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On Going Night Draft

Apr 06, 2018



Gaelen Cantrell
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  • 8/3/2019 On Going Night Draft


    It was dark outside when I woke to a man standing in my

    bedroom; I was scared but did not run for I thought I'd

    recognized him. He was slender and pale; he wore old attire

    from the 1500s at the latest, light shirt and long slender pants.

    Compared to the room I was in, he seemed to fit the style as if he

    were just another figure in the bedroom. The bedroom was small

    yes, but it was suitable for a girl of my stature. For a moment

    the man seemed so still it was like he was just part of a dream

    that lingered or I was still in the dream. I noted that he looked

    calm and collective, but ready for something.

    It wasn't until he spoke that I realized he was alive and

    actually there.

    "Hello," he said

    I stared at this man in disbelief. He was real after all, but

    something was off, for I did not sense his heartbeat or the heat

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    of blood flow. I thought I was going to die, just like my neighbor

    had the previous week.

    I prepared myself to fight, but saw that was inevitable since

    he was not human to begin with. I tried to sense his feelings and

    all I was able to read was astonishment. He seemed brutal. The

    way I kept at his heart, he seemed to twist a little, and for a

    moment I thought he felt it.

    "Kataline" he called

    My heart stopped, he knew my name.

    He smiled while I lay there frozen. I couldn't move; I barely

    could breathe. The room had become so cold and full of tension.

    At that moment I would say it possible to die of fright.

    He leaned toward me, and I sat upright scared to move any


    W-Who are you? I managed to say

    "That is none of your concern child, for you will not last past

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    this night. Not alive anyway."

    Frozen with fear, I just watched as this man came closer, I

    noted that he had a gentle walk about him he seemed to just

    float over to where I stood. When he paused for a brief moment

    my breathing stopped all together, along with my heart.

    "Kataline you are very beautiful, you have that natural beauty.

    I don't see that often enough nowadays." He sighed. "Too bad


    My eyes widened with fright as my breathing and heart beat

    faster. I knew that I was dead then, so I fell back on my pillow

    and waited for the slaughter.

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    I woke up to find myself stronger, healthier, and I felt like I

    didn't have to do anything drastic. I stood up instantaneously,

    but gracefully; I walked over to the window and opened it. It

    was dark and welcoming outside. For a split second I thought I

    had dreamed it all, that it was only a nightmare.

    I turned and faced the mirror to find myself looking at a pale

    dark creature like the one that was previously here, but female

    instead of the horrid male. The creature in the mirror was young

    and yet captivating and beautiful, the creature had my medium

    bleach blond hair, but I saw that her skin looked differently with

    it. I saw that the skin matched more perfectly with the hair and

    texture of her clothes, and that it was oddly welcoming and not

    so frightening. Her eyes were not cold and red as was the males,

    I raised my hand and the mirror woman copied it. For the first

    time I took a breath. I smelled new things, the smell of that man

    because it was fresh and didn't belong, and even the faintest hint

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    of old blood. None of the lights were on, but I could see just as

    well as if all the lights were on. I looked around the room and

    could see where the peach paint was starting to come off and

    where dust was on the marble counters. I thought that I had

    cleaned only yesterday, but it seemed like the place had been

    dusty for more than a day or two. My clothes were still scattered

    around the room and the mirror was still upright when I saw my

    reflection. I finally turned to my bed to find it stained in blood.

    Frightened I staggered back a few paces because I realized that

    was my blood, since there was a spot that was still white where I

    had laid. No one loses that much blood and lives.

    "Figures" I said

    I was surprised by my voice; it was a bit daintier, but still the

    same. I went over to the bed and sighed. I'd become thirsty; not

    thirsty for water, but for the blood I smelled.

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    I decided since it was night and it was safe, and I knew no one

    I knew would be out here at this hour, that I'd follow that mans

    scent to where ever it led. It frustrated me that I was not given

    the opportunity to jut die; that I had to be changed because the

    bastard found me appealing. I knew I was beautiful in my other

    body. I knew because all the men near me always stopped to

    look. I didn't take it much to heart because I was raised better

    than to be vain about myself. I didn't want to become self-

    absorbed, as I knew others had.

    It appeared to be around three- o-clock when I strode in the

    middle of town. It felt odd that I didn't even need a car or any

    transportation, I was strong enough and it felt like I was

    floating while I walked along. I'd noted earlier when I strode

    past a businessman on the corner that I didn't really have to

    search him to know how he felt. It felt nicer that I no longer had

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    to probe in order to get what I wanted. I had only one complaint

    about being an empath and that was the weird picture that

    sometimes came with the emotions of a human. Being a

    newborn apparently had some knacks to it, but humans were

    still the same they seemed to have the same troubles and the

    same happiness's. The man's scent seemed to be going all over

    town square because I felt like I was bobbing and weaving all

    over the sidewalk. I shook my head as I noted this man was

    drunk. It took me off guard because I didn't think immortals

    could get drunk, I guess I was wrong about that. What else then

    was I wrong about?

    The scent lead around a corner in a dark alleyway, and there I

    found another one of his victims. This one was completely dead

    though. It seemed sad; this victim seemed young for being out at

    this hour, and in this place. With no heart and no life I decided it

    was a good idea not to leave it here, especially with a bite mark

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    on it. I put a few more bite marks on her to make it look like an

    animal rather than the clean one bite it had, I then picked up the

    victim and carried it to where I knew a policeman usually stood

    around this hour.

    When I rounded the other corner where the policeman stood,

    he looked at me differently, but in awe really than anything else.

    The policeman was young and wore his black uniform; he had

    short brown hair and was a little heavy. His eyes were a plain

    brown that had nothing captivating about him. He was

    surprised like I figured he would be, but he was himself after a

    moment and looked at the girl.

    What happened here? he asked

    I found this girl in the alley way when I was passing by.

    My voice startled the man in yet again another daze. I waited

    patiently while I read all his emotions as they ran through him.

    He felt no fear from me because all he could see was the beauty.

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    When he collected himself once again I started to hand him the


    Would you take her to the station? I asked

    Well, no need to take her to the station but I'll make sure she

    gets her proper rest. He said.

    I knew then that his intentions were noble, so I handed him the

    body and walked back to my trail.

    It didn't take me long to pick it right back up and find now

    what appeared to be my own scent that lingered for a moment.

    My scent seemed rather nice and fragrant than when I was

    human, but then again I couldn't smell as good as I can now. I

    sighed for the second time tonight. Why did I have to be

    changed? As I followed the trail again I got a little mad at my

    thirst. Even though I seemed content a moment ago, it wanted it

    yet again. It truly was my fault since I bit into something and

    found no pleasurable liquid inside. Soon I found myself loathing

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    the victim the man had left there dead. I shook my head in

    disgust; I did not need to hate a victim like her and I didn't want

    to admit I wanted blood. She was just the same as me, same man

    who ended us. Fortunately for her she was chosen to just die. It

    saddened me that I jumped to conclusions about a girl I didn't

    know; I felt utterly horrible after that, but I followed the trail


    In his scent I caught a whiff of something that smelled like

    blood. My throat went into flames and I desperately wanted to


    I uttered curses so fast that it was incomprehensible to a

    human, or at least it seemed like that. In the end of my fit I

    followed the scent, which seemed to be where his scent was also.

    So at least I knew I was lucky this go around. As I followed the

    scent it took me to the industrial side of downtown that I'd only

    been to once. The scent stopped at a specific building, the

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    building held nothing of value that told me anything but I knew

    that this place was full of the scent. I looked around and found

    no entrance, so I followed my new nose that led me to the

    alleyway where there was some hidden door. I couldn't place it

    just right but I knew that it was an entrance to where the scent

    was leading. I followed.

    When I got down the stairs to the main entrance that looked

    more like an entrance I found that this place was some kind of

    club. The only weird part was that it was not a regular club like

    the ones above, it seemed the scent of blood was all over this

    lower floor. It had a corner bar table; just like the ones in real

    bars, but this one held wine classes and tequila shot classes full

    of the red liquid. Behind the counter were refrigerators and

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    above was a kitchen feel ceiling. Compared to the bar itself the

    wide space was enormous. There was a band playing, but it

    played soft music and the people on the dance floor were either

    dancing the dances of old or just standing around talking with

    drinks in their hands. The walls of the place were gray, silver

    and purple. The ceiling was pure black with silver streaks on it.

    I gathered they were trying to make the place look like the night

    inside. Could we not go outside often or something or is it just

    to make us feel more at home?

    I weaved my way through the beautiful crowd of vampires

    to the edge of the counter where a man was giving a drink to a

    gorgeous woman. This man had medium black hair and a pale

    face. He had on a black and white uniform that showed he

    worked there; he also was very beautiful. I assessed him over

    and saw that he was gentle and very gorgeous. He saw the

    woman as a worker or a friend, well in that category anyway.

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    The woman left and then he saw me. At first it was

    amazement that entered in his body, then a new type of feeling I

    was not use to. It almost over-powered me but I let it slide as I

    walked up to him gracefully.

    Hello there, he said to me.

    This fellow seemed to have and ancient accent to his voice.

    Hello yourself, I said back

    Can I help you?

    Yes, What is this place and why does it smell of blood?

    He looked at me confused for a moment before it clicked in

    his head.

    You're new aren't you?

    New in life, or better, this life? Yes.

    So youre a newborn vampire.

    I'm guessing so, since I followed the scent of the man that

    took me with no cause and the scent of blood here.

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    No cause? he asked astonished.

    Yes, He said he found me appealing and that was cause

    enough for him.

    You also said you followed his scent here?

    Yes, I want to kill him for taking my life away like that.

    I sensed he was more pleased than sorrowful, and so I was

    for a brief second mad at him.

    Why the angry stare at me? he asked puzzled.

    You were pleased of my death were you not?

    For a different reason, miss?


    That your human name?

    Of course."

    'Tis a very pretty name, Kataline.

    I couldn't help it, internally I blushed, but nothing showed

    me of that but my smile. I was grateful to know this man so I

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    thought I needed his name as well.

    'Your name if I might ask.


    Old fashion name huh?

    I am old fashion, Kataline.

    So why were you happy? I asked still a little angry

    Because Im glad that I got to meet you.

    I smiled at him and he smiled back at me. Then I got a

    whiff of what was behind me and almost fell to the ground.

    Kataline, you alright? he asked worried

    That scent in the air almost killed me.

    Damien chuckled

    It seems you are beyond just thirsty. Here, I'll get you a



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    That night I had my first taste of fresh blood. Damien had

    to struggle to get me to drink it since I did not truly want to

    drink more blood and become more like a monster. I also had a

    taste of my new kind of people in one place. Damien was a big

    help that night; he knew I was new to this life so he filled me in

    on all the lifestyles and secrets.

    So, we do burn in sunlight.

    Technically, in a manner of speaking, yes. Now a days our

    bodies have grown accustomed to the sun so all that the sun

    does is boil our blood.

    Is that painful?

    It can be for someone who is not use to it. You see, back

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    in the day our blood and skin boiled with the suns rays. Now all

    that it can do is kill you with over heated blood.

    And what about sleep?

    Damien laughed and smiled at me.

    We rest, we cannot sleep. He said

    I see. And we have become modern vampires correct?

    What do you mean?

    Well, there's where you sleep, or rest. Plus do we still hunt

    our prey?

    Well as I said this place, he motioned around the bar,

    this is as close as hunting still gets. There are those of old that

    still delight in hunting, but they don't hunt much anymore. They

    find it more convenient to come to a blood bar.

    So it's called a blood bar?


    One more question.

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    Carry on.

    Can our kind get drunk?

    He laughed then.


    I nodded and quickly filed that in my mind.

    Why do you ask? he said.

    Well the man whom I'm hunting, he was drunk in the main

    street last night it seems.

    You're hunting him? Alone?

    He was shocked and horrified that I would, as a newborn,

    hunt a man down. He sent pictures of those who have tried and


    I'm not going to fail Damien.

    Huh? How did you?

    I smiled at him politely.

    I'm an empath Damien.

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    But empaths normally only know feelings, you knew my


    I smiled again at Damien. I'd have to explain it to him for

    him to get it.

    Damien, I'm a unique empath. When you feel something,

    usually a thought can go with that feeling, or even pictures. My

    brain will allow me to get those thoughts and pictures along

    with the feeling. Do you see now?


    I laughed at him.

    I've only heard of gifted ones in stories, I guess some are

    real. He chuckled.

    I smiled at him. Damien seemed like a well brought up and

    nice man; besides the vampirism, he could be a great ladies


    Hey, would you be willing to help me tonight?

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    He shocked me with a weird question, but how could I

    refuse when he helped me answer my own questions.


    Well the person who is suppose to help me behind the

    counter tonight is not here, so could you fill in for a while and

    Ill pay you back with helping you find your man, sound like a


    I thought it over for a while. I debated whether it was

    worth it, and if it wasn't. I knew I wanted to hunt Him down, but

    I never thought to bring someone along. I looked at Damien and

    he appeared to be strong. So it didn't seem like a bad idea

    having him around, plus he knows things about this life that I

    don't yet. It felt like I debated for an hour but only seconds went


    I looked back at Damien and nodded.

    Okay I'm in, but I think I'm getting the better deal

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    Alright, he chuckled, let me show you where your

    uniform is.

    Damien took my hand and led me to the back of the

    building. There in a closet were the uniforms. He looked me

    over and chose the fourth one from the right.


    He handed me the outfit, the shirt was sleeveless and white

    and ties from the sides to the back. Also, the slacks were white

    but the apron was black with strings on the side to give leverage

    to walking and running around. A black tie came with the

    facade and also something I didn't know what it was. I looked at

    Damien for conformation, he laughed a little and said, Those

    are your sleeves.

    I looked around for a place to change and saw none.

    You don't intend to watch me while I get dressed do you?

    Damien laughed and shook his head. He then left the room

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    and closed the door behind him. I sighed and started

    undressing, first to re-attire myself with were the slacks. They

    were quite comfortable for being bar's clothes. Next was the

    shirt and tie. I had a little trouble getting to the strings in the

    back of the shirt so I gave up for the moment. I put on the black

    apron next; I was able to get these strings since they were both

    on my sides. The last things were the sleeves. At first I didn't

    properly know how to put them on, but I figured it out in no time


    I knocked on the door and Damien entered. He laughed

    and spun me around, so he could fix the strings in the back that

    I couldn't get.

    Thank you I muttered

    He turned me back around and nodded.

    Now youre a bar maid.

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    It felt so weird being in a suit I didn't recognize, working in

    a place I'd never been, but Damien helped me through the night.

    Damien said that it was okay to sneak a few drinks now and

    then of blood. I acknowledged the basic needs of those around

    us and even met some nice people. Soon I got the hang of being

    a barmaid, filling this order, going to fetch a whatnot for

    Damien, it felt nice not being alone, and actually fitting in with

    my new lifestyle. I knew that this job would not last forever, but

    it felt nice to have something to preoccupy my mind.

    It wasn't until the scent hit me as I headed to the back alley

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    with Damien that I remembered and growled.

    What is it Kataline? he asked

    That scent, it's that scent that makes me very angry

    Damien. That's the scent of my murderer.

    I wouldn't say murder but I see your point.

    Damien sniffed the air and gagged. He looked at me and he

    looked angry as well.

    The musty, icy smell right?

    Sure, I just know he smells icy.

    That's the smell of an ancient hunter. He growled.

    We both breathed a couple times to calm down.

    And he can get drunk? I asked

    No, it's the blood that makes him drunk. You noticed that

    if you have more than a couple drinks you start getting tipsy?

    Yeah like Charles-the-counter-guy back there right?

    Damien laughed a little and lit a cigarette.

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    Yeah Charles is always there and he's always looking for

    a night stalker and a good bloody drink.

    He smoked the cigarette for a moment while I asked.

    Night stalker? I asked

    He blew a puff of smoke then looked at me.

    Vampire whores that lurk at our doors.

    Damien saw that I eyed his cigarette and he offered. I took

    it without thinking. I wasn't a smoker before hand, but it seemed

    like a nicer thing now that I looked at the world differently.

    I let out a puff of smoke and felt great.

    I wont get addicted will I?

    Damien laughed and shook his head.

    Our bodies are pretty much like the dead, no way can

    nicotine get in a dead system he put air quotations around


    I laughed and sighed.

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    So, I am dead huh?

    Damien shrugged and looked at me. He looked so somber

    and lovely. I almost leaned in to get a better take of his smell,

    but I stopped myself just in time before I made a fool of myself.

    You're like the living dead. Your heart beats, your organs

    work but you can no longer live a normal life.

    Hearts beat? I asked

    Faintly, only we can hear them. He said sadly

    Have some vampires tried to live normal lives?

    Damien took the cigarette from my hand and inhaled the

    sweet smell of smoke. Okay I know I can't get addicted, but the

    smell was intoxicating. It was then that I realized the musty

    smell had grown stronger and was moving again.

    Damien! He's close! I growled

    I started to get out of the alley when Damien grabbed my

    hand and wrapped his other hand around my waist.

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    Not yet Kataline!

    I growled and tried to get out of his grasp.

    Let me go Damien! I don't know when I'll get this chance


    I still couldn't get out of his grasp,

    He'll come again Kataline, trust me!

    I snarled and tried with all my might to release his grip on

    me. Finally the smell was too far away to track.

    Dammit Damien! I told you he must die first!

    Damien loosened his grip on my hand and looked away

    from me.

    Kataline? he whispered.

    I huffed for a minute looking at the exit of the alleyway

    before I looked back at him. It was then that I realized the pain

    in his eyes. I searched his heart to see sorrow and anger.

    Anger? Where's the anger from?

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    Damien, I'm fine now. You can let go of me now.

    He shook his head firmly.

    Damien seriously, I'll be okay.

    He tightened his grip on me and led me back in the bar. As

    soon as he closed then door, he let me go.

    Kataline, I beg of you never to get that angry again.

    Huh? I looked at him blankly.

    Kataline, you radiated immense feelings of hate, it

    was so strong I felt it.

    I looked at him and thought about that.

    So, I can radiate a feeling as well as sense them. I make

    one really cool empath! I'd never radiated a feeling before. I

    only knew how to sense them. I thought

    Hm-mm. . . was all I could say.

    Do you not believe me? he asked angered

    Oh, I do. That's not why I'm humming.

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    I decided I'd try again to radiate a feeling, this time I'd try

    to make Damien calm instead of angry.

    I searched his core and found the center where most

    feelings were kept. I sent a wave of calm and contentment to

    where there was anger. I struggled to keep the radiating emotion

    strong enough to make him calm. Finally I watched as Damien's

    face became calm and contended.

    Feel better? I asked proudly.

    Damien sighed with relief and nodded.

    I don't remember you saying you could do that. He

    teasingly accused

    I shrugged.

    Well, come on, we have to finish our shifts right? I


    I took his hand and led him to the main entrance door. He

    opened the door for me like a gentlemen and I thanked him with

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    a smile.

    We released each other and resumed our nightly positions

    as barmaid and bartender.

    I was cleaning up the glasses when Damien was behind


    Do you think you're sneaky? I asked

    No, but I just wanted to tell you that you're free from your

    job, Clairise is here

    Oh, so you're kicking me out?

    I looked at Damien and he seemed to be smiling. He shook

    his head and bent over to my ear.

    No stupid, we're done so we can leave and go catch your

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    soul stealer.

    I looked at him in shock Oh . . . was all I could say.

    He laughed quietly while I put down the rag and headed to

    the door with him.

    Is it still night? I asked.

    No, it's closer to dawn, but we have a few minutes to get

    to my place to plan things out.

    I stopped abruptly. Your place?

    Damien nodded and smiled Yes my place, or would you

    like to go back to yours and stay there looking like you do?

    I thought about it and I knew he was right. No way could I

    stay in my apartment, especially since the last time I'd been

    there I died. I shook my head and sighed.

    My place then. Damien said confidently with a smile.

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    Damien's house was pretty large for being a bartender's.

    His walls were an off white cream color, and one wall in the

    back was a sand color of brown. The windows coal colored and

    were boarded up with only slits to let a little light in. Damien

    didn't have much furniture; he only had a Peruvian couch and a

    glass coffee table. The place looked like it used to be a studio of

    some sort, renovated into an apartment. I walked over to a

    window that had not been fully boarded up yet.

    Nice place, Damien. I complemented over my shoulder.

    Hey I know there's not a lot of furniture, and its because

    I'm in the middle of moving places. I used to live with Isabella.

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    I stopped looking out the window and looked at him. As

    soon as he said the name, sorrow was wrapped all around him.

    Damien . . .

    He chuckled a little, but it didn't seem to reach his eyes.

    Hey, it was a while ago and it doesn't matter. He said.

    It was my turn to laugh at him.

    Damien you suck at lying to me. Member, I pointed at

    myself, Im an empath.

    Damien looked away and walked over to the couch. I

    watched as he walked and saw that he also glided like my soul

    stealer. I sighed and walked over to him, but I appeared to be

    trying too hard to glide so I almost fell into the couch. Damien

    looked at me and started laughing. I glared at him, but smiled in

    response. That feeling he had when I first met him came back

    again, and again in the alley, I didn't recognize it and so I kept

    staring trying to figure it out.

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    What are you staring at? he asked

    Sorry, nothing. I said quickly looking quickly away.

    Damien looked at me and then looked harder.

    Damien, really its nothing I promise. I said again

    Still don't believe you, because I know girls who stare, are

    staring at something specific.

    Well I have no clue what you're talking about; because all

    I know is that you're very confusing.

    Oh really? Is that what you think I am?

    Yes, you are.

    And you're stalling. he said, taking my chin in his hand

    and making me look at him.

    As soon as my eyes met with his once more that feeling

    came back. I could not recognize it still. I felt all giddy and

    nervous inside, and I couldn't make it go away. The more I

    looked into his baby blue eyes the more captivating they

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    You're staring at me again.

    Its k-kinda hard not to when you have a hold of my face.

    I stuttered

    Are you nervous? he asked breathlessly.

    He seemed calm on the outside but he was starting to

    radiate that feeling, sorta what I was feeling inside my own

    body. Maybe I was not paying enough attention, but I wished I

    had known more things while I was alive to know what this was.

    I'd never really had a guy so close to me, except when I was

    threatening one of my best friends boyfriends. This was nothing

    compared to those moments, and the more I looked at him the

    more it seemed I was being drawn to him.

    Damien started leaning into me and I closed my eyes not

    knowing what was about to happen but I didn't care. Damien's

    mood instantly changed and he was a couple steps away from

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    me. I blinked several times trying to figure out what just


    I think I should show you were you shall be resting now.

    he said roughly.

    I nodded slowly and followed. He took me up the spiral

    staircase in the back that I had not noticed until that moment.

    When we reached the top of the stairs he showed me to a room

    across the hall from a slightly furnished room.

    The room he had chosen for me seemed very fictional and

    very suitable for a petite person like me. The whole place was

    fully furnished.

    You must get paid a lot for this stuff. . . I said out loud.

    Without realizing I had spoken my mind I gasped and

    turned around to see Damien smiling at me.

    That wasn't meant to come out of my head. I said


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    Kataline, it's quite alright. he laughed a little I

    accumulate money over time. The only thing I spend my money

    on a regular basis is cigarettes.

    I thought about that and nodded. Since he practically

    works at the blood bar, he doesn't need to pay for his drinks.

    Also since he can't get hooked on cigarettes he doesn't have that

    need to smoke a pack a day.

    I see your point. I finally said.

    Damien smiled again

    I hope this place is suitable, and are you comfortable with

    me sleeping across the hall? he asked

    For one moment I thought he was going to say, are you

    comfortable with me sleeping with you? thankfully I heard

    what he did say and nodded at the appropriately time.

    As long as youre comfortable. he said distantly.

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    I woke up the next day to a dark sky. At first I thought I was

    reliving my deathly experience when I realized I was not in my

    own home. My memories flooded back into my mind and I

    remembered what all had happened the night before.

    I was killed and now was hunting my soul stealer. I

    worked at a blood bar and learned what I am and what I

    shall become. I am not at my own home, but at Damiens.

    . . Damien!

    As soon as I remembered I got up and started looking

    around. I first went across the hall to see if Damien was still in

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    bed, but he wasnt. The room he was staying in last night

    seemed too small or too ordain for the character Damien

    portrayed. I assumed then, that Damien had put me in his

    room while he slept in the guest room that was still in need of

    many renovations. I walked down the spiral staircase to find a

    new smell in the room. Everything seemed so new still to me that

    the feeling of recognition hit me hard. I almost fell down the

    stairs, but thankfully grabbed hold of the rail. The flash wave of

    concern hit me immediately after that.

    Are you alright? Damien called up to me.

    Im, Im okay. Just startled is all.

    Damien came to my side in a flash. He helped me up then

    looked me over. I looked back at him and felt his concern for me

    grow stronger almost overwhelming me. I tried to be free of his

    grip but for some reason he would not let me go. That feeling

    was trying to come back but was quickly squished by his

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    feelings. I felt my own body absorb his emotions to the point

    where it was hard to tell where his emotions ended and where

    mine began. It was getting hard to breathe and I almost fell for

    a second time when he finally released me.