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Open Channel Weirs

Apr 07, 2018



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  • 8/4/2019 Open Channel Weirs


    CE 516

    Hydraulic Structures

    Hydraulic structures play an integral role in the design and analysis of open chan-nel flows. Weirs and dams are used to store water in reservoirs, gates are usedto regulate the flow within structures, and culverts are used to discharge water

    under embankments or roads. In this section well discuss:

    Flow measuring structures

    Sharp-crested weirs Broad-crested weirs Parshall flumes

    In the following discussion, well only consider the design and operation of weirs.Weirs have simple designs, but can cause high head losses and have the potential

    for upstream sedimentation. For cases where the sedimentation or head losses area concern (i.e. Wastewater treatment plants and irrigation channels), a Parshallflume can be used. Please see your textbook for the design of Parshall flumes.

    Regulation structures


    Discharge structures


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  • 8/4/2019 Open Channel Weirs


    CE 516

    Weirs and Flumes

    Weirs are used to measure flow and/or control outflow elevations from basinsand channels

    The vocabulary well be using includes

    sharp-crested (or thin plate) weirs - thin plastic or metal plate that is setvertically across a channel

    rectangular or v-notch weirs - two types of sharp crested weirs which describetheir geometry

    tailwater - flow downstream of the weir

    submerged weir - a weir that has its tailwater elevation at least as high as theweir crest

    nappe - jet of water flowing over crest

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    CE 516

    Rectangular Sharp Crested Weirs

    A rectangular weir has a rectangular opening and it can be either suppressed orunsuppressed.

    A suppressed (uncontracted) weirs has a rectangular opening spans channel

    width a vent is often needed to maintain atmospheric pressure. An unsuppressed(contracted) weirs has a rectangular opening which only spans part of thechannel.

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    CE 516

    To model the flow through a rectangular weir, the energy equation betweenupstream of the weir crest and at the weir crest is defined with

    assumptions: no head losses (E1 = E2) (the means no significant turbulence) water surface elevation remains constant

    note: this is physically impossible, but actual errors are small pressure at crest (station 2) = patmo throughout depth

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  • 8/4/2019 Open Channel Weirs


    CE 516

    Rectangular Sharp Crested Weirs (continued)

    Estimate the theoretical flowrate with the conservation of mass

    where the velocity is determined with the conservation of energy equation

    substituting, we find the flowrate is only a function of the geometry and theelevation of the water surface above the weir

    Discrepancies in the estimated flowrate arise from:

    1) pressure distribution at crest is not uniformly atmospheric

    2) water surface does not remain uniform as it approaches the crest

    3) energy losses due to viscous effects are not negligible

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    CE 516

    To compensate for the discrepancies, we define a discharge coefficient

    Cd =Q


    true flow rate

    theoretical flow rate

    The true flow rate is estimated with

    Q =2




    Cd = F(Re,We,H


    W e is the Weber numberHw is the height of the weir crest from the bottom

    Empirical estimates of this discharge coefficient were made by Rouse in 1946

    Cd = 0.611 + 0.075H



    Hw< 5 10

    A variation of the discharge coefficient is called the weir coefficient that isdesigned to simplify the flowrate equation and is defined with

    Cw =2



    so the flowrate equation becomes

    Q = CwbH3/2

    Q = 1.83bH3/2 IfH

    Hw< .4 (SI units only)

    Please note, it is recommended that you measure H at a distance of 4 5 Hupstream of the gate.

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    CE 516

    Unsuppressed rectangular weirs

    Unsuppressed (or contracted) weirs behave similarly to suppressed weirs with twomajor assumptions

    1. venting is not needed2. side contractions recude nappe width


    Unsuppressed trapezoidal sharp-crested weir (Cipolletti Weir)

    for this structure, side contractions do not reduce nappe width

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    CE 516

    Example:An end-contracted weir of total length 286 ft and crest height 5 ft is used todischarge water without exceeding a head of 2.5 ft from a tank 300 ft wide. Theweir carries piers that are 10 ft clear distance apart and 2 ft wide, to suport the

    footway. Determine the discharge. Cd = 0.6. Solution:

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    CE 516

    V-notch weirs

    These weirs are typically used in low flow (Q < 0.28 m3/s or 10 cf s) environ-ments in place of rectangular, because they are more accurate.

    Recall the weir energy equation

    and theoretical flow rate



    as V-notch weirs are typically applied in low flow environments, we can neglectthe approach velocity

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    CE 516

    The actual flow rate for a V-notch weir becomes

    Q =8






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    CE 516

    Example:Water passes over a rectangular weir of 10 ft width at a depth of 1 ft. If theweir is replaced by an 80o V-notch, determine the depth of water over the notch.Disregard end contractions. Cd notch = 0.59 and Cd rectangular = 0.63. Solution:

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    CE 516

    Broad-Crested weirs

    The variety of broad crested weirs have crests that are signigicantly larger thansharp crested weirs and are capable of handling much larger discharges.

    Rectangular broad-crested weirs are designed so that the flow above the weiris at critical flow conditions. The theoretical flow rate is given by

    Energy equation for a RBC weir

    under critical flow conditions

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    CE 516

    combining this yields an expression for the critical flow depth

    where H is the energy of the upstream flow measured relative to the weir location

    the theoretical flow rate over a RBC weir become

    To account for the non negligible energy losses over the weir, the actual flow

    rate, Q, is given by

    Q = Cd





    where the discharge coefficient is estimated with (Chow, 1959)

    Cd =0.65

    1 + HHw


    These equations are valid 0.08 < h1/L < 0.5. Note that for

    h1/L < 0.08 head losses can not be neglectedh1/L > 0.5 the streamlines are not horizontal

    The weir discharges freely if

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    CE 516

    Example:Determine the discharge over a broad-crested weir of 100 ft length. The up-stream water level over the crest is 2 ft and the crest has a height of 2.25 ft.The width of approach channel is 150 ft. Cd = 0.95 Solution:

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    CE 516


    Gates are used to regulate flow in open channels

    Vertical gates are a vertical plate supported by vertical guides on the channelwalls. These gates experience large hydrostatic pressure forces.

    Tainter Radial gates more easily resist the hydrostatic forces and are generallymore economical

    As with weirs, define the energy equation upstream and downstream of the gate

    and the conservation of mass at the same locations

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    CE 516

    Combining, the flowrate becomes

    Weknow the water depth at the gate, yg, but we dont know y2. As the flowmoves under the gate, the streamline becomes contracted. The coefficient ofcontractions is a coefficient which accounts for the contraction of flow down-stream of the gate


    vertical sluice gate:

    radial gate:

    Given that their will likely be energy losses through the gate, the dischargecoefficient is defined with

    combining the flow rate becomes

    Q = Cdbyg



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    CE 516

    Supercritical discharge from the gates

    In cases where the gate discharge is supercritical and the depth of flow down-stream exceeds the depth at the gate opening then the outflow may be sub-merged. In this case the previous equations are not valid.

    To characterize submerged flow through a gate

    1) define the energy between 1 - 2

    2) define the momentum between 2 - 3

    wherey is they1 is they2 is they3 is the

    Solve 1) and 2) simultaneously for Q

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  • 8/4/2019 Open Channel Weirs


    CE 516

    Example:Water is ponded behind a vertical gate to a height of 4 m in a rectangular chan-nel of width 7 m. Calculate the gate opening that will release 40 m3/s throughthe gate. How would this discharge be affected by a downstream flow depth of

    3.5 m? Solution:

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    CE 516

    What happens if downstream depth is 3.5 m?

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