some internet-based resources for ELT through observation by means of

operating internet search engines. An exploration of the search engines yields several

ELT materials which can boost creativity in learning and teaching process.

Pinkman (2005:13) states that Multimedia resources provide instructors with an

authentic and interesting tool to help achieve learner independence. Computer-based

learning environments can be manipulated to provide students with an opportunity to

learn, practice, and communicate outside the classroom. One of these relatively new

environments is Google Docs. It enables students to make conversation in chat

(commenting their works) to each other when they are in writing class. Using Google

docs in classroom helps students not only to improve their writing skill but also to

improve communication skill to others.

F. Rationale

The eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Sukoharjo get difficulty in writing

class. The difficulty can be seen from both their writing skill and the classroom

climate. (1) Students often write sentences in wrong structure (grammatical errors);

(2) Students often make mistakes in word choice; (3) sometimes students spell some

words incorrectly. Sometimes, they know the words they want to use, but they do not

know how to spell the words correctly ;( 4) students get difficulties in cohesiveness

and coherence. It is related with their writing system. They have the lack of

knowledge in the words transition and good writing system; (5) Students are having

difficulties in expressing and developing ideas. Students are able to make topic or

idea in their writing, but they don‟t know how to develop their idea. In writing class,

(1) Some of the students spend much time in writing and prefer to have the writing

assignment as homework; (2) some students find their ideas or topic after they look at

their friends work; (3) some students can not keep their focus on the lesson. They


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often talk to their friends before they start writing; (4) students take a long time to

write sentence. They get difficulties in exploring and developing ideas; (5) the writing

class is too noisy. Students like to speak each other because they are not able to do

writing exercise. This condition makes students bored and not interested in writing.

In solving these problems, it needs a media that is able not only to lessen the

difficulties but also to enhance or improve the students‟ writings. Here the researcher

suggests implementing Google docs. Google docs is an easy-to-use online word

processor, spreadsheet and presentation editor that enables you and your students to

create, store and share instantly and securely, and collaborate online in real time. This

media has many advantages. It can be used to teach writing for all grade students. It

can be applied for all genre of text. Google docs is interesting media and it can be

used easily by students. There's no software to download, and all your work is stored

safely online and can be accessed from any computer.

By writing English in Google Docs, students have to be sure that their spelling

is faultless, the words are eloquent, and their grammar is correct. Moreover, Google

Docs has interesting feature so that students will not be bored and will be motivated

to write. They will easily brainstorm their ideas and explore the details. It is assumed

that using Google Docs as teaching aid is effective for developing and promoting

students‟ writing skill. By using Google Docs students find a media that close to them

in their daily life. By using Google Docs, students get many opportunities and

challenges to explore their writing skill.

G. Hypothesis

Based on theories underlying Google Docs, descriptive text and teaching

writing for the eighth grade students, the researcher proposes the hypothesis that

Google Docs can improve writing skill of the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 3

Sukoharjo in the academic year 2012/2013


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A. Context of the Study

1. Time and Place of Research

This classroom research was conducted in SMP Negeri 3 Sukoharjo that

is located at Jl. Dr. Setomo No. 1 Sukoharjo. It is near some public areas, such as

gasoline station, hospital, and any other offices. SMP Negeri 3 Sukoharjo is one

of favorite schools in Sukoharjo. This school is designed as International

Standard School which is fully equipped facilities.

This school consists of three grades namely seventh grade, eighth grade,

and ninth grade. There are 25 classrooms in SMPN 3 Sukoharjo; 10 classrooms

for the seventh grade, 7 classrooms for eighth grade, and 8 classrooms for ninth

grade. Each classroom is completed with some facilities which are set to support

teaching learning process, such as digital projector LCD, a teacher desk, student

desks, a white board, a set of cleaning equipment, air conditioners, and a clock.

The other rooms are head master office, teacher office, mosque, two canteens,

library, toilets, staff room, language laboratory, computer laboratory, and parking

areas. In order to support non academic actifity, this school has basketball yard,

badminton court, and volleyball court.

The research was conducted from August to October 2012 at the eighth

grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Sukoharjo in academic year 2012/2013.the

research consisted of two cycles. The first cycles consisted of three meetings and

the second cycle consisted of two meetings.



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Table 3.1 the schedule of the research

Activities Date Purpose

Interview August, 2nd

2012 Identifying teacher‟s problems in

teaching writing

Observation August, 2nd


Identifying the problems during

teaching learning process

Giving the first questionnaire August, 3rd

2012 Identifying students‟ problem in


Pre-test September, 6th

2012 Identifying students‟ writing skill

Cycle 1

First meeting

Second meeting

Third meeting

Post test 1

September, 10th


September, 11th


September, 13th


September, 18th


Implementing the action plan

Implementing the action plan

Implementing the action plan

Measuring students‟ writing skill

after the action

Cycle 2

first meeting

second meeting

post test 2

September, 20th


September, 25th


September, 27th


Implementing the action plan

Implementing the action plan

Measuring students‟ writing skill

after the action

Giving the last questionnaire October, 1st 2012 Knowing students‟ opinion about the


Interview after the lesson October, 1st 2012 Knowing the students‟ opinion about

the action

2. Subject of the research

The subject of this study was eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 3

Sukoharjo in the academic years of 2012/2013. The researcher took the VIII A

class. It consists of 23 students consisting 11 boys and 12 girls. The research was

conducted through teaching and learning process in the classroom of VIII A. The

researcher would observe their English lesson especially in writing subject. The

classroom in which the study conducted is located in second floor in the corner

of SMP Negeri 3 Sukoharjo. Every student has notebook which are able to be

connected to internet. The classroom of VIII A is completed with some facilities,

such as a digital projector LCD, a teacher desk, 23 set of student desks, a white

board, a set of cleaning equipment, two air conditioners, and one clock. The

condition of class was quite comfortable for teaching and learning process.


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The research implemented the use of Google Docs in improving students‟

writing ability. The study is started from the beginning of August 2012.

B. Research Method

The method used in this research was action research. The writer used Action

research because he wanted to know whether or not and to what extent Google Docs

can improve students‟ writing skill.

1. The Definition of Action Research

There are several definitions of Action Research. Mills (2000: 6) says that

action research is any systematic inquiry conducted by teacher researchers,

principals, school counselors, or other stakeholders in teaching or learning

environment, to gather information about the ways that their particular schools

operate, how they teach, and how well their students learn. While Nunan (1992:

18) argues that action research has a distinctive feature that is those affected by

planned changes have the primary responsibility for deciding on courses of

critically informed action which seem likely to lead to improvement, and for

evaluating the results of strategies tried out on practice.

According to Carr and Kemmis (1982) in Burns (1999:30) action research

is simply a form of self-reflective enquiry undertaken by participants in social

situation in order to improve the rationality and justice of their own practices,

their understanding of these practices and the situations in which the practices are

carried out.

Wallace (1998:4) defines action research as a way of reflecting on

teacher‟s teaching that is done systematically by collecting data on their everyday

practice and analyzing it in order to come some decisions about what their future


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practice should be. Furthermore, Zuber-Skerritt (1996:14) says that action

research is ways of investigating professional experience which link practice and

the analysis of practice into a single productive and continuously developing

sequence, and which link researchers and research participants into a single

community of interested colleagues.

It can be summarized that action research is a systematic action which is

done by teachers, researchers, principals, school counselors, or other stakeholders

in teaching or learning environment to solve problems or change situation in

order to get improvement.

2. The Model of Action Research

Kemmis and McTaggart in Hopkins (1993: 32) state that Action Research

occurs through a dynamic and complementary process, which consists of four

fundamental steps in a spiraling process. They are as follows:

a. Planning, develop a plan of critically informed action to improve what is

already happening.

b. Action, act to implement the plan.

c. Observation, observe the effects of the critically informed action in the

context in which it occurs.

d. Reflection, reflecting process on these effects as the basis for further

planning, subsequent critically informed and so on, through a succession of a



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Burns (1999: 30) suggest a number of common features which can be

considered to characterize action research:

a. Action research is contextual, small scale and localized. It identifies and

investigates problems within a specific situation.

b. It is evaluative and reflective as it aims to bring about change and

improvement in practice.

c. It is participatory as it provides for collaborative investigation by teams of

colleagues, practitioners and researchers.

d. Changes in practice are based on the collection of information or data which

provides the impetus for change.

e. Procedure of Action Research, the four steps at the model can be expanded

into six steps which included in the procedure of action research. The


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procedures are: 1) identifying the problem; 2) planning the action; 3)

implementing the action; 4) observing the action; 5) reflecting the action;

and 6) revising the plan. In more detail, the process done in this research

runs with the following procedures.

f. Identifying the problems, before starting classroom action research, the

researcher needs to identify a problem. The problems are students‟ speaking

skill and the passive response in speaking class. In this research, the problem

is identified after interviewing the English teacher and pre observation.

g. Planning the Action, before implementing the action, the researcher needs to

make general plan. Here, the researcher prepares everything needed in doing

the action in order to enhance the students‟ vocabulary acquisition. In this

research, the researcher works as the teacher. The planning of the research

consists of some steps, as follows:

1) Preparing materials, preparing sheets for classroom observation (to

know the situation of teaching-learning process when the technique is


2) Making lesson plan and designing the steps in doing the action.

3) Materials related to the topic. The material used is games.

4) Preparing exercises and post-test.

h. Implementing the Action, in implementing the action, the researcher does

the planning has been made. The researcher carries out the lesson plans the

researcher has made. The researcher applies games in teaching and learning

process in order to enhance students‟ speaking skill.

i. Observing and Monitoring the Action, the observation part is done during

the teaching and learning process. In this step, the English teacher of SMP

Negeri 3 Sukoharjo play role as the observer. He observes all activities

happening in the classroom and takes notes related to the process of teaching

and learning process.


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j. Reflecting the Result of the Observation, the researcher made an evaluation

towards the teaching activity that had been carried out. The evaluation was

written down as field note. It is the basic consideration to conduct the next


k. Revising the Plan, revised plan is needed when the action cycle does not

make any enhancement on the students‟ speaking skill. It can be concluded

that the researcher should do the next cycle.

3. Procedure of Action Research

There are eleven phases in an action research proposed by Burns (1999:

36-42). Those phases are elaborated below.

a. Exploring, this is a very open-ended phase where researchers feel their way

into the research questions. It is a starting point for undertaking some initial

action, such as documenting general observations of the situation, in order to

clarify the understanding about the problem. It may also involve doing some

reading of recent articles or books to obtain ideas for research.

b. Identifying, this involves recording or documenting observations which

relate to the research area. It helps to clarify the nature of the situation and to

suggest further action.

c. Planning, this phase involves developing a viable plan of action for

gathering data, and considering and selecting a range of appropriate research


d. Collecting Data, during this period, the procedures selected for collecting

data are developed and put into action.

e. Analyzing/Reflecting, this phase is considered as a combination of both

analysis and reflection because the close analysis of data is often the

stimulus for reflection.


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f. Hypothesizing/Speculating, in this phase, hypotheses are drawn out based on

the data that have been collected to this point, on the analysis and on the

reflections that have been arisen from the analysis.

g. Intervening, this phase involves changing classroom approaches or practices

in response to the hypotheses.

h. Observing, this involves observing the outcomes of the intervention and

reflecting on its effectiveness. This also involves a new set of teaching

strategies and activities and a recycling back into a period of further data


i. Reporting, this phase involves articulating the activities, data collection and

results that have come out of the research process within the research group.

j. Writing, this is the phase where the research questions, the strategies

developed, the process of the research, and the analyses and results observed

are drawn together by writing up an account in a report or article.

k. Presenting, this phase aims to ensure that the research is presented to a wider


C. Techniques of Collecting Data

In this research, the researcher collected the data using qualitative and

quantitative method. Wallace (1998: 38) defines that quantitative method is broadly

used to describe what can be counted or measured and can therefore be considered

„objective‟, while qualitative is used to describe data which are not amenable to being

counted or measured in an objective way, and are therefore „subjective‟.

1. Qualitative Data

The qualitative data of the research was collected by using some

techniques of collective data collection including:

a. Observation

Observation is a conscious notice of the classroom actions and

occurrences which are particularly relevant to the issues being investigated. It


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enables researcher to document and reflect the classroom interactions that

actually occur (Burns, 1999: 80). The researcher observed the classroom

situation before and during the research was conducted to know the subject of

the research well. The researcher also observed the school condition generally.

The observation was done by the researcher himself to know the situation of

the teaching learning process when the method was applied.

b. Questionaire

Questionnaires are used to collect the data relate to student feeling

toward the teaching and learning process in the terms of pre-research and post

research. The questionnaire type that will be used is the one consisting closed

questions since it is easy to fill in and it provides more reliable scoring of the

responses (Wallace, 1998: 135).

c. Field Notes

Taking notes or field notes is another way of collecting information

about classroom events, the teaching process, or the students‟ behavior. They

are used to record activities happening in the class.

d. Documents

Documents are important source of data in Action Research. In this

research, the researcher gathered some documents that were analyzed to get

the data. The documents includes: forms of reflection, lesson plans, classroom

materials, and the result of students‟ English test. The result of English tests

here are pre-test and post-test which are used to collect the data of the


e. Interview

The interview was done in order to get the deeper data of responses

taken from questionnaires. In this research, the students and the teacher will

be asked some open questions for further information; it is a type of semi

structured interview (Wallace, 1998: 147). Interview was done twice, before


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and after research. The researcher interviewed the English teacher and three

students to get information about the students‟ writing comprehension.

f. Photograph

Photographic data hold promise as a way of richly illuminating

numerous aspects of the classroom quickly and relatively inexpensively and

providing new angles on the context being researched (Burns, 1999: 101). In

the process of the implementation of the action, the researcher take

photographs which cover students‟ behavior and students‟ learning activities

to provide the more accurate data.

2. Quantitative Data

The quantitative data of the research was collected by using writing tests.

Tests were given to the students three times. The first is pre-test, the second is post-

test 1 and the last is post-test 2. The writing tests were in the form.

D. Techniques of Analyzing Data

After collecting the data, the next step of the study is analyzing the data. The

data are analyzed by qualitative and quantitative data analysis.

1. Qualitative Data

According Burns (1999: 156-160) in general, the data analysis process

included assembling the data, coding the data, comparing the data, building

interpretations, and reporting the outcomes. The data provided the evidence for

the statements or assertions that were made about the research insight or

outcomes. The stages of analizing qualitative data will be described in the



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a. Assembling the Data

The first step is to assemble the data that have collected over the

period of the research: field notes, questionnaires, interview, and so on. It is

useful to note down thoughts, ideas, or impressions that occurs during this

initial examination. At this stage, broad patterns should begin to show up

which can be compared and contrasted to see what fits together. By scanning

the data, it begins the process of more detailed analysis by bringing up

possible pattern which can be adapted and added. In this research, the

researcher collected field notes, transcripts of interviews, and photographs.

b. Coding the Data

Some overall examination of the data, categories, or codes can be

developed to identify patterns more specifically. Coding is a process of

attempting to reduce the large amount of data that may be collected to more

manageable categories of concepts, themes, or types. With closed or ranked

questions, a questionnaire for example. Reponses or behaviors may be

assigned to a code relatively easily. Data analysis becomes much messier and

coding becomes less clear cut when it is dealing with diary entries, classroom

recordings, or open-ended survey questions.

c. Comparing the Data

Once the data have been categorized in some way, comparisons can be

made to see whether themes or patterns are repeated or developed across

different data gathering techniques. In this step, the researcher compared the

data gained from observation, interview, field notes, and photographs. It is

done by identifying the relationship and connection between the different the

researcher perception with the students‟ reaction and the other participants to

take the relation between them whether there were same perception among of

students‟ information, the participant (who took a role to observe), and the

researcher perception.


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d. Building Interpretations

This is the point where the researcher moves beyond describing,

categorizing, coding, and comparing to make sense of the meaning of the data.

This stage demands a certain amount of creative thinking as it is concerned

with articulating underlying concepts and developing theories about why

particular patterns of behaviors, interactions, or attitudes have emerged. In this

research, the researcher tried to articulate the underlying concepts and

developing theories why particular patterns of the behaviors interactions or

attitude has emerged. The researcher needed to come back to the data several

times to pose question, rethink the connections and develop explanation about

the results of the analyzed data.

e. Reporting the Outcomes

The final stage involves presenting an account of the research for

others. There are various ways to report the research; a major consideration is

to ensure that the report sets out the major processes of the research, and that

the findings and outcomes are well supported with examples from the data.

The researcher involved presenting an account of the research for others. After

the researcher arranged and outlined the research findings based on the daily

observation, the researcher reported the outcomes. The qualitative data that

were collected like observations field notes, interview field notes and the data

analysis of questioners were analyzed by the contrast comparative method.

The result of the qualitative data in the pre research showed that the students‟

feeling of English lesson was still bad. They did not enjoy well the lesson

because of some reasons, liked the technique used, the media used and so on.

After doing the action, the result of the qualitative data showed some

improvements in the students‟ attitude towards the English lesson. They were

more active and enthusiastic joined the English lesson.


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2. Quantitative Data

To analyze the quantitative data collected through test, the researcher

used quantitative technique of analysis. To get quantitative data, the researcher

conducted the practical test in the end of each cycle. In computing the students‟

test score, the writer uses the rubric for evaluating descriptive writing. In this

research, the students‟ mean score of the post test 1 is compared to the students‟

mean score of the post test 2 to know whether there is an improvement of the

students‟ writing comprehension.

The formulas used to compute the mean scores are:





In which:


= The sum of students‟ score before the action


= The sum of students‟ score after the action

x = Means of students‟ score before the action (pre-test score)

y = Means of students‟ score after the action (post-test score)

N = number of student

From the calculation result using the formula above, it can be seen

whether there is improvement of the result of pre-test and the post-test.

Meanwhile, the improvement of the result can be found by comparing the mean

score in the pre-test and the mean score in the post-test.


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In this chapter the writer presented the result and the interpretation of the

action research of each activity conducted in eighth grade of SMP Negeri 3

Sukoharjo in academic year 2012/2013. The actions of this research were done in

classroom of 8A which has complete facilities. The aim of this research was to

improve students‟ writing skill of the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 3 Sukoharjo by

using Google Docs. In this research, the researcher became a practitioner who

implemented the action in teaching learning process in the classroom. In this

research the researcher was guided by English teacher who observed the teaching

learning process from the beginning until the end of the research. This research

was conducted about one month which consisted of two cycles. Cycle one

consisted of three meetings while cycle two consisted of two meetings. Every

cycle consisted of a series of steps. These were, planning the action, implementing

the action (acting), observing or monitoring the action, reflecting the result of

observation, and revising the plan. The schedule of the research can be seen in

A. Situation before The Research

The description of the situation before the research was obtained from pre-

research interview with the teacher and the students. The research was conducted

in Class VIII A of SMP Negeri 3 Sukoharjo. Before the research was conducted,

the researcher held pre-observation, pre-interview to the English teacher, and pre-

test to collect the data.

In order to know the condition of teaching learning, the researcher

conducted pre-observation in class VIII A of SMP Negeri 3 Sukoharjo before the

action had been done. In this pre-observation he found some problems of writing



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skill in that class. They got difficulties in writing skill because they learnt writing

without using a good treatment and media.

Before the research was conducted in SMP Negeri 3 sukoharjo, the students

seemed to lack of writing skill. The students‟ low writing skill was indicated

through the following indicators. Seen from the pre-observation, the indicators of

problems in writing skill are: (1) students have difficulties in expressing and

developing ideas. Students are able to make topic or idea in their writing, but they

do not know how to develop their idea; (2) students get difficulties in

cohesiveness and coherence. It is related with their way of writing. Students do

not have specific guidance of how to write systematically; (3) students often make

mistakes in word choice in writing descriptive text. The limited word choice

makes students find difficulties in applying the appropriate word to express their

idea especially to write descriptive text; (4) sometimes students spell some words

incorrectly. Sometimes, they know the words they want to use, but they do not

know how to spell the words correctly; (5) students often write sentence in wrong

structure (grammatical errors); It is supported by the teacher who says, “para

siswa selalu mengeluh kesulitan dalam memahami grammar mereka sulit sekali

membedakan kapan suatu kalimat harus menggunakan present, past, atau future.”

One of the students also says,” saya sangat bingung untuk membedakan apakah

kata itu termasuk verb, noun atau adjective.” From the statements, the researcher

concludes that the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Sukoharjo have

problem in their grammar; (6) students ignore capitalization and punctuation

The indicators of problems in writing above were supported by teacher‟s

oppinion, “ dibandingkan dengan tiga skill lainnya kemampuan siswa paling

rendah adalah writing, mereka selalu mengeluh kesulitan ketika pelajaran

writing.” (Research Interview Note). While in the students‟ point of view in pre-

research interview stated, “ writing itu susah pak, sulit untuk menulis dalam

bahasa Inggris, lebih mudah reading.”

The indications about the lack of writing skill above were also strengthened

by pre-research questionnaires. It was 82.60 % of them faced difficulties in

writing and 87 % students dislike writing subject. These indications in line with


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the facts found in the pre-research observation. There we could find that the

students got difficulties in writing. It was showed by their expression when they

were asked to write a recount text given by the teacher. They seemed to be

unhappy when they were supposed to write their recount text. They got

difficulties in writing. They did not know what they would write first. It took a

long time to write sentences. When they were writing, they did non academic

activity, such as doing homework other subjects and talking with their friends etc.

In research diary after the observation session ended, the researcher asked to

the student about their attitude toward in writing while they were taught. In this

occasion, they stated,

“saya sebenarnya tidak tau apa yang diajarkan, kalo bapak guru bicara

menggunakan bahasa inggris saya tidak tau maksudnya, tapi kalau

menggunakan bahasa indonesia saya tau pak”

All of indications and situations above indicated that the students lacked in

writing skill. It was supported by the students‟ mean score in pre-test that was

62.48. It indicated the students‟ achievement in writing was lower than the

minimum requirement score for writing determined by the school that was 7.0.

Additionally, the detail of students‟ mean score of writing aspects is

presented in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1 the Detail of Writing Aspects‟ Mean Score of Pre-test

No. Aspects of Writing Score 1 Score 2 Mean score

1. Content 20.09 19.00 19.54

2. Organization 12.87 12.83 12.85

3. Vocabulary 12.91 12.91 12.91

4. Language use 14.52 14.00 14,26

5. Mechanics 2.91 2,74 2.82

Total Score 63.3 61.48 62.39

The students‟ pre-test scores above came from the scores given by two

correctors that were divided into two. Based on table 4.2, the students‟ mean score

for each aspect of writing was 19.54 for Content, 12.85 for Organization, 12.91

for Vocabulary, 14.26 for Language use and 2.82 for mechanics. Based on the

scoring rubric used in this research, all of the writing aspects above were


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categorized in „fair to poor‟. The students‟ writing skill aspects had to be


The score in table 4.2 were a wide range from 42.5 as the lowest one, 60.0

at the median, to 76.5 as the highest one. These score is presented in table 4.3

Table 4.3 scores preliminary test

No. Identity Score

Mean score Scorer 1 Scorer 2

1 Student A (RSK) 76.5 77 76

2 Student B (BFB) 42.5 42 43

3 Student C (MNH) 65 61 69

Student A was the student getting highest score in pretest. She wrote the

descriptive text using appropriate words, fewer mistakes of punctuation, and

capitalization though she made quite frequent mistakes on sentence structure.

Student B was the student getting lowest score in pretest. In his writing,

there was limited range of vocabulary, errors of words form and choice. He often

made mistakes in word choice. Sometimes he spelled some words incorrectly. His

writing showed limited knowledge of subject. He had difficulties in expressing

and developing ideas. There was no elaboration. There were still frequent error in

punctuation and capitalization.

Student C was the student getting median score in pretest. There was sure

knowledge of subject, adequate range, limited development of thesis, mostly

relevant to topic but lacks detail. His writing was occasional errors of word, form,

choice, usage but meaning not obscured. The language use was effective but

simple, minor problems in complex constructions, several errors of agreement,

tense, number, word order/function, articles, pronouns, prepositions. In general,

there were several common mistakes in their writing.

The situation before research as summarized in table 4.3. There were some

problems found in English class at eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 3

Sukoharjo. The main problem faced by the student was writing skill. The

problems were caused by several factors including: (1) students need more

interesting media to support their writing class; (2) the students need interesting


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material from many sources, it is not only from monotonous text books. It gives

less challenge to the students to explore their knowledge and capability; (3) The

teachers need to manage an interesting writing class, he need to make his media

and teaching technique become interesting; (4) the students rarely practice writing

in their daily activity. Actually, they can practice or write as much as possible, but

it seems useless because no one will give correction. Even though the students do

practice, they do not know whether their work correct or incorrect; (5) the

material given need to be changed become an attractive material. Students feel

bored when they are given such kind of boring material. It needs creativity of

teacher to change this situation by using attractive material and teaching media.

Table 4.3. Situation before the research

Problem Indicator of Writing Situation Before The Research

a. Student’s Language Skill

1. Students had difficulties in expressing

and developing ideas.

2. Students had lack in cohesiveness and


3. Students made mistakes in word choice

4. Sometimes students spelled some words


5. Students wrote sentence in wrong


6. Students ignored punctuation and


1. Some students did not know how to express

their idea. They got difficulties to explore

their topic to make a paragraph.

2. Some students do not have specific

guidance of how to write systematically

3. Some students did not use appropriate word

to write sentences.

4. They made many mistakes when spelled

English words.

5. Some students wrote ungrammatical

sentence. They did not understand how

write sentence correctly.

6. Most of students did not pay attention to the

capitalization and punctuation

b. Classroom Situation

1. Some of the students spent much time to

have writing class

2. Some students tried to find their ideas or

topic with talking with their friends

3. some students can not keep their focus on

the lesson

4. Students take a long time to develop idea

5. the writing class is too noisy

1. They did activities unrelated to the lesson

when the class should have started.

2. Some of students talked with other students

in order to discuss what they will write.

3. They often talk to their friends before they

start writing. Some students do homework

of other lessons when the teacher explained

the material.

4. They get difficulties in exploring and

developing ideas. To write one paragraph

they need more than one hour.

5. Students like to speak each other because

they are not able to do writing exercise.

c. Means Score of Pre-Test

Student‟s mean score in pre-Test was 62,39


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Based on the pre-observation and pre-test conducted by the researcher, it

can be identified that the writing skill of the eighth grade students in SMP Negeri

3 Sukoharjo was still low. Considering the students‟ lack writing skill and its

causes, the researcher tried to improve the students‟ writing skill by applying

appropriate and effective teaching process with the use of media. The media used

in this study was Google Docs

B. Implementation of the Research

The research was initialized for about one month on class VIII A of SMP

Negeri 3 Sukoharjo. In this research the researcher carried out in two cycles

through the several stages: planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The

research was initialized by pre-research including an interview and giving

questionnaire to the teacher and the students in order to know the problem based

on point of view. After the data was obtained from the interview and

questionnaires, the researcher conducted an observation to identify the situation in

teaching learning process of class VIII A. Pre-test were also held in order to get

more details of problems faced by the students. After the data were interpreted,

teaching plan was developed and implemented. The observation was held during

the implementation process. At the end of each cycle, final findings were drawn in

order to conclude the reflection. The research procedure for detail will be shown

in the table 4.4

Table 4.4 the research procedure

Pre Research The interview, delivered questionnaires, observed teaching learning

situation, and conducted pre-Test were conducted in order to find out

students‟ problem in writing

Implementation The research was carried in two cycles

Cycle 1 Meeting 1:

Students discussed about the nature and generic structure of

descriptive text.

The researcher gave example of descriptive text in Google Docs then

analyzed it together with the students.

The students tried to find difficult words in the text then discussed it


The students used “research tool” in Goolge Docs to help them search

information in developing idea.

Meeting 2:


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The researcher explained about language feature of descriptive text,

such as; explaining simple present tense, conjunction, pronoun, etc.

The students developed the topic. Helped by the researcher, the

students analyzed its generic structure, social function and language


Meeting 3:

The researcher gave jumbled texts to the students, and then they had

to rearrange and analyze them in Google Docs.

The students Tried to analyze other group‟s works. They analyzed

grammar, punctuation and capitalization on the text

Cycle 2 Meeting 1:

The students discussed simple present tense and applied it in

descriptive text by using Google Docs.

The students discussed about mechanics (punctuation, capitalization)

Meeting 2:

The students developed the topic and discussed its generic structure

and mechanics further in Google Docs.

Overall Reflection The students got improvement in their writing skill especially in

descriptive text. It was indicated through the reduced intensity of the

problem indicators at the end of the research. The writing climate also

became better.

The research procedure above was the summary of the whole research

briefly. For more details, the implementation of each cycle will be elaborated into

two subheadings: cycle 1 and cycle 2

1. Cycle 1

Cycle 1 was implemented in several stages; those are planning, acting,

observing and reflecting.

a. Planning

Based on the result of pre-research observation about the student‟s

problems in writing, the researcher would implement a certain media to be

used in teaching English. The media was Google Docs.

Teaching writing using Google Docs needed several teaching aids

related to the action. First the researcher had to provide internet access to

enable students use Google Docs. Second, laptop as the main tool in using

this media had to be prepared. The researcher also prepared four Gmail

account for the students. The last, the researcher also prepared digital

projector LCD to support the research process.

In order to know the students‟ achievement of writing skill, the

researcher conducted pre-test. After giving the pre-test, the researcher made a


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plan for the whole meetings in cycle 1 to teach writing in the class. It was

planned to have two meetings which was conducted twice a week. The

material was taken from book and internet.

The researcher planned three meetings in the first cycle. In choosing the

theme for the writing, the researcher was considering some aspects such as;

age, language level and students interest. In the first meeting he chose a text

entitled “My Lovely Bedroom” In the second meeting the topic developed by

each group was about “their pets”.

After implementing the action, the researcher conducted a post- test.

The post-test was conducted on the last meeting of the first cycle to know the

students‟ improvement of writing skill.

b. Acting / Implementation

In this cycle the researcher implemented the media in the class. There

were three meetings in the first cycle. The lesson plans were prepared for

each meeting. The action of implementing Google Docs was conducted based

on the lesson plan that had been prepared before. The researcher worked

together with the English teacher as an observer.

1) The first meeting

It was September 10th

2012 at 12.10, the researcher began his

research. He entered the class with English teacher as observer. The

researcher as teacher introduced himself to the students. The teaching and

learning activities were started by giving some pre-activities to the

students. He explained about how to use Google Docs as their media in

writing descriptive text. The researcher explained the steps of using

Google Docs. He separated the class into four groups. Each group

consisted of five students. The researcher started his action with turn on

his laptop that was connected with LCD projector. It made students can

see his Google Docs account in projector and students also can see it in

their own laptop because it was online. He asked students to log in Gmail

accounts. After that, he shared a descriptive text entitled “My Lovely

Bedroom” in his Google Docs account.


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After explaining the role how to use Google Docs, he started

explaining the material. He explained about social function and the

generic structure of descriptive text to the students. He gave different

color for each part of descriptive text given. For title he colored blue. For

“identification”, he colored red. And for “description” he colored yellow.

It made students easy to differentiate the every part of descriptive text.

The researcher explained the generic structure of descriptive text given.

After that, the students analyzed the text and found out the difficult

words then solved them together. Students also gave comment the text by

using Google Docs.

He gave the students an exercise, the exercise was done in group.

The exercise was developing the topic. He gave three columns, the first

column was title, the second column was identification, and the last

column was description. They had to develop each column by them self.

In developing idea, every group could use “research tool in Google Docs,

it enabled students to search every information from internet. When

conducting a search in research tool, it will show students different types

of results, such as; web results, images, quotations, maps, reviews,

personal results, and more. After they had done the exercise, the

researcher asked students to submit the students‟ works. All of the

students‟ activities were done in Google Docs.

Finally, the researcher gave the students homework to study about

simple present tense. Since the time was limited, the researcher said

goodbye to the students and closed the writing class.

2) Second meeting

It was September, 11th

2012 at 12.10. The researcher entered the

class with the English teacher as observer to conduct the second meeting.

On that occasion, the researcher reminded the students about the previous

lesson. He asked to the students whether they still remember or not about

the generic structure of descriptive text.


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After reviewing the previous lesson, the researcher explained the

language feature of descriptive text. He explained about simple present

tense to the students. He gave examples some sentences using simple

present tense. The researcher pointed toward some students to make

sentence using simple present tense then discussing it with the students.

The researcher divided the students into four groups, he asked

students to log in Google Docs account again. Researcher wrote one

topic about “pet”. Every group developed descriptive text about the topic

given by the researcher. Students in this meeting had used spell checker

to help them spelled words corectly. After finished writing descriptive

text, they shared their work to their Google Docs in order can be seen by

other groups.

Every group discussed the descriptive text done by another group,

they found out the generic structure, language feature, and social function

of those descriptive texts. After that the students revised their descriptive

text to be a coherence descriptive text. Every group gave feed back by

giving comments to each other. By learnt the chronological revised

descriptive text, the students knew how to make coherence and good

descriptive text.

At the end of the lesson the students had to submit their

writings. And researcher said goodbye to the students and close the

writing class.

3) Third Meeting

It was September, 13th

2012 at 12.10. The researcher entered the

class. He reviewed the previous lesson by asking some questions to the

students about simple present tense and descriptive text. As usual, after

that he asked to the students to log in to Google Docs.

After reviewing the previous lesson, the researcher gave students a

jumbled text entitled “Borobudur Temple“in Google docs. The students

had to rearrange the text become a correct text. After they had finished

the text, students shared their work to Google Docs. Then the researcher


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showed the correct descriptive text to the students. So students knew

weather their work correct or not. Then the students had to revise their

text if their works was wrong.

After giving jumbled text, the researcher gave students a text

entitled ”Jatim Park“. There were no capitalization and punctuation on

the text. The students had to give punctuation and capitalization

correctly. Similar with the previous activity, the researcher showed the

correct descriptive text with capitalization and punctuation to the

students. The students had to revise their text if their works was wrong.

After two activities explained above, the groups were asked to

write a descriptive text. In this occasion the topic was free. After they had

done their writing, they had to share in Google Docs. They had to give

explanation for each part of their descriptive text. Students also had to

analyze the grammar, capitalization and punctuation on the text.

Since the time was limited, the researcher said goodbye to the

students and closed the writing class.

c. Observing

1) The first meeting

At the beginning of the class, the students seemed like not ready to

have English lesson that day. When the researcher entering the class, they

talked to each other and the class situation was not conducive. Some of

them were still at canteen when the class was started. This behavior

indicated that they did not show a good attitude toward in lesson. But the

researcher reminded them to focus in the lesson.

When the researcher asked to the students to open their laptop and

started to log in Google docs account, they seemed focus in their laptop

and focus to the lesson given by the researcher. It was in Field Note

number two that:

Para siswa memusatkan perhatiannya pada laptop mereka masing-

masing, suasana yang sebelumnya tidak kondusif, kini menjadi tenang.

mereka terlihat focus pada laptop, akan tetapi ada sedikit masalah ketika


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group 3 membuka situs facebook, kemudian saya menegur siswa

tersebut, dan mereka berjanji untuk tidak mengulangi lagi.

When the researcher explained how to use Google Docs in

learning writing the students seemed enthusiastic, because Google Docs

was new media for them in learning writing. They seemed enjoy this

media, because they can work together in online document for writing

class. Though Google Docs was new for the students, the students did not

get difficulties in using it, because Google Docs is free and easy to

access. When the researcher showed the example of descriptive text in

Google docs, Students‟ focus was improved. They seemed enthusiast to

the lesson because they got different way in learning writing. The

researcher taught the generic structure of descriptive easily using Google

docs, because between the researcher as a teacher and the students can

study online together. When the researcher gave exercise to students to

write descriptive text with three columns given, the students can develop

easily. Their idea being developed was relevant with the title. The

researcher concluded that the students‟ writing content was improved.

Students also could get more information to develop idea by using

Research Tool in Google Docs. It enabled students to search every

information from internet. When conducting a search in research tool, it

will show students different types of results, such as; web results, images,

quotations, maps, reviews, personal results, and more. Their vocabulary

was improved, because they had discussed the difficult words found in

the text. But most of them spelled words incorrectly. After the researcher

knew there were many mistakes in students‟ spelling, he reminded the

students to use spell checker in Google docs for the next meeting.

2) The second meeting

In the second meeting, students were very interested to the lesson.

They were very enthusiastic to learn writing using Google Docs. They

were very active in learning process by giving comments in their Google

Docs account. They used Google Docs for learning writing fluently.


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When the researcher asked to the students about the difficulties of using

Google Docs, one of student said “ sudah bisa pak, kan hanya log in aja

di google pakai g mail” it indicated that there was no problem for the

students in using Google docs for learning writing. And the good internet

access also contributed the success of this research.

In groups, the students actively did the task given by the

researcher. They discussed with their group members actively. But the

class seemed noisy. But it was not a matter. They were noisy because

discussing the lesson with their group members.

When the students were asked to develop the topic given by the

researcher, they developed the topic easily. All of them spelled words

correctly since they used spellchecker in their writing. They wrote

descriptive text step by step. But some of them did not use grammatical

sentence in their descriptive text. They needed more explanation about

grammar. They were still lack in tense and they ignored mechanics

(punctuation and capitalization)

3) The Third Meeting

In the third meeting, students were more interested to the lesson. It

was showed by their discipline. There was no student coming late to the

class. They also got more active in the lesson. During the lesson, there

were some students still making noisy or talking with other students. But

this condition was better than the previous meetings.

When the students were asked to rearrange the jumbled text, they

immediately did the exercise given by the researcher. After the students‟

works were discussed in the class. The researcher knew that 90%

students‟ work were correct. It indicated that their organization was

improved. When they are asked to give punctuation and capitalization in

second text, they could do it correctly. But there were still many students

ignored the punctuation and capitalization. They also took a long time to

write the descriptive text. Thus, the researcher should have thought about


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other way to build students‟ awareness about the importance of

mechanical accuracy.

Overall, the most of students had been able to write descriptive

text, though they still made little mistakes on grammar and mechanics.

d. Reflecting the action.

After the researcher conducted cycle 1, there were found some

improvements on the students‟ attitude toward the lesson and class climate.

At first, the students were not interested in writing class, but during the first

cycle of research was implemented, the students‟ attitude got better.

By using Google Docs as media in teaching writing, the students were

able to work online together in writing class. It made students interested in

writing class. The students seemed enjoy the class, they paid more attention

to the lesson. The student‟s motivation was really good. Their responses were

good. Good atmosphere was created in the classroom during the lesson. The

students were more enthusiastic to the lesson. It showed the improvement of

students‟ motivation to join the class.

The researcher had got several positive progresses in writing skill after

cycle 1. The progresses included the appropriate use of word choice, the

better writing coherence, and they knew the generic structure of descriptive


Table 4.5. The progresses made by the students in cycle 1

Aspect Situation during cycle 1

Writing skill Meeting 1

a. The students knew the generic structure of descriptive text.

b. The students were able to write sentence coherently

c. The students were able to use appropriate word in their sentence.

d. Students‟ vocabulary was improved.

e. Some student wrote sentence in wrong structure (grammar).

f. Some students spelled words incorrectly.

g. Some students ignored punctuation.

Meeting 2

a. The students were able to organize the descriptive text using

appropriate generic structure.

b. The students were able to develop their ideas relevant to the topic.

c. The students were able to spell words correctly

d. Some students still write sentences in wrong structure (grammar)


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e. Some students still ignored punctuation.

f. Students are able to choose word order appropriately.

Meeting 3

a. The students were able to organize paragraphs become good

descriptive text.

b. Some students still ignored capitalization and punctuation

c. Students were able to spell word correctly



Meeting 1

a. Students wasted time in writing descriptive text

b. The students were able to keep their focus in the lesson.

c. The students paid full attention to the material given by the

researcher, though some students still do non academic behavior.

d. The students were enthusiastic to the lesson

e. The students discussed the material with members of group


Meeting 2

a. The students seemed enjoy the writing class

b. The students became more active in every activity

c. The students paid more attention during the lesson

d. The students attempt to keep their focus to the lesson although it

was the last lesson in that day.

Meeting 3

a. The students were able to keep their focus to the lesson.

b. There was no student came late to the class.

c. They got more active in the lesson.

d. During the lesson, there were some students still made noisy or

talked with other students.

e. The class situation got more conducive

f. The students still wasted time in writing descriptive text.

The result of post-test 1 was supporting such progresses. It indicated the

improvement of the students‟ writing skill in each aspect. The mean score of

content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanics was 22.13,

14.13, 15.00, 15.43, 3.21 as describe in table 4.6

Table 4.6 Mean scores of each element in post test 1


Aspect of Writing Score

Final Score Score 1 Score 2

1 Content 22.13 22.26 22.00

2 Organization 14.13 14.26 14.00

3 Vocabulary 15.00 15.09 14.91

4 Language Use 15.43 15.52 15.35

5 Mechanic 3.21 3.17 3.26

Total Score 69.91 70.3 69.52


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The mean score of content, organization and vocabulary in post test 1

based on the scoring rubric used by the researcher was categorized „good to

average‟. But the mean score of language used and mechanic was categorized

as „poor to fair‟. It was caused students made many mistakes in using tenses

and ignoring punctuation. The mean score in language use (15.43) was still

low and under the KKM (17.50). The students still had difficulties in

constructing sentences in present form. And the mean score of mechanic

(3.21) was still low and under the KKM (3.50) too. But .it can be said there

were progresses in students‟ achievement. Taken from the pre-test the

students only got 62.39 as the mean score. But in post test 1 they got 69. 91.

Overall, the students‟ writing score in test improved up to 7.5%. The score in

table 4.7 were a wide range from 59 as the lowest one, 68.5 at the median, to

82 as the highest one in relation to the three students being focused in this

study. The table 4.7 described students‟ achievement in post test 1.

Table 4.7 scores post test 1

No. Identity Score

Mean score Scorer 1 Scorer 2

1 Student A (RSK) 82 83 81

2 Student B (BFB) 59 59 59

3 Student C (MNH) 68.5 70 67

Compared to their achievement in pretest, all of students showed

improvement as described in table 4.8

Table 4.8 Comparison of students‟ pretest and post-test score.

No. Identity Pre Test score Rank PostTest 1 score Rank

1 Student A (RSK) 76.5 1 82 1

2 Student B (BFB) 42.5 23 59 22

3 Student C (MNH) 65 13 68.5 15

Student A got highest scores in pre-test and post tests 1 score was 76.5.

In pretest, she wrote the descriptive text using appropriate words,

punctuation, capitalization and well organized though she made quite

frequent mistakes on sentence structure. In post test 1, she developed here


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idea more detail and making lesser mistakes in sentence structure. Her post

test 1 score was 82. It can be said there was improvement in her writing skill.

Student B was the student getting lowest score in pre-test. His pre-test

score was 42.5. There was found limited range of vocabulary, errors of words

form, choice. He often made mistakes in word choice. Sometimes he spelled

some words incorrectly. His writing showed limited knowledge of subject.

There were minor problems in sentence construction, several errors of using

tense. In his writing was still found frequent error in punctuation and

capitalization. His pos-test 1 score was 59, though he was the students getting

lowest post-test 1 score, his writing score from pretest to post-test score there

was improvements.

Student C was the student getting median score in pretest. His pretest

score was 65. In post test 1, the language use in his writing was effective but

simple, minor problems in complex constructions, several errors of

agreement, tense, number, word order/function, articles, pronouns,

prepositions. He was able wrote descriptive text using appropriate generic

structure. His writing score from pretest to post-test 1 also got improvements,

from 65 became 68.5.

Students‟ attitude toward writing itself was improved. They tried to be

active in answering the researcher‟s questions and responding the researcher‟s

instructions. They also paid more attention to the lesson. Most of them kept

their focus on the lesson. The students‟ attitude toward writing changes to be


Moreover, in the classroom situation, the researcher found there were

some students who were still busy with non academic activities and disturbed

the other students. They also still take a long time to write sentences. In the

second cycle, the researcher should pay more attention on the group works.

All the explanation above showed the research findings of the first

cycle that would be summarized in table 4.9


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Table 4.9 summary of research findings in cycle 1

Aspect Research findings

Writing skill Strengths:

a. The students‟ idea suitable with the title

b. The students‟ idea got more coherent

c. The students choose appropriate word in the text


a. The students still lack in grammar, (they lack in tense)

b. The students still ignored punctuation




a. The students paid full attention to the material given by the


b. The students developed the idea fluently without talking with

other students. c. The students discussed the material with the members of group


d. The students become more active in every activity (They tried to

be active in answering the researcher‟s questions and responding

the researcher‟s instructions).

e. The students had been ready to had a class immediately. There

was no students coming late in writing class


a. They still wasted time in writing. (They took a long time to write

one descriptive text).

b. Some students who were still busy with non academic activities

and disturbed the other students

Based on the observation, questionnaires, and tests result, the

improvement of the students‟ learning and achievement can be shown in the

table 4.10.

Table 4 .10 the improvement of students‟ learning achievement in the end of cycle 1

Data Source : Questionnaire, Observation, Interview, Pre-Test, Post-Test 1

Situation before the Research Situation after the Cycle 1

a. Writing Skill

1. CONTENT: The students‟ writing

showed limited knowledge of subject.

Some students did not know how to

express their idea. They got difficulties

to explore their topic to make a

paragraph. There was no elaboration.

2. ORGANIZATION: The students‟

writing was loosely organize, lack of

logical sequencing and developing.

Students have lack in cohesiveness and

coherence. Some students do not have

specific guidance of how to write


3. VOCABULARY: There was limited

range of vocabulary, errors of

words/idiom form, choice. Students

a. Writing Skill

1. CONTENT: The students‟ writing

understandable, showed some

knowledge of subject. The students

were able to explore their idea easily,

but there was a litle elaboration

2. ORGANIZATION: The students‟

writing showed the idea clearly stated,

supported each paragraph and logical

sequencing. The students were able to

make coherence a sentence in a

provided text

3. VOCABULARY:. The students were

able to use appropriate word in their

sentence. Though The meaning was


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often make mistakes in word choice.

Sometimes students spell some words


4. LANGUAGE USE: There were major

problems in sentence constructions,

frequent, tense and prepositions.

Students often write sentence in wrong


5. MECHANICS: there were still

frequent error in punctuation and


sometimes obscured

4. LANGUAGE USE: There was

effective but there were minor

problems in sentence construction,

several errors of using tense. Some

students were able to write sentence

grammatically correct. But most of

them ignored the tense.

5. MECHANICS: There were still

occasional errors of punctuation.

Students still ignored punctuation in

their writing.

b. Class climate

1. they did activities unrelated to the

lesson when the class should have


2. Some of students talked with other

students in order to ask what their

friend will write.

3. They often talk to their friends before

they start writing. Some students do

homework of other lessons when the

teacher explained the material.

4. They spent much time to write

descriptive text. They get difficulties

in exploring and developing ideas. To

write one paragraph they need more

than one hour.

5. Students like to speak each other

because they are not able to do

writing exercise. Some of them still

made noisy

b. Class Climate

1. The students had been ready to had a

class immediately. There was no

students coming late in writing class.

2. They developed the idea without

talking with other students.

3. The students paid full attention to the

material given by the researcher. There

was no students do homework in

writing class.

4. They still took a long time to write


5. There were some students still busy

with non academic activities and

disturbed the other students during the


Test score:

The mean score of pre-test: 62.48 and the mean score of post-test 1 : 69.52

The problems/weaknesses that still found by the researcher in cycle 1 :

a. Writing skill

1. The students still lack in grammar, (sometimes they can not differentiate

whether plural or singular)

2. The students still ignored punctuation

b. Classroom Climate

1. They still wasted time in writing. They needed long time to write one

descriptive text).

2. Some students who were still busy with non academic activities and

disturbed the other students

Recommendation for cycle 2

a. Writing skill

1. The researcher will give more explanation and exercise related with


2. The researcher will give more attention about punctuation in cycle 2

b. Classroom climate

1. The researcher will remind the students about the time in order to make them

realize that their time was limited.

2. The researcher will give more control for the students attitude.


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2. Cycle 2

In the end of cycle 1, the researcher found some progresses on the students

writing skill and class climate. But there were some unsolved problems in cycle 1.

Considering these unsolved problems in first cycle, the study was continued

to cycle 2. The implementation of cycle 2 was the same with cycle 1, but the

researcher gave more attention to the unsolved problem in cycle 1.

a. Revising plan

Based on the result of cycle 1, the researcher realized that students still

had unsolved problems, the problems that still found by the researcher in

writing skill and class climate stated as follow : (1) the grammatical mistakes,

especially in tense (2) the mechanics aspect ( ignoring punctuation). While in

class climate those are (1) students still wasted time in writing. (2) Some

students who were still busy with non academic activities and disturbed the

other students.

Dealing with the unsolved problem in cycle 1, the researcher had to

revise the plans. The revised plan were: (a) the researcher will gave more

exercise about grammar; (b) when students were writing, the researcher

reminded the students to give more attention to punctuation; (c) The

researcher will remind the students about the time in order to make them

realize that their time is limited; (d) The researcher will give more control for

the students attitude.

b. Acting

1) The first meeting

It was 20th

September 2012. The meeting was conducted at 12.10 until

01.30 pm. The lesson was started by reviewing students‟ works in cycle 1. In

this chance, the researcher explained about descriptive text briefly to the

students in order to remind students about descriptive text then the researcher

asked students to login to Google Docs account.

The researcher divided the class into four groups. The groups were the

same in the cycle 1. The researcher showed a descriptive text entitled “My

Lovely Puppies” in digital projector. In this chance the researcher gave more


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attention in generic structure of the text. He gave different color to the

sentences in that text which consisting of simple presents tense. It made

students knew the example of simple present tense in descriptive text given.

After the students got examples of simple present tense from the text, the

researcher explained further about simple present tense to the students. Not

only about tense, the researcher also explained about pronoun, punctuation,

conjunction and other grammatical aspects. He said to the students if there

was any students want to ask a question about to the lesson, the students just

gave comments by using their Google Docs account. It made students active

without made noisy class.

After explaining the material, the researcher asked students to make

sentences using simple present tense. Then students developed their sentences

into a descriptive text. After they had done their descriptive text, the students

submitted their works to researcher‟s Google Docs account. Then the

researcher discussed the work of each group together with the students. After

discussing students‟ work, the researcher found there were improvements in

students‟ grammar aspect.

2) The Second Meeting

It was 25th

September 2012. The meeting was conducted at 12.10 pm

until 01.30 pm. The meeting was begun with reviewing the previous lesson.

He asked to the students about the difficulties in the previous lesson.

In this chance the researcher gave the students a task about tense; they

worked individually to do this task. The task consisted of ten questions. The

researcher gave ten minutes to do this task. After the students finished the

task, the researcher discussed it together with the students. And he gave

explanation about the task and the correct answer about the task.

After that, the researcher asked every group to make one topic. Then

every group made one topic, they exchanged the topic to each other

randomly. After every group got a topic from other group, they developed the

topic by using Google Docs. They could use Google Docs as media for

discussion. In this chance the researcher always reminded to the students


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about the capitalization and the punctuation, because in the first cycle, they

always ignored the capitalization and the punctuation. He also gave limited

time to the students in this activity. After they had developed their topic, they

returned to the group who made the topic. Then the groups who made the

topic analyzed the text done by another group. They had to correct the

grammar and mechanics. Every group gave comments to each other about

their works. If they found mistakes in the text, they discussed the mistakes in

class. In this activity the researcher as facilitator solved the mistakes found by

every group. Students seemed careful in checking their works.

At the end the lesson, the researcher gave review about the lesson

today. By saying thank you and good bye, the researcher closed the class.

c. Observing

1) The first meeting

When the researcher entered the class, students looked ready with their

laptop. They seemed enthusiastic with the lesson. They also helped the

researcher prepared the digital projector LCD for the lesson.

When the researcher reviewed about descriptive text, the researcher

found that there were still problems in their writing. it was noted in field note

number three;

ketika saya menanyakan kembali tentang descriptive text, para siswa

paham dengan generic structure dari descriptive text itu sendiri, siswa

juga mengerti bahwa descriptive text mengunakan simple present tense,

akan tetapi siswa masih kurang paham dengan “simple present tense”

itu sendiri. Mereka tidak tau apa formula dari simple present tense, dan

di situasi seperti apa mereka menggunakan “simple present tense”.

When the researcher showed a descriptive text entitled “my lovely

puppies” the students seemed focus on the text given. Then the researcher

showed the sentences consisting simple present tense in the text. By coloring

sentences in that text, students can find easily the simple presents tense in the


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descriptive text given. They also got further explanation about tense and

punctuation, capitalization also conjunction.

When the students wrote their descriptive text, the researcher found that

their grammar aspect got better. It showed in their work, there were little that

only little students who ignored the punctuation and capitalization.

2) The second meeting

It was the last meeting in cycle two. When the researcher came in, all of

students had been ready on their desks. When the researcher asked the

difficulties of the previous lesson to the students, they answered that they

have no problem in previous meeting. They seemed happy to get the lesson

from the researcher.

The students were able to do the task given by the researcher easily, the

task about simple present tense, they had to fill the blank with the appropriate

words. It indicated that they had no problem about tense anymore. They

seemed very focus to their work when they were doing the task.

When the students are asked to develop the topic, the students were able

to develop topic given by their friends easily. They did not need long time to

develop their idea. They also seemed active in the lesson without made noisy.

Because they discussed the lesson in Google Docs, by giving comments to

each other. They did not take a long time to write sentence anymore. Google

Docs helped students to discuss the material given by the researcher online.

So they could discuss the material in online way.

When the researcher and the students were discussing together the texts,

the students paid more attention to the lesson. In this revising stage, it seemed

a short discussion about the researcher and the students. From the students‟

work and the discussion the researcher found that there were little students

still careless in mechanics. But the situation was different with the situation in

the cycle 1 in which the students did not consider that the mechanics was

important in writing.


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d. Reflecting

After the researcher conducted cycle 2, there were found some

improvements on the students‟ attitude toward the lesson and class climate.

At cycle 1, the students paid full attention to the material given by the

researcher. The students become more active in every activity (They tried to

be active in answering the researcher‟s questions and responding the

researcher‟s instructions). But the still had weaknesses. Those are; some

students did non academic activity during the lesson. Students still wasted

time in writing. After the second cycle had been implemented, the students‟

attitude toward got better. There was no students disturbing their friends in

lesson, all of students can keep focus on the lesson. They were also on time in

finishing their work. It was because the researcher gave more attention in

time and controlled their attitude toward in writing

The progresses were also occurring on the students‟ writing skill. Their

ideas got more coherent. Their sentences also got more grammatically

accurate. They were not ignoring the punctuation anymore. Their simple

present tense comprehension also got better. For the detail information about

the students‟ progresses in cycle 2 was summarized in table 4.11

Table 4.11 The Students‟ progress during cycle 2

Aspect Situation during Cycle 2

Writing Skill Meeting 1

a. The students were able to develop/express their idea fluently

b. The students were able to make their sentences coherent

c. the students did not ignore punctuation

Meeting 2

a. The students were able to write descriptive text grammatically


b. The students did not ignore punctuation and capitalization

Class Situation Meeting 1

a. The paid more attention to teaching learning process

b. The students did not make noises in the lesson

Meeting 2

a. The students did not waste time in writing

b. Students kept all their focus to the lesson


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From the progresses shown in table 4.8, the result of post test 2

indicated the improvement of the students‟ writing skill in each aspect. The

mean score of content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanic

was shown in table 4.12.

Table 4.12 mean scores of each element in post test 2


Aspect of Writing Score

Final Score Score 1 Score 2

1 Content 23.35 23.48 23.22

2 Organization 16.19 16.13 16.26

3 Vocabulary 15.95 15.87 16.04

4 Language Use 17.65 17.61 17.70

5 Mechanic 3.89 3.91 3.87

Total Score 77.04 77 77.09

Based on the scoring rubric used in this study, the mean score of

content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanic were

categorized as „good to average‟. The students‟ mean score in post test 1 was

69.91 but in post test 2, the students‟ mean score was 77.09. Overall, the

students‟ writing score in test improved up to 7.18 %. In post-test 2, the

students‟ wide range score were from 73 as the lowest one, 75 at the median,

to 84 as the highest one. These score is presented in table 4.13

Table 4.13 Scores of Post Test 2

No. Identity Score

Mean score Scorer 1 Scorer 2

1 Student A (RSK) 84 84 84

2 Student B (BFB) 73 74 72

3 Student C (MNH) 75 74 76

Compared to their achievement in post test 1, all of them showed

improvement. The comparison of students‟ post test 1 and post test 2 will be

shown in table 4.14

Table 4.14 comparison of students‟ post test 1 and post test 2

No. Identity Post Test1 score Rank PostTest 2 score Rank

1 Student A (RSK) 82 1 84 2

2 Student B (BFB) 59 22 73 17

3 Student C (MNH) 68.5 15 75 14


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Students A got first rank in post test 1 her post test 1 score was 82. In

post test 2, she got second rank with score 84. In post test 1, she wrote the

descriptive text using appropriate words, punctuation, capitalization and well

organized. She developed her idea more detail and making lesser mistakes in

sentence structure In post test 2, her idea was very relevant with the topic, the

sentence structure got better than in post test 1.

. Students B got 22st in post test 1, that was 59. In post test 2 he got 17th

with score 73. Based on his score from pre-test, post-test 1 and post-test 2, his

improvement in writing was very significant. He developed his idea in using

appropriate generic structure of descriptive. He also made lesser mistakes in

sentence structure. There were fewer mistakes in spelling, punctuation, and

capitalization, though he still made quite frequent mistakes of language use.

Students C got 15th

in post test 1, that was 68.5. In post test 2, his

writing got improvement. He got 14st rank with score 75. He was able to

develop idea using appropriate generic structure. He made lesser mistake in

language use, punctuation, spelling and capitalization. As a result, there was

positif improvement in his writing.

All the explanation above showed the research findings of the

second cycle, as it is summarized in table 4.15

Table 4.15 summary of resarch findings in cycle 2

Aspect Research Findings

Writing skill a. The students were able to develop the idea more coherently

b. The students wrote sentence grammatically correct

c. The students made lesser mistake in language use and


Class situation a. The students more paid attention to the lesson

b. The students did not make noisy anymore

c. The students did not take a long time anymore to write

descriptive text.

From the summary research finding above, it can be concluded that the

students‟ writing skill and the class situation got better than in cycle 1 as

presented in table 4.16


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Table 4.16 the improvement of students‟ learning and achievement in the end

of cycle 2

After the Cycle 1 After the Cycle 2

a. writing Skill

1. CONTENT: The students‟ writing

understandable, showed some

knowledge of subject. The students

were able to explore their idea easily,

but there was a litle elaboration

2. ORGANIZATION: The students‟

writing showed the idea clearly

stated, supported each paragraph and

logical sequencing. The students were

able to make coherence a sentence in

a provided text

3. VOCABULARY: The students were

able to use appropriate word in

their sentence. Though The meaning

was sometimes obscured

4. LANGUAGE USE: There was

effective but there were minor

problems in sentence construction,

several errors of using tense. Some

students were able to write sentence

grammatically correct. But most of

them ignored the tense.

5. MECHANICS: There were still

occasional errors of punctuation.

Students still ignored punctuation in

their writing.

a. Writing Skill

1. CONTENT: The students‟ writing was

understandable, showed knowledge of

subject. The students were able explore

the idea easily. There was good

elaboration in their writing

2. ORGANIZATION: The students‟ writing

showed the idea clearly stated, supported

each paragraph and logical sequencing.

Most of students were able to develop the

idea using appropriate generic structure of

descriptive text.

3. VOCABULARY: The students were able

to use appropriate word in their

sentence. The meaning was clear. They

mastered more vocabularies.

4. LANGUAGE USE: most of students were

able to write sentence grammatically

correct. They did not ignore the tense


5. MECHANICS: most of students paid

attention to capitalization and

punctuations in their writing.

b. class situation

1. The students had been ready to have a

class immediately. There was no

student coming late in writing class.

2. They developed the idea by

themselves without talking with their


3. The students paid full attention to the

material given by the researcher.

There was no students do homework

in writing class.

4. They still took a long time to write


5. There were some students still busy

with non academic activities and

disturbed the other students during

the lesson

b. class situation

1. the students were always ready to have

writing class immediately

2. The students were able develop the idea

fluently without talking with other


3. The students more paid attention to the


4. The students did not take a long time

anymore to write sentence. They always

on time to finish their works.

5. The classroom situation was conducive.

There was no students spoke and

disturbed to other students

c. Reflection

1. The students‟ writing skill got better

but students still lack in language

use and mechanic

2. The class climate got better but

students‟ time management was not

c. Reflection

1. The students‟ writing skiill got better. The

students‟ writing showed better fluency

and accuracy.

2. The class climate got better. There were

no students busy with non academic


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to efficient. They spent much time to

write sentence and develop the idea.

Students also still busy with non

academic activities and disturbed the

other students

activities and disturbing the other students

Mean score of post –test 1: 69.91 and Mean score of post-test 2: 77.04

C. Research Findings

The research findings were gathered from several sources of data, including

interview, observation, test, document analysis and questionnaires. The findings

related to whether or not the implementing of Google Docs improves students‟

writing skill and the class situation when Google Docs were implemented in

writing class. The improvement occurred after the research was implemented is

described in table 4.17

Table 4.17. The improvement of students‟ learning and achievement in the end of




Cycle 1 Cycle 2

a. Writing Skill Meeting 1 Meeting 2 Meeting 3 Meeting 1 Meeting 2

1) The Students


difficulties in





The students

were able

develop the

idea but


knowledge of


The students‟

writing was

good enough

but limited


of thesis

The students‟

writing was


relevant to

topic but

lacks detail



writing was

relevant to



The students‟


showed some

knowledge of


2) Students had

lack in




The ideas


were confused



The students‟



was loosely

organized but

main ideas

stand out.

The students

writing got

better. The

idea clearly


The students


ptive text





The idea






3) Students


mistakes in

spelling and

word choice

There were


errors of

spelling, word

choice and


The students‟

vocabulary got

better but


errors of word

choice, usage

The students


made mistake

in spelling

The students

were able to



word in their


.The meaning

was clear.





4) Students


sentence in



There were


problems in



There were

several errors

of tense

The students

still lack in


few errors of


, pronouns,




were able to




y correct

5) Students frequent occasional few errors of Good students paid


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errors of




error of








enough, but

still ignored



attention to




Class Climate Meeting 1 Meeting 2 Meeting 3 Meeting 1 Meeting 2

1) Students late

to the class

when the

class was


At the first

meeting there

was no


coming late

There was no


coming late in





themselves to

start writing


The students



joining the

writing class

The students

seemed enjoy


writing class

2) Some of


talked with

other before

start writing

The students

still talked

with other


They start to

discuss the

material in

google docs

The class got


There was

only some


talking with



the students


the idea




3) The students

did not pay

attention to

the lesson

Some of them

can not keep

the focus to

the lesson

Some students

still do non



Students can

keep their

focus to the


Students can

keep their

focus to the


Students can

keep their

focus to the


4) Students take

a long time

to write




waste time to




Students waste

time to write



Students still

waste time to




The students

spent less

time to write



They could

finish the

writing on


5) the writing

class to noisy

The writing

class seemed

noisy and not


Student who

made noisy

was reduced

there were

some students

still making


Only some

students still

made noisy

The writing

class got


Students’Score: The students‟ pretest mean score was 62,39. It was much lower than the

minimum requirement score. That was 7.0. The students mean score after the research was 77.04.

it got higher than their score in pretest and the minimum requirement score.

Based on table above, it could be seen that there were some findings found

in the research than could be concluded as follows:

1. The improvement of the students’ writing skill

The use of Google Docs as a teaching learning media had improved the

students‟ writing skill. Referring the result of the pre-test and post-test, the

students‟ mean score got improved up to 14.68 %. The complete mean score for

each aspect of writing and the whole test was presented in table 4.18

Table 4.18 the improvements of the students‟ achievement

Aspect C O V LU M Total Improvement

Pre Test 19.54 12.85 12.91 12.26 2.82 62.39

Post Test 1 22.13 14.13 15.00 15.43 3.21 69.91 7.5

Post Test 2 23.35 16.19 15.95 17.65 3.89 77.04 7.18

C: Content O: Organization V: Vocabulary LU: Language Use M: Mechanics


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Based on the table, it can be concluded that the students had better achievement in

the end of the research.

There were three students having different level score. Their improvement si

summarized in table 4.19.

Table 4.19 the sample of students‟ achievement.

Identity Student A (RSK) Student B (MNH) Student C (BFB)

Test Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank

Pre-test 76.5 1 65 13 42.5 23

Post-test 1 82 1 68.5 15 59 22

Post Test 2 84 2 75 14 73 17

Mean Score 80.83 69.5 58.16

Student A got good scores in pretest and post test 1. In post test 2, she got

second rank. She made little mistake in his writing. After the research she had

better writing skill than before the research.

Student B was student who gets median score in pretest. His post test 1

score and post test 2 score got better. It was an improvement in his writing based

on his scores. After the research, he had a better writing skill.

Student C was student who got lowest score in pretest. After the research

was conducted, his score in post test 1 and post test 2 got better. Learning writing

using Google Docs made him attract with writing lesson. Step by step he knew

how to write correct descriptive text. As a result, he had a better writing skill.

In conclusion, the sample students got improvement in their writing skill. It

was shown in the result of their achievement and their attitude.

2. The improvement of the classroom climate

There were some positive progresses after conducting the research. At first,

the students did activities unrelated to the lesson when the class should have

started. They often came late in writing class. Since the researcher used Google

docs as teaching media. The students were always ready to have writing class

immediately. They were more enthusiastic in joining writing class. They paid

more attention on the lesson. The students‟ interest had increased.


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Other improvement of the situation of writing class was also shown by the

reduction of the amount of time needed by the student to write sentences. They

did not take a long time to write sentence anymore. Google Docs helped students

to discuss the material given by the researcher online. So they could discuss the

material in online way. There was no student who makes noisy. All of students

seemed focus to the lesson. The students paid full attention to the material given

by the researcher. There was no student doing homework in writing class


By using Google Docs, The students discussed the material with the

members of group actively. The students become more active in every activity

(They tried to be active in answering the researcher‟s questions and responding

the researcher‟s instructions).

D. Discussion

This section presents the discussion of the research findings from the first

cycle to the second cycle. Those findings were discussed by justifying the other

theories. In more detail, each of the findings is presented as follows.

1. Google Docs improves students’ writing skill of Descriptive text

The implementation of Google Docs as teaching media had improved

students‟ writing skill of descriptive text. Five aspects in writing concerned in this

research could be improved. Those are content, organization, vocabulary,

language use, and mechanics. In the post test 2, the students got higher

achievement. Each of the improvement is discussed as research findings as


a. The improvement of students’ writing skill in content aspect

Based on the students‟ scores from all tests, the content aspect had

improved. It was shown by the ability students in developing the idea. Their

idea was relevant with the title. The students‟ writing was understandable,

showed knowledge of subject. The students were able explore the idea

easily. There was good elaboration in their writing. By using Google Docs,


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students were able to develop the idea easily. They could discuss the topic

being developed with other students in online way. Walsh (2010) states that

Google Docs allows more than one person to work on a particular document

at the same time. While Susan (2012) states that Google docs has “research

tool”. The most impressive Google Docs writing support is an integrated

research tool that‟s available right on the page. A basic search yields results

relevant to the document and displays a variety of types of information

beyond text. Useful content-specific buttons allow users to insert links,

images, maps, and citations into a document with the click of a button.

Users can narrow a search to find only images, scholarly information and

quotations. This powerful research tool provides students with convenient

access to information in manageable chunks that are ready for use. By using

research tool in Google Docs, students could develop the idea easily. They

could find the information to develop their idea from many sources.

b. The improvement of students’ writing skill in organization aspect

In this aspect, the students‟ writing showed the idea clearly stated,

supported each paragraph and logical sequencing. Most of students were

able to develop the idea using appropriate generic structure of descriptive

text. Google Docs helped students to make their writing well organized. In

Google Docs, the researcher gave three boxes consisting title, identification,

and description. Students had to fill the boxes with cohesive and coherent

sentences. So the three boxes given became a good descriptive text. The

researcher also gave jumbled text to the students. This activities helped

students to be able to rearrange the jumbled text become coherent

descriptive text.

c. The improvement of students’ writing skill in vocabulary aspect

In this aspect, students were able to use appropriate word in their

sentence. The meaning was clear. They mastered more vocabularies. They


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made fewer mistakes in spelling. By using spell checker in Google Docs,

students‟ spelling got better before they had used spell checker.

As states by Susan (2012), A built in smart spell-checking system

used by Google Docs, helps student to easily identify spelling as they type.

Google‟s online spell-checking service is more comprehensive than a

typical dictionary because the Googlebot constantly crawls the web for new

and popular definitions. Since students used spell checker in Google docs,

their mistakes in spelling words was reduced.

d. The improvement of students’ writing skill in language use aspect

In this aspect, most of students were able to write sentence

grammatically correct. They did not ignore the tense anymore. By using

Google Docs, the researcher could explain about grammar easily. The

researcher showed the example of simple present tense to the students by

using Google Docs. Google Docs has grammar checker to help students in

solving grammar problem. As states by Susan (2012) A context-sensitive

grammar checker can distinguish between words like “too” and “to” in a

sentence and make appropriate suggestions for corrections. While Word

uses color coding to make distinctions between spelling and grammar errors,

Google sticks with one color, but the suggestion box offers smart and

appropriate suggestions.

e. The improvement of students’ writing skill in mechanics aspect.

After the researcher had done the first cycle, the researcher still found

many mistakes in students‟ mechanics. In the cycle 2 the researcher tried to

give more attention in their mechanics aspect. Actually, students had known

how to use punctuation and capitalization correctly. The problem was only

in their awareness in using punctuation and capitalization. They often forgot

punctuation and capitalization in their writing. To solve this problem, he

reminded the students about the punctuation and the capitalization

frequently to the students.


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2. Google Docs improves classroom climate

The improvement of the class climate at VIII A covered the following


a. The improvement of students activeness during the lesson

The student‟s activeness was shown by their attitude in the class

during the lesson. Google docs enables students to give comments to each

other for their works. They also developed their idea actively in Google

Docs. As states by Susan (2012), she states that document sharing and

comments in Google Docs provide students with opportunities to receive

immediate feedback in the classroom. Since Docs are stored online, students

can work at school and at home from any computer with an Internet

connection and they are more likely to revisit their work if they know

someone else will be commenting on it. To insert a comment, just highlight

some text in the body of the document and the comment will appear on the

right side of the page. Click on any comment and watch the highlighted text

in the document change color to quickly pinpoint the suggested revision.

The student‟s activeness in writing class also supported by Parker & Chao

in Inablau (2007: 48), they state that the use of collaborative technology in

an educational context enhances active participation through content

creation, increases students' engagement with course content, and enriches

the learning process

b. The improvement of student’s enthusiasm and interest during the


When Google Docs was implemented in teaching and learning

process, the students were enthusiast and motivated. They had big

motivation to join the lesson. They were enthusiast in doing all activities

related to writing class. The students listened carefully to the researcher‟

instruction related with the activities in writing class using Google Docs.

The implementation of Google Docs could draw the students‟ motivation

and interest because Google Docs was the new media for them to learn


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writing. They could study writing collaboratively. As stated by Catlin

(2012) Google Documents is a great tool to facilitate collaboration. Group

students together into writing groups working on a single document so they

can research, brainstorm, and pre-write together.

c. the improvement of students’ attitude toward during the lesson

Before the research had been conducted to the lesson, the student‟s

attitude toward to the lesson was bad. It was shown by students in doing

unrelated to the lesson such as chatting to their friends, talking with their

friends, and made noisy in writing class. Students also spent long time to

write sentences. After they had used Google Docs as teaching media, their

attitude toward to the lesson got better. The students paid attention to the

teacher and gave responds to him. There was no student who makes noisy

anymore during the lesson. The students also could spend shorter time to

write sentences. They were able to finish the writing on time. It could be

summarized that the use of Google Docs had made the efficiency learning

time increase.

Besides having many advantages, Google Docs also has disadvantages

points. There are some disadvantages of Google Docs.

1. Google Docs can not be used in offline. If students want to use Google Docs,

they must have internet access. So Google Docs can not be used in every

school. It only can be used in school which has internet access.

2. Google Docs wastes many cost. Besides internet access, teacher and students

also need computer or laptop in implementing Google Docs as teaching and

learning media.

3. In using Google Docs as teaching media, teacher has to give more control to

the students in using internet access. With internet access, it‟s possible for

students opening the sites or link unrelated with the material, such as; social

media, games, etc.


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This chapter describes the conclusion, implication and suggestions of the

Classroom Action Research conducted in the grade 8 students of SMP Negeri 1

Sukoharjo in 2012/2013. They are presented as the final discussion from the

research findings.

A. Conclusion

Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that Google Docs can

improve the students’ writing skill of Descriptive text. First, the use of Google

Docs improved the students’ writing skill of descriptive text. The mean score got

improved from the pre-test to the cycle 2 test, compared to the mean score of pre-

test which is 62.39, the mean score of post-test 1 increased up to 69.91. Then, the

mean score of post-test 2 increased up to 77.04. Using Google Docs, the students

were able to improve their skill in writing descriptive text. They could easily

generate the idea and develop their writing. They also improved their sentence

structure, organized the text structure properly, chose appropriate vocabularies

and used the correct capitalization and punctuation.

Besides, Google Docs can improve the classroom climate during teaching

and learning process. Google Docs brought positive atmosphere to the class of

VIII A. The students showed better attitude towards the writing lesson. They

joined writing class with enthusiastic. There was no student coming late in writing

class. The students also paid more attention to the lesson. Then, they were more

active in the writing class. And they also answered teacher’s question actively.

From the statements, it can be concluded that Google Docs is able to

improve the students’ writing skill of descriptive text and the classroom climate

during the teaching and learning process.



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B. Implication

In achieving the objectives of teaching and learning process, it is really

important to apply a suitable media. The appropriate choice media will give good

impact in process and result of the teaching and learning itself. The

implementation of Google Docs in teaching writing has shown that the media is

effective to improve the students’ writing skill of descriptive text.

From the explanation, it can be said that Google Docs can be used as an

alternative media to achieve an optimum result in teaching writing of descriptive

text. Therefore, the teacher should understand well all about Google Docs

including its characteristics, benefits, and the way to get it.

C. Suggestions

Based on the research findings, the researcher would like to give some

suggestions related to the teaching of writing.

1. For the Teachers

Writing for most students is considered to be a difficult subject. The

students often complain that they get difficulties in writing. It deals with the

way of the teachers in teaching writing. The teachers should create the

interesting situation in teaching learning process. It can be done by use the

suitable media in teaching learning process. That is why the teachers should

apply Google Docs in teaching writing. In implementing Google Docs to

teach writing, teacher should understand clearly about Google Docs. Good

connection in the internet acces is the most important thing to implement

Google Docs efectively to teach writing. By using Google Docs, the student

will be attracted to join writing class. Automatically the teaching and learning

process can run well and the objectives can be achieved.

2. For the Students

Both teacher and students have great influence in the teaching and

learning process. Whatever the media and whoever the teacher if there is no

participation inside the class, there will no improvement in students’ skill.

The students must be active in teaching learning process. Students should


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motivate themselves to learn English. They should follow all the activities in

teaching and learning process in groups or individually. Students must keep

their attitude in writing class. They should not disturb other friends.

3. For Institution

For SMPN 3 Sukoharjo, it is necessary to optimize any facilities and

media to support the teaching and learning process. The complete facilities

and media will help the students and teachers in improving the language skill

especially for writing.

4. For Other Researcher

This study discusses the use of Google Docs as a teaching media to

improve students’ writing skill of descriptive text in Junior High School. . It

is expected for the other researcher that the result of this study can be used as

a starting point for further research conducted in the future in order to create a

better teaching learning process.