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I r TITTOHIUV RTCrnnmFn B 1 THE PADUCAH EVENING SUN PAGE 1TV1 r i Jacquard gpdin Ji1k < 49c lard il I One of the41 new ideas in fall r allK stylefor t street or even ¬ ing wear Fifteen shades and four pattern designs from which to choose exceptionally t priced at theyavd 49c i 1 tt 9udqs = I II I THE LOCAL NEWS JET IT AT GILUERTS Ur Gilbert Osteopath n Broadway Phones 19C Rubber stamps soak bras ilencllsutct at Thu Sun offlce Free city and farm real estate price Itst Wlilltemoru Fralnrnlt bulldldr Plionctj 831iJ Sfgn writing 0 R Beiton PhOllea 4O1i JITho g or writer papers from onion skin to btavy ledgers and In sizes from halt letter to legal at Thu Sun offlcu Telephone The Sun olllcu for r samples and prices of all kinds of typewriter paper Dalton Dye Works have moved to 114 South Fifth street Evergreen uraua Ilant Food cure sick plants makes all plant grow Bransons C29 Broadway MrllOllUr 1 I i 1 J A Nine years without steeping Buchanan restaurant 219 Ken ¬ tucky service avenue Always at your I i + Mw JJIlIfl iU I < Buthcrlant tttvrhrr of Plano and harmony I I Phone SIS residence 714 Broadway 1 Dalton Dye Works tune moved u ya 11 Sd llih Ffth r Ctitckrnfeiidf trulltI I i rolxnd tds IHT Jiundrvd We de 5 4 I liver Yopp Seed company Both f i phones Tho Dorhin Prlrato School wlll rojHimu work September I 12 I Prlmary IHiplU will bti revolved this year This wbooV oT Ys B r ntpVo lltor ary course lending to graduation and a thproiiRh utiluMc court Morn lag afternoon wed evening nossloiw 503 South Fourth Krcet Old phone Ins Dr Voris has returned Phones 211 Fraternity Building I The Indies Mlle society of thl- lIlrat l Itaptlet church will meet Frli s IUIUnktonat I idly I St Marys Mandolin club Is I In process of formation Persons de ¬ siring to trtko advantage of this 4 opportunity for study will apply be ¬ fore September 15 Miss Kntlo Block was operated upon today at Rlvertrldu hospital This afternoon she was resting easy Mrs Lula Summer who resides on 1 MMxnbeth ftreet between Fourth end I Fifth streets fractured a bono PERSPIROfor Hot Days I A liner toilet preparation It r would be Impossible to make Prepared as It Is from tho choicest Boothtng healing and nntlsoptlc Ingredients It Is tho only perfect deodorant wo know dJI I AtTry This I I a Rub n little on the hart feet 4 jrhiiisco I how diillghtfully cool fttees how delightfully cool sweet and comfortable your tool feel Its mnrveloual 25c GILBERTSDrug I IIourth and Broadway lath Phones 77 GET IT AT dlMIKUrfl In her loft foot yesterday when she fell from a step Today she 4s rut lug easy Mr Mamyo Dryfuss Qrucn baum will resume her class of Plano and vocal Intrtructon Studio 802 Jefferson street t The Philanthropic dcparlmer of the Womans club will give nn Ice cream supper Tuesday evening F NEWS r COURTS 1 In Pollct Court Drunk T I N Hanlock 1 and costs Breach of i peace lee ley Allen and Jim Barnes I 14 Malicious as- sault ¬ Tony Ifomsn continued to September 10 Drew Starrett con ¬ tinued and attachment Issued for Charles Pafford Malicious cutting Mlles Stewart continued to Septem- ber ¬ 10- Mlarringn c IlrraMii M I D Ieroy of Paducah engineer IaduclhIE Filed In Circuit Court 1Snlll IxHrkrldga filed suit against W W Covlngton for 7870 alleged due ox a balance on a note Prank Clarkfifed suit for divorce ThofCOUIIO he alleges that the abandoned him December IS 190S At prevent lie says that she I It a resident of Baker neld Cal EIhrhlley a balance oa a tote UKUi I INTATi IUItOtSRI Ilarahan avenue residence lot be ¬ toolitem Reasonable at S 1000 our price IfI taken at once 850 J4CO rah COO In land notes well secured by real estate for GOO cash You can slake 100 In a day Payment guaranteed 100 laud note well secured pay- able ¬ In 12 months for 9504 makes nil ver cent Investment Trimble street lot 40 foot earner 13th 600- 1V111TT1mUiIl HIXU ESTATE AGENCY Imtornlty Illdtf Ih ute K11 I Filial Plea fur Itrounc Chicago Sopt 811101 pleas for t the defendants In tho Leo ONXell Browne bribery trial wore made be fbre Judo Kertftcn In the criminal court yesterday by Attorney diaries Erbitcln and Patrick ODonnell Hitter denunciation of States Attor- ney ¬ Wayman marked time nddre nes by couisel for the defense IDR I B HOWELL DENTIST I I Columbia nidf Phone 2- 21twwW ISay Girls IWo less are Face sole Powder agents forI I latest nod best face powder made Try it bec usoI It protects tho complexion beyond detection It will not smart the skin It Is daintily perfumeda It Is perfectly tinted 3 colorsIt contains no harmful Ingredients let tho old women use chalk and lelldyou just telephone us for Queen flees BACON DruggistsPhones DUNBAR i i y l 4h I N SOCIAL CIRCLES sJ Mrs Hliodr Clint Party Mrd Amos Rhodes entertained yesterday afternoon with an enjoy- able card party at her homo In the Uucknor apartments In honor pt Miss Marguerite Burford of Louli vlUo the guest of Miss Hazel Rhodes The rooms were prettily decorated with cut flowers Alter the game a retreshln Ice course was sorvgd Mlf + s Alma tKopf w OiltO first prize a cut glasal candle stick the lone hand prize a handpainted plate wont to MUi Mary I Scott while the guest of honor received ix pair of Bilk stockings The party Included Mlms Marguerite Burford Loult Vlllo Qlfldys Cobourn Ioulsvlllc Alma Kopf Ludlo Harth Rorall fetter Joe Miller Katherine Done van Saldee Smith Marjorie Laving Mary Scott Helen Van Meter Sarah Corbott Hazel McCandlesg Lucite Well UIHe Mao McOIathery Mar Buerlte Oarnagcy Elizabeth Scbrec Nell Straw Irma Yelyer Bernice Miller Frances Terrell Fred Paxtdr Lena Shelton Henrietta Kahn Rose bud Hobson Floeale HUBS Hazel Rhodes hula Heed Lillian Abbott Gladys Bugg Corlnno WInstead Mary Byrd Lucy Slaughter Amy Drcyfuss Mrs Charles Do Werthen St Louis Mrs Will Ulnkllff MM Harry Singleton Mm Will Owen Mrs Joseph Purcell Mrs Percy Pox ton Mrr W P McPherson MUM Caldwell Entertains Miss Kllzabcth Caldwell enter talncd most delightfully yesterday afternoon nt 4 oclock In honor of Miss Anti Elizabeth Sharp of Nash- ville tho guest of Mrs James Cald well nnd Mlsa Sadee Dupree of Tcxarkana Ark the guest of Mrs U C Wilson The halls and rooms were artistically decorated with flowers and vines In a guessing thelIlrbe clous salad course was served guests Included Misses Ann Eliza beth Sharp Sadco Duprec Manic Cobb Margery DagbyMary Wheeler Limn Shelton Halllo Hlsey Condo Orundy Mildred Terrell Mary U Jennings Pearl Harry Mabel Shel ton Mary liondurant Nell Hendrlck Florence loob Caroline Sowell Anglo Thomas I Katherine Thomas Mrs > K Wilson Mrs James S Caldwell Mrs Frank Lucas Mrs K II Hell Mrs Roy McKinney Ir Della Caldwell lemons Club Meets Tonight The German club will meet tonight at S oclock at the Chess Checker of9and rera for tho ensuing year The date fqr the fair hop hiss been set for the 28th of tills month and will bo nt tho l park 1Iot rulior ItrmincN Mrx Wurtz At 330 oclock this afternoon the solemn nuptials which united Miss Ida Hortcnso Heber and Mr Edward IL Wurtz were pronounced In St Francis do Sales church In the pres- ence of tho Immediate families of the high contracting parties and In sited friends Tho ceremony was inducted by the Rev IL A Con- nolly ¬ pastor of tho parish and was beautiful and Impressive Tho bride Is the daughter of Mr and MM L lleber of 917 Clark street with whom tho young couple will reside temporarily A reception will be held nt tho Kobcr homo tonight com- mencing nt S oclock Mrs Oeorgo W Kattcrjohn has re horned from French Lick Springs Mrs WiHlnm C dark and daugh ¬ ter Edna will return this afternoon from Cerulean Springs Mr Leslie Pury ar hap returned to Durham N C and has resumed his i studies In Trinity college Mrs Carrie Johnson 40G North F Wth street has gone to Clinton on II t visit to friends and relatives Mr S L Rogers traveling freight agent of the Frisco railroad was In the city today on business Mr David Klmnconon will leave Saturday for Saltlllo Tenn on a ilsltto hU mother Mss Bertha Toon loft title after noon for Fancy Farm on a visit to relatives Mr Harry A Arthur treasurer of the Paducah Light and Power com ¬ limn has returned from his vaca ¬ tionMessrs Carl nnd Sidney Herman have returned to their homo In St Louis after a pleasant visit to their grandmother Mrs A F Nelson 1323 Jefferson street Mr Max Fplz and slater Miss Jcssyo left yesterday for an extend- ed ¬ trip through New Mexico and southern California Frances Schraven and Miss illellen Goodloo have gone to Adrian Ky I to visit friends I Mr Henry Rudy returned this morning from Chicago i Attorney Milton Anderson of yickllffo was In the city today on business I Mr Frank Fisher went to Norton vlllo this morning and will return this evening I Mr O ear Georgo ot Mayfield wnM In time city today on business I Attorney George Oliver will leave Parly tomorrow morning for Loltch field on business Mrs Alice Klnman of Evanuvllle I mother of Mrs M A App well known In Paducah IP the guest of her brother Mr C C Hayman 1101 1 South Third street Mrs LoWe Farrar has returned from Chicago Mis > t Marlam Clark and Mr Aus ¬ tin Clarke have returned to their < t 1 I homo In Memphis after a visit to Mr G R Davis Mr und Mm J C Wlerback re- turned this morning from an ex tended trip through tho west Mrs J D Mocquot returned Insl night from a several weeks visit to New York Mr Will Hendrick returned this morning from Smlthland Dr I n Howell returned this morning from a three weeks trip to Denver Colorado Springs and Man touMiss Virginia Holland returned to- day from a visit to friends at Shelby vllle < I Mrs II T Davis Mrs J C Wad llngton and Miss Loretta Billings have returned from Dawson Springs otlIomphll I cityMr slid Mrs David Koger have re- turned from Colorado Springs and IIMils II Johns Is visiting MJwes Margaret and Clara Park SlO Washington streetMr II Thompson Warren and slrter1 Miss I Kate Warren left today for I Denver where they will reside with their sister Miss Coral Mr S W DJsmuken WarrenI I Mayfleld to attend time Mr Robert Gordon has gone toI Chattanooga on A several days visit Miss Marguerite Burford of Louis ¬ I ville will return to her home tomarI I rom after a visit to Miss Hazel RhodesMr Hugh Marshall has gone to Mayfleld to attend the races Mr William F Dradohaw Jr has gone to St Louts onbulnessI I Mrs M Long of Jackson Tenn- is visiting her sisters Mrs Maggie McVrecry and Mrs J L Dunn The family of Mr Robert Robert ron 2103 Jefferson street has re ¬ turned tram Michigan I Mrs John W tAttle Hot Jeffer- son ¬ street has returned from Chi ¬ cago I Mr William Endes returned to his home In Murray this morning 11 I Muss Ann Sharpe who has been I I tho attractive guest of Mrs James 1 I Ca dwell l 15 1C J rrorton street re turned to her home In NaahvUfo this mornIng I Mr William C Clark left this morning for Princeton and KuUawa1 on businessJudge II Puryear loft this morning for Eddyrllle on business Mrs Polk Smith ft Clarksvlllo arrIved today on a visit to her sister I dm James Caldwellf Rof Jefferson street tr r I tUSJ t Ilckman where e4ioboa entered Hickman college Mln Nova Warren pf Milan Tenn- is visiting her grandmother and aunt Irs Sarah Dargor aal Mrs Thomas I lofllch 000 South TelftbttreetII II I t t- NO liON FOrt JUSTICE HARLAX I VRP Held Itarrlor to HU Selection ns Cltht of Supremo llrnrli Washington Sept 8IItUo stocks Is taken here In tho revived stories of the possible appointment of As- sociate Justice John M Harlan net chief justice to succeed tho late Mol vi11o W Fuller At tho time of Chief Justice Fullers death It was staled that friends of Justice Harlan undoubtedly would start a movement looking to his appointment but at In that time It also was stated that his advanced ago would be a bArrier It Is understood President Taft doI sires for chief justice a young man with many years ahead of him Ac cording to latest rumors Justice liar Ian would be willing to retire after lervlng a short time as chief justice Ono weak spot In this reported ar 1 angemcnt la the repugnance with which anything looking like a deall In matters relating to tho supreme l ourt Is viewed In the Highest official ind judicial circles Those who have been In closest touch with President Taft during thef f summer have been ot tho opinion that his Bclcctlno for chief justice I Is most likely to be Associate Justco Hughes If not Justice Hughes ItI I l Is believed then It will be a man not now on the bench who possesses the luallfkatlons dcrfred by the rlSlI dent I la I Mayllclil Schools Open Mayneld Ky Sept SThe pub ¬ lie schools opened with a largo at ondance There are lCOO pupils ofT school age In the city and SOO wore present on the opening day There I j t will probably be 1000 or over en- rolled ¬ t by the end of tho weekI I Ir otvnnl1 rk Mayfield I Ky Sept 8Time mar Inge of M3 Mattlo Ray Clark to I Edgar Howard was ono of tho most I beautiful homo weddings ever solemII ilzed In Mayfleld Mrs Howard Is t a nleco of Mrs John Ulalock atl whose homo the wedding took place I Tho groom Is a son of J D Howard I SOPIAMSM Geo H Goebcl of Now JorseI will speak at county court house l Friday Sept 9 730 p m Subject What Ails the Workingm- anTYPEWRITERS Repaired called for and de ¬ livered We also carry Type writers for rent Will sell you a good secondhand Type- writer fully guaranteed for the lowest price Full lino of Typewriter Supplies Ribbons Carbon Paper Hrushes and CoversCull 1228R Old 1 hone EYE SEE JEWELRY OPTICAL CO 31B and J08 Broadway 1 > WO Ir11t11k1 MIt 1 1TMMMSIM 111f111R1 1j I MOTHERSDont = 4 dren Rocks School Shoes t4 t4i 4Try Rocks They fit tho childs It 4 4foot correctly It t4 GEO ROCK SHOE CO f f 321 Broadways tttt4 4tt 4uu lUnVAKK I RKI PKVTI1KII I Female IHnlmnymnn Terrorizes jimmy Inmisianlnns- Covington ljit Sept 8AlI houses In tho norlhwestern part i of this parish have their doors locked npproachlot all terrorstricken over the exploits of a woman highway robber It Is tolbe point of a revolver and robbed sev oral men In the vicinity of Onvll and ted Bluffs during tho past two weeksA man named Gore reports that last week tho highwaywoman came to his house and on being denied thetdoor herself at home for a short limo until It pleased her to depart Her victims so far have lost small amounts but only because of their scant supply of funds at the time of the holddp as It Is said the womans methods are very thorough and businesslike HOLD 81 > FOIL MUUDIMt OF SIX Police nt ItfKflo Italy Blame New York IMack Hand Regglo DI Calabria Italy I Sept 8 TIle police today arrested thirty persons among them two who re thoI knowledge of the murder at Pellar early Monday morning of Policeman childrenI an ax The childs throat was cut as she ran screaming from the house tp attract attention The Police here ascribe the whole sale murder to vengeance of the BJnck Hand society In Sew York Tin Rovollnos once resided In the United States MAP OF IIIUVKX8 COMPIKTKD Government Srlenllsls Fled Tn k lie pin Before Civil AVar Washington Sept STho ggan tic work of making a map of lime heavens has just ben completed IIt the naval I observatory In this city It was commenced before the civil war and many of the government scIentists devoting many nights to the stupendous trek The great equatorial volume will show all tho visible at different reasons In the Washington zones Each star Is- gIven Its exact ascension and decllna lon tor a given year The annual results together with the final posi- tions for each star of American ephemeris and for each miscellaneous star observed and their proper places the heavens are designated COTICH TO lUlMMXO CONTRAC ¬ TO I tI- The Kentucky State Hoard of Control for Charitable Institutions will receive proposals at office of Superintendent of Western Kentucky Asylum for time Insane Hopklnsvlilo Ky until noon October 4 ipto for lime material and labor required In remodeling kitchen mid helps din- Ing rooms of Western Kentucky Asy- lum for tho Insane Hopklnsvllle K y Plans and specifications will bo on file In office ot Superintendent of Avetern Kentucky Asylum for tho Insane HopVnsvllle Ky In offtco of Kentucky State Board of Control Frankfort Ky and In office of D X Murphy Hro architects l Louls vino Ky The right la reserved to reject any or all bids Each bd must be accompanied by i certified check for five 51 per cram of amount of hid pajxiblo to Kentucky State Board of Control for Ilmrltnblo Institutions ripped I In tier New Bobble Skirt mid Broke n ieg Now York Sept 8Lflllan Shut eworth 23 years old of 045 Itigucnot street New Rochelle was tinning down one of the paths at lien Island yesterday afternoon when fho fell and fractured her left leg Police Sergt Walsh carried her to the Glen Island emergency hos iltal where Dr George Williams rot- the limb The girl woe then placed Iht1 rowboat and ferried across iXaj > unc creek to tho trollep wharf vhore cho was met by an automobile and taken homo Her fall was at- tributed to a new hobble skirt which she wore yesterday for the first time A tiny electric device Is now used to test the action of time heart EDWARDSThe j Now Located In Lenox Build Illtf IClMIIII 10 Is ready to take orders for Ladles Coat Suits und Skirts made to measure Best work ¬ manship guaranteed by experi ¬ enced tailorsOld 778It t Iaiii ij ras SSA WANT ADS TTTTTT ++ NOTICE TO lonrms AX IJ ClltIlOHIW I I Beginning today tho advertising rates for lodges and churches char Ity organizations and societies will be time same as to all other adver tisers Also on account of difficul- ties In making collections from many of these acounts all publications of this character must bo acompanle by the cMb- DlAjI0iDS on easy payments Eye See Jewelry Co 315 Broadway oOH RENT Furnished room Apply 304 North Sixth FUR RENT Modern five room apartment Phone 2197 BEATS THEM ALL on prices Williams Furniture Depot C01 So Third New Phone 981a FOR RKNT Apartment In tints CO 3 North Sixth street Geo Stw leIghFOR RENT One apartment San Soucl apartment 308 North Ninth street See W E Cochran TRY MEMPHIS Pressing club llth and Broadway New phone 1041 FOR RENT Two front rooms over Walkers drug store second floor Apply D A Yeiser WANTED You to bear In mind that Bradley Bros are sole agents for Old Taylor Coal I FOR SALE Two good work- horses cheap Johnston Fuel Co Phone 203 FOR RENT Store house K25 827 So Third Apply Geo Oehl Bohlaeger 823 So Thly- dWANTEDPosition by young lady with office experience Address B care Sun KOIft RKNT Elthen side double tenement 721 Harrison Old phoji 489 riVANTEUTwo or three urn Ished rooms for light housekeeping Address II A Bf care Sun ulII1breIJa dIwa UNION LABEL mena ladles and hlldrons shoes and Stronger than Ilbo law men and boys Star Brand Runges Shoe store J cleanIIng sending them t the Star Laundry Phone 200 WE WASH lace curtains very cue fully Get them cleaner and whiter than you could at home Star Laun dry Phone 200 S HHOSTEN Dyeing prosaing ronovatlng French dry cleaning Work called for and delivered Club JlOO per montb Old phone 338a WANTED = You to give Old Tay for Coal a trial We guarantee to 339ploasb both phones FOR RENT 414 South Tenth street nine room house bath hot I l and cold water Eighteen dollars per mouth Telephone 102 J A RudyWANTEDRailway mall clerks I Paducah exatnjnatlon November 2th 800 to J1COO Preparation free Franklin Institute Deptl 01T Rochester N Y WANTED You to remember when placing your order for coal that Old Taylor Coal Is by test the best nnd at the same price of the other interior coals sold on the Iai ducah market- WANTEDhints to clean Gents suits pressed 40c Suits steam cleaned or dry cleaned from 125 to 150 French Cleaning and Pressing Co 113 South Fourth street Now phone 480 I JUltltho them hang nicely and dry them upon frames that make them square and and Star IWilY I for your dinner when you can go to SouthjSicond ortablo and where you can get Youlcan I FOR SALE1 large lee box 1 Bowser oil tank 2 show ewes 2 imputing scales 1 Nt cash reg lstOr one safe one rOle reel Apply to Otlo Ovcrstrect Twelfth and Jet rerwnDoth phones 133 i 1 EARN THE UARnBIl TRADK Its easy Good IIlh1tor our I graduates Our dlplomaas are cognized everywhere Established 193i1l leading cities Wal6 whilo learning Few weeks re Iulri Catalogue mailed free Muter Barber College St Louis MoSkeelions baggage and 11ellvery service does general hauling of all kinds Delivers parcels traiufers trunks to trains anti boats moves light household furniture hauls boxes crates and barrels Freight to and from depots or wharfboat Goods delivered promptly Glre mss a Mil Roth ohnnu llt 100 HORSES AND CATTLE VANTKD To pasture on tho large fresh pasture Just opened for stock grazing Cool clear running spring tranches nnd shade In every Held blue grass orchard grass red top red and white clover lespldeza and other good grasses on Tho Lady oren a Plantation This well Im proved line stock fruit poultry and garden farm Is also for sale Apply- to or address James F Estes 1729 Harrison street Paducah Ky o- L J2 tO i 4fK 1 3 IT IS School Book Time C Again An- dWILSONS I BOOKSTORE I is the I i Right Place to t Buy You con get any bboks needed you get more pencils than elsewhere you get better Ink you get heavier drawing paperJI d you get blggur tablet values and you get a square deal in j I every transaction I A special sale of Sheet Music Is now on and we offer tho Standard Classics at Cc a copy These sold heretofore at 2Cc I 1 I D Ea WILSON 1 313 roadway j i lAST CALL Household goods heap 1719 Harrison Horse and Surrey for sale cheap 1 1209 Tennessee street 1 FURNISHED rent Ali conveniences cOG S 4th HOUSEHOLD FURXITURE FOR sale Old phone 1167 11562 r YOU have auy brick work call IlhonelnAf Phone 711a Mat- tie Dawson WANTED Seamstress to assIrt dressmaker Apply 1152 Jefferson FURNITURE repairing and up ¬ holstering New phone 1490 old phone 798r FOR SALE Small grocery pad meat shop Good location AddrenT S Care Sun STIt tYEUOne smalt red cow horns tipped Rwwdrd for any In ormaton Call 3344 I UMBRELLAS Covered while you wait Eye See Jewelry Co 316 and 408 Broadway I FOR SALE My I general Insurnncvlr and real estate bu nosy cheap Ad ¬ dress A Z care Sun lTroll RENT Seven mom cottoje with bath lIndmod rlllmplQve meats located in West End Old phone 287 FOit SATELnrga traction ell glllo otcani baler and i lea huller Pske GOO Address F N Weltlauf n F D No C- TFOR RENT Furnished room Furnace heat Only three blocks from ixistofllce 407 North Fifth street Old phone 1673- r5PATEDA bright Loy 15 to18 years of ago to learn drug buplnoss a- Apply tomorrow at Winsteadst t drug stoe Seventh and Broadway rFOR RENT =Most deelrable trout room all modern conveniences fcely furnished three squares from oTitofflce Address AB Sun office UMBRELLAS repaired and recov erect rood ns new 11th and Broad wap Now phone 1541 J R Rob Inson VAXTED iTo buy or rent 25 or 3 0 acres Improved chore to city- Jno Egan 42814 Broadway New Phone 243- NOTICh I have some uncalled for umbrellas and clothes that have- been In my shop over thirty days Which wUl bo sold for charges J R Robinson WANT I Salesman A llrat class clothing salepman on capable of managing store that will open In Paducah about Sept 17 State age experience and salary expected Ad- dress i Manager care of this paler FOR SALE OR LEAST Nice vostory eight room residence 1739 Harrison street lot 100 feet by 1C5 feet to public alloy tine fruit pecan nnd shade trees orna mental shrubbery largo stable pouU try yard and garden located In ono of the nicest residence portions o- otime city onehalf block northwest of angs park convenient to and In the Broadway High school district In which children have the best of educational faculties For prices and terms apply nt or address James F I Isles 1739 Harrison street Padu- cah Ky iBoslon Mass Sept 8Danlel A White of Broekon was nominated for jprnor yesterday by the state con entlon of the Massachusetts ikiciul Isis held In this city Twenty cltl ° i e- and towns were represented toy lilrtyolght delegate Perfect Dyeing and Dry Cleaning hen In doubt about your sunmme- tDress > Pongee Cents Etc send them to us CieiitleiiienH llunnetl Kulli and Trousers denned equal to sew Model Steam Dyeing ani Dry Cleaning Works JIJ South Thlnl Street I Phone aWflIl Ker3 Ihone 2t- c LOld

onbulnessI 4O1i thoI€¦ · I r TITTOHIUV RTCrnnmFn B 1 THE PADUCAH EVENING SUN PAGE 1TV1 r i Jacquard gpdin Ji1k < 49c lard il I One of the41 new ideas in fall r allK stylefort

Oct 05, 2020



Welcome message from author
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Page 1: onbulnessI 4O1i thoI€¦ · I r TITTOHIUV RTCrnnmFn B 1 THE PADUCAH EVENING SUN PAGE 1TV1 r i Jacquard gpdin Ji1k < 49c lard il I One of the41 new ideas in fall r allK stylefort



ri Jacquard

gpdin Ji1k <

49c lardil


One of the41 new ideas in fallr allK stylefort street or even ¬

ing wear Fifteen shades andfour pattern designs fromwhich to choose exceptionally

t priced at theyavd


1 tt 9udqs=


JET IT AT GILUERTSUr Gilbert Osteopath n

Broadway Phones 19CRubber stamps soak bras

ilencllsutct at Thu Sun offlceFree city and farm real estate

price Itst Wlilltemoru Fralnrnltbulldldr Plionctj 831iJSfgn writing 0 R BeitonPhOllea 4O1iJITho g orwriter papers from onion skin tobtavy ledgers and In sizes from haltletter to legal at Thu Sun offlcu

Telephone The Sun olllcu forr samples and prices of all kinds oftypewriter paper

Dalton Dye Works have movedto 114 South Fifth street

Evergreen uraua Ilant Foodcure sick plants makes all plantgrow Bransons C29 Broadway

MrllOllUr1 I i1

J ANine years without steeping

Buchanan restaurant 219 Ken¬


avenue Always at yourI

i+Mw JJIlIfl iUI < Buthcrlant

tttvrhrr of Plano and harmony I

I Phone SIS residence 714 Broadway 1

Dalton Dye Works tune moved


11 Sd llih FfthrCtitckrnfeiidf trulltIIi

rolxnd tds IHT Jiundrvd We de5

4 Iliver Yopp Seed company Both f

i phones

Tho Dorhin Prlrato School wlllrojHimu work September I12 IPrlmaryIHiplU will bti revolved this yearThis wbooV oT Ys B r ntpVo lltorary course lending to graduation anda thproiiRh utiluMc court Mornlag afternoon wed evening nossloiw503 South Fourth Krcet Old phoneIns

Dr Voris has returned Phones211 Fraternity Building I

The Indies Mlle society of thl-

lIlrat lItaptlet church will meet Frli


idly I

St Marys Mandolin club IsI Inprocess of formation Persons de¬

siring to trtko advantage of this4 opportunity for study will apply be¬

fore September 15Miss Kntlo Block was operated

upon today at Rlvertrldu hospitalThis afternoon she was resting easy

Mrs Lula Summer who resideson 1MMxnbeth ftreet between Fourthend IFifth streets fractured a bono


Hot DaysI

A liner toilet preparation Itr

would be Impossible to make

Prepared as It Is from tho

choicest Boothtng healing and

nntlsoptlc Ingredients It Is tho

only perfect deodorant wo

know dJI I

AtTry This I


a Rub n little on the hart feet

4 jrhiiiscoI how diillghtfully cool

fttees how delightfully cool

sweet and comfortable your

tool feel Its mnrveloual



IIIourth and Broadwaylath Phones 77


In her loft foot yesterday when shefell from a step Today she 4s rutlug easy

Mr Mamyo Dryfuss Qrucnbaum will resume her class of Planoand vocal Intrtructon Studio 802Jefferson streett

The Philanthropic dcparlmerof the Womans club will give nnIce cream supper Tuesday evening


In Pollct CourtDrunk TI N Hanlock 1 and

costs Breach of ipeace lee ley Allenand Jim Barnes I14 Malicious as-


Tony Ifomsn continued toSeptember 10 Drew Starrett con ¬

tinued and attachment Issued forCharles Pafford Malicious cuttingMlles Stewart continued to Septem-





IlrraMiiMI D Ieroy of Paducah engineer

IaduclhIEFiled In Circuit Court1Snlll IxHrkrldga filed suit against

W W Covlngton for 7870 allegeddue ox a balance on a note

Prank Clarkfifed suit for divorce

ThofCOUIIOhe alleges that the abandoned himDecember IS 190S At prevent liesays that she IIt a resident of Bakerneld Cal

EIhrhlleya balance oa a tote

UKUi IINTATi IUItOtSRIIlarahan avenue residence lot be¬

toolitemReasonable at S 1000 our price IfItaken at once 850 J4CO rah

COO In land notes well securedby real estate for GOO cash Youcan slake 100 In a day Paymentguaranteed

100 laud note well secured pay-


In 12 months for 9504 makesnil ver cent Investment

Trimble street lot 40 foot earner13th 600-


Imtornlty Illdtf Ih ute K11I

Filial Plea fur ItrouncChicago Sopt 811101 pleas for

tthe defendants In tho Leo ONXellBrowne bribery trial wore made befbre Judo Kertftcn In the criminalcourt yesterday by Attorney diariesErbitcln and Patrick ODonnellHitter denunciation of States Attor-ney


Wayman marked time nddre nesby couisel for the defense


I Columbia nidf Phone 2-21twwWISay GirlsIWo less


Powderagents forII

latest nod best face powdermade Try it bec usoIIt protects tho complexionbeyond detection

It will not smart the skinIt Is daintily perfumedaIt Is perfectly tinted 3

colorsItcontains no harmful

Ingredientslet tho old women use chalk

and lelldyou just telephoneus for Queen flees





y l4h


N SOCIAL CIRCLESsJMrs Hliodr Clint Party

Mrd Amos Rhodes entertainedyesterday afternoon with an enjoy-able card party at her homo In theUucknor apartments In honor ptMiss Marguerite Burford of LoulivlUo the guest of Miss Hazel RhodesThe rooms were prettily decoratedwith cut flowers Alter the game aretreshln Ice course was sorvgdMlf +s Alma tKopf w OiltO first prizea cut glasal candle stick the lonehand prize a handpainted platewont to MUi MaryI Scott while theguest of honor received ix pair ofBilk stockings The party IncludedMlms Marguerite Burford LoultVlllo Qlfldys Cobourn IoulsvlllcAlma Kopf Ludlo Harth Rorallfetter Joe Miller Katherine Donevan Saldee Smith Marjorie LavingMary Scott Helen Van Meter SarahCorbott Hazel McCandlesg LuciteWell UIHe Mao McOIathery MarBuerlte Oarnagcy Elizabeth ScbrecNell Straw Irma Yelyer BerniceMiller Frances Terrell Fred PaxtdrLena Shelton Henrietta Kahn Rosebud Hobson Floeale HUBS HazelRhodes hula Heed Lillian AbbottGladys Bugg Corlnno WInsteadMary Byrd Lucy Slaughter AmyDrcyfuss Mrs Charles Do WerthenSt Louis Mrs Will Ulnkllff MMHarry Singleton Mm Will OwenMrs Joseph Purcell Mrs Percy Poxton Mrr W P McPherson

MUM Caldwell EntertainsMiss Kllzabcth Caldwell enter

talncd most delightfully yesterdayafternoon nt 4 oclock In honor ofMiss Anti Elizabeth Sharp of Nash-

ville tho guest of Mrs James Caldwell nnd Mlsa Sadee Dupree ofTcxarkana Ark the guest of MrsU C Wilson The halls and roomswere artistically decorated withflowers and vines In a guessing

thelIlrbeclous salad course was servedguests Included Misses Ann Elizabeth Sharp Sadco Duprec ManicCobb Margery DagbyMary WheelerLimn Shelton Halllo Hlsey CondoOrundy Mildred Terrell Mary U

Jennings Pearl Harry Mabel Shelton Mary liondurant Nell HendrlckFlorence loob Caroline SowellAnglo Thomas IKatherine ThomasMrs > K Wilson Mrs James S

Caldwell Mrs Frank Lucas MrsK II Hell Mrs Roy McKinney IrDella Caldwell

lemons Club Meets Tonight

The German club will meet tonightat S oclock at the Chess Checkerof9andrera for tho ensuing year The datefqr the fair hop hiss been set for the28th of tills month and will bo nttho lpark

1Iot rulior ItrmincN Mrx WurtzAt 330 oclock this afternoon the

solemn nuptials which united MissIda Hortcnso Heber and Mr EdwardIL Wurtz were pronounced In StFrancis do Sales church In the pres-ence of tho Immediate families ofthe high contracting parties and Insited friends Tho ceremony wasinducted by the Rev IL A Con-nolly


pastor of tho parish and wasbeautiful and Impressive Tho brideIs the daughter of Mr and MM Llleber of 917 Clark street withwhom tho young couple will residetemporarily A reception will beheld nt tho Kobcr homo tonight com-mencing nt S oclock

Mrs Oeorgo W Kattcrjohn has rehorned from French Lick Springs

Mrs WiHlnm C dark and daugh ¬

ter Edna will return this afternoonfrom Cerulean Springs

Mr Leslie Pury ar hap returnedto Durham N C and has resumedhisi studies In Trinity college

Mrs Carrie Johnson 40G NorthFWth street has gone to Clinton onIIt visit to friends and relatives

Mr S L Rogers traveling freightagent of the Frisco railroad was Inthe city today on business

Mr David Klmnconon will leaveSaturday for Saltlllo Tenn on ailsltto hU mother

Mss Bertha Toon loft title afternoon for Fancy Farm on a visit torelatives

Mr Harry A Arthur treasurer ofthe Paducah Light and Power com ¬

limn has returned from his vaca ¬

tionMessrs Carl nnd Sidney Hermanhave returned to their homo In StLouis after a pleasant visit to theirgrandmother Mrs A F Nelson1323 Jefferson street

Mr Max Fplz and slater MissJcssyo left yesterday for an extend-ed


trip through New Mexico andsouthern California

Frances Schraven and Missillellen Goodloo have gone to AdrianKyI to visit friends

I Mr Henry Rudy returned thismorning from Chicago

i Attorney Milton Anderson ofyickllffo was In the city today onbusiness

I Mr Frank Fisher went to Nortonvlllo this morning and will returnthis evening

I Mr O ear Georgo ot MayfieldwnM In time city today on business

I Attorney George Oliver will leaveParly tomorrow morning for Loltchfield on business

Mrs Alice Klnman of EvanuvllleI mother of Mrs M A App wellknown In Paducah IP the guest ofher brother Mr C C Hayman 1101

1 South Third streetMrs LoWe Farrar has returned

from ChicagoMis>t Marlam Clark and Mr Aus ¬

tin Clarke have returned to their

< t 1

Ihomo In Memphis after a visit to MrG R Davis

Mr und Mm J C Wlerback re-

turned this morning from an extended trip through tho west

Mrs J D Mocquot returned Inslnight from a several weeks visit toNew York

Mr Will Hendrick returned thismorning from Smlthland

Dr I n Howell returned thismorning from a three weeks trip toDenver Colorado Springs and Man

touMiss Virginia Holland returned to-

day from a visit to friends at Shelbyvllle <


Mrs II T Davis Mrs J C Wadllngton and Miss Loretta Billingshave returned from Dawson Springs

otlIomphll I

cityMrslid Mrs David Koger have re-

turned from Colorado Springs andIIMilsII

Johns Is visiting MJwes Margaretand Clara Park SlO Washington

streetMr II

Thompson Warren and slrter1Miss IKate Warren left today for I

Denver where they will reside withtheir sister Miss Coral

Mr S W DJsmuken WarrenI I

Mayfleld to attend time

Mr Robert Gordon has gone toIChattanooga on A several days visit

Miss Marguerite Burford of Louis¬I

ville will return to her home tomarI I

rom after a visit to Miss Hazel

RhodesMrHugh Marshall has gone to

Mayfleld to attend the racesMr William F Dradohaw Jr has

gone to St Louts onbulnessII

Mrs M Long of Jackson Tenn-is visiting her sisters Mrs MaggieMcVrecry and Mrs J L Dunn

The family of Mr Robert Robertron 2103 Jefferson street has re ¬

turned tram MichiganI Mrs John W tAttle Hot Jeffer-son


street has returned from Chi ¬

cago I

Mr William Endes returned to hishome In Murray this morning 11I

Muss Ann Sharpe who has been II

tho attractive guest of Mrs James1I

Ca dwell l15 1C J rrorton street returned to her home In NaahvUfo thismornIng


Mr William C Clark left thismorning for Princeton and KuUawa1on

businessJudgeII Puryear loft this

morning for Eddyrllle on businessMrs Polk Smith ft Clarksvlllo

arrIved today on a visit to her sister I

dm James Caldwellf Rof Jeffersonstreet trrItUSJtIlckman where e4ioboa enteredHickman college

Mln Nova Warren pf Milan Tenn-is visiting her grandmother and auntIrs Sarah Dargor aal Mrs Thomas I

lofllch 000 South TelftbttreetIIIIItt-NO liON FOrt JUSTICE HARLAX I

VRP Held Itarrlor to HU Selection nsCltht of Supremo llrnrli

Washington Sept 8IItUo stocksIs taken here In tho revived storiesof the possible appointment of As-

sociate Justice John M Harlan netchief justice to succeed tho late Molvi11o W Fuller At tho time ofChief Justice Fullers death It wasstaled that friends of Justice Harlanundoubtedly would start a movementlooking to his appointment but at In

that time It also was stated that hisadvanced ago would be a bArrier

It Is understood President Taft doIsires for chief justice a young manwith many years ahead of him According to latest rumors Justice liarIan would be willing to retire afterlervlng a short time as chief justiceOno weak spot In this reported ar 1

angemcnt la the repugnance withwhich anything looking like a deallIn matters relating to tho supreme l

ourt Is viewed In the Highest officialind judicial circles

Those who have been In closesttouch with President Taft during theffsummer have been ot tho opinionthat his Bclcctlno for chief justice I

Is most likely to be Associate JustcoHughes If not Justice Hughes ItII

lIs believed then It will be a man notnow on the bench who possesses theluallfkatlons dcrfred by the rlSlIdent IlaI

Mayllclil Schools OpenMayneld Ky Sept SThe pub ¬

lie schools opened with a largo atondance There are lCOO pupils ofTschool age In the city and SOO worepresent on the opening day There


will probably be 1000 or over en-


tby the end of tho weekII

Irotvnnl1 rk

Mayfield IKy Sept 8Time marInge of M3 Mattlo Ray Clark to I

Edgar Howard was ono of tho most I

beautiful homo weddings ever solemII

ilzed In Mayfleld Mrs Howard Is t

a nleco of Mrs John Ulalock atlwhose homo the wedding took place I

Tho groom Is a son of J D HowardI

SOPIAMSMGeo H Goebcl of Now JorseI

will speak at county court houselFriday Sept 9 730 p m Subject

What Ails the Workingm-

anTYPEWRITERSRepaired called for and de¬

livered We also carry Typewriters for rent Will sellyou a good secondhand Type-writer fully guaranteed forthe lowest price Full lino ofTypewriter Supplies RibbonsCarbon Paper Hrushes and

CoversCull 1228R Old1 hone


31B and J08 Broadway

1 > WO

Ir11t11k1 MIt1 1TMMMSIM 111f111R1 1j

IMOTHERSDont =4 dren Rocks School Shoes t4t4i4Try Rocks They fit tho childs It44foot correctly It


GEO ROCK SHOE CO ff 321 Broadways

tttt4 4tt 4uulUnVAKKI RKI PKVTI1KIII

Female IHnlmnymnn Terrorizesjimmy Inmisianlnns-

Covington ljit Sept 8AlIhouses In tho norlhwestern part iofthis parish have their doors locked

npproachlotall terrorstricken over the exploitsof a woman highway robber It Istolbepoint of a revolver and robbed sevoral men In the vicinity of Onvll andted Bluffs during tho past twoweeksAman named Gore reports thatlast week tho highwaywoman cameto his house and on being deniedthetdoorherself at home for a short limountil It pleased her to depart

Her victims so far have lostsmall amounts but only because oftheir scant supply of funds at thetime of the holddp as It Is said thewomans methods are very thoroughand businesslike


Police nt ItfKflo Italy Blame NewYork IMack Hand

Regglo DI Calabria ItalyI Sept 8TIle police today arrested thirty

persons among them two who rethoIknowledge of the murder at Pellarearly Monday morning of Policeman

childrenIan ax The childs throat was cut asshe ran screaming from the house tpattract attention

The Police here ascribe the wholesale murder to vengeance of theBJnck Hand society In Sew York TinRovollnos once resided In the UnitedStates


Government Srlenllsls Fled Tn k liepin Before Civil AVar

Washington Sept STho ggantic work ofmaking a map of lime

heavens has just ben completed IItthe navalI observatory In this cityIt was commenced before the civilwar and many of the governmentscIentists devoting many nights tothe stupendous trek The greatequatorial volume will show all tho

visible at different reasons Inthe Washington zones Each star Is-

gIven Its exact ascension and decllnalon tor a given year The annual

results together with the final posi-tions for each star of Americanephemeris and for each miscellaneousstar observed and their proper places

the heavens are designated


TO I tI-The Kentucky State Hoard of

Control for Charitable Institutionswill receive proposals at office ofSuperintendent of Western KentuckyAsylum for time Insane HopklnsvliloKy until noon October 4 ipto forlime material and labor required Inremodeling kitchen mid helps din-Ing rooms of Western Kentucky Asy-lum for tho Insane HopklnsvllleKy

Plans and specifications will bo onfile In office ot Superintendent ofAvetern Kentucky Asylum for thoInsane HopVnsvllle Ky In offtcoof Kentucky State Board of ControlFrankfort Ky and In office of DX Murphy Hro architects lLoulsvino Ky The right la reserved toreject any or all bids

Each bd must be accompanied byi certified check for five 51 per

cram of amount of hid pajxiblo toKentucky State Board of Control forIlmrltnblo Institutions

ripped IIn tier New Bobble Skirtmid Broke n ieg

Now York Sept 8Lflllan Shuteworth 23 years old of 045Itigucnot street New Rochelle was

tinning down one of the paths atlien Island yesterday afternoon

when fho fell and fractured her leftleg Police Sergt Walsh carried herto the Glen Island emergency hosiltal where Dr George Williams rot-

the limb The girl woe then placedIht1 rowboat and ferried across iXaj >

unc creek to tho trollep wharfvhore cho was met by an automobileand taken homo Her fall was at-

tributed to a new hobble skirt whichshe wore yesterday for the first time

A tiny electric device Is now usedto test the action of time heart


Now Located In Lenox BuildIlltf IClMIIII 10

Is ready to take orders forLadles Coat Suits und Skirtsmade to measure Best work ¬

manship guaranteed by experi ¬


778It t

Iaiii ij




Beginning today tho advertisingrates for lodges and churches charIty organizations and societies willbe time same as to all other advertisers Also on account of difficul-ties In making collections from manyof these acounts all publications ofthis character must bo acompanleby the cMb-

DlAjI0iDS on easy paymentsEye See Jewelry Co 315 Broadway

oOH RENT Furnished roomApply 304 North Sixth

FUR RENT Modern five roomapartment Phone 2197

BEATS THEM ALL on pricesWilliams Furniture Depot C01 SoThird New Phone 981a

FOR RKNT Apartment In tintsCO 3 North Sixth street Geo StwleIghFOR

RENT One apartment SanSoucl apartment 308 North Ninthstreet See W E Cochran

TRY MEMPHIS Pressing clubllth and Broadway New phone1041

FOR RENT Two front roomsover Walkers drug store secondfloor Apply D A Yeiser

WANTED You to bear In mindthat Bradley Bros are sole agentsfor Old Taylor Coal I

FOR SALE Two good work-horses cheap Johnston Fuel CoPhone 203

FOR RENT Store house K25827 So Third Apply Geo OehlBohlaeger 823 So Thly-dWANTEDPosition by young ladywith office experience Address Bcare Sun

KOIft RKNT Elthen side doubletenement 721 Harrison Old phoji489riVANTEUTwo or three urnIshed rooms for light housekeepingAddress II A Bf care Sun

ulII1breIJadIwaUNION LABEL mena ladles andhlldrons shoes and Stronger thanIlbo law men and boys Star Brand

Runges Shoe store JcleanIIngsending them t the Star LaundryPhone 200

WE WASH lace curtains very cuefully Get them cleaner and whiterthan you could at home Star Laundry Phone 200

S HHOSTEN Dyeing prosaingronovatlng French dry cleaningWork called for and delivered Club

JlOO per montb Old phone 338aWANTED =You to give Old Tay

for Coal a trial We guarantee to339ploasbboth phonesFOR RENT 414 South Tenth

street nine room house bath hotIl

and cold water Eighteen dollarsper mouth Telephone 102 J A



Paducah exatnjnatlon November2th 800 to J1COO Preparation

free Franklin Institute Deptl01T Rochester N Y

WANTED You to rememberwhen placing your order for coal

that Old Taylor Coal Is by test thebest nnd at the same price of theother interior coals sold on the Iaiducah market-

WANTEDhints to clean Gentssuits pressed 40c Suits steamcleaned or dry cleaned from 125to 150 French Cleaning andPressing Co 113 South Fourthstreet Now phone 480 I

JUltlthothem hang nicely and dry them upon

frames that make them square andand StarIWilYI

for your dinner when you can go to

SouthjSicondortablo and where you can get

Youlcan I

FOR SALE1 large lee box1 Bowser oil tank 2 show ewes 2

imputing scales 1 Nt cash reglstOr one safe one rOle reel Apply

to Otlo Ovcrstrect Twelfth and JetrerwnDoth phones 133 i

1 EARN THE UARnBIl TRADKIts easy Good IIlh1tor our I

graduates Our dlplomaas arecognized everywhere Established

193i1l leading cities Wal6whilo learning Few weeks re

Iulri Catalogue mailed freeMuter Barber College St Louis

MoSkeelions baggage and 11ellvery

service does general hauling of allkinds Delivers parcels traiuferstrunks to trains anti boats moveslight household furniture haulsboxes crates and barrels Freightto and from depots or wharfboatGoods delivered promptly Glre mss

a Mil Roth ohnnu llt100 HORSES AND CATTLEVANTKD To pasture on tho largefresh pasture Just opened for stockgrazing Cool clear running springtranches nnd shade In every Heldblue grass orchard grass red topred and white clover lespldeza andother good grasses on Tho Lady

oren a Plantation This well Improved line stock fruit poultry andgarden farm Is also for sale Apply-

to or address James F Estes 1729Harrison street Paducah Ky

o-LJ2 tO i 4fK 1



School Book TimeC

Again An-



is theI

i Right Place tot

BuyYou con get any bboks neededyou get more pencils thanelsewhere you get better Inkyou get heavier drawing paperJId

you get blggur tablet valuesand you get a square deal in j

I every transaction

I A special sale of Sheet MusicIs now on and we offer thoStandard Classics at Cc a copyThese sold heretofore at 2Cc





313 roadway

jilAST CALL Household goods

heap 1719 HarrisonHorse and Surrey for sale cheap

11209 Tennessee street 1FURNISHED rentAli


sale Old phone 1167

11562r YOU have auy brick work call

IlhonelnAf Phone 711a Mat-tie Dawson

WANTED Seamstress to assIrtdressmaker Apply 1152 Jefferson

FURNITURE repairing and up ¬

holstering New phone 1490 oldphone 798r

FOR SALE Small grocery padmeat shop Good location AddrenTS Care Sun

STIt tYEUOne smalt red cowhorns tipped Rwwdrd for any Inormaton Call 3344

I UMBRELLAS Covered while youwait Eye See Jewelry Co 316 and408 Broadway

IFOR SALE MyI general Insurnncvlr

and real estate bu nosy cheap Ad ¬

dress A Z care Sun

lTroll RENT Seven mom cottojewith bath lIndmod rlllmplQvemeats located in West End Oldphone 287

FOitSATELnrga traction ellglllo otcani baler and ilea hullerPske GOO Address F N Weltlaufn F D No C-

TFOR RENT Furnished roomFurnace heat Only three blocksfrom ixistofllce 407 North Fifthstreet Old phone 1673-

r5PATEDA bright Loy15 to18years of ago to learn drug buplnoss a-

Apply tomorrow at Winsteadst t

drug stoe Seventh and Broadway

rFOR RENT=Most deelrable troutroom all modern conveniences

fcely furnished three squares fromoTitofflce Address AB Sun office

UMBRELLAS repaired and recoverect rood ns new 11th and Broadwap Now phone 1541 J R RobInson

VAXTED iTo buy or rent 25 or3 0 acres Improved chore to city-Jno Egan 42814 Broadway NewPhone 243-

NOTICh I have some uncalledfor umbrellas and clothes that have-been In my shop over thirty daysWhich wUl bo sold for charges J RRobinson

WANT I Salesman A llratclass clothing salepman on capableof managing store that will open InPaducah about Sept 17 State ageexperience and salary expected Ad-


Manager care of this palerFOR SALE OR LEAST Nice

vostory eight room residence1739 Harrison street lot 100 feetby 1C5 feet to public alloy tinefruit pecan nnd shade trees ornamental shrubbery largo stable pouUtry yard and garden located In onoof the nicest residence portions o-

otime city onehalf block northwest ofangs park convenient to and In

the Broadway High school districtIn which children have the best ofeducational faculties For prices andterms apply nt or address James FI Isles 1739 Harrison street Padu-cah Ky

iBoslon Mass Sept 8Danlel A

White of Broekon was nominated forjprnor yesterday by the state con

entlon of the Massachusetts ikiciulIsis held In this city Twenty cltl °


and towns were represented toy

lilrtyolght delegate

Perfect Dyeing and DryCleaning

hen In doubt about your sunmme-

tDress > Pongee Cents Etc send themto us CieiitleiiienH llunnetl Kulli

and Trousers denned equal to sew

Model Steam Dyeing aniDry Cleaning WorksJIJ South Thlnl StreetI

Phone aWflIl Ker3 Ihone 2t-c
