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CIA #4 Open Global Warming Unmasked: The Hidden Agenda Save the Planet; Kill the Humans CIA Dropback As usual .. hundreds of hours of research and background have gone into this show. And as usual .. there is a complete bibliography of all our research materials available on line and with the hard copy DVD as well. So what’s our thesis .. Catholic leaders must recognize global warming for what it is: Slide Change 3 a government power-grab through population reduction. Slide Change 4 Pseudoscience and hyper-sensationalism are being used to promote the global warming agenda, Slide Change 5 just as they were in the early twentieth century eugenics movement. Slide Change 6 In fact, global warming is the evolution of the early eugenics programs. Slide Change 7 Before we get into the motives and the agenda behind the global warming scare .. let’s begin with what is passing itself off as science. Then we will talk about how junk science has been used in the past to promote very scary social engineering. Slide Change 8 Let’s look first at some of the key players behind the global warming gospel .. important for their financial backing .. or political power and influence or even their philosophical direction.

Open Global Warming Unmasked: The Hidden Agenda Save the … · 2012-03-30 · Before we get into the motives and the agenda behind the global warming scare .. let’s begin with

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Page 1: Open Global Warming Unmasked: The Hidden Agenda Save the … · 2012-03-30 · Before we get into the motives and the agenda behind the global warming scare .. let’s begin with

CIA #4 OpenGlobal Warming Unmasked:The Hidden Agenda

Save the Planet; Kill the Humans

CIA Dropback

As usual .. hundreds of hours of research and background have gone into this show.

And as usual .. there is a complete bibliography of all our research materials available on line and with the hard copy DVD as well.

So what’s our thesis ..

Catholic leaders must recognize global warming for what it is:

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a government power-grab through population reduction.

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Pseudoscience and hyper-sensationalism are being used to promote the global warming agenda,

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just as they were in the early twentieth century eugenics movement.

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In fact, global warming is the evolution of the early eugenics programs.

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Before we get into the motives and the agenda behind the global warming scare ..

let’s begin with what is passing itself off as science.

Then we will talk about how junk science has been used in the past to promote very scary social engineering.

Slide Change 8Let’s look first at some of the key players behind the global warming gospel .. important for their financial backing ..

or political power and influence or even their philosophical direction.

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Here are some.. in no particular order.

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John Holdren – Obama’s Science Czar and author of EcoScience. Of global warming he says –

Climate change is coming at us faster, with larger impacts and bigger risks, than even most climate scientists expected as recently as a few years ago.

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• We are already experiencing dangerous anthropogenic interference.

The real question now is whether we can still avoid catastrophic anthropogenic interference in climate.

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• There is no guarantee that catastrophe can be avoided even if we start taking serious evasive action immediately;

but if we wait even one more decade before starting, the chance of avoiding catastrophe will get very much smaller.

John Holdren made these comments as part of his Powerpoint presentation

at a 2006 Conference of The SES Distinguished Science Seminar entitled "Meeting the Climate-Change Challenge.”

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Bill Gates of Microsoft fame .. as recently as February of this year ..

2010 .. at a T.E.D conference .. Technology, Entertainment and Design .. said the following:

"The world must eliminate all of its carbon emissions and cut energy costs in half

in order to prevent a climate catastrophe, which will hit the world's poor hardest.

We have to drive full speed and get a miracle in a pretty tight timeline."

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Of course .. no discussion of climate change would be complete with out the now discredited poster child of global warming .. Al Gore.

In his 2006 Academy Award winning docu-drama .. An Inconvenient Truth .. Al Gore says the following ..

“The climate crisis is, indeed, extremely dangerous. In fact it is a true planetary emergency.”

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And Again .. “The voluminous evidence now strongly suggests ..

that unless we act boldly and quickly to deal with the underlying causes of global warming, ..

our world will undergo a string of terrible catastrophes.”

Gore .. in a breathtaking lie .. perpetuates the myth of scientific consensus saying ..

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“Two thousand scientists, in a hundred countries, ..

working for more than twenty years in the most elaborate and well-organized scientific collaboration in the history of humankind, ..

have forged an exceptionally strong consensus that all the nations on Earth must work together to solve the crisis of global warming.”

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Another .. global warming apostle .. Dr. Rajendra Pachuri .. the Chairman of the IPCC ..

the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said the following ..

"We should be prepared for the worst, because these temperature extremes will continue."

Now .. as a quick aside .. to show you how the media has climbed on to the bandwagon ..

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Dr. Rajendra Pachauri is known as the world's top climate scientist...

he is quoted extensively and as frequently as anyone in the global warming camp.

But curiously .. Pachauri is NOT a scientist and does NOT have any degree relating to climate change...

he is a former railway engineer and has a PhD in economics.

Yet the media continually attributes to him the title of being the “WORLD’S TOP CLIMATE SCIENTIST”.

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Another personality limelight .. Ted Turner had this to say ..

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“We'll be eight degrees hotter in 10, not 10 but 30 or 40 years and basically none of the crops will grow…

Most of the people will have died and the rest of us will be cannibals."

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So how real is this threat? Could so many famous smart people be wrong about this?

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When people talk about global warming .. a VERY IMPORTANT distinction needs to be made .. right out the box.

Natural climate variability vs. anthropogenic global warming .. meaning man made global warming.

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The earth’s temperature changes naturally. Sometimes its colder .. other times its warmer.

The ice age for example .. was colder .. obviously.

When people today talk about global warming .. many are not referring to the naturally occurring type ..

but rather they are making the claim that the temperature is increasing Precisely BECAUSE OF MAN and specificallySlide Change 22

because of man’s output of CO2.

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The leading scientific group making the most notable claims is the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change .. The IPCC.

Understand .. this is THE group .. the promoters of the theory of man made climate change due to CO2.

It is the reports from this group that get quoted in the media .. pushed by politicians .. worked into textbooks and college courses .. used to determine various laws etc.

The IPCC is the driving force behind the theory of man made global warming.

Various scientists from around the world submit their studies and reports to this UN organization and then the organization determines which findings will be published ..

and shapes and molds them in such a way so as to support their theory.

Despite the engineered appearance of a broad consensus among scientists .. there is no true consensus.

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Scientists who disagree with the reigning dogma on man made climate change are stifled

.. their contrary findings are not published .. they do not receive government grants .. they are not given honors or awards .. in short .. they are muzzled and marginalized.

The IPCC is focused on one point .. the planet is heating up and man made CO2 output is the culprit.

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This is not a scientific approach. Not only are the conclusions that the IPCC reach based on very very shaky interpretation of data ..

but no other conclusions are even considered .. conclusions that actually make more sense not only in theory .. but also in practical observational methods as well.

For example ..

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one very possible natural explanation for increased temperatures over the last hundreds years ..

that has nothing to do with CO2 emissions involves the Pacific Decadal Oscillation .. PDO for short.

Very simply it’s just this .. a regional shift in weather patterns over the waters of the Northern Pacific.

Unlike the famous El Nino and La Nina weather patterns that are relatively short .. about 3-5 years .. the PDO happens over the course of 30 years or so.

Now .. let’s show you a little something.

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The earth’s temperature increased in the 20th century.

The “global warming” crowd says the increase is due to man’s output of carbon.

But if higher temperatures are directly attributable to man’s increase in carbon output ..

then it would stand to reason that periods of greater carbon production would cause hotter temperatures.

Lets look at that in the last century. Man produces carbon largely through industrialization. Each successive decade that went by .. industrialization and carbon emissions increased.

So the temperature .. you would expect .. would also increase, right?

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Let’s look at what happened.

From about 1910 to the mid 1940’s .. the temperature increased. Then from 1940’s to the mid-late 1970’s .. temps actually decreased .. then the next roughly 30 years .. it warmed again slightly.

For most of this PAST decade .. 2000-2010 .. the temperature has roughly stabilized.

So the 20th century can be roughly divided into three parts .. early warming .. middle cooling .. later warming.

The first third of the 20th century was one marked by relatively light industrialization. And the temperature increased.

The middle third .. saw industry explode on a world wide scale .. and yet temperatures decreased. How could this be?

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While the global warming crowd .. has spent hundreds of millions of dollars over the last 20 years trying to explain the temperature decrease…

in the middle of the twentieth century as greenhouse gases actually INCREASED ..

one logical explanation is the PDO .. which as we can see from these graphs .. correspond quite nicely with the fluctuations in temperature.

When the weather patterns over the North Pacific are in a positive phase .. temperatures increase .. in the negative phase .. temperatures .. go down.

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When we compare the positive and negative phases of the PDO to the temperatures of the 20th

century .. we see a good correspondence.

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The point is this .. why is the IPCC and the global warming crowd trying to insist that the ONLY possible explanation is CO2 .. and refusing to even consider any other alternative.

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The earth’s environment is immensely complicated ..

with innumerable variables and inter-relationships that no one really understands sufficiently to be predicting world wide impacts decades and centuries down the road.

Not that it’s not good to try and understand our planet more and more .. and to do what we can to be good stewards of creation. Of course we should.

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But ..

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the climate change crowd is saying that man-made carbon emissions are causing the earth’s temps to increase …

AND to increase to such a degree that the earth won’t be able to recover without massive catastrophic impact.

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However .. there is no more reason to believe that CO2 levels cause an increase in temperatures than there is to believe that increased temperatures cause an increase in CO2 levels.

As one prominent author points out ..

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“The IPCC view is not based on any in-depth investigation of the role of nature in climate change.

They have merely found mankind alone at the scene of the crime and so mankind must be responsible for the crime.”

That from Roy W. Spencer .. from The Great Global Warming Blunder.

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Many of the basic rules of science are simply discarded. Unproven assertions and assumptions rule the day.

Those assumptions are then treated as facts and plugged into various theoretical models and computer formulas which claim to predict future calamities.

All the while .. credible scientists who challenge the assumptions with their own studies which show more reasonable theories are dismissed and their theories ignored.

The fix appears to be in .. and the fix is to prove ..

whether its true or not .. that man is causing the earth to dramatically heat up.

But many people are having none of this .. seeing a politically driven agenda behind all the drum banging of eco-terrorism..

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The founder of the Weather Channel .. John Coleman says .. “global warming is the greatest scam in history.”

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The argument could also be made .. to build on what Coleman just said .. that global warming is the most talked about issue in history.

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How did it get to be this way? Well .. some of the leading proponents of global warming actually are on record about that very question.

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“Unless we announce disasters no one will listen.” - Sir John Houghton, first chairman of IPCC


“It doesn’t matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true.” - Paul Watson, co-founder of Greenpeace


“The only way to get our society to truly change is to frighten people with the possibility of a catastrophe.” - emeritus professor Daniel Botkin.


This sort of agenda driven thinking has been largely corralled into the IPCC.

From here .. scientific reports based on very questionable research methods are released ..

press conferences are called to announce to the world that yet another man-made climate disaster is in the offing.


The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change isn’t really a scientific organization.

It is a political advocacy group that dresses itself up a scientific body .. all the while ..

defying the basic tenets of scientific inquiry by selectively accepting some experimental results and refusing to acknowledge others.

It has latched onto the theory that CO2 emissions .. produced by man .. are the culprit behind all that is wrong with the planet.


This theory serves as the perfect springboard for the leadership of the IPCC.

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The leadership has allied itself with various groups whose agendas all dovetail very nicely under the banner of global warming.

42The goal of these groups is population control .. global governmental cooperation and the promotion of Earth worship as a new religion.

43What do these groups, along with others who innocently think that being green is just the “right thing to do”, stand to gain?

The first thing is Money .. and lots of it.

The money that this climate change scare has generated is ASTOUNDING.

There are rivers of global warming cash flowing into green technologies, alternative energies, climate research, etc.

Just one example: In 2009 alone, the HSBC Bank estimates that $94 billion dollars was spent on "green stimulus" globally

(green stimulus = ethanol & other alternative energy schemes).

And where is it all coming from? Governments, corporations, Hollywood celebrities, banks, charitable foundations, retirement funds, churches...

everyone is investing their money in this cause.

We could spend hours just talking about the money trail...

instead, we encourage you to check out the bibliography which lists numerous articles detailing the massive amounts of wealth invested.

44 (space bar)

What else does the leadership of the IPCC get out of this? Not only money, but prestige .. and lots of that as well.

It was the IPCC that won a Nobel Peace prize along with Al Gore in 2007. What specifically did they win it for?

“… for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, ..

and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change."

45Gore as the poster boy for the whole green movement made a very interesting comment in his book .. Earth in the Balance.

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He said .. "'The fate of mankind, as well as of religion, depends upon the emergence of a new faith in the future.’..

Armed with such a faith, we might find it possible to resanctify the earth..."

46He’s not alone .. many others also support a type of exaltation of the Earth or Nature ..

treating Nature almost as if it is a personal being. It amounts to a worship of creation over the Creator.

Now .. it is probably the case that many people simply have not thought this whole Green thing through its logical conclusion.

Fair enough .. that’s why we’re doing this show.

47Remember .. there are three different goals that the various agents of the Climate Change Agenda have.

1. Population Control

2. Global Governmental Cooperation

3. Earth Worship.

It is entirely possible to support one of these goals and not care about the others. But they all dovetail very nicely.

They are all intertwined with each other. And shortest route to achieving these goals is supporting the hysteria of global warming.

48This is the where the IPCC is so important. The unsubstantiated scientific conclusions that pour out of their headquarters as though it is gospel ..

is the perfect ammunition for each of these three camps.

49 videoGlobal warming has made each of them .. the population control crowd .. governments and earth worshippers .. all become natural allies.

They each push the global warming agenda because it serves the specific agenda of each of these groups.

So let’s look at each of the three groups and how they each employ global warming to advance their plans.

50First .. the Population Control Crowd ..

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For most of the population control crowd .. convincing people that climate change hysteria is justified is job one.

51John Holdren – Obama’s Science Czar again –

“Lower is better for lots of reasons: 8 billion people in 2100 is preferable by far to 10 billion.

Reduced growth can be achieved by measures that are attractive in their own right (e.g., education, opportunity, health care, reproductive rights for women)."

52Bill Gates –

"The world today has 6.8 billion people...that's headed up to about 9 billion.

If we do a really great job on vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 to 15 percent."

53Al Gore –

“Third World nations are producing too many children too fast... it is time to ignore the controversy over family planning and cut out-of-control population growth...”.

When asked how to go about this he suggested expanding birth control and abortion programs in developing countries.

54And the World’s Top Scientist on Climate Change -- Dr. Rajendra Pachauri

“China has contributed significantly to the earth's welfare by successfully curbing its population growth and energy and resource consumption.”

Of course China has done that by in part by its one-child policy and forced abortion law.

Remember the Ted Turner quote we just showed you. We’d like to show a clip from the interview where he said that. It’s from the Charlie Rose show in 2008.


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Billions and billions of dollars have been spent on abortion and contraception worldwide.

The equivalent of entire populations have been killed through abortion .. sterilization and contraception.

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The rich and powerful and influential of every stripe have chimed in on the necessity of reducing and killing off large portions of humanity.

57“If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.”

- Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, patron of the World Wildlife Fund

58“I suspect that eradicating small pox was wrong. It played an important part in balancing ecosystems.” - John Davis, editor of Earth First! Journal

59“The big threat to the planet is people: there are too many..” – Sir James Lovelock, Leading Scientist - BBC Interview

60“My three main goals would be to reduce human population to about 100 million worldwide, destroy the industrial infrastructure and see wilderness returning ..” Dave Foreman, co-founder of Earth First!

61“A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.” - Ted Turner, founder of CNN and major UN donor


“… the resultant ideal sustainable population is hence more than 500 million but less than one billion.” - Club of Rome, Goals for Mankind

63“The extinction of the human species may not only be inevitable but a good thing.” - Christopher Manes, Earth First!

64“Childbearing should be a punishable crime against society, unless the parents hold a government license.” - David Brower, first Executive Director of the Sierra Club

Statements like these leave you dumbfounded by the depth of their stupidity.

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65The real agenda of the population control crowd is to create a world with less people AND better people .. a utopia.



Global warming is the natural evolution of the eugenics movement.

65 again

The eugenics movement was an overt program aimed solely at reducing “undesirables”.

Global warming is a covert program that is actually accomplishing much more than that.

66Not only are “undesirable” third world populations targeted .. but an overall worldwide reduction of the population is also in the offing.

In this sense .. global warming is the more sophisticated stepchild of the eugenics movement ..

employing many of the same tactics in fake science and mass hysteria scare tactics .. while also killing TWO birds with one stone ..

the elimination of undesirables .. which includes lower-income and middle class populations ..

and overall reduction of the sheer number of humans so that the remaining elites can enjoy the world’s bountiful resources all to themselves. 67 cia backdrop

Let’s look at what global warming shares in common with the eugenics movement.

Eugenics is accomplished through cleansing and control of the population.

While many people think the eugenics movement died after World War II along with the Nazi regime, they are wrong.

Originally, eugenics in America was primarily focused on all undesirable immigrants and those already living here.

This movement started around the time slavery ended and immigration began to increase.

What’s significant here is the broad appeal that was made to science in order to sway public opinion in favor of cleansing the race.

While there were obvious racial overtones … the movement was by no means limited to just a question

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of race.

Books were published for general consumption stressing the need to keep the race pure .. all backed up by the latest science of the day.

In fact .. in his famous novel of 1925 the Great Gatsby .. F. Scott Fitzgerald alludes to the spirit of the age.


Eugenics is and was about producing and maintaining a superior stock of humans.

Scare tactics were employed to such a degree that pseudoscience saturated popular culture with fear that the country would become a race of mongrels and non-whites.

69Listen to the words of the US Supreme Court Justice .. Oliver Wendell Holmes ..

"It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility,…

society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind…Three generations of imbeciles are enough."

Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., in Buck v. Bell, 1927

70In the USA, eugenic supporters included Theodore Roosevelt, the National Research Council and the National Academy of Sciences –

the endorsement of the NAS is also touted by the global warming crowd right now .. as tough that endorsement is the gold standard and could never be in error.

Research was funded by distinguished philanthropies and carried out at prestigious universities. It was taught in college and high school classrooms.

In 1928 alone —“eugenics was a topic in 376 separate college courses, which enrolled approximately 20,000 students.”

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Margaret Sanger founded the American birth control league to urge the legalization of contraception for poor, immigrant women.

In its time eugenics was touted by some as scientific and progressive, the natural application of knowledge about breeding to the arena of human life.

Before the realization of death camps in World War II, the idea that eugenics would lead to genocide was not taken seriously by the average American.

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Sterilization laws and programs were put into place in States all over the nation.

72Starting in 1923, Oregon forcibly sterilized 2,648 people, including the mentally ill, criminals, epileptic, and homosexuals.

And this state holds the dubious distinction of being one of two states that used castration as a form of sterilization. The last sterilization in Oregon was performed in 1978.

But they weren’t the only state using these horrific practices. California, considered an epicenter for American eugenics, sterilized over 20,000 of its citizens…

1/3 of all sterilizations performed in America. All in all, over 30 states enacted compulsory sterilization laws.

73 MAPPennsylvania--1905-vetoed 9 days later but sterilizations did occurIndiana—1907

California, Connecticut and Washington—1909

Iowa, New Jersey and Nevada--1911New York—1912

Kansas, Wisconsin and North Dakota--1913Michigan—1914

Nebraska, Oregon, South Dakota and New Hampshire—1917Idaho—1918

Alabama--1919Montana and Delaware—1923

Virginia--1924Maine and Utah—1925

Minnesota, Mississippi--1928Arizona, West Virginia and North Carolina—1929

Oklahoma and Vermont--1931South Carolina—1935


29 of the states enacted laws before 1930 - 4 after 1930


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Sanctioned by the US government in the early 1900's, African-Americans were to receive sterilization.

Many were told if they did not surrender themselves to sterilization .. they would be stripped of their benefits, forced to abort unborn children, find new doctors and other manipulative techniques to force sterilizations.

African- American and non-white men were spared time in jail if they agreed to be sterilized.

The American Birth Control League created in 1921 was established by Margaret Sanger, a well-known racist and advocate for eugenics.

She even began one program in the late 1920’s aimed specifically at blacks called The Negro Project.

With funding from John D. Rockefeller III, American Birth Control League changed its name in 1942 to the Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

75Hitler did not originate the idea of eugenics and creating a superior Aryan race, it was indeed an American concept.

Hitler adopted the American eugenic ideals and implemented them throughout his Nazi regime.

He even received funding from the Rockefellers and the Carnegies to further his research and experiments, such as the Kaiser Wilhelm institute in Germany.

76Population control is not about race anymore. It is about survival of the fittest, about preserving and supporting a "superior elitist class."

Constant propaganda through commercial campaigns, movies, TV, news,..

even clothing lines are all informing us that our daily activities such as driving to work, buying non-local produce, even breathing are contributing to the ever increasing C02 and greenhouse gases.

Through fear and guilt we are being urged to take steps in reducing our carbon emissions. The propaganda formula is quite simple actually ..

Higher populations = increased carbon emissions = global warming.

World politicians, scientists, philanthropists and climatologists alike are all crying out for a decrease in population control in hopes of debilitating "global warming."

77The best way to reduce a person’s carbon emissions is to eliminate the person altogether.

A UN report entitled “Women, Population and Climate” states that placing more women in the workforce is an important step to reducing the global population.

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Instead of planning families, women will be more focused on careers.

Also stated in the disturbing report, if the needs for contraceptives and abortions are met in third world countries, ..

over time, population control would happen naturally and would not have to be forced on the people.

78 down arrowOptimum Population Trust is a UK organization that is offering services to people who support the green movement, ..

they can donate to provide contraceptives and abortions in lower income countries in Africa and Haiti in turn offsetting their carbon footprint.

Ex Vice Pres. Al Gore stated in Copenhagen that expanding birth control, family planning and abortion programs in third world countries will help reduce the environmental threat.

Many of these programs have been spread throughout the third world by the UN, IMF, World Bank and other institutions.

Recall in the just concluded elections in Kenya .. that Vice President Joe Biden said to Kenyans that if they voted in favor of their pro-abortion constitution ..

that foreign aid would flow into their country.

79The American eugenics movement used the hate and racism towards all undesirables to fuel and justify the start of their eugenics project.

And they used science to back up every one of their fallacious arguments.

80What we have to understand is, the elite have moved on to a new updated technique for eugenics and its called climate change.

The elite need global warming in order to pursue their reduction in population goals.

They pay scientists and researchers in the top institutions to come up with models and reports to prove their theory correct.

81We could do 10 CIA episodes on the link between population control and global warming which is the new eugenics .. but time is limited.

Again .. a reminder that dozens and dozens of articles and further research on all these topics is included in the DVD packet.

On to the Second Group with a dog in the fight .. Governments ..

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82The desire on the part of governments to embroil themselves in the supposedly scientific fight over global warning is pretty simple .. it boils down to power.

The scenario goes like this .. our energy needs are largely fueled by fossil fuels

which produce CO2.

CO2 is causing global warming.

Carbon dioxide emissions must therefore be reduced.

This reduction must come about through government regulations because the cost to reduce carbon emissions is so expensive that businesses would never do it on their own.

So what government does is impose draconian limits on carbon emissions with hefty penalties for not following suit.

Business of course to avoid the heavy fines begins to cut their carbon emissions which means they MUST develop alternative fuel sources – the so-called green economy.

83But these alternative fuel sources are not efficient and are prohibitively expensive.

So business gets caught in the middle with much higher expenses and those expenses get passed onto consumers.

A recent study by the heritage foundation estimated that the cost of this carbon legislation would be $3,000 for the average family of 4 every year from 2012 to 2035.

This cost would cripple low-income families.

And because of HOW the government would manage carbon emissions .. it would exercise enormous control over the economy.

84This is the Cap and Trade legislation we hear so much about.

The government .. acting as the almighty arbiter of energy limits based on the junk science of global warming .. sets a limit or cap on the amount of CO2 that can be emitted.

The cap is then sold to firms in the form of emissions permits which allow the company to discharge a specific volume of the specified pollutant.

Firms are required to hold a number of permits equivalent to their emissions. The total amount of permits cannot exceed the cap, limiting total emissions to that level.


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Firms that need to increase their emission permits must buy permits from those who require fewer permits.

The transfer of permits is referred to as a trade .. hence cap and trade.

In effect, the buyer is paying a charge for polluting, while the seller is being rewarded for having reduced emissions.

The problem is that there is no cheap available energy replacement source.

Cap and trade is just a convoluted energy tax, and, again, it has to be a painfully high tax in order to reduce emissions.

This whole notion was tried in Europe. The Heritage Foundation had the following to say:

86“If there is any doubt about it, just look at Europe, which has had a cap-and-trade scheme in place for several years—that has been a failure every way you look at it.

It has not reduced emissions .. It has not led to any technological breakthroughs that have reduced the need for fossil fuels.

The reason is simple: For all of Europe’s high-minded environmental rhetoric, the reality is that none of these nations wanted to bear the exorbitant costs of ratcheting down emissions.”

87Cap and Trade would cripple business .. costs jobs .. hurt the poor disproportionately and most especially .. deliver immense power into the hands of the government.

Of course .. the global warming leaders are on the record about not caring too much about the economy.

88"Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse?

Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?" - Maurice Strong, founder of the UN Environment Program

89What the US government gets with Cap and Trade and any other green energy legislation is virtually unlimited power to distribute energy to whomever it decides.

If you are not exceeding your carbon emissions established by Washington .. then you get your energy.

But if you exceed what Washington says is your limit .. you can either be charged an exorbitant fine or perhaps have your energy supply limited or cut off.

If you think the government interfering in private lives to this extent based on junk science and the

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hysteria surrounding it is not possible ..

think back to the tens of thousands of citizens who were sterilized by the government.

And remember ..

90 space bar

the only thing that brought the eugenics movement to an end was the horror of the Nazi death camps.

Government leaders were quite happy to just roll along exercising power without limit over their citizens.

So what happens to the poor of the world .. 91the developing countries .. if these types of laws or policies are imposed on them?

Without the availability of fossil fuels for energy .. their emerging economies don’t stand a prayer.

92The elite are insisting that the developing nations NOT use the same means of energy to lift themselves from poverty that the industrialized nations did.

It was this very issue that the developing nations .. like in Africa for example ..

are balking at and raising a fuss over at international climate conferences.

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The new energy technologies .. like solar power .. wind turbines .. bio-fuels .. etc .. work .

but they don’t produce ENOUGH energy to meet the massive demand AND they are simply too expensive to produce.

94 The “global warming is caused by man” canard is being used by forces operating through various world governments as a power grab through taxation and fines.

A new tax is being discussed in various parliaments around the world nicknamed a carbon tax. The gist is that people would be taxed based on their carbon output.

In Australia for example .. a professor at University of Western Australia published an article in a medical journal ..

saying the government should levy a $5,000 tax on every child over the government limit of two and charge an additional $800 annual tax per child.

While these and other examples are the extreme positions .. it is often the case in legislation that the

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extreme positions prepare the way for laws that are not QUITE as extreme .. but nonetheless .. move the argument farther down the road than it currently is.

Carbon taxes .. in general .. would have a devastating impact on world economies. But a move is under foot to do just that.

95Global warming scientists are talking up the idea of “making up” for our carbon footprint – an offset, it’s called. This will achieve what is called .. being carbon neutral.

96The Vatican itself got involved in this in 2007 when it agreed to have a forest planted in Hungary which would absorb the equivalent amount of carbon dioxide.

97Here is a picture for example of a cardinal receiving the Vatican’s carbon offset certificate in 2007.

As an aside .. it turned out that the company that promised to plant the carbon forest for the Vatican appears to have swindled the Vatican. No forest was ever planted.

98 cia backdropBut the larger point is that these are the types of discussion being had in pretty influential circles.

Of course .. the Vatican was praised up and down in the media for attempting to be the first carbon neutral state in Europe.

And all of this based on extremely questionable science .. poorly reasoned interpretation of scientific data ..

agendas that have much much more to do with social engineering than scientific facts .. and a desire on the part of governments to greatly to expand their power.

One final point that we need to mention .. but not belabor is .. the cheerleading that goes on for the global warming agenda from the earth worship crowd.


And while this doesn’t drive legislation .. it is still an area that cannot be ignored from the philosophical standpoint.

100Earth worshippers preach that the earth itself is a living entity with an intelligence of its own .. an actual living being.

While they don’t offer scientific evidence for their claims because that’s not their area .. they do offer religious claims that this is a legitimate religion and should be treated like one.

They even have a name for this earth God .. it’s Gaia .. an old Greek goddess .. In fact, one proponent of the “earth is God” theology is

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101Sir James Lovelock who wrote in his 2006 book - The Revenge of Gaia, he writes:

“Just as the human body uses a fever to fight off an infection, Gaia is raising Her temperature to expel a harmful parasite – humans. On the current trajectory, the human population will be reduced to a few breeding pairs by the end of this century.”

102Here’s another thought-provoker .. this from Robert Muller, former UN Assistant Secretary General

“What an incredible planet in the universe this will be when we will be one human family living in justice, peace, love and harmony with our divine Earth, with each other and with the heavens.”

There are now even prayers to the Earth .. one line from one of the prayers goes like this .

103“On behalf of the human race, I ask forgiveness for having injured you. Forgive us, Mother Earth" --- “Prayer to the Earth”, Student Textbook

And don’t think this thought process is confined to the ravings of some esoteric band of witches and tree worshippers.

104The following was said by Mikhail Gorbachev, head of Green Cross International :

“Nature is my god. To me, nature is sacred; trees are my temples and forests are my cathedrals.”

105We wanna begin to wrap up here, but still want to touch very briefly on a couple of points ..

first off ..many of the Green parties scattered throughout the world have deep connections to the former communists of Eastern Europe.

Those that don’t have some of the old party members in leadership roles ..

at the very least share in the philosophical view that man should strive to create a utopia populated with only the very best humans.

Again .. we don’t have time to build each of these cases with reams of detail .. but we have COLLECTED reams of detail .. hundreds of sources ..

that explain this in much greater depth than a television/internet broadcast will allow.

We urge to immerse yourselves in this and learn as much as you can and spread the word.

Which is why we want to wrap up with this important point.


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The whole earth worship .. global warming .. climate change ..

Government carbon tax .. de-population crowd has been actively working to enlist religions into their camp for a number of years now.

They need to give their work the air of respectability and seek to do that in part by co-opting religions to this end.

And of course .. there is already some existing ground for them to deal with when the argument starts dealing in terms like “being good stewards of creation”.

107To that end .. In 1990, Prince Philip said "that a major goal of the "Green Movement" was to get religious leaders involved so as to give the whole movement a spiritual imperative."

108The main point however is this .. religion places God first .. environmentalism places Earth first.

In short .. same old story .. substituting creation in place of the Creator.

109Which is why .. the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ embracing of this movement is raising considerable alarm and rightly should.

How deep into this is the bishops conference?

110For the past few years .. they’ve been getting pretty neck deep.

In 2006 .. the US Bishops launched the Catholic Coalition on Climate Change .. a program designed to support the bishops’ so-called environmental justice initiatives.

A whole curriculum was printed up and sent to every Catholic school in the country 19,000 of them to instill in students information about global warming and climate change.

A couple of years later .. the Catholic Climate Covenant popped up .. where people take an oath to help preserve the environment .. nicely called .. the St. Francis pledge.

Here it is, in part:


The St. Francis Pledge

I/We Pledge to:• PRAY and reflect on the duty to care for God’s Creation and protect the

poor and vulnerable.

• LEARN about and educate others on the causes and moral dimensions of

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climate change.

• ASSESS how we-as individuals and in our families, parishes and other affiliations-contribute to climate change by our own energy use, consumption, waste, etc.

• ACT to change our choices and behaviors to reduce the ways we contribute to climate change.

ADVOCATE for Catholic principles and priorities in climate change discussions and decisions, especially as they impact those who are poor and vulnerable


This is total propaganda. It blindly accepts all the nonsense put out by the climate change crowd AS IF it is proven.

It isn’t proven and in many cases .. some of it has been disproven.

It is disingenuous to pass this of as if this is the truth and accepted Catholic teaching.

This is even becoming established in Catholic liturgy.

A note went out from the office last year .. suggesting that the homily for the Sunday that coincided with Earth Day .. be a homily on climate change.

The website for the CCCC has an area for Parishes where suggested petitions for Mass are provided.

Here is one of them:

113Prayers of Petition

O Lord, help us to use our technological inventiveness to undothe damage we have done to your creation and to sustain your giftof nature.

Lord, hear our prayer.

114At one point .. the bishop’s website gives a ringing endorsement to the IPCC ..

the controversial UN body that has been the leading global scientific voice in support of anthropogenic global warming.

115There isn’t the slightest reason to treat this as theological truth.

In fact, since it is based on agenda driven junk science .. it is actually offensive to religious sensibilities .. passing off as a truth .. something founded on lies or at best .. mistakes.

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116What Pope Benedict said .. rings most true.

"Respecting the environment does not mean considering material or animal nature more important than man...

It is important for assessments in this regard to be carried out prudently, in dialogue with experts and people of wisdom, uninhibited by ideological pressure to draw hasty conclusions...

it is essential to sense that the earth is our common home choose the path of dialogue rather than the path of unilateral decisions."

Pope Benedict XVIWorld Peace Day message, 1/1/08

117In summary .. as we step back and look at the great big picture ..

what do we see .. an enormous creature with many tentacles advancing various agendas like population control .. earth worship .. global governance .. even animal rights.

To be sure .. they each support the other’s agenda to a degree .. but they each also have their own vision of the world.

But what they all absolutely share in common is what all movements and regimes opposed to eternal truths have in common ..

118This quote from Peter Singer, the Founder of Animal Rights is a nice summary ..

"Christianity is our foe. If animal rights is to succeed, we must destroy the Judeo-Christian Religious tradition."

119Given the intricate .. decades-long unfolding and development of this ..

there can only be one source .. behind an evil which seeks to kill or limit the human race and raise to the level of the divine .. mere creation.

Their ultimate leader is not Al Gore or Mikhail Gorbachev or Bill Gates or the UN .. these are ultimately .. what Lenin called .. useful idiots ..

they are stooges for THE ENEMY .. who has since from the moment of creation .. sought to elevate creation above the creator in the mind and heart of man.

We know who that is. He’s who the Book of Revelation calls .. the one “who deceives the whole world.”

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No one can make the argument that the climate change movement .. in its current manifestation .. is anything but hostile to Christianity .. and Christian truths.

When a movement of this size and dimension and this degree of hostility to the Faith becomes this powerful and influential ..

the faithful don’t really need much more evidence.

The hidden agenda is easily recognized .. because it’s the same agenda it’s always been.

God Love You.