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Online Membership Brochure

Mar 23, 2016



Luis Cruz

Puerto Rico Convention Bureau Online Membership Brochure
Welcome message from author
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Page 1: Online Membership Brochure


Company to be endorsed

Endorser’s Company Name (Must be a PRCB Member company within your category)

Address City Zip Code

Telephone Fax

Endorser’s Name Title Signature

MEMBERShiP REquiREMENTSA prospect membership application should include the following information and supporting documents:

q Company’s information including: • company name • category of choice • years in the industry • experience – list names of groups and conventions • web page address • e-mail address • business description • collateral material • name(s) of contact person(s) • reasons to join the PRCB Membership

q Endorsement by another active member

q DMC applicants must include two active member endorsements within this category

q Accommodations applicants must provide copy of Puerto Rico Tourism Company’s endorsement

q Certified by Public Service Commission for Ground and Tour Operator applicants

q Liability insurance for Ground and Tour Operators

q Certificate of Puerto Rico’s incorporation

q Recommendation letters

q Corresponding dues payment

q Physical/Local address

This form should be completed and enclosed with the Puerto Rico Convention Bureau Membership Application


For more information, call the Puerto Rico Convention Bureau at 787-725-2110. Or email [email protected]





A N i N v i TAT i O N T O j O i N T h E P u E R T O R i C O C O N v E N T i O N B u R E A u


Smooth idea

Page 2: Online Membership Brochure

we are glad you’re considering joining usAt the Puerto Rico Convention Bureau, we have learned that good things happen when we get together. Through collaboration we generate more business for everyone. So, we thank you for taking the time to find out more about the Bureau. This is a relationship where everyone benefits. And together, we make smooth events happen.

what are “smooth”meetings all about?smooth is our promotional theme that highlights the unique advantages of Puerto Rico and the Bureau as a meetings and conventions destination. why Smooth? Think about the goal of any meeting; there is nothing better than knowing a meeting went smoothly. And no destination does a better job of creating Smooth meetings than Puerto Rico.

The meetings and conventions segment of the tourism industry in Puerto Rico represents: • Two-thirds of the hotel occupancy composed of corporate, group, and convention guests • Approximately $900 million in yearly revenue • $1.2 million direct contribution to hotels, transportation and meeting rooms, among others for a four-day,

500-person convention • $2.1 million induced contribution to the island’s economic development in shopping, restaurants, tour

operators, and other expenditures • Over 75,000 overall tourism direct and indirect jobs

what makes Smooth a strong message is that it relates to Puerto Rico’s culture, tropical weather, upbeat-natured people, relationship with the u.S., budget friendliness and warm Caribbean spirit. All of us (including our member suppliers!) who are responsible for creating a Smooth atmosphere make this a destination and experience like no other.

To that end, we are always looking to grow our membership. The more member-suppliers we have and the more wide-ranging our capabilities, the greater the experience we can deliver for our clients. That’s why we hope you consider becoming a PRCB Member.

T O P R O M O T E A N D D E v E L O P G R O u P / C O N v E N T i O N B u S i N E S S T h R O u G h A

T E A M O F P R O F E S S i O N A L S E x E C u T i N G A N i N T E G R AT E D M A R k E T i N G S T R AT E G y .

T h i S R E S u L T S i N T h E E N h A N C E M E N T O F E C O N O M i C G R O w T h F O R T h E

i S L A N D , T h u S B E N E F i T i N G O u R M E M B E R S A N D B u S i N E S S PA R T N E R S .

T O M A k E P u E R T O R i C O T h E “ P R E F E R R E D M E E T i N G S D E S T i N AT i O N O F

T h E A M E R i C A S ” A N D T O M A k E T h E B u R E A u T h E B E S T D E S T i N AT i O N

M A R k E T i N G O R G A N i Z AT i O N i N T h E w O R L D .

Our mission

Our visiont h e p u e r t o r i c o c o n v e n t i o n b u r e a u

Page 3: Online Membership Brochure

we are glad you’re considering joining usAt the Puerto Rico Convention Bureau, we have learned that good things happen when we get together. Through collaboration we generate more business for everyone. So, we thank you for taking the time to find out more about the Bureau. This is a relationship where everyone benefits. And together, we make smooth events happen.

what are “smooth”meetings all about?smooth is our promotional theme that highlights the unique advantages of Puerto Rico and the Bureau as a meetings and conventions destination. why Smooth? Think about the goal of any meeting; there is nothing better than knowing a meeting went smoothly. And no destination does a better job of creating Smooth meetings than Puerto Rico.

The meetings and conventions segment of the tourism industry in Puerto Rico represents: • Two-thirds of the hotel occupancy composed of corporate, group, and convention guests • Approximately $900 million in yearly revenue • $1.2 million direct contribution to hotels, transportation and meeting rooms, among others for a four-day,

500-person convention • $2.1 million induced contribution to the island’s economic development in shopping, restaurants, tour

operators, and other expenditures • Over 75,000 overall tourism direct and indirect jobs

what makes Smooth a strong message is that it relates to Puerto Rico’s culture, tropical weather, upbeat-natured people, relationship with the u.S., budget friendliness and warm Caribbean spirit. All of us (including our member suppliers!) who are responsible for creating a Smooth atmosphere make this a destination and experience like no other.

To that end, we are always looking to grow our membership. The more member-suppliers we have and the more wide-ranging our capabilities, the greater the experience we can deliver for our clients. That’s why we hope you consider becoming a PRCB Member.

T O P R O M O T E A N D D E v E L O P G R O u P / C O N v E N T i O N B u S i N E S S T h R O u G h A

T E A M O F P R O F E S S i O N A L S E x E C u T i N G A N i N T E G R AT E D M A R k E T i N G S T R AT E G y .

T h i S R E S u L T S i N T h E E N h A N C E M E N T O F E C O N O M i C G R O w T h F O R T h E

i S L A N D , T h u S B E N E F i T i N G O u R M E M B E R S A N D B u S i N E S S PA R T N E R S .

T O M A k E P u E R T O R i C O T h E “ P R E F E R R E D M E E T i N G S D E S T i N AT i O N O F

T h E A M E R i C A S ” A N D T O M A k E T h E B u R E A u T h E B E S T D E S T i N AT i O N

M A R k E T i N G O R G A N i Z AT i O N i N T h E w O R L D .

Our mission

Our visiont h e p u e r t o r i c o c o n v e n t i o n b u r e a u

Page 4: Online Membership Brochure

This is a relationship that benefits everyone. By being a member-supplier of the Bureau, you make Puerto Rico a stronger destination. The more you participate and give of your organization to the greater good, the more successful everyone can become. it is therefore up to all of us to:

• Enhance the image and prestige of the Bureau

• Support its objectives and abide by the PRCB By-Laws

• Pay annual membership investment fees punctually

• Actively seek to increase the Bureau’s membership

• Provide information which may foster the promotion of the meeting and convention business for Puerto Rico

what you can do for the bureauwhen you become an official member-supplier of the Puerto Rico Convention Bureau, you will open a new door to opportunities for your company or organization. For example:

• you will have the chance to invest in the Bureau in order to continue strengthening the meetings and conventions market in Puerto Rico

• you will expand your network by meeting other Bureau members

• you will be in a position to do business with the Bureau

• you will have more exposure to do business with the groups and conventions coming to Puerto Rico thereby giving you the opportunity to grow your business

membership benefitsbusiness toolsSales Leads, PRCB only refers the services of its membership. Convention Update, comprehensive and confidential listing of upcoming conventions (with dates, hotels and contacts) enabling members to solicit business.

promotion & marKetingMembership & Suppliers Directory, listing used among our meeting planners, Ambassador Program and other members. PRCB Events, participation in familiarization trips, tradeshows, client functions, and sales/promotional events such as road shows and sales blitzes. Sponsorship Opportunities, providing direct exposure of your company’s services to meeting planners. Printed Material, your company’s information in related Bureau’s collateral and in some industry related publications.

resources & informationMeeting Planners Feedback Program, information provided by clients regarding their experience in P.R. winners are selected (hotels and suppliers) based on highest rating. Privileged Information, on-line access to industry-related information in the members area only of Business and Market Development Plan, on-line tool to plan and identify your yearly group and convention business strategies. Annual Report, a comprehensive manual with the PRCB’s annual production results, strategies, and statement of activities.

networKThe Meet & Deal, monthly event where members have the opportunity to get acquainted, while prospecting for additional business opportunities. Meet the Member/Supplier Meetings, members are invited to do a comprehensive presentation of their services to the Bureau team with the objective to become knowledgeable of the member’s products and services.

prestigeEndorsement, use of the PRCB logo in your promotional and collateral material. Distinctive Plaque identifies your business as an endorsed supplier of the PRCB.

support assistance & orientationBureau members receive support and assistance for bringing groups or conventions to Puerto Rico. All members can contact the PRCB to facilitate the solution of industry-related stalemates affecting local meeting and conventions business, as well as the overall hospitality industry. Consider us your business partner; we are just a phone call away.

educationEducational Seminars, opportunity to attend PRCB-organized professional seminars throughout the year. Annual Membership Meeting, annual event with comprehensive updates on Bureau results in selling and promoting Puerto Rico as a meetings and conventions destination.

what the bureau can do for you

Page 5: Online Membership Brochure

This is a relationship that benefits everyone. By being a member-supplier of the Bureau, you make Puerto Rico a stronger destination. The more you participate and give of your organization to the greater good, the more successful everyone can become. it is therefore up to all of us to:

• Enhance the image and prestige of the Bureau

• Support its objectives and abide by the PRCB By-Laws

• Pay annual membership investment fees punctually

• Actively seek to increase the Bureau’s membership

• Provide information which may foster the promotion of the meeting and convention business for Puerto Rico

what you can do for the bureauwhen you become an official member-supplier of the Puerto Rico Convention Bureau, you will open a new door to opportunities for your company or organization. For example:

• you will have the chance to invest in the Bureau in order to continue strengthening the meetings and conventions market in Puerto Rico

• you will expand your network by meeting other Bureau members

• you will be in a position to do business with the Bureau

• you will have more exposure to do business with the groups and conventions coming to Puerto Rico thereby giving you the opportunity to grow your business

membership benefitsbusiness toolsSales Leads, PRCB only refers the services of its membership. Convention Update, comprehensive and confidential listing of upcoming conventions (with dates, hotels and contacts) enabling members to solicit business.

promotion & marKetingMembership & Suppliers Directory, listing used among our meeting planners, Ambassador Program and other members. PRCB Events, participation in familiarization trips, tradeshows, client functions, and sales/promotional events such as road shows and sales blitzes. Sponsorship Opportunities, providing direct exposure of your company’s services to meeting planners. Printed Material, your company’s information in related Bureau’s collateral and in some industry related publications.

resources & informationMeeting Planners Feedback Program, information provided by clients regarding their experience in P.R. winners are selected (hotels and suppliers) based on highest rating. Privileged Information, on-line access to industry-related information in the members area only of Business and Market Development Plan, on-line tool to plan and identify your yearly group and convention business strategies. Annual Report, a comprehensive manual with the PRCB’s annual production results, strategies, and statement of activities.

networKThe Meet & Deal, monthly event where members have the opportunity to get acquainted, while prospecting for additional business opportunities. Meet the Member/Supplier Meetings, members are invited to do a comprehensive presentation of their services to the Bureau team with the objective to become knowledgeable of the member’s products and services.

prestigeEndorsement, use of the PRCB logo in your promotional and collateral material. Distinctive Plaque identifies your business as an endorsed supplier of the PRCB.

support assistance & orientationBureau members receive support and assistance for bringing groups or conventions to Puerto Rico. All members can contact the PRCB to facilitate the solution of industry-related stalemates affecting local meeting and conventions business, as well as the overall hospitality industry. Consider us your business partner; we are just a phone call away.

educationEducational Seminars, opportunity to attend PRCB-organized professional seminars throughout the year. Annual Membership Meeting, annual event with comprehensive updates on Bureau results in selling and promoting Puerto Rico as a meetings and conventions destination.

what the bureau can do for you

Page 6: Online Membership Brochure

For more information, please visit the membership section on our website:

welcome to the bureau, we need you

Puerto Rico Convention BureauMember Affairs DepartmentEdificio Ochoa500 Tanca Suite 402San juan, PR 00901-1942T: 787-725-2110 F: 787-725-2133 E: [email protected]

The application must be completed in full, including the appropriate endorsement(s), and submitted with the membership investment fee.

Application for the Membership Program will be considered for approval by the Puerto Rico Convention Bureau Board of Directors. in evaluating the application, the Board, will take into consideration the recognition of the applicant and its representatives in the business community at large, among other factors. upon ratification by the Board of Directors, new members will receive written notification. Should the application be rejected, the membership investment fee will be refunded in full.

contact us

membership categoriesAC C OM MO DAT i O N Shotels/Resorts • 51-125 rooms $625 • 126-150 rooms per room $6 • 151-200 rooms per room $7 • 201-350 rooms per room $13hotels with Meeting Space • up to 20,000 sq.ft per room $20 • over 20,000 sq.ft per room $21Small inns $250

ART S / C u LT u RE • Art Galleries/Museums $350 • Artists/Painters $350 • Typical Arts & Crafts/Goods/Coffee $350 • Theater/Ticketing $350

C i v i C M E M B E R S • Association/Chambers $350 • Government Entities $350 • Non Profit Organizations $350

C O N v E N T i O N / M E E T i N G S E Rv i C E S • Air Freight/Packaging/Shipping Couriers $600 • Attractions/Theme Parks $350 • Audio visual $800 • Catering $350 • Communications Equipment & Services $350 • Computers Rental/Data Processing/Audience

Response/Registration/housing $600 • Destination Management Companies $800 • Eco Tourism/Extreme Tours $350 • Event Coordinators/Meeting Planners $350 • Event Management Companies $800 • Exposition & Tradeshow Contractors $800 • Fine Pastries/Sweets & Baked Goods/Specialty

Eateries $350 • Flowers/Decorations $350 • Foreign Languages Specialists $350 • Fireworks/Lasers $600 • Fulfillment Services/warehouse $350 • Linen, Tables & Chair Rental $350 • Lighting/Sounds Effects $350 • Medical Services/hospitals $350 • Musicians/Bands/Orchestras/variety, Typical &

Entertainment Shows $350 • Music & Entertainment Promoters $600 • Nightclubs/Nightlife $350 • Office Supply & Rental $350 • Photographers $350 • Professional & individuals $350 • Promotional Specialties/Awards/Trophies $350

• Recreation/health Spa/wellness Program $350 • Security $350 • Signs/Displays/Graphics & Printing $350 • Speakers/ workshops/Seminars $350 • Temp Staffing/Employment Services $350 • Tours/Ground Operators/Charters $350 • Training & Teambuilding Companies $350 • Travel Agencies $350 • video/Tv Production $800 • web Casting/internet Services $350 • wedding Planner $350 C O R P O RAT E • Accounting Firms $600 • Advertising Agencies/Public Relations $600 • Architects/Engineers/Contractors $600 • Banks/Financial institutions $600 • Distributors $600 • Educational institutions $600 • hotel Development Companies $600 • insurance Agencies $600 • Law Firms $600 • Management & Consulting Companies $600 • Manufacturers $600 • Media & Publications $600 • Real Estate/Relocation Services $600

D i N i N G • Restaurants $350

R E TA i L • Bookstores/Specialty Stores $350 • Drugstores $350 • Shopping/Department Stores $350

S PO RT S • Associations/Federations $350 • Fishing $350 • Golf $350 • Facilities $350 • horseback Riding/Stables $350 • water Sports & Tours $350 • Sports Promoter $350

T RA N S PORTAT i O N • Aircraft Charters/helicopters $800 • Airlines $1,100 • Car/van Rental $600 • Limousine & Chauffeur Services $350

v E N u E S • Banquet & Meeting Facilities/Convention

Center $350

MEMBERShiP APPLiCATiON Company Name years in the industry

Telephone Fax

web Page Toll Free

Company E-mail

Physical Address

Postal Address

Experience – List names of groups and/or conventions

Please select a category (refer to membership categories list) Company description for directory and website (Please use 60 words or less)



Additional Company information: q Logo (jpg format) q Photo (jpg format) q Promotional Materials

Reason to join: q Marketing Exposure q Prestige q Networking q industry Support q Business Opportunities


q Check #: q visa q Mastercard q AMEx # Exp. Date:

Cardholder’s Signature: Date: (Membership is not transferable and renewal will be automatic on annual basis at the beginning of each fiscal year, July 1st.)

Applicant’s Signature: Date:





Page 7: Online Membership Brochure

For more information, please visit the membership section on our website:

welcome to the bureau, we need you

Puerto Rico Convention BureauMember Affairs DepartmentEdificio Ochoa500 Tanca Suite 402San juan, PR 00901-1942T: 787-725-2110 F: 787-725-2133 E: [email protected]

The application must be completed in full, including the appropriate endorsement(s), and submitted with the membership investment fee.

Application for the Membership Program will be considered for approval by the Puerto Rico Convention Bureau Board of Directors. in evaluating the application, the Board, will take into consideration the recognition of the applicant and its representatives in the business community at large, among other factors. upon ratification by the Board of Directors, new members will receive written notification. Should the application be rejected, the membership investment fee will be refunded in full.

contact us

membership categoriesAC C OM MO DAT i O N Shotels/Resorts • 51-125 rooms $625 • 126-150 rooms per room $6 • 151-200 rooms per room $7 • 201-350 rooms per room $13hotels with Meeting Space • up to 20,000 sq.ft per room $20 • over 20,000 sq.ft per room $21Small inns $250

ART S / C u LT u RE • Art Galleries/Museums $350 • Artists/Painters $350 • Typical Arts & Crafts/Goods/Coffee $350 • Theater/Ticketing $350

C i v i C M E M B E R S • Association/Chambers $350 • Government Entities $350 • Non Profit Organizations $350

C O N v E N T i O N / M E E T i N G S E Rv i C E S • Air Freight/Packaging/Shipping Couriers $600 • Attractions/Theme Parks $350 • Audio visual $800 • Catering $350 • Communications Equipment & Services $350 • Computers Rental/Data Processing/Audience

Response/Registration/housing $600 • Destination Management Companies $800 • Eco Tourism/Extreme Tours $350 • Event Coordinators/Meeting Planners $350 • Event Management Companies $800 • Exposition & Tradeshow Contractors $800 • Fine Pastries/Sweets & Baked Goods/Specialty

Eateries $350 • Flowers/Decorations $350 • Foreign Languages Specialists $350 • Fireworks/Lasers $600 • Fulfillment Services/warehouse $350 • Linen, Tables & Chair Rental $350 • Lighting/Sounds Effects $350 • Medical Services/hospitals $350 • Musicians/Bands/Orchestras/variety, Typical &

Entertainment Shows $350 • Music & Entertainment Promoters $600 • Nightclubs/Nightlife $350 • Office Supply & Rental $350 • Photographers $350 • Professional & individuals $350 • Promotional Specialties/Awards/Trophies $350

• Recreation/health Spa/wellness Program $350 • Security $350 • Signs/Displays/Graphics & Printing $350 • Speakers/ workshops/Seminars $350 • Temp Staffing/Employment Services $350 • Tours/Ground Operators/Charters $350 • Training & Teambuilding Companies $350 • Travel Agencies $350 • video/Tv Production $800 • web Casting/internet Services $350 • wedding Planner $350 C O R P O RAT E • Accounting Firms $600 • Advertising Agencies/Public Relations $600 • Architects/Engineers/Contractors $600 • Banks/Financial institutions $600 • Distributors $600 • Educational institutions $600 • hotel Development Companies $600 • insurance Agencies $600 • Law Firms $600 • Management & Consulting Companies $600 • Manufacturers $600 • Media & Publications $600 • Real Estate/Relocation Services $600

D i N i N G • Restaurants $350

R E TA i L • Bookstores/Specialty Stores $350 • Drugstores $350 • Shopping/Department Stores $350

S PO RT S • Associations/Federations $350 • Fishing $350 • Golf $350 • Facilities $350 • horseback Riding/Stables $350 • water Sports & Tours $350 • Sports Promoter $350

T RA N S PORTAT i O N • Aircraft Charters/helicopters $800 • Airlines $1,100 • Car/van Rental $600 • Limousine & Chauffeur Services $350

v E N u E S • Banquet & Meeting Facilities/Convention

Center $350

MEMBERShiP APPLiCATiON Company Name years in the industry

Telephone Fax

web Page Toll Free

Company E-mail

Physical Address

Postal Address

Experience – List names of groups and/or conventions

Please select a category (refer to membership categories list) Company description for directory and website (Please use 60 words or less)



Additional Company information: q Logo (jpg format) q Photo (jpg format) q Promotional Materials

Reason to join: q Marketing Exposure q Prestige q Networking q industry Support q Business Opportunities


q Check #: q visa q Mastercard q AMEx # Exp. Date:

Cardholder’s Signature: Date: (Membership is not transferable and renewal will be automatic on annual basis at the beginning of each fiscal year, July 1st.)

Applicant’s Signature: Date:





Page 8: Online Membership Brochure


Company to be endorsed

Endorser’s Company Name (Must be a PRCB Member company within your category)

Address City Zip Code

Telephone Fax

Endorser’s Name Title Signature

MEMBERShiP REquiREMENTSA prospect membership application should include the following information and supporting documents:

q Company’s information including: • company name • category of choice • years in the industry • experience – list names of groups and conventions • web page address • e-mail address • business description • collateral material • name(s) of contact person(s) • reasons to join the PRCB Membership

q Endorsement by another active member

q DMC applicants must include two active member endorsements within this category

q Accommodations applicants must provide copy of Puerto Rico Tourism Company’s endorsement

q Certified by Public Service Commission for Ground and Tour Operator applicants

q Liability insurance for Ground and Tour Operators

q Certificate of Puerto Rico’s incorporation

q Recommendation letters

q Corresponding dues payment

q Physical/Local address

This form should be completed and enclosed with the Puerto Rico Convention Bureau Membership Application


For more information, call the Puerto Rico Convention Bureau at 787-725-2110. Or email [email protected]





A N i N v i TAT i O N T O j O i N T h E P u E R T O R i C O C O N v E N T i O N B u R E A u


Smooth idea