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  • 8/12/2019 ONGC CSR Final










  • 8/12/2019 ONGC CSR Final



    This project aims to offer a preliminary case study exploration of the Corporate

    Social Responsibility (CSR) issues being addressed and reported by i!hil "imaye the


    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the commitment of business to

    contribute to sustainable economic de$elopment% &or!ing &ith employees% their families%

    the local community and society at large to impro$e 'uality of life% in &ays that are both

    good for business and good for de$elopment#

    lthough the contemporary CSR agenda is maturing% the term CSR has not yet

    ta!en hold &ithin many public sector agencies% either in industrial or de$eloping

    countries# e& go$ernment initiati$es ha$e been underta!en explicitly as pro*CSR

    initiati$es but nonetheless many ha$e contributed effecti$ely to the promotion of greater

    social responsibility#

    There is a significant opportunity for public sector bodies in de$eloping countries

    to harness current enthusiasm for CSR alongside !ey public policy goals and priorities

    to encourage deli$ery of results in both respects#


  • 8/12/2019 ONGC CSR Final



    o boo! is entirely created by an indi$idual# ,any people ha$e helped to create

    this boo! and each of their contribution has been $aluable# The timely completion of this

    boo! is mainly due to the interest and persuasion of -rof# .li/abeth# 0e ta!e this

    opportunity to than! her for his guidance% support and the faith she has sho&n to us#

    0e &ould li!e to than! -rof# ilesh ,anore% ead and co*coordinator for his

    $aluable ad$ice gi$en time to time# 0e &ould also than! Teaching and on*Teaching

    staff of Computer 2epartment for allo&ing us to use computers% internet and printers

    &hene$er re'uired#

    0e than! ,r#3adade our 2irector for loo!ing after our &or! and for gi$ing$aluable comments#

    inally% it is only &hen one &rites a boo! that one reali/es the po&er of ,icrosoft

    0ord% from grammar chec!s to replace*alls# 4t is simple 5 &ithout this soft&are% this

    boo! &ould not be &ritten# Than! you ,icrosoft Corporation6


  • 8/12/2019 ONGC CSR Final


    E&"c't" S'%%ar*:

    -age o#

    bstract +c!no&ledgement 7

    .xecuti$e Summary 8

    Certificate of ppro$al 9

    Chapter*1 4ntroduction to :il and 3as 4ndustry ;**=F to +77#9F mmtoe in +=11*1+#

    s per the ?- Statistical Re$ie& of 0orld .nergy% +==;% 4ndias primary

    commercial energy consumption (including coal% oil and gas) &as 8+7 mmtoe in +==;%

    ma!ing it the fourth largest consumer in the &orld &ith a four per cent share of the global

    primary commercial energy consumption# The primary commercial energy consumption

    in 4ndia gre& at a compound annual gro&th rate (C3R) of 8#9 per cent during 1 to 77#*=F#


  • 8/12/2019 ONGC CSR Final


    G!oba! R"+nn$ /'b

    4ndia is emerging as the global hub for oil refining as it enjoys competiti$e cost

    ad$antage% &ith capital costs lo&er by as much as +9 to 9= per cent o$er other sian


    lready% the fifth largest country in the &orld in terms of refining capacity (up from


  • 8/12/2019 ONGC CSR Final


    R"ta! S"ctor

    The surge in automobile sales has led to significant in$estments being made to

    de$elop and expand the petroleum retail mar!et# ccording to DS*based consultancy

    @eystone% automobile sales &hich number about a million $ehicles is li!ely to gro& to

    about += million a year by +=7=% ma!ing 4ndia% the third largest automobile mar!et in the


    Conse'uently% many companies ha$e stepped up in$estments to expand their

    retail net&or!# or example% 4ndian :il Corporation (4:C)% ?harat -etroleum

    Corporation (?-C") and industan -etroleum Corporation (-C") together are planning

    to open o$er 7%=== retail outlets this financial year as against +%=== outlets opened last

    year# Similarly% Reliance plans to build ;%=== ser$ices stations#


    3as demand in 4ndia is dominated by the po&er and fertili/er sectors &hich

    account for ;; per cent of the current consumption# 4n +==;% the total gas demand &as

    estimated to be 19+ million standard cubic metres per day (,,SC,2)# The gas demand

    is projected to gro& at a C3R of F#; per cent during +==>*=F to +=1;*1> to reach a

    le$el of 7+= mmscmd% &hich is more than double the existing demand% according to a

    report by .rnst J Koung titled 4ndian atural 3as Sector# Significantly% the share of

    natural gas in the o$erall fuel mix is expected to increase from F per cent in +==; to +=

    per cent by +=+9#

    .ncouraged by this scenario% a number of players ha$e e$inced a !een interest in

    laying pipelines in the domestic mar!et to supply gas to the consumers# or example%

    3ujarat State -etronet "td plans to connect all +9 districts of the state &ith +%+==*

    !ilometre high pressure gas pipeline laid do&n across the state# Reliance 4ndustries plans

    to in$est bet&een DSE 9#89 billion to DSE ;#98 billion o$er the next three years to lay a

    1=%=== !m pipeline grid that co$ers main gas transport trun! lines supplemented by spur

    lines crisscrossing the country#


  • 8/12/2019 ONGC CSR Final


  • 8/12/2019 ONGC CSR Final


    C-at"r 0:

    Intro#'cton to O! an# Nat'ra! Gas Cororaton

    L%t"# (ONGC)

    1son an# Msson

    :3CBs $ision and mission reflect :3CBs commitment to ,illennium

    2e$elopment 3oals by focusing on health% safety and en$ironment and to enrich the

    'uality of community life# urther% :3C is aligned to imbibe high standards of business

    ethics and organisational $alues% foster a culture of trust% openness and mutual concern to

    ma!e &or!ing a stimulating and challenging experience for :3Cians and stri$e for

    $alue addition for all its sta!eholders# :3C belie$es in action and stri$es to deli$er the

    desired results under the follo&ing principles of 3lobal Compact#

    ?usiness should support and respect the protection of internationally

    proclaimed human rights#

    ?usiness should ensure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses#

    ?usiness should uphold the freedom of association and the effecti$e

    recognition of the right to collecti$e bargaining#

    ?usiness should support the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory


    ?usiness should support the effecti$e abolition of child labour#

    ?usiness should support the elimination of discrimination in respect of

    employment and occupation#

    ?usiness should support a precautionary approach to en$ironmental


    ?usiness should underta!e initiati$es to promote greater en$ironmental


    ?usiness should encourage the de$elopment and diffusion of en$ironmentally

    friendly technologies#


  • 8/12/2019 ONGC CSR Final


    ?usiness should &or! against corruption in all its forms% including extortion

    and bribery#

    Abo't t-" co%an*:

    @esha$a 2e$a ,ala$iya* realised the importance of an indigenous petroleum

    industry in 4ndia and laid the foundation of :3C in august 1

  • 8/12/2019 ONGC CSR Final


  • 8/12/2019 ONGC CSR Final


    Back$ro'n# an# /stor*

    .234 5 .267

    2uring the pre*independence period% the ssam :il Company in the northeastern

    and ttoc! :il company in north&estern part of the undi$ided 4ndia &ere the only oil

    companies producing oil in the country% &ith minimal exploration input# The major part

    of 4ndian sedimentary basins &as deemed to be unfit for de$elopment of oil and gas


    fter independence% the national 3o$ernment reali/ed the importance oil and gas

    for rapid industrial de$elopment and its strategic role in defense# Conse'uently% &hile

    framing the 4ndustrial -olicy Statement of 1

  • 8/12/2019 ONGC CSR Final


    those countries and to facilitate the training of 4ndian professionals for exploring potential

    oil and gas reser$es# oreign experts from DS% 0est 3ermany% Romania and erst&hile

    D#S#S#R $isited 4ndia and helped the go$ernment &ith their expertise# inally% the $isiting

    So$iet experts dre& up a detailed plan for geological and geophysical sur$eys and

    drilling operations to be carried out in the +nd i$e Kear -lan (1 to 1

  • 8/12/2019 ONGC CSR Final


    :3C &ent offshore in early >=s and disco$ered a giant oil field in the form of

    ?ombay igh% no& !no&n as ,umbai igh# This disco$ery% along &ith subse'uent

    disco$eries of huge oil and gas fields in 0estern offshore changed the oil scenario of the

    country# Subse'uently% o$er 9 billion tonnes of hydrocarbons% &hich &ere present in the

    country% &ere disco$ered# The most important contribution of :3C% ho&e$er% is its

    self*reliance and de$elopment of core competence in .J- acti$ities at a globally

    competiti$e le$el#

    A+t"r .227

    The liberali/ed economic policy% adopted by the 3o$ernment of 4ndia in Guly


  • 8/12/2019 ONGC CSR Final


    "td# (:I")# :3C has made major in$estments in Iietnam% Sa!halin and Sudan and

    earned its first hydrocarbon re$enue from its in$estment in Iietnam#


    Shareholding 2istribution s :n uarter .nding September 7=% +==F:ctober 1>% +==F


    S/ARES AS ON SEPTEMBER 8=%;>7 >8#18 4ndian -romoter

    4ndian :il Corporation"td# 1;8%8F=%F9> >#;< :ther 3o$t# Company

    3as uthority of 4ndia"td#

    91%8==%+;> +#8= :ther 3o$t# Company

    "ife 4nsuranceCorporation of 4ndia

    9+%=F8%;8> +#88 4nsurance Company


    SEPTEMBER 8=%;>7 >8#18

    * oreign -romoters 4" **

    * -ersons cting in Concert 4" **

    S'b Tota! .,@=@,437,64< 438.3

    B8 Non5Pro%ot"rs /o!#n$

    08 Instt'tona! In"stors

    a# ,utual unds and DT4 7

  • 8/12/2019 ONGC CSR Final


    on*3o$t# 4nstitutions)

    c# 44s 17;%>=F%> ;#7;+#7 ,illion ,etric Tonnes (,,T) of crude and 88=#>

    ?illion Cubic ,eters (?C,) of atural 3as% from 119 fields#

    In#a?s Most 1a!'ab!" Co%an*

    ?iggest 0ealth Creator &ard for the period +===*+==; instituted by ,Ls

    ,otilal :s&al Securities "td#% third time in a ro&8

    Ran!ed as the most respected Company in -SD Category in the +==; ?usiness

    0orld Sur$ey% &ith 17th position in the league of the most respected 4ndian

    Corporate# Tops the ?usiness 4ndia Super 1== list (among +F8 4ndian Companies

    ha$ing Sales in excess of Rs# 9== Crore)% based on Sales% -rofit fter Tax (-T)%

    et ixed ssets and ,ar!et Capitali/ation (2ec +==;)#

    Topped the $isibility metrics in 4ndian :il and 3as Sectorand theonly -SD in the

    top 1=list of 4ndian Corporate ne&sma!ers8,oodyBs 4n$estor Ser$icesa&arded

    thehighest*e$er Credit Ratingfor an 4ndian Corporate ?aa1 (indicati$e oreign

    Currency debt rating)# CR4S4" and 4CR also reaffirmed :3C the highest

    credit rating of and "respecti$ely#

    Pon""rn$ E++orts

    :3C is the only fully5integrated petroleum company in 4ndia% operating along

    the entire hydrocarbon $alue chainO


  • 8/12/2019 ONGC CSR Final


    olds largest share of hydrocarbon acreages in 4ndia# Contributes o$er >F

    percent of 4ndianBs oil and gas production#

    bout one tenth of 4ndian refining capacity#

    Created a record of sorts by turning ,angalore Refinery and -etrochemicals

    "imited around from being a stretcher case for referral to ?4R to the ?S.

    Top 7=% &ithin a year# 4nterests in "3 and product transportation business#

    Co%"tt" Str"n$t-

    ll crudes are s&eet and most (>;P) are light% &ith sulphur percentage ranging

    from =#=+*=#1=% -4 gra$ity range +;*8; and hence attract a premium in the mar!et#

    Strong intellectual property base% information% !no&ledge% s!ills and experience#

    ,aximum number of .xploration "icenses% including competiti$e ."- rounds#

    :3C o&ns and operates more than 19=== !ilometers of pipelines in 4ndia%

    including nearly 7F== !ilometers of sub*sea pipelines#

    o other company in 4ndia operates e$en 9= per cent of this route length#

    Strat"$c 1son: 077.50707

    To focus on core business of .J-% :3C has set strategic objecti$es ofO

    2oubling reser$es (i#e# accreting ; billion tones of ::.3)#

    4mpro$ing a$erage reco$ery from +F per cent to 8= per cent#

    Tie*up += ,,T- of e'uity ydrocarbon from abroad#

    The focus of management &ill be to monetise the assets as &ell as to assetsB the money#


  • 8/12/2019 ONGC CSR Final


    So'rcn$ E't* O! Abroa#

    :3CBs o$erseas arm :3C Iidesh "imited (:I")% has laid strong foothold in

    a number of lucrati$e acreages% some of them against stiff competition from international

    oil majors#

    :I"Bs projects are spread out in Iietnam% Russia% Sudan% 4ra'% 4ran% "ibya%

    ,yanmar% Syria% atar% .gypt% Cuba% igeria Sao Tome -rincipe% ?ra/il% igeria and

    Columbia# 4t is further pursuing :il and gas exploration bloc!s in $arious oil and gas rich


    2uring +==;*=>% :I" has ac'uired sta!es in < -rojects in ; Countries% out of

    &hich ; -rojects &ere ac'uired through participation in bidding rounds and 7

    from the existing concession holders#

    Sa!hlalin*1 project in Russia commenced export of crude oil from September

    +==; and pea! production of +9=%=== bopd &as achie$ed in ,arch +==>#Crude

    :il production from ?loc! 9 in Sudan commenced in ,ay +==;#

    Consortium of ?loc!s *1 and *7 in ,yanmar made gas disco$eries#

    Consortium of orth Ramadan ?loc! in .gypt made :il disco$ery#

    :I" Currently has participation in +< .J- -rojects in 19 Countries#

    :ut of the existing +< -rojects% :I" is :perator in 18 -rojects and Goint

    :perator in + -rojects in < Countries#

    :I"Bs share in production of oil and oil*e'ui$alent gas (::.3)% together &ith

    its &holly o&ned subsidiaries :3C ile 3anga ?I and :3C ma/on

    la!nanda "td% is >#

  • 8/12/2019 ONGC CSR Final


    9ront"rs o+ T"c-no!o$*

    State*of*the*art seismic data ac'uisition% processing and interpretation facilities#

    Dses one of the Top Ten Iirtual Reality 4nterpretation facilities in the &orld#

    lliances &ith Transocean% Schlumberger% alliburton and ?a!er ughes% 4-R%

    -etro bras% ors!% .4% Shell#

    :ne of the biggest .R- implementations in the sia

    B"st n C!ass In+rastr'ct'r" an# 9ac!t"s

    :3CBs success rate is at par &ith the global norm and is ele$ating its

    operations to the best in class le$el% &ith the moderni/ation of its fleet of

    drilling rigs and related e'uipment#

    :3C has adopted ?est*in*class business practices for moderni/ation%

    expansion and integration of all 4nfo*com systems#


    -roduction 4nstallationsO * +8=

    -ipeline et&or! (!m) O* 19%F==

    2rilling Rigs O* >=

    0or! :$er rigs O* >8

    Seismic Dnits O* +

    0ell*cum*-rocess -latforms O* 7+

    -rocess -latforms O* 17

    2rilling Rigs O* +

  • 8/12/2019 ONGC CSR Final


  • 8/12/2019 ONGC CSR Final


    indirectly dependent on the handloom business# :thers ma!e beedis (local cigarettes

    using tobacco leaf) and earn dismally lo& &ages# Chanderi textiles &ere patroni/ed

    initially by the ,ughals in the >th century 2# The elegance of the soft Chanderi colours

    lies in their constant reference to nature# The magic is in &arp and &eft * taana and baana#

    The sil! yarn is largely imported Chinese or @oreanQ the cottons procured from

    Coimbatore and Gaipur# 0ea$ing is performed by one or t&o s!illed &or!ers of the same

    family# The looms are traditional pit looms &ith thro& shuttle# Chanderi brocades ha$e

    been the pride of 4ndian craft and are much appreciated &ithin 4ndia and the &orld o$er#

    The delicate fabric &ith intricate ethnic motifs% hand &o$en into the material are

    a$ailable in a $ariety of items li!e saris% dress material% ladies stoles% table cloths% cushion

    co$ers and table nap!ins# :bjecti$e of the projectO 4n$asion of the business by

    exploitati$e traders created a huge economic gap bet&een the &ea$ers and traders# The

    &ea$ers lac!ed the resources to buy and store ra& material% create and circulate samples

    of products besides lac!ing !no&*ho& about designing and mar!et opportunities# e&

    contemporary designers &or!ed on the fabric and Chanderi lost out as a fabric for the

    fashion conscious buyer# The &ea$ing community also began to suffer as the traders and

    moneylenders cornered all profits and paid $ery little &ages# t their mercy% the &ea$ers

    &ere resigned to bondage# 2etails of selection of target populationO 0ea$ers faced

    follo&ing constraintsO

    2iminishing demand of the handloom products* 2ue to lac! of designs &hich

    &ere not $ery appealing and &ere $ery


    "ac! of mar!eting support

    "ac! of guidance

    "ac! of infrastructure

    4lliterate% innocent beneficiaries#

    "ac! of institutional buyers

    "ac! of ne& designs for the product

    "ac! of product inno$ations

    "ac! of modern manufacturing processes

    uality of the product going do&n

    "ac! of credit facilities(producti$e and consumpti$e)


  • 8/12/2019 ONGC CSR Final


    Seasonal nature of &or!

    4n this $ulnerable time% 7= odd &ea$ers came together to form ?un!ar Ii!as Sanstha

    (?IS)% a S3 under the aegis of Dnited ations 4ndustrial 2e$elopment :rganisation#

    0ea$ers no& had their o&n organisation to address their problems on long term basis in

    self sustainable manner# ?IS &as established in +==8 as an apex body of 17 Self elp

    3roups of 11< &ea$ers of Chanderi handloom &ith an objecti$e of economic and social

    empo&erment of the &ea$er community# 4mplementation of the projectO Considering the

    re'uest from ?IS appeared doubtful for acceptance by :3C% as the $illage Chanderi

    does not come under :3C#s operational area# o&e$er% on careful scrutiny% it &as

    obser$ed that assisting a project focused on preser$ing 4ndian heritage and

    mainstreaming the poor &ea$ers (comprising of mainly poor &omen from minority

    community) to&ards sustainable de$elopment &ould be an ideal CSR 4nitiati$e# This &as

    follo&ed by mar!et sur$ey and other correspondences to ascertain the sustainability of

    the project# 4t &as learnt that the hand &o$en fabric &as gradually a dying art as mill

    &o$en textiles had s&amped the mar!et and needed support to become self*sustainable#

    :3C joined this fledgling mo$ement &ith a corpus fund# The &ea$ers used this much

    needed money to buy ra& material# The &ea$ers &ere exposed to exhibitions and

    traditional fairs# They &ere the ne& entrepreneurs# rmed &ith expertise% they created

    modern elegant designs and mar!eted the heritage art inno$ati$ely# -ranpur% another

    $illage in neighbourhood% &ith about +9= functional looms approached ?IS to recreate

    the success story of Chanderi# To ta!e this initiati$e further% :3C supported ?IS once

    again &ith seed money for the micro*finance acti$ities# Today ;= Self elp 3roups are

    engaged in microfinance acti$ities by practicing regular sa$ings and inter*lending to

    members# This &as follo&ed up &ith an support to ?IS for purchasing a land to establish

    an 2ying and RJ2 Centre# .xtent and role of the communitiesO -resently there are 7===

    acti$e looms in Chanderi and &omen play a substantial role in the production process#

    This heritage craft pro$ides employment to 1F%=== inhabitants# The traditional

    &ood&or!er still ma!es the looms and repairs them# -reparatory &or! is carried out in

    the narro&est lanes &ith the family members pitching in# Iarious 3o$ernment agencies

    both at State and Central "e$el are acti$ely in$ol$ed in protection of the trade at



  • 8/12/2019 ONGC CSR Final


  • 8/12/2019 ONGC CSR Final


    En!st%"nt o+ Trba! Ar"as

    4n the tribal areas at ?astar% the thrust area of :3C 0estern :ffshore Dnit%

    ,umbaiBs special CSR initiati$e &as the eradication of sic!le cell anemia and

    nutrition of children# or this% it aligned &ith ?hartiya @ushtha i$ara! Sanstha

    (?@S)% T. 3: formed by former :3Cians#

    ONGC Ca'"r* Ass"t Pro$ra%%"

    The :3C Cau$ery sset% @arai!al in Southern part of 4ndia organi/ed rtificial

    "imb Camp in the year +==; in association &ith Rotary Club% @arai!al# The ?ase

    :ffice of Cau$ery sset is situated in @arai!al% &hich falls in the Dnion Territory

    of -uducherry# The nearest &ell*e'uipped ospital is 7== @m a&ay from

    @arai!al# 2ue to po$erty% the polio affected persons and accident $ictims are not

    able to get artificial limbs#

    Rotar* C!'b Intat"s

    2uring last t&o years% the Rotary Club has carried out project named Roataplast

    for correcti$e surgery for cleft lip palates# ,ore than 1== patients per year are

    getting benefits# ,edical professionals and paramedical staff from Dnited States

    and other countries attended project# :3C has supported this initiati$e during

    last year% :3C ,ahila SamitiQ the &i$esB association of :3C employees% in

    association &ith Rotary Club of @arai!al conducted free earing id Camp in the

    premises of :3C# undreds of patients benefited out of this camp#

    /"a!t- Car"


  • 8/12/2019 ONGC CSR Final


    The Thalassemia Society of 4ndia# @ol!ata% approached :3C &ith a project for

    pro$iding e'uipment called lisa 0asher% &hich is used for carrying out $arious

    pathological tests &hich are crucial for treatment of Thalassemia patients# The

    project &as ta!en up because Thalassemia% as &e all !no&% is a dreaded genetic

    blood disorder and is truly a social concern# Thalassemia affected patients%

    particularly children% &ere beneficiaries# :n an a$erage about 1F== Thalassemia

    affected patients &ill be benefited e$ery year out of this one lisa 0asher#

    .'uipment pro$ided by :3C# Thalassemia affected patients% particularly

    children% &ere the beneficiaries# The Thalassemia Society of 4ndia purchased and

    installed the lisa 0asher instrument in the last &ee! of Ganuary% +==F and up to

    +=#=7#+==F% as per report recei$ed from them% about 7== blood samples of

    Thalassemia affected patients mainly children ha$e been tested# So on an a$erage

    about 1F== Thalassemia affected patients &ill be benefited e$ery year out of this

    one lisa 0asher e'uipment pro$ided by :3C# The Thalassemia Society of

    4ndia is located at @ol!ata &here all :3C installations are presently located

    including the ead'uarters of C?,2- J ,? ?asin# 2octors and experts from

    the Society ha$e made number of presentations and a&areness campaign for the

    employees of :3C and their &ards &hich is considered to be $ery helpful and

    appreciated by one and all# CSR team also $isited the 4nstitute number of times

    and found that the beneficiaries are mainly from the families of ha$e*nots &ho

    cannot afford expensi$e treatment of Thalassemia from pri$ate health institutions#

    or poor people and slum d&ellers of @ol!ata% this Society is doing yeomanBs

    ser$ice in the field of eradication of a disease% &hich is affecting large number of

    people of the society# 0or!ing of this particular organi/ation and also that of

    some other similar organi/ations are being closely monitored by :3C so that

    the maximum benefit reaches the marginalised#

    :3C as an organi/ation has partnered an initiati$e &ith its retired employees at

    2ehradun to render ser$ice to the poorest of poor and needy# The retired

    employees formed the "ife Care Society an 3: meant for ser$ing the under*

    pri$ileged by reaching out to the people in the hinterland of Dttara!hand# The

    Society o&es its birth to :3C and &ee!ly medical camps organi/ed for the


  • 8/12/2019 ONGC CSR Final


    needy# .$ery $illage has been gi$en a doctor% &ho is plying a $ery significant

    role by treating patients &ith different !inds of ailments pertaining to eye% dental

    and other chronic ailments# -ondha% ?ansi&ala% @arbari and Sherpur are some of

    the $illages &here the Society is &or!ing pro*acti$ely# :3C has been $ery

    supporti$e to "ife Care Society since its inception# ot only does :3C pro$ide

    financial aids but also the entire infrastructure of :3C is made a$ailable to "ife

    Care Society#

    Roork"" Sc-oo! +or t-" D"a+

    4t is the first school for the deaf in 4ndia located on the campus of a hi*tech

    institute# 44T Roor!ee and managed by its faculty and experts# The school has an

    excellent tam of highly 'ualified% trained and dedicated teachers# Some of &hom

    ha$e been trained in the best of the training institutes in 4ndia and abroad# The school

    for the 2eaf is run and managed by 44T Roor!ee# ,ostly the faculty members of 44T

    Roor!ee are the members of the management committee and at the same time are

    rendering their ser$ices $oluntarily to run the school as a community supported

    model &herein donations from indi$iduals and organi/ations in both cash and !ind

    mainly to meet the expanses of the school# :3C impressed and inspired by the

    $oluntary ser$ices of the faculty members decided to support this noble initiati$e of

    44T Roor!ee by extending a grant# The school is trying to educate and trained the

    deaf children of Roor!ee and se$eral other $illages L to&n around Roor!ee# They are

    trying to train them in all the independent li$ing s!ills &hich they re'uire to lead a

    normal health life# The school underta!es the follo&ing acti$ities for the deafO

    += modern e'uipment scientific approaches# :-% "C2 projector% computers%

    4nternet% TILICR% camera and associated soft&are#

    Speech therapy in addition to the normal speech and auditory training e'uipment%

    the school also has the latest computer aided speech de$elopment system#

    Research based model# Students and faculty of 44T acti$ely underta!e RJ2

    acti$ities for the benefit of the deaf children such as de$elopment of assisti$e


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    de$ices educational technology% teaching aids and soft&are etc# :3C extended

    the support to create the infrastructure for a more useful learning en$ironment on

    scientific lines li!e installation of modern computers and accessories &ith the

    re'uisite soft&are#

    Mob!" B!oo# Donaton 1an

    Support from :3C has been sought for a fully e'uipped mobile blood donation

    $an &ith the purpose of the blood ban! reaching the donors rather than donors going

    to&ards them# Rotary Club in 2elhi has set up a state*of*the*art $oluntary blood ban!

    at a cost of Rs# ;#= crores to pro$ide safe blood to the needy people at a meagre

    processing charge# The blood ban! is housed in a fi$e story centrally air conditioned

    building pro$iding nearly 99=== units of blood e$ery year# The Rotary Club earlier

    had a mobile $an for blood donation and has been utili/ing the existing $an

    extensi$ely by organi/ing a number of blood donation camps# Till date more than

    7+= blood donation camps in and around 2elhi ha$e been organised# The present

    $ehicle% &hich &as ac'uired six years ago has been rendered unser$iceable% hence%

    the re'uest for a ne& $ehicle has been recei$ed by :3C# s :3C focuses on

    healthcare under its CSR% it has been supporting a number of hospitals% mobile $ans%

    primary health centres and medical camps# :3C decided to collaborate &ith

    Rotary% &hich is a reputed organi/ation and they are rendering yeomen ser$ices to

    the marginali/ed by pro$iding the blood to the poor and needy at a meagre

    processing charge# ence% :3C felt it appropriate to pro$ide this e'uipped $ehicle

    for helping them to collect blood from $arious donorBs by reaching them directly at

    their place of their stay#

    Shraddha Rehabilitation oundation is an 3: dealing &ith the problem of the

    mentally ill Road side destitute# Shraddha is a humane experiment% perhaps the

    only one of its !ind in 4ndia% pro$iding treatment% custodial care and rehabilitation

    to a neglected group of mentally*ill roadside destitute and reuniting them &ith


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    their lost families# 4t is a combination approach that marries medication%

    inno$ati$e psychosocial inter$ention and occupational engagement# :3C has

    supported this project by pro$iding 1== beds to the mentally ill road*side destitute

    so as to pro$ide some comfort to these destitute along &ith a 2iesel 3enerator for

    use during po&er cuts# t present there are about ;=*;9 destitute in the

    rehabilitation centre% it is understood that in the city of ,umbai there are around

    9== such road*side destitute aimlessly roaming in the metropolis of ,umbai#

    Such a project can help the society and the nation at large# Shraddha

    Rehabilitation oundation is an 3: dealing &ith the problem of the mentally ill

    roadside destitute# :3C has supported this project by pro$iding 1== beds to the

    mentally ill road*side destitute so as to pro$ide some comforts to these destitute

    along &ith 2iesel 3enerator for use during po&er cuts#

    ealth care being one of :3CBs areas of concern% it has supported a major

    initiati$e ta!en to fight cancer# Silchar% located in Southern part of ssam state

    and surrounded by ,i/oram% Tripura% parts of ,anipur and ,eghalaya in the

    orth .astern Region of 4ndia has been also on the 0orld map for its inhabitants

    being susceptible to the dreaded disease cancer# The unfortunate people of this

    region &ho get afflicted by cancer can hardly afford to a$ail the treatment at

    2elhi% ,umbai% Iellore and other metro cities of the country# 4n the light of

    abo$e problems% a group of social acti$ists dra&n from di$erse professions

    formed the Cachar Cancer ospital Society in 19;9 :-2 patients % distribution of

    medicines to +7=7+ patientsQ distribution of spectacles% dar! glasses to 1+=F7

    patientsQ identification of 9=>+ patients &ith cataract and cataract operations

    (4:") performed on 819+ patients#


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    distributed artificial limbs# ?eneficiaries of the Camp &ere mostly from the

    operational districts of Cau$ery sset% @arai!al# The list of beneficiaries &as

    screened and finali/ed by Rotary Club in association &ith :3C# The Camp

    pro$ided 1>9 callipersL Gaipur foot to 119 nos# of needy and do&ntroddenpeople in

    and around @arai!al% &ho could not afford to spend money for the same# The sset

    organi/ed another Camp &ith the association of Rotary Club &herein 1;> callipersL

    Gaipur foot and crutches &ere pro$ided to nos# of persons from 1+ to 1> thebruary

    +==F# 2uring last t&o years% the Rotary Club has carried out project named

    Roataplast for correcti$e surgery for cleft lip palates# ,ore than 1== patients per year

    are getting benefits# ,edical professionals and paramedical staff from Dnited States

    and other countries attend the project# :3C has supported this initiati$e during last

    year% :3C ,ahila Samiti% the 0i$es ssociation of :3C employees% in

    association &ith Rotary Club of @arai!al conducted free earing id Camp in the

    premises of :3C# undreds of patients benefitted out of this camp#

    S'ortn$ Entr"r"n"'rs- ProH"cts

    :3C% Chennai in$ited a proposal for supporting an .ntrepreneurship project from

    2istrict Collector% Tiru$arur# e proposed that :3C can pro$ide support to the @urinji

    0omen Self elp 3roup% -anayur -anchayat% @ottur ?loc!% Tiru$arur 2istrict% and

    Tamil adu# This S3 produces Coir from the locally a$ailable coconut ibres and

    mar!eting# :3C supported 19 0omen Self elp 3roup ,embers and 99 rural family

    members through this initiati$e# :3C pro$ided job opportunities to rural local people

    in -anayur -anchayat and other adjoining $illages# ?y impro$ing the institution through

    moderni/ation% :3C indirectly pro$ided employment to the rural youths in producing

    and mar!eting the coir materials#

    The objecti$e of the project &as

    to pro$ide regular employment to the rural &oman fol!

    to impro$e the socio economic status of rural men and &omen

    to mobili/e the industry in rural area


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    to pro$ide financial rotation in the remote $illage

    This project has enabled them to purchase the abo$e machineries to modernise and

    increase their daily production% generate more income and pro$ided employment to the

    rural poor#


    Nan- a!

    Teaching an indi$idual to ma!e bread and not gi$ing him bread% is part of our

    CSR policy# 4n line &ith this% :3C $ery pro*acti$ely is associated &ith anhi @ali

    &hich &as incepted in 1

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    3irl children &ho are enrolled in any 3o$ernment school# :ut of school

    children are also encouraged to enrol in school through bridge courses#

    3irl children belonging to the poorest section of the society (family income

    being belo& Rs#1F% ===L* per annum)#

    3irl child &ho is a first generation learner

    3irl children belonging to dalit% tribal and migrant communities#

    .ldest girl child and girl children &ith many siblings

    3irl children from communities &here stereotypes high*ups

    3irl children from female house*holds

    Dsab!"# $r! c-!#r"n

    4n stage 4% beneficiaries are identified# 4n stage 44% the $alue of education to the

    child% parents and the community is affirmed# Regular contact &ith the school is

    maintained to trac! the childBs attendance% academic progress% health status and

    social s!ills# 2irect support in the form of note boo!s% stationery% uniforms%

    examination fees and learning material is pro$ided# Capacity building of children is

    done# .xtent and role of the communitiesO Teaches are sensiti/ed to address the

    community on general disparities and assert the dire necessity of educating the girl

    child# 1F "ong*term sustainability of the projectO :3C has partnered &ith anhi

    @ali to sponsor 9= students from Class 4 to I44 and another 9= students Class I444 to

    W# ,ethodology used for monitoring progress on the project and feedbac!O -rogress

    is monitored monthly% 'uarterly and yearly by anhi @ali# :3C has monitored the

    progress of the girl child by retaining the profile of the students and their li$ing

    en$ironment of the beneficiaries &hich are sponsored by :3C# "earningBs from

    the projectO .mpo&erment of &omen can come only by ma!ing an effort to&ards

    ma!ing them and supporting all the initiati$es to promote education among girl

    child# The only can ensure de$elopment of an economy# o&e$er% the entirecommunity needs to be sensiti/ed to&ards this issue#

    -romotion of literacy and higher education

    3rant of scholarship and assistance to deser$ing young pupils of &ea!er sections of



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    income generating and self de$elopment opportunities# ,utual help groups &ere set

    up and s!ill training for the beneficiaries pro$ided# Regular &ater supply% road

    connecti$ity and aid during floods &ere pro$ided by :3C#

    Enron%"nt Prot"cton Pro$ra%%"s

    CompanyBs .n$ironment ,anagement System is based on the precautionary

    principle# Iarious significant en$ironmental issues ha$e been identified and

    actions ha$e been initiated based on the management hierarchy of pre$enting

    pollution at source% recycling J reuse of &aste% treatment and disposal of the

    &aste# Iarious notable efforts done in this direction are as follo&sO

    :3C recogni/es and shares the concerns of go$ernment and the public about

    climate change# 0e understand that fossil fuels% &hich &e also produce% has

    contributed to an increase in 3reen ouse 3ases (33s)# ence% :3C has

    embar!ed upon ambitious initiati$es to manage and reduce 33 emissions%

    &hich may be broadly classified into the follo&ing categoriesO

    Reporting of 33 emissions .nergy efficiency L conser$ation plans

    3as laring reduction

    Rene&able energy

    or these :3C has specially formed the follo&ing groups for the dedicated

    efforts% close monitoring and deli$erance of results

    Carbon ,anagement 3roup

    .nergy Centre for search in non*con$entional energy sources

    ealth Safety and .n$ironment 3roup

    G/G "%ssons r"ortn$


  • 8/12/2019 ONGC CSR Final


    :3C is committed to consistent reporting of 33 emissions# 0e ha$e

    calculated direct 33 emissions related to our operations starting from

    the year +==7 till date#

    0e are follo&ing the Compendium of 3reenhouse 3as .missions

    .stimations ,ethodologies for :il and 3as 4ndustry de$eloped bymerican -etroleum 4nstitute (-4)#

    4n our oil and gas operations% business gro&th increases our 33

    emission and &e are continuing to &or! for emissions reduction in total to

    offset the impact of these emissions#

    Carbon dioxide ma!es up most of our 33 emissions (to the extent of 99*

    9>P) and it comes predominantly from our processing operations%

    including exhaust from combustion units and flares# :ur 33 reporting

    includes direct emissions associated &ith the drilling% production and

    processing of oil J gas and indirect emission from purchased grid

    electricity for use in our operations#

    E&an#n$ $r""n co"r

    -lantation of $arieties of species of plants pro$ides cleaner air apart from

    maintaining biodi$ersity and pro$iding aesthetic en$ironment# Tree plantation in

    :3C is carried out by selecting trees as per bio*geo* climatic conditions of the area

    to ensure desirable rate of sur$i$al# .$ery year :3C sets a target of planting trees

    and monitors the progress# 4n the year +==;% :3C has planted 77=7= trees in and

    around our &or!ing area# part from yearly target of tree plantation around our

    &or!ing area% &e ta!e up specific big projects# recent example is the 2ronagiri#

    -rojects &hich &ere aimed at greening of the barren 2ronagiri hills and arid beach

    near Dran -lant of :3C# 4t posed a challenge to the organisation because of a harsh

    terrain de$oid of $egetation and sho&ed resilience &hen &e commenced our


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    operations# 0hile impro$ing capacities of our plant &e ha$e demonstrated our

    commitment to the en$ironment in intent and execution# Seeds of fast gro&ing

    species &ere ser$ed along &ith fertili/er across the 2ronagiri ,ountains from the

    helicopters in collaboration &ith 2epartment of orests% 3o$ernment of 4ndia# :$er

    +#9 la!hs fully gro&n trees and += $arieties of plant species ma!e 2ronagiri hills

    completely green# ,ore than a 'uarter million trees support the industrial ecosystem#

    The once barren 2ronagiri today is a nature trail to an en$ironmental friendly

    mindset# Kears of concerted efforts in forestation ha$e resulted in a $erdant green

    co$er that adorns the landscapes surrounding the plant and nearby $illages#

    steadily gro&ing green belt along the beach has erected a protection against erosion

    and is a $irtual oasis for the stunning bac!drop#

    R"n"ab!" "n"r$*

    4n order to meet the &orldBs gro&ing need for energy% &e belie$e all potential

    sources must be considered# e& technologies and rene&able energy sources%

    including conser$ation related technology# :3C has made head&ay in using solar

    po&er at $arious platforms for po&ering its entire 4TC infrastructure# 2uring the year

    +==7*=8 &e ha$e generated 11+ ,0h of po&er using solar photo$oltaic% a$oiding

    use of fossil fuels# :3C has also ta!en initiati$es for setting up t&o &ind po&er

    projects of 9= ,0 each in 3ujarat &ith help from Su/lon .nergy "td# and

    @arnata!a# -o&er in 3ujarat &ill be used in house and in @arnata!a it &ill be sold#

    :n 71st ,arch% +==F% first unit of clean and green energy as generated by :3C by

    fully commissioning three &ind turbines of 1#9 ,0 capacities each# The po&er

    generated by this &ind farm in 1st phase &ill ha$e capti$e usage at installations of

    n!lesh&ar and hmedabad# part from abo$e% :3C#s other initiati$es in this

    direction areO

    0ater ,anagement


    C2, -roject cti$ity

    ,ethane to ,ar!et

    Carbon 2ioxide Capture and Se'uestration


  • 8/12/2019 ONGC CSR Final


    Carbon 2isclosure -roject

    33 ccounting

    S. ccreditation

    Corporate -olicy on Climate Change and Sustainability

    Dnderground Coal 3asification (DC3)

    Coal ?ed ,ethane (C?,)

    Sa+"t* Pro$ra%%"s

    :3C set up the 4nstitute of -etroleum Safety% ealth and .n$ironment

    management (4-S.,) in 1

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    Company &on the -etroleum ,inisterBs -S-? Trophy for :$erall ?est

    -erformance in +==>*=F for the fifth year in succession#

    Currently the company is the Title sponsor for the ational ootball "eague

    called the :3C 4*"eague in association &ith the ll 4ndia ootball


    Ot-"r Pro$ra%%"s

    L+" Car" Soc"t*: R"ac- Poor"st o+ Poor

    ?ac!ground for underta!ing the project* :3C as an organi/ation has partnered

    this initiati$e &ith its retired employees at 2ehradun to render ser$ice ; to the poorest

    of poor and needy# The retired employees formed the "ife Care Society an 3:

    meant for ser$ing the under*pri$ileged by reaching out to the people in the hinterland

    of Dttara!hand# The Society o&es its birth to :3C and &ee!ly medical camps

    organi/ed for the needy# .$ery $illage has been gi$en a 2octor% &ho is playing a $ery

    significant role by treating patients &ith different !inds of ailments pertaining to eye%

    dental and other chronic ailments# Scope of the projectO -ondha% ?ansi&ala% @arbari

    and Sherpur are some of the $illages &here the Society is &or!ing pro*acti$ely#

    :bjecti$e of the projectO To pro$ide &ee!ly medical camps to the needy in the

    interiors of 2ehradun# The Society does not get any financial aid% help from the

    Central 3o$ernment and State 3o$ernment and is fully dependent upon donations

    from friends% relati$es and &ell &ishers# 4t is here that it has been ma!ing a difference

    by treating patients and gi$ing them medical treatment free of cost# 2etails of

    selection of target populationO 4n all 11+8> patients &ere treated in +==; and 9;;7

    patients &ere treated in the year +==8# 4mplementation of the projectO ll the medical

    centres operate from respecti$e Iillage -anchayat ?ha&ans L ,ilan @endras &hich

    ha$e been made a$ailable for this purpose by the 3ram -ardhans# irst of these

    medical centres &as established on +=#1=#+==7 and other centres came up

    subse'uently from o$ember +==7 on&ards# The programme in +==; included +

    more medical centres% one being in the tribal area of Gaunsar ?abar# Society had also


  • 8/12/2019 ONGC CSR Final


    organi/ed mega medical camps earlier# The first such camp &as at $illage ?ansi&ala

    during the year +==7*=8% in &hich the Society along &ith the -anchayat 3har and

    :3C examined +F; patients &ith eye% dental and other chronic ailments# bout ;=

    of the eye patients &ere further operated upon for cataract at :3C ospital%

    2ehradun# nother medical camp &as organi/ed in Ganuary +==8 in ayagaon# 4n all

    19 &ell*'ualified doctors and specialists attended to 1>=9 patients and general

    medical chec!*up of 1+== school children &as also underta!en# "ong*term

    sustainability of the projectO ,edical chec!*up of as many school children as possible

    &ill be underta!en# rrangements &ill also be made for indoor patients at City

    ospitals# Scholarships &ill be pro$ided to brilliant students &ho &ould be able to

    see! admission into the 44Ts% -olytechnic and Iocational Courses# ssistance &ill be

    pro$ided to -hysically Challenged indi$iduals for eye and artificial limbs related

    matters# Counselling ser$ice &ith regard to higher education% placement and social

    beha$iour are other initiati$es &hich are planned# Support from :3CO :3C has

    been $ery supporti$e to "ife Care Society since its inception# ot only does :3C

    pro$ide financial aids but also the entire infrastructure of :3C is made a$ailable to

    "ife Care Society to facilitate its effecti$e functioning# 4n the year +==;% :3C

    pro$ided financial support for organi/ing medical camps and for mbulance# This

    mbulance in times of berea$ement in the family &ould be a$ailable to the family

    free of cost &ithin municipal limits of 2ehradun and on special occasions for

    outstation use# "earningBs from the projectO :nly after conducting mega camps% in the

    year +==7*=8% it &as felt that such medical camps are of limited use to the general

    public as patients donBt get sustained medical care# 4t &as% therefore% decided to

    organi/e &ee!ly medical camps for more focused attention and sustained results#

    4mpro$ements are being added to the existing line of treatment by including the

    facility of chec!ing blood sugar le$el &ith the help of 3luco meter and strip test at the

    camp itself# Through this facility% further line of treatment and disease management is

    indicated to the patient immediately# This facilitates progress and further monitoring

    of the patients#

    SaHa!#-ara: Jat"r Mana$"%"nt n An#-ra Pra#"s-


  • 8/12/2019 ONGC CSR Final


    0ater is the life line and is also the main source of disease and destruction in the

    Society# The Coastal 4ndia is al&ays infested &ith contaminated &ater &ith &ater

    borne diseases because of &ater logging in these areas# 4t is no different situation in

    ndhra Coastal area particularly @onaseema% &here &e operate# source of clean

    &ater is 'uite a need for these $illages# There is a $illage called Turpupalem

    (@onaseema)% ,al!ipuram ,andal% .ast 3oda$ari 2istrict% ndhra -radesh nearer to

    sea*coast# This $illage has a population of 7%=== people belonging to lo&er castes#

    inety percent (

  • 8/12/2019 ONGC CSR Final


    drin!ing &ater% nutritious food% de$otional acti$ities% library facilities% gym%

    recreation room and +8 hour medical facilities &ith ambulance# 0ith a $ery good

    response by the old people% it &as planned that the home may be expanded so that it

    can pro$ide shelter to another 1== people and also to construct hospital for the

    inmates# The :ld ge ome is located in .ast 3oda$ari 2istrict of ndhra -radesh%

    the major acti$ity area of :3C under Rajahmundry sset and @3 ?asin# ence%

    :3C thought that it &ill be a good gesture by :3C to help CRC :ld ge ome

    for its expansion to accommodate +== people# The home is shaping up &ell and &ill

    be shortly completed#

    Co%%'nt* /a!!s a+t"r Ts'na% n So't-"rn In#a

    fter Tsunami in 2ecember +==+ 3o$t# of 4ndia initiated an ambitious plan of

    constructing 1== number of community halls in the coastal $illages and to&ns

    $ulnerable to this disaster# :3C has a &or! centre close to the coastal area and

    decided to extend support for 9F of these community halls% &hich &ould not only

    ser$e as a shelter in case of a disaster but &ill also act as the common point for

    exchanging ideas% net&or!ing% community functions% school functions% $ocational

    training and for -anchayat use# The community halls &ere to be made of different

    si/es depending upon the population of the to&n L $illage and need assessment# Right

    from the beginning the -anchayat ("ocal Self 3o$ernment) &ere in$ol$ed and made

    the most important sta!eholder re'uesting them to appro$e the site% pro$ide the land

    and underta!e the construction acti$ities# ,ost of the -anchayat ha$e responded $ery

    &ell and on their re'uest a number of community halls are coming up% &hich &e

    hope &ill ser$e for the needs mentioned abo$e#

    Nat'r" St'#* c'% A#"nt'r" Ca% +or S"ca! C-!#r"n an# Yo't-

    ?ac!ground for underta!ing the project* ,ainstreaming the physically or

    mentally challenged has been our endea$our# 0ith this in $ie&% ature Study cum

    d$enture camp for the -hysically Challenged Children and Kouth*+==F is being

    supported by :3C since +==7# The main objecti$e of this camp is to bring these


  • 8/12/2019 ONGC CSR Final


    challenged children and youth close to nature and thereby help them to redisco$er

    their hidden talents and capabilities so as to ma!e them self*confident at the end of

    the course# The participants despite their disabilities get moti$ated to surpass their

    limitations# imalayan ature J d$enture oundation has been carrying on this

    e$ent since the beginning of the oundation# The joint mo$ement bet&een :3C J

    has gi$en this e$ent a major success# The mission of has achie$ed a

    great deal of help ha$ing been supported by :3C# Scope of the projectO 4n the year

    +==;% this camp &as organi/ed at Dpeer @opish orest $illage 2arjling and this &as

    organi/ed by imalayan ature J d$enture oundation% Siliguri# The camp and

    physical training% tre!!ing% pro$iding !no&ledge of trees &atching birds% getting

    accustomed to the surrounding hills and ri$ers% !no&ing about e'uipments of

    ad$enturous sports and camp manners# The &heel chair bound participants &ere

    ta!en for a day out# ature gains &ere emphasi/ed# -articipants also performed

    songs% dance% drama% etc# :bjecti$e of the projectO The main object of the Camp &as

    to bring these challenged children and youth close to the nature# 2etails of selection

    of target populationO


  • 8/12/2019 ONGC CSR Final


    their thin!ing# They enjoyed nature sitting in the laps of mountains# The mentally

    retarded and hearing handicapped% &ith the help of speciali/ed persons &ere gi$en

    the best of the natural and ad$enture acti$ities# ll these campers &ere all out

    disciplined and they o$er&helmingly enjoyed the nature# The escorts and the guides

    from the concerned institutions &ere remar!ably happy seeing the changes of these

    campers at the end of these fi$e days Camp# t the closing day the campers% their

    guides and escorts performed cultural programmes at the Campfire Ceremony#

    B'rns c'% E%"r$"nc* Jar# at '%bakona%

    ?ac!ground for underta!ing the project* 2isaster management is one of the focus

    areas of CSR in :3C# 4n line &ith this% :3C pro$ided its supports in establishing

    in ?urns*cum*.mergency 0ard at @umba!onam# tragic fire accident too! place in

    one of the school# 4n one of the schools at @umba!onam in Thanja$ur 2istrict# :n

    19#=>#+==8 &hich left #=F#+==8 and 1F#1+#+==8% it &as decided

    that a burns &ard is to be established in @umba!onam 3o$ernment 3eneral ospital

    by :3C# ccordingly% :3C sanctioned an amount of Rs#19 la!hs for

    establishment of the burns &ard# Scope of the projectO ll the communities in and

    around the @umba!onam 2istrict# :bjecti$e of the projectO To establish a burns &ard

    in @umba!onam 2istrict ead'uarters ospital# 4mplementation of the projectO The

    estimate for construction of 7= bedded emergency &ards in the hospital included cost

    of the building% cots% mattresses% cop*boards% etc# 4n the year +==>% construction of

    the building &as completed and the beds% cots and other material for the &ard &ere

    pro$ided by the 2istrict dministration# 4n phase 4% it &as decided to establish a

    burns &ard at the cost of Rs#19 la!hs and the same &as pro$ided by :3C#

    o&e$er% it &as informed by the ospital authorities that fire accident cases are not


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  • 8/12/2019 ONGC CSR Final


    C-at"r 6:

    Ana!*ss an# Int"rr"taton

    The local population gains the most as a result of the :3C operations# part

    from benefits accruing from the primary function of the corporation% :3C has been

    extending full support in the o$erall de$elopment of the areas around its operations all

    o$er the country# Since 1

  • 8/12/2019 ONGC CSR Final


    Conc!'son an# S'$$"stons

    The findings re$eal that each of the leading operators has its o&n approach to

    CSR and that there are substantial $ariations in the nature and the extent of reporting#

    ,ore specifically the paper focuses upon four sets of CSR issues namely those relating to

    the mar!etplaceQ the &or!placeQ the en$ironmentQ and the community and then pro$ides

    some reflections on the commitment to these issues at both corporate and indi$idualpublic le$els# Research implicationsLlimitations 5 CSR in the pub sector of the hospitality

    industry has recei$ed relati$ely little attention from academics but the case study suggests

    a number of fertile grounds for future en'uiry and research# That said the current case is a

    preliminary exploration of CSR issues as reported on the &orld&ide &eb and more in

    depth &or! &ill be needed before more definiti$e conclusions can be dra&n#

    or :3C% Corporate Social Responsibility is a culture and an un&ritten contract

    &ith the community# .$ery citi/en is an asset in economic acti$ity and :3C only tries

    to pro$ide the opportunity#

    4t has been argued that there are considerable e$idence and significant

    opportunities for :3C to contribute in a sustainable manner to social $alue creation

    through CSR related training initiati$es in de$eloping countries#

    Through the present -roject% and ta!ing into account% &e consider that &e ha$e

    identified some &or!ing a$enues that international organi/ations% state go$ernments% or

    both &or!ing together% could underta!e &ith the goal of inspiring and orienting the

    challenge of locali/ing CSR training initiati$es#


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    "ocali/ing CSR training initiati$es re'uires rele$ant national needs &ith the

    business strategies and competences# :nly then% can &e consider the possibility of

    arri$ing at a shared understanding and agreement on the &ay in &hich &e can contribute

    to social $alue creation through business de$elopment#

    4n this context% one option &ould be setting a CSR agency% &hich can support

    and encourage the de$elopment of a CSR leading entity at national le$elO locali/ing

    CSR% integrating go$ernment% pri$ate sector and ci$il society organi/ations# There is a

    need to fill the gap for addressing initiati$es to further and optimi/e the CSR ad$antages#

    mong themO

    Raising a&areness of the role of CSR in human capital de$elopment# 0or! to

    ad$ance the concept of CSR as a social $alue creation strategy# or instance%

    promoting commitment and long term $ision for meeting education needs#

    :3C has to concentrate on their core competencies to be better able to inno$ate

    on their initiati$es# This helps to ensure consistency bet&een the companyBs

    portfolio of acti$ities and the engagement on CSR#

    Regional integration% define an agenda for regional educational priority issues and

    de$elop a net&or! of go$ernments% business and ci$il society organi/ations &iththe goal of promoting CSR training initiati$es at the regional le$el#

    To enlarge :3CBs commitment to&ards human capital de$elopment through

    CSR training related initiati$es &ould re'uire a more coherent approach to emphasi/e the

    'uantitati$e and 'ualitati$e benefits for both% company and society at large# 4t is crucial to

    build on existing successful initiati$es% capacities and s!ills to ser$e as a model for

    promoting the legitimacy of this endea$or#


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