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One of the basic elements of music is called color, or · The articulators (tongue, palate, cheek, lips, etc.)

Mar 13, 2018



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Page 1: One of the basic elements of music is called color, or · The articulators (tongue, palate, cheek, lips, etc.)
Page 2: One of the basic elements of music is called color, or · The articulators (tongue, palate, cheek, lips, etc.)


Articulators: articuladores.

Cheek: mejilla.

Chest: pecho.

Choir: coro.

Larynx (voice box): laringe.

Lips: labios.

Lungs: pulmones.

Nasal cavity: cavidad nasal.

Oral cavity: cavidad bucal.

Palate: paladar.

Pharynx: faringe.

Phonation: fonación.

Range: registro.

Resonators: resonadores.

Sinuses: senos sinusoidales.

To enhance: mejorar.

To label: etiquetar, nombrar.

Tone: tono.

Tongue: lengüa.

Trachea: traquea.

Vocal chords: cuerdas vocales.

Vocal range: registro vocal.

Page 3: One of the basic elements of music is called color, or · The articulators (tongue, palate, cheek, lips, etc.)


The human voice consists of sounds made by a human being using

the vocal chords for talking, singing, laughing, crying, screaming, etc.

Generally speaking, the voice can be subdivided into four parts; the breath,

the vocal chords, the articulators and the resonators.

The lungs must produce enough airflow to vibrate vocal chords (air is

the fuel of the voice). The vocal chords are the vibrators that produce the

fine pitch and tone. The articulators (tongue, palate, cheek, lips, etc.)

articulate and filter the sound. Finally, the resonators amplify and intensify

the sound: the end result of resonation is, or should be, to make a better


The vocal chords, together with the articulators and the resonators,

are capable of producing a lot of sounds. The tone of voice may be

modulated to suggest emotions such as anger, surprise, or happiness.

Singers use the human voice as an instrument for creating music.

Page 4: One of the basic elements of music is called color, or · The articulators (tongue, palate, cheek, lips, etc.)



Vocal resonation is the

process by which the timbre

and/or intensity of the sound is

enhanced by the use of the air-

filled cavities in the body.

There are seven areas that

may be listed as possible vocal

resonators. These areas are the

chest, the trachea, the larynx

(voice box), the pharynx, the

oral cavity, the nasal cavity and

the sinuses.

Vocal registration refers to the

system of vocal registers/ranges

within the human voice. A

register/range in the human voice

is a particular series of tones that

possess the same quality.

Vocal Ranges

A typical choral arrangement

divides women into higher and lower voices and men into higher or lower

voices too. The four main vocal ranges are:

Page 5: One of the basic elements of music is called color, or · The articulators (tongue, palate, cheek, lips, etc.)

Soprano: A high female (or young boy’s) voice.

Alto: A low female (or young boy’s) voice

Tenor: A high (adult) male voice

Bass: A low (adult) male voice

There are some ranges between the main ones:

Mezzo-soprano: In between soprano and alto

Contralto: Contralto and alto originally referred to the same voice. But

some people today use “contralto” to refer to a female voice that is

even lower than a typical alto

Countertenor: A male voice that is unusually high, light, and agile,

even for a tenor.

Baritone: A male voice that falls in between tenor and bass.


Voices are as individual as faces; some altos will have a smaller or

bigger range, or the softest and strongest part of their range might be in a

different place than other altos.

Page 6: One of the basic elements of music is called color, or · The articulators (tongue, palate, cheek, lips, etc.)


A choir, chorale, or chorus is a musical ensemble of singers. Choral

Music, therefore, is the music written specifically for a choir to perform.

Choirs are often led by a conductor or choirmaster and can be categorized

by the voices:

Mixed choirs (i.e., with male and

female voices). This is perhaps the

most common type, usually consisting

of soprano, alto, tenor and bass voices,

often abbreviated as SATB.

Male choirs, with the same SATB

voicing as mixed choirs, but with boys

singing the upper part (often

called treble or boy soprano) and men

singing alto (in falsetto), also known as

countertenor. This format is typical of

British cathedral choirs.

Female choirs, usually consisting

of soprano and alto voices, two parts in each.

Children's choirs, often two-part SA or three-part SSA, sometimes

more voices. This includes boys’ choirs.

Page 7: One of the basic elements of music is called color, or · The articulators (tongue, palate, cheek, lips, etc.)


Page 8: One of the basic elements of music is called color, or · The articulators (tongue, palate, cheek, lips, etc.)

Crecer Cantando,

Crecer Soñando is a musical

project composed of

different schools interlinked

with a choir in the core.

Nowadays, five institutions

make up the project from

different localities (Valencina

de la Concepción, Aracena,

Osuna, Mairena del Aljarafe

and Sevilla) and educational

regimes: secondary school, conservatory of music, city council school of music and

professional training. Our students are from eight to eighteen years old in the choir

case, and older in the musical ensemble and professional training teams.

Currently, there are about 150 people including singers, musicians,

producers and sound technicians. Crecer Cantando is like a big puzzle where

everybody works independently, but is coordinated around an artistic project and

everybody encourages each other to grow, thanks to a common dream.

As a teenager, you can be different within our choir and it doesn't matter

because the project takes care of you. Diversity is welcome!

Finally, in Crecer Cantando, we share goals and dreams, but responsibilities

and hard work as well. During the process, individual and collaborative learning are

combined. For sure, as a singer you have to improve your voice and musical

knowledge which is definitely an important challenge and self-discovery

experience, but in a choir nobody is anybody without the others. Would you like to

sing? Join us! ;-)

Page 9: One of the basic elements of music is called color, or · The articulators (tongue, palate, cheek, lips, etc.)


Page 10: One of the basic elements of music is called color, or · The articulators (tongue, palate, cheek, lips, etc.)


Page 11: One of the basic elements of music is called color, or · The articulators (tongue, palate, cheek, lips, etc.)


La voz humana consiste en los sonidos creados por el ser humano usando las cuerdas vocales para hablar, cantar, reir llorar, gritar, etc. En general, la voz puede ser subdividida en cuatro partes: la respiración, las cuerdas vocales, los articuladores y los resonadores. Los pulmones deben producir suficiente flujo de aire para hacer vibrar las cuerdas vocales (el aire es el combustible de la voz). Las cuerdas vocales son los vibradores que producen la atura y el tono adecuados. Los articuladores (lengua, paladar, mejillas, labios, etc.) articulan y filtran el sonido. Finalmente, los resonadores amplifican e intensifican el sonido: el resultado final de la resonación es, o debería ser, hacer un sonido mejor.

Las cuerdas vocales, junto con los articuladores y los resonadores, son capaces de producir muchos sonidos. El tono de la voz debe ser modulado para sugerir emociones como el enfado, la sorpresa o la felicidad. Los cantantes usan la voz humana como un instrumento para crear música.


La resonación vocal es el proceso mediante el cual el timbre y/o la intensidad de el sonido es mejorado por el uso de las cavidades huecas de nuestro cuerpo. Hay siete areas que pueden ser añadidas a la lista de posibles resonadores vocales. Estas areas son el pecho, la tráquea, la laringe, la faringe, la cavidad oral, la cavidad nasal y los senos sinusoidales.

El registro vocal se refiere al sistema de registros o rangos vocales dentro de la voz humana. Un regsitro o rango en la voz humana es una serie particular de tonos que poseen la mima calidad.

Una clasificación coral típica divide las voces de mujeres y hombres en agudas y graves. Los cuatro rangos vocales principales son:

Soprano: una voz aguda de mujer (o de niño).

Alto: una voz grave de mujer (o de niño).

Tenor: una voz aguda de hombre.

Bajo: una voz grave de hombre.

Hay algunos rangos entre las voces principales:

Mezzo-soprano: entre soprano y alto.

Contralto: alto y contalto se refieren originalmente a la misma voz pero algunas personas usan hoy "contralto" para referirse a la voz femenina que es incluso más grave que una alto típica.

Contratenor: una voz masculina que es inusualmente aguda, ligera y ágil, incluso para un tenor.

Barítono: una voz de hombre que cae entre tenor y bajo.

Las voces son tan individuales como los rostros; algunas altos tendrán un registro más pequeño o más grande, o la parte más suave o fuerte de su rango puede estar en un lugar diferente que otras altos.


Un coro o coral es un grupo musical de cantantes. La musica coral, por tanto, es la música escrita especificamente para un coro para ser interpretada. Los coros son a menudo dirigidos por un director y pueden ser clasificados por sus voces:

CORO MIXTO: (voces masculinas y femeninas). Este es quizás el tipo más común, normalmente formado por voces de soprano, alto, tenor y bajo, a menudo abraviado como SATB.

CORO DE HOMBRES, con la misma distribución de un coro mixto pero con niños cantando la voz superior (a menuda llamados sopraninos) y hombres cantando de altos en falsete, también conocidos como contratenores. Este es el formato típico de los coros de las catedrales británicas.

CORO DE VOCES BLANCAS (coro de mujeres): normalmente consisten en voces de soprano y alto, dos partes cada una.

ESCOLANÍA (coro de niños/as), a menudo formado por dos voces (soprano/alto) o tres (sopranos 1, sopranos 2 y altos). Incluye a los coros infantiles.