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OpenStack Trove Update: Juno, Kilo and Beyond Amrith Kumar CTO, Tesora

OpenStack Trove Update - Juno, Kilo and Beyond

Jul 08, 2015



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Page 1: OpenStack Trove Update - Juno, Kilo and Beyond

OpenStack Trove Update: Juno, Kilo and Beyond

Amrith Kumar CTO, Tesora

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§  What  is  Trove?  

§  What’s  new  in  Juno  

§  Plans  for  Kilo  and  beyond  

§  Notes  from  OpenStack  Summit  in  Paris  

§  About  Tesora  

§  QuesFons  &  Answers  

Got Questions Now? Tweet them to @tesoracorp #cloudmeetup Have Questions Later? Tweet to @tesoracorp or contact us on #openstack-trove or #tesora on IRC

The  Trove  Experts.  

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What  is  Trove?  

§  Trove  Mission  “To  provide  scalable  and  reliable  Cloud  Database  as  a  Service  provisioning  func8onality  for  both  rela8onal  and  non-­‐rela8onal  database  engines,  and  to  con8nue  to  improve  its  fully-­‐featured  and  extensible  open  source  framework.”  


•  Provisioning  •  De-­‐provisioning.  •  AdministraFon.  •  ConfiguraFon.  •  Backup  and  Restore.  •  Clustering  &  ReplicaFon.  

•  Create  and  manipulate  tables,  collecFons,  namespaces.  

•  Select,  Insert,  Update,  Delete  Data.  

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We’re  hiring!  

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Trove  Architecture  

Trove  for  the  Enterprise.  

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Trove  History  

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§  Incubated  in  Havana,  integrated  in  iceHouse  §  ParFcipaFon  by  28  companies  and  128  individual  contributors  §  Including  1,723  commits  and  231,829  lines  of  code  §  OperaFng  at  scale  at  Rackspace,  HP,  eBay  and  many  others  

ContribuFon  in  Juno   ContribuFon  in  Kilo  (to-­‐date)  

The  Trove  Experts.  

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Trove  Features  (in  IceHouse)  

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§  Single  instance  databases  §  MySQL  (and  Percona),  MongoDB,  Cassandra,  Couchbase  …  

§  Support  for  provisioning  and  resizing  §  Backup  and  restore*  §  ConfiguraFon  groups  §  Horizon  dashboard  integraFon  

*  some  operaFons  are  only  available  for  some  databases  

Trove,  not  just  SQL!  

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What’s  new  in  Juno?  

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§  Asynchronous  MySQL  replicaFon  (master-­‐slave)  §  MongoDB  sharded  clusters  §  Neutron  support  §  PostgreSQL  basic  support  §  Backups  for  Cassandra  and  Couchbase  §  Code  cleanup  and  improvements  in  logging  §  TesFng  improvements  

Trove  for  the  Enterprise.  

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Provisioning  a  replica  (MySQL  replicaFon)  

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trove  create    <instance-­‐name>              <flavor-­‐id>              -­‐-­‐size  <volume-­‐size>            -­‐-­‐replica_of  <instance-­‐id>    

trove  update    <instance-­‐id>            -­‐-­‐detach-­‐replica-­‐source  



All  Trove,  all  the  Fme.  

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Provisioning  a  MongoDB  Cluster  

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trove  cluster-­‐create  <datastore>  <ds-­‐version>    §  Current  support  is  for  MongoDB  (sharded)  clusters  

§  Will  setup  a  config  server  and  query  routers  §  Support  for  adding  shards  “add-­‐shard”  command  

Trove,  not  just  SQL!  

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What’s  planned  for  Kilo?  

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§  MySQL  Clustering  (Galera  Cluster)  §  AutomaFc  Failover  support  for  MySQL  replicaFon  §  Usability  improvements  

§  AssociaFng  flavors  with  datastores  §  Log  file  access  via  API  

§  Code  cleanup  §  Handling  deprecated  oslo-­‐incubator  code  

§  Several  interesFng  new  blueprints  have  been  proposed  §  DB2,  CouchDB,  Cassandra  Clustering,  …  

§  Further  tesFng  improvements  

Trove  for  the  Enterprise.  

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Taking  the  long  view  

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§  Database-­‐as-­‐a-­‐Service  is  an  integral  part  of  the  cloud  §  Simple  §  Efficient  §  Cost-­‐effecFve  

We’re  hiring.  

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Notes  from  Paris  

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§  Summit  was  really  well  aKended,  over  4,500  people  §  Specific  to  Trove,  we  had  people  represenFng  

§  Percona,  Galera,  Oracle,  DB2,  CouchDB,  …  §  RedHat,  Canonical,  Windows,  …  §  [my  apologies  if  I  missed  some]  

§  PresentaFons  about  Trove  were  well  aKended  §  Speakers  from  Tesora,  HP,  Percona  

§  The  design  sessions  were  lively  and  informaFve  §  Discussed  new  Kilo  features  §  Discussed  some  changes  currently  in  flight  §  Had  a  good  Fme!  

§  We  discussed  where  the  mid-­‐cycle  would  be  [SeaKle,  February]  

The  Trove  Experts.  

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About  Tesora:  The  Trove  Company!  

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§  The  only  company  focused  solely  on  improving  and  producFzing  OpenStack  Trove  Database  as  a  Service  

§  #1  contributor  to  Trove  in  Juno  (and  so  far  in  Kilo)  §  The  Tesora  DBaaS  Plasorm  

§  An  enterprise-­‐class  DBaaS  soluFon  based  on  Trove  §  Early  access  to  new  features  §  BeKer  packaging  §  Pre-­‐built  guest  images  for  various  databases  and  OS’es  §  Support,  Training  and  Services  §  Community  EdiFon  and  Enterprise  EdiFon  

§  For  more  details  visit  hKp://­‐as-­‐a-­‐service  


We’re  hiring.  

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QuesFons  and  Answers  

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§  Get  more  informaFon  §  hKp://  §  hKp://  §  hKp://  

§  Contact  [me|us]  §  [email protected]  §  [email protected]  [  or  amrith  on  [email protected]  ]  

§  Get  help  on  IRC  []  §  #openstack-­‐trove  §  #tesora  

Got  Trove  quesFons?