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t- V r t k t v + r r t i e l vII it i NO SPECIAL SALES INO DATES NO- r I CATCHES SIMPLY ooa t For Least Money ALWAYS AT I i i ti e t Saturday Mar 22 4icWe willopen for triO Inspection of the of Hartford and yldnlty the pret < I f tIadies of I ¼ MILLINERY I 1k f tom howt i l to present od this occasion We will al f so show tho latest fabrics in Wash Goods oJ t White Goods Woolen Dress Goods r Laces sIf Embroideries Etc A bigger line a cheap ¬ or line than wo have ever shown before A complete lino of McCall Patterns shown at our Pattern counter Price lOo and 15c Subscriptions for McCalls Mag ¬ yearr REMEMBER THE PLACE THE f IGREAT I BARGAINGIVERS e- e 4 IT il e 14 Hartford Republican u tFRIDAY MARCH 2- 1m I a- mWdr a Call on Carson Bros for groceries Drink Cocoa delicious Singer Office Fresh lot of Cranberries at Stager OfficeCucumber Plcklea extra line Singer Office SherlD Cal P Keown went to Fords ¬ vllle Tuesday Mrs Leila Dellaven NartowB la- In town this week Mr S T Stevens is visiting his r brother near Cromwell Mr Silas Taylor ol Wysox called In to see ns Wednesday Fresh Oysters and Celery always on hand at Singer Office 1 Fresh Fish And Oysters served dur ¬ ing court at Singer Office All kinds of nice Cakes and Crack ¬ ers Iresh at Singer Office i vC R Martin jeweler and watch ¬ makerat Williams drugstore Free delivery ot all goods bought from Canon Co Rough River f phone ° No 6J Cumberland No 192 The rigor of winter wjrt sots be over Mtisinttr days abudJ Bright things In store for til Brightest thins In tens Dress k jCa ds that we have ever shown or seen Come and look at themSOO patterns for the Spring and Sum- mer Just received from The loyal Tailors Chicago U S A > r e 0Everything made to your meas I ureall the time never other wiseDriceswoadromlylowT T Tailors Agent < < SEE SAMPS AT COLD STORAGE ft f t It t1tt111P tit If PWtTJ Mfr d- a J Call on Carson Bra for seed pota ¬ toeTry I our Mince Meatso alce Singer Office Mr C BB Felix Olaton was Jn town Monday I I IIltchlBj room free at B B Collins Cos stable Mr Frank Hicket Livermore was 1st town yesterday Mr R XBoyd of Horse Branch was IB I Groceries of all kinds at the lowest prices at Carson Cos I Nlcert and freshet line of Candles in HftrtJord atSIoger Office Use Gripennta and Poetam Coueel lid get wtl + dkngtr ORfce Mr Wetter Cate of Sulphur Spring war in town Wednesday This is neither a stuck Hp nor a cheap to1eCAs M Be Co We sell as low u we tall rather as high a> we might CARSON Co Every pune can find here a suit to fit It CAKSON Be Co Oar beat salesman U a bargain Try him sad see CAXBOM Be Co Orange Lemons Bananas Pears Cocoanuts and Apple at Singer Office ilra H L Thomas of Sulphur Spring is yeryj rof lung trouble Remember you tall get the nicest Hot Lunch in Hartford at Singer Ol froat Born to the wife of N M Taylor of Wysox 1 Saturday a ten pound boy + Mr Nick Webster Olaton is go- ing to move to Brecklnrldge county soon Mr Loa Roger la pending a few days with lila brother Emerson near Cromwell I- CaUon Carson Bros at their new otoreond be snplled With the belt the market affords Rev I c Petriela at Brazil Jifd this week visiting his son Mr Thom Petrie Commonwealths Attorney J Ed ¬ win Rowe lelt for his home at Owens boro Wednesday MrWm Comb ot Adabnrir has sold his tarn and will move to Beaver Dam this spring Our flour Is of the best patent sad the lowest price in tewn CARSON Co Cream Brick and Llmbnrger Cheese Bologna Sausage and Bone- less Him at Stager Office Mr Arthur Bnsklll a member o CrawleyLonlelwa1 I o t Health II For 25 years I hive never missed taking Ayers Sarsaparill myblood wayJohn NY Pure and rich blood carries new life to every of the You are invigoratedrefreshed You feel anxious to be active You become strong stcadycourageous Thats what Ayers Sarsaparilla will do for you ILMaMtli AIIrafilalL Ayeraarnpdtla old firallr iD w will bnndJ Tin Co Lowell Uui A carnival of low prices at our store CARSON Be Co There is no best in town it it is not found here CARsoN Co Have R T Collins make you a new suit for Raster See samples at cold storage plant Ames Buggies the best on the market for sale by A C Taylor Hartford KY Mr Rudolph Geeseling of Owens boro visited Irlends in Hartford the first of the week Call on A C Taylor Liveryman Hartford Ky for sprclal bargains in Buggies and WagonsI Mrs Julia P Kirby has gone out to Narrows to spend a few days with her son Mr Eugene Kirby Carson Bros have moved into theirI new store second door from Bank of Hartford Call and see them We want all your produce the high- est market price will be paid you- CARSON Co wagons BnggtesPhaetons Surries and all other kinds of vehicles for sale by A C Taylor Hartford Ky What trade we have we hold what we havent got were alter CARSON Co Mr Ben D Ringo has returned to- Ms duties as Chairman of the State Board of Equalization at Frank tort We dont promise the earth for a dollar We are here to think of your interests CARSON Co Wadding Suits a specialtyMade to your orderguaranteed to fit RT COUJNS Tailors Agt Our patrons wear smiles along wrthI their clothing that they buy hereI CARSON Co Mrs Elizabeth Harrison and daugh- ter ¬ Miss Nary of Henderson are visiting friends near Sulphur Springs Mr Henry Hardwlck of Memphis Tenn visited his brother here Mr W G Hardwlch Saturday and Sun ¬ day Tills Mary Lamar of Owensboro who has been visiting the family of S K Cox returned home Wed nesdI Mr David Axton a wealthy citizen of Rockport Indiana died February a6th Mr Axton was formerly a clt zen of Ohio county See Sam Bachs large ad In TUB REPUBLICAN today Nice goods and great bargains ire to be had at his big store on bank row Muter Roy Heavrin who has been in Louisville for several weeks hav- Ing his eyes treated Has returned home much Improved Mr Henry Williams has sold his residence property at Narrows to DrJ H Maxwell Dr Maxwell is at pres ¬ ent an unmarried man Mr and Mrs R K Bean and little son Dewey of Sulphur Springs vis- Ited ¬ Mrs Beans parents in Owens ¬ boro the first of the week R T Collins the tailors agent will make yonr new spring stilt or pants and guarantee a fit See sam- ples ¬ at his cold storage plant If you need Letterheads Envelopes Statements Cards Posters Etc send ns yonr order Clean print newest stylesand the best material Superintendent Jas DeWeese and Mr Lon Rotes went up to Frankfort Sunday to witness the closing exer cases of the General Assembly HE FEARED HE HAD LOST When Wn Ting Fang the famous Chin ee ItinUterlto Waahinl irritabU and somewhat Wfgetful from a severe cold mlM l one day from the front of bit cap the Immense diamond he always wears there be was dreadfully frightened A friend pointed out that the Ut sman had inad vertently donned his turban wrong side before and that the diamond was sate In the rear Had Wn Ting yang been wear Ing a Bensons YerousTlaster on his chest or bark to care his cold be never would hare doubted 1U location He would have felt It doing IU workawannlng and mak lug flexible the torpid muacles extracting the pain and soreness promoting the free circulation of the blood stimulating the skin and to proper action and eo Hunting and banishing the malady Thus we pereelrebeloTed friends that THE III DIAMOND ON HIS HAT while apretty thing to look upon was of BO practical UIo But Bensons Plasters w 111ez none and en gent neuralgia colds on the cheat lamWback etc 10 quickly and completely as to make you wonder hoW lMrrlXlllr be JLUdrngglsUorwewlUpreparppsU aee on Sta est reed YotedSa tlssRsr7 UObIft tdk ohmafi6l N1f Mr J H Davis of TIY was In I town yesterday Wr William Coots of Sunnydtlr was In town yesterday Mr Clarence DeWeese of Trisler I was in town yesterday Mr C L Morton of Centertown was In Hartford yesterday Miss Nettie Anderson has accepted a position with Mrs Sara Collln Smith Mr Sam Cox jr went to Owens bow Wednesday on a business trip and returned yesterday Attorney J E Davidson and fami ly are visiting Mrs Davidsons fath- er Esquire P H Allord near Horse Branch Rev Lawhorn assisted by Rev T C Duvall of Calhoon will begin a protracted meeting atlolt Vernon Church Sunday- Superintendent Jas DeWeese was called Thursday to the bedside of his brother Charlie DeWeese who is very sick of pneumonia Master James Barbour Williams ar ¬ rived Saturday March 15 at 730 to be the guest of his parents Mr and Mrs James H Williams Mr John Manker died of consump- tion st his home near Westerfield Wednesday and was burled at Union Grove Cemetery yesterday MrZI Black Rockport lada large dealer in timber is prospecting Iin Ohio county this week Mr Black while in townis stopping at the Hart- ford House Mrs Howard Ellis returned Wed- nesday from Bowling Green where she spent a few days with her hus- band who is attending Cherry Bros Commercial School All accounts due this paper on sub ¬ scription must be settled at once This action is made necessary because ol the recent change In the ownership of the paper Fair warning Master Roy Forrester has accepted a position in the mechanical depart- ment of TUB REPUDLiCAp Roy is a bright Industrious boy and Is learn- ing ¬ rapidly the printers art Mr and Mrs A C Taylor and baby went to Owensboro Wednesday Mr Taylor returned yesterday and Mrs Taylor and baby will remain several days visiting relatives Circuit Court adjourned Monday after a sitting of two weeks with the docket well cleared This is the first time a three weeks term of court has completed its work in so short a time Mr Tom Butler of Shreve was In Hartford Monday Mr Butler laughs over the innny incidents of his recent race for Sheriff as pleasantly as if he had won it and this is the sort of spirit the public admire Mr Hayden Russell died at his home at Westerfield Tuesday ot pneu monia fever and was buried Wednes day at Union Grove burying ground Mrs Hayden is very low of pneu ¬ monia and is not expected to live For your new spring suit see R T Collins at his cold storage plant He is agent lor the best tailormade clothing houses in the country and will give you a perfect fit at a most reasonable price All work strictly firstclass I The Board ol Pension Examiners met in Dr S J Weddings office here Wednesday all the members pres ¬ ent and examined Silas W Jones of Centertown Carrol Bradley of Butler county and Oliver ol Mnhlen berg county Mrs Lou Dennis mother of Buck and Columbus Dennis died at her residence near Prentls Sunday morn- ing and was burled Monday in the Gentry burying ground Mrs Den- nis ¬ was eightytwo years bid and her death was due chiefly to old age Mr H P Taylor was called to Louisville Monday on the account ot sickness of his daughter Miss Sallie who is attending the Girls High School in that city Was Sallie had a severe attack ol measles but is very much Improved at this writing The Rough River Telephone Com ¬ pany is again in touch with Owens borotielng connected with the Har ¬ rJson Telephone Exchange at that place Parties wishing to talk to Owensboro can do so over the home line Patronize home people wh n you can D M HOCKHR Mgr Mr A J Williams vacated the Commercial Hotel yesterday and the famous old holstery has performed its last service Mr Jno CJRiley who has bought that property will begin pulling down the old building at once preparatory to the erection of 0 5000 business house on the lot Success in the past guarantees that all tailormade work done by R T Collins will be satisfactory both In workmanship and price Give him your order for any kind ot clothing you may need made to your order troth samples of your own selection Call at his cold storage plant Hart- ford ¬ We are Indebted to Mr David C Allen oi Roslnefor a copy of the New York Herald of April 15 1865 The paper has been well preserved and gives a detailed account of the asses ¬ sination oi President Lincoln and the assault upon Secretary Seward the night before Mr Allen was at that date a Union soldier end bought the paper the next day liter Its publics ¬ tbs Dr A P Stanley Is on the eek list Mr W M Htflln of Benin was I in town yesterday Mite Artie Wilson was a pleasan I caller at this office yesterday Mr B P Bennett and Miss Annie Tlcbenor were married at the brides residence near Hartford yesterday Mr Wilburn Tlnsley will open n- an extensive new stock ot Hardwar e next week In the building recently vacated by Carson Co Mr W B Benson and Miss Dora Keown were married yesterday by Rev G J Bean the wedding oc- curred outhe street In front of the court house the nuptial pair occupy- Ing a buggy during tbe ceremony The large residence property near Muddy bridge on the Beaver Dam road occupied by Mr Buck Collins burned Monday afternoon There was no one at the house when it caught fire and Mr Colons lost al ¬ most all of his household goods The house it is supposed look fire from a defective grate Loss of building and contents about 2000 No Insurance The Bank of Hartfords big Mosler screw door fiveton safe was brought over from Beaver Dam and put In place in the Bank building yesterday The new sale Is the very best that money could buy and is guaranteed to withstand the efforts o f the most artful cracksmen of the profession The new sale and the ample burglar insurance the Bank ot Hartford car ¬ ries makes it an absolutely safe place lor the deposit ol cash In the contested election case ol Wade vs Black 8 A Anderson and R It L Slmmerman were appointed commissioners to open the ballot boxes of all the precincts and recount the ballots and the committee began Its work Monday Up to the tlmeol going to press eleven ballot boxes had been opened aqd counted and Black had made a net gain of three votes The recount will not be completed before Monday or Tuesday of next week Attorneys C M Barnett and Ernest Woodward are representing Black and J S Glenn and Gi B Lik ens are representing Wade Tbe joint debate between the Adel phlans of Hartford College and the Vbllomstbeons of West Kentucky Seminary Beaver Dam will take place at Beaver Dam on April 4th The question for debate will be Re- solved that the United States should retain the Philippine Islands The Adelphlans will defend the affirmative side of question The participants in the debate from Adelphlans are E W Patterson PC Miller and Robert H Miller from Beaver Dam Jc Hoheimer G W White and Lon K Mllburn The people ol Hartford should attend and encourage the boys X precocious yonng Ohio count f man who has seen much of the- world and had a varied experience including a divorce for onesoyonng was paying court recently to a wealthy young lady of an Eastern city when an untimely postal card played havoc with his plans The young man bad occasion to be absent from the aforesaid Eastern city for a few days and very naturally asked Bis sweetheart to receive and care forbid mall during his absence In the meantime the precocious one had been granted a decree of divorce by the Ohio Circuit Court and his attor ¬ ney incautiously notified him ol the fact by postal card which the wealthy young lady in a cold and Informal way presented to him upon his re ¬ turn Notices of divorce like duns should be legislated off of postal cards On account Confederate Reunion Dallas Texas April sand to 25th round trip tickets will be sold from Beaver Dam to Dallas at rate oi 1630 for round trib Tickets on sale April 18 19 and 20 limited to return April 30 An extension may be obtained until May 15 1902 upon payment of fee of 50 cents S A VANMKTRR Agent M SCHROADER SCHOOL HOUSEKY March aoRev Romans filled his appointment at this placeTss Snift dayMr Pete Kessinger is building a new dwelling house at this place Miss Minnie Raley and Mr Willie Moore were quietly married at the IaltSunday Mr Lee Jones has about completed a fine dwelling house for Mr Wm Potts near this place There was a musical entertainment given at the residence of Mr J H Grays last Saturday night which wads highly enjoyed by all that were presentMr Dever happened with very bad luck a few days ago He was riding across a creek when his horse became frightened and threw him on and ruined a one gold watch for him Plow BOY OAJSVOX1XAB- ean toIts KM Yet JliaWnjs tt Upstate Y of Notice to Subscribers Kindly notice the labelon your paper and if your tim hits expired please send i your renewal Remember it takes money to run a newspa ¬ p youn i > Nothing Tastes GoodA- nd eating Is slmply perfunctory done because It must be This Is the common complaint of the dyspeptic If eating sparingly would cure dys ¬ longP way cure which Is difficult digestion Is to give vigor and tone to the stomach and the whole digestive system Hoods Saruparllla eared the niece of Prank Far roe N St South Boston Mass who writes that she had been a treat sufferer from drspepsla for six ream had bier with- out ¬ appetite and had been troubled sour stomach and headache She had tried many other medicines In vain Two bottles of Hoods Sariaparllla made her well Hoda Sarsmpmrlllm Promises to cure and keeps the promise Dont wait till you lUll worse but buy a bottle today JAKE INDICTED Grand Jury Calls Commonwealth Attorney to Account for Drunkenness While on Duty The recent grand jury demonstrat ¬ ed Its fitness to serve the purpose for whichthe law contemplates Its exis ¬ tence by work exemplifying the high ¬ est moral courage and the wisest dis ¬ cretion The criminal neglect of duty upon the part oi the Commonwealths Attorney for some years past has been a notorious fact yet not until the recent term of court have we had a grand jury in the Ohio Circuit Court with courage enough to find an indictment against him At the recent term of court here Cap Davis was on trial charged with the murder of Joseph Miller near Sulphur Springs last spring and it is out of the conduct of Mr Rowe during this trial that the Indictment came about The grand jury sumS moned each of the twelve pettlt ju ¬ rors who sat on the murder trial to testily before it also a couple of attor ¬ neys of the Hartford bar but by a vote of seven to five failed to indict However a couple of days later it took up the case again and returned indictmentNothing conic of the indict- ment ¬ but it serves to express popular sentiment in a very grave matter and attests the courage and good sense of the honest farmers who made up the grand jury Marrla es Mr C C Hartford Dundee to Miss Attella Ford Dundee Mr Willie W Moore Horton to Miss Minnie E Raley Horton Mr N C Hudson Buford to Miss Lola May Cundifi Buford Mr P G Miller McLean county to Miss Laura Malln Beaver Dam Mr Harvey O Hillard Fordsvllle to Miss Minnie Hulse Fordsville Mr Mathew Sadler Westetfield to Miss Prances Hoheimer La Boon Mr Charles Tanner Ralph to Miss Liddje Morgan Ralph A Novel Case About the first of the present year M H Stevens ot Centertown mar ¬ tied a Miss Pedan of near Glasgow since which time Mr Stevens and wife have been living with his father Sometime ago T D Nickols a form ¬ er lover of Miss Pedan came upon the scene and as the report goes gave the newly wedded pair much annoyance by appearing aj the win dows oi the Stevens residence ol nights Friday night It is said Nichols went to Stevens residence end tried tobreak in through a win ¬ dow when the elder Stevens fired on him with a double barrel shotgun and Nichols returned the fire Nicholswas arrested by the Mar- shal ¬ at Centrarcity Monday and the SherlffoMbls county notified Dep- uty Sheriff Jno G Keown brought Nichols over here Tuesday and lodged him in jail We called on Nichols in the jail yesterday and be gave us the follow Tug statement of the Incident My name is T D Nichols I am a6 years old and my home is Oleoak Barren county six miles southeast of Glasgow on theJUrksvllte road Miss Ora Belle Pedan and I had been en ¬ gaged nearly four years M H Stevens nd Miss Pedan married and left Oleoak together on Tuesday be fore she and I were to have been mar ¬ Bed on the Thursday following It was said up there that Stevens had need unusual inducements to get the girl to marry him and believing ht would desert her I decided as I was going to Evansville anyway that I would stop over ndaee about her and ii she had been deserted by her husband as I found she had I would send her back home I went to M H Stevens fathers Wednesday night just alter dark and looked through the windows to see if M H Stevens and his wife were there and not seeing them went away Afterwards decided to go back again and did ro on Friday night When in about thirty yards of the house I found Taylor Stevens M H Stevens lather sitting in the shadow of a tree with a double barrel toe Whenn near flew I had no bad motive in going to Mr Stevens house but only want ¬ ed to see II Ora Belle was there and if she was deserted to send her back home wl kY r + + w+ wV 44 14 tf 4 4 1 SPRING r i OPENINGI 44 1 bri 4 4 bf i Coming Aren t Youtf y 41 bi 41 41 bfr 41 On March 22 we shall have our Spring Opening i > 4in our Now Store We want you to como and bo if- j 4 with that While outdoors sit 4 us on day always swing 4on welcome hinges we particularly want everybody brr i 41 to attend our Spring Opening The whole store i > 1 4 j will bo bright and fresh in Spring attire We want = i 4 t EVERYBODY to see us in our handsome new IjJ 44 4 building and to note how much better prepared bfr bfr J than ever we are to supply the peopleVnoeds New j 41 Goods and enthusiasm everywhere Wo shall try to i > 4 be very gracious hosts to all our callers Wo dont j> 1ask anyone to call for then purpose f buying We = Ii want to show you our b bt 1 Elegant Sping Stock I < ii> 4 < Comprising all the Now Styles in beautiful Clothing J 41 Furnishings Hats Ladies Dress Fabrics Millinery i > j 4 lies lionrbM 4tion wo carry complete lines of Groceries and ri Mini 61 tt 4 turo Our display will be worth to 43 4 want the ladies to come ttob 1 o come nu want the children to come wo want ecry j I 41 body to come just tq make us a friendly call Tho i > 4air and dash of Springtime is all over our storetheblF 41 atmosphere of welcome everywhere We will expect bl r 4ou and you will be well repaid for your visit bf b 4 bfM CARSON coi i 41 b > or4a d 9 Ky a b b t 1rye rM MMMf + MMrrw + MMCMtlr Mf iarvrrrrMrrr7rrr I 0 P PPPP fQ Ooe Oi- et It will pay youto consider the money question l atab9ut expenditures and returns which you needI to consider We will answer them all to your on tire satisfaction We will tell you about good things at right prices and toll you about getting full valuq for every cent you spend with us Wo answer yqur questions with assurance of high quality low prices and courteous treatment i We are suro to got you if you want good goods I at tho right pries t CLOTHINGOur madetomeasuro Cloth ¬ a ing are in And already our regular trado is pre ¬ I paring for tho opening Let us measure you for a nice NEW Spring Suit Perfect fit guaranteed Our readytowear Clothing has just arrived 3anti our Clothing Depart ment is first with the ear ¬ ly Spring Styles Every ¬ thing of latest styles cuts theI of tho purchaser GANWEHAVE YOUR MEASURE THAT DvSUln DRESS GOODS Quito a variety of now Wash Fabrics fur early 0V Spring wear are oh our shelves ready for your in 9fa spection which iiicludes the following Pcrcals m Madras Mercerized Cfiambrays Ginghams Etc Also the greatest line of Embroideries Insertions anti Laces ovor shown in this whole county Ev- erything for the Ladies is right in line with the tIC Ii latest Spring fashions a FARMERSTobacco seed sowing isnowinprog at yourin Grow Wants or Field Seeds Oliver Chilled Plows Ect BROI 444 0 M i- t

ooa i v e it Tastes - University of Kentucky

May 03, 2022



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Page 1: ooa i v e it Tastes - University of Kentucky


V r


kt v + r r



I iiti e

t Saturday Mar 224icWe willopen for triO Inspection of the

of Hartford and yldnlty the pret< I ftIadies of



tom howt il to present od this occasion We will al fso show tho latest fabrics in Wash Goods

oJ t White Goods Woolen Dress Goods r Laces

sIf Embroideries Etc A bigger line a cheap ¬

or line than wo have ever shown beforeA complete lino of McCall Patterns

shown at our Pattern counter Price lOo

and 15c Subscriptions for McCalls Mag¬yearrREMEMBER THE PLACE THE






IT ile

14 Hartford Republicanu tFRIDAY MARCH 2-



a- mWdr a

Call on Carson Bros for groceries

Drink Cocoa delicious SingerOffice

Fresh lot of Cranberries at Stager

OfficeCucumberPlcklea extra line

Singer Office

SherlD Cal P Keown went to Fords ¬

vllle Tuesday

Mrs Leila Dellaven NartowB la-

In town this week

Mr S T Stevens is visiting hisr brother near Cromwell

Mr Silas Taylor ol Wysox calledIn to see ns Wednesday

Fresh Oysters and Celery always onhand at Singer Office

1 Fresh Fish And Oysters served dur ¬

ing court at Singer Office

All kinds of nice Cakes and Crack ¬

ers Iresh at Singer Office ivC R Martin jeweler and watch ¬

makerat Williams drugstore

Free delivery ot all goods boughtfrom Canon Co Rough River

f phone ° No 6J Cumberland No 192

The rigor of winter wjrt sotsbe over

Mtisinttr days abudJBright things In store for tilBrightest thins In tens Dress

k jCads that we have ever shownor seenCome and look at themSOO

patterns for the Spring and Sum-mer Just received from Theloyal Tailors Chicago U S A

>r e 0Everything made to your meas

I ureall the time never other



ft f t It t1tt111P tit IfPWtTJ





Call on Carson Bra for seed pota ¬


our Mince Meatso alceSinger Office

Mr C BB Felix Olaton was Jntown Monday I


IIltchlBj room free at B B CollinsCos stable

Mr Frank HicketLivermore was1st town yesterday

Mr R XBoyd of Horse Branchwas IB I

Groceries of all kinds at the lowestprices at Carson Cos I

Nlcert and freshet line of Candlesin HftrtJord atSIoger Office

Use Gripennta and Poetam Coueellid getwtl +dkngtr ORfce

Mr Wetter Cate of SulphurSpring war in town Wednesday

This is neither a stuck Hp nor acheap to1eCAsM Be Co

We sell as low u we tall rather ashigh a> we might CARSON Co

Every pune can find here a suit tofit It CAKSON Be Co

Oar beat salesman U a bargainTry him sad see CAXBOM Be Co

Orange Lemons Bananas PearsCocoanuts and Apple at Singer Office

ilra H L Thomas of SulphurSpring is yeryj rof lung trouble

Remember you tall get the nicestHot Lunch in Hartford at Singer Ol

froatBorn to the wife of N M Taylor

of Wysox 1 Saturday a ten poundboy +Mr Nick Webster Olaton is go-

ing to move to Brecklnrldge countysoon

Mr Loa Roger la pending a few

days with lila brother Emerson nearCromwell I-

CaUon Carson Bros at their new

otoreond be snplled With the belt themarket affords

Rev I c Petriela at Brazil Jifd

this week visiting his son MrThom Petrie

Commonwealths Attorney J Ed ¬

win Rowe lelt for his home at Owens

boro Wednesday

MrWm Comb ot Adabnrir hassold his tarn and will move to BeaverDam this spring

Our flour Is of the best patent sadthe lowest price in tewn


Cream Brick and LlmbnrgerCheese Bologna Sausage and Bone-

less Him at Stager Office

Mr Arthur Bnsklll a member o

CrawleyLonlelwa1I o t

HealthII For 25 years I hive never

missed taking Ayers SarsaparillmybloodwayJohnNY

Pure and rich bloodcarries new life to every

of the Youare invigoratedrefreshedYou feel anxious to beactive You become strongstcadycourageous Thatswhat Ayers Sarsaparillawill do for you

ILMaMtli AIIrafilalL

Ayeraarnpdtlaold firallr iDw will bnndJ Tin Co Lowell Uui

A carnival of low prices at ourstore CARSON Be Co

There is no best in town it it is notfound here CARsoN Co

Have R T Collins make you a newsuit for Raster See samples at coldstorage plant

Ames Buggies the best on themarket for sale by A C TaylorHartford KY

Mr Rudolph Geeseling of Owensboro visited Irlends in Hartford thefirst of the week

Call on A C Taylor LiverymanHartford Ky for sprclal bargains inBuggies and WagonsI

Mrs Julia P Kirby has gone out toNarrows to spend a few days with herson Mr Eugene Kirby

Carson Bros have moved into theirInew store second door from Bank ofHartford Call and see them

We want all your produce the high-est market price will be paid you-

CARSON Cowagons BnggtesPhaetons Surries

and all other kinds of vehicles forsale by A C Taylor Hartford Ky

What trade we have we hold whatwe havent got were alter


Mr Ben D Ringo has returned to-

Ms duties as Chairman of the StateBoard of Equalization at Frank tort

We dont promise the earth for adollar We are here to think of yourinterests CARSON Co

Wadding Suits a specialtyMadeto your orderguaranteed to fit

R T COUJNS Tailors Agt

Our patrons wear smiles along wrthItheir clothing that they buy hereI


Mrs Elizabeth Harrison and daugh-ter


Miss Nary of Henderson arevisiting friends near Sulphur Springs

Mr Henry Hardwlck of MemphisTenn visited his brother here MrW G Hardwlch Saturday and Sun ¬


Tills Mary Lamar of Owensborowho has been visiting the family of

S K Cox returned home WednesdIMr David Axton a wealthy citizenof Rockport Indiana died Februarya6th Mr Axton was formerly a cltzen of Ohio county

See Sam Bachs large ad In TUBREPUBLICAN today Nice goods andgreat bargains ire to be had at hisbig store on bank row

Muter Roy Heavrin who has beenin Louisville for several weeks hav-

Ing his eyes treated Has returnedhome much Improved

Mr Henry Williams has sold hisresidence property at Narrows to DrJH Maxwell Dr Maxwell is at pres ¬

ent an unmarried man

Mr and Mrs R K Bean and littleson Dewey of Sulphur Springs vis-



Mrs Beans parents in Owens ¬

boro the first of the week

R T Collins the tailors agentwill make yonr new spring stilt orpants and guarantee a fit See sam-



at his cold storage plant

If you need Letterheads EnvelopesStatements Cards Posters Etc send

ns yonr order Clean print newest

stylesand the best material

Superintendent Jas DeWeese andMr Lon Rotes went up to FrankfortSunday to witness the closing exercases of the General Assembly

HE FEARED HE HAD LOSTWhen Wn Ting Fang the famous Chin

ee ItinUterlto Waahinl irritabU andsomewhat Wfgetful from a severe coldmlM l one day from the front of bit cap theImmense diamond he always wears therebe was dreadfully frightened A friendpointed out that the Ut sman had inadvertently donned his turban wrong sidebefore and that the diamond was sate Inthe rear Had Wn Ting yang been wearIng a Bensons YerousTlaster on his chestor bark to care his cold be never wouldhare doubted 1U location He would havefelt It doing IU workawannlng and maklug flexible the torpid muacles extractingthe pain and soreness promoting the freecirculation of the blood stimulating theskin and to proper action and eoHunting and banishing the malady Thuswe pereelrebeloTed friends that


while apretty thing to look upon was ofBO practical UIo But Bensons Plastersw 111ez none anden gent neuralgia coldson the cheat lamWback etc 10 quicklyand completely as to make you wonder hoW

lMrrlXlllrbe JLUdrngglsUorwewlUpreparppsUaee onSta est reed YotedSa

tlssRsr7 UObIft tdk ohmafi6l N1f

Mr J H Davis of TIY was InI

town yesterday

Wr William Coots of Sunnydtlrwas In town yesterday

Mr Clarence DeWeese of TrislerIwas in town yesterday

Mr C L Morton of Centertownwas In Hartford yesterday

Miss Nettie Anderson has accepteda position with Mrs Sara ColllnSmith

Mr Sam Cox jr went to Owensbow Wednesday on a business tripand returned yesterday

Attorney J E Davidson and family are visiting Mrs Davidsons fath-

er Esquire P H Allord near HorseBranch

Rev Lawhorn assisted by Rev TC Duvall of Calhoon will begin aprotracted meeting atlolt VernonChurch Sunday-

Superintendent Jas DeWeese wascalled Thursday to the bedside of hisbrother Charlie DeWeese who isvery sick of pneumonia

Master James Barbour Williams ar ¬

rived Saturday March 15 at 730 tobe the guest of his parents Mr andMrs James H Williams

Mr John Manker died of consump-tion st his home near WesterfieldWednesday and was burled at UnionGrove Cemetery yesterday

MrZI Black Rockport ladalarge dealer in timber is prospecting

Iin Ohio county this week Mr Blackwhile in townis stopping at the Hart-ford House

Mrs Howard Ellis returned Wed-

nesday from Bowling Green whereshe spent a few days with her hus-

band who is attending Cherry BrosCommercial School

All accounts due this paper on sub ¬

scription must be settled at onceThis action is made necessary becauseol the recent change In the ownershipof the paper Fair warning

Master Roy Forrester has accepteda position in the mechanical depart-ment of TUB REPUDLiCAp Roy is abright Industrious boy and Is learn-


rapidly the printers art

Mr and Mrs A C Taylor andbaby went to Owensboro WednesdayMr Taylor returned yesterday andMrs Taylor and baby will remainseveral days visiting relatives

Circuit Court adjourned Mondayafter a sitting of two weeks with thedocket well cleared This is the firsttime a three weeks term of court hascompleted its work in so short a time

Mr Tom Butler of Shreve was InHartford Monday Mr Butler laughsover the innny incidents of his recentrace for Sheriff as pleasantly as if hehad won it and this is the sort ofspirit the public admire

Mr Hayden Russell died at hishome at Westerfield Tuesday ot pneumonia fever and was buried Wednesday at Union Grove burying groundMrs Hayden is very low of pneu ¬

monia and is not expected to live

For your new spring suit see R TCollins at his cold storage plant Heis agent lor the best tailormadeclothing houses in the country andwill give you a perfect fit at a mostreasonable price All work strictlyfirstclass I

The Board ol Pension Examinersmet in Dr S J Weddings office hereWednesday all the members pres¬

ent and examined Silas W Jones of

Centertown Carrol Bradley of Butlercounty and Oliver ol Mnhlenberg county

Mrs Lou Dennis mother of Buckand Columbus Dennis died at herresidence near Prentls Sunday morn-

ing and was burled Monday in theGentry burying ground Mrs Den-


was eightytwo years bid and herdeath was due chiefly to old age

Mr H P Taylor was called toLouisville Monday on the account ot

sickness of his daughter Miss Salliewho is attending the Girls HighSchool in that city Was Sallie hada severe attack ol measles but is verymuch Improved at this writing

The Rough River Telephone Com ¬

pany is again in touch with Owensborotielng connected with the Har ¬

rJson Telephone Exchange at thatplace Parties wishing to talk toOwensboro can do so over the homeline Patronize home people wh nyou can D M HOCKHR Mgr

Mr A J Williams vacated theCommercial Hotel yesterday and thefamous old holstery has performed itslast service Mr Jno CJRiley whohas bought that property will beginpulling down the old building at oncepreparatory to the erection of 0 5000business house on the lot

Success in the past guarantees thatall tailormade work done by R TCollins will be satisfactory both Inworkmanship and price Give himyour order for any kind ot clothingyou may need made to your ordertroth samples of your own selectionCall at his cold storage plant Hart-ford


We are Indebted to Mr David CAllen oi Roslnefor a copy of the NewYork Herald of April 15 1865 Thepaper has been well preserved andgives a detailed account of the asses ¬

sination oi President Lincoln and theassault upon Secretary Seward thenight before Mr Allen was at thatdate a Union soldier end bought thepaper the next day liter Its publics ¬


Dr A P Stanley Is on the eeklist

Mr W M Htflln of Benin wasI in town yesterday

Mite Artie Wilson was a pleasanI caller at this office yesterday

Mr B P Bennett and Miss AnnieTlcbenor were married at the bridesresidence near Hartford yesterday

Mr Wilburn Tlnsley will open n-

an extensive new stock ot Hardwar enext week In the building recentlyvacated by Carson Co

Mr W B Benson and Miss DoraKeown were married yesterday byRev G J Bean the wedding oc-

curred outhe street In front of thecourt house the nuptial pair occupy-

Ing a buggy during tbe ceremony

The large residence property nearMuddy bridge on the Beaver Damroad occupied by Mr Buck Collinsburned Monday afternoon Therewas no one at the house when itcaught fire and Mr Colons lost al ¬

most all of his household goods Thehouse it is supposed look fire from adefective grate Loss of building andcontents about 2000 No Insurance

The Bank of Hartfords big Moslerscrew door fiveton safe was broughtover from Beaver Dam and put Inplace in the Bank building yesterdayThe new sale Is the very best thatmoney could buy and is guaranteedto withstand the efforts of the mostartful cracksmen of the professionThe new sale and the ample burglarinsurance the Bank ot Hartford car¬

ries makes it an absolutely safeplace lor the deposit ol cash

In the contested election case olWade vs Black 8 A Anderson andR It L Slmmerman were appointedcommissioners to open the ballotboxes of all the precincts and recountthe ballots and the committee beganIts work Monday Up to the tlmeolgoing to press eleven ballot boxes hadbeen opened aqd counted and Blackhad made a net gain of three votesThe recount will not be completedbefore Monday or Tuesday of nextweek Attorneys C M Barnett andErnest Woodward are representingBlack and J S Glenn and Gi B Likens are representing Wade

Tbe joint debate between the Adelphlans of Hartford College and theVbllomstbeons of West KentuckySeminary Beaver Dam will takeplace at Beaver Dam on April 4thThe question for debate will be Re-

solved that the United States shouldretain the Philippine Islands TheAdelphlans will defend the affirmativeside of question The participants inthe debate from Adelphlans are EW Patterson PC Miller and RobertH Miller from Beaver Dam JcHoheimer G W White and Lon KMllburn The people ol Hartfordshould attend and encourage the boys

X precocious yonng Ohio count fman who has seen much of the-

world and had a varied experienceincluding a divorce for onesoyonngwas paying court recently to awealthy young lady of an Easterncity when an untimely postal cardplayed havoc with his plans Theyoung man bad occasion to be absentfrom the aforesaid Eastern city for afew days and very naturally asked Bissweetheart to receive and care forbidmall during his absence In themeantime the precocious one hadbeen granted a decree of divorce bythe Ohio Circuit Court and his attor ¬

ney incautiously notified him ol thefact by postal card which the wealthyyoung lady in a cold and Informalway presented to him upon his re ¬

turn Notices of divorce like dunsshould be legislated off of postalcards

On account Confederate ReunionDallas Texas April sand to 25thround trip tickets will be sold fromBeaver Dam to Dallas at rate oi 1630for round trib Tickets on sale April18 19 and 20 limited to return April30 An extension may be obtaineduntil May 15 1902 upon payment offee of 50 cents


SCHROADER SCHOOL HOUSEKYMarch aoRev Romans filled his

appointment at this placeTss Snift

dayMrPete Kessinger is building a

new dwelling house at this placeMiss Minnie Raley and Mr Willie

Moore were quietly married at the

IaltSundayMr Lee Jones has about completed

a fine dwelling house for Mr WmPotts near this place

There was a musical entertainmentgiven at the residence of Mr J HGrays last Saturday night whichwads highly enjoyed by all that were

presentMrDever happened with very

bad luck a few days ago He wasriding across a creek when his horsebecame frightened and threw him on

and ruined a one gold watch for himPlow BOY

OAJSVOX1XAB-eantoIts KM Yet JliaWnjs ttUpstate Y


Notice to SubscribersKindly notice the labelon

your paper and if your tim

hits expired please send i

your renewal Remember ittakes money to run a newspa¬

p youni>

NothingTastes GoodA-

nd eating Is slmply perfunctory

done because It must be

This Is the common complaint of

the dyspeptic

If eating sparingly would cure dys¬longPway cure

which Is difficult digestion Is to givevigor and tone to the stomach and thewhole digestive system

Hoods Saruparllla eared the niece ofPrank Far roe N St South Boston Masswho writes that she had been a treat suffererfrom drspepsla for six ream had bier with-out


appetite and had been troubled sourstomach and headache She had tried manyother medicines In vain Two bottles ofHoods Sariaparllla made her well

Hoda SarsmpmrlllmPromises to cure and keeps thepromise Dont wait till you lUll

worse but buy a bottle today


Grand Jury Calls Commonwealth

Attorney to Account forDrunkenness While

on Duty

The recent grand jury demonstrat ¬

ed Its fitness to serve the purpose for

whichthe law contemplates Its exis ¬

tence by work exemplifying the high ¬

est moral courage and the wisest dis¬

cretion The criminal neglect of dutyupon the part oi the CommonwealthsAttorney for some years past hasbeen a notorious fact yet not untilthe recent term of court have we hada grand jury in the Ohio CircuitCourt with courage enough to find anindictment against him

At the recent term of court hereCap Davis was on trial charged withthe murder of Joseph Miller nearSulphur Springs last spring and itis out of the conduct of Mr Roweduring this trial that the Indictmentcame about The grand jury sumSmoned each of the twelve pettlt ju ¬

rors who sat on the murder trial totestily before it also a couple of attor ¬

neys of the Hartford bar but by avote of seven to five failed to indictHowever a couple of days later ittook up the case again and returned

indictmentNothingconic of the indict-


but it serves to express popularsentiment in a very grave matter andattests the courage and good sense ofthe honest farmers who made up thegrand jury

Marrla esMr C C Hartford Dundee to

Miss Attella Ford DundeeMr Willie W Moore Horton to

Miss Minnie E Raley HortonMr N C Hudson Buford to Miss

Lola May Cundifi BufordMr P G Miller McLean county

to Miss Laura Malln Beaver DamMr Harvey O Hillard Fordsvllle

to Miss Minnie Hulse FordsvilleMr Mathew Sadler Westetfield to

Miss Prances Hoheimer La BoonMr Charles Tanner Ralph to Miss

Liddje Morgan Ralph

A Novel CaseAbout the first of the present year

M H Stevens ot Centertown mar¬

tied a Miss Pedan of near Glasgowsince which time Mr Stevens andwife have been living with his fatherSometime ago T D Nickols a form ¬

er lover of Miss Pedan came uponthe scene and as the report goesgave the newly wedded pair muchannoyance by appearing aj the windows oi the Stevens residence olnights Friday night It is saidNichols went to Stevens residenceend tried tobreak in through a win ¬

dow when the elder Stevens fired onhim with a double barrel shotgun andNichols returned the fire

Nicholswas arrested by the Mar-


at Centrarcity Monday and theSherlffoMbls county notified Dep-uty Sheriff Jno G Keown broughtNichols over here Tuesday and lodgedhim in jail

We called on Nichols in the jailyesterday and be gave us the followTug statement of the Incident

My name is T D Nichols I ama6 years old and my home is OleoakBarren county six miles southeast ofGlasgow on theJUrksvllte road MissOra Belle Pedan and I had been en ¬

gaged nearly four years M HStevens nd Miss Pedan married andleft Oleoak together on Tuesday before she and I were to have been mar¬

Bed on the Thursday following Itwas said up there that Stevens hadneed unusualinducements to get thegirl to marry him and believing htwould desert her I decided as I wasgoing to Evansville anyway that Iwould stop over ndaee about herand ii she had been deserted by herhusband as I found she had I wouldsend her back home

I went to M H Stevens fathersWednesday night just alter dark andlooked through the windows to see ifM H Stevens and his wife werethere and not seeing them wentaway Afterwards decided to goback again and did ro on Fridaynight When in about thirty yardsof the house I found Taylor StevensM H Stevens lather sitting in theshadow of a tree with a double barreltoeWhennnearflew I had no bad motive in goingto Mr Stevens house but only want ¬

ed to see II Ora Belle was there and ifshe was deserted to send her backhome

wl kY r+ + w+wV

4414 tf


1SPRING ri OPENINGI44 1bri44 bf

i Coming Aren t Youtfy

41 bi4141 bfr

41 On March 22 we shall have our Spring Opening i>

4in our Now Store We want you to como and bo if-

j4 with that While outdoors sit4 us on day always swing

4on welcome hinges we particularly want everybodybrr


41 to attend our Spring Opening The whole store i>


j will bo bright and fresh in Spring attire We want = i

4t EVERYBODY to see us in our handsome new IjJ

444 building and to note how much better prepared bfr


J than ever we are to supply the peopleVnoeds New j

41 Goods and enthusiasm everywhere Wo shall try to i>

4 be very gracious hosts to all our callers Wo dont j>1ask anyone to call for then purpose f buying We =Ii want to show you our b


1 Elegant Sping Stock I< ii>

4< Comprising all the Now Styles in beautiful Clothing J41 Furnishings Hats Ladies Dress Fabrics Millinery i> j

4 lies lionrbM4tion wo carry complete lines of Groceries and riMini 61tt

4 turo Our display will be worth to434 want the ladies to come ttob1o

come nu want the children to come wo want ecry jI

41 body to come just tq make us a friendly call Tho i>

4air and dash of Springtime is all over our storetheblF41 atmosphere of welcome everywhere We will expect bl r4ou and you will be well repaid for your visit bf


4 bfM

CARSON coi i

41 b>or4ad9 Kya bbt1rye rM MMMf+MMrrw + MMCMtlr MfiarvrrrrMrrr7rrr

I 0 P PPPPfQ Ooe Oi-


It will pay youto consider the money question l

atab9ut expenditures and returns which you needIto consider We will answer them all to your on

tire satisfaction We will tell you about goodthings at right prices and toll you about gettingfull valuq for every cent you spend with us Wo

answer yqur questions with assurance of highquality low prices and courteous treatment i

We are suro to got you if you want good goods I

at tho right pries


madetomeasuro Cloth ¬a ing are in And already

our regular trado is pre ¬

I paring for tho openingLet us measure you for a

nice NEW Spring SuitPerfect fit guaranteed

Our readytowearClothing has just arrived

3anti our Clothing Department is first with the ear ¬

ly Spring Styles Every¬

thing of latest styles cutstheIof tho purchaser



DRESS GOODSQuito a variety of now Wash Fabrics fur early

0V Spring wear are oh our shelves ready for your in9fa spection which iiicludes the following Pcrcalsm Madras Mercerized Cfiambrays Ginghams Etc

Also the greatest line of Embroideries Insertionsanti Laces ovor shown in this whole county Ev-

erything for the Ladies is right in line with the tIC

Ii latest Spring fashions aFARMERSTobacco seed sowing isnowinprog

at yourin GrowWants

or Field Seeds Oliver Chilled Plows Ect

BROI444 0 M i-
