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Ophidian 2350 Lore Series - The Tragic Rise of David Dangers

Aug 07, 2018



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  • 8/21/2019 Ophidian 2350 Lore Series - The Tragic Rise of David Dangers




    Written by: LOREN COLEMAN

    Foreword by: ROBERT SHOFKOM 

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    Written by: LOREN COLEMAN

    Foreword by: ROBERT SHOFKOM, president of Hack And Slash Game Company

    Original ly publ ished on the website under the Title “The SAGA”  

    © 2003 Ophidian Inc.

    © 2015 Hack and Slash Gaming Company Inc.

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    In the late 1990’s three college students (Shaun Mahar, Gregg Schwartz, and Raffi

    Tasci) who were avid gamers and friends since grade school created a strategic combat card

    game. The game, Ophidian 2350, would go on to consume more than five years of their lives

    as they worked tirelessly to bring it to the masses.

    By all accounts, the Ophidian Team (later joined by Carl Van Ostrand, a super fan and

    beta tester) did everything a new game startup should. They went through a two and a half year

    patent review process to make sure their game was unique and not infringing on any other

    games. They signed Fleer Entertainment to be their publisher and printer. They did extensive

     Alpha and Beta testing to make sure their game was well received. They built a “Lore” around

    the game and hired a professional writer to develop story content around that lore. They

    created a tournament structure and developed special rules and prize support for their game.

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    They showcased their game at high level conventions such as “Origins” and pushed the

    envelope for incorporating fan support into their web presence.

     All of these things garnished them rave reviews in all the trade publications at the time

    (keep in mind this was back in the AOL/dial up days when social media didn’t even exist) and

    got their publisher to double the art budget and green light the first of many expansions to the

    game! It looked like their dream was about to come true… 

     And then came the letter from Hasbro, who had recently purchased “Wizards of the

    Coast” and their multimillion dollar card game “Magic the Gathering”. The letter claimed that

    Ophidian Games and Fleer Entertainment had committed “patent Infringement” and were

    prepared to do a lengthy legal battle to uphold their card game patent for “Magic the Gathering”.

    Technically, Hasbro didn’t have a legal leg to stand on (as the patent review process had

    already proved NO INFRINGEMENT with ANY EXISTING game patents), but they DID have the

    money and clout to drown the fledgling game startup in legal fees in a prolonged court battle.

    The Ophidian Team tried to mount a defense but couldn’t get any support from their publisher,

    Fleer Entertainment, who was having some financial troubles unrelated to Ophidian 2350.

    Three months after the game was declared a “Success” Fleer Entertainment pulled the

    plug and effectively killed the five year dreams of the Ophidian Team.

    Over the years, the guys tried several times to stage a comeback but the timing never

    seemed to be right. Then in late 2013, a large cache of inventory (over twenty thousand

    pounds) that had been lost in Fleer Entertainments bankruptcy, and subsequent asset purchase

    by “Upper Deck” found its way to eBay.

    I owned a comic and gaming store in 2003 and was one of the first stores to actively

    support and promote the game as an alternative to “Magic the Gathering”. While I didn’t know

    the back story, I always wondered why the game disappeared so quickly after coming out to

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    such fanfare. By 2014, I had long since sold my shop, but liked to surround myself with

    memorabilia and occasionally would search eBay for relics of that era in my life. Late one night,

    in 2014 I came across an eBay seller listing massive quantities of Ophidian 2350 and it peaked

    my interest. I formulated a plan, and reached out to a good friend and former employee of my

    old store. We had been in talks of opening up another “gaming” venture, but then we saw this

    we knew we had to bring Ophidian 2350 back.

     After several months of back and forth with the old Ophidian Team, we secured a license

    to reprint and create new content for the game. We also purchased all the old inventory and

    had it transported to Houston, TX. Hack and Slash Gaming Company was formed and we are

    now working on bringing back Ophidian 2350 to market.

    The novella you are now holding was a story created around the Ophidian 2350 lore.

    I’m reproducing this in print form as a FREE, Not For Resale , publication to showcase the

    efforts of the original Ophidian Team in trying to make their game unique and special.

    I hope you enjoy it.

    Please visit -  for more information!

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    Chapter 1:  CENTER STAGE 7

    Chapter 2:  BLINDSIDED 12

    Chapter 3:  JINXED 19

    Chapter 4:  RAW DEAL 25

    Chapter 5:  DARKNESS FALLS 32

    Chapter 6:  COMMON GROUND 38

    Chapter 7:  PROPOSITIONED 45

    Chapter 8:  PURGATORY 52

    Chapter 9:  HARD CHANCES 58

    Chapter 10:  IN THE SHADOW OF FAILURE 65

    Chapter 11:  STANDING OVATION 74

    Chapter 12:  THE COLD TASTE OF VICTORY 84

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    Solop Avagar, Justich System

     A pair of neural-sai danced around David ‘Freakshow’ Dangers, dripping bilious green

    energy across the arena’s brightmetal floor like some kind of poison. Blood oozed from a deep

    set of scalp wounds. It matted his long, sweat-soaked hair and trickled down the left side of his

    face. Where blood dripped onto his shoulder and bare chest it was lost among a tangle of dark,

    tribal tattoos and body piercings.

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    He circled warily, his last discus curled tight against his right forearm, trying to watch the

    swords, his opponents, his partner. One neural-sai struck against his hardened, golden aura.

    Freakshow stumbled as his protection shattered into a shower of prismatic flashes. Overhead,

    the holotron monitor magnified the blow to titanic proportions, and a sell-out crowd of two million

    fans shouted and clapped and stomped their approval. The voice of the telecommuting

    audience, billions strong, roared through the open sensory fields like some kind of avenging

    spirit sent to encourage the violence and the bloodshed.

    The gladiators needed little encouragement.

    Questing out with his aura, Freakshow felt tendrils of demonic power linking the swords

    back to Gothu Ngaral’s mind. The amber-skinned demon limped up on the arena’s far right side,

    controlling both sai telekinetically. Down-turned horns gleamed black with new polish and his

    fanged snarl promised death. ‘Goth Garal’ roared, spewing a gust of red spores into the air

    which swirled and swarmed toward PK—another demon with a nearly unpronounceable name,

    and Freakshow’s partner in today’s Dynamic Duo preseason match-up.

     A first-tier gladiator on the downslide in ratings, PK barely belonged in the same arena

    as Freakshow, or even Goth Garal. He couldn’t even resist a simple, demon-spawned plague.

    PK had just opened a portal, summoning a pair of two-headed hell hounds. Now he backed

    away quickly before the spores found him. They swarmed the hounds instead. One beast

    flopped over immediately, twitching and foaming at both mouths. The other hound scampered

    aside, then bent back to PK’s will. It charged the alien construct Pago, who came in from the left

    with murder burning in his bloodshot eyes. Pago caught the beast in razor-tipped hands, raised

    it overhead, shredding muscle and bone as if they were nothing to his drug-induced strength.

    One of Pago’s mega-fans ran up with a bucket of red dye and dashed it over the heads

    of several of Freakshow’s cheerleaders. 

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    The crowd loved it.

    Outrage came later. Freakshow feinted with the discus, threatening an overhead throw

    at Pago. He felt the shift in Goth Gara l’s attention, spun at the last moment to swat one of the

    neural-sai out of the air. It clattered across the brightmetal floor but quickly skipped back into the


    The second sword drove in at him and he took it against the ebony vambrace protecting

    his left arm. The discharge of neural energy scalded his arm from elbow to wrist, pricking him

    with thousands of tiny, white-hot needles. Hundreds of spectators gasped, feeling only a

    shadow of the psychic wound through the Ophidians’ broadcast emitters. Something you

    couldn’t get at home, even though the live feed.

    PK hunched down impossibly low, opened another portal, reaching into the vortex of

    energies with a long, muscular arm. Dragging some new monstrosity in from the demon

    dimensions or from the other side of the galaxy, Freakshow didn’t care. Not so long as it kept

    Pago fully occupied this time. He wanted Goth Garal. Freakshow swiped at his chin, smearing

    blood up the side of his face. A measure of his battle-weary state, that his regenerative powers

    had not scabbed the wound yet or that his nanite-laced blood could not be pushed to stitch it


    Or maybe Pago had coated his razors with one of Goth Garal’s anticoagulant infections.

    He wouldn’t put that past them. 

    The swords dove in again, and this time Freakshow pushed to meet them with great,

    swinging arcs, bashing them aside with the flat of his heavy discus. He pumped more nanite-

    laced blood into his muscles, and then still more. His next swing smashed one neural-sai

    against the glowing brightmetal floor, and its green, poisonous light sparked into a hundred

    wriggling worms which died in black crisps of smoke.

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    It bought him a few precious seconds.

    Freakshow ducked the remaining sword, sprinted past Pago and PK, closing with Goth

    Garal before the demon fully recovered from the psychic drain. Blood flowed freely, stinging his

    left eye. He leapt almost twice his own height into the air. A flexible spine of titanium-laced

    graphite allowed Freakshow to whipsaw about, hurl his discus back at Pago, then continue the

    mid-air spin as he dove down at Goth Garal.

    His flying kick caught Gothu in the throat, driving the demon back several paces.

    Freakshow landed hard, rolled, and sprang up with adrenaline-charged reflexes.

    The crowd’s favor shifted back toward Freakshow, where it belonged. In  the Justich

    Federation, no gladiator topped the ratings as he did. He deserved their full attention. Their

    tumultuous roar buffeted the battling combatants, shaking the Ophidian arena with loud fists.

    Freakshow strengthened his aural suppressors, slammed both hands into Goth Garal’s brawny

    midsection and then again into thedemon’s groin. 

    Freakshow’s scalp wound gushed blood now, the simple wound growing worse the

    longer he stood in the demon’s shadow. He tasted the blood on his lips, salty, copperish. Both

    eyes burned as blood washed over his face. Now the human gladiator knew that Ngaral had

    somehow affected his healing ability, either through infection or by inducing a bio-tek mutation

    that Freakshow’s nanotechnology couldn’t counteract. Not good. He had to push his advantage,

    now, before he bled out from a simple laceration.

    He wouldn’t get the chance. 

    Freakshow felt the telekinetic shield slipping in between them, pushing him back from

    the muscular demon. His next blow never landed, slowing, as if caught in a repulsor field, and

    easily avoided.

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    Goth Garal snarled, slammed meaty hands down onto Freakshow’s shoulders once,

    twice, nearly driving the human gladiator to the arena floor. The demon raked bloody furrows

    down Freakshow’s sides, digging thick nails past skin and flesh, tearing into KEV armor


    The weave of monomolecular threads filed down Goth Garal’s claws to blunt nubs.

    Which did nothing against the monster’s great strength. With one large  hand, Goth Garal

    grabbed Freakshow around the throat, raised him in a stiff-armed grip above the brightmetal

    floor. Freakshow managed to lock both hands around the demon’s other wrist, keeping Goth

    Garal from gouging out his eyes. It was all he could do to hold the thick fingers back from his

    unscarred face.

    Not much of a victory, he thought, his vision darkening as Goth Garal squeezed and

    slowly began to choke the life out of David Dangers.

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    Solop Avagar, Justich System

    David Dangers kicked against the muscular legs of Goth Garal as the powerful demon

    held him suspended above the arena’s brightmetal floor. The roar of blood pounded in David’s

    ears. His scalp wound bled freely, and blood mixed with sweat washed down his face, stinging

    his eyes, burning on the edge of his lips.

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    The taste of defeat would be salty, not bitter.

    He was nearly spent, able to do nothing against the meaty hand currently choking the

    life out of him. He used all of his strength to hold Goth Garal’s other hand away from his face,

    his eyes. He certainly didn’t expect help from his partner. PK fought his own losing battle

    against the alien construct, Pago. He quieted his heartbeat, dealing with the lack of oxygen, but

    his decreased circulation no longer flushed away the exertion poisons building in his muscles.

    It also dulled the strident pulse which echoed in his ears. Through his aural filters, David

    heard the audience roaring their support, chanting his stage name over and over. “Freakshow!


    His name hammered into the arena, millions—billions!—strong. The Solop Avagar

    audience shouted and stamped. Thousands beat against the arena’s restraint fields, causing

    the thin energy barriers to crackle with golden energy. Freakshow’s cheerleaders coerced them

    into the rousing chant, and the open sensory network dumped raw energy onto the floor as the

    remote audience on a hundred nearby worlds overpowered anything else.


    Digging into the last of his reserves, he pushed his nanite-charged muscles. He levered

    Goth Garal’s hand back centimeter by centimeter. The demon snarled, squeezed tighter.

    Freakshow pulled the human in close, sucked in a great breath to spew forth a demon-spawned


    Freakshow pulled one hand back from Garal’s arm and pistoned his fist into the demon’s


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    Choking, the demon stumbled back. Dragging Freakshow along with him proved to be a

    mistake as David batted aside the demon’s free hand and used both fists to pummel Garal

    about the neck and face.

    The plague caught in Goth Garal’s throat, and the amber-skinned demon flushed mottled

    red and purple across his barrel chest. Freakshow slammed stiff-armed him in the face,

    breaking off a canine fang.

    Goth Garal dropped Freakshow to the brightmetal floor. The human gladiator collapsed,

    not an ounce of strength left to him but bending his will to recover as quickly as possible.

    Thickening his aura, he wrapped several layers of healing blue energy around himself. He

    hoped for a few seconds—heartbeats only.

    PK bought those for him.

     A blur of muscles, wiry hair and fangs jumped over Freakshow as PK’s latest portaled

    creature slammed into a recovering Goth Garal. He rolled away from the struggle, saw that his

    partner in today’s Dynamic Duo match had abandoned himself to Pago’s razored grip. Black

    ichor splashed over the glowing floor. Pago screamed his rasping battlecry, consumed with


    Garal already had his hands around the pit beast’s head, crushing its skull.  Climbing to

    unsteady feet, Freakshow launched himself at Goth Garal, grabbed the demon by his down-

    turned horns. He kicked his feet up and around, arching his back to swing behind the demon.

    With his momentum and a savage twist, Freakshow wrenched Garal’s headaround,

    snapping the demon’s upper spine. Goth Garal collapsed against the arena floor.

    No time to bask in the audience’s savage e lation. Freakshow threw himself away from

    the demon and stumble-ran toward Pago. The alien pinned PK against the floor, razors slashing

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    again, and again. PK took most of the cuts against his arms, but dark blood also flowed from his

    sides and gut and bubbled in a froth over his punctured chest.

     A discus lay on the floor not far from the struggling pair. The one Freakshow had thrown

    earlier. He bent down to grab it on the run, tucked it against his arm and whirled around in a

    two-step spin.

    Pago sensed the danger, and looked up in time to catch the edge of the disc in the side

    of his glowing skullcase.

    The cyborged alien stood up under the first blow, but not the second. Freakshow tucked

    down, spun, and came up again with the discus smashing up into Pago’s chin. Metal-reinforced

    chitin cracked, caved. Pago flew up and to the side, fell into a tangled heap. He didn’t move


    Bloodied, bruised and still operating on the dregs of his strength, Freakshow stumbled

    into a wide-legged stance. He grasped his discus in both hands and thrust it overhead in a sign

    of victory. Waves of energy crashed into him as the audience screamed themselves hoarse and

    poured its devotion through the sensory fields. PK struggled feebly to regain his feet, slipped in

    his own blood. Freakshow’s cheerleaders jumped and waved and blew kisses in his direction.

    Some of them smiled through a mask of red dye, dashed over them earlier by Pago’s


    Freakshow spotted the cowardly fan skulking toward one of the exits, wrestling off an

    artificial skullcase-cap. Turning his back on PK, he stalked forward, jumped, and threw. The

    discus took the mega-fan in the back, dropping him into a heap that mirrored his gladiator idol.

    The audience loved it. His cheerleaders swarmed to his side, surrounding him in a small

    ocean of beauty. David had hand-picked each one himself. Now he chose two. Blue-haired

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    Jericho and the very svelte Rhiana. Tight leather and revealing halters. Jericho washed the

    blood off his face, then he draped one of them over each arm and paraded along the restraint

    fields, basking in the adoration, feeling stronger. He noticed when a pair of Ophidian Keepers

    slithered out to help PK from the arena. Other Keepers appeared to collect the bodies of Goth

    Garal and Pago, taking them for medical attention and, if necessary, reanimation.

    He smiled. It would be necessary.

     A few other Justich Federation gladiators walked out of their ready rooms to congratulate

    him, no doubt hoping to leech off his success. Some mega-fans who had slipped past guards to

    gain the arena floor also crowded in. Mostly humans, but not all. Freakshow had fans among all

    races on every world. Soon he was hemmed in by a small crowd, all of them belting out


    “Hello, David.” 

    The voice at his ear was honeyed with amusement and very familiar. He looked back.

    “Alice!” Disengaging from his female accessories, David swept up his stepsister in a violent hug

    and spun her around once before setting her back on her feet. It had been nearly a year since

    they had last seen each other.

    “What are you doing on Solop Avagar?” he asked, some doubt creeping  into his voice as

    he looked her over.

     Alice Jenks wore a revealing setup that looked more like one of his cheerleader’s outfits

    than something his stepsister should be wearing. All leather and skin. She stood defiantly, arms

    crossed and head cocked to one side. But her smile was firmly in place. “I wanted to see you

    f ight,” she said with a dimpling grin.

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    Freakshow gathered Rhiana back to his side. The cheerleader melted against him. With

    his free hand he waved at the audience, and signed a few high-auction autographs onto clothes,

    arms, foreheads—whatever was offered. A few of them might have their skin removed to

    preserve the scrawl. Some would end up in the collectible market. All part of the show.

    “You could have seen that on the sensory nets at home,” he admonished  Alice as she

    stepped forward to cut off a couple of mega-fan groupies. He frowned. He was happy to see

     Alice, actually. But not here. She wasn’t part of this world, and it was going to seriously cut into

    his after-show recreation.

    “Well, I’m traveling at the moment.” 

    “You are? Great.” He looked for Jericho, found her sulking off to one side. When he

    shifted toward her, Alice stepped around to keep his attention. “Do you need money? The

    accounts should be full.” David Dangers supported his stepsister at his personal estates on

    Chasse. He should have gone to visit her in the off-season time. Now he was unlikely to visit

    until the Ophidian Circuit moved back through Opali and Tigbar on the regular season, still

    months away.

    She laughed. “Actually, I’m doing fine. I’ve a nice income of my own now.” 

    “Doing what? Selling the scandalnets news on your stepbrother?” He reached past Alice

    to hook a finger into Jericho’s studded collar, drew her to him and accepted a deep, hungry kiss.

    He chuckled. “That’s fine, kid. I don’t mind.” 

    “This has nothing to do with you, David. Shocking as that might seem.” She glanced

    around. “I’d like to talk about this.” 

    Massaging his bruised neck, he pushed more nanite-laced blood to the area to help

    speed his healing. Every minute, he felt better. “Love to, kid, but I’m not going to have time. This

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    was my final preseason bout in the Justich System. In three hours I’m outbound, heading for

    Ursai Major. The Tarn System.” And he wasn’t going to spend his victory celebration ca tching

    up with Alice, no matter how much he’d missed her. There were appearances to make.

    “So we’ll talk on Ursai Major, then,” Alice said with a coy smile. She  turned away,

    releasing the floodgate of groupies and fans massing behind her.

    “Whoa!” he reached through the sudden swarm, caught her elbow. “You’re following the

    circuit to Ursai Major? How are you getting there?” Physical travel over those distances wasn’t

    cheap. Alice could spend his fortune more wisely than that.

    “How are you getting there?” she asked with a shrug. 

    One of the reptilian Ophidians waited nearby, ready to lead him away to the after-match

    extravaganza and closing ceremonies for the Solop Avagar matches. Freakshow would be a

    centerpiece after today’s victory. “My way is bought and paid for,” he reminded her. “I’m


     Alice Jenks pulled her arm free, turned into the crowd and forced her way through.

    “What a coincidence,” his stepsister called back over her shoulder.

    “So am I.” 

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    Ursai Major, The Tarn System 

    “This is so unlike you.” David hiked himself up onto the edge of a steel table. Alice stood

    to one side as an Ophidian Keeper and a trio of Freakshow’s cheerleaders prepped him for

    tonight’s ‘Head On’ collision match. Resting on a thick coil, the Keeper prepared a nanite

    ‘cocktail,’ loaded it into the pneumatic injector. The women paraded by with a choice of


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    “I can’t understand why you feel this is necessary. Don’t I make enough for the both of

    us?” Enough for her to live like a duchess on his Chasse estates. Enough to make the right

    pay-offs to keep Ophidian influence far away from his only remaining family.

    “It’s not about the money.” A storm of  applause hammered at the ready room’s thin steel

    door. Alice dimpled, sharing a private joke with her stepbrother.

    “Not just about the money,” she said. 

    “It’s never a sure thing,” David told her, as if  explaining one of life’s great truths. This

    was his second attempt at talking her into going home since arriving on Ursai Major. His head

    should have been in the fight about to happen. “Especially for a lower-tier gladiator.” 

    “Well, Jinx is second-tier and doing quite nicely. She has sponsors now.” She still talked

    of her gladiator persona like it was a different person. Wake up little girl.

    “Ask Version 9 how much that’s worth. He was an Ophidian champion. Now the cyborg’s

    sinking so fast in ratings you’d swear he had neutronium tied to his servos. And the demon, who

    slipped from third rank to first… Ah, what was his name?” 

    “Pefdsartsuq Klojmrentoyu,” Alice said easily, rolling the hard syllables of her tongue as

    if they were simple music. She brushed at her razor-mesh skirt, fussing with the weave. “P.K.

    You were his partner on Solop Avagar. Forgot him already, David?” Her tone was teasing, but

    with a serious undercurrent.

    Not many people talked to him like that. One of Freakshow’s women stared at Alice,

    fascinated. He snapped his fingers and sent her to get his vambrace.

    He had to admit, his stepsister had the touch. A perfect mix of childhood innocence,

    played up with pig-tails and shy smiles, and hard-core gladiator. He’d looked up her stats, too.

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    Sponsored in a run of minor Justich League circuits, the same ones which has so recently been

    his primar y stomping grounds, her list of wins wasn’t half bad. 

    But this was the Ophidian Circuit. He was just getting used to it himself, but one thing he

    knew: The snakes played for keeps at this level.

    “You have no idea what you’re doing.” 

    ‘Jinx’ shrugged. “I’ll take my chances. You certainly have.” 

    Freakshow let two cheerleaders remove his suede drawstring pants, helping him into

    skin-fit neoleather that stretched where he needed. Strapping on his armored belt and codpiece,

    he felt not the least bit uncomfortable with his stepsister in the room. You lost inhibitions quickly

    on the circuit, after a few wins and the victory parties.

    Was that what bothered him? The idea of Alice being exposed to his world? He’d always

    thought of her as a sheltered, spoiled girl. She was growing up fast.

    “Issstime,” the Ophidian hissed at him, slurring the words together. The snake-like

    Keeper hunched forward, injector held ready, black eyes staring at him with a predator’s gaze. 

    David grunted and thrust an arm out—the one without KEV sub-dermal armor. A brief

    sting and the nanite upgrade went to work in his bloodstream. His arm prickled with warmth.

    Euphoria floated right behind, quickly stealing over his entire body.

    The Keeper wrapped his arm in a hardening brace of steel-strength plaster. The

    cheerleaders groomed him, oiling his skin and plaiting his hair.

    “We’ll continue this later,” he said finally, jumping off the table. 

     Alice nodded. “I can’t wait.” 

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    The Keeper slithered ahead, keyed open the door. Calls of “Freakshow!” rolled into the

    room, chased by equally str ong chants for “Lothar…Lothar…” Freakshow’s alien opponent had

    a good following in the Tarn System.

    “David,” Alice called, stopping Freakshow at the door. He glanced back. His stepsister

    paused, then shrugged. “Knock him dead.” 


    But it was never so easy. The Ophidians knew how to handicap a match, balancing

    augmentations against natural ability. Freakshow wondered when he stomped into the arena,

    seeing sparks shoot up from the glowing, brightmetal floor at each step. Cosmetic effects only.

    Then Lothar rose up from a chasm split through the floor. Skin like pale milk peaked out

    between black leather straps. He held a dagger in each hand, arms crossed over his chest in a

    semblance of the sleeping dead. A dark fog rolled around the alien’s thin frame, and warning

    lights flashed as bio-filter screens dropped over the arena.

    Disease. Tendrils of plague reached out for Freakshow, but his supercharged nanites

    kept him safe for a time. Charging to one side of the arena, then the other, he sought a

    weakness in Lothar ’s defenses. Wondering if Alice watched, he quested out with his aura and

    pulled back whenever queasy-yellow tinged his probes.

     All too often.

    Lothar controlled the arena, hunting Freakshow like a trapped animal, waiting for the

    right moment. The alien never dropped his guard. Finally he rushed forward on a wave of

    sickening plague, blades flashing, catching Freakshow in the arms, the gut.

    KEV armor turned most of the blows. He took another series against his ebony


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    Freakshow’s strength waned as disease overwhelmed his nanite enhancements. Coiling

    in on himself, he exploded out with every ounce of force at his command. He caught Lothar with

    double palm-heel strikes, throwing the alien across the arena.

    He stumbled to one knee. Retching.

    Lothar climbed up on unsteady legs.

    The audience cheered their sport. Head-on matches rarely lasted so long.

    Forced into the role of prey, prodded by the emotional outbursts slamming into him

    through the sensory fields, Freakshow snarled his rage. Pacing from side to side, he struck back

    only when Lothar cornered him. Poisons worked inside him, sapping his strength, slowing his

    responses. Making him look weak—inadequate—in front of Alice.

    Distracted by thoughts of his stepsister, Freakshow missed Lothar’s charge and the alien

    very nearly took him.

    Slipping in under a new pestilence, Lothar spiked a brain fever in Freakshow that he

    countered by concentrating a healing aura around his head. A knife flashed at his throat, nicked

    an artery through the KEV armor. Warm blood splashed on his shoulder. The other knife

    stabbed at his eye. Freakshow met it open-palmed, letting the point drive through his hand,

    locking his fingers over the tang. He pulled Lothar off-balance as the first knife drove in again.

    He met it open-palmed as well.

    Wrestling for control of the knives, refusing to let them be pulled from his hands,

    Freakshow raised one foot and stomped into the middle of Lothar’s chest. Bones cracked.

    Lothar stumbled, losing his grip, and Freakshow dove after him. His backhand slap put three

    inches of dagger blade into Lothar’s throat. 

     An overhead strike drove the second blade through one glassy eye.

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    Lothar slumped forward, dead on his feet, held up only by the blades run through

    Freakshow’s hands. The fog of pestilence disbursed. Freakshow carefully lowered the alien

    down to the floor as the crowd roared. Stepping back, he willed his hands open so he could

    remove the daggers.

    His muscles trembled, refused.

    So be it. He’d have them pulled in his ready room. There would be no answering the

    crowd’s call for his usual parade. No victor y party. He had let his mind wander for a moment,

    and nearly paid for it at a high cost. Champions did not make that kind of mistake. Ever.

     And if he were going to prevent it from happening again, there was only one solution.

     Alice Jenks had to go.

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    Toreador, The Tarn System 

    The private room was luxuriously appointed, with one entire wall open to Toreador’s

    Danger Zone arena. Leathery, draco-skin floor covering molded to David Dangers’ every step.

    The fully automated ‘tender boasted a repertoire of fifty thousand beverage mixes. And the

    sensory-net controls had no safety limits. Someone could dial the Ophidians’ broadcast

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    emitters to maximum, and a death blow on the arena floor would stop heartbeats or induce

    comas up here. 

    David shut the emitters down first thing. His stepsister’s pain was not a feeling he

    wished to share. 

    It was no accident that his meeting was scheduled alongside Alice’s first Tarn Triple

    event. Ophidians had no sense of humor, or irony, but the snakes knew how to bargain. This

    was their opening move. 

    Pacing the restraint field, he watched “Little Jinx” struggle alongside the plague-alien

    Lothar and circuit newcomer Cryst Mamigoyan. Cryst was an unknown, not yet rated—an alien

    who looked as if he were made entirely of  cloudy glass. The mismatched trio fought against the

    returning Goth Garal, who commanded Bull’s Eye and that wild-haired runt of an engineer who

    styled himself The Berserker. 

    The Triple pressed back and forth across the Danger Zone with Lothar’s besieged crew

    barely holding. Blasts of flame and metal spikes thrust out of the floor at random intervals,

    keeping the audience on the edge of their seats as they waited for a gladiator to misjudge. The

    engineer used a pile of spare parts to build a small army of deadly warbots. Surprisingly, it was

    Jinx— Alice!—who countered with her ability to rapidly portal in small-but-vicious creatures with

    stainless steel teeth and jaws that tore through metal. 

    She had never shown hints of such ability while growing up. More Ophidian tampering. 

     As if summoned, the iris-door spiraled open and a Keeper stepped into the room. Not an

    Ophidian, with their snake-like bodies and hypnotic stares. This Circuit Keeper was of a

    different alien race, with two elbow joints and long, bony fingers. He had four tiny, red eyes and

    a horned beak that snicked at the air.

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    Non-Ophidian Keepers weren’t exactly rare, but David had assumed the secretive

    Ophidian Lords would send one of their own for a gladiator of  Freakshow’s caliber. They had

    gone through so much trouble to acquire him, and the rest of the Justich League circuit, after


    “Am Schreth,” the Keeper said. His voice was raspy and coarse, like dry scales rubbing


    “Took you long enough.” David took the high ground with an immediate challenge.

    Negotiations with the Ophidians shouldn’t be too different from battles he’d fought in the arena.

    Or so he thought then. 

    The door spun closed behind Schreth. “Not fight today. Request…low priority.” 

     And on days Freakshow fought, he had better things to do than argue for an interview. Which is

    why he’d waited so long to go through upper channels. Three different worlds in three weeks,

    every private effort to undercut his stepsister’s new career and send her packing for home had

    failed. Now he wanted her gone no matter the cost.

    David began to say as much, but a rousing surge of cheers pulled him back to the open

    wall. He couldn’t help it. His experienced eye caught up quickly. Goth Garal had used mind

    control to seize several of Jinx’s portaled creatures, turning them against their mistress. Cryst

    was less effective establishing a cyberspace link to the warbots, but he subverted enough to

    keep The Berserker tied up in a civil war of mechanicals. Cutting discs and lasers sliced through

    plate armor. Machines toppled with heavy crashes.

    Meanwhile Lothar stood at the fore, brandishing a flaming sword and using his mastery

    over disease to keep Alice Jenks from falling prey to her own summoned creatures. She stood

    at the edge of his oily wreath of disease, moving through its fringes as if it were the purest air.

    Nanotech? Biofilters?

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     A steel-toothed creature leaped at her, and she skipped back further into Lothar’s

    protection, drawing the beast after her. It convulsed and died right atop one of its brethren, and

    the crowd cheered her again.

     A stand-off. With Bull’s Eye as the wild card. David had predicted that early on. A rogue

    Spectral obsessed with the material plane, Bull’s Eye always took near-human shape. The dark-

    garbed figure skulked along the edge of a Danger Zone fire trap, behind Goth Garal. Bull’s Eye

    liked to play the weakling while building strength.

    Waiting for his chance.

    “Climbs in ratings,” Schreth said, stepping up on David’s left. They watched as Little Jinx

    bunny-hopped over a fallen warbot, moving out from under Lothar’s protection. “Good numbers

    for second tier.” 

    “Good numbers,” David agreed. He stroked his goatee. “Doesn’t matter, though. I


    “Know what Freakshow wants,” Schreth interrupted, his beak clacking hard. “Ophidian

    Lords always know.”

     Alice Jenks tripped over a severed warbot arm, stumbled to one side. A jet of flame

    erupted from the arena floor wher e she’d been about to step. The audience gasped and David’s

    heart hammered in his throat. Stupid little girl. “So show her the door,” he ordered. 


    The response came too fast, like a door slammed in his face. “For a second tier? Look,

    Schreth,” he made the name a gargling noise, “they don’t need her.” Meaning the Ophidian

    Lords. “They need me. Call it a ‘request’ from one of their top-earning gladiators.” 

    “Freakshow not top-earner,” Schreth said. 

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    “Not a…?” He couldn’t complete the question.

    The Keeper made a complicated gesture that might have been a double-joined shrug.

    “Humans do well, but not draw real money.” His voice was lighter, hungrier, saying those last

    two words. Part of a special vocabulary the Ophidian Lords forced him to memorize perfectly, no


    Freakshow threw off his surprise. “Maybe not in the Tarn System. But in the Justich


    “Better,” Schreth agreed, cutting him off again. “Still not top-earner. Freakshow fights

    too much Singles and Doubles. Never be Champion.” 

    True. The Justich League circuit might be the newest acquisition to the Ophidian’s

    gladiatorial empire, but he knew the score. Ophidian Circuit Champions were crowned out of the

    highly-rated four-on-four team events, and he had little interest in them. Freakshow hated to

    share the spotlight. But then, he had never noticed it limiting him in status before. Or influence.

    It was almost enough to make him think.

    It was certainly enough to distract him. He had failed to see Alice trip her way into a

    dangerous position.

    With Goth Garal moving up to grapple with Lothar, demon claws against flaming sword,

    Jinx suddenly found herself trapped between Bull’s Eye and The Berserker. David watched as

    the spectral rushed up from the backfield with dark apparitions swarming around him—spirits

    which he had summoned and bound to his own life force.

    On her right, the diminutive engineer clambered onto the back of a treaded warbot,

    driving it at her… 

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    …and into a sudden forest of long blades that thrust out from the Danger  Zone floor.

    Sharp-edged steel punched through warbot and engineer, impaling them on mechanical


    The audience went nearly berserk. Several rows rushed down to the arena’s edge—

    humans, aliens, even demons—to hammer their enthusiasm against the restraint fields. They

    made as if she’d planned the entire scene, when really it was just a healthy dose of grisly luck;

    the kind which had earned her the nickname Little Jinx. Alice played it up. With a laugh and a

    twirl she spun away from the gruesome scene, sprinting back toward Lothar, unconcerned.

    She hadn’t seen Bull’s Eye!

    But Cryst had. The alien moved like flowing water, smooth and fluid as he threw himself

    forward into the spectral’s path. Cryst’s eyes flashed cobalt blue as the spirits swarmed over

    him, wrapping about him in a cascade of negative life force. Bull’s Eye kicked him into a wall of

    fire, raced onward.

     Alice would never have stood a chance if not for that small delay. And for Lothar. Lothar

    swept back from Goth Garal’s embrace, sending a choking fog of death at the amber-skinned

    demon. He cast his flaming sword side-armed, whipping it past Jinx with barely a hand’s

    breadth to spare. The fiery blade caught Bull’s Eye in the chest, driving him upwards and back,

    and then it dissipated in a flash of orange flame.

    Energy bled from Bull’s Eye’s wound in a wash of silvery light.

    The flaming sword reappeared in Lothar’s hand. 

    Trading the mad engineer and his warbot minions for Cryst put Goth Garal and Bull’s

    Eye at a serious disadvantage. Freakshow knew Lothar’s ability to command an arena. He

    knew his stepsister was in safe hands. For today.

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    But tomorrow? What would the Ophidian Lords put her up to when she really became


    “If,” he began, then waited for Schreth’s attention. Four beady, red eyes stared through

    him. “If a top-earning gladiator was making this request? If he asked a favor from an Ophidian


    The Keeper paused. His fiery eyes dulled, then turned a hard onyx black as he

    considered David’s request most carefully. His stare was very much like an Ophidian. Cold.

    Hypnotic. It felt as if another presence had entered the room.

    “Even best-earning gladiators…hardly afford five minutes time to talk with Ophidian

    Lord,” he finally said. His beak clicked and clacked against an underjaw of hard bone.

    Freakshow nodded decisively. “I’ll take that as a deal,” he said. 

    “Still in pre-season. Am unsure how Freakshow accomplishes this.” 

    He smiled a hard smile, copied the alien’s pattern of speech. “Will become odds-on

    favorite to qualify for Championship tour,” Freakshow said easily. Then he broke away from the

    Keeper’s obsidian gaze, tur ning back to the arena to watch Lothar and Little Jinx move in

    quickly on the wounded Bull’s Eye. 

    Now he only needed to figure out how.

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    Varrenhold, The Matricc System

    Varrenhold’s Cyberwarren Arena was a junkyard of crashed starfighters, half-ruined

    vehicles, and surplus war material. Holotronic mesh covered four-story walls at either end.

     Advertisements competed with live combat, lighting the arena in a garish backwash of neon-

    bright colors. No restraint fields protected the audience from the gladiators, or vice versa, and

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    the Ophidian sensory net stood wide open, creating one of the strongest feedback loops

    between gladiator and audience Freakshow had ever experienced.

    So he felt their cringing expectation as he dodged between a fire-gutted tank and

    towering mountain of destroyed war-bots, chased by a fury of ruby-hued laser blasts.

    The Berserker had cyber-rigged a laser turret, manning the seat himself until he could

    find a way to automate it. One violent beam caught Freakshow just short of cover, glancing

    across the small of the back. It slashed through body armor, boiling away skin and flesh, lifted

    him from the floor and threw him forward.

    He hit hard, scrambled into the tank’s shadow. The smell of burning meat choked the air.

    The audience shouted and screamed as a psychic lash burned across their spines.

    Feeding on the suffering, demon-kind roared their approval. The holotronic displays cut to an

    instant replay of the action, his rough and tumble landing, dragging numbed legs behind him as

    he edged up to the corner of the tank, glanced around.

    Protected by the dwarfish engineer, Prince of Gates held the arena’s center

    unchallenged. Opening a new portal, the demon reaching deep into inter-dimensional space to

    loose another horror on Freakshow’s stillborn team. Dark laughter echoed across the arena with

    a power that rivaled even the tumultuous roar of the audience. It scratched fingernails across

    the chalkboard of Freakshow’s soul.

    One of Freakshow’s new teammates, Leetah Kalynda, ducked around the other side of

    the scrap heap. Scars crisscrossed her face, standing out pale and puckered against her

    flushed skin. Her swords dripped green ichor and gore. The cyborg construct looked his way,

    shook her head. He nodded back. They both recognized the signs of a lost match.

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    Freakshow had seen it most often from the other side, of course, but that didn’t change

    anything this night. Thrown into the deep end on his first full-team event, he faced last year’s

    Champion. Xarz’ycus, Prince of Gates. The Berserker was a new addition to Xarz’ycus’s

    preseason team, but an effective one, and the demon had recently passed over Goth Garal for

    soldier-construct Version Nine. Of Prince of Gates’ original four only The Stranger remained—a

    dark, spectral being of mysterious origin and even more secret ambitions.

    This late in the preseason, with most teams readying themselves for the full Circuit,

    Freakshow had been forced to scavenge among cast-offs and unknowns. Mannequin, the AI

    symbiote, was a true gladiator veteran but difficult to work with. Leetah stood low in the ratings,

    and Simon Bantus, the new “Fish,” was more interested in surviving his one-year sentence to

    the Circuit than he was in placing for the Champions tour.

    But Freakshow did nothing that he did not try to be one of the best. If not the best. He

    would win an endorsement, and get his stepsister out of the Ophidians’ coils. Then he would go

    on to best them at their own sport.

    But not today.

    The scrap mountain Leetah hid behind trembled as a giant robotic ‘dozer scraped up

    more robotic body parts and piled them on. She spun away, slid low across the opening

    between them, and joined Freakshow behind the tank’s ruined husk. 

    “Fish is down,” she said, voice rusty with disuse. “The Stranger put him into a mental

    seizure. Mannequin?” 

    Freakshow tried to get back to his feet, did so slowly. His nanites released a flood of

    endorphins to counter the pain. “Commandeered a ‘dozer, went off hunting Version Nine.” He

    made certain to face her. Born deaf, Leetah had to read his lips. Her single-word curse pretty

    much summed up her feelings. His too, for that matter.

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    David stretched, winced. Strengthening his aura, he built a healing shell around his

    lower back. “Can you get to the engineer?” he asked.

    Leetah shook her head.

    “Can you distract him?” 

    There weren’t many ways to distract a man sitting in a laser turret. She paused,

    understanding lighting up her mismatched eyes. “I do not come back,” she said slowly. “I have

    standard replacement clause only. No reanimation.” Which meant Leetah had sponsor troubles.

    Most gladiators opted for the best insurance they could afford, but it took real money buying a

    second chance at life.

    “You’ll have to help me get close, then,” he said. Freakshow did not care to push a

    losing strategy. But when faced with ignominious defeat or going out in a blaze of glory, a top-

    tier gladiator only had one choice.

     And a top-tier team? Where could he find others to whom winning meant just as much?

    “Now?” Leetah asked, reversing her blades so that she held one down the length of

    each forearm.


    His first step, Freakshow worried he was destined to end up face-down on the arena

    floor, at the mercy of The Berserker’s lasers or one of Prince of Gates’ portaled creatures. His

    legs felt unsteady, still numb from the earlier laser blast. But they strengthened with each step

    as he pushed more nanites to the damaged area. Around the tank, racing down the short

    corridor between vehicle and robotic scrap pile. Leetah hung back several paces, ready to

    deflect any threats.

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    It came before they cleared the scrap pile, scrabbling down the side of the heap. An

    eight-legged raknid hit the arena floor, fangs open and front legs bristling with poisoned quills.

    Freakshow dodged around the spiderlike creature, leaving it to Leetah Kalynda who fell on it

    with flashing swords and a grim smile of determination.

    Freakshow ran on alone, charging forward with a sudden surge of audience expectancy

    buoying him. Their encouragement built like a wave, rushing up with inexorable strength. As

    bloodlust warred with the dawning horror of his suicide charge, that wave rolled over into a

    breaking foam of excitement commingled with terror. This was going to be glorious. This was

    going to hurt.

    This was going to hurt a great deal, in fact.

    Standing tall at the center of a wide-open area, Prince of Gates reigned in two slithering,

    slug-like beasts as if they were faithful pets. The demon was thickly muscled, with part of his

    gladiator costume stitched directly into his corpse-blue skin. His eyes were milky orbs and he

    slicked his hair back with what looked like congealed blood. The slug-like creatures mutated

    right before the eyes of the audience, held too long in Xarz’ycus’s demonic presence. Already  

    Freakshow felt the other gladiator’s dark presence pressing in against his own aura.

    Prince of Gates saw him come, of course. As did The Berserker, who opened up with

    the laser turret and splashed more ruby-tinged energy across the arena. Freakshow dodged

    and leaped, pulling every last trick from the book. One close call splashed a wide, molten

    puddle into the arena floor. Freakshow leaped across, hair flying out behind him like a victory

    banner. Another passed so close to one arm that his skin blistered. He side-slipped, spun, and

    cut back on target.

    He might have actually made it, if the demon had granted him some measure of

    professional courtesy.

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    Prince of Gates smiled, cruel and dark. In Freakshow’s mind, the demon stood frozen in

    place while the background rushed away in retreat, as if the arena suddenly grew larger around

    him. Time poured over them both in a sticky layer. Freakshow’s next step came slower, driving

    him through the warped shell of reality. The next, slower still.

     At the edges of his sanity, Freakshow sensed the barriers that separated reality from the

    demon dimensions breaking down, thinning. He glimpsed monstrous faces from the shadows

    which cavorted in his peripheral vision. Hands clawed at him, dragging him down.

     Another step.


    How long had it been since the last laser cannonade? Another jump? Should he dodge

    aside? Freakshow pulled his aura tight about him, creating a thin barrier to protect him from this

    demonic twisting of reality. It helped. His senses cleared, but there was little time to free his

    body from the quagmire the demon had sunk them into. He saw Prince of Gates striding

    forward, caught in the same web. He saw The Berserker track on him, a fiery stream pouring

    from the laser turret. Freakshow raised his fists, thrusting them forward in an effort to protect his

    face. They disappeared in a haze of blood-red light, severed at the wrists, then at the elbows.

    Time and dimension snapped back into place with a mind-wrenching thunderclap.

    Freakshow leaped, a powerful yell skinning his lips back from strong teeth, still trying to reach

    his enemy when the next laser blast took him in the side of the chest.

    Darkness took him. He was not sorry to see it come.

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    Gasherdel, Garina

    Standing in one of the narrow entrance tunnels to Gasherdel’s Cathedral-Prime arena,

    Freakshow scowled equally at the cor ridor’s dank smell and at Ryla, the bronze-skinned

    demoness who stood slightly apart from the three humans. Just barely muted, the crowd’s

    tumultuous roar of bloodlust and anger seeped past force field screens, echoing along the dark

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    tunnel, clinging to the walls with malevolent tenacity. It prickled the short hairs on the back of his

    neck, as if reminding him of something.

    Other than the usual promise of death and dismemberment, that is.

    Rejuvenation took something out of gladiators. They all knew it, although Freakshow

    could not put a mental finger on anything specific. He’d felt cold for weeks after, his flesh blue-

    tinged and slightly numb. The chill penetrated right down to his bones. Spending hours every

    day in Ophidian training facilities with the temperatures elevated high enough to make a fire-

    daemon sweat, he pushed his nanites to bulk up muscle and increase reflexive speed. He

    swore off bodily pleasures and purchased a full regimen of anti-mutation agents, suffering

    painful joint aches and heavy migraines as he readied himself for the Demon Wars Invitational.

    He felt in top physical form. His aura wrapped warmly about himself, pure and gold and

    perfect, he knew he had not dropped any weight or suffered a permanent loss of coordination.

    No. This time it had been a memory. A thought. Something he had remembered, or realized.

    Reaching for it again, he slipped back into the disjointed memories of his run-in with

    Prince of Gates. It wasn’t his tactics. He’d reviewed the holotronic footage often enough. The

    way he had embraced death, causing a ratings spike even in defeat? Not quite.

     All that remained was a sense of loss, like a dark hole at the back of his mind.

    Something important… 

    But it was gone.

     And in its place came searing light, stabbing into the back of his eyes as the corridor lit

    up so brightly that his entire team stumbled blindly through their first few steps together.

    The Stallion crossed one arm across his eyes, electro-spear held out dangerously before

    him, and nearly ran into Ryla. The demoness lashed out with her talons, sent him reeling away

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    with bloody stripes down his cheek. Naru Kami regained his equilibrium much faster. Nothing

    put Striking Dragon off his game for long. The elder martial arts master trotted out onto the

    arena floor at Freakshow’s side. 

     A bright edge of tempered insanity cut at the “Human” team as they emerged from the

    protection of the intense light—psychic backwash from a sell-out crowd of a quarter million

    bloodthirsty fans. Freakshow strengthened his spirit shield, needing a few seconds of clear

    thought. There would be no complicated strategies this evening, he saw. A smooth expanse of

    pale reddish stone stretched from one side of Cathedral-Prime to the other, littered with drifts of

    ivory-yellow bones and oily, gangrenous slicks. A deathmatch arena. Holotronic screens

    towered over each corner, and seating wrapped up and over the gothic ceiling with an applied

    altered-gravity state. The best seats in the house, looking straight down on the gladiators

    through individual magnification fields. God’s Eye, they called it. 

    Freakshow strode forward, determined to give them something worth seeing.

    His shadow stretched ahead for over a dozen meters. He imagined the effect of the

    brilliant light on the spectators: Angelic fire flooding one corner of the arena, hiding the mundane

    entrance corridor from view. And the other team? Would they arrive in a blast of fire? A chaos of

    artificial night and screams?

    It was fire. Across the arena’s battlefield, a vortex of flame  swirled and cavorted around

    the arriving demons, hiding them from view.

    With hand motions he quickly pushed Striking Dragon out onto his left flank, Ryla on his

    near-right where he could best keep an eye on her. Schaeffer Steelarm donned the mask to his

    bio-suit. The first-tier “Stallion” was left to guard Freakshow’s back (and was also to watch out

    for any treachery by Ryla). The Invitational was supposed to pit human teams against demons.

    But Ryla petitioned to fight against her own kind, and the Gasherdel promoters saddled

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    Freakshow with her as a novelty. Demons turning on their own was not unknown, though rarely

    did they champion the Human side of a very bitter rivalry. Did the Ophidians wish to see what

    she would do? Or were they throwing another hurdle into Freakshow’s path? 

    He wasn’t expected to place well anyway after his showing against Prince of Gates.

    Then the veil of fire parted, and seeing whom they had matched his team against,

    Freakshow knew a moment’s despair that they had been right.

    Dark Arkzilipul led—the Devourer of Souls. His ebony skin reflected the fire, making it a

    part of himself. Stomping forward on cloven hoofs, lash gripped tightly in the left hand, he

    bellowed his own challenge against the screams of hatred which rained down around him. He

    whipped his lash overhead, the braid of dark energies cutting the air with a tortured scream and

    a sizzling snap! at the end.

    Goth Ngaral had found a home as Arkzilipu l’s lieutenant, and would be on watch for any

    of Freakshow’s usual tactics and tricks. After Garal came a cadaverous demon known only as

    Pestilence, with his open, running sores and a dark halo of plague flies, and then the chitin-

    ar mored Kos’bargithd, dragging at his side a massive sword half again as long as he was tall.

    “We are so universally screwed,” Schaeffer whispered loudly. Striking Dragon silently

    took up a flat-footed stance. He tugged on frost-white wisps of beard, offering no argument.

    They watched as Arkzilipul slashed open reality and portalled a Krevloc Screamer into the


     A colony-form of gaping maws, it was a creature straight out of nightmare. The

    Screamer’s first discordant screech raked nails down David’s spine.

    It was Ryla who broke the spell. “We have an audience,” she reminded them with a

    sneer. Her amber eyes flashed with pent-up hellfire.

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    They did have an audience. And now Freakshow saw what was being done to them—

    what Arkzilipul had managed from behind the curtain of fire. Spreading out his aura, he pushed

    back the black miasma of mystical energies which the demon had cast around the humans,

    dampening their spirits with tainted yang.

     Another push and the effect dispersed, wrenched from Arkzilipul’s control. 

    The Devourer bent forward and bellowed his rage.

    Ryla was already running forward, holding one arm out to her side. Yellow pus dripped

    from her talons, and the spines along her forearm. Joining battle, or joining the other side?

    Freakshow reached back and grabbed the electro-spear out of Schaeffer’s hands,

    nodded Striking Dragon toward Goth Garal, and chased after her.

    The demons spread out to either side of their dark master. Pestilence slipped up to Kos,

    ran a diseased hand along the massive reaver, poisoning it. Goth Garal kicked through a small

    pile of splintered bones, reached down and uncovered a Pa’chan weapon. The crescent ends

    glowed with ruby fire as he placed both hands upon the ornate haft. Goth Garal grinned.

    None seemed worried about Ryla’s char ge. They ignored her. Seemed to welcome her.

    Freakshow levered the electro-spear back, sparks arcing out from its broad head,

    crackling in his ear. He had the shot now, he could take it. Ryla’s back was open and

    vulnerable, and better the demon you knew than the demon you didn’t. He gave her a handful of

    seconds, counted them down, stutter-stepped into a hop that shifted all his weight behind the

    impending throw.

    Then Arkzilipul gated in a Drosh warrior, throwing the minion into Ryla’s path. Ryla

    swiped at it with her claws, drawing blood, and the poison worked quickly. In a convulsive

    shudder the Drosh twisted itself around so hard its spine snapped.

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    First blood had gone to the “Human” team. It gave Freakshow pause. A heartbeat to

    reconsider. Then he threw… 

     And hoped he had chosen right.

    The Drosh barely slowed Ryla, but apparently her target had never been the Devourer of

    Souls. She veered away from Arkzilipul in a determined cut, rushing into the ready embrace of

    Kos’bargithd and Pestilence. Kos’s reaver glanced off her arm spines, then he fell back under a

    flurry of savage attacks that clawed at his eyes, his throat.

    Pestilence hesitated, then swarmed his plague flies forward to envelop Ryla in a

    diseased embrace.

    …and Freakshow’s spear came crashing down with a thunderclap of bright power,

    skewering the Krevloc Screamer. The Screamer died with a choking rasp, teeth gnashing as the

    colony-form slumped down against the shaft of the electro-spear.

    The method in Ryla’s madness showed itself as the demoness burst from Pestilence’s

    dark shroud of flies, driving back both of Arkzilipul’s lower -tier warriors, separating the demon

    line. With Striking Dragon and Stallion racing into the blistering fire Goth Garal laid about with

    the Pa’chan, it left Freakshow head to head with the demon leader. 

    It also left Ryla’s back completely open to the Devourer, and Arkzilipul was not one to be

    ignored. He struck his lash against the red stone floor, scarring a black wound. Drawing back

    the braid of dark energies, it wound behind him like something alive and sinuous, then he struck

    forward with the speed of a viper.

    To be brought up short by Freakshow, who leaped into the space without a thought for

    his own safety. Ryla was giving her all. There was no way he would not do the same. Willing to

    risk everything for the team, for victory. That’s what a  top-tier team did. He remembered!

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     And then the lash bit into his skin, wrapping about him, and all he could think about was

    the pain.

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    Gasherdel, Garina

     A dark braid of energies coiled about David Dangers’s midsection. His skin blistered

    beneath the lash, crisped and splitting open. He tasted blood in his mouth, and bit down on a

    scream as pain blurred his vision.

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    Where Goth Garal held off Stallion and Striking Dragon, David was aware only of the

    bright, jeweled blasts that continued to pour from the Pa’chan ray gun. On his right, Ryla was a

    vague outline of bronze skin and dark braids, tearing into Pestilence and Kos’bargithd without

    thought or care of what happened behind her.

     Ahead, a mystic vortex of malign hatred opened. Freakshow felt it tear at his soul, pulling

    him forward into the dark core of Arkzilipul. As if the demon himself was a portal, and

    Freakshow could see through into a darker place where hungry, red eyes stared out of the

    depths, never blinking. His heartbeat thudded in his ears, slowing.

    Whispers teased at the edge of his hearing. Listen… they seemed to be saying.

    Hear the crowds… 

    Freakshow could hear the crowds. Cathedral Prime had already seen several matches

    in the Demon Wars Invitational, and would see several more before the evening’s entertainment

    was done. But the Ophidian Lords did not believe in a fickle audience. The savage call of the

    crowd echoed Arkzilipul’s bellow as the demon fed on Freakshow’s torment and the throng of

    spectators reeled under the sensory net’s mixture of demon pleasure and human agony. Their

    rage and their hunger blasted back into the arena with a psychic backlash that slashed through

    the gladiators.

    Feeding on that energy, Freakshow hauled back against the pull of Arkzilipul’s lash. He

    raised one hand overhead, concentrating his willpower until his aura shone through dark and

    golden, and then slashed down and through the braided energies. They shattered into a

    hundred arcing threads, squirming off in different directions, finally disappearing as Arkzilipul

    leaped forward with hands grasping and teeth barred. An odor of smoke and sulfur came with

    the demon.

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    He comes…

    The Devourer of Souls raked his talons across Freakshow’s chest, tearing  through flesh

    and digging at the KEV armor weave. Blood splattered against the demon’s ebony skin, and

    sizzling with the smell of cooking meat.

    Now, the otherworld whispers told him. Freakshow did not need to see the opening. He

    had felt Arkzilipul’s overreaching attack, and sensed that the demon’s pleasure in the bloodflow

    would slow him, if only for a second.

    He braced both wrists together and struck outward in a piston-like blow that ruptured

    skin and threw the demon back into one of the oily pools that slicked the reddish stone floor.

     Arkzilipul thrashed out of the far side of the gangrenous slick, poison burning at the edge

    of his wounds. His howl of fury was also laced with something new. Pain of his own.

    The banshee wail threw Goth Garal and Kos into violent rages, the demons striking

    forward with ray gun and with poisoned sword, heedless of their own safety. Stallion fell, a large

    hole burned into his side. Striking Dragon retreated from Goth Garal’s savage assault. Only

    Pestilence seemed immune to the call. But not Ryla. Freakshow felt a churning within his aura

    as questing force pulled him around toward possible new danger. He saw the bronze-skinned

    demoness turn away from Pestilence, as if yanked around by an invisible chain. Her amber

    eyes burned with crimson fury, staring through Freakshow as if he did not exist.

    Or would not, in a matter of moments.

    Had he been wrong, earlier? In an attempt to understand and douse her sudden fury,

    Freakshow retreated from Arkzilipul while reaching out toward Ryla with his aura. Dark blue

    pulses smothered Ryla, breaking over her black presence like waves against coral-tipped rock.

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    He felt her conflicted struggle, called to the Devourer’s side and yet hating everything the

    demon represented. It froze her in place, while Pestilence and Kos moved up behind her.

    Kos levered up his reaver, and thrust forward in a brutal stab for Ryla’s back.

    Freakshow felt more than saw the swirl of mystic energies which exploded out of Ryla

    and swirled over her in a sudden protective shell. The sword glanced away as if swatted by an

    invisible hand. Then the mystic energy took corporal form, rising above Ryla in the spectral

    image of a large human or possibly a humanoid alien. It had presence. Freakshow felt it as he

    might a possessing spirit.

    He moved quickly toward Ryla, unsure if she required (or wanted) his help, or if this

    might be his only chance to destroy a traitorous teammate.

    Pestilence also leaped forward, plague flies swarming around him and Ryla. The ghostly

    image swatted them away, and Ryla spun back around with claws raking side to side, tearing

    out Pestilence’s throat. Dark ichor gushed out in great fountains as the body instantly voided

    itself of all life, and little more than a flesh-shrouded sack of bones was left to collapse into

    another of the arena’s gangrenous slicks.

    Kos’bargithd might be the lesser threat on Arkzilipul’s demonic team, but he was no

    coward. His massive sword arced up and over, getting behind it all the hatred and jealousy he

    could muster. Freakshow saw the dark emotions build on the edge of the blade, gleaming in a

    savage mixture of red and bilious green. The sword cleaved through the apparition which hung

    above Ryla, and then sliced deep into her shoulder, knocking her to her knees, and then to her


    He comes… 

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    The whispers again. Freakshow had no time to decide if these were true spirits, drawn to

    his side against the demons, or if they might simply be the psychic impressions left by gladiators

    who had fallen in Gasherdel’s Cathedral Prime. Either way, a glance over his shoulder

    confirmed the truth. Arkzilipul was on the move again, striding forward, his cloven hooves

    striking sparks from the arena’s stone floor. Reaching into small portals as he came, he dragged

    along with him a pair of small, senet worpalite. Heavily muscled with savage claws that might

    rend a man in two, in the demon’s grip the worpalite looked like obedient pets.

    Time slipped away from the human team. Arkzilipul might overwhelm them with minions

    if not with his actual gladiators. But Kos had drawn back his sword for another overhead blow,

    and as Freakshow jumped over Ryla’s sprawled body all he could think about was protecting his


    His flying kick caught Kos in the side of the head, snapping it over with enough force to

    kill an average human. It barely slowed the wiry demon.

    Freakshow came down into a shoulder roll, then vaulted back to lock grips with Kos on

    the hilt of the reaver. The blade struggled overhead, ready to fall one way or the other.

    Ryla stirred, struggled to her feet in time to rush into the embrace of one of the senet.

    Rather than duck under its toothsome maw she thrust a hand forward and deep into its throat. A

    new poison, secreted from beneath her talons, choked the reptilian monster. The flesh of its

    throat melted as if under a powerful corrosive.

    The stench of smoke and sulfur swept ahead of Arkzilipul, warning of the demon’s

    presence even before Freakshow’s aura churned with dangerous, dark  boils. Kos wrestled

    David around so that his back was to the Devourer. He spared one last glance behind him, as

    the dark-skinned nightmare threw his second garchek at Ryla and came at him with lips skinned

    back in a savage snarl and black tongue lolling out as if tasting the air for blood.

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    Power induces will… the whispers promised as the crowd surged to its feet, hammering

    against the restraint fields in warning or celebration.

    It did at that.

    Burning his aura into a surge of raw strength, Freakshow flushed every muscle in his

    body with a sudden, invigorating pulse. He fell backward, pulling Kos’bargithd after him, and

    down. The reaver still between them, Freakshow braced it between their bodies as Arkzilipul

    impaled himself on the massive blade.

    Demon-plagued steel ripped through dark flesh.

    Corrosive ichor sprayed out of Akzilipul’s mouth in jet of vomit, burning  over Kos’s back. 

     Already at the edge of his limits, Freakshow pushed for an adrenaline surge and rolled

    out from beneath Kos’bargithd as the Devourer of Souls collapsed over  the top of them. He

    ended up on hands and knees within the nearby bacteria pool, barely able to move after

    spending so heavily from his reserves. The skin on his hands and forearms had blistered with

    reddish welts by the time he waded free.

    The battle was all but over.

    Delayed by the second worpalite, as the Devourer of Souls had no doubt planned, Ryla

    freed herself from the beast and staggered over to lend Freakshow a taloned hand. But

     Arkzilipul rolled away from Kos, tore a portal open and lurched through rather than face further

    ignominy at the hands of the “human” team. 

    Kos screeched his anguish over the betrayal, but wisely gestured for his complete

    capitulation. Goth Garal grounded his Pa’chan weapon a moment later,  seeing that the fight had

    irrevocably gone against them.

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    Striking Dragon accepted Garal’s surrender, then moved to the Stallion’s aide, to see if

    there was anything to be done.

    “Took you long enough,” Ryla sneered to David. She folded her arms across her chest,

    forearm spines laying against the hard swell of her breasts.

    “Didn’t think you knew who was on your team.”

    “I didn’t,” Freakshow admitted. He had to say it again, louder, to be heard over the

    deafening cheers. “But I think I’m figuring it out. If you are interested in  staying on.” 

    Was that a hint of smile curling up one side of Ryla’s mouth? “That depends on where

    you are going.” 

    David Dangers smiled back. “To the Championships, eventually,” he promised.

    Ryla’s nod told him it was the right answer.

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    Meagred, Prelum Bracius

    Walking into Purgatory with Queen Alexandra on his arm, Ryla and Naru Kami following,

    created an instant stir the kind at which Freakshow excelled.

    Hundreds of gladiators with their hangers-on, their managers, and a host of Ophidian

    Keepers thronged through the mighty “Warrior’s Hell” on Meagred, one of the few places where

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    circuit warriors gathered in camaraderie. Or, at least, a semblance of neutrality. A blue haze

    shrouded the room smelling of illegal smoke and demon sulfur. Balls of copperish fire hung

    suspended in the air, chasing shadows across the cinder-strewn floor and into holotronic murals

    which hid the walls and camouflaged entrances to private alcoves. Placed strategically around

    the hall, giant pillars carved to resemble the snake-like Ophidians held up a massive slab of

    quaranite, the heaviest natural rock known to exist. Its red and gray mottle appeared like a

    burning sky. Usually, lesser gladiators and most of the uninitiated could not help glancing

    upwards, feeling that massive weight suspended above them.

    But now all eyes fixed on David Dangers and his coterie. Stunned applause rippled

    through the immediate area. A few cheers mixed with good-natured catcalls, drowning out the

    few who dared to scoff or offer jeering insults. Five victories in five pre-season tournaments—

    Fr eakshow’s warriors had rocketed upwards in standing, forcing others to pay attention to them.

    Showing up with Alexandra as an escort, who’s champion-quality team they had defeated only

    an hour earlier, was the stuff of legend among gladiators, especially as Alexandra was one of

    those rare spectrals who chose a human form in which to exist. A form which inspired many

    erotic visions. Raven hair and perfect, alabaster skin. Sultry eyes gazing upon her peers, her

    lesser, and the hint of a cruel smile playing at the edge of red, red lips.

    Freakshow released Alexandra’s arm long enough for a flourishing bow. His newest

    tattoos danced on the crests of rippling muscles. Alexandra was less inclined to showmanship.

    The self-avowed “queen” nodded once, regally, barely deigning to acknowledge the attention.

    “One would think you enjoy this,” Ryla said, her throaty whisper raising hairs on the back

    of David’s neck. 

    “I do,” he answered. He picked up Alexandra’s hand, tucked it into the crook of his

    elbow. Alexandra gave him a warm, reassuring squeeze as they began a slow circuit along the

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    curved outside wall. “We all should. Why else consign ourselves to Purgatory voluntarily?” A

    place of torment, and waiting for their sins to be expunged. The gathering hall was aptly named.

    The demoness did not see the humor. “For  some of us,” she reminded him, “it is not

    voluntary.” She dropped back behind Striking Dragon, giving him no chance to respond.

    No matter. He knew it was true enough. Some gladiators were sold into contracts with

    the Ophidians to pay off debts, or crimes. Some had their own demons to chase. A few, like

    Ryla, had been compelled to battle. Word was that, early in preseason, Prince of Gates had

    portalled Ryla in from Daemonhelm to help him defeat Kaleem, thought to be a demi-god in the

    Matricc System. Ryla vanquished Kaleem, but some part of the mystic had possessed her

    before death.

    Which might explain quite a bit, actually.

     Alexandra halted the small group just short of a three-dimensional mural in which she

    danced through a struggle of burning demons and shadow-cloaked spectrals. Pulling him a

    pace aside, into the mural, Freakshow saw the dark entrance of a private alcove hiding back

    inside the holotronic display.

    “Thank you, David,” she whispered in his ear. “Are you certain you do not want to join


    He glanced back into the hall. Naru Kami waited stoically. Ryla folded arms over her

    chest, the picture of impatience. Tough call. Being “entertained” by Queen Alexandra would

    have been another jaunty feather in his cap. What made up his mind, though, was seeing his

    stepsister walk by in the shadow of an Ophidian.

    These days, outside of a broadcast arena match, he rarely saw her in any other

    company. Always with the snakes. Always under their influence.

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    “We have business to attend to,” Freakshow said with great reluctance.

    “Pity.” She nibbled his ear, then retreated into her private room with one hand trailing

    back as if ready to catch him, draw him after.

    Freakshow stepped back from the mural, losing sight of the darkened alcove and

    returning to the raw, acrid taste of the open hall. “Well, I was en joying myself,” he said, leading

    them into the thick of the nearby crowd. “Not anymore.” 

    Ryla shrugged. “Pity,” she said, heavy on the sarcasm as she unconsciously echoed

     Alexandra’s parting comment. “We have to pick up a new first-tier gladiator, and we need to do

    it soon.” 

    Not only that, but they needed one with decent standing to prevent slipping backwards in

    team ratings, keeping them in striking distance of the leaders. After today’s match Freakshow

    had had to let go Simon Bantus, who admitted he was more interested in surviving his one-year

    contract than he was stepping into harm’s way to grab for the Championship circuit. With

    Yashrad’s Open Invitational the last major event left in preseason, they needed a spectacular


    Fortunately, Purgatory was also a place to feel out potential recruits, trying to find the

    true warriors among the hopeful and hopeless. Freakshow had a feeling about one of them, if

    he was here… 

    He was. Ryla spotted him first as he skirted around the diamelle-cut platform raised in

    the exact center of the circular hall. The dais, where the reigning Champion was put on display

    for all to worship, or target.

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    “Pefdsartsuq Klojmrentoyu,” Freakshow stumbled over the difficult, demon name. He

    reached out as if to grab the wiry demon by the shoulder, turn him around. PK crouched out

    from beneath his touch, spinning down into a ready stance, arms wide.

    Naru Kami shifted into a flat-footed power stance in response. Ryla never moved,

    though her eyes flashed a warning crimson.

    “Easy,” Freakshow said, calming them all. His eyes narrowed, staring holes into PK’s

    shoulder. The demon had new tats of his own. A chaotic riot of blues and gold tangled over his

    shoulders, decorating his grayish skin. “Hey, nice work,” he said.

    The tattoos shifted, spreading forward over the demon’s arms as if something alive.

    Something new! PK rose only a few inches back toward his normally impressive height. “Looks

    you for me?” the wiry demon asked, wary. 

    “Yeah.” David stumbled to a halt, unsure how best to proceed. Demons could be touchy

    about the simplest of things. He decided to start with a compliment. “You know, I don’t think I

    ever got the chance to thank you. You saved the win on Solop Avagar. The Dynamic Duo


    “Chances had,” PK said. His wide, feral eyes slanted down into a frown. “Decides you to

    takes bows alone.” 

     Alice had implied much the same to him on Ursai Major, hadn’t she? So caught up in his

    own image back then, he had overlooked real talent. “Yeah, I did. Look,” he clapped his hands

    together, rubbing them for a bit of warmth, then pushed more nanite-laced blood into his arms, “I 

    wasn’t a real team player. But I’m making a run for the Championships, and intend to go into the

    regular season as the odds-on favorite. I’d like your help. Again.” 

    “So he can betray you,” a deep, rasping voice said from behind David, “again.” 

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    David shivered as a slice of cold, blue hatred slashed across his awareness, and his

    skin puckered involuntarily. Naru Kami and Ryla shifted around at once, taking defensive

    stances. The demoness’s eyes burned dark and