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Open Kollab Vision

Jan 24, 2015




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  • 1. Vision and Growth Strategy
  • 2. What is OpenKollab?
    A social venture with who`s mission it is to connect projects to solve massive social problems!
    A scalable open collaboration ecosystem
    An example of a scalable, distributed organizational structure (an ecosystem)
    A virtual organization
    A fertile community to connect with innovative and progressive thinkers
    A research and intelligence group
    A active real time discussion space
    An innovative investment banking model: collaborative investment banking!
    As a social venture we will:
    Deliver social value
    Be financially sustainable
    No doubt you are wondering... How can you be all of that at the same time?... Well....
  • 3. OK Vision
  • 4. Values and Principles
    Openness: low (no) barrier to participation
    Transparency: information and intellectual property in the public domain
    Radically Inclusive: we actively invite people to participate in our communities.
    Radically Collaborative: we actively seek to align ourselves with others
    Active Documentation: we document as much as possible facilitates transparency and visibility and forms the basis for or consulting processes.
  • 5. Mission: Connect Projects To Solve Massive Social Problems
    Building Ecosystems
    Building Technology Platform
  • 6. OK Operating StructureBuilding Ecosystems!
    OK Ecosystem service offering provided by ecosystem in aggregate
    Ecosystem Pooled Fund
    Ecosystem Development Consulting
    Ecosystem Research
  • 7. The OpenKollab Ecosystem
    Forward Foundation
    P2P Foundation
  • 8. The What,Why and How of Ecosystem Development
    Building Ecosystems
  • 9. What Is An Ecosystem?
    A natural set of relationships between a group of projects that makes it possible that they collaborate!
    Share common goals: Solve climate change problem!
    Are a part of a value chain: supplier manufacturer, distributor
    Share common team members
    Share common customers or markets
  • 10. Characteristics of Ecosystem ProjectsBalance between Autonomy and Synergy
    Are autonomous legal entities
    Have independent brand
    Have independent missions, goals etc.
    Have independent information systems
    Have separate teams (although overlap a possibility)
    Share sub-project(s)
    Shared some goals
    Share some technology infrastructure (project management, collaborative research, simultaneous publishing, etc.)
    Finding this balance is the essential problem in cross boundary collaboration!
  • 11. Connecting Projects Within anEcosystem
    Climate Change Ecosystem
    Project I
    Project II
    Connect via common technology infrastructure and collaboration processes
    Project III
  • 12. Connecting Ecosystems?
    What are the points of confluence?
    Climate Change
    Dist. Man.
    Open Gov
  • 13. Why Build Ecosystems?Functional Perspective
    Connect Projects To Solve Massive Social Problems
    Need To Connect Larger Organizations with Early Stage Social Ventures
    Need To Build Capacity for Projects Providing Social Value
    Need Innovative Funding Models To Finance Early Stage Social Ventures
    Note that this will be source of consulting revenue
  • 14. Why Build Ecosystems?Timing Perspective: the state of affairs
    Internet connectivity penetration rates are increasing
    Bandwithlimitations are being reduced
    The cost of communication is dropping (thank you Skype!)
    Interoperability protocols, applications etc. are evolving
    Social networking platforms (Facebook...) are changing the culture of communication
    Processing power is being pushed to the edge of the network (Smartphones etc.)
    The real time infrastructure is evolving (Twitter)
  • 15. Information flows freely across organizational boundaries
    Geographic constraints are less meaningful
    Structural limitations on information management dont constrain participation (thousands of people can work on projects!)
    Meetings can be run virtually
    Projects can be managed asynchronously
    Projects can be scaled to involve many people with minimal incremental cost
    Your communications infrastructure can be scaled to include many people with minimal incremental cost
    Why Build Ecosystems?Timing Perspective: the result
  • 16. Why Participate In EcosystemsThe Benefits of Visibility and Transparency
    Better understanding of your context
    Networking opportunities
    Business opportunities
    Information flow
  • 17. Building Ecosystem Capacity
    Project I
    Project II
    Project III
    Ecosystem Pooled Fund
    Ecosystem Consulting
  • 18. What is the OK Ecosystem Pooled Fund?Collaborative Investment Banking!
    Provide loans to social ventures
    Drive Collaborative Transactions by funding Groups of Projects that work together
    Develop Ecosystems by bringing groups of smaller projects together and providing financial and consulting services
    Provide consulting services to help projects prepare projects for financing and to ensure their success.
    Note that this model merges traditional corporate finance, merger and acquisition and advisory services into one ; collaborative investment banking!
  • 19. Advantages of Collaborative Funding Model
    Technical due diligence handled by peers
    Scale mitigates risk
    Mutual accountability
    Support network of peers (like Grameen model)
  • 20. What is Ecosystem Consulting?
    Information about projects within an ecosystem that:
    Drives Collaboration
    Goals, needs, resources, relationship etc. (See Project Matching Presentation)
    Supports Scaling of Projects
    Information will be ecosystem specific, for example in the Distributed Manufacturing ecosystem, we have identified the following Scalability Variables:
    Is your output part of value chain? It is easy to use output of project as a building block towards building other your design modular? - designed for interoperability
    is your product replicable? - released under an open license, shareable online via a clone-able repository.
    Project consistently applies a local standard. (designed for interoperability)
    Sharing parts and suppliersProject is sufficiently visible in the network.
    Note that this data supports Project Matching
  • 21. What is Ecosystem Research?
    Domain specific intelligence that arises out of work conducted in developing a particular ecosystem
    Models and processes that can be abstracted from work conducted in several different ecosystems
  • 22. How Are Ecosystems Developed?
    Identify large (macro) ecosystems; distributed manufacturing, open Government, climate change, local foods etc.
    Engage a number of projects in the space
    Identify candidates for the Ecosystem Pooled Fund (if appropriate)
    Identify candidates for Ecosystem Consulting Services
    Establish preliminary collaborative processes
    Google Groups, real time chats
    Establish collaborative infrastructure as necessary
    Implement consulting services as necessary
  • 23. How Are Ecosystems Developed?
  • 24. How are Ecosystems Connected?
    Common Technology Infrastructure
    Collaboration, project management etc.
    FLOWS based interoperability
    Collaborative research
    Common Projects and Processes
    Mutual support network
    Coordinated business strategies
    Marketing strategies
    Referral exchanges
    Network development (work to build industry associations etc.)
  • 25. Ecosystem Development
    Early Stage Ecosystems: OK will work with groups of early stage social venture projects to form financeable ecosystems.
    Mature Ecosystems: OK will work with larger organizations to help them to identify and develop their own ecosystems.
    (Note: this will be the revenue generating component of the consulting practice)
  • 26. Ecosystems Under Development
    Early Stage Ecosystems
    Distributed Manufacturing
    Local Foods
    Mature Ecosystems
    Climate Change
  • 27. What if 100,000,000 people were working together to solve the problem of climate change?
    The OK Platform Vision
  • 28. Platform Strategy In Development
    We are currently putting together the platform team and crystallizing our vision:
    Details on the vision can be found in the following presentations:
    Open System Mobilization Platform
    Ecosystem Collaboration Platform
    Project Matching
    (Presentations will be forwarded up request)
  • 29. OK Growth
  • 30. OK Communications Infrastructure
    Central to the OK mission is to maintain visibility through actively driving dialogue via a number of communications channels.
    Google Group:
    Facebook Group:
    LinkedIn Group
  • 31. OK Ecosystem Communication; listservs
  • 32. OK Revenue Model
    Pooled Fund Management Fees
    Consulting Fees: Mature Ecosystem Development
    Target for profit as well as not-for-profit clients
  • 33. Building the OK Consulting Practice
    Early Stage Ecosystems
    Mature Ecosystems
    General idea is to document and develop competencies on ecosystem development and to market these to larger organizations to help build ecosystems around their organizations
  • 34. Scaling the OK Network
    Aggressive Outbound Communication
    Active social media channels
    Active on ecosystem listservs
    Development of Ecosystems
    Build ecosystem teams (those within ecosystems willing to work with OK)
    Build connectivity as OK participates in communications infrastructure which is ever expanding
    Aligning with Ecosystem Partners