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Administrative Procedures & Guidelines Opening Day & Parade Boats OPENING DAY & PARADE BOATS Opening Day Is an annual event staged by the Seattle Yacht Club for the purpose of announcing the opening of the boating season in the Seattle vicinity. The Puget Sound Yacht Club participates In Seattle Yacht Club’s events as well as hold several related and prhte Club functions celebrating the day. A. Opening Day is traditionally held on the first Saturday in May. B. Seattle Yacht Club’s Opening Day Backgrouixl and Activities Opening Day has been a Seattle Yacht Club event for over seventy-five (75) years. The event is open to Seattle Yacht Club Members themselves, other Yacht Clubs (basically Seattle area Clubs participate but then the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club has been known to join in), other organizations or groups aixl individual boat owners. The main event is a boat parade from Portage Bay to Lake Washington for the public. Awards are offered for various boating classifications. In respect to Seattle Yacht Club’s activities: 1. “Opening Day” is actually a week long celebration where other Yacht Clubs are invited to Seattle Yacht Clubs facilities for reals, cocktails or purchasing clothing attire created especially for the event. A Yacht Club membership card is required for entrance. 2. Seattle Yacht Club selects a yearly there that drives the function. This theme is ordinarily announced in January. 3. Seattle Yacht Club has special Opening Day Officers - an Admiral, Vice-Admiral and Adniiralette who oversee and represent their Clubs Opening Day activities, visit aix! invite other Yacht Clubs, organizations or groups to share in the function six! judge boat entries in the parade. 4. Seattle Yacht Club holds ceremonies at their facilities for: a. Flag raising at 8:00 am for the major flags and other Yacht Club burgees. The Commodores from other Yacht Clubs attend this activity and are served a continental breakfast. Puget Sound’s burgee is one (1) of those burgees raised. b. Awards presentations generally performed at 6:30 pm. Puget Sound Yacht Club 04/01/93-1 PS0034 Pa2e 1

OPENING DAY & BOATS - Puget Sound Yacht Club€¦ · Flag raising at 8:00 am for the major flags and other Yacht Club ... conduct the ceremony (after attending Seattle Yacht Club’s

Apr 02, 2018



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Page 1: OPENING DAY & BOATS - Puget Sound Yacht Club€¦ · Flag raising at 8:00 am for the major flags and other Yacht Club ... conduct the ceremony (after attending Seattle Yacht Club’s

Administrative Procedures & GuidelinesOpening Day & Parade Boats


Opening Day Is an annual event staged by the Seattle Yacht Club for the purpose ofannouncing the opening of the boating season in the Seattle vicinity. The Puget SoundYacht Club participates In Seattle Yacht Club’s events as well as hold several related andprhte Club functions celebrating the day.

A. Opening Day is traditionally held on the first Saturday in May.

B. Seattle Yacht Club’s Opening Day Backgrouixl and Activities

Opening Day has been a Seattle Yacht Club event for over seventy-five (75) years.The event is open to Seattle Yacht Club Members themselves, other Yacht Clubs(basically Seattle area Clubs participate but then the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club hasbeen known to join in), other organizations or groups aixl individual boat owners. Themain event is a boat parade from Portage Bay to Lake Washington for the public.Awards are offered for various boating classifications. In respect to Seattle YachtClub’s activities:

1. “Opening Day” is actually a week long celebration where other Yacht Clubsare invited to Seattle Yacht Clubs facilities for reals, cocktails or purchasing clothingattire created especially for the event. A Yacht Club membership card is required forentrance.

2. Seattle Yacht Club selects a yearly there that drives the function. This themeis ordinarily announced in January.

3. Seattle Yacht Club has special Opening Day Officers - an Admiral,Vice-Admiral and Adniiralette who oversee and represent their Clubs Opening Dayactivities, visit aix! invite other Yacht Clubs, organizations or groups to share in thefunction six! judge boat entries in the parade.

4. Seattle Yacht Club holds ceremonies at their facilities for:

a. Flag raising at 8:00 am for the major flags and other Yacht Clubburgees. The Commodores from other Yacht Clubs attend this activity and areserved a continental breakfast. Puget Sound’s burgee is one (1) of thoseburgees raised.

b. Awards presentations generally performed at 6:30 pm.

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Administrative Procedures & GuidelinesOpening Day & Parade Boats

C. Puget Sound Yacht Club Opening Day ActMties

The Puget Sound Yacht Club has been a party to Seattle Yacht Club’s Opening Day forover thirty (30) years. Opening Day is the single largest occasion of tbe year for theClub. Puget Sound activities can be classified into two (2) primary areas:

- Overall/General, and- Parade Boats


a. The Commodore is ultimately responsible for tbe Clubs activities onOpening Day as stated within tbe By-Laws. However, the main float boat entryfor tbe parade is tbe ultimate responsibility of tbe Rear Commodore as this is anon-the-water activity.

b. The Commodore specifically is to plan, manage, arrange, etc. for:

(1) Working the Opening Day Social Directors on the eventactivities and entertainnnt..

(2) Working with the Junior Cruisers Advisor on any JuniorCruisers activities.

(3) Arranging or ensuring that the Seattle Yacht Club Opening DayOfficers will visit the Club prior to Opening Day to discuss and invitetbe Club/General Membership to tbe event. Normally this is done at theApril General Meeting.

(4) Arranging for otber Yacht Clubs to attend Puget Sounds personalOpening Day functions.

(5) Arranging and preparing for tbe Officers parade boat

(6) Arranging for shuttle boats to Seattle Yacht Club for:

(a) Flag raising ceremonies(b) Awards ceremonies

(‘7) Personally attending Seattle Yacht Club ceremonies

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(8) Preparing and conducting Puget Sound’s flag raising ceremonies

(9) Arranging or personally taldng down Puget Sound’s flags andburgees at sunset.

c. Flag Raising Ceremonies

(1) Preparations

(a) Flags and Burgees

AU flags and burgees to be used for Puget Sound’sOpening Day flag raising need to be obtained andchecked:

1. USA Flag2. Canadian Flag (optional)3. Washington State Flag4. Puget Sound Yacht Club Burgee5. Officers Burgees

a. Commodoreb. Vice Commodorec. Rear Commodored. Treasurere. Secretary

6. Visiting Yacht Club Burgees

(b) An agenda needs to be planned that includes the StarSpangled Banner music.

(c) The speakers, microphone need to be checked out toensure they are in working order.

(d) Determine who is going to actually raise the flags andburgees - check with tJ Junior Cruisers Advisor.

(2) Conduct a rehearsal with the Officers at least a week in advanceof Opening Day so everyone is familiar with their duties.

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(3) Prior to the actual ceremony the chairs reed to be setup forPuget Sound Officers, visiting Yacht Club’s arxi all mates, and someallowances made for other persons or Members who are attending. Alsothe setup of the podium, speakers and microphone.

(4) Actual Ceremony

(a) The ceremony is usually conducted at 8:00 am. Yet thismay be changed to 10:00 am so the Commodore can actuallyconduct the ceremony (after attending Seattle Yacht Club’s flagraising ceremony). However, in order to have the ceremonylater that 8:00 am, someore in the Club must raise the USA flagat 8:00 am.

(b) Suggested Order of Ceremony

1. Commodore Greetings2. Introductions

a. Puget Sound Officersb. Puget Sound Trusteesc. Visiting Dignitariesd. Flag Raising Staff

3. Flag Raising

a. USA Flag accompanied by the StarSpangled Banner - on the gaffb. Pledge of Allegiancec. Canadian Flag - optional - on the yardarm starboard (facing to sea)d. Washington State Flag - on the yard armstarboarde. Puget Sound Yacht Club Burgee - on themastiradf. Officers Flags - starting starboard to Porton yard arm

(1) Commodore(2) Vice Commodore(3) Rear Commodore

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(4) Treasurer(5) Secretary

g. Visiting Yacht Club Burgees

4. Closing Remarks

a. Review of the day’s activitiesb. Announcements

5. Dismissal

2. Opening Day Parade Boats

The Club ordinarily enters at least two (2) boats for the parade but sometimesthere have been three (3). Entries are or have been:

- There’s always the main Club Float boat - usually a decorated boat thatfits within the Opening Day theme

- There’s always an Officers boat that identifies the boat as being such- At times the Junior Cruisers have built a junior boat - usually decorated

that fits with the Opening Day theme

a. Main Float Boat

(1) The Rear Commodore is ultimately responsible for any arEl allaspects connected with the main float boat and any Seattle Yacht Clubcommunications for other boat entries. This includes, but is not limitedto:

(a) Total control over all budget matters

(b) Ensuring that all Seattle Yacht Club requirements aremet. Thus, all communications, written or verbal, must beperformed by the Rear Commodore.

(c) Selecting the classifications Puget Sound’s boats are tobe entered in as well as registering all boats in a timely fashion.

(d) Appointing assistants as deemed Icessary to assure the

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completion of a main float boat.

(e) Managing all facets connected with the design andbuilding of the main float boat.

(2) One of the most important aspects and tasks of the RearCommodore is to constantly discuss, entice, remind and keep up-to-datethe entire membership on all activities or communications affiliated withthe main float boat. If possible, the Members need to feel a sense ofmorale and pride with the entry - THEIR entry. Emphasis needs to beplaced on the fact the Club needs all the help they can get. Thesereminders should be at Board Meetings, General Meetings, publishedwithin Sound Waves and so forth.

In keeping the Members informed they also need to be asked to keep allinformation in confidence. Other Yacht Club’s or parties do not need toknow Puget Sound’s activities and perhaps steal the Club’s ideas, etc.The element of surprise is much more fun for everyone anyway.

(3) The Rear Commodore’s first goal for the main float boat is toobtain Seattle Yacht Club’s Opening Day theme. Once the theme isknown it should be announced at the next Board and General Meetingsso Club Members can be stimulated and encouraged to start thinking andworking towards ideas or concepts.

(4) As soon as the theme is known the Rear Commodore shouldplan, organize and schedule meetings. The entire Membership should beadvised of these meetings as they are all invited and their input is notjust welcome but needed. Prior to the meeting, the Rear Commodoreshould have some thoughts prepared to share. At the meeting:

(a) Determire the specific theme Puget Sound will use forthe main float.

(b) Determine and obtain the boat that is going to be used.It should be of reasonable size yet a good and sufficient size.Remember the larger the boat the more it will cost to build.

(c) Establish Committee Chairs or Leaders to oversee anddelegate certain tasks to Members when building:

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1. Construction Foreman2. Design3. Music4. Costumes5. Other as deemed pertinent

Meetings can be held at the Clubhouse or a Members premises -whichever is convenient and appropriate. When using the Clubhouse theRear Commodore should check with the Hall Manager for scheduling.

(5) Actual construction takes approximately two (2) weeks and isdor at the Clubhouse. Part of the preparation should include thepurchasing of supplies and checking with the Hail Manager to confirmthe actual days the Clubhouse is xeded. (The Hall Manager usually setsthe Clubhouse aside for two (2) to three (3) weeks prior to Opening Daybut its good to veri1’.)

(6) Once physical construction begins it is ongoing daily. Again,the entire membership should be encouraged to help. Personal phonecalls can be made to Members - whatever it takes. The most help isobtaird on weekends.

As to the materials needed to build - they vary depending upon:

(a) The Construction Foremans direction(b) The type of materials reeded to fit the Opening Day

theme(c) The budget(d) The boat size(e) The amount of time allotted versus what is really used to

build the boat

(7) Food, snacks and beverages are often, but not always present oneach building day. As to who pays for these refreshments is at timesquestionable. It has been included as part of the overall float budget.Incorporating food and beverages costs can end up to be more on theexpensive side and can run the float costs over budget.

The intent of providing refreshments is for those who are working on thefloat. This has sometimes been abused. The best thing oix can do issimply use good judgment when providing refreshments. The number of

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people, bndget allotment and type of refreshments need to be considered.Depending upon the day, potlucks could be used. All in all commonsense reeds to apply.

(8) Only Club Members should ride on the float boat. Those whocontributed their efforts and time in building should be given the firstopportunity. A rehearsal should be held Friday night if appropriate.

(9) Final Touches Before the Parade

(a) For safety purposes someone needs to ensure the anchoris on the float boat and that there are adequate life jacketsonboard.

(b) The main float boat should include the USA Flag on thestern.

(10) The Rear Commodore is responsible for reporting to the Boardof Trustees and Gereral Meeting on the total costs of the Qpening DayFloat, food or other related items at the May meetings.

b. Officers Boat

(1) The Commodore is accountable for the Officers boaL

(2) The Officers boat is not a decorated boat but signs are createdfor both sides of the vessel stating this is the Officers of the Club for thecurrent year.

(3) The Commodore can use their boat or another Members boat.It can be of any size as there are no real costs to the Club.

(4) Members working on the main float will usually help withmaking the signs for the Officers boat.

(5) The USA and Officers Flags are flown arxl the Commodorereeds to obtain from all the Officers their flags for this purpose.

(6) Food is gererally provided at the Skippers expense. However,those riding on the boat can be asked to pitch in and bring something.At times the Club will pick up some of the expenses under the Opening

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Day budget - the same one used for the main float boat.

(7) Officers (including the Junior Officer if not on an JuniorCruisers boat), the boat owner, aixi perhaps some visiting Yacht ClubOfficers aixi all mates are the ones to ride on the boat through theparade.

c. Junior Cruisers Boat

Seattle Yacht Club provides for a junior category and thus gives theJunior Cruisers an opportunity for youth participation. The JuniorCruisers Advisor, Junior Officer and Junior Cruisers Members will havea meeting to determine whether or not they wish to build a boat. If theydecide to participate in the parade:

(1) The Junior Cruisers Advisor ami Junior Officer must work withthe Rear Commodore to ensure all Seattle Yacht Club requirennts arexzet The Rear Commodore will make all communications, written orverbal with Seattle Yacht Club.

(2) The Junior Cruisers boat is usually a decorated boat that fitswithin the Opening Day there. The Rear Commodore will ensure theboat is properly entered.

(3) The costs for building the boat stem from the Junior Cruisersbudget. The Club will generally pitch in aixl help a little with costsfrom their supplies as long as good sense and common courtesy prevail.

(4) The Junior Cruisers Advisor and Junior Officer are ultimatelyresponsible for any and all aspects connected with building the boat.The boat should be built by the Junior Cruisers themselves and theJunior Cruisers Advisor and Junior are accountable for theirparticipation.

(5) The boat should be more on a “junior size” level - twenty (20) totwenty-two (22) or twenty-four (24) feet would be reasonable. Thishelps with costs.

(6) The actual building of the boat can occur at the Clubhousealongside the main float boat.

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(7) Only the Junior Cruisers should ride on the boat. Those whocontributed tbeir efforts and time the most should be given tbe firstchance. The Junior Officer may ride with the Junior Cruisers or theOfficers boat - whicbever is preferable or if tbere are many JuniorCruisers this would leave room for one (1) more on tbe Junior Cruisersboat.

All those riding in the parade should have a simple outfit that hopefullyfits the theme of Opening Day for consistency purposes.

(8) Final Toucbes Before the Parade - for safety purposes tbe JuniorCruisers Advisor should ensure the anchor is on tbe float boat and thattbere are adequate life jackets onboard.

(9) The Junior Cruisers shall report to tbe Board of Trustees andGerral Membership on tbe total costs of the Opening Day float.

3. Opening Day Social and Related Activities

a. Social Function

In conjunction with tbe otber Opening Day activities, the Club holds asocial function. This function really starts Friday evening prior to tbeparade and runs from Saturday morning through tbe evening ending witha dance.

(1) This Social function is uniq and treated separately from theEntertainment Committee and is under tbe direction of the Commodore.Noitheless the many aspects that apply to a Social under theEntertainment procedures apply to this Opening Day function.

(2) The Commodore is ultimately responsible for the OpeningDay Social function. Therefore, it is Imperative the Commodore bekept abreast of any and all aspects - IC: planning, activities, costs,problems, etc.

(3) Social Directors are obtaiixd. Tbey may appoint otberassistants as deemed tcessary.

(4) The Social Directors should not only receive a copy of theOpening Day and Parade Boat procedures, but a copy of the

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Entertainment Committee and Social procedures.

(5) General Preparations aix! Considerations:

As with any other function, planning and organization are keys toa notable event. The following details are recommended or havebeen tradition:

(a) Activities

The primary activity is a dance that occurs after the dinnerand Seattle Yacht Club awards ceremony. Generally alive band plays up to midnight. Since many bands bookwell in advance, it is advisable to obtain and if possibleexecute a signed contract for both parties.

(b) Supplies and Decorations

While the Clubhouse has many supplies and decorations,the decorations needed for this event ordinarily focus onthe Opening Day theme if possible. Therefore it may benecessary to obtain items keeping in tact costs. Therehave been occurrences where the main float parts are usedwhen it returns from the parade which helps reducescosts.

If there are any questions the Hall Manager aixi/orQuartermaster should be contacted.

(c) Menus, Food, Refreshments, Beverages

As stated previously this event runs Friday evening priorto Opening Day aix! all day Saturday. Normally:

1. On Friday night hors doeuvres, a keg of beer,pop and coffee are available

2. On Saturday:

a. In the morning a continental typebreakfast/menu is served - rolls, donuts or

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muffins, coffee and juice. Things should beprepared by approximately 8:00 am as Membersstart arriving by 7:00 -7:30 am range. This willalso depend upon when the flag raising ceremoniesare to take place at tbe Club.

b. During the course of tbe day the main hailif fully decorated and tables setup. Simple horsoeuvres may be available.

c. In the evening a dimr is provided -generally by caterers. Dinrer should be servedaround 5:00 pm so there is ample tin for theMembers to enjoy their nal and then attendSeattle Yacht Clubs awards presentations whichstarts at 6:30 pm. Beverages - pop, beer are partof the menu.

(d) Costs need to be determird per Member - children mayvary. It is critical these costs cover all expenses as there Is nobudget allowance for this Social function. In figuring costs,the expenses for the following should not be overlooked:

1. Decorations if reded to be purchased

2. Food, refreshments, beverages for:

a. Friday eveningb. Saturday morning continental breakfastc. Dinrr (catered)d. Costs for thebatxl

(e) Gsts - particularly Members of other Yacht Club soften join in and should be charged accordingly. The Club doesnot pay for their attendance.

(f) Tickets for the Social are created for entry or proof ofpaynnt. Tickets should be prepared early and made availableby the March and April Gerral Meetings as well as other Clubfunctions.

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(g) The event needs to be publicized to the membership.flyers for the Sound Waves issne need to be created. The flyershould include:

1. Theme2. Dates3. Costs per adult/child4. Entertainment5. Names aixi phone numbers of responsible parties6. Other notable aspects deem pertinent

The flyer should accompany the March and April SoundWaves publication and at the April General Meeting. TheSound Waves Editor needs approximately 125 copies. Inthe event flyers cannot be obtained at no cost, duplicatingcharges is to be considered part of the Opening DaySocial costs.

(h) If attendance seems slow or lower than normal it isadvisable the Members be phoned. It’s extremely critical forplanning aix! costs purposes to know who commits on attendingthe function. This can be done one (1) of two (2) ways:

1. The Social Directors and Assistants can split upthe phone list and make the calls themselves (a personaltouch helps), or

2. The Club’s Telephone Committee can be usedprovided the Committee receives at least three (3) weeksnotice.

(i) The Social Directors also need to report at the GeneralMeetings to mahe Members aware of what is in process.

(j) Final Responsibilities

1. Clean-Up - this is described below2. A verbal report is to be given to the General

Membership3. Reports are completed:

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a. The Opening Day Entertainment Report(Exhibit No. 01) which is forrded to theCommodore as soon as possible, but no laterthan the May Board Meeting which is thesecond Tuesday of the month, and

b. The Opening Day Expense VoucherReport (Exhibit No. 02) which is forwarded to theTreasurer with all receipts and funds.

(k) The Commodore is then responsible for reporting on thefunction to the Board of Trustees and the General Membership.

b. Seattle Yacht Club Awards Ceremony

Shuttle boats are pie-arranged to transport any Members who wish toattend the awards ceremony. As many Members as possible shouldattend as it shows enthusiasm and support for the Club.

Awards won, if any, are to be accepted by the individual ultimatelyresponsible - the Rear Commodore for the main float and the JuniorCruisers Advisor for the Junior Cruisers float boat. The Commodoreand Vice Commodore are to stand by their sides. The Members are alsopart of the acceptance and should go with the Officers to collect theiraward. Everyone should show Club spirit and togetherness.Sportsmanlike conduct Is essential.

After returning to the Clubhouse the results of the awards ceremony areto be announced by the Rear Commodore and Junior Cruisers Advisor(if applicable). The Commodore can make additional commentsthereafter. These announcements and comments are of a positive noteand joyous. The Club has been fortunate to win an award of some kindfor as long as ore can remember.

c. Clean-Up

The Clubhouse facilities, grounds and dock areas can become quite aneyesore considering the construction of the parade boats to the Socialfunction to the dismantling of parade boats. Cleaning up these areasoccurs in phases:

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(1) On Thursday and Friday nights before Opening Day, the mainhail, grounds and dock need to be cleared in preparation for flag raisingceremonies, the continental breakfast and the start of decorating for theSocial. The Rear Commodore and Junior Cruisers Advisor (ifapplicable) should plan for clean-up time. The Members working on thefloat boats can help. Areas should be cleaned as much as possible as acourtesy to the Social Directors as well as make a presentable appearancefor other Yacht Club Officials who attend Puget Sounds activities.

(2) During Saturday, the Social Directors may make some finishingtouches, decorate and setup the tables for the caterers and Members fordinrer.

(3) After the Social:

(a) The Social Directors are primarily responsible forcleaning the main hail, bathrooms, etc.

(b) T1 Rear Commodore and Junior Cruisers Advisor headup the dismantling of the float boats and cleaning up the groundsand dock area.

d. Dress Code

The Club’s overall and general attitude of a dress code is that attire isone or personal preference and comfort, there are no requirements.Uniforms are optional. Nonetheless during Opening Day and all of it’ssurrounding activities a dress code is appropriate, if not required. Inparticular are those who wish to visit Seattle Yacht Club - people havebeen asked to leave if they were not dressed properly. In respect tosome “rules” as a manrer of speaking the following applies:

(1) In the strictest sense appropriate attire is defined as navy blueblazer and tie, white blouse/shirt, white pants or skirt and white shoes.This applies to both men and women. White navy hats or caps are wornby men and women but their styles differ.

(2) The Officers of the Club must wear uniforms in the strictestsense (including pocket patches and name tags) for the flag raisingceremony, parade and Seattle Yacht Club awards ceremony. Thereafter

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they may change clothing for the Club’s Social.

(3) Members are encouraged to dress in a uniform fashion especiallyif they intend to visit Seattle Yacht Club. They do not necessarily needto dress in the strictest sense though blue blazers can be replaced withblue sweaters or omitted and hats can be exchxled. Members merelyneed to be “close” to the dress code.

D. Project Working Schedule

Due to the amount of planning, organization, energy and effort this function requires, a“working schedule” has been created reflecting an itemized listing of those tasks thatmust be accomplished.

See separate listing.

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Administrative Procedures & GuidelinesClub Operating Calendars - By OfficeiTopic

OPENING DAY & PARADE BOATS - Club Operating CalendarSummary of Principal Tasks Based on Projected and Actual Due/Event Dates

Responsible Officer: Commodore, Rear CommodorePrimary Event Date: First Saturday May

Outline of Tasks:Guideline Individual(s)Date Due Responsible

- Seattle Yacht Club Activities- Invitation To PSYC 02/28 Commodore- Flag Raising Ceremonies 1st Sat May Commodore- Awards Ceremony 1st Sat May Et Al

- PSYC Opening Day Activities- Other Yacht Club Invitations 03/15 Commodore- Flag Raising Ceremonies 1st Sat May Commodore- Parade Boats

- Main Float Boat 1st Sat May Rear Commodore- Officers Boat 1st Sat May Commodore- Junior Cruisers Boat 1st Sat May J/C Adv, Jr Officer

- Social- Activities 03/10 Social Directors- Supplies & Decorations 03/10 Social Directors- Menus/Food 03/10 Social Directors- Costs 03/10 Social Directors- Tickets 03/10 Social Directors- Flyers

- General Meetings 3rd Wed Social DirectorsMar & Apr

- Sound Waves Publications 03/25, 04/25Reporting- General Meetings 3rd Wed Social Directors

Mar, Apr & May- Written - Final Report 2nd Wed Social Directors

May - B/M- Clean-Up Day After Rear Commodore

Opening Day Social Directors


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Exhibit No. 01







Sodal Date(s)




Social Director(s)

Attendance: Total Number of Members








ljse Recognize these Individuals



Soda] Costs: For__________________ $


Total Cos $


Costs To Member $_______ times No. Attended


for a Total of $_______Costs To Guest $_______ times No. Attended


for a Total of


Costs to Child $_______ times No. Attended


for a Total of


other Incmne (explain)________________________________________

Total Income $

DIFFERENCE: $_______


* Receipts are attached to the Entertainment Expense Voucher Report and submitted to the Club Treasurer

Puget Sound Yacht Club 04/01/93-1PS0034 Page 17