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Page 1: OOP in PHP

Object Oriented Programming in PHP

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These slides

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Object Class












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What is OOP?

It is a method of programming based on a hierarchy of classes, and well-defined and cooperating objects.

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Why OOP?

  Offers powerful model for writing computer software.

  Easy to partition the work in a project based on objects.

  Object-oriented systems can be easily upgraded from small to large scale.

  Reduces software maintenance and developing costs.

  Accept the changes in user requirements or later developments.

  help to develop high quality software easily

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Why OOP?


  Abstraction – Understandability

  Encapsulation -- Information Hiding

  Composability -- Structured Design



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Why OOP?


Decompose problem into smaller sub-problems that can be solved separately

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Why OOP?

Abstraction -- Understandability

Terminology of the problem domain is reflected in the software solution. Individual modules are understandable by human readers

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Why OOP?

Encapsulation -- Information Hiding

Hide complexity from the user of a software. Protect low-level functionality.

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Why OOP?

Composability -- Structured Design

Interfaces allow to freely combine modules to produce new systems.

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Why OOP?


Incremental development from small and simple to more complex modules.

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Why OOP?


Changes and maintenance in only a few modules does not affect the architecture.

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Main OOP Language Features

  Classes (Modularization, structure)   Inheritance / extends (Hierarchy of modules, incremental

development   Encapsulation ( Public , Private, Protected)   Composability ( Interfaces / Abstraction )   Polymorphism ( Hierarchy of modules, incremental development)

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Object in real world

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  Object has own properties and actions

  Object can communicate with other object

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OOP Features in PHP   Class Constants   Autoloading   Constructor and Destructors   Visibility   Inheritance   Static keyword   Class Abstraction   Object Interfaces   Overloading   Object Iteration   Magic Methods  Object Cloning   Type Hinting   Object Serialization

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Declaration of Class

class Person {

var $name = ‘default name’; function Person()

{ //constructor }


PHP 4 :

class Person {

public $name = ‘default name’; //automatically calling __construct() magic function }

PHP 5 :

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Declaration of Class

class Person {

var $name = ‘default name’; function Person()

{ //constructor }


PHP 4 :

class Person {

public $name = ‘default name’; //automatically calling __construct() magic function }

PHP 5 :

  Should not a PHP reserved word

  Starts with a letter or underscore, followed by any number of letters, numbers, or underscores

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Object in PHP

class Person { public $name;

function setName ($personName) { $this->name = $personName; } function getName ( ) { return $this->name; }

} //Creating A Object $emran = new Person(); $emran->setName(‘Emran Hasan’);

echo $emran->getName(); //Output : Emran Hasan


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Class   Class is a description of an object   A user-defined data type that contains the variables, properties

and methods in it.   Class never executes   It’s possible to create unlimited no of instance from a class.

Object   Object is an instance of a class.   It’s an executable copy of a class

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Using __construct magic function

class Person { public $name ;

function __construct ($personName) { $this->name = $personName; } function getName ( ) { return $this->name; }

} $emran = new Person(‘Emran Hasan’); $alamgir = new Person(‘Alamgir Hossain’);

echo $emran->getName(); // will print Emran Hasan echo $alamgir ->getName(); // will print Alamgir Hossain

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Object Assignment in PHP

$emran = new Person(‘Emran Hasan’); $myfriend = $emran;

$emran->setName( ‘Md Emran Hasan’);

echo $myfriend ->getName(); //Output : Md Emran Hasan

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  It’s an object-oriented concept that helps objects to work.

  It defines relationships among classes

  Inheritance means that the language gives the ability to extend or enhance existing objects.

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Simple Class Inheritance

class Student extends Person {


$newStudent = new Student (‘Hasin Hyder’);

echo $newStudent->getName(); //Output will be : Hasin Hyder

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Simple Class Inheritance class Student extends Person {

protected $roll; function setRoll( $rollNo) { $this->roll = $rollNo; } function getRoll( ) { return $this->roll; }

} $newStudent = new Student (‘Hasin Hyder’); $newStudent ->setRoll( ‘98023’);

echo $newStudent->getName(); echo “Roll no : ” . $newStudent->getRoll () ; //Output will be : Hasin Hyder , Roll no : 98023

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Protecting Data With Visibility

  Public (default) - the variable can be accessed and changed globally by anything.

  Protected - the variable can be accessed and changed only by direct descendants (those who inherit it using the extends statement) of the class and class its self

  Private - the variable can be accessed and changed only from within the class

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Visibility class MyClass { public $public = 'Public'; protected $protected = 'Protected'; private $private = 'Private';

function printHello() { echo $this->public; echo $this->protected; echo $this->private; } }

$obj = new MyClass(); echo $obj->public; // Public echo $obj->protected; // Fatal Error echo $obj->private; // Fatal Error $obj->printHello(); // Shows Public, Protected and Private

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Visibility class MyClass2 extends MyClass { // We can redeclare the public and protected method, but not private protected $protected = 'Protected2';

function printHello() { echo $this->public; echo $this->protected; echo $this->private; } }

$obj2 = new MyClass2(); echo $obj2->public; // Works echo $obj2->private; // Undefined echo $obj2->protected; // Fatal Error $obj2->printHello(); // Shows Public, Protected2, Undefined

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Abstract <?php abstract class Weapon { private $serialNumber; abstract public function fire();

public function __construct($serialNumber) { $this->serialNumber = $serialNumber; }

public function getSerialNumber() { return $this->serialNumber; } } ?>

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Abstraction <?php

class Gun extends Weapon { public function fire() { echo “gun fired”; } }

class Cannon extends Weapon { public function fire() { echo “canon fired”; } }


$newGun = new Gun(‘AK-47’); $newGun->fire(); $newGun->getSerialNumber();

$canon = new Canon(‘CAN-5466’); $canon->fire(); $canon->getSerialNumber();

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interface Crud { public function get() {} public function insert() {} public function update() { } public function delete() { } }

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Class Product implements Crud { public function get() {

//here goes the code } public function insert() { //here goes the code } public function update() { //here goes the code } public function delete() { //here goes the code } }

Class Customer implements Crud public function get() {

//here goes the code } public function insert() { //here goes the code } public function update() { //here goes the code } public function delete() { //here goes the code } }

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More on OOP



  Design Patterns

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Tarek Mahmud Apu Founder, Wneeds [email protected]

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  Everything about PHP

  Object Oriented Programming

  These slides